Releases: DigitalNZ/supplejack_worker
Configure parsable logs on uat/staging/prod
Add Elastic APM to the Worker
Add configuration options for Elastic APM on the worker.
Add new Parser DSL pre_process_block
This optional block allows manipulation of the response data from your harvest source, before it is handed on to the rest of the parser as per normal. It could be used for any type of pre-processing data clean up requirements but was initially designed to rationalise verbose feeds that mentioned items multiple times, keeping only the latest mention to be harvested.
JSON example
pre_process_block do |rest_client_response|
# Convert RestClient::Response to Hash
hash = JSON.parse(rest_client_response.body)
# Sort and uniq the data will result in only the latest of each item
hash = hash.sort do |item_a, item_b|
# 'updated_at' specifies the date to sort on
Date.parse(item_b['updated_at']) <=> Date.parse(item_a['updated_at'])
.uniq { |item| item['audio_id'] } # 'audio_id' specifies the unique item ID to rationalise with
# Convert back to JSON
json = hash.to_json
# Return a new RestClient::Response with the new mutated JSON
RestClient::Response.create(json, rest_client_response.net_http_res, rest_client_response.request)
XML example
pre_process_block do |rest_client_response|
# Convert RestClient::Response to Nokogiri Document
doc = Nokogiri::XML(rest_client_response.body) { |config| config.options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS }
# Select node that contains all items
items_node = doc.at_xpath('//dnz-export')
# Sorting by the "date" field
sorted = items_node.children.sort_by do |item|
item.children.find { |child| == 'date' }.text
# uniq will keep only the latest mention of each item based on the unique ID of that item (specified in "key")
uniq = sorted.uniq do |item|
item.children.find { |child| == 'key' } .text
# Replace all children with new values
uniq.each{ |n| items_node << n }
# Return a new rest response
RestClient::Response.create(doc.to_xml, rest_client_response.net_http_res, rest_client_response.request)
Separate Redis Queues and Job Details Page Improvements
The Redis queue configuration is now explicitly numbered to avoid possible conflicts. Some improvements have been made to the Supplejack Job details page namely to include the updated_at time of the last updated record id.
Add Additional Indices to Abstract Job model
This change adds additional indices to the Abstract Job model, on created_at, updated_at and parser_id.
504 Harvest Timeout Improvements
Additional logging and increase of default timeout periods to prevent likelihood of 504 timeouts when running Supplejack harvests.
Remove Mongo Authentication
Unstitch authentication requirement on Mongo. Now you can just connect to Mongo just using a username and password rather than needing to pass credentials and tokens to access the database.2
Fix Enrichment Worker Airbrake error
A Rails logger in the enrichment_worker
worker has been referencing a variable outside of its scope, calling the #real
method on nil
. Each time the logger is called, it automatically crashes and raises an exception. This exception then is sent to Airbrake. This worker gets called many times resulting in a flood of errors being sent to Airbrake. Chaos ensues.