- 45% - 75%
- Key solvent; where metabolic reactions take place
Variation by body composition Skin 70% Muscle 75% Organ - Heart, liver, brain, kidney 70%-80% Fat (adipose tissue) 10% - Water & solid content are about the same in everyone, but the water percentage varies due to the varying fat mass
Variation with age and gender Baby 75% Female : Male (body fat variation) 50% : 60% Seniors Female : Male 45% : 50% - Body water content is greater in infants and males
- Significant for water-soluble medications (final concentration in body)
- In dynamic steady state – individual & environment, and amongst internal components
- Water balance
- Intake – fluids, foods, oxidative water from metabolism
- (C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy)
- Output – insensible (lungs, skin), kidneys (balancer), stool
- Insensible – not noticeable, unavoidable
- Obligatory vs facultative losses
- Obligatory – 1.5L/day
- Insensible: 1.0L
- Urine + stool: 0.5L
- Facultative – vary with intake
- Urine – kidney is major homeostatic organ
- Obligatory – 1.5L/day
- Insensible perspiration
- Pure water
- Passive evaporation (affected by environment)
- Entire skin surface
- Continuous
- Sweating
- Electrolyte solution
- Active secretion
- Sweat glands
- Activated by heavy work/high temp
- Intake – fluids, foods, oxidative water from metabolism
- Volume relatively constant – helps maintain solute concentration & blood volume/pressure
- Water Balance
- Negative water balance
- Reduced intake
- Excessive loss from gut
- Excessive sweating
- Excessive loss of expired air (dry air)
- Excessive loss of urine
- Water 'intoxication' (positive water balance)
- Excessive intake
- Renal system failure
- Negative water balance
- Average male is regarded as 70kg
- Body water compartments – 60% of body mass
- Water is freely moving; compartments are not rigidly isolated chambers
- Body water compartments – 60% of body mass
- Aggregate of fluid bound by internal surface of cell membranes
- 1/3 of body water compartments
- Major subcompartments
- Plasma – fluid medium in which blood cells are suspended
- 25% of ECF, 5% of total body water compartments
- Interstitial Fluid (ISF)
- 75% of ECF, 15% of total body water compartments
- True 'Milieu Intérieur'
- Percolates between individual cells
- Plasma – fluid medium in which blood cells are suspended
- Minor subcompartments
- Lymph
- Lymphatic system – network of blind - ended terminal tubules
- Coalesce to form larger lymphatic vessels → converge to large lymphatic ducts which drain into large veins in chest
- 1 – 2% of ECF
- Lymphatic system – network of blind - ended terminal tubules
- Transcellular fluid
- Aggregate of small fluid volumes secreted by specific cells into a number of body cavities (lined by epithelial cells) & having specialized functions
- <1 – 2% of ECF
- Intraocular, cochlear, cerebrospinal, pleural & pericardial, peritoneal, synovial, fluid in ducts of glands, bladder, etc
- Does not affect body fluid balance; very local; however, has important functions
- Lymph
- Number recap: Total H2O 60%, ICF 40%, ECF 20%, ISF 15%, Plasma 5% (of total body weight)
- For healthy individuals, total volume & relative distributions between compartments must remain constant (though they are in dynamic equilibrium)
- Hematocrit (Ht) – percentage of blood volume occupied by Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)
- Height of erythrocyte column/height of whole blood column
- Ht = Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
- Normal value for males = 45%
- Direct (ie centrifuge & measure)
- Indirect – indicator dilution method
- #Know: total quantity of test substance, concentration of substance after dispersion
- #Add quantity Q of indicator to vein → allow time to equilibrate → remove known volume of blood & centrifuge for plasma → measure concentration (c) of substance in plasma → calculate V = Q/c
- {indicators|Indicator choice}
- #Non-toxic, diffuse readily, distribute evenly through compartments to be measured, induce no changes in distribution of water, easy to measure
- Antipyrine, D2O, T2O – for total body water measurements
