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For the parameterization of logistics services, two new interface definitions are necessary in addition to the existing interface definitions for service parameters – StructServParam and ArrayServParam (see Figure 10.1 and Figure 10.2).
Figure 10.1: SUCs of the logistics aspect for extending the service parameters
Figure 10.2: Interface definitions of the logistics aspect to extend the services parameters in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib
Like all other MTP service parameters, these are defined in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib and derived from the ParameterElement specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. The new interface definitions are described in Sections 10.8.1 and 10.8.2.
In addition, an extension of the ServiceParameter model definition with semantic information (in the form of FunctionClassfinationAttributes) is proposed. This extension is described in Section 10.7.1.
StructView and ArrayView are conceivable, similar to the indicator element interfaces for all existing MTP data types (see Figure 10.3 and Figure 10.4).
Figure 10.3: SUCs of the logistics aspect for extending the indicator elements
Figure 10.4: Interface definitions of the logistics aspect to extend the indicator elements in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib
Like all other MTP indicator elements, these are defined in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib and derived from the IndicatorElement specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. The two new interface definitions are described in Sections 10.8.3 and 10.8.4. The interfaces can partly be also used for the corresponding process value outputs and report values.
StructMan, StructManInt, ArrayMan and ArrayManInt are conceivable, similar to the operation element interfaces for all existing MTP data types (see Figure 10.5 and Figure 10.6).
Figure 10.5: SUCs of the logistics aspect for extending the operation elements
Figure 10.6: Interface definitions of the logistics aspect to extend the operation elements in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib
Like all other MTP operation elements, these are defined in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib. StructMan and ArrayMan are derived from the OperationElement specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. StructManInt and ArrayManInt are derived from StructMan and ArrayMan respectively. The new interface definitions are described in Sections 10.8.5 to 10.8.8.
StructProcessValueInputs and ArrayProcessValueInputs are conceivable, similar to the process value input interfaces for all existing MTP data types (see Figure 10.7 and Figure 10.8).
Figure 10.7: SUCs of the logistics aspect for extending the process value inputs
Figure 10.8: Interface definitions of the logistics aspect to extend the process value inputs in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib
Like all other MTP process value inputs, these are defined in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib and derived from the InputElement specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. The two new interface definitions are described in Sections 10.8.11 and 10.8.13.
For the process value outputs of structured data types, the associated IndicatorElement (StructView, see Section 10.2) can be used as for all other MTP data types. For process value outputs of the array data type, a separate ArrayProcessValueOutput must be modelled (see Figure 10.9 and Figure 10.10) since this is different from the associated IndicatorElement (ArrayView, see Section 10.2).
Figure 10.9: SUCs of the logistics aspect for introducing the ArrayProcessValueOutput
Figure 10.10: Interface definitions of the logistics aspect to introducing the ArrayProcessValueOutputs in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib
The ArrayProcessValueOutput is defined in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib and derived from the newly defined OutputElement which in turn is derived from DataAssembly following VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8]. For more semantic clarity and with regard to possible further developments, it should be considered in the context of MTP standardization to explicitly model the process value outputs of all data types and to derive them from the OutputElement as well. The two new interface definition are described in Sections 10.8.14 and 10.8.15.
The logistics interactions between a LEA and a LOL described in Section 3.2.3 are based on the principle of service interaction described in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. However, new SUCs and RCs are required to represent the logistics interactions in the IH of an MTP, which are shown in Figure 10.11.
Figure 10.11: SUCs of the logistics aspect for the implementation of the logistics interaction
The SUC LogisticsInteraction derived from the SUC TextDefinition specified in VDI/VDE/ NAMUR 2658-4 [3] organizes all necessary new model definitions. This primarily comprises a generic LogisticsQuestion derived from the SUC Text from VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4. Three concrete logistics-specific questions are derived from the abstract LogisticsQuestion – ParameterRequest, ParameterUpdatedInfo and TransportNodeRequest. A LEA can provide each of these LogisticsQuestions either not at all or exactly once subordinated to its SUC LogisticsInteraction.
