Several issues may dog Chromecast usage.
This is intended as an informational reference.
The Presentation API which contains Chromecast isn't available over HTTP anymore (source)
- As such if you go to an Airsonic website via an http connection, you may not see the Chromecast button appear.
Chromecast does not accept self-signed certificates (for https) for media playback
- Thus, if your Airsonic installation is HTTPS (and you're accessing the page via HTTPS to be able to cast as above), but are using self-signed certificates to get the HTTPS, Chromecast may not play your media.
- Note that Chromecast can play HTTP media just fine
Both the above issues lead to a unique problem:
- If you play over http, you don't get the Cast button, even if Chromecast can play your media
- If you play over https with self-signed certs, you can get the Cast button, but Chromecast can no longer play your media
- Thus, ideally you should be using https with certs from a trusted authority.