Attendees: Mike, Dusty, Annette, Chris, Kori, Nick, Jeremy
Elections recap: Officer elections were held at the Annual Meeting. Congratulations to the following board members for 2018:
- President: Mike Biegger
- Vice President/Treasurer: Dusty Juhl
- Secretary: Annette Head
- Communications/Marketing Chair: Nick Kringle
- Education Chair: Jeremy Sims
- Membership Chair: Chris Streit
- Programs Chair: Kori Long
DAQAA non-profit business status: All of our paperwork was returned, along with the payment.
- We need to include a copy of the resolution where we adopted the "DAQAA" name.
- We should include a copy of the minutes from the Board Meeting where we adopted the resolution.
2018 Sponsorship details
- We still need to work out the sponsorship details for 2017.
- Chris will send details on what Beacon Hill gets/gives for some of their sponsorships.
- Sponsorship levels are annual and monthly (for what amount?).
- What's our pitch to potential sponsors?
- What's the benefit to potential sponsors?
- Who are we targeting as potential sponsors?
- Based on sponsorships for 2018, what is our budget for 2018?
- What are our spending priorities for 2018?
November Meeting - Wednesday, November 8, 2017
- Topic: TBD
- Speaker: TBD
- Sponsor: TBD
- Location: CCOP Training Center
Security would be a good topic for November, given the Equifax breach.