Attendees: Mike, Dusty, Nick, Jeremy, Chris, & Kori
DAQAA non-profit business status:
- DAQAA is officially ACTIVE.
- The Iowa SOS returned all the completed paperwork with the official certificates.
- All the paperwork is in Dusty's possession (but should be held/maintained by our Secretary).
Treasurer's Report
- Starting Balance: $185.57
- Income: none
- Expenses: ($10.00)
- Iowa Secretary of State: Re-instatement & name change fee ($10.00)
- Ending Balance: $175.57
Taxes were completed on May 15th and mailed to the IRS. Dusty will look into our tax-exempt status with the IRS.
Dusty contacted Eric Proegler, Treasurer at AST regarding the $800 grant. An invoice has been submitted to AST, and Dusty provided our bank routing number and account number to Eric.
We have a PayPal account, but we can't use it to make payments or accept payments.
- DAQAA has to be "Active" with the State of Iowa.
- We need to file for our Tax Exempt status with the IRS.
- PayPal requires proof of our Tax Exempt status before we can verify our account.
2018 Sponsorship details
- Monthly sponsor: $100/month
- P3 is sponsoring the June social
- Palmer Group is sponsoring the July meeting; invoice sent, payment received and deposited
- Source Allies sponsored the February meeting. We sent them an invoice, they sent us 2 separate payments. We still need to create a 2nd invoice for them, mark it PAID, and send it to them listing them as our September or November sponsor.
June Meeting - Summer Social, Wednesday, June 13, 2018
- Speaker: N/A
- Sponsor: P3
- Topic: N/A
- Location: Granite City Food & Brewery
Future meetings
- July Meeting
- Mike will contact Gopi
- Mike will reach out to Michael Faulise at tap|QA
- Dusty reached out to Kevin Rose, IIBA-CIC President to try and arrange a joint meeting; Kevin responded and said Courtney Vos would be in touch with us
- Dusty will provide contact info to Kori for the Des Moines Web Geeks leadership