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CarolinaSerra edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 13 revisions

ESROCOS Installation Instructions

Instructions how to install the ESROCOS development environment on your PC. Tested environments: Ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 20. The following instructions are based on the installation on a Lubuntu 20 VM.

1. Install TASTE

ESROCOS is based on the TASTE framework. To install it, first install PySide2:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install PySide2

Then you can follow the instructions for the Native installation.

git clone tool-src
cd tool-src
git checkout feature_buster

Keep in mind that the latest tested commit was 091716ca.

Finally you can add the following line to .bashrc: source ~/.bashrc.taste

Then close the current terminal and open a new one, to ensure the environment is updated

2. Install ESROCOS

Download and run the ESROCOS install script with the following commands:

git clone esrocos_buildconf_tmp  # you can remove this folder afterwards
cd esrocos_buildconf_tmp
git checkout ubuntu20  

Known issue - Ruby Installation

ESROCOS requires ruby 2.5, and the script uses RVM to install this version.

If the script successfully installed RVM but then fails with the message rvm:command not found, it may only be needed to open a new terminal and run the script again.

If it still fails in the new terminal, try:

source /home/peraspera/.rvm/scripts/rvm 
rvm install 2.5
/bin/bash –login
rvm use 2.5

And then retry

Other issues

The script should install autoproj, and then start to pull, compile and install a set of ESROCOS components. If you get an error in any of the components, please report it.

If you can find a fix, you don't need to run the whole script again. You can simply run the aup and amake commands (you'll need to source ~/esrocos_workspace/ to use them). The aup command is used to update the components from their source, while amake is used to build and install. These commands can be used either at the esrocos_workspace level (for all the components) or at the directory of the specific component that is causing issues.

3. Initialize Workspace

The ESROCOS installation can now be found in the ~/esrocos_workspace folder. To setup your ESROCOS workspace and get access to the ESROCOS workflow tools you need to source the file, which is located within your ESROCOS workspace folder.

source ~/esrocos_workspace/

You might want to automatically intialize the ESROCOS workspace, everytime you start a terminal. This can be achieved by instructing the shell to automatically source the file.

echo "source ~/esrocos_workspace/" >> ~/.bashrc

Congratulations, now your ESROCOS installation is ready to be used!