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List of Commands

Nation Creation

A new beginning- rise or fall, that's all up to you.

Use /mf create to establish your new faction.

Nation Recruitment

Power comes in number

To recruit others, you may invite them using: /mf invite [player-name] Use /mf join [faction-name] to prompt the leader of a faction with an approval request or accept an invitation.


To rename your faction, use the command: /mf rename [new-name]

To set your faction description, use the command: /mf desc [description

To promote a player to an officer of your faction, use the command: /mf promote [player-name]

To set your faction's main base, use the command: /mf sethome

To teleport to your faction's main-base use the command: /mf home

Nation Laws

Order is important to uphold the integrity of a faction and protect it from chaos.

To view the laws of your faction, use the command: /mf laws

To add a law, use the command: /mf al [law description]

To edit a law, use the command: /mf el [law number]

To remove a law, use the command: /mf rl [law number] [new law description]

Nation Territory

Territory is an essential part of any faction, therefore it's crucial to have just enough to sustain your people.

In order to claim land, you must have the appropriate amount of power.

To check the status [whether it is claimed or not] of the current land you're in, use the command: /mf cc

To claim land for your faction, use the command: /mf claim

To remove your claim on a specific piece of land from your faction, use the command: /mf unclaim

To enable auto-claiming [claims land that you walk on automatically], use the command: /mf ac

To remove your claim from all your faction's land, use the command: /mf ua

To view a text-based map of your claims, use the command: /mf map


Without war, one cannot achieve prosperity nor glory.

To view a list of faction/s that you are currently at war with, use the command: /mf info

To declare war on a faction, use the command: /mf dw [faction-name]

To offer white peace to a faction, use the command: /mf mp

To conquer someone's land, use the command: /mf claim in their territory. P.S. [This is only possible if you are at war with the targeted faction and if they have more land than power.]


Form strong bonds with other leaders and rise together under a united banner.

To view a list of faction/s that you are allied with, use the command: /mf info

To request the formation of an alliance with another faction, use the command: /mf ally [faction-name]

To break your ties with another faction, use the command: /mf breakalliance [faction-name]

P.S. [Allies can't declare war on each other | Both factions must send an alliance request in order for the alliance to be formed.]

Addons [Optional]


The integration and establishment of subordinating factions are critical in growth.

To swear your loyalty to another faction or accept an offer, use the command: /mf swearfealty

To make an offer to vassalize a faction, use the command: /mf vassalize [faction-name]


Fiefs are sub-factions or divisions of a faction that members can create.

To create a fief, use the command: /fi create [fief-name]

To invite players into your fief, use the command: /fi invite [player-name]

To disband your fief, use the command: /fi disband

Basic Commands:

