diff --git a/scripts/ARM/prerequisites.nocomments.json b/scripts/ARM/prerequisites.nocomments.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ef08538 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ARM/prerequisites.nocomments.json @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", + "contentVersion": "", + "parameters": { + "storageAccountType": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "Standard_LRS", + "allowedValues": [ "Standard_LRS", "Standard_ZRS", "Standard_GRS", "Standard_RAGRS", "Premium_LRS" ] + } + }, + "variables": { + "baseName": "mydriving", + "storageAccountName": "[substring(toLower(concat(variables('baseName'), 'logs', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), '0000000000')), 0, 24)]", + "assetsContainerName": "mydrivinghdi", + "mlStorageAccountName": "[substring(toLower(concat('ml', variables('baseName'), 'logs', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), '0000000000')), 0, 24)]" + }, + "resources": [ + { + "apiVersion": "2015-06-15", + "name": "[variables('storageAccountName')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", + "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", + "properties": { "accountType": "[parameters('storageAccountType')]" } + }, + { + "apiVersion": "2015-06-15", + "name": "[variables('mlStorageAccountName')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", + "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", + "properties": { "accountType": "[parameters('storageAccountType')]" } + } + ], + "outputs": { + "storageAccountName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('storageAccountName')]" + }, + "storageAccountKey": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('storageAccountName')), '2015-06-15').key1]" + }, + "mlStorageAccountName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('mlStorageAccountName')]" + }, + "mlStorageAccountKey": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('mlStorageAccountName')), '2015-06-15').key1]" + }, + "assetsContainerName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('assetsContainerName')]" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/ARM/scenario_complete.nocomments.json b/scripts/ARM/scenario_complete.nocomments.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e31be37a --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ARM/scenario_complete.nocomments.json @@ -0,0 +1,2201 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", + "contentVersion": "", + "parameters": { + "iotHubSku": { + "type": "object", + "defaultValue": { + "name": "F1", + "tier": "Free", + "capacity": 1 + } + }, + "storageAccountType": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "Standard_LRS", + "allowedValues": [ "Standard_LRS", "Standard_ZRS", "Standard_GRS", "Standard_RAGRS", "Premium_LRS" ] + }, + "sqlServiceObjectiveName": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "Basic", + "allowedValues": [ "Basic", "S0", "S1", "S2", "S3", "P1", "P2", "P4", "P6", "P11", "ElasticPool" ] + }, + "sqlDBEdition": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "Basic", + "allowedValues": [ "Basic", "Standard", "Premium" ] + }, + "sqlServerAdminPassword": { + "type": "securestring" + }, + "sqlAnalyticsServerAdminPassword": { + "type": "securestring" + }, + "hostingPlanSku": { + "type": "object", + "defaultValue": { + "tier": "Free", + "name": "F1", + "capacity": 0 + } + }, + "mobileAppRepositoryUrl": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "https://github.com/Azure-Samples/MyDriving.git" + }, + "dataFactoryStartDate": { + "type": "string" + }, + "dataFactoryEndDate": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "variables": { + "baseName": "mydriving", + "blobStorageAnalytics": "[substring(toLower(concat(variables('baseName'), 'str', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), '0000000000')), 0, 24)]", + "blobStorageHdiMetastore": "[substring(toLower(concat(variables('baseName'), 'logs', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), '0000000000')), 0, 24)]", + "assetsContainerName": "mydrivinghdi", + "rawDataContainerName": "rawdata", + "tripdataContainerName": "tripdata", + "referenceContainerName": "reference", + "iotHubName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id))]", + "iotHubKeyName": "iothubowner", + "eventHubNamespace": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-', 'ns', '-', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id))]", + "eventHubName": "[variables('baseName')]", + "eventHubKeyName": "RootManageSharedAccessKey", + "sqlServerName": "[toLower(concat(variables('baseName'), 'dbserver', '-', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id)))]", + "sqlServerAdminLogin": "YourUserName", + "sqlDBName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), 