Attendees: Mike, Dusty, Nick, & Pam
Treasurer's Report
- Starting Balance: $973.86
- Income: N/A
- Expenses: $18.02
- Amazon: $18.02 (Python Crash Course book for door prizes)
- Ending Balance: $955.84
2020 Sponsorships:
- Beacon Hill has offered to sponsor a month TBD (has not paid)
Annual Meeting / Elections / Virtual Social
- Dusty will reach out to a couple guys to possibly present on
- Mike will reach out to Kylee as a "Plan B"
- Nick will schedule another meeting for next Thursday to finalize meeting plans
- Plan is to have a speaker and presentation from 4:00 - 5:00, followed by a virtual social with elections during that time
- Intent to Run forms have been received from Mike, Dusty, Nick, Pam, & Joe; Kylee has elected not to run again
October Meeting - Wednesday, October 14, 2020
- Topic: TBD
- Speaker: TBD
- Sponsor: N/A
- Location: Online (via Zoom or Google Meet???)
November Meeting - Wednesday, November 11, 2020
- Topic: TBD
- Speaker: Vikas Mathurs
- Sponsor: Beacon Hill???
- Location: Online (via Zoom or Google Meet???)