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API Collection


This postman collection includes all REST API calls available for Azure Data Manager for Energy (ADME) M18 core services. It is based on the native OSDU APIs, so it could also be used for anyone running a self-managed version of the OSDU M18 release.

Services Covered

The services mentioned below are covered, and the API calls are imported from the official ADME documentation.

  • CRS Catalog
  • CRS Converter
  • Dataset
  • Entitlements
  • File
  • Indexer
  • Legal
  • Notification
  • Petrel DMS
  • Register
  • Schema
  • Search
  • Seismic DMS
  • Seismic File Metadata
  • Storage
  • Unit
  • Well Delivery DDMS
  • Wellbore DDMS
  • Workflow

Usage (Postman)

  1. Copy the link to the Postman Collection JSON file.
  2. In Postman select Import.
  3. Select Link.
  4. Paste the link copied above.
  5. Repeat the same for the Environment JSON file.

Usage (Bruno)

  1. Download the Bruno Collection JSON file.
  2. Download the Environment JSON file.
  3. In Bruno click ... in the navigation pane and then Import Collection.
  4. Choose Bruno Collection and browse to the Bruno Collection JSON file.
  5. Once imported, right-click the imported collection and select Settings.
  6. In the top right, click the Environment dropdown, and then configure.
  7. Click Import in the bottom left corner and then Postman Environment.
  8. Browse to the Environment JSON file and import it.

Environment variables

Variable Format Description
accessToken Value will be automatically populated by running the manual authentication API calls
refreshToken Value will be automatically populated by running the manual authentication API calls
clientId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 The App Registration client ID used to provision ADME
dataPartitionId opendes The Data Partition ID from ADME (i.e. eirik-opendes)
clientSecret secret A valid App Registration secret for the above client_id
tenantId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Azure AD tenant ID
scope 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/.default openid profile offline_access The scope to use when authenticating. The ID represents an App Registration ID (client_id)
baseUrl API endpoint of your OSDU instance
authorizationEndpoint{{tenantId}}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize Oauth2 authorization endpoint
tokenEndpoint{{tenantId}}/oauth2/v2.0/token Oauth2 token endpoint


Interactive User Token (preferred)

Interactive login is the default authentication method. This will use open an interactive browser window and automatically authenticate and refresh access tokens.

  1. Configure the following callback URL (Web) on the App Registration

  2. Go to the top folder of the ADME API collection you have imported

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Get New Access Token screenshot of Postman Oauth2 configuration

  4. A new tab will open in your browser, complete the sign-in. Note that you may have to allow pop-ups in your browser the first time.

  5. You should now have obtained an Access Token to consume the APIs

Interactive Service Principal (App Registration)

Follow the procedure for User Token, but change the Grant Type to Client Credentials. screenshot of Postman Bearer Token authentication

Manual User Token

Manual authentication requires some additional manual steps to generate the authorization code.

  1. Go to the ADME API collection you have imported.
  2. Select the top folder and choose the Authorization tab.
  3. Change Type to Bearer Token and add {{access_token}} as the Token value.
  4. Generate an authentication code by navigating to the following URL (replace {values} with your information):{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a8080&response_mode=query&scope={client_id}%2f.default&state=12345&sso_reload=true
  1. In the Authenticate folder, navigate into User folder and in the getRefreshToken API call body, add the authorization code to the Body.
  2. Run the getRefreshToken call.
  3. Make sure the Refresh Token is returned, and that it is now populated in the refresh_token environment variable.
  4. Run the getAccessToken call.
  5. Make sure the Access Token is returned, and that it is now populated in the access_token environment variable.

Note that the access_token is added automatically as a Bearer token to all requests (given that the user have authorization to use the APIs), and you do not need to explicitly define the authorization header.

The authorization code is generated by browsing to{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a8080&response_mode=query&scope={client_id}%2f.default&state=12345&sso_reload=true. Please note that the App Registration needs to have a web redirect URL set to http://localhost:8080. Please see the official documentation for more information.

Manual Service Principal (App Registration)

  1. Go to the ADME API collection you have imported.
  2. In the Authenticate folder, navigate into App Registration folder and run the getAccessToken appRegistration call.
  3. Make sure the Access Token is returned, and that it is now populated in the access_token environment variable.

Using the APIs

That's it! You should now be able to run all the API calls included.


Updated to M18 APIs
Added Oath2 variables to environment for multi-CSP support
Added EDS
Added Petrel DMS
Added Seismic File Metadata service

Corrected URI for Wellbore DDMS APIs

ADME M14 release compliant
Added Seismic DDMS API
Added Well Delivery DDMS API
Added Wellbore DDMS API
Added Oauth2 authentication as default authentication mechanism

Added Service Principal (App Registration) authentication mechanism.

Added missing core services (Indexer, Notification, Register)

Initial publication of OSDU Collection