'DB')]", + "sqlDBEdition": "[parameters('sqlDBEdition')]", + "sqlServiceObjectiveName": "[parameters('sqlServiceObjectiveName')]", + "sqlAnalyticsServerName": "[toLower(concat(variables('baseName'), '-', 'dbserver', '-', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id)))]", + "sqlAnalyticsServerAdminLogin": "YourUserName", + "sqlAnalyticsDBName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), 'AnalyticsDB')]", + "sqlAnalyticsDBEdition": "[parameters('sqlDBEdition')]", + "sqlAnalyticsServiceObjectiveName": "[parameters('sqlServiceObjectiveName')]", + "sqlServerVersion": "12.0", + "sqlFirewallIpStart": "", + "sqlFirewallIpEnd": "", + "sqlCollation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", + "archiveJobName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-archive')]", + "archiveJobQuery": "SELECT\r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tUserId,\r\n\tName,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.TripPointId as TripPointId,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.Lat as Lat,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.Lon as Lon,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.Speed as Speed,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp as RecordedTimeStamp,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.Sequence as Sequence,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.EngineRPM as EngineRPM,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.ShortTermFuelBank1 as ShortTermFuelBank,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.LongTermFuelBank1 as LongTermFuelBank,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.ThrottlePosition as ThrottlePosition,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.RelativeThrottlePosition as RelativeThrottlePosition,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.Runtime as Runtime,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.DistancewithMIL as DistancewithMIL,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.EngineLoad as EngineLoad,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.MAFFlowRate as MAFFlowRate,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.OutsideTemperature as OutsideTemperature,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.EngineFuelRate as EngineFuelRate,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.VIN as vin\r\nINTO\r\n\tBlobSink\r\nFROM\r\n\tCarDeviceData\r\nWHERE\r\n\tTripId is not null\r\n\tand UserId is not null\r\n\tand TripId != ''\r\n\tand UserId != ''\r\n", + "archiveJobConsumerGroupName": "asa-blobarchive", + "hourlypbiJobName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-hourlypbi')]", + "hourlypbiJobQuery": "WITH TripPointRaw as \r\n(\r\nSELECT\r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tUserId,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.Lat as RawLat,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.Lon as RawLong,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.Speed as FLOAT) as spd,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.EngineRPM as FLOAT) as enginerpm,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.EngineLoad as FLOAT) as engineLoad,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.ShortTermFuelBank1 as FLOAT) as shortTermFuelBank,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.LongTermFuelBank1 as FLOAT) as longTermFuelBank,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.MAFFlowRate as FLOAT) as flowRate,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.ThrottlePosition as FLOAT) as throttlePos,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.Runtime as FLOAT) as runtime,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.DistanceWithMIL as FLOAT) as distanceWithMIL,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.RelativeThrottlePosition as FLOAT) as relativeThrottlePos,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.OutsideTemperature as FLOAT) as outsideTemperature,\r\n\tCAST(TripDataPoint.EngineFuelRate as FLOAT) as engineFuelRate,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp as actualTS,\r\n\tDATEADD(millisecond,- DATEPART(millisecond,TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp),DATEADD(second, 5 - CAST(CEILING(DATEPART(second, TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp)%5) as BIGINT),TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp)) as ts,\r\n\tDATEDIFF(millisecond, TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp, DATEADD(millisecond,-DATEPART(millisecond,TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp),DATEADD(second, 5 - CAST(CEILING(DATEPART(second, TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp)%5) as BIGINT),TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp))) as tsDiff,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.VIN as vin,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.RelativeThrottlePosition as throttle\r\nFROM\r\n\tCarDeviceData TIMESTAMP by TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp\r\nWHERE\r\n\tTripId is not null\r\n\tand TripId != ''\r\n\tand UserId is not null\r\n\tand UserId != ''\r\n),\r\nTripPointAgg as \r\n(\r\nSELECT \r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tUserId,\r\n\tvin,\r\n\tts,\r\n\tAVG(RawLat) as lat,\r\n\tAVG(RawLong) as lon,\r\n\tMIN(tsDiff) as lastRecTime,\r\n\tMAX(tsDiff) as firstRecTime,\r\n\tMIN(spd) as minSpeed,\r\n\tMAX(spd) as maxSpeed,\r\n\tAVG(spd) as avgSpeed,\r\n\tAVG(engineLoad) as avgEngineLoad,\r\n\tAVG(shortTermFuelBank) as avgShortTermFuelBank,\r\n\tAVG(longTermFuelBank) as avgLongTermFuelBank,\r\n\tMAX(enginerpm) as maxEngineRpm,\r\n\tAVG(flowRate) as avgFlowRate,\r\n\tAVG(throttlePos) as avgThrottlePos,\r\n\tMAX(runtime) as maxRuntime,\r\n\tMAX(distanceWithMIL) as maxDistanceWithMIL,\r\n\tAVG(relativeThrottlePos) as avgRelativeThrottlePos,\r\n\tAVG(outsideTemperature) as avgOutsideTemperature,\r\n\tAVG(engineFuelRate) as avgEngineFuelRate\r\nFROM\r\n\tTripPointRaw\r\nWHERE\r\n\tts is not null\r\nGROUP BY\r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tUserId,\r\n\tvin,\r\n\tts,\r\n\tTumblingWindow(hour,1)\t\r\n),\r\nRoughDrivingStats as \r\n(\r\nSELECT\r\n\tt1.TripId,\r\n\tt1.UserId,\r\n\tt1.lat,\r\n\tt1.lon,\r\n\tCASE\r\n\t\tWHEN t3.spd - t2.spd > 50 THEN 2\r\n\t\tWHEN t2.spd - t3.spd > 70 OR t1.maxSpeed - t1.minSpeed > 70 OR t1.maxSpeed - t1.avgSpeed > t1.avgSpeed - t1.minSpeed + 0.10*(t1.maxSpeed - t1.minSpeed) THEN 1\r\n\t\tELSE 0\r\n\tEND as POIType,\r\n\tt1.ts,\r\n\tt1.avgSpeed,\r\n\tt1.minSpeed,\r\n\tt1.maxSpeed,\r\n\tt1.avgEngineLoad,\r\n\tt1.avgShortTermFuelBank,\r\n\tt1.avgLongTermFuelBank,\r\n\tt1.maxEngineRpm,\r\n\tt1.avgFlowRate,\r\n\tt1.avgThrottlePos,\r\n\tt1.maxRuntime,\r\n\tt1.maxDistanceWithMIL,\r\n\tt1.avgRelativeThrottlePos,\r\n\tt1.avgOutsideTemperature,\r\n\tt1.avgEngineFuelRate,\r\n\tt3.spd as firstSpeed,\r\n\tt2.spd as lastSpeed\r\nFROM TripPointAgg t1\r\nJOIN TripPointRaw t2\r\nON t1.TripId = t2.TripId and \r\nt1.vin = t2.vin and \r\nt1.ts = t2.ts and\r\nt1.lastRecTime = t2.tsDiff and\r\nDATEDIFF(minute,t1,t2) BETWEEN 0 and 0\r\nJOIN TripPointRaw t3\r\nON t1.TripId = t3.TripId and \r\nt1.vin = t3.vin and \r\nt1.ts = t3.ts and\r\nt1.firstRecTime = t3.tsDiff and\r\nDATEDIFF(minute,t1,t3) BETWEEN 0 and 0\r\n)\r\n\r\nSELECT\r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tlat as Latitude,\r\n\tlon as Longitude,\r\n\tPOIType,\r\n\tts as RecordedTimeStamp\r\nINTO PowerBISink\r\nFROM RoughDrivingStats\r\nWHERE POIType > 0", + "hourlypbiJobConsumerGroupName": "asa-pbihourly", + "sqlpbiJobName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-sqlpbi')]", + "sqlpbiJobQuery": "WITH TripPointRaw as \r\n(\r\nSELECT\r\n TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Lat as FLOAT) != 255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Lat as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as RawLat,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Lon as FLOAT) != 255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Lon as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as RawLong,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Speed as FLOAT) >=0 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Speed as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as spd,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.EngineRPM as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.EngineRPM as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as enginerpm,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.EngineLoad as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.EngineLoad as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as engineLoad,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.ShortTermFuelBank1 as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.ShortTermFuelBank1 as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as shortTermFuelBank,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.LongTermFuelBank1 as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.LongTermFuelBank1 as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as longTermFuelBank,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.MAFFlowRate as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.MAFFlowRate as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as flowRate,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.ThrottlePosition