# /path-to-angora/angora_fuzzer --help
angora-fuzzer 1.3.0
fuzz some program
fuzzer [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --input <DIR> --output <DIR> [--] <pargs>...
-A, --disable_afl_mutation Disable the fuzzer to mutate inputs using AFL's mutation strategies
-E, --disable_exploitation Disable the fuzzer to mutate sensitive bytes to exploit bugs
-h, --help Prints help information
-S, --sync_afl Sync the seeds with AFL. Output directory should be in AFL's directory structure.
-V, --version Prints version information
-i, --input <DIR> Sets the directory of input seeds, use "-" to restart with existing output directory
-M, --memory_limit <MEM> Memory limit for programs, default is 200(MB)
-m, --mode <Mode> Which binary instrumentation framework are you using? [possible values: llvm, pin]
-o, --output <DIR> Sets the directory of outputs
-r, --search_method <SearchMethod> Which search method to run the program in? [possible values: gd, random, mb]
-j, --jobs <JOB> Sets the number of thread jobs, default is 1
-T, --time_limit <TIME> time limit for programs, default is 1(s), the tracking timeout is 12 * TIME
-t, --track <PROM> Sets the target (USE_TRACK or USE_PIN) for tracking, including taints, cmps.
<pargs>... Targeted program (USE_FAST) and arguments. Any "@@" will be substituted with the input filename from Angora.