For a detailed API Reference refer to the ESDoc generated docs
- Try it out
- Consistent method prefixes
- Basic concepts
- LocalDate
- Create a LocalDate
- Get values from LocalDate
- Get weeks of week based year, get year quarters and the day of quarter
- Adding to/ subtracting from a LocalDate
- Alter certain fields of a LocalDate
- Compare LocalDates
- Distance on the timeline
- Converting from and to other temporals
- Adjust a date to another date
- LocalTime
- LocalDateTime
- Create a LocalDateTime instance
- Get values from LocalDateTime
- Adding to/ subtracting from a LocalDateTime instance
- Alter certain fields of a LocalDateTime instance
- Truncate a LocalDateTime instance
- Compare LocalDateTime instances
- Distance between local dates and times
- Convert from a javascript Date or moment
- ZonedDateTime
- Period
- Duration
- Customize js-joda
Tip: Try out the cheat sheet examples in your browser console. All js-joda classes are imported into the global name space of the js-joda webpage.
The API is using a set of consistent method prefixes.
- of - static factory method
- parse - static factory method focused on parsing
- is - checks if something is true
- with - the immutable equivalent of a setter
- plus - adds an amount to an object
- minus - subtracts an amount from an object
- to - converts this object to another type
- at - combines this object with another, such as date.atTime(time)
- getter methods for instance properties are omitting the get keyword, e.q. localDate.year()
The API is immutable, an existing instance is never changed, all manipulating methods as parse/ with/ plus/ minus/ to/ at are returning new instances. An existing instance is always valid. Instead of returning null or invalid values, exceptions are thrown.
A LocalDate represents a date without a time and time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as 2007-12-24.
// obtain the current date in the system default timezone, e.g. 2016-02-23;
// obtain the current date in the utc timezone, e.g. 2016-02-23;
// obtain an instance of LocalDate from an ISO8601 formatted text string
// obtain an instance of LocalDate from a year, month, and dayOfMonth value
LocalDate.of(2016, 2, 23) // 2016-02-23
// obtain an instance of LocalDate from a year, month, and dayOfMonth value
LocalDate.of(2016, Month.FEBRUARY, 23) // 2016-02-23
// obtain an instance of LocalDate from am epochDay where day 0 is 1970-01-01
LocalDate.ofEpochDay(-1) // 1969-12-31
// obtain an instance of LocalDate from am epochDay where day 0 is 1970-01-01
LocalDate.ofYearDay(2016, 42) // 2016-02-11
var d = LocalDate.parse('2016-12-24');
d.toString(); // '2016-12-24' ISO8601 format
d.dayOfMonth(); // 24
d.month(); // Month.DECEMBER
d.monthValue(); // 12
d.year(); // 2016
d.dayOfWeek(); // DayOfWeek.SATURDAY
d.dayOfWeek().value(); // 6
d.dayOfYear(); // 359
d.isLeapYear(); // true 2016 is a leap year
d.plusYears(1).isLeapYear() // false
// get the epoch day where 0 is 1970-01-01
d.toEpochDay(); // 17159
// get range of month
d.lengthOfMonth() // 31
d.range(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH); // ValueRange(1 - 31)
// get range of year
d.lengthOfYear() // 366
d.range(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR); // ValueRange(1 - 366)
// get other date based field like the aligned week of year
d.get(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR); // 52
// or the day of week aligned to the first day of month
d.get(ChronoField.ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH); // 3
// get week of week based year as defined by ISO 8601 with a monday based week
d.get(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR); // 51