as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.ThrottlePosition as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as throttlePos,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Runtime as FLOAT) >=0 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.Runtime as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as runtime,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.DistanceWithMIL as FLOAT) >=0 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.DistanceWithMIL as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as distanceWithMIL,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.RelativeThrottlePosition as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.RelativeThrottlePosition as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as relativeThrottlePos,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.OutsideTemperature as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.OutsideTemperature as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as outsideTemperature,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN CAST(TripDataPoint.EngineFuelRate as FLOAT) != -255 THEN CAST(TripDataPoint.EngineFuelRate as FLOAT)\r\n ELSE NULL\r\n END as engineFuelRate,\r\n TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp as actualTS,\r\n DATEADD(millisecond,- DATEPART(millisecond,TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp),TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp) as actualTSRounded,\r\n DATEADD(millisecond,- DATEPART(millisecond,TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp),DATEADD(second, 5 - CAST(CEILING(DATEPART(second, TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp)%5) as BIGINT),TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp)) as ts,\r\n DATEDIFF(millisecond, TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp, DATEADD(millisecond,-DATEPART(millisecond,TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp),DATEADD(second, 5 - CAST(CEILING(DATEPART(second, TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp)%5) as BIGINT),TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp))) as tsDiff,\r\n TripDataPoint.VIN as vin\r\nFROM\r\n CarDeviceData TIMESTAMP by TripDataPoint.RecordedTimeStamp\r\nWHERE\r\n TripId is not null\r\n and TripId != ''\r\n and UserId is not null\r\n and UserId != ''\r\n),\r\nTripPointAgg as \r\n(SELECT \r\n TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n vin,\r\n ts,\r\n AVG(RawLat) as lat,\r\n AVG(RawLong) as lon,\r\n AVG(spd) as avgSpeed,\r\n AVG(engineLoad) as avgEngineLoad,\r\n AVG(shortTermFuelBank) as avgShortTermFuelBank,\r\n AVG(longTermFuelBank) as avgLongTermFuelBank,\r\n MAX(enginerpm) as maxEngineRpm,\r\n AVG(flowRate) as avgFlowRate,\r\n AVG(throttlePos) as avgThrottlePos,\r\n MAX(runtime)/60 as maxRuntime,\r\n MAX(distanceWithMIL) as maxDistanceWithMIL,\r\n AVG(relativeThrottlePos) as avgRelativeThrottlePos,\r\n AVG(outsideTemperature) as avgOutsideTemperature,\r\n AVG(engineFuelRate) as avgEngineFuelRate\r\nFROM\r\n TripPointRaw\r\nWHERE\r\n ts is not null\r\nand runtime is not null\r\nGROUP BY\r\n TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n vin,\r\n ts,\r\n TumblingWindow(second,5) \r\n),\r\nTripPointOneSecAgg as \r\n(\r\nSELECT \r\n TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n vin,\r\n actualTSRounded,\r\n AVG(RawLat) as lat,\r\n AVG(RawLong) as lon,\r\n AVG(spd) as avgSpeed\r\nFROM\r\n TripPointRaw\r\nWHERE\r\n actualTSRounded is not null\r\nGROUP BY\r\n TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n vin,\r\n actualTSRounded,\r\n TumblingWindow(second,1) \r\n),\r\nTripMetrics as \r\n(SELECT TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n vin,\r\n actualTSRounded,\r\n LAG(actualTSRounded) OVER (PARTITION BY TripId LIMIT DURATION (hour,5) WHEN actualTSRounded is not null) as lastTSRounded,\r\n lat,\r\n lon,\r\n avgSpeed,\r\n LAG(avgSpeed) OVER (PARTITION BY TripId LIMIT DURATION (hour,5) WHEN avgSpeed is not null and avgSpeed>=0) as lastSpeed\r\nFROM\r\n TripPointOneSecAgg\r\nWHERE\r\n avgSpeed is not null\r\n),\r\nRoughDrivingStats as \r\n(SELECT TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n vin,\r\n actualTSRounded,\r\n lat,\r\n lon,\r\n avgSpeed,\r\n CASE\r\n WHEN ((avgSpeed - lastSpeed)*0.278/DATEDIFF(second,lastTSRounded, actualTSRounded)) >= 6 THEN 1\r\n WHEN ((avgSpeed - lastSpeed)*0.278/DATEDIFF(second,lastTSRounded, actualTSRounded)) <= -6 THEN 2\r\n ELSE 0\r\n END as POIType\r\nFROM\r\n TripMetrics\r\n)\r\n\r\nSELECT\r\n TripId,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN lat is NOT NULL THEN lat\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as