#Modular Javascript
- Name : Andrew Eisenberg
- Twitter : @werdnagreb
- Github : aeisenberg
- Website : Personal blog --- SpringSource blog
In the dark ages, everything was global. Incomprehensible chaos reigned. Then the laws of modularity were (re-)discovered and applied through the module pattern. Programmers rejoiced. But still Javascript could not be tamed. Soon, individual fiefdoms of module loaders began sprouting. Javascript became beautiful, but at a cost. Programs were now trapped in walled gardens of incompatibility. However, we have been promised a way out of this morass. ECMAScript 6 introduces Harmony modules. Will this be the One Loader To Rule Them All?
This talk will tell the story of modularity in Javascript from its inflexible beginnings, to the ephemeral promise Harmony modules. On the way, we will visit the pitfalls of monolithic programs, and experience the pain and power of module loaders.
##Speaker Bio
Andrew Eisenberg works on the SpringSource tools team, creating IDEs and developer tools that programmers love. He has worked on Scripted, a smart, light-weight editor for Javascript. Andrew has a PhD from the University of British Columbia where he researched software modularity and how it can be better applied to tools and languages.