d.isoWeekOfWeekyear(); // 51, is the same as above
d.isoWeekyear(); // 2016
LocalDate.of(2017,1,1).isoWeekOfWeekyear(); // 52
LocalDate.of(2017,1,1).isoWeekyear(); // 2016
// set the date to week 52 of week based year with the same day of week
d.with(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR, 52); // 2016-12-31
// get the quarter of the year
d.get(IsoFields.QUARTER_OF_YEAR); // 4
d.get(IsoFields.DAY_OF_QUARTER); // 85
// set the date to 15th day of the third quarter
d.with(IsoFields.QUARTER_OF_YEAR, 3).with(IsoFields.DAY_OF_QUARTER, 15) // 2016-07-15
var d = LocalDate.parse('2016-02-23');
// add/ subtract 366 days
d.plusDays(366); // '2017-02-23'
d.minusDays(366); // '2015-02-22'
// add/ subtract 12 months
d.plusMonths(12); // '2017-02-23'
d.minusMonths(12); // '2015-02-23'
// add/ subtract 4 weeks
d.plusWeeks(4); // '2016-03-22'
d.minusWeeks(4); // '2016-01-26'
// add/ subtract 1 year to the parsed LocalDate and returns a new instance
d.plusYears(1); // '2017-02-23'
d.minusYears(1); // '2015-02-23'
// add/ subtract 30 years, ChronoUnit.DECADES); // '2046-02-23'
d.minus(3, ChronoUnit.DECADES); // '1986-02-23'
// add subtract a Period of 3 Months and 3 Days // '2016-05-26'
d.minus(Period.ofMonths(3).plusDays(3)) // '2015-11-20'
var d = LocalDate.parse('2016-12-24');
// set the day of month to 1
d.withDayOfMonth(1); // '2016-12-01'
// set month and the day of month to 1
d.withMonth(1).withDayOfMonth(1); // '2016-01-01'
// set month to November and the day of month to 1
d.withMonth(Month.NOVEMBER).withDayOfMonth(1); // '2016-11-01'
// set the year to beginning of era
d.withYear(1); // '0001-12-24'
// get the last day of the current month;
// set the day of year
d.withDayOfYear(42); // 2016-02-11
// set the WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR to 52
d.with(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR, 52) // 2016-12-31
var d1 = LocalDate.parse('2016-12-24');
var d2 = d1.plusDays(2);
d1.isAfter(d2); // false
d1.isBefore(d2); // true
d1.equals(d2); // false
d1.equals(d1.plusDays(0)); // true
d1.equals(d1.plusDays(1)); // false
d1.compareTo(d1) === 0; // true
d1.compareTo(d2) < 0; // true
d2.compareTo(d1) > 0; // true
// Warn! hashCode is equal if in insances are equal, but might be equal for unequal instances as well
d1.hashCode(); // 4129560
d2.hashCode(); // 4129562
d1.hashCode() !== d2.hashCode(); // true
var d1 = LocalDate.parse('2016-12-24');
var d2 = d1.plusMonths(13).plusDays(42);
// obtain the Period between the two dates
d1.until(d2).toString(); // 'P1Y2M11D', output in ISO-8601 period format
d1.until(d2).toTotalMonths(); // 14
// obtain the distance between the two dates with a certain precision
d1.until(d2, ChronoUnit.MONTHS); // 14, returns the distance in total months.
d1.until(d2, ChronoUnit.DAYS); // 438, returns the distance in total days.
// obtain a LocalDate from a LocalDateTime instance
LocalDate.from(; // current LocalDate e.g. 2016-02-25; // same
var d1 = LocalDate.parse('2016-02-25');
// obtain a LocalDateTime at a certain LocalTime
d1.atStartOfDay(); // '2016-02-25T00:00'
d1.atTime(LocalTime.of(11, 55)); // '2016-02-25T11:55'
d1.atTime(LocalTime.NOON); // '2016-02-25T12:00'
// obtain a LocalDate from a JavaScript Date
// the manual way
var d = LocalDate.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(new Date().getTime()));
// the recommended way with the javascript temporal
d = LocalDate.from(nativeJs(new Date()));
// converting from a moment is workings the same way
d = LocalDate.from(nativeJs(moment()));
TemporalAdjusters provide compact business logic for date based temporals such as LocalDate, LocalDateTime or ZonedDateTime.