These model definitions are based on the types of MTPLogisticsSUCLib shown in Figure 10.12.
Figure 10.12: Model definitions of the logistics aspect for the implementation of the logistics interaction in the MTPLogisticsSUCLib
In addition to these new model definitions, extensions to existing model and interface definitions are also necessary and must be inserted if logistics interaction is foreseen in the LEA. Such optional extensions are to be implemented in the MTP specification by means of RCs. In the present case, an extension of the ServiceControl interface definition (specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]) is necessary, which is implemented by the RC LogisticsInteractionExtension. In addition, it must be signalled at the model definition Service (specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]) by means of the RC HasLogisticsInteraction that a logistics interaction is assigned to the service. The RC HasLogisticsInteraction is derived from the RC HasTextReference from VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4. A concrete logistics interaction is assigned to the service by means of a text reference to the model definition of the LogisticsInteraction.
These extensions are defined in the MTPLogisticsRCLib shown in Figure 10.13.
Figure 10.13: Model and interface extensions of the logistics aspect for the implementation of the logistics interaction in the MTPLogisticsRCLib
All model and interface definitions required for the logistics interaction are specified in Sections 10.7 and 10.8.
The SUC ServiceParameter (see Table 10.1) defines the base class for MTP service parameters of all data types. This model definition is already specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3] and is extended here by semantic information in form of a FunctionClassificationAttribute.
Table 10.1: Model definition of ServiceParameter
The SUC LogisticsInteraction (see Table 10.2) organizes all necessary model definition for logistics interaction between a LEA and a LOL. This primarily includes the LogisticsQuestions available in the LEA. The LogisticsInteraction is derived from the TextDefinition specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. This model definition is linked to the model definition HasLogisticsInteraction via a TextRef. The LogisticsInteraction follows a similar principle as the service interaction specified in the VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 with adaptations that are described in Section 3.2.3.
Table 10.2: Model definition of LogisticsInteraction
The SUC LogisticsQuestion (see Table 10.3) is an abstract class derived from the SUC Text from VD/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3] representing a logistics-specific question that a LEA can pose to a LOL. There are three specific questions derived from the LogisticsQuestion so far – ParameterRequest, ParameterUpdatedInfo, and TransportNodeRequest. Each of these questions can occur either not at all or exactly once in a LEA.
Table 10.3: Model definition of LogisticsQuestion
The SUC ParameterRequest (see Table 10.4) is derived from LogisticsQuestion and is used to request parameter sets from a LOL. In contrast to the Question specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4, no answers are modelled in the MTP for the ParameterRequest. Instead, a value in the number range of DINT is expected as an answer. Numbers greater than or equal to 0 indicate the index at which the LOL has written the requested parameter set to the parameter data storage of the equipment assembly. Thereby the limits of the array (minimum and maximum index) must not be exceeded or undercut. Value “-1” indicates that there is no response yet. Value “-2” indicates that an error occurred during the request. Other responses so far are not necessary and not valid.
Table 10.4: Model definition of ParameterRequest
The SUC ParameterUpdatedInfo (see Table 10.5) is derived from the LogisticsQuestion and is used to inform a LOL that a parameter set in the LEA has changed. In contrast to the Question specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3], no Answers are modelled in the MTP for the ParameterUpdatedInfo. Instead, the value “1” is expected as confirmation that the LOL has acknowledged the parameter change. Value “-1” indicates that there is no response yet. Value -2 indicates that an error occurred during the request. Other responses so far are not necessary and not valid.
Table 10.5: Model definition of ParameterUpdatedInfo
The SUC TransportNodeRequest (see Table 10.6) is derived from the LogisticsQuestion and is used to request the next transport node to be approached from a LOL. In contrast to the Question specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3], no answers are modelled in the MTP for the TransportNodeRequest. Instead, a value in the number range of DINT is expected as answer. Numbers greater than 0 indicate the ID of the next transport node to be approached. Thereby, only values that correspond to the ID of a transport node in the respective logistics system may be returned as answer. Value “-1” indicates that there is no response yet. Value “-2” indicates that an error occurred during the request. Other responses so far are not necessary and not valid.
