All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Initial entries generated by: gitchangelog
- Created script to be used for cron job [Tony Pearson]
- Updated and documents [Tony Pearson]
Created BillDetail class used by extract_files [Tony Pearson]
Split fob_storage methods to fob_helper [Tony Pearson]
Split from analyze_text [Tony Pearson]
Renamed PDFtoTEXT to pdf_to_text to comply with Python style [Tony Pearson]
Issue #35: widen TextField areas for cfc_app_law [Tony Pearson]
Issue #31: Created to validate unit test methodology [Tony Pearson]
New LogTime class to issue consistent starting/ending messages [Tony Pearson]
Added check_python to invoke pylint, autopep8, flake8 [Tony Pearson]
Added for debug, testing and troubleshooting hints and tips [Tony Pearson]
Added KeyCounter class to evaluate quality of text files [Tony Pearson]
Issue #45 Updated with pipenv instructions [Tony Pearson]
Issue #39 New field cfc_app_law cite_url to hold source [Tony Pearson]
Issue #33 Increase key size to 25 chars in cfc_app_law database table, and restructured keys to have bill numbers right-justified with zeros, so that sorting is now consistent in both the File/Object Storage and the displays on Django admin panel [Tony Pearson]
Issue #32 support verbosity levels in customized commands [Tony Pearson]
Moved load_defaults function from to [Tony Pearson]
Added Open Source library NLTK to have full sentences on each line of extracted text [Tony Pearson]
Call getBillText if state_link broken [Tony Pearson]
Issue #43 Source files for US cities and counties, and added CC40-LICENSE for use of this data [Tommy Adams]
Issue #42: Save JSON files from Legiscan using indent=2 pretty format [Tony Pearson]
Issue #41: Activated Django Python logging, with support for new OS environment variables CFC_DEBUG, CFC_LOGLEVEL_{prod/dev} [Tony Pearson]
Issue #36: Re-wrote to use bulk-data getDatasetList and getDataSet calls, to reduce API traffic, versus getMasterList and GetBillText which consumed thousands of calls per state [Tony Pearson]
- Add support for United States federal legislation [Tony Pearson]
- Updated and related screenshots in /docs folder [Tony Pearson]
- Renamed scan_json to extract_files, get_api_data to get_datasets [Tony Pearson]
- Python script to extract location from bill [Tommy Adams]
- Created cfc_app_hash to contain hashcodes to check which datasets and legislation have changed since last week [Tony Pearson]
- New docs/ to document Python coding standards [Tony Pearson]
- Created DataBundle class to handle API requests consistently [Tony Pearson]
Fetch PDF/HTML source files directly from state websites, rather than consuming thousands of Legiscan API GetBillText API calls [Tony Pearson]
Created cfc-seed.json Django fixture to pre-populate database [Tony Pearson]
Updated analysis and data cleaning sections. [Shilpi Bhattacharyya]
Updates to documentation
Issue #28: Added fob_sync and fob_stats commands for File/Object Storage [Tony Pearson]
- Added legiscan_id column to cfc_app_location for states [Tony Pearson]
- and moved to /docs directory [Tony Pearson]
- Added documentation of IBM Watson usage [Shilpi Bhattacharyya]
- Contributing Guidelines Signed-off-by: [John Walicki]
- signed off [John Walicki]
Added support for "None" in Impacts to designate legislation that does not match the other impacts specified [Tony Pearson]
Installed xlml, html5lib, BeautifulSoup4 libraries for HTML parsing [Tony Pearson]
Installed PDFminer.six, and created class [Tony Pearson]
Re-wrote as class [Tony Pearson]
Created sources/wordmap.csv to translate NLU concepts to select impact
Changed "CFC App" to new name "Legit-Info" approved by IBM Legal [Tony Pearson]
Added File/Object Storage (FOB) abstraction layer between file system and IBM Cloud Object Storage [Tony Pearson]
Issue #23 renamed fixpoldb to cfcappdb [Tony Pearson]
