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\ No newline at end of file +#### Sen v Dallasu + +_Andrew McChesney_ + +Samuel prohlásil, že o studium Bible nemá zájem. „Ale na dotazníku o studiu Bible jsi vyznačil, že máš zájem,“ řekl volající, biblický pracovník z prvního sboru církve adventistů sedmého dne v Dallasu, který leží v americkém státě Texas. On a další bibličtí pracovníci procházeli dotazníky, které církev rozdávala. „No, já nemám zájem,“ řekl Samuel. + +Volající odložil dotazník o studiu Bible stranou. + +O týden později Samuelovi zavolal jiný biblický pracovník. + +„Nemám zájem,“ řekl Samuel. + +Další týden zavolal biblický pracovník znovu. + +„Kolik by to studium Bible stálo?“ zeptal se Samuel. + +„Nic.“ + +Na prvním biblickém studiu Samuel řekl, že se svou ženou hledají církev. Jejich syn je pozval do svého sboru, ale pohoršilo je kázání o papeži a sobotě. „Už nikdy nevkročím do sboru adventistů sedmého dne,“ řekl Samuel. + +Pracovník se tiše pomodlil a pokračoval ve studiu Bible. + +Po několika týdnech biblický pracovník pozval Samuela na evangelizační setkání v dallaské První církvi adventistů sedmého dne. Zajímalo ho, co Samuel řekne. Samuel souhlasil, že příjde. + +Na prvním setkání se Samuel s velkým zájmem rozhlížel po sboru. Budova měla jedinečnou architekturu se zaoblenou modlitebnou, zaobleným stropem a lavicemi zakřivenými kolem pódia. Samuel vyhledal biblického pracovníka. „Potřebuji s vámi mluvit,“ řekl. Biblický pracovník pomáhal s přípravou na setkání a požádal Samuela, zda by mohl počkat. Samuel souhlasil a posadil se. Pozorně naslouchal evangelistovu kázání o Danielovi 2. Poté vyhledal biblického pracovníka a vyhrkl: „Chci se nechat pokřtít!“ Samuel se na něj podíval a řekl mu: „Já chci být pokřtěn!“ Biblický pracovník byl v šoku a zvolal: „Cože?“ + +Samuel řekl, že před 18 lety měl sen: „V tom snu mě Ježíš zavedl do sboru a řekl: 'To je moje církev,'“. „Když jsem dnes večer vešel do tohoto sboru, okamžitě jsem ho poznal. Konečně jsem našel sbor ze svého snu. Chci se nechat pokřtít.“ + +Biblický pracovník zavedl Samuela k evangelistovi, který byl také překvapen, když se dozvěděl o jeho snu. Příběh byl o to pozoruhodnější, že sbir před 13 lety vyhořel a byla postavena nová budova. Samuel viděl ve snu nový sboru pět let před jeho stavbou. + +“Everything is possible when we cooperate with God in His mission,” said the evangelist, Slavik Ostapenko, now pastor of the Spokane Slavic Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington State. + +„Všechno je možné, když spolupracujeme s Bohem na jeho poslání,“ řekl evangelista Slavik Ostapenko, nyní pastor slovanského sboru církve adventistů sedmého dne ve Spokane ve státě Washington. + +![Slavik Ostapenko](https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/cs/ss/2024-04/11/picture11.jpg) +Slavik Ostapenko \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cs/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md b/src/cs/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md index 63495e4da7..4059086263 100644 --- a/src/cs/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md +++ b/src/cs/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md @@ -1,7 +1,29 @@ --- -title: Inside story +title: Misijní příběh date: 20/12/2024 --- -### Na této lekci pracujeme. -
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\ No newline at end of file +#### Kingston nachází naději + +_Andrew McChesney_ + +Biblická pracovnice pozvala do sboru adventistů sedmého dne v Bethelu na Aljašce několik lidí, aby se podělili o své životní příběhy s návštěvníkem z adventistické misie. Část darů třinácté soboty ve čtvrtém čtvrtletí roku 2024 půjde na opravu a rozšíření sboru, aby se v něm mohlo usídlit centrum vlivu pro službu v Bethelu. Do města s 6300 obyvateli jsem přiletěl, abych shromáždil misijní příběhy k propagaci projektu. + +V určený čas se však ve sboru nikdo neobjevil. Biblická pracovnice Joy Anderson mávla směrem k velké pizze, kterou vyzvedla cestou do sboru ze své kanceláře, kde pracuje jako právnička. + +„Poslužte si,“ řekla Joy, která pochází z Alabamy a sbor vede společně s dalším biblickým pracovnikem. „Doufala jsem, že pizza podnítí lidi, aby přišli.“ + +Když byla snězena asi polovina pizzy, vešel dovnitř Kingston. Vyjádřil překvapení, že je jediným přítomným. Pak si vzal kousek pizzy, posadil se a promluvil o tom, proč chodí na bohoslužby do sboru adventistů. + +Devětapadesátiletý hlídač řekl, že léta bojoval s alkoholem a drogami v Hooper Bay, městečku v deltě Yukon-Kuskokwim s 1400 obyvateli, které se nachází 90 minut letu malým letadlem od Bethelu. „Chtěl jsem se dostat z toho mizerného života, který jsem vedl,“ řekl. „Řekl jsem si: 'Pokud se z této lekce nepoučím, pokud se nepoučím ze svých chyb, lidé si budou myslet, že jsem hloupý. “ + +Pak se Kingston přestěhoval do Bethelu a následoval tak cestu mnoha obyvatel delty Yukon-Kuskokwim, kteří opustili malá města v naději na lepší život v Bethelu, největší obci na západě Aljašky. Obyvatelstvo delty Yukon-Kuskokwim tvoří asi 85 % původních obyvatel Aljašky, kteří jsou především Yup'ikové, Cup'ikové a Athabaskové. + +Jednoho dne Steve, adventista a domorodý obyvatel z delty Yukon-Kuskokwim, pozval Kingstona do bethelského sboru. „Zeptal se mě, jestli mě něco trápí, nebo jsem na dně,“ řekl Kingston. „Byl jsem zvědavý, kam to chodí, a tak jsem začal do sboru docházet.“ + +Kingston našel sílu ve chvílích strávených s ostatními návštěvníky sboru, kteří překonali jejich závislost na alkoholu a drogách. „Pomohli mi držet se od těchto věcí dál,“ řekl. „Toto prostředí mi pomohlo.“ Řekl, že je šťastný, ale stále hledá odpovědi. „Ta Dobrá Osoba nahoře všechno vidí,“ řekl. „Všichni nějak najdeme své odpovědi.“ + +_Prosím, modlete se za Kingstona, který navštěvuje sbor téměř každou sobotu, ale ještě se nerozhodl pro křest. Děkujeme vám za dary třinácté soboty, které v tomto čtvrtletí podpoří misijní pomoc ve sboru Církve adventistů sedmého dne v obci Bethel. Jména obyvatel Bethelu byla změněna z důvodu ochrany jejich soukromí. Na fotografii je Joy Anderson._ + +![Joy Anderson](https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/cs/ss/2024-04/12/picture12.jpg) +Joy Anderson diff --git a/src/en/devo/feed.yml b/src/en/devo/feed.yml index 0d603ea811..928f8aadd2 100644 --- a/src/en/devo/feed.yml +++ b/src/en/devo/feed.yml @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- - title: Devotionals + title: Devotional groups: - group: Correlated Bible Reading Plan reverse: true @@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ - en-devo-abide-in-jesus - en-devo-spirit-filled-coworkers-of-jesus - en-devo-from-lack-to-abundance + - group: Daily Devotional + view: folio + resources: + - en-devo-nad-family-devo-2025 + - en-devo-nad-health-devo-2025 - group: Other resources view: folio resources: diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6164a4f77d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Order out of Chaos +date: 01/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2) + +### Observation + +These two verses open the book of Genesis, the Bible, and the history of humanity on this earth. It speaks of the chaos that reigned on the earth before God began His work of creation and before He brought everything into a perfect order and harmony. There, when the earth was without form and void, the Spirit of God hovered over the abyss as He began to bring order out of disorder. + +### Application + +As we begin a new year, this is an opportunity to look over our marriage and our family and ask God to bring order out of chaos. It may seem as if our marriage or our family is falling apart – it could be an illness, or death; it could be infidelity or lack of commitment; it could be falling into the doldrums, the routine, the unhealthy comfort of life; it could be an abandonment of our spiritual connection with God and thus with one another. Whatever it is that’s brought disorder and chaos in our life, in our marriage, in our family, we can ask God to send His Holy Spirit to restore order, to bring back harmony, to make something very good out of the chaos we have created. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, as we begin this new year, please send your Spirit to bring harmony and order out of what we have so badly mismanaged. Recreate in us Your image and thus make of our marriage and family a true reflection of You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64ae28c8fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Order out of Chaos +startDate: 01/01/2025 +endDate: 01/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/02-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/02-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2760485b7a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/02-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Love and Lead +date: 01/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. 20 For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does; and He will show Him greater works than these, that you may marvel. (John 5:19-20) + +### Observation + +Jesus had just healed the man, at the Pool of Bethesda, who had been there for thirty-eight years waiting and hoping for a miracle. Jesus simply asked him if he wanted to be made well, but the man’s response shows his hopelessness - I don’t have anyone to put me in the water, and somebody always gets there first. Instead of expecting him to perform any kind of act in order to receive healing, Jesus told him to get up, pick up his bed, and walk, and immediately the man did as was told and was healed as he had hoped for many years. + +It’s interesting that when the Jews saw him, knowing he had been infirm for thirty-eight years, they did not marvel at this glorious miracle but instead focused on the breaking of their tradition! They were more ready to condemn this person who hadn’t been able to walk almost his entire life for walking and carrying his bed on the Sabbath than they were to rejoice and celebrate the fact he was walking at all! + +Looking for the guilty party, the one who would dare “break” the Sabbath by healing this man, they found out it was Jesus and “began to persecute Him” and to try to “kill Him” (John 5:16). In response Jesus told them He was simply doing what His Father always does. The words of our text for today are part of His words to the Jews. + +### Application + +The relationship between God the Father and Jesus is unique to them - the triune God. But in His humanity, Jesus lived His life in such a way as to teach about how fathers and children, and particularly fathers and sons, can and should have a close relationship based on mutual love, respect, and obedience. Two important lessons we as fathers must learn from these words of Jesus: + +1\. Fathers must lead, and we must lead by example, not just command with words. Jesus said He did, “What He (the Son) sees the Father do.” Children watch every action and hear every word of their father and imitate them. For a child, their father is this giant whose example they want to emulate, and whose love and recognition they crave, and their way to seek for their attention is through copying what they see their fathers do. It makes them feel “grown up’ and “mature” to do as their fathers do. + +In explaining the words of Exodus 34:7 [“ visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation”], Ellen White writes: “God did not mean in this threatening that the children should be compelled to suffer for their parents' sins, but that the example of the parents would be imitated by the children. If the children of wicked parents should serve God and do righteousness, he would reward their right-doing. But the effects of a sinful life are often inherited by the children. They follow in the footsteps of their parents. Sinful example has its influence from father to son, to the third and fourth generations. If parents indulge in depraved appetites, they will, in almost every case, see the same acted over in their children. The children will develop characters similar to those of their parents; and unless they are renewed by grace, and overcome, they are truly unfortunate. If parents are continually rebellious, and inclined to disobey God, their children will generally imitate their example. Godly parents, who instruct their children by precept and example in the ways of righteousness, will generally see their children following in their footsteps. The example of God-fearing parents will be imitated by their children, and their children's children will imitate the right example their parents have set before them; and thus the influence is seen from generation to generation.” (1 Spirit of Prophecy 257-258) + +2\. Not only does Jesus do what He sees the Father do, but the Father also loves the Son. So it isn’t enough to show our children what to do, we must love them. It may sound unusual to tell fathers they must love their children when it should be natural for them to do so. And yet, there are fathers who did not experience that love in their own homes and therefore don’t know what that type of love is and how to express it to their children. Lovelessness can go through many generations! But so can love! + +So, fathers, add these two ingredients to your relationship with your children: Love them and lead them by example. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Father, Thank You for loving us and leading us. Help us to learn what You want to show us and teach us, and help us to imitate You so that we may love and lead our own children, who are really Your children too, that the may not only follow us but ultimately that they may follow You, their Loving, Eternal, Perfect father. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7cbf692bf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love and Lead +startDate: 01/02/2025 +endDate: 01/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/03-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/03-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e50d6acaf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/03-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Don't Live Under a Burden +date: 01/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30) + +### Observation + +John, who baptized Jesus, was in prison. While there, his faith must have been tested severely and he sent some of his disciples to ask Jesus if He was indeed the Messiah he believed Him to be or if they should wait for somebody else. Jesus responded by telling him to look at the evidence of His ministry, and then He told John’s disciples and others who were listening about the John’s high calling. In is in connection with John’s unjust imprisonment that Jesus declares the words of today’s text. + +### Application + +I find it interesting that Jesus seems to be thinking about John, his cousin, and what he must be feeling now being thrown in prison for standing and proclaiming what is right and true. Jesus must have been thinking of so many of His disciples who would also experience persecution, imprisonment, and even death because of their convictions. + +At the same time, I couldn’t help but think how these verses apply to those who find themselves in a difficult marriage or with challenging family difficulties and Jesus extends to each of them, each of us, the promise that He’s ready to carry our heavy burden and instead give us his “yoke” which is so much lighter and better. Think about it, Jesus invites us to bring to Him whatever situation where going through today, and He will take whatever it is on His shoulders, take them off our shoulders, and instead give something much better to have in their place. + +I think this is Jesus’ way of saying, “Don’t give up on your relationship!” But it’s also His way of saying, “You don’t simply have to stay in a relationship that is making you miserable; let me have it and I’ll give you something a lot better and much more pleasant in its place.” Don’t settle for “accepting what life has dealt you.” Accept what Jesus offers you and enjoy life abundantly. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Father, thank you that whatever challenge we may face in our married life or in our family does not have to be unbearable but that Jesus bears all our burdens in life and instead gives us what we can easily bear. Take our burdens, dear Jesus, and help us to live life as you intended for us, life to its full. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..059428080b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Live Under a Burden +startDate: 01/03/2025 +endDate: 01/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/04-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/04-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2e607362e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/04-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Loving Parent +date: 01/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:11-13) + +### Observation + +The disciples observed Jesus in prayer and asked Him to teach them how to do it. In answer to their request, Jesus gave them a pattern in what has come to be known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” He then follows His instructions encouraging His disciples to ask the Father for what they need, reminding them that God, our Father, will not give us anything that would not be good for our well-being. + +### Application + +The relationship between a parent and their children is one of the most important ones not only for the physical, but also for the emotional and spiritual development of each of their children. + +From the physical point of view, human children are totally helpless and totally dependent on others from the time they are born. Without the physical nurture they receive from parents, or some other adults, the child would simply die shortly after their birth. As the child grows, parents are responsible for providing them with good, healthy, nutritious food if their children will grow up healthy and with good health habits. In our day, there is an increase in children with diabetes or with hypertension or other diseases that are directly linked to their diet because evidently they have not been properly nourished by their parents. + +From the emotional point of view, babies and children who experience closeness and healthy physical touch from their parents grow emotionally healthier. The words children hear from their parents will have a great effect on their psychological and educational well-being. If what they hear from their parents are words putting them down, yelling at them, telling them how dumb they are or that they will amount to nothing, those words will have have a negative effect on their fragile minds and lives. If, on the other hands, children hear loving, encouraging, affirming words from their parents, they get the positive foundation they need to grow up and develop into stronger, healthier, successful, independent adults. + +Finally, from the spiritual point of view, the relationship with their parents will either lead them closer or farther from God. The love of the mother toward their children is used in the Bible as an example of the loving care God has for His children. The relationship of fathers toward their children is also used and helps form that relationship between their children and their heavenly Father. That is the message from today’s text, that God’s goodness to us, is greater than even the best of parents, and certainly that of those parents who fail to show love to their children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, our Father, thank You for loving us the way that You do. And thank You, Father, for giving us in our parents the love and care that we needed to one day come to trust You and love You. At the same time, Father, I recognize that some parents have been far from that ideal. Bless us Father, that we may forgive our parents when they have fallen short of the ideal You have for them, forgive us when we as parents have not been a good example for our children, and restore us all to the best relationship there is, that which we can have with You, our loving Father. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14abfba365 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Loving Parent +startDate: 01/04/2025 +endDate: 01/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/05-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/05-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c747f879c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/05-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: When the Storms Threaten +date: 01/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing!" Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm. (Luke 8:24) + +### Observation + +At this point in His ministry, Jesus seemed to be constantly followed by a crowd of people, many seeking physical relief for their ailments, others out of curiosity for this preacher, and some who really wanted to learn the spiritual lessons He was teaching. There were also those who followed Him trying to catch Him saying something contrary to their teachings, or looking for a way to accuse Him and thus get Him arrested, or better yet, killed. + +Jesus, like everyone else, needed some respite at times, and at those times even a short break while on a boat was just what He needed. On this occasion, a storm arose that threatened to capsize the boat where Jesus and His disciples were, heading to the other side of the lake. Some of the disciples were experienced fishermen and had probably encountered similar storms. They used all their expertise and strength to try to control the boat and navigate it safely to the other side of the lake, but found themselves overwhelmed by the fierce storm tossing the vessel, the waves lifting and dropping the craft, the wind howling and the water filling the boat with water and the disciples with fear that they would all drown. + +Finding themselves helpless and powerless, feeling as if they were about to drown, the disciples called on Jesus to save them. Jesus promptly ordered the storms to be still and peace returned to all and the boat took them safely to the other shore. + +This was not the only nor the last storm Jesus and the disciples would face, but here, as it would happen many other times, Jesus brought them the peace and safety the disciples needed as well as the encouragement which strengthened their faith. + +### Application + +Every relationship faces conflict at some point or another simply because we all are different and try to get our own way at one time or another. In marriage, the goal is not the absence of conflict but rather positive conflict management. As a marriage counselor, almost every marital couple that comes to my office feels they are overwhelmed and at the end of their rope, that they are drowning in their problems, and that they are helpless and powerless to do anything about their relationship and the problems that are sinking their family ship. + +The same Jesus who calmed the fiercest storm these disciples had ever seen can calm the storms of our lives and families. We sometimes do everything we can and finally when we find ourselves at the end of our rope we turn to God or professionals for help. Turning to God should be a daily experience, one which will prevent many of the storms in life. Coming to God for help should not be our last resort but rather the first things we do. This is why we should have daily devotional time individually, as a couple, and as a family – those moments with God will strengthen our faith, but they will also strengthen our relationship with one another. Do you have any storms in your life right now. Talk them over with Jesus; He will bring calm to your life. Keep in mind that often He uses His people to help, so talking things over with a religious leader or a godly counselor could be just what you need and how God wants to help you. Don’t wait until you are overwhelmed and the storms of life threaten to drown you. Seek help at the first signs of trouble. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, Thank You that the storms of life don’t have to drown us and that You are always with us ready to help us. Calm those storms and return to us the peace You so desire for us to enjoy. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ce36dd317 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: When the Storms Threaten +startDate: 01/05/2025 +endDate: 01/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/06-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/06-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45f21e3ace --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/06-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Most Painful Death +date: 01/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying to him, "Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Teacher." But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, "Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well." (Luke 8:49-50) + +### Observation + +Jairus, a leader of the synagogue, pushed through the crowd waiting for Jesus’ return from the other side of the lake. He came to see Jesus and to ask Hi, beg Him, to come to his house because his daughter was ill, in fact, dying. While he was asking Jesus, someone from his home came to tell him his daughter was dead. What would be the point of troubling Jesus now. Instead, Jesus said to Him, “Don’t be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well” (vs.50). Jairus must have had every fiber of his body focused on believing the unbelievable, fighting every possible doubt that crept into his mind. . . the life of his only child depended on him not accepting death but receiving the gift of life from the Life-giver. + +### Application + +I have always heard that the most painful death is the death of a child. We all sort-of expect that our parents, maybe even our siblings, will more than likely die before we do. It isn’t a pleasant, comforting thought to know we will probably have to attend many a funeral of loved ones. But none of us expect our children, or grandchildren, to die before we do. Ellen White had that experience twice, and from experience she speaks of the death of her fourth child, three-month-old John Herbert: “After we returned from the funeral, my home seemed lonely. I felt reconciled to the will of God, yet despondency and gloom settled upon me.--1 Testimonies to the Church, p. 246. + +Jairus was blessed to receive his daughter back from the grip of death. The widow of Nain also received her son back from the dead. Every other parent has to wait until the morning of the resurrection to receive their children back. Ellen White describes that awesome moment when, “Little children are borne by holy angels to their mothers' arms. {Child Guidance, p. 566}. There’s probably nothing that can make the parents’ grief any easier to bear, but the hope of the resurrection and being reunited with their children gives parents something specially joyous to look forward to. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we as parents never have to experience the pain and sorrow that comes from losing a child. But if that time were to come, remind us of the family reunion which will take place when Jesus return so we can look forward to that glorious event with even greater anticipation. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f258f84f3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Most Painful Death +startDate: 01/06/2025 +endDate: 01/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/07-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/07-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2010873c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/07-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Who Do You Love Most? +date: 01/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. (Matthew 10:34-37) + +### Observation + +Jesus is spending some time in teaching/training His disciples, particularly in what it means to be one of His disciples. The section for our consideration today is one of those that has come to be known as “The Hard Sayings of Jesus.” Here it seems as if Jesus is telling His disciples to not love their family, although that is not the case. The Andrews Study Bible provides this insights: “In this passage Jesus seems to be contradicting His teaching on nonviolence and loving enemies and family. Rather than contradicting Himself, He is making two points: First, He is saying that the gospel at times engenders conflict because of the deep differences and disagreements that arise by those who accept it and those who don’t. Second, family and its place in society are redefined in its popular social understanding. The blood family is no longer at the top of the hierarchy in the setting of the gospel. Acceptance of, and love for, Jesus must be primary. To be sure, the Scripture teaches the importance of the family bond; but not at the expense of following Jesus.” 1 + +### Application + +Conflict is part of any human relationship. What is sad is that sometimes conflict in the family exists due to our differences in religious beliefs and convictions; this is what Jesus speaks about. It is not that He causes conflict in the home, but rather that accepting His teachings may set us in opposition to family members who either reject or have a different understanding of Jesus’ teachings. + +One of the most important lessons we can learn from this section, however, is that Jesus demands that He have first place in our lives. In the Ten Commandments God had written: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3“You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2-3, NKJV). Anyone (or anything) who takes the first place in our lives becomes our god. The first place is, or should be reserved for God! + +This does not mean we stop loving our family members. Instead, by placing God first in our lives, our relationship with our family changes and our family takes on a more exalted place. No longer are they simply blood relatives but also faith relatives. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, by accepting You to have first place in my life I am not relegating my family to last but rather giving You and them the place each rightly deserves. Father, be first in our lives, always and forever. + +1 Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2799a4d0b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Who Do You Love Most? +startDate: 01/07/2025 +endDate: 01/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/08-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/08-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c608a7ba6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/08-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: A Stoppable Flood +date: 01/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. "The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." And God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth." (Gen 9:15-17) + +### Observation + +Noah and his family actually represent a number of family units and dynamics. Among them we find Noah and his wife’s marriage, their relationship to their sons as parents, their relationship to their sons’ wives as in-laws, the wives’ relationship to the other brothers and vice-versa, and the relationships of the wives among themselves. I often wonder what it might have been like spending over one hundred days together, confined in that apartment complex which doubled as a zoo. I wonder if maybe they had their separate quarters on different levels (the ark had three levels), and on opposite ends of the ark. I imagine they all shared in the feeding and cleaning after the animals, beside the cooking and cleaning for the family. I wonder if any of them was slower than the rest and others had to bear their share of the responsibilities. I wonder if there was ever any kind of conflict between spouses, between parents and children, between in-laws. Or I wonder if the ark was a haven of safety not only from the waters which destroyed all life outside but also from the internal conflict inside. We don’t read of animals becoming angry, or killing each other because they were hungry, or stampeding in or out of the ark. Nor do we read of the people inside the ark arguing or fighting amongst themselves. So I assume that God’s protection was not only from outside forces threatening to destroy them, but from internal conflict which could harm them as well. + +### Application + +John Gottman, psychologist and marriage researcher, describes what happens during conflict as “flooding.” Flooding is a physiological phenomenon triggered by emotional conflict and leaves people’s heart rates too high for them to clearly concentrate on the conversation at hand. He has also found that men tend to “flood” faster than women do. His research shows that taking the time to calm down before finishing an argument is more likely to help couples stay close and connected. It may be to the couple’s benefit to continue the discussion with cooler heads in the morning, even if that means the issue was not resolve the night before. + +As sad as it is to think that all life, except for those in the ark, was destroyed in the flood, it may be a lesson for us to learn that in marriage and family life, “flooding” can also destroy – it destroys good communication, it destroys healthy relationships, and in extreme cases such as abusive relationships, it can even destroy life. So, take time to calm down (at least 20-30 minutes according to research) before continuing a discussion or trying to resolve your conflict, and remember God’s rainbow as a sign that God has made a covenant and wants to save our marriage and our family from destructive floods. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, keep us from flooding during conflict, and protect our homes from any and every destructive influence. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..022deb2d85 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Stoppable Flood +startDate: 01/08/2025 +endDate: 01/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/09-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/09-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7ed6f56ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/09-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Healing the Pain of Grief +date: 01/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> When Jesus heard it, He departed from there by boat to a deserted place by Himself. (Matthew 14:13) + +### Observation + +Matthew 14 begins with the sad story of the beheading of John the Baptist at the hands of Herod. John had been thrown in prison for declaring Herod’s marriage to his brother’s wife immoral, something that made Herodias, Herod’s wife, very angry. She found the best opportunity to get rid of John on the day of Herod’s birthday. Using her own daughter as the bait, she caught Herod in a moment if weakness, when lured by the sensual dance of his step-daughter he offered her anything she wanted. Prompted by her mother, she asked for John’s head. . . the death sentence was passed and carried out immediately. + +John’s disciples took his body to be buried and then hurried to give Jesus the news of his death. Today’s passage tells us that when Jesus heard the news, He departed to a deserted place. Evidently, while this took place, the disciples had also come back from their first missionary journey with various degrees of success and lots of stories to tell. People were constantly surrounding Jesus, so His desire for some time away from them was not just for His own benefit but also for His disciples’ benefit. + +### Application + +Those of us who are introverts can appreciate Jesus’ need to go away by Himself when He heard the news of John’s death. We need to keep in mind that John was not only His forerunner, the one who baptized Him, and a powerful, compelling speaker; he was also Jesus cousin. Losing John was not simply losing a colleague in the ministry, it was losing a close member of His family. + +Ellen White writes, “In a life wholly devoted to the good of others, the Saviour found it necessary to turn aside from ceaseless activity and contact with human needs, to seek retirement and unbroken communion with His Father. As the throng that had followed Him depart, He goes into the mountains, and there, alone with God, pours out His soul in prayer for these suffering, sinful, needy ones (The Ministry of Healing, p.58). + +As a police and hospice chaplain I have had to attend to people who have just lost a loved one. Many are assisted by well-meaning relatives and friends who give them words which sound encouraging but do nothing to alleviate the pain. Words like, “I know how you feel,” or “You should be glad. . . at least they’re not suffering anymore,” or “He/she’s in a better place and they’re watching over you,” or “My father/mother/sister/friend died of the same thing.” I wish they would understand that at moments of sorrow it is not what you say what your presence and willingness to listen that can make the greatest difference for those grieving the death of their loved one. Others, afraid that the living will suffer beyond their ability to survive will offer them some medication or suggest they ask their physician for a prescription. Someone said that a lot of the mental challenges stem from unresolved grief, because people didn’t give themselves or others didn’t allow them time to grieve. + +Jesus’ example is best. In His grieve, He took some time to be alone. And he also understood that His disciples were tired and the news of John’s death, as well as the constant pressure of having to take care of people, could be detrimental to their health, faith, and well-being, so He took them appart for a while. We, too, need some time off, after a traumatic situation, after the death of a loved one, to release our grief and to recharge our emotional batteries. Allow yourself to feel the pain, the void left by your loss, to sorrow and grieve. Live and express your emotions without hurting yourself or others; this is part of the normal process of grieving and healing. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for allowing us to see a glimpse of Jesus’ humanity and the sorrow He felt at the death of John. During our time of sorrow, help us to feel and to live out our pain so that healing will come naturally and faster than if we suppress it all. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1aaf5c986d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Healing the Pain of Grief +startDate: 01/09/2025 +endDate: 01/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/10-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/10-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb14ad2c02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/10-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Mercy in the Family +date: 01/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "I desire mercy, and not sacrifice" (Matthew 12:7, ESV) + +### Observation + +The first part of this chapter of Matthew speaks of Jesus and His disciples walking through the grain fields on the Sabbath where they picked some of the grain to eat. The Pharisees immediately began to criticize the disciples for doing something which was contrary to their views or traditions on how the Sabbath should be kept. Jesus responds by pointing them to the time when Kind David entered the house of God and ate some of the showbread, which was not to be consumed. Jesus then adds the words of our text today. + +### Application + +In the family, with our spouse and children, we could become very strict with rules and customs. While the children need a clear structure so they know how to conduct themselves at home and outside, and children, particularly small children, need consistency with the rules and boundaries, we also need to be somewhat flexible with them as they grow up and learn what is expected of every member of the family. A very strict rule of law which does not allow for any options, or freedom to grow and make mistakes may produce children who rebel and resent their parents and the way they were brought up. + +In marriage, as well, spouses need to be gracious and merciful with each other knowing that we’re all bound to make mistakes at some point or another. Particularly early in the marriage, as couples learn to live together, there needs to be more mutual flexibility and mercy. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to remember Your mercy toward us, and may extend ours toward our spouse and children so that we may have a close relationship toward one another and with You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b6b65b6bae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Mercy in the Family +startDate: 01/10/2025 +endDate: 01/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/11-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/11-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b09c972043 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/11-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: A Home Divided +date: 01/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” (Matthew 12:25, ESV) (cf. Luke 11:17) + +### Observation + +As Jesus heals people and casts demons out of them, some among those who witnessed the events accused Jesus of doing it by the power of the devil. Our text today is Jesus’ response to those accusations. + +Basically Jesus was asking, what benefit is there for the devil to cast out his imps? How does it help a government or kingdom when there is infighting? The implied answer is that togetherness is stronger than divisiveness. + +### Application + +While Jesus uses the example of a kingdom, this principles can also apply to the relationships at home. Here are a few things we can do to make sure our home is not divided. + +1. Marry a believer. The most personal, intimate part of a person’s life is their spirituality. If you can’t share that with your spouse because your faith is very different, how can you truly be one? Many studies have shown that the more differences that exist in a marital relationship the greater the chance that they will lead to problems and even eventual divorce. Those studies also reveal that religious differences are very difficult. When you marry a believer, someone with whom you share your faith and spiritual beliefs, it will bring you closer and keep you close to each other and to God. + +2. Worship together. One of the most powerful tools God has given us to brings us and keep us together, as a couple and as a family, is daily worship. As we study and pray together not only are we drawn toward each other but we’re certainly drawn closer to the source of our power, to God Himself. Weekly, habitual church attendance also accomplishes the same affect. When one member, say the father, decides to stay home while the wife and children go to church, a very important member of the family is missing from the fellowship they could or should have enjoyed together, but his example will prove detrimental to his children’s faith. + +3. Decisions at home should be taken together. This is particularly true of financial decisions (tithes and offerings, home budget, expenses, investments, savings, etc.), and any other decisions that have to do with the well-being of the family. These would include such things as the education of the children, buying a home or a car, health (diet, medical care, etc.). + +4. Children’s discipline should be agreed on by both parents together, and it should be done privately, not in front of the children. + +5. Spend quality and quantity time together in recreational activities (playing games, vacations, etc.). The memories we collect during these times keep us together and will remain even after death takes a loved one away. Some of these memories go on through generations. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, Keep our family together in the bonds of mutual love and within Your arms of love. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec70a4564c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Home Divided +startDate: 01/11/2025 +endDate: 01/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/12-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/12-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9d4ee6d18 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/12-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Strong Family Building +date: 01/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built” (Luke 6:47-48, ESV) + +### Observation + +Ellen White describes in wonderful details the scene where the words of Jesus (from our text0 were spoken: “As the people sat upon the hillside, listening to the words of Christ, they could see valleys and ravines through which the mountain streams found their way to the sea. In summer these streams often wholly disappeared, leaving only a dry and dusty channel. But when the wintry storms burst upon the hills, the rivers became fierce, raging torrents, at times overspreading the valleys, and bearing everything away on their resistless flood. Often, then, the hovels reared by the peasants on the grassy plain, apparently beyond reach of danger, were swept away. But high upon the hill were houses built upon the rock. In some parts of the land were dwellings built wholly of rock, and many of them had withstood the tempests of a thousand years. These houses were reared with toil and great difficulty. They were not easy of access, and their location appeared less easy of access than the grassy plain. But they were founded upon the rock; and wind and flood and tempest beat upon them in vain. (This Day with God, 215) + +### Application + +While the words of Jesus apply first of all to our own personal life and underscores the importance of establishing a true foundation on the Rock, Jesus Christ, His words also tells us how important it is that our home be built on that same foundation. What that means is that the daily devotional time and prayer times are not simply a tradition or a habit but the daily formation of the spiritual life of the members of the family. + +It is interesting that Ellen White also connects these words of Jesus to our first parents: “Had Adam and Eve heeded the words that God spoke to them in the beginning, they would not have fallen from their first estate” (Ibid.). The foundation of a strong marriage and family is the same, The Rock, Jesus Christ, and when the storms of life come, that sure foundation will hold the family together. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11). The storms of life come to all of us – illness, loss of a job, death, conflict, accidents. All those storms that come our way can break up any relationship. But if we are built on the Rock, as hard and painful as any storm may be, they will not destroy us or our family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, Help us to build our foundation daily on Your Son, Jesus Christ, and when the storms of life come and threaten to destroy us, may His strength be ours, and may he keep us together while the world tries to tear us apart. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca72428d1b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Strong Family Building +startDate: 01/12/2025 +endDate: 01/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/13-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/13-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96a35e3f05 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/13-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Move On +date: 01/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now Israel remained in Acacia Grove, and the people began to commit harlotry with the women of Moab. They invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. So Israel was joined to Baal of Peor, and the anger of the LORD was aroused against Israel. (Num 25:1-3 NKJV) + +### Observation + +While Israel wandered for forty years in the wilderness before going into the Promised Land, there were times when they remained longer at one place or another. The BKC explains: Though Balaam had been unsuccessful in cursing the people of Israel, he evidently managed to play a role in their seduction by the Baal cult at Peor (cf. 31:16; Rev. 2:14). When Israel was in Shittim, immediately east of the Jordan River where they camped before crossing the river (Josh. 2:1), Israelite men engaged in sexual immorality with Moabite women. This was an integral part of the Canaanite fertility rites (cf. Deut. 23:17-18; 1 Kings 14:22-24) and was practiced in connection with the regular services of their temples (Num. 25:2). The physical, carnal aspects of this idolatry tempted the Israelites and led them into the spiritual apostasy of worshiping . . . Baal. So serious was this breach of covenant, especially when Israel was on the threshold of the land of promise, that the Lord commanded Moses to take serious action—all the guilty individuals involved must die. + +### Application + +This story illustrates the danger of lingering in the world. It becomes easier and more acceptable to adapt to what everyone does. This is particularly in the areas of sexuality and spirituality, areas which are closely related. This is also one of the reasons why young people must be even more watchful that while trying to maintain a good, strong, healthy spiritual life in their relationship, don’t fall into sexual immorality. The other side of the coin is people who enter into romantic relationships with people not of their faith, and after becoming emotionally, and sexually, involved with them, they begin to compromise their spiritual life. Don’t linger in sin or close to where sin is openly practice because either you or your children or both could be in danger of joining the others in their lifestyle. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, Help us to move on from this place to the place you’ve gone to prepare for us, and protect us from sexual immorality and the worship of idols, whatever they may be. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8db2a420a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Move On +startDate: 01/13/2025 +endDate: 01/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/14-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/14-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7dfedd6de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/14-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: What's Your Inheritance? +date: 01/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: "The daughters of Zelophehad speak what is right; you shall surely give them a possession of inheritance among their father's brothers, and cause the inheritance of their father to pass to them. (Num 27:6-7 NKJV) + +### Observation + +God cares for the widow and the orphan, so when the daughters of Zelphehad came to Moses asking for some inheritance for the, He told Moses that their request was fair and just and made provisions not only for them but for others who experience the loss of a loved one. + +### Application + +So many make no provision for their children or family in case of their death. The reality is that if a person makes no legal arrangements prior to their death or a time when they may not be able to make their own decisions, those decisions may be left up to their loved ones or to the court, people who know nothing about them. Here are some examples: + +1. If you have an accident and you are unable to make health decision for your care, your family will have to. If you are in a vegetative state, and your family is asked to make the choice to discontinue life support, it is one of the most difficult, painful decisions for a loved one to make; but if you have your medical advance directives, then you are making the choice for yourself and the medical personnel simply have to abide by that. + +2. If you don’t have a will, your children will be treated by the court as heathen; that is, the court may not make the choice as to where they are placed based on your faith, and so they could go to a relative or to anybody else, regardless of their personal beliefs or their commitment to God. Do you want your children to be raised by someone who does not share the same beliefs, hope, and promises that you do? + +3. More families have been fractured after the death of a loved one because of money and possessions. Your will may not guarantee peace among your descendants, but at least you will be the one to decide how your possessions will be distributed. + +4. Beside proper preparations for the distribution of your means, you can also decide on how you’d like your family to do with your body after death (cremation, donate to science, etc.), your funeral plans (who to speak, where to be buried, etc.), and all the other things related to the days after your death. + +5. The most important benefit you can leave your family is the memories you create now and those they can enjoy for a long time to come. Make videos, take pictures, leave each member of the family something special, write letters, tell stories of your family of origin and of their upbringing that they can hear and retell to their own children. All those memories may be one of the most valuable treasures you pass on to the next generation. + +6. Pass down your faith. All the treasures you may leave your children will one day disappear, but your faith and personal knowledge of God will continue for eternity. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for our children; help us to give them the best inheritance which is that which lasts forever. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..006593691a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What's Your Inheritance? +startDate: 01/14/2025 +endDate: 01/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/15-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/15-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27514d8c23 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/15-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Honor, Not Ridicule, Your Parents +date: 01/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father's nakedness. (Gen 9:22-23 NKJV) + +### Observation + +I think there’s always the question as to what exactly Ham did that caused such reaction from Noah when he awoke. Was it just the simple act of seeing his father naked? Maybe some commentaries may give us some insights. From the Bible Knowledge Commentary we can read: The basic question concerns what Ham, Noah’s youngest son, did (9:22, 24) and why Noah cursed Ham’s “son” Canaan (vv. 25-27). Many fanciful ideas have been proposed . The rabbis said Ham castrated Noah, thus explaining why Noah had no other sons. Others claim that Ham slept with his mother, thus uncovering his father’s nakedness, and that Canaan was the offspring of that union. Others have said that Ham was involved in a homosexual attack on his father. But the Hebrew expression here means what it says: Ham . . . saw his father’s nakedness (v. 22). He was not involved with Noah sexually, for in that case the Hebrew would be translated “he uncovered his father’s nakedness.” Instead Noah had already uncovered himself, and Ham saw him that way. + +To the ancients, however, even seeing one’s father naked was a breach of family ethic. The sanctity of the family was destroyed and the strength of the father was made a mockery. Ham apparently stumbled on this accidentally, but went out and exultingly told his two brothers, as if he had triumphed over his father. So what seems to be a trivial incident turned out to be a major event. Noah’s oracle (vv. 25-27) showed that the natures of his three sons would be perpetuated in their descendants. + +The Bible Readers Companion adds that “Here the text suggests that Ham’s sin was one of ridiculing the father he should have honored (cf. Ex. 20:12). + +And the SDA Bible Commentary adds: The sin of Ham was not an unintentional transgression. He may have seen his father’s shameful condition accidentally, but instead of being filled with sorrow over his father’s folly, he rejoiced in what he saw and found delight in publishing it. + +Ellen White gives us additional insights when she writes, The unnatural crime of Ham declared that filial reverence had long before been cast from his soul, and it revealed the impiety and vileness of his character. These evil characteristics were perpetuated in Canaan and his posterity, whose continued guilt called upon them the judgments of God. {PP 117} + +So I think we can safely conclude that Ham: + +1. Failed to protect his father’s vulnerable condition in his drunken stupor. + +2. Went out to tell his brothers – you could even say he publicized it loudly. + +3. He ridiculed his father + +### Application + +The Lord is very clear and specific in the Ten Commandments when He wrote with His own finger, “Honor your father and your mother” (Ex. 20:12). Shem and Japeth took this command very seriously and respectfully when they covered their father’s nakedness in a very careful and almost ceremonious way. Any of us who have been parents know we are not perfect and there are times when we have seen our parents’ real self, before us they have been, so-to-speak, naked before us. It is our choice to follow Ham’s example and publicize our parents’ mistakes and shortcomings, to maybe even ridicule them for those moments of weakness, or we can protect them from others and thus show them we honor, respect, and love them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, our Father and our God, thank you for our parents. Help us, Father, to be patient, kind, and understanding with them, knowing that like any other human being, they may have weak moments when they make mistakes. May we honor them, respect them, and love them during the good times as well as the bad times, and may we protect them from the outside by maintaining their frailties private and praying for them daily. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b1540e9c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Honor, Not Ridicule, Your Parents +startDate: 01/15/2025 +endDate: 01/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/16-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/16-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a719774e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/16-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: A Vow to God +date: 01/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes concerning the children of Israel, saying, "This is the thing which the LORD has commanded: "If a man makes a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. (Num 30:1-2 NKJV) + +### Observation + +This chapter deals with vows taken by men or women, and makes it clear that these vows are made with God and are therefore eternally binding. There is a difference in the words used in the original Hebrew; “If an individual made a vow (neer, a promise to do something) or a pledge (’is’, a promise not to do something), he must keep it without equivocation (vv. 1-2).[From the BKC]. The SDABC adds: Not break his word. Literally, “not untie his pledged word,” in the sense of “to loosen,” “to set free from obligation,” “to make lawful,” “to profane.” To refrain from carrying out one’s solemn promises to God is an act of base ingratitude and sinful neglect (Deut. 23:21; Eccl. 5:4; Matt. 5:33). It is better that a man make no vow than to promise and not carry it out (Eccl. 5:2–5). + +### Application + +Nowadays people take promises and vow as light as if they were simply momentary opinions, particularly when it comes to marriage vows. In order to prevent long divorce procedures and a lot of expenses and hurt feelings, courts have created uncomplicated processes by which people can get a divorce without feeling guilty or responsible for their actions or decisions. These so-called “no fault” divorces simply claim that neither party is responsible for what happen and it was inevitable that the divorce would take place. What this has done is to lessen the sense of responsibility and commitment to each other, to the family, and ultimately to God that He intended for marriage and which should take place once a couple makes a vow to each other, and to God, to be united and remain so until death would separate them. + +While we recognize that there are harmful relationships – abusive, neglectful, adulterous – when none of these exists, every effort should be made to not only maintain the relationship intact but to do all in the couple’s power to have a healthy, happy, and thriving relationship, and to eliminate divorce from their vocabulary so that instead of looking for a way out they will look for ways to make of their relationship a better one each day. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to not look for a way out of our marriage but rather for ways to make it better and life-lasting. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3350de5357 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Vow to God +startDate: 01/16/2025 +endDate: 01/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/17-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/17-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e6ae980ad3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/17-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: A Long Journey +date: 01/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> These are the journeys of the children of Israel, who went out of the land of Egypt by their armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron. Now Moses wrote down the starting points of their journeys at the command of the LORD. And these are their journeys according to their starting points (Num 33:1-2 NKJV) + +### Observation + +In one chapter, Moses traces the journey from Egypt to the borders of the Promised Land, recounting all the stops without necessarily talking about the events that took place at each of these with the exception of the death of Aaron. This is not the first nor the last time Moses takes the time to remind the Israelites of all the places where they have traveled and how the Lord blessed them and protected them even during those times when the people were complaining to and about His work for them. + +### Application + +I was born in Bucaramanga, in the South-American country of Colombia, but only lived there during my first eighteen months of my life as my family moved to the capital city of Bogotá, where we lived until my mother, younger brother, and I moved to the United States. + +In the United States, our journey has taken us to live in Michigan, Maryland, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Virginia, Wisconsin, Delaware, and now here in Minnesota; we have been a sort of Adventist gypsies, going from place to place wherever God takes us. Several years ago our daughters voiced some of their discontent because they had not grown like some many others, living in one place all their lives, and growing with the same friends all through school. While we recognize that so much movement had its drawbacks, we also wanted them to appreciate all the opportunities we have had, so we began a list of all the places we had visited, all the things we had seen, all the fun we had enjoyed; by the time we were finished, our travel-log of sorts covered several pages. To date, we have visited almost all the fifty states and several foreign countries; as a result of that experience, our girls realized how enjoyable our journeys had been and how much richer our lives were for having been to all those places, particularly when they thought that many of their friends from school had never left their city or county, much less the state where they had always lived. In addition, they feel very comfortable traveling to different places, they can converse with people of various lands, and can relate to what it is like to be in one or another place because they have either lived there or visited at one time or another. And when we count all the thousands of miles traveled, with God’s protection, it gives us one more reason to thank Him and praise Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for all the opportunities You have given us to travel and see so many different and beautiful places and for providing us with your protection through thousands of miles. But most of all, Father, thank You for the time we have spent together while enjoying those various trips. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f33eca83c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Long Journey +startDate: 01/17/2025 +endDate: 01/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/18-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/18-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c11536e07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/18-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: Boundaries Protect +date: 01/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Command the children of Israel, and say to them: 'When you come into the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance; the land of Canaan to its boundaries. (Num 34:1-2 NKJV) + +### Observation + +One more time, while at the borders of the Promised Land, God gives Moses and the Israelites with him clear directions for their future. Chapter 35 deals with the cities of refuge to which anyone who might have killed somebody accidentally could go so the death of the other person would not be avenged by their relatives. But before settling in the cities of refuge, in chapter 34 we read of the boundaries for Israel – boundaries to set the limits of their entire country as well as internal boundaries between the tribes. These boundaries were set so Israel would know how far to go in settling in their new country, so they would not go indefinitely from conquest to conquest, but also so others would know not to trespass Israel’s borders. At the same time, each tribe needed to know how far their territory would extend, and they were to marry among those within their own tribe as well. These boundaries were for their knowledge, for their safety, for their protection. + +### Application + +Psychologist have defined three types of boundaries in family systems: permeable (open, diffuse), impermeable (closed, rigid), or semipermeable (flexible, porous). + +______________________ + +Impermeable + +__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + +Semipermeable + +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . + +Permeable + +If we think of a house in which there is a room, an impermeable boundary is one in which the room is completely walled off with no windows and no doors, or, if there is a door, it has been locked. In this case, relationships are either cut off or characterized by poor communication or no communication, as well as rigidity and indifference. The individuality value prevails over the togetherness value. + +A permeable boundary is just the opposite; it is one with weak boundaries. The room has insufficient walls, or perhaps walls with multiple doorways, but no doors. Passage in and out is completely unrestricted. Togetherness is all important; individuality tends to be sacrificed. Relationships are about feeling, thinking and doing everything together. + +Semipermeable boundaries enable a healthy balance between togetherness and individuality. The room has some windows and a door or doors that can be opened at times and closed at other times. An individual can be free to be himself and yet fully engaged as a member of the group. Semipermeable boundaries are characterized by open communication, a healthy sense of self, and the ability to distinguish between one’s own thoughts, feelings and problems and those belonging to others. + +Relationships need boundaries for their protection. There needs to be boundaries that are appropriate to that relationship – boundaries between spouses may be more permeable than those between parents and children. Boundaries between friends should be more impermeable than those between members of the family. Let’s keep our boundaries clear sp everyone may be safe. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the boundaries in our lives and relationships because they are not there to divide us but rather to protect us. May we respect others’ boundaries and thus show them the respect and love they deserve. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38676c1e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Boundaries Protect +startDate: 01/18/2025 +endDate: 01/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/19-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/19-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4282b6157 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/19-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Father's Heart +date: 01/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way from home his father saw him, and his heart went out to him; he ran and hugged his son and kissed him. Luke 15:20 (NET) + +### Observation + +The parable of the Prodigal Son is probably one of the best known, best loved stories of all times. It is much more than a fable, such as those written by Aesop, or a bedtime story, like the ones written by the brothers Grimm. Many of these stories have a moral or practical lesson to teach children, and some of them have become part of life and culture and even common parlance. The difference in Jesus’ parable is that it is not simply a nice bedtime story but a beautiful allegory of the love and forgiveness that God extends to us. + +While we tend to look at the father’s forgiveness for the wayward son, who wasted his inheritance, we often overlook the father’s love and forgiveness for the other son. In reality, the father loves both of his children – the one who left and the one who stayed – because in their heart both failed to love their father. The younger son, by asking for his portion of his inheritance, was basically expressing his wish that the father were dead. The older son, with his anger and unforgiving spirit, did not reflect how generous the father had been with him all his life. The younger son, selfish though he was, accepted the father’s generous offer of love and forgiveness. The older son, self-righteous as he was, rejected the same father’s love and forgiveness. + +### Application + +As much as we as parents would love to see our children be obedient, loving, and to listen and follow our word and advice, as they grow and gain their independence often they do things that are contrary to anything, and sometimes everything, we have taught them. Nothing breaks the heart of a parent more than to see their children turn their backs on their faith and beliefs, and to watch them live a life contrary to the principles they were told from childhood. At the same time, nothing brings parents more joy than to see they wayward children come full circle back. + +In order for children to be able to come back home, they need to have grown with the knowledge that their parents’ love for them is unconditional. We may not like the decisions they take or agree with the choices they make, but we can still extend to them our love and the assurance that as much as nothing we do can separate us from the love of God so nothing they do can separate them from our love for them. How we relate to our children will show them how they view God and can determine how they will relate to us and to Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for Your generous love and forgiveness toward us. Help us, as parents, to be as generous with our love and forgiveness toward our children. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee1f9f780e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Father's Heart +startDate: 01/19/2025 +endDate: 01/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/20-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/20-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afc5fc2889 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/20-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Teach Problem Solving +date: 01/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Deu 1:17 NKJV) 'You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid in any man's presence, for the judgment is God's. The case that is too hard for you, bring to me, and I will hear it.' + +### Observation + +After Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, counseled him to delegate some of the responsibility of judging among the Israelites, some of that load was lifted off of Moses’ shoulders and he could devote time to other things needing his attention. Now, at the end of his life and of his time as leader of Israel, he wants to make sure that those in charge of judgment show no partiality but that they be fair in all they say and do because they represent God Who will ultimately judge every case. + +### Application + +It is tempting, as a parent, to want to help your children make every decision based on the knowledge and experience we have; however, the reason we have that knowledge and experience is because we have tried, and at times failed. When there are several children at home, it is tempting to solve the squabbles among them just so we as parents can enjoy some peace. In the neighborhood, we as parents feel compelled to take our children’s side, particularly when we believe they have been mistreated or hurt by somebody else. At school or church, we sometimes feel we need to intercede for our kids when we feel the teachers or the leaders have not been fair to them. But kids, the best untrained professional psychologists, can tell when they can play with our feelings and, if allowed, will take advantage of us for their own benefit. + +I believe children should be allowed to solve their own problems, as much as possible, so they learn problem-solving skills, and so they will mature. If parents are constantly helping them when they get in trouble, they will simply learn to expect their parents help and will not learn to use good judgment. At home, allow your kids to work things out among themselves and only intervene at those times when they have tried and have reached an impasse. In the neighborhood, encourage your kids to work things out with their friends; don’t go and try to solve their problems by talking to their friends or their friends’ parents – it embarrass your kids and does not teach your kids anything. This does not mean you allow others to hurt, abuse, or take advantage of your children. You need to teach, advice, and most importantly, listen to them; these will be more useful and valuable throughout their experience. At school, don’t be to hasty to call and yell at the teacher because of something your child tells you; if they got a bad grade, maybe they deserved it; besides, no one has to always get good grades, and one grade that is not perfect can be an incentive to try harder or do better. I know of parents who will wear teachers out because they are not doing their job the way the parent believes it should be done simply because their child didn’t get good grades. And yet, the same parents are not spending enough time with their kids at home, encouraging them to do their school work, turning the TV off and reading to and with their children, consulting with the teacher as to how to help their children, etc. + +So, don’t rush to solve your child’s problems; encourage them to learn to solve their own problems in a positive, constructive manner, and only intervene in those times when they have tried but have not been able to come up with a fair, workable solution – that’s where your own experience and life wisdom will be of greatest benefit. And don’t always take your child’s side; take time to listen, analyze, and observe, and then take the side of what is right. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for allowing us to make our own decisions and to solve our own problems; it us thus that we grow and mature. Help us to let our children grow and mature in the same way. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1745fe3346 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Teach Problem Solving +startDate: 01/20/2025 +endDate: 01/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/21-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/21-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e96698721 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/21-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Talk About Miracles! +date: 01/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren, 10 especially concerning the day you stood before the Lord your God in Horeb, when the Lord said to me, ‘Gather the people to Me, and I will let them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.’ (Deuteronomy 4:9-10 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Moses will not be going into the Promised Land with the Israelites, so he and God continue to prepare them for what they will encounter and what they should watch out for. For forty years God had been their Guide, their Protector, their Provider, their Miracle-worker, and yet there were times when they complained and quarreled, bickered and murmured. Now Moses is telling them that as they go into that land flowing with Milk and Honey God would still be with them, and His miracles and blessings would continue every day; so he warns them to not look at those miracles as the result of their own efforts and thus forget God. He tells them to look at all the powerful displays of God’s love for them and to tell their children and their children’s children so they too would develop an appreciation and love for God. + +### Application + +I arrived at the airport and went to the electronic ticket dispenser. There were no lines and things moved fast, until I got my tickets with the words “No Seat Assignment.” I know what that means: The plane is over-booked by the airlines, and I happen to be one of the “lucky” ones to have no seat, unless someone else doesn’t show up in time for departure and I can have their seat. Since I had a short lay-over and a connecting flight, I was not particularly excited about the prospect of having to wait for another flight and another connection and arriving at my destination in the middle of the night. Fortunately, I did get my seat on the plane leaving Minneapolis and on the one leaving from one of the busiest airports in the world, Hartsfield in Atlanta, and after the more than four hours flight to Ontario, California, I arrived a few earlier than expected. + +During the time I was flying, so were hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of passengers around the world, hundreds of thousands of airplanes, large and small, suspended in the air by the miracles of gravity and aerodynamics, thousands of pilots whose brains and skills guided those planes safely to their destination, millions of workers on the grounds, billions of computational decisions on auto-pilots, radar equipment, reservation servers, just to make sure that I, one of millions of people traveling, would arrive safely and on time at my destination. While on the air, my plane was just one of thousands flying above, below, and around ours, all safely traversing the skies to their destinations. + +Each time I travel I marvel at all these miracles! We may say it is modern technology; and it is. I marvel that God gave us such incredible brains to create this modern technology. I marvel that while anything could happen at any time and planes do crash and people do die I am alive today, after having flown over five thousand miles in one day, after being surrounded by thousands of people in two different airports, after driving on roads congested with traffic in two different states, after so many things that could have gone wrong I am safe and alive to see a new day! And what God, through Moses, asks me to do is to not forget Him through these miracles and instead build idols to modern technology, to order and safety, to the airline industry or to my GPS. Praise God, I’m alive and safe, because He loves me and wants me to experience a new day with friends and family. Praise God, I can witness for Him one more day through my words and my actions. Praise God, that I can pass these words on to someone who may not have come to know Him yet so they too may see Him in all the miracles of daily life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the miracles of safety in long journeys across the country or across the world or across the street. Thank You for the miracle of life in a flower, in a bird, in a child. Thank You for breath, and water, and air, and sight. Than you for food and shelter and clothing and a job. Thank You for all Your miracles for us, simply because You rejoice in our happiness. Todya I praise You for being You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df3dc85ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Talk About Miracles! +startDate: 01/21/2025 +endDate: 01/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/22-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/22-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38fccb1514 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/22-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Selfless Love +date: 01/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to dwell there, for the famine was severe in the land. And it came to pass, when he was close to entering Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, "Indeed I know that you are a woman of beautiful countenance. "Therefore it will happen, when the Egyptians see you, that they will say, 'This is his wife'; and they will kill me, but they will let you live. "Please say you are my sister, that it may be well with me for your sake, and that I may live because of you." (Gen 12:10-13 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Abram had already shown his faith in leaving Ur with his family to land God would show him, but of which he knew nothing. Later he would demonstrate his faith in the most real way by sacrificing his son of the promise, Issac. And yet here, his faith that God could protect him is weak, but worse yet, his love for his wife is weaker still, and was more concerned for his own safety than that of his wife Sarai. He was selfish, loveless, and faithless. + +### Application + +Several hundred years after this event, one of Abraham’s descendants wrote some of the best words to husbands and wives: (Phil 2:3-4 NKJV) Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others [your spouse] better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others [your spouse]. And in his classic definition of love, Paul also added: (1 Corinthians 13:5 NKJV) Love “does not behave rudely, does not seek its own.” True love is protective of the other person. That’s why abuse is a contradiction of and the opposite of love. Abusers will always blame the other person for the abuse, accuse tem of being at fault, and rationalize that it was the other person who “made” them to do what they do or who “cause” the abuse to happen as a result of something they did or said. Not supporting the family also demonstrates selfishness and lovelessness – which is the reason that in the Bible one cause for divorce is abandonment and not taking care of the needs of the spouse. Love is not selfish, does not look at what the other person can do for them but rather at what they can do for the other person. Love does not withhold emotionally or physically from the spouse but rather gives generously. Love aims to meet the emotional and physical needs of the spouse. Love moves one spouse to protect and help the other. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to be less selfish and more loving. Help us to love, help, and protect each other, as spouses, so that You may be honored in our relationship and that we may enjoy the type of relationship You willed and planned for us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fc5d80bae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Selfless Love +startDate: 01/22/2025 +endDate: 01/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/23-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/23-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ada7dc3af4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/23-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: An Immigrant's Heart +date: 01/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “So it shall be, when the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, 11houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full—12then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 13You shall fear the Lord your God and serve Him, and shall take oaths in His name. 14You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are all around you 15(for the Lord your God is a jealous God among you), lest the anger of the Lord your God be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth. (Deuteronomy 6:10-15 NKJV) + +### Observation + +God knows the temptation the Israelites would have, going into the land He was giving them, to simply move in and forget He had given it to them. Moses challenges to keep their heart true to the Giver and not just simply take the gift, and the Giver, for granted. + +### Application + +As an immigrant, I can identify with the Israelites. I grew up in Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia, on the northwest corner of South America. We grew up in a middle class family, all of us six children studied and graduated from high school, a privilege not everyone in the country enjoys even today. One of my brothers went on to college and to a successful career in radio and television broadcasting and as a journalist and book critic. Another one of my brothers was a police officer for many years and has been in the Air Force for many more. + +When we left Bogotá to come to the United States, Bogotá’s population was about 2 ½; million people, more than most if not all cities in Mid-America. Our first home was in Takoma Park, Maryland, at that time the site of the General Conference, and just miles from Washington D.C. For me, living in that area was almost surreal, like living a dream. With my mother and younger brother, we would visit the monuments and museums, we would ride the bus whenever it would take us up and down the streets of that beautiful city, and all along we were in awe of its cleanliness and gorgeous architecture. I remember one Sunday ne notices a crowd gathered in front of a church, so we came close to see what was happening, and there, coming out of the church, was the president of the United States, Gerald Ford. Unbelievable! These three newcomers to the US, and here we got to see in person, though briefly and from quite a distance, the president of this great nation. On another occasion, while I was working at the Capital Hilton Hotel, just three blocks from the White House, I was asked to open and close the curtain for a program presented by the Gridiron Club. While I did it, up on the stage, barely 3 feet away from me, there stood Mrs. Ford, wife of the president of the United States, and her husband, the president, was just on the other side of the room. Mrs. Henry Kissinger, and a lot of other politicians and powerful people were also there. . . I LOVE THIS COUNTRY! :) + +Little by little we got ourselves situated, got an apartment, bought furniture and clothes, attended college, got married, and continued life like everybody else. We became part of the people, part of the culture, part of the nation, citizens of this country, contributing to its economy and well being, voting, exercising our rights, enjoying our privileges, respecting its laws. + +Today’s Bible reading reminds me that all we have and all we are is God’s gift to us. As immigrants, we have been given a great gift, the privilege of coming to this country. Personally, I’m grateful because here I received my faith, my family, and my education. Here we have been able to live and succeed, work and rest, travel and see many wonderful things. And yet I must pause to remember that the homes where we have lived have been built and lived in by others, the jobs I have had were pioneered by others, the education I have has been provided by others. That’s what God wants us to remember. To have the heart of an immigrant and be grateful for all we have and are because we have benefitted from the work of those who came before us, and because God has been the One to provide it all for us. May we never forget His generosity and turn away from Him Who gives us all. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, at this moment we pause to thank You for all You have given us. Help us to always be thankful for all Your generosity. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..46090d212b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: An Immigrant's Heart +startDate: 01/23/2025 +endDate: 01/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/24-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/24-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93f6046178 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/24-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Widows, Orphans, and Foreigners +date: 01/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God and awesome warrior who is unbiased and takes no bribe, 18who acts justly toward orphan and widow, and who loves resident foreigners, giving them food and clothing. 19You, therefore, love the resident foreigner because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10:18 NET) + +### Observation + +In these verses - from 10:12 to 10:22, we find an exhortation to love God and love people, which the two principles on which the ten commandments are also based. In fact, we could safely say that most if not all of what the Bible is about is those two guiding principles – love God and love people, for God’s sake. In the verses for today, God declares His greatness and reminds the Israelites that because they were delivered from Egyptian bondage they should treat the foreigner kindly. These passages also remind them that God is Judge and He will not overlook mistreatment of the widow, the orphan, or the foreigner. + +### Application + +Several years ago we helped a dear friend of ours get relocated from Florida to Wisconsin where the opportunities for work were better for her, her daughter, and her mother. The Lord blessed us as within a couple of weeks we found her employment, an apartment, and a car. A couple of months later, they invited a lady to come up from Florida so they could help her as well, and they also asked me to see if I could help this lady, particularly since she was a member of my church (Adventist); since my friends were not Adventist they though I would be more inclined to help their friend if they told me she was Adventist, although I would have help anyway. + +When her friend arrived from Florida, she went to live with my friends. We helped her to find employment and we saw that she had transportation to church every Sabbath. One Sabbath she came to me crying because of how she was being treated by my friends. They were charging her for the rental of one room more than they were paying for the rent for the entire apartment. I became furious and confronted them with this unjust treatment after we had helped them, at our cost, and without asking them for anything. Their response was basically, “it’s not your business; we’ll take care of this problem ourselves.” When things got worse, we helped this lady find another place to live and even had to go to the police because my friends were holding some of her things. + +My personal experience, sadly enough, has been that many times those who receive the blessing of coming to America where they have been helped by others, instead of helping others, particularly newcomers to the United States, will mistreat, take advantage of, or abuse their own countrymen or other foreigners. Inasmuch as I was angry with this injustice, God is even more angry that foreigners, orphans, or widows are treated unjustly and will see that His justice is passed against all offenders. But doesn’t that also mean that when we don’t act correctly toward our wife and children is as if we are abusing the orphan and the widow? Instead of caring for those we should love we’re neglecting them or mistreating them even though God calls us to love them? Let’s make sure that our wife and children are not emotional or physical orphans and widows; love them, treat them kindly, and take good care of them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for treating us better than we deserve. Bless us that we may be a blessing to others, those nearest to us, but also those who don’t have someone to show them our love. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49f24ce498 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Widows, Orphans, and Foreigners +startDate: 01/24/2025 +endDate: 01/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/25-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/25-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4be362b9f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/25-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Art of Mourning +date: 01/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "You are the children of the LORD your God; you shall not cut yourselves nor shave the front of your head for the dead. "For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. (Deu 14:1-2 NKJV) + +### Observation + +The other nations had peculiar and superstitious beliefs about dying and the dead. Some even worshiped dead spirits. The precise significance of the rituals mentioned here (Deut. 14:1)—laceration and shaving the head for the dead—is unknown today. But cutting oneself was a sign of mourning (cf. Jer. 16:6; 41:5; 47:5; 48:37). However, it is clear that these practices reflected beliefs about the dead that conflicted with faith in the Lord, the ultimate Source of life. Therefore when a loved one died, the Israelites were to demonstrate their faith in the Lord by refraining from these pagan practices. Today Christians may demonstrate even greater faith when a believing loved one dies (cf. 1 Thes. 4:13-18). + +### Application + +I think mourning is more an art than a science; and yet, many want to deal with it as a science, allowing only a certain amount of time for the person to be done with it, or a disease that needs to be treated with medication. While we need to make provision for cultural differences, what I do know is that we need to mourn in a healthy way. + +During my years as a hospice chaplain I witnessed the death of all my patients and saw how their loved ones mourned and learned more of the importance of appropriate mourning. One thing I always tell people is to not medicate themselves or their loved ones as that will delay or interrupt the healing process which mourning provides. Among those who use alcohol I also recommend they stay away from it at least for four weeks so they can grieve appropriately and not artificially. + +We can say definitely that hurting oneself is not appropriate. As we read above, God did not want His people to follow the customs of the people around them by cutting themselves. There are many other and better ways to mourn appropriately such as talking to others about their loved one, journaling their experience, invest time to help others, and many more. When a loved one dies of a terminal disease, many times their loved ones get involved in causes that raise funds for research and treatment of the same in order to benefit others suffering from the same. Look for positive ways to manage your grief. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, when the loss of a loved one touches us, help us to know how to mourn them appropriately and in a healthy way. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6407df4fad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Art of Mourning +startDate: 01/25/2025 +endDate: 01/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/26-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/26-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..083d9263b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/26-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Avoid Wicked Customs +date: 01/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. 10There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. 13You shall be blameless before the Lord your God. 14For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed such for you. (Deuteronomy 18:9-14 NKJV) + +### Observation + +As strange as it may seem, this is the reason why God ordered the Israelites to destroy and obliterate the people living in the Promised Land, because if they didn’t, the Israelites would end up adopting their customs and practices and would end up worshiping other gods. The sad reality is that that’s exactly what ended up happening, which is the reason God had to allow them to be taken into captivity and eventually had to establish the church in their place. + +### Application + +While the saying goes, “While in Rome, do as Romans do,” that is not what we ought to do with our lives and with our children lest they pick up the customs of the people and end up idolaters and lost. This is the reason why we are told to guard the senses, which are the avenues to the mind. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may You bless us with Your protection and may You bless our children with your direction. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b51ea74677 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Avoid Wicked Customs +startDate: 01/26/2025 +endDate: 01/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/27-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/27-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ed4485c72 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/27-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Family Before War +date: 01/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "Then the officers shall speak to the people, saying: 'What man is there who has built a new house and has not dedicated it? Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle and another man dedicate it. 'Also what man is there who has planted a vineyard and has not eaten of it? Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle and another man eat of it. 'And what man is there who is betrothed to a woman and has not married her? Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle and another man marry her.' (Deu 20:5-7 NKJV) + +### Observation + +While there was going to be war for a long time in the process of taking over the Promised Land, God wanted to ensure the protection and continuation of the marriage institution and of the families that would be left behind that they not be left destitute. The SDABC explains: “Betrothed a wife. This exemption was an act of consideration so that the man might not die without having children to perpetuate his name and interests. This exemption lasted one year (ch. 24:5). The three exemptions noted in vs. 5–7 could not fail to have a beneficial effect on the economy of the nation. They were an important alleviation of the insecurity and utterly disturbing effects of war upon the entire life of a people.” + +### Application + +As important as it was to go in and conquer the land God was given the Israelites, God also made provision for the care of the families that they not be left destitute. Is that less important today? We may not decide to join the military and go into war, and yet, in this world we go into battle every day. The point is that we need to care for our loved ones, our families, and make provision for them in case anything were to happen to us while we’re gone to work, or travel, or to do whatever we are leaving home to do. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to always make provision for our loved ones. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d482f43c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Family Before War +startDate: 01/27/2025 +endDate: 01/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/28-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/28-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08ebb38b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/28-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: Serious About Marriage +date: 01/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “If any man takes a wife, and goes in to her, and detests her, 14and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, ‘I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin,’ 15then the father and mother of the young woman shall take and bring out the evidence of the young woman’s virginity to the elders of the city at the gate. 16And the young woman’s father shall say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man as wife, and he detests her. 17Now he has charged her with shameful conduct, saying, “I found your daughter was not a virgin,” and yet these are the evidences of my daughter’s virginity.’ And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. 18Then the elders of that city shall take that man and punish him; 19and they shall fine him one hundred shekels of silver and give them to the father of the young woman, because he has brought a bad name on a virgin of Israel. And she shall be his wife; he cannot divorce her all his days. (Deuteronomy 22:12-19 NKJV) + +### Observation + +This chapter contains several regulations concerning marriage and/or sexual relations; these can be summarized as follows: + +vs. 22 - speaks of adultery, sex with a married person, for which both guilty parties were to be put to death. + +vs. 23-24 - Refers to a woman betrothed to a man but who has sex with another man - even if she claims that she was raped, it is evident it was consentual and therefore both must die. + +vs. 25-27 - If a girl is betrothed to a man, and another man rapes her, he must be put to death. + +vs. 28-29 - If a man forces a young woman to have sex with him, he must marry her. + +vs. 30 - a man can’t marry his father’s wife. + +The section I read today is vs. 13-19. By itself, this passage raises several questions and challenges: + +1. The man is not pleased with his wife, so he finds something to complain against her (vs. 13-14), and lies about her. + +2. The parents had to “play it” safe by keeping “proof” of her virginity in the form of stained bed sheets. + +3. The man is punished and forced to remain married to his wife (vs. 18-19). + +### Application + +As I look at this section of Scripture, I guess what bothers and saddens me the most is the poor wife, for several reasons: + +1. First of all, her husband is not pleased with her. Her self-worth must have hit rock bottom. + +2. He finds something to accuse her of. Her integrity and purity are questioned in public. + +3. After her husband is found out lying, she’s forced to remain with him. I can imagine that if he wasn’t pleased with her before, he sure was not any happier after, either. I wonder what her life was like afterwards? + +I know this process was written to protect the woman from false accusations by a frustrated husband, but I can’t help but wish more positive steps had been specified to protect her from further abuse. + +When we look through critical eyes, we will find fault in everything our spouse does. Allowing that critical spirit to fester will eventually lead to a desire to leave them or to the actual act of leaving them by divorcing them or by shamefully committing adultery. That’s why it is so important that we dismiss negative thoughts immediately before they lead us to want to leave our spouse and cross the fence thinking the other grass is greener only to find it is astro-turf, synthetic, and bad for the digestion. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to always look for and find the good in our spouses and to refuse to foster negative thoughts about them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ec9686e69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Serious About Marriage +startDate: 01/28/2025 +endDate: 01/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/29-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/29-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e2973ae82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/29-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Nothing is Impossible +date: 01/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 18:14 NKJV) "Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." + +### Observation + +God first appears to Abram and gives him the promise that he would be a father of many nations and particularly the father of the faith. God also assures him that his lineage would be directly through a son He would give Abram and his wife Sarai. Abram’s first reaction was to fall “on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, ‘Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?’” (17:17) Later God reaffirmed the promise to Abraham and it was then Sarah’s turn to laugh “within herself, saying, ‘After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?’” (18:12). It is at this time that God speaks the words of our text for today. + +### Application + +I guess probably most of us would at least find it hard to believe that what are impossibilities God can turn into possibilities. There have been many times when couples come to me for help, at the end of their rope, when they feel there’s nothing else that can be done to save their marriage. Those that are willing to give God another chance have experienced great changes and a rebirth in their relationships. But sadly, there have also been those who believe that not even God can save their marriage. In a way, they have laughed at God and His promises. If nothing is impossible for God, then He can, and if we submit to Him He will heal our diseases, our troubled marriages, our deep wounds, and He will rebuild, heal, and reinvigorate what we thought would be impossible. So, don’t give up on God and don’t give up on your marriage; God can make it what He intended and what you’d like it to be. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> God of the impossible, today I thank you for my marriage, for my spouse, and for my family. I thank you for taking two imperfect people and giving us a warm, loving relationship, one where we can help and encourage each other, one where we can love and strengthen each other, and one where we can honor and glorify you. God of the impossible, turn what we think is not possible into the miraculous reality of answered prayer. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d60ccbaab1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Nothing is Impossible +startDate: 01/29/2025 +endDate: 01/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/30-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/30-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a5e091106 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/30-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Head and not the Tail +date: 01/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. 2And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God: 3“Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. 4“Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. (Deuteronomy 28:1-4 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Chapter 27 contains a series of curses on those who transgress God’s laws. Chapter 28 contains the corresponding blessings on those who obey God’s commands. On our passage today, I particularly like the first words of vs. 9 - “The Lord will establish you as a holy people to Himself.” His promise is that when we accept Him as our God, He becomes our foundation and we will be established firmly on Him. + +### Application + +I like the picture of God as our strong, firm, and everlasting foundation with us being built or our home being built on that firm foundation. + +As I write these things, I am coming back from my nephew’s wedding. He was brought up with an alcoholic, physically abuse father. His mother, my sister, became an Adventist in his pre-adolescent years but later left the church. It’s a wonder that my nephew turned out as well as he has! In his late teens and early twenties, he experimented with different lifestyles and religious views. . . I have to confess I really don’t know what he believes – it’s a n eclectic mixture of eastern religions, Christianity, naturalistic views, personal observations, and who knows what else. + +My nephew met and married a lovely young lady from a nice Buddhist family; yesterday they had a Buddhist wedding ceremony at mid-day, and later in the day they had a generic wedding (the description of the man who officiated) by an attorney friend who also happens to be a notary public and ca, therefore, officiate at wedding ceremonies. + +I couldn’t help but think of all that took place yesterday, on Sabbath, as a young Buddhist girl officially married my former Adventist nephew, with whom she had been living, in a generic wedding ceremony. . . a short, generic service which reflected the beginning of their life together, at least officially, with the God of creation, the God who established marriage and the Sabbath, not invited to their wedding, or their lives, on this His holy day. + +I wish them well. I wish them a long life of happiness and joy, health and prosperity. And yet, I can’t help but feel sadness at the beginning of a building of a new home without the firm foundation of God at the center. + +Now, as I write these words, I hear again Moses telling the Israelites, “The Lord will establish you as a holy people to Himself.” Who is your foundation? Whose people are you? On Whom is you marriage, your family, being built? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, our Lord and our Foundation, may we be built on You so we may be firmly established forever. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._\ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12e8beeabd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Head and not the Tail +startDate: 01/30/2025 +endDate: 01/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/31-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/31-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12e0cb0bae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/31-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Family Secret +date: 01/31/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Deu 29:29 NKJV) "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. + +### Observation + +This is the concluding verse of this chapter after several chapters which contain the blessings and the curses Moses read to the Israelites at the border of the Promised Land. This verse refers to God’s blessing of revelation; he does not want us to remain ignorant but rather shows us what He knows we need to know. But what He tells us is not to be confined to us, they also belong to our children. + +### Application + +Truth is to be passed on from one generation to the next, not hoarded as if we were the only ones who needed it or who should have it. And that truth is to be transmitted through word and action. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for Your Word of truth. Help us to live it and teach it to our children and other generations to come. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3308be6601 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Family Secret +startDate: 01/31/2025 +endDate: 01/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b558440879 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/01-january-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: January 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/01-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/01-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2abd48475d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/01-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Gathered before God +date: 02/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Deu 31:12-13 NKJV) "Gather the people together, men and women and little ones, and the stranger who is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the LORD your God and carefully observe all the words of this law, {13} "and that their children, who have not known it, may hear and learn to fear the LORD your God as long as you live in the land which you cross the Jordan to possess." + +### Observation + +The closing words of Moses to the Israelites reflect his ongoing concern for their spiritual well-being. He understood that physical prosperity sometimes leads to spiritual declension, so he reminded them to meet on a regular basis with their families and even with the foreigners in their midst so they would be daily reminded of their God and of His power to deliver, protect, and provide. + +### Application + +I think these words are the reflection of what we have come to know as daily worship. Sometimes, in the midst of our busy lives, we forget to set aside time to learn and teach, to pray to and to thank God for His goodness to us. And I find it interesting that God wants us to gather the family, but also those who may or may not know God so that they too will have an opportunity to come to know Him, worship Him, and serve Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, on this day, we worship You and serve You, and pause to listen to Your voice as You direct us in our daily activities. May we hear You in everything we do, wherever we go. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a131a47448 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Gathered before God +startDate: 02/01/2025 +endDate: 02/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac070d51a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Simple Marriage Recipe +date: 02/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; 38give, and it will be given to you.” (Luke 6:37-38, ESV) + +### Observation + +In this narrative of Jesus’ ministry, Luke describes the time when He chose, from a larger group of followers, the twelve who would be His disciples. Once He had chosen the twelve, Jesus began the process of training them and preparing them for the ministry they would undertake, once He would return to His Father In heaven. Today’s passage includes some of the many things He taught them as Jesus explained to them what it means to be one of His disciples. + +### Application + +Sometimes we forget that when we are Jesus’ disciples we are His disciples all the time, in all places, and to all people. Nowhere is that more true than at home, with our family, and particularly with our spouse. Today’s text tell us three things we need to practice with our spouse often, if not daily: + +**1. Do not Judge.** One of the most basic problems with communication in marriage is the inability to listen attentively. Many misunderstandings happen when we jump to conclusions. We make a quick decision as to what we think our spouse meant when they did or said something and often don’t even give them the benefit of the doubt. We interpret, often negatively and incorrectly, words or actions and take them as their carelessness, hatefulness, or lack of love toward us. Unfortunately, often both parties are guilty as they both become judgmental of one another, trading barbs every chance they can. Constant judging leads to develop a judgmental attitude which looks for nothing but reason to point the finger and which leads to the second problem - condemnation of the other person. Jesus, instead, teaches us, His disciples, that we need to actively break that judgmental cycle. He urges us - don’t judge and you will not be judged. In fact, as a disciple, even if you are judged, do not respond by being judgmental yourself. + +**2. Do not Condemn.** When the judgmental attitude is fostered, and fed daily by looking at the negative side of the spouse in everything they do, the next step many take is to attack them emotionally, verbally, and at times even physically. Without giving them a chance to explain themselves, their words, or their actions, they are declared guilty and condemned to pay the sentence passed on them. The best solution to this ongoing problem of condemning each other is to be reminded of God’s grace. Since Jesus died for us, we have no condemnation (Romans 8:1). Since Jesus died for our spouse, they have no condemnation either. A disciple of Jesus has bee given God’s grace and must now extend it to his/her spouse. In marriage, instead of condemnation offer grace. + +**3. Forgive.** We know that in every relationship there will be times when we say or do things that are not nice, or kind, or loving. We may judge our spouse. We may even condemn our spouse for what we view as bad or wrong. And the sad thing is that they may be the ones who at some point in time judge us or condemn us through their words or actions. We have the choice to perpetuate the judgements and condemnations and strengthen a negative cycle that will destroy our positive feelings for one another, or we can begin breaking that cycle by forgiving one another. + +Jesus recipe to have a good, healthy relationship begins with these three, simple ingredients: Don’t judge, don’t condemn, and instead forgive. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for extending to us Your love, Your grace, and Your forgiveness. Help us to be as loving, as gracious, and as forgiving toward our spouse that we may have the type of relationship toward one another that reflects the relationship You wants to have with You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6fa97b138 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Simple Marriage Recipe +startDate: 02/02/2025 +endDate: 02/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/03-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/03-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b58f5b06d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/03-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Go Up and Die +date: 02/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then the Lord spoke to Moses that very same day, saying: 49“Go up this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, across from Jericho; view the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel as a possession; 50and die on the mountain which you ascend, and be gathered to your people, just as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people. (Deuteronomy 32:48-50 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Moses comes to the end of his career, and his life, his work of leading the Israelites out of Egypt and to the borders of the Promised Land finished, and yet he’s not allowed to go in with them. Now God tells Moses to take a look at the land from the top of Mount Nebo, and then he would die. + +### Application + +I guess I find this story interesting because of how it has been rendered as it seems like God is telling Moses, “go ahead and die!”, as if it was in Moses’ power to die. + +Today is my fifty-first birthday, the age my dad was when he died, thirty six years ago. I remember the morning of that day, we kissed him as we left him home, like we would normally do, only to come back home that afternoon to the news that he had died. His death, the result of a double, massive heart attack, came suddenly, unexpectedly. I guess I wonder what it might be like to know exactly when, if not how, one would die. I suppose if one was like Moses, we would not have any problems at all. . . just simply accept it. But which of us is like Moses! Maybe we would go through the stages of dying. Maybe we’d go into deep depression. . . which would make the dying process worse. Maybe we would do all in our power to make all possible arrangements for our belongings. Maybe we would have time to do all those things and visit all those places we had wanted to. But since we don’t have that choice, we need to live each day as if it were our last day, without regrets, particularly in our dealings with our loved ones. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to value each day as if it were the last one we’d be alive. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9b862dc00 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Go Up and Die +startDate: 02/03/2025 +endDate: 02/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/04-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/04-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f7d19d0ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/04-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Spiritual Landmarks +date: 02/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And it came to pass, when all the people had completely crossed over the Jordan, that the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying: 2“Take for yourselves twelve men from the people, one man from every tribe, 3and command them, saying, ‘Take for yourselves twelve stones from here, out of the midst of the Jordan, from the place where the priests’ feet stood firm. You shall carry them over with you and leave them in the lodging place where you lodge tonight.’” (Joshua 4:1-3 NKJV) + +### Observation + +The Israelites finally get to cross the Jordan into the promised Land after forty years of walking around in the desert. Now God tells Joshua to command twelve men for each to carry one large stone from the middle of the river to be used for a memorial altar to be built inside the borders of their new homeland. The purpose God had in mind for this altar was that it would serve as a memorial, as a “talking point” with each generation, so that whenever children would ask about the reason for that pile of stones, they would be told about all the miracles worked in their favor from Egypt and all the way to their country. + +### Application + +We don’t always make a big deal about some of the most special, important moments I n the spiritual life of a person, particularly a young person, but maybe we should. As Seventh-day Adventists, at least in some cultures, we feel that celebration is a bad thing to do, so we refrain from doing so. + +To this day, some forty plus years later, I still remember some things about the rite of passage that young catholic children go through called “The First Communion.” I remember going to catechism studies in preparation, I remember my special first communion suit and candle, and I definitely remember the party and gifts afterward. Why not have a celebration every time a person, particularly a young person, is baptized! + +Baptism is one of those spiritual landmarks that, as children look into it, gives us a great opportunity to tell them what God has done for us. Other spiritual landmarks are the Sabbath, a weekly opportunity, Thanksgiving (at least here in the United States and in Canada where it is a holiday), birthdays and anniversaries. We can also make a special time during communion to explain to young children about what this special service is all about. We could also celebrate each year on the anniversary of our baptism; it would be like a spiritual birthday of sorts. Any high spiritual moment should be marked with a celebration – the first time the person speaks to somebody about Jesus, the first person they lead to Christ and to baptism, their first Bible study with someone else, ordination as deacon/deaconess or church elder. For those who are called to the gospel ministry, ordination is a special spiritual landmark. For those getting married, that day is not only a special moment that marks the union of two people but it should also be a moment of spiritual renewal and thus another spiritual landmark. Look for special spiritual highlights and turn them into life landmarks to reflect on during the challenging or dark days which come to our lives at times; they become the anchors that keep us on solid ground. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for all those high spiritual moments of our lives when You shows us a greater, brighter glimpse of You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..828dec5bcd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Spiritual Landmarks +startDate: 02/04/2025 +endDate: 02/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/05-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/05-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ff1ff63e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/05-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Challenges of Blended Families +date: 02/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 21:9-11 NKJV) And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, scoffing. {10} Therefore she said to Abraham, "Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, namely with Isaac." {11} And the matter was very displeasing in Abraham's sight because of his son. + +### Observation + +In Genesis 16 we read about the problems between Sarai and her servant Hagar after the latter became pregnant by Abram and eventually gave birth to their son Ishmael. Hagar fled, but God told her to go back. Year later, after the birth of Isaac, the problems evidently continued and when both Ishmael and Issac were older they had problems, maybe childhood sibling rivalry, which made Sarah upset enough to insist that Ishmael and Hagar should be thrown out of the house. While God had promise Abraham and Sarah they would have their own son, Issac, even while Sarah skirted God’s promised and pushed Abraham to have a son with Hagar, God still blessed Ishmael as a son of Abraham’s. But the problems resulting from this decisions were felt not only during the childhood years of Ishmael and Issac, but for many years to come between their descendants for generations to come and even to this day. + +### Application + +In the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar, and their sons Ishmael and Issac, we can see illustrated several dynamics that can be problematic to healthy family relationships and which come when we don’t follow God’s established plan for us. + +_**1. Sibling Rivalry.