Table 10.6: Model definition of TransportNodeRequest
The RC HasLogisticsInteraction (see Table 10.7) is derived from the RC HasTextReference specified in the VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. HasLogisticsInteraction is used to assign a logistics interaction to the model definition Service (specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]). For this purpose, a LogisticsInteraction interface definition is referenced by means of a text reference. If a logistics interaction of the LEA is intended, exactly one HasLogisticsInteraction is to be assigned to the service as RoleRequirement, otherwise none.
Table 10.7: Model definition of HasLogisticsInteraction
The SUC StructServParam (see Table 10.8) is used to pass parameters of a user-defined structured data type from a LOL to a LEA.
Table 10.8: Interface definition of StructServParam
The special characteristic of this interface definition is the use of a user-defined data type. Figure 10.14 shows how such a data type can be modelled. The rules for modelling complex data types from VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8] are used.
Figure 10.14: Modelling a custom data type
The used complex data type must be derived from the AT StructuredDataType defined in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8]. When using this interface, a user-defined ATL (here: CompanyAAttributeLib) must be created. Within this ATL, the structured data type to be used later in the instance of the StructServParam interface definition must be specified. With the assignment of this user-defined AT to the attribute VType of the StructServParam the used structured data type is defined. This data type is then expected behind the variables VExt, VInt, VOp, VReq and VOut. The setting of a parameter of the StructServParam type is done via the access channels Automatic Internal, Automatic External or Operator in the same way as the setting of all other service parameters defined in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3].
The SUC ArrayServParam (see Table 10.9) is used for the LOL to manage an array located in a LEA.
Table 10.9: Interface definition of ArrayServParam
The challenge with this interface definition is the management of an array of variables with undefined length. This is often not possible in common automation solutions or only under certain conditions. Therefore, a multiplexer mechanism is used, which can access an array of arbitrary length via a structurally static interface.
With the variables IndexExt, IndexInt and IndexOp a pointer-like reference to an array element is defined considering the operation mode. Depending on the active access channel, the variable IndexCur is set to one of these three values. The variables of all three access channels are checked to see if they lie in the range between IndexMin and IndexMax. If an index is set that lies outside this range, the last valid index remains, and the Worst Quality Code (WQC) is set to "Out of Specification".
Depending on the value of the IndexCur variable, the array element with the corresponding index is selected for editing. The selected array element is processed according to the parameter transfer mechanism specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. VOut always displays the set value of the array element located at the position of the array defined by IndexCur. It should be noted that this value does not necessarily have to match the value currently used in the LEA.
All primitive data types provided in the MTP concept as well as all complex data types according to the conventions from VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8] can be used as data type for the individual array elements. The selection of the data type used is made via the VType variable. In the case of a structured data type, the conventions described in Section 10.8.1 for creating a user-defined data type must be followed.
The SUC StructView (see Table 10.10) is used for a LOL to display a LEA variable of a user-defined structured data type.
Table 10.10: Interface definition of StructView
The special feature of this interface is the use of a user-defined data type. The modelling and use of such a type has already been described in Section 10.8.1 in the context of the StructServParam and shall be done in the same way for the StructView interface.
The SUC ArrayView (see Table 10.11) is used for the LOL to view the value at a specific position of an array located in a LEA.
Table 10.11: Interface definition of ArrayView
Similar to the description in Section 10.8.2 for the ArrayServParam, the challenge for this interface is to access an array within a LEA, which can have an arbitrary length. As described in Section 10.8.2, access to this array should also be done in an index-based manner in case of the ArrayView interface.
The array position to be displayed is selected via the Index variable. The IndexMin and IndexMax variables indicate the upper and lower limits of the array. The IndexCur variable indicates the currently selected index, the value of the array at this point is displayed in V. VType defines the data type that all array elements have. This can be a primitive data type, or a user-defined data type as introduced in Section 10.8.1.