- Radioactively labeled Inulin, sucrose, mannitol – for ECF (does not pass cell membrane)
- Evans’ blue (T1824) or I131 – Albumin – for plasma (does not pass capillary wall)
- ICF – high in K+ & Mg++, low in Na+ & Cl-
- ECF – high in Na+ and Cl-, low in K+
- 0.9% NaCl – dilute sea water – matches proper concentration
- Artificial physiological solutions – substitute for plasma/ISF (examples, don’t need to memorize)
- Physiological saline – 9g NaCl + H2O to make 1L
- Ringer’s solution – 8.6g NaCl, 0.3g KCl, 0.3g CaCl2, + H2O to make 1L
- Locke-Ringer solution – 9g NaCl, 0.4g KCl, 0.2g CaCl2, 0.2g MgCl2, 0.5g NaHCO3, 0.5g dextrose (simple sugar, energy), + H2O to make 1L
- Amount (mass) of solute: 1g% = 1g solute in 1dL of water
- Number of solute molecules: 1mol = gram molecular weight/1L of H2O
- Molality (m) – number of moles of solute dissolved in 1Kg solvent
- Molarity (M) – amount of solute in specific amount of solution
- Number of reactive units: Eq = molarity of ion * valency (ie Na+ 1Eq/mol, Ca2+ 2Eq/mol
- Viability of cells depends on relative constancy of internal environment (milieu intérieur) & requires exchanges with internal & external environment
- Plasma | Capillary wall | ISF | Cell membrane | ICF
- Important transports: lungs, skin, kidneys, GI tract
- Functions – support distinct compositions of ICF & ISF; be selectively permeable
- Highly permeable to H2O, lipid-soluble substances, dissolved gases (O2, CO2), small uncharged molecules
- Less permeable to larger molecules, charged particles
- Impermeable to very large molecules
- Properties due to bimolecular phospholipid layers w/ molecules exhibiting lateral mobility
- Phospholipid, hydrophilic heads, hydrophobic tails
- Amphipathic – both hydrophilic & hydrophobic parts
- Cholesterol inserted in phospholipid layer adds stability & rigidity
- Proteins
- Integral – closely associated with phospholipids, mostly cross the membrane (transmembrane)
- Peripheral – loosely associated, mostly on cytoplasmic side
- Glycocalyx – carbohydrates & glycoproteins on outer side of membrane; gives distinct identity
- Fluid mosaic model
- Functions of plasma membrane proteins
- Selective transport channel
- Enzyme
- Cell surface receptor
- Cell surface identity marker
- Cell adhesion
- Attachment to cytoskeleton
- Via phospholipid bilayer
- Via interaction with protein cluster (channel/carrier)
- Factors – lipid solubility, particle size, electrical charge, available & number of carriers/ion channels
- Passive – energy independent Active – energy dependent
- Resulting from random thermal molecular motion
- Net flux = high → low concentration
- If permeable, can go through membrane
- J = PA(C0 – Ci)
- J – net flux across membrane
- P – permeability/diffusion coefficient of membrane
- A – surface area of membrane
- C0 – Ci – concentration gradient of diffusing molecule
- Diffusion time increases in proportion to the square of the distance
- Dissolve through lipid components for non-polar molecules and through channels for ions
- Consist of single protein or clusters of proteins
- Show selectivity based on diameter & distribution of charges
- Movement affected by electrochemical (electrical & concentration) gradient
- Ligand-gated, voltage-gated, mechanically-gated
- Channels: Na+, K+, Ca+, Cl-
- Number of ions flowing through channels generating ionic current depends on
- Channel conductance
- How often channel opens
- How long channel stays open
- Specificity – usually transports one type of molecule only
- Saturation – rate of transport reaches maximum when all binding sites on all transporters are occupied; limit – transport maximum (Tm) exists
- Competition – structurally similar substances compete for same binding site on carrier
- Facilitated diffusion – carrier enables solute to penetrate more readily – passive
- Solute binds to carrier → changes carrier configuration → solute is delivered to other side of membrane → carrier resumes original configuration
- Ie for glucose, insulin increases number of transporters
- Active transport
- Requires chemical energy (usually ATP)
- Susceptible to metabolic inhibitors
