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Installing and using RandLAPACK

Sections 1 through 3 of this file describe how to perform a basic installation of RandLAPACK and its dependencies.

Section 4 explains how RandLAPACK can be used in other CMake projects.

Section 5 gives detailed recommendations on configuring BLAS++ and LAPACK++ for use with RandLAPACK. Its installation instructions for BLAS++ and LAPACK++ can be used in place of the corresponding instructions in Section 1.

We recommend that you not bother with Section 5 the first time you build RandLAPACK.

0. Software requirements

RandLAPACK_GPU temporary requirements:

  • GNU 13.1.0
  • CMAKE 3.27

If one required CUDA support, NVIDIA 12.4.1 is needed (make sure to use driver v 550) (Older versions will result in issues with the project). All that is used to ensure we can compile with C++20 features with no issues. Note that in the CMake configuration lines, some systems will have directories labeled "lib" by default while on other systems those same directories end up being called "lib64."

We recomment installing software (including googletest, if desired) using Spack:

1. Optional dependencies

GoogleTest is Google’s C++ testing and mocking framework. GTest is an optional dependency without which RandLAPACK regression tests will not be available. GTest can be installed with your favorite package manager.

OpemMP is an open standard that enables code to be parallelized as it is compiled. RandLAPACK (and its dependencies) detects the presence of OpenMP automatically and makes use of it if it's found.

CUDA support can be enabled using -DRequireCUDA=ON flag. It is disabled by default.

2. Required Dependencies: BLAS++, LAPACK++, and Random123.

BLAS++ and LAPACK++ are C++ wrappers for BLAS and LAPACK libraries. They provide a portability layer and numeric type templating. While these libraries can be built by GNU make, they also have a CMake build system, and RandLAPACK requires that they be installed via CMake.

RandLAPACK's git repository includes a C++ project called RandBLAS as a git submodule. RandBLAS has BLAS++ and Random123 as dependencies.

We give recipes for installing BLAS++, LAPACK++, and Random123 below. Later on, we'll assume these recipes were executed from a directory that contains (or will contain) the RandLAPACK project directory as a subdirectory.

One can compile and install BLAS++ from source using CMake by running

git clone
mkdir blaspp-build
cd blaspp-build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/../blaspp-install \
    -DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR=`pwd` \
    -Dbuild_tests=OFF \
    -Dblas_int=int64 \
make -j2 install

One can compile and install LAPACK++ from source using CMake by running

git clone
mkdir lapackpp-build
cd lapackpp-build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -Dblaspp_DIR=`pwd`/../blaspp-install/lib/cmake/blaspp \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/../lapackpp-install \
    -DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR=`pwd` \
    -Dbuild_tests=OFF \
make -j2 install

One can install Random123 from source by running

git clone
cd random123/
make prefix=`pwd`/../random123-install install-include

3. Building and installing RandLAPACK

RandLAPACK is configured with CMake and built with GNU make. The configuration and build processes are simple once its dependencies are in place.

Assuming you used the recipes from Section 2 to get RandLAPACK's dependencies, you can build download, build, and install RandLAPACK as follows (add -DRequireCUDA=ON if you need CUDA support):

git clone --recursive
mkdir RandLAPACK-build
cd RandLAPACK-build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -Dlapackpp_DIR=`pwd`/../lapackpp-install/lib/cmake/lapackpp/ \
    -Dblaspp_DIR=`pwd`/../blaspp-install/lib/cmake/blaspp/ \
    -DRandom123_DIR=`pwd`/../random123-install/include/ \
    -DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR=`pwd` \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/../RandLAPACK-install \
make -j install

You can run all tests with


Some of RandLAPACK's "tests" are really benchmarks, and can run for a long time. Exclude those tests by running the following command instead of plain "ctest":

ctest -E Bench

Here are the conceptual meanings in the recipe's build flags:

  • -Dlapackpp_DIR=X means X is the directory containing lapackppConfig.cmake. If you follow BLAS++ installation instructions from Section 5 instead of Section 1, then you'd set -Dlapackpp_DIR=/opt/mklpp/lib/lapackpp.

  • -Dblaspp_DIR=X means X is the directory containing the file blasppConfig.cmake.

