Attendees: Mike, Dusty, & Caleb
Treasurer's Report
- Starting Balance: $891.86
- Income: N/A
- Expenses: $24.37
- Amazon: $24.37 (Cucumber book for door prizes)
- Ending Balance: $867.49
2020 Sponsorships:
- Email was sent to potential sponsors on 12/19/2019.
- Beacon Hill has committed to sponsor a month (no specific month).
January Meeting - Wednesday, January 8, 2020
- Topic: TBD
- Speaker: TBD
- Sponsor: TBD
- Location: CCOP Training Center
Therese Volk has asked about Azure DevOps. May be a potential meeting topic. Mike will reach out to Brandon Carlson to ask if he may know anyone willing to present on Azure DevOps. Dusty will reach out to Javier Lozano to ask if he may know anyone willing to present on Azure DevOps. Will likely push the January meeting out a week to January 15th.
Future meetings:
- February: Need a topic, speaker, sponsor, & location (CCOP is NOT available)
- March: Vikas Mathur has volunteered to present; he'll provide details to Dusty (no sponsor yet)
- April: TBD
- May: TBD; FYI, the May meeting is the day before DevOpsDays Des Moines begins (can we borrow one of the speakers?)