- Can transport against concentration gradient
- Primary active transport
- Chemical energy transferred directly from ATP
- Phosphorylation of transporter changes conformation & affinity of binding site
- Ie sodium potassium pump – 3Na+ out, 2K+ in
- Active – energy dependent – carrier-mediated active transport (primary & secondary), pino/phagocytosis
- Sodium potassium pump
- Phosphorylation of pump → change in conformation → affinity for Na+ decreases
- Other active transporter proteins – Ca-ATPase, H-ATPase, H/K ATPase
- Secondary Active Transport – relies on electrochemical gradient to bring along another solute
- Ie glucose transported with Na+
- Cotransport – both solutes move in the same direction
- Na+/glucose, Na+/amino acids
- Countertransport – solutes move in different directions
- Na+/Ca+, Na+/H+, Cl-/HCO3-
- Endocytosis – cell membrane invaginates, forming channel, pinching off to form vesicle
- Pinocytosis (Fluid endocytosis) – ingestion of dissolved materials, liquid contents slowly transferred to the cytosol – not selective
- Phagocytosis – ingestion of solid particles, particles pinched into phagocytic vacuole (phagosome) – fuses with lysosomes and then degraded
- Receptor-mediated
- Clathrin-dependent receptor-mediated endocytosis
- Potocytosis
- Exocytosis – diffusion of vesicle, releasing content in ECF
- Water diffuses freely across most cell membranes
- Aquaporins – groups of proteins facilitating osmosis – forms water permeable channels
- Osmosis – net movement of H2O across semipermeable membrane
- Osmotic pressure – pressure required to oppose the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane
- Osmolarity – total solute concentration of solute – 1 osmol = 1 mol of solute
- 1 mol glucose = 1 osmol 1 mol NaCl = 2 osmol
- Osm = osmol/liter
- Ie saline drip – 0.9% saline = 0.15 NaCl = 300mOsm = same mOsm of body
6.7 atm = 5100 mmHg - Isosmotic – solutions with same number of osmotically active particles
- Hypoosmotic – solutions with lower number of osmotically active particles
- Hyperosmotic – solutions with higher number of osmotically active particles
- Only nonpenetrating particles can exert osmotic pressure
- Extracellular Na+ is nonpenetrating as it is pumped out after moving in
- Isotonic – cell retains size
- Hypotonic – cell swells
- Hypertonic – cell shrinks
- Single layer of flattened endothelial cells & supporting basement membrane
- Diffusion through water filled channels & across cell membranes
- Pinocytosis/exocytosis – endocytosis & vesicle formation on luminal side → exocytosis & vesicle release on interstitial side
- Bulk flow – flow of molecules due to pressure difference (ultra filtration)
- Filtration – bulk flow across porous membrane (acts like sieve) withholding some particles
- Transport – nutritive, respiratory, excretory, hormone transport, temperature regulation
- Acid-base balance – normal pH range 7.30-7.45
- Protective
- Contains both ECF (plasma) & ICF (inside blood cells)
- May be studied in vivo & in vitro
- Accounts for ~7% of body mass = ~5L
- Normovolemia – normal blood volume
- Hypovolemia – lower blood volume
- Hypervolemia – higher blood volume
- Centrifuged blood – 55% plasma (yellow), ~0% buffy layer (WBCs, platelets), 45% RBCs
- Hematocrit
- Similar to ISF
- > 90% water
- 0.9g/dl NaCl Na+, K+, (Ca++, Mg++) Cl-, HCO3-, (PO4--
- Glucose, amino acids, lipids, O2, CO2
- (unlike ISF) Proteins (colloids) = 7g% - albumins, globulins, fibrinogen
- Separating plasma proteins
- Differential precipitation by salts
- Sedimentation in ultracentrifuge
- Electrophoretic mobility
- Immunological characteristics
- Separating plasma proteins
- Electrophoresis – fraction method based on movement of charged particles along voltage gradient
- Influenced by number, distribution of charges, & MW of each protein
- Stained and scanned – area under graph peaks shows amount
- In renal disease – albumin (big left peak) gets significantly smaller
- In bacterial infection – γ globulins increases due to presence of antibodies
- Majority produced in liver
- Albumin, fibrinogen, α1, α2, β globulins
- γ globulins produced in lymphoid tissue