- This file might not always be up to date right away
- This file contains every Amino.Net Exception wrapped up
- To see the full general documentation consider reading Readme.md (Click here)
ErrorCode: 0: Client not logged in
Occurs when the Current Amino.Client() is not logged into any account when trying to call an account dependend function
- Amino.Net Exception
- the login() function of Amino.Client
- None
start cannot be lower than 0
Occurs when trying to set an integer range below 0
- Amino.Net Exception
- Set the start value to 0 or above
- None
Too many Requests
Occurs when an Amino endpoint has been called too often in too little time
- Amino REST Exception
- Consider using a delay on the function you got this API response from
- None
403 Access Denied
Occurs when a Server gets too many requests by the same IP address
- HTTP Response
- Consider putting a delay to your code
- 403 Access denied is a default HTTP response and cannot be fixed by code.
Invalid Email
Occurs when an Invalid email address is given
- Amino REST Exception
- Put a valid email address
- None
Invalid password
Occurs when the account password is formatted in the wrong way
- Amino REST Exception
- Read the API Response and put the password accordingly
- None
Your device is currently not supported
Occurs when the accounts device ID is invalid
- Amino REST Exception
- Update your device ID to the latest possible ID type
- None
This code or link is invalid
Occurs when the given Amino URL / Code is invalid or outdated
- Amino REST Exception
- Put a valid Code / URL
- None
Failed to establish connection / Timed out
Occurs when the Request is taking too long
- HTTP Response
- Don't use a proxy / VPN or try again later with a mmore stable connection
- None
The requested data no longer exists
Occurs when the object you want to target doesn't exist anymore
- Amino REST Exception
- Get a new Target ID / URL
- None
You are Banned
Occurs when the current Amino account has been banned from a community they want to target
- Amino REST Exception
- There is no fix
- None
Bad Request
Occurs when the request data is wrong
- HTTP Response
- None, please contact the Author of the library or open a GitHub issue as soon as possible
- None