The SUC StructMan (see Table 10.12) is used for the LOL to manipulate a LEA variable of a user-defined structured data type.
Table 10.12: Interface definition of StructMan
VMan is used to enter the desired value of the variable. Following the concept specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-3 [5], VRbk is used to verify the communication between a LOL and the StructMan interface within a LEA and displays the raw value communicated to the LEA. VOut displays the value given to a further LEA internal block possibly with limitations applied. VFbk variable is used to display the current value of the structure affected by the StructMan interface. The special feature of this interface is the use of a user-defined data type. The modelling and use of such a type has already been described in Section 10.8.1 in the context of the StructServParam and shall be done in the same way for the StructMan interface.
The SUC StructManInt (see Table 10.13) is used for manipulating a LEA variable of a user-defined structured data type from inside the LEA or by the LOL.
Table 10.13: Interface definition of StructManInt1
The StructManInt interface extends the StructMan interface, described in Section 10.8.5, by the internal value specification and a source mode in accordance with VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-3 [5]. If the internal access channel is selected, a LEA internal value is used instead of the external value setting. Apart from that, the function of this interface is the same as that of the StructMan interface.
The SUC ArrayMan (see Table 10.14) is used for the LOL to manipulate a value at a specific position of an array located in a LEA.
Table 10.14: Interface definition of ArrayMan
Similar to the description in Section 10.8.2 for the ArrayServParam, the challenge for this interface is to access an array within a LEA, which can have an arbitrary length. As described in Section 10.8.2, access to this array should also be done in an index-based manner in the case of the ArrayMan interface.
The array position to be manipulated is selected via the Index variable. The IndexMin and IndexMax variables indicate the upper and lower limits of the array. The IndexCur variable indicates the currently selected index of variable to be manipulated. The VMan variable is used to enter the desired value of this variable. Following the concept specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-3 [5], VRbk is used to verify the communication between a LOL and the ArrayMan interface within a LEA and displays the raw value of the variable communicated to the LEA. When a new Index is selected, the VMan and VRbk variables are set to the value at the selected position in the array. VOut displays the value given to a further LEA internal block possibly with limitations applied. VFbk variable is used to display the current value of the structure affected by the ArrayMan interface. VType defines the data type that all array elements have. This can be a primitive data type, or a user-defined data type as introduced in Section 10.8.1.
The SUC ArrayManInt (see Table 10.15) is used for the LOL or for a LEA internal logic to manipulate a value at a specific position of an array located in a LEA.
Table 10.15: Interface definition of ArrayManInt2
The ArrayManInt interface extends the ArrayMan interface, described in Section 10.8.7, by the internal value specification and a source mode in accordance with VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-3 [5]. If the internal access channel is selected, a LEA internal value is used instead of the external value setting. Apart from that, the function of this interface is the same as that of the ArrayMan interface.
According to VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3], the same interface definitions are used for report values as for the corresponding IndicatorElements. However, the value of a report value can be frozen triggered by a variable on the ServiceControl interface. Optionally, a MissedValueFlag can be added to the interface definition of a report value. This principle is also adopted for the StructReportvalue interface definition. This is based on the StructView interface definition described in Section 10.8.3.
According to VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3], the same interface definitions are used for report values as for the corresponding IndicatorElements. However, the value of a report value can be frozen triggered by a variable on the ServiceControl interface. Optionally, a MissedValueFlag can be added to the interface definition of a report value. This principle is also adopted for the ArrayReportValue interface definition. This is based on the ArrayView interface definition described in Section 10.8.4.
If several or all values of an array shall be read out for documentation purposes, several, or all indices between IndexMin and IndexMax have to be set at the ArrayReportValue interface one after the other by the LOL. Afterwards they can be stored one after the other.
The SUC StructProcessValueIn (see Table 10.16) is used for a LEA to access the value of structured data type of another LEA.
