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573 lines (445 loc) · 24.1 KB

File metadata and controls

573 lines (445 loc) · 24.1 KB

Semantic Reading


  • AST.Unmarshal ==> TS




  • debugPrefix :: (String, Named) -> String: just prefix symbols names

    • add _ to Anonymous symbols
  • astDeclarationForLangauge:

    • Derive Haskell datatypes from a language and its node-types.json file

    • Datatypes will be generated according to the specification in the node-types.json file, with anonymous leaf types defined as synonyms for the 'Token' datatype.

      Any datatypes among the node types which have already been defined in the module where the splice is run will be skipped, allowing customization of the representation of parts of the tree. Note that this should be used sparingly, as it imposes extra maintenance burden, particularly when the grammar is changed.

      This may be used to e.g. parse literals into Haskell equivalents (e.g. parsing the textual contents of integer literals into Integers), and may require defining TS.UnmarshalAnn or TS.SymbolMatching instances for (parts of) the custom datatypes, depending on where and how the datatype occurs in the generated tree, in addition to the usual 'Foldable', 'Functor', etc. instances provided for generated datatypes.

    • -- location :: Q Loc -- TH provides source path
      -- loc_filename :: Loc -> String
      -- getCurrentDirectory :: IO FilePath -- System.Directory provides `getcwd`
      -- takeDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -- System.FilePath.Posix provides `dirname`
      -- `(</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath` -- System.FilePath.Posix provides `join`
      -- eitherDecodeFileStrict' :: FromJson a => FilePath -> IO (Either String a) -- deserialized JSON value from a file, parse+conversopm immediately  (Data.Aeson), note that success is `Right` (AST.Deserialize.Datatype, which is a FromJSON instance)
      -- either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c -- just case expansion, match/case in operational semantics
      -- pure :: forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => f a -- Applicative lift
      -- fail :: forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a (Control.Monad.Fail)
      -- getAllSymbols :: Ptr TS.Language -> IO [(String, Named)] (`Named` defined in `Ast.Deserialize`)
      -- stringL :: String -> Lit -- string -> literal
      -- litE :: Lit -> ExpQ -- literal -> expression
      -- listE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ -- list of exprs -> expr
      -- input :: [DataType]
      -- syntaxDatatype :: Ptr Ts.Language -> [(String, Named)] -> Datatype -> Q [Dec]
      -- traverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) -- map each elem. of a structure to an action, evaluate from left to right and collect the results
      -- concat :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [a] -- applied type []
      astDeclarationsForLanguage :: Ptr TS.Language -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
      astDeclarationsForLanguage language filePath = do
        _ <- TS.addDependentFileRelative filePath
        currentFilename <- loc_filename <$> location
        pwd             <- runIO getCurrentDirectory
        let invocationRelativePath = takeDirectory (pwd </> currentFilename) </> filePath
        input <- runIO (eitherDecodeFileStrict' invocationRelativePath) >>= either fail pure
        allSymbols <- runIO (getAllSymbols language)
        debugSymbolNames <- [d|
          debugSymbolNames :: [String]
          debugSymbolNames = $(listE (map (litE . stringL . debugPrefix) allSymbols))
        (debugSymbolNames <>) . concat @[] <$> traverse (syntaxDatatype language allSymbols) input
    • [d|...|] :: Q [Dec] Oxford bracket: list of top-level declarations

    • $(...): splice

    • @[] :: * -> *: List type, enabled by TypeApplications

  • getAllSymbols: build list of all symbols

    • use TS.ts_language_symbol_count :: Ptr Language -> IO GHC.Word.Word32 to get symbol counts
    • use TS.ts_language_symbol_name :: Ptr Language -> TSSymbol -> IO CString to get symbol names
    • TSSymbol: defined in TreeSitter
    • peekCString :: CString -> IO String: marshal a \0 terminated C string to Haskell String
    • use TS.ts_language_symbol_type :: Ptr Language -> TSSymbol -> IO Int to get type (0 ==> Named, 1 ==> Anonymous)
  • syntaxDatatype: Auto-generate Haskell datatypes for sums, products and leaf types

