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List of Commands - 4.2.1

List of User Commands

Command Permission Usage Description
/mf addlaw mf.addlaw /mf addlaw "" Add a law to your faction.
/mf editlaw mf.editlaw Edit a law in your faction.
/mf laws mf.laws /mf laws List your faction's laws.
/mf addally mf.addally Attempt to ally with a faction.
/mf removelaw mf.removelaw - Remove a law from your faction.
/mf autoclaim mf.autoclaim Attempt to ally with a faction.
/mf breakalliance mf.breakalliance Break an alliance with a faction.
/mfchat Toggles faction chat.
/mf checkaccess mf.checkaccess Check who has access to a locked block.
/mf checkclaim mf.checkclaim Check if land is claimed.
/mf claim mf.claim Claim land for your faction.
/mf create mf.create /mf create (name) Create your faction.
/mf declareindependence mf.declareindependence Declare independence from your liege.
/mf declarewar mf.declarewar /mf declarewar Declare war on another faction
/mf demote mf.demote /mf demote Demotes an officer to member status
/mf desc mf.desc /mf desc Set your faction's description.
/mf disband mf.disband /mf disband Disband your faction. (must be the owner)
/mf duel challenge mf.duel /mf duel challenge (player) (time in seconds) Challenge a player to a duel.
/mf duel accept mf. duel /mf duel accept (optional:player) Accept a duel, or a specific players duel.
/mf duel cancel mf.duel /mf duel cancel Cancel a duel.
/mf flags show mf.flags /mf flags show Shows a list of flags for you faction land.
/mf flags set mf.flags /mf flags set Set a faction flag.
/mf gate create mf.gate /mf gate create (optional:name) Create a gate, optionally with a name.
/mf gate cancel mf.gate /mf gate cancel Cancel's the creation of a gate.
/mf gate list mf.gate /mg gate list List of your gates.
/mf gate name mf.gate - -
/mf gate remove mf.gate - Removes a gate
/mf grantaccess mf.grantaccess Grant someone access to a locked block.
/mf grantindependence mf.grantindependence - Grant a vassal nation independence.
/mf help /mf help # Shows a list of useful commands.
/mf home mf.home /mf home Teleport to your faction home.
/mf sethome mf.sethome /mf sethome Set your faction's home.
/mf info /mf info (optional:faction) See a factions information.
/mf invite mf.invite /mf invite Invite a player to your faction.
/mf invoke mf.invoke /mf invoke Call an allied faction into war.
/mf join mf.join /mf join Join a faction to which you were invited to.
/mf kick mf.kick /mf kick Kick a player from your faction.
/mf leave mf.leave /mf leave Leave your current faction.
/mf list mf.list /mf list List all factions on the server.
/mf lock mf.lock /mf lock Locks the clicked chest, door, or gate.
/mf makepeace mf.makepeace /mf makepeace Send a peace offering to another faction.
/mf map /mf map Display a map of claims nearby.
/mf members mf.members /mf members (optional:faction) List the members of your faction or another faction.
/mf power mf.power /mf power Check your power level.
/mf prefix mf.prefix /mf prefix Set your faction's prefix.
/mf promote mf.promote /mf promote Promote a player to officer status.
/mf rename mf.rename /mf rename Rename your faction.
/mf revokeaccess mf.revokeaccess /mf revokeaccess Revoke a player's access to a locked block.
/mf swearfealty mf.swearfealty /mf swearfealty Swear fealty to a faction.
/mf transfer mf.transfer /mf transfer Transfer faction ownership to another player.
/mf unclaim mf.unclaim /mf unclaim Unclaim a chunk of land for your faction.
/mf unclaimall mf.unclaimall /mf unclaimall Unclaim all land for your faction.
/mf unlock mf.unlock /mf unlock Unlock a chest, door, or gate.
/mf vassalize mf.vassalize /mf vassalize Offer to vassalize a faction.
/mf who mf.who /mf who View faction specific info about a player.

List of Admin Commands

Command Permission Usage Description
/mf version mf.version /mf version Check plugin version.
/mf bypass mf.bypass /mf bypass Toggles bypass faction protections.
/mf config mf.config /mf config set (option) (value) Set a config value.
/mf config show mf.config /mf config show Show config options and values.
/mf resetpowerlevels mf.resetpowerlevels /mf resetpowerlevels Reset player power records and faction cumulative power levels.
/mf force mf.force.* (or instead of * use the specific subcommand) /mf force Force the plugin to perform certain actions.
- .bonuspower /mf force bonuspower 'faction' 'number' Add bonus power to a faction.
- .claim /mf force claim 'faction name' Claim a chunk for a faction.
- .create /mf force create 'factionName' Create a faction forcibly.
- .demote /mf force demote (player) Force demote a player.
- .join /mf force join 'player' 'faction2' Force a player to join a specific faction.
- .kick /mf force kick (player) Forcibly remove a player from their faction.
- .load /mf force load -
- .peace /mf force peace 'faction1' 'faction2' Make peace between to factions.
- .power /mf force power 'player' 'number' Add power to a player.
- .removevassal /mf force removevassal 'faction' 'vassal' Remove a faction's vassal.
- .rename /mf force rename 'faction' 'new name' Rename a faction forcibly.
- .renouce /mf force renounce (faction) -
- .save /mf force save -
- .transfer /mf force transfer 'faction' 'player' Forcibly transfer a faction to another player.
- .unlock /mf force unlock Forcibly unlock a chest, door, or gate.
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