var d = LocalDate.parse('2016-12-24');
// get first/ last day of month
d.with(TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfMonth()) // 2016-12-01
d.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth()) // 2016-12-31
// get the next specified weekday
d.with(TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)) // 2016-12-25
d.with(TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY)) // 2016-12-24
d.with( // 2016-12-31
// get the first/last weekday of month
d.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastInMonth(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY)) // 2016-12-31
d.with(TemporalAdjusters.firstInMonth(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY)) // 2016-12-03
Find more adjusters in the TemporalAdjusters API documentation.
A LocalTime represents a time without time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system such as '10:15:30'
// obtain the current time in the system default timezone, e.g. '10:29:05.743';
// obtain the current time in the utc timezone, e.g. '09:29:05.743';
// obtain an instance of LocalTime from an ISO8601 formatted text string
LocalTime.parse('09:42'); // '09:42'
LocalTime.parse('09:42:42'); // '09:42:42'
LocalTime.parse('09:42:42.123'); // '09:42:42.123'
LocalTime.parse('09:42:42.123456789'); // '09:42:42.123456789'
// obtain an instance of LocalTime from a hour, minute, second and nano value
LocalTime.of(23, 55) // '23:55'
LocalTime.of(23, 55, 42) // '23:55:42'
LocalTime.of(23, 55, 42, 123000000) // '23:55:42.123'
// obtain an instance of LocalTime from second of day
LocalTime.ofSecondOfDay(3666) // '01:01:06'
var t = LocalTime.parse('23:55:42.123');
t.toString(); // '23:55:42.123' ISO8601 format
t.hour(); // 23
t.minute(); // 55
t.second(); // 42
t.nano(); // 123000000
// get other time based fields
t.get(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_DAY); // 86142
t.get(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND); // 123
t.get(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_AMPM); // 11
// any other time based ChronoField is allowed as param for get
var t = LocalTime.parse('11:55:42')
// add/ subtract 12 hours
t.plusHours(12); // '23:55:42'
t.minusHours(12); // '23:55:42'
// add/ subtract 30 minutes
t.plusMinutes(30); // '12:25:42'
t.minusMinutes(30); // '11:25:42'
// add/ subtract 30 seconds
t.plusSeconds(30); // '11:56:12'
t.minusSeconds(30); // '11:55:12'
// add/ subtract 1.000.000 nanos (1 milli second)
t.plusNanos(1000000); // '11:56:42.001'
t.minusNanos(1000000); // '11:55:41.999'
// add/ subtract a time based unit, ChronoUnit.MILLIS); // '11:55:42.001', ChronoUnit.HALF_DAYS); // '23:55:42'
// add/ subtract a duration of 15 minutes; // '12:10:42'
t.minus(Duration.ofMinutes(15)); // '11:40:42'
var t = LocalTime.parse('11:55:42')
// set the hour of day to 1
t.withHour(1); // '01:55:42'
// set the minute of hour to 1
t.withMinute(1); // '11:01:42'
// set the second of minute to 1
t.withSecond(1); // '11:55:01'
// set the MILLI_OF_SECOND to 51
t.with(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND, 51) // '11:55:42.051'
// set by a custom TemporalAdjusters
// sample of a custom adjuster that adjust to the next even second
nextEvenSecond = { adjustInto: function(t){ return t.second() % 2 === 0 ? t.plusSeconds(2) : t.plusSeconds(1); } }
t.with(nextEvenSecond) // '11:55:44'
t.plusSeconds(1).with(nextEvenSecond) // '11:55:44'
var t = LocalTime.parse('23:55:42.123')
t.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.SECONDS); // '23:55:42'
t.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES); // '23:55:00'