    • -- newName :: String -> Q Name -- generate fresh name by TH
      syntaxDatatype :: Ptr TS.Language -> [(String, Named)] -> Datatype -> Q [Dec]
      syntaxDatatype language allSymbols datatype = skipDefined $ do
        typeParameterName <- newName "a"
        case datatype of
          SumType (DatatypeName _) _ subtypes -> do
            -- (((((a :+: b) :+: c) :+: d)) :+: e)   ((a :+: b) :+: (c :+: d))
            types' <- fieldTypesToNestedSum subtypes
            let fieldName = mkName ("get" <> nameStr)
            -- no unpack, no strict (!)
            -- name { (t1 :+: t2) a }
            con <- recC name [TH.varBangType fieldName (TH.bangType strictness (pure types' `appT` varT typeParameterName))]
            hasFieldInstance <- makeHasFieldInstance (conT name) (varT typeParameterName) (varE fieldName)
            traversalInstances <- makeTraversalInstances (conT name)
              (  NewtypeD [] name [PlainTV typeParameterName] Nothing con [deriveGN, deriveStockClause, deriveAnyClassClause]
              :  hasFieldInstance
              <> traversalInstances)
          ProductType (DatatypeName datatypeName) named children fields -> do
            con <- ctorForProductType datatypeName typeParameterName children fields
            symbolMatchingInstance <- symbolMatchingInstance allSymbols name named datatypeName
            traversalInstances <- makeTraversalInstances (conT name)
              (  generatedDatatype name [con] typeParameterName
              :  symbolMatchingInstance
              <> traversalInstances)
            -- Anonymous leaf types are defined as synonyms for the `Token` datatype
          LeafType (DatatypeName datatypeName) Anonymous -> do
            tsSymbol <- runIO $ withCStringLen datatypeName (\(s, len) -> TS.ts_language_symbol_for_name language s len False)
            -- type name = AST.Token (datatypeName :: GHC.TypeLits.Symbol) (tsSymbol :: GHC.TypeLits.Nat)
            pure [ TySynD name [] (ConT ''Token `AppT` LitT (StrTyLit datatypeName) `AppT` LitT (NumTyLit (fromIntegral tsSymbol))) ]
          LeafType (DatatypeName datatypeName) Named -> do
            con <- ctorForLeafType (DatatypeName datatypeName) typeParameterName
            symbolMatchingInstance <- symbolMatchingInstance allSymbols name Named datatypeName
            traversalInstances <- makeTraversalInstances (conT name)
            -- data ... | instance TS.SymbolMatching | instance Foldable/Functor/Traversable
              (  generatedDatatype name [con] typeParameterName
              :  symbolMatchingInstance
              <> traversalInstances)
          -- Skip generating datatypes that have already been defined (overridden) in the module where the splice is running.
          skipDefined m = do
            isLocal <- lookupTypeName nameStr >>= maybe (pure False) isLocalName
            if isLocal then pure [] else m
          name = mkName nameStr
          nameStr = toNameString (datatypeNameStatus datatype) (getDatatypeName (AST.Deserialize.datatypeName datatype))
          -- standard derivation for standard/GHC-specific type classes (derive(Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Generic1))
          deriveStockClause = DerivClause (Just StockStrategy) [ ConT ''Eq, ConT ''Ord, ConT ''Show, ConT ''Generic, ConT ''Generic1]
          -- -XDeriveAnyClass, generate an instance with empty implementations for all methods (derive(TS.Unmarshal, Traversable1 someConstraint))
          -- class (Foldable1 t, Traversable t) => Traversable1 (t :: Type -> Type)
          deriveAnyClassClause = DerivClause (Just AnyclassStrategy) [ConT ''TS.Unmarshal, ConT ''Traversable1 `AppT` VarT (mkName "someConstraint")]
          -- -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, use newtype's underlying type (derive(TS.SymbolMatching))
          deriveGN = DerivClause (Just NewtypeStrategy) [ConT ''TS.SymbolMatching]
          -- data name a = [cons] deriving(...)
          generatedDatatype name cons typeParameterName = DataD [] name [PlainTV typeParameterName] Nothing cons [deriveStockClause, deriveAnyClassClause]
    • ''T :: Name, names the type construct T

    • ConT, AppT

    • DerivStrategy: derive(...)

      • image-20200525014739452

      • image-20200525014756533

      • deriving strategies

        • Deriving stock instances: This is the usual approach that GHC takes. For certain classes that GHC is aware of, such as Eq, Ord, Functor, Generic, and others, GHC can use an algorithm to derive an instance of the class for a particular datatype mechanically. For example, a stock derived Eq instance for data Foo = Foo Int is:
        instance Eq Foo where
          Foo a == Foo b = a == b

        Stock applies to the "standard" derivable typeclasses mentioned in the Haskell Report like Eq and Show, as well as some GHC-specific classes like Data and Generic. The stock strategy only requires enabling language extensions in certain cases (DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric, etc.).

    • Traversable1

    • Apply: A strong lax semi-monoidal endofunctor. This is equivalent to an Applicative without pure.

