- /FollowCar: Some test code for the following feature.
end date: December 7th, 2018
- /Raspberry: The code for the RPi of the following car
- /server : First server : only able to control the car manually.
end date: December 11th, 2018
- /server2 : server with minimal following feature for straight roads.
end date: December 12th, 2018
- /server3 : server following the car on a straight road and dealing with small deviations.
end date: December 21th, 2018
- /server4 : server based on 'server3', able to follow dynamically the car (angle variation), dealing with any anomaly by stopping the car and the platooning mode.
end date: January 9th, 2019
- /serverBackup8_1_19 : backup server. "It works !" Based on 'server4'.
end date: January 8th, 2019
- /test_rassemblement : final version, including bend's scheduling.
- /server : First server : only able to control the car manually.
- /Raspberry_cible: The code for the RPi of the leading car
- /ROSE_BEND : Simple server for tle leading car.
- /server : First server, able to control the car, send data to the rear car in case of connexion.
end date: December 21th, 2018
- /UIGeiCar - Nairobi: The application project for the following car
- /UIGeiCar_Cible: The application project for the the leading car
- /Wiki: Some pictures for the Wiki (no more explanation needed).
- /nucleo: The code for the Nucleo board (no more explanation done).
- /test_python: Some tests of Python modules.
end date: December 7th, 2018