A minimalist 8-bit microcomputer with stack-based microprocessor
The Atto-8 is a small ecosystem of hardware and software living in symbiosis. The Atto-8 microcomputer is a minimalist computer system based on the Atto-8 microprocessor, which is a stack-based processor implementing the Atto-8 microarchitecture. Repository structure is as follows:
- /spec/ — Specification for Atto-8 microarchitecture, microprocessor and microcomputer
- /lib/ — Assembly standard library for Atto-8 microcomputer
- /libc/ — C standard library for Atto-8 microcomputer
- /cc/ — Rudimentary C99 compiler for Atto-8 microarchitecture
- /enc/ — Hex-to-opcode encoder for Atto-8 microarchitecture
- /dec/ — Opcode-to-hex decoder for Atto-8 microarchitecture
- /asm/ — Optimizing assembler for Atto-8 microarchitecture
- /dasm/ — Elementary disassembler for Atto-8 microarchitecture
- /emu/ — Instruction-level emulator for Atto-8 microcomputer
- /cemu/ — Minimal C99 emulator for Atto-8 microcomputer
- /mic/ — Microcode builder for Atto-8 microprocessor
- /sim/ — Cycle-accurate component-level simulator for Atto-8 microcomputer
- /circ/ — Block-level and chip-level circuit designs for Atto-8 microcomputer
- /bf/ — Brainfuck architecture frontend for Atto-8 microprocessor
- /test/ — Test programs and test framework for Atto-8 microcomputer
- /misc/ — Miscellaneous files
This project is a work in progress. Try it out by running any of the following commands from the /test/ directory:
# musts
python3 test.py bad\ apple.asm asm emu
python3 test.py life.asm asm emu
python3 test.py mandelbrot.asm asm emu
python3 test.py fib.asm asm emu
python3 test.py fib\ bcd.asm asm emu
python3 test.py fib.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py fizzbuzz.asm asm emu
python3 test.py rule\ 110.asm asm emu
python3 test.py rule\ 110\ fast.asm asm emu
python3 test.py collatz.asm asm emu
python3 test.py collatz.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py reverse.asm asm emu
python3 test.py hanoi.asm asm emu
python3 test.py hanoi.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py rot13.asm asm emu
python3 test.py rot13.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py quine.hex enc emu
python3 test.py quine.asm asm emu
python3 test.py quine.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py greeting.asm asm emu
python3 test.py hello\ world.asm asm emu
python3 test.py hello\ world.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py cat.hex enc emu
python3 test.py cat.asm asm emu
python3 test.py cat.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py truth-machine.asm asm emu
python3 test.py truth-machine.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py bf\ interp.asm asm emu
python3 test.py bf\ transp.asm asm emu
python3 test.py bf\ jit.asm asm emu
python3 test.py bf\ vm.asm asm emu
python3 test.py matrix.asm asm emu
# utils
python3 test.py attomon.asm asm emu
python3 test.py calc.asm asm emu
python3 test.py pixedit.asm asm emu
python3 test.py stopwatch.asm asm emu
python3 test.py char\ code.asm asm emu
python3 test.py char\ code.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c libc/ctype.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py stringify.asm asm emu
python3 test.py min-asm.asm asm emu
# games
python3 test.py flappy.asm asm emu
python3 test.py snake.asm asm emu
python3 test.py dino.asm asm emu
python3 test.py 2048.asm asm emu
python3 test.py pong.asm asm emu
python3 test.py color\ maze.asm asm emu
python3 test.py simon.asm asm emu
python3 test.py tetris.asm asm emu
python3 test.py doom.asm asm emu
# other
python3 test.py draw.asm asm emu
python3 test.py random.asm asm emu
python3 test.py counter.asm asm emu
python3 test.py slideshow.asm asm emu
python3 test.py run-length.asm asm emu
python3 test.py circle.asm asm emu
python3 test.py plane.asm asm emu
python3 test.py ctf.asm asm emu
python3 test.py fade.asm asm emu
python3 test.py mock\ shell.asm asm emu
python3 test.py bell\ pattern.asm asm emu
python3 test.py grayscale.asm asm emu
python3 test.py printf.asm asm emu
python3 test.py printf.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
# tests
python3 test.py sorting.asm asm emu
python3 test.py strings.asm asm emu
python3 test.py memmove.asm asm emu
python3 test.py allocation.asm asm emu
python3 test.py multiplication.asm asm emu
python3 test.py addition.hex enc emu
python3 test.py checkerboard.hex enc emu
python3 test.py misc.c libc/string.c libc/stdlib.c libc/stdio.c libc/display.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py ub.c libc/stdio.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu
python3 test.py errors.asm asm emu
python3 test.py errors.c libc/crt0.c cc asm emu