    • image-20200525022836070

    • SumType (DataTypeName _) _ subtypes template

      • -- name = getDatatypeName . datatypeName datatype (PascalCase)
        newtype name a = name {
        		(t1 :+: t2) a
        	deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Generic1)
        	deriving(TS.SymbolMatching, TS.Unmarshal, Traversable1 someConstraint)
        -- class HasField x r a | x r -> a
        -- Constraint representing the fact that the field x belongs to the record type r and has field type a. This will be solved automatically, but manual instances may be provided as well.
        instance HasField "ann" (name a) a where
        	getField = TS.gann . getName
        instance Foldable name where
            foldMap = foldMapDefault1
        instance Functor name where
            fmap = fmapDefault1
        instance Traversable name where
            traverse = traverseDefault1
    • ProductType (DataTypeName datatypeName) named children fields template

      • data name a = name {
        	ann :: a,
        	t1 :: NonEmpty ((t2 :+: t3) a),	-- required, multiple
        	t2 :: (t3 :+: t4),	-- required, single
        	t3 :: [t5], 	-- optional, multiple
        	t4 :: Maybe t6, -- optional, single
        	extra_chidren :: T -- children
        deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Generic1)
        deriving(TS.Unmarshal, Traversable1 someConstraint)
        instance TS.SymbolMatching name where
        	matchedSymbols :: SymbolMatching a => Proxy a -> [Int]
        	matchedSymbols _ = [1, 2, 3]
        	showFailure :: SymbolMatching a => Proxy a -> Node -> String
        	showFailure _ node = "expected " <> name <> " but got ERROR/symbolName [(r1, c1)] - [(r2, c2)]"
        instance Traversal ..
    • LeafType (DataTypeName datatypeName) Named template

      • data name a = name {
        	ann :: a,
        	text :: Text
        deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Generic1)
        deriving(TS.Unmarshal, Traversable1 someConstraint)
        instance TS.SymbolMatching ..
        instance Traversal ..
    • LeafType (DataTypeName datatypeName) Anonymous template

      • -- name = Anonymous <> getDatatypeName . datatypeName datatype
        type name = AST.Token 
        	(datatypeName :: GHC.TypeLits.Symbol) 
        	(tsSymbol :: GHC.TypeLits.Nat)
  • GHC-Generic

  • Now the language AST is represented as GHC.Generic by auto deriving and template generating ((:+:))

  • also provide the traverse functions


  • Datatype = SumType | ProductType | LeafType

    • data Datatype
        = SumType
        { datatypeName       :: DatatypeName
        , datatypeNameStatus :: Named
        , datatypeSubtypes   :: NonEmpty Type
        | ProductType
        { datatypeName       :: DatatypeName
        , datatypeNameStatus :: Named
        , datatypeChildren   :: Maybe Children
        , datatypeFields     :: [(String, Field)]
        | LeafType
        { datatypeName       :: DatatypeName
        , datatypeNameStatus :: Named
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, ToJSON)
    • with FromJSON instance

      • -- lazy parsing for SumType?
        -- example node-types.json:
        instance FromJSON Datatype where
          -- withObject :: String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
          parseJSON = withObject "Datatype" $ \v -> do
            -- (.:) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
            -- retreive the value assoicated with the given key of an object
            type' <- v .: "type"
            named <- v .: "named"
            -- (.:?) :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
            -- subtypes :: NonEmpty Type (type has FromJSON instance)
            subtypes <- v .:? "subtypes"
            case subtypes of
              Nothing -> do
                fields <- fmap (fromMaybe HM.empty) (v .:? "fields")
                children <- v .:? "children"
                -- null :: Foldable t => t a -> Bool
                if null fields && null children then
                  pure (LeafType type' named)
                  ProductType type' named children <$> parseKVPairs (HM.toList fields)
              Just subtypes   -> pure (SumType type' named subtypes)
    • Field

      • data Field = MkField
          { fieldRequired :: Required
          , fieldTypes    :: NonEmpty Type
          , fieldMultiple :: Multiple
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, ToJSON)
        instance FromJSON Field where
          parseJSON = genericParseJSON customOptions
    • newtype Children = MkChildren Field

      • newtype Children = MkChildren Field
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
          deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON)
    • some options

      • data Required = Optional | Required
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, ToJSON)
        instance FromJSON Required where
          parseJSON = withBool "Required" (\p -> pure (if p then Required else Optional))
        data Named = Anonymous | Named
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, ToJSON, Lift)
        instance FromJSON Named where
          parseJSON = withBool "Named" (\p -> pure (if p then Named else Anonymous))
        data Multiple = Single | Multiple
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, ToJSON)
        instance FromJSON Multiple where
          parseJSON = withBool "Multiple" (\p -> pure (if p then Multiple else Single))
    • Type

      • data Type = MkType
          { fieldType :: DatatypeName
          , isNamed :: Named
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, ToJSON)
        instance FromJSON Type where
          parseJSON = genericParseJSON customOptions
        customOptions :: Aeson.Options
        customOptions = Aeson.defaultOptions
          	-- Function applied to field labels. toLower first . dropWhile isLower
            fieldLabelModifier = initLower . dropPrefix
            -- Function applied to constructor tags which could be handy for lower-casing them for example.
          , constructorTagModifier = initLower
  • combining nodes-type.json, GenerateSyntax, Deserialize, we get the template generated Haskell data types for language symbols.


