This repository containg many awsome blocks of code that I have learnt too much from it by implementing many projects and application containg games, algorithms, Data structures with simplest form and clean code.
Multi App & my First Project "Applied Programming" Term 3
An awsome console app containg many options like
operations on matrcies
diffrences between 2 time intervals
Digital clock with current time
Nice leveled Snake Game
Guess Scramble word Game
Student Portal "Applied Programming" Term 3
Program hold Student data and Analyze it with many Operations
Save student data in files
Preview Student data with ID
Get number of Students in specific Course
Get the heighest grade student
Full Expression Calculator "Data Structures" Term 4
A calculator implemented by converting from infix to postfix working by PEMDAS standard to calculate
Full string input
All types of parentheses
Unary operator -ve
Get acurrate result
Car Parking System "Digital System Design" Term 5
- A university car parking system implemented in VHDL as a final project in digtal system design course. The project includes the following features:
- It is checked whether or not the car has a valid AAST ID or not.
- Ultra-Sonic Range sensors for each of the 50 parking spaces
- ID system for college students and staff
- Ticket system for guests (including payment system)
- Fire Sensor for emergencies
- Vendor Machine
- ASM Diagram
- A university car parking system implemented in VHDL as a final project in digtal system design course. The project includes the following features:
Bug Tracking System "Object Oriented Programming" Term 6
A bug tracking system is a software application that helps developers track and manage bugs in their software.
- Have 4 user roles (Developer - Tester - Project Manager - Admin)
- Each user has a specific permissions
- Integrated with MySQL database
- Frontend is implemented using Java Swing
- Backend done by Maven Project
- Page Flow Diagram
Numerical Project "Numerical Methods" Term 7
- A project that implements numerical methods to solve mathematical problems
Implemented methods include:
- Root finding methods
- Interpolation methods
- Numerical integration
- Differential equations
- Matrix operations
- A project that implements numerical methods to solve mathematical problems
Implemented methods include:
Ball & Beam PID Control "Automatic Control Systems" Term 7
- A ball and beam system is a classic control problem that involves balancing a ball on a beam. The goal is to maintain the ball at a desired position on the beam.
- PID controller implementation for maintaining ball position.
- Utilizes a servo motor for beam movement.
- Incorporates an ultrasonic sensor for ball position detection.
- Designed on a breadboard setup for easy replication and experimentation.
C-Compiler and SIC Assembler "System Programming" Term 7
- Compiler focuses on parsing and interpreting while loops in C code.
- Includes syntax analysis, intermediate code generation, and LR parsing.
SIC Assembler:
- Reads SIC assembly code, generates symbol tables, and produces object programs.
- Includes example SIC assembly programs and the assembler source code.
TrashFall Game "Computer Graphics" Term 8
- Trashfall Game is an addictive 2D arcade game developed using Python and Pygame
- The game involves catching falling trash in a bin.
- The player controls the bin using the arrow keys.
- The game features multiple levels with increasing difficulty.
- Includes a high score system to track player progress.
Smart-Home-PIC16f877A "Data Acquisition" Term 8
- RFID based door lock
- Fire alarm system
- Theft detection system with laser security with alarm
- Screen status display
- Indication of status with LEDs