It provide a data caching for many ressources. It can be easly extended with an other storage method.
Nick: aways IRC: - #symfony-fr
- Download with composer
- Enable the Bundle
- Configure
- Use the bundle
- Example
Add SimpleCacheBundle in your project's composer.json
"require": {
"imag/simple-cache-bundle": "dev-master"
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new IMAG\LdapBundle\IMAGSimpleCacheBundle(),
storage_method: hdd
class: \IMAG\SimpleCacheBundle\Storage\HddStorage
default_lifetime: 3600
base_dir: /tmp
cache_folder: cache_q1hU5HHt
file_extension: imag.cache
deep: 3
folder_length: 3
php app/console help simplecache:cache-clear
simplecache:cache-clear [--entire-cache]
By default, clear-cache without any parameter clear expired references only.
<service id="foo_bar.service" class="%foo_bar.service.class%">
<argument type="service" id="imag_simple_cache.cache_manager" />
mixed getReference(mixed $param)
this addReference(mixed $param)
this setReferenceKey(string $key)
string getReferenceKey()
array clearCache()
array clearExpired()
If you don't use setReferenceKey($param) method the storage reference key is calculate with a simple process: md5(serialize($param))
public function __construct(\IMAG\SimpleCacheBundle\Manager\CacheManager $cache)
$this->cache = $cache;
public function getArchiveOfAppsPdf(array $applications)
$key = md5(serialize($applications));
// Because setReference have been called, this reference is searched with the key $key
if ($cached = $this->cache->getReference()) {
return $cached;
$zip = $this->zip->getZip();
// Because setReference have been called, this method use $key to store the $zip reference
return $zip;
public function getExample(array $applications)
$zip = $this->getZip($applications);
// This reference is searched under md5(serialize($zip))
if ($cached = $this->cache->getReference($zip)) {
return $cached;
// This reference is stored under md5(serialize($zip))
return $zip;