t.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.HOURS); // '23:00'
t.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.HALF_DAYS); // '12:00'
t.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS); // '00:00'
var t1 = LocalTime.parse('11:55:42')
var t2 = t1.plusHours(2);
t1.isAfter(t2); // false
t1.isBefore(t2); // true
t1.equals(t1.plusHours(0)); // true
t1.equals(t1.plusHours(1)); // false
t1.compareTo(t1) === 0; // true
t1.compareTo(t2) < 0; // true
t2.compareTo(t1) > 0; // true
// Warn! hashCode is equal if in insances are equal, but might be equal for unequal instances as well
t1.hashCode(); // 916974646
t2.hashCode(); // -1743180648
t1.hashCode() !== t2.hashCode(); // true
var t1 = LocalTime.parse('11:00')
var t2 = t1.plusHours(2).plusMinutes(42).plusSeconds(12);
// obtain the duration between the two dates
t1.until(t2, ChronoUnit.HOURS); // 2
t1.until(t2, ChronoUnit.MINUTES); // 162
t1.until(t2, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); // 9732
// obtain a LocalTime instance from a JavaScript Date
// the manual way
var t = LocalTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(new Date().getTime()));
// the recommended way with the javascript temporal
t = LocalTime.from(nativeJs(new Date()));
// converting from a moment is workings the same way
d = LocalTime.from(nativeJs(moment()));
A LocalDateTime represents a date-time without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as '2007-12-03T10:15:30'.
// obtain the current date and time in the system default timezone, e.g. '2016-02-26T10:29:05.743';
// obtain the current date and time in the utc timezone;
// obtain an instance of LocalDateTime from an ISO8601 formatted text string
LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T09:42'); // '2016-02-26T09:42'
LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T09:42:42.123'); // '2016-02-26T09:42:42.123'
// obtain an instance of LocalDateTime from a year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second and nano value
LocalDateTime.of(2016,2,29); // "2016-02-29T00:00"
LocalDateTime.of(2016,2,29,12,55,42); // "2016-02-29T12:55:42"
LocalDateTime.of(2016,2,29,12,55,42,9) // "2016-02-29T12:55:42.000000009"
// obtain an instance of LocalDateTime from epoch seconds and a ZoneOffset
LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(0, ZoneOffset.UTC) // "1970-01-01T00:00"
LocalDateTime.ofInstant( // current local date-time
LocalDateTime.ofInstant(, ZoneOffset.UTC) // current local utc date-time
var dt = LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T23:55:42.123');
dt.toString(); // '2016-02-26T23:55:42.123' ISO8601 format
dt.year(); // 2016
dt.month(); // Month.FEBRUARY
dt.monthValue(); // 2
dt.dayOfMonth(); // 26
dt.hour(); // 23
dt.minute(); // 55
dt.second(); // 42
dt.nano(); // 123000000
dt.dayOfWeek(); // DayOfWeek.FRIDAY
dt.dayOfWeek().value(); // 5
dt.dayOfYear(); // 57
dt.toLocalDate().isLeapYear(); // true 2016 is a leap year
// obtain the LocalDate of the LocalDateTime
// obtain the LocalTime of the LocalDateTime
// get range of month
dt.toLocalDate().lengthOfMonth() // 29
dt.range(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH); // ValueRange(1 - 29)
// get range of year
dt.toLocalDate().lengthOfYear() // 366
dt.range(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR); // ValueRange(1 - 366)
// get other date based field like the aligned week of year
dt.get(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR); // 9
// get week of week based year
dt.get(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR); // 8
// get other time based fields
dt.get(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_DAY); // 86142
