These Power BI templates are intended as examples to quickly start consuming data stored in Azure Data Manager for Energy (ADME).
TNO Template (download)
The TNO template provides a ready-made template to visualize the TNO dataset from ADME. It is mainly meant to prove the ability to consume and visualize data from ADME in Power BI.
Generic Template (download)
The generic template offers no pre-defined visualizations, and is meant for you to quickly retrieve data from ADME and build your own visualizations.
You may build your own connection from scratch in stead of using the generic template. To get started, use the following Power Query:
content =
""kind"" : """ & #"Kind" &""",
""query"" : """ & #"Query" &""",
""limit"" : """ & #"Limit" &"""
apiUrl = "https://" & #"ADME Instance" & "/api/search/v2/query",
Source = Json.Document(
#"Authorization" = "Bearer " & #"Access Token",
#"content-type" = "application/json",
#"data-partition-id" = #"ADME Data Partition ID",
#"accept" = "*/*"
results = Source[results]
Then create the following parameters:
- ADME Instance
- ADME Data Partition ID
- Access Token
- Kind
- Query
- Limit
Download the chosen template above and provide the parameter values upon launch. Example:
- The connector uses Access Token to authenticate. While simple to use, it does expire after a short amount of time (up to 24 hours). Enter a new access token to continue building the report, or develop a separate authentication mechanism (such as refresh token, Oauth2 or similar).
- Results are limited to maximum 1000 records due to OSDU Search API limitations. If more records are needed you will have to implement the cursor search capability.