  • fuse-effects

  • Abstracting Definitional Interpreters

  • parseByteString: parse source code and produce AST

    • -- withParser :: Ptr Language -> (Ptr Parser -> IO a) -> IO a (where a = Either [Char] (t a))
      -- withParserTree :: Ptr Parser -> ByteString -> (Ptr Tree -> IO a) -> IO a
      parseByteString :: (Unmarshal t, UnmarshalAnn a) => Ptr TS.Language -> ByteString -> IO (Either String (t a))
      parseByteString language bytestring = withParser language $ \ parser -> withParseTree parser bytestring $ \ treePtr ->
        if treePtr == nullPtr then
          pure (Left "error: didn't get a root node")
      	-- withRootNode :: Ptr Tree -> (Ptr Node -> IO a) -> IO a
          withRootNode treePtr $ \ rootPtr ->
      	  -- withCursor :: Ptr TSNode -> (Ptr Cursor -> IO a) -> IO a
      	  -- liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a (lift a computation from the `IO` monad)
      	  -- unmarshalNode :: Node -> MatchM (t a) (type MatchM = ReaderC UnmarshalState IO)
      	  -- UnmarshalState { source :: !ByteString, cursor :: !(Ptr Cursor) }
            withCursor (castPtr rootPtr) $ \ cursor ->
              (Right <$> runReader (UnmarshalState bytestring cursor) (liftIO (peek rootPtr) >>= unmarshalNode))
                `catch` (pure . Left . getUnmarshalError)
    • use example

      • -- with TypeApplications
        	@(Source.Span.Span, Source.Range.Range) 
        	Language.Rust.Grammar.tree_sitter_rust "let x = 1;"



  • use AST.Grammar.TH to convert TreeSitter

    • {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
      module Language.TSX.Grammar
      ( tree_sitter_tsx
      , Grammar(..)
      ) where
      import AST.Grammar.TH
      import Language.Haskell.TH
      import TreeSitter.TSX (tree_sitter_tsx)
      -- | Statically-known rules corresponding to symbols in the grammar.
      mkStaticallyKnownRuleGrammarData  (mkName "Grammar") tree_sitter_{...}
    • (..) grammar

        • The form T(..), where T is a data family, names the family T and all the in-scope constructors (whether in scope qualified or unqualified) that are data instances of T.
        • The form C(..), where C is a class, names the class C and all its methods and associated types.
      • import-and-export-pattern-synoyms

      • import-and-export

    • generated template

      • -- defined in AST.Grammar.TH
        -- duplicated names are modified to Name', Name''
        data Grammar = S1 | S2 | ..
        deriving stock (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ix, Ord, Show)
        instance Symbol Grammar where
        	symbolType = \case {
        		S1 -> ST1;
        		S2 -> ST2;
  • use AST.GenerateSyntax.astDeclarationsForLanguage to convert tree_sitter_xxx

    • {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
      {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
      module Language.Python.AST
      ( module Language.Python.AST
      , Python.getTestCorpusDir
      ) where
      import           Prelude hiding (False, Float, Integer, String, True)
      import           AST.GenerateSyntax
      import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (runIO)
      import qualified TreeSitter.Python as Python (getNodeTypesPath, getTestCorpusDir, tree_sitter_python)
      -- runIO :: IO a -> Q a
      -- getTestCorpusDir :: IO FilePath
      -- getTestCorpusDir = getDataFileName "vendor/tree-sitter-python/test/corpus"
      -- getNodeTypesPath :: IO FilePath
      -- getNodeTypesPath = getDataFileName "vendor/tree-sitter-python/src/node-types.json"
      -- tree_sitter_python :: Ptr Language
      -- foreign import ccall unsafe "vendor/tree-sitter-python/src/parser.c tree_sitter_python" tree_sitter_python :: Ptr Language
      -- astDeclarationsForLanguage :: Ptr Language -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
      runIO Python.getNodeTypesPath >>= astDeclarationsForLanguage Python.tree_sitter_python
    • the tree-sitter exports is defined in vendor

      • the grammar is defined in Javascript, where $ refers to the module, then it generates, for incrementing parsing. Also use corpus.txt (plain code & S-expressions) for testing

      • syntax is like

        • _declaration_statement: $ => choice(
          macro_definition: $ => {
              const rules = seq(
                  repeat(seq($.macro_rule, ';')),
              return seq(
                  field('name', $.identifier),
                      seq('(', rules, ')', ';'),
                      seq('{', rules, '}')
    • module Y( module Y ): exports all entities defined in Y

    • Q: the monad that warps the computations that can be run in the GHC compiler at compile time