USE Folder as Workspace(FAW).
The language server protocol (lsp) specifies that the client must specify the root directory of the current source code files. This makes sense when you consider how language servers work. They need to know where the source files are located in order to provide completions, hints, etc. NppLspClient uses the root element of the FAW dialog, to determine this directory. If the currently opened file is not contained in any of the configured root elements or the FAW dialog is not active, the directory of the current file will be used instead. -
DO NOT use Npp internal builtin functions to reload an open buffer.
If an open file needs to be reloaded because it has changed externally, close the file and reopen it or use the 'Reload current file' function from the plug-in menu. -
Use the console dialog
Starting and stopping of a language server and other relevant information is logged in the console dialog. In addition, the entire communication between client and server is logged in debug mode in order to determine the cause in the event of a problem. Note that using debug mode has a significant impact on overall performance. -
Use the documentation of the language servers
There is no standard method for configuring language servers. Each has its own parameters or additional information about what needs to be done to make the communication between client and server work well. For example, language servers like clangd need information about how the code should be compiled.
Note that C:\WHATEVER_PATH must be replaced with the concrete full path.
Checkout the information about compile_commands. Test was done using clangd from the GCC and MinGW-w64 for Windows bundle from https://winlibs.com/#download-release
mode = "io"
executable = 'D:\WHATEVER_PATH\clangd.exe'
args = '--offset-encoding=utf-8 --pretty --query-driver=D:/WHATEVER_PATH/clang++.exe'
auto_start_server = false
mode = "io"
executable = 'D:\WHATEVER_PATH\clangd.exe'
args = '--offset-encoding=utf-8 --log=verbose --query-driver=D:/WHATEVER_PATH/gcc.exe'
auto_start_server = false
Use the binary from https://github.com/clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp/releases
There is a known problem that is documented here. Currently it appears that Npp and the initial source file used to start the language server must use the same drive.
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\clojure-lsp.exe'
args = '--log-path D:\Tests\lsps\clojure'
auto_start_server = false
Use the binary from https://github.com/Pure-D/serve-d/releases
See https://github.com/Pure-D/serve-d for more details. When exiting Npp, the serve-d.exe may still be running.
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\serve-d.exe'
args = '--wait true --logfile d:\serve_d.log --loglevel all'
auto_start_server = false
Install the .NET SDK and run:
dotnet tool install --global fsautocomplete
Notepad++ does not yet have built-in F# language support. To enable it, install the F# Interactive plugin: https://github.com/rdipardo/nppFSIPlugin#installation
See https://www.nuget.org/packages/fsautocomplete#communication-protocol for a list of supported LSP features.
For versions of F# Interactive before v0.2.3.0, use [lspservers.fsharp]
instead of [lspservers."f#"]
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\fsautocomplete.exe'
args = '--background-service-enabled'
initialization_options = '''{
"AutomaticWorkspaceInit": true
auto_start_server = false
After installing the go compiler use go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest to install gopls.
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\gopls.exe'
auto_start_server = false
Use pip install python-lsp-server
or pip install python-lsp-server[all]
See https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server for more details.
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\pylsp.exe'
args = '--check-parent-process --log-file D:\log.txt -vvv'
auto_start_server = false
Use rustup component add rust-analyzer
See https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html for more information about usage and installation.
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\rust-analyzer.exe'
auto_start_server = false
Use the binary from https://github.com/vlang/v-analyzer/releases
This is a wip project and therefore not yet as stable as the others. It works more or less, but expect v-analyzer.exe crashes.
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\v-analyzer.exe'
auto_start_server = false
Use the binary from https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform-ls/
Terraform/HCL isn't an officially supported language, so you need to add it as a user defined language with name 'terraform'. One example how to do that could be found on Notepad++ forum.
Terraform-ls has a bug #791 that prevents it from exiting when receiving a SIGTERM signal from NppLspClient plugin. You may need to kill server manually to avoid memory leaks.
mode = "io"
executable = 'C:\WHATEVER_PATH\terraform-ls.exe'
args = 'serve'
auto_start_server = false
If you are using another language server and want to tell the community how to configure it,
I would ask you to either open an issue with the tag "Tips & Tricks" and explain it there or,
if you want to, open a pull request.
Thanks in advance.