MoneroBlocksBot is a Telegram Bot, which uses the to give the user information about the Monero Blockchain and network.
The Bot I host can be reached under @MoneroBlocksBot. Feel free to add it to your group.
- requests
- python-telegram-bot
- /overview - returns an overview of all stats
- /height - returns the current blockheight
- /hashrate - returns the current network hashrate in MH/s
- /supply - returns the total emission of all XMR
- /last_reward - returns the block reward of the latest block
- /last_block - returns the timestamp of latest block in UTC time
- /tx_num - returns the number of transactions in the latest block
- /help - gives the user an overview of all commands
- /menu - gives a button menu for user to click on
- /inflation -returns the annual inflation rate
- /tx_num BLOCKHEIGHT - return the number of transactions in a specific block
- Added a button menu /menu for easier access
- Removed /seconds_since as a separate function and added it to /last_block
- Added the command /overview to view all stats in one message
- Added the command /tx_num to view the number of transactions in the latest block
Feel free to fork and provide me with feedback and ideas. A big thanks to for the easy to use API, really makes programming this a joy.
I don't believe in copyright.