This code deploys the AVD Session Host Replacer with all the available parameters. Remember to assign the needed permissions.
$ResourceGroupName = '<Target Resource Group Name>' # Same as the Host Pool RG
$TemplateParameters = @{
EnableMonitoring = $true
UseExistingLAW = $false
# LogAnalyticsWorkspaceId = '' # Only required if UseExistingLAW is $true. Use ResourceID
## Required Parameters ##
HostPoolName = '<Target Host Pool Name>'
HostPoolResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
SessionHostNamePrefix = 'avdshr' # Will be appended by '-XX'
TargetSessionHostCount = 10 # How many session hosts to maintain in the Host Pool
TargetSessionHostBuffer = 5 # The maximum number of session hosts to add during a replacement process
IncludePreExistingSessionHosts = $false # Include existing session hosts in automation
# Identity
# Using a User Managed Identity is recommended. You can assign the same identity to different instances of session host replacer instances. The identity should have the proper permissions in Azure and Entra.
# The identity can be in a different Azure Subscription. If not used, a system assigned identity will be created and assigned permissions against the current subscription.
UseUserAssignedManagedIdentity = $true
UserAssignedManagedIdentityResourceId = '<Resource Id of the User Assigned Managed Identity>'
## Session Host Template Parameters ##
SessionHostsRegion = 'NorthEurope' # Does not have to be the same as Host Pool
AvailabilityZones = @("1", "3") # Set to empty array if not using AZs
SessionHostSize = 'Standard_D4ds_v5' # Make sure its available in the region / AZs
AcceleratedNetworking = $true # Make sure the size supports it
SessionHostDiskType = 'Premium_LRS' # STandard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS, or Premium_LRS
MarketPlaceOrCustomImage = 'Marketplace' # MarketPlace or Gallery
MarketPlaceImage = 'win11-23h2-avd-m365'
# If the Compute Gallery is in a different subscription assign the function app "Desktop Virtualization Virtual Machine Contributor" after deployment
# GalleryImageId = '' # Only required for 'CustomImage'. Use ResourceId of an Image Definition.
SecurityType = 'TrustedLaunch' # Standard, TrustedLaunch, or ConfidentialVM
SecureBootEnabled = $true
TpmEnabled = $true
SubnetId = '<Resource Id, make sure it ends with /subnets/<subnetName>>'
IdentityServiceProvider = 'EntraID' # EntraID / ActiveDirectory / EntraDS
IntuneEnrollment = $false # This is only used when IdentityServiceProvider is EntraID
# Only used when IdentityServiceProvider is ActiveDirectory or EntraDS
#ADDomainName = ''
#ADDomainJoinUserName = 'DomainJoin'
#ADJoinUserPassword = 'P@ssw0rd' # We will store this password in a key vault
#ADOUPath = '' # OU DN where the session hosts will be joined
LocalAdminUserName = 'AVDAdmin' # The password is randomly generated. Please use LAPS or reset from Azure Portal.
## Optional Parameters ##
TagIncludeInAutomation = 'IncludeInAutoReplace'
TagDeployTimestamp = 'AutoReplaceDeployTimestamp'
TagPendingDrainTimestamp = 'AutoReplacePendingDrainTimestamp'
TagScalingPlanExclusionTag = 'ScalingPlanExclusion' # This is used to disable scaling plan on session hosts pending delete.
TargetVMAgeDays = 45 # Set this to 0 to never consider hosts to be old. Not recommended as you may use it to force replace.
DrainGracePeriodHours = 24
FixSessionHostTags = $true
SHRDeploymentPrefix = 'AVDSessionHostReplacer'
SessionHostInstanceNumberPadding = 2 # this controls the name, 2=> -01 or 3=> -001
ReplaceSessionHostOnNewImageVersion = $true #Set this to false when you only want to replace when the hosts are old (see TargetVMAgeDays)
ReplaceSessionHostOnNewImageVersionDelayDays = 0
VMNamesTemplateParameterName = 'VMNames' # Do not change this unless using a custom Template to deploy
SessionHostResourceGroupName = '' # Leave empty if same as HostPoolResourceGroupName
$paramNewAzResourceGroupDeployment = @{
Name = 'AVDSessionHostReplacer'
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
TemplateUri = ''
# If you cloned the repo and want to deploy using the bicep file use this instead of the above line
#TemplateFile = '.\deploy\bicep\DeployAVDSessionHostReplacer.bicep'
TemplateParameterObject = $TemplateParameters
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @paramNewAzResourceGroupDeployment