  • -DRandom123_DIR=X means X is the directory that contains a folder called Random123 that includes the Random123 header files. For example, X/Random123/philox.h needs to be a file on your system.

  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=X means subdirectories within X will contain the RandLAPACK binaries, header files, and CMake configuration files needed for using RandLAPACK in other projects. You should make note of the directory that ends up containing the file RandLAPACKConfig.cmake.

4. Using RandLAPACK in other projects

Once RandLAPACK has been compiled and installed it can be used like any other CMake project. For instance, the following CMakeLists.txt demonstrates how an executable can be linked to the RandLAPACK library:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

find_package(blaspp REQUIRED)
find_package(lapackpp REQUIRED)
find_package(RandBLAS REQUIRED)
find_package(RandLAPACK REQUIRED)

add_executable(myexec ...)
target_link_libraries(myexec RandLAPACK RandBLAS lapackpp blaspp ...)

In order to build that CMake project you'd need to specify a build flags

  • -Dblaspp_DIR=W, where W contains the file blasppConfig.cmake.
  • -Dlapackpp_DIR=X, where X contains the file lapackppConfig.cmake.
  • -DRandBLAS_DIR=Y, where Y contains the file RandBLASConfig.cmake.
  • -DRandLAPACK_DIR=Z, where Z contains the file RandLAPACKConfig.cmake.

5. Tips

Pay attention to the BLAS++ configuration

The performance of RandLAPACK depends heavily on how its dependencies are configured. Its most sensitive dependency is BLAS++. If performance matters to you then you should inspect the information that's printed to screen when you run cmake for the BLAS++ installation. Save that information somewhere while you're setting up your RandLAPACK development environment.

Recommended BLAS++ and LAPACK++ configuration

We recommend you install BLAS++ and LAPACK++ so they link to Intel MKL version 2022 or higher. That version of MKL will come with CMake configuration files. Those configuration files are extremely useful if you want to make a project that connects RandLAPACK and Intel MKL. Such a situation might arise if you want to use RandLAPACK together with MKL's sparse linear algebra functionality.

One of the RandLAPACK developers (Riley) has run into trouble getting BLAS++ to link to MKL as intended. Here's how Riley configured his BLAS++ and LAPACK++ installations:

  1. Install and configure MKL. You can get MKL here. Once you've installed it you need to edit your .bashrc file. Riley's bashrc file was updated to contain the line

    export MAIN_MKL_LIBS="/home/riley/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/lib/intel64"
  2. Download BLAS++ source, create a new folder called build at the top level of the BLAS++ project directory, and cd into that folder.

  3. Run export CXX=gcc so that gcc is the default compiler for the current bash session.

  4. Decide a common prefix for where you'll put BLAS++ and LAPACK++ installation files. We recommend /opt/mklpp.

  5. Run the following CMake command

    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mklpp \
        -Dblas=mkl \
        -Dblas_int=int64 \
        -Dbuild_tests=OFF ..

    Save the output of that command somewhere. It contains information on the precise BLAS libraries linked to BLAS++.

  6. Run cmake --build .

  7. Run sudo make install

  8. Download LAPACK++ source, create a new folder called build at the top level of the LAPACK++ project directory, and cd into that folder.

  9. Run the following CMake command

     cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        -Dblaspp_DIR=/opt/mklpp/lib/blaspp \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mklpp \
        -DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR=`pwd` \
        -Dbuild_tests=OFF ..
     make -j2 install

You can then link to BLAS++ and LAPACK++ in other CMake projects just by including find_package(blaspp REQUIRED) and find_package(lapackpp REQUIRED) in your CMakeLists.txt file, and then passing build flags

-Dblaspp_DIR=/opt/mklpp/lib/blaspp -Dlapackpp_DIR=/opt/mklpp/lib/lapackpp

when running cmake.

Installation trouble

RandLAPACK has a GitHub Actions workflow to install it from scratch and run its suite of unit tests. If you're having trouble installing RandLAPACK, you can always refer to that workflow file. The workflow includes statements which print the working directory and list the contents of that directory at various points in the installation. We do that so that it's easier to infer a valid choice of directory structure for building RandLAPACK.