Issue #23 Github moved and renamed to [John Walicki]
- Created documentation [Uchechukwu Uboh]
- Update .gitignore to prevent uploads of Legiscan JSON files [Uchechukwu Uboh]
- to invoke IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding (NLU) service [Shilpi Bhattacharyya]
Created for cron job to invoke API [Uchechukwu Uboh]
renamed Django "fixpol" application directory to "cfc_app"
Issue #23 Renamed from "Fix Politics" to "CFC APP", for now, until new name approved by IBM legal [Tony Pearson]
Issue #22 BSD License added [Yolanda Rabun]
Issue #21 Use of Legiscan API approved by IBM Legal [Yolanda Rabun]
Updated architecture diagram [Tony Pearson]
Changed to comply with Starter Kit format [Tony Pearson]
Updated [Tony Pearson]
Improved comments in the code, eliminating Flake8 errors [Tony Pearson]
Added favicon graphic [Tony Pearson]
Issue #19 Update to list all OS environment variables used throughout the application [Tony Pearson]
Issue #17 Document how to setup Postgresql v10 on local system [Tony Pearson]
Issue #16 Document proper SQlite3 to Postgresql database migration process [Tony Pearson]
Issue #13 Crash on search if "search_id" has duplicate entry, resulting from the manner the databases were copied over from SQLite3 to Postgresql
- Renamed scripts: run to stage1, and run-pg as stage2 [Tony Pearson]
- Updated [Tommy Adams]
- Updated, deployment strategy [Tony Pearson]
- Refactored fixpol/ [Tony Pearson]
Eliminate crash from duplicate criteria key. [Tony Pearson]
Show hierarchy in search and location pages [Tony Pearson]
Updates to [Tommy Adams]
Issue #15 Create staff-level id. Django supports this already [Tony Pearson]
Issue #14 Added "Admin" tab for staff [Tony Pearson]
Issue #12 Pull-down for locations sorted in hierarchy order
Issue #11 Email now provides generated date on both TEXT and HTML formats [Tony Pearson]
Issue #9 Do not show "world" on end-user location list
Issue #7 Tolerate if EMAIL_HOST environment variable not set [Tony Pearson]
Issue #5 Added support for Postgresql [Tony Pearson]
Issue #4 Pull-down for locations sorted alphabetically
- Updated for directions on usage [Tommy Adams]
- Added tekton pipeline, perfomed Django colectstatic, fixed psycopg2 errors [Jermaine Edwards]
- Added, run and run-pg scripts based on USE_SQLITE3 environment variable [Tony Pearson]
- Environment variable USE_SQLITE3 to select database to use [Tony Pearson]
- Added Kubernetes and Docker support, including new /health route to test IBM Cloud deployment [Jermaine Edwards]
- Added "Download CSV" with /results directory [Tony Pearson]
- Common Table Expression (CTE) query for ancestor-based search of locations [Tony Pearson]
- Issue #3 EMAIL_HOST set from environment variable [Tony Pearson]
- Added email support, tested with [Tony Pearson]
- Added /backups directory for database backups [Tony Pearson]
- Used Bootstrap4 to make panels "Responsive UI" [Tony Pearson]
- Profile search based on defaults from user profile [Tony Pearson]
- Added key to fixpol_law table [Tony Pearson]
- New color scheme for UI panels [Beth Morgan]
- Switched from venv to pipenv virtual Python environment: Pipfile, Pipfile.lock and requirements.txt [Tony Pearson]
- Created criteria model, search and results pages [Tony Pearson]
- Criteria added to user profile [Tony Pearson]
- Updates to documentation [Tommy Adams]
- Created Django app (users) for user profile, with update.html [Tony Pearson]
- Added sign-in/sign-out as alternative to "anonymous search" [Tony Pearson]
- Created base.html as standard template for all HTML files [Tony Pearson]
- Created docs/ directory, and screenshots of current GUI [Tony Pearson]
- Created Django environment (cfc_project, fixpol) [Tony Pearson]
- Created Django models for location and impacts [Tony Pearson]
- Created initial "index.html" [Tony Pearson]
- Created Dockerfile, run and build scripts [Matthew Perrins]