dt.get(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND); // 123
dt.get(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_AMPM); // 11
// any other date or time based ChronoField is allowed as param for get
var dt = LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T23:55:42.123');
// add/ subtract 366 days
dt.plusDays(366); // '2017-02-26T23:55:42.123'
dt.minusDays(366); // '2015-02-25T23:55:42.123'
// add/ subtract 12 months
dt.plusMonths(12); // '2017-02-26'
dt.minusMonths(12); // '2015-02-26'
// add/ subtract 4 weeks
dt.plusWeeks(4); // '2016-03-25T23:55:42.123'
dt.minusWeeks(4); // '2016-01-29T23:55:42.123'
// add/ subtract 1 year to the parsed LocalDate and returns a new instance
dt.plusYears(1); // '2017-02-26T23:55:42.123'
dt.minusYears(1); // '2015-02-26T23:55:42.123'
// add/ subtract 30 years, ChronoUnit.DECADES); // '2046-02-26T23:55:42.123'
dt.minus(3, ChronoUnit.DECADES); // '1986-02-26T23:55:42.123'
// add subtract a Period of 3 Months and 3 Days // '2016-05-29T23:55:42.123'
dt.minus(Period.ofMonths(3).plusDays(3)) // '2015-11-23T23:55:42.123'
// add/ subtract 12 hours
dt.plusHours(12); // '2016-02-27T11:55:42.123'
dt.minusHours(12); // '2016-02-26T11:55:42.123'
// add/ subtract 30 minutes
dt.plusMinutes(30); // '2016-02-27T00:25:42.123'
dt.minusMinutes(30); // '2016-02-26T23:25:42.123'
// add/ subtract 30 seconds
dt.plusSeconds(30); // '2016-02-26T23:56:12.123'
dt.minusSeconds(30); // '2016-02-26T23:55:12.123'
// add/ subtract 1.000.000 nanos (1 milli second)
dt.plusNanos(1000000); // '2016-02-26T23:55:42.124'
dt.minusNanos(1000000); // '2016-02-26T23:55:42.122'
// add/ subtract a time based unit, ChronoUnit.MILLIS); // '2016-02-26T23:55:42.124', ChronoUnit.HALF_DAYS); // '2016-02-26T11:55:42.123'
// add/ subtract a duration of 30 hours and 45 minutes; // '2016-02-28T06:40:42.123'
dt.minus(Duration.ofHours(30).plusMinutes(45)); // '2016-02-25T17:10:42.123'
var dt = LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T23:55:42.123');
// set the hour of day to 1
dt.withHour(1); // '2016-02-26T01:55:42.123'
// set the minute of hour to 1
dt.withMinute(1); // '2016-02-26T23:01:42.123'
// set the second of minute to 1
dt.withSecond(1); // '2016-02-26T23:55:01.123'
// set the nano of second to 1
dt.withNano(0); // '2016-02-26T23:55:42'
// set the MILLI_OF_SECOND to 51
dt.with(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND, 51) // '2016-02-26T23:55:42.051'
// set by a custom TemporalAdjusters
// sample of a custom adjuster that adjust to the next even second
var nextEvenSecond = { adjustInto: function(t){ return t.second() % 2 === 0 ? t.plusSeconds(2) : t.plusSeconds(1); } }
dt.with(nextEvenSecond) // '2016-02-26T23:55:44.123'
dt.plusSeconds(1).with(nextEvenSecond) // '2016-02-26T23:55:44.123'
var dt = LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T23:55:42.123');
dt.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.SECONDS); // '2016-02-26T23:55:42'
dt.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES); // '2016-02-26T23:55:00'
dt.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.HOURS); // '2016-02-26T23:00'
dt.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.HALF_DAYS); // '2016-02-26T12:00'
dt.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS); // '2016-02-26T00:00'
var dt1 = LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T23:55:42.123');
var dt2 = dt1.plusHours(2);
dt1.isAfter(dt2); // false
dt1.isBefore(dt2); // true
dt1.equals(dt1.plusHours(0)); // true
dt1.equals(dt1.plusHours(1)); // false
dt1.compareTo(dt1) === 0; // true
dt1.compareTo(dt2) < 0; // true
dt2.compareTo(dt1) > 0; // true
