Releases: CKGrafico/Frontend-Boilerplates
Releases · CKGrafico/Frontend-Boilerplates
Basic Gulp Structure 2.0
Use Webpack for scripts
Improve SASS mixins
Improve folder structure
Vue Gulp Structure v1.1.0
App Technologies
On this branch (Vue) we use:
- BEM + BEMIT + etc: A mix of BEM and related-BEM technologies to create conventions for CSS classes.
- TypeScript: This project uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
- Vue: The components framework.
- Linting: Linting for TypeScript and SASS.
- Normalize: Normalize our css, you can extend it easily.
- SASS: Scss structure with good practises.
Tasks Technologies
On this branch (Vue) we use:
- Gulp Autoprefixer: Add browser prefixes for last two versions of the browsers.
- Gulp Clean CSS: To minify CSS.
- Gulp Connect: Preview website on local server.
- Gulp Environment: Call to different tasks depending of the environment.
- Gulp Tslint: Linting for TypeScript.
- Gulp Fontmin: Generate fonts from .ttf.
- Gulp Imagemin: Compress images.
- Gulp Load plugins: Load all the plugins once.
- Gulp Newer: On some tasks we want to do something only with the newer files.
- Gulp Noop: Basic Noop but on stream.
- Gulp Sass: Compile Scss to CSS.
- Gulp Sasslint: Linting for SASS.
- Gulp Sourcemaps: Generate Sourcemaps when is necessary (only used with SCSS).
- Gulp Uglify: Minify and obfuscate JavaScript.
- Opn: Open browser to see the preview.
- Require all: Load all gulp tasks once.
- Browserify: To bundle our code.
- Yarn: Instead of NPM.
TypeScript Gulp Structure 1.1.0
Update tslint
Update yarn
Normalize all versions
Node TypeScript Gulp Structure 1.1.0
App Technologies
On this branch (Basic) we use:
- BEM + BEMIT + etc: A mix of BEM and related-BEM technologies to create conventions for CSS classes.
- TypeScript: This project uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
- Linting: Linting for JavaScript and SASS.
- Normalize: Normalize our css, you can extend it easily.
- SASS: Scss structure with good practises.
Tasks Technologies
On this branch (Basic) we use:
- Gulp Autoprefixer: Add browser prefixes for last two versions of the browsers.
- Gulp Clean CSS: To minify CSS.
- Gulp Environment: Call to different tasks depending of the environment.
- Gulp Fontmin: Generate fonts from .ttf.
- Gulp Imagemin: Compress images.
- Gulp Load plugins: Load all the plugins once.
- Gulp Newer: On some tasks we want to do something only with the newer files.
- Gulp Nodemon: To launch the NodeJS application.
- Gulp Noop: Basic Noop but on stream.
- Gulp Rollup: To transpile out code.
- Gulp Sass: Compile Scss to CSS.
- Gulp Sasslint: Linting for SASS.
- Gulp Sourcemaps: Generate Sourcemaps when is necessary.
- Gulp TSLint: Linting for TypeScript.
- Gulp Uglify: Minify and obfuscate JavaScript.
- Opn: Open browser to see the preview.
- Require all: Load all gulp tasks once.
- Yarn: Instead of NPM.
Basic Gulp Structure 1.1.0
Fix watcher
Update yarn
Normalize all versions
TypeScript Gulp Structure
App Technologies
- BEM + BEMIT + etc: A mix of BEM and related-BEM technologies to create conventions for CSS classes.
- TypeScript: This project uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
- jQuery: Only to show how to import an external library.
- Linting: Linting for TypeScript and SASS.
- Normalize: Normalize our css, you can extend it easily.
- SASS: Scss structure with good practises.
Tasks Technologies
- Gulp Autoprefixer: Add browser prefixes for last two versions of the browsers.
- Gulp Clean CSS: To minify CSS.
- Gulp Connect: Preview website on local server.
- Gulp Environment: Call to different tasks depending of the environment.
- Gulp Tslint: Linting for TypeScript.
- Gulp Fontmin: Generate fonts from .ttf.
- Gulp Imagemin: Compress images.
- Gulp Load plugins: Load all the plugins once.
- Gulp Newer: On some tasks we want to do something only with the newer files.
- Gulp Noop: Basic Noop but on stream.
- Gulp Sass: Compile Scss to CSS.
- Gulp Sasslint: Linting for SASS.
- Gulp Sourcemaps: Generate Sourcemaps when is necessary.
- Gulp Uglify: Minify and obfuscate JavaScript.
- Opn: Open browser to see the preview.
- Require all: Load all gulp tasks once.
- Gulp TypeScript: To compile TypeScript
- Yarn: Instead of NPM.
Basic Gulp Structure
App Technologies
- BEM + BEMIT + etc: A mix of BEM and related-BEM technologies to create conventions for CSS classes.
- EcmaScript2015: All the code uses this version of ES, also gulp files.
- jQuery: Only to show how to import an external library.
- Linting: Linting for JavaScript and SASS.
- Normalize: Normalize our css, you can extend it easily.
- SASS: Scss structure with good practises.
Tasks Technologies
- Gulp Autoprefixer: Add browser prefixes for last two versions of the browsers.
- Gulp Clean CSS: To minify CSS.
- Gulp Connect: Preview website on local server.
- Gulp Environment: Call to different tasks depending of the environment.
- Gulp Eslint: Linting for JavaScript.
- Gulp Fontmin: Generate fonts from .ttf.
- Gulp Imagemin: Compress images.
- Gulp Load plugins: Load all the plugins once.
- Gulp Newer: On some tasks we want to do something only with the newer files.
- Gulp Noop: Basic Noop but on stream.
- Gulp Rollup: To transpile out code.
- Gulp Sass: Compile Scss to CSS.
- Gulp Sasslint: Linting for SASS.
- Gulp Sourcemaps: Generate Sourcemaps when is necessary.
- Gulp Uglify: Minify and obfuscate JavaScript.
- Opn: Open browser to see the preview.
- Require all: Load all gulp tasks once.
- Rollup Babel: To use Babel with Rollup (ES2015 -> ES5).
- Require CommonJS: Uses CommonJS for modules.
- Require Inject: Include external dependencies to our code.
- Require Node Resolve: Uses node resolution for path names.
- Yarn: Instead of NPM.