- Make changes as per issue
b. Make changes to appropriate files in images directory
- Make changes in /images
Open a PR to fire cloudbuild of a new image for the Ingress-Nginx-Controller
In case of rare CVE fix or other reason to rebuild the nginx-base-image itself, look at the /images directory NGINX Base Image
If you are updating any component in build.sh please also update the SHA256 checksum of that component as well, the cloud build will fail with an exit 10 if not.
- Merging success should fire cloudbuild
Wait for cloud build
Proceed only after cloud-build is successful in building a new Ingress-Nginx-Controller image.
- If applicable, then build a new image of any other related component, ONLY IF APPLICABLE TO THE RELEASE
- Change code as per issue
b. Make changes to appropriate files in images directory
Sometimes, you may also be needing to rebuild, images for one or multiple other related components of the Ingress-Nginx-Controller ecosystem. Make changes to the required files in the /images directory, if/as applicable, in the context of the release you are attempting. :
Update references to e2e-test-runner image [If applicable] :
- Open pull request(s) accordingly, to fire cloudbuild for rebuilding the component's image (if applicable).
- Merging success should fire cloudbuild
Wait for cloud build
Proceed only after cloud-build is successful in building a new Ingress-Nginx-Controller image.
Get the sha of the new image(s) of the controller, (and any other component image IF APPLICABLE to release), from the cloudbuild, from steps above
The sha is available in output from cloud build
The sha is also visible here https://console.cloud.google.com/gcr/images/k8s-staging-ingress-nginx/global/controller
This sha(s) (and the tag(s) for the new image(s) has to be inserted, as a new line, in a file, in another project of Kubernetes.
Fork that other project (if you don't have a fork already).
Other project to fork Github repo kubernetes/k8s.io
Fetch --all and rebase to upstream if already forked.
Create a branch in your fork, named as the issue number for this release
In the related branch, of your fork, edit the file /k8s.gcr.io/images/k8s-staging-ingress-nginx/images.yaml.
For making it easier, you can edit your branch directly in the browser. But be careful about making any mistake.
Insert the sha(s) & the tag(s), in a new line, in this file Project kubernetes/k8s.io Ingress-Nginx-Controller Images Look at this example PR and the diff to see how it was done before
Save and commit
- Open pull request to promote the new controller image.
Merge success is required for next step
Proceed only after cloud-build is successful in building a new Ingress-Nginx-Controller image.
- This involves editing of several different files. So carefully follow the steps below and double check all changes with diff/grep etc., repeatedly. Mistakes here impact endusers.
Get your git workspace ready
If not using a pre-existing fork, then Fork the repo kubernetes/ingress-nginx
Clone (to laptop or wherever)
Add upstream
Set upstream url to no_push
Checkout & switch to branch, named as per related new-release-issue-number
If already forked, and upstream already added, then
git fetch --all
andgit rebase upstream/main
(not origin) -
Checkout a branch in your fork's clone
Perform any other diligence as needed
Prefer to edit only and only in your branch, in your Fork
- Change the below mentioned Fields in Chart.yaml
- version
- appVersion
- kubeVersion (ONLY if applicable)
- annotations
- artifacthub.io/prerelease: "true"
- artifacthub.io/changes: |
- Add the titles of the PRs merged after previous release
- tag
- digest
Prepare to use a script to update the edit the static manifests and set the "image", "digest", "version" etc. fields to the desired value.
This script depends on python and a specific python package
pip3 install ruamel.yaml
Execute the script to update static manifests using that script generate-deploy-scripts.sh
Open some of the manifests and check if the script worked properly
Use grep -ir to search for any misses by the script or undesired changes
The script should properly set the image and the digest fields to the desired tag and semver
Manually fix one problem that the script can not take care of.
This problem is wrong formatting of a snippet in the file deploy-tls-termination.yaml
In the configMap section, for the configMap named ingress-nginx-controller, the "configMap.data" spec has a snippet
This snippet becomes a single line, formatted with the newline character "\n"
That single line formatted with "\n" needs to be changed as it does not meet yaml requirements
At the time of writing this doc, the 'configMap.data' spec is at line number 39.
So editing begins at line 40 (at the time of writing this doc)
Make that snippet look like this ;
data: http-snippet:| server{ listen 2443; return 308 https://$host$request_uri; }
- Add the PRs merged after previous release
- One useful command to get this list is
git log controller-v0.48.1..HEAD --pretty=%s
- Update the version in [docs/deploy/index.md](docs/deploy/index.md)
- Update Supported versions in the Support Versions table in the README.md
- Edit the stable.txt file(if applicable), in the root of the repo, to reflect the release to be created
- Criteria is a release that has been GA for a while but reported issues are not bugs but mostly /kind support or feature
- Open PR for releasing the new version of the Ingress-Nginx-Controller ;
- Look at this PR for how it was done before example PR
- Create a PR
- Merge should produce manifests as well as chart
- Check
helm repo update
helm search repo ingress-nginx
Release to github
Edit the ghpages file as needed