Latitude,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN lon is NOT NULL THEN lon\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as Longitude,\r\n POIType,\r\n actualTSRounded as RecordedTimeStamp\r\nINTO SQLSink\r\nFROM RoughDrivingStats\r\nWHERE POIType > 0\r\n\r\nSELECT \r\n TripId,\r\n UserId,\r\n vin,\r\n ts as RecordedTimeStamp,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN lat is NOT NULL THEN lat\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as lat,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN lon is NOT NULL THEN lon\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as lon,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgSpeed is NOT NULL THEN avgSpeed\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgSpeed,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgEngineLoad is NOT NULL THEN avgEngineLoad\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgEngineLoad,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgShortTermFuelBank is NOT NULL THEN avgShortTermFuelBank\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgShortTermFuelBank,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgLongTermFuelBank is NOT NULL THEN avgLongTermFuelBank\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgLongTermFuelBank,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN maxEngineRpm is NOT NULL THEN maxEngineRpm\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as maxEngineRpm,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgFlowRate is NOT NULL THEN avgFlowRate\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgFlowRate,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgThrottlePos is NOT NULL THEN avgThrottlePos\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgThrottlePos,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN maxRuntime is NOT NULL THEN maxRuntime\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as maxRuntime,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN maxDistanceWithMIL is NOT NULL THEN maxDistanceWithMIL\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as maxDistanceWithMIL,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgRelativeThrottlePos is NOT NULL THEN avgRelativeThrottlePos\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgRelativeThrottlePos,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgOutsideTemperature is NOT NULL THEN avgOutsideTemperature\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgOutsideTemperature,\r\n CASE \r\n WHEN avgEngineFuelRate is NOT NULL THEN avgEngineFuelRate\r\n ELSE -255\r\n END as avgEngineFuelRate\r\nINTO PowerBISink\r\nFROM TripPointAgg", + "sqlpbiJobConsumerGroupName": "asa-sqlpbi", + "sqlpbiTableName": "dbo.POIs", + "vinlookupJobName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-vinlookup')]", + "vinlookupJobQuery": "With VINData as \r\n(\r\nSELECT\r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.VIN,\r\n\tcount(*)\r\nFROM\r\n\tCarDeviceData\r\nWHERE\r\n\tTripId is not null AND\r\n\tTripDataPoint.VIN is not null AND\r\n\tTripId != '' AND\r\n\tTripDataPoint.VIN != ''\r\nGROUP BY \r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tTripDataPoint.VIN,\r\n\tTUMBLINGWINDOW(hour,1)\r\n)\r\n\r\nSELECT \r\n\tTripId,\r\n\tVIN\r\nINTO EHSink\r\nFROM VINData", + "vinlookupJobConsumerGroupName": "asa-vinlookup", + "hostingPlanName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), 'Plan', '-', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id))]", + "mobileAppName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id))]", + "mobileAppRepositoryBranch": "master", + "mobileAppProject": "src/MobileAppService/MyDrivingService/MyDrivingService.csproj", + "appInsightsName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), 'API', '-', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id))]", + "appInsightsLocation": "centralus", + "dataFactoryName": "[concat(variables('baseName'), '-df', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id))]", + "mlScoringLinkedServiceName": "AzureMLScoringandUpdateLinkedService", + "mlTrainingEndpointLinkedServiceName": "TrainingEndpoint-AMLLinkedService", + "sqlAnalyticsLinkedServiceName": "AzureSqlLinkedService", + "sqlMobileAppLinkedServiceName": "MobileAppSqlLinkedService", + "storageAsaLinkedServiceName": "AzureStorageLinkedService", + "hdiMetastoreLinkedServiceName": "HDIMetastoreBlobLinkedService", + "hdiOnDemandLinkedServiceName": "DailyComputeHDICluster", + "datasetAMLiLearner": "AML-iLearnerDataset", + "datasetDimUserBlob": "DimUser-Blob", + "datasetDimUserSql": "DimUser-SQL", + "datasetDimUserTempSql": "DimUserTemp-SQL", + "datasetFactTripDataBlob": "FactTripData-Blob", + "datasetFactTripDataSql": "FactTripData-SQL", + "datasetFactTripDataTempSql": "FactTripDataTemp-SQL", + "datasetFactTripMLDataMobileSql": "FactTripMLData-MobileSQL", + "datasetFactTripMLDataSql": "FactTripMLData-SQL", + "datasetFactTripMLInputDataBlob": "FactTripMLInputData-Blob", + "datasetFactTripMLOutputDataBlob": "FactTripMLOutputData-Blob", + "datasetMyDrivingRawDataBlob": "MyDrivingRawData-Blob", + "datasetRawDataOneSecAggregated": "RawDataOneSecAggregated", + "datasetTempIntermediateBlob": "TempIntermediateDataset-Blob", + "datasetTempIntermediate2Blob": "TempIntermediateDataset2-Blob", + "datasetTempIntermediate3Blob": "TempIntermediateDataset3-Blob", + "datasetFinalTempSql": "FinalTempDataSet-Sql", + "pipelineAzureMLDataPrep": "AzureMLDataPrep", + "pipelineAzureMLScoring": "AzureMLScoringPipeline", + "pipelineAzureMLRetrainingPipeline": "AzureML-RetrainingPipeline", + "pipelineCopyBlobToSql": "CopyPipeline-DimUserBlobToSQL", + 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"2015-10-01", + "type": "datapipelines", + "name": "[variables('pipelineFactTripDataComputeHDI')]", + "properties": { + "description": "This pipeline executes the hive queries needed to transform the data.", + "activities": [ + { + "type": "HDInsightHive", + "name": "factTripData-Hive", + "linkedServiceName": "[variables('hdiOnDemandLinkedServiceName')]", + "typeProperties": { + "scriptPath": "[concat(variables('assetsContainerName'), '/', variables('hdInsightScriptsFolder'), '/factTripData.hql')]", + "scriptLinkedService": "[variables('hdiMetastoreLinkedServiceName')]", + "defines": { + "Year": "$$Text.Format('{0:yyyy}',SliceStart)", + "Month": "$$Text.Format('{0:MM}',SliceStart)", + "Day": "$$Text.Format('{0:dd}',SliceStart)", + "DataStorageAccount": "[variables('blobStorageAnalytics')]" + } + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "[variables('datasetRawDataOneSecAggregated')]" + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "[variables('datasetFactTripDataBlob')]" + } + ], + "policy": { + "timeout": "01:00:00", + "concurrency": 1, + "retry": 3 + }, + "scheduler": { + "frequency": "Day", + "interval": 1 + } + } + ], + "start": "[parameters('dataFactoryStartDate')]", + "end": "[parameters('dataFactoryEndDate')]", + "isPaused": false, + "pipelineMode": "Scheduled" + }, + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories', variables('dataFactoryName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/linkedServices', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('hdiMetastoreLinkedServiceName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/linkedServices', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('hdiOnDemandLinkedServiceName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('datasetRawDataOneSecAggregated'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('datasetFactTripDataBlob'))]" + ] + }, + { + "apiVersion": "2015-10-01", + "type": "datapipelines", + "name": "[variables('pipelineSetupHiveTables')]", + "properties": { + "description": "This pipeline will setup the Hive tables for processing", + "activities": [ + { + "type": "HDInsightHive", + "name": "CreateRawTable-Hive", + "linkedServiceName": "[variables('hdiOnDemandLinkedServiceName')]", + "typeProperties": { + "scriptPath": "[concat(variables('assetsContainerName'), '/', variables('hdInsightScriptsFolder'), '/CreateRawTable.hql')]", + "scriptLinkedService": "[variables('hdiMetastoreLinkedServiceName')]", + "defines": { + "Year": "$$Text.Format('{0:yyyy}',SliceStart)", + "Month": "$$Text.Format('{0:MM}',SliceStart)", + "Day": "$$Text.Format('{0:dd}',SliceStart)", + "DataStorageAccount": "[variables('blobStorageAnalytics')]" + } + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "[variables('datasetMyDrivingRawDataBlob')]" + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "[variables('datasetTempIntermediateBlob')]" + } + ], + "policy": { + "timeout": "01:00:00", + "concurrency": 1, + 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"frequency": "Day", + "interval": 1 + } + }, + { + "type": "HDInsightHive", + "name": "CreateOneSecAggTable-Hive", + "linkedServiceName": "[variables('hdiOnDemandLinkedServiceName')]", + "typeProperties": { + "scriptPath": "[concat(variables('assetsContainerName'), '/', variables('hdInsightScriptsFolder'), '/TripDataInt.hql')]", + "scriptLinkedService": "[variables('hdiMetastoreLinkedServiceName')]", + "defines": { + "Year": "$$Text.Format('{0:yyyy}',SliceStart)", + "Month": "$$Text.Format('{0:MM}',SliceStart)", + "Day": "$$Text.Format('{0:dd}',SliceStart)", + "DataStorageAccount": "[variables('blobStorageAnalytics')]" + } + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "[variables('datasetMyDrivingRawDataBlob')]" + }, + { + "name": "[variables('datasetTempIntermediate2Blob')]" + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "[variables('datasetRawDataOneSecAggregated')]" + } + ], + "policy": { + "timeout": "01:00:00", + "concurrency": 