Table 10.16: Interface definition of StructProcessValueIn
In the V variable the desired value is transferred. The special feature of this interface is the use of a user-defined data type. The modelling and use of such a type has already been described in Section 10.8.1 in the context of the StructServParam and shall be done in the same way for the StructProcessValueIn interface.
According to VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3], the interface definitions of the IndicatorElement or its derivatives are used for process value outputs. Accordingly, for StructProcessValueOuts the StructView interface definition specified in Section 10.8.3 is used.
The SUC ArrayProcessValueIn (see Table 10.17) is used for a LEA to access a value at a specific position of an array located in another LEA.
Table 10.17: Interface definition of ArrayProcessValueIn
Similar to the description in Section 10.8.2 for the ArrayServParam, the challenge for this interface is to access an array within a LEA, which can have an arbitrary length. As described in Section 10.8.2, access to this array should also be done in an index-based manner in case of the ArrayProcessValueIn interface.
The array position to be displayed is selected via the Index variable. The IndexMin and IndexMax variables indicate the upper and lower limits of the array. The IndexCur variable indicates the currently selected index, the value of the array at this point is displayed in V. VType defines the data type that all array elements have. This can be a primitive data type, or a user-defined data type as introduced in Section 10.8.1.
Note 1: So far, no use case exists for this interface definition, it is only listed here for the sake of completeness. If a use case for such an interface is identified, it should be implemented as shown in Table 10.17.
Note 2: This interface definition differs from all other interfaces derived from InputElement interface definitions, as it includes information flows from the LEA to the LOL. This is not intended so far.
The SUC OutputElement (see Table 10.18) is an abstract interface from which specific process value outputs of different data type can be derived. The interface definition itself fulfils only an organizational purpose and does not involve any own variables.
Table 10.18: Interface definition of OutputElement
Note: Although the IndicatorElements of all other MTP data types and of the structured data type have the same interface definitions as the corresponding process value outputs, it may be useful to model separate process value output interfaces in the interest of unambiguous semantics. These should then also be derived from this newly specified OutputElement.
The SUC ArrayProcessValueOut (see Table 10.19) is used for a LEA to make the values of a LEA-internal array available to other LEAs.
Table 10.19: Interface definition of ArrayProcessValueOut
The ArrayProcessValueOut interface definition works nearly the same as the ArrayView interface definition (see Section 10.8.4). The only difference is that the ArrayProcessValueOut interface definition does not contain an OSLevel variable as it is always controlled by another LEA. When considering the use of the ArrayProcessValueOut interface the notes on the ArrayProcessValueIn (see Section 10.8.13) also shall be taken into account.
The RC LogisticsInteractionExtension (see Table 10.20) extends the ServiceControl interface definition (from VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]) with the variables that are necessary for logistics interactions. If a logistics interaction is provided in the LEA, exactly one LogisticsInteractionExtension must be assigned to the ServiceControl as SupportedRoleClass, otherwise none.
Table 10.20: Interface definition of LogisticsInteractionExtension
A logistics interaction follows a similar principle to the service interaction described in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]. However, values in the value range of DINT (instead of DWORD) are provided for the IDs of the questions (LogisticsQuestionID) and answers (LogisticsAnswerID), whereby the value 0 and also negative values can be valid IDs. The value -1 signals that currently no question or no answer is pending. By means of the LogisticsQuestionParam (in the same way as by means of the InteractAddInfo from the VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4 [3]) an additional information can be added to a request. The variable LogisticsAnswerTimeout allows the input of a time period, which the LEA should wait for the answer of a LOL. After this time has elapsed, the LEA can execute an alternative program sequence without the response of the LOL, if necessary. Setting the timeout to the value 0 is interpreted as deactivating the timeout function.
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The VMan variable is inherited from the StructMan interface. However, its meaning changes slightly in this case since it is only used when the SourceMode is set to manual. ↩
The VMan variable is inherited from the ArrayMan interface. However, its meaning changes slightly in this case since it is only used when the SourceMode is set to manual. ↩