- Real Time calculation for VGC
- Claims 1x a week
- Rarity
- Transactions
- Someone checks claimable balance PER TOKEN
- Calculate VGC for 1 week intervals
- Needs rarity for weighting yield
- Needs "COMPLETE" ClaimTrainsactionLineItem summation
- Needs timestamp for launch of new VGC curve
- Formula something along the lines of
- VGC yield per second since launch of workflow MINUS ClaimTransactionLineItem summation
- Someone can claim multiple tokens in one transaction
- Since off chain, must perform ownership check per token
- 24 hour check for only one claim a day
- Build transaction and sign it on the backend. Send claim object and sig to front end
- Promise chain:
- Create pending ClaimTransaction with ClaimTransactionLineItem
- Sign ClaimTransaction data
- Send ClaimTransaction data and signed data to front end
- send to blockchain
HAPPY PATH:- listen to blockchain event for transferring of tokens
- mark txn as complete
- VGC yield will be calculated in real time for WEEK long increments.
- StakeEvents table
- id uuid
- tokenContractAddress string
- wallet string
- tokenId int
- status Enum STAKE_STATUS
- stakedAt now()
- Token table
- id uuid
- contractAddress string
- currentOwner string
- tokenId int
- rarity float
- ClaimTransaction table
- id bigint
- wallet string
- status Enum STATUS
- operation Enum OPERATION
- amount decimal(36,18)
- createdAt now()
- updatedAt Timestamp
- ClaimTransactionLineItem table
- id bigint
- transactionId bigint
- tokenId int
- amount decimal(36, 18)
- POST /claim_transaction
- Creates ClaimTransaction and child ClaimTransactionLineItem records
- GET /tokens/:address
- At the address level.
- Also retrieves and returns token metadata (might as well do this all in one call)
- Listen for Stake/Unstake
- Transfer token success
To add a new data model to the backend:
- Go to the Database package, create a DTO, model, and mappers (probably won't need validators in this case since it's only going to be outbound)
- Create an entity with sequelize, follow the paradigm in ListingEntity.ts, add it to InitializeEntities.ts and ensure to add a call to sync at the end of that exported function as well. You shouldn't have to worry about relationships, I imagine. Maybe you will, those are established in that file as well
You can then add a controller and utilities to @roo/controllers interacting with that model following the paradigm in the other controllers. Then build and connect that to @roo/webserver like the others are. I added guidance on how building these subpackages works with lerna in the readme