1, + "retry": 3 + }, + "scheduler": { + "frequency": "Day", + "interval": 1 + } + } + ], + "start": "[parameters('dataFactoryStartDate')]", + "end": "[parameters('dataFactoryEndDate')]", + "isPaused": false, + "pipelineMode": "Scheduled" + }, + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories', variables('dataFactoryName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/linkedServices', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('hdiMetastoreLinkedServiceName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/linkedServices', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('hdiOnDemandLinkedServiceName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('datasetMyDrivingRawDataBlob'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('datasetTempIntermediateBlob'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('datasetTempIntermediate2Blob'))]", + 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"name": "[variables('datasetFinalTempSql')]" + } + ], + "policy": { + "timeout": "01:00:00", + "concurrency": 1, + "retry": 3 + }, + "scheduler": { + "frequency": "Day", + "interval": 1 + } + } + ], + "start": "[parameters('dataFactoryStartDate')]", + "end": "[parameters('dataFactoryEndDate')]", + "isPaused": false, + "pipelineMode": "Scheduled" + }, + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories', variables('dataFactoryName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('datasetFactTripDataSql'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets', variables('dataFactoryName'), variables('datasetFinalTempSql'))]" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "outputs": { + "sqlServerName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('sqlServerName')]" + }, + "sqlServerFullyQualifiedDomainName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[reference(concat('Microsoft.Sql/servers/', variables('sqlServerName'))).fullyQualifiedDomainName]" + }, + "sqlServerAdminLogin": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[concat(variables('sqlServerAdminLogin'), '@', variables('sqlServerName'))]" + }, + "sqlServerAdminPassword": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[parameters('sqlServerAdminPassword')]" + }, + "sqlDBName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('sqlDBName')]" + }, + "sqlAnalyticsServerName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('sqlAnalyticsServerName')]" + }, + "sqlAnalyticsFullyQualifiedDomainName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[reference(concat('Microsoft.Sql/servers/', variables('sqlAnalyticsServerName'))).fullyQualifiedDomainName]" + }, + "sqlAnalyticsServerAdminLogin": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[concat(variables('sqlAnalyticsServerAdminLogin'), '@', variables('sqlAnalyticsServerName'))]" + }, + "sqlAnalyticsServerAdminPassword": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[parameters('sqlAnalyticsServerAdminPassword')]" + }, + "sqlAnalyticsDBName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('sqlAnalyticsDBName')]" + }, + "storageAccountNameAnalytics": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('blobStorageAnalytics')]" + }, + "storageAccountKeyAnalytics": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('blobStorageAnalytics')), '2015-06-15').key1]" + }, + "storageAccountNameHdiMetastore": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('blobStorageHdiMetastore')]" + }, + "storageAccountKeyHdiMetastore": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('blobStorageHdiMetastore')), '2015-06-15').key1]" + }, + "assetsContainerName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('assetsContainerName')]" + }, + "rawdataContainerName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('rawDataContainerName')]" + }, + "tripdataContainerName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('tripdataContainerName')]" + }, + "referenceContainerName": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[variables('referenceContainerName')]" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/MobileApps/MyDriving/MyDriving.Android/MyDriving.Android.csproj b/src/MobileApps/MyDriving/MyDriving.Android/MyDriving.Android.csproj index f3aadc5a..d99c2f3e 100644 --- a/src/MobileApps/MyDriving/MyDriving.Android/MyDriving.Android.csproj +++ b/src/MobileApps/MyDriving/MyDriving.Android/MyDriving.Android.csproj @@ -28,11 +28,6 @@ 4 false 1G - True - Build2016.keystore - Build*1234 - Build2016 - Build*1234 MyDriving.Droid