**_ While every family where there is more than one child will experience a certain amount of sibling rivalry, this problem can be much more pronounced in blended families and in families where adultery and divorce occurs. Stories abound after the death of a father and his two or three families fight among themselves for the possessions, money, and whatever belonged to the father and which everyone claims should now belong to them. + +_**2. Blended Families.**_ While some blended families enjoy a certain degree of normality, many experience great turmoil, internally and outside. The picture of the “Brady Bunch”, where peace, joy, love, and harmony reign most of the time, is mostly an illusion created for entertainment purposes rather than the tense reality many blended families experience on a daily basis. + +_**3. Birth Order.**_ Everyone is affected in a positive or negative way by their families and by the chronological order in which they were born. Once that order is established and then disrupted by the blending of families, it creates a chaotic situation in the families and in the lives of each child as they may be “unseated” from their birth order and must adapt to their new birth position or challenge the one who usurped it. + +Whenever we violate God’s plan for our life and our marriage, we bring on ourselves painful and lasting consequences for us, our spouse, our children, our families, and beyond. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Our Loving Father, thank you for our families. Please help us to protect the unity and integrity of our marriage and family so that none of may ever experience downfalls and their painful consequences. Keep us together and in love for a lifetime. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e89fb8e817 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Challenges of Blended Families +startDate: 02/05/2025 +endDate: 02/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/06-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/06-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efdad83de1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/06-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Word to Everyone +date: 02/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded which Joshua did not read before all the assembly of Israel, with the women, the little ones, and the strangers who were living among them. (Joshua 8:35 NKJV) + +### Observation + +After the defeat at Ai, Joshua discovered and had to deal with Achan’s sin lest all of Israel would hear about it and learn to disregard God’s specific instructions concerning the people and the nations they were supposed to conquer and destroy. + +In order to have a new beginning, Joshua read again the covenant God established with Israel. Today’s text makes it clear that these words were read before all, but it specifically mentions women, children (little ones) and foreigners. Passages like these should show us that God intended equal treatment to all. + +### Application + +One of my favorite short stories, which eventually was made into a movie with Barbara Streisand, is Yentl, The yeshiva Boy, originally written by Issac Bashevis Singer. The story centers on a young girl who defies tradition by discussing and debating Jewish law and theology with her rabbi father. When he dies, she cuts her hair, dresses as a young man, and sets out to find a yeshiva where she can continue to study Talmud and live secretly as a male named Anshel. She has such hunger for learning that she sacrifices her female role, and even her love for her study partner, just so she can learn all she can from the wisdom of bible and other Jewish scholars. + +I’m glad we have come such a long way from the days when women were relegated to a second place, some even farther back. I have had the privilege of meeting and learning from some very bright women and feel my life has been enriched by their knowledge, their wisdom, and their experience. Without those interactions, my life, my ministry, my future would have been cheated of many valuables treasures. I count my wife as one of the brightest, most talented, women and have seen how so many others, including me, have benefitted from her keen insights and talented guidance. I have worked with and known lady pastors whose ministry and learning has proved to be a great blessing to their husbands ministry and to their churches. I have sat in classrooms where lady teachers have shared true pearls of wisdom I have then shared with many others. What a shame, if all these ladies had had to be relegated to the role of servants, quietly going about menial tasks, never allowed to express their opinions or to teach or lead others, simply because society or culture dictated they had to or they couldn’t be as smart or learned as men! + +Joshua taught the Bible (Moses’ words) to women, children, and foreigners, because before God we all are equal and must be treated thus. I pray for the day, soon I hope, when we will all learn to treat each other and give each other equal opportunities to learn and teach, follow and lead, listen and preach, serve and be served, as God intended; we all be the ones to be benefitted and blessed as a result. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, You are the God of equality and fairness, righteousness and justice. Father, may we set aside the societal and cultural barriers that keep us from enjoying Your gifts through men and women for the benefit of Your people. And may we achieve, with your help, the equality with which You created us as male and female for it will ultimately be for our benefit and for Your honor and glory. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2653571cdc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Word to Everyone +startDate: 02/06/2025 +endDate: 02/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/07-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/07-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4fe53233be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/07-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: More Time! +date: 02/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Josh 10:12-13 NKJV) Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel: "Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon." {13} So the sun stood still, And the moon stopped, Till the people had revenge Upon their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. + +### Observation + +One of the most powerful miracles ever had just taken place after Joshua prayed that the sun would stand still; it is recorded that the sun indeed stood still for about a day. Then the kings that had joined to try to defeat Israel were captured and executed, and later buried. These wholesale destructions of entire cities is what has caused some to question God and even to come to be afraid of or bitter toward Him. We need to consider several things: + +1. Israel had no home, and God wanted to provide them with a home of their own where they could live in peace and worship Him and become a witness to the whole world. + +2. These nations had become so depraved by sin that their corrupting influence was not only spreading, but it could, and in some cases did, become a hindrance, a temptation, and a stumbling block to God’s people. + +3. The way these people dealt with their own was dehumanizing and deadly. They had temple prostitutes, the women were treated as objects to abuse and mistreat, children were abused and at times offered to idols; God could not permit this abuse on the innocent to go on forever – or until they’d destroy themselves, but in the mean time generations of innocent people would suffer. + +4. Without the presence of Israel as a nation, the world was rapidly becoming like the world before the flood, and even though Israel was not always faithful to God, its presence gave the rest of the world an opportunity to know God and gave them a lease on life. + +In reality, these destructions were more an act of mercy than an act of anger on the part of God. Yes, He was angry with those nations and peoples, but yet they were also His children and by putting an end to their wickedness God was saving countless others yet unborn. + +### Application + +In thinking about the sun standing still, I just recently I received an e-mail with a story (whether it is true or not, I don’t know), about the time when NASA scientists were working on plans for future launches when they ran into a problem. They entered all the information into the computer, but the computer could not compute correctly, it gave an error message, and the NASA people could not find out what the problem was, all they knew was that there was one day and about forty minutes missing that they could not account for. Apparently a Christian among them told them about this event, they changed their calculations and sure enough, they were only missing about forty minutes. Then the Christian told them of the time when King Hezekiah asked for a sign that he would be healed, and the sun went back what would be the equivalent of . . . forty minutes. Once that time was also accounted for, their calculations matched perfectly. + +These stories remind me that God’s miraculous power on our behalf is still available to us as families and as couples. We may not get the sun to stand still, but maybe he will make the time that we have more manageable so we can spend time learning about Him and worshiping Him, time together as families, time with our children, time for work, time for leisure, time to evangelize, time to rest. And all along, God also helps us to deal with those things that are destroying our families – negative influences on our children, not spending enough time together, not spending enough time with God in prayer and for God in praise, not spending enough time to study His word, not spending enough time working for the salvation of others. We don’t need the miracle of more time; what we need is the miracle of learning how to manage properly the time that God already gives us every day. Much like we don’t understand how when we return God’s tithe we seem to have more than before, so when we dedicate our time to Him, He can help us accomplish more in the time we have than if we tried to manage it ourselves, without Him in it. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the time You give us. Help us to manage it wisely for You and others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6d9f0ccfc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: More Time! +startDate: 02/07/2025 +endDate: 02/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/08-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/08-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..944be41c54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/08-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Marital Disputes +date: 02/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> A dispute also started among them over which of them was to be regarded as the greatest. 22:25 So Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those in authority over them are called ‘benefactors.’ 22:26 Not so with you; instead the one who is greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the one who serves. 22:27 For who is greater, the one who is seated at the table, or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is seated at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. (Luke 22:24-27 NET) + +### Observation + +Jesus is preparing to enjoy the Passover with His disciples, probably looking forward to spending this important annual celebration with them. He had spent the last three-and-a-half years with them, and probably celebrated at least one other Passover with them, but this one was a very special one as it would be the last one. . . the last one where He would be physically present, the last one where all of them would be together celebrating it, the last one of real significance because with His death the Passover symbolism would be fulfilled I His own death on the cross. + +How disappointing and frustrating it must have been for Jesus, knowing the importance of this day, to see them still disputing as to who would be the greatest among them. Jesus teaches them, through the words of our text for today and through His action of washing their feet, that in the Christian life he/she who desires to be the greatest has it all wrong by trying to be the greatest but should do his/her best to serve rather than be served. + +### Application + +A lot of the marital discord stems from this desire to be the greatest. This, of course, is nothing new. Soon after the fall, God told Eve: “You will want to control your husband, but he will dominate you” (Genesis 3:16b, NET). One of the resulting effects of the entrance of sin into the world was the desire for supremacy, even among those who were literally one flesh, Adam and Eve. God forewarned them that this dispute for control and for who would be the greatest would be present in marriage, and in society. Unfortunately, because physically men are bigger, that control has been theirs to the point of total domination, slavery, and even abuse of women, both in society in general and inside marriage in particular. + +Jesus changes the paradigm and tells His disciples – which includes husbands and wives – that in His kingdom it is not the greatest the one who is served but rather the one who serves. In marriage, then, we should look for ways to help and serve one another, starting with our spouse and children. Imagine a world in which the husbands and wives work hard at outdoing each other in how they serve one another! Well, Jesus says we should not only imagine such a world but that is His kingdom of which He wants us to be a part. + +Look for ways to serve your husband/wife out of love for them, but also out of love for Jesus. They may not always act in a way that you think they deserve to be served, but it is at those times when you need to make an even greater effort to show them your love by practicing acts of service toward them. The disciples sure were not acting very loving on that last Passover night, and they sure didn’t deserve to be served; but in His love for them, Jesus served them and “Having loved his own who were in the world, he now loved them to the very end” (John 13:1, NET). Follow the example of Jesus, and love your spouse to the end. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to love and serve one another to the end because by so doing we act as your disciples, because it shows Your spirit working in our hearts, and because by doing so we know Your love abides in us and in our marriage. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..19e3e45e12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Marital Disputes +startDate: 02/08/2025 +endDate: 02/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/09-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/09-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e653bc383 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/09-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: When to Retire +date: 02/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Josh 14:7-11 NKJV) "I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land, and I brought back word to him as it was in my heart. {8} "Nevertheless my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt, but I wholly followed the LORD my God. {9} "So Moses swore on that day, saying, 'Surely the land where your foot has trodden shall be your inheritance and your children's forever, because you have wholly followed the LORD my God.' {10} "And now, behold, the LORD has kept me alive, as He said, these forty-five years, ever since the LORD spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness; and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. {11} "As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. + +### Observation + +Joshua had been among the twelve spies Moses had sent to survey the Promised Land, and was one of the only two that came back with an encouraging report about it, cheering people on to go in and take it, as the Lord was giving it to them. When he spied out the land he was forty years old, and at the time of the writing of this chapter, he is eighty-five years old. + +### Application + +At the age of forty, some people begin to wind down and to prepare for their retirement, whether physically or psychologically. In some countries, once a person reaches about fifty, companies begin to look at them as too old and look for ways to discharge them. Such was the case with my father. When my dad reached the age of forty-nine, the company he was working for approached him with a choice – either he retire with a good compensation package or get fired with nothing; he chose to “retire.” However, at that age he would not be able to sit still, so he got another job, but at the age of fifty it was very difficult to adapt to a new job and they let him go after a year. From that time, until his untimely death one year later at the age of fifty-one, he was unable to find another job. He was considered too old. + +For a man who at fifty one is still young, being unable to find employment led to depression which led to early death. We now know that fifty is indeed still a young age and many good, productive years are still ahead. While there are times when we would like to be able to retire and do nothing, being actively involved in gainful employment or some activity will be healthier than to simply remain idle. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the opportunity to work, and for the health to do it. Help us to keep in mind that working is not punishment but a blessing. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0502a4dc97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: When to Retire +startDate: 02/09/2025 +endDate: 02/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/10-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/10-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2360e777fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/10-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Troubled, But Not Alone +date: 02/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Yet, I'm not all alone, because the Father is with me. 33 I've told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you'll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world.” John 16:32-33 (GW) + +### Observation + +During the last meal Jesus enjoyed with His disciples, on the night in which He was arrested, He is preparing them for what they would experience during the next three days and as they would begin their ministry without the physical presence of Jesus in their midst, as they had enjoyed for the last three-and-a-half years. + +Jesus warns them that they will have trouble (tribulation), simply because they are in the world. But He also reminds them that He would be with them just like the Father was with Him, even in the most troubling time of His life. + +### Application + +As humans, living in this world of sin, it is inevitable that we will experience trouble at some point in our lives. That trouble may come in the form of illness (our own or a loved one), loss of employment, inclement weather (hurricane, tornado, earthquake, excessive snow or ice, cold or heat, etc., depending on where we live), accidents (at work, on the road, at home, etc.), problems at work with a co-worker, supervisor, or the boss), or at school (with a teacher, classmate, or the administration). Even at church, a place where we are surrounded by people who believe in God, we could run into trouble with other church members for a host of reasons – some of their doing, some of our doing. + +Marriage and the family are not exempt from trouble either. In marriage, the differences that come from being raised in different families, different environments, different cultures, and the fact that we have different personalities and different temperaments is bound to bring about some friction at one time or another. The longer we live together, the more we adapt to each other’s difference and the more we create our own culture and feel more comfortable with each other. In the family, with the birth of each child the family dynamics change and therefore there is constant need for adapting to the new circumstances. + +What we need to take from today’s text is that even Jesus suffered trouble, at the hands of His own people, even from His own disciples. And yet, He reminds His disciples that He was never left alone through any of those troubles, but that the Father was with Him through it all. He then gives them (and us) the assurance that we would not be alone in our trials, troubles, and tribulations either. And the best assurance that the troubles that threaten us would not consume us and destroy us is that He has overcome them all. That’s why He can encourage us and tell us to “cheer up.” + +While we are in the midst of troubling circumstances, it is good to be reminded to “Cheer up!” Don’t give up on each other, don’t give up on your relationship, don’t give up on your family! Cheer up! Because He has overcome, and He is with you, you too can, in fact you too WILL overcome! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You that even though we do and we will experience trouble in this world, You never leave us. I pray, Father, that your presence, that of Your Son, and that of Your Holy Spirit, will ift us up from the valley of despair and into the mountain of cheer. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69eeaeca33 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Troubled, But Not Alone +startDate: 02/10/2025 +endDate: 02/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/11-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/11-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c82b1190b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/11-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Good Account +date: 02/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Josh 18:4-6 NKJV) "Pick out from among you three men for each tribe, and I will send them; they shall rise and go through the land, survey it according to their inheritance, and come back to me. {5} "And they shall divide it into seven parts. Judah shall remain in their territory on the south, and the house of Joseph shall remain in their territory on the north. {6} "You shall therefore survey the land in seven parts and bring the survey here to me, that I may cast lots for you here before the LORD our God. + +### Observation + +As Joshua nears the end of his life, he wants to ensure that the land is conquered and settled properly, so he send men from every tribe to survey the land and then to divide it among the remaining tribes yet to be settled. + +### Application + +Joshua was a very conscientious leader and wanted to make sure everything was done properly before his death. I think as Christians we must be careful with all our accounting, that we do things rightly, justly, and correctly. I’m thinking of at least a few areas: + +1. Tithes and offerings. As much as we need to do things legally in this world, so much more with God. The tithe is ten percent of all our income and it belongs to God. In addition to the tithe, God expects us to be generous and give an additional amount of offerings. + +2. Taxes. As much as we may dislike paying taxes, it is those funds that for the most part take care of the expenses of our country, state, city, or community where we live. We benefit from the taxes we pay and what others pay as well. We must be careful that taxes are paid properly and that we do everything legally. + +3. Make sure the accounting of our funds is done carefully. We should make sure to reconcile the checking and savings accounts every month to make we have what we believe we do and not overdraw our accounts. + +4. Budgeting is important to control our expenditures and save for future needs of the household. + +We may not be accountants of hold a masters in business administration (MBA); however, simple accounting of our funds can save us a lot of headaches and will help us be faithful with the means God provides us for our sustenance. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to be faithful in our accounting of Your gifts and to remember You first of all as we manage these funds. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d6d33b454 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Good Account +startDate: 02/11/2025 +endDate: 02/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/12-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/12-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb52c48710 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/12-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Compatible Spouse +date: 02/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 24:2-4 NKJV) So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had, "Please, put your hand under my thigh, {3} "and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell; {4} "but you shall go to my country and to my family, and take a wife for my son Isaac." + +### Observation + +Abraham is getting old and wants to make sure the promise that God made him of a long posterity would indeed be properly fulfilled through his son Isaac. In order to ensure that Issac and his descendants would be followers of the same God and not be sidetracked by the practices and the people of the land, Abraham asked his servant to go back home and find a wife for Issac from his own people. It’s obvious that Abraham’s servant had learned from his master about God and was also a true believer in the God of the universe; this is evident by his life of worship and prayer as he took on this journey and responsibility. We know from the story how he met Rebekah, her family’s reaction and agreement with the news and request, and her own eager response to marry Issac and make the trip to become his wife. + +### Application + +Even in an age of arranged marriages, Abraham understood the importance of compatibility, particularly in several areas. The more things a couple has in common, the more compatible they will be in important areas of their life such as faith, family, parenting, communication, conflict resolution, financial management, etc. This does not mean that they have to think alike in every way, but it sure is nice when you and your spouse can have more in common than when you have very little in common to help you build a stronger relationship. Through the prophet Amos God said, (Amos 3:3 NKJV) “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” While some people firmly believe that opposites attract, a book I read many years ago also remind us that often “opposites attack,” which is the cause for so much of the headache, conflict, abuse, and divorce nowadays. + +At the end of this part of the story we read, (Gen 24:67 NKJV) “Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.” The results of Abraham’s plan for Issac and of Issac and Rebekah accepting it were very positive for both: + +_1. Issac loved Rebekah_ - what every woman wishes from her husband, to be loved, cared for, nurtured, and protected by him. + +_2. Issac was comforted after his mother’s death_ – Rebekah was also a true comfort and encourager for her husband, her cheerleader, her strength during his most vulnerable moments. + +_3. The lineage of faith continued through Issac to his children._ This is what Paul writes about in 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NKJV) “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?” + +Look for compatibility in the most critical areas of life and your changes for a successful, fulfilling, loving relationship will increase. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, guide us to the person You would have for us, and help us to be the person who would be best for them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..946d4a407a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Compatible Spouse +startDate: 02/12/2025 +endDate: 02/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/13-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/13-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ee59c5327 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/13-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Giving and Having +date: 02/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Everything I have is yours, and everything you have is mine. John 17:10 (GW) + +### Observation + +The words of our text today come from the prayer of Jesus on the night that he was betrayed and arrested. This prayer was pronounced in the presence of His disciples while they celebrated the Passover meal together in the upper room. While we think of “The Lord’s Prayer” as the one Jesus taught His disciples earlier in His ministry as a pattern for them to follow in their own prayers, His prayers, contained in John 17, are very particular and specific to and for His disciples of all ages. + +### Application + +While the words of our text refer to the relationship that Jesus and God, the Father, have, they also serve asa good pattern for the type of relationship that husbands and wives should enjoy. Often we are asked questions that have to do with financial matters in marriage. Who should be in charge of the finances at home? How should money be spent? Should the husband and wife have separate bank accounts?, etc. + +Once we enter into the marital relationship, not only are our bodies united into one, but so should our possessions, our interests, and our future plans be. There should be no such thing as “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours.” When we begin to look at things, information, or feelings as only a personal thing, not to be shared with the other, we prevent true and complete intimacy from taking place. When we consider everything we have as the communal property of our marriage, then we will use it all to benefit us as a family, we will make short and long range plans that will be good both for our family now and for generations to come. + +There’s another way in which we must understand that all we have and are is ours, and that is with our bodies. Paul wrote that in 1 Corinthians 7: “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does” 1 Corinthians 7:4 (NKJV). Having said that, Paul continues his advice: “Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control” 1 Corinthians 7:5 (NKJV) + +So much trouble could be prevented if we stopped thinking and acting as if what we have and what we are is our individual property and instead were more willing to give to our spouse all that we are and all that we have – our funds, our property, our bodies, our thoughts, our plans, our feelings! And the relationship would benefit so much more when receive the same in return! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may the same unselfish spirit that reigns in the Godhead reign also in our home and in our marriage. Since everything really belongs to You, help us then to remember that what we have in our marriage is simply Your loan to us. Keep us from assuming possession of what You give us and instead help us to gladly share it with the person You gave us to be married to. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87b1862903 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Giving and Having +startDate: 02/13/2025 +endDate: 02/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/14-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/14-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ae2f4ca5f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/14-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Unintentional Pain +date: 02/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Josh 20:3 NKJV) 'that the slayer who kills a person accidentally or unintentionally may flee there; and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood. + +### Observation + +The cities of refuge were provided so that anyone who killed somebody else unintentionally would not be killed by the avenger but rather would be protected and live there until the death of the high priest. The symbolism with Jesus, our High Priest, as our refuge is very clear, so these cities were not only for physical refuge but would teach them of the spiritual provision God had made for our salvation in the form of His Son Jesus Christ. + +### Application + +In every relationship, there will be times when one or the other will cause pain to the other, albeit unintentionally. The wonderful thing about committed relationships is that when that happens, the person who did it will be quick to apologize, and the injured person will be quick to forgive. This environment will provide a true refuge to both parties. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for being our Refuge, and thank You for making of our home a place of refuge for all of us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c525a0c664 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Unintentional Pain +startDate: 02/14/2025 +endDate: 02/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/15-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/15-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d324386e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/15-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: Help for those who need it +date: 02/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> When Jesus heard that, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Matthew 9:12 + +### Observation + +Jesus spoke the words in today’s text after He was criticized for calling Matthew, the tax collector, to be one of His disciples. It is not as if the rest of the disciples were perfect - far from it. However, in the eyes of the Jewish people of that time, tax collector, or publicans, were among the most hated of all people. These men worked for the Roman government, often exacting more than their due. These were Jewish people exploiting their own people for their own benefit and for the benefit of the occupying rulers, the hateful Romans. No wonder people where shocked that Jesus would call one of them to be His disciples. + +Jesus, on the other hand, did not see any distinction between a “heavy sinner” and a “light sinner.” All need His grace and His salvation equally. It is often those who see or recognize their need of a Savior who are in the greatest danger of losing their chance at eternal life. + +### Application + +Often couples don’t seek help for their marital difficulties until it is either too late or almost too late. It is no sin to look for help for your relationship anymore than it is to go to a doctor when we notice symptoms of health problems. Here are nine warning signs your family may not be able to solve its own problems and therefore may need to go for help to a professional: + +**1. You Go over the Same Issues Again and Again with No Resolution or Closure.** + +The constant cycle of repeating arguments about the same problems is a clear sign things aren't working and you need help. The reason issues are repeated is because you aren't presenting information that is being heard, received, or accepted. + +**2. Your Networking Is Not Working.** + +Every attempt at reasonable conversation fails and ends with shouting, disregard, or someone walking out of the room with no-closure or resolution. + +**3. There Is Physical and/or Emotional Abuse.** + +There is no way you should allow this behavior to continue without getting help and finding safety. Physical, emotional, and verbal abuse should not be tolerated. + +**4. You Pretend to Respect a Family Member Whom You Do Not Really Respect.** + +This is an indication of a serious problem. One dysfunctional family member rules the rest of the family, usually by fear. + +**5. You're Afraid to Say Certain Things in Your Family.** + +When you don't feel comfortable sharing your feelings and thoughts without being demeaned, criticized, or bullied, something is terribly wrong. + +**6. You Deny, Excuse, or Choose to Ignore the Signs of Problems Such as Drug or Alcohol Abuse.** + +Substance abuse is an indication of greater problems than simple emotional distress or fatigue. A key issue is when family members excuse the behavior saying, "They can stop anytime; they're not addicted." This is the height of denial, and a key indicator that help is needed. + +**7. You Have a Recurring Wish That You Were out of Your Family or Had Never Come into it at All.** + +This kind of negative daydreaming is a result of much deeper problems that need professional help. All of us have occasional wishes we weren't in a family or marriage, but when it becomes a daily obsession there should be deeper consideration as to its reason and impact. + +**8. No One Admits a Problem, Yet Everyone Knows it Exists.** + +Some people think that it is an admission of failure to admit that there's a problem. This avoidance can be fatal to a marriage or family. + +**9. You Ignore or Excuse Signs of Bad Behavior in a Family Member.** + +Bullying, giving orders, pulling rank, verbal abuse, arrogance, and indifference to the feelings of others are signs of this malady. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to recognize when we need help before it’s to late to save our family or our marriage, but help us to not just recognize we help but to seek it. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efdad86e75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Help for those who need it +startDate: 02/15/2025 +endDate: 02/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/16-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/16-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1363c008f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/16-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The First Mission Field +date: 02/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you." And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him. Luke 8:39 + +### Observation + +The man in today’s story had been demon-possessed until Jesus cast the demons out. He had been away from his family, from civilization, living in a cemetery. Everyone was afraid of him because of his violent behavior, probably his foul language, and his horrible appearance. + +After Jesus had released Him from the demons who held him captive from inside of him, this man’s immediate reaction of gratitude was to follow Jesus. But Jesus wanted not only his freedom from the captivity of the devil, Jesus also wanted the man’s family, and many others, to come to the freedom from sin Jesus offers. So the man became a missionary to his own family. + +One can only imagine the look of surprised on the faces of the people in town and specially his wife and children, when they saw their beloved husband and father, but not as they had seen him the last time, wild and scary, but fully recovered, normal, healthy, peaceful, and joyful. He didn’t have to take them through a whole set of bible studies or preach a series of evangelistic messages. All he had to do was tell them what Jesus had done for him. His physical, emotional, and spiritual restoration was evident to all, and that was the most powerful sermon he could preach and they could hear. + +### Application + +Ellen White writes: “No sooner is one converted than there is born within him a desire to make known to others what a precious friend he has found in Jesus. The saving and sanctifying truth cannot be shut up in his heart” (The Desire of Ages, p. 141). We all have our own stories of what God has done in our lives, and when we have the chance we want to tell others of His miracle-working power. If we were asked to the farthest parts of the earth to tell of God’s love and of His power we would be honored to be chosen to proclaim it all. And yet, we need to remember that our mission does not have to begin in another part of the world but it should begin at home, with our loved ones. Again, Ellen White writes, “Our work for Christ is to begin with the family, in the home. . . . There is no missionary field more important than this. . . . “ (The Adventist Home, p. 35). + +When others see what God has done in our lives, when our behavior and our words can testify of Him, not just in flowery language but in kind, gentle words, it is then that others can see the evidence of what God has done in our lives. This does not mean that we are perfect and do not make any mistakes. It is in fact when we make mistakes, recognize them, repent from them, and apologize seeking forgiveness that they can also be drawn to God knowing that if He can accept us with our imperfections He can also accept and love them. So let’s be mindful of how we live that others, particularly our family, may see the God who lives in us. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, reflect your love through us that others may see, not us, but You shining through us and come to know You, Love You, and serve You too. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b96a01ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The First Mission Field +startDate: 02/16/2025 +endDate: 02/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/17-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/17-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e38f837e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/17-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Best Choice +date: 02/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Josh 24:14-15 NKJV) "Now therefore, fear the LORD, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD! {15} "And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." + +### Observation + +This is one of those well-known passages in the Bible and it comes in the latter part of Joshua’s life, as he recounts for the Israelites what God has done for them and again reminds them to not enter into relationships with the people of the land lest they “become a snare” for them. Here he challenges them with his own personal example. If, after all God has done for them, they still choose to worship other gods, so be it. Crazy as it seems, so be it. But as for me and my family, God forbid that I’d leave Him to worship worthless pieces of wood, stone, or metal. We will serve the Lord. It is his own example that leads the people to respond the way they did: (Josh 24:16-18 NKJV) So the people answered and said: "Far be it from us that we should forsake the LORD to serve other gods; {17} "for the LORD our God is He who brought us and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, who did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way that we went and among all the people through whom we passed. {18} "And the LORD drove out from before us all the people, including the Amorites who dwelt in the land. We also will serve the LORD, for He is our God." + +### Application + +We can never underestimate the power of our decisions on what other people, particularly our family, do. Joshua understood that, which is why, at the dusk of his life he challenged the children of Israel with the words of our text. We can challenge our children as often as we want to, but if our actions don’t match our words, the challenge will not only go unheeded, it could well drive them to make the opposite choice of what we would have wanted for them. That’s that mean that if we live correctly all the time (or at least most of the time), that our children will follow our steps all the time (or most of the time) as well? I wish I could tell you that is the case. The reality is that everyone has the same freedom of choice and even the most godly parents have experienced the pain of seeing their children leave the faith in which they were brought up and the God to whom they were dedicated as babies. As parents, however, we must consider that without a good example on our part the chances that they will choice a different path increase greatly. From our part, then, we must dedicate ourselves and our family to God, live uprightly with God’s help, pray for and with them daily, and then leave the rest to them and to God expecting that ultimately His grace will be sufficient for them, as it is for us. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, in Your goodness you allow us to make our own choices. This day, we choose You as our God and Savior and ask that You come close to our children, that they may sense Your presence in their lives, and that they, too, choose You this day as their God, their Savior, and Lord of their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73f71d07ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Best Choice +startDate: 02/17/2025 +endDate: 02/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/18-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/18-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be090b3685 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/18-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: In One Generation +date: 02/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Judg 2:10 NKJV) When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done for Israel. + +### Observation + +After the death of Joshua and the people of his generation had passed away, things changed very quickly in Israel, but not for the best. The rapid decline in their spirituality reflects the rapid abandonment of God’s will for them. First of all, the Israelites stopped their conquest of the Promised Land from going as far as God intended it should. Secondly, they left entire cities, and their inhabitants, alive and established relationships with them. And finally, they began to worship the Baals of the people of the land. This rapid decline is what God had tried to prevent by commanding them to destroy the people of the land, but in just one generation they went from following God to worshipping Baal. + +### Application + +I can attest to how fast things change, in one generation, when you abandon God. My mother’s parents were the first Seventh-day Adventist converts in the city of Bucaramanga, where we were born, in the country of Colombia, South America. When my mother was a young girl, her mother died leaving her husband to raise five young children by himself; my grandfather never remarried. Weighed down with the heavy responsibility and with a large hospital bill after his wife’s death, my grandfather, a very responsible man, made whatever payments he could on that hospital bill but in the process he didn’t return God’s tithe faithfully; shortly after that, he stopped going to church altogether. Eventually all but one of the children, including my mother, ended up out of the church (one died at a young age, still believing and living his faith). As a young lady, about to graduate from high school, my mother met my father, who together with his family was Roman Catholic. In order for my mother to be able to marry my father she “converted” to Catholicism; in her own words, while she did everything in her power to accept, believe, and practice her new religion, she confessed to me many years later that she never really could come to believe it because the seeds of Bible truth remained deeply ingrained in her heart. Nevertheless, she raised her children as Catholics, attending church every Sunday, and performing the rituals, or “sacraments,” required by the church such like infant baptism, “the First Communion,” “Confirmation,” etc. + +As a young boy, after my first communion, I became quite active in the church and was chosen to be one of the altar boys in the church near to where we lived and where we worshiped regularly for many years. I remember as a young boy wearing my bath robe and standing before the kitchen sink, with a slice of bread, dipping a piece of it in a glass of orange juice mixed with some water, role-playing what I saw the priest do on the altar during mass – by the way, my own “mass” was not the best as the juice was too watered down, and the bread soaked in this mixture tasted horrible. If the priest had seen me doing this he probably would have said that even at an early age I demonstrated a vocation for the priesthood; I might say that even in the darkness was already beginning to show me a glimpse of the ministerial career I would one day follow. + +In my family, all of us grew up catholic, and faithfully did the things required of good Catholics like repeating the prescribed prayers to Mary and to bow down before the many images found in churches, cathedrals, and even road side shrines. While my mother’s brother and his family were Adventists, we never completely understood what they were or why they lived like they did; we only knew they did strange things like not watch TV on Friday nights and Saturdays, or not eating what we considered to be delicacies and which now I myself find distasteful, even disgusting. It was only after the death of my father, and our move to the United States, that my mother returned to the Adventist faith and she and I were baptized the same day in a church in Silver Spring, Maryland. + +As we reflect on our portion of the Scriptures for today, some may wonder how quickly the Israelites abandoned the faith of their fathers after all the powerful miracles He worked on their behalf. I witnessed how easy it is to do so as with my mother’s departure from the faith as in just a few short years she went from being a Sabbath-keeping, second-coming-expecting Christian, to a Sunday-keeping, idol worshipping Catholic, and as a result, with the birth of each of her children, we were one by one introduced to the worship of these idols and it became a simple part of our lives. + +If we as parents can see how easily and quickly children learn, we would be so much more careful with our actions and words. I am amazed at parents who don’t bring their young children to church or those who have told me that they don’t want to force them to believe as they do but want to give their children the freedom to choose what to believe only to see how quickly their children abandon the faith their parents wish they would hold as their own. I’d like to encourage every parent to hold dear their faith and live it and teach it to their children from the time they are born that they may grow up in it from their earliest days; if we as parents don’t live our faith, we will quickly loose our children and many generations to come. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to live daily our faith and may we transmit it faithfully to our children and for generations to come. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49c9330000 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: In One Generation +startDate: 02/18/2025 +endDate: 02/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/19-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/19-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..94b31e9a75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/19-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Children Struggle +date: 02/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 25:22-23 NKJV) But the children struggled together within her; and she said, "If all is well, why am I like this?" So she went to inquire of the LORD. {23} And the LORD said to her: "Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger." + +### Observation + +Issac was forty years old when he married Rebekah and sixty years old when Esau and Jacob were born. By today’s standards , he was advanced in years for both his marriage and parenthood. We are not told how much younger Rebekah was; nevertheless, it took them twenty years as husband and wife before they had children. And yet, as much as they were happy to have children, even before the twins were born they already brought challenges and heartache to their parents. Gen.25:22 – Rebekah asks herself “why is this happening to me?” (paraphrased). As they grew up they were very different and eventually Jacob tricked Esau and Issac and as a result had to leave home to never see his parents alive again. And Gen. 26:35 tells us that the wives Esau took were a grief to Issac and Rebekah. + +### Application + +For the biblical patriarchs, parenting was no easier than it is today, even though they were much closer to Eden’s day than we are. While this is no consolation, it helps to put it into perspective to know that we, today’s parents, are not unique and we are not the only ones who struggle trying to raise our children. As we get closer to the second coming of Jesus, the challenges of parenting become more difficult as temptations, the amount of information and available means to fall increase exponentially. Our hope rests in the same God who helped Abraham and Sarah, Issac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Rachel; the same God and Father who helped Mary and Joseph; the same God who helped James and Ellen White; the same God who helped our parents. As difficult and challenging as the task of parenting is, and as painful as it is at times, we have not been abandoned by our Heavenly Father; He knows, He understands, He helps, and He blesses us and our children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, how much pain and heartache we ourselves have cause You even though You are the perfect parent. Forgive us for hurting You and help us to be better children. And now that the tables have turned and we are the parents, help us to love and care for our children as You would, as You do, so they may grow to love You and accept You as their Father and their God. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e78e4d894 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Children Struggle +startDate: 02/19/2025 +endDate: 02/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/20-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/20-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4cbad5df1a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/20-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Courage of a Woman +date: 02/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Judg 4:4-5 NKJV) Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time. {5} And she would sit under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the mountains of Ephraim. And the children of Israel came up to her for judgment. + +### Observation + +Deborah, a prophetess, was also the leader of Israel at the time. He called Barak to pursue Sisera, one of Israel’s enemies. At the end, Deborah and Jael, who killed Sisera in her tent, turned out to be the courageous heroines of this story + +### Application + +This is one of those amazing stories of courage displayed not just by one but by two women of the Bible. There are homes where men are weak and easily led by others or by sins or habits that threaten to destroy their marriage, their family, their finances, and even the very men practicing them. It is at those times when a courageous woman has to take the reins of their home lest everyone and everything they have be consumed. + +Every home has a clearly defined leader, even if the relationship between spouses is egalitarian. The bible’s ideal is that the man should have that headship since that is a reflection of the order in God’s universe and he serves as a reflection of God and the relationship of Christ as the husband and the church as His bride. Today’s reality is that some men are not that type of reflection and don’t demonstrate the correct pattern established by Christ. In addition, some women are raising a family with the absence of a husband or father of her children. In these cases, women can and must serve the role of headship in their homes in order to maintain it intact and thrive even under less than ideal circumstances. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, bless the women who under difficult circumstances labor to keep their families intact and healthy. May they reflect faithfully the image of Christ in their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab3461a83a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Courage of a Woman +startDate: 02/20/2025 +endDate: 02/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/21-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/21-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5fb7c66094 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/21-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Sword of the Lord +date: 02/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Judg 7:20 NKJV) Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers; they held the torches in their left hands and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing; and they cried, "The sword of the LORD and of Gideon!" + +### Observation + +Gideon’s large army had been pruned down to a very small number, particularly when compared with the army of the Midianites. Then, they surrounded the Midianites and at the right moment they broke the pitchers, blew the trumpets, and lifted the torches at the same time as they shouted, “The sword of the Lord...” To the half-asleep Midianite army, the noise, sights, the lights must have seemed like millions, and that caused great panic and confusion which led to their great defeat. While on my last visit to Israel, several years ago, I remember our guide telling us that during the war with Syria over the Golan Heights, one lone Israeli tank operator did a very heroic feat. He would drive up to the ridge and fire against the Syrians, then drive down, move to another location, drive up the ridge, fire, and repeated the same action from several locations. Down below, on the Syrian side, they could see tanks going up and down and firing upon them and they though it was an entire combat unit, and those actions slowed down just enough for the Israeli army to come to the Golan Heights to defend that strategic site. I imagine something similar took place during the battle when Gideon led the Israelites against the Midianites. . . who knows, maybe the Israeli tank soldier remembered this battle and knew that even a few can win a battle over the most. Then again, it was God fighting on the side of Gideon and his army, not just the military tactics they employed. + +### Application + +Today we’re enjoying family togetherness as our younger daughter, who studies at Andrews University in Michigan, is home for spring break. Our older daughter, who lives nearby, is joinging us, and the four of us plan to spend the day together. Those opportunities don’t come by too often nowadays, so we praise and than God for it. As I think of the battle of Gideon’s army, I can’t help but think of the battles we as parents have to fight for our children. The enemies of our children are great and many and at times we are overwhelmed and shaken to think of these seemly insurmountable foes. But maybe that’s why this story is here, to remind us as parents that we may be small and seemly powerless, but if we blow the trumpet and lift up the torch (God’s word), victory will be ours and our children’s. I would like to liken blowing the trumpet to our living testimony, and lifting the torch to studying the Bible – I suppose if you want to take the analogy further, you could say that breaking the pitchers is eliminating those negative influences that threaten to enslave us and our children. But we do know and must be fully convinced of is that the Battle is the Lord and we need to commit ourselves and our children to Him if we’re to gain the final victory. + +I know the following passages are not directly related to what I just concluded, but they are very inspiring nonetheless. + +“The leader whom God chose to overthrow the Midianites occupied no prominent position in Israel. He was not a ruler, a priest, or a Levite. He thought himself the least in his father's house. But God saw in him a man of courage and integrity. He was distrustful of himself and willing to follow the guidance of the Lord. God does not always choose for His work men of the greatest talents, but He selects those whom He can best use. "Before honor is humility." Proverbs 15:33. The Lord can work most effectually through those who are most sensible of their own insufficiency, and who will rely upon Him as their leader and source of strength. He will make them strong by uniting their weakness to His might, and wise by connecting their ignorance with His wisdom. + +If they would cherish true humility, the Lord could do much more for His people; but there are few who can be trusted with any large measure of responsibility or success without becoming self-confident and forgetful of their dependence upon God. This is why, in choosing the instruments for His work, the Lord passes by those whom the world honors as great, talented, and brilliant. They are too often proud and self-sufficient. They feel competent to act without counsel from God.” {Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 553} + +“The Lord is willing to do great things for us. We shall not gain the victory through numbers, but through the full surrender of the soul to Jesus. We are to go forward in His strength, trusting in the mighty God of Israel. There is a lesson for us in the story of Gideon's army. . . . The Lord is just as willing to work through human efforts now, and to accomplish great things through weak instrumentalities. {Ellen G. White, Conflict and Courage, p. 127} + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, give the courage to go through this conflict and win the final battle against your foe. But also give us the victory with and for our children that we together may enjoy the rewards of eternal life together. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73f550a308 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Sword of the Lord +startDate: 02/21/2025 +endDate: 02/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/22-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/22-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..71d986fa5e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/22-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Price of Power +date: 02/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Judg 9:4-6 NKJV) So they gave him seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith, with which Abimelech hired worthless and reckless men; and they followed him. {5} Then he went to his father's house at Ophrah and killed his brothers, the seventy sons of Jerubbaal, on one stone. But Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left, because he hid himself. {6} And all the men of Shechem gathered together, all of Beth Millo, and they went and made Abimelech king beside the terebinth tree at the pillar that was in Shechem. + +### Observation + +In previous chapters we learned of the Gideon and how he tested God with a fleece, how he destroyed Baals altar, and how he defeated the Midianites. But not all of Gideon’s experiences were positive. Toward the end of the last chapter we read he built an ephod in his town of Ophrah and people came there to worship and prostituted themselves and became a snare to Gideon’s family. Gideon had many wives so he also had many children, seventy of them. Abimelech emerged as the leader among Gideon’s children and did it by winning the support of the people of Shechem who paid him to become their king after which he killed all but one of his seventy brothers. + +### Application + +Stories like this make me cringe to thin of how one person could deal with his brothers in that cruel way, and all for the sake of power and money. And yet, I personally know of two families where a brother has dealt in similar ways (except for killing them) with his siblings by robbing them of what rightly belongs to his siblings, by taking advantage of them, and by enriching himself at their expense. When it comes to money, some people will do anything they have to even if that means taking it from their own family members. What is the point of selling your soul for money while your siblings or those closest to you suffer? If the funds God gives us are not used to help others, then our selfishness will destroy something that is much more important and worth a lot more and that is our family relationships. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to never place material things over our family or any other person. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a85dd53023 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Price of Power +startDate: 02/22/2025 +endDate: 02/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/23-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/23-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..396f2fc084 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/23-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: Careless Promises +date: 02/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Judg 11:30-31 NKJV) And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD, and said, "If You will indeed deliver the people of Ammon into my hands, {31} "then it will be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the people of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord's, and I will offer it up as a burnt offering." + +### Observation + +Jephthah led the Israelites to defeat the Ammonites, but before he went to war with them he asked God for the power, the strength, the ability to defeat them, and then promised that if he would indeed win he would present God an offering of the first thing that came out of the house. I’m not sure what he thought would come out – an cow, a goat? Or if he thought that maybe one servant might come out. But great was his distress when it was his only daughter who came out to greet him and to celebrate his victory and great her disappointment when instead of a great joy, her celebration turned into great sorrow. + +### Application + +Just as careless as Jephthah was with his vow, so are many parents with the promises or threatened discipline. We have observed many parents, specially parents of small children, threaten discipline unless their children change their actions, but they do it in a way that the children know are vain words. Some count: “Jimmy stop that! One. . . two. . . two-and-a-half. . .” Children know that counting doesn’t really mean anything until it gets to three. Others would threaten by repeating themselves: “Sussy, come here. . . Sussy, I told you to come here. . . Sussy, I’m not going to tell you again, come here. . . Sussy, I’m getting upset, you better come here. . .” and on and on. Other parents use their staccato voice and the children’s names to show the escalation of their command: “Ronny pick up your toys. . . Ron, pick up your toys. . . Ronald, pick up your toys, Ronald Arthur, I told you to pick up your toys. . . RONALD ARTHUR SMITH YOU COME RIGHT NOW AND PICK UP YOUR TOYS OR I’M GOING TO. . .” It is finally at this point that children take their parents more seriously and begin to either move in the direction of complying or rebelling further to see how far they can push their parents. + +When it comes to discipline, it’s best to follow these steps: + +1. Set clear limits and consequences, according to the age and understanding capacity of each child. + +2. If the child crosses the limit, apply discipline immediately. This does a number of things. First of all, you as the parent applies the discipline without losing your temper. Secondly, the child learns to comply with the pre-defined limits. + +3. Immediately after applying discipline, reassure your children of your love for them. + +In the same way, don’t make threats that will affect you or the rest of the family because you will end up punishing everyone else or you will find yourself in the position to break the threat. For instance, if your child comes home later than they should have and you tell them something like: “You’re not going anywhere for a month!”, you may have to stay at home for that month and therefore the entire family is punished with the transgressor. + +On the other hand, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Don’t say, “if you get good grades I’ll buy you a new car,” when you may not be able to afford the car and all related expenses, and if your child does get good grades, then you may not be able to fulfill that promise and therefore give negative messages to your children, such as: My parents don’t keep their promises, it doesn’t matter if I do well in school, etc. + +These things are part of what Jesus meant when He said, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no” (Mat. 5:37). + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to make no promises or threats we cannot keep. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..18469a339f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Careless Promises +startDate: 02/23/2025 +endDate: 02/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/24-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/24-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95f1cde47c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/24-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Listen to your Parents +date: 02/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Judg 14:1-3 NKJV) Now Samson went down to Timnah, and saw a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines. {2} So he went up and told his father and mother, saying, "I have seen a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines; now therefore, get her for me as a wife." {3} Then his father and mother said to him, "Is there no woman among the daughters of your brethren, or among all my people, that you must go and get a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?" And Samson said to his father, "Get her for me, for she pleases me well." + +### Observation + +Samson became obsessed with a woman from Timnah and insisted, against his parent’s advice, that they get her for him. They objected because marriage with an unbeliever, in fact a pagan, was strictly forbidden. But Samson was insistent and his parents, who were obviously indulgent of their only son, gave in and made the appropriate arrangements for Samson to have her. Just reading the rest of the chapter tells us of the horrible results of such actions which eventually led to his involvement with a prostitute, Delilah, and to his capture and eventual demise. + +### Application + +In our day we don’t have arranged marriages, at least in our western culture, and yet I can’t help but wonder how many people I personally know would be so much better off if they had only listened to their parents and of others I know right now who are going against the advice of family and friends totally ignoring their advice, their feelings, and their dislike of the person they are dating. It’s as if they believe that by stubbornly staying with that person they will force their family and friends to dismiss their concerns for their relationships and they will come to like, or even love the other person. In the PREPARE inventory I provide to couples contemplating marriage, one of the areas we look at is the parents and friends’ reaction to the couple’s relation. When their reaction is positive, the couple not only seems to do better but also, logically, they have one less thing to work on or worry about. The opposite is also true of the couples who don’t enjoy the support of their family or friends; it’s like fighting an uphill battle as they begin to form their new relationship and without the love and support of those closest to them. + +While the family may not always be right in their feelings or opinions of your boyfriend or girlfriend, if there are negative feelings already going into the relationship, chances are that they won’t get any better later. Listen to what your family and friends are trying to tell you; they are trying to help you, and they may be saving you from a life of hardship and pain. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the wise counsel of family and friends. May we be attentive to what they have to tell us, specially if that has to do with following Your guidance and when it comes to those relationships which we hope will be life-lasting. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f78b0a887e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Listen to your Parents +startDate: 02/24/2025 +endDate: 02/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/25-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/25-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..381e9bedd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/25-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Win Your Spouse Back +date: 02/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Judg 19:1-3 NKJV) And it came to pass in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that there was a certain Levite staying in the remote mountains of Ephraim. He took for himself a concubine from Bethlehem in Judah. {2} But his concubine played the harlot against him, and went away from him to her father's house at Bethlehem in Judah, and was there four whole months. {3} Then her husband arose and went after her, to speak kindly to her and bring her back, having his servant and a couple of donkeys with him. So she brought him into her father's house; and when the father of the young woman saw him, he was glad to meet him. + +### Observation + +This is one of the strangest stories in the entire Bible. A Levite set out to win back the love of a woman, but when the men of the city wanted to have sex with the Levite, instead he gave them his woman for then to do with her as they wished. After an entire night of abuse, the woman died, the Levite took her home, cut her in pieces, and sent the pieces throughout Israel seeking justice. + +When sin controls people, they will stop at nothing until their sinful desires are met. Not only were they trying to do what God calls unnatural (Romans 1) by having homosexual relations, but also by abusing this woman to the point of death. + +On the other hand, if we can look for something positive in this story, it is the Levite’s actions and words to win this woman back related at the beginning of the story. + +### Application + +Even though the woman played the harlot and left him the Levite went to look for her, to speak kindly to her, and to bring her back. These three steps can also be critically important to win your wife back after you have caused harm any kind of pain – like speaking harshly to her, being unkind to her, betraying her trust in you. Let’s look at the three steps: + +1. He went after her. He took the initiative. In the same way, if you have done or said anything that hurt your spouse, don’t ignore it as if it would go away on its own, or don’t expect the other to forget it as if nothing had happened. Take the initiative to go to your spouse and make things right with them. Apologize, ask their forgiveness, make every effort to make things better in the future. + +2. He spoke kindly to her. Don’t make things worse by denying what happened or by becoming defensive. A recognition of what you did and kind words can go a lot farther in the healing process. + +3. He brought her back. It’s not enough to just get back to normal but to establish a new, better normal I your relationship with your spouse. + +We can make our relationships better and win back our spouse, if we are sincere in our desire and honest with our feelings, and if our attitude and actions show them we indeed love them and want the best for them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, we praise You and thank You for your gift of our spouse; may we treat them accordingly. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..532a7ddb5c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Win Your Spouse Back +startDate: 02/25/2025 +endDate: 02/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/26-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/26-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..59e689e534 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/26-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: Honor, and Obey? +date: 02/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now therefore, my son, obey my voice according to what I command you. . . 13But his mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, get them for me.” (Genesis 27:8, 13 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Issac asked Esau to bring him his favorite meal and then he would give his son the blessing for the first-born. Rebekah wanted her favorite, Jacob, to receive the blessing, so she plotted to get it for him through deceit; she told Jacob what to do to secure it and was willing to take Jacob’s, and God’s, wrath as a result of his actions if only to ensure Jacob would get that blessing. The sad thing is that she ended up paying for her actions by never seeing Jacob alive again. + +### Application + +While God commands us to Honor our father and our mother, how far can we take it? First of all, to honor our parents does not mean to obey blindly. Here are some ways this commandment must be understood: + +Honor your Father and your Mother: + +1. As long as you don’t violate God’s commands or will. + +2. As long as you don’t do anything that’s illegal, unethical, or immoral. + +3. As long as you don’t cause harm or injury to anyone else. + +4. As long as you don’t cause harm or injury to yourself. + +5. As long as your actions don’t have the potential to cause harm or injury to them, to others, or to you. + +Because God is One, one command cannot be obey in violation of another. We must honor and respect our parents, but not obey them blindly, and not if doing so would mean disobeying our Heavenly Father. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Heavenly Father, thank You for the family into which we were born, and the parents with whom You blessed us. May we honor them and show them respect, not just because of Your promises, because by doing so we also honor You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f9f6d1ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Honor, and Obey? +startDate: 02/26/2025 +endDate: 02/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/27-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/27-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..738c597bf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/27-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Painful and Bitter +date: 02/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Ruth 1:20-21 NKJV) But she said to them, "Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. {21} "I went out full, and the LORD has brought me home again empty. Why do you call me Naomi, since the LORD has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?" + +### Observation + +In just a few verses we read of all the reverses that Ruth and her family suffered. First they had to leave their home and become immigrants in a foreign country. Then, she became a widow, and then her two sons also died. The last of her sorrow came when one of her daughters-in-law left her to go back to her own home. About the only bright moment in the midst of all this darkness was when her daughter-in-law, Ruth, chose to stay with her and travel back home with Naomi. Her bitter, painful experience led Naomi to ask that she be called Mara, reflecting the bitterness of her heart and life. + +### Application + +My parents were married twenty-eight years until the afternoon, one early day in January, when my father suffered a massive heart attack that took his life and left my mother a widow. For twenty-eight years they lived together, traveled together, and managed to have and raise six children. The shock of her sudden change in her life and the loss of her life-partner plunged my mother into the darkness of pain and the bitterness of widowhood which caused her to loose more weight she should have and which cause her three children still at home to be very subdued and mask their own pain so they would not cause her any more pain than what she was already carrying in her heart and reflected in the black, mourning clothes she wore from then on and for over a year. The closeness of the relationship between a husband and wife is so strong that it has been compared to gluing two pieces of paper and then trying to separate them – it doesn’t happen without causing damage to one or both. And the longer a couple are married, the deeper their strong bond and their feelings toward one another; no wonder so many people pass on shortly after the death of their spouse – it is a separation some just simply cannot bear. At the same time, what a wonderful thing it is to live together in the strong bonds of love and marriage with the person closest to you, your spouse. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, while the pain of the death of our spouse may come to us, I pray that our life together may be of such quality that we may live without regrets, and may the memories we’re building together carry us through the darkest, dreariest valleys of sorrow and pain. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b69f61bfe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Painful and Bitter +startDate: 02/27/2025 +endDate: 02/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/28-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/28-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8264d76704 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/28-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Other Woman in Your Marriage +date: 02/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Ruth 2:11-12 NKJV) And Boaz answered and said to her, "It has been fully reported to me, all that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband, and how you have left your father and your mother and the land of your birth, and have come to a people whom you did not know before. {12} "The LORD repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge." + +### Observation + +After the death of her husband and their sons, Naomi returned to her home land. While Orpah, one of her daughters-in-law went back to her own home and family, Ruth, her other daughter-in-law, chose to travel with Naomi and settle in Naomi’s home land, be forever part of her family, and to fully accept and worship her God. While they lived together Ruth was devoted to the care of Naomi and her attitude, actions, and devotion to service did not go unnoticed. In fact, Boaz, who was a relative of Naomi’s, noticed Ruth’s care and indirectly made provision to help them. It is in this setting that we read Boaz commending Ruth in our text for today. + +### Application + +The close relationship between Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth is special but by no means unique. Many mothers-in-law have been have been specially loving, supportive, and kind to their sons or daughters-in-law, and in some cases they have had a closer relationship than with their own children. The same has been the case with daughters or sons-in-law toward their spouse’ parents. + +I borrow the title today from a book by Christian psychologist H. Norman Wright he speaks about this relationship which could be most damaging to a couple’s relationship or a tremendous blessing to all. For some reason, mothers-in-law have one of the worse reputations – in some cases probably well-deserved, but in most it is probably totally unwarranted. + +One way to change the negative dynamics is to make every effort to learn from the other person. My wife and my mother had a very good relationship in spite of a language barrier, and I credit both for it. My wife was always very kind and respectful of my mother, and she learned from her many of the things that I like and have since been cooking for me some of my favorite dishes. My mother was more than willing to share that information with Pam, but she also was careful not to usurp Pam’s place as the lady of the home and the one who holds first place in my life. In addition, both of them also were very generous with the time that I was able to spend with each and that we spent together. + +So those are three very simple things that anyone can do to have the best of relationships with their in-laws: 1. Make every effort to learn from the other – family history, tradition, customs, recipes, etc.; + +2. Show respect for the other person’s position in their own home. + +3. Watch carefully the time spent with each, giving preference to your spouse first while not neglecting time with your own parents. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we all be blessed with a loving, supportive relationship with our in-laws, whether they are our parents-in-law or our children-in-law, that we may have the type of relationships that will be uplifting to everyone in the family. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8481bb3eb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Other Woman in Your Marriage +startDate: 02/28/2025 +endDate: 02/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1b36cbcbd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/02-february-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: February 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/01-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/01-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1966ea3241 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/01-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: For This Child I Prayed +date: 03/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. 28Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” So they worshiped the Lord there. (1 Samuel 1:27-28 NKJV) + +### Observation + +The situation at home between Hannah and Penninah, Elkanah’s wives, was very tense. In a society where childlessness was seen as curse from God, or at least as God withholding his blessings from the woman, Penninah, who had several children, picked on barren Hannah, who must have felt singled out by God and others for unfair treatment. + +But Hannah prayed and God granted her a son; in fact, later we read that she had three more sons and two daughters (1 Sam. 2:12). Hannah evidently was a praying woman who continued to do so not just until Samuel was born, but for her other children, for as long as she lived. + +### Application + +Christian couples should most definitely pray for God’s gifts of children as to whether they should even have any or not. Once the mother is pregnant, the couple should redouble their prayers for life, health, and protection on both the mother and child. These prayers should not only be personal and silent, but together as a couple and audible – what a wonderful way for the growing baby inside the mother to get used to his or her parent’s voice but to hear them praying for them! + +And praying for our children does not stop at their birth but must continue throughout their and our lives. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, we pause right now to pray for our children. May they sense Your presence in their lives this day, and may they come to know You, love You, serve You, and share You all the days of their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d07a19b93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: For This Child I Prayed +startDate: 03/01/2025 +endDate: 03/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/02-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/02-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8902392cef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/02-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Loving Concern +date: 03/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 9:5 NKJV) When they had come to the land of Zuph, Saul said to his servant who was with him, "Come, let us return, lest my father cease caring about the donkeys and become worried about us." + +### Observation + +Saul’s father had asked him to find some donkeys that had ran away. After traveling throughout the territory for several days, Saul decided to go back home so that instead of worrying about the donkeys his father would start worrying about him. In looking for the donkeys someone suggested they consult Samuel, the prophet, and it was during this encounter that he was anointed the first king of Israel. + +### Application + +Whatever we may think about Saul, from this story we can learn that he was a loving son who did not want to make his father worry about him. It seems that children reach a certain age and they gain or are given a certain amount of independence, which is a normal, natural step in their process of growing into adulthood. Parents, however, never gain independence from care and concern for their children. So two worlds collide – on the one hand children wanting their independence, and on the other hand parents still being concerned about their children. And where this becomes a challenge is where the children show no concern for the worrying they cause their parents. For instance, when kids go out without telling their parents where they’re going, when they plan to come back, without calling to check with their parents, etc. At home, their parents worry about their kids’ whereabouts, if they have been in an accident, if something has happened to them, etc. + +The simple act of picking up the phone to call their parents show care and concern for them. This simple act, a few words, can not only bring peace to their parents but will also reassure them of their love for them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we demonstrate care and love to our parents not only in words but in caring actions toward them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c4c3f4001 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Loving Concern +startDate: 03/02/2025 +endDate: 03/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a3403a2cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: It Happens Even to the Best +date: 03/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now it came to pass when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel. 2The name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. 3But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice. (1 Samuel 8:1-3 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Samuel’s sons were corrupt and like other religious leaders at the time they took advantage of their position to exploit the people. + +The Israelites, on the other hand, wanted to “keep up with the Joneses” and asked Samuel, the God-given leader of his time, to give them a king to reign over them. This obviously displeased Samuel. God, however, understood clearly that it wasn’t Samuel but God they were rejecting, and yet, God kindly tried to show them what they would get if they chose a human king for themselves instead of God. + +### Application + +As I visited with a pastor-friend over the weekend, we talked about PKs – Pastors’ Kids. Even in the homes of the best of pastors, children have gone astray. Even in the home of a beloved, life-long prophet like Samuel, his children went bad. + +How is it possible that from godly parents would come children who leave the church, some even leave God? + +I recognize that it’s not always a single event or situation but rather a number of these which drive them to take those steps. Maybe it’s the “constant” moving from one church, one community, one school to another. Maybe it’s leaving friends behind and being put in the position of meeting new ones only to leave them again a few years later. Perhaps it was the school or series of schools they attended. Maybe it was the series of teachers and principals. Or maybe the church people, the conference, or what the view as “the church” in general. Or maybe it was us, their parents, who spent more time doing the work of the Lord than spending time with His and our children. Whatever it might be, we certainly recognize the challenges of our, and other, PKs, and how much pain their decisions cause us. I said to another pastor-friend that maybe God, considering the pressure and the challenges that PKs live under has a special dispensation of His grace for them. At least that is my hope and prayer for my own PKs. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, I pray for our children, particularly PKs, who are targets of the enemy and sometimes even of members of the church family. May Your grace be sufficient for them, too. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb3d53de0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: It Happens Even to the Best +startDate: 03/03/2025 +endDate: 03/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/04-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/04-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d10845e968 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/04-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: The Unloved Spouse +date: 03/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 29:17 NKJV) Leah's eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance. + +### Observation + +The words that describe Leah have been debated for many years by many commentators. Some believe that Leah had soft blue eyes, which were considered a blemish. In The New Manners and Customs of the Bible it says that, “The tender eyes of Leah, as so translated in the KJV, were actually eyes that were visually weak or lacked luster—dull and unimpressive eyes. This was considered to be a great defect among those who admired sparkling eyes that were lively and flashing. That Leah’s eyes were compared to Rachel’s beauty obviously meant there was no beauty in them and that Leah herself was probably plain in face and form compared to her sister.” The SDA Bible Commentary explains that, “The Hebrew word rak, here translated “tender” by the KJV, has usually been understood to mean “weak” or “dull.” Ever since the LXX employed this translation most commentators and translators have followed it. The word rak also means “delicate,” “gentle,” “soft,” and “flattering,” and may perhaps mean that her eyes looked the precise opposite of what most commentators have thought. However, the fact that Jacob was not attracted to Leah would indicate more of a contrast between the two sisters than this latter suggestion implies. Perhaps Leah’s eyes, and her personality as well, lacked the brilliance and lustrous warmth the Oriental admires. The RSV renders the word as “weak.” + +The verse gives us a contrast between the two sisters which may explain why Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. He had met and fallen in love with Rachel first, he had been tricked by Laban to take Leah - which might have caused Jacob to despised her even more. We know there were constant disputes over their marital rights between Leah and Rachel, and later, with the addition of their two maidservants, and the birth of all thirteen children, tensions rose even higher. + +In The Story of Redemption, Ellen White makes some interesting comments about this situation: “Jacob was not happy in his marriage relation, although his wives were sisters. He formed the marriage contract with Laban for his daughter Rachel, whom he loved. After he had served seven years for Rachel, Laban deceived him and gave him Leah. When Jacob realized the deception that had been practiced upon him, and that Leah had acted her part in deceiving him, he could not love Leah. Laban wished to retain the faithful services of Jacob a greater length of time, therefore deceived him by giving him Leah, instead of Rachel. Jacob reproved Laban for thus trifling with his affections, in giving him Leah, whom he had not loved. Laban entreated Jacob not to put away Leah, for this was considered a great disgrace, not only to the wife, but to the whole family. Jacob was placed in a most trying position, but he decided to still retain Leah, and also marry her sister. Leah was loved in a much less degree than Rachel. {SR 89-90} + +### Application + +Leah desired the love of her husband. This is obvious as she names her sons:(Gen 29:32-35 NKJV) + +_Reuben:_ "The LORD has surely looked on my affliction. Now therefore, my husband will love me." + +_Simeon:_ "Because the LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has therefore given me this son also." + +_Levi:_ "Now this time my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons." + +_Judah:_ "Now I will praise the LORD." + +While we read that Jacob loved Rachel, we never read that She loved him. That is not to say that she didn’t, but her bitterness spilled over into her marriage as she demands of Jacob, (Gen 30:1-25 NKJV) "Give me children, or else I die!" Finally she decides to give Jacob her maid, and again, the names of Bilhah’s children reflect Rachel’s bitterness, particularly toward her sister: + +_Dan:_ "God has judged my case; and He has also heard my voice and given me a son." + +_Naphtali:_ "With great wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister, and indeed I have prevailed." + +Zilpah, Leah’s maid, now enters in this marital battle, and bears Jacob two more sons, but then Leah also bears Jacob a couple more sons: + +_Issachar:_ "God has given me my wages, because I have given my maid to my husband." + +_Zebulun:_ "God has endowed me with a good endowment; now my husband will dwell with me, because I have borne him six sons." + +It must be a very heavy burden to be unloved by their spouse. And yet Leah did not leave or divorce Jacob. Their children enjoyed the stable home, living with their father and mother. It was a large, blended family, but they were able to live with their biological parents. Children of divorce suffer in many different aspects of their lives – financially, emotionally, educationally, etc. Once we have brought children into this world, we must do everything we can to provide them with a loving home, with their biological parents to protect them, to provide for them, to help them and encourage them. Pray that you may be loved by your spouse, but most importantly, display love for your spouse; we are responsible for our feelings and actions, not for those of the other person. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father of love, help us to show our spouse how much we love them, and when negative thoughts and feeling creep up upon us, help us to defeat them and grow in us Your love for our spouse. Bless us, our marriage and our home, that we may provide our children a good, warm, stable home, one where them may feel safe knowing their parents won’t abandon them. Help us to show them through our example that in spite of conflict, we can remain together and keep our commitment to one another and to You to live together until death do us part. And may this example break the cycle of divorce that permeates so many families today. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..568f8c214b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Unloved Spouse +startDate: 03/04/2025 +endDate: 03/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/05-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/05-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd41c721ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/05-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Sharpen the Sword +date: 03/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 13:19-22 NKJV) Now there was no blacksmith to be found throughout all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, "Lest the Hebrews make swords or spears." {20} But all the Israelites would go down to the Philistines to sharpen each man's plowshare, his mattock, his ax, and his sickle; {21} and the charge for a sharpening was a pim for the plowshares, the mattocks, the forks, and the axes, and to set the points of the goads. {22} So it came about, on the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son. + +### Observation + +Saul’s reign was not peaceful as he battled the Philistines and other nations that surrounded Israel. And while his beginning was promising, prophesying and making the right choices, little by little he began to decline in spirituality, in the respect that the people had for him, and in power. + +The Philistines exerted enough control over the nations around them, including Israel, that they would not even allow them to have their own silversmiths so they would not make their own weapons; obviously, this was a problem for the Israelites as they tried to defend themselves. + +### Application + +I read this story and immediately thought of what today’s world is doing in our homes by creating a thousand and one distractions so that we don’t spend any time “sharpening our swords,” that is, studying the Bible. I’m particularly concerned with parents who believe that sending their children to non-Adventist or even public schools is a good choice and will not affect their children adversely. It is as if the world has disarmed parents so when the battle for their children’s lives comes parents are totally unprepared for it. + +I don’t want to take this image too far, but the reality is that unless we are studying God’s word, for ourselves, daily, as the battle lines are drawn and we’re called to fight the enemy of souls, we are in peril of losing the only battle that really matters and carrying our children to the same fate. Spend time each day with God’s Word, treasure it in your heart and mind, and see that your children enjoy the benefits of your study so they may follow your example and have their own swords sharpened and ready for the ultimate battle, the battle for their souls. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for Your Word, the weapon You have given us to battle the forces of evil. Help us to keep it sharp and ready by studying it every day. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1fc6b2313 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sharpen the Sword +startDate: 03/05/2025 +endDate: 03/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/06-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/06-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5fbe07329 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/06-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Young, But Chosen +date: 03/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 16:11-12 NIV) So he asked Jesse, "Are these all the sons you have?" "There is still the youngest," Jesse answered, "but he is tending the sheep." Samuel said, "Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives." {12} So he sent and had him brought in. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the LORD said, "Rise and anoint him; he is the one." + +### Observation + +After God rejected Saul, or better, after Saul rejected God, Samuel was instructed to anoint the next king of Israel. God directed Samuel to the home of Jesse who made six of his seven children parade in front of the prophet who chose none of them. After inquiring as to whether there were any other children, he was told about the youngest one, tending the flocks in the field at the moment. When the youngest son, David, came in, immediately Samuel identified him as the successor to Saul, and the second king of Israel. + +### Application + +The youngest child in a family can take a lot from his/her older siblings. In many cases, by the time the hand-me-downs they’ve been worn by so many older siblings that they look pitiful, and the toys, books, and furniture are not in the best of shape either. They have to compete with older siblings for everything from school, to sports, and even for their parent’s attention, and for their entire life they be seen as the “baby” of the family. + +At the same time, since they seem unable to compete with their older siblings in other areas because they are taller, faster, more knowledgeable, they excel in other areas, among them, in the area of laughter – from an early age they learn that when they act in certain ways they draw attention to themselves, and they love being the center of attention. This leads them to clown around, tell funny stories, and do all they can to make others laugh and thus be the life of every party. No wonder so many actors and comedians are the last-born of the family. + +Paul wrote to young pastor Timothy: “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1 Tim 4:12 NKJV) For those of us who have some of the characteristics of the last-born and enjoy humor and laughter, we can identify with David who was a singer (entertainer?), and with the fact that his older siblings did not take him seriously (see 1 Samuel 17:28). But God doesn’t see younger children or the last-born child as unnecessary, unskilled, or unimportant. In fact, with God’s guidance, and the natural gift of laughter, a younger person can do great things – just look at king David! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may our conduct be such that others may respect who we are and what we do and thus be able to help others come to You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b8892ac11 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Young, But Chosen +startDate: 03/06/2025 +endDate: 03/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/07-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/07-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cab7fd7fa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/07-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: A Treasured Friendship +date: 03/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 20:41-42 NKJV) As soon as the lad had gone, David arose from a place toward the south, fell on his face to the ground, and bowed down three times. And they kissed one another; and they wept together, but David more so. {42} Then Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, since we have both sworn in the name of the LORD, saying, 'May the LORD be between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants, forever.' " So he arose and departed, and Jonathan went into the city. + +### Observation + +The friendship between David and Jonathan is among the best known in history. Jonathan was willing to receive the wrath of his own father and maybe even be vanished from his presence to protect his best friend David, and at the end he found the way to help David flee so he would not be killed by his father, King Saul. + +### Application + +There is another story of antiquity that has become a classic illustration of true friendship, it’s the story of Damon and Pythias: + +THERE lived in those days in Syracuse two young men called Damon and Pythias. They were very good friends, and loved each other so dearly that they were hardly ever seen apart. Now it happened that Pythias in some way roused the anger of the tyrant, who put him in prison, and condemned him to die in a few days. When Damon heard of it, he was in despair, and vainly tried to obtain his friend's pardon and release. + +The mother of Pythias was very old, and lived far away from Syracuse with her daughter. When the young man heard that he was to die, he was tormented by the thought of leaving the women alone. In an interview with his friend Damon, Pythias regretfully said that he would die easier had he only been able to bid his mother good-by and find a protector for his sister. Damon, anxious to gratify his friend's last wish, went into the presence of the tyrant, and proposed to take the place of Pythias in prison, and even on the cross, if need be, provided the latter were allowed to visit his relatives once more. + +Dionysius had heard of the young men's touching friendship, and hated them both merely because they were good; yet he allowed them to change places, warning them both however, that, if Pythias were not back in time, Damon would have to die in his stead. At first Pythias refused to allow his friend to take his place in prison, but finally he consented, promising to be back in a few days to release him. So Pythias hastened home, found a husband for his sister, and saw her safely married. Then after providing for his mother and bidding her farewell, he set out to return to Syracuse. + +The young man was traveling alone and on foot. He soon fell into the hands of thieves, who bound him fast to a tree; and it was only after hours of desperate struggling that he managed to wrench himself free once more, and sped along his way. He was running as hard as he could to make up for lost time, when he came to the edge of a stream. He had crossed it easily a few days before; but a sudden spring freshet had changed it into a raging torrent, which no one else would have ventured to enter. In spite of the danger, Pythias plunged into the water, and, nerved by the fear that his friend would die in his stead, he fought the waves so successfully that he reached the other side safe but almost exhausted. + +Regardless of his pains, Pythias pressed anxiously onward, although his road now lay across a plain, where the hot rays of the sun and the burning sands greatly increased his fatigue and faintness, and almost made him die of thirst. Still he sped onward as fast as his trembling limbs could carry him; for the sun was sinking fast, and he knew that his friend would die if he were not in Syracuse by sunset. + +Dionysius, in the mean while, had been amusing himself by taunting Damon, constantly telling him that he was a fool to have risked his life for a friend, however dear. To anger him, he also insisted that Pythias was only too glad to escape death, and would be very careful not to return in time. Damon, who knew the goodness and affection of his friend, received these remarks with the scorn they deserved, and repeated again and again that he knew Pythias would never break his word, but would be back in time, unless hindered in some unforeseen way. + +The last hour came. The guards led Damon to the place of crucifixion, where he again asserted his faith in his friend, adding, however, that he sincerely hoped Pythias would come too late, so that he might die in his stead. + +Just as the guards were about to nail Damon to the cross, Pythias dashed up, pale, bloodstained, and disheveled, and flung his arms around his friend's neck with a sob of relief. For the first time, Damon now turned pale, and began to shed tears of bitter regret. In a few hurried, panting words, Pythias explained the cause of his delay, and, loosing his friend's bonds with his own hands, bade the guards bind him instead. + +Dionysius, who had come to see the execution, was so touched by this true friendship, that for once he forgot his cruelty, and let both young men go free, saying that he would not have believed such devotion possible had he not seen it with his own eyes. + +I have been blessed to have such a friend. We have shared our friendship for nearly forty years, in two countries, through sad painful events like the death of my and her father, to joyful events like my wedding to Pam and her wedding to her husband to the birth of our two and her two daughters, to the wedding of one of her daughters, which I had the joy to perform almost two years ago. Together our families have spent good times together, we have had many phone conversations to share in our successes or to cry over our distresses. As a typical introvert that I am, my true friends are very few, but very faithful. Acquaintances we may have many, but true friends are few, and very special. Treasure your friends, cultivate that friendship, nurture it through time and effort. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for my friend. Bless her, her husband, her daughters. Keep them in your loving arms, protect them, and give them good health that we may continue to enjoy our friendship for many years to come. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..61d9ff0a9b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Treasured Friendship +startDate: 03/07/2025 +endDate: 03/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/08-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/08-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7815787a5b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/08-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Lost Virtue +date: 03/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 24:6 NKJV) And he said to his men, "The LORD forbid that I should do this thing to my master, the Lord's anointed, to stretch out my hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD." + +### Observation + +Saul, driven by anger and jealousy, was pursuing David to kill him. In one of his stops Saul went into a cave to rest, but it so happened that it was the same cave where David and his men had gone in to hide. As Saul slept, David’s men urged him to kill the king with the argument that God had delivered Saul into David’s hand. David would not kill the king and instead restrained his men with the words of our text for today. + +### Application + +When I was growing up, in school we all had to stand anytime a person of authority would walk into the classroom. When the teacher walked in to begin class, we’d stand in a show of respect. When the principal or vice principal would walk in, we would all stand to show them respect. This was done not just by students in the elementary school but all those up to the twelve grade. Respect! + +But it wasn’t just people in positions of authority that we needed to show respect; we were taught to show respect and to be polite to everyone. My parents taught us to always greet everyone with a “Good Morning,” “good afternoon,” etc., regardless of who they were. When I went to one of my friends’ house and the maid opened the door, we were to greet her respectfully. In a society where there are great differences in social class and status, we were taught to respect everyone and treat them properly regardless of their social status. + +Respect is not limited to some cultures or some countries. My father-in-law was a perfect example of someone who showed respect. Living in the south, where prejudice and racial differences were strong (and still is in many places), George hired African-Americans to work for him, and always treated them fairly and respectfully. One of the best tributes we saw and heard at his funeral was from those men who had worked for him through the years speak of him more like a father to them than simply their boss. I was the recipient of his respect as well. As a young man, married to his oldest daughter, he treated me from the first day we were dating as a member of the family. He asked my advice, share with me his thoughts and feelings, talked about his concerns. After he was diagnosed with brain cancer, he had his will drawn up. I remember we were visiting Pam’s family for the weekend and while the ladies were out shopping, he came to me, showed me his will, and asked for my opinion, as to whether I thought he was being fair and correct in the decisions for his estate. Not only did I think he was indeed fair in his decisions, but the act of asking me, someone a couple of decades his junior, for my opinion showed me his care and respect for me. + +We seem to have lost the virtue of respect in our day. Today, it is people in authority that are always wrong – at least that’s the message we transmit to our children. Teachers are wrong for giving too much or too little homework, or for not giving our children the highest grade, even if they didn’t do the work that deserved that grade. Police officers are always wrong for arresting someone, even if that person hurt, killed, or threatened to kill them or someone else. It’s as if we have come to the place where our children must be right or we must be right and everybody else therefore has to be wrong. + +For me, David’s actions with Saul showed that you can show respect even to your enemies or to those that treat you wrongly; it doesn’t make you any less than they are. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to rediscover the lost virtue of respect and to teach it to our children. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21aedd8c67 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Lost Virtue +startDate: 03/08/2025 +endDate: 03/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/09-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/09-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e1c1bda77 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/09-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Good Wife +date: 03/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 25:3 NKJV) The name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife Abigail. And she was a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance; but the man was harsh and evil in his doings. And he was of the house of Caleb. + +### Observation + +Nabal was a very wealthy man, financially, but a very foolish, even wicked, man. David and his men had been protecting Nabal’s people, so David requested help in the form of supplies. Nabal’s lack of wisdom showed in denying David what he requested thus also demonstrating lack of gratitude. On the other hand, Abigail, Nabal’s wife, is described as being wise and beautiful. She understood not only how David had protected her husband’s servants, and as a result alla of them, but she also understood that if the wrong steps were taken David cold easily destroy them all, which in fact would have happened had she not intervened. + +After she gathered provisions for David and his men, and presented them to him, David was grateful and spared Nabal and all his people. Nabal, on the other hand, was partying at home and since he was drunk Abigail chose not to tell him what all had transpired until he was sober. After Abigail told Nabal, he basically lost his life until eventually he did die. David, appreciating Abigail’s beauty and wisdom, asked her to become his wife. Again showing her wisdom, Abigail accepted with words that also show her humility: “Then she arose, bowed her face to the earth, and said, "Here is your maidservant, a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord” (vs.41). + +### Application + +There are, in this story, three characteristics of a good wife: + +**1. Physical Beauty:** Men, by nature, are more visual and are therefore attracted, first of all, to the physical attributes of a woman. While these vary from culture to culture and from man to man, in general terms men look at the outward appearance of a woman before they consider any other of her attributes. Willard Harley, in his book His Needs, Her Needs, even goes as far as to say that having an attractive spouse is one of the most important emotional needs of a man. + +**2. Wisdom (or good understanding):** Although physical beauty attracts men at first, there’s a point at which we know there’s more to it than that and we want to have a wife with whom we can share our thoughts, our feelings, our goals and plans for the future, someone who can understand us and will support and encourage us. + +**3. Humility:** Men still long to be the protector and provider of the home and to have his wife follow his leadership. Harley also says that one other important emotional need of man is to have his wife’s admiration and respect. A good wife may be as gifted and talented as her husband, or even more so. But a wise, humble wife will still express appreciation and admiration for her husband so he won’t feel inferior to her. + +I suppose we could try to find the wife that meets all the characteristics of the woman in Proverbs 31, a nearly impossible task, or we can begin by looking for such a woman as Abigail, or if you’re a woman you can begin by putting these three attributes into practice in your life; you will like it, and your husband will love you even more. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for making us the way we are and for showing us that our differences can be complimentary of each other for our mutual benefit. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..573321b619 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Good Wife +startDate: 03/09/2025 +endDate: 03/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/10-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/10-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1633c54341 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/10-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +--- +title: Suicide is NOT Painless +date: 03/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 31:4 NKJV) Then Saul said to his armorbearer, "Draw your sword, and thrust me through with it, lest these uncircumcised men come and thrust me through and abuse me." But his armorbearer would not, for he was greatly afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword and fell on it. + +### Observation + +After the defeat before the Philistines and the death of his son Jonathan, Saul his situation as the fulfilment of the supposed seance with the late prophet Samuel. In the darkness of his soul, Saul could see no way out of his situation and asked his armor bearer to kill him. But when his armor bearer would not do it, Saul fell on his sword and took his own life. + +### Application + +The first time I heard the lyrics of the movie and TV show M.A.S.H. I was shocked. The music is one of the best recognized and reminds us of a comedy based loosely on the real-life army hospital during the Korean War. But the lyrics, which were written for the movie, are shocking, and a horrible lie many have come to believe: + +Through early morning fog I see\ +visions of the things to be\ +the pains that are withheld for me\ +I realize and I can see... + +_Refrain:_\ +that suicide is painless\ +it brings on many changes\ +and I can take or leave it if I please. + +I try to find a way to make\ +all our little joys relate\ +without that ever-present hate\ +but now I know that it's too late, and... + +The game of life is hard to play\ +I'm gonna lose it anyway\ +The losing card I'll someday lay\ +so this is all I have to say. + +The only way to win is cheat\ +And lay it down before I'm beat\ +and to another give my seat\ +for that's the only painless feat. + +The sword of time will pierce our skins\ +It doesn't hurt when it begins\ +But as it works its way on in\ +The pain grows stronger...watch it grin, but... + +A brave man once requested me\ +to answer questions that are key\ +is it to be or not to be\ +and I replied 'oh why ask me?' + +'Cause suicide is painless\ +it brings on many changes\ +and I can take or leave it if I please.\ +...and you can do the same thing if you please. + +My brother-in-law was a deputy sheriff in his early thirties when he took his own life with his service gun. Years later, his family still suffers the consequences of his actions and every year at the anniversary of his death everyone in the family remembers with deep sorrow his actions and the void he left. While the person taking his/her life may think suicide is quick and painless, the consequences to anyone who knows them are most painful and last a lifetime. + +**If you have thoughts of suicide, these options are available to you**: + +- Dial: 911 +- Dial: 1-800-273-TALK +- Check yourself into the emergency room. +- Tell someone who can help you find help immediately. +- Stay away from things that might hurt you. +* Most people can be treated with a combination of antidepressant medication and psychotherapy. + +# + +### If You Don't Have Insurance + +**The following options might be used**: + +- Go to the nearest hospital emergency room. +- Look in your local Yellow Pages under Mental Health and/or Suicide Prevention; then call the mental health organizations/crisis phone lines that are listed. There may be clinics or counseling centers in your area operating on a sliding or no-fee scale. +- Some pharmaceutical companies have "Free Medication Programs" for those who qualify. Visit the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill website at www.nami.org for more information. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, life is precious and the actions we take not only affect us but affect everyone around us. Loving God, help us to never consider ending our life but rather to seek the help that is available to us through many sources and from You. Help us to always treasure life, as Your gift to us, and as Your gift through us to others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ecacf32775 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Suicide is NOT Painless +startDate: 03/10/2025 +endDate: 03/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/11-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/11-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b6cb2eee2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/11-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: God is Our Witness +date: 03/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 31:50 NKJV) "If you afflict my daughters, or if you take other wives besides my daughters, although no man is with us; see, God is witness between you and me!" + +### Observation + +After working for Laban for twenty years, Jacob leaves with his wives and children to go back home. Laban catches up with him and chastises Jacob for leaving without announcing his departure or giving him a chance to say his farewells to his daughters and grandchildren. His biggest issue, though, seems to be the fact that his household idols disappeared – Rachel had taken them. After looking for them and not finding his idols, Laban and Jacob establish a series of covenants and build a stone pillar, or memorial, to remind them, and anyone who would ask, about their covenant. We know the words of the Mizpah established here: “"May the LORD watch between you and me when we are absent one from another” (vs.49). It is the second part of their covenant that we don’t seem to pay much attention to as Laban told Jacob two things: 1. Not to mistreat or abuse his daughters, and 2. Not to take any other wives. And this covenant was to be made not just between them, but it was a covenant before God. + +### Application + +It would be well for spouses to remember and abide by the words of this covenant: + +1. There should never be abuse in the marital relationship, in the home, or in the family. There is no excuse or reason for abuse of any type, and therefore it should never happen in a Christian home. + +2. Neglect in any area of our lives – whether it be physical by withholding food, clothing, shelter, affection, intimacy, etc., is seen as a violation of the marital covenant to care for one another. + +3. Once the marriage takes place, there should not be any other person – man or woman – to enter into that relationship as it will disrupt it, damage it, and destroy it. + +4. Our covenants – particularly marriage – is not just with one another but between us and God. Therefore adultery and divorce are taken very seriously by God because they are a violation of a covenant we made with Him. Many take divorce very lightly and excuse themselves behind things like irreconcilable difference; We can rationalize as much as we want to, but God does not accept or condone divorce for no reason. Through the prophet Malachi God declared, “I hate divorce,” says the LORD God of Israel. . . “So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith” (Mal 2:16 NIV). + +It is interesting that Laban put these two conditions in his covenant with Jacob as some argue that Abuse, Neglect, and Adultery are the only three reasons given in the Bible for divorce that is acceptable to God. (See Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible by David Instone-Brewer). + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for the covenant we established with our spouse and with You because it keeps us close together in the bond of matrimony You established. Together, we are a strand of three which can never be broken as long as You are at the center of our lives. Keep that bond and that covenant strong and alive in our daily living, in our home, in our family, and in our marriage, and may You watch between our spouse and us when we are together and specially when we’re absent from one another. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..556651c21a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God is Our Witness +startDate: 03/11/2025 +endDate: 03/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/12-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/12-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..499bb4907a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/12-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: She Despised Him +date: 03/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (2 Sam 6:16 NKJV) Now as the ark of the LORD came into the City of David, Michal, Saul's daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart. + +### Observation + +With dancing and rejoicing David celebrated the return of the ark of God to Jerusalem. From a distance, his wife Michal watching and thought it disgraceful that the king would act that way instead of being more dignified. She criticized him, David became defensive, and to the end of their life did not enjoy a good marital relationship. + +### Application + +In the relationship between David and Michal we can see some of the dynamics that bring about the destruction of a Marriage. Willard Harley, author of such books as Love Busters and His Needs, Her Needs, says that there are three states of Mind in Marriage. Michal and David exemplify the three states. + +**State # 1. Intimacy** + +(1 Sam 18:20 NKJV) Now Michal, Saul's daughter, loved David. And they told Saul, and the thing pleased him. + +David must have had feelings toward her, enough to go to war for her (1 Sam 18:27-28). Michael loved David enough to lie to protect him, even from her own father (1 Sam 19:11-18). Maybe the beginning of their downfall took place when Saul, her father, gave her in marriage to Paltiel, and maybe she learned to love her new husband (1 Sam 25:44). + +**State #2 - Conflict** + +John Gottman’s research suggests there are four ways of interacting that sabotage your attempts to communicate with your partner. One of what he calls The Four Horsemen of Marriages in Trouble is **_Criticism_** (illustrated in our text for today). Criticism involves attacking someone’s personality or character – rather than a specific behavior – usually with blame. Gottman also identified a second damaging way or horsemen which is _**Contempt**_ (also used by Michal in our text). Ellen White adds an interesting insight: “In the bitterness of her passion she could not await David's return to the palace, but went out to meet him, and to his kindly greeting poured forth a torrent of bitter words. Keen and cutting was the irony of her speech” {Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 708}. Michael couldn’t wait to pour cold water on David’s joy and enthusiasm and didn’t just criticized him for his actions but showed contempt for not behaving in a regal manner. + +Gottman states that “what separates contempt from criticism is the intention to insult and psychologically abuse your partner. With your words and body language, you’re lobbing insults right into the heart of your partner’s sense of self. Fueling these contemptuous actions are negative thoughts about the partner – he or she is stupid, disgusting, incompetent, a fool.” You can almost hear Michal’s mocking tone and her twisted smile and the rolling of her eyes as she said to David, “How glorious was the king of Israel today, uncovering himself today in the eyes of the maids of his servants, as one of the base fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!” (2 Samuel 6:20 NKJV) + +David, on the other hand, used the third of Gottman’s horsemen, _**Defensiveness**_. His anger and dismay at the “welcome” he received from his wife turned into anger and a defensive attack: (2 Sam 6:21-22 NKJV) So David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the LORD. {22} "And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in honor." + +**State #3 - Withdrawal** + +While it is not directly stated, the last words of this story tells us their marriage fell apart. It is possible that David used the fourth of Gottman’s horsemen, _**Stonewalling**_, and simply tuned her out completely. Regardless, they reached the third state of marriage as described by Harley, the state of Withdrawal and their marriage simply continued as existing together, but there was no love between them: “Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death” (2 Sam. 6:23). + +How different their life might have been! Maybe it all began with a poor relationship with his father-in-law. Maybe it was another relationship, Michal’s marriage to Paltiel, that damaged her love for her hsuband David. Maybe it was David’s marriages to Abigail and others that interfered with his love for Michal. Maybe it was not caring for their relationship and sabotaging it so that they moved down the slide from Intimacy through conflict to withdrawal. I guess the question is, do you see yourself somewhere along that continuum? Do you see yourself sabotaging your relationship by using any or several or all of the “horsemen”? Learning and understanding about your situation is one important step on the way to healing, but the next steps you take will determine whether your marriage declines and dies or survives and thrives. Seek help, ask for help, pray for help, call for help; not taking a positive action will mean letting your marriage drown in the sea of divorce. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may what happened to David and Michal never happen to us in our marriage. Help us to take any and all the steps necessary to see that our marriage not only survives but thrives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7182388805 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: She Despised Him +startDate: 03/12/2025 +endDate: 03/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/13-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/13-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a1913802e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/13-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +--- +title: A Dead Dog Gets His Life Back +date: 03/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (2 Sam 9:8 NKJV) Then he bowed himself, and said, "What is your servant, that you should look upon such a dead dog as I?" + +### Observation + +As he had promised his friend Jonathan, David was looking to show his love and kindness to a surviving member of the royal family. The only one left was Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, who was lame because in escaping his nursemaid dropped him and his feet were probably broken. While he was afraid at first, eventually David’s kindness won him over and he ate at the king’s table for the rest of his life. + +### Application + +I have liked this story ever since I first read it, not only because it is a story of brotherly kindness but also because it is an allegory of God’s plan of salvation for us. I preached a sermon about it and want to share its highlights. Notice the beautiful parallels: + +1. Mephibosheth was lame on his feet. vs.3 + +2 Sam. 4:4 describes how he became lame in both feet. In Jewish minds, any kind of disease or deformity was the direct result of that person’s sin, so Mephibosheth’s crippling state was viewed as happening as a result of his sin. When you think of it, Sin has crippled us. To me it is amazing to think that while everything in the royal palace must have looked nice and neat, King David wanted to bring in a crippled man – symbol of sickness and sin – and all just for the sake of his friend Jonathan. Maybe that’s what Jesus meant when He said, (Matthew 9:12 NIV) "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." + +2. Dead Dog . . . . vs.8 + +Let’s pick up the story in 2 Samuel: 6When Mephibosheth son of Jonathan (who was the son of Saul), came before David, he bowed deeply, abasing himself, honoring David. David spoke his name: “Mephibosheth.” “Yes sir?” 7“Don’t be frightened,” said David. “I’d like to do something special for you in memory of your father Jonathan. To begin with, I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul. Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table.” 8Shuffling and stammering, not looking him in the eye, Mephibosheth said, “Who am I that you pay attention to a stray dog like me?” + +Mephibosheth was obviously more than surprised – he was shocked. You might say that his self-concept had hit rock bottom. Just imagine, if all your life you grew up believing that you were crippled because God was punishing you for your sin, how would you feel? Well, Mephibosheth felt so low, he though of himself as no more than a stray dog, worse yet, a dead dog. The grandson of a mad, sinful, egotistical king who had tried to kill David before. A crippled man in a society that considered him an outcast. + +3. His Name + +Even his name tells us something of who or what he was. In fact, he had two names. 1 Chronicles 8:44 tells us his name was Merib-baal. – which means “Baal is my lawyer.” Baal was the pagan god of the Canaanites. His name declared that Baal, the pagan god, was his attorney. His name was so embarrassing to him that it was changed to Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:6), which means shame. + +4. Where he live. + +If that were not enough, even where he lived was bad. The story tells us that he lived in a place called Lo-Debar (vs.4). In the Hebrew language, Lo means No, and Debar means nothing. Lo-Debar, literally means No-Nothing, and what it really is and it describes is a place that is worse than nothing. The prophet Amos wrote of this place: (Amos 6:13 NKJV) "You who rejoice over Lo Debar, Who say, "Have we not taken Karnaim for ourselves By our own strength?"" The Living Bible renders this text: (Amos 6:13 TLB) "And just as stupid is your rejoicing in how great you are when you are less than nothing--and priding yourselves on your own tiny power!" + +You see what this passage is saying? Lo-Debar was not only nothing, but less or worse than nothing. Isn’t that a fair description of our world today? The more we think we’re making it better, the worse it seems to get! The more we try to fix it with technological advances, the more we ruin it. + +This man’s condition is worthy of the intensive care unit in God’s hospital. . . . He was lost, he was crippled by sin, he had no social status, because an ex-royalty is no royalty at all, he had a shameful name, descriptive of his situation, and he was living in a place that was worse than nothing. And yet, it was to him – lost, crippled, sick, shameful Mephibosheth from Lo-Debar, that David, the King, wanted to show kindness. In fact, what exactly did David want him to enjoy? + +5. Return of his father’s land - vs.7 + +“Don’t be frightened,” said David. “I’d like to do something special for you in memory of your father Jonathan. To begin with, I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul. + +Genesis 1:28 and 2:15 tell us that the Lord put man in the Garden of Eden to tend it, to care for it, to be his home, but we also know that when Adam chose to disobey God he lost what God had given him. Later, God promised Abraham that he would inherit the promised land and through him the promise has been passed to the remnant of all the ages. Jesus Himself confirmed that promise, (Matthew 5:5 NKJV) "Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth." Paradise, given to Adam and his descendants, was lost at the Fall, but will be returned to them at the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom on earth. + +6. Eat at the King’s Table Continually. v.7. + +Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table.” + +King David, a type of Christ, didn’t see in Mephibosheth a crippled, outcast person, a person living in a dump and with a name that was not worth repeating. He saw a child of THE KING – one who deserved, not of his own merit, but because of a promise to his father, to be treated like royalty. + +Think of it – WE ARE THAT MEPHIBOSHETH! Living in this filthy planet – filthy because we have made it so. A planet that has gone so bad that one day the Lord will have to clean it completely with fire so that no trace of what we now know and see of it will remain. + +We are that Mephibosheth! Crippled by sin so that, as Paul would declare with frustration, (Romans 7:15 TLB) "I don't understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I can't. I do what I don't want to--what I hate." + +We are that Mephibosheth! with a shameful name. Jesus said that every time we lie, Satan becomes our “prosecuting Attorney.” But it’s not what we are, but what he sees in us, and what we can become in Jesus, that concerns Him. And to us, He promises that He will come back for us so that we may live in His House (John 14:1-3), that we will inherit the earth – purified and made new – restored so that it’s as good as new, like it was when God created and gave it to Adam and Eve (Revelation 21:1-4), that we become children of God, not slaves and outcasts (Galatians 4:7), that we receive a new name (Revelation 2:17) + +Now, I want you to think about this. Mephibosheth could have refused. And in the same way, God doesn’t force us to accept His free gifts for us. In fact, today, many refuse, reject God’s free gifts. Maybe they feel they’re not worthy. Maybe they feel they have sinned too much, too often, in too many ways. Maybe they feel they’ve gone too far for God’s grace to reach them. Read these words: There are those who have known the pardoning love of Christ and who really desire to be children of God, yet they realize that their character is imperfect, their life faulty, and they are ready to doubt whether their hearts have been renewed by the Holy Spirit. To such I would say, Do not draw back in despair. We shall often have to bow down and weep at the feet of Jesus because of our shortcomings and mistakes, but we are not to be discouraged. Even if we are overcome by the enemy, we are not cast off, not forsaken and rejected of God. No; Christ is at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Said the beloved John, "These things write I unto you, that you sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." 1 John 2:1. And do not forget the words of Christ, "The Father Himself loves you." John 16:27. He desires to restore you to Himself, to see His own purity and holiness reflected in you. And if you will but yield yourself to Him, He that has begun a good work in you will carry it forward to the day of Jesus Christ. Pray more fervently; believe more fully. As we come to distrust our own power, let us trust the power of our Redeemer, and we shall praise Him who is the health of our countenance. {SC 64.1} + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for Your plan to save us, as sinful and wicked as we may be. We accept Your grace and forgiveness, and by faith we claim Your gift of salvation and our new status as sons and daughters of the King of the universe. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76499ec520 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Dead Dog Gets His Life Back +startDate: 03/13/2025 +endDate: 03/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/14-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/14-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a53a7bd84 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/14-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Reversal of Feelings +date: 03/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (2 Sam 13:15 NKJV) Then Amnon hated her exceedingly, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, "Arise, be gone!" + +### Observation + +Amnon, son of David, fell in love with his step-sister Tamar and plotted to have her come to his house under the pretense of being sick. While there, he forced her, maybe even raped her, but having accomplished his evil plot he despised her and rejected her altogether. + +### Application + +I wish more single young people, teens and single young adults, would read this story and learn that it follows the pattern or most pre-marital relationships. I think this is particularly important for young ladies who surrender their virginity early with the desire to show their boyfriend their love, for fear they will loose them if they reject their advances, or in the hope they will keep them even while he pulls away from them. Those who believe in evolution would say that man is the hunter and when they have caught their prey they loose interest in them. Those of us who believe in God believe that once a woman has surrendered what is most sacred to her, men loose respect for them, and therefore they have no more interest in them. While young man think that having premarital sex will bring them closer together, more often than not it becomes an insurmountable barrier. + +Several years ago there was an article in Time magazine about the report by the National Marriage Project, out of Rutgers University in New Jersey, which says that, “Cohabitating couples are more likely to experience a host of domestic problems — including, if they finally get marriage, divorce. + +Last year in the U.S., more than 4 million unmarried heterosexual couples shacked up, in contrast to only half a million at the end of the supposedly free-spirited ‘60's. Though living together has become conventional, the report cites studies showing that these unions, in comparison to marriages, tend to have more episodes of domestic violence to women and physical and sexual abuse of children. It notes that annual rates of depression among unmarried couples are more than three times those of married couples. + +The report contends that cohabitation reduces the likelihood of later wedded bliss. It quotes a 1992 study of 3,300 adults showing that those who had lived with a partner were 46% (it is now known to be 80%) more likely to divorce than those who had not. ‘The longer you cohabit, the more tolerant you are of divorce,’ says David Popenoe, the sociologist who co-wrote the study. ‘You are used to living in a low-commitment relationship, and it’s hard to shift that kind of mental pattern.’” + +Premarital sex and premarital cohabitation do not benefit the relationship; instead, it will bring a host of problems, challenges, and difficulties including not marrying the person with whom they had intercourse or with whom they live, including abuse to them or their children, and ultimately divorce. God’s plan for sex after marriage is best and healthiest and provides the best chances for lasting happiness. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, bless the young and single who are tempted to enter into relationships and practice premarital sex and help them to not fall into a sin which will bring about life-lasting difficulties and challenges. May they enjoy the best and healthiest of relationships before and after their wedding. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..457fd7325d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Reversal of Feelings +startDate: 03/14/2025 +endDate: 03/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/15-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/15-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0f331f6cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/15-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Most Painful Death +date: 03/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then the king was deeply moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept. And as he went, he said thus: "O my son Absalom; my son, my son Absalom; if only I had died in your place! O Absalom my son, my son!" (2 Sam 18:33 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Absalom had show his rebellious spirit when he killed his brother Amnon, albeit to avenge the rape of his sister at the hands of Amnon, and by sitting at the gate of the city in judgment as if he were the king. That spirit of rebellion ripened into a coup d’état against his own father, King David. But for Absalom it was not enough that he had routed his father, he wanted to destroy him completely, so he pursued him as David fled. Among the things for which Absalom was known was a head full of long, thick hair. While pursuing David, Absalom ran under the thick boughs of a terebinth tree, his hair got caught in them and he was left hanging in mid air exposed to the enemy. Joab, David’s general, came and killed him there. + +Joab sent news to David of Absalom’s death, and today’s text tell us of his reaction to the news. And while Israel could have been celebrating the victory and the fact David could now return to Jerusalem, they all felt awkward by seeing the king mourning. Joab chastised the king for not affirming the troops which protected him and who won this victory over those who were pursuing him. + +### Application + +I have been told by those going through it that there is no more painful death than the death of a son or daughter, regardless of their age. I remember being at the hospital with the mother of a stillborn child and a few months later in another room nearby with the parents of a three-year-old. As a police chaplain I had to give a family the news of the tragic death on a motorcycle of their seventeen-year-old son and have officiated at the funeral of a forty-five year-old daughter who died of cancer. During times like these and many others like them, the parents have told me again and again how that the death of their parents or a sibling or a dear friend was painful but their pain at losing a child was so much worse, almost unbearable. Even if their son or daughter had left the fold, like Absalom, their death was nonetheless sad for their parents. + +It seems like the right order of events should always be that as you get older and your parents age by the time they die you are old enough to accept it as a natural part of life. I lost my dad when I was fifteen years old and my mom when I was 42 years old, and their deaths affected me in different ways. At any rate, it is expected that at some point in time your parents will pass on. But your child will always be younger than you and thus you don’t expect to have them die before you; it is not the normal way of life. For Adam and Eve, the murder of their son Abel, particularly at the hand of his brother Cain, must have been horrible. For David the death of his first son with bathsheba and not of Absalom was most painful. For God the death of His Son Jesus must have been most difficult. And yet, he experiences the death of so many of His children every single day! That’s why during the difficult, painful days following the death of a child we can find comfort in Him who truly knows what it is like to loose a child. And with God, it’s not just the He understands, but somehow He also brings the healing we need. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, I pray none of us ever experience the death of one of our children; bless them and protect them. For those who have, bless them and comfort them, and may Your comforting, loving arms surround them during their time of mourning until healing comes. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..83f21b5787 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Most Painful Death +startDate: 03/15/2025 +endDate: 03/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/16-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/16-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6f023d8e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/16-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Mom's Love +date: 03/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then she said to him, "My lord, you swore by the LORD your God to your maidservant, saying, 'Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne.' (1 Ki 1:17 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Absalom’s brother, Adonijah, decided to make himself king of Israel since his father David was old and getting closer to his death. Bathsheba, mother of Solomon, asked David to fulfill his promise to her to elevate Solomon to the throne which is indeed what David did, not just to respond to her request but also following God’s plan and will for David and his family. + +### Application + +Second only to the love God has for us is the love that mothers have for their children. In fact, that love is so special that God uses it as illustrations of his love for us in various places in the Scriptures. + +Among the Jewish people, the love of mothers for their children is legendary and is credited for the great success of so many of them. They joke about the mothers who while holding their babies in arms or when they’re still small children they introduce them as, “this my Aaron, the doctor,” or “this is my David, the lawyer,” and when they leave for school they make sure their children have their books while other mothers may be more concerned as to whether their children have their lunch or are properly clothed to go outside. In the gospels, John and James’ mother asked Jesus for a special place for her sons, next to Jesus. As upset as the other disciples were, we sometimes are annoyed with mothers who are too proud of their children and would like for the rest of us to admire their children. If they wish to be proud of their kids they have ever right to do so, but not try to force them on us. + +As a father who loves his daughters dearly, it may sound “unfair” that the love of fathers is not shown as prominently as that of mothers. But the reality is that carrying a child inside for the months of pregnancy makes those children much more a part of them than they are of the fathers. But it doesn’t mean we as fathers cannot develop a strong bond with our children. I am blessed to have a very close, strong relationship with my daughters and we enjoy spending time together. But I also recognize that there are many things where they and their mother have a stronger bond – like shopping, or talking about clothes. Some time ago I heard that James Dobson, the famous Christian psychologist, claims that the most strained relationship today is that between men and their sons. Since I don’t have sons I don’t know why that may be, but we as parents should still try to maintain and nourish close, strong bonds with our children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for our children and for the good relationship we enjoy with them. May those bonds be strengthened each day. And bless us, when our relationships are strained, and bring healing to them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd0ead255c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Mom's Love +startDate: 03/16/2025 +endDate: 03/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/17-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/17-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57f7f23970 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/17-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Honor Your Mother +date: 03/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Bathsheba therefore went to King Solomon, to speak to him for Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her and bowed down to her, and sat down on his throne and had a throne set for the king's mother; so she sat at his right hand. (1 Ki 2:19 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, came before the king to speak on behalf of his half-brother Adonijah. With the respect she deserved, Solomon rose from his throne and not only honored her by having a throne for her, but before all the people watching, the king bowed to the ground before her. + +### Application + +There’s an age, the early teens or even pre-teens, when some children, boys in particular, seem uncomfortable being seen with their parents for fear that their friends may make fun of them. It’s not that boys are embarrassed of their mom, it’s just that they don’t want to be called “momma’s boy” by their peers. + +I guess I skipped that stage, had friends who didn’t make fun of me, or simply didn’t care, but for me it was a matter of joy and pride to be seen or to be with my parents and live with no regrets because I loved and cared for my mother for the last seven years of her life while she lived with us. This respect is not only one of God’s commandments, it is their due for the love, care, and sacrifices on our behalf. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for our loving parents and for the opportunity You give us to show them our love and respect. May we take advantage of the opportunities You give us to take good, loving care of them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2344c3284e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Honor Your Mother +startDate: 03/17/2025 +endDate: 03/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/18-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/18-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fc2d093f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/18-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Pain of Death +date: 03/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 35:16-20 NKJV) Then they journeyed from Bethel. And when there was but a little distance to go to Ephrath, Rachel labored in childbirth, and she had hard labor. {17} Now it came to pass, when she was in hard labor, that the midwife said to her, "Do not fear; you will have this son also." {18} And so it was, as her soul was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. {19} So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). {20} And Jacob set a pillar on her grave, which is the pillar of Rachel's grave to this day. + +### Observation + +Chapter 35 of Genesis relates in rapid succession three deaths that impacted the life of Jacob and that of his family: + +1. Deborah, Rebekah’s nurse (v.8). The Bible Knowledge Commentary remarks: “This death seemed to indicate that another stage in the patriarchal narratives was ending. The naming Allon Bacuth (“oak of weeping”) commemorated the weeping over this old nurse, buried under an oak tree.” + +Another commentary adds: “Deborah (Hebrew, a “bee”), supposing her to have been fifty years on coming to Canaan, had attained the great age of a hundred eighty. When she was removed from Isaac’s household to Jacob’s, is unknown. But it probably was on his return from Mesopotamia; and she would have been of invaluable service to his young family. Old nurses, like her, were not only honored, but loved as mothers; and, accordingly, her death was the occasion of great lamentation.” + +2. Rachel dies during childbirth (v.16-20). “The dying mother gave this name to her child, significant of her circumstances; but Jacob changed his name into Benjamin. This is thought by some to have been originally Benjamin, “a son of days,” that is, of old age. But with its present ending it means “son of the right hand,” that is, particularly dear and precious.” The SDABC adds: Benjamin. Literally, “son of the right hand.” Yamin, “right,” connotes happiness and prosperity, and in Arabic, good fortune as well. A true optimist, Jacob felt that his youngest son should have a name expressing courage and hope, a name that would ever remind him of the joy that came to his heart at the birth of his 12th son rather than his sorrow at the loss of Rachel. The one compensated, in part, for the loss of the other.” + +3. Issac (v.28-29). “In the events of chapter 35, Jacob learned that while his return to Canaan was a completion of promises, he could not be complacent for it was also a new beginning. Deborah, Rachel, and Isaac all died, marking the end of an era. Reuben relinquished his right to inherit a blessing (cf. 49:3-4); sin was dealt with. Idols had to be buried and everyone had to be consecrated in order for Jacob’s vow at Bethel to be completed. The nation had to be complete with 12 sons (tribes) in the land. During this great transition faith in God had to be revitalized so that His covenant could be carried forward. For this reason this chapter emphasized Jacob’s vows and God’s promise.” + +### Application + +These three death were the transitional events in the life of Jacob and his children. While the return to Canaan was a joyful event, these three deaths were a somber reminder of the ups and downs of life. Death is as much a natural part of life, since the fall of Adam and Eve, as are birth and growing up; nevertheless, it is one of the natural stages of life that has the greatest impact on our lives, particularly if it comes suddenly and unexpectedly. At the same time, the death of a person presents us with the opportunity to draw closer together for mutual help, support, and encouragement, and families may use such opportunities to heal rifts that might have taken place and to form strong bonds again. At the same time, I hope we don’t wait until a tragic event for us to come closer together but that we will use every opportunity to heal wounds from the past so there is closeness in the future. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, while death is normal in our lives, it is nonetheless painful. When the time comes for us to die, may we be ready, and may we rest with the knowledge that You will take care of our loves ones and bring them the comfort they need during those difficult days of adjustment . May You shelter our children that they may not suffer harm or danger and that we may never experience their death while we, their parents, are still alive. And as You promise, may we hear the voice of Jesus, at His return, calling us to eternal life. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4417f7ab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Pain of Death +startDate: 03/18/2025 +endDate: 03/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/19-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/19-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b239af8af0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/19-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Healing a Broken Relationship +date: 03/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19 + +### Observation + +Today’s text comes from Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost. The people gathered there from many nations around the world heard the disciples speak in the languages of these nations, but instead of attributing this miracle to God they said the disciples were drunk. Peter defended or explained what was happening and went on to preach the Good News of salvation to those gathered there. + +### Application + +When mistakes, hurts, or sins enter a marital relationship, the spouses can allow them to fester and infect the entire relationship until an amputation – divorce – seems to be the only way to save them individually. They see no way out, no way to fix it, no way to restore intimacy to their relationship. + +Peter’s message is that as much as our relationship with God can be restored when there is repentance, in the same way when there is genuine repentance in our marital relationship there can be forgiveness and full restoration to the intimacy God desires for us to enjoy. This repentance must include full confession and a true recognition that what was done was wrong. There should be no excusing the event, rationalization, or blaming of the other party, but a sincere recognition of what happened and of the pain it caused the other. + +The promise from Peter, to those that repent, is that “the times of refreshing” will come. Often I am asked if it is possible to restore a relationship where adultery has taken place. Peter’s words offer encouragement that it is indeed possible. If God can restore our broken relationship with Him, though we fail Him sometimes on a daily basis, He surely can restore our relationship with our spouse. And while the hurt feelings may take a long time to heal, if there is genuine repentance, it will take place and the relationship can be as good, maybe even better than it was before. It was not the adultery which causes the relationship to be better but rather the recognition of wrongdoing and a new appreciation of the spouse and of the relationship they have before God which will turn what could have been a disastrous end into a new beginning with God at the center of the relationship. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for restoring our relationship with You and making it even better than before. May that experience be the same in our relationship as spouses and as parents so that when we hurt or fail each other You will restore us and bring us back to the “times of refreshing” You promise. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86c830998c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Healing a Broken Relationship +startDate: 03/19/2025 +endDate: 03/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/20-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/20-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c938eb0341 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/20-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Powerful Relationship +date: 03/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. Surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods." Solomon clung to these in love. (1 Ki 11:2 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Solomon, as wise as he was, married hundreds of women, many of who were from the people God had forbidden Israel to have any relationship with. It was these women who led him to commit idolatry, the sin for which Solomon’s children lost the kingdom God had give to David. + +### Application + +As we read of the lives of David and Solomon, both had several things in common: Both were chosen to be kings of Israel, both were prophets, both were inspired, both did many good things for God and for his people, both had multiple wives. But where they were different was that David remained loyal to God while Solomon worshiped the idols that his wives brought with them from their own countries. Without going too deep into the implications, I think we can safely draw a few conclusions: + +1. God knows the danger of entering into a marital relationship with someone of a different faith and forbids it. While many Adventists have led their spouses to God and to the church, the number of Adventists who have left the church because of their spouses is alarming. Marriage is such a powerful emotional relationship that some people may be driven away from God by their spouse. From the very beginning we observe the power of this relationship when Eve led Adam to sin by eating of the forbidden fruit. Adam could not see himself with Eve and chose to die with her rather tha live without her not trusting that God would do what’s best for him. + +2. Adultery must not be the worst of all sins. While we would not condone adultery at any time, at the same time we should not make it the worse of all sins and shun people who commit adultery. In David’s case, not only did he commit adultery but tried to cover it with murder, and yet God said of David that he was a man after His own heart. Solomon had multiple wives, and yet God blessed him with great wisdom. + +3. What God DOES take great offense at is idolatry – turning away from Him to worship other gods. + +Again, we do not wish to excuse adultery in any way, shape, or form. We do discourage marrying someone of a different faith. We must never turn from God to worship idols, whatever and whoever they may be. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we always worship You and never idols, may we always be faithful to You and to our spouse, and may Your love always cover us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9ae92a9b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Powerful Relationship +startDate: 03/20/2025 +endDate: 03/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/21-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/21-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73b77f178b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/21-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Pouting Adult and the Enabler +date: 03/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So Ahab went into his house sullen and displeased because of the word which Naboth the Jezreelite had spoken to him; for he had said, "I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers." And he lay down on his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no food. 5But Jezebel his wife came to him, and said to him, "Why is your spirit so sullen that you eat no food?" 6He said to her, "Because I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite, and said to him, 'Give me your vineyard for money; or else, if it pleases you, I will give you another vineyard for it.' And he answered, 'I will not give you my vineyard.'" 7Then Jezebel his wife said to him, "You now exercise authority over Israel! Arise, eat food, and let your heart be cheerful; I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite." + +### Observation + +Ahab, the King of Samaria, wanted to have the vineyard which was next to his palace and which belonged to a man named Naboth. But Naboth wanted to keep it because it had belonged to his family and wanted it to remain so. Ahab was very upset and went into his room, got in bed, and would not eat. + +When Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, asked him for his behavior, and Ahab told her, she told him to eat and be happy because she would get him Naboth’s vineyard. She then wrote letters on Ahab’s behalf to have Naboth falsely accused of cursing God and the king, for which he was stoned. She then presented Naboth’s vineyard to Ahab. + +### Application + +If it were not so tragic, this story is almost comical. An adult, Ahab, pouting like a child because he couldn’t have someone else’s toy, or vineyard. We can almost imagine Ahab sulking, furrowed brow, hungry but refusing to eat, maybe even crying – the normal reactions of a child who’s not getting his way, but certainly not the reactions of a mature adult. + +On the other hand we have Jezebel, an evil, wicked woman, but also an enabler of her husbands immaturity, selfishness, and childish behavior. It was convenient for her, however, to keep him that way because then she could control him in other ways, like by furthering the worship of Baal in Israel unopposed by her husband. + +Sometime ago I heard of a guest psychologist that Oprah had on her show – the topic was on marital relationships – in which this doctor said something to the effect that women who treat their husbands like children eventually stop finding them undesirable because a woman wants a man and not a child as their husband. There are women who seem to enjoy being in charge at home and being the ones to tell their husbands what to do, and when, and how. They treat them as a mother would treat a young child. In more ways than one they are emasculated by not being allowed to “wear the pants” in the family. But these very women, eventually don’t find their man sexually attractive and don’t realize that they’re the ones who have turned them into less than a man. + +If a man is to grow up, so he doesn’t pout like a child when confronted with challenges and difficulties, he needs a supportive spouse, not one who will enable his moodiness. God designed woman to be a help-meet, not above nor below man. The best help a woman can give her husband is to believe in him, encourage him, and express appreciation and admiration for him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we be true help-meets to our spouse so that they will grow and mature as they help us grow and mature. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4bc75ee8f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Pouting Adult and the Enabler +startDate: 03/21/2025 +endDate: 03/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/22-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/22-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f709094a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/22-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Spiritual CPR +date: 03/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> He returned and walked back and forth in the house, and again went up and stretched himself out on him; then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. (2 Ki 4:35 NKJV) + +### Observation + +A prominent woman of Shunem had cared for Elisha and had her husband build him a room in their house where he could rest when he was passing by. In response to her kindness, Elisha asked God to bless her with a child. When the child was still young, he suddenly got sick and died in his mother’s arms. She went to find Elisha hoping for a miracle. Elisha came, prayed, laid on the child, and finally the child came back to life. This seems like a strange ritual to perform; here are some possible ideas as to why Elisha did what he did. Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary explains: + +(1.) How closely the prophet applied himself to this great operation, perhaps being sensible that he had tempted God too much in thinking to effect it by the staff in Gehazi’s hand, for which he thought himself rebuked by the disappointment. He now found it a harder task than he then thought, and therefore addressed himself to it with great solemnity. [1.] He prayed unto the Lord (v. 33), probably as Elijah had done, Let this child’s soul come into him again. Christ raised the dead to life as one having authority—Damsel, arise—young man, I say unto thee, Arise—Lazarus, come forth (for he was powerful and faithful as a Son, the Lord of life), but Elijah and Elisha did it by petition, as servants. [2.] He lay upon the child (v. 34), as if he would communicate to him some of his vital heat or spirits. Thus he expressed the earnestness of his desire, and gave a sign of that divine power which he depended upon for the accomplishment of this great work. He first put his mouth to the child’s mouth, as if, in God’s name, he would breathe into him the breath of life; then his eyes to the child’s eyes, to open them again to the light of life; then his hands to the child’s hands, to put strength into them. He then returned, and walked in the house, as one full of care and concern, and wholly intent upon what he was about. Then he went up stairs again, and the second time, stretched himself upon the child, v. 35. Those that would be instrumental in conveying spiritual life to dead souls must thus affect themselves with their case, and accommodate themselves to it, and labour fervently in prayer for them. + +(2.) How gradually the operation was performed. At the first application, the flesh of the child waxed warm (v. 34), which gave the prophet encouragement to continue instant in prayer. After a while, the child sneezed seven times, which was an indication, not only of life, but liveliness. Some have reported it as an ancient tradition that when God breathed into Adam the breath of life the first evidence of his being alive was sneezing, which gave rise to the usage of paying respect to those that sneeze. Some observe here that sneezing clears the head, and there lay the child’s distemper. + +### Application + +This mother did all in her power for her child, and then left the results to God Himself. It may not be the same with every parent, after all, many children die and don’t come to life right away, when their parents would want them back. The promise of the resurrection reminds us that one day, when Jesus returns, parents will be reunited with their children in the most joyful family reunion ever. I have always loved these words which describe the resurrection morning: “The living righteous are changed ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.’ At the voice of God they were glorified; now they are made immortal and with the risen saints are caught up to meet their Lord in the air. Angels ‘gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.’ Little children are borne by holy angels to their mothers' arms. Friends long separated by death are united, nevermore to part, and with songs of gladness ascend together to the City of God. {Ellen White, The Great Controversy, p.645} [emphasis mine]. + +So while we may not have a prophet today who has the power to bring our children back to life, we do have this scene in which we will be reunited with our children who have died before us. May we never have to go through the pain and separation that death brings about, but if we do, may we hold on to this scene and its promise – eternity with our children with no more death ever! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, while the pain caused by the death of a child is so overwhelming, it is the promise of the resurrection which can make it bearable. I pray Father for that day to come soon and that we all may enjoy that awesome family reunion with our loved ones. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f05c60415 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Spiritual CPR +startDate: 03/22/2025 +endDate: 03/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/23-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/23-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8c87768a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/23-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +--- +title: Check Out the Family +date: 03/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done, for the daughter of Ahab was his wife; and he did evil in the sight of the LORD. (2 Ki 8:18 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Jehoram was the king of Judah and he had married the daughter of King Ahab. Evidently his influence had affected his daughter and as she married Jehoram it also affected him so that he did evil in the sight of the Lord. Unfortunately Jehoram’s godly father had less of an influence on him than his ungodly wife did. The daughter of Ahab, whom Jehoram married as part of Jehoshaphat’s treaty with Ahab, was Athaliah, through whose influence Jehoram introduced the worship of Baal and many other evils into the kingdom of Judah (see 2Ch 21:2–20). + +### Application + +As I work with couples preparing for marriage, I recommend, among many other things, that you Take Your Time. + +While preparing for marriage, make sure you have spent enough time in preparation. As Shakespeare wrote in King Henry, “A hasty marriage seldom proveth well.” It takes time to know another person well enough to decide to spend your life with them. Proverbs 21:5 says it well, “The plans of the diligent and informed will lead to abundance, but every one who is hasty will only come to want and ruin.” A wedding is a one-day event, but a marriage is a lifetime commitment. Take the time necessary to learn everything you can about the person with whom you plan to spend a lifetime. + +As a couple, they should focus on two key areas when taking their time to get to know one another. + +1. Get to Know the Other Person’s Family. + +Perhaps you have made the mistake of thinking the other person’s extended family doesn’t matter. The fact is we don’t marry one person; we marry, or join ourselves to, the entire family. + +You must meet the potential in-laws and other family members and spend time getting to know them. Observe how they interact with each other. An old adage fits very well here: An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. This family reared your potential mate, so you need to know who they are and what they believe. Only time can provide answers to the following questions, which you must answer. + +- Do you know for certain his/her family’s values or habits? +- Is there a spiritual focus of the family? If so, what is it? +- What do they enjoy doing? What are their hobbies and interests? +- How do they handle conflict? How is conflict resolved? +- What is the financial philosophy of the family? Is money important? Is it too important? Did the parents train him/her to be financially responsible? +- How would they react should you choose to marry their son/daughter? +- What kind of in-laws would they be? Uninvolved? Obtrusive? Supportive? +- What was the parenting style of his/her parents? Strict? Flexible? Were they too permissive as parents? +- What kind of influence would they have on your children? + +2. Get to Know as Much as Possible about him/her. + +It will take time to see how the person with whom you are considering marriage handles conflict, jealousy, or failure. Ask any married couple and they will tell you that even when you think you know your spouse there are still many surprises after you are married. + +Ideally it’s beneficial to see a potential marriage partner in every kind of situation before marriage. To do that will take some time, but its time well invested. You must observe how he/she reacts in anger, under stressful situations, and in difficult times. It’s wise and necessary preparation for a successful marriage to learn about the other person’s needs, likes, dislikes, + +quirks, habits, particular weaknesses, and strengths. + +When is the person not right for marriage? We have included some relational warning signs. Some of these characteristics are only revealed over time. + +- Is often caught lying. +- Tends to blame others for everything. +- Is cruel to the innocent and weak. This person may be racist. +- Is controlling. Checks up to see where you go, who you are with, etc. Interrogates you if you’re late or not home. Insists you get permission from him/her before you go anywhere, etc. Handles all the money. +- Attempts to isolate you from your family or friends. Doesn’t want you meeting other people – says he/she is protecting you from people who are not good for you. +- Is extremely jealous. Shows up unexpectedly, checks your phone, even your car mileage. Gets angry if you spend time with anyone other than him/her. +- Quickly says he/she loves you and pushes for serious involvement. Immediately wants an exclusive commitment from you. +- Becomes moody and hypersensitive. Is easily offended. You find yourself constantly apologizing for hurting her/his feelings. +- Verbally berates or attacks you, curses often, is critical, hurtful, or degrading. +- Pressures you for sex. Tries to make up with sex. +- Is repentant but blames for you for his/her actions +- Has pushed, shoved, slapped, or become otherwise physically violent with you. + +If any of these characteristics are apparent run, and run fast! The person is not marriage material. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, as people prepare for their marriage, may they take the time to prepare for this lifetime commitment and may the have their eyes wide open to any concerns they may have about each other and each other’s family. And if it is indeed in your will that they be joined in holy wedlock, may theirs be a life lasting and fulfilling experience. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9706a94469 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Check Out the Family +startDate: 03/23/2025 +endDate: 03/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/24-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/24-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3615203bb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/24-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: Abraham's Tree +date: 03/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And Abraham begot Isaac. The sons of Isaac were Esau and Israel. (1 Chr 1:34 NKJV) + +### Observation + +This is one of the driest portions of the Bible, mainly because it just consists of lists of names, a genealogical chart of the generations since the creation of Adam to the date of the writing of this book. Here and there you may find a short account of a prominent person, but for several chapters there are lists, and more lists. The text today points to one of the best known family tree, that of Abraham. + +### Application + +As part of my doctoral dissertation I wrote the following: + +One way marriage and family therapists, maybe even trained clergy people, can discover unhealthy family patterns transmitted from one generation to the next is by the use of a Genogram. A Genogram is a pictorial display of a person's family relationships and medical history, and goes beyond a traditional family tree by showing hereditary patterns and psychological factors that punctuate relationships. It can be used to identify repetitive patterns of behavior and to recognize hereditary tendencies. A Genogram could help one understand the meaning of the words of God through Moses, “You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me” (Exodus 20:5 NKJV). While some look at this text as God’s way of punishing succeeding generations for the sins of their fathers, it seems as if what God was trying to show was that the sins, habits, practices of one generation are transmitted to others and often get worse. The editors of the Seventh-day Adventist Commentary explain: + +A distinction should be made, however, between the natural results of a sinful course of action, and punishment inflicted because of it (PP 306). God does not penalize one individual for the wrong deeds of another (Ezekiel. 18:2–24). Each man stands before God, responsible only for his own acts. At the same time God does not interfere with the laws of heredity in such a way as to protect one generation from the misdeeds of its fathers, as that would be inconsistent with His character and His principles of dealing with men. It is only through these laws of heredity, which were of course ordained by the Creator in the beginning (see Gen. 1:21, 24, 25), that divine justice visits the “iniquity” of one generation upon the next. + +No one can escape completely the consequences of dissipation, disease, profligacy, evil doing, ignorance, and bad habits handed down by preceding generations. The descendants of degraded idolaters and the offspring of evil and vicious men generally begin life under the handicap of physical and moral sin, and harvest the fruit of seed sown by their parents. Juvenile delinquency proves the truth of the second commandment. Environment also has a decided effect upon each rising generation. But since God is gracious and just, we may trust Him to deal fairly with each person, making due allowance for the disadvantages of birth, the inherited predispositions, and the influence of previous environment upon character. His justice and mercy require this (Ps. 87:6; Luke 12:47, 48; John 15:22; Acts 17:30; 2 Cor. 8:12). At the same time our aim is to be victorious over every inherited and cultivated tendency to evil (COL 315, 330, 331; DA 671). + +God “visits,” or “appoints,” the results of iniquity, not vindictively, but to teach sinners that a wrong course of action inevitably brings unfortunate results. + +In the Bible there is the history of several prominent families, patriarchs of the Jewish, Christian, and even Muslim faiths. When these families are studied, and with the help of a Genogram, it’s clear to see some of the unhealthy patterns transmitted from one generation to several generations that followed. One of the examples is the family of David, as seen in the Genogram below. At least three patterns or themes become evident from one generation to the next. + +i. The first is their heart or religion. Although we don’t know much about Jesse, David’s father, he must have been a devoted believer in God (1 Samuel 16). God referred to David as a man “after His own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14 NKJV). However, he also committed a doubly-grievous sin when he sinned with Bathsheba and then plotted to have her husband, Uriah, killed. His son, Solomon, was responsible for the actual construction of God’s temple and asks for wisdom and is granted the answer to his prayers plus riches and power as well. However, Solomon married hundreds of wives who led him to mix the worship of God to that of pagan deities. By the time of the next generation Rehoboam, son of Solomon, ignores God completely and practices idolatry of the worst kinds, like other nations around Israel. + +ii. A second pattern or theme that can be seen through the Genogram of David’s family is that of sexual sin. Much like people and rulers of the time, David marries several wives and even commits adultery with Bathsheba before marrying her. His oldest son, Ammon, commits sexual immorality, possible forcible rape, with his half-sister Tamar. David’s other son, Solomon, continues with this pattern by marrying seven hundred wives and adding three hundred concubines to his retinue (1 Kings 11:3). Following him, Solomon’s son Rehoboam had eighteen wives and sixty concubines (2 Chronicles 11:21). + +iii. Another pattern is the family division and sibling rivalry present in every generation. David has some problems with his older brothers who don’t think much of him (1 Samuel 16-17). Absalom, one of his sons, murders one of his brothers, Ammon as revenge for raping his sister Tamar. Later Absalom rebels against his own father and goes out in pursuit of him but is tragically killed by one of David’s generals. Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, continues this pattern of rebellion and disobedience to God so Israel is divided into two with ten tribes to the north and two to the south. Eventually both separate kingdoms are conquered by surrounding nations and the people either taken captive or scattered. + +This knowledge of family history through the use of Genograms is very important, as Scazzero writes, because “sin is passed on from generation to generation. God allows this story to be recorded to sober us to take a deep, hard look inside (cf. 1 Corinthians 10:6). The implication for church life is clear: It is impossible to help people break free from their past apart from understanding the families in which they grew up. Unless people grasp the power of the past on who they are in the present, they will inevitably replicate those patterns in relationships inside and outside the church.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we learn from our past so we don’t repeat with our children mistakes and sins that will continue to be transmitted for many more generations in the future. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7373f049b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Abraham's Tree +startDate: 03/24/2025 +endDate: 03/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/25-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/25-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dbfaabe8ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/25-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Preferred Son +date: 03/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 37:3-4 NKJV) Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors. {4} But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him. + +### Observation + +It is obvious that Jacob loved all his children. In vs. 14 we read that Jacob sent Joseph to look for his brothers and see if they were well. It is also clear that the brothers, although they “hated him,” did not want to murder him, and when Reuben found out Joseph was gone he tore his clothes as in mourning. Nevertheless, Jacob treated Joseph in a more favorable way than any of his other children; he showed a favoritism that increased their jealousy. Jacob already showed partiality toward Rachel, now he showed the same favoritism for her first child and later for Benjamin. No wonder there was sibling rivalry which continued even after the settling in the Promised Land and the division of the Israel in two. + +### Application + +It is not only not wise but not healthy to favor one child over another – it creates jealousy, competition, rivalry, and in some extreme cases it may even lead to death. Jacob should have known the consequences of favoritism as his own father, Isaac, favored his brother Esau and wanted to give him the blessing for the first born even thought the promise/prophecy had been made to show the blessing belonged to Jacob. The result of his own deceitfulness were his fleeing from home, living in exile for twenty years, and to never be able to see his mother alive again. We must do all in our power, as parents, to treat all our children as individuals of value, without favoring one over the other or others, and showing favoritism for everyone equally. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, You give us all the same opportunities for salvation and You pour Your blessings richly to all – the sunshine, rain, air to breathe, water, food, etc. And even when we misuse the resources You so plentifully give us, You continue to pour out Your richest blessings on us. Thank You, Father. May we be loving, patient, and kind to all our children, showing no favoritism to any one over the others but giving them all equally our love for them as You do for us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7a41d11be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Preferred Son +startDate: 03/25/2025 +endDate: 03/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/26-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/26-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06fb02615d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/26-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Praise God for His Will +date: 03/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Chr 17:16-27 NKJV) Then King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said: "Who am I, O LORD God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far? {17} "And yet this was a small thing in Your sight, O God; and You have also spoken of Your servant's house for a great while to come, and have regarded me according to the rank of a man of high degree, O LORD God. {18} "What more can David say to You for the honor of Your servant? For You know Your servant. {19} "O LORD, for Your servant's sake, and according to Your own heart, You have done all this greatness, in making known all these great things. {20} "O LORD, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. {21} "And who is like Your people Israel, the one nation on the earth whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people; to make for Yourself a name by great and awesome deeds, by driving out nations from before Your people whom You redeemed from Egypt? {22} "For You have made Your people Israel Your very own people forever; and You, LORD, have become their God. {23} "And now, O LORD, the word which You have spoken concerning Your servant and concerning his house, let it be established forever, and do as You have said. {24} "So let it be established, that Your name may be magnified forever, saying, 'The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, is Israel's God.' And let the house of Your servant David be established before You. {25} "For You, O my God, have revealed to Your servant that You will build him a house. Therefore Your servant has found it in his heart to pray before You. {26} "And now, LORD, You are God, and have promised this goodness to Your servant. {27} "Now You have been pleased to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue before You forever; for You have blessed it, O LORD, and it shall be blessed forever." + +### Observation + +David wanted to build God’s temple and told so to Nathan the prophet who encouraged him to do so. That night God told Nathan to tell David not to build Him the temple he intended to. David’s response is our Scripture for today, in the form of a prayer of praise. + +### Application + +I think David’s response was exemplary. He could have become angry or bitter that God wouldn’t want him to build the temple for His honor and glory. He could have argued with God that he had won so many battles for God and for Israel so he should be allowed to build this great monument to God. He could have become bitter and resentful, he could have rebelled, he could have become a stumbling block to the building of the temple, he could have acted like a bad looser or a politician after being voted out of office, or he could have reacted in many other negative ways. + +What I love about this story, and why God said of David he was a man after His own heart (1 Sam. 13:14), is David’s positive, indeed joyful, reaction, which is our text for today. The way I feel is that if we truly believe in God’s will for our lives, and that His will is always best, then if we don’t get what we thought we might, what is offered to us, or even what we hoped we would, instead of becoming bitter or resentful we should praise God and thank Him. Don’t be sour grapes because the job you wanted was given to somebody else, because someone made a higher bid on a house you had made an offer to buy, because somebody else is now dating the person you were hoping to date, or because the person you were dating left you to marry somebody else. Praise God it worked out that way! That means that what God has in store for you is better than what you wanted or though you might get. It may not appear to be so at first, but it is God’s best for you, without a doubt. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, today we echo David’s words of praise for Your will in our lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..221cb529ac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Praise God for His Will +startDate: 03/26/2025 +endDate: 03/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/27-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/27-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ec3a826c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/27-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +--- +title: The Marriage and Divorce Go-round +date: 03/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (2 Chr 11:21 NKJV) Now Rehoboam loved Maachah the granddaughter of Absalom more than all his wives and his concubines; for he took eighteen wives and sixty concubines, and begot twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters. + +### Observation + +Rehoboam was the king of Israel after his father Solomon passed away. This section of the Scriptures tells us that he married a number of women and also had concubines, much like his father, although not as many as Solomon. Among the wives he had, he loved Maachah, granddaughter of her uncle Absalom. As it’s often the case, since she loved Maacah most, he also preferred the son he had with her, Abijah. Rehoboam had other sons, and he placed them all in charge of several of the cities in Israel, but with Abijah he had a special plan for him to be his successor in the throne of Israel one day. + +### Application + +God does not condone polygamy, and in most countries it is illegal. And yet we have come to accept a different form of polygamy – successive marriages, punctuated with divorces in between. As we heard the news of celebrity divorces and remarriages we used to be shocked and ashamed, now it’s become fodder for entertainment. Recently I read a book which contains some interesting facts about marriage. One of them is the number of times some famous people have been or were married. Here’s a sample: + +_**Married Nine Times**_ + +- Pancho Villa +- Zsa Zsa Gabor + +_**Married Eight Times**_ + +- Elizabeth Taylor (twice to the same man) +- Mickey Rooney + +_**Married Seven Times**_ + +- Lana Turner +- Richard Pryor (Four times to two of the women) +- Martha Raye +- Stan Laurel (three times to the same woman) +- Jennifer O’Neil +- Larry King + +_**Married Six Times**_ + +- Johnny Weissmuller +- King Henry VIII +- Jerry Lee Lewis + +_**Married Five Times**_ + +- Ernest Borgnine +- George C. Scott (twice to the same woman) +- George Peppard (twice to the same woman) +- Ginger Rogers +- Eva Gabor +- Judy Garland +- Henry Fonda +- George Foreman +- Tammy Wynette +- Clark Gable +- Richard Burton (twice to the same woman) +- Billy Bob Thornton +- Martin Scorsese + +While some may say that it’s only celebrities that change marriage partners so often, there are others who jump in and out of marriage just as much and as quickly. Certain professions tend to lead to divorce and remarriage more often than others – law enforcement, military, entertainment, etc. + +One of the interesting facts that has come out of research is that each successive marriage after divorce lasts less than the previous. In other words, if the first marriage lasted a number of years, the second will last less than the first, the third marriage will last than the second, the fourth marriage will last than the third, and so on. Instead of finding marital bliss with more successive marriages, many of these people find out they were happier with their first spouse than they were with any of the other that followed them. While there may be some romance and passion for a while on the other marriages and relationships, eventually there settles an emptiness and dissatisfaction which leads to another divorce and a search for fulfillment in yet another relationship when the key to happiness was in the first marriage. + +Rather than entering the marriage and divorce go-round, make every effort to maintain your current relationship strong, look for ways to meet each others’ most important emotional needs, look for the best in each other rather than concentrate on the negative side of the other. Rather than jumping ship on your spouse thinking that someone else can make you happier, look for ways to make your spouse happy, to fulfill with them your marriage vows to live with them in sickness and in health until death do you part. Hopefully you will find more ways and reasons to stay together with your spouse rather than finding out later, two or three spouses later, that what you have now, and which you will never recover if you leave it, was better than anything you have had since. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, we know you don’t accept or condone polygamy and that you hate divorce. Help us to value each other and to cultivate daily a strong marital relationship so we have the most fulfilling experience and at the same time bring the highest honor and glory to You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0724e7178a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Marriage and Divorce Go-round +startDate: 03/27/2025 +endDate: 03/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/28-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/28-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..edafa2cdba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/28-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: God's Battle +date: 03/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (2 Chr 20:15 NKJV) And he said, "Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the LORD to you: 'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's. + +### Observation + +The Ammonites and Moabites joined forces with other groups and came up to battle against Jesoshaphat, king of Judah. The people of Judah gathered for the battle, but before they did they sough the Lord and in the midst of that assembly Jahaziel spoke for God to encourage Jehoshaphat and the people – some of his words are the words of our text for today. Jehoshaphat, in turn, supported the words of Jahaziel by saying: “Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper” (vs.20). + +### Application + +As a father, sometimes it seems as if the battles we fight for our children is a losing battle. The media, friends, music, everything seems like the enemy’s forces arrayed in battle against them and we are powerless to fight them for no matter how much we do to protect them from any and all of their influence, we would have to live in a deserted island or in some cave for those influences to not reach them. + +Today’s words always encourage me because I know this is not a losing battle after all. I have to commit myself and my family to the Lord, and trust that He will fight this battle for me and for them. As scary and discouraging as it may seem at times, we must leave the results to Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, today we commit ourselves and our family to You. Fight the battle for our salvation for us and give the final victory for your Honor and glory. We long to spend eternity with You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..208cb2e980 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Battle +startDate: 03/28/2025 +endDate: 03/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/29-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/29-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97e6a949d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/29-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: It's Not Too Late +date: 03/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (2 Chr 31:20-21 NKJV) Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the LORD his God. {21} And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered. + +### Observation + +From the time Hezekiah became king of Judah he began a reform of a spiritual nature throughout the nation but also a physical restoration of the temple and its services. Not only did he order the repair of the temple, with everyone’s contribution, but he also destroyed the worship of other gods and moved the people to rededicate themselves and their children to the worship of the true God. + +### Application + +So you hear or read how critically important it is to lead by example in the worship of the Lord, particularly in the life of our children. And you may think that since you have not been doing it – you have not been praying with and for your children, or you have not been having daily worship with them, or you have not been spending time every day studying God’s will, seeking His will or following His commands – so you may feel guilty and maybe tempted to give up and simply continue the same pattern for your and their lives. + +The story of Hezekiah’s reforms can teach us that it is never too late to begin again, it is never too late to make changes in our personal devotional life or in the family worship of our God. So why not begin today. You can talk to your family, confess that you have not been faithful to His commands in that you have not been leading them by example in the worship of God, and share with them that you intend to begin again, and to invite them to join you. Explain that you are making a new commitment to pray with and for them every day, and that you will be studying a portion of the Scriptures, and that you would like to gather with them each day to have family worship time. The honest confession on your part will show them that you’re transparent with them and are willing to show them your human nature, that you’re not perfect but also that you want to do your best under God’s guidance. Don’t let the devil defeat you and continue in the same pattern of disregard for God and His worship. Think of yourself as the Hezekiah of your home, making personal and family reforms in order to bring a revival of the faith to your family. While you may encounter some resistance, if you do it kindly and lovingly, and persevere, the results will be better than continuing to neglect your personal and your family devotional life and daily commitment to God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, forgive us for neglecting our time and communion with You and for not leading our family in a daily experience of prayer and worship with You. Help us to begin again, to make things right with You, and to bring about this reform and revival in our lives and that of our children. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..217686815f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: It's Not Too Late +startDate: 03/29/2025 +endDate: 03/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/30-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/30-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9bf43d9fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/30-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Pride Consumes +date: 03/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (2 Chr 32:24-26 NKJV) In those days Hezekiah was sick and near death, and he prayed to the LORD; and He spoke to him and gave him a sign. {25} But Hezekiah did not repay according to the favor shown him, for his heart was lifted up; therefore wrath was looming over him and over Judah and Jerusalem. {26} Then Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the LORD did not come upon them in the days of Hezekiah. + +### Observation + +Hezekiah did many good things in reestablishing the worship of God and His law, but he was by no means perfect in what he did. When he was sick, he asked for healing and his prayer was answered, but as a result his heart became proud, which caused him to make mistakes that cost him and Jerusalem a great deal. Fortunately, the last we hear about Hezekiah was that he humbled himself again before God. + +### Application + +The Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that “Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig.” To which Dennis Raney added, “Pride is one of the few things that can grow in the human heart without any outside sustenance. The human race is prone to be proud.” + +I’ve often wondered about this thing we call pride, and it seems to me that there is a certain amount of joy we as parents have for our children which can be considered “healthy” pride, but there is a point at which this healthy pride becomes unhealthy and it brings about painful consequences. When our children do well in school and when they are kind and polite, something good moves in our hearts. When someone makes a nice comment about our children, something good stirs inside us and gives us a warm feeling. Would that be “healthy” pride? Could we honestly say we are “proud of our children?” But when we become obsessed with our children’s accomplishments, when we want to display bumper stickers every time our children win an award or get good grades or their name appears on the dean’s list, has it or can it become unhealthy pride? Are we using our children as pawns to tell the whole world how good we are as parents and to indirectly put down every other parent and their children? + +When we display pride for our children only when the accomplish something big or because of their accomplishments, we may be sending them the signal that their worth is tied to those accomplishments. Some parents live their dreams through their children and thus are very happy when their children succeed and very disappointed in them when they don’t do as they would wish them to do. + +So, let’s rejoice with our children in their accomplishments, but don’t make them the goal or end of their lives. And let us not use our children to fulfill our dreams or as pawns against others so we can be exalted in our own eyes. It’s best to be humble than to be humbled. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, teach us to be humble, even when our hearts burst with “healthy” pride. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e86299de6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Pride Consumes +startDate: 03/30/2025 +endDate: 03/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/31-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/31-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05ed677bcc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/31-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Faith Through Fear +date: 03/31/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Ezra 3:3 NKJV) Though fear had come upon them because of the people of those countries, they set the altar on its bases; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, both the morning and evening burnt offerings. + +### Observation + +Ezra gets permission to go back to Jerusalem and start the process of rebuilding the city. He and the people encounter opposition, but they move forward and begin the restoration of the temple as they realize the importance of religion in the life of the people and of the nation. + +### Application + +This verse jumped at me this morning. There are times when just living in this world, and all that’s available for our children to see and do, fills us with fear for them and their future. But we cannot be paralyzed with fear and do nothing. Like Ezra and the people of the time, we need to continue to move forward in the reestablishment or continuation of the worship of the Lord, both morning and evening. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, nothing is a surprise to You. So knowing everything, please bless our protect our children, and make them faithful to You all the days of their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95ece76774 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Faith Through Fear +startDate: 03/31/2025 +endDate: 03/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..924f0c64ba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/03-march-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: March 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/01-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/01-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5787b66ee8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/01-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Misleading Eyes +date: 04/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Gen 39:6-10 NKJV) Thus he left all that he had in Joseph's hand, and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate. Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance. {7} And it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, "Lie with me." {8} But he refused and said to his master's wife, "Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand. {9} "There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" {10} So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her. + +### Observation + +Joseph had been sold into captivity by his brothers, but God blessed him and in captivity he proved faithful to his master, Potiphar. The captain’s wife, however, was attracted to Joseph and enticed him to be intimate with her, something Joseph immediately and repeatedly refused on the grounds that he would be offending God and betraying his master’s trust. She became angry, falsely accused him before her husband, and Joseph ended up back in jail as a result. + +### Application + +When a person is bent on sin, nothing seems to deter them. Such was the case with Potiphar’s wife. One commentary explains that, “Egyptian women were not kept in the same secluded manner as females are in most Oriental countries now. They were treated in a manner more worthy of a civilized people—in fact, enjoyed much freedom both at home and abroad. Hence Potiphar’s wife had constant opportunity of meeting Joseph. But the ancient women of Egypt were very loose in their morals. Intrigues and intemperance were vices very prevalent among the them, as the monuments too plainly attest [Wilkinson]. Potiphar’s wife was probably not worse than many of the same rank, and her infamous advances made to Joseph arose from her superiority of station.” + +Matthew Henry comments: 1. Her sin began in the eye: She cast her eyes upon Joseph (v. 7), who was a goodly person, and well-favoured, v. 6. Note, (1.) Remarkable beauty, either of men or women, often proves a dangerous snare both to themselves and others, which forbids pride in it and commands constant watchfulness against the temptation that attends it; favour is deceitful—deceiving. (2.) We have great need to make a covenant with our eyes (Job 31:1), lest the eye infect the heart. Joseph’s mistress had a husband that ought to have been to her for a covering of the eyes from all others, ch. 20:16. + +2\. She was daring and shameless in the sin. With an impudent face, and a harlot’s forehead, she said, Lie with me, having already, by her wanton looks and unchaste desires, committed adultery with him in her heart. Note, Where the unclean spirit gets possession and dominion in a soul, it is as with the possessed of the devils (Lu. 8:27, 29), the clothes of modesty are thrown off and the bands and fetters of shame are broken in pieces. When lust has got head, it will stick at nothing, blush at nothing; decency, and reputation, and conscience, are all sacrificed to that Baal-peor. + +3\. She was urgent and violent in the temptation. Often she had been denied with the strongest reasons, and yet as often renewed her vile solicitations. She spoke to him day by day, v. 10. Now this was, (1.) Great wickedness in her, and showed her heart fully set to do evil. (2.) A great temptation to Joseph. The hand of Satan, no doubt, was in it, who, when he found he could not overcome him with troubles and the frowns of the world (for in them he still held fast his integrity), assaulted him with soft and charming pleasures, which have ruined more than the former, and have slain their ten-thousands. + +Joseph knew the principles which were later written by Solomon: (Prov 6:23-29 NKJV) For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life, {24} To keep you from the evil woman, From the flattering tongue of a seductress. {25} Do not lust after her beauty in your heart, Nor let her allure you with her eyelids. {26} For by means of a harlot A man is reduced to a crust of bread; And an adulteress will prey upon his precious life. {27} Can a man take fire to his bosom, And his clothes not be burned? {28} Can one walk on hot coals, And his feet not be seared? {29} So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife; Whoever touches her shall not be innocent. + +Had Joseph fallen to the enticement of this woman, the results would have been disastrous to him, to his family suffering under the famine, to the faith of many, for the survival of the people of God’s promise, and God only knows to how many millions or billions. Just a few moments of sin can bring results that last much longer. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, give us the strength to not yield to temptation in any form. Shield our eyes from wondering into any and all dangerous territory. And may we always be faithful to You and to our spouse for the sake and benefit of our families and to maintain Your honor and glory before the universe. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..291feb0e99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Misleading Eyes +startDate: 04/01/2025 +endDate: 04/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/02-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/02-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a0bd9d7bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/02-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Gifts of Confession and Prayer +date: 04/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16 + +### Observation + +James writes a series of instructions to the young Christian church of the first century. His letter is a combination of theological principles (Grace and works), and practical Christianity (prayer for the sick, taking care of the widows and orphans, etc.). + +Today’s verse is taken out of a larger section where James deals with prayer for and anointing the sick. + +### Application + +While James’ advice is for members of the church at large, his words apply to the home and to the couple relationship. When we say or do anything that hurts a member of the family, those closest to us, we need to confess directly to them, and do it as soon as possible before the pain caused festers into anger and even hatred. + +In the devotional “My Life Today” we can read Ellen White’s words: “ I am instructed to urge upon our people most earnestly the necessity of religion in the home. Among the members of the household there is ever to be a kind, thoughtful consideration. Morning and evening let all hearts be united in reverent worship. At the season of evening worship let every member of the family search well his own heart. Let every wrong that has been committed be made right. If during the day, one has wronged another or spoken unkindly, let the transgressor seek pardon of the one he has injured. Often grievances are cherished in the mind, and misunderstandings and heartaches are created that need not be. If the one who is suspected of wrong be given an opportunity, he might be able to make explanations that would bring relief to other members of the family” (ML 32). + +The second part of James’ instruction is to “pray for one another.” While confession should take place when harm has been made, prayer is something that should happen daily. We all need to carve time out of our daily life to pray together as a couple, together as a family, and together with others. We make time to eat, because we are hungry. We make time to rest, because we cannot go non-stop for long periods of time. We make time for reading, to watch TV, to check out Facebook, to talk on the phone, to play, to travel. . . to do anything that we want to do. And yet, it seems as if we can’t find any time to have communion with the One who sustains us, feeds, and provides everything we need for us. At the same time, we don’t seem to want to make time praying together as a couple or as a family, or with others, when prayer strengthens and heals us individually, our family, and our relationships. + +Let’s us, then, confess our sins to one another, forgive one another, and pray for each other. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you that we can talk to You about each other and about those we love and care about. Help us to be humble enough to confess our sins to one another, and help us to make time to pray together and to pray for one another. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a97c895e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Gifts of Confession and Prayer +startDate: 04/02/2025 +endDate: 04/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/03-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/03-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d0b2f9d905 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/03-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Repentance for All +date: 04/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Neh 1:5-11 NKJV) And I said: "I pray, LORD God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, {6} "please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. Both my father's house and I have sinned. {7} "We have acted very corruptly against You, and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses. {8} "Remember, I pray, the word that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, 'If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations; {9} 'but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name.' {10} "Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand. {11} "O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man." For I was the king's cupbearer. + +### Observation + +Nehemiah was saddened to know the ruined condition of Jerusalem and Judah, and he recognized that it was the result of the people’s rebelliousness against God. So he prays the prayer in our text for today. + +### Application + +Nehemiah could have prayed for deliverance for himself and his family, but instead, he recognized all of them needed to repent. At the same time, he could have prayed for forgiveness only for the people, but he was humble enough to pray for the people but also for himself. + +It is interesting how at times we pray for our loved ones, which we should do, and ask God to lead them closer to Him, and to bring them to repentance and to the place where they will be ready for His soon return. But somehow we don’t always come humbly before the Lord in recognition of our own need for repentance, knowledge of God, and preparation for His return. Nehemiah prayed for his people, but humbly also prayed and confessed his own sin. And the wonderful thing is that God heard his plea and granted his prayer and Nehemiah was able to go back and lead in the rebuilding of the city and the reestablishment of the worship of God. Maybe our prayers will be the catalyst for a complete revival in our lives and in our homes, maybe even beyond to our churches and to the area where we live. . . and it all begins with being humble enough to recognize our own need for repentance and forgiveness. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, we too have sinned and have turned our backs to you. Forgive our sin, cleanse us and make us new, and may the experience of conversion be ours and that of our loved ones. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2bf651dbb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Repentance for All +startDate: 04/03/2025 +endDate: 04/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf466a8ed5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: They Made it Clear +date: 04/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Neh 8:8 NKJV) So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading. + +### Observation + +As the building of the city of Jerusalem and of the temple were finished, Nehemiah and the leaders recognized the need for a consecration of the people to God. Ezra, the scribe, stood before everyone gathered and read to them the words of the Book of the Law of Moses, the first five books of the Bible, or the Torah. As the people heard the stories and the regulations found in those books, they were moved in their hearts. But it wasn’t enough to just read the Law, the Levites helped the people to understand it by explaining its content and meaning. + +### Application + +I encourage daily, regular reading of the Bible personally and at home. Personally, I encourage everyone to read through their Bibles every year. I have followed that practice for many years and have read through the entire Bible, in many different versions and translations, in two languages, every day of the year (with just a few exceptions), and doing so has enriched my life and opened windows of information, knowledge, and faith I might not otherwise have. + +Beyond a reading of the Bible, though, there must be thoughtful study of selected passages, stories, sections of the Scriptures for deeper understanding. Also, for daily family worship, at least a portion of the Scriptures should be read and discussed. It doesn’t have to be a long theological dissertation and exegetical study of a passage, but at least a simple conversation of its meaning. Dennis Raney, Christian counselor and writer says concerning our verse for today: + +It occurred to me that when we read the Bible to our families, we need to do so in a way so that we understand what we have just read, and that our children also grasp the meaning. + +It’s easy to stick to the text of the Scripture and read it word for word, flying by words like reproach and exhortation – lofty words that may (or may not) be clear to us, but which leave our kids with blank looks on their faces. + +When we read the Bible to your children, take the time to stop and explain the words and ideas they may have difficulty grasping. If needed, try paraphrasing the text to give them a down-home explanation of what it’s saying. Give them the freedom o stop you and ask what something means if they feel confused or stuck. + +Reading and studying the Bible as a family can be a source of great blessing. But we need to make sure we aren’t just reading through it as quickly as possible, without helping everyone to understand what’s being read. (From the Family Life Marriage Bible). + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to spend time daily with Your word, to understand it, to meditate upon it, and to spend the time teaching others what we have learned from it, and from You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b593c1b81b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: They Made it Clear +startDate: 04/04/2025 +endDate: 04/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/05-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/05-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..464c58df17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/05-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Guarding the Gates +date: 04/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Jer 13:19 NKJV) The cities of the South shall be shut up, And no one shall open them; Judah shall be carried away captive, all of it; It shall be wholly carried away captive. + +### Observation + +The walls, the city, and the temple had been rebuilt, and the Law of Moses (the Torah) had been read and explained to the people who had made a new dedication of themselves to the worship of God. Now Nehemiah faced a new challenge as venders were coming to Jerusalem to sell their wares on Sabbath. Even though he had warned them before, they had continued to do so, so this time he ordered that the gates of the city be shut during the hours of the Sabbath and threaten to have them beaten if they continued to come to tempt the people by trying to sell their stuff. + +### Application + +We have heard of “guarding the edges of the Sabbath.” Some of the most quoted words from the pen of Ellen White are: “We should jealously guard the edges of the Sabbath. Remember that every moment is consecrated, holy time.” (The Faith I live By, pg. 34) By the edges of the Sabbath we mean the beginning and the end of this special day, sundown on Friday evening to sundown on Saturday afternoon. I would not suggest we threaten our family, or anyone else, with bodily harm if they come to our house to sell something on the Sabbath or if our children are doing something that is not conducive to good Sabbath rest and fellowship. However, as parents we do have the responsibility to do all in our power to ensure that the sacred hours of the Sabbath remain untainted by outside influences. + +As our girls were growing up, we switched to “Sabbath toys,” and “Sabbath music,” and “Sabbath activities,” and we enjoyed a good time of worship to “welcome the Sabbath.” We incorporated a few traditions like the lighting of the Sabbath candles (a Jewish tradition), had Mexican tostadas, and for dessert we had donuts (you know, the commandment says to keep the Sabbath “wholey”). In the more conservative Jewish households the observance of Sabbath begins about an hour before sundown as they try to protect themselves for entering carelessly into those sacred hours. + +The other edge of the Sabbath, the sundown that marks its end, should also be marked with worship, and with a good time of family fellowship and prayer. There’s no need to rush “out” of the Sabbath. Again, Jewish tradition teaches that the Sabbath is finally over when at least three stars are visible in the sky. What that means is that there should be no rush to end this day but rather linger in its blessings as long as possible. In fact, there’s a certain sense of sadness to see the Sabbath come to an end as the new week begins. + +The point is not to make of the Sabbath a day of rules, regulations, and prohibitions which turns it into the longest, most boring, 24 hours of the week. Maybe we could think of the gates not as something to keep negative influences out of your life but as something that helps keep the blessings in and when we keep them open the blessings of this day flow out, away from us, even as we need them so desperately after a week of battling the world and its influences. Guarding the edges of the Sabbath is like closing doors and windows in the winter months in order to keep the warmth of the home inside and the bitter cold of winter outside. I love the feeling, during the cold winter months (specially here in Minnesota), of coming home and walking in from the cold garage into the warmth of the foyer. The warmth of my house greets me as I open the door and embraces me until the next time I have to go out. And that’s how I picture the Sabbath, its warmth embracing me and protecting me from the bitter cold of the rest of the week. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the warmth and the rest of the Sabbath. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..744d47946e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Guarding the Gates +startDate: 04/05/2025 +endDate: 04/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/06-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/06-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ba3fc99aa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/06-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Selfish Demands +date: 04/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Est 1:10-12 NKJV) On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, seven eunuchs who served in the presence of King Ahasuerus, {11} to bring Queen Vashti before the king, wearing her royal crown, in order to show her beauty to the people and the officials, for she was beautiful to behold. {12} But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command brought by his eunuchs; therefore the king was furious, and his anger burned within him. + +### Observation + +King Ahasuerus demanded of his wife, Queen Vashti, to come and present herself before those gathered at his party. A Bible commentary states that, “The refusal of Vashti to obey an order which required her to make an indecent exposure of herself before a company of drunken revellers, was becoming both the modesty of her sex and her rank as queen; for, according to Persian customs, the queen, even more than the wives of other men, was secluded from the public gaze. Had not the king’s blood been heated with wine, or his reason overpowered by force of offended pride, he would have perceived that his own honor, as well as hers, was consulted by her dignified conduct.” + +In her devotional, Conflict and Courage, Ellen White adds, “When this command came from the king, Vashti did not carry out his orders, because she knew that wine had been freely used, and that Ahasuerus was under the influence of the intoxicating liquor. For her husband’s sake as well as her own, she decided not to leave her position at the head of the women of the court. + +“It was when the king was not himself, when his reason was dethroned by wine-drinking that he sent for the queen, that those present at his feast, men besotted by wine, might gaze on her beauty. She acted in harmony with a pure conscience. + +“Vashti refused to obey the king’s command, thinking that when he came to himself, he would commend her course of action. But the king had unwise advisers. They argued it would be a power given to woman that would be to her injury.” {p.243} + +### Application + +Willard Harley, in his book, Love Busters, speaks uses that term to refer to those things that one spouse does to hurt the other and which therefore damages the romantic and caring love that should exist between them. Among those Love Busters, Harley cites Selfish Demands as one of them. He defines them as “Commanding your spouse to do things that would benefit you at your spouses expense, with implied threat of punishment if refused.” Then he goes on to say that “People who make demands don’t seem to care how others feel. If you make demands of your spouse and expect obedience, you are being controlling and manipulative. Demands are nothing short of abuse.” Instead of selfish demands, Harley suggests Thoughtful Requests – respectfully explaining to your spouse what you would like and allow your spouse the option of granting or denying your request. + +Vashti’s response to the selfish demand of her husband, even if he was the king, shows that she was not pleased anymore than any spouse today would be at the selfish demands of their spouse. A thoughtful request would have a more positive reception, although it doesn’t mean the spouse has to agree, accept, or do what their spouse is asking of them. In other words, a thoughtful request may not get you what you want, but a selfish demand certainly will not promote any warm, caring feelings toward you. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, selfishness and rebellion began the biggest battle ever in the universe; may they never be present in our marriage or family. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96fd554298 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Selfish Demands +startDate: 04/06/2025 +endDate: 04/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/07-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/07-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ba1b4adc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/07-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Way to a Man's Heart? +date: 04/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Est 7:1-2 NKJV) So the king and Haman went to dine with Queen Esther. {2} And on the second day, at the banquet of wine, the king again said to Esther, "What is your petition, Queen Esther? It shall be granted you. And what is your request, up to half the kingdom? It shall be done!" + +### Observation + +Esther was made aware of Haman’s plan to destroy the Jewish people, and after a period of fasting and prayer she invited the king, her husband to a banquet. After that banquet, she invited him to a second banquet the following night. It was at that banquet, when he was very pleased with the food, and with Esther, that she made her request on behalf of her people. + +### Application + +It’s been said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. One of the things I appreciate about my wife is that since we were young and dating, she made efforts to learn from my mother how to cook those things that I like best. I have to say that she not only learned how to fix some very typical Colombian food, but learned to made them very well. Pretty regularly she will fix for me one of those special dishes which not only take care of my appetite but also warm my heart. + +At the same time, if a woman thinks that just by feeding her husband he will love her, she’s going to find herself with a very overweight man that simply likes to have a cook living with him. It is not that men like to eat and want to have a woman to cook for them. What men like is to have a woman who loves them enough to cook for and take care of them. Statistics show that married people enjoy better health. Single men are notorious for poor health habits. Married men enjoy the benefit of a wife who cares about them, fixes healthy meals for them, encourages them to take good care of themselves by exercising, going to the doctors for regular physical, eye, and dental exams. So really, a way to a man’s heart is not through his stomach, rather, the way to a man’s heart is through her heart. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for the love of a wife, expressed through good food, but also expressed through loving, caring actions for her husband. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a301d2c0c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Way to a Man's Heart? +startDate: 04/07/2025 +endDate: 04/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/08-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/08-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..734f54f63d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/08-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Forgive Your Family +date: 04/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And to Joseph were born two sons before the years of famine came, whom Asenath, the daughter of Poti-Pherah priest of On, bore to him. 51Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: “For God has made me forget all my toil and all my father’s house.” 52And the name of the second he called Ephraim: “For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.” Genesis 41:50-52 + +### Observation + +After Joseph gave Pharaoh what God meant for him to know about the future of Egypt, Pharaoh elevated Joseph to second in the kingdom. It was at this time, and as a result of that famine, that Jacob sent ten of his sons, except for Benjamin, to find food to ensure the survival of his family. Joseph recognized them immediately, and tested them to see if they maintained or abandoned their feelings of rivalry and jealousy amongst themselves. It is in the midst of this story that we learn the Pharaoh gave a wife to Joseph and that Joseph had two sons through her, sons whose names reflect Joseph’s emotional journey from member of the family, to slave, to second in the kingdom, and now seeing his family again. This is not just a physical journey but also a very heavy emotional and spiritual one which led him to experience not only the love of his father and the hatred of his brothers, but lust from Potiphar’s wife, which caused his second imprisonment, to being loved as a child by Pharaoh. In more ways than one, this was also a journey Joseph needed to take, a journey of forgiveness. + +### Application + +Louis Smedes speaks of forgiveness as a journey which involves several steps including hurt, hatred, and finally healing. Joseph was obviously hurt by the feelings and actions of his brothers, and later Potiphar’s wife and the Pharaoh’s butler in forgetting him in prison. While we’re not told, Joseph’s hurt feelings might have caused some anger at some point in time, whether he voiced it or not. But he didn’t allow those feelings to linger long and by the time he has children he has completed this journey and the names of his children reflect the healing that has taken place. + +In marriage, in families, forgiveness must be an integral part because conflict is inevitable and will cause hurt at some point or another. The difference between a relationship that survives and one that breaks apart is the ability to go through this journey of forgiveness so that healing may take place and thus the healthy intimacy may be restored and the relationship may flourish and thrive into the next generations. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to take this journey of forgiveness as soon after any hurt takes place so that our relationships may not suffer but that healing and growth may happen quickly and we may return to the intimacy You designed for us to have at home. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28732f6ddf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Forgive Your Family +startDate: 04/08/2025 +endDate: 04/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/09-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/09-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a084e1f0a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/09-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: The Option of Adoption +date: 04/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. 4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" 7 Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Galatians 4:3-7 + +### Observation + +Paul speaks of the timely arrival of Jesus to redeem God’s people from the slavery of sin. Jesus came at the right time, that is, at the time the prophecies foretold of His arrival (see Daniel 9). For more than 400 years, the Hebrews had been salves in Egypt, but God sent Moses to lead them out to freedom and to the promised land. In the same way, Jesus came to pay the price of redemption and lead His people our of the slavery of sin and to the Promised Land of eternal life. + +### Application + +Many years ago, as I was doing my internship at a counseling center, my supervisor told me one day of a conversation he had with is daughter. He told her, “If there were 100 children standing against a wall, and you were one of them, and I was asked to choose any of those children to be mine. . . I would still choose you.” Now, his daughter was not adopted, but he wanted to assure her that even though she was biologically born to him and his wife, they were not simply obligated or force to keep her but rather they loved her and were thrilled to have her in their lives. + +Children of adoption have a special place in the heart of the parents who adopted them. They were chosen by their parents. They could have been chosen by somebody else or they might have been raised in an orphanage or in foster homes; instead, they were chosen to live in a home, a family, raised by loving parents. At some point in their lives they may wonder why their biological parents didn’t want them or didn’t raise them - that is normal and nothing to be feared. + +One of the questions we are sometimes asked is when the children should be told they are adopted. The consensus among experts is that children should be told as they grow up as part of their normal life and experience. As long as they are always surrounded with the love of their parents, their adoption will not be a shock to them. They can be taught of the great joy and privilege of having been chosen and raised by two very special people who wanted to have children to love. + +Here’s some valuable information from www.healthychildren.org + +For some parents, telling their child that he is adopted is a formidable, anxiety-provoking task, and thus they put it off or avoid it. However, at some point adopted youngsters need to be told about their origins, ideally even before middle childhood. During their preschool years, children begin asking questions like "Where do babies come from?" That is a good time to begin introducing information about their special backgrounds. + +What should you say? Make your explanation simple, direct, and honest. Explain that he was not born to you. Tell him that he was born to other parents who could not take care of him. Then describe why you chose to adopt a child. Talk about how much you and your spouse wanted him, and briefly explain the process you went through to get him. + +Allow your child to ask questions. For example, he might want to know "What happened to my first mommy and daddy? Where are they?" You can share a little bit of that information with him, but there is no need to go into too much detail. Your comments should answer his questions in ways appropriate for his maturity level. At the time of the adoption you should have been given some basic information about your child's biological parents—from medical issues (a family history of heart disease, for example) to personal characteristics. (Was the father tall and athletic? Was the mother artistic?) Someday you will want to pass along all of this information to your youngster. One useful way to address all kinds of adoption questions is with a "life-book," a scrapbook of all of the information you have about his past. This can be very helpful to a child with a complicated past of multiple moves. This book can be "read" in more detail to the child as he matures. + +If your child is already of school age and has not been told that he is adopted, you need to talk with him about it, as early during this time of life as possible. Adoption should not be a secret. Every youngster needs to have an honest understanding of his origin. Adopted children who have not been told seem to sense that somehow they are different; this nagging intuition can influence their self-image. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to discuss it with your child. Also, he is liable to find out from someone else—perhaps by overhearing the conversations of relatives, or from teasing by neighborhood children who have learned from their own parents that he is adopted. + +If you have waited until the middle years of childhood to tell your youngster that he is adopted, he may be upset, but that is a natural reaction. Allow him to express his feelings. Talk about why he is sad or angry, and let him know that you acknowledge and understand those feelings. Remind him that you and your spouse love him, that this is his family and always will be. + +Often parents who are reluctant to tell their youngster about the adoption may have difficulties of their own in accepting that their son or daughter is not their biological child. Sometimes they might feel ashamed or inadequate because they could not have children of their own, and they avoid explaining the adoption to their youngster so that they will not have to revisit that issue. + +Sometimes parents are hesitant to talk about the adoption because they are trying to be protective of their child's feelings, sensing that he might be hurt at finding out he was adopted. They might also be afraid of being rejected by their adopted youngster. They might think, "What if my son says, 'I don't want to live with you anymore; I want to go live with my real mommy'?" That, however, is an uncommon reaction, and not one that children are really serious about pursuing. + +Keep in mind that it is important for the child to know about his adoption by the time he enters school. Your honest communication about this important issue early on can strengthen the relationship you have with him, building a strong bond of trust. So if you have any apprehensions about telling your child, try getting beyond them. + +After you've told your child, he will have more questions about it in the days, weeks, and years ahead. His questions are normal and do not reflect a lack of affection toward you. The more your child talks about it with you, the more comfortable he will feel with the idea, and the stronger his relationship will become with you. + +Your answers to these questions should be direct but still sensitive to the emotional maturity level of your youngster, and what he has already learned and understands about the adoption. Do not dismiss these questions and concerns, but do not overreact to them either. Acknowledge the fact that his family situation is different from that of many or most of his friends. At the same time, do not magnify the significance of his special circumstances, nor dwell upon them. Your child's basic needs are the same, regardless of whether he is living with biological or adoptive parents, and most aspects of his life will be the same as those of his peers. + +If your child becomes quiet about the adoption after you have talked about it, give him some time alone with his thoughts. Then, if he hasn't raised the issue again within a few weeks, you might say something like "Since we talked about the adoption, you haven't said anything more about it. You must have some feelings about it. Do you ever think about your other mommy and daddy? Do you have any other questions you want to ask me?" Make sure he feels as comfortable as possible with the way he became part of your family. + +You should not leave it to your child to continue the conversation. Raise issues naturally and gently. For example, at his birthday you might say, "I wonder if your birth mom is thinking about you today? She would be proud if she knew you." Another time you might comment on a physical characteristic, as in, "I bet those broad shoulders came from your birth dad. I remember when I met him..." + +There are some normal stages through which your adopted child is likely to pass. During the ages of five to seven years, for example, he may understand that he has "two mothers" and "two fathers," but the social customs and the full meaning of adoption are probably still a bit unclear. He is likely to ask questions about why his birth mother did not keep him. And he may have anxiety-generating thoughts like "Since my first mother left me, maybe my second one might too." + +When your adopted child is a little older—between the ages of seven to nine years old—he will develop a better understanding of being adopted. You can expect to be asked specific questions about his biological parents. In a sense, he will be trying to construct a more accurate "memory" of his original family, which of course is really just a fantasy about his first mother and father and how he came to be adopted. + +Later in the middle years—during ages nine through twelve—all children, including those who are adopted, become increasingly concerned with their appearance and fitting in. Your adopted youngster may become more curious about and sensitive to differences in his own hair color or eye color if it differs from your own. He will also become even more interested in his biological parents, and what his original cultural origins may have been. Expect many more questions about both his biological and adoptive relatives, and his family tree. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for creating us, and thank You that through Jesus you have given us the adoption as children who have left You and turn our backs on You, but yet You have taken us back with full rights and privileges as Your children. Help us to extend the same kind of love to others, who are also Your children. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9063e0e339 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Option of Adoption +startDate: 04/09/2025 +endDate: 04/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/10-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/10-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e35ca4ef09 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/10-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Come Mourn With Me +date: 04/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Job 2:11,13 NKJV) Now when Job's three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, each one came from his own place; Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they had made an appointment together to come and mourn with him, and to comfort him. . . 13So they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great. + +### Observation + +Job had lost everything he owned, but his worst tragedy was the loss of all his children. When he became physically ill, his wife had had enough and told him to “curse God and die.” But then we read that his friends came to be with him and to comfort him, and they sat with him for seven days straight, without saying a word, just being there. + +### Application + +One of the most tragic results from the death of a child is the demise of the marriage. Many couples simply can’t handle their pain and end up drifting apart and eventually separating and divorcing. It is very difficult to offer support and encouragement to your spouse when your own heart is breaking. At the same time, nothing can bring a couple together like experiencing a loss and growing together out of it. My wife and I have gone through the loss of my mother and both her parents, and several other family members. Those times, as difficult as they have been, have strengthened our relationship and are part of our history that keeps us together. + +But there are times when we need help from outside too, and the tragic death of a loved one is a perfect time to offer or receive the comfort and encouragement of a dear, close friend. One of the questions many people have in their minds when visiting someone who’s lost a loved one is, what should I say? Job’s friends teach is a very important lesson: when visiting a grieving friend it is more important to just be there and listen than what you say. After all, what can you possibly say that would take their pain away, or make their burden any easier? But what is very therapeutic and very cathartic for them is to talk through their pain and what better person to do so but a close friend. Someone said that “pain shared is pain divided,” which means that when we share our pain with others, we all get to carry it together, which makes it easier and lighter for the one experiencing it. That’s why being there for the mourner is your gift to them, the ministry of presence. Don’t be afraid to be with those in mourning; it may be the best, most kind, and most loving thing you can do for your friend or loved one. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, in the midst of our pain, you listen to us and come close to us to comfort us. Thank You for the healing You bring us through our pain. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65900c595c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Come Mourn With Me +startDate: 04/10/2025 +endDate: 04/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/11-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/11-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c466cc064 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/11-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: Cry Grief Away +date: 04/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Job 7:11 NKJV) "Therefore I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. + +### Observation + +Job’s friends came to visit him and or seven days said nothing but simply sat there with him – that’s what we call the ministry of presence. But Job’s pain was so heavy that he grieved out loud. His friends, one at a time, began to try to console him while at the same time trying to convince him of his own wrongdoing which resulted in his own problems. Job then responds with his own defense and talks more about his own pain. + +### Application + +Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, who wrote the classic book “On Death and Dying,” followed it up with another classic, “On Grief and Grieving,” in which she speaks of, among other things, “The Inner World Of Grief.” Among other things she writes: + +Everyone experiences many loses throughout life, but the death of a loved one is unmatched for its emptiness and profound sadness. Your world stops. You know the exact time your loved one died – or the exact moment you were told. It is marked in your mind. Your world takes on a slowness, a surrealness. It seems strange that the clocks in the world continue when your inner clock does not. (29) + +No one can give you words to make you feel better; there are none. (29) + +Your loss and the grief that accompanies it are very personal, different from anyone else’s. Others may share the experience of their losses. They may try to console you in the only way they know. But your loss stands in its meaning to you, in its painful uniqueness. (29) + +We all play roles in our lives: spouse, parent, child, family member, friend. You know your loved one in a way that no one else ever did or ever will. One person’s dying touches many people in many different ways; everyone feels that loss of individually. Your task in your own mourning and grieving is to fully recognize your own loss, to see it as only you can. In paying the respect and taking the time it deserves, you bring integrity to the deep loss that is yours. (30-31) + +She lists some of the experiences that form part of the task of grieving. I’d like to mention and quote her in one of them: TEARS + +Tears are one of the many ways we release our sadness, one of our many wondrous built-in healing mechanisms. Unfortunately, too often we try to stop this necessary and primal release of our emotions.(42) + +People. . . avoid crying for fear that they might cry forever. But of course you will stop crying, even if you don’t believe you will. The worst thing you can do is to stop short of really letting it out. Uncried tears have a way of filling the well of sadness even more deeply. If you have a half hour of crying to do, don’t stop at twenty minutes. Let yourself cry it all out. It will stop on its own. If you cry till your last tear, you will feel released. (43) + +We live in a society that view tears as a weakness and a face of stone as strength. Whether you cry or not may have more to do with how you were raised than with the nature of your loss. Some of us were raised with permission to cry and others were not. For some, crying privately may be okay and crying publicly is unacceptable. Whatever you were taught, the loss of a loved one can tip the scales and bring up the tears you never thought you could cry. (44) + +At times, you may start to cry as if for no reason at all. It may seem it just comes out of the blue, because you are not even consciously thinking about your loss. Unexpected tears remind you that the loss is always there. People often find they are reminded unexpectedly of a loved one and start crying in a situation they were not prepared to handle. (45) + +Marion knew the importance of taking the pain inside and releasing it outside. Then she was done when her sadness was fully expressed. Unexpressed tears do not go away; their sadness resides in our bodies and souls. Tears can often be seen as dramatic, too emotional, or a sign of weakness. But in truth, they are an outward expression of inner pain. (45) + +Others have their own reactions to seeing someone crying. For those around the person crying, people may feel grateful the person is able to cry. Or they may feel uncomfortable, thinking, “If they cry, I might.” Or “If Cindy, who never cries at anything, is crying, things must be really bad.” (45) + +Our perception about crying is public is cultural. In some places, not crying is a sign of dignity, whereas in other cultures, not crying for the deceased is considered a sign of dishonor. (46) + +Tears are a symbol of life, a part of who we are and what we feel. They live in us and through us. They represent us and reside in our pain. This symbol and representation of sadness can appear anytime. Since it is so tied to life itself, we are often surprised when laughter breaks spontaneously through tears. (46) + +The humanity we witness often causes us to laugh at ourselves, but never mistake laughing through tears as a reason to feel guilty. It is the life we have, mixed with the sadness we feel. It is a fail-safe mechanism we have for managing the pain. (46) + +“Everyone has to grab their own tissues.” – when someone hands them a box of tissues – while this may be an act of comfort, it often sends the message “hurry and stop crying.” Also, if we go into the role of caretaker, we avoid our own emotions. (46) + +The truth is that tears are a symbol of life and can be trusted. (46) + +Acceptance of death is part of the work that must be done if we are to grieve fully. If crying is part of our outer culture or inner sadness and we have tears to cry, then we should use this wonderful gift of healing without hesitation. (47) + +Long periods of denial are worse than crying. Crying is much better, but you have to cry your own tears because no one can do it for you. If you see someone else crying and you cry, it is triggering some sadness you feel inside. Sometimes you’d rather cry for any situation but your own, but regardless of your preferences, you are always crying for yourself. (47) + +Tears are a way to process through our grief and a healing balm to our hurting soul. In our culture, people try to refrain from crying or medicate themselves to prevent them from crying. This will cause them more pain later and more emotional difficulties. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for the gift of tears which help us to process our own grief. Please bring the healing our souls need when the pain that death brings comes to our life. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfad964342 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Cry Grief Away +startDate: 04/11/2025 +endDate: 04/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/12-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/12-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79d07a4c2c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/12-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: Talk Grief Away +date: 04/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Job 10:1 NKJV) "My soul loathes my life; I will give free course to my complaint, I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. + +### Observation + +Bildad, the Shuhite, one of Job’s friends who came to be with him in his sorrow, attempted to “correct” Job and to show him where he was wrong. Job responds from the depths of his pain. + +### Application + +In talking about “The Inner World of Grief,” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross encourages those in bereavement to talk about their grief and to talk about their loss and their loved one who is no longer with them. I will quote her words: THE STORY + +When your loved one became sick, there were medical visits, case histories, and physical tests. Then they found the lump and your world immediately began to change. (62) + +Now you sit alone remembering the story of your loss. You may find yourself retelling the story to friends and family. Immediately following the loss, everyone wants to know how it happened. You tell your tale through your sadness and tears. You talk about it after the funeral. When friends come to visit, you discuss the parts of the story you continue to grapple with, like “I didn’t see it coming,” or “They told us she was sick, but none of us realized just how sick she was.” (62) + +As time passes, however, you may see others grow weary of hearing the story, although you are not yet tired of telling it. You may not consciously notice this, but when you encounter people who haven’t heard it you are grateful to have their ear. (62) + +Telling the story is part of the healing of a traumatic event, no different from the trauma of large-scale disaster. (62) + +While you try to comprehend and make sense of something incomprehensible and your heart feels the pain of loss, your mind lags behind, trying to integrate something new into your psyche. It is something that moved too fast for your mind to understand. The pain is in your heart, while your mind lingers in the facts of the story, reenacting and recalling the scene of the crime against your heart. Your heart and mind are joined in one state, pain remembering pain. (63) + +Telling the story helps to dissipate the pain. Telling your story often and in detail is primal to the grieving process. You must get it out. Grief must be witnessed to be healed. Grief shared is grief abated. Support and bereavement groups are important, not only because they allow you to be with others who have experienced loss, but because they provide another forum for talking about the devastating events that befell your world. Tell your tale, because it reinforces that your loss mattered. (63) + +You will find the story changing over time; not necessarily what happened, but what part you focus on. Telling the story may also offer the opportunity for important feedback or information, as the listener may have missing pieces of the puzzle or insight you previously lack. (63) + +The stories we tell give meaning to the fact that our loved one died, which is why, in American Indian cultures, stories are given the highest priority. In fact, the function of the elderly is to tell the stories of the lives and deaths of the ancestors, the stories that keep their history alive. (64) + +Our stories contain an enormous amount of pain, sometimes too much for one person to handle. In sharing our story, we dissipate the pain little by little, giving a small drop to those we meet to disperse it along the way. (65) + +Sometimes a loss is so great, you need a larger platform. Sometimes people create videos, write stories about books. (65) + +Some speak about their losses to groups. (66) + +When someone is telling you their story over and over, they are trying to figure something out. There has to be a missing piece or they too would be bored. Rather than rolling your eyes and saying “there she goes again,” ask questions about parts that don’t connect. Be the witness and even the guide. Look for what they want to know. (66) + +When I worked or volunteered as a Hospice Chaplain, and later as a Grief and Bereavement Counselor, I reminded my families or clients what I once heard, that Pain Shared Is Pain Divided. When we talk about our loss, our pain, our loved ones, we are sharing the load with others who are stronger than we are at that point and who, hopefully, by listening can help us carry that heavy load until we are able to stand again on our own. + +I have been asked often by people who want to help their friends or loved ones who are terminally ill or who have experienced a loss (a relative, their job, their house, etc.) what they should say to them. They’re afraid to go visit their friend or loved one because, “I just don’t know what to say.” What I always tell them is, “The best thing you can do for them is not what you say but that you are willing to just listen.” + +Bildad, Job’s friend, got many things wrong, both about Job and about God. But the one thing he did get right were his words: “He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, And your lips with rejoicing” (Job 8:21 NKJV). There will be a time when your friends or loved ones are ready to listen to words of encouragement and hope, and they will appreciate you reminding them that death is not forever, that grief and pain are not forever, but that one day death, pain, and suffering will come to a permanent end. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You that while we experience pain in this life, it too will come to an end when Jesus comes. May He return soon so we can enjoy the peace and the happiness You intended from the beginning. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1430a811f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Talk Grief Away +startDate: 04/12/2025 +endDate: 04/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/13-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/13-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdf1958984 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/13-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: Better than Saying Anything +date: 04/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Job 14:12-15 NKJV) So man lies down and does not rise. Till the heavens are no more, They will not awake Nor be roused from their sleep. {13} "Oh, that You would hide me in the grave, That You would conceal me until Your wrath is past, That You would appoint me a set time, and remember me! {14} If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, Till my change comes. {15} You shall call, and I will answer You; You shall desire the work of Your hands. + +### Observation + +It is now time for Zophar, the third of Job’s consolation friends, to try to straighten him up. Job responds to his accusations by declaring that he feels there’s nothing he could do to fight God, if God were angry with Him. In chapter 13, verses 20-27 we can read his stirring, heart-felt prayer to God, opening his heart to Him. And then in chapter 14, he expounds as to his understanding of what happens when a person dies; here are a few examples of his theology of the state of the dead: + +10 But man dies and is laid away; Indeed he breathes his last And where is he? + +11 As water disappears from the sea, And a river becomes parched and dries up, + +12 So man lies down and does not rise. Till the heavens are no more, They will not awake Nor be roused from their sleep. + +21 His sons come to honor, and he does not know it; They are brought low, and he does not perceive it. + +He also expresses His hope in God and for the salvation He offers us all: My transgression is sealed up in a bag, And You cover my iniquity.(v.17) + +### Application + +It’s amazing how well-intentioned, yet heartless, Job’s friends are. They see their friend suffering through all of his losses, and yet instead of helping him through these tragedies, they assume the judgmental stand that wants to set people right and they set out to prove to Job that all he’s experiencing is the result of his own sin, and he would only repent, God might just forgive him. Their accusations do not bring any consolation to Job. In the same way, well-intentioned friends and relatives feel compelled to say something to their loved ones or friends who are terminally ill or who have lost a loved one, and at times use old cliches or explanations that do nothing to alleviate the pain. The result may be more pain, more confusion, or if they are fortunate enough, they may not even remember what has been said. When you think of it, no explanation, no matter how good or theologically correct it may be, can take away a person’s pain. What good is it to say to a mother who’s lost their child in a tragic accident, “God has a plan for you”? Or how does it help someone dying of a terminal illness, “I know how you feel”? Or how can it possibly help your widowed friend to hear the words, “One day you may find somebody else who’ll make you happy again”? + +Several years ago I wrote an article which was published by the Adventist Review giving practical steps to take to help a friend or loved one who is dying of a terminal illness. Here are the suggestions I offered: + +1. The ministry of presence. Most people feel uncomfortable, maybe even afraid, to talk about death and dying. Therefore, when they hear that a friend, loved one, coworker, or schoolmate has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, they stay away. In reality, what you say is not what matters to the terminally ill person or their family, but rather the fact that you cared enough to come be with them. However, respect their privacy and always call beforehand. If they are in a hospital, you must not only respect visiting hours but also be conscious of the fact that those visiting hours may be the only time the family gets to spend with their loved ones. Make your visits brief. + +2. Listen. More important than what you say is how much you listen. While most people's greatest fear is not knowing what to say, if you go prepared to listen and let the terminally ill lead in the conversation, you might find that death is not all that's on their mind. They just want someone to talk to. + +3. Empathize, don't proselytize. If the person who is dying does not share your beliefs, this is not the time to try to convert them to your belief system; to do so may cause more anxiety than assurance. For instance, several of my patients talked about going to heaven after their death. Rather than lecturing on the state of the dead, I would say something like "As Christians we have a special hope, don't we?" or "That's a comforting thought, isn't it?" + +4. Offer practical help. Many people take the easy way out at the end of a visit with the standard offer "If there's anything I can do, just let me know." The reality is that during these difficult times the challenge for the patient includes thinking about what needs to be done or asking someone to do it. It would be better to offer to do specific things for them--mow the lawn, wash clothes, or run errands such as grocery shopping. Sometimes an offer to stay with the person who is ill to relieve the caregiver for a few hours can be the welcome help they need. + +5. Watch for special events. People who are terminally ill seem to have control over when, where, and how they die. One of my patients waited until the day after his daughter's birthday, and the night he died he was so restless that his wife decided to sleep in the living room. When she woke up the next morning, he was dead. He had chosen not to die before or on his daughter's birthday, and he didn't want his wife to see him die. Others wait for loved ones' or their own birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baptisms, weddings, and other special occasions. Be aware of this fact as it may help you get an idea of when they might die. + +6. Fear of dying or of death. One of my patients told me he was afraid. I asked him if he was afraid of death or of dying. He said, "I'm not afraid of death; I just don't want to die in pain." Most people are afraid of the dying process, and not of death itself. In his case I assured him that we in hospice would do all in our power to keep him comfortable and without pain or discomfort. That assurance helped him relax and enjoy the last few days of his life. If the person you're visiting expresses such fears, clarify what the source of their fear is, and if they are uncomfortable or unable to answer, ask someone else who may be better able to answer. + +7. Help them to die in peace. In hospice we have learned that those patients who struggle the most in their dying process seem to be the ones who have strained relationships with someone. It may help them to ask, "Is there someone you would like to see or talk to?" Offer to contact the person they'd like to speak with. If the other person is not willing to speak with the terminally ill patient, you can facilitate the expression of their feelings by offering options such as, "If you could talk to them, what would you tell them?" You may offer to help them write a letter that they can then choose to mail or burn, thus symbolizing their having taken the step of reconciliation. Many patients wait to die until after they see someone they care about, so you could offer to help make the contact. + +Another way to help them die in peace is to pray for and with them. The medical field has come to recognize the benefits of praying for those who are ill. We need not feel the obligation to pray for healing; it does not reveal a lack of faith, but recognition of the inevitable. When I pray with and for members or patients who are terminally ill, I pray for comfort and peace, courage and strength, hope and renewal of love for themselves and for their loved ones. + +### Instruments of Peace + +Dying can be a difficult and painful experience, or a special memory for their loved ones. You can be instrumental in making it as comfortable and comforting as possible by carefully doing for them what they need as they write the last chapter in their earthly life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to be such instruments in Your hands that we may bring Your comfort, not so much by what we say but rather by what we do to help those experiencing illness, sadness, or pain. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7f1a2d2fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Better than Saying Anything +startDate: 04/13/2025 +endDate: 04/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/14-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/14-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ce6ea13a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/14-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Stumbling Block to Passion and Romance +date: 04/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Job 19:17 NKJV) My breath is offensive to my wife, And I am repulsive to the children of my own body. + +### Observation + +While Job’s friends continue trying to convince him of his wrongdoing and si and to get him to repent and seek God’s favor, Job defends himself from their accusations and pleading with God to defend him. We know he has not despaired because he pronounces some of the most beautiful, faith-filled words ever written: For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth; {26} And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, {27} Whom I shall see for myself, And my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27 NKJV) + +In our text for today we read of Job’s sadness that even the close relationship with his family has been affected by the smell coming from his body and from his breath. + +### Application + +Willard Harley, in his book His Needs, Her Needs, talks about the ten most important emotional needs of men and of women. He says that in general terms, men have the same five emotional needs, and women have the same emotional needs, although men’s emotional needs are in general not the same as those of women. + +Understanding that, Harley says that one of the five most important emotional needs of men is Physical Attractiveness, by which he means That the wife should keep physically fit with diet and exercise and wear hair and clothing in a way that her husband finds attractive and tasteful. He also explains that if the attractiveness of your spouse makes you feel great, and loss of that attractiveness would make you feel very frustrated, you should include physical attractiveness in your list of important emotional needs. + +Among the various aspects of physical attractiveness, weight generally gets the most attention. While physical attractiveness can’t endure as the basis for a relationship, it does meet certain strong needs that some people have. + +Another area where physical attractiveness can derail romance and passion in marriage is personal hygiene. Even Job declares that “my breath is offensive to my wife,” which many women could identify with. No wonder some couple may share a quick kiss, but the passionate kisses they shred while dating are probably nonexistent and the passion it accompanied has left long ago. Other simple personal hygiene problems are showering or bathing daily, the use of deodorant, brushing your teeth, flossing them, and having them cleaned at the dentist regularly, shaving, wearing clean clothes. While all of these seem so logical, so many seem to forget how important they are I order to maintain passion and romance in their relationship. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to maintain cleanliness of our bodies, not just for health reasons, but also that we may be able to maintain a healthy, passionate relationship with our spouse + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8c0121313 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Stumbling Block to Passion and Romance +startDate: 04/14/2025 +endDate: 04/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/15-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/15-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a72ca9d888 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/15-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: Love Lifts Up the Load +date: 04/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So they went up from Egypt and came to their father Jacob in the land of Canaan. 26They told him, “Joseph is still alive and he is ruler over all the land of Egypt!” Jacob almost fainted, for he did not believe them. 27But when they related to him everything Joseph had said to them, and when he saw the wagons that Joseph had sent to transport him, their father Jacob’s spirit revived. 28Then Israel said, “Enough! My son Joseph is still alive! I will go and see him before I die.” (Genesis 45:25-28 NET) + +### Observation + +After testing the motives of their hearts and being satisfied, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and tells them to bring his father and to all come together to live in the land of Goshen because the famine would last five more years. He then sends them back loaded with food and goods and carts to bring all their possessions and Jacob as soon as possible. When the brothers arrive in Canaan, immediately they tell Jacob about Joseph. There are several things about this story that are interesting: + +1. In 44:28, Joseph finds out for the first time what story their brothers had told Jacob about his fate – that he had been torn to pieces. + +2. Since Benjamin was also present, it might have been the first time he himself had heard the truth about what they had done to his brother Joseph. + +3. In our passage for today, although it is not directly mentioned but rather implied, they had to confess to Jacob about what happened or what they did to Joseph and revealed that their story and Joseph’s robe torn and dipped in blood was made up by them to hide the fact they had sold him as a slave. + +Jacob’s reaction was twofold: + +1. Jacob almost fainted. This expression in the original Hebrew means “his heart was numb,” meaning that he was stunned by the unbelievable news and was unable to respond, as if he were dead. + +2. When Jacob heard it all and saw the physical evidence – the carts, etc., his heart was revived. It was “emotional CPR.” + +3. Jacob heard enough of their story and put a stop to it so they would not delay their trip and he could see Joseph before he’d die. + +### Application + +We know that Reuben’s reaction when he did not find Joseph in the well was sorrow. We don’t know at which point the ten began to feel that what they had done was wrong, but I imagine that seeing Jacob suffer for the loss of his son might have touched their hearts deeply. From then on, and for the intervening years until they met Joseph face to face, they carried this burden of unconfessed sin. Now, having confessed their sin, though unknowingly, to Joseph, and before Benjamin, once Joseph revealed to them who he was the first reaction might have been fear, but the next reaction might have been relief, not only that Joseph was not angry with them, but that they didn’t have to carry that burden of secrecy within and among them any longer. + +The next challenge was to confess to their father what they had done and said. At first they were probably scared that they might have scared their father to death, but once his spirit revived, that burden of guilt was once again removed, this time for good. + +Confession is always good. Willard Harley speaks of total honesty in a relationship, which includes emotional and historical honesty. That means that there may be times when we have said or done something with our spouse or our family being unaware of it, and we carry that burden of secrecy with us. What happens, however, is that the secret builds up a barrier in our communication, in our emotional bond, in our intimacy, which may widen with time and therefore we cannot enjoy the true closeness we long for and need in order to have a fulfilling relationship and in order to be protected from falling again into the same mistake or others worse. Why not confess and be completely honest and transparent. Dishonesty, according to Harley, is one of the five “Love Busters” that destroy relationships. Honesty, on the other hand, is one of the ten emotional needs that we as men and women have and without which our relationship suffers. And pray that your spouse will be as gracious and forgiving as Joseph and Jacob were with the ten formerly jealous siblings. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, give us the strength to confess our faults to one another and to be completely honest with each other, that we may enjoy the same transparency Adam and Eve had, the same openness that You desire for us as a couple. And if our spouse confesses their faults, may we be gracious and forgiving, and also thankful that they were willing to be open rather than live in a world of secrecy. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55672856c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love Lifts Up the Load +startDate: 04/15/2025 +endDate: 04/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/16-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/16-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2f04623de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/16-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Restoring a Marriage after Adultery +date: 04/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry And children of harlotry. (Hosea 1:2, NKJV) + +### Observation + +God tells the prophet Hosea to marry Gomer, who was a harlot, and to adopt her children, born to other fathers. The lesson in this book, and through Hosea’s experience, is that of God, who chooses to be our “husband, even though we have turned our backs on Him and committed adultery with His enemy. + +### Application + +I am sometimes asked if there is hope for a marriage after there has been adultery in their midst. They will cite Jesus who said that the only acceptable cause for divorce would be adultery. The first thing we must understand is that while Jesus said that adultery is justification for divorce, He did not say that if there is adultery the couple must divorce. + +I do believe that even while there has been adultery in marriage the relationship can be saved. I have personally known of couples, and have worked with some couples, where one o both have had extra marital affairs but they have been able to stay together, heal their relationship, and go on to have a very good, healthy, strong marriage. How can this happen? Several things need to take place: + +1. There must be total openness and disclosure, at least as much as the injured party is prepared to hear. Any secrets will simply lead to another fall. Willard Harley, author of the books “His Needs, Her Needs,’ and “Love Busters” (among others) advocates the policy of Radical Honesty which involves past Honesty (anything in our past must be reveal to our spouse, or future spouse), Present Honesty, Emotional Honesty, and Future Honesty. + +2. Forgiveness must take place. Forgiveness is not an event but rather a journey. This journey includes feeling the pain, and even hatred, until harmony is restored. Depending on the depth of the injury, the healing make take some time. + +3. Recommitment to God and to the marriage covenant. This may be a public or a private commitment, but it is important to have a new beginning. + +4. Trust must be rebuilt. Like with forgiveness, this may take some time. As long as a partner will not trust their spouse there will not be in that relationship the feeling of intimacy needed to maintain a healthy relationship and therefore there exists the danger of failure and a fall again. + +5. Accountability. The partner who sinned must rely on their spouse and others to serve as accountability partners; this will help him/her to make sure another fall will not occur. + +6. Complete cleansing. Put a complete end to any relationship with the person or people with whom they sinned and also remove any temptations from their life. This may mean changing jobs or even moving, changing phone numbers, etc. It may also include limiting internet access by placing filters, giving the spouse all passwords, changing cell phone plans to limit access to the internet, etc. The smallest opening to sin may lead to another fall. + +7. Rebuilding their marriage. It is obvious that there were things lacking in the relationship which led to one or both of the partners to seek another relationship outside their marriage. The couple must become intentional in strengthening their marriage by praying individually and together daily, going to a marriage counselor who may help them discover the underlying problems in their marriage, attending marriage retreats and conferences, reading marriage and relationship books together, discussing their content, and applying the principles they learned to their relationship, etc. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, while we don’t ever want to fail in our marriage covenant, help us to forgive and to do all in our power to keep our marriage together even if or when a moral failure takes place. May Your grace and forgiveness give us the courage and the strength to rebuild our relationship for the sake of our children and for Your honor and glory. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7071856ce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Restoring a Marriage after Adultery +startDate: 04/16/2025 +endDate: 04/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/17-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/17-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd5ac6e30d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/17-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Noah Saves His Family +date: 04/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (Genesis 6:8, NKJV). . . Then the LORD said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation. (Genesis 7:1, NKJV) + +### Observation + +The world before the flood had become totally corrupted so that Moses goes to great lengths to describe it: “every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5, NKJV). + +Ellen White describes in greater detail some of what the antediluvians were doing to cause such sorrow to God. “In the green fields and under the shadow of the goodly trees they set up the altars of their idols. Extensive groves, that retained their foliage throughout the year, were dedicated to the worship of false gods. With these groves were connected beautiful gardens, their long, winding avenues overhung with fruit-bearing trees of all descriptions, adorned with statuary, and furnished with all that could delight the senses or minister to the voluptuous desires of the people, and thus allure them to participate in the idolatrous worship” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 91). They also practiced polygamy (PP 91), and human sacrifices (PP 99). + +It was in the midst of this decaying culture that Noah “was the only person who lived right and obeyed God” (Genesis 6:9, CEV), or as the NKJV puts it, “Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.” In spite of his righteousness and the power of his message of warning, not one single person accepted his call to salvation even after 120 years of preaching, except for his own wife, their three sons, and their wives. + +### Application + +The first thing that strikes me about Noah is that many would consider him a total failure. I don’t know of a church that would employ a pastor who never brought even one person to the point of salvation. To be fair, though, there were some who believed Noah’s message but who died before the flood began. Ellen White writes, “Amid the prevailing corruption, Methuselah, Noah, and many others labored to keep alive the knowledge of the true God and to stay the tide of moral evil. . . Enoch had repeated to his children what God had shown him in regard to the Flood, and Methuselah and his sons, who lived to hear the preaching of Noah, assisted in building the ark” (PP 92). + +However, when all was said and done, only Noah’s family believed enough to enter the ark. This are the encouraging works to every parent: “Noah's warnings had been rejected by the world, but his influence and example resulted in blessings to his family. As a reward for his faithfulness and integrity, God saved all the members of his family with him. What encouragement to parental fidelity!” (PP 98). Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, he was righteous, and he obeyed God. It was that life, lived under the shadow of the Almighty, which singled him to be God’s spokesman to a dying world. But most importantly, he became the instrument of salvation for his own family. Though no one hear and accept our message that the world is again coming to an end, I pray our own family will be saved not because of our “preaching,” but because of the way we live before God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to live in such a way that our children will be saved because they see You reflected in us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8bf549fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Noah Saves His Family +startDate: 04/17/2025 +endDate: 04/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/18-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/18-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4dd8700887 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/18-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: One Husband and One Wife +date: 04/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a fitting helper for him.” (Gen. 2:18 - _Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures_. Jewish Publication Society) + +### Observation + +Man’s fulfillment requires companionship. As a talmudic rabbi observes about v. 18, “Even though a man has several sons, it is forbidden to him to be without a wife” (_b. Yebam._ 61b). The Lord’s creation of woman from man emphasizes the close connection between them and lays the groundwork for the understanding of marriage (and its association with procreation) in v. 24. The creation of the woman after the man and from a part of his body need not imply the subordination of women to men. According to Ramban (Namanides, a great 13th-century Spanish rabbi), the point of v. 24 is that men are to be different from the males of the animal world, who mate and move on to the next partner: A man “wishes [his wife] to be with him always.” Promiscuity is thus a degradation of God’s intentions in creating human beings male and female. It is interesting that although polygamy is amply attested in the Tanakh, v. 24 indicates that the ideal, Edenic condition is monogamy (see also Mal. 2:14–16; Prov. 5:15–23).[_ The Jewish Study Bible_. 2004 (A. Berlin, M. Z. Brettler & M. Fishbane, Ed.) (16). New York: Oxford University Press.] + +### Application + +When God created Eve, His plan was not that the man and the woman would be in competition for supremacy; that came as a result of sin. God’s plan was that they would be equally in His image and that they would serve one another, a principle stated later by Paul in Ephesians 5:21 where he wrote, “submitting to one another in the fear of God.” + +The Jewish commentators cited above make a very interesting point, and worth emphasizing again: According to Ramban (Namanides, a great 13th-century Spanish rabbi), the point of v. 24 is that men are to be different from the males of the animal world, who mate and move on to the next partner: A man “wishes [his wife] to be with him always.” Promiscuity is thus a degradation of God’s intentions in creating human beings male and female. + +From the beginning, God intended that one man and one woman would make up the marital dyad. A multiplicity of spouse (polygamy), or even a series of spouses (serial monogamy), was not God’s intention, even if it was permitted for some and for some time. God’s best plan for us as individuals is to be married only to one other individual, and that for a lifetime. + +Ellen White makes a most sublime observation when she writes: “God Himself gave Adam a companion. He provided ‘an help meet for him’--a helper corresponding to him--one who was fitted to be his companion, and who could be one with him in love and sympathy (The Adventist Home, p.25). Marriage, as God designed it, was to bring two people so close together that they would not simply feel for the other (empathy), but feel with the other (sympathy). + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for designing marriage of one man and one woman as Your ideal, knowing that it would be best for both and for our family. Help us to have love and sympathy one for the other and to be the true helpmate you designed for us to be. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b4d7a3475 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: One Husband and One Wife +startDate: 04/18/2025 +endDate: 04/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/19-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/19-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ddfcd12d97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/19-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: In-laws or Out-laws? +date: 04/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> When Esau was forty years old, he took as wives Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite. 35 And they were a grief of mind to Isaac and Rebekah. (Genesis 26:34-35 NKJV) + +### Observation + +_**Esau… took to wife**_—If the pious feelings of Abraham recoiled from the idea of Isaac forming a matrimonial connection with a Canaanitish woman [Ge 24:3], that devout patriarch himself would be equally opposed to such a union on the part of his children; and we may easily imagine how much his pious heart was wounded, and the family peace destroyed, when his favorite but wayward son brought no less than two idolatrous wives among them—an additional proof that Esau neither desired the blessing nor dreaded the curse of God. These wives never gained the affections of his parents, and this estrangement was overruled by God for keeping the chosen family aloof from the dangers of heathen influence. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). _Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible_ (Ge 26:34). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +**_Which were a grief of mind._** These two women, as the Hebrew clearly indicates, became literally, “a bitterness of spirit” to Esau’s parents. Their perverse and evil ways, their idolatrous religion, and their unspiritual and frivolous disposition brought heartache to Isaac and Rebekah. This sad world knows no greater grief than that which children can bring. [_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 1_. 1978 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (374). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Parents often have conflict with their children over their potential mate, particularly if it’s one whose beliefs and lifestyle are contrary to the way they brought their children. Shakespeare immortalized this conflict it in Romeo and Juliet. This drama is one of the major themes in the Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof. + +Fortunately, there are less drastic solutions than the romantic death scene in Romeo and Juliet. Like Tevye in Fiddler or Robert in Downton Abbey, there are parents who eventually accept their adult children’s choices and even give their blessing. But it takes work and willingness. It doesn’t happen by magic or by argument. Articles in PsychCentral.com provides several suggestions to help you negotiate through these troubled waters: + +1. Don’t meet criticism with criticism but instead, be compassionate and understanding. +2. Don’t meet parental disapproval with defensiveness and argument; instead, respond to their concerns with respect and clarity. +3. Don’t keep your relationship a secret. Instead, make sure both of you agree about compromises in order to be together. +4. Don’t use your partner to make a political point, to educate your parents, or to give yourself an ally. Instead, be clear about your own motives. +5. Don’t take a side – your potential mate or your mother’s. Instead, do your best to negotiate compromises, understanding, or at least respectful disagreement. + +Parents don’t want to lose you any more than you want to lose them. They are afraid of not just breaking the relationship they have with you but that you will break your relationship with God. I’m sure that was part of what brought grief to the heart of Isaac and Rebekah. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, bless our children that them may choose a mate who has the same principles, values, and beliefs in which we have brought them up, and bless us that we may always have a close, positive relationship with them and their chosen spouse. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c7a6519d20 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: In-laws or Out-laws? +startDate: 04/19/2025 +endDate: 04/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/20-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/20-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cade90a5cd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/20-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: A Handsome Child +date: 04/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So the woman conceived and bore a son. And when she saw that he _was_ a beautiful _child,_ she hid him three months. (Ex.2:2, NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_A goodly child._** Even as a babe Moses gave evidence of the keen intellect, emotional stability, and also the physical perfection that marked his later years. All of this is implied in the Hebrew word translated “goodly.” Jochebed saw in these qualities a token of divine approval, which she took as a sign that God had marked out some special task for him. According to Acts 7:20 he was, literally, “attractive [“beautiful,” RSV] to God.” This is rendered in the KJV as “exceeding fair.” Jochebed would of course have loved and protected Moses even if he had not been so “goodly” a child, for mothers often devote their deepest love to weak and sickly children. However, Jochebed’s efforts to preserve the life of Moses are praised in Heb. 11:23 as an act of faith, and this implies awareness on her part that God had destined him for an important role and would therefore intervene to preserve his life. This, however, does not necessarily confirm a statement by the Jewish historian Josephus (_Antiquities_ ii. 9. 3) that it had been revealed to Amram before the birth of the child that he was appointed to be the savior of Israel. (_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 1_. 1978 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (501). Review and Herald Publishing Association.) + +### Application + +Every time I read the words of today’s text I find it interesting that Jochebed saw that her son, Moses, was handsome. What mother doesn’t think their child is handsome? Well, in a poll of 1000 parents in the United Kingdom revealed their feelings and reactions when they first set eyes on their babies. Of the 18 per cent who admitted being disappointed by the looks of their child, more than half had discussed their feelings with their partners but only eight per cent said they had spoken to anyone else about it. Instead it seems the vast majority suffer their disappointment in silence, choosing to put on the brave face society expects. + +A spokesman for the company that conducted the survey explained that as human beings we are wired to love our babies and the poll overwhelmingly supports the theory that we all fall in love with our children at first sight. At the same time, loving your baby doesn't have to mean that you think he/she is beautiful. It appears that every parent feels a pressure to say their new baby is beautiful but only four out of five actually believe it. And yet, the remaining fifth who secretly feel their baby is ugly don't love them any less and may even feel the need to spoil them more than they would a good looking baby. + +Were you a little disappointed with your child’s look when you first laid eyes on him/her? Maybe that has to do with the world’s idea of what constitutes a beautiful baby. We have seen the “Gerber” baby on so many baby food jars, posters, and commercials that we expect ours to look just like that. But the reality is that our children are beautiful because they are ours. . . and they are God’s children. At first, many children are a bit “disfigured” as a result of the trauma of going through the birth canal, or when they are premature, but with time their head assumes the proper shape, they fill up with normal baby fat, and act more and more like these precious little creatures, looking so much like us, and we fall in love with them more and more every day. Love your child, no matter what your first feelings about their looks may be. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for our children, your gift to us. May they experience our love toward them in the same way we experience Your love toward us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd6265bfa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Handsome Child +startDate: 04/20/2025 +endDate: 04/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/21-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/21-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ba41baa78 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/21-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: God Is Not Finished Yet! +date: 04/21/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won't stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6 (CEV) + +### Observation + +**a good work**—Any work that God begins, He will surely finish (1Sa 3:12). Not even men begin a work at random. Much more the fact of His beginning the work is a pledge of its completion (Is 26:12). So as to the particular work here meant, the _perfecting of their fellowship in the Gospel_ (Php 1:5; Ps 37:24; 89:33; 138:8; Jn 10:28, 29; Jn 10:28, 29, Ro 8:29, 35–39 Heb 6:17–19; Jam 1:17; Jud 1:24). As God cast not off Israel for ever, though chastening them for a time, so He will not cast off the spiritual Israel (De 33:3; Is 27:3; 1Pe 1:5). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). _Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible_ (Php 1:6). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Growth takes time and yet, as parents we often expect perfection in our children overnight. It is far too easy to forget that He is not finished yet. As adults we struggle with certain behaviors and continue to grow and mature spiritually throughout our lifetime. Remember, the text for today tells me that the work God is doing in my life will not be complete until the day that Jesus returns to take me home with Him. Why is it that we want our children to overcome their challenges and we want the change to happen NOW? + +Don't be impatient with your child. Focus on the positives. Look for areas where you see growth and take the time to affirm that in your child. If your child only hears about their faults they will become discouraged, develop poor self- esteem, and not be motivated to attempt new things for fear of failure. It is through failures that we all learn. It is only in falling that we learn how to get up. + +I'm thankful that I serve a God who never gives up on me. And, we should never give up on our children! The scripture verse also reminds me that "He won't stop." Christ keeps working on my heart and my attitudes day after day. He loves me and continually forgives me and allows me to start anew. Now, that's great news for us and for our children! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, please help me to exercise patience with my child. I trust You to finish the work that You have started in them, and in me. In the name of Jesus. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09497987f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Is Not Finished Yet! +startDate: 04/21/2025 +endDate: 04/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/22-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/22-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d0d9aa384 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/22-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Bless Your Children +date: 04/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So he blessed them that day, saying, “By you will Israel bless, saying, ‘May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.’” So he put Ephraim before Manasseh. (Genesis 48:22 NET) + +### Observation + +As Abraham and Isaac had done before, so now Jacob pronounces a blessing, this time on Joseph and his children, whom Jacob claims as his own and after whom two of the twelve tribes are named thereafter. A blessing on children was a custom in Bible times as fathers pronounced a blessing on their children, older people on younger people, and those recognized as being in authority over others under them. It was this custom what led mothers to bring their children to be blessed by Jesus. By their act, they recognized Him as someone worthy of respect, as someone with authority, and as someone whose blessing on their children would be a spacial mark and privilege. + +### Application + +It seems like we have abandoned the practice of blessing our children for fear that we may be taking on God’s role or that we may be imitating other faith communities that do practice it. Since it is a biblical practice, there’s nothing wrong in implementing it. The question might not be if we should do it, but rather when and how. As to the when, if a parent begins early enough, their children will grow up hearing it and therefore will not be uncomfortable with it. As I was growing up, it was custom in our family that whenever we left home or ended a phone conversation with our mother, we would ask for her blessing, and her common response was to say “God bless you, my child.” To this day, as an adult and after more than seven years since her death, I miss hearing her say those words. So, a blessing may be pronounced when you part company, when your children leave for school or work, when you end a phone conversation, e-mail, or text message, or before they go to sleep. As to the how, the context may be a situation they may be dealing with, a blessing for protection, or on their studies, or for them and their children, etc. Maybe this would be a good time to revive this beautiful biblical practice. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, bless our children today, wherever they may be and whatever they may be doing. Protect them, and may they sense Your presence in their lives and turn to You, at this moment, as we think about them. Grant them Your forgiveness and Your grace, and may they too enjoy the gift of eternal life in Jesus. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..821aa4dabe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bless Your Children +startDate: 04/22/2025 +endDate: 04/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/23-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/23-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49500d1a4a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/23-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: No More "Fix It" Lists to God +date: 04/23/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers." Philemon 1:4 (NASB) + +### Observation + +**_My prayers._** Sharing with God the joys and sorrows of life as friend to friend, is prayer at its best. Again, Paul reminds Philemon of the deep respect and gratitude the apostle feels toward him. Tactfully, Paul prepares the way for Philemon to accord Onesimus a kindly reception. There is an abundance of encouragement in the certain knowledge that a beloved and respected friend is praying for us, that this friend has full confidence in our integrity and sanctified judgment (see vs. 5–7). Such is the assurance that Paul gives Philemon. 9_ The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (379). Review and Herald Publishing Association) + +### Application + +Do you see your child as a gift from God? He has entrusted you with one of the greatest treasures you will ever own. Yet, do our words regard them as such? If we were to take an inventory perhaps we would be surprised at how often we speak in ways that are to the contrary. + +Focusing on the negative is an easy trap to fall in to. Complaining and griping is one of Satan's tactics that all too often work. Do you often find yourself speaking negatively about your child? It is easy to make our daily prayers look more like a "fix it" list. That list becomes long as we spend prayer time asking God to "fix" our children and our spouse. We gladly hand God His "to do" list every day. Our prayers ascend to the heavenly throne and sound like this... "Lord, fix John's grumbling, make Katie quit fighting with her little sister, help Michael study harder and make better grades, and please let Susie sleep through the night. " + +When was the last time that you devoted prayer time exclusively to thanking God for each member of your family? Mention them by name and thank God for specific things about each one. And, don't forget to tell them too. Knowing that you have been a praise on someone's prayer list can be powerful. By focusing on the positives our daily "fix it" lists to God can become times of thanksgiving and praise. " Lord, thank you for John's ability to see things that need changing, thank you that little Katie can stand up for herself when she sees injustice, thank you that Michael enjoys being out in your creation, and thank you for little Susie's energy. " + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, thank you for (insert your child's name). Thank You for the awesome priviledge of being his/her parent. Thank you for the gifts such as (be specific and list positives). In the name of Jesus. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac4c2b6833 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: No More "Fix It" Lists to God +startDate: 04/23/2025 +endDate: 04/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/24-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/24-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01fbf27246 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/24-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Let Go and Let God +date: 04/24/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_care_**—“anxiety? The advantage flowing from _humbling ourselves under God’s hand_ (1 Pe 5:6) is confident reliance on His goodness. Exemption from care goes along with humble submission to God. + +**_careth for you_**—literally “_respecting_ you.” Care is a burden which faith casts off the man on his God. Compare Ps 22:10; 37:5; 55:22, to which Peter alludes; Lu 12:22, 37; Php 4:6. + +**_careth_**—not so strong a _Greek_ word as the previous _Greek_ “anxiety.” [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). _Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible_ (1 Pe 5:7). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Do you have those days when the challenges of parenting seem too big to bear? Every day is not filled with hugs, teddy bears, and cuddles. There are days that are not how we envisioned- screaming, sibling rivalry, grumbling, spilled milk, dirty diapers, doctor appointments and sick kids. And, all of this must somehow fit into an already packed calendar. + +Even on those days when you feel that you are dealing with all of the parenting challenges alone, the good news is that you are not alone. Your Heavenly Father walks beside you. He sees the messes made. He hears the crying toddler. He knows the exact number of times that you have had to wipe runny noses, change diapers, and pick up toys left on the stairs. And, through it all, He promises to be with you. Yes, He is with you as you sit in the darkened nursery and try to rock a crying baby to sleep. He waits with you in the emergency room at the hospital while your child is burning with fever. + +You do not walk alone. No matter how dark the night or strong the storm, you have a forever companion. As you go throughout the day today, remember the words of our scriptural focus, "He cares for you." Cast those burdens and cares upon Him. He is willing and able to bear them for you. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, thank you for co-parenting with me. It is a joy to know that I will not face this day alone. I go forward knowing that You will walk beside me. Thank you for caring for me! In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80521bee3f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Let Go and Let God +startDate: 04/24/2025 +endDate: 04/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/25-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/25-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf70d03199 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/25-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Oh! Give Thanks +date: 04/25/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever" (1 Chronicles 16:34 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**16:34** **Oh give thanks to Yahweh** This verse is most likely adapted from Psa 106:1, although both refrains are common throughout the Psalms (Pss 107:1; 118:1; 136:1). See Psa 106:1 and note. + +**his loyal love is everlasting** This refrain acts as a repeated chorus in some Psalms (Pss 118:1–4; 136:1–26). [Barry, J. D., Grigoni, M. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Mangum, D., & Whitehead, M. M. (2012). _Faithlife Study Bible_ (1 Ch 16:34). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.] + +### Application + +Have you stopped to listen to your prayers lately? Are they characterized by long "to do" lists for God? As parents, it is easy to fall into this trap. We can quickly recite a long list of things for God to "fix" in our children. + +Don't allow the negative to overshadow the good. There is more good than bad but focusing on the bad prevents you from seeing the blessings that are right in front of you. That strong willed chichitchat gives you so much trouble now will be able to stand up to his/her peers later. So, give thanks! That child who talks non-stop may grow up to be a preacher. So, give thanks! That child who seems to have an argument for everything may stand before courts to argue for religious liberty one day. So, give thanks! What may seem like a negative trait today may be used by God for His purposes tomorrow. So, give thanks! + +When you are tempted to complain, think again. Give thanks instead. You will feel better and your family will also benefit from a more positive you. "Oh, give thanks to the Lord. For His mercy endures forever!" + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, thank you for the special gift you gave me in my child. Thank you for... ( make a list of all of the positive traits you see in your child. Be specific. Take this time to focus on what's right in them and give thanks to God). + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4354b3257 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Oh! Give Thanks +startDate: 04/25/2025 +endDate: 04/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/26-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/26-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..19b8010e35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/26-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Never Too Young to Minister +date: 04/26/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you..." (1 Timothy 4:12-14 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_Thy youth._** Timothy was probably not 40 years old, and yet would have numerous elders under his charge (see ch. 5:1, 17, 19). From ch. 4:12–16 some have concluded that Timothy was timid and reticent by nature, more given to obey than to command, and that Paul’s counsel here was intended to correct this supposed defect. Youth is no barrier to a rich spiritual fellowship with God, and old age is not a guarantee of sound thinking or complete dedication. Men, according to Paul, are to be judged by their sanctified abilities and not by arbitrary standards such as age. [_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (305–306). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +How many times have you told your child, "You are too young." Yes, there are things that may not be "age appropriate" for our child. But, the scriptural focus today is a strong reminder for us as parents. We are raising ministers! We cannot underestimate how God can use our little ones to bring others to Him. That child like innocence, honesty, and true love for Jesus can impact others in ways that adults cannot. This is one thing that they are not too young to do. Regardless of their age, they can use their gifts to witness to others. + +From a very young age, our little ones can be taught they can be a minister. Ministry should not be seen to be reserved for the pastor of the church or the deacons or elders only. Let them know that they can serve others too. Engage them in simple acts of kindness and service to others. + +Toddlers can make cheerful cards to give to a neighbor who is ill or to take to a nursing care facility. They can call or skype someone who may not be having a good day and sing an uplifting song. Older children can rake a neighbor's fallen leaves or shovel the snow from a driveway. Helping to make and deliver homemade cookies or bread can also be a ministry. + +Too small? Too young? Never! "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity... Do not neglect the gift that is in you..." (I Timothy 4:12-14 NKJV) + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Lord, help me to lead my child to be Your disciple. Use the gifts that You have given him/her to bring others to You. Help me to not overlook the gifts and potential that You have blessed my child with. In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b535da6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Never Too Young to Minister +startDate: 04/26/2025 +endDate: 04/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/27-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/27-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..993b2772d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/27-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Ministry Starts at Home +date: 04/27/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "To Titus, a true son in our common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. For this reason I left you in Crte, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you— if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination." (Titus 1:4-6 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_Titus._** Titus is not mentioned in the book of Acts. A few facts concerning him may be gathered from incidental references in the Pauline epistles. He was a Gentile Christian (Gal. 2:3), possibly a convert of Paul (Titus 1:4). He is first mentioned as accompanying Paul from Antioch to Jerusalem for the Jerusalem Council (Gal. 2:1–3; cf. Acts 14:26–28; 15:1–4); hence it is sometimes conjectured that he was a native of Antioch. Later he is associated with Paul during part of the apostle’s Third Missionary Journey (2 Cor. 2:13; 7:6, 13). The epistle to Titus informs us that he was left in Crete to set certain things in order and to organize churches there (ch. 1:5). The Cretan service was only temporary, for Titus was requested to join Paul at Nicopolis (ch. 3:12). Titus is last mentioned in 2 Tim. 4:10, where he is said to have gone to Dalmatia. [_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (359). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +It is interesting to note that Paul, when stating the qualifications for deacons and elders in the early church, started on the home front. He did not make a high standing in the community, or elevated position on the career ladder as a qualifier. Instead, of far greater importance was what was happening behind the closed doors of the home. What were the relationships like within the home walls? What words described the husband/wife relationship? Were the children expected to be obedient? In essence, was the home a faithful witness of Jesus to others? + +I wonder if we have failed to realize that our homes are indeed major centers of evangelism. Evangelistic opportunities abound. And, what happens outside the church often speaks louder of Jesus than what happens behind the pulpit. Others are watching us. They see our interactions with family members in the grocery store, at the gas station, and in restaurants. They notice as our family takes the time to hold hands, bow heads, and say a prayer of thanksgiving in the restaurant. They see the husband open the door for his wife in the parking lot. And, they hear the tone of our voices as we speak to our little ones. + +What message are we telling the world through our families? Would our homes stand up to this test? Do your neighbors know that Jesus is the center of your home? Jesus should not be a hidden guest in our homes. He should have a place of honor. He should be invited to go with our families wherever we go. Others should see Him as we reflect Him in our homes and family interactions. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, may my home be an evangelistic center. may my neighbors, friends, and family members see You. May it testify of Your mercy, Your love, Your forgiveness, and Your grace. In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36e7702c97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Ministry Starts at Home +startDate: 04/27/2025 +endDate: 04/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/28-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/28-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2eae55a7ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/28-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Keep Me From Stumbling +date: 04/28/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen." (Jude 1:24, 25 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_Now._** In concluding his letter Jude turns from the false teachers and their prototypes and directs his readers’ attention to the ineffable glory of the Lord. This doxology closely parallels that of Rom. 16:25–27 (see comment there). + +**_Unto him that is able._** The same Greek words are translated “to him that is of power” in Rom. 16:25 (see comment there and on Eph. 3:20). + +**_Keep you._** A vivid picture of the Lord’s constant care for His children. + +**_From falling._** The one who accepts God’s guardianship can live above sin (cf. on 1 John 3:6, 9). + +**_To present._** The climax of God’s keeping comes when the believer stands without fear in the divine presence, on the day of judgment (cf. on 1 John 2:28). By the enabling grace of Christ the Christian lives with a confident belief in God’s power to keep him from falling into sin and to enable him, eventually, to stand spotless and unashamed in the divine presence. [_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (710–711). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Have you ever felt at your wits end? You have taken all you can and you feel like you are going to explode! Take heart because help is promised. When you have reached the brink, ask for His help and patience. Ask that He give you the response that would glorify His name. + +We have all been guilty of doing the opposite. Our tempers often get the best of us and even as the words are exiting our mouths we experience regret. The good news in those tin is to remember that God is there to help us get up again. With His help we can keep walking forward and lean on Him to prevent from stumbling again. When you have stumbled, don't be too hard on yourself. Ask God to forgive and ask your spouse or children to do the same. Even these times of stumbling can be opportunities to give powerful spiritual lessons to our children of God's forgiveness and of His willingness to help us from falling again. + +Remember, in our struggles we are not alone. We have a promised partnership with God. Claim that promise today and walk with your hand in His. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, keep me from stumbling today. Give me patience and help me to endure. Show me a better way, a better response. May I respond in ways that will glorify Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b4781ceaa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keep Me From Stumbling +startDate: 04/28/2025 +endDate: 04/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/29-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/29-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29b3c42820 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/29-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Death at Birth +date: 04/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> When you assist the Hebrew women in childbirth, observe at the delivery: if it is a boy, kill him, but if it is a girl, then she may live.” 17But the midwives feared God, and they did not do what the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live. (Exodus 1:16-17 NET) + +### Observation + +The Egyptians were worried that the Israelites would grow in umber so that they would become an overpowering majority, so they ordered the Egyptian midwives to kill the male babies born to Israelite women. The midwives, however, were God fearing women and did not obey those orders. As an aside, God rewarded the midwives for their actions. + +### Application + +So many look for reasons to excuse the objectionable, unethical, and immoral abuse and destruction of children under the guise of doing what’s best for others. The traffic of children continues around the world – children sold to a life of forced labor or to lives of physical and/or sexual abuse. Others excuse abortion on demand for the sake of the women who do not wish to have babies, for victims of incest or rape, or for unwanted pregnancies for teen mothers. In some countries the birth of a baby girl is frowned upon and in some places parents are penalized for having more than one child and particularly if they are girls using the excuse of wanted to control the population growth of their country and thus protecting the population in general. Majorities worry about the growth of minority groups who may one day overtake them to become the ruling group and thus they would excuse genocide in order to protect their culture, ideas, or way of life. + +We are called upon to protect and help our children, not to harm them, before or after birth. If children are a blessing from the Lord, how can we justify abortion on demand? And with so many childless couples, if someone has experienced an unexpected pregnancy, why not consider giving that child up for abortion instead of ending prematurely an innocent life. As much as God blessed the midwives for respecting the sanctity of life, so He blesses the people who respect the sanctity of life today by refusing to abort their child, even if unplanned. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, thank You for the gift of children. May we always be loving of them and may we respect the sanctity of life so that the consideration of abortion or abuse of children never be permitted, condoned, of encouraged in any way, through word or action. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dedfd34fe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Death at Birth +startDate: 04/29/2025 +endDate: 04/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/30-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/30-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c67cb3900 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/30-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: All Things New +date: 04/30/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelation 21:1-5 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_New._** Gr. _kainos_, “new” in quality as opposed to that which is worn or marred. Both occurrences of “new” in this verse are translations of _kainos_. _Neos_, also translated “new” in the NT (Matt. 9:17; 1 Cor. 5:7; Col. 3:10; etc.), refers to newness in point of time. By using the word _kainos_, John is probably emphasizing the fact that the new heavens and earth will be created from the purified elements of the old, and thus be new in quality, different. The new heavens and the new earth are, then, a re-creation, a forming anew of existing elements, and not a creation _ex nihilo_. Compare 2 Peter 3:13. [_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (889). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The scripture for today is filled with so many beautiful promises for today. It reminds me that this world is temporary. My challenges for today are not forever. The things that bring tears to my eyes here on this earth will not exist in heaven. A land of no tears, no pain, no death, and all things new gives me confidence and hope as I deal with life's challenges here on earth. This will pass away! + +Perhaps your heart aches as your little one cannot run like his/her classmates but in heaven they will race on the streets of gold. Maybe you have suffered the heartbreaking loss of a child. But, can you imagine that family reunion that awaits you in heaven? + +Keep your eyes fixed towards heaven. One day soon, He will make all things new! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, keep my eyes looking up and focused on you. I look forward to that day in heaven when all will be made new. My tears will be dried by your loving hand and my night will be turned in to an eternal day. Thank you for my heavenly home that is waiting for me. In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f7f23ed98 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: All Things New +startDate: 04/30/2025 +endDate: 04/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f394cf6ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/04-april-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: April 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/01-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/01-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1142dec54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/01-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: I Need to See You +date: 05/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Hear my prayer, O LORD, And let my cry come to You. Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble; Incline Your ear to me; In the day that I call, answer me speedily. For my days are consumed like smoke, And my bones are burned like a hearth. . . This will be written for the generation to come, That a people yet to be created may praise the LORD. Psalm 102:11-3, 8 + +### Observation + +Some think that David penned this psalm at the time of Absalom’s rebellion; others that Daniel, Nehemiah, or some other prophet, penned it for the use of the church, when it was in captivity in Babylon, because it seems to speak of the ruin of Zion and of a time set for the rebuilding of it, which Daniel understood by books, Dan. 9:2. Or perhaps the psalmist was himself in great affliction, which he complains of in the beginning of the psalm, but (as in Ps. 77 and elsewhere) he comforts himself under it with the consideration of God’s eternity, and the church’s prosperity and perpetuity, how much soever it was now distressed and threatened. But it is clear, from the application of v. 25, 26, to Christ (Heb. 1:10–12), that the psalm has reference to the days of the Messiah, and speaks either of his affliction or of the afflictions of his church for his sake. In the psalm we have, I. A sorrowful complaint which the psalmist makes, either for himself or in the name of the church, of great afflictions, which were very pressing (v. 1–11). II. Seasonable comfort fetched in against these grievances, 1. From the eternity of God (v. 12, 24, 27). 2. From a believing prospect of the deliverance which God would, in due time, work for his afflicted church (v. 13–22) and the continuance of it in the world (v. 28). In singing this psalm, if we have not occasion to make the same complaints, yet we may take occasion to sympathize with those that have, and then the comfortable part of this psalm will be the more comfortable to us in the singing of it. [Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: Complete and unabridged in one volume (888). Peabody: Hendrickson.] + +### Application + +A mud slide destroyed many homes and killed many people, in fact, it wiped out an entire community. A airliner crashed killing all its occupants and leaving many families grieving their loss. A child was diagnosed with terminal cancer and her life was cut short at the tender age of three. Three firefighters were killed fighting an apartment fire in a large city. A building collapsed killing many of its residents. Five soldiers were killed with a road-side bomb. + +We read, hear, or see stories like these almost every day in the news or online. We hear them so often that they lose their impact the more often they happen. It is as if we become immunized to the bad news a little at a time…until it happens to us or to someone we know personally. It’s one thing to hear of a plane crash, but it’s another to know one of the passengers. It’s one thing to hear of a police officer that was killed, but it’s another thing to have known him personally and attend his funeral. It’s one thing to hear of the young cancer victim, but it’s another thing to be her pastor, her parent, or her grandparent. + +For any one of us experiencing deep pain and sorrow David’s words become ours. While we’re going through the darkest moments in our lives it is as if God were not there. We cry out, “God, please, don’t hide from me in my pain!” But the psalmist words are also very encouraging. God is not hiding His face from us in our pain and sorrow. On the contrary, His face shines in our darkness, His warmth surrounds us when we feel alone, and at the end we will sing His praises. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for always being next to us in our pain and sorrow. We trust You and that one day we will be able to praise Your name and tell others of your love and encouragement during our darkest hours. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ebd660df6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Need to See You +startDate: 05/01/2025 +endDate: 05/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/02-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/02-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..592724bf05 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/02-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Anger Management +date: 05/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Psa 4:4 NKJV) Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah + +### Observation + +This is one of the first of David’s many psalms. It is a ple or prayer for safety for the faithful. + +### Application + +I chose to entitle my words today “Anger Management” and not “Anger Suppression,” “Anger Elimination,” “Denial of Anger,” “Absence of Anger,” or any other name that would indicate that anger should not exist. Anger is a normal emotion, one that even God experiences. And while God’s anger may be different than ours, it is still anger. David writes, “O LORD, do not rebuke me in Your anger, Nor chasten me in Your hot displeasure” (Psa 6:1 NKJV). + +We need to accept anger as a normal emotion; but we need to learn how to manage it in a healthy way so that it does not become sin, and so that it causes no harm to anyone. According to marriage researcher and therapist John Gottman, during the heat of an argument with their spouse husbands tend to “flood” faster. By flooding he means that the blood “rises to the head” and prevents more “rational” thinking. Maybe this explains why so much of anger in men develops into physical abuse. When some men feel anger rising, they retaliate against the person they feel is causing them to get that way – for instance, their wife. One of the things we recommend is that when either spouse begins to feel “flooded,” that they take a time out. The key, however, is to make sure there is a time limit to that time out as opposed to an open-ended break. For instance, as the discussion begins to heat up, the husband may say, “I need to take a time out; please give me an hour and we can sit down and talk about this and try to resolve it.” Gottman’s research shows that it takes at least twenty minutes for a person to calm down when they’re in the middle of a discussion (as measured by their body reactions such as pulse, heart rate, etc.). To simply walk away would cause more harm as the wife feels like the issue has not been resolved and is not being “stonewalled’ by her husband. But a timed time out can help both calm down, give them time to think about their own contribution to the issue at hand, and maybe come up with some possible solutions or compromises. + +May use relaxation techniques – breathing, going for a walk, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, listening to soft music, taking a warm shower, etc., to help them calm down before resuming the conversation. + +Denial or suppression of anger won’t make it go away and will cause more harm to the relationship than dealing with the issue in a constructive way. So go ahead and be angry, if the case warrants it, but deal with it in a healthy way, and do not sin against your spouse, your children, other people, or God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for anger. Thank You for the anger that makes us act in the face of unfairness, injustice, evil, and sin. Help us, Father, to manage it in a healthy way that we may not become instruments of pain and destruction but agents of peace and healing. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3271da6624 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Anger Management +startDate: 05/02/2025 +endDate: 05/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/03-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/03-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28285811e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/03-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Let Me Not Be Ashamed +date: 05/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Psa 25:2, 7 NKJV) O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. . . 7Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; According to Your mercy remember me, For Your goodness' sake, O LORD. + +### Observation + +A psalm of David in which he expresses his confidence in God and his plea for deliverance from sin and for forgiveness if he sins. + +### Application + +In verse seven David pleads with God to not remember the sins of his youth. I guess I find it encouraging to know that David was not the only one who faced challenges, stumbled, and fell dujring his youth and pleads for forgiveness. Sometimes those are sins or ignorance, at other times sins of commission, and may times sins of omission. Not having been brought up in a Seventh-day Adventist family I can look back at my youth and see a life tainted with sins of ignorance – drinking and smoking, because that’s what everybody else did. Or not always applying myself to my studies and causing my parents great aggravation, sadness, and pain. Or other things which were acts of disobedience or rebelliousness. With David I can I can cry out, “God, do not remember the sins of my youth.” And I know that God’s love and mercy covers those times. + +What bothers me, though, is not the sins of my youth but the sins of my adult age, after I came to know him, yesterday’s or even today’s sins. I can’t claim ignorance anymore. I can’t claim inexperience, lack of maturity, or bad luck either. My sin today is a sin of outright rebelliousness, something for which I have no excuse. And so with David I also cry out - “My God, I trust in You; let me not be ashamed; let not my enemies triumph over me.” I don’t want to bring shame on my God or His cause, nor do I want to bring shame to my wife and family, so I get up every morning to spend time with Him, to study His Word, to talk to Him and to listen from Him, so that I may be changed from my selfish life of sin to His selfless life of love. If I fall and my enemies rejoice it’s sad enough, but when I sin and my enemy laughs at God, it is a true shame. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> My God, I trust in You! Help me to live in such a way that I Will not bring shame on You or my family. Help me this day to live in such a way that there will be no cause for me to be embarrassed for my actions or my words, and that my family may never be harmed by them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..755e7056a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Let Me Not Be Ashamed +startDate: 05/03/2025 +endDate: 05/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/04-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/04-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c6118d4896 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/04-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Invitation to Pray Together +date: 05/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Psa 32:6, 7 NKJV) For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You In a time when You may be found; Surely in a flood of great waters They shall not come near him. 7You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah + +### Observation + +This a Psalm of David. In it he claims God’s protection during times of crisis. + +### Application + +I love the words of this psalm and see it as an invitation for couples to pray together. If anything, or rather Anyone, can help us and protect us when the floods of challenges, problems, and difficulties threaten to overwhelm us and destroy our marriage, it is God. When the economy threatens to take our job, our house, our financial stability and security away from us, where do we turn for help, the government? To the very institutions that have brought us to this place? And when we argue more time than we spend in enjoyable conversation, and when the thought of divorce swim in our heads like a piranha threatening to devour any romantic thoughts we may have toward our spouse, who are we going to turn to? To secular psychology which tells us to look for the solution within us? If we’re in water up to our eyeballs, and don’t know how to swim, nothing inside us will help us float or keep us from getting eaten alive. + +But praying as a couple, praying for each other, and praying together is our salvation. I have advised every couple that has come to me for counseling to do just that; it’s one of the assignments I give couples in trouble if they are to receive the help they need for their problems. There are many benefits for couples when they pray: + +1. As we come close to God we are also drawn to each other. + +2. It is a good time to pray for your spouse – it’s hard to not have a good, positive attitude toward your spouse when you’re praying for them. + +3. It’s good to know that your spouse is thinking about and praying for you. + +4. It’s a good time to confess to God, and to each other, our faults and frailties, to apologize, to forgive the other, and to receive forgiveness. + +I have advised couples who have not or are not praying together, and who may even be in great conflict, to begin by praying at opposite sides of the bed, but to pray out loud, and then to gradually move closer together as time goes by. Also, to pray for their spouse’s success, safety, and for everything good for them. I tell them not to use prayer as a weapon or a finger-pointing device, to not pray for their husband, “Make him a good husband,” or “make her a good wife,” or “change his nasty attitude,” or “help her to see what a good husband she has,” or anything like that. Rather pray that they may enjoy good health, that God’s greatest blessings fall richly on them, that they will enjoy God’s protection, that they may have a great day at work, that they may have a good, restful sleep, and things like that. Those prayers, verbalized by your spouse, can bring great healing the each and to their relationship. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, bless our spouse, this very moment. Bless them with life and health, with joy and peace, with the assurance of salvation and with the knowledge of Christ. Make them successful in their job, in their studies, and in their life. Protect them, and save them, and have them ready for the second coming of Jesus. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31265f2e76 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Invitation to Pray Together +startDate: 05/04/2025 +endDate: 05/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..edae11eb92 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Longing for Home +date: 05/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Psa 137:1-3 NKJV) By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept When we remembered Zion. {2} We hung our harps Upon the willows in the midst of it. {3} For there those who carried us away captive asked of us a song, And those who plundered us requested mirth, Saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!" + +### Observation + +The Israeli exiles now long for home while living in Babylon, and their pain is made more difficult to bear because those who have taken them prisoners taunt them with their condition as foreigners and make fun of them. + +### Application + +I spent three fantastic weeks in my homeland of Colombia. I have lived in the US 33 years, have been adopted by this country and the people here, I’m an American citizen, and love the Us as if I had been born here. But my heart is also in Colombia where I spent the first 18 years of my life, where I still have many relatives and friends, where I received the first part of my education, and where I have some of my strongest memories – the death of my father when I was 15, my sister’s wedding, my group of friends, and many more. + +I have been back home only four times in the last 33 years, one of them for my mother’s death. The other three visits were vacations, to see the family, and to get reacquainted with my home and my people. I don’t know if all foreigners experience this, but I know that every time I come back from Colombia I go through a couple of weeks of deep sadness and a longing for home. I desperately want to be back with those I love, eat their food, enjoy their music, travel their roads, watch their sunsets, share their landscapes, feel their warmth, and even their cold. + +I wonder at times if Jesus ever had similar thoughts and feelings. He left heaven and was away from home for 33 years. He left a place where He was surrounded by beings that loved Him, indeed worshiped Him, where there was no violence, anger, or hatred, where he had daily, constant, face-to-face communion with His Father, with the Holy Spirit, and with all the angels. And while here on earth, even though He had a loving mother and step-father, and several friends, He also encountered the hostility of His step-brothers, the anger of the people, the hatred of the authorities. I wonder how much He longed to be home! + +I couldn’t put mi fingers on it today, but remember reading of a vision Ellen White had where she was transported to heaven and then, having come out of the vision, witnessing the darkness and gloom of earth in comparison to what she had experienced in heaven she felt so sad. I’m glad we won’t experienced that after we leave heaven to come back to earth because it will be a new earth and because God Himself, and Jesus will be with us. In the mean time, as much as I long for my Colombian home, I also long for heaven, my eternal home. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may Jesus return soon so we can go home to be with You and with our loved ones who’ve passed away so we can enjoy eternity together and never be apart from each other again. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3953bfaa79 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Longing for Home +startDate: 05/05/2025 +endDate: 05/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/06-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/06-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d4d4bc617 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/06-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Love Protects Children +date: 05/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> A man from the tribe of Levi married a woman who was a descendant of Levi. 2And the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a healthy child, she hid him for three months. 3But when she was no longer able to hide him, she took a papyrus basket for him and sealed it with bitumin and pitch. Then she put the child in it and set it among the reeds along the edge of the Nile. 4And his sister stationed herself at a distance, to find out what would happen to him. (Exodus 2:1-4 NET) + +### Observation + +Since God thwarted the Egyptians’ plans to destroy the Israelite male children and thus Moses was born, he was cared for by his own mother. The task was challenging from day one, but more so as the baby grew and made the normal noises children that age make. Fearing that he would be discovered and harmed, she hid him in a basket, away from populated areas, and under the watch care of his older sister. + +### Application + +While some are aborting their children because they would inconvenience their lives or others abandon them, neglect them, abuse them, or murder them, Moses’ mother risked her own safety to ensure that of her son. How can we ensure the safety and protection of our children today? Some thoughts: + +1. Spending as much time with them throughout their growing years. + +2. Providing a safe environment in which to grow up. + +3. Guarding the influences around them – friends, media, school, etc. + +4. Giving such an example that they can safely follow. + +5. Providing for their needs – physically, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, as much as we wish to protect our children, we pray that You surrounded with Your protection, with Your holy angels, with the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. May no harm or danger come their way, and through their life experience may they see Your hand in their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bbddbbd7d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love Protects Children +startDate: 05/06/2025 +endDate: 05/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/07-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/07-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..181a871684 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/07-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Power of a Woman +date: 05/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands. (Proverbs 14:1 NKJV) + +### Observation + +One of the many proverbs or sayings written by King Solomon. + +### Application + +Dennis Rainey, in his Family Life Marriage Bible, comments on this text: Every wife has the power to create or destroy her relationship with her husband. “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands” (14:1). . . Every man needs his wife’s respect; it’s one of his deepest needs. He has others, but your respect – or lack thereof – impacts his whole life. + +He goes on to say: Respecting your husband includes really listening to him, not simply hearing the words that come out of his mouth. Take seriously what he says! . . . Some wives do not realize how powerful they can be in their husband’s life when they truly respect their man. . . and a wife should look for ways to affirm and respond to her husband’s leadership. It starts by praising him for those areas in which he deserves genuine respect. + +I’m baffled at times to hear how some wives speak to and about their husbands and then complain that their marriage is not what they would like it to be or that they’re not treated like they think they should be. Applying the Golden Rule, if wives begin by affirming and showing appreciation and admiration for their husbands, even for the smallest of things they say or do, can build them up and in turn result in better husbands. Willard Harley writes that Admiration and Respect are among a man’s most important emotional needs, not a selfish desire. Showing admiration and respect for your husband is a gift to them, but it can also become a gift you give yourself. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we show and express more appreciation toward our spouse and thus meet their needs, and while doing so, may our marriage be strengthened. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..190659fd34 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Power of a Woman +startDate: 05/07/2025 +endDate: 05/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/08-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/08-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3188bc593f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/08-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +--- +title: Don't Release the Water +date: 05/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> The beginning of strife is like releasing water; Therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts. (Proverbs 17:14) + +### Observation + +Another one of the many wise saying from Solomon contained in this book. + +### Application + +How many times we wished we had not said something? How many times we wished we had not had an argument with our spouse, particularly when we know we started it, when we know we know we were wrong to begin with and now we don’t know how to fix it? + +Solomon’s advice is so good and practical and one we should keep in mind. One strife, or an argument, or a fight begins, it is so hard to stop it before it cause harm to one, both, or to the relationship. Words fly, feelings are hurt, resentment sets in, forgiveness is hard to come, peace and harmony take a while to return. It is so much easier to stem the flow before it is too late. Instead, PRACTICE THE PREVENTION RULE. Benjamin Franklin was on target when he stated, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." We must learn to resolve conflict before it starts. God's instruction on this point is clear: “The beginning of strife is like the letting of water. Stop the flow before it starts. Quit before the quarrel breaks out.” – Proverb 17:14 + +Here are some suggestions: + +1. LOOK FOR AREAS WHERE YOU ARE TO BLAME. When you look for your responsibility in the conflict, it causes the other party to soften and often come to your defense. + +2. ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS. + +- Is it a Worthy Battle? Proverb 19:11 – PICK YOUR BATTLES. Those with good sense are slow to anger, and it is their glory to overlook an offense. (Proverbs 19:11 NRSV) Is this really a big deal? Do you want to have conflict over this? Is it really worth the anxiety and agony? Anyone who has ever played basketball knows that during a game there is going to be what is called "incidental contact." +- Am I Wrong? Be quick to say "I was wrong." If you say that simple phrase to your family members, it will open a highway of opportunity for real discussion. If you are wrong, admit it. It isn't a big deal. Sometimes we're wrong. By admitting it, we will stop the flow of conflict. . . . immediately. +- Should I React or Respond? To React – Instinct, Impulse, or To Respond – Takes Thought. When we react, we don't think, we just act! There is a huge difference between reacting and responding. To react requires no intelligence, only instinct. But to respond, you have to get that three-pound chunk of gray matter in your head involved. Responding requires time; it takes the facts. Only when you respond will you have a chance to resolve conflict. In conflict, too many of us react when we should respond. Be certain you respond; don't just react with a knee-jerk, thoughtless reply. +- What Difference Is this Going to Make in My Life in Three Days? What Impact Will it Have in Five Years? Many times, if you will ask these two questions, you'll find that what might have been a ridiculous conflict is simply not worth the battle in the scheme of the big picture. In his classic book, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley made a very intriguing observation: “When two parties argue for an extended period of time, both are wrong.” Philippians 2:14 admonishes us to do all things without complaining and disputing. When you say the right thing in the wrong way, it becomes the wrong thing to say even though it might be right! + +Here are a few suggestions as to how to say things more effectively to one another. + +- Use the Still, Small Voice. If we got down close to the ear of our child and whispered, the power of those words was amazing. The spirit in your heart affect's the tone of your voice. If you're filled with unresolved bitterness and resentment, it will come out in your voice. Lower your voice. Take a deep breath and speak in measured tones. If you're in a rage, step away and calm down. No one listens when you're shouting, but everyone does when you whisper. Watch your body language and eye contact. A certain demeaning toss of the head or look in the eye can make the hearer angry and defensive. +- Maintain Your Sense of Humor. We can resolve many conflicts by simply allowing ourselves to laugh at the circumstance and at ourselves. +- Don't Get Personal. Don't say irresponsible things about each other with the intent to hurt and demean. That's attacking the person, not the issue at hand. Address the issue, not the individual. +- Don't Bring up the Past. Don't bring up issues from the past and attempt to use them in the current conflict to win the verbal battle and bolster your position. +- Don't Get off the Subject. Don't get off the subject by widening your argument to issues unrelated to the current conflict and discussion. * Remember, he who angers you controls you. Anyone can take away your freedom, but remember, the most important human freedom is your freedom to choose your attitude in any circumstance. +- Avoid Statements That Are Impossible to Defend. One person may say, "I asked you to pick me up at school." The other may reply, "No, you didn't!" The first person responds, "Yes, I did!" This interaction is endless and fruitless. Make sure your statements are the truth. +- Avoid Six Fatal Phrases: + +1. “You always. . . .” No one always does anything. + +2. “You never. . . .” Again, you cannot accurately use the word “never” about another person’s behavior or choices. + +3. “You should/could have. . . .” Stay out of the past. How can you rationally discuss something someone “should” have done? You can't go back. Operate in the present. + +4. “Why didn't you. . . .” – You can’t rewind the clock. . . . This statement is certainly not part of a good, healthy conversation. If you ask a person, “Why didn’t-you. . . .?” there is no way they can “rewind” the experience and fix what they have already done. It is a waste of breath. + +5. “I would have. . . .” Now you're getting arrogant. “I” would have done it this way or that way. “I” wouldn't have made that mistake. This remark only separates you and your listener even more and breaks down any chance for productive interaction. + +6. “You make me. . . .” – No one makes you! This one's a real dandy. Talk about taking away all responsibility for personal behavior. This statement is the king of them all! No one makes anyone else do anything. We choose. We are in control of our own actions and choices. Instead of saying, "You make me...," say to the other person, "I feel...," and explain your emotions from your perspective. + +Replace Those Six Phrases with These. + +1. "In the future..." This is a proactive statement. It gives both of you a positive position for a beneficial conversation and takes the defensiveness and sting of accusation out of your interaction. For example say: "In the future, would you please leave my keys on my desk and not in the car?" + +2. "Next time..." You cannot change what has already happened. There are no magic wands in families which will unspill the milk or magically erase a word or deed. For a more positive approach to how you say things, try this. For example, say: "The next time you find out you will be late picking me up after work, I would really appreciate it if you would call and let me know." + +3. "What would have to happen..." – Open-Ended Gives the other person a chance to respond. + +A person who is given the opportunity to think about their ideas, thoughts, position, or interest in a matter will be much more open to what you have to say. This phrase is one of our most important suggestions related to how you talk to someone. For example say: “What would have to happen for you to be more helpful around the house with the children?” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to stop fights and arguments before they begin and thus maintain the peace in our homes we all long for so that they will be a haven of rest for all who dwell within. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dfd01d9b20 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Release the Water +startDate: 05/08/2025 +endDate: 05/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/09-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/09-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e9fd66747 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/09-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: The Sweet Honeycomb +date: 05/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Prov 16:24 NKJV) Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. + +### Observation + +Another practical bit of marriage advice from Solomon. + +### Application + +While these words don’t seem to be directed specifically to married couples – in reality they can apply to anyone and to any relationship – they are wonderful advice to a husband who wants to connect emotionally with his wife. My mother taught us, from the time we were small, to express public appreciation for even the simplest of acts – cooking, doing the laundry, mowing the lawn, putting up a nail on the wall to hang a picture, etc. In marriage, sometimes we begin to take each other for granted and eventually end up neglecting one another or neglecting to express appreciation for what each does for the other. + +So, how do you praise your wife? Think about even small things she does, even the ones you think are normal, everyday, maybe even expected acts or responsibilities, and thank her and compliment her for them. Here are a few ideas and examples of what to thank her or compliment her for, and how to do it: + +- Thank you for dinner; it was very good. Thank you for making an effort to prepare good, healthy, nutritious, good-tasting (your own words) meals. +- I appreciate you washing and folding my clothes; they smell good, it makes it easier for me to put them away, I’m glad I have clean clothes to wear . . . etc. +- I’m grateful that you are so careful with our funds, that you watch carefully our budget, that you don’t spend money unnecessarily, that you check with me before making large purchases. . . etc. +- I love the way that dress looks on you, that you take care of yourself, the way you conduct yourself around others, how kind you are to the kids, how sweet you are to me. . . etc. +- Thank you for keeping the house clean, I appreciate the way you decorate the house, the flowers/plants you got make our house look so nice and fresh. . .etc. +- Thank you for the many hours you work to help us with our finances, for the long hours you work outside the house (or at home), for your great contribution to our life (or home, or family). . . etc. + +Dennis Rainey, in his Family Life Marriage Bible, writes: Speaking pleasant words to your spouse helps to establish and strengthen emotional connections. As you work to make a genuine connection with your words, go below the surface to the real issues of life. Share with her, for example, what goes on at work. Most women love hearing all the details. You’ll also discover that she can provide wise counsel on the issues you face. + +Make a special effort, then, to use pleasant words with your spouse, words that build them up and encourage them, words that build emotional connections between the two of you, words that are “sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, use our mouth and the words that come out of it to build up our spouse and thus strengthen our relationship. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ea9629ba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Sweet Honeycomb +startDate: 05/09/2025 +endDate: 05/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/10-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/10-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..427d404cdf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/10-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Two Are Better Than One +date: 05/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Eccl 4:9-12 NKJV) Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. {10} For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. {11} Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? {12} Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. + +### Observation + +Solomon writes of things he has evidently drawn from his personal experience in his search for true joy and happiness. After having experienced just about everything a man in his position can, he comes to realize that none of it brings him true, lasting happiness. It is then that he faces the reality that true, lasting happiness comes from loving and serving God. In today’s verses, Solomon speaks of the value of TWO. The Bible Knowledge Commentary explains: + +In contrast with the futility of selfish greed, Solomon commended sharing with others by citing several advantages that come from companionship: better profit (a good return) from one’s labor (v. 9), help in time of difficulty (v. 10), comfort in time of need (v. 11; one’s body heat can keep another person from freezing), protection in time of danger (v. 12). The last three of these are illustrated by examples from the benefits of two persons traveling together. In the case of the second and third of these (vv. 10b, 11b) Solomon lamented the perils of isolation (characteristic of selfish greed; cf. “a man all alone,” v. 8a). + +Having set forth the advantages of joint effort and the mutual benefits of sharing one’s toil and its fruit with another, Solomon stated climactically that if two are better than one (v. 9) then three are even better (v. 12). One’s efforts and benefits should not be confined to merely two persons. + +### Application + +It’s interesting that Solomon had this insights which have now proved to be correct based on current marriage research. The advantages of marriage include, among others, financial, social, educational, health-wise. Financial, married people enjoy better finances because they have more stable jobs, and have more plans for their future therefore tend to save more, spend less, and invest more wisely. Social, the couples’ commitment to each other and to their relationship are stronger than among those who simply live together. When it comes to health, married man in particular are healthier than single men – maybe because of their spouse’ attention or because of their insistence they visit the doctor or eat better or exercise. Psychologically, single and divorced women tend to have higher levels of depression than married women. + +So, if you’re married, count your many blessings. Some married people look at the other side of the marital fence, at single life, as one which would give them the happiness they desire, and when they jump to that side of the fence they find out that married life actually offered them a much better condition altogether. Stay in your marriage, fight for it, work to make it better; the benefits are plentiful and measurable. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for designing marriage for our benefit. Bless our unions that we may enjoy and appreciate those benefits and the spouse with whom we get to enjoy them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e31cd182f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Two Are Better Than One +startDate: 05/10/2025 +endDate: 05/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/11-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/11-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4e89d2bdd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/11-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Even If Mom Forgets. . . +date: 05/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Isa 49:15-16 NKJV) "Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. {16} See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me. + +### Observation + +After Isaiah speaks of what God intends to do to punish Babylon and to free His people, he then writes about how God will restore His people, because He has never forgotten them. With longing God says, “Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, And your righteousness like the waves of the sea. {19} Your descendants also would have been like the sand, And the offspring of your body like the grains of sand; His name would not have been cut off Nor destroyed from before Me.” (Isa 48:18-19 NKJV) How much better they would have been, had they heeded God’s commandments. . . + +In Chapter 49, God speaks some of the most tender words about His relationship with His children, even His wayward ones; those are the words of our text for today. + +### Application + +I was blessed to be born to and raised by a very loving mother. She thought of and prayed for each of her six children until the day of her death. She sacrificed, worked hard, and did all she could to provide each with a warm, clean home, good, healthy food, and proper manners and education. She left her birth home as a young wife to raise her family with the husband of her youth, the father of her children. And after twenty-eight years of marriage, when she became a widow, she continued to work and look for ways to support her children still at home. At an age when others would be starting to look forward to retirement, she left her homeland, her life-long friends, and moved to the U.S. with her two younger children in order to provide them with the best opportunities for a successful future. At times she worked two jobs to support her two boys, cooked and cleaned for them, and saved what she could to help them and her other children now grown and married. + +I read the words of God through Isaiah and understand it better because of my mother. She never forgot any of her six children, even while they grew up and were far removed from their days of nursing. Even while physically distant, and even when some of them seemed emotionally distant, she never stopped to have love and compassion for them. And yet the text says that even if for some strange reason my mother had forgotten any of us, God never would, never did. + +Praise God for my mom! Praise God. . .! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> I thank You, Father, for my mother and all the gifts of love, compassion, and care You gave me all wrapped up in her heart. I look forward to resurrection morning when we meet again to never be apart forever. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..218dc46a1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Even If Mom Forgets. . . +startDate: 05/11/2025 +endDate: 05/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/12-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/12-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea30f3d958 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/12-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Family's Watchman +date: 05/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Ezek 33:7 NKJV) "So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. + +### Observation + +Ezekiel speaks of the responsibility he, as God’s spokesman, bears to warn the people of both upcoming danger and also of their current condition as “wicked” and the results if they continue living in sin. + +### Application + +Parents have a unique perspective over their children because they have lived longer, experienced more, and hopefully learned from their own experience so they can see what their children are doing and where their steps may lead them. While children don’t want to hear those words from their parents, it is true that “I’ve been there” can be a wealth of experience that their children can benefit from. + +This text reminds us as parents that we need to be responsible watchmen for our families in the two ways Ezekiel was to play that role: + +1. Guidance for the Future. Planing for the future, preparing children for what is to come, helping them to plan for the future – all these are the responsibility of each parent from before the children are born and throughout their life. + +2. Guidance for the Present. While children will complain that we are nagging them, we cannot neglect the responsibility to guide them and help them to live lives based on God’s principles as outlined in His word. Obviously I would not recommend nagging your children but rather leading them by example. And yet, do not fail to warn them and help them so they may make changes in their life rather than perish in their sin. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to be faithful watchmen for our children. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f743d29d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Family's Watchman +startDate: 05/12/2025 +endDate: 05/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/13-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/13-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..849acdeedd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/13-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: I Have Heard Your Groaning +date: 05/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Exodus 6:2 - 8 (NKJV) And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the Lord. 3I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name Lord I was not known to them. 4I have also established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, in which they were strangers. 5And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant. 6Therefore say to the children of Israel: ‘I am the Lord; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. 7I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. 8And I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to you as a heritage: I am the Lord.’” + +### Observation + +God commissions Moses to be the leader of His people and to deliver them from slavery. God, the compassionate God and Father that he is, sends Moses to remind His people that He has not forgotten them, that while they have been bearing heavy burdens He has been by their side, that He did not create slavery, that He abhors it, and that He will not let them suffer forever. He wants them to remember that He remembers the covenant He established with their ancestors Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and that He will act on their behalf. + +### Application + +What attracts me the most about these passages is that God does not forget His promises toward us and that he hears our prayers. + +_1. He remembers._ There are many promises from God to us as parents concerning our children and He makes it clear that He does and will remember them. I am mostly concerned with His promises of salvation for us and our children. We can claim those promises, because he made them, and he will keep them. + +_2. He Hears._ Even at those times when we think or feel that our prayers are not going anywhere and the answer seems delay, we can be assured that God hears us. My concern is that it is not just the hurried prayers but rather the groaning that He seems to pay special attention to. It is not the quick, simple prayer we need to utter, but too spend careful, calculated time with God, pleading for our children, as if their very lives depended on it, because it does. Parents with seriously ill children do that, why not do it for our children who are seriously suffering from the deadly disease of sin? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Hear our prayer, Oh Lord, for our children this day, because they are also your children. Save them, Father, even when they don’t realize the need for salvation. Forgive them, Father, even when they don’t realize when they have offended You. Heal them, Father, even though they don’t recognize their disease. Bless the, O God, for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51abb3e5bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Have Heard Your Groaning +startDate: 05/13/2025 +endDate: 05/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/14-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/14-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..527d44ab73 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/14-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +title: The Prayer God Loves to Answer +date: 05/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +For my morning devotional this morning I read these words: + +The assurance is broad and unlimited, and He is faithful who has promised. When we do not receive the very things we asked for, at the time we ask, we are still to believe that the Lord hears and that He will answer our prayers. We are so erring and short-sighted that we sometimes ask for things that would not be a blessing to us, and our heavenly Father in love answers our prayers by giving us that which will be for our highest good--that which we ourselves would desire if with vision divinely enlightened we could see all things as they really are. When our prayers seem not to be answered, we are to cling to the promise; for the time of answering will surely come, and we shall receive the blessing we need most. But to claim that prayer will always be answered in the very way and for the particular thing that we desire, is presumption. God is too wise to err, and too good to withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly. Then do not fear to trust Him, even though you do not see the immediate answer to your prayers. Rely upon His sure promise, "Ask, and it shall be given you." {Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ, p. 96} + +We get so impatient when our prayers don’t seem to be answered the way we want to or when we want them to be answered. But the words above remind us that God still answers our prayers, with the answer that He knows to be best for us, with the answer we would choose if we knew, like Him, the end from the beginning, the answer that, looking back, we know to be best for us and which brings us the most good. + +I can recall so many times when I wanted something and yet it didn’t happen as I had wanted, which brought great disappointment, only to receive later something many times better than what I had hoped for or prayed for. If I had planned my life, it would most likely not be the way it has turned out; and yet, I’m very happy with the way it has turned out. + +So, pray without ceasing and then watch to see what the Lord has in store for you. Then, fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a98c5a499d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Prayer God Loves to Answer +startDate: 05/14/2025 +endDate: 05/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/15-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/15-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f2af95518 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/15-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: No Doubt +date: 05/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +Make it a rule never to utter one word of doubt or discouragement. You can do much to brighten the life of others and strengthen their efforts, by words of hope and holy cheer. {Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ 119} + +Our words have tremendous power to discourage or encourage others, to create doubt or hope, to bring sadness or joy. We may think we’re venting our souls to friends and thus unloading our burdens before those we love and trust, but we may be inadvertently placing a burden on them which could weigh them down, if not crush them. + +I think there is a time to speak with others, however, and that’s when we grieve and have sorrow as a result of a loss or pain. During an illness, following the loss of a loved one, or during a time of crisis, it is important that we not bottle inside us the feelings we have but that we share them with a trusted friend or loved one. Above all, we can unload our burden in prayer to God. Ellen White, in the same paragraph quoted above, writes, “All have trials; griefs hard to bear, temptations hard to resist. Do not tell your troubles to your fellow mortals, but carry everything to God in prayer.” Our God has bigger shoulders than any and all our friends or loved ones, and He’s not weighed down or bothered with our pain or sorrow. But I also understand that sometimes the human touch is a wonderful healing balm for those whose soul is parched due to pain and grief. Talk your pain and grief out, first of all with God, and then with a trusted friend or loved one, but be careful not to place on them a burden that will cause them to be weighed down, to stumble, or to fall. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b6ec0b211c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: No Doubt +startDate: 05/15/2025 +endDate: 05/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/16-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/16-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73318567e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/16-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: No More War +date: 05/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> He shall judge between many peoples, And rebuke strong nations afar off; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore. Micah 4:3 (NKJV) + +### Observation + +Micah speaks of a time when sin will be gone forever and the world s we know will not exist anymore. Instead, in the earth made new, peace and justice will reign. In specific ways, people sand even strong nations will bring their disputes to the Lord. They will submit to God’s judgment, realizing that He will decide what and who is right. Micah’s readers were aggravated under the Word of God, not wanting to be told by Him or by His prophet that they were wrong. By contrast eventually the whole world will submit willingly to God’s Word and His decisions. As a result, peace will be universal, implements of warfare (swords and spears) will be changed into tools of agriculture (plowshares and pruning hooks). Neither will there be a need to train people for warfare because the nations will be at peace. + +### Application + +Sometimes we look at this verse and make application only to the injustice, hatred, and warfare that we witness today among peoples and nations, but we fail to realize that the application begins with each of us. When God establishes His kingdom on earth, He first establishes it in the heart of each of His children. It is when He abides in our heart (mind/life) that the principles of justice and peace flow naturally from us to others. + +The question is, why do we have to wait until the Second Coming of Jesus for this experience to take place in our lives, in our marriages, and in our families? In practical terms, what does this verse mean in our homes? + +1. Justice: Instead of looking for ways to show that we are right and the others are wrong, why don’t we bring our disagreements to God so that He can bring conviction of wrongdoing to each of us? Some of the conflict in marriage is the result of one or both spouses trying to show the other person how wrong they are. The result, very often, is defensiveness on the part of the other. If we submit ourselves to God, and allow Him to show us where we have erred (because we all contribute to the conflict among us), then we can also ask Him to help us eliminate our judgmental attitude toward one another. + +2. Swords: Most of us probably don’t have a physical sword which we use against each other. What we all have, however, is a tongue that at times can be sharper than any sword we may use to hurt others. (Spend some time reading James 3:1-12 to be reminded of the power of the tongue). Allowing God to live in our heart will help us to control the tongue so that we don’t use it to hurt our loved ones. + +3. War: No more war in marriage and our family means that when God reigns in our heart we will learn to deal with conflict in a constructive rather than a destructive way. The goal is not to eliminate all conflict, because as individuals we each have the right to feel differently, to express our wishes and opinions, to tell others what we like and dislike. The goal is to manage conflict in a positive way, in a way that benefits the couple and the family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, come into our heart today and establish the principles of Your kingdom there so that your justice will reign in our lives, so that our words will build and not tear down, and so that even our disagreements will become a stepping stone in our relationship. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7f4c86fcd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: No More War +startDate: 05/16/2025 +endDate: 05/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/17-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/17-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aadc208fd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/17-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Whose god do you walk with? +date: 05/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For all people walk each in the name of his god, But we will walk in the name of the LORD our God Forever and ever. Micah 4:5 (NKJV) + +### Observation + +The Commentary Critical and Explanatory of the Whole Bible provides this explanation of vs. 5: For—rather, Though it be that all people walk after their several gods, yet we (the Jews in the dispersion) will walk in the name of the Lord. . . The resolution of the exile Jews is: As Jehovah gives us hope of so glorious a restoration, notwithstanding the overthrow of our temple and nation, we must in confident reliance on His promise persevere in the true worship of Him, however the nations around, our superiors now in strength and numbers, walk after their gods [Rosenmuller]. As the Jews were thoroughly weaned from idols by the Babylonian captivity, so they shall be completely cured of unbelief by their present long dispersion (Zec 10:8–12). (Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) + +### Application + +Today’s gods are abundant. Work, money, beauty, entertainment, possessions, power, prestige, toys, knowledge, titles, etc. Entire families compete with other families trying to keep up with them, looking for the happiness they see in others. . . without realizing that often “the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.” Many parents sacrifice quality family, or one-on-one time together by enrolling their children in every extra-curricular activity they can think of – soccer, karate, music lessons (not just one but several instruments), dance, theater, cheerleading, beauty contests, etc. Children, not to say their parents, are often exhausted at the end of each day, and as the weekend approaches, instead of rest and worship time what awaits them is another long list of activities (camping, games, parties, etc.). The frantic pace of their lives, the lack of down time, the absence of family time is driving them farther apart and leaving them depleted of energy for each other, much less for their time with God. + +Parents need to set their priorities straight by establishing first a personal time and connection with God, then a couple’s time with each other and with God, and finally family time together and with God. As Eugene Petereson paraphrases this text in The Message: “Meanwhile, all the other people live however they wish, picking and choosing their gods. But we live honoring GOD, and we're loyal to our God forever and ever. Micah 4:5 (MSG).> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Help us to maintain a personal daily connection with You, as well as couple and family time with each other and with You. Bless us as the gods of this world call for our attention away from You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f252571b30 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Whose god do you walk with? +startDate: 05/17/2025 +endDate: 05/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/18-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/18-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06aee524ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/18-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Agree to Agree +date: 05/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? Amos 3:3 (NKJV) + +### Observation + +There seemed to have been some competing voices among the Israelites telling them what to do. On the one hand, false prophets and political leaders leading them away from God - which many times resulted in exile and captivity. On the other hand were God’s prophets, leading the people back to God. The message of God’s true prophets was not always popular or gladly accepted, but Amos 3:1-8 shows that God and His prophets are in agreement and that God will show them what to say to His people. 66 books written by some 40 prophets and yet one common theme demonstrates that God was instrumental in inspiring all of His prophets. + +### Application + +Marriage counselors, backed by vast amounts of research say that couples preparing for marriage need to agree on at least four major areas: Religion, in-laws, parenting, and money. There are couples who believe that love is all they need and that love can overlook any differences. While that is a more romantic way of looking at things, in a relationship which hopes to establish the basis for a lifetime together romantic love is not enough and neither can it replace the similarities among the partners. + +Some have the opinion that “Opposites Attract.” While two people do not have to agree on absolutely everything, and we all will still have individual tastes, likes, and dislikes, it is more important to look for those things with which we can agree, particularly in the major areas mentioned above. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless me and my (future) spouse that we may treasure those things we have in common, especially our faith in You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da711fe260 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Agree to Agree +startDate: 05/18/2025 +endDate: 05/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/19-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/19-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fd552ddc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/19-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Seek God and Live +date: 05/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel: "Seek Me and live; Amos 5:4 (NKJV) + +### Observation + +The Israelites were very proud of being God’s chosen people and displayed their pride by flocking to the religious places of worship, especially at festival times. This may have impressed the nations around them but God saw through their insincerity. He knew that it was all worthless show. In these two verses, Amos highlights three places of historical and religious significance: Bethel, Gilgal and Beersheba. Although these were popular places of worship which drew crowds of worshipers, those who visited them were just going through the outward motions of faith instead of seeking the Lord from the depths of their heart. + +But even as Amos speaks of destruction, it is amazing that God still urges the people to seek his grace and mercy, just as the Lord encouraged the church at Sardis to turn to him (Rev. 3:2–3). All he requires of his people is that they will come to him, and they will live, and not die. Later, through the prophet Ezekiel, God cries out to His people: 31 Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O house of Israel? 32 For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies," says the Lord GOD. "Therefore turn and live! Ezekiel 18:31-32 (NKJV). While looking at the city of Jerusalem many years later Jesus would also cry out, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! Matthew 23:37 (NKJV) + +Things are not that much different today. Many people go to great lengths to try to gain God’s attention. In my homeland of Colombia, in the capital city of Bogotá, there is a mountain above the city (part of the Andes mountains). On top of this mountain there is a cathedral built in honor of The Lord of Monserrate (the name of the mountain). The claim is made that The Lord of Monserrate will perform miracles and answer the prayers of those who sacrifice as a pilgrimage to the top of the mountain. Each week you can see people crawling on hands and knees, arriving at the top of the mountain (some 2500 feet above the city) bloodied, scraped, and exhausted, but hoping that their pain and suffering will move the heart of the Lord and He will respond to their pleas for themselves or on behalf of others. In other places, people will fast for many days, recite lengthy prayers, attend hours of religious services, punish themselves physically and even ask to be crucified. They will do these painful acts, and yet they neglect the simple gospel message to ‘seek me and live’ (Amos 5:4). The Lord Jesus Christ makes it clear that all God requires is for people to humble themselves and come to him and find rest (Matt. 11:28). + +### Application + +I think the message from Amos for us today is clear: Don’t simply act religious, but be spiritual. While attending church, praying, reading the Bible, participating in church activities are all important, all those activities are void if they are simply done for show or out of force of habit. Many of us are “cultural” Christians, or Adventists, or whatever denominational background. We grew up in “the faith” and it is the only thing we know. “Doing” all the things mentioned above (and we could mention many others like returning the tithe and giving offerings, fasting, etc.) is almost second nature and we do them at times without even thinking twice about the reasons. But God is not very impressed with any or all of those things is they don’t flow our of a heart that is grounded in love for Him. + +So why don’t we begin by taking an inventory of our life and why we do what we do. Are our prayers a quick way to appease God, or our conscience? Or is it a sweet time of communion with our Loving Father? Do we read the Bible in order to learn Bible trivia or to impress God and others? Or do we pause to reflect on God’s message for our lives contained in those simple, yet profound, stories? Why do we attend church and what should be our attitude while there? + +Let us seek God and live. Seek God and have life abundant. Seek God and find a new reason for our marriage as a reflection of God’s relationship with His people. Seek God and lead your children to seek Him too. Seek God and share Him with others. Seek God and live! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for Your patience with us, that even while we are simply religious, You desire a personal relationship with us and provide us with the opportunities to come to You, to seek You where we can find You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..693e5aa07a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Seek God and Live +startDate: 05/19/2025 +endDate: 05/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/20-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/20-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08cffdd1b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/20-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Total Family Dedication +date: 05/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Exodus 10:9 - 11 (NKJV) And Moses said, “We will go with our young and our old; with our sons and our daughters, with our flocks and our herds we will go, for we must hold a feast to the Lord.” 10Then he said to them, “The Lord had better be with you when I let you and your little ones go! Beware, for evil is ahead of you. 11Not so! Go now, you who are men, and serve the Lord, for that is what you desired.” And they were driven out from Pharaoh’s presence. + +### Observation + +Time and time again, Pharaoh refuses to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt;; it’s obvious he suspected they were going to leave for good and he would not risk losing his work force. At first he told them they could hold their worship service in the land. Then he told them they could go in the wilderness, but not very far. Finally he agreed to let the men go, but not the women or the children. It is clear that Pharaoh never really intended to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt and stubbornly tested God. After each plague, the conviction of God’s mighty power should have been made clear and thus he should have been willing to submit to His command; instead, he hardened his heart and refused to allow them to leave. + +### Application + +When it comes to the worship of God, it is not enough for the men to do so without the participation of their wives and children. The worship of God should be part of family life. My wife found statistics that point out that children drop out of the church a lot faster and in greater numbers when they attend church by themselves, or when they attend church with only their mom or dad. But when children attend church with both their parents, they tend to remain members of the church longer, many for a lifetime. Men are the priests of their household and as such they should lead in the worship of the Lord both at home and at church. This worship experience cannot and should not be a personal, private experience only, but a family experience as well. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, thank You for the opportunity You give us to be Your children and that together as a family we can worship You. Help us to set aside daily times for private and family worship and dedicate ourselves and our families to Your service for others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f43943ae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Total Family Dedication +startDate: 05/20/2025 +endDate: 05/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/21-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/21-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5f01e69775 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/21-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Learn from Others +date: 05/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4 + +### Observation + +Paul is telling us that the entire Old Testament was written to teach us and therefore has lasting, abiding value. He wants to reminds us that it is God’s word and therefore as relevant to us today as it was to His people back then. In the devotional Conflict and Courage Ellen White writes: The lives recorded in the Bible are authentic histories of actual individuals. From Adam down through successive generations to the times of the apostles we have a plain, unvarnished account of what actually occurred and the genuine experience of real characters. It is a subject of wonder to many that inspired history should narrate in the lives of good men facts that tarnish their moral characters. . . . The inspired writers did not testify to falsehoods to prevent the pages of sacred history being clouded by the record of human frailties and faults. . . . + +It is one of the best evidences of the authenticity of the Scriptures that the truth is not glossed over nor the sins of its chief characters suppressed. . . . How many biographies have been written of faultless Christians, who, in their ordinary home life and church relations, shone as examples of immaculate piety. . . . Yet had the pen of inspiration written their histories, how different would they have appeared. There would have been revealed human weaknesses, struggles with selfishness, bigotry, and pride, hidden sins, perhaps, and the continual warfare between the spirit and the flesh. . . . Had our good Bible been written by uninspired persons, it would have presented quite a different appearance and would have been a discouraging study to erring mortals, who are contending with natural frailties and the temptations of a wily foe. But as it is, we have a correct record of the religious experience of marked characters in Bible history. Men whom God favored, and to whom He entrusted great responsibilities, were sometimes overcome by temptation and committed sins, even as we of the present day strive, waver, and frequently fall into error. But it is encouraging to desponding hearts to know that through God’s grace they could gain fresh vigor to again rise above their evil natures; and, remembering this, we are ready to renew the conflict ourselves. {CC 7.4} + +### Application + +Life can be very discouraging at times. Illness, death, accidents, conflict in marriage or with children, children who leave the church or rebel against parents, etc. One of the encouraging aspects of the Bible is that in its pages we find stories of people who experience similar situations or at times even worse. The experience of others may not alleviate our own pain, but knowing others also experience similar challenges helps us know we are not alone. Adam and Even lost one son at the hands of his brother. David lost his son Absalom after he rebelled against his father, dethroned him, and even persecuted him. We read of friends betraying friends, spouses lying to each other or committing adultery, and many more examples of humanity gone wrong. + +As dark as those passages are, it is somewhat encouraging to know we are not alone in our struggles or in our failures. However, we should not read in those stories an excuse to fail or permission to sin. Rather, let us find encouragement in knowing that God still loves in spite of our failures and is willing and ready to help us when we fall and fail and to give us the strength so we may fail again. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, as we study Your Word daily, may we find help and inspiration from the stories of old, and help us to learn from the lives of Your other children that our own lives, our marriages, and our families may be victorious. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4166bcf9c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Learn from Others +startDate: 05/21/2025 +endDate: 05/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/22-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/22-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1649f4d3a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/22-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Gift of Companionship +date: 05/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. 11 Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 + +### Observation + +The author of Ecclesiastes, believed to be King Solomon, thinks about what loneliness is and what it does. The context suggests that he is describing someone who is so consumed by his work, he is incapable of making or keeping close relationships. Former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld, once wrote, ‘What makes loneliness an anguish is not that I have no one to share my burden, but this: I have only my own burden to bear.’1 + +Solomon then highlights the effects of such loneliness by contrasting them with the joys of having someone by our side (v. 9). In some cases a person cannot work alone, for they need “another pair of hands.” An ancient Jewish proverb says, “A friendless man is like the left hand bereft of the right.” Success is something to be shared. + +Solomon also speaks of the warmth of human relationships. His picture is very practical (v. 11). This can obviously be seen as a reference to marriage, but it must be noted that travelers often slept together on cold nights. Towards the end of his life, Solomon’s father, David, slept with the virgin Abishag simply for the warmth of her body. + +The last verse of this series focuses on protection (v. 12). For travelers at that time, it was advisable to have someone with whom to travel. Lone travelers were easy prey to robbers. . . Like in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37). + +### Application + +Success is meaningless when it becomes all consuming. Think of the politician or businessman who rises to the top of his profession, only to realize that he has lost his family in the process, or a person consumed by his hobbies to the extent where the family is pushed out. George Eliot described a best friend as “a well-spring in the wilderness.” + +From the marriage point of view, God designed that man should not be alone and thus created an equal companion for Adam. One of the goals or purposes of marriage is the companionship, the friendship that two people can offer each other. For the unmarried, friendship is also important and we must seek such company, not just for our benefit but in order to be of benefit to someone else’s life. One of the interesting things, though, is that many live with the marital fence close to them and they imagine the grass would be so much greener on the other side. Some who are married wish they could be single, and some who are single wish they would be married! What these passages should teach us is the value of true friendship. In marriage, your spouse should be your best friend. If unmarried, treasure the true friends in your life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for the gift of friendship and companionship. Bless us with that true friend in our lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e992bf793f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Gift of Companionship +startDate: 05/22/2025 +endDate: 05/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/23-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/23-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0729d7fc3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/23-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: I Am Very Content +date: 05/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: + +Philippians 4:11 + +### Observation + +In Wuest Word Studies of the Greek New Testament we read: The words “have learned” are in a construction in the Greek which speaks of entrance into a new condition. It is, “I have come to learn.” Paul had not always known that. He had been reared in the lap of luxury, and had never known want as a young man. The “I” is emphatic. It is, “I, for my part, whatever others may feel.” The word “content” is the translation of a Greek word used by the Stoic school of philosophy which taught that man should be sufficient to himself for all things. It means “to be independent of external circumstances.” It speaks of self-sufficiency and competency. But Paul’s self-sufficiency was not of the Stoic kind. It was Christ-sufficiency. Paul’s independence was not Stoic independence, but dependence upon Christ. He found his sufficiency in Christ. He was independent of circumstances because he was dependent upon Christ. (Wuest, K. S. (1997). [Wuest's word studies from the Greek New Testament: For the English reader. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.] + +This passage, in Peterson’s paraphrase, The Message, reads this way: “Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances.” Philippians 4:11 (MSG) + +### Application + +This morning I rode in a Taxi in my homeland (Colombia, South America). As we got to the first red traffic light, there was another taxi stopped, a woman was standing outside, and a man inside, and she was yelling at the man. My taxi driver made the comment, “the things that drinking will make people do. . . I never drank in my life.” Since it was only 8:00 am, I thought it curious that he made the conclusion that either one or both of the passengers of the other taxi were drunk. Once the light changed I was a little curious about his statement and since he had a rosary hanging from his rearview mirror (which is typical for many Catholics in this country) I asked him why he had never drunk. I’m not sure what answer I expected, but certainly not the one he gave me. From the moment I asked him the question until he dropped me off he told me the story of his life, a very sad life, indeed. Here are some of the highlights, in his own words: + +- He began by saying of his own family that it was “very strange.” +- He was one of 13 siblings, his father a police officer (never mentioned anything about his mother). +- His early life was the end of a period of political violence in Colombia (which took place in the 50's and early 60s. +- His father never allowed them to go outside to play. +- He was kicked out of school unjustly for what another student did. +- He was fired twice from companies and was never told why. +- He married and had children but his wife divorced him and neither wife or children speak to him. +- His siblings have a combined twenty university degrees (several medical doctors). +- Most of the 13 siblings never married. +- He and the siblings do not speak to one another. . . none of them know where he lives, and he doesn’t know where most of them live. +- While his father was never physically violent with him he could tell his father never liked him or cared for him. . . thus he left his home as a young child. + +His closing words, as he dropped me off, were “Since my youth I have often thought of suicide. . . most days I really don’t care if I live or die.” + +I am rarely speechless. . . but this time my heart was so broken for this man that I could not find words to say. If it were not a taxi, I might have asked him to stop so we could talk more, but he needed to keep working. Time stopped meant he wasn’t making any money. But his sad story got me thinking about how blessed I am and all the things I have. He also got me thinking about all the people that have so much and do not appreciate it all. The couples fighting, wishing their marriage would finally be over. The children wishing they could leave home and be far away from their parents. The people wasting their life away in addictions that are taking their health, their happiness, and their life. Paul was in jail but could happily declare he was content! But we’re not just encouraged to accept our lot no matter what. Jesus offers us life in abundance (John 10:10). Someone shared these words with me, “Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to appreciate the great abundance that we have in physical goods, in our marriage, in our family, in our parents, and in our children. Help us now to be not just content but grateful for all we have. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04a69cf278 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Am Very Content +startDate: 05/23/2025 +endDate: 05/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/24-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/24-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6822df41c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/24-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Good or Bad Prayer? +date: 05/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26 + +### Observation + +There are people who worry about the proper posture of prayer, and that is certainly important. The Jewish people often pray with their eyes open and their face turned upward, their bodies turned toward Jerusalem. The Muslim people will pray five times each day, facing Mecca, with their head to the ground. People in other faith traditions burn incense, beat drums, write their prayers and place them next to their gods, and perform many other acts as part of their prayer tradition. Christians of different faiths will recite prayers, close their eyes, clasp their hands, stand or kneel, perform certain rites, all as part of their prayer tradition and practice. + +Paul is more concerned about the content of our prayers than just our posture when we pray. He evidently sees our prayers as very limited, probably because of our weakened, selfish natures, and thus encourages us with the knowledge that God still hears our prayers because the Holy Spirit utters them on our behalf in the proper way, that is, asking what we should really be asking for. + +### Application + +Often we pray for our loved ones’ health, when they are extremely ill, even to the point of death. That is natural to us because we do not want to part ways with them. As a hospice chaplain I worked with patients who would not recover, which is the reason they were in hospice care, but their loved ones continue to pray for a miraculous healing that would keep them alive. That’s normal! We want to enjoy our loved ones in our life for as long as possible. + +At the same time, is life always what’s best for them? In Greek mythology there’s a story of a goddess who fell in love with a human. As life progressed and they lived happily together, the goddess asked Zeus, the king of the gods, to allow the human to live forever, a wish that was granted him. Unfortunately, he didn’t enjoy eternal youth but simply continued to age indefinitely until living was an unbearable burden. So, to wish for and even pray that God would extend the life of our loved ones could turn out to be more of a burden than death itself. In cases like this, it might be better to pray that God would give them life as long as they were not suffering or in pain, but if life became more difficult then to pray that God would give them rest. + +The Jewish people teach that some prayers should never be uttered. For instance, if you’re driving home and as you get close you see that a house is on fire, you should not pray, “God, please don’t let it be mine.” Such prayer is equal to saying, “God, please make sure the fire is on somebody else’s house.” + +Prayers that have to do with education, work, finances, need to be uttered carefully, not selfishly. If your child lives far away and there’s an opportunity for a job that would bring them closer to home, we can pray, “God, since you know everything, if that is the best for his/her future, please open the doors. . . if not, please close the doors, even if that means they won’t be able to come closer to home.” Pray for your children’s education that God will lead them to the career where they can best serve Him and people, not just one where they will make good money. + +The encouraging thing about today’s text is that in spite of our poorly phrased prayers, and the spirit which accompanies them, the Holy Spirit still speaks on our behalf, praying for us with an agony that we ourselves rarely experience. We have the assurance that God hears our prayers, because the Holy Spirit filters them and strengthens them through His own pleading on our behalf. That being the case, don’t stop praying for your spouse, for your children, for your family, for your friends, and for others. . . and let the Spirit do His work on our behalf. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Thank You that we have not only and Intercessor in Jesus but an Interpreter in the Holy Spirit, and thank you that Jesus’ blood and the Spirit prayers on our behalf give us the assurance that You hear us and that You answer us in our need. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..39dd6ab9ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Good or Bad Prayer? +startDate: 05/24/2025 +endDate: 05/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/25-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/25-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f4b61082a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/25-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Man the Fort! +date: 05/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> He who scatters has come up before your face. Man the fort! Watch the road! Strengthen your flanks! Fortify your power mightily. Nahum 2:1 + +### Observation + +Nineveh is under attack and Nahum calls it to defend itself. The prophet first addresses Nineveh (1:11, 14; 2:1), and later Judah (1:12–13, 15). While the attacker is not named, it is believed to be Nabopolassar, the Babylonian who, with Cyaxeres the Mede, conquered Nineveh. + +The four commands in vs. 1 reflect the Ninevites’ scurry of activity to defend their great city. Nahum urged the city to prepare for the approaching siege by guarding the fortress, watching the road for invaders, bracing themselves (lit., brace “the loins,” i.e., exert strength physically and mentally), and marshaling all their strength. But the prophet knew that such precautions could not hold back the siege or change its outcome. All Nineveh’s efforts to defend itself would be futile because, as God said (1:15), the city would be destroyed. + +### Application + +Our marriage and our family is under constant siege from many different directions. Marriage is under attack by society which tries to tell us that divorce is a good option when our relationship doesn’t make us happy. Politically, marriage is under attack by those who believe people of the same gender should have the right to be married. Some social scientists believe that living together before marriage is a good step for couples to take (even though there is a large body of evidence that shows many problems and disadvantages with this type of arrangement). + +Nahum’s words seem to place the responsibility for fighting to protect the city/family on the men, or the husbands. “Man the fort!” writes Nahum. As husbands, we must “man the home!” We cannot sit back passively while so many forces threaten to destroy it. We must assume the responsibility for the health and well-being of our wife and children. What this means, in practical terms, is that we must assume and practice daily our position as the priest of the home by initiating the family morning and evening devotional time. No program on TV, no game on the computer, no project (car repair, remodeling, etc.) can take the place of those divine appointments. + +“Watch the road!” The study of the Scriptures, particularly the prophetic passages, should tell us as husbands what is approaching and make the proper preparation for those events. The personal preparation cannot be done by anybody else or relegated to others. + +“Strengthen your flanks!” What this means is to look to see what may be causing our marriage or family to experience weakness. Is the programing on TV what would lead us closer to each other or farther apart? Is the internet, and what it brings into the home and into our lives helping us or hurting us? What controls should be apply to the access we or our children have to all this technology? + +“Fortify your power mightily!” All we have to do is to watch the commercials on TV which show men as weak, foolish, clumsy, unreliable, cowardly, and dumb. That is the image that young boys are growing up with. As men, we need to show the image of men as strong, smart (which does not necessarily mean we know everything), driven, committed (to God, to our wife, to our family), decisive, passionate and compassionate. + +Nahum’s challenge to Nineveh, facing the attack of the enemy, is our challenge as men today, when our homes and families face even more fierce attacks. Man the fort! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to be the type of men You created us to be, in Your image. . . strong, courageous, wise, compassionate, and committed to You, to our wife, and to our family. Help us to stand strong against all that attacks us and our families, and may we protect them not just physically but spiritually. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8075a3a330 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Man the Fort! +startDate: 05/25/2025 +endDate: 05/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/26-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/26-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96a9a25aea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/26-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: I'm Responsible for Me! +date: 05/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. 13Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way. Romans 14:12-13 + +### Observation + +Paul tells us (Romans 14:10) that we will all have to appear before God’s judgment court. The IVP Bible Background Commentary explains that , “Judgment seats” were common in the Greco-Roman world; officials like Pilate or Gallio would make their judgments from such a bema or rostrum (Acts 18:12). God judging all people before his throne was a common image in Jewish portrayals of the end. It is natural for Paul to apply Isaiah 45:23 to the final judgment, because the chapters around it speak of God delivering Israel in the end and calling the nations to account before him so that they acknowledge that he is God. + +### Application + +Since only One was ever perfect, that is, Jesus, it is impossible for us to find the perfect person to marry anymore than it is possible for us to be perfect in every way for others to marry us. And yet, it is so easy for us to look for and find fault in our spouse and to close our eyes to our own faults. That’s why these words of Paul should be of particular interest to us because we will all have to give account for ourselves. Here are a few things that these texts tells and that we should keep in mind: + +1. Since we all will have to give account for ourselves, then we should work on changing and improving ourselves, not others. + +2. We should not judge others (our spouse, children, parents, etc.) because God is the judge and He does not give us the right to judge others. + +3. Judging others does not help them but rather becomes a stumbling block which prevents them from growing in the image of Christ. + +Instead of judging others based on our own faulty natures, let’s find ways to help each other to imitate Christ and thus become more like Him. Judging my spouse will only make me less satisfied with them and more unhappy to have them in our life. On the other hand, if I help my spouse be more like Christ, in reality I am helping myself have the best spouse possible and as it happens I will be happier with the person He gave me as my helpmeet. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to be less judgmental of others, particularly my spouse, and instead help me to help them be more like Jesus Christ. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b71000befe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I'm Responsible for Me! +startDate: 05/26/2025 +endDate: 05/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/27-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/27-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f8c6be658 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/27-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: What God Did for Me +date: 05/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exodus 13:8 NKJV) "And you shall tell your son in that day, saying, 'This is done because of what the LORD did for me when I came up from Egypt.' + +### Observation + +God had delivered the Israelites from their life of slavery in Egypt after a long struggle with Pharaoh. The annual Passover service was established not just as a celebration of their deliverance but as a teaching tool for future generations, particularly for children. Every year, as the family gathers around the Passover table and the children as, “What is this?”, the parents respond in two ways: 1. The Lord delivered me from slavery (13:8). 2. The Lord deliver us from slavery (13:14-16). + +### Application + +The point of the annual Passover celebration/commemoration is to teach the children about God’s marvelous deliverance power and to remind them that they were slaves, but God gave them freedom. Children are taught through songs, through the food items, through the games played, and through the questions asked that God displayed His power on their behalf. The questions reflect something that is very special not just for Israelites delivered from slavery but to all of us who have suffered under the slavery of sin from our birth. To the first question the answer is – The Lord delivered me. This reflects the fact that salvation is first of all a personal matter – God delivered me from sin. The second answer reflects what God has done for us as a people – God delivered us all. + +While most of us do not have Jewish heritage and therefore don’t celebrate Passover, the communion service gives us the same opportunity to explain to our children what Jesus has done for us. As we consider the foot washing part of the service, we can explain to our children that Jesus gave us an example of humility and service. We can explain to them what the bread and the grape juice represent, and most importantly, what the sacrifice of Jesus accomplished for each of us as individuals and what it assured for us as a people – eternal life on the earth made new. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for delivering me from the bondage of sin, and thank You for guaranteeing for us, through the death of Your Lamb, eternal life with You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..710fbcce1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What God Did for Me +startDate: 05/27/2025 +endDate: 05/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/28-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/28-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8572de785d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/28-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Mercy in Marriage +date: 05/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6 + +### Observation + +This is one of the best known, most often quoted passages of the Old Testament. The word Mercy (vs. 6) is the same word as that translated love or faithfulness in v 4. It describes the steadfast love shown by God in His covenant with Israel. He does not want sacrifice in place of that type steadfast love; instead, He desires that Israel’s steadfast love should be the real thing. In place of whole burnt offerings He would prefer a genuine, deep personal relationship with Him. + +Considering God Himself instituted sacrifices, this doesn’t mean that He did desired them that His people would stop offering them entirely, but rather that even in the Old Testament He valued moral obedience as the only end for which positive ordinances, such as sacrifices, were instituted—as of more importance than a mere external ritual obedience (1Sa 15:22; Ps 50:8, 9; 51:16; Ps 50:8, 9, Is 1:11, 12; Mic 6:6–8; Mt 9:13; 12:7). + +### Application + +The marital relationship that follows God’s pattern should be one in which love, faithfulness, and mercy reign. First of all LOVE, the giving of oneself completely to another person, the unselfish devotion to another, the decision to seek the best for the other person. Secondly, FAITHFULNESS, which is the commitment to not betray the other person’s trust and to remain with them even when we may not “feel” like doing it. And lastly, MERCY, which is accepting the faults of the other knowing they are no more perfect than we ourselves are. + +Our relationship with God is reflected in our relationship with one another. His desire is that we draw close to Him, that we love Him, that we remain faithful to Him, because the result of such relationship is that we we’ll be more loving to one another, faithful in our relationship with one another, and t hat we will extend mercy to one another. To most of us, it is more natural to be judgmental of others, while excusing ourselves. God’s order of things encourages us to look at ourselves before we look at the faults of others and to be merciful with others as God has been merciful with us. That is what Jesus referred to when He said, “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.” Matthew 7:1-5 (NKJV) + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help me to be less judgmental and more merciful, especially with those closest to me. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e1aa34e4a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Mercy in Marriage +startDate: 05/28/2025 +endDate: 05/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/29-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/29-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62b3df9b6f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/29-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Strengthen with the Mouth +date: 05/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But I would strengthen you with my mouth, And the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief. Job 16:5 + +### Observation + +Job had lost all his property, but what hurt him most was the loss of his children. Ultimately he was struck with some skin disease and with the discouraging words of his own wife. To add insult to injury, his friends, who came to encourage him, used words that were more like accusations and a call to repentance. + +The words of today’s text are in response to Eliphaz’ boasted “consolations” (Job 15:11). Job would have like words that would strengthen him, words spoken from the hear, with love, words that would bring true consolation. The text could be paraphrased: “Like you, I could also strengthen with the mouth, with heartless talk and the moving of my lips – mere lip comfort could console in the same fashion as you do.” + +### Application + +I know that for the most part people have good intentions when they say some things. I have heard people say things, particularly at funerals or to bereaved families that make me cringe. Probably the most commonly used are the words “I know how you feel!” By that they mean, “I have also experienced pain, so I know what your pain is like. The reality is that no one can possibly know the pain we feel because pain is a very personal experience. Just because I lost my father or mother I can’t tell someone else whose father or mother has just dies that I know how they feel. + +Have you heard someone say to a parent whose child has died, “well, at least you have other children”? Or, “You can have more children”? Or have your heard someone tell a person whose relationship has ended, “There are plenty more fish on the ocean!” Our careless words, intended to bring consolation, may sometimes do more harm that they can help. + +In dealing with people who have experienced great loss, your presence is often more helpful than any words you may say. Later, after the funeral, when you visit those who are still going through the process of recovery from grief, let them talk about their loved one. In fact, encourage such conversation by asking about their loved ones – their favorite memories, etc. After six to twelve months, friends and family go back to their own life and routine and inadvertently leave those grieving alone. It is at those times that your presence and encouraging them to express their feelings and to talk about their loved ones can become one of the most helpful tools for healing. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to become instruments of healing through our presence and through our heartfelt words. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c4f88706f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Strengthen with the Mouth +startDate: 05/29/2025 +endDate: 05/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/30-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/30-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ed4a3b093 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/30-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Wise Listen +date: 05/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. Prov 1:5 (NIV) + +### Observation + +These verses are the book’s own introduction to its nature and purpose. The contents of the book as a whole can be described as proverbs, which have the two main quite different forms noted in the introduction. This in itself shows that proverb is a word of broader and more varied application than the English word ‘proverb’. To us a proverb is a means of comparison. The Bible, however, uses the word more broadly. In different passages it can refer to a prophetic oracle (Nu. 23:7), an object lesson (Dt. 28:37), a saying (1 Sa. 10:12), a poetic discourse (Jb. 27:1), and other forms of speech. It thus suggests something more intense, vigorous and provocative than a straightforward saying. (New Bible commentary: 21st century edition. 1994 (D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer & G. J. Wenham, Ed.) (4th ed.). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press.) + +### Application + +Many years ago I read a book entitled “The Lost Art of Listening.” It may seem strange that someone would write a book about listening when it is such a basic skill. One person talks; the other listens. It's so basic that we take it for granted. Unfortunately, most of us think of ourselves as better listeners than we actually are. Why do we so often fail to connect when speaking with our spouse or children, colleagues, or friends? One of the reasons is because often our emotional reactions get in the way of real communication. + +The writer of the book of Proverbs reminds us that we actually become wiser by listening, much more so than by talking. When we listen to try to understand the message that the other person is trying to convey we will have a better chance of actually getting the message correctly. Someone wrote that, “We hear only half of what is said to us, understand only half, believe only half of that, and remember only half of that;” no wonder we have such difficulty communicating with others. + +So what if we begin today with listening to understand? Pay attention to the feelings conveyed. Do not try to correct the details or the facts expressed. . . listen for what feelings may be behind those words and then repeat them back to see if you what you heard is what the other person meant to say. Sometimes the acknowledgment of those feelings, and repeating back what you heard can open the doors wide open to better communication. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, helps us to use our ears, our mind, and our heart more often than we use our mouth so that we may hear, listen, and understand what our loved ones are trying to tell us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ddff3a11d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Wise Listen +startDate: 05/30/2025 +endDate: 05/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/31-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/31-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43d70bd281 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/31-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Tongue that Cuts or Heals +date: 05/31/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, But the tongue of the wise promotes health. Proverbs 12:18 + +### Observation + +The expression “piercing words” means someone who speaks hastily or indiscreetly, a person who speaks with anger, or uses his/her mouth in a reckless manner, they are not thought through. The opposite is the tongue of the wise who uses soothing and gentle language. + +The SDA Bible Commentary explains, “The simile is particularly striking in Hebrew, since the edge of a sword is called its mouth. The hasty, impatient mouth speaks words that wound the hearts of friends and lead to great suffering and sorrow. Tactless words often prick the tender hearts of those who mourn or are in difficulty, but the wise man knows what to say to comfort the sorrowing, soothe the angry, and cheer the despondent (see Psalms 10:11). + +### Application + +The words we use, particularly those we use on a daily basis toward our spouse or children, can put them down or lift them up. Those words can discourage or encourage, they can hurt or heal, they can kill or give life. Ellen White wrote, “The voice and tongue are gifts from God, and if rightly used, they are a power for God. Words mean very much. They may express love, devotion, praise, melody to God, or hatred and revenge. Words reveal the sentiments of the heart. They may be a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. The tongue is a world of blessing, or a world of iniquity (Manuscript 40, 1896). + +Today, let us make a special effort to eliminate from our speech toward our loved ones (or anybody else, for that matter) anything that tears down, any criticism, words that hurt or put the other person down. Instead, let’s begin a new habit of using positive, encouraging words, words that build up and that make them feel better about themselves. Instead of catching others when they’re doing something bad or wrong, and emphasize that, catch them doing what is good, and express your appreciation for those things. . . that is one way to reinforce good behavior. Express appreciation even for the smallest actions or words of the others. Tell your wife you appreciate the meal she prepared for you, or how orderly and clean she keeps the house, or compliment her for the way she looks and how she takes care of herself, of your children, and of you. Thank your husband for mowing the lawn, for keeping the cars in good working condition, or for painting a room or the entire house. Each of those words can be like healing balm for their ears, and for your relationship. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, helps us to use our words to strengthen, encourage, and build up those around us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d415c1bb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Tongue that Cuts or Heals +startDate: 05/31/2025 +endDate: 05/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6dedeeee53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/05-may-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: May 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/01-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/01-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..556e9a2531 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/01-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: Going Together in the Same Direction +date: 06/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? Amos 3:3 (NLT) + +### Observation + +The Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible shares these insights on this passage: Can God’s prophets be so unanimous in prophesying against you, if God’s Spirit were not joined with them, or if their prophecies were false? The Israelites were “at ease,” not believing that God was with the prophets in their denunciations of coming ruin to the nation (Am 6:1, 3; compare 1Ki 22:18, 24, 27; Je 43:2). This accords with Am 3:7, 8. So “I will be with thy mouth” (Ex 4:12; Je 1:8; Mt 10:20). If the prophets and God were not agreed, the former could not predict the future as they do. In Am 2:12 He had said, the Israelites forbade the prophets prophesying; therefore, in Am 3:3, 8, He asserts the agreement between the prophets and God who spake by them against Israel [Rosenmuller]. Rather, “I once walked with you” (Le 26:12) as a Father and Husband (Is 54:5; Je 3:14); but now your way and Mine are utterly diverse; there can therefore be no fellowship between us such as there was (Am 3:2); I will walk with you only to “punish you”; as a “lion” walks with his “prey” (Am 3:4), as a bird-catcher with a bird [Tarnovius]. The prophets, and all servants of God, can have no fellowship with the ungodly (Ps 119:63; 2Co 6:16, 17; Eph 5:11; Jam 4:4). + +### Application + +We can find so many similar statements in the Bible teaching us about the importance of being in agreement as a couple and as a family. For instance: + +- Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NKJV) +- If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Mark 3:24-25 (NKJV) + +These verses underscore the importance of dating people with whom we have similarities, particularly in the most important areas of our life, such as religious beliefs and principles, values, goals, family background (including relationship with in-laws), education, finances, etc. + +The idea that opposites attract is used as a way to explain that we are still individuals with differences. While it is true that we maintain our individuality when we marry, and we should, it again underscores the importance of having and sharing similarities with the person we marry. We can benefit from each other’s differences as long as the differences are not more prominent or greater in number than our similarities. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, bless us so we may benefit from our different strengths, but also bless us that we may find and marry the person with whom we have more similarities, especially when it comes to how we relate to You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0dfb1d0e7c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Going Together in the Same Direction +startDate: 06/01/2025 +endDate: 06/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/02-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/02-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f4a42351df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/02-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Stand Up and Watch +date: 06/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected. Habakkuk 2:1 + +### Observation + +There are four important expressions in this verse, all of which relate to the attitude of the prophet before God. + +1. The first two are “stand upon” and “watch.” The prophets often compare themselves to watchmen, waiting the revelations of God with earnest patience, standing on a lookout watching with intensity all that comes within their view (Is 21:8, 11; Je 6:17; Ez 3:17; compare Ps 5:3; 85:8). The number of synonyms used by Habakkuk, “stand open… watch… set me upon… tower… watch to see” implies persevering fixity of attention. + +2. “what he will say unto me”—in answer to my complaints (Hab 1:13). Literally the expression means “in me.” God is speaking, not simply to the prophet’s outward ear, but rather inwardly. When we have prayed to God, we need to wait and listen to what answers God gives by His word, His Spirit, through others, and through events that take place, what some would cal “providences.” + +3. “what I shall answer when I am reproved”— in other words, what will be my attitude toward God when in answer to my prayers He chastises me, corrects me, or reproves me? If God answers our prayers just the way we want Him to, we express our thanks to him; but what do we say when in answer to our prayer He reproves us? + +### Application + +The role of the parent, particularly of the father, toward their children is not that much different from that of the prophet. He is to be the Seer (an old term to describe part of the role of the prophet), standing and watching, earnestly and patiently, to see what God will tell them, for wisdom to know how lead his home and his children, for guidance from God which he can impart to his own household. + +His role is also as God’s spokesman. As head of the household the parent, and particularly the father, needs to lead his family to do what God wants them to do, what God’s word teaches we should do. + +But our role as God’s spokesperson does not give us the right to speak as if we were infallible, flawless, or perfect. In fact, Habakkuk also reminds us that if we are open to God’s leading, there will be times when He will reprove us. When that happens, his humble attitude will teach important lessons about submission to God knowing that He knows what is best for us. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may we as parents represent You properly and faithfully to our family, especially to our children, who will get a good or bad picture of You through us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b64a0937a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Stand Up and Watch +startDate: 06/02/2025 +endDate: 06/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/03-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/03-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8e5a36107 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/03-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Just What We Need +date: 06/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exodus 16:17-18 NKJV) Then the children of Israel did so and gathered, some more, some less. {18} So when they measured it by omers, he who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack. Every man had gathered according to each one's need. + +### Observation + +After 430 years in Egyptian captivity, it seems like the Israelites had forgotten many things about God – many might have even been worshipping Egyptian gods. One of the reasons for this wilderness journey to the Promised Land was a process of retraining the Israelites, to bring them back to the worship of the only and true God. It’s interesting that one of the first things God taught them, or reminded them of, was the Sabbath. In Exodus 16 we find the way that God showed them about the weekly cycle, which culminates with the seventh-day Sabbath. But it was not simply to teach them about the weekly cycle but also that God takes care of our needs. + +### Application + +From the very beginning, the week of creation, God was trying to teach that fact to Adam and Eve when He created them on the sixth day of that first week, and their first full day of life was the Sabbath. They hadn’t yet done any work, and yet God had provided for all their needs and simply invited them to rest. + +This morning, as I write these words, it is Sabbath. Outside, it is -15F here in Maple Grove, near the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, with a wind chill of somewhere between -25 to -30. And yet, inside our home is warm, we have plenty of food for several days, we have our cars in the garage, ready to take us wherever we may need to go, we have books to read, clothes to wear, and much, much more. On this Sabbath, like on every other Sabbath, God is taking care of our needs and we’re enjoying the physical, emotional, and spiritual rest we so much need and desire. + +It is also interesting that on the Sabbath the people were not to go out and gather Manna, which would not be there anyway, but were to stay together, as families, and simply enjoy the day and God’s blessings. The Sabbath is not just a day to do nothing, but a day to enjoy God’s blessings with our families – whether at home or with our church family, a day to remember that He takes care of all our needs, and a day to be refreshed, rejuvenated, recreated both individually and as a family. May this be a blessed Sabbath day for you. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the blessings of the Sabbath. May today, the Sabbath, be a glorious one for each of us, and may our families receive the greatest blessings on this day as we come to You and as You bring us closer to one another. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f23c4d3be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Just What We Need +startDate: 06/03/2025 +endDate: 06/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/04-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/04-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e3ced97b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/04-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Seek What Is Good for the Other. . . and Both +date: 06/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Seek good and not evil, That you may live; So the LORD God of hosts will be with you.. Amos 5:14 + +### Observation + +In this chapter of Amos, the prophet has been bringing a number of accusations against the people of Israel. Among the things that they are doing to their own people he includes: Intimidation of the righteous (v.10, 12b), and abuse of the poor (v.11a, 12b). Because of their zeal to profit illegally through the courts, they hated any righteous judge who reproved their injustice, and despised any righteous witness who told the truth in defense of the innocent (v.10). + +The abusers found corrupt judges to take bribes and deprive the poor of justice (v.2b). Rich landowners successfully manipulated legal proceedings to trample on the poor, gain ownership of their fields, and force them to give a large fee of grain to remain a tenant on the land (5:11a) + +But God knew how many were their offenses (peša‘, “covenant violations”). He knew how great were their sins. Therefore, though they had built stone mansions fit for kings and had planted lush vineyards in the fields that once belonged to small farmers, they would neither live in the houses nor drink the wine (Amos 5:11b-12). + +In spite of their attitude and behavior, there still existed the possibility of repentance for individuals to separate themselves from their guilty nation (cf. vv. 4-6). If people would seek good, not evil, they might yet live. If they would go counter to the prevailing corruption—if they would hate evil instead of hating the righteous (v. 10, if they would maintain justice in the courts instead of trampling it (vv. 11-12)—then the Lord God Almighty would be their Defender instead of their Judge. He would indeed be with them, just as they were claiming He was. + +### Application + +Christian psychologist Willard Harley speaks of the two sides of us, fighting for control. The “Giver” is the side of our personality that wants to make the other person happy. It is our unselfish, loving, caring nature that desires what is good for the other and is even willing to be hurt, to be vulnerable, and to be unhappy if in the process the other person is happy. This side of our personality is very prominent during the time we are dating, during the honeymoon, and early in marriage, and it is the side that promotes true intimacy in marriage, an intimacy that can last a lifetime. + +The “Taker,” on the other hand, is the opposite side of our personality that wants to make sure we are happy, even if it makes the other person unhappy. This is the selfish, unloving, uncaring, sinful nature that desires what pleases us in disregard of the other person’s needs. When the Taker takes over in our marriage, conflict becomes a regular part of life. If allowed to continue to dominate our relationship, the Taker will eventually lead us to withdraw from our spouse – emotionally, physically, spiritually – and at the end it could lead to the end of our relationship. + +What the prophet Amos suggests is that we not only allow but encourage the Giver side of our personality to dominate in our relationship so we will seek to do what is good for our spouse – and for others in our life – rather than evil (that’s the Taker in our lives). When we seek to do what is good – which is also what Agape love, caring love, is all about – the promise from Amos is that God will be with us. This does not mean that there are times when God is not with us – God is everywhere and always with us (Mat. 28:20) – but rather that His abiding, loving present will be real in our relationship to make it a healthier, more intimate one, one that reflects His relationship with us, and one which reflects His plan for our lives. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, You desire that Your type of love – unselfish, caring, self-sacrificing love – reign in our relationships. Help me to seek what is good for my spouse so that I may reflect Your love to them and so that Your plan for our married life may be fulfilled in us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c96b89d9f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Seek What Is Good for the Other. . . and Both +startDate: 06/04/2025 +endDate: 06/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/05-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/05-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57a7dc1db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/05-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: He Wants to Rescue, Heal, and Save +date: 06/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." Romans 10:13 + +### Observation + +There are several important aspects in this text: + +1.The expression is emphatic, “Everyone whosoever.” It is not “some,” “most,” but “everyone,” nor is it “might,” or “could,” but “shall.” + +2. This is the third time these words appear in the Scriptures - “shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Joe 2:32), and also quoted by Peter, in his great Pentecostal sermon (Ac 2:21), where he made it an evident application to Jesus Christ. This “calling upon the name of the Lord is defined in Romans 10:9-10: “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10 (NKJV) + +3. The word “saved” in the NT Greek may be translated as “saved,” “rescued” or “healed.” All three words have important implications to our salvation from sin because the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross not only saves us from the penalty of sin (death), but also rescues us from its power, and heals us from its effects. + +### Application + +There are so many circumstances in family life and in the life of a couple where this verse offers us help. For instance, we are often asked if a marriage can be saved after infidelity has taken place. This verse promises that God can bring healing to our relationship even when trust has been broken. + +Others ask if there’s hope for their broken relationship, and we point out that the text promises that God can save our marriage, even if it feels to us like we have nothing in common and divorce is the only solution and outcome. + +What if our son or daughter is in the midst of an abusive relationship or shackled by an addiction? This promise is also for us as their parents as we pray for our children or as they claim the promise for themselves. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, we ask in the name of Jesus that you save, rescue, and heal us – individually, our marriages, our families, and our children – from whatever is keeping us away from You or from enjoying the life You planned and desire for us, life abundant. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8daebc6367 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He Wants to Rescue, Heal, and Save +startDate: 06/05/2025 +endDate: 06/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c616047d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Sharing Joys and Sorrows +date: 06/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15 + +### Observation + +The commentators of the “Andrews Study Bible” write, “This verse describes in concrete terms what it means to be compassionate; the opposite of compassion is a spirit of competition that finds pleasure in the misery of others.” (Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press) + +Utley, in “The Gospel According to Paul” adds, “These two PRESENT INFINITIVES are used in the sense of IMPERATIVES. Christians are a family. Believers are not in competition, but must treat each other in family love. Because of the context of vv. 14–21 it is even possible that this reflects the believer’s response to the unbelieving community using cultural opportunities or circumstances for evangelistic opportunities.” (Utley, R. J., 1998, Volume 5: The Gospel according to Paul: Romans. Study Guide Commentary Series. Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons International.) + +### Application + +The words sympathy and empathy are closely related, so it’s best to define them to better understand them. Empathy means understanding what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes. Sympathy, on the other hand, means acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance. + +Here are a couple of examples of empathy: + +- I understand what you are feeling and empathize with your situation. (Using the word empathy) +- I understand your pain; my mother too passed away last year. (Expressing empathy) + +In contrast, here are a couple of examples of sympathy: + +- I have never lost a pet, but I sympathize with your loss. (Using the word sympathy) +- I was sorry to hear about your father. Is there anything I can do to help you during this difficult time? (Expressing sympathy) + +The apostle Paul encourages us to sympathize and empathize with others. We cannot take the feelings away from the other person; they are their feelings. Nor can we negate, minimize, or devalue those feelings. . . again, they are their feelings. What Paul says is that when the love of God is in our hearts, we rejoice with those who rejoice – we are not envious of them nor will we want to throw a wet towel on their fire or rain on their parade. At the same time, when others weep, we don’t need to try to get them to “pull themselves by their bootstraps” when we think they should, or stop crying because it makes us feel uncomfortable. Instead, we are encouraged to explore their pain and feel it with them when bad things happen as much as we should rejoice together when good things happen. + +In marriage and in family relations, let’s be sympathetic with our spouse, our parents, or our children, and be empathetic with the feelings they are experiencing and expressing. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> father God, help us to feel with others as well as to feel for others, and may we openly rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bab02ffb9d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sharing Joys and Sorrows +startDate: 06/06/2025 +endDate: 06/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/07-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/07-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2cf09f3abb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/07-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: Unselfish Relationships +date: 06/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being. 1 Corinthians 10:24 + +### Observation + +This is Paul’s rule for social relations or how we should live with and toward others because it is what is expedient and what builds us and others up. This principle is presented in several places in the Bible, only worded slightly differently: + +- Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 (NKJV) +- Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. Romans 15:2 (NKJV) +- Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NKJV) +- Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4 (NKJV) + +### Application + +How different would our relationships be if we followed this principle. The great majority of the problems we have with others stem from the innate desire for supremacy, for power, for control. When couples come to me for counseling because they are dealing with financial difficulties, as we talk we discover that one or both want to be the ones that control the family finances. When it comes to the discipline of the children, one or the other parent feels like they need to have control of the children and power over what the spouse says. Even in the bedroom couples struggle for control – who initiates, how often it is done, how it should be done. Many women instinctively know how important sexual relationships are to a man and use intimacy as a way to control, and at times punish, their husband. + +If we followed the Bible’s principles and instead of seeking what we want we worked toward building the other person up, how would that change our relationship? Not only would we be helping them; in reality, our attitude toward them and toward our relationship would also become more positive which would mean we would benefit ourselves. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Your order of things is always best for us. Help us to seek what is best for others so that we in turn would be benefitted by our attitudes, actions, and feelings. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb315ca6bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Unselfish Relationships +startDate: 06/07/2025 +endDate: 06/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/08-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/08-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b461683fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/08-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Flee Sexual Immorality +date: 06/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18 + +### Observation + +Eliminating sexual immorality (Greek porneia) from the community is a top priority for Paul in 1 Corinthians. But Paul is not unique in this regard. The entire apostolic community (see Acts 15:20), as well as the entire Old and New Testament, are united in this concern. What is unique about Paul, however, is that he offers arguments to explain prohibitions against sexual immorality. For example, in 5:6, he explains that the sexual immorality of one person has a negative effect on the entire community. Such arguments clearly show Paul’s strong commitment to persuasion (rather than coercion) as his method of choice for inducing fundamental and lasting changes in people. (Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.) (1491). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.) + +### Application + +The image in this text is not of a person that stands by, walks away, or moves away from sin. Paul urges us to FLEE sexual immorality. As I read this verse I am reminded of the story of Joseph while he worked for Potiphar. His wife did her best to entice Joseph to have sexual relations with her, but his response, and his resolve were firm: “How can I sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9) One day she made sure they were alone and grabbed Joseph by his garment, “But he left his garment in her hand, and fled and ran outside” (Gen.39:12). He didn’t stop to reason with her, nor did he simply stand to leave her presence, he fled. Joseph recognized the gravity of her actions and the danger of the situation, and he fled to get away from her. + +It is interesting that our verse for consideration today (1 Cor. 6:18), is connected to an often quoted verse: “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” (v.19). This verse is often used to remind us that we need to take care of our physical bodies by abstaining from certain foods and chemicals, and by eating properly and exercising, etc. While I would not disagree or object to the use of v.19 in that sense, we need to remember that the context of v.19 is v.18 - flee from sexual immorality BECAUSE our bodies are temple of the Holy Spirit, and when we commit sexual sins not only are we sinning against our own body (vs.18), but against God (Gen. 39:9; 1 Cor. 6:19). + +Sexual promiscuity in any way is self-gratification and contrary to God and of His will for us. That’s why Paul doesn’t simply suggest we stop but urges us to FLEE from it all. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to flee from sexual sins, not only because we sin against our own body, but because we betray the trust of others, and we sin against You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6819439442 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Flee Sexual Immorality +startDate: 06/08/2025 +endDate: 06/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/09-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/09-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c40b0feda --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/09-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: New Every Morning +date: 06/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. ~ (Lamentations 3:22, 23, the Bible KJV) + +### Observation + +The word is correctly translated as plural. It conveys several related ideas: covenant love, grace, goodness, kindness, compassion; each one of these connotations can be expressed with other words. compassions. Another plural word that expresses a deep feeling of empathy. It is connected to the word “womb” when it is related to a mother’s deep attachment to her child. The whole verse can literally be translated as follows: “The kindnesses of the Lord never cease; His compassion (feelings of solidarity) never fails.” (Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.) + +### Application + +All we have to do is stop for a moment and think about what he have done so far this day that deserves divine punishment. Sometimes even early in the morning our thoughts or careless actions toward the people closest to us deserve condemnation. If couples would stop to think about all those times they, as individuals, have been selfish, rude and unkind, stubborn and proud, and expressed words or displayed behaviors that we would be ashamed of, or at the very least embarrassed, if we were aware that angels, and even God, are our witness. How much sorrow those thoughts, words, or actions must bring to the Holy One, and if only His justice reigned we would certainly be wiped off the face the universe. But God’s justice is always balanced with His mercy and His grace. Eugene Peterson in his paraphrase “The Message” states the words of our passage, “GOD's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness!” + +We are truly blessed. Our marriage remains intact in spite of what we have done to each other. Our family is still together even though we have not been a good reflection of God’s love. And the reason we’re still together and have a marriage and a family is because God’s mercies are abundant and never cease. Pause right now to thank God for His mercies toward you, toward your marriage, toward your family. And then ask Him to help you display the same mercy toward those closest to you so that your marriage and your family may be a tru reflection of what he is to you every morning and every day. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You that Your mercies, your compassions are new every morning. Thank You for your faithfulness to us, even when we have not been faithful to you. Help us to be more merciful and compassionate toward those closest to us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b671100226 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: New Every Morning +startDate: 06/09/2025 +endDate: 06/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/10-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/10-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7304932a78 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/10-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Wise Advice +date: 06/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, Dmin_ + +>


+> (Exodus 18:24 NKJV) So Moses heeded the voice of his father-in-law and did all that he had said. + +### Observation + +Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, heard of the miraculous exit of Israel from Egypt, and came to meet them and to bring Moses his wife and children. While visiting Moses, Jethro noticed that his son-in-law would sit from sunrise to sunset listening to the people’s problems, providing guidance, and teaching them what God wanted them to know and do. Realizing that this approach would eventually wear out both Moses and the people, Jethro suggested a pan by which Moses would choose a number of people and delegate some of his responsibilities to them. This wise advice not only helped Moses and the Israelites, but has served as a pattern in many organizations, including the church so that all the burden and responsibility do not fall on the leaders shoulders alone but that it be shared with other capable leaders. + +### Application + +This story is very meaningful to me. I was blessed to have a most wonderful, generous, kind man for my father-in-law, a true gentleman, a very loving father, husband, and grandfather, a very patient, honest, and fair individual. From the very beginning, he opened not only his home but his heart to me and welcomed me into the family as if I had always been part of it. I remember that shortly after he was diagnosed with brain cancer he had an attorney draw up his will. We were visiting that weekend and he and I were at home alone when he showed me the will and asked for my opinion. Here was a man, many years my senior, asking me if I thought the way he had distributed his estate and how he made provision for his wife to be taken care of was fair and just (which I indeed thought it was). He didn’t need my opinion, but that act showed me how wise, respectful, polite, and kind he was to include me in one of the most important decisions of his life. For that cat, and many others, I will remember him with great admiration and respect. + +For some reason, mothers-in-law have always gotten a bad reputation and have been the recipients of many jokes and sarcastic remarks. I would imagine that just as there are some problematic mothers-in-law, there are many who are very good. My mother always spoke of her mother-in-law, my grandmother Cecilia, with the most positive, loving words of admiration and appreciation. Both my wife and I remember and speak of each other’s mom’s in the warmest of ways. While there are in-laws that may be more problematic than not, I wonder if more often than not the problem is with the son or daughter in law, maybe because of their immaturity, or maybe in their attempt to assert their independence and leadership in the home, that they feel threatened by the spouse’s parents and their attempts to be loving and helpful. It would be best if we can enjoy the love and wisdom of our parents and parents-in-law, and that we may maintain a warm relationship which will bless and benefit everyone involved. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for our spouse’s family and for their contributions to our life, future, and well-being. May we all learn to maintain a positive attitude toward one another knowing that in Your family we all can benefit from each other’s knowledge, wisdom, and love. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2319e3309d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Wise Advice +startDate: 06/10/2025 +endDate: 06/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/11-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/11-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f11c261211 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/11-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Correct, Comfort, and Charge +date: 06/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children, 1 Thessalonians 2:11 (NASB) + +### Observation + +Paul likens the conduct of the missionaries to the loving, unselfish care of a nursing mother (v. 7), and he now compares their behavior to that of a father. What he implies here is that they trained and instructed the Thessalonians in the same way that a responsible father disciplines his children. The Greek work for children emphasizes the believers’ immaturity as well as the apostles’ affection for them.. + +### Application + +It is interesting to note the three words Paul uses here to show his fatherly love for his Thessalonian spiritual children: Exhort, encourage (or console), and urge (or implore). Each of these words have a different aspect of parenting. + +Exhorting: Webster’s online dictionary includes several definitions for this word which include to incite by argument or advice, to urge strongly, to give warnings or advice, or to make urgent appeals. + +The other two words are more commonly used in today’s language – console or encourage, and implore. + +Think of the times as parents when we have had to reprimand, discipline, or punish our children. The goal we have is not to be vindictive or vengeful with them but rather to “exhort” them to do better and act differently for their own benefit. No child enjoys being disciplined by his/her parents and they may even feel as if their parents do not love them at that moment – why else would they be treating them that way? That’s why consoling or encouraging them immediately following the application of discipline is so crucial for the well-being of the child. They need to be corrected but they also need to be assured of their father and mother’s love. + +Exhortation/discipline/correction has its place,. And consoling/encouragement also has it’s place, but they are not complete without the third element – imploring, which can also mean to urge or to charge them to do what is right. So the process of disciplining our children must involve these three steps or ingredients: + +- Correct them when they do wrong (exhort, punish, discipline) +- Console or encourage (or assure them of your love for them. . . a hug and loving, comforting words) +- Charge (implore or urge) them to do better next time. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You because at times You have to discipline us, but You always do it with the greatest love and guidance. Help us as parents to follow the same principles so our children will love us and love You as a result. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8cfd556b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Correct, Comfort, and Charge +startDate: 06/11/2025 +endDate: 06/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/12-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/12-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d20ea60140 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/12-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: Through The Darkest Valley +date: 06/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 + +### Observation + +There are four words/expressions in the first part of this verse that are very significant: + +1. Though – the hope we have is that “even if” we have to experience death, God is with us. + +2. Walk through - which indicates that death is temporary, that is, we don’t remain dead forever. + +3. Shadow - Even the shadow of death is frightening, but it has no real power to harm us, at least permanently. As unpleasant and forbidding as death may be, ultimately it can’t do any real harm to the child of God. Henry T. Mahan writes: ‘… Christ has removed the substance of death and only a shadow remains. A shadow is there but cannot hurt or destroy.’ + +4. Valley - a valley is a deep place compared to the mountain peaks. That’s what makes death so painful and foreboding, that it brings us down to the lowest depths of feeling. At the same time, valleys are usually peaceful and tranquil, a place of peace and comfort. + +### Application + +We can apply these words of the psalmist to several situations: + +1. When we are diagnosed with a disease that could potentially end our life. When told of such disease we can plunge to the deepest, darkest recess of our feelings. The fear, dread, confusion, anger, denial – all drive us deeper than we’ve ever been + +2. When someone we love is diagnosed with such a disease. It is one thing that experience danger in our lives, but the closest we’ll ever get there is to know a loved one is going through that experience. In fact, for some of us, we’d rather be the ones dying that to loose a loved one to a terminal disease. + +3. When we loose a loved one to death. While we know that death is part of life, we still can’t accept the fact that it has taken one of our loved ones away from us. For some time, we plunge deep into that dark valley of dread, despair, and darkness. + +4. When we die. This is probably the easiest passage of all, because “the dead know not anything” (Eccl.9:5). + +The wonderful thing about this verse, is that it doesn’t end with the dark valley of death but rather with the promise that God is with us as we journey through it. Whether we or a loved one are diagnosed with a terminal disease, or if they die, or if we die, we’re never alone. God’s rod and staff – symbols of His power and authority, of His presence and guidance – they provide us with the hope and comfort we need to walk through that valley and come to the other side, to the valley of eternal life, with Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Our gentle, Loving Shepherd, thank You that we don’t need to fear death because Jesus has conquered it. And thank You that even when we or our loved ones have to taste death it is simply a temporary state until Jesus the Conqueror of death calls us back to life eternal. Thank You, Father, for walking with us through that dark valley. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d532356b1a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Through The Darkest Valley +startDate: 06/12/2025 +endDate: 06/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/13-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/13-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9aee3506f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/13-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Race to the Finish Line +date: 06/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. 26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 + +### Observation + +The Isthmian games, in which the foot race was a leading one, were of course well known, and a subject of patriotic pride to the Corinthians, who lived in the immediate neighborhood. These periodical games were to the Greeks rather a passion than a mere amusement: hence their suitableness as an image of Christian earnestness. + +So run, that ye may obtain—said parenthetically. These are the words in which the instructors of the young in the exercise schools (gymnasia) and the spectators on the race course exhorted their pupils to stimulate them to put forth all exertions. The gymnasium was a prominent feature in every Greek city. Every candidate had to take an oath that he had been ten months in training, and that he would violate none of the regulations (2Ti 2:5 compare 1Ti 4:7 8). He lived on a strict self-denying diet, refraining from wine and pleasant foods, and enduring cold and heat and most laborious discipline. The “prize” awarded by the judge or umpire was a chaplet of green leaves; at the Isthmus, those of the indigenous pine, for which parsley leaves were temporarily substituted (1Co 9:25. The Greek for “obtain” is fully obtain. It is in vain to begin, unless we persevere to the end (Mt 10:22 24:13; Rev 2:10). The “so” expresses, Run with such perseverance in the heavenly course, as “all” the runners exhibit in the earthly “race” just spoken of: to the end that ye may attain the prize. (Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) + +### Application + +Marriage is like a marathon, not a sprint. To run a marathon one needs several things: + +1. Proper equipment – Although the equipment seems simple – a pair of tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirt – the right type of tennis shoes may make a world of difference. In marriage, the better the equipment we bring into a lasting relationship the greater the chances we will have that it will last a lifetime – family background, religious beliefs, maturity, education, etc. + +2. Proper preparation – Because two people are beginning a life together, proper preparation is essential to lasting success. During this preparation the couple can see what they have in common and what areas in which they need to make changes to adapt to their relationship. + +3. Proper attitude – A sprinter has a mind set to run as fast as possible. Some relationships today are like a sprint – short dating period, quick, engagement, a fast-and-furious wedding/honeymoon, and a quick divorce. A marathoner does not have a sprint in mind but a long, steady race. He/she knows it will take time to get to the end and that they need to pace themselves. + +4. Endurance - Marathon runners reach certain points in the race when the pain seems unbearable, when the heat or the cold makes it uncomfortable to run, where the hills make it extra challenging to continue, but they continue the race with perseverance and they endure ‘till the end. + +5. A single mind on the goal – marathon runners don’t get distracted with the crowd of people cheering or with the crowd of people running around them. They don’t think about what others say or think. These runners have one goal in mind, and that is to finish the race, to reach the goal, to make it to the end. + +6. A support team – While running is an individual sport, in reality runners need a support team – the ones that give them water along the way, the people that cheer them on, the ones that encourage them during their training, the ones that lift them up when they are too tired or weak or hurt to go on. In marriage, we not only need each other, but we need the support and encouragement of family, friends, and the religious community so we can go on to win the race together. + +The key in the marriage race is not to finish first or to be the best, but to run to the end. We will face ups and downs, days of discouragement and days of triumphs and joys, and through it all, we keep our eye on the final goal, to reach the finish line together. When we win that race, not only do we receive the crown, the satisfaction of having made a lifetime together, but our children also receive a lasting reward, the legacy of their parents marriage. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, Help us to run this race of marriage to the end. And when we finish the course, may we receive from Your hands the crown of glory. At the same time, Father, may our children be blessed by watching the example of our race so they too may run victoriously their own race of life. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f80993fa1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Race to the Finish Line +startDate: 06/13/2025 +endDate: 06/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/14-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/14-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ac4f90abd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/14-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Friendly Relationship +date: 06/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. John 15:15 + +### Observation + +Servants. Gr. douloi, singular doulos, often designating “slave,” here, perhaps, a servant with restricted status (see on ch. 8:34). A servant of this rank would be expected to obey blindly without being taken into the master’s counsels. Jesus had taken the disciples into His confidence and had revealed many things to them. The Holy Spirit would further enlighten them (ch. 14:26). Jesus was soon to leave them, and they were to labor on without His bodily presence. A weighty responsibility would be theirs. He wanted them to think of their relationship with Him as that of friends. Before, He had implied that they were servants (see ch. 13:16); now they were His friends. (The Seventh©day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.). Review and Herald Publishing Association.) + +### Application + +Jesus left us an example of what servant leadership is all about. While He is Lord, and we are His servants, His desires a relationship with as of friends, equals, everyone serving everyone else joyfully. + +Those who wish to assert their authority at home, expecting everyone in the family to serve them, while using certain Bible texts to prove that as the head of the household they should expect everyone else to submit to them, is neither a leader nor an example of Christ. + +It is also interesting to note that Jesus provides with an example of what a good ,healthy relationship should be – He calls it “friendship.” In marriage, if we are our spouses best friend, as they are to us, we will be able to maintain a positive, healthy relationship. Someone said that we should marry our best friend. While that is the ideal, one can also make of their spouse their best friend. + +A third lesson taken from this verse is the type of communication that must exist among friends – particularly if that friend is your spouse. Jesus told them, “All things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. In a marriage, this relates to several things: + +1. Sharing God’s good news with our spouse: Whenever we learn something new from God’s Word, share them with your spouse, with your children. Do not keep those good jewels to yourself. + +2. Keeping no secrets: There should be no secrets between you and your spouse. A good, healthy relationship is built on trust, and trust is build on open, honest communication. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You that Jesus is not only our Lord and Savior, He also calls us to be His friends because He is our best Friend, a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. Bless our marriage, bless our home, that Jesus’ type of friendship reign in our relationships. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e70e8944ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Friendly Relationship +startDate: 06/14/2025 +endDate: 06/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/15-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/15-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8087787596 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/15-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: He Praises Her +date: 06/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Prov 31:28 NIV + +### Observation + +The book of Proverbs closes with an acrostic poem describing an “excellent wife” or a “virtuous” wife. The woman described here is married and seeks the best for her husband (vv. 11–12). She is industrious and hard-working, she takes care of her household (vv. 15; 31:21–22; 31:27) and finds success in a variety of fields (vv. 13–14; 31:16–19). She is generous to the poor (v. 20) and teaches wisdom (v. 26). Her children and husband praise her because her excellence surpasses other women (vv. 28–29). Lastly, she fears Yahweh (v. 30) and should be publically recognized and praised (v. 31). + +### Application + +One of the things I fin interesting about this verse is how this woman is honored by those who know her best – her husband and her children. I love the words of Ellen G. White in the devotional “My Life Today,” “The home should be to the children the most attractive place in the world, and the mother’s presence should be its greatest attraction (p.197) + +How is it that these children call her blessed? I believe it has to do with the example of the husband, their father. Husbands can never give too much sincere praise to the one who spends her days in constant activity to make a good home. If he makes it his goal to honor her through words and actions, showing her the respect she deserves, supporting her decisions and opinions, treating her kindly and tenderly, his children will follow his example and treat her the same way. If, on the other hand, he is disrespectful, undermines her, makes fun of her, and in general treats her badly, his children will also begin to trat their mother that way. And by the way, this also become a generational malady – those children will treat their wife or spouse in the same demeaning way. + +The woman who is treated in a kind, loving, special way, as a tender being, will respond accordingly. When a husband mistreats, neglects, or abuses his wife, he quenches her spirit a little at a time which only drives him to expect more from her even as she wilts away. On the other hand, the husband that treats his wife like a daughter of God – respectfully, loving, patiently, supporting and encouraging her – is helping her to grow and flourish. As a result, he ends up with a better wife and mother and therefore with a better home and family life. These type of man, and his children, arise and call her blessed, and praise her regularly and plentifully, not only in appreciation for all she does, but in support of what she is, and the result is a woman that deserves their love and praise. It is a positive cycle of mutual love and praise. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to show appreciation, love, and praise toward my spouse, to build them up, to encourage and support them, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because by doing so my children learn a good example and because we will reap the results of a loving, respectful home. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a5133e8ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He Praises Her +startDate: 06/15/2025 +endDate: 06/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/16-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/16-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9fa2d59bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/16-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Put Away Lying +date: 06/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra_ + +>


+> Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor," for we are members of one another. Ephesians 4:25 + +### Observation + +The original Greek is very emphatic - “having put away” once for all. The decision to put away lying should not be temporary or only when it is convenient to do so. + +“Speak ye truth each one with his neighbor,” is quoted, slightly changed, from Zec 8:16. For “to,” Paul quotes it “with,” to mark our inner connection with one another, as “members one of another” [Stier]. Not merely members of one body. Union to one another in Christ, not merely the external command, instinctively leads Christians to fulfil mutual duties. One member could not injure or deceive another, without injuring himself, as all have a mutual and common interest. (Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) + +### Application + +Lying has become part of the life of some spouse, even if they don’t like doing it. Sometimes spouses say “little white lies” to each other because they do not want to “hurt” the other person. He will not let his wife know that he didn’t like the meal she cooked so lovingly for him. She won’t tell him that she really doesn’t enjoy sitting an entire afternoon watching sports. He will not tell her his honest feelings or opinion when she asks “do I look fat in this dress?”, even if he thinks so. She will not tell him she does not appreciate him spending so much time at work, or with his buddies. . . if she told him, she thinks, I’m being selfish and unappreciative. + +One of the most important emotional needs for women is the need for honesty and openness. She doesn’t want to feel that her husband is not being truthful, that he’s lying about something, that he’s hiding something. She wants to know what he’s thinking and feeling. She wants to have the assurance that when he tells her he will be someplace he will be there. + +No matter how small the lie may be, it creates a barrier which prevents complete, true intimacy from taking place. It makes the person who told the lie, or withheld the truth, defensive, careful with his words lest he be found out. It is so much easier and better to have no secrets between spouses, to always speak the truth so there’s never a fear of a secret slipping out at the wrong moment. Paul’s words are very wise and applicable to marital relationships. When we don’t speak the truth to each other we not only hurt our spouse, we hurt our relationship, and because we are members of the common relationship we end up hurting ourselves. + +Put away lying once and for all! It’s best for your spouse, it’s best for your relationship, it’s best for you! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me that no lie may ever cross my lips, specially as I speak to my spouse. Help us that our conversation may always be truthful and honest for by so doing our intimacy grows, we are closer together, and we honor You, the God of all truth. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c464d41907 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Put Away Lying +startDate: 06/16/2025 +endDate: 06/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/17-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/17-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d26de15d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/17-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Respect the Unmarried +date: 06/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 22:16-17 NKJV) "If a man entices a virgin who is not betrothed, and lies with her, he shall surely pay the bride-price for her to be his wife. {17} "If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money according to the bride-price of virgins. + +### Observation + +This section begins a series of civil regulations for the newly freed Israelites as they begin to form their nation, under God. This section talks about the abuse of a virgin girl or simply taking advantage of the youth and naivete of a young girl to take sexual advantage of her. Perhaps Matthew Henry, in his commentary, explains it better, “Here is, I. A law that he who debauched a young woman should be obliged to marry her, v. 16, 17. If she was betrothed to another, it was death to debauch her (Deu. 22:23, 24); but the law here mentioned respects her as single. But, if the father refused her to him, he was to give satisfaction in money for the injury and disgrace he had done her. This law puts an honour upon marriage and shows likewise how improper a thing it is that children should marry without their parents’ consent: even here, where the divine law appointed the marriage, both as a punishment to him that had done wrong and a recompense to her that had suffered wrong, yet there was an express reservation for the father’s power; if he denied his consent, it must be no marriage.” + +### Application + +While women didn’t seem to enjoy the equality with men that God designed, God did not want men to simply take advantage of the young and vulnerable. That’s the reason why there are so many regulations regarding the orphan and the widow, and in our text for today, a virgin girl. While girls could marry at an early age, they were to follow the regular customs regarding courtship, betrothal, engagement, and marriage, and men were not to simply take advantage of a young girl without having taken all the steps necessary to protect her and ensure her physical and financial protection. While today there is a minimum age at which a person, particularly a girl, can be married, we must also ensure that the young and vulnerable are not taken advantage of, particularly sexually. We should also be careful not to encourage early dating as the level of maturity of one or both can become a great disadvantage to a healthy relationship. This also teaches that young people must listen to their parents in these matters instead of going against their wishes and advice. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, thank You for Your care and concern for the young and vulnerable, and for reminding us that marriage and sex are to be cared for in a sacred manner. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81cc5dde79 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Respect the Unmarried +startDate: 06/17/2025 +endDate: 06/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/18-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/18-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7052a9af7d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/18-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +title: The Example of a Godly Father +date: 06/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian Regiment, 2 a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always. Acts 10:1-2 + +### Observation + +Cornelius was a Roman centurion, in charge of a 100 man company. He was not Jewish, but had come to believe in God. What is interesting is that not only was he a believer, but so did his entire household which included his wife and children, but also other relatives and even his servants as can be found throughout this chapter of Acts. Ellen White writes: “Believing in God as the Creator of heaven and earth, Cornelius revered Him, acknowledged His authority, and sought His counsel in all the affairs of life. He was faithful to Jehovah in his home life and in his official duties. He had erected the altar of God in his home, for he dared not attempt to carry out his plans or to bear his responsibilities without the help of God” (The Acts of the Apostles, p. 133). + +Because of His generosity and devout spirit, God sent His angel to tell him to send for Peter. At the same time, God sent peter a vision which would teach him that God does not make racial or ethnic distinctions but offers His grace and salvation to all people. + +The result of Peter’s visit to Cornelius’ household was that they were all baptized. + +### Application + +The life of Cornelius is a powerful example of the results of the influence of a man in his house. Ellen White describes him as, “a man of wealth and noble birth, and his position was one of trust and honor. A heathen by birth, training, and education, through contact with the Jews he had gained a knowledge of God, and he worshiped Him with a true heart, showing the sincerity of his faith by compassion to the poor. He was known far and near for his beneficence, and his righteous life made him of good repute among both Jews and Gentiles. His influence was a blessing to all with whom he came in contact” (Ibid.) (Emphasis supplied). + +Research has now shown how important it is that fathers spend time with their children, reading with and to them. Those children, whose fathers read to them, have better language skills and therefore do better in school. + +Fatherless children experience some of the greatest challenges of any children. Here is just a sample of what the statistics show: + +- **Incarceration Rates.** "Young men who grow up in homes without fathers are twice as likely to end up in jail as those who come from traditional two-parent families...those boys whose fathers were absent from the household had double the odds of being incarcerated -- even when other factors such as race, income, parent education and urban residence were held constant." (Cynthia Harper of the University of Pennsylvania and Sara S. McLanahan of Princeton University cited in "Father Absence and Youth Incarceration." Journal of Research on Adolescence 14 (September 2004): 369-397.) + +- **Suicide.** 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (Source: What Can the Federal Government Do To Decrease Crime and Revitalize Communities? - see link below) + +- **Behavioral Disorders.** 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes (Source: What Can the Federal Government Do To Decrease Crime and Revitalize Communities? - see link below) + +- **High School Dropouts.** 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes (Source: What Can the Federal Government Do To Decrease Crime and Revitalize Communities? - see link below) + +- **Educational Attainment.** Kids living in single-parent homes or in step-families report lower educational expectations on the part of their parents, less parental monitoring of school work, and less overall social supervision than children from intact families. (N.M. Astore and S. McLanahan, American Sociological Review, No. 56 (1991) + +- **Juvenile Detention Rates.** 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes (Source: What Can the Federal Government Do To Decrease Crime and Revitalize Communities? - see link below) + +- **Confused Identities.** Boys who grow up in father-absent homes are more likely that those in father-present homes to have trouble establishing appropriate sex roles and gender identity.(P.L. Adams, J.R. Milner, and N.A. Schrepf, Fatherless Children, New York, Wiley Press, 1984). + +- **Aggression.** In a longitudinal study of 1,197 fourth-grade students, researchers observed "greater levels of aggression in boys from mother-only households than from boys in mother-father households." (N. Vaden-Kierman, N. Ialongo, J. Pearson, and S. Kellam, "Household Family Structure and Children's Aggressive Behavior: A Longitudinal Study of Urban Elementary School Children," Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 23, no. 5 (1995). + +- **Achievement.** Children from low-income, two-parent families outperform students from high-income, single-parent homes. Almost twice as many high achievers come from two-parent homes as one-parent homes. (One-Parent Families and Their Children, Charles F. Kettering Foundation, 1990). + +- **Delinquency.** Only 13 percent of juvenile delinquents come from families in which the biological mother and father are married to each other. By contract, 33 percent have parents who are either divorced or separated and 44 percent have parents who were never married. (Wisconsin Dept. of Health and Social Services, April 1994). + +- **Criminal Activity.** The likelihood that a young male will engage in criminal activity doubles if he is raised without a father and triples if he lives in a neighborhood with a high concentration of single-parent families. Source: A. Anne Hill, June O'Neill, Underclass Behaviors in the United States, CUNY, Baruch College. 1993 + +All these (and there is much more information on fatherless children) should be a sobering reminder to fathers of the important role they play in their children’s lives. But we also need to be reminded of the critical role fathers play in their children’s spiritual life. It is through the life and example of their fathers that children come to know and love God. If the fathers fail to live a godly life, the chances that their children will follow God are greatly reduced and in many cases it may not even happen. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, awaken in us as fathers and mothers the importance of living a life worthy of Your calling, knowing that our life and example will determine whether our children will learn to trust You, love you, and follow You. Help us to be faithful to You daily and to lead our children through prayer and the study of Your Word closer to you. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fcfdb6f12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Example of a Godly Father +startDate: 06/18/2025 +endDate: 06/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/19-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/19-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4341e250c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/19-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Thinking High of Yourself +date: 06/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. Romans 12:3 + +### Observation + +There is a play on the words in the Greek text translated, “Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think.” This play on words can be paraphrased this way: “do not to be high-minded above that which you ought to be minded, but be so minded as to be sober-minded.” To himself, every man is in a sense the most important person in the world, and it always needs much grace to see what other people are, and to keep a sense of moral proportion. + +### Application + +This conflict between the sexes came into humanity as a result of the sin Adam and Eve committed at the very beginning. God told them that among the results of their rebellion, there would be this struggle over supremacy of one toward the other (Gen. 3:16). In some societies, women have ruled over men ans that society has become matriarchal. . . the major decisions are made by the women of the community. In the majority of countries, society is patriarchal with the men making the major decisions for their family and society. Even among some Christians, men misuse their power to exert their control over everyone else in the home. + +Paul tells husbands and wives that if we have accepted God’s grace and have been born again, none of use will look down on anybody else, particularly those closest to us. Looking down on others is another way of saying that we think high of ourselves than they are. On the contrary, says Paul, remember how God has dealt with each one of us, how he has extended his grace and mercy toward us. The very least we should do is to extend the same grave and mercy toward our loved ones. Before God, none of us are better or higher than anybody else. Paul says that, “All have sinned and have come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). There is no such thing as a better sinner, or a less bad sinner. . . all have sinned! And yet, God extends His mercy and grace to ALL. + +In God’s plan, He wants us to be servants of each other rather than thinking higher of ourselves . When we think higher of ourselves, we want to be served, obeyed, followed. When we exercise servant leadership, we serve others, and by natural result others follow. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to not think higher of ourselves but rather help us to have the servant attitude toward other, especially those closest to us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a4c30c948 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Thinking High of Yourself +startDate: 06/19/2025 +endDate: 06/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/20-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/20-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f2caf6caf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/20-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: To Know God's Will" +date: 06/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; (Colossians 1:9) + +### Observation + +It seems like there was a want of knowledge among the Colossians, which is why he so often dwells on this subject (Col 1:28; Col 2:2, 3). On the contrary he less extols wisdom to the Corinthians, who were puffed up with the conceit of knowledge. + +Wisdom is often mentioned in this Epistle, as opposed to the (false) “philosophy” and “show of wisdom” (Col 2:8, 23; compare Eph 1:8). + +Uunderstanding means a sagacity to discern what on each occasion is suited to the place and the time; its seat is “the understanding” or intellect; wisdom is more general and has its seat in the whole compass of the faculties of the person. But knowledge is desirable only when it is seasoned by “spiritual understanding.” + +### Application + +What would we want for those you love most? Money, prestige, power, fame? Or maybe health, protection, success? Paul suggests we pray, first of all, that they may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will. How often our children come to us for help, guidance, or advice, and they tell us, “I just wish I knew what to do!” Well, so do we! We wish we knew what would be best for them in every instance. So what if we prayed that our loved ones would be so filled with the knowledge of God’s will that they would live their life according to that will! + +If you knew that every member of your family knew the will of God for their lives, wouldn't you be filled with peace and joy for them? Of course you would. We all want our family members to know God's plan. What does God want for them related to His will? The final words of verse 9 make this clear: To have knowledge “in. all wisdom” means to know what to do. + +When you pray for your family members to know God's will, you are praying that they will be wise enough to know how to make good choices and do the right thing. To have knowledge “and spiritual understanding” means to know why to do it. + +Stop to pray right now that those you love most – your spouse, your children, other relatives, friends –will be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, and that He will give them all wisdom and spiritual understanding so they may follow that will. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, please bless my spouse, my children, my family, and others I so much love, that they may be filled with the knowledge of Your will and that they may have the wisdom and spiritual understanding to follow it and live according to it. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04e98cb8e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: To Know God's Will" +startDate: 06/20/2025 +endDate: 06/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/21-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/21-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c675422b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/21-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: To Walk Worthy" +date: 06/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “That you may walk worthy of the Lord...” Colossians 1:10 + +### Observation + +The verb tense in the original Greek may express purpose or result which is the aim of the right knowledge of God. “The end of all knowledge is conduct” (Lightfoot). You can slo compare how Paul uses this word in other places: I Thess. 2:12; Phil. 1:27; Eph. 4:1 + +Noah Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language offers several definitions of the word “worthy:” + +1. (n.) Having worth or excellence; possessing merit; valuable; deserving; estimable; excellent; virtuous. + +2. (n.) Having suitable, adapted, or equivalent qualities or value; -- usually with of before the thing compared or the object; more rarely, with a following infinitive instead of, or with that; as, worthy of, equal in excellence, value, or dignity to; entitled to; meriting; -- usually in a good sense, but sometimes in a bad one. + +3. (n.) of high station; of high social position. + +4. (n.) A man of eminent worth or value; one distinguished for useful and estimable qualities; a person of conspicuous desert; -- much used in the plural; as, the worthies of the church; political worthies; military worthies. (http://bibledictionaries.com/worthy.htm) + +### Application + +According to language scholar Kenneth Wuest, the word “worthy” in this verse of Colossians is a word which is best translated as “weight.” What you are praying according to this admonition then, is that your family members walk (go about their lives) each day in such a manner that their words and actions “carry weight.” + +When we pray for a loved one that they walk worthy of the Lord, we are asking Him to help them is their conduct so that they demonstrate the character of Christ and everyone who meets them knows that their word, their life carries weight, that it is not easily moved by the winds of fashion, or opinion, or peer pressure. + +In old days, people would make an agreement by either a simple handshake or at times a verbal agreement. That small action carried all the weight of their character, of their family’s name and reputation. Those who made that type of agreement would sooner die than to fail to make good on their word. They would say things like “my word is as good as money.” + +Nowadays a person’s name, word, or handshake does not carry the same weight as a legal contract, and there are many who don’t even respect the agreement made in such a document. + +Stop to pray right now that those you love most – your spouse, your children, other relatives, friends – may be walk, may life in such a worthy manner that their life, their word be respected and appreciated by others. . . that it may carry weight. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless my child (husband/wife) that they may walk is such a way before You that their character of integrity may be reflected in their words and actions. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d90c30e34 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: To Walk Worthy" +startDate: 06/21/2025 +endDate: 06/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/22-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/22-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7f9ddb248 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/22-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: Live Fruitful Lives" +date: 06/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Being fruitful in every good work. . .” Colossians 1:10 + +### Observation + +“Bearing fruit” is the first manifestation of their “walking worthy of the Lord.” + +One of the activities of the saint in the sphere of a behavior which is worthy of the Lord, is fruitbearing. This fruitbearing and increasing is to be, not in the knowledge of God, since the latter is the motivating energy which produces the former, but by means of the knowledge of God. + +### Application + +One of the images we find in the Bible is that of being rooted to illustrate being grounded in God’s Word. A person who is grounded in God is compared to a tree: “He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper” Psalm 1:3 (NKJV). The prophet Isaiah speaks of the remnant of God who are very fruitful because their roots go down deep: “And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah Shall again take root downward, And bear fruit upward” Isaiah 37:31 (NKJV). + +We can pray that our spouse and children be successful in life. We can pray for the promotion which for which they have been hoping and toward which they have been working hard. We can pray that the time and effort they have put forth in their studies will pay off in the form of good grades, and that they will graduate, and that they will have employment in the career they have chosen. We can pray that their business venture or their investments will pay off. But most importantly, we must pray daily that they may have a spiritually fruitful life through effort and sacrifice which will ultimately become a blessing to others. + +Some young people have decided to dedicate their time and talent to bless others in countries where the need is great and the means meager. They have gone to teach, as student missionaries, and given at least one year of their lives to learn about a different culture at the same time as they teach about God. Many have returned as missionaries in the medical fields, as educators, as builders, and doing many other things to improve the quality of life in countries where good health or education is not readily available. These young people, and some older ones too, may not be rich in worldly goods, as some of their contemporaries; at the same time, they can see so much tangible proof of their good, unselfish, dedicated work in the lives of people who may not even be alive were it not for their dedication and commitment. + +But you don’t have to go to the mission field or outside of the country in order to bear good fruit. There are many people close to where we live, in our neighborhood, at work, at school, who would benefit greatly from the love and service of dedicated Christians. Pray that your loved ones, your spouse, your children, may bear fruit as they relate to these people and that they may see the reward of their work as they see changed lives. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless my husband/wife, bless my children, that they may be successful in what they do, not simply to enrich themselves but rather to enrich the lives of others. May they bear rich fruit that will make other people’s lives better. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29fbf50c7c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: Live Fruitful Lives" +startDate: 06/22/2025 +endDate: 06/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/23-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/23-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ea4ded850 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/23-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: Hunger to Know God" +date: 06/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10 + +### Observation + +“Knowledge” is _epignsis_ (πιγνωσις). The word is an advance upon _gnsis_ (γνωσις) (knowledge) in that it denotes a larger and more thorough knowledge. It is a knowledge which grasps and penetrates into an object. Paul prays that all the saints might become possessors of this knowledge, indicating that it was open for all to appropriate, not a secret mystery into which only a favored few could be initiated. Paul prays that they not only might have it but that they might be filled with it. His petition is that the Colossian saints might be filled with a thorough knowledge of God’s will. + +### Application + +The intent of this prayer is not that we should have a lot of knowledge about facts and information, as if in order to win a trivia contest of sorts. The intent is that we may be not just acquainted with a certain number or all of the Biblical doctrines. The intent, rather is that we may be filled with the knowledge of God Himself. To know Him intimately, not just as a theory or principle. + +Some people study and investigate a subject they are passionate about. Archaeologists spend hours, days, months, and even years excavating ruins in a place so they can uncover its past and better understand the culture that lived there. Researchers devote themselves to finding the cause and the cure for a disease. Athletes devote their lives to perfecting their skills in order to win championships, to establish records, to make history. + +What Paul says we should pray for is that our loved ones have that type of desire, and commitment, and passion for a personal relationship with God. + +God wants to have an intimate relationship with each of His children. When each member of the family hungers to know God intimately, their potential for success in life finds daily partnership with the Heavenly Father. How wonderful it is to know each member of the family is growing in intimacy with Christ every day. + +Stop right now and pray that each member of your family may have that hunger, that passion to know God, nit simply information about Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, awaken in my family the hunger to know You so that they will come to know You and to experience You personally in their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b127435064 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: Hunger to Know God" +startDate: 06/23/2025 +endDate: 06/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/24-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/24-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4fd239e5a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/24-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Family Religion +date: 06/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 23:17 NKJV) "Three times in the year all your males shall appear before the Lord GOD. + +### Observation + +Moses continues to write the instructions God has given him for the Israelites. In this section we find the regulations concerning the holy days that were to be observed annually. While the Sabbath was to be observed weekly and there were seven holy days, God established that at a minimum all males were to appear before the Lord three times each year. While the entire family participated in the celebrations and in observing those days, the males, as representatives of the home, were to come to the assembly to perform their duties as required by the law. + +### Application + +The husband is still the priest of the household and it is his responsibility to see that the religious observances by the family be conducted on a daily, constant basis. The husband represent Christ to his family and us such he is to be loving and self-sacrificing. In those homes where there is no husband, the mother should assume the responsibility of living and sharing the faith with her children. At the same time, religious observance cannot simply be a personal matter but it must be part of family life and it must also be a public demonstration by attending the public services of the church. While we as Christians do not observe the Jewish holy days, the weekly Sabbath must still be part of our life and practice as a family and men should lead by example in the keeping of that day. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us, men, to be the examples to our families that we need to be so that we all together may Know You, Love You, Serve You, and Share You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bcad236ac5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Family Religion +startDate: 06/24/2025 +endDate: 06/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/25-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/25-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92fe56446c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/25-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: That They Will Be Strong and Mighty" +date: 06/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power. . .” Colossians 1:11 + +### Observation + +The radical idea of might, is that of indwelling strength, especially as embodied: might which inheres in physical powers organized and working under individual direction, as an army: which appears in the resistance of physical organisms, as the earth, against which one dashes himself in vain: which dwells in persons or things, and gives them influence or value: which resides in laws or punishments to make them irresistible. This sense comes out clearly in the New Testament in the use of the word and of its cognates. Thus, “Love the Lord thy God with all thy strength” (Mark 12:30): “according to the working of his mighty power” (Eph. 1:19). The kindred adjective is used in other places in the New Testament and translated differently but with a similar sense: “A strong man” (Matt. 12:29): a mighty famine (Luke 15:14): his letters are powerful (2 Cor. 10:10): a strong consolation (Heb. 6:18): a mighty angel (Apoc. 18:21). Also the verb σχω. “It is good for nothing” (Matt. 5:13): “shall not be able” (Luke 13:24): “I can do all things” (Philip. 4:13): “availeth much” (Jas. 5:16). + +### Application + +One of the challenges that sometimes parents face is with children who are, as James Dobson describes, “strong-willed children.” These are the children who have a mind of their own and who seem to want to run the opposite way to where their parents want them to go. A dictionary definition might be obstinate, stubborn, which have negative connotations. + +Let’s think of a more positive side to strong-willed. Someone strong-willed doesn’t give up easily. A strong-willed person is determined. Your will is your desire or drive to do something, so a strong-willed person is someone with a powerful will – that is a good thing!. At the same time, it can be a bad thing. For instance, a child who insists on going outside in the rain and throws a temper tantrum unless he/she gets his/her way is strong-willed in a stubborn way. Someone with deep beliefs, who can stand up to the crowd, who will not be swayed by his/her peers is strong-willed in a better way. A hero, someone who shows courage, someone who fights for what is right, is also strong-willed. You have to be strong-willed to stand up for what you believe, particularly during difficult situations. + +Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry used to say, “Don't pray for an easy life. Pray to be a strong person.” This is exactly what Scripture is admonishing here. Pray each day that your family will be able to make tough decisions based on God's principles and will be able to remain strong and mighty. + +Instead of praying that your child have a soft, easy, mellow personality, pray that they will be strong in their convictions, mighty in their beliefs, powerful in their conscience, mean and women of valor for God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, while it might be easier to raise a child who is compliant, I pray that my child will be strong in the face of temptation and sin, mighty as they speak and live for You, and courageous even when the consequences may be painful for them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87c60100e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: That They Will Be Strong and Mighty" +startDate: 06/25/2025 +endDate: 06/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/26-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/26-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54bf56b577 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/26-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: That They Will Be Patient, Persistent, and Joyous" +date: 06/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. Colossians 1:11 + +### Observation + +Spiritual strength is a third factor that results from knowing God’s will and pleasing Him. Being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might includes three words for strength: “being strengthened” is dynamoumenoi; “power” is dynamei, spiritual vitality; and “might” is kratos (“power that overcomes resistance”; used only of God in the NT). This God-given strength produces great endurance and patience. This endurance (trans. “perseverance” in James 1:3) was exemplified by Job (James 5:11). To this endurance Paul added “patience,” a word generally connected with gentleness and calm sweetness (as in 1 Cor. 13:4). Endurance and patience are often associated (cf. 2 Cor. 6:4, 6; 2 Tim. 3:10; James 5:10–11). Endurance (hypomon, lit., a “remaining under”) implies not easily succumbing under suffering; and patience (makrothymia, lit., “long temper”; cf. Col. 3:12) means self-restraint which does not hastily retaliate. A lack of endurance often results in despondency or losing heart, whereas a lack of patience often leads to wrath or revenge (cf. Prov. 15:18; 16:32). (Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.) + +### Application + +One of the lessons our children must learn early in life is that of delayed gratification. When we quickly give in to our child’s every whim and desire, we’re only teaching them that they will always get what they want and do not need to exercise any patience whatsoever. On the other hand, when we teach our children from the time they are small that there are times when they need to wait, we are really teaching them several of the three things mentioned in the text for today. + +Here’s an example. When your child asks for a toy, particularly one that costs a fair amount of money, you can make an agreement with your child that if they save a certain amount of money toward that toy, you will help them with the final percentage. For instance, “If you save from your allowance until you have 80% of the cost, I will help you out with the final 20%.” This teaches them to both be patient AND persistent. If they truly want something, they can work toward that goal. If they don’t want it that bad, they will probably give up a lot earlier before reaching the goal. But if they persist, and save the agreed on amount, one of several things will take place. In some cases, by the time they have saved that amount they have changed their mind and either don’t want that anymore or they may want something different. But if they do persist in having what they have saved for, once they get it they will experience greater joy (which is the third thing from our verse) than if they had simply received it the moment they asked you for it. + +So, don’t answer every request immediately. Instead, work with them, and pray that they will be patient, persistent, and at the end joyous. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless my children that as they work to fulfill their wishes they may be patient, they may work toward their goal and be persistent, and that they may have the joy that accompanies reaching a long-awaited goal. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d885cb84b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: That They Will Be Patient, Persistent, and Joyous" +startDate: 06/26/2025 +endDate: 06/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/27-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/27-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..208e0f0bf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/27-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: That They Will Express Thanks for Having Been Redeemed" +date: 06/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:12-14 + +### Observation + +Thankfulness, a fourth result of following God’s will and pleasing Him, is a keynote in the spiritual life. Believers are urged elsewhere by Paul, “Give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thes. 5:18) and to come before God “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving” (Phil. 4:6). Four other times in Colossians (3:15–17; 4:2) Paul enjoined believers to be grateful. Joyfulness too is part of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22), made possible by the gospel (cf. Isa. 29:19; John 16:20; Acts 13:52). + +### Application + +As spouses and parents, we need to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness. If you’re not already doing it, begin by expressing thanks for even the smallest, simplest things your spouse or children do – mow the lawn, make supper, pick up toys, open the door of the car, took garbage out, etc. We should never take each other for granted nor should we take for granted what the others do as if it was their obligation. + +What is important as well is that when we develop a spirit of gratitude for the common, simple things in daily life we will also grow to appreciate even more all that God has done for us. In particular, we should give thanks for the three greatest gifts mentioned in our texts for today: + +1. That we have been redeemed through the shedding of His blood, and our sins are forgiven and never remembered anymore. (V.14) + +2. That we have been delivered and rescued from the penalty and power of sin. Satan will never have power over us again. (V. 13) + +3. That we have been accepted into the kingdom of God for eternity (become eternal citizens of heaven with a new passport and identification) (V. 13) + +Paul urges us to always remember with thanks what Christ did for us on the cross. We should pray that our loved ones, our family, our children will remember to be thankful for these three great gifts every day. + +Using the principles from the last seven days, write a prayer for your family which incorporates each of the element or prayer requests mentioned. Keep the copy of your prayer in a place where you can refer to it every day as you pray individually for each member of your family, especially for your children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You that You have rescued us, redeemed us, and that we have been accepted into Your kingdom, all through the life and death of Your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Help us to be grateful everyday for these great gifts. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8004497fa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Seven Prayer Requests: That They Will Express Thanks for Having Been Redeemed" +startDate: 06/27/2025 +endDate: 06/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/28-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/28-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cda34ee73f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/28-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: Lord of Your Words +date: 06/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Ephesians 4:29 + +### Observation + +The word “corrupt” in the original Greek language of the New Testament literally means “insipid,” without “the salt of grace” (Col 4:6), and therefore worthless and then becoming corrupt.: this includes “foolish talking” (Eph 5:4). Its opposite is “that which is good to edifying.” + +### Application + +I just received this from a friend: + +A young disciple of a wise man once asked him, “Master, a friend was speaking ill about you.” + +“Stop!” interrupted the wise man; “Have you made sure that what you’re about to tell me has passed through the three doors?” + +“The three doors?” + +“Yes. The first door is TRUTH. Are you sure that what you’re going to tell me is absolutely true?” + +“No. Y heard it from some neighbors.” + +“Well, at least you have made your information go through the door GOODNESS. Will what you’re going to tell be good to me or anybody else?” + +“No, not really. . . the opposite.” + +“The last door is NECESSARY. Is it necessary for me to know what bothers you so much?” + +“Actually, no.” + +“Therefore,” said the wise man smiling, “If it’s not TRUE, or GOOD, or NECESSARY, let’s buried it in forgetfulness.” + +When it comes to our relationships with our spouse, loved ones, or friends, we must remember that words can do much harm, so we must think carefully what we’re going to say before doing it. Someone wrote: “You are a slave of the things you say, but Lord of the words you don’t.” It is easier to hold the words we have not said than to bring back those that have already come out of our mouth. The apostle Paul reminds us of the importance of saying only words that serve for the edification and encouragement of others. Think of what positive things you can say to and about your spouse that will affirm them, encourage them, strengthen them. Think of what you can do to help your children develop a good strong sense of self. Most importantly, think of what you can say to your loved ones and others that will help them experience God’s grace in their lives. Don’t be a slave of your words. . . be their master.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to use all that I say to strengthen, encourage, and build others up, never to tear anyone down. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a73583bf6e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Lord of Your Words +startDate: 06/28/2025 +endDate: 06/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/29-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/29-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64783d6226 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/29-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: A Lasting Inheritance +date: 06/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Woe to those who join house to house; They add field to field, Till there is no place Where they may dwell alone in the midst of the land! 9 In my hearing the LORD of hosts said, "Truly, many houses shall be desolate, Great and beautiful ones, without inhabitant. Isaiah 5:8-9 + +### Observation + +Woe. Six “woes” (vv. 8, 11, 18, 20, 21, 22) are introduced by the Hebrew particle translated as “woe” or “alas.” They function as warning devices. They clearly intensify the force of the condemnation to exile. The charges against God’s people are as follows: they do not pay attention to the Lord; they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel; they call evil good and good evil; and they are engaged in sin. The evils God judges in this setting are greed (first woe); self indulgence (second woe); moral perversion (third woe); delusions of grandeur (fourth woe); self indulgence and the resulting social abuses (fifth and sixth woes). + +### Application + +One of the most interesting stories that Jesus taught sprang from a question put to him: "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Luke 12:13 (NKJV) How many families have fallen apart because one took more than their share and another felt they didn’t get enough. Arguments, fights, lawsuits, and even murder have resulted from wanting a larger piece of the inheritance. + +But Jesus’ response put the desire for more into a proper perspective: Then he told them this story: "The farm of a certain rich man produced a terrific crop. 17 He talked to himself: 'What can I do? My barn isn't big enough for this harvest.' 18 Then he said, 'Here's what I'll do: I'll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I'll gather in all my grain and goods, 19 and I'll say to myself, Self, you've done well! You've got it made and can now retire. Take it easy and have the time of your life!' 20 "Just then God showed up and said, 'Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?' 21 "That's what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God." Luke 12:16-21 (MSG) + +I just saw this interesting story today which helps us to put Jesus’ words into a different perspective: A man gave orders to do three things upon his death: + +(1) That his coffin be carried by the best doctors of the time. (2) That the treasures he had would be scattered along the way to his grave. (3) That his hands would be left outside the coffin in the sight of all. + +Amazed someone ask him the reason for his requests. He explained: + +(1) I want the most eminent doctors carrying my coffin to show that they don’t have the power to heal. (2) I want the road to be covered with my treasures so everyone can see that whatever material goods you accumulate on earth stay on earth. (3) I want my hands out of the coffin so that people can see that we were born empty-handed and we die empty-handed. . . when you die, you cannot take anything material with you. + +We can leave our families money and material things; those could help them establish their own future. But more important than those physical things which will pass away one day, we can give them our time with them, the memories we build together, a good character, and most importantly, we can give them our faith in God. . . those things are not perishable. . . they are eternal. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to remember that our life is in Your hands and that if we want to leave our loved ones any inheritance when we die it is our faith in You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..90cdb19f7c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Lasting Inheritance +startDate: 06/29/2025 +endDate: 06/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/30-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/30-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13346e9779 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/30-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Swollen with Pride +date: 06/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4 + +### Observation + +As an introduction to the woeful taunt-songs Habakkuk was instructed to record, God gave His summary condemnation of the conceited character of the Babylonian: He is puffed up. Like a bloated toad, these arrogant people hopped along toward destruction. They were swollen with evil passions. Their desires were not upright. (Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.) + +### Application + +The image that is painted in the above commentary is very interesting: “Like a bloated toad, these arrogant people hopped along toward destruction.” When two people marry, there is a normal, automatic tension. Each person, because of their family of origin, tends to want to pull his/her spouse in the direction in which they were raised. . . they want to live in the way they were accustomed to, to follow the patterns they observed in their family as they were growing up. When those patterns were good and healthy, that can be a good, solid basis for building a new home. The problems begin when one or both partners had faulty, or even unhealthy families of origin and each wants the other to follow the same patterns. Tension and conflict will be the result. + +The next issue that normally arises our of that tension, and conflict, is an unwillingness to recognize wrongdoing. Pride takes over and one or neither is willing to admit that those patterns set during their upbringing are bad. They feel that if the other person is not willing to accept their family of origin’s patterns they are in reality attacking them, or at the very least rejecting them. They rise up to defend their family and initiate an attack on their partner’s family. + +While this tension, and resulting conflict, are natural in the process of adapting to life together, the biggest issue arises when one or both are unwilling to recognize their contribution to their problems and proudly stand their ground, even if it is not good, or even if it’s detrimental to the relationship. “Like a bloated toad, these arrogant people hop along toward destruction.” Consciously or unconsciously they run toward the precipice taking their family with them until they plunge together into the death of their relationship. + +Habakkuk offers a much better solution for you and for your family: “The just shall live by his faith.” Set aside pride and arrogance and live with the knowledge of God’s presence in your life and in your marriage and learn to depend on Him to help you form a healthy relationship. When the horizon looks dark, let Him be your sunshine. When the ground seems shaky, let Him be your rock. When the storms of conflict and strife arrive in your marriage, let Him come and bring you peace. Instead of hopping along toward the destruction of your marriage, walk with God by faith so you and your family will have life, and life abundant. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, come live in our lives, in our marriage, in our family and eradicate all pride and sin from our relationship that we may live and not die. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f73c66d447 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Twenty-one Days to a Habit +startDate: 06/30/2025 +endDate: 06/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06e380243f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/06-june-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: June 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/01-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/01-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6335e1d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/01-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Always Burning +date: 07/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 27:20-21 NKJV) "And you shall command the children of Israel that they bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to cause the lamp to burn continually. {21} "In the tabernacle of meeting, outside the veil which is before the Testimony, Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening until morning before the LORD. It shall be a statute forever to their generations on behalf of the children of Israel. + +### Observation + +The Levites had the responsibility for the care and maintenance of the sanctuary, including the seven-branch lampstand which light was to be kept always burning. To that effect, the priest would go in and replenish the oil and the wicks and ensure that its fire would never go out. After the destruction of the temple, the Jewish people found some oil for the lamps and immediately got the light going again while at the same time preparing the special oil to continue the shining of its light and hoping the oil they had found would last until a new batch would be ready. According to their story, the fire lasted long enough, nine days; the celebration was great and indeed gave way to the beginning of the annual commemoration of that event through the festival of Hanukkah. + +### Application + +It is important that in marriage and in the home the light always be burning. This light can take on different forms: + +1. The light of God must be burning at home by having daily devotional time, Bible study and prayer. + +2. The light of love must be burning daily by practicing its manifestations as explained by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13. + +3. The light of kindness and patience must burn daily as we experience at times what others do to us, whether willingly or carelessly. + +4. The light of romance must be burning daily as we look for ways to show our spouse through words and actions how much we love them and how much we care for them. + +5. The light of forgiveness must burn daily to get rid of the darkness of resentment and hatred. + +Let’s keep our light burning at home and in our relationship so others may see it and find hope for their own families. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to keep the light bright and burning that we, our families, our spouse, our children, may have a brighter life and that others may also be helped remove the darkness in their lives and the darkness in this world. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..255b920352 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Always Burning +startDate: 07/01/2025 +endDate: 07/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/02-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/02-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ccfe5bfec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/02-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: In the Service of God +date: 07/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim judgment upon it; for their wickedness has come before Me. 3Jonah, however, started out to flee to Tarshish from the Lord’s service. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. He paid the fare and went aboard to sail with the others to Tarshish, away from the service of the Lord. + +### Observation + +The Jewish Study Bible makes a couple of interesting observations about these texts: + +1. Jonah found a ship “coming from Tarshish” rather than “going to Tarshish,” as usually translated. 2. Many scholars accept the translation “he paid the fare” but there is a good reason to prefer “he paid its hire” (that is, he hired the ship and its sailors). In other words, he was “lucky” to find a ship just coming to port and hastened so much that he hired everyone so as to leave for the sea on the spot. + +### Application + +There seems to be this human tendency to want to do the opposite of what God wants us to do. When God instructed Adam and Eve to offer animal sacrifices as a lesson and as a promise of the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins, Cain offered the fruit of the land instead. When God told the Israelites shortly after leaving Egypt to go in and take over the land He was giving them, they told Him they would not go in because they were afraid of the giants there. So then God told them they would not go in for forty years and instead they tried to go in and were routed by the people living there. + +It seems as if in dating and marriage people many continue with this rebellious attitude. God already has certain guidelines, such as “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14). And yet hundred upon hundreds totally disregard His guidance and enter into such relationships only to find themselves disillusioned, frustrated, alone, and often divorced. + +It is often the same case in marriage. When the romantic feelings seem absent from their relationship many want to flee back to the single life or worse into the arms of somebody else. I often hear words such as “Don’t I have the right to be happy?” or “I made a mistake marrying hi/her.” If, however, God has given you your spouse as His mission to you, it is no mistake and we can abandon our ministry to them. It is interesting that Jonah received a command from God to go “at once to Nineveh,” and instead he at once went the opposite direction. + +Once you have married a person, and are having some conflict, challenges, or difficulties in your relationship, instead of thinking of leaving, answer God’s call to help prepare your spouse for the soon second coming of Jesus (Eph. 5:25-26), don’t run away from God’s service, fulfill your God-given duties, do it joyfully and lovingly (1 Cor 13), and He will reward your efforts with a better relationship or at the very least with the clear conscience of having done all for Him as He asked. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, at times we have taken our marriage as a convenient estate in life instead as a relationship which reflects that which we should have with You. Bless our marriage, and help me to be to my spouse the helpmeet, their sanctifier You have called me to be. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7cbc33db21 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: In the Service of God +startDate: 07/02/2025 +endDate: 07/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/03-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/03-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e74312e806 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/03-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: More Hessedin our Relationships +date: 07/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1 + +### Observation + +The words “His mercy endures forever” are a key phrase which occurs 26 times in this poem in reference to God’s goodness. The word translated “mercy” is Hessed, which means, “divine love” “compassion,” or “steadfast love.” + +### Application + +I supposed if we sang this psalm today it would be like a praise chorus or a responsive reading with the same words repeated again and again. There’s probably a good reason for this repetition. Sometimes we forget or take for granted God’s abundant mercy and His steadfast love for us – He simply will not give up on us! The psalmist had experienced God’s overflowing mercy and expressed it repeatedly as a reminder to others, maybe even to himself. + +I wonder if the psalmist also had in mind to teach us as married couples, as parents, as children, as families that we need to experience that steadfast love, that overflowing mercy, so that we can then extend it to our spouse, our children, our parents, our family! We seem to find it easier to practice judgment, and are critical and unforgiving with our spouse’s mistakes. We are impatient with our children when they do the opposite of what we want them to do. As our parents age and their health begins to deteriorate we become frustrated – some even become abusive. This psalm speaks to us, urging us to give thanks to God that His steadfast love, His abundant mercy, his overwhelming compassion, and to extend the same to our loved ones When we do, not only do we experience God in our lives but we become the extension of His love toward our loved ones who are also His children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for your mercy and love for us which last forever. Thank you that You don’t turn Your back on us; instead, You have compassion for us, and reach out to us to rescue us, to save us, to cover us with Your forgiveness and love. Help us to be more compassionate, more loving with others, especially those closest to us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..057732e000 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: More Hessedin our Relationships +startDate: 07/03/2025 +endDate: 07/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/04-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/04-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3278c70c89 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/04-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Bad Decisions, Better Solutions +date: 07/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And he said to them, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will become calm for you. For I know that this great tempest is because of me." Jonah 1:12 + +### Observation + +God sent Jonah to go immediately to Nineveh, but instead of following God’s command Jonah, immediately, went the opposite direction. He evidently hired a ship to take him far from God’s appointed ministry, but while on this journey a storm arose that threaten to capside the ship and throw everyone overboard and to their death. When it was discovered that Jonah was the culprit for this storm, Jonah told them to throw him overboard. . . to Jonah, assisted suicide was easier to bear than the hard work of speaking for God. + +The Jewish Study Bible explains: “Jonah probably thought that death was the best available way out of his mission. Had he died, he would have successfully escaped from God’s call. Of course, the readers know that God will not let this happen. As soon as Jonah is thrown overboard, they expect a divine action aimed at saving Jonah from death. Their expectations are fulfilled.” (p.1201). + +God never intended to kill Jonah or the other people on board the ship, and even when Jonah tried to find the “easy” way out God had already prepared his rescue – a large fish. + +### Application + +We all probably have had a situation at one time or another which we have found almost overwhelming, almost hopeless, we can’t seem to find a clear solution, a way out of it. Some thoughts may have crept in: “I wish I were not here,” “I wish we were not married,” “I wish I were dead.” Many have taken the “easy” way out – divorce, abandoned the family, suicide. But while those steps might have gotten them some relief – maybe permanent relief in death – the results for those left behind are horrendous. + +The effects of divorce, the breakup of a family, or suicide can be devastating to the children. I have known older adults who still experience the results of their parent’s suicide while they were children. There is a sense of guilt (Was it something I did?), rejection, (Why did he/she do that if he/she loved me? He/she must not have loved me!), shame (sometimes lying about the cause of death), feeling abandoned, questioning why it all happened, blaming themselves or others. + +The wonderful thing about the story of Jonah, is that God does not abandon us even when we reject Him. God gives us not just a second chance but many chances. And God has an answer to our questions, a solution to our problems, a plan for our lives, a promise for our prayers. Even when we make bad decisions, God has better solutions. + +Just this morning I read these words again: “Though difficulties, perplexities, and discouragements may arise, let neither husband nor wife harbor the thought that their union is a mistake or a disappointment. Determine to be all that it is possible to be to each other. Continue the early attentions. In every way encourage each other in fighting the battles of life. Study to advance the happiness of each other. Let there be mutual love, mutual forbearance. Then marriage, instead of being the end of love, will be as it were the very beginning of love.” (Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live By, p. 253). + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, remove all negative thoughts from our mind, especially those thoughts that cause us and others harm. Father, as You gave Jonah a second chance, as You gave the Ninevites a new opportunity, please give us a new chance to change, to make our lives better, to make our marriages healthier and happier. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..83efbc3e26 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bad Decisions, Better Solutions +startDate: 07/04/2025 +endDate: 07/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/05-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/05-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4459fb5b9c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/05-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: An Attitude and a Behavior +date: 07/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 + +### Observation + +The question is “How are we to worship?” With burnt offerings, calves, or thousands of rams. That, evidently, is not the answer since they are only “shadows of things to come.” Even child sacrifice, mentioned in v. 7, is not the answer. Instead God asks for three things: (1) “do justly,” which means literally to act with justice toward other people. (2) “love mercy,” or to love being merciful; and (3) “walk humbly with your God,” which means to have an attitude of humble wisdom in response to God. Interestingly, the first two principles have to do with how we relate to others, whereas this final one deals with how we relate to God. In a way, this is also how the ten commandments are divided in general terms: the first four have to do with our relationship with God while the last six have to do with our relationship with others. + +### Application + +The three principles that Micah mentions, if applied to marriage, or in our family, can change how we relate to one another. Let’s think about these for a moment: + +1. Do justly - It is possible that Micah mentions justice first because social injustice was the great sin which scarred the society of his day (cf. 3:1, 8). Practicing justice means to uphold what is right according to the will of God, and instead of offering animal sacrifices it requires the sacrifice of life – that is, giving ourselves to the other person to do what is right. Upholding what is right often requires the sacrifice of personal aims and ambitions as well as trying to see the other person’s point of view rather than passing judgment based only on our personal thoughts and feelings. + +2. Love mercy - The justice which God wants is based on kindness and mercy. The Hebrew word (chessed) points to conduct which is becoming those who have been recipients of God’s mercy themselves and who should naturally extend it to others. The combination of the words “Loving mercy” is an active quality which means it should be translating “mercy” into deeds. + +3. Walk humbly - The Hebrew verb “make yourself humble” (hattsnea‘) is used only in one other place in the Old Testament in Proverbs 11:2: “When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom” (NKJV). The term refers not so much to self-humiliation as to an attitude of humility and measured and careful conduct. + +Relate to each other with justice, mercy, and with the humble spirit which results from our relationship with God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, helps our attitude toward each other to reflect our relationship with you, and help us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before you and with our loved ones. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c49e625785 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: An Attitude and a Behavior +startDate: 07/05/2025 +endDate: 07/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/06-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/06-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..067db1daf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/06-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Pleasant Words +date: 07/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 + +### Observation + +Elsewhere the book of Proverbs presents an interesting contrast: “The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, But the words of the pure are pleasant” (Prov. 15:26). By their nature, gentle, kind words, by soothing the mind, give the body health. + +### Application + +The tongue can detect several different tastes - sweet, sour, salty, bitter. Some of us have a preference for one of three - sweet, salty, or sour. For instance, I prefer fruit that has a tart taste but I also enjoy some sweet foods and other salty foods. In general terms, however, most of us don’t care for things that have a bitter taste. The writer of this proverb understands that most of us, from the time we’re children, have a preference for that which is sweet and pleasant and dislike that which is bitter. + +In the book, “The Voice in Speech and Song,” we find some important guidance: + +“Do you dislike to have harsh words spoken to you? Remember that when you speak such words others feel the sting. Let your praiseworthy example, your peaceable words and unselfish deeds, be a savor of life unto life. + +“The talent of speech was given to be used for the benefit of all. Pleasant, cheery words cost no more than unpleasant, moody words. Sharp words wound and bruise the soul. In this life everyone has difficulties with which to wrestle. Everyone meets with grievances and disappointments. Shall we not bring sunshine instead of gloom into the lives of those with whom we come in contact? Shall we not speak words that will help and bless? They will be just as much a blessing to us as to those to whom they are spoken.--Ms 93, 1901. (Ellen G. White, The Voice in Speech and Song, p. 64) + +A couple in which sweet pleasant words form part of their communication will have a better relationship than one where yelling, sarcasm, criticism, or bitter words form part of their conversation. Children who hear pleasant, kind, encouraging words will grow with a more pleasant disposition than those who receive from their parents a barrage of attacks or constant criticism. + +Let’s practice daily the use of sweet, kind words toward each other. They reflect our relationship with god, and they also help others to experience such a relationship with Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to speak nothing but words that will help and bless others and which will help them feel closer to you. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b7c9e2889 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Pleasant Words +startDate: 07/06/2025 +endDate: 07/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32dcc6987d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: He's Able, If You Let Him +date: 07/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13 + +### Observation + +Man is, in different senses, entirely active, and entirely passive: God producing all, and we acting all. What He produced is our own acts. It is not that God does some, and we the rest. God does all, and we do all. God is the only proper author, we the only proper actors. Thus the same things in Scripture are represented as from God, and from us. God makes a new heart, and we are commanded to make us a new heart; not merely because we must use the means in order to the effect, but the effect itself is our act and our duty (Ez 11:19; 18:31; 36:26) [Edwards]. (Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) + +### Application + +I have often heard individuals use an expression that more than likely came out of Hollywood: “I love him, but I am not in love with him.” I think what they are trying to say is that they care about the other person but they don’t have the same romantic feelings they once had toward them. The butterflies don’t flutter in their stomach they once did when they were with the other person. They have lost the excitement they once had when they were together. And because they don’t have any of those feelings, they come to me to see if I, as a marriage counselor, will either give them permission to separate or divorce or if I would suggest or encourage divorce as the solution to the predicament in which they find themselves. + +To begin with, I explain to them that love is not a feeling – it is a decision. It’s the decision to care for the other person even when the romantic feelings are not there. Amy Cuddy, of Harvard University, conducted experiments for her research which showed that our behavior shapes our thinking. . . and our feelings. (You can watch her presentation in a TED conference at http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are.html). What she explains, then, is that instead of waiting until we feel a certain way, if we start acting that way we will begin to think and eventually feel that way. In other words, if I don’t have those romantic feelings toward my spouse, instead of waiting to “feel” romantic toward them I should start “behaving” in a romantic way toward them, and the result is that I will begin to “think” romantically and even “feel” romantically toward them, which is the ultimate desire we want after all. + +While Amy Cuddy’s teachings are based on research, the Apostle Paul provides us with even more powerful help. Paul tells us that God not only works “in” us the “will” or the desire to want to do something, but also helps us to actually “do” it. When we commit our life and marriage to God, even if we find ourselves without the romantic feelings toward our spouse, God helps us to want to be loving toward them (that’s the “will” part), and also to take the steps to be loving (that’s the “to do” part). + +So, think about it: You may not have those warm, fuzzy feelings you once had toward your spouse, but you do love God and you know He loves you and wants the best for you. What should you do? (1) Ask God to place in your heart the desire to act lovingly toward your spouse. (2) Submit yourself to God so that He will show His love through you toward your spouse. (3) Act lovingly toward your spouse even before you begin to feel it. The results will be that your attitude will follow your behavior, and at the end your feelings will follow your attitude. The ultimate result will be a loving, caring relationship, as God designed it to be, and not just simply momentary romantic feelings toward the other person. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, when the romantic feelings I once had toward my spouse are hard to find, help me to want to love them, and to act lovingly toward them until the caring feelings toward them return and take a firm hold on our relationship so that it may completely reflect our relationship with You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..153c64169e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He's Able, If You Let Him +startDate: 07/07/2025 +endDate: 07/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/08-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/08-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d0f41b6782 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/08-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Holy to the Lord +date: 07/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 28:36 NKJV) "You shall also make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it, like the engraving of a signet: HOLINESS TO THE LORD. + +### Observation + +As part of the priestly garments, the high priest was to wear a breastplate with a stone for each of the twelve tribes of Israel, and a turban with a gold plate engrave with the words “Holy or Holiness to the Lord.” The breastplate was significant in that “"Whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over his heart on the breast piece of decision as a continuing memorial before the LORD” (vs.29). As to the gold plate on the turban, “It will be on Aaron's forehead, and he will bear the guilt involved in the sacred gifts the Israelites consecrate, whatever their gifts may be. It will be on Aaron's forehead continually so that they will be acceptable to the LORD” (vs.38). God’s people were to be on the mind and over the heart of the high priest whenever he performed his ministry in the sanctuary. + +### Application + +The role of the husband as the high priest of the family is also very significant. His wife, his family, his children must be on his mind and in his heart every time he prays and every time he performs any act before God. His words and actions toward his family must be guided not only rationally (the mind), but emotionally (the heart). + +But there’s something else in the symbolism here which we must not overlook. The words engraved on the gold plate attached to the turban – Holy to the Lord – is a call and a challenge to purity, to be separated from any influence that would distract or detract from service to Him, to refrain from any thought, word, or cation that according to His will or contrary to it. Those words demonstrate a total, undivided commitment to God which, as a result, makes our commitment to our spouse stronger and more durable. It was such commitment which kept Joseph from agreeing to Potiphar’s wife enticement to sin. It was that commitment which kept Daniel praying, as he did before, in spite of the order to the contrary. It was such commitment that kept Jesus faithful to His ministry all the way to the cross in spite of the actions of His people at the time and in the future. It is such commitment we as husbands and wives are called to today, to be Holy to the Lord, and wholly our spouse’s. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, today we dedicate and consecrate to You anew. We want to be Holy to You and we want to be Wholly our spouse’s. Strengthen us daily that this commitment we make today remain firm forever. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c85f82e935 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Holy to the Lord +startDate: 07/08/2025 +endDate: 07/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/09-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/09-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d8b023128 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/09-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Church Attendance Matters +date: 07/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Heb 10:25 NIV + +### Observation + +The Greek, “episunagoge,” is only found here and 2Th 2:1 (the gathering together of the elect to Christ at His coming, Mt 24:31). The assembling or gathering of ourselves for Christian communion in private and public, is an earnest of our being gathered together to Him at His appearing. Union is strength; continual assemblings together beget and foster love, and give good opportunities for “provoking to good works,” by “exhorting one another” (Heb 3:13). Ignatius says, “When ye frequently, and in numbers meet together, the powers of Satan are overthrown, and his mischief is neutralized by your likemindedness in the faith.” To neglect such assemblings together might end in apostasy at last. He avoids the Greek term “sunagoge,” as suggesting the Jewish synagogue meetings (compare Rev 2:9). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +How important is it for the family to attend church together on a regular basis? Does it matter who goes to church with their children, their mom, their dad, neither, or both? Research done in Switzerland has shown that it is critically important! In fact, the religious practice of the father of the family determines the future attendance or absence from church by the children. The results show a dramatic differential between the relative impact of a father's church attendance and a mother's church attendance. This what research in Switzerland showed: + +- If both father and mother attended church regularly then 33 per cent of their children became regular churchgoers, a further 41 per cent irregular attenders and about a quarter not practicing at all. +- If the mother was a regular church attender but the father irregular then only 3 per cent of their children became regular church attenders, 59 per cent irregular attenders and 38 per cent non-attenders. +- If the father was non-practising and the mother regular only 2 per cent of children were regular and 37 per cent irregular church attenders. 61 per cent did not attend church at all. +- Surprisingly, if the father is a regular church attender the children's religious practice varied in an inverse relationship to their mothers' practice. If the mother was regular 33 per cent of children were regular. If she was an irregular attender then 38 per cent of children were regular. If the mother was non-practising then 44 per cent of children became regular attenders. +- Even when the father is an irregular attender and the mother non- practicing 25 per cent of the children were regular attenders and 23 per cent irregular attenders. + +In short, if a father does not go to church, no matter how regular the mother is in her religious practice, only one child in 50 becomes a regular church attender. But if a father attends regularly then regardless of the practice of the mother at least one child in three will become a regular church attender. [http://www.ad2000.com.au/articles/2002/sep2002p8_1115.html and http://trushare.com/83APR02/AP02LOW.htm] + +Father, if you love your children and want them to grow up attending church regularly don’‘t neglect church attendance yourself – make it part of your weekly family practice. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless us, as fathers, that we may serve as an example to our children by our regular exercises of our faith, including church attendance together as a family. And bless us with the joy of seeing our children grow up loving you and serving you all their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6dea2d242f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Church Attendance Matters +startDate: 07/09/2025 +endDate: 07/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/10-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/10-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5f1b456fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/10-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Offering Your Children to Idols +date: 07/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For when you offer your gifts and make your sons pass through the fire, you defile yourselves with all your idols, even to this day. So shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live," says the Lord GOD, "I will not be inquired of by you. Ezekiel 20:31 + +### Observation + +When some of the elders in exile came to inquire of the Lord, He refused to answer them. Instead He told Ezekiel to review the nation’s rebellious history. From the very beginning, when the Lord confronted His people in Egypt, they resisted His will by clinging to their idols. After He had delivered them from bondage and given them the law, they rebelled in the wilderness. Though the Lord prohibited that generation from entering the promised land, He preserved their children and warned them not to follow in their fathers’ footsteps. However, the children, while still in the wilderness, sinned against the Lord. When He finally established them in the land, they worshiped Canaanite gods at pagan sanctuaries. Ezekiel’s idolatrous contemporaries were no different. Consequently the Lord would purify them through judgment and exile. Once He had removed the rebellious worshipers of idols, He would restore the nation to the land. The people then would repudiate their former behavior and worship the Lord in purity. [Dockery, D. S., Butler, T. C., Church, C. L., Scott, L. L., Ellis Smith, M. A., White, J. E., & Holman Bible Publishers (Nashville, T. (1992). Holman Bible Handbook. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.] + +### Application + +The thought of throwing one of our children to an idolatrous fire is horrendous, in fact, preposterous. It shocks us to think that people would do such hideous things to innocent children, particularly their own. And yet I have often wondered how often parents today through their children to other idols and don’t think twice about it. + +One of those ways in which have inadvertently thrown our children to the fire happened when we opened up the internet to our children with no guidance, supervision, boundaries, or discipline. In fact, we’re really throwing them into one of the biggest fires there is. The internet has provided us with a limitless amount of information and resources, but it has also opened up avenues to sin which were unthinkable just a few years ago. But we have make it easy and convenient for our children to have access to the good, the bad, and the dangerous of the internet without as much as a blink of the eye. Even those parents who have protected their home by not having cable television, or television at all, have now opened their homes to something even worse, and with much greater influence. Parents who never took their children to the movies, and maybe never brought videos home, are unaware that all those Tv programs and videos are all available on the internet and their children are watching them all. + +Another area where some parents are throwing their children to idol fire is by sending them to public schools. I know there are no Seventh-day Adventist Schools everywhere, and for some parents that is the only choice they have. I worry about those parents who had one or several Adventist schools available in the area where they live and yet choose to send their children to public schools where they are being taught things contrary to what the Bible teaches and to what their parents believe. They think that as long as they take their kids to church on Sabbath, which is good, their kids will be fine. But how can one to three hours a week at church can have as strong an influence as forty hours a week at school? While no church school is perfect, it sure is a better alternative than a secular environment for those many hours each week. + +In what other areas are you maybe throwing your children to idol fire? Sports, extracurricular activities (dance lessons, beauty pageants, cheerleading competitions, little league sports played on Sabbath, etc.). Why are we more interested in making sure our children experience the greatest variety of activities? Is it so that others will not think we’re depriving them of something “good?” Are we trying to keep up with the neighbors, or friends in how much we expose our children to? + +I encourage you to look at the activities to which you are exposing your children and at least offer them as much time, if not more, in activities where they will learn about God and service to others. Lear to present your children to God instead of making them an offering to worldly idols. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, we pause to present our children to You again just now and ask that You bless them, protect them, and guide them. Help us to unclutter our life and schedule so that we may have more time for them to help them come closer to You each day. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38218f5a7f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Offering Your Children to Idols +startDate: 07/10/2025 +endDate: 07/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/11-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/11-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45a000b6f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/11-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: It's not Denial, it's the Attitude +date: 07/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls 18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17-18 + +### Observation + +In a ringing climax to the book, Habakkuk announces that though all the natural means of sustenance should fail, he will rejoice in God anyway, even as Paul did while awaiting a decision in a Roman jail cell (Phil. 4:4). Evidently, this is due to a continuous trust in God, regardless of external circumstances, an attitude which Habakkuk needs right now as he contemplates Babylon’s impending judgment upon Judah. Likewise, our relationship with the Lord should not be dependent on what is happening in our lives at any given moment. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +We find the response of Job to all his problems admirable. How could anyone loose all his/her possessions, all his/her children, and ultimately his/her health and yet not get angry or complain? Would we blame anyone for feeling despondent in such situation? Would we be shocked if they expressed their disdain, their frustration, their hopelessness? In fact, I think we would be more surprised if they didn’t! + +The opposite of Job would be someone who is not able to accept their circumstances and lives in a world of denial. Studies have shown that people facing terminal disease go through several stages, with the first one being denial. The initial shock of receiving such unexpected news leads people to deny that it is really happening. “Surely the reports are wrong.” “There must be a mistake.” “This cannot possibly be happening to me.” + +Habakkuk is not going through denial about what he’s going through. What he’s doing is recognizing all that is happening to him but not allowing it to shake his faith in God. He is able to maintain that positive attitude because he has seen how God has blessed him in the past. He chooses to focus on the good things and not simply give up by looking only at all the bad things. + +Everyone of us will face challenging circumstances in our life at some point or another. It may be the loss of a job, losing money in a promising investment, the tragic and early death of a child or another loved one, a terminal disease diagnosed with no symptoms present or with no previous family genetic connection. It would be normal for us to have a time of denial, but we cannot remain there. When we put it all into perspective – the fact that God promises us eternal life, a family reunion from which we’ll never part, and that He will take care of us, His children, we can then share the positive, grateful attitude of Job and of Habakkuk. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for all you have done for us in the past. When things don’t go well and the pain we experience seems unbearable please remind us of all those blessings so we lift our heads up and have the positive attitude which will help us get out of the pit of despair. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..18495812c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: It's not Denial, it's the Attitude +startDate: 07/11/2025 +endDate: 07/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/12-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/12-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe46b8d1d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/12-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Love Like a Mother +date: 07/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 (NASB) + +### Observation + +_**willing**_—The Greek is stronger, “we were well content”; “we would gladly have imparted,” “even our own lives” (so the Greek for “souls” ought to be translated); as we showed in the sufferings we endured in giving you the Gospel (Ac 17:1–34). As a nursing mother is ready to impart not only her milk to them, but her life for them, so we not only imparted gladly the spiritual milk of the word to you, but risked our own lives for your spiritual nourishment, imitating Him who laid down His life for His friends, the greatest proof of love (Jn 15:13). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +The apostle Paul developed such a close, loving relationship with the people he brought to the knowledge of Jesus Christ that he considered them more like his children than his pupils. His affection for them, he writes, is comparable to the love that a mother has for his children. Mothers reading his words immediately identify with those feelings toward their own children, something fathers can’t ever experience. + +About 35 years ago social scientists began to teach about the importance of early bonding with babies. Experiments with animals showed that bonding is essential for a baby. Studies of newborn monkeys who were given mannequin mothers at birth showed that, even when the mannequins were made of soft material and provided formula to the baby monkeys, the babies were better socialized when they had live mothers with whom they could interact. The baby monkeys with mannequin mothers also were more likely to suffer from despair. Scientists suspect that lack of bonding in human babies can cause similar problems. + +Most babies are ready to bond immediately upon their birth. Parents, on the other hand, may have mixed feelings about it. Some parents feel an intense attachment within the first few minutes or days after their baby's birth, while for others, especially if the baby is adopted or has been placed in intensive care, it may take a longer. + +At any rate, bonding is a process, not something that takes place within minutes and not something that has to be limited to happening within a certain time period after birth. For many parents, bonding is a byproduct of caring for their baby on a daily basis. You may not even know it's taking place, but then you see your baby’s first smile and suddenly you realize that you're filled with love and joy for that little child of yours. + +This is not a skill you learn, it is a natural feeling that God places inside your heart automatically, for most people. Those of us who are parents love that feeling and flourish in the glow of our bond with our children. Enjoy every minute of the experience and as your children grow into youth and adulthood. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for letting Your love shine through our hearts to our children. Help us to enjoy that experience as long as possible so that they too may experience Your love through us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c00ec786fd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love Like a Mother +startDate: 07/12/2025 +endDate: 07/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/13-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/13-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e91ed15d7b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/13-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Look and Wait +date: 07/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Therefore I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. Micah 7:7 + +### Observation + +Therefore I will look unto the Lord—as if no one else were before mine eyes. We must not only “look unto the Lord,” but also “wait for Him.” Having no hope from man (Mic 7:5, 6), Micah speaks in the name of Israel, who herein, taught by chastisement (Mic 7:4) to feel her sin (Mic 7:9), casts herself on the Lord as her only hope,” in patient waiting (La 3:26). She did so under the Babylonian captivity; she shall do so again hereafter when the spirit of grace shall be poured on her (Zec 12:10–13). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +I read once that a young girl, when she starts to think about the things she would like to see in a future mate, makes a list of qualities and characteristics that are desirable for her. For instance, she will write things such tall, hair color, eye color, educated, good job, spiritual, from a good family, etc. They may come up with a very long list, somewhat unrealistic. But as the years go by and she finds herself growing older and still single she begins to dismiss some of the things on her list and the list gets shorter until she gets to be in her early thirties and the list only contains two items – warm and breathing. Obviously this story is somewhat humorous, but it illustrates the urgency with which some singles approach their social situation as the years go by. + +I like the three things that Micah speaks about in today’s verse as a plan for singles to adopt for their lives. First of all, Micah writes “I will look to the Lord.” The focus all of us should have in life is not to make money, have prestige, or even be married, but to have a relationship with God such that when Jesus returns He will recognize us. The advice for singles in this verse is that instead of looking for life happiness in a relationship with others they must look at God for fulfillment and satisfaction regardless of their social state in life. + +The second word from Micah is to “wait for God.” Society teaches that time is short and therefore the sooner one marries the better. On the other hand, research has shown, among many others, two things that young people should keep in mind. (1) Marriage before the age of twenty increases the chances of divorce within the first fifteen years of marriage. In fact, people who marry before the age of 20 are two to three times more likely to divorce. (2) The average age of marriage in the US currently is about 27 for women and 29 for men. By this time, they have completed their education and have a job. Incidentally, Women with higher IQs tend to go to college, and women who go to college tend to marry later. My conclusion is that it is better then to wait to get married until a little later in life and to wait on God to put them in touch with the right person rather than rushing to find someone, anyone to marry. + +The final important word from Micah is a promise: “God will hear me.” What that is telling me is that when we pray, when we look to the Lord for guidance, and when we wait for God to show us the right partner, He will hear our plea. Now, that may mean that we may have to remain single for some time, or even for the rest of our life. As one of my daughters told me once, “I’d rather be alone and single, than alone and married.” The wrong relationship can bring a lot of pain and unhappiness to a marriage and to the individuals involved. + +So let’s take the three words from Micah to heart and “Look to the Lord,” “Wait on the Lord,” and “He will her us.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, a single life can be a lonely life, but we commit ourselves to look at You for guidance and fulfillment, wait on You for an answer to our plea, and eagerly await to hear from You what You know is best for our lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b89d389691 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Look and Wait +startDate: 07/13/2025 +endDate: 07/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/14-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/14-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c87559725d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/14-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Childless Mother Finds a Home +date: 07/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, Dmin_ + +>


+> He grants the barren woman a home, Like a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD! Psalm 113:9 + +### Observation + +God’s care is illustrated by making a barren woman a happy mother of many. Barrenness was understood as a disgrace in ancient cultures and even by the people of the Bible (see Gen. 30:1; 1 Sam. 1:6–7, 10) + +The psalmist cites a specific example of the way in which Yahweh gives sons to the barren housewife. Perhaps this is a further allusion to the experience of Hannah. Some see in the barren housewife here a picture of Zion whose sons were lost in the Babylonian captivity. Now her heart is gladdened by the restoration of her children to her. [Smith, J. E. (1996). The wisdom literature and Psalms. Old Testament Survey Series. Joplin, MO: College Press Pub. Co.] + +### Application + +It amazes, shocks, and saddens me when I hear of a mother that killed her child or children! How can a mother do that to her own child? And it’s probably more shocking when we know of so many women who cannot conceive and who would do anything to be able to bear their own child. Many watch their friends or relatives get pregnant. They see the joy it brings to them and to their families. They follow the progress, the changes, the baby shower, and the culmination of the many months of expectancy with the birth of their baby. And while they rejoice with the other person at the same time they feel the emptiness in their own heart. + +Maybe that’s why the verse in this psalm is so interesting to me. Some may read it as a promise to the barren that God will answer her prayers and she will bear children of her own. That is indeed very possible. I have known of some couples who had given up hope only to find themselves expecting a child of their own. I have known of couples that adopted a child or even several children and then had children of their own. So the possibility of having their own children exists and it may indeed happen. + +For others, they will never conceive a child of their own but they have the opportunity to adopt children whom they will raise and love as if they had been born of them. For them, there is no difference, nor should there be, between naturally born children or adopted children. . . they will receive the same love and treatment. + +Of course there are also some women who are simply not able to have children nor do they want to. They are very content with having pets or having nothing but a good relationship with their husband. They make good aunts, and that’s as close as they want to be to children. + +To every woman, whether she bears children or her own, or adopts children, or chooses to not have children at all this psalm speaks the promise that God will give them a home, one just as joyful as the home where children abound. Let God our Father provide you with that joyful home experience regardless of your circumstances. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may our experience be such that whether we have children or not we will have a joyful home where we can experience love and share love with others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92b1c5faa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Childless Mother Finds a Home +startDate: 07/14/2025 +endDate: 07/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/15-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/15-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..233da5a013 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/15-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Passed Down +date: 07/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 31:1-11 NKJV) Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: {2} "See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. {3} "And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, {4} "to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, {5} "in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship. {6} "And I, indeed I, have appointed with him Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and I have put wisdom in the hearts of all who are gifted artisans, that they may make all that I have commanded you: {7} "the tabernacle of meeting, the ark of the Testimony and the mercy seat that is on it, and all the furniture of the tabernacle; {8} "the table and its utensils, the pure gold lampstand with all its utensils, the altar of incense, {9} "the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils, and the laver and its base; {10} "the garments of ministry, the holy garments for Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons, to minister as priests, {11} "and the anointing oil and sweet incense for the holy place. According to all that I have commanded you they shall do." + +### Observation + +Bezalel was Hur’s grandson. Tradition teaches that Hur was Miriam’s husband – Miriam who was Moses’ sister. While God endowed these men with special skills to be able to make all the ornaments of the sanctuary and the clothing to be worn by the priests, my guess is that they were already gifted and experienced in those arts, something they might have learned from their respective fathers as it has been for millennia. + +### Application + +One of those gifts we can give our children is to pass down to them skills, knowledge, good memories, family history, all of which strengthen their roots in their past and enable them to do better in their future. One of the greatest gifts we can pass down to our children is our faith in God and our hope in the soon return of Jesus. While somebody said that God does not have grandchildren, by which they mean that we all have the same opportunity to be children of God, in order for our children to know about God we, as their parents, must pass our personal faith is God as our Father. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we pass down to our children not only useful knowledge and skills but most importantly our faith You that they, too, may come to know You and love You and accept Your gift of salvation. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bca63d674e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Passed Down +startDate: 07/15/2025 +endDate: 07/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/16-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/16-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..373355fe61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/16-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Build Your Children Up +date: 07/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17 + +### Observation + +The verb in the original Greek of the New Testament is put in such a way as to express absolute complacency, once and for ever felt towards Him. The English here is not strong enough, and “I delight” comes the nearest to that complacency which is intended. God’s words should immediately carry the thoughts back to that Messianic prophecy alluded to in Is 42:1, “Behold My Servant, whom I uphold; Mine Elect, in whom My soul delighteth.” At the same time, we should not overlook the words that follow, “I have put My Spirit upon Him; He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.” + +### Application + +We have grown so accustomed to reading the words which were spoken on the occasion of the baptism of Jesus that we miss one important fact. We think of the fact that Jesus was baptized, although He didn’t need to since He had no sin. We think of the fact that the three persons of the Holy Trinity were present during that event as God spoke, Jesus was in the water, and the Holy Spirit, like a dove, alighted on Jesus. We think about the fact that Jesus exemplified baptism by immersion. All of these are correct and lessons worth remembering. + +I would like us to think, in addition, to the specific words of God for Jesus. God could have simply stated, “This is my beloved Son,” and the words would have confirmed the divinity of Jesus, or His Messianic ministry. But the entire speech, as short as it was, is a lesson for us as parents to learn as we seek to affirm, encourage, and strengthen our children as they grow. + +First of all, God made it clear to Jesus, and to us since then, that He loved Him. Even though there was obviously no doubt in Jesus’ mind, as He began His ministry the Father assured him and confirmed His love for Him. The lesson for us is to affirm our children all the time of our love for them. Repeat those words regularly, never say good bye without ending your conversation with those words, and even when they do something which is contrary to what you taught them and it breaks your heart assure them of your love for them. They must know that even if they disappointed you, your love for them has not changed. + +The second word from God to Jesus, which we need to learn from, is the word “pleased,” or “delighted.” We sometimes have a tendency to focus on our children’s misbehavior instead of emphasizing those times when they do well. One way to reinforce good behavior is by affirming our children when we “catch” them doing good. When your son picks up his toys, praise them immediately and pray them specifically for that action. A general word of affirmation such as “that’s a good boy!” does not provide the reinforcement for their good actions that words like, “thank you for picking up your toys!” would. When she hangs her clothes in the closet or helps set the table, express your feelings of delight and tell her how pleased you are with her actions. + +Let the words of God toward His beloved Son be a lesson to us as parents as we express our delight for and toward our children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for teaching us through Your own example how we can affirm our children, and help us to express that delight, love, and appreciation to them often. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc644ed964 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Build Your Children Up +startDate: 07/16/2025 +endDate: 07/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/17-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/17-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de15d1b523 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/17-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Like Grass +date: 07/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> They are like a sleep. In the morning they are like grass which grows up. Psalm 90:3, 5 + +### Observation + +This psalm is attributed to Moses which would then make it the oldest psalm written. Verses 3-6 describe life much like grass as a cycle of growing and dying. In the morning, grass flourishes and grows up, but in the evening the grass is cut down and it withers. This image is repeated in various other places in the bible (See Ps. 37:2 72:16; 103:15; Isa. 40:7; James 1:10, 11). On the other hand, God’s eternity and permanence is contrasted with man’s short life – for God a thousand years are like yesterday when it is past. The “Lord” (a title indicating sovereignty) is the true “dwelling place” (home, refuge) of each succeeding generation. Whereas man’s life is brief and changing, God abides. + +### Application + +When compared to God, the 70 or 80 years we live are so minuscule. Maybe that is why the psalmist compares our life span to grass. Grass grows and dies and sometimes we don’t even notice that cycle, except when we have to mow it. When we have lots of rain the grass grows unstoppably. It seems like we have barely finished mowing it when it needs mowing again. And once we mow it, the grass clipping get mingled with the rest of the grass and eventually come to be part of the entire grass spread. + +How many blades of grass are in my yard? I have no idea! And maybe that’s another reason why Moses compares his people to grass. . . so many are born, grow up, and eventually die that it almost becomes commonplace, imperceptible unless it happens to a loved one. + +But there are several things in the words of this psalm that I find encouraging: + +1. It confirms what other places in the bible present explicitly or implicitly – death is like a sleep. . . a dreamless, undisturbed, sleep that ends the morning of the resurrection. + +2. While we are like grass that grows and dies, there is that hope in that morning when we will again grow up. . . except that we will never wither again. + +3. Moses uses this image to remind us that while our life is short and temporary, our God is permanent. As many people as have died in the past, for many generations, God has “been our dwelling place in all generations” (vs. 1). We don’t need to fear death, because God is always with us in life and through death. + +The next time a loved one goes to his or her sleep of death we can be comforted in the knowledge that God will be with us as He has been with every other generation in the past. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for the knowledge of your permanence in our lives for it removes our fear of the future and of death. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b779e0a339 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Like Grass +startDate: 07/17/2025 +endDate: 07/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/18-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/18-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fdcbf5676f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/18-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Behaviors that Harm Your Marriage +date: 07/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, Colossians 3:8-10 + +### Observation + +Several words deserve further explanation: + +- Wrath describes passion for a time: opposed to “tender-hearted,” and so it has also been translated as harshness. +- blasphemy describes “evil-speaking,” as it is translated in Eph 4:31. +- filthy communication – the context favors the translation, “abusive language,” rather than impure conversation. “Foul language” best retains the ambiguity of the original. + +### Application + +The apostle Paul writes that our relationships should be different now that we have been changed from the inside by Jesus. Those things that were commonplace, second nature, should give way to our new nature. + +Think of how the words of Paul apply to your relationship with your spouse. Your old self won't be nearly as good of a spouse as your new self. These verses from Colossians challenge us to set aside the poor behaviors that always get in the way of a healthy marriage and put on the character of Christ. + +Think of the opposite of these words so that it will help you to practice, or “put on,” the positive traits and not simply fight to not do the negative things. Instead of bitterness , use kindness. Instead of harshness, be tender-hearted. Instead of anger or resentment forgive one another.” + +Although it makes it sound as easy as putting on a coat, read the words of today’s passage aloud together with your spouse and listen for that one sinful trait that is the hardest for you to get rid of and the one godly trait that is the hardest to clothe yourself in. Confess the ways you've failed to put on godly character and ask your spouse to forgive you. And then pray together that God will give you the determination to put His character on again and again every day. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help me today to put on the character of Jesus Christ so that I may be kinder, more gentle, more loving, and more forgiving toward my spouse. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc2e8aca82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Behaviors that Harm Your Marriage +startDate: 07/18/2025 +endDate: 07/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/19-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/19-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b460fe6ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/19-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Marriage's Magic Eyes +date: 07/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it. Jonah 3:10 + +### Observation + +The prophet’s message may have included conditions whereby the threats of God could be rescinded. As an evidence of His mercy to the Ninevites God sent Jonah to them, told him what to proclaim to them, and opened the hearts of a vast population. Also, seeing their repentant actions, God relented of His threat of destruction. He had spared Jonah (chap. 2); now He spared Nineveh. God’s mercies are always unmerited; His grace is never earned. [Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.] + +### Application + +Several years ago I read a story about marriage that illustrates the great value of forgiveness to both spouses. It goes like this: + +In the village of Falken in innermost Freisland there lived a long, thin baker named Fouke; a righteous man, with a long thin nose and a long thin chin. Fouke was so upright that he seemed to spray righteousness from his thin lips over everyone who came to him. So, everyone preferred to stay away. His wife, Hilda, was short and round. Her bosom was round and so was her rump. She did not keep people at bay with her righteousness; her soft roundness seemed to invite them in to be close with her and share her warmth. She respected her husband and loved him very much, as much as he would allow her; but her heart ached for something more from him. And there in the bed of her need lay her sadness. + +One morning Fouke came home and found a stranger lying on Hilda's bosom. Hilda's adultery became the talk of the town. Fouke surprised everyone by keeping Hilda as his wife, saying he forgave her as the good book said he should. But, in his heart of hearts, he could not forgive her for bringing shame to his name. Whenever he thought about her, his feelings towards her were angry and hard; he despised her as if she were a whore. When it came right down to it, he hated her for betraying him after he had been such a faithful and good husband to her. He only pretended to forgive her so that he could punish her with his righteous mercy. + +His fakery did not sit well in heaven. So each time he would feel his secret hate, an angel came to him and dropped a small pebble, hardly the size of a small button into his heart. Each time a pebble dropped into his heart, he would feel a stab of pain like the pain he felt the moment he came on Hilda feeding her hungry heart from a stranger's larder. Thus he hated her the more; his hate brought him pain and his pain made him hate. The pebbles multiplied and his heart grew heavy with the weight of them, so heavy that the top half of his body bent forward so that he had to strain his neck upward in order to see ahead. Weary and hurt, he began to wish he were dead. + +The angel who dropped the pebbles into his heart came to him one night and told him how he could be healed of his hurt. There is only one remedy for the hurt of the wounded heart. He would need the miracle of the magic eyes. He would need eyes that could look back and see a wife not who betrayed him but as a weak woman who needed him. He protested and said that nothing could change the past. She is guilty and an angel cannot change that. The angel said, "You cannot change the past. You can only heal the hurt that comes to you from the past. And you can only heal it with the vision of the magic eyes." He asked how to get the magic eyes. "Ask, and they will be given. Each time you see Hilda through your new eyes, a pebble will be lifted from your heart." + +He could not ask at once, for he had grown to love his hatred. Finally, his pain drove him to ask and the angel gave him the magic eyes. Hilda began to change and he saw her as a needy woman who loved him. The angel kept her promise and lifted the pebbles one by one, though it took a long time. He invited Hilda into his heart again and she came. And together they began their second season of humble joy. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, please give us the Magic Eyes we need in our marriage that we may see in our spouse someone lovely and someone we must love for their well-being, for ours, for the sake of our marriage and for the sake of our children who suffer more than anyone else when we don’t get along, and even more so if we choose to separate or divorce. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f1fa81136 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Marriage's Magic Eyes +startDate: 07/19/2025 +endDate: 07/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/20-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/20-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41d378526b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/20-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: Submit to Christ +date: 07/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:11-12 + +### Observation + +The principle stated here occurs in Proverbs 25:6–7 with reference to seating at banquets, and elsewhere the principle refers to the future time when God equalizes everyone (Is 2:11–12; 5:15; cf. Ezek 17:24; 21:26 + +### Application + +I am often asked for some clarification about Paul’s words in Ephesians 5:22: “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22 (NKJV). Many men have used this text to keep their wives under and oppressive, domineering submission, some even to the point of becoming abusive. Understandably so, many women have rebelled against their husbands and even against God because of such treatment. However, that was never Paul’s intent. In fact, the type of leadership a husband must exercise at home is that which Jesus taught about and which He exemplified in His own life – what we call “servant leadership.” Jesus taught, “He who is greatest among you shall be your servant.” + +A husband who demands submission has not submitted himself to Christ’s headship in his own life. Look carefully at what Ellen White writes about the words of Ephesians 5:22: + +The question is often asked, "Shall a wife have no will of her own?" The Bible plainly states that the husband is the head of the family. "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands." If this injunction ended here, we might say that the position of the wife is not an enviable one; it is a very hard and trying position in very many cases, and it would be better were there fewer marriages. Many husbands stop at the words, "Wives, submit yourselves," but we will read the conclusion of the same injunction, which is. "As it is fit in the Lord." + +God requires that the wife shall keep the fear and glory of God ever before her. Entire submission is to be made only to the Lord Jesus Christ, who has purchased her as His own child by the infinite price of His life. God has given her a conscience, which she cannot violate with impunity. Her individuality cannot be merged into that of her husband, for she is the purchase of Christ. It is a mistake to imagine that with blind devotion she is to do exactly as her husband says in all things, when she knows that in so doing, injury would be worked for her body and her spirit, which have been ransomed from the slavery of Satan. There is One who stands higher than the husband to the wife; it is her Redeemer, and her submission to her husband is to be rendered as God has directed--"as it is fit in the Lord." + +When husbands require the complete subjection of their wives, declaring that women have no voice or will in the family, but must render entire submission, they place their wives in a position contrary to the Scripture. In interpreting the Scripture in this way, they do violence to the design of the marriage institution. This interpretation is made simply that they may exercise arbitrary rule, which is not their prerogative. But we read on, "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." Why should the husband be bitter against his wife? If the husband has found her erring and full of faults, bitterness of spirit will not remedy the evil. (The Adventist Home, p. 116) + +As if that were not enough, she adds: + +The Lord Jesus has not been correctly represented in His relation to the church by many husbands in their relation to their wives, for they do not keep the way of the Lord. They declare that their wives must be subject to them in everything. But it was not the design of God that the husband should have control, as head of the house, when he himself does not submit to Christ. He must be under the rule of Christ that he may represent the relation of Christ to the church. If he is a coarse, rough, boisterous, egotistical, harsh, and overbearing man, let him never utter the word that the husband is the head of the wife, and that she must submit to him in everything; for he is not the Lord, he is not the husband in the true significance of the term. . . . + +Husbands should study the pattern and seek to know what is meant by the symbol presented in Ephesians, the relation Christ sustains to the church. The husband is to be as a Saviour in his family. Will he stand in his noble, God-given manhood, ever seeking to uplift his wife and children? Will he breathe about him a pure, sweet atmosphere? Will he not as assiduously cultivate the love of Jesus, making it an abiding principle in his home, as he will assert his claims to authority? + +Let every husband and father study to understand the words of Christ, not in a one-sided manner, merely dwelling upon the subjection of the wife to her husband, but in the light of the cross of Calvary, study as to his own position in the family circle. "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word." Jesus gave Himself up to die upon the cross in order that He might cleanse and keep us from all sin and pollution by the influence of the Holy Spirit. (Ibid.117) + +I hope these words encourage us as husbands to show the Christ-like love to our wives that He designed for the marriage relationship which honors Him as the Creator and God we worship and serve. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may Your love for us flow through us to our wives so that our marriage may be a reflection of the relationship between Jesus and His bride, the church. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c0d5f944d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Submit to Christ +startDate: 07/20/2025 +endDate: 07/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/21-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/21-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8eb0598dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/21-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: By the Power of the Spirit +date: 07/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So he answered and said to me: "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the LORD of hosts. Zechariah 4:6 + +### Observation + +As the lamps burned continually, supplied with oil from a source (the living olive trees) which man did not make, so Zerubbabel need not be disheartened because of his weakness; for as the work is one to be effected by the living Spirit (compare Hag 2:5 of God, man’s weakness is no obstacle, for God’s might will perfect strength out of weakness (Ho 1:7 2Co 12:10 Heb 11:34. “Might and power” express human strength of every description, physical, mental, moral. Or, “might” is the strength of many (an “army”); “power,” that of one man [Pembellus] God can save, “whether with many, or with them that have no power” (2Ch 14:11; compare 1Sa 14:6). So in the conversion of sinners (1Co 3:6; 2Co 10:4). “Zerubbabel” is addressed as the chief civil authority in directing the work. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +When we are in the middle of ongoing conflict in our marriage or trouble in our family we can feel so hopeless and helpless. It seems as if there’s no way out, no light at the end of the tunnel. This may be the ongoing financial challenges as a result of loss of income, the pain of infidelity, a child involved in harmful habits or harmful relationships. For some it may mean ongoing abuse in any of its scarring ways. + +When people come to me for marriage or family counseling, there are things I can suggest they do. It may be a change in harmful habits or practices. It may mean changing communication patterns and using different forms of conflict resolution. It may involve setting short and long term goals as a couple and as a family. There are many approaches to resolving couple and family conflict that a counselor may recommend and that the couple or family may implement. However, psychology alone can’t ever solve all problems. As Christians, we have much more than psychological techniques to help us; we have the Holy Spirit on our side. + +Ellen White wrote: “In the great and measureless gift of the Holy Spirit are contained all of heaven’s resources. It is not because of any restriction on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not flow earthward to men. If all were willing to receive, all would become filled with His Spirit” (Christ Object Lessons, p. 419). + +I find some of her descriptive words particularly important: + +(1) The Holy Spirit is a “great” and “measureless” gift. God doesn’t just give us a bit of help; He gives us His all. + +(2) “All of heavens resources” – Beyond the human help we can receive, all of heavens resources are at our disposal through the Holy Spirit. + +(3) If we’re willing to receive, we will be filled. It’s not lack of desire or interest on the part of God; all we need is willingness on our part. + +The Holy Spirit is not just the light at the end of our tunnel of trouble; He is the light in and through that tunnel who helps us get over to the other side. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, we need the help of Your Holy Spirit, in whom all the resources of heaven are found, to help us navigate through and out of the waters of conflict, concern, and challenges in our marriage and family. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3bd24b0916 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: By the Power of the Spirit +startDate: 07/21/2025 +endDate: 07/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/22-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/22-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d342d1d07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/22-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: Who Is My Neighbor? +date: 07/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and 'your neighbor as yourself.' " Luke 10:27 + +### Observation + +With all thy heart. Lit., out of thy whole heart. The heart, not only as the seat of the affections, but as the centre of our complex being — physical, moral, spiritual, and intellectual. + +Soul. The word is often used in the New Testament in its original meaning of life. See Matt. 2:20; 20:28; Acts 20:10; Rom. 11:3 John 10:11 Hence, as an emphatic designation of the man himself. See Matt. 12:18 Heb. 10:38 Luke 21:19 So that the word denotes “life in the distinctness of individual existence” (Cremer). + +Mind. The faculty of thought: understanding, especially the moral understanding. + +[Vincent, M. R. (1887). Word studies in the New Testament. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.] + +### Application + +We all have probably read the story of the Good Samaritan hundreds of times. We’ve probably heard as many sermons based on this story as well. We have looked at every detail – the Jericho road, the man, the robbers, the Priest, the Levite, the Samaritan, the Inn. Some preachers have described the scene in such a way that we have felt as if we were watching the it, as we were there ourselves. + +When Jesus was asked by the teacher of the law, “who is my neighbor,” Jesus responded with this story, shocking, to say the least, to this teacher of the law and to Jesus’ listening audience. To us, it has lost in some ways the power and the sting it carried. In fact, I think we have taken it out of a context in which it rightly belongs. Now we look at the story and its meaning and we look for ways to be nice to those “different” than us. We’re willing to go to other lands as missionaries. We are happy to help in health clinics, teach VBS classes, sing, build, mingle with the locals, all with the goal of being good Christian representatives, ambassadors of God. . . all of which, by the way, is wonderful. + +We can even be “Good Samaritans” by volunteering to help those in need in our communities, particularly when they have fallen into misfortune – their house has burned down or has been destroyed by a tornado or a hurricane. . .all of which is also wonderful. + +Today, however, I would like to suggest we need to be Good Samaritans to those closest to us. In answer to the question, “Who is my neighbor,” Jesus’ response was not “A Good Samaritan,” but rather “a person who cares about others and helps them in their time of need regardless of the differences between them.” It so happens that in the story of Jesus, that person happened to be a Samaritan. But instead of limiting ourselves to doing good to those outside of our home, shouldn’t we start by helping those within it? If we were to ask Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” I think Jesus would respond, “the spouse with whom you share your bed,” “the children who live under your roof and those who live elsewhere,” “those closest to you.” Somehow we have applied His parable to those outside, but have neglected to follow its teachings with those inside. + +Sometimes we treat total strangers or guests better than we treat those who are closest to us. As we read the parable again, let’s keep in mind our spouse, our children, our family, and treat them always – in their time of need and when they don’t seem to need anything – as a good neighbor. Maybe we should start treating those closest to us as if they were guests in our home. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Help us to treat the people closest to our hearts and lives in the same loving, courteous, polite manner we treat strangers when they come to our home. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c24a4be1f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: This Is the Day . . . +startDate: 07/22/2025 +endDate: 07/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/23-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/23-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c663aac6e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/23-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Head of the Household +date: 07/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then you shall say to the master of the house, 'The Teacher says to you, "Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with My disciples?" ' Luke 22:11 + +### Observation + +Anyone with a two-story home, the second of which contained a “large” upper room, would be considered well-to-do. This family presumably resided in the Upper City of Jerusalem, near the temple, rather than the poorer Lower City, downwind of Jerusalem’s sewage. Because the Passover had to be eaten within Jerusalem’s walls, most homes would be crowded with guests; but the accommodations for Jesus’ last meal with his disciples would be quite adequate. + +### Application + +I find the rendition of the New King James here interesting where it calls the head of the household the “master of the house.” The New Testament has much to say about the responsibility of the husband, or the head of the household; just a sample will suffice for now: Peter calls upon the head-of the home, who has this incredibly important role and God-given power, to be "considerate" and "treat [family members] with respect" (1 Peter 3:7). Colossians 3:19 states an important principle of leadership when it admonishes, "Husbands do not be harsh with your wives." + +Now, as I consider today’s text, I imagine that it was no accident why Jesus chose this man’s home for the last meal He would have with His disciples before His death. I’m sure it was not because it was a luxurious, spacious room – Jesus was never looking for the comfort or prominence that the Jewish leadership were accustomed to. I have the feeling that this man exemplified what the spiritual head-of-the house should be like. + +1. He was so much in touch with God than when Jesus’ disciples brought His request he did not question it but gladly accepted it. This is evident in the way the question is made, “Where is the room. . .?” Jesus didn’t ask him, “do you have a room?”, or “is there a room?”, or “would you be willing to make a room available?” Jesus’ question was very direct and specific: “Where is THE room...?” + +2. He was generous in his response to God. When they met the man he didn’t ask for any remuneration but gladly showed them to the room. + +3. He had already made a certain amount of preparation. Luke’s account continues: “Then he will show you a large, furnished upper room. . .” Luke 22:12 (NKJV). The room was already furnished so that the preparation the disciples had to make was mostly about the emblems – water, food, bread, grape juice. + +As head of the household, we have a tremendous amount of influence in the lives of those inside our home. Our decisions, actions, words, and attitude will help them to have a good, positive experience with God or come to reject Him. Let us pray today that we will open our home for Jesus to come in, to feel comfortable inside, and to eat with us and our family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless us, as heads of our households, that our lives and example be such that those in our home may come to love you and serve you. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..94f5beb430 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Head of the Household +startDate: 07/23/2025 +endDate: 07/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/24-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/24-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3eb55b47f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/24-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: It's All About Control +date: 07/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. Romans 14:19 + +### Observation + +Jewish people often spoke of the perfect future time of God’s kingdom (see 1 Cor 6:9), when the Spirit would be made available and all people would be at peace with one another (Rom 14:17). For Paul, the coming of the Messiah and the coming of the Spirit have also inaugurated the working of the kingdom, hence believers should be at peace with one another (14:19). + +### Application + +Here’s a riddle: Everybody wants it. But if you use it in your marriage you could lose everything. What is it? The answer is control. + +One of the easiest ways to destroy a marriage is for one to attempt to control his/her spouse – or for both partners to try to control each other. Sometimes the couple is not even aware of what they’re doing because control takes many subtle forms. Here are a few ways that spouses use in an attempt to control one another – whether consciously or unconsciously. As you read this list, and it’s description, consider whether you may be using it to control your spouse. + +**Persistence** – which usually means begging, insisting, expressing your expectations or demands. The objective is to wear down your spouse until they give in. It’s like a child who repeatedly his/her parents until he/she gets what he/she wants. + +**Nagging** – is similar to persistence with the added characteristic that it virtually always takes a very negative tone. The goal is also to wear your partner down – but it does so specifically by annoying or irritating until he/she finally caves. + +**Avoidance** – usually takes the form of physical or emotional distance. This happens when you withdraw yourself by refusing meaningful communication, by being emotionally unavailable, or even by physically evading one’s mate. A common form of avoidance is utilizing the silent treatment or stonewalling. + +**Passive-aggression** - similar to avoidance in many ways, but it is generally marked by specific behaviors including: apathy, procrastinating, stubbornness, creating chaos, sulking, obstructing reconciliation, and so forth. All of these are marked by a negative, although passive, disavowed resistance to interpersonal situations in the relationship. + +**Punishment** – which typically takes two forms. The first is withholding something that one’s spouse needs or upon which they have come to depend. This can include sex, fulfilling duties/responsibilities (i.e. household chores), favors, and so forth. The second form is inflicting something negative or hurtful upon one’s mate. This can include intentionally arranging circumstances to make their household duties more difficult, and so forth. + +**Withholding love** can also be a form of punishment. This takes place when a spouse denies affection, intimacy, closeness, kindness, etc. It deserves special mention because it is a particularly destructive. Because affection is a genuine need that we have as human beings, with it is withheld this can put extreme pressure on a person to conform to your wishes, but at a high cost to your relationship. + +**Rewarding** – which generally takes the form of providing gifts and favors in an effort to control. It doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with giving gifts to your spouse; these are a positive way to express your love for them if done with the right motivation. Rewarding, however, becomes a form of control if the intent is to manipulate. Sometimes rewarding is done as a type of appeasement in conjunction with intimidation, punishment, or other methods of control. + +The apostle Paul provides us with a better way to have a good, healthy marriage: “pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.” Avoid all desire for control and instead do everything to have peace and to build each other up. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us that instead of having a desire for control in our marriage we may desire peace in our relationship and the desire to help and build each other. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a8fb2275b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: It's All About Control +startDate: 07/24/2025 +endDate: 07/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/25-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/25-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a45377073 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/25-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Love's Not A Feeling +date: 07/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. . . 17 These things I command you, that you love one another. John 15:12,17 + +### Observation + +This was the new feature of it. Christ’s love to His people in giving His life a ransom for them was altogether new, and consequently as a Model and Standard for theirs to one another. It is not, however, something transcending the great moral law, which is “the old commandment” (1Jn 2:7, and see on Mk 12:28–33), but that law in a new and peculiar form. Hence it is said to be both new and old (1Jn 2:7, 8). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +As a marriage counselor, I have been told by some of those coming to me for help, “I just don’t think I love him/her anymore.” I can tell, by talking with them, that deep inside there’s still at least a seed of love. But part of the problem is that they confuse love with romance. So let’s talk briefly about these. + +Love as a feeling, or the romantic feelings that we have toward someone, is what most often draws us toward them. We’re attracted to them for different reasons. It could be their looks, their personality, their warmth, their sense of humor, or a host of other reasons. Then, the more time we spend together, the warmer we feel toward them, and when we’re not with them we have an anxious desire to be with them again as soon and as long as possible. It is those butterflies we feel when they walk in the room, or when we see them in a crowd, and when we see them on our wedding day. + +For many couples, however, the butterflies in the stomach give way to the routine, to the commonplace, to the doldrums of everyday life which leads them to believe they made a mistake and should not be married any longer, or worse, they begin illicit relationships with other people who make them “feel’ the butterflies in their stomach again. . . until the doldrums come to the new relationship and the cycle begins again and continues to be repeated with subsequent relationships. + +On the other hand, when Jesus said, “This is my commandment, that you love one another,” He was trying to teach us that love is not a feeling because you can’t command anyone to “feel” a certain way or another. Jesus wanted us to understand that love is a decision we make, to care for another person. If that is correct, then He certainly can command us to make the decision to love one another, even when the feelings are not there. + +The wonderful thing is, and research has confirmed it, when we choose to love someone, and act lovingly toward them, that what we know as romantic feelings toward them also return. When I choose to love my wife, and do all in my power to help her and to act loving toward her, the romantic feelings I desire to have toward her can indeed return. + +If you are feeling a bit detached from your spouse, begin by accepting Jesus’ command to love them, regardless of your feelings. Act loving, even romantically toward them, pray for and with them, and wait to see how God awakens the feelings in response to your obedience to love them because you love Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, we want to demonstrate that we love You by obeying You and by loving others, starting with our spouse. As we act lovingly toward the, reawaken the romantic feelings toward them too. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2bc9fcbe1b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love's Not A Feeling +startDate: 07/25/2025 +endDate: 07/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/26-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/26-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b94ccc1550 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/26-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: I Hate Divorce +date: 07/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “For I hate divorce!” says the LORD, the God of Israel. “To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. “So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife.” Malachi 2:16 (NLT) + +### Observation + +Malachi indicates that marriage is much more than a civil contract and that it involves a permanent covenant between husband and wife with the Lord as witness. Thus, God hates divorce, detesting the fact that the men of Israel are ending their marriages in order to marry foreign women. This is the strongest statement in the OT about the Lord’s feelings regarding divorce. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +The point is that one who divorces his wife simply because He dislikes her (Deut. 24:2) commits “violence” or injustice against her, that is, “cold-blooded and unscrupulous infringement of the personal rights of others, motivated by greed and hate” (see Ps. 73:6). Such a man deprives his wife of the very things a husband is responsible to provide—blessings, good, protection, praise, peace, justice—and He stands condemned by God. + +### Application + +A video has gone viral online. The video is of a 30-year-old wife who is seen on the video kicking and screaming in the front seat of the car in which she is riding with her husband who is driving and recording on his cell phone the scene. The husband purportedly recorded this scene, and subsequently posted it online, so he could show the world what he had to go through and what led him to separate and file a restraining order against her. His wife, on the other hand, has now offered her side of the story claiming she felt like she was being bullied. + +What brought about her behavior? According to the wife, who happens to be a nurse, her husband bullied her and was egging her on in the video. He had promised to take her to the lake on their boat to meet some friends, but changed his mind after they had a fight. She said that her husband held the boat hostage and would often come up with reasons for them not to use the boat all the time. + +The husband related that he had worked a 60 hour week and had told his wife that he was reserving Saturday for chores and errands. But when she asked him to take her out on the lake in their boat and he refused, she didn't like it. He also stated that this wasn't the first tantrum his wife has thrown and that she has routinely shouted at him and told friends and family that it is her husband that is verbally abusive. He added that as usual she threw a fit about not taking her out on the boat, and that in the past she had broken doors off the jambs at our house. What was the result of this sad event in their pick-up truck? He said, “that was the last day I lived in our house. I have moved out and filed a restraining order against her.” + +How sad that a marriage which probably started with love, festivities, and lots of laughter comes to an end with shouting, restraining orders. Chances are, the relationship will end in divorce. Our text tells us God hates divorce because it overwhelms the spouse with cruelty. God hates divorce, because it causes long lasting harm to each spouse, not to speak of the children. Of course there are some who watching this video might say, “better to be divorced than living in a relationship like this.” I would say, better to work to fix the relationship than to live like this, or worse to divorce. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to have a healthy marriage, keep us from ever doing or saying anything that will harm our spouse, and protect our marriage from divorce. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..50ae2a8afe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Hate Divorce +startDate: 07/26/2025 +endDate: 07/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/27-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/27-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b69e13dbea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/27-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Smoke and Mirrors +date: 07/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 + +### Observation + +Ancient mirrors were made of polished brass or other metals. The contrast is between the inadequate knowledge of an object gained by seeing it reflected in a dim mirror (such as ancient mirrors were), compared with the perfect idea we have of it by seeing itself directly. + +darkly—literally, “in enigma.” As a “mirror” conveys an image to the eye, so an “enigma” to the ear. But neither “eye nor ear” can fully represent (though the believer’s soul gets a small revelation now of) “the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” (1Co 2:9). Paul alludes to Nu 12:8, “not in dark speeches”; the Septuagint, “not in enigmas.” Compared with the visions and dreams vouchsafed to other prophets, God’s communications with Moses were “not in enigmas.” But compared with the intuitive and direct vision of God hereafter, even the revealed word now is “a dark discourse,” or a shadowing forth by enigma of God’s reflected likeness. + +### Application + +One of the most well-known characters in classic literature and in the movies is Count Dracula, the ghoulish vampire created by Bram Stoker in 1897. Since then, thanks to imagery portrayed in everything from movies to cartoons and even in children’s programs like Sesame Street, vampires have become synonymous with black capes and sharp teeth. Lately there seems to be a rebirth of vampire movies with the added feature of romantic themes as part of the main plot. + +According to the traditional stories of vampires, in order to kill them you must use, among others, a crucifix (a cross with the image of Jesus on it), a silver bullet, or a wooden stake through the heart. But there’s another characteristic often featured in these dark tales: a vampire’s reflection is never seen in the mirror. + +This last feature is so interesting. . . a vampire’s reflection is never seen in a mirror. You might be wondering, what does this have to do with our relationships? Well, let’s think about it; From the emotional point of view, do you see your reflection in the mirror? Can your spouse see the real you? One of the many reasons why some couples have a difficult time resolving conflict in their relationship is because one spouse, and sometimes both, refuses to see him or herself as part of the problem. They live in constant denial even when someone points out these traits or they don’t recognize when they have a bad attitude or when they speak harshly toward others. + +Dating is a time to get to know each other. Unfortunately, at least for a while, people put up these “smoke screens” to protect themselves. It is only with time that we become more vulnerable, open ourselves up to the other person, and let them see us for who we really are. These mirrors, or masks take about a year to come off, which is one of the reasons we recommend that couples date at least one year before they begin to consider marriage. + +If you wish to have a good, healthy relationship, show your real self, let there be no secrets, deception, or false impressions between you, but be true to yourself and your spouse. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to be sincere, open, and honest in our relationship so that we may see each other for who we really are and help each other be the best we can be. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4bab35af5b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Smoke and Mirrors +startDate: 07/27/2025 +endDate: 07/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/28-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/28-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a127e200b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/28-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: The Everlasting Treasure +date: 07/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21 + +### Observation + +But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven—The language in Luke (Lu 12:33) is very bold—“Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail.” + +For where your treasure is — that which ye value most. + +there will your heart be also —“Your treasure — your heart” is probably the true reading here: “your,” in Lu 12:34, from which it seems to have come in here. “What a man loves,” said Martin Luther, “that is his God. For he carries it in his heart, he goes about with it night and day, he sleeps and wakes with it; be it what it may—wealth or pelf, pleasure or renown.” + +### Application + +I suppose some people will read the words of Jesus in today’s text and conclude that we should not buy a house, or a car, and that we should not have any kind of savings or checking account, and definitely we should have no investments. In other words, we should pretty much live like hermits, maybe in some sort of commune, and live in a state of constant poverty. + +I’m not sure that’s what Jesus would have liked us to conclude. Some people who have taken His words to that extreme have reached their retirement age and have found themselves impoverished and depending on the charity of others or of their family. Others have had to continue working way past their retirement age, not out of choice but out of necessity. + +I believe that Jesus was talking about accumulating material things excessively, beyond what one could possibly spend in a lifetime. There are people who, in the pursuit of riches, have mistreated, even enslaved, others, or who have lied, cheated, and stolen from others in the process. So we can hear the words of Jesus reminding us that no matter how much we may have accumulated it will do us not good at the end of life. As someone said, you have never seen a hearse pulling a u-haul trailer. + +So, what does Jesus refer to when He says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I would like to suggest at least three possibilities: + +1. When we return faithfully God’s tithe and give offerings to further God’s cause on earth, and we do it gladly, not grudgingly, it is because our heart is responding to God’s generosity toward us. + +2. When we spend adequate quality and quantity time with our family – our spouse and our children, or our elderly parents – we are helping them in the development of their character for eternity. When we die, that will be the only lasting thing we can take with us. Someone said that you have never heard a rich executive say, upon their retirement or the end of your life, “I wish I had spend more time at work.” Many will say, “I wish I had spent more time with my family.” Live without that regret and invest in eternity by spending good quality and quantity time with them, starting today. + +3. When we have enough to take care of our needs and then begin to use the rest to help others – maybe by helping people in real need like widows, poor people, or the elderly, or by providing employment for those unemployed – we are following God’s command to “Love one another,” or to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, please help us to keep our priorities in the proper order, return Your tithe and give offerings, spend time and money in such a way that we help our loved ones prepare for eternity, and help the needy and the poor. As we do these things, may we be accumulating everlasting treasure. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23778722bf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Everlasting Treasure +startDate: 07/28/2025 +endDate: 07/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/29-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/29-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d3cb9013d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/29-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: No Compromise +date: 07/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 34:12-16 NKJV) "Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. {13} "But you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images {14} '(for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God), {15} "lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they play the harlot with their gods and make sacrifice to their gods, and one of them invites you and you eat of his sacrifice, {16} "and you take of his daughters for your sons, and his daughters play the harlot with their gods and make your sons play the harlot with their gods. + +### Observation + +While it may seem strange to us that God would tell His people to go into the land He was giving them and completely wipe out all the people already living there, we must understand the reasons. The basis for this command is found in the text for today. The BKC explains: “Making a treaty with idolaters would lead to involvement in their sacrificial communal meals (34:15), to intermarrying their daughters (many of whom were spiritual and/or physical prostitutes to their gods; cf. Hosea 4:13-14), and even to making molten images (Ex. 34:17; cf. 20:4) as they had already done with the gold calf (32:4). Tragically Israel did not heed these warnings and they did in fact become involved in worshiping the Canaanites’ and others’ false gods. Ultimately this led to Israel being exiled.” + +It wasn’t only the danger of rejecting God and accepting idols, it was rather what the worship of those idols would, and indeed did, lead them to do. Many of the pagan practices included not just the worship of idols but temple prostitution and ultimately the sacrifice of children in the fire to those idols. God knew how low such compromises would lead them and was trying to protect them from such horror. Sadly, in their blindness and stubbornness, the Israelites disobeyed God, didn’t destroy all the people, entered into relationships with them, accepted their gods, and did sacrifice their children and their altars, both spiritually and physically. + +### Application + +The application for us as parents today should be as clear: don’t compromise principle, choose carefully what you expose your children to. I am amazed at how lightly parents today take the issue of Adventist education as opposed to any other. It’s as if we have been so blinded that we don’t see what harm our children could experience if they went to a public school or a Christian school of a different faith, or what problems may arise if they become close friends with non-Adventists, or what problems may exists if they marry them. And yet, all of us know from personal experience so many people who have indeed taken these steps and now they or their children are no longer Adventists or even believe in God. + +So, watch carefully what you expose your children to – what they read, what they watch, who they associate with, where they go to school, etc. Those decisions could have eternal consequences. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, today as during the Exodus we as parents need all the wisdom You can possibly give us to make the right decisions. I may not be anymore challenging to be a parent today than in other times, but this is our time, these are our challenges, and those are the decisions we have to make. So, please endow us with the courage, the strength, and the wisdom to do what is right, even if it’s no popular with our children or others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a4b6b0635 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: No Compromise +startDate: 07/29/2025 +endDate: 07/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/30-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/30-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..718ef0d7a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/30-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Better Than Wine +date: 07/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, And the fragrance of your oils Than all kinds of spices! Song of Songs 4:10 (NASB) + +### Observation + +Both bride and groom describe their lover’s beauty with exuberant praise (vv. 1–15; 5:10–16; 6:4–10; 7:1–9), similar to the praise songs in modern rural Syrian weddings. The mutual praises present dynamic strength and movement and often refer to moral qualities of the lovers. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +The word rendered love was used for physical expressions of romantic love. The verse might be more accurately translated, “How delightful are your kisses. How much more pleasing are your caresses than wine.” Her physical expressions of love had a more refreshing and intoxicating effect on him than wine, just as his expressions had earlier affected her. Even her perfume added to the excitement of their love. The senses of sight, touch, smell, and sound were involved in their love-making. [Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.] + +### Application + +Several actions and attitudes made the relationship between the groom and the bride in the Song of Solomon special and vibrant. + +1. They compliment each other, particularly each others looks or appearance. Over and over you find detailed descriptions of each others body in ways that flatter the other. We all need to hear those words, at least from time to time. Compliment your spouse on the way they look, what you like about their body, when they wear something you like, when they take care of themselves, the way the do their hair, or when they shave. Remind yourself, and your spouse, of those things about them that made you fall in love with them and which you still love about them. + +2. This couple understood how pleasant it is the smell of the person you love. Because we are very sensitive to smell, we should practice good hygiene, shower regularly, brush your teeth, go to the dentist for regular cleaning. Some people enjoy the fragrances of perfumes, colognes, after shave lotions, etc. If you do, let your partner know that you like the fragrance they’re wearing. And if your partner tells you they like a specific fragrance you wear then wear it often, particularly for special occasions. + +3. They also expressed their love in physical ways. The word “love” evidently refers to physical touch. The caress of a loving spouse, writes Solomon, has the pleasant, even intoxicating effect that alcohol provides those who drink it. Pleasant touch gives you a high of sorts, a healthy, passionate feeling of closeness to your spouse. Practice regular touch through hugs, caressing your spouse when you’re sitting together and, of course, in bed. + +Begin to practice at least one of these three regularly; when you do so you will be showing your spouse, in tangible ways, how much you love them as the one God put in your life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to express our love for each other in physical and verbal ways so that we may maintain a strong, healthy, and mutually satisfying relationship for the rest of our lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97f4156d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Better Than Wine +startDate: 07/30/2025 +endDate: 07/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/31-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/31-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a11cc47af8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/31-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: At Daybreak +date: 07/31/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, That we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Psalm 90:14 + +### Observation + +The psalmist pleaded with the Lord to have compassion on His servants (cf. v. 16). This was their only hope. + +In showing compassion the Lord was asked to turn their sorrow (cf. v. 10) into joy. If God satisfied them with His loyal love (?ese?), they could then rejoice all their days. The psalmist asked God to let them rejoice for as long as He had given them over to trouble. Verses 14–15 seem to suggest that the nation was undergoing a particularly severe period of chastening for sin, a “night” of trouble as it were. The morning suggests a new era of joy for God’s people. [Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.] + +### Application + +The Jewish Study Bible renders our verse for today this way: “Satisfy us at daybreak with Your steadfast love that we may sing for joy all our days.” The commentators of the same Bible explain that “Morning is the time of renewal, the time that God answers prayers” (Psalm 143:8). I’m glad God doesn’t answers prayers only in the morning. + +For those of us morning people, that time when we get up is special because we’re eager to begin the day, our mind is actively working, and our time for prayer is very special. At the same time, for us morning people the evening time is challenging, our heads are clouded, and all we think about is the moment when our heads will hit the pillow. For night people, evening is the time when they do their best thinking, they love to read, and when they finally go to bed, it is usually several hours after other members of the family have called it a day. + +Regardless on when you pray – morning or evening – the psalmist calls us to spend some good, quality time speaking with God about our needs, our concerns, and our fears, pleading with Him for His mercy to cover us and that we may rejoice and be glad not just today but all our days. We don’t need to live in some sort of Christian utopia where we are always happy and never sad. What the psalmist tells us, however, is that in the midst of our challenges and even sorrow we can find reasons to rejoice in God. That is something we need in all our relationships because at some time or another sorrow and pain will come to our lives. + +May your daily prayers fill you with the assurance of God’s mercy, and may He bring you gladness every day of your life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to maintain that daily communication, indeed communion, with You everyday. That, in and of itself, will be what will bring us joy every day of our lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..080250cdec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: At Daybreak +startDate: 07/31/2025 +endDate: 07/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb59d7c214 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/07-july-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: July 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/01-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/01-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6b106d31c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/01-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: We Have Sinned +date: 08/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> We have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. Daniel 9:5 + +### Observation + +we have sinned. Not “they have sinned.” Daniel was a righteous man and the Bible does not record any sin that he committed, but he identified himself with his people in this prayer of intercession. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] Compare 1 Kings 8:47; Ps. 106:6. Daniel identifies himself with his people. There is no self-righteousness in his prayer. + +### Application + +In the entire bible, we read of very few people whom we would describe as pure and blameless. Jesus, of course, comes to the top of the list immediately as someone who was perfect and sinless in everything he did. An example of purity and wholesomeness is also found in Joseph and Mary, Jesus earthly parents. + +In the Old Testament we find the example of two young men, both taken to foreign lands, and both live exemplary lives. Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and yet was able to maintain a positive attitude and a strong connection with God. And the wonderful thing is that God recognized his mellow disposition, his desire to maintain himself pure, and his forgiving spirit and elevated him to the second highest place in the land. + +The other character in the Old Testament about whom we don’t read anything for which he should be reproached is Daniel. He was taken into captivity, along with many other young people from Israel, to be retrained in Babylon. From the very beginning of his captivity he exemplified a commitment to God and to the principles he had obviously learned at home and, like Joseph, maintain himself uncontaminated by the Babylonian culture. Like Joseph, God blessed Daniel and elevated him to a high position in the court of Babylon. + +What’s interesting about Daniel, among many others, is his prayer of intercession we read in chapter 9. We might not say that Daniel was perfect, or even sinless, but he certainly had demonstrated a stronger commitment to God than many others had. And yet, when he prays for his people he confesses not just their sins but includes himself in their rebellion. He doesn’t say, “they” have sinned, but rather “we” have sinned. + +As parents we certainly can’t claim perfection. But what Daniel’s prayer suggest to me is that we can, and should, pray for our children, interceding on their behalf, but we should include ourselves in those prayers. We too have sinned, we have failed God and others, we have rebelled. Our intercessory prayers should not just be a demonstration of our goodness compared to their failures but rather a recognition that as much as they are not perfect we also have fallen short of God’s ideal, that we also struggle with our fallen nature, that need His help as much as they do. + +But beside identifying ourselves with them in our intercessory prayers for our children we should also confess our failures, our mistakes, our shortcomings to them. I don’t believe they expect perfection of their parents and feel better when we don’t act as if we know everything and never make a mistake. Being transparent and recognizing we also fall, can help them as they face their own struggles. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to be more willing to recognize our shortfalls and confess them not only to you but to our children when we make mistakes in the way we treat them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c12dcd78fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: We Have Sinned +startDate: 08/01/2025 +endDate: 08/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/02-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/02-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..326b107f28 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/02-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: Hypocrisy in Marriage? +date: 08/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. Matthew 6:2 + +### Observation + +“**hypocrites**” This compound term is literally translated “to judge under.” It could have meant (1) a theatrical word for speaking from behind a mask; or (2) its earlier usage was “to over interpret.” In this context it referred to religious play-acting. + +Pharisees acted out religious rites and rituals in order to be praised by men, not in order to please God (although I am sure that was one of several motives). + +1. gave alms, not only to help the poor, but to be praised by men, Matt. 6:2 + +2. prayed in the synagogue and in public to be seen by men, Matt. 6:5 + +3. when they fasted they looked disheveled so men would be impressed with their spirituality, Matt. 6:16 + +4. they tithed the kitchen supplies, but missed the weighty matters of the Law, Matt. 23:23 + +5. they cleaned the outside of the cup, but not the inside, Matt. 23:25 (cf. Mark 7:1–8) + +6. they were self-righteous, Matt. 23:29–30 + +7. they prevented others from entering the Kingdom, Matt. 23:13–15 + +8. they tried to trap Jesus with tricky questions, not a search for true wisdom, Matt. 22:15–22 + +9. they have a special place in hell, Matt. 24:51 + +10. they were a whitewashed tomb full of uncleanness, Matt. 23:27 (cf. Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, p.415) [Utley, R. J. (2000). Vol. Volume 9: The First Christian Primer: Matthew. Study Guide Commentary Series. Marshall, TX: Bible Lessons International.] + +### Application + +We’ve probably seen people who are very unkind and rude to each other in public. They don’t care where they are or with whom they make snide remarks, use sarcasm, and sometimes even yell at each other as if there was nobody around them to see or hear them. It is disconcerting, actually truly sad and even scary to see how two people who live together can treat each other that badly. + +At the same time, I worry about those couples who look so good on the outside, who treat each other respectfully, maybe even cordially, in public, but who are living a totally different life behind closed doors. I know of couples that make sweet, loving, appreciative posts on social media – which is wonderful, but then write me private messages telling me about their pain and suffering at home. + +Now, I’m not suggesting you leave your spouse or your marriage because things are bad at home. I am saying that we should aim at not being one type of person at home and someone different outside anymore than we should be one type of person at church and a different one away from church. If our words and actions are different in different places it may be an indication that we have not had a true change of heart by God. We may like certain behavior and practices some of the time, but deep inside darkness lurks inside our hearts, and that darkness shows up and shows through when we are with those closest to us, or at times when we are away from them. That’s why Jesus refers to these type of people “whitewashed tombs,” because they may look good on the outside but what is inside is rotten. + +Let’s make sure our inside is good and pure so we may act inside our home as well as we do outside, and that our words and actions toward our loved ones may always reflect the relationship we have with Christ. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, change us from the inside so that we may treat each other just like you treat us, lovingly and kindly. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95454f6777 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Hypocrisy in Marriage? +startDate: 08/02/2025 +endDate: 08/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/03-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/03-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bce20ec1e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/03-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Enough Is Enough +date: 08/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes." . . . 9You looked for much, but indeed it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?" says the LORD of hosts. "Because of My house that is in ruins, while every one of you runs to his own house. Haggai 1:6, 9 + +### Observation + +Ironically, far from leaving them satisfied and content, the people’s focus on their own priorities leaves them hungry, thirsty, and penniless. The implication is that they are experiencing divine judgment for their disobedience (see Deut. 28:38–40), just as their ancestors had who were taken into exile. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +Bag with holes. A striking figure of the lack of prosperity which Judah suffered because the people were not zealous in the Lord’s service. Such is the inevitable result of a materialistic philosophy of life. For comment on the relative value of spiritual and material things and the importance of making first things first see on Matt. 6:24–34; 19:21, 22. [The Seventh©day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 4. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +What the prophet Haggai describes as taking place in Israel is so descriptive also of the attitude of so many in our day. People continue to work themselves to death in order to have the bigger house, the newer car, the latest electronic gadget, the finest clothes, the largest bank account. In that desperate search to be number one, the most famous, the fastest, the best, many have neglected, if not destroyed, what is really most important. Athletes have been injected with steroids and have grown in physical strength, wealth, and prominence only to be found out and stripped of their gold, their income, and their fame. Movie stars have gone in and out of rehabilitation centers, and many have even lost their lives or taken their lives while their loyal fans adore and even envy them. + +One does not have to look at the rich and famous for this desire to be the best and have the most. At our place of work there are people willing to do anything to rise to the top. They will lie, cheat, betray co-workers, take credit for the work others have done, anything to be considered for higher positions in the company. At school, some students plagiarize assignments, pay others to do their work, or cheat on exams so they can have the best of grades. + +Even in church we sometimes see people who want a particular position in church – they want to be the head deacon, the head elder, or the leader in some department. Some will even try to undermine the pastor or the church leaders in their pursuit of power, position, and control. It’s as if unless they are at the top they will not be happy. + +Haggai puts things into a different perspective. The pursuit of happiness in wealth, power, control, fame, or anything else apart from God does not bring lasting satisfaction or true happiness. Looking to ourselves, or to others, rather than outside ourselves brings hopelessness and despair. It is in looking outside of ourselves, to God, that we can find true satisfaction, true joy, true happiness. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to remove the focus off of ourselves and to turn our eyes toward you and toward the pursuit of helping others find you. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1951f57fb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Enough Is Enough +startDate: 08/03/2025 +endDate: 08/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/04-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/04-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc04e9e83b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/04-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: I Don't Do It On Purpose +date: 08/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. . . 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. . . 24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God--through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. Romans 7:15-25 + +### Observation + +**_O wretched man that I am!_** who shall deliver me from the body of this death?—The apostle speaks of the “body” here with reference to “the law of sin” which he had said was “in his members,” but merely as the instrument by which the sin of the heart finds vent in action, and as itself the seat of the lower appetites (see on Ro 6:6, and Ro 7:5); and he calls it “the body of this death,” as feeling, at the moment when he wrote, the horrors of that death (Ro 6:21, and Ro 7:5) into which it dragged him down. But the language is not that of a sinner newly awakened to the sight of his lost state; it is the cry of a living but agonized believer, weighed down under a burden which is not himself, but which he longs to shake off from his renewed self. Nor does the question imply ignorance of the way of relief at the time referred to. It was designed only to prepare the way for that outburst of thankfulness for the divinely provided remedy which immediately follows. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Paul’s experience is one that probably all of us have been able to identify with at some point or another. We all struggle with different areas in our lives. We have been able to win some battles, but we all still struggle with something or another. For some it may controlling our temper. For others what and how much we eat. Some struggle with addictions, their use, or misuse, of the tongue, or disciplining themselves at work or at home. + +Husbands and wives at times struggle with how they behave toward one another. They love each other, but they battle for supremacy, for control in the relationship and often are unkind, if not rude or abusive, toward one another. They don’t like doing it, they reproach themselves for their bad behavior, it saddens them, and yet they continue to do it. When something is done enough times it becomes a habit, and the longer a habit is repeated the more entrenched it becomes and the harder it is to overcome. In marriage, those habits that cause pain - emotionally, physically, or spiritually – to our spouse will eventually damage our relationship, in some cases irreparably. + +Obviously, one thing you can do is to work on stopping bad behaviors or habits and establishing new ones. The brain has the capacity of building new pathways, new and healthier behaviors. For instance, if you smoke, the habit of reaching for a cigarette 20-40 times a day is strengthened with every new cigarette you smoke. In order to break that habit, you will need to establish a new one – maybe doodle on a piece of paper, or chew gum, or take a shower – until the new habit is stronger than the old one. If you have a habit that is hurting your relationship, establish a new pattern, a new and healthier habit, until the old pattern gets weaker and the new pattern gets stronger. + +Of course, we must not forget the last part of today’s verses. We can try to make changes in our attitude and behavior, in our words and in our actions, and we may be successful up to a certain point. But ultimate and lasting victory can only be achieved through Jesus Christ. As we surrender our will to Him, as we contemplate His life, little by little we are changed to resemble Him more and us less. Serving Him is establishing a new pattern for our lives, a better way of living, a healthier way of life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to overcome the bad habits that are destroying me and the relationships with the people around me, and instead help me to establish new patterns and a new lifestyle that promotes health, happiness, and wholeness in us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6f81f581e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Don't Do It On Purpose +startDate: 08/04/2025 +endDate: 08/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/05-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/05-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9ccdf4dad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/05-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Attention to Detail +date: 08/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 38:21 NKJV) This is the inventory of the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the Testimony, which was counted according to the commandment of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest. + +### Observation + +I find it interesting that Moses wrote in such detail the making of the furnishings of the sanctuary and of the vestments worm by the priests, and now he gives an exact account of all that was “spend” in the making of these. If Moses lived today, he would probably work for an accounting firm or for a large corporation as the Chief Financial Officer. + +### Application + +The faithfulness with which Moses gives account is a true lesson for all parents. Because children watch us so closely, we must be careful not to misuse anything, from work or at home or even the natural resources God provides us with. If you make copies at work, your children will grow believing that it is ok to do the same at school of at their job. If you don’t pay your taxes correctly, your children will be looking for ways to cheat the government, and others. If you take from your neighbor what is his, your children will also believe they can do the same with somebody else’s things. Our lesson of accountability will teach children about their own responsibility to be accountable. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to always be faithful and true with whatever means you give us, with what others pay us or expect us to use on their behalf, and even with nature, that if or when we are called to render account, we may be found upright in everything, before you and others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d459100d46 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Attention to Detail +startDate: 08/05/2025 +endDate: 08/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/06-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/06-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9de785972 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/06-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Fruit of Abiding in Jesus +date: 08/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. John 15:4 + +### Observation + +The only way to continue “clean” (pruned) and to bear fruit is to maintain vital spiritual connexion with Christ (the vine). Of itself. As source (from itself) and apart from the vine (cf. 17:17). Except it abide. [Robertson, A. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.] + +### Application + +Being a member of a church does not guarantee that we will behave properly all the time. It does not guarantee that we will have the best of relationships. It does not guarantee that all will go well for us. However, having a close relationship with Jesus does guarantee that we will be different, act and talk differently, and that our relationships will be healthier. + +Ellen White made this interesting statement: “In your business, in companionship for leisure hours, and in alliance for life, let all the associations you form be entered upon with earnest, humble prayer. You will thus show that you honor God, and God will honor you. Pray when you are fainthearted. When you are desponding, close the lips firmly to men; do not shadow the path of others; but tell everything to Jesus. Reach up your hands for help. In your weakness lay hold of infinite strength. Ask for humility, wisdom, courage, increase of faith, that you may see light in God’s light and rejoice in His love.” (Ministry of Healing, p. 513) + +Those who have a close relationship with Christ, however, will not be looking for fault in their spouse. One of the evidences that Jesus abides in us is that we will look for the best in the other instead of looking for and finding things for which to criticize them. When we are close to Jesus we will desire for Him to change us and not just trying to use Him to change our spouse so they can be what we want them to be. That’s why our prayers for our spouse should simply be that God will bless them and that they will come to experience Him in their lives as He wants to be know by us. + +I want us to make sure we don’t ignore of gloss over the last few words of the quote above. Here they are: “Reach up your hands for help. In your weakness lay hold of infinite strength. Ask for humility, wisdom, courage, increase of faith, that you may see light in God’s light and rejoice in His love.” (Ministry of Healing, p. 513) When we are discouraged because our relationships is not all that we wish it were, when the problems and challenges we face seem to overwhelm us, lay hold of God’s strength. As for humility, wisdom, courage, and increase of faith. Commit your relationship to God and let Him handle it in His wisdom and might. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless me with humility, wisdom, and courage to fight for my marriage and for my family, and help me to draw close to You so that I may receive these blessings from your hands daily. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4431767035 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Fruit of Abiding in Jesus +startDate: 08/06/2025 +endDate: 08/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/07-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/07-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08ea7b3485 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/07-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: Why Get Married? +date: 08/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> That you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6 + +### Observation + +These verses offer a vision of the end-time community of Jesus and the significance of glorifying God; see Rev. 14:7. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +With one accord (μοθυμαδον[homothumadon]). Here alone in Paul, but eleven times in Acts (1:14, etc.). With one mouth (ννι στοματι [en heni stomati]). Vivid outward expression of the unity of feeling. [Robertson, A. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.] + +### Application + +According to Pew Research, Americans believe that love is the main foundation of marriage. Most who never have been married say they would like to be at some point in their lives, but statistics show Americans aren’t rushing to the altar, and the U.S. marriage rate is at an all-time low — only 51% of adults were married in 2011, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics. + +Americans are more inclined to choose “love” as a reason for marriage than any other factor. In a 2010 Pew Research Center survey, love wins out over “making a lifelong commitment,” as well as “companionship,” “having children,” and “financial stability” as a very important reason to wed. + +Among married people, 93% say love is a very important reason to get married; 84% of unmarried people say so. Men and women are equally likely to say love is a very important reason to get married. But love only goes so far. Most Americans cast cold water on a central premise of that each person in the universe has only one true love. About seven-in-ten (69%) people do not agree with that notion; only 28% do. Among those who do agree, men (31%) are slightly more likely to do so than women (26%). Young and old, married and unmarried are equally skeptical. + +According to the website “Short Facts,” here are the top five reasons why people get married: + +5. Security In Terms of Finance: Marriage is like a plan for the future. Two people bringing in income for the family makes the family unit a lot stronger and helps to overcome difficulties such as illnesses, college education for future children, and other expensive affairs. + +4. Assistance In Raising A Family: When you have a partner working by your side you will have an easier time raising the children. Studies show that children that are raised by both the mother and the father are likely to do better than children that are raised by one parent. + +3. Support To Make a Proper Household: Having a partner by your side will make it easier for the couple to invest in a home. You will be able to combine the money together and this will allow you to live a comfortable lifestyle. It will build unity between the two people and it will build character along the way. Marriage will allow the couple to have a better standard of living. + +2. Romance Is A Must: The commitment to the relationship has a lot to do with marriage and it makes the marriage very formal. Statistics show that those people that live together before marriage are more likely to split up than those who wait until they are married to live together. + +1. Lifelong Companion: When you get married you will have someone to share your thoughts with, you will have a date 24/7, and you will be able to go places with that person. Being married will allow you to have a companion in your life that is there for you whenever you need him/her. + +All these five are good and valid reasons for getting married; in fact, these are the top reasons many get married. As Christians, though, marriage is more than a nice arrangement that helps us financially, emotionally, and socially. Marriage is an opportunity to fulfil God’s plan for our lives, to live His love and grace through us, to illustrate the type of relationship He desires to have with us, and that together we may love, worship, and serve Him. In Paul’s words, Marriage helps so that we “may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” What an awesome opportunity we have, as husband and wife, and together with our children, to glorify God together. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may our life as husbands and wives, and as parents and children, be lived in such a way that we will glorify you daily because You deserve it but also so that others may come to know you and the love You have for them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e150729cc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Why Get Married? +startDate: 08/07/2025 +endDate: 08/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a5d093fba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Created to do Good +date: 08/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10, NKJV) + +God planned for us to do good things and to live as he has always wanted us to live. That's why he sent Christ to make us what we are. Ephesians 2:10 (CEV) + +### Observation + +_**unto good works**_—“for good works.” “Good works” cannot be performed until we are new “created unto” them. Paul never calls the works of the law “good works.” We are not saved by, but created unto, good works. + +_**before ordained**_—Greek, “before made ready” (compare Jn 5:36). God marks out for each in His purposes beforehand, the particular good works, and the time and way which tie sees best. God both makes ready by His providence the opportunities for the works, and makes us ready for their performance (Jn 15:16; 2Ti 2:21). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +God’s plan when He created us was not for us to simply live for ourselves but rather that we would give to others of all the abundance that we have received from Him. The standard for living God has given to us is Jesus Christ, but we all know none of us has come close to His example. + +One of the areas where we need to do better, particularly as husbands, is in our treatment of our wives. Paul writes in Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives JUST AS Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her to sanctify her.” We need to stop to think about how Jesus has treated His bride. He lived for her and even died for her. We could also look at His relationship with the church from a different angle, that is, what Jesus has never done to His bride – He’s never hurt, abused, neglected, or abandoned His bride. + +Our effort, as husbands, should be in imitating Jesus, but treating our wives sacrificially, not selfishly. Every action and every word should be aimed at blessing and helping them. Now, I am the first one to confess that I have fallen far short of that goal, which is the reason I must continue to draw close to Christ that I may imitate Him and be changed more into His image so that my words and actions will not just be mine but His through me. + +The same is true in our relationship to our children. Jesus loved children and made them feel loved and acceptable through His words and actions. I pray we men be a better reflection of Christ to our wives and children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to better reflect Your image in and through us to our wives (or spouse) and children that they may get a better of picture of You because of how we love and treat them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..db03a948cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Created to do Good +startDate: 08/08/2025 +endDate: 08/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/09-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/09-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f029bd9d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/09-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Pray that you may not be tempted +date: 08/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> When He came to the place, He said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into temptation. . . 46 Then He said to them, "Why do you sleep? Rise and pray, lest you enter into temptation." Luke 22:40, 46 + +### Observation + +Jesus twice (vv. 40, 46) represents prayer as the disciples’ primary protection against temptation. Yet they slept. + +Temptations may be all around you, yet you are safe as long as you do not enter into them. Many of us are overcome by Satan because we walk right into temptation. . . . It is your business to keep aloof from everyone and everything which will have a tendency to lead you away from duty and divert your mind from God. . . . If compelled to be in the society of those who are evil, you are not compelled to enter into or engage in their evil. You can, by prayer and watching, remain unsullied by the evil manifested about you. [Ellen G. White, Our High Calling, p.132] + +### Application + +Jesus knew that it was critically important for the disciples to spend time in prayer, particularly as His time to leave them was at hand. How it must have broken His heart to find them sleeping instead of praying. + +I wonder how many couples are found sleeping, in the morning or in the evening, instead of spending time in prayer that God will help them overcome the temptations that will most certainly come their way? How many parents are sleeping instead of spending time on their knees praying that their children may not enter into temptation? The battles we have to fight daily, the challenges we face everyday, cannot be won on our strength. . . they are simply too hard, too heavy, to strong for us. + +If you’re not spending time in prayer for yourself, for your spouse, for your relationship, for your children, for your family, I encourage you to begin anew today. Here are some things you might want to begin doing: + +1. Personal time of prayer. Besides the private time for “verbal” prayer, you may consider writing down your prayers. Some people tell me that they get distracted during their prayer; this is one way to stay on track. Another way to eliminate distractions during prayer is to pray out loud – speak your prayers. + +2. Couple prayer – set aside time in the morning, before going your separate ways, or at night, before going to bed, for prayer together with your spouse. Read a passage from the bible, or a portion of a book on marriage, and then pray together. Take turns praying for each other every day. + +3. Pray for your children. Set time for a short prayer with your children. If they are away, e-mail them or text them a few words to remind them you love them and you are praying for them. Be specific about your prayers for them and tell them so: “You’re in my mind and prayers today as you take that test.” “I wish you the best during your job interview. . . I will be praying for you.” + +4. Pray with and for your family. Gather the family for morning and/or evening worship. Make it short, age appropriate, and enjoyable. Ellen White tells us about this special time: “Questions may be asked, a few earnest, interesting remarks made, or incident, short and to the point, may be brought in by way of illustration. At least a few verses of spirited song may be sung, and the prayer offered should be short and pointed. The one who leads in prayer should not pray about everything, but should express his needs in simple words and praise God with thanksgiving” (Child Guidance, 521). + +Continue, or begin again, this special practice of prayer. Jesus’ disciples needed it. . . and so do we. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, awaken in us the desire to spend time with You in prayer, not simply as a habit but as a wonderful way to maintain the lines of communication between us open and strong especially as we face temptation. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e5b45c81fa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Pray that you may not be tempted +startDate: 08/09/2025 +endDate: 08/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/10-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/10-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e79c6474d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/10-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Move Forward +date: 08/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14, NKJV) + +### Observation + +_**forgetting those things… behind**_—Looking back is sure to end in going back (Lu 9:62): So Lot’s wife (Lu 17:32). If in stemming a current we cease pulling the oar against it, we are carried back. God’s word to us is as it was to Israel, “Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward” (Ex 14:15). The Bible is our landmark to show us whether we are progressing or retrograding. + +_**reaching forth**_—with hand and foot, like a runner in a race, and the body bent forward. The Christian is always humbled by the contrast between what he is and what he desires to be. The eye reaches before and draws on the hand, the hand reaches before and draws on the foot [Bengel]. + +[Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Looking back at what has happened in your relationship, at the hurts, and at the wounds, will only keep you stuck in the sink hole of resentment. The very word, resentment, comes from two Latin words which together mean “to feel again.” Looking back at the hurts makes you feel the pain all over again. What would be a better option to deal with resentment? I suggest five steps to deal with it: + +1. Make the decision that you’re going to stay married, no matter what. Repeat it to yourself often. Say it out loud and figure out what you need to do so both of you can make that commitment. + +2. Put time into your marriage. Unless you are intentional about changing the future, you may repeat the mistakes of the past. This is particularly important if you have children. It is possible that, like a lot of parents, once your children were born you devoted a lot of time to caring for them and neglected taking time for your relationship. Don’t continue to make the same mistake and instead devote time to cultivating a close, strong relationship with your spouse. Make him/her feel special, that he/she is the most important person in your life. + +3. Figure out what you’re getting out of getting from being resentful. Do you feel better? Maybe you do feel better for a brief moment. Maybe you have given your spouse a bit of his/her own medicine. Maybe you have had your moment of “vengeance.” And then what? What does staying stuck in that resentment really accomplish, anyway? Besides driving another wedge between you and your spouse, what real benefit have you derived for yourself or for your relationship? Nelson Mandela is said to have made this statement: “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” + +4. Figure out what specifically hurt you and what you need to do to forgive. Sometimes we have a big challenge trying to forgive because we think about everything that has happened or that has been done to us. Just like eating a complete meal, it is easier if we do it one bite at a time. In the case of forgiveness, you may need to forgive one offense at a time. + +5. If you’re still feeling resentful, try renegotiating with your spouse. Sit down and calmly tell your spouse how you’re feeling and why, without pointing an accusing finger but rather speaking of your feelings. Use “I statements” rather than “you statements.” Ask him/her for their help and support to stop doing what has caused you pain in the past. It’s important to forgive, but it is also important to protect yourself and ensure that the same painful events will not happen again. + +Today’s text reminds us that we need to stop looking back and instead keep looking forward. Any relationship that stays in the past will not be able to move forward. Leave the past behind (forgive), and look forward to a better future. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to forgive the past, stop looking back with resentment to what we cannot change, but rather look forward to the future by making the necessary changes in the present. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d23970c64 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Move Forward +startDate: 08/10/2025 +endDate: 08/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/11-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/11-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bac740aeb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/11-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: My Spouse, My Friend +date: 08/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> His mouth is full of sweetness. And he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend. Song of Songs 5:16 (NASB) + +### Observation + +“Why is he better than others? I’m glad you asked!” The Shulamite’s friends asked what was so special about Solomon that she would want so badly to find him (5:9). She responded with lavish words of praise that form a counterpart to Solomon’s praise of her (5:10–16; see 4:1–15). + +### Application + +There are several things that call my attention in this passage. + +1. She verbalizes her admiration of her beloved. Willard Harley, Christian psychologist and author of books such as His Needs, Her Needs, and Love Busters, writes that one of the most important emotional needs for most men is admiration. He needs to know that his wife admires him and affirms him, that she is his biggest cheerleader, that she expresses appreciation for what he is and what he does. To wives we tell them, make an ongoing list of the things that your husband does and tell him how much you appreciate him for each and every one of them. Don’t take him for granted, and don’t assume that what he does, even the smallest of actions, is what he’s supposed to do and therefore does not deserve to be told a thank you for them. + +2. Good hygiene is important for romance. Smelly, sweaty, duty bodies don’t encourage romance. Bad breath does not invite loving, passionate kissing. To husbands in particular we encourage you to maintain good hygiene by shaving, taking showers daily and after strenuous exercise or manual labor, by wearing deodorant, by brushing his teeth after eating and going to the dentist for regular cleaning. + +3. Passion and desire should be reserved for your spouse. Because men tend to be more visual than women, they find their wives desirable as they look at them – the way they dress and fix their hair, the way their bodies look, the way they walk and their demeanor toward them. For women, they find their husbands desirable when they initiate worship with her and with the family, when he is kind and polite, when he listens attentively to them, when they make time to spend wit their wives. It is not things, money, riches that we as husbands and wives desire as much as loving actions and words from our spouse. + +4. Friendship is vital for a good marriage. Someone said that you should marry your best friend. Whether you can marry your best friend or not, you can cultivate such a relationship with your spouse so that he/she will become your best friend. What that means is that he/she will be your confidant, the person you will trust with anything and everything you have and you know, that there will not be any secrets between you and that you will not be afraid to express your feelings to him/her. + +Enjoy every day the love and friendship from your spouse, and make sure you make every day a positive experience for them. . . it will pay great dividends for your relationship and for your family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for giving me my best friend to live with me as my spouse. Help me to be his/her best friend too. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..46b12b6c50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: My Spouse, My Friend +startDate: 08/11/2025 +endDate: 08/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/12-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/12-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f0ac76dba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/12-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Seven-day Consecration +date: 08/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 8:33 NKJV) "And you shall not go outside the door of the tabernacle of meeting for seven days, until the days of your consecration are ended. For seven days he shall consecrate you. + +### Observation + +At the beginning of Leviticus 8 we read that it was time to dedicate Aaron and his sons to the priesthood, so Moses told them to wash themselves – a physical cleansing necessary to prepare them for the spiritual cleansing. Then Moses put on them the priestly garments that had been specifically designed for them. The next step in the process was the ritual of the spiritual cleansing, which included several sacrifices and placing blood on the right ear lobe, right thumb, and right big toe of the foot, as well as sprinkling blood on their garments – all of these symbolizing that the blood of the sacrifice was covering their sin and enabling them to serve and minister on behalf of the people. There was one more step necessary before they could begin their ministry, and that was a seven-day consecration of themselves. It was not until these seven days were finished that they could officially begin the daily and annual ministrations of the sanctuary, but from then on and until Israel forfeited their call by rejecting the Messiah, the Levitical priesthood would remain an integral part of the spiritual life of the nation of Israel. + +### Application + +The rituals and ceremonies surrounding the beginning of the Levitical priesthood remind me of all that is involved in the process of becoming husband and wife. On the wedding day, the man and the woman go through a process of cleansing and preparing themselves. Some ladies go to the beauty shop, get their hair and nails done, some get a pedicure and make-up applied. The man might have gotten a hair cut and in the morning of his wedding he shaves and takes a cleansing shower. Then the couple, separately, get their wedding clothes on – he gets his tuxedo on, she gets help to get her wedding gown on. From their separate homes the couple makes their way to the church or wedding chapel, being careful that he does not see her before the ceremony. At last, the groom goes up to the front of the church with his best man and the pastor, the rest of the wedding marches in, and finally the bride, holding on to her father’s arm, marches down the aisle to join the awaiting groom where they proceed together through the wedding ceremony where they are legally and religiously united as one in the sight of God and all who have gathered to witness their union. + +There is one more tradition part that cannot be overlooked in this process of becoming one – the honeymoon. While some people view it as a sort of vacation during which the couple travels to exotic places, swim at beautiful beaches, cruise or fly from one place to the next, the honeymoon is the time when the couple consummates their marriage. From now on, they are one and their covenant must remain “for as long as they live.” The honeymoon serves as a way to seal their commitment to one another, and most importantly, to God, by fulfilling His plan for their lives of becoming one and by committing to not let anyone or anything come between them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, we rededicate ourselves to You this day, as husband and wife, to remain together, under Your will and blessings, and for Your honor and glory, for the rest of our lives. May nothing or no one come between us, and may the three of us – husband, wife, and You – walk together more closely everyday until the day Jesus returns and we continue walking together with You for eternity. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05711e8afa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Seven-day Consecration +startDate: 08/12/2025 +endDate: 08/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/13-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/13-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb1b576642 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/13-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Stand Up! +date: 08/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Get up, for it is your duty to tell us how to proceed in setting things straight. We are behind you, so be strong and take action.” Ezra 10:4 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**_This matter belongeth unto thee._** Or, “it is your task” (RSV). Since Ezra’s commission included the responsibility of executing judgment on those who would not obey the law of God (ch. 7:26), Ezra was morally obligated to take action. Shechaniah’s assurance, “we are with you” (RSV), must have greatly encouraged Ezra, who realized that any action he might take in this matter would make him most unpopular with a considerable number of guilty men. + +**_Then arose Ezra_**. Without hesitation he acted at once, binding the religious leaders by an oath to carry out the suggestion of Shechaniah, with which Ezra was in complete agreement. To confirm such an important decision with an oath was in harmony with OT usage (see Joshua 2:12; Deut. 6:13; etc.). [The Seventh©day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Every home must have a leader, the head of the household, who the rest of the family may follow. The ideal is that the husband will assume that responsibility – it was God’s plan and design that it be so. But we can’t ignore the reality that there are many women who have to assume the role of the head of the household because they are single mothers or because their husband has abandoned his responsibility. + +What does it mean to be the head of your household? What are you called to do or to be? + +1. As the head of the home, it is your responsibility to see that your family does what God says you are to do, not simply what you say they are to do. + +2. It is your responsibility as head of your home to lead. The only way you can know if you're leading is simple – Is anyone following? As General Norman Schwarzkoff once remarked, “If you are in command, then lead.” + +3. As head of your home, you should be three things to your family: + +- PROTECTOR – Physically (1 Timothy 3:4), Emotionally (2 Samuel 12:16), and 3. Spiritually (1 Samuel 3:13) +- PROVIDER - Of Stability (Ephesians 6:4; Psalm 112:2), of Physical Needs (2 Corinthians 12:14), and of Independence (Proverb 22:6; 2 Chronicles 26:4) +- PRIEST - Practicing Prayer (Deuteronomy 6:7), Obeying God's Word (Psalm 22:4), Demonstrating Obedience to God (James 1:14-15), and Demonstrating Consistency (Deuteronomy 4:9) + +Today, it is critical for the health and well-being of your family to stand up and lead them. Strong, yet loving, leadership will inspire confidence in you and in the God you serve and follow. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us, as heads of our households, to lead our family to follow You through our own example of fair, loving leadership. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2252c18f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Stand Up! +startDate: 08/13/2025 +endDate: 08/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/14-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/14-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04d5b84f99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/14-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Why Do You Work So Hard? +date: 08/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones. Psalm 127:2 (NLT) + +### Observation + +This psalm is a wisdom poem authored by Solomon (his second one, the other being Ps. 72). Life without God is meaningless, which is the main theme of the book of Ecclesiastes, and all our work is futile unless God is at its center (vv. 1–2). Second part of the psalm stresses family blessings (vv. 3–5). + +### Application + +The Pew Research Center reported on five facts about fathers: + +1. The Census Bureau estimates that last year there were about 189,000 stay-at-home dads, defined as married fathers with children younger than 15 who stayed out of the labor force for at least one year primarily to care for the family while their wife works outside the home. Those dads cared for an estimated 369,000 children. + +2. Fathers have nearly tripled the amount of time they spend with their children, from 2.5 hours in 1965 to 7.3 hours per week in 2011, according to a Pew Research report that analyzed years of time-use data. Despite that increase, 46% of fathers said they spent too little time with their children, compared with 23% of mothers who said the same; half of dads said they spent the right amount of time. + +3. In 2009 there were about 2.4 million custodial fathers (that is, raising their children while the mother was living elsewhere), versus 11.2 million custodial mothers, according to a Census Bureau report. About 619,000 custodial fathers were due child support; collectively, they received about $1.9 billion. + +4. More than three-quarters of new fathers took one week or less off from work after the birth or adoption of their most recent child, according to a 2011 Boston College study of fathers at four large companies; 16% didn’t take any time off at all. Most new mothers at the same companies took anywhere from six to 12 weeks off. Of those who took time off, 92% of fathers said they had a positive experience being with their child during that time. + +5. Forget the ties, “World’s Best Dad” T-shirts and other clothing clichés: According to a 2012 poll from market-research firm Ipsos, most dads would prefer to either spend quality time with their families on Father’s Day (40%) or receive no gift at all (22%). Gift cards were a distant third, at 13%. [http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/06/11/5-facts-about-fathers/] + +We admire hard work, specially in men. Remember, however, that while working hard to provide for your family is important, time with them is crucial. Working hard to meet the families needs is important; working so hard that you never see them just so they can have the biggest house, the latest gadget, and all their wants met does not mean you are a good father. Resting and enjoying quality time with your kids is not just valuable but necessary for their health and well being. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to have my priorities in the right order, and help me to understand that working simply to provide more things for my family is not as important as spending time with them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..913f50b90e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Why Do You Work So Hard? +startDate: 08/14/2025 +endDate: 08/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/15-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/15-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43471c6c05 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/15-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Give Generously +date: 08/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. Proverbs 3:27 (NLT) + +### Observation + +The wise man turns suddenly to practical matters and begins each of the next five verses with a statement of prohibition. There is a timeliness about deeds of kindness that multiplies their value. To withhold good that is within one’s power to perform is to rob God as well as man. The Son of man upon the throne of judgment regards those who neglect the least of His brethren as neglecting the Master Himself (Matt. 25:45). + +If we delay the payment of a lawful debt when we are well able to settle the account, we are defrauding our creditor of the use of his own money, and we may seriously inconvenience him. In the same way the withholding of assistance from one in need aggravates unnecessarily his trouble. We may find, when eventually setting about to offer the help so much required, that it is too late. The evil may already have overtaken the unfortunate one, or some less dilatory benefactor may have gained the blessing we were too slow to secure. [The Seventh©day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The Christian life should be characterized by generosity in light of the fact that God has been so generous with us with His grace, His love, His forgiveness, and His salvation. In Old Testament times, God made provision for the widows, orphans, and the poor by telling those who owned land to leave some of what was being harvested behind for those who needed it. This was an act which benefitted the poor, because they didn’t have anything, as well as the wealthy because it should inculcate in the spirit of generosity. + +Many give to special projects, charitable organizations, or people in their time of need. Recently I heard of a young man with cerebral palsy who has received donations to help him with a surgery which would help him greatly by providing more mobility. However, that young man heard of a young child, also with cerebral palsy, and also in need of surgery, so he gave all that had been donated for his own surgery so the young child could have it instead. What an act of generosity on his part! + +The widow who gave everything she had, and was given special mention by Jesus, is another example of giving sacrificially. She didn’t just give some leftovers, or a small portion while keeping a good portion, or any portion for herself. Instead, she gave everything she had. + +How generous are we with those closest to us? I’m not referring only to financial generosity, however. How generous are we with our appreciation for them? How generous are we in expressing praise and affirmation for what they do? How often do we shower them with words that lift them up, encourage them, bring joy to them? We may think great, warm thoughts about them, but do not tell them. Our text today reminds us to not keep inside those words, when we have them, when it is in our poser to give them to our loved ones, to those closest to us, or to those with whom we work, to our neighbors, to those who go to school with us. Shower them with words that will help them, encourage them, and strengthen them. The right word, at the right time, my just be what they need in their time of need. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to be generous in our praise of others that we may alleviate their burdens and encourage them when they’re down. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07d8dc7cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Give Generously +startDate: 08/15/2025 +endDate: 08/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/16-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/16-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87b86d1f57 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/16-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Place of Rest +date: 08/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But not so on Mount Zion—there's respite there! a safe and holy place! The family of Jacob will take back their possessions from those who took them from them. Obadiah 1:17 (MSG) + +### Observation + +**_deliverance_**. Pictures a contrast between the fate of the mountains of Esau, where there will be destruction and slaughter, and the destiny of Mount Zion, Jerusalem, where there will be deliverance and holiness. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +The feelings for home have inspired expressions and songs that are commonly used and are very special to a lot of us. “Home, Sweet Home.” “For there’s no place like home for the holidays.” + +We all need a place to call home, a place to come back to. The Prodigal Son felt that emptiness and regret and headed for home. Joseph, in the Old Testament, longed for home. The Israelites who were taken captive to Babylon and other lands wished to be home. “Alongside Babylon's rivers we sat on the banks; we cried and cried, remembering the good old days in Zion.” Psalm 137:1 (MSG) + +Those of us born in a faraway country miss the place where we grew up. Some of us live far from family and friends, far from the food we ate, the places we visited, where we vacationed and had so many memories with those we loved. + +But now we have our own family and we have the opportunity to build new memories with them. We can travel together to faraway places or to the local attractions. What’s important is not how much money is spent in the process but how much time you get to spend together. It may not be a very expensive meal at some upscale restaurant but simply corn on the cob eaten in the back porch of your house. But more importantly that any place you may visit is the loving, peaceful time spent with your family at home. That’s why it is so important to provide for all in the family with a good, wholesome environment they can look forward to returning to. + +For husbands, this is particularly important. After battling with the world, we men look forward to coming home to a place where we can feel loved, where we can relax, where we can disconnect from what we have been dealing with all day. It doesn’t mean that he can come home and do nothing while the wife takes care of everything – cooking, cleaning, the care of the children – while the husband simply watches TV. What it means is that he doesn’t want to get home to a wife waiting with a list of complaints or chores for him to deal with. Some men work longer hours just so they don’t have to come home to be faced with a nagging wife. “It's better to stay outside on the roof of your house than to live inside with a nagging wife.” Proverbs 21:9 (CEV) + +Create at hope a place of respite, a place where the members will feel loved and comfortable, and a place where they will want to come back to. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to create in our home a place to come back to, a little foretaste of heaven. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..90251e6378 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Place of Rest +startDate: 08/16/2025 +endDate: 08/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/17-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/17-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b35181224b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/17-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: A Lasting Heritage +date: 08/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. + +4Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. + +5Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, + +But shall speak with their enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127:3-5) + +### Observation + +Posterity is often represented as a blessing from God (Ge 30:2, 18; Ge 30:2, 18, 1Sa 1:19, 20). Children are represented as the defenders (arrows) of their parents in war, and in litigation. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +_**heritage… reward.**_ Children were seen as God’s gift, and a sign of His blessing (v. 5). See 25:13; 37:26; 112:2; 115:14; 127:3–5; 128:2–4, 6; 144:12. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +Looking at the definition of the word “heritage” in an online dictionary we get these different usages (not all are listed): + +1. something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions + +2. anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition + +3. any property, esp land, that by law has descended or may descend to an heir + +In the Bible, we also find at least two usages: + +1. the Israelites regarded as belonging inalienably to God + +2. the land of Canaan regarded as God's gift to the Israelites + +A heritage, in general terms, is something given or left to someone’s descendants. What I find interesting in our text for today is that children, who would receive our heritage, are God’s heritage to us. They are God’s way of showing us His love for us. + +When parents of young children may at times feel overwhelmed with their parenting tasks – disciplining them, answering countless questions, ensuring they are doing their school work, teaching them to do house chores, and countless other things – they may wish at times their kids would grow up quick and be gone. I’ve actually heard parents say things such as, “I can’t wait ‘till they leave!” + +Having to young-adult daughters who don’t live at home anymore I can say we truly enjoy when they are home and wish those times would take place more often than they do. What joy they bring to our hearts when they’re here, and how painful it is when they leave. I have friends who have lost children through accidents or after an illness, and they have expressed the deep pain they experience and the longing to have them back. + +Enjoy your children, and their time at home. A friend of mine shared a powerful thought: “Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for giving us our children as Your gift to us. Help us to appreciate that special gift and to leave to them the heritage of our love for them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f1d6bddcd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Lasting Heritage +startDate: 08/17/2025 +endDate: 08/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/18-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/18-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2f415be7f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/18-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Don't Forget God +date: 08/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> A bride could not forget to wear her jewelry to her wedding, but you have forgotten me day after day. Jeremiah 2:32 (CEV) + +### Observation + +Oriental women greatly pride themselves on their ornaments (compare Is 61:10). + +_**forgotten me**_ — (Je 13:25; Ho 8:14). To the question posed by Jeremiah, a “no” answer is expected. It would have been equally unnatural for God to forget Israel. But Judah had done worse than forget the outward memorials of marriage. . . she had forgotten her Husband (see ch. 3:14). + +### Application + +As we read today’s text we are presented with a most preposterous situation. On her wedding day, probably the most important and memorable day of her life, the bride is careful to have everything just right. Recently the news reported an event that shows how important this day is for the bride. On the day of her wedding, a bride called 911 to report that her car, with her wedding gown inside, had been stolen. As the news played the 911 tape one could hear the anguish and pain in the bride’s voice. Interestingly enough, the dispatcher asked what her size was and it was exactly the same as the dispatcher’s. Immediately the dispatcher offered to lend the bride her own wedding gown, took it to the place where she was getting ready for her wedding, and was able to wear it on her special day. + +It would be preposterous to think that the bride, who would have her wedding gown ready, and who would make sure her hair and makeup would be just right, would forget her husband to be. Some brides have that inner fear, small as it may be, that the groom would suddenly change his mind and not show up for the wedding. Some brides have indeed gone through that experience. But how many brides have done everything in their power to be ready for their wedding except have a husband? + +What Jeremiah portrays is our situation when we leave God our of our life, out of our marriage, or out of our family life. It is preposterous! And yet, many have done just that to the detriment of their own lives, and marriages, and families. We go about our lives as if God doesn’t even exist. We work, get a paycheck, spend it, buy things, travel, attend entertainment events, and in general terms live our lives as if God had not made it possible for us to have life, and work, and money. And then they find themselves one day not liking, much less loving, the person they married and the family they have formed and believe that the solution is leaving to start all over again with someone else. If the research is correct, second marriages last less than first marriages, third marriages less than second marriages and so on. And it is at the end of a series of relationships that they find themselves empty and alone. Some, thankfully, look to God for help before it is too late. Others, sadly, simply continue on that downward spiral until they die, many at their own hands. + +What God invites us to do, through Jeremiah and other Bible writers, is to turn to God before it is too late. Begin by praying for and with your spouse. Pray for God’s guidance and blessings, for a resurgence of love, for the power to forgive, for the ability to make positive changes, for patience, for wisdom, for the ability to see the best in the other, for God to change us from the inside out. Turn to God before it is too late for your marriage and for your family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to turn to You with all our hearts and not forget You. Bless our life and marriage by being at the center of all we are and all we do. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..742b3ed936 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Forget God +startDate: 08/18/2025 +endDate: 08/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/19-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/19-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31479588c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/19-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Colors of our Family +date: 08/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 39:1 NKJV) Of the blue, purple, and scarlet thread they made garments of ministry, for ministering in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron, as the LORD had commanded Moses. + +### Observation + +Moses recounts with great detail all the materials used for the building of the furnishings of the sanctuary and of the clothing worn by the priests. As he closes the book of Exodus, Moses now reviews again all that was made, how and with what materials. The exquisite materials and colors must have made of this portable structure one that was not only beautiful but awe inspiring. Just a look at the sanctuary, even from a distant, must have cause people to pause and wonder about its significance as God’s abiding place on earth. + +### Application + +It occurs to me that we, as members of the family, come from so many different places, have different family, cultural, educational, financial, and maybe even racial background, have a variety of experiences which have made us who we are. And yet, it is as if God knits all these threads into a beautiful, colorful tapestry. That’s why divorce is so traumatic – it tears and mars God’s beautiful handiwork, and causes deep wounds that can never be completely restored. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for the beautiful weaving You’ve made, our family. Please make its beauty shine for Your glory and for the well being of each of its members. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37c877ff50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Colors of our Family +startDate: 08/19/2025 +endDate: 08/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/20-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/20-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a3c1f32b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/20-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Why Worry? +date: 08/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> I'll search Jerusalem with lamps and punish those people who sit there unworried while thinking, "The LORD won't do anything, good or bad." Zephaniah 1:12 (CEV) + +### Observation + +_**search… with candles**_—or lamps; so as to leave no dark corner in it wherein sin can escape the punishment, of which the Chaldeans are My instruments (compare Zep 1:13; Lu 15:8). + +_**settled on their lees**_ (“sit there unworried”) —“hardened” or crusted; image from the crust formed at the bottom of wines long left undisturbed (Je 48:11). The effect of wealthy undisturbed ease (“lees”) on the ungodly is hardening: they become stupidly secure (compare Ps 55:19; Am 6:1). + +_**Lord will not do good… evil**_—They deny that God regards human affairs, or renders good to the good; or evil to the evil, but that all things go haphazard (Ps 10:4; Mal 2:17). + +### Application + +We have a tendency of going to extremes in our experience. On the one hand, sometimes we worry about everything to the point that it paralyzes us, at least temporarily. I’m not speaking of a pathological fear, but worrying about the job, and the traffic, the kids, finances, the weather. . . everything. We may be tempted to quote Jesus to them, “Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.” Matthew 6:34 (CEV) As we look at His words, Jesus was not saying not to worry at all, but rather not to worry about tomorrow, especially when we have enough things to be worried about for today. In other words, take it one day at a time. + +On the other hand, there are some who don’t worry about anything at all. They don’t really plan for tomorrow, much less for their future. Often they simply resolve to do nothing and hope things will turn out well on their own. The writer of Proverbs writes about them with the words, “How long will you lie there doing nothing at all? When are you going to get up and stop sleeping? Proverbs 6:9 (CEV) + +My concern is with those who neglect their marriage and their family until it is very late to save it – sometimes too late. Some don’t even seem to realize that their marriage is falling apart a little at a time. They are spending time at work, with friends, watching or practicing sports, and doing many other things to keep them happy and entertained, but alone. While they do those things for themselves their spouses or their families live as if they were not part of their lives, as if they didn’t exist. And then one day, they find themselves completely alienated from each other. + +The worst punishment for those who take their relationship and their family for granted is the demise of their marriage and the loss of their children. They wonder then what could have happened, and often blame others for what happened. It was their spouse, or the school, or the church, or something else or someone else. They ask, why did God do that to them? Why didn’t God keep their family together? Why have their children rejected the church, and God Himself? They seem to live in a world of denial, refusing to accept the fact that they may be responsible for what happened to their marriage and to their family. + +Before it is too late, look at your life, the time you spend with your family, with your wife and kids, and how much of that time is quality time. Once you make the commitment to make changes in your life, be intentional about how you spend that time to ensure the success of your relationship. Successful marriages are not an accident; they take people committed to a life-long, healthy, happy relationship for the rest of their lives. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, while we don’t want to worry unnecessarily about tomorrow, help us to do all in our power to see that our marriage and our family are healthy. Help us to plan for the future and to work toward making that future possible with Your blessings. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a59a88ace4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Why Worry? +startDate: 08/20/2025 +endDate: 08/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/21-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/21-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9f54e0df2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/21-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: Pride Leads to Conflict +date: 08/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise. Proverbs 13:10 (NLT) + +### Observation + +_**Pride.**_ Heb. zadon, “insolence,” “presumptuousness.” The contrast here is between the one who is too proud to take advice and who feel insulted if anyone suggests that he needs it, and the wise man who listens to the advice of men of experience. Not only does the proud man quarrel with those who would instruct him, but he gets into other disputes of various kinds as a result of following his own ill-advised ways (see chs. 11:2; 12:15). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (992). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Disagreements and arguments crop up in even the best marriages. It's not the absence of conflict but rather how conflict is handled that is an important key to marital success or failure. Some of the most current research confirms that poorly handled conflict between married couples can negatively influence mental, physical, and family health. Feelings of anger, bitterness, and unhappiness, which sometimes leads to separation and divorce, often result. + +The question is, what cause conflict in marriage? Although no two situations are alike, there are some common patterns that often result in marital conflict and sometimes even leads to infidelity in a marriage, separation, or divorce. Here are some of those possible causes: + +_**1. Unacknowledged or Unresolved Anger or Resentment.**_ Anger and resentment that are not dealt with may be the trigger for future conflict. Disagreements over finances, sex, parenting, in-laws, or spirituality are reported as some of the most common issues over which couples have conflict. + +_**2. Taking each other for granted and becoming bored with the relationship**_. Instead of always growing in intimacy, some couples settle for a comfortable relationship and don’t strive to improve it. Unfortunately, many begin to focus on the negative things they see in their spouse and use them to criticize and even attack their perceived weaknesses. + +_**3. “The “Mid-life Crisis.”**_ When individuals reach a certain age which has come to be known as “mid-life,” they get a certain itch, a boredom with the relationship, and with their own life. One of the interesting features of this phase is that is based primarily on the fear of growing old or older and of being less attractive or less desirable. It is now recognized that this insecurity is usually rooted in self-esteem issues from childhood or adolescence. + +_**4. A Narcissistic Personality Style.**_ This describes a spouse who is so excessively self-involved and ego-centric that he or she doesn’t seem to have any regard or compassion for the needs or desires of others, including those of his or her spouse. They don’t seem to feel any guilt, remorse, or shame for their hurtful or inappropriate behavior toward their spouse. + +_**5. Unhealthy Communication Patterns**_. It is commonly known that many couples have patterns of communication that lead to conflict, and that in order to change those patterns they need to be taught good communication skills. The good news is that these skills can be learned. + +_**6. Pride.**_ Today’s text also teaches us that pride leads to conflict. Sinful, human nature seeks control. As long as we allow our sinful nature, and therefore pride, to control us, we will seek to control our spouse. If they also allow their sinful, human nature to control them, they will seek to control us. That struggle for control will inevitably lead to conflict (Genesis 3:16). On the other hand, Christ’s nature in us should lead us to be humble. Instead of trying to control the other, Christ’s nature in us will lead us to want to serve our spouse. Herein lies the solution for conflict in the Christian marriage. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help our nature to be more Christlike so that we may seek to serve one another and so that instead of having unhealthy conflict we may have loving harmony. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42f4d3ba17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Pride Leads to Conflict +startDate: 08/21/2025 +endDate: 08/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/22-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/22-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ae60d77a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/22-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +title: Short-tempered People +date: 08/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Short-tempered people do foolish things, and schemers are hated. Proverbs 14:17 (NLT) + +### Observation + +Quick-tempered connects this verse with the preceding one. Such a person does foolish things (cf. v. 29; 15:18). “Flying off the handle”—not controlling one’s temper—causes a person to do and say ridiculous things, which he may later regret and be unable to undo. Even more difficult to live or work with is a person who is crafty (cf. 12:2) or scheming (mezimmâh; see comments on 1:4). A person who schemes and works underhandedly to get his way and to oppose others is hated by others because he is untrustworthy. He goes astray (14:22). [Buzzell, S. S. (1985). Proverbs. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck, Ed.) (Pr 14:17). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.] + +### Application + +The famous Mayo Clinic offered the following 10 tips to tame your temper (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/anger-management/MH00102) + +1. Take a timeout. Counting to 10 isn't just for kids. Before reacting to a tense situation, take a few moments to breathe deeply and count to 10. Slowing down can help defuse your temper. If necessary, take a break from the person or situation until your frustration subsides a bit. + +2. Once you're calm, express your anger. As soon as you're thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them. + +3. Get some exercise. Physical activity can provide an outlet for your emotions, especially if you're about to erupt. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other favorite physical activities. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that can leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. + +4. Think before you speak. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything — and allow others involved in the situation to do the same. + +5. Identify possible solutions. Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Does your child's messy room drive you crazy? Close the door. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening — or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything, and might only make it worse. + +6. Stick with 'I' statements. To avoid criticizing or placing blame — which might only increase tension — use "I" statements to describe the problem. Be respectful and specific. For example, say, "I'm upset that you left the table without offering to help with the dishes," instead of, "You never do any housework." + +7. Don't hold a grudge. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone who angered you, you might both learn from the situation. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly as you want at all times. + +8. Use humor to release tension. Lightening up can help diffuse tension. Don't use sarcasm, though — it can hurt feelings and make things worse. + +9. Practice relaxation skills. When your temper flares, put relaxation skills to work. Practice deep-breathing exercises, imagine a relaxing scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase, such as, "Take it easy." You might also listen to music, write in a journal or do a few yoga poses — whatever it takes to encourage relaxation. + +10. Know when to seek help. Learning to control anger is a challenge for everyone at times. Consider seeking help for anger issues if your anger seems out of control, causes you to do things you regret or hurts those around you. You might explore local anger management classes or anger management counseling. With professional help, you can: + +If you still experience problems with controlling your anger, you may look for anger management classes and counseling individually, with your spouse, with other family members, or in a group. Request a referral from your doctor to a counselor specializing in anger management, or ask family members, friends or other contacts for recommendations. Your health insurer, employee assistance program (EAP), clergy, or state or local agencies also might offer recommendations. + +Don’t be foolish, as the proverb state; seek help to manage your anger before it hurts the people in your life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to learn ways to control our anger so that we may not do or say foolish things that may hurt the people we love. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cbbca6607c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Short-tempered People +startDate: 08/22/2025 +endDate: 08/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/23-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/23-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed32f3a8c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/23-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Give and Become Wealthy +date: 08/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. Proverbs 11:24 (NLT) + +### Observation + +Not every kind of scattering brings an increase. Careless giving often does harm both to the giver and to the receiver; but the loving, thoughtful endeavor to use one’s means to alleviate the sufferings and aid the struggles of those in need, brings wealth to both. The more the giver’s means are used to help others, the more he receives. The same is true of contributions made for the work of God (see v. 25). Withholding more than is right tends to poverty, both spiritual and material. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (986). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The Bible teaches of the blessings of generosity in various places. Just a couple will suffice: “Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren to go to you ahead of time, and prepare your generous gift beforehand, which you had previously promised, that it may be ready as a matter of generosity and not as a grudging obligation.” (2 Cor 9:5) “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor. 9:7). + +Often we think of generosity in respect to money or things, which is true and accurate. God has blessed us with so much we take for granted. Generosity in returning God’s tithe and in giving of what we have left for the church and to help others was not just a good plan from God to keep His church going; He wanted to teach us lessons of generosity because it is indeed good for us. Those who hoard their blessings end up paranoid that everyone is out to get them and rob them and they end up being lonely and sad. Stories abound of people who have given large amounts of money to benefit others. Many of those stories are about people that others thought were poor, or who limited themselves to living in meager conditions but gave generously to others in greater need. + +But when the Proverbs say to give freely I think it also refers to the time, the kindness, the attention, the help, and the love we give to those closest to us and even to those we are not related to. Don’t be stingy with these things, starting with your spouse, your children, your family. It is as if sometimes we reserve these things for others or we just simply don’t share any with anybody. The result is similar to those that hoard their money. . . we become lonely, cold, and sad. It is like Ebenezer Scrooge, rich but lonely and sad. + +Give generously of yourself, starting with those closest to you. . . you will be richer than when you try to keep it all to yourself. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Help us to recognize that everything belongs to you and you give us so much more than we deserve. In return, Father, as you have blessed us, help us to be generous so we may share your blessings with others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..780cbfb837 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Give and Become Wealthy +startDate: 08/23/2025 +endDate: 08/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/24-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/24-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb134e070c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/24-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: You Complete Me +date: 08/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. Colossians 2:9-10 + +### Observation + +Translate in the Greek order, “Ye are in Him (by virtue of union with Him) filled full” of all that you need (Jn 1:16). Believers receive of the divine unction which flows down from their Divine Head and High Priest (Ps 133:2). He is full of the “fulness” itself; we, filled from Him. Paul implies, Therefore ye Colossians need no supplementary sources of grace, such as the false teachers dream of. Christ is “the Head of all rule and authority” (so the Greek), Eph 1:10; He, therefore, alone, not these subject “authorities” also, is to be adored (Col 2:18). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Col 2:10). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +A movie released several years ago popularized the words spoken by its main character, Jerry McGuire. During the main scene in the film, he said to his girlfriend, “You Complete me!” Those words sounded so romantic that many others have borrowed them to express their love and devotion to the person they love. Tom Cruise played the part of Jerry McGuire. Now I know that Tom Cruise didn’t write the script for this movie, it was Cameron Crowe who wrote it and directed it; Tom Cruise was simply the actor repeating Crowe’s words. Unfortunately, the “You complete me” concept hasn’t worked to well for Cruise. When Tom Cruise spoke those now famous words, “You complete me,” he was married to his second wife, Nicole Kidman. As you probably know, Cruise and Kidman divorced five years later, after which Cruise entered a romantic relationship with Penelope Cruz, and then a third marriage, this time to Katie Holmes, which was also unsuccessful even though it resulted in the birth of a daughter. If we were cynics we could say that Tom Cruise has not yet found “the one” to “complete” him. + +This romantic view that we need another person to complete us began with the Greek philosopher Plato who wrote that there was once a “super race” of androgynous humans that made an attempt to overthrow the gods. This super race consisted of “round” people, made up of both male and female in one person, and in that state they were getting too powerful. So Zeus, the king of the gods, said, “I shall now cut each of them in two ... and they will be both weaker and more useful to us through the increase in their numbers.” + +This forceful separation supposedly left both halves wondering the world, looking for their “soul-mate,” desperate to be reunited. When the two halves did finally find each other, all they could do was cling to each other, which sadly led to their deaths “because they were unwilling to do anything apart from one another.” Zeus was no longer concerned about these powerful beings because deprived and desperate humans were no longer so powerful and no longer such a threat to the gods. + +Interestingly enough, in Plato’s view romantic love does not make us stronger but weaker. And yet, many people do, in fact, live this way, on a constant search to find their other human “half,” so they may be “complete,” and then desperately attempting to keep that half. + +The Bible’s view is very different. Today’s text reminds us that because the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus, Our Creator, we are complete in Him! No other human being can complete us. They can, and do, add to our lives. But a human being, who is not perfect, cannot possibly meet all our needs. Jesus, on the other hand, because He is perfect, can an does complete us. So stop looking for another person to be your perfect soul-mate and to meet all your needs. When both you and the person you love submit to Jesus, He completes both and meets both their needs. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You that we can be complete in Jesus. Help us to draw closer to Him because asa result we will end up drawing closer to one another. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38519ed602 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: You Complete Me +startDate: 08/24/2025 +endDate: 08/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/25-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/25-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd20ba5ba2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/25-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Stealing Your Life +date: 08/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 (NLT) + +### Observation + +_**The thief.**_ See on v. 1. The shepherd constantly goes in and out among his sheep. The thief visits the flock only on rare occasions and for purely selfish motives, and ruins the flock. + +_**Life. zuo,**_ here used in its theological sense, equivalent to eternal life. When Adam and Eve were created they possessed z, but lost it when they sinned. True, their physical life was extended, but they were no longer conditionally immortal (see on Gen. 2:17). Jesus came to restore the zuo that Adam had forfeited (see on John 8:51). + +_**More abundantly**_. “Life” includes the physical, intellectual, and spiritual. Physical life is regarded as abundant in a body that is full of vigor and in perfect health. Jesus’ miracles of physical healing gave an abundant physical life to those whose life forces were ebbing. But physical restoration was by no means the complete fulfillment of Jesus’ mission. Man also has intellectual and spiritual life, which must also be made alive and abundant, for “man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord” (Deut. 8:3). Important as the physical and the intellectual aspects of a well-rounded life are, no life is fully complete unless the spiritual nature is nurtured. [The Seventh©day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +_**Application:**_ The thief of which today’s verse speaks, refers directly to the devil who is only interested in taking away from us the hope of eternal life guaranteed by the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary. However, we can also look at what else the devil uses to destroy or relationships and how he does it. + +**1. He Steals**. If we allow him to, he steals our time when we devote it to financial pursuits instead of devoting time to our personal faith or to our family. He steals our sense of safety and security when disasters strike which destroy our possessions or when illnesses touch us and threaten to end our life or the life of a loved one. + +**2. He kills.