// Warn! hashCode is equal if in insances are equal, but might be equal for unequal instances as well
dt1.hashCode(); // -2036645668
dt2.hashCode(); // 1459191821
dt1.hashCode() !== dt2.hashCode(); // true
var dt1 = LocalDateTime.parse('2016-02-26T23:55:42.123');
var dt2 = dt1.plusYears(6).plusMonths(12).plusHours(2).plusMinutes(42).plusSeconds(12);
// obtain the duration between the two dates
dt1.until(dt2, ChronoUnit.YEARS); // 7
dt1.until(dt2, ChronoUnit.MONTHS); // 84
dt1.until(dt2, ChronoUnit.WEEKS); // 356
dt1.until(dt2, ChronoUnit.DAYS); // 2557
dt1.until(dt2, ChronoUnit.HOURS); // 61370
dt1.until(dt2, ChronoUnit.MINUTES); // 3682242
dt1.until(dt2, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); // 220934532
// obtain a LocalTime instance from a JavaScript Date
// the manual way
var t = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(new Date().getTime()));
// the recommended way with the javascript temporal
t = LocalDateTime.from(nativeJs(new Date()));
// converting from a moment is workings the same way
d = LocalDateTime.from(nativeJs(moment()));
ZonedDateTime represents a date-time with a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system. Without support for loading iana time-zone databases,
ZonedDateTime currently only supports time-zones with a fixed Offset such as UTC
or UTC+02:00
and the system default time-zone SYSTEM
time-zone is a NON standard zone-id, that is introduced by js-joda because the javascript spec does not provide an API
for the system default zone-id. The javascript spec only provides the system default time-zone offset for a point in the timeline
It is not recommended to exchange zoned-date-times with the SYSTEM zone-id between javascript engines, because the default time-zone may differ on other machines. Before a ZonedDateTime is exchanged, it should be converted to a fixed offset zone.
// get now with the default system time-zone; // e.g. 2016-03-18T12:38:23.561+01:00[SYSTEM]
// convert it to ZonedDateTime with a fixed offset; // e.g. 2016-03-18T12:38:23.561+01:00
// get now with the default system time-zone; // e.g. 2016-03-18T12:38:23.561+01:00[SYSTEM]
// get now with the UTC time-zone; // e.g. 2016-03-18T11:38:23.561Z
// get now with a fixed offset time-zone'UTC-05:00')).toString(); // e.g. 2016-03-18T06:38:23.561-05:00[UTC-05:00]
// parse a date time with a time zone ISO String
// create from a LocalDate(Time)
LocalDate.parse('2012-06-06').atStartOfDay().atZone(ZoneId.SYSTEM); // 2012-06-06T00:00+02:00[SYSTEM]
ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.parse('2012-06-06T00:00'), ZoneId.SYSTEM) // 2012-06-06T00:00+02:00[SYSTEM]
ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.parse('2012-06-06'), LocalTime.MIDNIGHT, ZoneId.SYSTEM) // 2012-06-06T00:00+02:00[SYSTEM]
// create by Instant
ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(, ZoneId.SYSTEM) // current system time
var d = LocalDate.of(2016, 3, 18)
var zdt = d.atTime(LocalTime.NOON).atZone(ZoneId.of('UTC-05:00')) // 2016-03-18T12:00-05:00[UTC-05:00]
// switch timezone retaining the local date-time if possible
zdt.withZoneSameLocal(ZoneId.UTC); // 2016-03-18T12:00Z
// switch timezone and retain the instant
zdt.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.UTC); // 2016-03-18T17:00Z
Check the examples for LocalDate and LocalDateTime. ZonedDateTime implements the same methods as LocalDateTime for getting or setting values.
The calculation for date and time units differ. Date units operate on the local time-line. Time units operate on the instant time-line. The following example shows the difference for a daylight saving transition.
