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The "unified" multi-model meshing workflow.


ICoM-MESH requires a number of dependencies be installed, including: JIGSAW (the underlying mesh generator), MPAS-Tools (to manipulate MPAS-format mesh data-structures), as well as various Python packages and utilities and data files. Once installed, meshes can be built via:

clone/download + unpack this repository
python --mesh-path="PATH-TO-USER-MESH-DIRECTORY"

Dependencies can either be built directly from src, or installed using the conda package manager (highly recommended!):

conda create -n icom_mesh_plus python=3.7 netCDF4 scipy geojson fiona mpas_tools jigsaw jigsawpy

It's also necessary to install githubrelease via: pip install githubrelease.

Data files can be downloaded from the ICoM-MESH-DATA repository using the utility. Assets are unpacked into the local ../data directory.

Each time you want to use ICoM-MESH first activate the environment using: conda activate icom_mesh_plus

Once activated, the various command-line utilities and Python packages will be available to the ICoM-MESH workflows contained in this repository. For example:

conda activate icom_mesh_plus
python --mesh-path="mesh/vanilla_100"
conda deactivate

These commands will build the "vanilla-100" mesh configuration defined in the ../mesh/vanilla_100 directory.

Mesh Build

ICoM-MESH defines various mesh configurations, with each ../mesh/USER-MESH-DIRECTORY containing the user-defined script used to design a particular grid. Running:

python --mesh-path="PATH-TO-USER-MESH-DIRECTORY"

initiates the mesh build process, roughly consisting of the following steps:

The local ../USER-MESH-DIRECTORY/ script is called to define: the geometry, 
initial conditions, mesh spacing pattern, etc.
JIGSAW is called to build the triangular mesh.
MPAS mesh-tools is used to assemble MPAS-format data / file structures.
Output is exported for the various ESM, FVCOM and ATS model components.

Output is written to ../mesh/USER-MESH-DIRECTORY/out/ with ../mesh/USER-MESH-DIRECTORY/tmp/ used for scratch storage. Various *.vtk output is also generated, allowing meshes to be visualised with, for example, Paraview.

Mesh Setup

Mesh configurations are defined using a local script that should contain the following functions:

compose.setgeom: defines the geometry for the mesh: ellipsoid shape, boundaries, 
                 coastlines, stream networks, etc.
compose.setspac: defines the spacing pattern for the mesh: the variation in 
                 target edge length throughout the domain.
compose.setinit: defines the initial conditions: (optional) an initialising mesh 
                 object on which subsequent refinement / optimisation operations 
                 are based.
compose.setopts: defines any runtime meshing options.

This information is used by JIGSAW / MPAS mesh-tools to build a specific mesh configuration.

To define a new configuration, create a new ../mesh/USER-MESH-DIRECTORY containing a script and ../tmp and ../out subdirectories. Customise the routines in to define your mesh!