This article is mostly useful for CLARIAH application developers who would like to provide a login mechanism that enable members of the CLARIAH/CLARIN community to access their application or service.
The CLARIAH community, comprised of mainly acedemic institutes and universities, shares a common Identity Provider (IdP), required for user authentication, via the CLARIN organisation. This way CLARIAH can enable login functionality for CLARIAH services
This CLARIN IdP is connected to the CLARIAH authentication system (SATOSA) and enables CLARIAH services, such as LaMachine and the Media Suite a way to implement a login functionality for (all) members/organisations connected via the CLARIN IdP.
The protocol used to communicate with the CLARIAH authentication is OpenID Connect or in short: OIDC.
More specifically: currently all communication with the authentication server must follow the Authorization Code Flow
Before being able to implement the desired OIDC communication flow, it is necessary to register a domain the authentication server can access on the web. It's probably best to setup two domains: one for testing and one for production.
Next to the domain it is also necessary to define a redirect URI (for each domain) that the authentication server can connect with, e.g.
Contact the Humanties Cluster to obtain the necessary client ID
and client secret
for each of these domains.
The code below shows how the flow is implemented in the Media Suite (in Python)
def request_code(self):
params = {
'client_id' : '[OIDC CLIENT ID]',
'redirect_uri' : 'https://[SERVICE_HOST]/oidc/redirect',
'scope' : 'openid profile email',
'response_type' : 'code',
'claims' : json.dumps(
'userinfo' : {
'edupersontargetedid': None,
'schac_home_organisation': None,
'nickname': None,
'email': None,
'eppn': None,
'idp' : None
url = '{}?{}'.format('https://[CLARIAH AUTH HOST]/Saml2/OIDC/authorization', urlencode(params))
return redirect(url)
Note that by providing the claims
this way, you're asking the auth server to give you this information back when receiving/requesting user information.
'access_token': '5949566e577445ac9f3cf3ac689971f1',
'expires_in': 3600,
'id_token': '[A BIG ENCRYPTED STRING]',
'token_type': 'Bearer'
def redirect_uri(self):
if request.args:
if request.args.get('error', None):
errorMsg = request.args.get('error_message', None)
errorDesc = request.args.get('error_description', None)
self.logger.warning('SATOSA (via OIDC) returned error_message: %s' % errorMsg)
self.logger.warning('SATOSA (via OIDC) returned error_description: %s' % errorDesc)
return redirect(url_for(
error='The login server returned an error preventing a successful login'
# grab the code from the request
code = request.args.get('code')'OIDC state %s' % request.args.get('state'))
# now user the code to fetch an access_token
token = self.request_token(code)
access_token = token['access_token'] if token and 'access_token' in token else None
if access_token:
#e.g. put the access token in a session
session['oidcToken'] = access_token
# now request the user information, so we can use that in the UI of the service
userInfo = self.request_user_info(access_token)
# for the media suite only Dutch institutes are allowed, so check the white list
if self.get_allowed_user_idp(userInfo) != None:
# for the CLARIN IdP the MS only allows specific users
if self.check_idp_user_whitelist(userInfo):
# put the user info in the session
session['userInfo'] = userInfo
session['oidcIsAuthenticated'] = True
# redirect the user to the originally requested URL in your service
if 'requestedURL' in session:
return redirect(session['requestedURL'])
self.logger.warning('redirecting to home since no requestedURL was found...')
return redirect(url_for('home'))
return self.login_failed('You are not allowed to login via CLARIN please ask for dispensation via the CLARIAH project')
return self.login_failed('The organisation you are authenticating from is not authorized access to the CLARIAH Media Suite')
return self.login_failed('The server failed to obtain an access token')
return self.login_failed('The server failed to return any authentication data')
def request_token(self, code):'requesting token with code %s' % code)
client_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
post_data = {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'code': code,
'redirect_uri': 'https://[SERVICE_HOST]/oidc/redirect' # this is not called back...
resp =
'https://[CLARIAH AUTH HOST]/OIDC/token',
return self.valid_json_response(resp, 'Request token: no valid response')
"edupersontargetedid": [
"email": "",
"idp": [
"nickname": "John Doe",
"schac_home_organisation": [
"sub": "[ANOTHER HASH]"
def request_user_info(self, access_token):
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)}
params = {'scope' : 'openid profile email'}
resp = requests.get('{}?{}'.format(
'https://[CLARIAH AUTH HOST]/OIDC/userinfo',
), headers=headers)
return self.valid_json_response(resp, 'Request user info: no valid response')