Demonstration of proxying HTTP requests to a Proteus service using Proteus HTTP Gateway.
The demo consists of a single Hello World service defined as follows:
Proteus Group:
Proteus Service:
Proteus IDL:
syntax = "proto3"; package com.netifi.proteus.demo.helloworld; option java_package = "com.netifi.proteus.demo.helloworld"; option java_outer_classname = "HelloWorldServiceProto"; option java_multiple_files = true; service HelloWorldService { rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse) {} } message HelloRequest { string name = 1; } message HelloResponse { string message = 1; }
This example requires that you have a running Proteus broker.
You can pull the latest Proteus Broker from DockerHub using the following command:
$ docker pull netifi/proteus
Start the Proteus Broker by running the following command:
$ docker run -p 8001:8001 -p 7001:7001 -e BROKER_SERVER_OPTS='-Dnetifi.authentication.0.accessKey=3006839580103245170 -Dnetifi.authentication.0.accessToken=SkOlZxqQcTboZE3fni4OVXVC0e0=' netifi/proteus
Follow the steps below to run the demo:
Ensure you have a running Proteus Broker by following the instructions under Prerequisites.
Build the Demo project by running the following command:
$ ./gradlew clean build
Create a directory to hold idl jars somewhere on your system.
This temporary directory will serve as a place where Proteus IDL jars can be dropped and auto-detected by the HTTP Gateway.
Copy the
jar file created during the build process into the idl directory you just created.The
file can be found underdemo/helloworld-idl/build/libs
. -
Start the Hello World service by running the following command in a new terminal window:
$ ./gradlew demo:helloworld-service:bootRun
Start the Proteus HTTP Gateway by running the following command in a new terminal:
$ ./gradlew -Dnetifi.httpgateway.registrydir={idl directory you created} run
Run the following curl command to test that the HTTP Gateway is working:
$ curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8080/" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \ -d $'{ "name": "World" }'
If the request was successful you will receive a
200 OK
response with a hello message JSON body like this:* TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > POST / HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0 > Accept: */* > Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 > Content-Length: 19 > * upload completely sent off: 19 out of 19 bytes < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 < Content-Length: 32 < { "message": "Hello, World!" }