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SuperGrid is a javascript grid library fo the browser that supports drag-and-drop and resizing. It uses a fixed 6-column layout where blocks always fall to the top of the grid. Both dynamic-height and fixed-height blocks are supported.

SuperGrid is inspired by gridstack.js and gridster.js.

Demo Page


Each block has a x-position, a y-position, a width and an optional height. The x-position and width is in columns. The y-position is unit-less and only the relative y-positions between blocks matter. The height is in pixels. If the y-position of a block is larger than another block's then it will be placed below that block. If they are the same and they overlap on the x-axis then the block with the larger x-position is placed below the other block. If they still tie then their order in the html is used to determine their order.

Fixed-height vs Dynamic-height blocks

Dynamic-height blocks adapt their height to their contents. If a block is given a height it will be a fixed-height block which will have the given height regardless of its contents. Fixed-height blocks also output an height value in the JSON but dynamic-height blocks don't. Dynamic-height blocks can not be resized vertically.


var superGrid = new SuperGrid(<selector>, <options>);

Browser support

IE8-IE10 is supported for static grids only.


  • lodash.js
  • jQuery

For dragging or resizing

  • jQuery UI


  • animated (default: false) When set to true, blocks are animated when dragging or resizing.

  • collapseContainerWidth (default: 700) When the container width falls below this width in pixels then the grid will collapse to a single column.

  • dragZIndex (default: 100) The z-index given to the block being dragged.

  • layout (default: 'classic') Switches between layout algorithms. The following layouts are supported:

    • classic: The default fall to top algorithm (inverse tetris)
    • packed_rows: Packs blocks left to right in rows
  • minBlockWidth (default: 1) The minimum amount of columns an block must span. Blocks can not be resized to be smaller than this.

  • minBlockHeight (default: 50) The minimum height of a block in pixels. Blocks cannot be resized to have a smaller height than this.

  • resizableBlockWidth (default: false) When set to true and staticGrid is false, horizontal resizing is enabled for all blocks. Block widths snap to columns.

  • resizableBlockHeight (default: false) When set to true and staticGrid is false, vertical resizing is enabled for all blocks. Blocks can be resized to any height.

  • heightSnapIncrement (default: false) When set to a value, height resizeable blocks will snap to the nearest multiple of this value (in pixels) when resized.

  • staticGrid (default: true) IF set then no resizing or dragging is possible otherwise dragging and resizing is enabled (resizing is dependent on other options) but requires jQuery UI.

CSS classes

  • grid The container div must have the grid class

  • grid-block For each block in the grid there must be a div with the grid-block class


    • data-id (Optional) - ID used when generating JSON.
    • data-grid-x - X-position of block in columns.
    • data-grid-width - Width of block in columns.
    • data-grid-y - Y-position of block.
    • data-grid-height (Optional) - Height of the block in pixels. If given the block becomes a fixed-height block.
    • data-grid-height-resizable (Optional) - If true then the block's height is resizable even if resizableBlockHeight is false
    • data-grid-width-resizable (Optional) - If true then the block's width is resizable even resizableBlockWidth is false
  • grid-block-content Each grid-block must have a grid-block-content div directly inside of it


  • layout() Used to force a relayout of the grid when, for example, the height of a block changes.

  • addBlock(<element>) Add a block that didn't exist when SuperGrid was initialized. The element must already be added to the container.

  • removeBlock(<element>) Remove a block from SuperGrid. The element must be manually removed from container.

  • toJson() Generates JSON array of blocks with each block in the following format: {id: <id>, x_pos: <x>, y_pos: <y>, width: <width>, [height: <height>]}

  • pack() Packs the blocks using a simple left-to-right top-to-bottom algorithm

  • openSpaces(minHeight = options.minBlockHeight, endSpaceHeight = 0) Returns a list of open spaces between blocks with a minimum height of minHeight. minHeight defaults to the minimum block height given in the options.

    When endSpaceHeight is more than 0, spaces are also generated below all of the blocks with the height set to endSpaceHeight

    The format of each space is as follows: {x_pos: <x>, y_pos: <y>, width: <width>, height: <height>}

    x_pos and width are in columns and y_pos and height are in pixels.

  • destroy() Removes all blocks from SuperGrid and removes all attached events.


    <div id="grid-container" class="grid">
        <div class="grid-block" data-id="1" data-grid-x="0" data-grid-y="0" data-grid-width="3">
            <div class="grid-block-content">
                <h1>Heading 1</h1>
                <p>Text 1</p>
        <div class="grid-block" data-id="2" data-grid-x="1" data-grid-y="0" data-grid-width="3" data-grid-height="200">
            <div class="grid-block-content">
                <h1>Heading 2</h1>
                <p>Text 2</p>
        new SuperGrid('#grid-container', {staticGrid: true});


A javascript grid library







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