Releases: AliceO2Group/Bookkeeping
Releases · AliceO2Group/Bookkeeping
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1012] - Added an always visible runNumber input in run details
- [O2B-1025] - Created table to store LHC period and adapted run table accordingly
- [O2B-1038] - Fixed display error in points chart when dataset is empty (no points)
New Feature
- [O2B-1033] - Added the plot for efficiency per detector
- [O2B-1037] - Allows to filter on calibration status in get all runs API
- [O2B-1036] - Removed unused, not working endpoint - /api/runs/tags
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1034] - Added infologger links to runs and envs page
- [O2B-1022] - Fixed tags selection visual glitch when unselecting then re-selecting a tag in logs tag picker
- [O2B-1031] - Fixed popover not being displayed in some specific cases in tags dropdown
- [O2B-1023] - Fixed "switch to infinite in amount selector" tests
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1004] - Fixed overview filtering on `tags OR` showing an error
New Feature
- [O2B-989] - Added support for filtering by updatedAt for runs endpoint
- [O2B-998] - Handle cases where stable beam [start, end] do not correspond to stable beams duration
- [O2B-999] - Added a button in LHC fill details page to create log related to this fill
- [O2B-1000] - Added a button in environments details page to create log related to this environment
- [O2B-1003] - Made run edition justification input visually simillar to other inputs
- [O2B-1005] - Allows empty justification when quality goes from NONE to GOOD or TEST
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-991] - Fixed the LHC fill input being displayed twice in log creation
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-976] - Fixed calibration runs not being registered
New Feature
- [O2B-938] - Log entries can be linked to environments
- [O2B-825] - LHC Fill can be linked to logs
- [O2B-969] - Include in fill statistics the fills without any physics runs
- [O2B-971] - In statistics page, put the Y axis in % in fill efficiency and add a label
- [O2B-941] - API route allows filtering logs by environments
- [O2B-942] - Log-overview page allows filtering on environment
- [O2B-943] - Log-creation page allows to link environments to the log being created
- [O2B-947] - API route allows linking LHC fills to a log
- [O2B-948] - API route allows filtering logs by LHC fills
- [O2B-949] - Log-creation page allows to link LHC fills to the log being created
- [O2B-950] - Log-overview page allows filtering on LHC fills
- [O2B-979] - Displays related environments in log tree display
- [O2B-990] - Displays related LHC fills in log tree display