Command Permission Usage Description
/mf addlaw mf.addlaw /mf addlaw "" Add a law to your faction.
/mf editlaw mf.editlaw Edit a law in your faction.
/mf laws mf.laws /mf laws List your faction's laws.
/mf addally mf.addally Attempt to ally with a faction.
/mf removelaw mf.removelaw - Remove a law from your faction.
/mf autoclaim mf.autoclaim Attempt to ally with a faction.
/mf breakalliance mf.breakalliance Break an alliance with a faction.
/mfchat Toggles faction chat.
/mf checkaccess mf.checkaccess Check who has access to a locked block.
/mf checkclaim mf.checkclaim Check if land is claimed.
/mf claim mf.claim Claim land for your faction.
/mf create mf.create /mf create (name) Create your faction.
/mf declareindependence mf.declareindependence Declare independence from your liege.
/mf declarewar mf.declarewar /mf declarewar Declare war on another faction
/mf demote mf.demote /mf demote Demotes an officer to member status
/mf desc mf.desc /mf desc Set your faction's description.
/mf disband mf.disband /mf disband Disband your faction. (must be the owner)
/mf duel challenge mf.duel /mf duel challenge (player) (time in seconds) Challenge a player to a duel.
/mf duel accept mf. duel /mf duel accept (optional:player) Accept a duel, or a specific players duel.
/mf duel cancel mf.duel /mf duel cancel Cancel a duel.
/mf flags show mf.flags /mf flags show Shows a list of flags for you faction land.
/mf flags set mf.flags /mf flags set Set a faction flag.
/mf gate create mf.gate /mf gate create (optional:name) Create a gate, optionally with a name.
/mf gate cancel mf.gate /mf gate cancel Cancel's the creation of a gate.
/mf gate list mf.gate /mg gate list List of your gates.
/mf gate name mf.gate - -
/mf gate remove mf.gate - Removes a gate
/mf grantaccess mf.grantaccess Grant someone access to a locked block.
/mf grantindependence mf.grantindependence - Grant a vassal faction independence.
/mf help /mf help # Shows a list of useful commands.
/mf home mf.home /mf home Teleport to your faction home.
/mf sethome mf.sethome /mf sethome Set your faction's home.
/mf info /mf info (optional:faction) See a factions information.
/mf invite mf.invite /mf invite Invite a player to your faction.
/mf invoke mf.invoke /mf invoke Call an allied faction into war.
/mf join mf.join /mf join Join a faction to which you were invited to.
/mf kick mf.kick /mf kick Kick a player from your faction.
/mf leave mf.leave /mf leave Leave your current faction.
/mf list mf.list /mf list List all factions on the server.
/mf lock mf.lock /mf lock Locks the clicked chest, door, or gate.
/mf makepeace mf.makepeace /mf makepeace Send a peace offering to another faction.
/mf map /mf map Display a map of claims nearby.
/mf members mf.members /mf members (optional:faction) List the members of your faction or another faction.
/mf power mf.power /mf power Check your power level.
/mf prefix mf.prefix /mf prefix Set your faction's prefix.
/mf promote mf.promote /mf promote Promote a player to officer status.
/mf rename mf.rename /mf rename Rename your faction.
/mf revokeaccess mf.revokeaccess /mf revokeaccess Revoke a player's access to a locked block.
/mf swearfealty mf.swearfealty /mf swearfealty Swear fealty to a faction.
/mf transfer mf.transfer /mf transfer Transfer faction ownership to another player.
/mf unclaim mf.unclaim /mf unclaim Unclaim a chunk of land for your faction.
/mf unclaimall mf.unclaimall /mf unclaimall Unclaim all land for your faction.
/mf unlock mf.unlock /mf unlock Unlock a chest, door, or gate.
/mf vassalize mf.vassalize /mf vassalize Offer to vassalize a faction.
/mf who mf.who /mf who View faction specific info about a player.

List of Admin Commands

Command Permission Usage Description
/mf version mf.version /mf version Check plugin version.
/mf bypass mf.bypass /mf bypass Toggles bypass faction protections.
/mf config mf.config /mf config set (option) (value) Set a config value.
/mf config show mf.config /mf config show Show config options and values.
/mf resetpowerlevels mf.resetpowerlevels /mf resetpowerlevels Reset player power records and faction cumulative power levels.
/mf force mf.force.* (or instead of * use the specific subcommand) /mf force Force the plugin to perform certain actions.
- .bonuspower /mf force bonuspower 'faction' 'number' Add bonus power to a faction.
- .claim /mf force claim 'faction name' Claim a chunk for a faction.
- .create /mf force create 'factionName' Create a faction forcibly.
- .demote /mf force demote (player) Force demote a player.
- .join /mf force join 'player' 'faction2' Force a player to join a specific faction.
- .kick /mf force kick (player) Forcibly remove a player from their faction.
- .load /mf force load -
- .peace /mf force peace 'faction1' 'faction2' Make peace between to factions.
- .power /mf force power 'player' 'number' Add power to a player.
- .removevassal /mf force removevassal 'faction' 'vassal' Remove a faction's vassal.
- .rename /mf force rename 'faction' 'new name' Rename a faction forcibly.
- .renounce /mf force renounce (faction) -
- .save /mf force save -
- .transfer /mf force transfer 'faction' 'player' Forcibly transfer a faction to another player.
- .unlock /mf force unlock Forcibly unlock a chest, door, or gate.
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