- Added support for string key and Array/List value to all user given segmentations.
- Added "SetID(string newDeviceId)" function in "Countly.Instance.Device" for managing device id changes.
- Added "Countly.Instance.UserProfile" with following calls and functionality
- "Increment" for incrementing custom property value by 1
- "IncrementBy" for incrementing custom property value by provided value.
- "SaveMax" for saving maximal value between existing and provided.
- "SaveMin" for saving minimal value between existing and provided.
- "Multiply" for multiplying custom property value by provided value.
- "Pull" for removing value from array.
- "Push" for inserting value to array which can have duplicates.
- "PushUnique" for inserting value to array of unique values.
- "Save" for sending provided values to server.
- "SetOnce" for setting value if it does not exist.
- "SetProperties" for setting either custom user properties or predefined user properties.
- "SetProperty" for setting a single user property. It can be either a custom one or one of the predefined ones.
- Added the following calls in "Countly.Instance.Views":
- "StartView" for starting a view.
- "StartAutoStoppedView" for starting an auto-stopped view.
- "StopViewWithName" for stopping a view by name.
- "StopViewWithID" for stopping a view by ID.
- "PauseViewWithID" for pausing a view by ID.
- "ResumeViewWithID" for resuming a paused view by ID.
- "StopAllViews" for stopping all views.
- "SetGlobalViewSegmentation" for setting global view segmentation data.
- "AddSegmentationToViewWithID" for adding segmentation data to a view by ID.
- "AddSegmentationToViewWithName" for adding segmentation data to a view by name.
- "UpdateGlobalViewSegmentation" for updating global view segmentation data.
- Deprecated the following calls from "Countly.Instance.Views":
- "RecordOpenViewAsync": Use "StartView" instead.
- "RecordCloseViewAsync": Use "StopView" instead.
- "ReportActionAsync": This will be removed in the future.
- Deprecated "Countly.Instance.UserDetails" added "Countly.Instance.UserProfile" as replacement, mentioned above.
- Fixed a bug that allowed to make it possible to close non-started views.
- Fixed issues that allowed to record User Profiles without consent.
- Fixed a bug that caused requests being stuck in the queue for WebGL build targets.
- Added 'UnityWebRequest' as the networking handler for WebGL builds.
- Gathered SDK content under the 'Countly' folder for better structure and to avoid mixing with other files.
- Added functionality to allow passing custom or overridden metrics.
- Deprecated CountlyConfiguration constructor. A replacement constructor with parameters added.
- Deprecated "ServerUrl" string in "CountlyConfiguration" class.
- Deprecated "AppKey" string in "CountlyConfiguration" class.
- Deprecated "DeviceId" string in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "Salt" string in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "RequiresConsent" bool in CountlyConfiguration class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "EnablePost" bool in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "EnableTestMode" bool in "CountlyConfiguration" class.
- Deprecated "EnableConsoleLogging" bool in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "EnableManualSessionHandling" bool in "CountlyConfiguration" class.
- Deprecated "EnableAutomaticCrashReporting" bool in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "SessionDuration" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "MaxKeyLength" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "MaxValueSize" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "MaxSegmentationValues" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "MaxStackTraceLinesPerThread" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "MaxStackTraceLineLength" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "EventQueueThreshold" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "StoredRequestLimit" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "TotalBreadcrumbsAllowed" integer in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Deprecated "NotificationMode" enum in "CountlyConfiguration" class. A setter method is added.
- Added app version metric to every request sent.
- Fixed a bug that caused build issues when not running inside the editor.
Deprecated "CrushReports" and "OptionalParameters" getters, in "Countly" class are removed.
Deprecated "EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment" and "IgnoreSessionCooldown" bools are removed from the "CountlyConfiguration" class.
Deprecated "LogCallback" method in "CrashReportsCountlyService" class is removed.
Deprecated "ChangeDeviceIdAndEndCurrentSessionAsync" and "ChangeDeviceIdAndMergeSessionDataAsync" methods, in "DeviceIdCountlyService" class are removed.
Deprecated "ReportCustomEventAsync" method, in "EventCountlyService" class is removed.
Deprecated "SetCustomUserDetailsAsync" method, in "UserDetailsCountlyService" class is removed.
Deprecated "RecordOpenViewAsync" and "RecordCloseViewAsync"in "ViewCountlyService" class are removed
Deprecated "SetCustomeUserDetail" method in "UserDetails" class is removed.
"SendCrashReportAsync" method in "CrashReportsCountlyService" class is deprecated. A replacement method with different parameter list was added.
- ! Minor breaking change ! The unhandled crash handler will no longer report messages with the LogType "errors". It will report only messages of the type "exceptions".
- Default max segmentation value count changed from 30 to 100
- Adding device ID type information to all requests.
- Added device ID type.
- Added calls to record Timed Events
- Add new 'segmentation' parameter in 'RecordOpenViewAsync' method to record view with segmentation.
- When changing consent, the SDK will now send the full state of the consent and not just the delta.
- Added platform information to push actioned events.
- !! Major breaking change !! Changing device ID without merging will now clear the current consent. Consent has to be given again after performing this action.
- 'UserCustomDetailAsync (CountlyUserDetailsModel userDetailsModel)' is deprecated.
- Fixed issues with how parameter tampering protection was handled.
- Device id can be changed without giving any consent.
- Added new configuration fields to manipulate internal SDK value and key limits.
- Warning! This release will introduce configurable maximum size limits for values and keys throughout the SDK. If they would exceed the limits, they would be truncated.
- Fixed a bug that caused requests to arrive out of their intended order
- Added "lock" checks for all public SDK methods.
- Fixed race issue bug that occured when events are combined into a request.
- Fixed potential timing issues in situations where events are combined into a request.
Added Consent feature
Added data type checking for segmentation
Added functionality to disable automatic session tracking
Reworked automatic session handling and fixed session timer issue.
Reworked init, added a new way to init the SDK from code. That will be the mandatory method going further.
Fixed potential issues with the internal event queue
Fixed potential issues in the request queue and reworked its behavior
Fixed issues with location handling and reworked some aspects of its behavior
Fixed potential issues by calculating Timestamp, dow, hours, and tz from the same time moment
Fixed crashes that could happen on Application quit
"EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment" in SDK configuration has been deprecated and its functionality has been removed. This variable is going to be removed in the future.
"LogCallback" in "CrashReportsCountlyService" is deprecated, this is going to be removed in the future.
Changed the default Device ID generation mechanism for ios devices. Now it will use 'SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier' as it's source instead of 'iOS.Device.advertisingIdentifier'
"ChangeDeviceIdAndEndCurrentSessionAsync" and "ChangeDeviceIdAndMergeSessionDataAsync" in the SDK Device module have been deprecated and this is going to be removed in the future.
"ReportCustomEventAsync" in the SDK Event module has been deprecated and this is going to be removed in the future.
- Fixed ID generation issue for iOS devices. Now SDK using 'SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier' instead 'Device.advertisingIdentifier'
Added Sample App
Added test mode feature
Added logging flag which now will prevent any console logs to be made
Added push notification "clicked" and "received" callbacks
Reworked push notifications. Added support for push buttons and actioned events
Reworked push notification native plugins
Updated Remote Config
Tweaked how location recording should be done
Changed SDK namespaces and sdk structure
Removed Wrapper classes and unnecessary interfaces
Removed Unity Mobile Notifications Plugin
Renamed Crash Reporting interface
Fixed undesired request queue behavior