// assume the system default time zone is CET and its 2016-03-18 at noon local time.
var zdt =; // 2016-03-18T12:00+01:00[SYSTEM]
// adding a date unit of 2 weeks (crossing a daylight saving transition)
zdt.plusWeeks(2); // still noon: 2016-04-01T12:00+02:00[SYSTEM]
// adding a time unit of 2 weeks (2 * 7 * 24)
zdt.plusHours(2 * 7 * 24); // 1 pm: 2016-04-01T13:00+02:00[SYSTEM]
Period is a date-based amount of time in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as '2 years, 3 months and 4 days'.
// parse and format ISO8601 period strings
Period.parse('P1Y10M').toString(); // 'P1Y10M'
// obtain a Period of 10 years, 5 month and 30 days
Period.of(10, 5, 30).toString(); // "P10Y5M30D"
// 10 years
Period.ofYears(10).toString(); // "P10Y"
// add 45 days to a Period
Period.ofYears(10).plusDays(45).toString(); // "P10Y45D"
// normalize a Period of years and month
Period.of(1, 37, 0).normalized().toString(); // "P4Y1M"
// add/ subtract from a Period
Period.ofYears(10).plusMonths(10).minusDays(42).toString(); // "P10Y10M-42D"
// add a Period to LocalDate
var p = Period.ofMonths(1);
LocalDate.parse('2012-12-12').plus(p); // '2013-01-12';
LocalDate.parse('2012-01-31').plus(p); // '2012-02-29';
LocalDateTime.parse('2012-05-31T12:00').plus(p); // '2012-06-30T12:00';
// calculate the Period between two Dates
Period.between(LocalDate.parse('2012-06-30'), LocalDate.parse('2012-08-31')); // "P2M1D"
Duration is a time-based amount of time, such as '34.5 seconds'.
// obtain a Duration of 10 hours
Duration.ofHours(10).toString(); // "PT10H"
// obtain a Duration of 10 days (10 x 24 hours)
Duration.ofDays(10).toString(); // "PT240H"
// add/ subtract a duration from a LocalDateTime
var dt = LocalDateTime.parse('2012-12-24T12:00');; // '2012-12-24T22:30'
dt.minus(Duration.ofHours(12).multipliedBy(10)).toString() // '2012-12-19T12:00'
// calculate the durations beetween to time based temporals
var dt1 = LocalDateTime.parse('2012-12-24T12:00');
Duration.between(dt1, dt1.plusHours(10)).toString(); // "PT10H"
js-joda is easily extendable, it allows you to create your own custom domain models or formatter. Check the temporal interface documentation in the temporal directory for more information.
// implement a temporal/TemporalAdjuster that the next or same even day of month
var nextOrSameEvenDay = { adjustInto: function(t){ return t.dayOfMonth() % 2 === 0 ? t : t.plusDays(1); } }
LocalDateTime.parse('2012-12-23T12:00').with(nextOrSameEvenDay); // '2012-12-24T12:00'
LocalDate.parse('2012-12-24').with(nextOrSameEvenDay); // '2012-12-24'
A good starting point is temporal/IsoFields as an example how to implement custom fields and units. IsoFields implements fields and units for an ISO week based year.
The following example implements a date-time parser that parses a local date with an optional local time. the temporal query returns either a LocalDate or a LocalDateTime, depending on the parsed fields.
// build a custom date time formatter where the time field is optional
var OPTIONAL_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd['T'HH:mm[:ss]]")
// create a temporal query that create a new Temporal depending on the existing fields
dateOrDateTimeQuery = {
queryFrom: function(temporal){
var date = temporal.query(TemporalQueries.localDate());
var time = temporal.query(TemporalQueries.localTime());
if(time==null) return date;
else return date.atTime(time)
localDate = OPTIONAL_FORMATTER.parse('2012-12-24', dateOrDateTimeQuery);
localDateTime = OPTIONAL_FORMATTER.parse('2012-12-24T23:59', dateOrDateTimeQuery);