** unless he are intentional about making or keeping our relationship strong he kills it. Many have found themselves on the halls of divorce court dumbfounded that their relationship had come to an end. It is as if it all happened with their knowledge or without them being aware it was taking place. + +**3. He destroys.** With the marriage over, he destroys lives – our own and that of our children. He destroys the idea of marriage of an ideal estate when others see that even the marriage between believers in God did not survive. He destroys faith in God who people claim was not able to sustain our marriage together. + +Fortunately our situation, as bad as it may be, is not hopeless, because Jesus came with a purpose in mind – that we may life, abundant life, satisfying life. We need Jesus to bring that satisfaction for our marriage, satisfaction for our life with our spouse that we long for. Our marriage doesn’t just have to survive; in Jesus it can thrive. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may the life of Jesus, and His purpose for coming to earth, be what brings life abundant to our life and to our marriage. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b67c57068 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Stealing Your Life +startDate: 08/25/2025 +endDate: 08/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/26-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/26-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97ebe91045 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/26-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: As the Lord Commanded +date: 08/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Exo 40:32 NKJV) Whenever they went into the tabernacle of meeting, and when they came near the altar, they washed, as the LORD had commanded Moses. + +### Observation + +As Moses closes relating the inventory of the newly built sanctuary he makes it a point to assert that everything was built “as the Lord had commanded.” He wants to make sure people understand that nothing came out of the creative genius of a skilled craftsman, that it wasn’t the will of any one individual, or that he or the craftsmen were the ones that came up with the ideas but rather that he and they were following every one of God’s instructions in the construction of this structure and of the priestly garments. + +### Application + +Here’s an important lesson for parents: as long as we do as the Lord commands, we will not only be following His will but He will ensure that the outcome is just as He wanted it to be. In our task of parenting, we must make sure we do everything as Lord commands and then trust the results to Him. While God gives us skills, gifts, talents, personality traits, wisdom, and knowledge to know how to raise our children, even the most skilled parents still lack what God can offer with His omnipotence and omniscience. Therefore, trust Your children to God, acknowledge Him, submit yourself and them to Him, do everything just as He commands, and trust the results to Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, this day, we entrust our children to Your care, asking You to take good care of them, trusting that You will be the one to take them through the challenges of this life and of this world and grant them eternal life. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5329513106 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: As the Lord Commanded +startDate: 08/26/2025 +endDate: 08/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/27-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/27-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33df446493 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/27-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Repetitive Communication +date: 08/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. Matthew 6:7-8 + +### Observation + +_**But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions**_—“Babble not” would be a better rendering, both for the form of the word—which in both languages is intended to imitate the sound—and for the sense, which expresses not so much the repetition of the same words as a senseless multiplication of them; as appears from what follows. + +_**as the heathen do**_: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking—This method of heathen devotion is still observed by Hindu and Mohammedan devotees. With the Jews, says Lightfoot, it was a maxim, that “Every one who multiplies prayer is heard.” As Tholuck justly observes, the very prayer which our Lord gave as an antidote to vain repetitions is the most abused to this superstitious end; the number of times it is repeated counting for so much more merit. Is not this just that characteristic feature of heathen devotion which our Lord here condemns? But praying much, and using at times the same words, is not here condemned, and has the example of our Lord Himself in its favor. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Ellen White wrote that, “Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not bring God down to us, but brings us up to Him.” (A Call to Stand Apart, p. 26). A conversation between friends that only repeats the same words over and over will not only become tiresome eventually but it will not encourage growth and depth in the relationship either. Imagine a couple that is dating, or preparing for marriage, and they repeat the exact same conversation every single day, with no variation at all. No new information is exchanged, there’s no exploration of their feelings, there’s no sharing of thoughts or ideas, just the same words day in and day out. How would they come to know enough about each other to decide on their future life. + +If there is to be growth in our relationship with God, we need to both speak to Him from the depths of our heart and also listen attentively to what He has to share with us for that moment or that day. In the same way, if we want to experience growth in our marriage or greater closeness to our spouse and children, we need to spend time in good conversation with both exchanging thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and listening for what the others may have to share. + +Some of those great opportunities for this type of sharing take place during family meals, during worship times, and during recreational activities such as hiking, camping, or enjoying a picnic together. Open your ears and your heart to what others have to say, and speak to them from the depths of your heart; that type of intimacy is what God designed marriage and the family to enjoy. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us as we communicate verbally our thoughts and feelings, our likes an dislikes, our fear and our joys with one another so that our sharing will become our bonding together. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87f0e8f960 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Repetitive Communication +startDate: 08/27/2025 +endDate: 08/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/28-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/28-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0182dc25ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/28-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: What Can I Do? +date: 08/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 + +### Observation + +_**Which strengtheneth**_. Paul recognized Christ as the source of all his own power, hence there is no element of boasting here. All that needed to be done could be done by Christ-given strength. When the divine commands are faithfully followed, the Lord makes Himself responsible for the success of the work undertaken by the Christian (COL 333, 363; 8T 16). In Christ there is strength to fulfill duty, power to resist temptation, vigor to endure affliction, patience to suffer without complaint. In Him there is grace for daily growth, courage for multiplied battles, energy for devoted service. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (178). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +This passage is probably one of the best known and best loved of Paul’s writings. We have learned it, memorized it, quoted it, and believed it. Although I wonder if we believe it applies in all instances in life. But do we really believe it when we are facing marital difficulties? Do we really believe it when thoughts of separation and divorce come to mind and find a dwelling there? Do we really believe it when our relationship seems hopeless and we feel helpless? + +I would like to suggest today that it is when we’re going through the biggest challenges and difficulties in our marriage that we need to believe the power behind these words. It is by repeating to ourselves the words of the promise contained in this text that we can have a change of attitude which will lead us to have a change of heart. + +The cognitive-behavioral school of psychology teaches us that if we want to change our behavior we must first begin by changing our thinking. Both of those can only be truly possible through the power and strength of Christ. As we consider what Jesus went through on the way to His death for us, our sacrifices and our pain are minimal. But what we can accomplish with his power has no limits. + +As a marriage and family counselor I have seen miraculous transformations. Marriages that had become like death sentences have come back to a revival of feeling and experience. Marriages ravaged by infidelity had a renewal of their trust and their love. Marriages where abuse abounded experienced healing and became havens of peace and harmony. Marriages which were falling apart came back together with renewed energy and strength. + +If we believe the power of today’s text is only in the spiritual realm, we have short=changed God’s power in every other aspect of our lives. Claim His power to change you today and everyday. Claim His power to change your attitude toward your spouse and your marriage. Claim His power to transform your marriage from wherever it is and until it becomes a foretaste of heaven. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, change us with Your power, change our life, and change our marriage for the better so that it can not just be a foretaste of heaven but that it should be a great joy today and everyday. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3fd8e5b31d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What Can I Do? +startDate: 08/28/2025 +endDate: 08/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/29-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/29-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b346819972 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/29-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Belittling Your Neighbor +date: 08/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> It is a sin to belittle one’s neighbor; blessed are those who help the poor. Proverbs 14:21 (NLT) + +### Observation + +The sources of contempt and of compassion (14:21). “The person who despises his neighbor sins.” One must not assume superior airs and look down upon a neighbor regardless of his destitute condition. A person of low estate has a claim for love and pity, and it is a sin to withhold them from him for selfish reasons (Lev 19:18). On the other hand, “the one who is gracious to the humble, happy is he.” The merciful disposition is an evidence of a soul’s communion with the God of mercy (cf. Matt 5:7). [Smith, J. E. (1996). The wisdom literature and Psalms. Old Testament Survey Series (Pr 14:21). Joplin, MO: College Press Pub. Co.] + +### Application + +In the book of Proverbs such contempt of the poor is contrasted as sinful with the virtuous compassion of the good. One of the characteristics of a Christian person is his/her desire to build others up, to help others reach the stature of Jesus Christ, to help them reflect the image of Jesus. That’s is why it is so uncharacteristic of a Christian husband or wife to belittle, humiliate, or put their spouse down, both in public or even in the privacy of their home. + +The dictionary definition of belittling is to regard or portray as less impressive or important than appearances indicate; depreciate; disparage. As noted , one of the synonyms is to depreciate, that is, to take away their value. Another word that we use is to devalue or to invalidate your spouse. This is something critically important in marriage. Let’s see home this hurts and destroys a relationship. + +In Ephesians 5:33 Paul emphasizes the difference between husbands and wives by telling husbands to “love their wives,” and to the wives to “respect their husbands.” Paul understood that one of the most important emotional needs is the need for respect and affirmation, to feel valued, appreciated, admired, encouraged by his wife. As a wife, you need to express those feelings verbally and regularly. Hearing those words from his wife will build him up, encourage him to go out and fight the battles of life for his family, strengthen him in the face of discouragement, stress, and even failure. + +As a husband, you build your wife up and show her that you love her when you listen attentively to her, when you spend time with your children, playing, praying, and reading to them, when you help around the house, when you are completely honest and trustworthy with her. If you look down on her as if she were inferior, when you lecture her instead of giving her a simple answer, or when you tell her she’s dumb, stupid, ignorant, or worthless you are stealing her God-given worth from her. + +The text for today tells us it is a sin to belittle our neighbor – which our spouse is, but instead God blessed those who help the poor – and that includes our spouse. Do all in your power to build your spouse up. . . both of you will be blessed as a result. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help me to be the kind of spouse that builds their spouse up. And may our words and actions become a blessing to them and as well as to us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..552d201e7c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Belittling Your Neighbor +startDate: 08/29/2025 +endDate: 08/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/30-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/30-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..962d268c7a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/30-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Three Ingredients for a Lasting Marriage +date: 08/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 + +### Observation + +_**And now**_—Translate, “But now.” “In this present state” [Henderson]. Or, “now” does not express time, but opposition, as in 1Co 5:11, “the case being so” [Grotius]; whereas it is the case that the three gifts, “prophecy,” “tongues,” and “knowledge” (cited as specimens of the whole class of gifts) “fail” (1Co 13:8), there abide permanently only these three—faith, hope, charity. In one sense faith and hope shall be done away, faith being superseded by sight, and hope by actual fruition (Ro 8:24; 2Co 5:7); and charity, or love, alone never faileth (1Co 13:8). But in another sense, “faith and hope,” as well as “charity,” abide; namely, after the extraordinary gifts have ceased; for those three are necessary and sufficient for salvation at all times, whereas the extraordinary gifts are not at all so; compare the use of “abide,” 1Co 3:14. Charity, or love, is connected specially with the Holy Spirit, who is the bond of the loving union between the brethren (Ro 15:30; Col 1:8). Faith is towards God. Hope is in behalf of ourselves. Charity is love to God creating in us love towards our neighbor. In an unbeliever there is more or less of the three opposites—unbelief, despair, hatred. Even hereafter faith in the sense of trust in God “abideth”; also “hope,” in relation to ever new joys in prospect, and at the anticipation of ever increasing blessedness, sure never to be disappointed. But love alone in every sense “abideth”; it is therefore “the greatest” of the three, as also because it presupposes “faith,” which without “love” and its consequent “works” is dead (Ga 5:6; Jam 2:17, 20). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (1 Co 13:13). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +The words of today’s text are some of the best known among Christians. At the end of this section of Paul’s letter to the members of the church at Corinth, which has come to be known as the “love chapter,” for obvious reasons, we find three things which Paul says are more permanent than the gifts of prophecy or other languages. These three are Faith, Hope, and love. There are very important theological implications of these three words, some of which are addressed above. But I want to suggest that these three are crucial ingredients for a lasting marriage. Let’s think about them separately: + +_**1. Faith.**_ Researchers have found that successful couples that agree on four crucial areas tend to have more lasting, more satisfying relationships. Those four areas are spirituality, finances, in-laws, and parenting. If we can’t agree on our spirituality as a couple, the foundation for a long, strong relationship will be weak. Faith in God helps us when we go through the hardships of life, the pain of illness and death, the fear of losing a loved one, the conflicts and the resolutions. + +_**2. Hope.**_ When we become complacent in our relationship, we may not realize until it is very late in the game how far we have drifted apart from each other. After betrayal, when there seems to be no way out and no reason to move forward, when the waters of despair seem to overwhelm us, hope can still keep us together and may be the motivation to hang in, to hold on until the relationship is restored. + +_**3. Love.**_ The type of giving, unselfish, sacrificial love that Paul speaks about in this chapter is crucial for the well-being of a lasting marriage. Love brought us together, love has been with us through the ups and downs of life, and love will be glue that keeps us together. + +When these three are still part of our marriage, I believe it can survive even the worst events and the worst memories, and will help you move forward to a more satisfying relationship. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may these three abide in our life and marriage, and may they keep us together for the long run. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..52ed03684d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Three Ingredients for a Lasting Marriage +startDate: 08/30/2025 +endDate: 08/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/31-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/31-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e67451bb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/31-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Don't Keep a Record +date: 08/31/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Love. . thinks no evil. 1 Corinthians 13:5, NKJV + +### Observation + +_**Thinketh no evil.**_ Literally, “does not reckon the evil.” The Greek here conveys the idea of not taking into account the wrong that has been done; not reckoning, imputing, or charging the wrong to any man’s account. This is another beautiful, Christlike attribute of love. It shows that love puts the best possible construction on the behavior of others. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (782). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The New King James version of the Bible does not convey completely what the words of this verse really say or what Paul evidently intended to say. Here’s a sample of several other versions or translations: + +**English Standard Version**: Love. . . is not resentful (does not count up wrongdoing). + +**New American Standard Bible** (1995 update): Does not take into account a wrong suffered. + +**New International Version** (1984): It keeps no record of wrongs. + +**The Message**: Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others. + +**God’s Word Translation**: It doesn’t keep track of wrongs. + +The apostle Peter must have thought he would impress Jesus with his piety by asking Him, “Then Peter came to Him and said, ‘Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?’” (Matthew 18:21, NKJV). He must have been taken back when Jesus responded, “Jesus said to him, ‘I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.’” (vs.22). Simple math will tells us that seventy times seven equals 490. Some may point aout that the original Greek language is somewhat ambiguous so that it could be translated as seventy-seven times, which is a lot better than 490. Even then, however, that is a lot of times. Did Jesus really mean we should forgive the same person that many times after they have hurt us? Who can possibly continue to forgive that many times without being taken advantage of, or even abused? + +The SDA Bible Commentary explains: “Of course, the number itself is not important, being only symbolic. Either number is in harmony with the truth here taught, that forgiveness is not a matter of mathematics or legal regulations, but an attitude. He who harbors within himself the idea that at some future time he will not forgive, is far from extending true forgiveness even though he may go through the form of forgiving. If the spirit of forgiveness actuates the heart, a person will be as ready to forgive a repentant soul the eighth time as the first time, or the 491st time as the eighth. True forgiveness is not limited by numbers; furthermore, it is not the act that counts, but the spirit that prompts the act. “Nothing can justify an unforgiving spirit” (COL 251). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (449). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +Paul and Jesus agree: Love does not keep record of wrongs, it does not hold on to resentment, it does not count up to 77 or 490 times to forgive. Love forgives and removes the desire to punish or hurt the other and accounts them as if they had never harm them before, the same way God forgives us and does not hold our past sin against us ever again. Love and forgiveness are sure a much better option to resentment and hatred in our marriages. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless us that we may have a loving, forgiving spirit toward one another so that harmony, peace, and love may reign in our home. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a135e618ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Loves to Buy Low and Sell High +startDate: 08/31/2025 +endDate: 08/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2924c617f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/08-august-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: August 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/01-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/01-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..216dddadd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/01-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Family Traditions +date: 09/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you. 1 Corinthians 11:2 + +### Observation + +_**ordinances**_—Greek, “traditions,” that is, apostolic directions given by word of mouth or in writing (1Co 11:23; 15:3; 2Th 2:15). The reference here is mainly to ceremonies: for in 1Co 11:23, as to the Lord’s Supper, which is not a mere ceremony, he says, not merely, “I delivered unto you,” but also, “I received of the Lord”; here he says only, “I delivered to you.” Romanists argue hence for oral traditions. But the difficulty is to know what is a genuine apostolic tradition intended for all ages. Any that can be proved to be such ought to be observed; any that cannot, ought to be rejected (Rev 22:18). Those preserved in the written word alone can be proved to be such. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (1 Co 11:2). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Every family has its own traditions, things that they have been doing for a long time, not even remembering how they began. In some families dad has his place at the table, or his favorite chair. During special occasions they do things the same way. In my family, for instance, my daughters make me wear a red stocking hat as I pass the presents to everyone. There are certain things we like to eat for Thanksgiving, or for Christmas, or for other holidays. + +For many years, as our daughters were growing up, we had a traditional meal on Friday evening, and they each have a particular flavor of cake they like to have for their birthdays. Some families like to spend their vacation time in the same place every year, while others decorate their house for the holidays the way they always have. + +One the challenges takes place when two people get married and they each want to continue with the traditions from their family. In my home, in Colombia, South America, for Christmas the centerpiece of our home was the manger scene or creche. At my wife’s home, here in the United States, the centerpiece was the Christmas tree. We didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving because it is a holiday particular to the United States and Canada. Obviously we have different patriotic holidays. But we learned to adapt to each other’s culture and traditions adopting some from each. + +The key is to begin to cultivate your own traditions, not necessarily by planning to do it, but simply by letting them happen. It is when you look back that you realize you have been doing the same thing, in the same way, for several years. If you stopped doing it, you’ ve probably feel a sense of loss of sorts. What’s important to remember is that those traditions, some past down from generation to generation, are what glues our families together both to those close to us and to the extended family. And some of the most special traditions also involve our faith in God. Don’t reject family traditions; treasure them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for all those traditions which keep us together as a family. Help us to treasure them as we treasure each other. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de166f05de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Family Traditions +startDate: 09/01/2025 +endDate: 09/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/02-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/02-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7777e80a0f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/02-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: Sin and Restitution +date: 09/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +**Scripture**:(Lev 6:1-5 NKJV) And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: {2} "If a person sins and commits a trespass against the LORD by lying to his neighbor about what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or about a pledge, or about a robbery, or if he has extorted from his neighbor, {3} "or if he has found what was lost and lies concerning it, and swears falsely; in any one of these things that a man may do in which he sins: {4} "then it shall be, because he has sinned and is guilty, that he shall restore what he has stolen, or the thing which he has extorted, or what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or the lost thing which he found, {5} "or all that about which he has sworn falsely. He shall restore its full value, add one-fifth more to it, and give it to whomever it belongs, on the day of his trespass offering. + +### Observation + +Moses is now talking about all the specifics offerings to be presented by the people according to the different offenses or reasons. The one in the portion for today has to do with lying to a neighbor by robbing them, extortion, or even by finding something that belongs to the neighbor and keeping it. Not only was there to be a sacrifice to be offered, but full restitution was to be made to the owner, and an additional one-fifth. + +### Application + +The passage really applies to marriage as well as to any relationship. If we withhold anything from our spouse – feelings, finances, intimacy, communication, time, etc., – it is robbing them of what rightly belongs to them. The solution, besides asking God for forgiveness, is to make an effort to give our spouse what they should rightly receive, and then go the extra mile, or give them the additional one-fifth, to make up for what they have not received from us before. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, forgive us when we have kept to us what we should have given our spouse, and help us to make proper and generous restitution. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa764fb74c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sin and Restitution +startDate: 09/02/2025 +endDate: 09/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/03-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/03-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f9040f932 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/03-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: Cheer Up! +date: 09/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day. Proverbs 15:13 (MSG) + +### Observation + +_**A merry heart.**_ “Merry” has changed its meaning since 1611. It did not then have the meaning of boisterous mirth. “God rest you merry, gentlemen” meant, “God keep you in glad peace, gentlemen.” The face glows with joy when the heart is full of light and peace. But the spirit is broken by continued sorrow of heart. When anxiety is permitted to reign, resilience is steadily weakened, until at last the resistance of the mind may be broken. The mental trouble is reflected in the physical condition of the body (see ch. 17:22; LS 255–258; COL 167, 168). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1000). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The benefits of laughter have been widely documented. Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. + +With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a great resource for those problems that don’t seem to have a solution, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. + +Think about some of the benefits of laughter to your physical health: + +- Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. +- Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. +- Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. +- Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. + +Laughter also has great benefits to your emotional health: + +- Laughter dissolves distressing emotions. You can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when you’re laughing. +- Laughter helps you relax and recharge. It reduces stress and increases energy, enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more. +- Humor shifts perspective, allowing you to see situations in a more realistic, less threatening light. A humorous perspective creates psychological distance, which can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. + +As if that were not enough, Laughter also provides us with a host of social benefits: + +- Be more spontaneous. Humor gets you out of your head and away from your troubles. +- Let go of defensiveness. Laughter helps you forget judgments, criticisms, and doubts. +- Release inhibitions. Your fear of holding back and holding on are set aside. +- Express your true feelings. Deeply felt emotions are allowed to rise to the surface. + +Some people will say, “Well, that’s easier said than done.” Here are some ideas to begin on the path to better physical, mental, and social health through laughter: + +Here are some ways to start: + +- Smile. Smiling is the beginning of laughter. Like laughter, it’s contagious. Pioneers in “laugh therapy,” find it’s possible to laugh without even experiencing a funny event. The same holds for smiling. When you look at someone or see something even mildly pleasing, practice smiling. +- Count your blessings. Literally make a list. The simple act of considering the good things in your life will distance you from negative thoughts that are a barrier to humor and laughter. When you’re in a state of sadness, you have further to travel to get to humor and laughter. +- When you hear laughter, move toward it. Sometimes humor and laughter are private, a shared joke among a small group, but usually not. More often, people are very happy to share something funny because it gives them an opportunity to laugh again and feed off the humor you find in it. When you hear laughter, seek it out and ask, “What’s funny?” +- Spend time with fun, playful people. These are people who laugh easily–both at themselves and at life’s absurdities–and who routinely find the humor in everyday events. Their playful point of view and laughter are contagious. +- Bring humor into conversations. Ask people, “What’s the funniest thing that happened to you today? This week? In your life?” [from http://www.helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_health.htm] + +Bring laughter and joy into your life. But if you want to add to your own joy, bring laughter to the life of your spouse, your children, your family, and others around you. Go ahead; try it! It’s a laughing matter. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for the gift of laughter. Help us to experience it in our lives and help us to share it with others so that it’s healing power may change their attitude and outlook into a more positive, joyful one. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8f0e61453 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Cheer Up! +startDate: 09/03/2025 +endDate: 09/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/04-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/04-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf16c7adbf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/04-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: Twogetherness +date: 09/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NLT) + +### Observation + +_**Two are better.**_ Two workmen engaged in cooperative effort can often earn more than double the wage of a single person. The word translated “reward” is the common Hebrew term for wages. It is used of servants (Gen. 30:28, 32, 33), of soldiers (Eze. 29:18, 19), and of the hire of animals (Zech. 8:10). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1078). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +In the book of Genesis, God told Adam and Eve that the two of them should become one; after all, the two had come from the one. That is what marriage is all about. Togetherness becomes "twogetherness" when two "me's" join together, submit to one another, and become one "us" As a result, you become stronger, closer, produce greater results for the couple and for the family, and are less lonely, less stressed, less efficient. + +It’s undeniable what you two can accomplish in your marriage when you work together. Among many things, you help each other in your weaknesses and benefit from each other’s strengths. Our text for today reminds that “two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. (Ecc. 4:9-12). + +What areas will help you to maintain a strong, healthy “twogetherness?” First of all, and above all, your individual relationship with God. If both of you enjoy a strong spiritual experience, as you are drawn closer to Jesus in the process you will come closer to one another. In addition, I would suggest you should look for agreement on at least the following: + +1. Commitment to your marriage + +2. Communication + +3. Conflict resolution + +4. Finances + +5. Decision-making + +6. Goals for the future + +7. Child rearing, education, and discipline + +8. Household roles and responsibilities + +9. Sexual relationship + +10. Honesty and Openness + +11. Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Health + +12. Relationship with the extended family/in-laws + +Keep your marriage “twogether” for the long haul. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless us so that as we maintain our individuality we may live in unity and “twogetherness.” + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23c72837d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Twogetherness +startDate: 09/04/2025 +endDate: 09/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/05-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/05-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e98943fb6a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/05-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: We Need Patience. . . Right Now! +date: 09/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Love is patient. 1 Corinthians 13:4 + +### Observation + +**_Suffereth long._** In vs. 4–7 Paul proceeds to analyze love. He points out seven excellent characteristics of love and eight acts and attitudes that are totally foreign to its nature. In this eulogy he sets forth the superior quality of love in both its positive and its negative aspect. The personification of love in these verses heightens the beauty of the description, for Paul ascribes to love those characteristics that are found in all who truly love. Throughout the paragraph occasional glimpses are seen of the faults in the church at Corinth that were in direct contrast to the excellent qualities of love. + +Forbearance, or long-suffering, in a world where impatience and intolerance prevail, is a precious attribute. Love bears long with the faults, failings, and weaknesses of others. It recognizes that all human beings are fallible, and that, therefore, due allowance must be made for manifestations of the outworking of errors that result from man’s inherently sinful nature. Long-suffering is opposed to haste, to passionate expressions and thoughts, and to irritability. This word denotes the state of mind that enables a man to be patiently quiet and to bear long when oppressed, wrongfully accused, and persecuted (see Eph. 4:2; Col. 3:12; 2 Tim. 4:2; 2 Peter 3:15; cf. Matt. 26:63; 27:12, 14; see on Matt. 5:10–12). He who is long-suffering possesses one of the fruits of the Spirit (see Gal. 5:22). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (780). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +We have heard the saying, “God, give me patience. . . and do it right now!” While we laugh about it, secretly we wish that were the case sometimes. We long to be more patient but don’t have the patience to wait for this process to take place in our lives or marriages. When those who have been married for many years are asked the secret of marital success, many identify patience as a key ingredient. It’s the indispensable virtue for living together day after day in relative peace, without constant struggles to change the other to the way we think they should be. + +In marriage, patience means knowing what needs to be changed and when, and what we need to learn to accept. Many couple on their wedding day probably considered their spouse practically perfect and then set out to change or improve them only to find out that they didn’t necessarily want to be changed. In fact, they probably had their own ideas for our own improvement! + +We should indeed try to change. What we need to be clear about is that we need to try to make changes in our own life and behavior instead of trying to change our spouse. Change, however, takes time. In fact, it takes a lifetime, which is the reason why we need patience, both with ourselves, with our spouse, and with our marriage. But each day brings a small opportunity to cultivate the virtue and to grow one’s marriage. + +Healthy marriages grow and change. Social scientists point out that a couple can go through seven or more stages of marriage throughout a lifetime. Some stages hold excitement and promise: a child arrives or the couple moves into their dream home. + +During this lifetime process of change there will inevitably be periods of disillusionment and boredom. They may find their spouse unappealing and wonder how they can ever spend the rest of their life with this person. Sometimes a couple may even consider divorce. These stages, although difficult, are normal. With patience, a couple can work through them and emerge into the next stage with a deeper appreciation of each other and of their marriage. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless us with ever increasing amounts of patience with ourselves, and in particular with our spouse so our marriage will be healthier, stronger, and long-lasting. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22fb9f4254 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: We Need Patience. . . Right Now! +startDate: 09/05/2025 +endDate: 09/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/06-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/06-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..99fcfebd31 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/06-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Changing You from the Inside Out +date: 09/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For as he thinks within himself, so he is. Proverbs 23:7 (NASB) + +### Observation + +_**As he thinketh.**_ The particular application of this clause is to the covetous man who carries out the forms of friendly entertainment and plays the genial host, interested in the welfare of his guest, while his mind is casting about for some way to defraud him. There is a general application to all men. Since the issues of life spring from the heart (ch. 4:23), and a man is defiled by what comes out of him rather than by what goes in (Matt. 15:18–20), it follows that a man is as he thinks. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1024). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +One of the most widely used therapeutic approaches in psychology is what known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT refers to behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, and to therapy based on a combination of basic behavioral and cognitive principles and research. Most therapists working with patients dealing with anxiety and depression use a blend of cognitive and behavioral therapy. CBT is "problem focused" (undertaken for specific problems) and "action oriented" (therapist tries to assist the client in selecting specific strategies to help address those problems). + +Today’s text can be used as an illustration of how CBT works. We are and we behave according to the way that we think, would be a concise presentation of both CBT and our text for today. The problem is that sometimes our thinking is not completely rational and has to be addressed or confronted accordingly. For instance, when we focus on all the negative aspects or shortcomings of our spouse our thinking turns negative and unhappy and therefore we “feel” miserable. The next, “logical” step for us in this thought pattern is to seek happiness and that most often means leaving our spouse and finding happiness in someone else. + +Instead of leaving your spouse and your children, a better approach, and one that would benefit you, your spouse, and your children most, is to change your thought pattern about your spouse and your marriage. Begin right away to make a list of all the things that you like and appreciate in your spouse. Every time they do something that you appreciate, that is nice, that is good, that helps you feel better, write it on that list. Don’t overlook the smallest actions or words. If you like the outfit they’re wearing, the fact they mowed the lawn, the lunch they fixed today, their smile, the fact they spent time with the kids helping them with their homework, when they held your hand, how hard they work to provide for the needs of the family, how careful they are with the family finances, and every other thing they do or are, add them to that list. Then take the next step and every day express appreciation toward them for at least one of those things you have written on your list. You should also do things that you know they like from you – that is a way to express your love for them. + +When you focus on the positives, your thinking pattern toward them will change, your behavior toward them will change, and even if you don’t feel positive toward them right now eventually your feelings toward them will become more positive as well. The key is found within the words of our text today. “As a person thinks in his/her heart, so are they.” If you think loving thoughts, you will behave lovingly, and eventually you will feel loving. The approach that some take which is to begin acting loving when they “feel” love has not worked for too many who have ended their relationship because they lost their loving feelings toward their spouse. Change your thoughts, which will produce a change in your behavior, and will result in a change of your feelings. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to change our thoughts toward our spouse, and help us to behave lovingly toward them so that even if we have lost the loving feelings toward them we will act the way you would want us to act and so that our loving feelings toward them will be renewed every morning. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..761aac97b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Changing You from the Inside Out +startDate: 09/06/2025 +endDate: 09/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/07-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/07-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d8e386124 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/07-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: In Unity +date: 09/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1 (KJV) + +### Observation + +**_unity_.** Crucial quality of God’s people (John 17:11, 21), an agreement on the principles and purposes of life which makes relationships harmonious, lasting, and pleasant. People living in unity are committed and faithful to the cause and to each other. Outward unity is a manifestation of the inward unity. True unity is refreshing like dew, and such community God blesses (v. 3). [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.) (776). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +Today’s verse reminds us of the words of the Apostle Paul to the members of the church in Corinth, “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NKJV) Marriage is a partnership between two equals, and the happiest ones are those where there’s unity in at least several areas: + +1. Spiritual unity - We must be sure we share common spiritual beliefs and values. If our relationship with God is the most important one to us, what better way to build intimacy with another person when we both have in common a deep, personal relationship with Him! + +2. Emotional unity - As defined by Gary Chapman, emotional intimacy “is that deep sense of being connected to one another. It is feeling loved, respected, and appreciated while at the same time seeking to reciprocate.” (The Five Languages of Love for Singles). + +3. Intellectual unity - the closer the educational level of both parties is the greater the chances they will be able to speak at a comparable level as well. But more than just the degrees you may have, look for ways to exchange thoughts and ideas. For instance, agree to read the same book or books and then discuss the ideas contained in them. You may also read new articles in a newspaper, magazine, or online and then discuss its content, implications, and where you agree and disagree with the report. This exchange of ideas will help build the unity you need, even if you don’t always agree. + +4. Physical unity - one of the interesting things about sexual intimacy is that it cannot be separated from emotional, spiritual, and social unity and still be healthy or thrive. In fact, often the problems that arise in the sexual area of marriage have their origin when there are problems in the other areas. + +5. Social unity - This does not mean you must have all the same interests, but you should be able to enjoy at least a good number of activities together as the foundation for a strong relationship. Of course, the establishment of this foundation should begin during the dating period. You may want to try some things the other likes to see if you would enjoy doing them as well. + +Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when husband and wife dwell together in unity. Pray and work toward that end in your marriage. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to have the type of unity which will help us build a strong, lasting, healthy, and happy marriage. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f935e0e78e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: In Unity +startDate: 09/07/2025 +endDate: 09/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/08-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/08-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10c9ed1510 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/08-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Let Go and Keep All +date: 09/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Their possessions will be taken, their homes left in ruins. They won't get to live in the houses they build, or drink wine from the grapes in their own vineyards. Zephaniah 1:13 (CEV) + +### Observation + +Zephaniah stated that Yahweh is not so weak and uninterested as the Jews thought because judgment is within both His power and His will. In this three-part verse the prophet first stated that God will cause the Jews’ enemies to plunder the people’s wealth and demolish their houses. This would be as God had predicted (Deut. 28:30). With both their money and their residences gone, they would have no physical security. God then stated that their effort to rebuild their houses and plant their vineyards would be futile. They would not live long enough to enjoy them.[ Hannah, J. D. (1985). Zephaniah. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck, Ed.) (Zep 1:13). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.] + +### Application + +Today’s text describes people today who live in the pursuit of happiness by acquiring and keeping things. A very wealthy man was once asked in his opinion how many dollars it would take for him to be completely happy, to which he evidently responded, “just one more.” If I could have one more dollar, if I could have another car, if I could have another house, if I could have a bigger paycheck. As a result, many have accumulated property and wealth but have not found the happiness they so much long for. Some have hoarded things, afraid to let go even of useless, worthless garbage. . . there’s even a reality show based on their lives of misery and the pain their condition causes their loved ones. So many have made of material things their god and have become slaves of them. + +One of the safest and best things we can do for our family is to live in such a way that we teach them to love and depend on God and not in material things. A fire, an earthquake, a tornado, a hurricane, or a tsunami can wipe away everything we have in an instant. The collapse of the economy, a war, the loss of employment may cause us to lose everything we have worked for, saved for, and lived for. And if our identity and our happiness are tied to those things, when they’re gone so is our sense of self and meaning in life. But if our confidence is in God, who is eternal, Who never changes, then the meaning of life goes beyond our physical death. + +Besides faith in God, we can also help each other develop and strengthen the type of character that also has everlasting meaning and value. Someone said you never see a hearse pulling a u-haul, by which they mean there’s nothing material you can take with you. I remember the story of the rich man who was told by the angel of death that he had come to take him. The man asked if he could take something with him, to which the angel of death agreed. In a few minutes the man returned with a heavy suitcase. Upon arrival to the pearly gates, Saint Peter asked the man to show him what was in the suitcase, and when he opened it what was inside was gold, lots of gold. Peter’s response to the man was, “why would you bring pavement to heaven?” The point of the story is that those things that we value here on earth don’t have that same value in eternity. But character, values, principles, beliefs, they draw us closer to God, who is eternal. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to see the true value in the material as something temporary, and in character as something that may last forever when it is centered in You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4e1281909 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Let Go and Keep All +startDate: 09/08/2025 +endDate: 09/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2065f8a176 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Health Matters +date: 09/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 11:2 NKJV) "Speak to the children of Israel, saying, 'These are the animals which you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth: + +### Observation + +The eleventh chapter of the book of Leviticus is God’s list of clean and unclean animals. While this is the first time we read it in the Bible, it is clear from the story of Noah’s ark that the distinction was in place since the week of creation. For the recently freed slaves, it was important for them to learn that some of the diet they might have been following in Egypt was not healthy and would eventually lead them to have the same diseases as their captors. Moses wrote: (Exo 15:26 NKJV) "If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you." God’s plan has not changed with the establishment of the Christian faith; after all, it is still the same God. (3 John 1:2 NKJV) Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. + +### Application + +One of the responsibilities we have is to take care of our bodies, since they are temples of the Holy Spirit – (1 Cor 6:19 NKJV) Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? But once we establish a family, not only should we take care of ourselves but also we should care for the health of the other family members. Every so often I have watched programs that report on morbidly obese people and have wondered, if they can’t get out of bed, how do they eat? Who is feeding them? Another way of asking these questions is , who is enabling them to continue this deadly path? While their spouses or children may claim they’re doing it our of love or that they don’t want to see their loved ones “starve,” their actions, instead of helping their loved one, are really killing them. In the family, love is not just a word expressed but a positive action on behalf of its members. If food doesn’t affect me negatively by causing me to gain weight, it doesn’t mean it has the same effect on others. So we must not only think of what food does to us but what effect it may have on the other members of the family. Helping our loved ones to enjoy good health is another way to show them we love them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Loving Father, thank You for your guidelines, teachings, and lessons concerning our health. May we all be unselfish and more loving in what we eat and in what we provide our families for consumption. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ed43051b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Health Matters +startDate: 09/09/2025 +endDate: 09/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/10-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/10-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2295fa3e77 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/10-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: Love No Matter What! +date: 09/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in >


+> (Romans 8:35-36 MSG) + +### Observation + +**_Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?_**—This does not mean “our love to Christ,” as if, Who shall hinder us from loving Christ? but “Christ’s love to us,” as is clear from the closing words of the chapter, which refer to the same subject. Nor would the other sense harmonize with the scope of the chapter, which is to exhibit the ample ground of the believer’s confidence in Christ. “It is no ground of confidence to assert, or even to feel, that we will never forsake Christ; but it is the strongest ground of assurance to be convinced that His love will never change” [HODGE]. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Ro 8:35–36). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Today's passage is one of the most encouraging ones as it assures us that God's love is not dependent on anything we do or fail to do. God's love for us is totally unconditional! All we have to think about is how often we have done things that have been totally contrary to God's will, when we have betrayed Him, denied Him, disobeyed Him, or ignored Him. . . even them < God still loved us and continues to love us. + +I wonder if that's the reason God wants us to experience His love for us so we can also begin to show that same kind of love toward our loved ones. Think about your relationship with your spouse. What if we loved them unconditionally, not just when they act lovingly toward us but even when they don't? What if acted lovingly toward them even when their actions are not very kind or loving toward us? What is we spoke lovingly toward them even when their words toward us are hateful, mean, rude, unkind, or offensive? Whether they respond in a positive way toward us or not is not the point. It is not their words or actions toward us that should determine what we do; we should simply speak and act lovingly because of whom we are and the relationship that we enjoy with God and how He would want us to behave toward them. + +What if we lived unconditional love toward our children? I believe every parent will experience sadness or disappointment with some of the actions of our children. When they do things that are totally contrary to the way that we have taught them or raised them, or when they speak to us in hurtful words or tone of voice. Many times they don't mean to be hurtful but may just be experiencing their desire for independence as part of the growing process. As much as their actions or words may hurt us, our love for them should not be dependent on whether they always act lovingly toward us or not. Our actions, words, and feelings should express to them that we love them regardless of what they believe, say, or do. We should make it clear to them that our love for them is not conditioned on their response toward us, but on God's love toward us; and since God's love toward us is unconditional then so should be our love for them. + +Does this mean that we accept, condone, or encourage negative or harmful behavior? Unconditional love does not equate with active support. If my child chooses to use drugs, I would not tell them "I'll support you in whatever you do." That would be illogical and would actually show lack of love for them. Unconditional love means loving them in spite of their choice to harm themselves. If we only act loving with the goal in mind that they will change then your love is conditional on their response. God's love calls us to love them even when they don't love us. + +Love your spouse unconditionally. Love your children unconditionally. And bask in the knowledge that God loves you unconditionally. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for your unconditional love for me. Help me to be Your conduit so that others, my family and children first, will experience your unconditional love for them through my unconditional love for them as well. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55019ec5de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love No Matter What! +startDate: 09/10/2025 +endDate: 09/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/11-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/11-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c8b6ab020 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/11-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Wisdom is Better than Money +date: 09/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor. Ecclesiastes 7:12 (NIV84) + +### Observation + +**_Defence_**. Or, “protection.” The first part of the verse reads, literally, “In the shade is wisdom, in the shade is silver.” Both wisdom and money afford shelter and help, even though not of the same kind. The wealthy man who is also wise thus has a double shelter. “Shade” is a common figure used of a shelter from danger (Ps. 17:8; 91:1; Isa. 32:2). Riches may at times save lives (Prov. 13:8), and wisdom may deliver a city (Eccl. 9:15). Wealth cannot buy eternal salvation (Ps. 49:6, 7) or give genuine peace of mind (Luke 12:15). True wisdom can bring a man into right relationship to God (Ps. 111:10; cf. Job 28:28). James 3:17 presents an inspiring word picture of true wisdom. + +**Giveth life.** Better, “preserveth alive.” Wisdom may save a man’s life in time of danger, whereas riches may be the cause of a wealthy man’s death. Wisdom may keep a man from the excesses of appetite that shorten life; riches make possible the excessive indulgence of appetite and thus may be the means of leading a man to ill-health and eventually to death. But something more than mere physical life is suggested here. Wisdom in the highest sense leads to the practice of true piety (Prov. 3:13–18; 8:35). It is in the realm of the spirit that the true preservation of life, leading to immortality, is worked out (John 5:21; 6:63). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1088). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Every few years there is a drop in the stock market, the economies of the world go on a nose dive, and in general people, rich or poor, feel the effects and many go into panic. During the last economic crash of a few years ago (of which some economists claim we’re not quite out) investors took their life, many lost their job and as a result they lost their homes, and for many they even lost their marriage. Trusting in money or material things is bound to disappoint you at some point in time or another. Often that reality becomes clear when our health, or a loved one’s health, is threatened through a serious disease or accident. No money in the world can buy health or life. . .wealthy people, such as Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, and who died as a result of pancreatic cancer, showed us. + +Wisdom, however, is more permanent. Wisdom helps us to live even through a terminal illness. Wisdom helps us to manage even when our life seems out of control. Wisdom helps us to look beyond disasters, work through difficulties, walk through fiery situations. Wisdom helps us sort through crisis, manage conflict in a positive way, and find solutions even to the most challenging situations. Money may never save your marriage, but wisdom can. And the wisdom that really matters is that which comes from God, one solidly established on His Word. + +Seek wisdom more than you work for money. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, give us the wisdom to help and heal our marriage and to keep it whole for our children and for You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89d715eac0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Wisdom is Better than Money +startDate: 09/11/2025 +endDate: 09/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/12-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/12-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f20a719b13 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/12-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Trust God with your Whole Life +date: 09/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 + +### Observation + +**_Trust in the Lord_**_._ Entire trust in God is the only logical position for Christians to take. God has all knowledge and all power, and foresees and prepares against all the troubles that come upon man as sudden emergencies. For anyone to rely on his own understanding under such circumstances is foolish indeed. It is also folly to alternate between trust in self and trust in God. + +To place little confidence in one’s own understanding does not mean that a man must lay aside intelligence and give up the power of choice. Intelligence is needed to determine from the Word of God and from God’s guiding providences what is the divine will. A will strengthened and cleansed by God is needed if one is to follow a true course through to the end. + +6. _**He shall direct**_. Or, “it is He who will direct.” The Hebrew emphasizes that God Himself will make straight and plain the path of His servant, when His servant acknowledges Him in every phase of life’s many activities. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (955–956). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Here are a couple of questions we need to ask ourselves: Who do you trust in when things go wrong in your marriage? Do you trust in yourself, or maybe you run to your family or your friends, and you tell them your side of the story? Some people run to therapists, counselors, divorce lawyers, coworkers, school mates, or even strangers on the street. And yet, we seldom run to God. We need to recognize that many of the people we run to in times of marital troubles are not really trained or equipped to give us proper advice and guidance. Many of them are going or have gone through similar situations but did not resolve them in a healthy way. How can someone fix our marital challenges when they gave up on theirs? + +Now, I know that most people mean well when they offer advice, but not all advice is good, applicable, or helpful. Our family and friends are already biased toward your side of things and telling them of your marital difficulties may end up turning them against your spouse. Once you work out the challenges in your relationship it may be difficult for them to work through the feelings they have developed toward your spouse. + +I’m not suggesting you get help when you need it but rather to seek God’s help first and then help from others but only from those who may be biased and may have appropriate training and experience to really be able to help us. God created and designed marriage. He is the Master Designer and Builder! So then, why don’t we trust Him first, before anybody else, with our marriage? From Him we can learn all the principles for a healthy, abundant and blessed filled marriage. We trust God with so many areas of our life, why not with our marriage? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to trust You with our marriage as much, or more, than with any other are of our life. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4cc9efe1a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Trust God with your Whole Life +startDate: 09/12/2025 +endDate: 09/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/13-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/13-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d27770b2db --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/13-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: You Were Sealed! +date: 09/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And when you heard the word of truth (the gospel of your salvation) – when you believed in Christ – you were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit, (Ephesians 1:13 NET) + +### Observation + +**_sealed_**—as God’s confirmed children, by the Holy Spirit as the seal (Ac 19:1–6; Ro 8:16, 23; 1Jn 3:24). see on 2Co 1:22; A seal impressed on a document gives undoubted validity to the contract in it (Jn 3:33; 6:27; compare 2Co 3:3). So the sense of “the love of God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost” (Ro 5:5), and the sense of adoption given through the Spirit at regeneration (Ro 8:15, 16), assure believers of God’s good will to them. The Spirit, like a seal, impresses on the soul at regeneration the image of our Father. The “sealing” by the Holy Spirit is spoken of as past once for all. The witnessing to our hearts that we are the children of God, and heirs (Eph 1:11), is the Spirit’s present testimony, the “earnest of the (coming) inheritance” (Ro 8:16–18). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Eph 1:13). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Many years ago, when I was the pastor of a Hispanic congregation, I was asked to officiate at the marriage ceremony for a couple from Mexico. As we were talking about the service itself, they asked me if I would have the role ceremony. I told them I didn't know what they were referring to, so they proceeded to explain to me that in the area where they lived it was a custom for the pastor or priest to place a rope around the couple who were getting married as a symbol of the sacred bond of marriage into which they were entering. Once I understood their desire and the significance of that ceremony I readily agreed to make it a part of their wedding and it became a vivid memory to this day. + +There are many such ceremonies to symbolize the union upon which the couple is entering. For our wedding we chose the unity candle but with a variation. At that time it was popular to blow out the two candles which represented each the groom and the bride after lighting the unity candle thus symbolizing that the two were becoming one. My wife and I decided that we would leave the two candles light because while we were becoming one we were not losing our individuality. Other couples have used two pitches of colorful sand, or pitchers of water to represent the symbolism of two merging to become one. + +The question remains, what makes us one? Is it the common believes we have? Or is it the goals, the values, the plans we have established together? Is it the commitment we are making on that day? I would expect that all of these would certainly play a part in helping us become one. But I believe that the only one who can truly make us one is the One who made us who we are in the first place. God, our Creator, who makes the miracle or creation possible, is also the one who makes the miracle of two becoming one possible. Our text reminds us that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit when we believe in Jesus Christ. It is that individual belief and commitment to Him which makes it possible for us as individuals to become one. That's why the wedding ceremony is not just a requirement which makes the marriage legal by the law of the land but a sacred service which seals the couple's commitment to God and to each other in the eternal bond, sanctioned and blessed by God. this is one of the reason I object to some of the things that couples are doing such getting married under water, while sky diving, or at the Wall-Mart where they met, or dressed as clowns, pirates, or some cartoon character. While their desire may be to make their wedding fun and memorable they are ignoring the presence of God and the sacredness of this ceremony. + +As you plan for your wedding, plan for God's presence and arrange the service accordingly. And for those already married, make it a point to remember together that you are sealed together by the same God who created you and who brought you together and who now desires for you to remain together for a lifetime. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for creating us and for making us through the seal of the Holy Spirit. Strengthen our bonds daily that we may honor you for the rest of our lives through our marriage. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79b231786c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: You Were Sealed! +startDate: 09/13/2025 +endDate: 09/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/14-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/14-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05b1cdb92b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/14-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: Faith and Love Are Married +date: 09/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you when I remember you in my prayers. (Ephesians 1:15, 16 NET) + +### Observation + +Love to the saints is a natural outcome of faith in Christ. It is impossible to love God without loving the saints (1 John 4:20), and, indeed, those who are not so saintly. The love Paul commends is comprehensive, including all the saints, even those whom it may be difficult to love because of their various habits and temperaments. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1002). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +it's amazing how many people actually notice you, your behavior, and your relationship with your spouse and family. When you walk way ahead of your spouse, don't hold the door open for them, or don't look them in the eye when they're talking to you others notice. When you sit separately in church, don't hold hands, or speak in unkind or rude words, others notice. And often the ones that notice that most are those closest to you...your own children. + +The apostle Paul commended the members of the church at Ephesus because their faith and their love went together. In fact, he not only commended them but thanked God for them and their attitude toward one another. He recognized their faith in action through their loving action toward all the saints.. They were not nice only to some of the saints, maybe those that were nice toward them, or those who we leaders of the church, but to all, the rich and the poor, the leader and the follower. but most importantly, they were loving toward those saints who were members of their own household. sometimes we forget that those closest to us are also part of God's family and therefore they are counted among God's saints. + +Following the example of the Ephesians, then, our faith is not demonstrated in how many miracles we perform, if any, or if we are able to understand and teach complicated Bible passages, or whether we can guide others to a greater knowledge of God, all of which are good, but whether our love for people reflect the faith we have in the God we love and serve. If Paul were alive and he knew us and the church where we attend on a regular basis, what would he say of us? If he knew how we relate to those closest to us, the saints that live with us, what would he say of our faith? I pray his words would be a strong commendation, never a condemnation. + + Father God, help our faith be reflected in our loving actions toward all the saints, particularly the ones within our own household. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..325af69cca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Faith and Love Are Married +startDate: 09/14/2025 +endDate: 09/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/15-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/15-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f0eff826f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/15-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: Time to Grow Up! +date: 09/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 + +### Observation + +**_Child_**. Gr. npios, literally, a “non-speaker,” an “infant.” Here the apostle uses the illustration of the differences between the experiences of childhood and those of manhood to emphasize the great difference that exists between the dim understanding of things possessed by men now, and the bright light of knowledge that will be theirs in heaven. + +Spake. Or, “used to speak,” that is, it was my habit to speak. The meaningless sounds made by a child who is learning to talk are here compared with the wisdom that will replace earthly knowledge in the future, immortal state. When one reaches manhood he lays aside as of no value the ideas and feelings of childhood, which formerly seemed of such great importance. In a similar way, when heaven is reached, men will lay aside the ideas, views, and feelings that are cherished in this life and are considered so valuable and important. + +_**Understood**_. Or, “used to think,” that is, it was my habit to think. This refers to the early, undeveloped exercise of the childish mind, a mode of thought that cannot be regarded as connected reasoning. The understanding was narrow and imperfect, and knowledge was meager. Things that occupied the attention then, lost their value as adulthood was reached. + +**_Thought_**. Or, “used to reason,” that is, it was my habit to reason. The thinking and reasoning of childhood appear puerile, shortsighted, inconclusive, and erroneous to an adult. So it will be when God’s people are in the kingdom of glory; there will be as much difference between earthly plans, opinions, understanding, and reasoning powers and those of heaven as there is between those of childhood and those of manhood.[ The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (784). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +No one on the western world would consider marriage to a child normal, healthy, or proper. Tat he same time, many think that once a youth turns eighteen they automatically and magically become mature enough to be married. Much recent research has demonstrated that the frontal lobe of the brain, the seat of decisions and judgment, is not fully developed until about the age of twenty-five. What this should tell us is that most people are really not mature enough to marry at least until that age. It is no wonder that the younger a couple is before the age of twenty the higher their probabilities of divorce. It is like marrying a child, not mature enough to make the serious decisions of married life. + +What is the difference between emotional maturity and immaturity? Here are a few signs of emotional immaturity: + +- Emotional Volatility, which is the tendency for your emotions to get out of your control. This involve such things as temper tantrums, like screaming, yelling, breaking things or hitting others, or getting upset extremely easily, making a mountain out of a mole hill, inability to take criticism, extreme jealousy, unwillingness to forgive, unpredictable fluctuation of moods. +- Lack of Independence, which means such things as being too reliant on others for things you can do for yourself, needing someone around all the time, not having your own opinions, or being willing/able to express them, being very easily influenced by others. +- Seeking Constant Attention which is manifested by loyalty that lasts only as long as the person views the relationship as "useful", needing immediate gratification which may result in financial or personal problems, and thoughtless and impulsive behavior. +- Extreme self-centeredness displayed by making unreasonable demands, being constantly preoccupied with themselves, seeking out positive feedback or sympathy relentlessly, and tending to not accept responsibility for anything. + +In short, the emotionally immature person can't understand the needs and feelings of others, and therefore have a difficult time being a partner or a parent. In contrast, here are some of the characteristics of an emotionally mature person: + +- The ability to give and receive love and affection. +- The ability to deal with reality. +- The ability to learn from experience and deal with frustration. +- The ability to accept constructive criticism constructively. +- Having optimism and self-confidence. + +We all used to be children and therefor spoke like children, understood what children do, and thought as children do. In order to have a successful marriage we need to have the emotional maturity to speak like adults, understand like adults, and think like adults. Without that type of maturity, our marriage may experience greater difficulties or even face separation and divorce. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to grow up into the mature adults we need to be to have a healthy, successful marriage. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..61c74956f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Time to Grow Up! +startDate: 09/15/2025 +endDate: 09/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/16-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/16-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12d2393f7f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/16-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Clean Before a New Beginning +date: 09/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 14:8-9 NKJV) "He who is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, shave off all his hair, and wash himself in water, that he may be clean. After that he shall come into the camp, and shall stay outside his tent seven days. {9} "But on the seventh day he shall shave all the hair off his head and his beard and his eyebrows; all his hair he shall shave off. He shall wash his clothes and wash his body in water, and he shall be clean. + +### Observation + +For the people of Israel, having just left their captivity in Egypt, and on the way to establish their new home as an independent nation, the laws and regulations concerning health issues were very specific and very important for their well-being and survival. An example is all the laws concerning lepers – how to decide whether the person had leprosy and what to do with the person, hot to tell if they had been cured from leprosy and what cleansing rituals as well as sin-atonement rituals needed to be performed before the person would be allowed in camp and before they would be allowed to rejoin the people. The diagnosis, treatment, and steps to rejoin were long, maybe tedious, but they ensured the safety of the people and a recognition that health, healing, forgiveness, and salvation come from the Lord. + +Leprosy is primarily a disease of the peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract; skin lesions are the primary external symptom. Left untreated, leprosy can be progressive, causing permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes. Contrary to popular belief, leprosy does not actually cause body parts to simply fall off. There are two principal forms of the disease. In tuberculoid leprosy, few bacilli are present, and the symptoms are pale, patchy spots on the face, hands and feet. In the more contagious, lepromatous form, many microorganisms are present in the skin and in nasal secretions; patches and lumps can occur all over the body, and the facial lines tend to deepen. Leprosy does not usually cause gross mutilations. But it can cause a numbness of the hands and feet that leads to accidental burning or mutilation of extremities. This is a source of the myth that leprosy causes parts of the body to drop off. + +### Application + +In marriage, even the healthiest and happiest one, there are times when one or the other makes a mistake, hurts the other person, and causes a wound in their relationship. It may be something small and therefore easy to heal. But there are times and situations where the guilty party does something to hurt their spouse, and their relationship, but instead of confessing and making restitution (as we mentioned in a previous entry), they let it fester. Like a wound that is not properly cleaned, the wound in this relationship gets infected, festers, creates a bigger injury, and ends up poisoning the entire system. + +In marriage, these problems that are not dealt with, are like leprosy. At first, they are infected, but not obviously noticed. If left untreated, however, they begin to affect the nervous system of the relationship so that eventually the emotions are not felt, and eventually other wounds are not felt anymore but yet cause the loss of the relationship. + +Leprosy does not have to kill as medication can treat it so that it doesn’t progress or kills the person. In marriage, confession and repentance are the best medicine. As we confess our sins to God and to one another, the diseases that kill healthy marriages can be eradicated and the relationship restored. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, forgive us for the times when we have hurt our spouse, and help us to be more sensitive to their needs in the future. And Father, help us to confess to them our sins toward them so that there may be total healing in our relationship. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..febeaf70f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Clean Before a New Beginning +startDate: 09/16/2025 +endDate: 09/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/17-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/17-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7d5a08049 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/17-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Change Your Mind! +date: 09/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Let the Spirit change your way of thinking Ephesians 4:23 (CEV) + +### Observation + +**_ 4:17–32_** The first half of Ephesians emphasizes Christian doctrine or teaching, especially God’s creation of the church as the community of the redeemed (1:1–3:21). In the last half, Paul turns more directly to Christian behavior, giving instructions to the church in the world (4:1–6:24). He has already contrasted the lives of his readers before they became Christians with their lives after they believed (2:1–10, 11–13). In 4:17–32, he contrasts a Gentile pattern of life (which they would have followed earlier, vv. 17–19, 22), with the Christ-inspired pattern (vv. 20–21, 23–32). People who are watching believers should be able to tell that they have “learned Christ” (v. 20). Paul’s counsel suggests that this does not happen instantly but that we believers are to continue to be “taught by Him” (v. 21). [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.) (1547–1548). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +Sometimes we have low emotional experiences in our lives which we immediately describe as depression when it may be situational sadness (for instance after the death of a loved one, loss of a job, etc.) Depression, on the other hand, is a powerfully negative mood that interferes with your daily life. When you are depressed, you are sad, despondent, disinterested, lethargic, you feel hopeless or helpless, you may cry all the time or feel as if you absolutely cannot get out of bed in the morning. One of the concerns is that depression affects your body as well as your mind. You may eat less or you may eat more, but less often. You may feel at night as if you are starting to come out of it, only to wake up in the morning feeling even worse. Depression may be the result of an adversity in your life or it may seem to have just appeared on its own, or due to a change of seasons or a change of lifestyle or for no apparent reason at all. + +Depression can be a life-threatening problem and may even lead a person to feel suicidal For many people suffering from depression the easy way out is through medication. While some medication may indeed be helpful, the side effects and the addictive effect are not desirable outcomes. Other, healthier approaches can be more beneficial in the long run. The good news is that as serious as it may be, depression is a state of mind and body that can be changed through a combination of things such a change in nutrition and activity, intake of vitamins, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and of course the help of God. CBT focuses on eliminating self-defeating behavior, replacing negative thinking patterns and self-talk with realistic beliefs about oneself and the world. CBT is the only form of psychotherapy that has been scientifically proven to work better than a placebo in treating major depression. 9For more information on healthy treatment for depression visit https://www.nedleyhealthsolutions.com/?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=54) + +Today’s text reminds us that with the help of the Holy Spirit we can change any thinking pattern that hurts us individually or asa couple or family. We don’t have to defeat ourselves with negative thinking patterns but with His help we can established positive, healthy thoughts which lead to healthier behavior. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may your holy Spirit help us change the negative thoughts that defeat us even when we have good intentions and desires, and may He plant good, positive thoughts that help us win victories every day in our lives, marriages, and families. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c4cc31b67 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Change Your Mind! +startDate: 09/17/2025 +endDate: 09/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/18-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/18-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49efd36db4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/18-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: There's No Better Time than Now! +date: 09/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For he says, "At the acceptable time I have listened to you, and helped you on the day of salvation." Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2 (RSV) + +### Observation + +_**I have heard thee**_. This verse is a parenthetical comment on the reception of divine grace (v. 1). It constitutes an urgent appeal to men to seek reconciliation with God lest they receive the grace of God in vain. The quotation is from the LXX of Isa. 49:8 (see comment there). Isaiah looks forward to the “day of salvation” as the time of the Messiah. Paul here recognizes that the prophecy has been fulfilled in Christ. The first advent of Christ ushered in an era that is favorable to salvation (see DA 37). So long as Christ intercedes for sinners the “day of salvation” will continue. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (872). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +when it comes to making changes in your relationship, there's no better time than niw to begin. so many wait until they feel better about their spouse, or until their spouse makes some changes in their behavior or attitude, or until the children grow, or until something else takes place. There is always something yet that needs to take place before you take the step to make the changes. And yet, unless you start making the changes in your life and relationship right away, something else will always come up instead and you will find yourself one day with a shattered life and a ruined marriage. + +One way to improve your marriage is to modify your attitudes and your actions. The goal is not to change your spouse into a more loving oerson but rather for you to become a more loving person. Harry Stack Sullivan, a noted American psychiatrist, suggested that the state of love exists when the satisfaction and security of another person becomes as significant to one as one’s own satisfaction and security. (Harry S. Sullivan, Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 1953). M. Scott Peck adds that love is less a feeling and more a commitment to the growth of another person (M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1997). Please that in these definitions love is an action undertaken to benefit another person, so that one of the keys to improving an intimate relationship is to give more and demand less from your spouse. If you want to improve your marriage, you must be willing to improve yourself. He are three things you can do. + +First Change Your Behavior - remeber Jesus' parable of then speck of dust and the beam where He states that one should first examine one’s own large faults (the beam, a large piece of wood) before we criticize the small faults (the mote, a small speck of sawdust) of your spouse. Here's what you can do: + +1. Have patience with your spouse’s faults and annoying habits. Drop the insistence that he or she must change. + +2. Take responsibility to change yourself and improve the relationship. The focus becomes you changing first, not your spouse. instead of blaming the partner for your unhappiness, or focusing attention on the spouse’s mistakes and imperfections, take the first step to improve things yourself. Decide what you can do and do it. If you are unhappy with the way your spouse treats you, then improve your care and treatment of your spouse. You take the first step–you show more love first! + +3. The hope is that as you act in loving ways your spouse will reciprocate, but even if they don't you have acted like Christ expects His disciples to. + +Second, Change Your Attitude - Avoid focusing on your spouse’s negatives and instead train your mind to focus on the positives.. Learn to overlook the few small things that you don’t like about your spouse and continually remind yourself ofit'll the things you like and appreciate in them. Make a daily list of all you like and appreciate and of all the things they do for you and your family, and then make it a habit to thank your spouse for the things he or she does. As you compliment and praise your spouse for thier strengths, you will be less likely to notice their weaknesses and faults. + +Third, Change Your Heart - one of the wonderful things that social scientists have kearned is that when we change our behavior our attitude begins to change and as result our feelings also begin to change. If you worship and serve God in true and healthy ways, you may become less selfish. The unselfish person is more likely to build happy and satisfying marital and family relationships. His thoughts and actions are more often directed to the welfare of family members rather than upon his own personal wants and desires. + +Let's take these three simple steps, and begin right now. today is the best time to begin! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to begin right now to make the changes in my life that may result in changes in our relationship. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6401e8f313 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: There's No Better Time than Now! +startDate: 09/18/2025 +endDate: 09/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/19-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/19-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73ee2ac952 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/19-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Change Is Good! +date: 09/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18 + +### Observation + +**_Are changed._** Literally, “are being changed.” The plan of redemption aims to restore the image of God in man (Rom. 8:29; 1 John 3:2), a transformation that comes about by contemplating Christ (Rom. 12:2; Gal. 4:19). The contemplation of the image of Christ acts upon the moral and spiritual nature as the presence of God did upon the face of Moses. The humblest Christian who constantly looks to Christ as his Redeemer will reflect in his own life something of the glory of Christ. If he faithfully continues to do so, he will go on “from glory to glory” in his personal Christian experience (see 2 Peter 1:5–7). + +From glory to glory. This transformation is progressive. It advances from one stage of glory to another. Our spiritual assimilation of Christ comes through His glory and results in a reflection of glory like unto His. + +As by the Spirit of the Lord. Literally, “as from the Lord, [the] Spirit.” The spiritual transformation that proceeds from Christ takes place only through the operation of the Holy Spirit, who, having access to the heart, renews, hallows, and glorifies the nature and makes it over into the likeness of Christ’s perfect life. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (851). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +I’ve heard people say that when a man marries a woman, he thinks, “She’s the one I’ve been waiting for. She’ll never change.” – and she always does. At the same time a woman looks at her man, and thinks, “He just needs a little work; after we’re married, I’ll help him change” – and he never does. + +In reality both married men and women will change as time goes on. We have learned from biology that every seven years we have totally replaced all the cells in our bodies with new ones. At the same time, our ideas, politics, interests also evolve over the years. Social researchers tell us that personality traits such as introversion and extroversion remain fairly constant throughout our adult lives, but even then we may with time move closer to the middle of these two. Here’s where some conflict in marriage takes place when we make some changes in our personal life but at different rates one from the other. Somehow we hope that our spouses will change for the better. We want them to become more patient, that they will stop unhealthy habits, that they will work less and spend more time with the family, or that they will work more – inside and outside the house, that hey will talk more, or that they will talk less, that they will go to church more, etc. The reality is that all of us are a work in progress. + +While we may want to encourage some changes in our spouse’s behavior or attitudes, habits and practices, nagging, cajoling, and arguing will get us nowhere and can actually create more problems and make us even more miserable. + +Successful people recognize that the only person you can change is yourself, but it doesn’t mean you have to do it all by yourself; you may enlist your spouse as your partner in self-change. When you are willing, and ready, to change some behavior, tell your spouses about your plan to change and enlist their support. Your request for help could be the energy for marital growth you need to make the changes you desire. Your spouse, no matter what personal faults or issues he/she may have, will appreciate your efforts; in reality, they’ve been hoping we would anyway! + +What if your spouse doesn’t want to change? This is where the most powerful tool of marital change comes into play if you are going to have a healthy marriage -- Acceptance. When spouses show each other love and acceptance they respond more quickly to each other’s changes. Be ready to support any effort your partner makes towards change, no matter how tentative or incomplete that effort is. If he or she discloses a desire to change, be ready to help instead of hindering the process. It may be that either one or both of you need professional help, but your role as helpmate is indispensable. You are the one who loves your spouse the most. Become your spouse’s greatest cheerleader! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, we long to be changed unto the image of Jesus Christ because as we change we may also become better spouses. Help us in that process, and help us to be more accepting of each other and more supportive of one another. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49a906e985 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Change Is Good! +startDate: 09/19/2025 +endDate: 09/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/20-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/20-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a94c0d6ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/20-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Be Willing to the End +date: 09/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So finish what you began to do. Then your willingness will be matched by what you accomplish 2 Corinthians 8:11 (GW) + +### Observation + +Readiness to will. A willing mind makes even a little acceptable, but to do less than one is able to do is a denial of willingness. A generous will is good in itself, but alone it is not enough. The will must be embodied in deeds, if our best desires and energies are to give solidity and strength to the character. It is good to cherish the ideal of charity, but the ideal must find practical expression. Faith and love, as ideals, never feed the hungry or clothe the naked (James 2:14–20). “Readiness,” then, is a spontaneous disposition and attitude of mind to serve God and one’s fellow men. It has no need of being urged or driven forward by the importunity of others. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (890). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +I hear often, “I wish things were different,” “I’d like it if. . .” The desire to see changes in one’s relationship is good, but it must be followed with a willingness to do what it takes to make it happen. + +I’d like to have more education must be followed by looking for the school where your program of study is offered, filling out the applications necessary, and after enrolling doing all the homework and studying for the tests in order to receive the grades necessary to pass the class and eventually be granted the degree one is pursuing. + +I wish I had a better job must be followed with looking for other possibilities, getting the training and experience necessary to apply for another job, preparing your resume, making the proper contacts, showing up for your interviews, and pursuing that goal until you are successful in getting the job you have a passion for. + +It is no different in your marriage. I wish my marriage were better must be followed with a willingness to make personal changes, getting professional counseling, implementing new ideas and approaches, reading and learning, communicating, and doing things that are proper and necessary to achieve the end results of a better relationship. The desire must be followed by the willingness and made possible by actual actions. We may wish for a better relationship, as long as there are no changes required in us, as long as our spouse makes the changes we think they need or should make, or as long as there’s no great effort on our part, and the result will likely not be what we had wished for. Good outcomes often require a willingness and the steps to follow that willingness into action. + +Take the words of our text today and make them part of your life and marriage: “finish what you began to do. Then your willingness will be matched by what you accomplish.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, plant in our hearts not only the desire to make things better in our marriage, but help that seed of desire sprout into a willingness to do all we can to see that desire bloom into positive changes in our relationship. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de96c36b16 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Be Willing to the End +startDate: 09/20/2025 +endDate: 09/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/21-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/21-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af519cb252 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/21-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: First Things First +date: 09/21/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42 (NLT) + +### Obsevation + +"The “one thing” that Martha needed was a calm, devotional spirit, a deeper anxiety for knowledge concerning the future, immortal life, and the graces necessary for spiritual advancement. She needed less anxiety for the things which pass away, and more for those things which endure forever. Jesus would teach His children to seize every opportunity of gaining that knowledge which will make them wise unto salvation. The cause of Christ needs careful, energetic workers. There is a wide field for the Marthas, with their zeal in active religious work. But let them first sit with Mary at the feet of Jesus. Let diligence, promptness, and energy be sanctified by the grace of Christ; then the life will be an unconquerable power for good" (The Desire of Ages, page 525, 1898). + +### Application + +It seems as if the laundry basket is always full of dirty laundry, dust settles on the furniture, toilets need to be cleaned, and floors need to be scrubbed. And, that doesn't even take into account the car shuttles to soccer practice, piano lessons, doctor appointments, and grocery store runs, just to mention a few. The calendar is full and it seems overwhelming to attempt to fit one more thing in. Where does time with Jesus belong in the long "to-do" list? + +In the scripture verse for today, Jesus reminds us that we spend so much time and energy focusing on things that are of little significance. Instead, perhaps we need to take a look at how we are spending our time with a set of fresh eyes- eyes that see things from an eternal perspective. Journal for a week how you are spending your day. You may be surprised. Jesus' words, "there is only one thing to be concerned about", cause us to pause and reflect. What is it that we are concerned about? What occupies our thoughts and our time? What can we change? Is it time to set our homes in order so that there is time for family devotions? + +Our children will grow to become the father or mother that they see modeled in the home. Time management and the setting of priorities is a skill that must be modeled and taught to our children. A good start is to schedule time daily for family worship. Keep this time as a sacred commitment. Do not allow anything else to push this time aside as unimportant. Put your house in order. + +Daily sit as a family as the feet of Jesus. And, in the process of setting our priorities straight, we may end up discovering that our productivity as well as our energy level will actually increase. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, please help me set my priorities according to Your will. I pray that the busyness of life will not detract me from spending quality time with You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5d21ea35e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: First Things First +startDate: 09/21/2025 +endDate: 09/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/22-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/22-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72138166c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/22-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Taming the Tongue +date: 09/22/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them" Ephesians 4:29 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**_Corrupt_**. Gr. sapros, “rotten,” “putrid,” “bad.” In Matt. 7:17 sapros describes a corrupt tree, and in Matt. 13:48 inedible fish that were thrown away. Foul speech is the sign of a corrupt heart, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Matt. 12:34). Profanity and obscene jests and songs, even the frivolous and insipid conversation, have no place in the Christian’s life; indeed, they are the hallmark of the unregenerate spirit. + +_**To the use of edifying.**_ Literally, for the “upbuilding of the need.” Compare the translation, “edifying, as fits the occasion” (RSV). While speaking does not always have to be of a somber or even serious character, it should always edify or build up, making men better than they were before they heard the words. As in v. 28 the Christian’s work was to be for the benefit of others, so here his words also are to be for the good of his fellow men. Not only indecent speech but also that which is selfish, malicious, critical, or suggestive, corrupts. Here again the apostle seems to have in the back of his mind the central theme of his epistle—unity. That which does not edify tears down, and is therefore to be discarded. Compare 1 Thess. 5:11–14. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1028). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +How many times have we uttered harsh or hurtful words that we have regretted later! Oh the tongue is so hard to tame! It seems that before we know it we can say words that we will later regret. There are many actions that we can un-do, however, we cannot put words back into our mouths. It is far too easy to speak first and think later. In so doing, however, we may end up leaving a path of destroyed relationships. + +The ones that get the worse of our words is oftentimes our own families. It seems that we have an easier time taming our tongues when we speak to co-workers or even strangers. Why is that? Do we let our guard down when we are at home? Is it that it is no longer important for us to "be on our best behavior"? Isn't it true that all too often we hurt those who are closest to us and those that we love the most? + +The fact of the matter is that words spoken in the home are more important than anywhere else. Afterall, consider the consequences of a failure to follow the above scriptural advice in our homes. Ponder the importance of being a positive role model to our children. Would we want them to go to school and repeat the same words that we speak in our homes? Good communication skills is one of the most important things that we can teach our little ones. The + +truth is that good communication is "caught" rather than "taught". Children catch on to the tone of our voices, the way we handle conflict, as well as the actual words that we use. + +Consider how you have communicated to your family this past week. Have your words been used to build up or to tear down? Have they been used to encourage or to discourage? Have they been helpful or hurtful? Perhaps we need to seek forgiveness from our family members and, with God's help, commit to use words that reflect the Lord we serve. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Lord, put a guard on my lips. May all that I say today be acceptable in Your sight! + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42345833cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Taming the Tongue +startDate: 09/22/2025 +endDate: 09/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/23-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/23-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccbb8344eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/23-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Like Our Intercessor +date: 09/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 16:29-31 NKJV) "This shall be a statute forever for you: In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, whether a native of your own country or a stranger who dwells among you. {30} "For on that day the priest shall make atonement for you, to cleanse you, that you may be clean from all your sins before the LORD. {31} "It is a Sabbath of solemn rest for you, and you shall afflict your souls. It is a statute forever. + +### Observation + +The most solemn day of the entire year of the Jewish calendar was the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest would go inside the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary to perform the act of cleansing from all the sins committed and confessed throughout the year. This was the day of judgment, and everyone had to have confessed their sins if they were to receive forgiveness and remain part of the people. The day demanded preparation both on the part of the people and on the part of the High Priest. While the daily service was important for the individuals coming to offer sacrifices, this annual service was crucial for each individual who had brought a sacrifice for their sins, and for the entire nation. + +### Application + +There is no replacement for daily prayer in our lives and in our families. Not a day should go by when we don’t pray for ourselves and for our loved ones. Not a day should go by without us interceding on behalf of each other. But there should also be a special season every year when we come together to fast and to pray, to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf, and to intercede for each other before our Heavenly Intercessor. There should be a special day dedicated to prayers of intercession for our family, when we repent of our sins toward God and toward each other, when we make confession of all we have done to hurt or harm each other, and where we can have a new beginning, both with God and with each other. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, while the daily or yearly ministration of earthly priests is no longer needed, we are grateful for the constant intercession of our Heavenly Intercessor, Jesus Christ. As our Judge and our Attorney, He ministers on our behalf all the time, and for that we thank You. May we also have the spirit of intercession as we lift our prayers up to you on behalf of our loved ones. May your grace and love surround them right now as we read these words. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1716d3230a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Like Our Intercessor +startDate: 09/23/2025 +endDate: 09/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/24-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/24-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4dd699c5f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/24-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +title: The Family That Serves Together +date: 09/24/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "...The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 (NIV) + +### Observation + +**_Ransom_.** Gr. lutron, “ransom,” “atonement,” or “recompense.” Lutron is used in the papyri of the price paid for a slave in order to make him a freeman. It is also used of money paid for redemption of a pledge. The related verb, lutro, is translated “redeem,” or “redeemed” (see Luke 24:21; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:18). Here for the first time Jesus makes a clear statement concerning the substitutionary nature of His death. This aspect of His supreme sacrifice was clearly set forth by the prophet Isaiah more than seven centuries before the time came for that sacrifice to be made (see on Isa. 53:4–6). It is true that there was an exemplary aspect to Christ’s death, but there was far more to it than that. It was first and above all else substitutionary. Otherwise Jesus could not have the power to save men from their sins (see on Matt. 1:21). For the spirit that prompted Jesus to make this great sacrifice on behalf of sinners see Phil. 2:6–8. + +There is no basis whatever for the suggestion some have made that Jesus paid a “ransom” either to the devil or to God. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (466). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +If anyone ever should have been served it was Jesus. Yet, He reminded us that He came not to be served but to serve. If it was important for my Lord to live a life of service to others, how much more so should I do the same. + +Volunteer? Are you kidding me? I barely have time to fit everything in my schedule now. Now, you want me to find time to volunteer? If we want our children to grow up to be caring adults then we must nurture that now. + +Too many parents feel that it is the job of the church or the school to engage their children in volunteerism. Afterall, it seems easier to pay to send my child on a mission trip with the church or the school rather than spend time side by side with them involved in mission activity. Isn't the end result the same? Actually, research has quite a bit to say on the importance as well as the benefits of volunteering as a family unit. + +Studies reveal that volunteering as a family: + +- Helps families learn about social issues and provides a new perspective on the world +- Provides positive role models and passes on family values to children +- Provides new learning experiences and development of new skills for both children and adults +- Provides quality time for the family to spend together +- Increases interpersonal communication and the problem-solving abilities of family members +- Helps youth decide what they want to do with their life + +(United Way. Downloaded at: http://www.unitedway.org/take-action/volunteer-as-a-family) + +In other words, volunteerism as a family has numerous payoffs. We may falsely assume that the only benefactors are those whom we serve. However, this is far from the reality. The fact is that our own family reaps the biggest reward of all! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, provide opportunities for me to serve alongside my family. Help us, as a family, to follow your example of using each of our gifts and talents to bless others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65e0153ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Family That Serves Together +startDate: 09/24/2025 +endDate: 09/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/25-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/25-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a60b9fc181 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/25-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: Just Say No +date: 09/25/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> So Moses father-in-law said to him, The thing that you do is not good. Both you and these people who are with you will surely wear yourselves out. For this thing is too much for you; you are not able to perform it by yourself. (Exodus 18:17, 18 NKJV) + +Observation: Moses’ father-in-law said unto him, The thing… is not good—not good either for Moses himself, for the maintenance of justice, or for the satisfaction and interests of the people. Jethro gave a prudent counsel as to the division of labor [Ex 18:21, 22], and universal experience in the Church and State has attested the soundness and advantages of the principle. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Ex 18:17). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Moses' father-in-law was a wise man who has wise counsel for his son-in-law. Moses was going to work every day as the sole judge over all the tribes of Israel. The number of people demanding his time was so great he worked from dawn until dusk without making a dent in the workload. His wise father-in-law, Jethro, saw this and immediately recognized a man who could not say "no" to requests for his time. He suggested Moses focus on only two things — representing the people before God, and handling the most difficult of the disputes. The rest of the work could be delegated to capable men he appointed. Moses listened, delegated, and found himself doing far more than he had ever done before, but in much less time. If this advice worked for Moses, will it not also work for us? In order to fulfill your God-given responsibility we must set appropriate boundaries. As the parent, you have the responsibility to set limits for yourself so that you have time to do the job of being the primary disciple maker for your child that God has called you to. + +Spend sime time reviewing your "to do" list. Are you too busy to have quality time with your children? What actions do you need to take to ensure that your career or other "stuff" does not push your children to the end of your priority list? Moses had resources all around him that he was not utilizing. He was trying to be everything to every one. Are there resources that you can take better dvantage of? Are there ways that you can work smarter instead of harder?. It's time to take inventory and consider the same counsel that was given to Moses long ago. Afterall, that wise counsel is timeless. + +A Prayer You May Say: Lord, what are my priorities today? Show me what to delegate, what can wait, and what it is You would have me accomplish on this day. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e2fd51f6e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Just Say No +startDate: 09/25/2025 +endDate: 09/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/26-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/26-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..978fc7c3d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/26-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Each Child Is Unique +date: 09/26/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well" Romans 12:6 (TLB) + +### Observation + +**_Differing_**. According to the grace given to him, Paul was appointed to be an apostle (see on v. 3). According to the grace given to them, other believers were appointed to be prophets, teachers, workers of miracles, healers of the sick, etc. (1 Cor. 12:28). By the grace of God the members of the Christians church were endowed with a wide variety of spiritual powers in order to meet the many different needs of their fellow believers and to spread the gospel to every nation, tongue, and people. Paul develops this subject in much more detail in 1 Cor. 12 (see comment there). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (618). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +If you have more than one child then you already know that they are different. It is amazing how children can grow up in the same home, go to the same school, and be exposed to the same environment, and yet, be so very different. + +We are often tempted to compare our children. "Why can't you get good grades like your brother?" "Your sister plays the piano and so will you." The scripture for today reminds us that God made each of us with different abilities and gifts. If we all had the exact same gifts we would miss out on so much beauty in this life. + +As parents, we need to recognize the uniqueness in each of our children. What unique gifts and talents do we see in them? How can we encourage and equip them to maximize those gifts and talents? Do not compare your children but instead, celebrate their differences! For example, if you see your child with an aptitude towards and interest in astronomy, take them to the library and check out books on the planets, stars, and space program. You can also purchase or rent DVDs on the same. Just be certain that all materials agree with the Bible. We have an awesome God-given responsibility as parents to nurture the gifts in each child. We can partner with the Divine and then watch how God opens the doors for each of our children by giving them opportunities to use those gifts to serve Him. + +Consider a beautifully woven tapestry. It is they various colors and threads woven together that make it a masterpiece to behold. The same applies to our families. Each family member brings a different character trait and gift. Let that uniqueness shine through. Celebrate the differences of each individual as well as the beauty of the whole that is created as we come together as a family. + +Reflect on the gifts and talents that God has given your child. What are they and what activities can you do to foster growth in that area? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord,women my eyes and help me to recognize each of my children for their uniqueness. Help me to encourage them to use their individual gifts and talents for Your service. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdeff1039c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Each Child Is Unique +startDate: 09/26/2025 +endDate: 09/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/27-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/27-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22a66d14a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/27-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Joy of the Lord +date: 09/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10b + +### Observation + +Those returning from the Babylonian exile are sad as they see the condition of the city of Jerusalem, the protective walls are down, the temple in ruins, the city in shambles. These people, who had been away for at least seventy years, face the challenge of rebuilding the city and, more importantly, begin to practice again their faith in freedom and in their own land. + +Ezra and Nehemiah lead in these two pursuits. In chapter eight, Nehemiah tells us that Ezra read the law of God, at the request of those gathered by the Water Gate. Ezra the priest read it “in the presence of men and women” (Neh. 8:2). Both Ezra and Nehemiah emphasized the importance of this day as a “Holy Day” and that it should not be a day or mourning (8:9). When the law was read to them, the people wept. Nehemiah told them to eat and drink and to share their food with those who had none, and then closed with the words of our text for today: “Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." + +### Application + +As I write these words this morning, two bits of news from this week are very vivid in my mind and heart. My best friend’s mother passed away after a relatively short fight with cancer. She was advanced in years, and was experiencing serious health challenges due to her terminal disease, and one can feel a certain amount of relief that she is not suffering anymore, to her children her death still leaves a void, and the grief associated with her death is still very real and very painful to them. + +The second bit of news, received the same day my friend’s mother died, is that my own brother, eight years my senior, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and began intensive chemotherapy treatments immediately. + +I can’t deny that my heart is heavy as I think of both my friend and her family and my brother and our family. Today, the words of Nehemiah speaks to me and to all of us who sorrow, who worry, who care: “Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Paul would add that we should not sorrow as those that have no hope (1 Thes. 4:13). Our outlook as God’s children, and as families, is different than those who don’t know Him, because the joy of the Lord is our strength. This is not living in denial, or pretend that we don’t hurt when inside our heart is bursting. What this means is that through the pain and sorrow of life we have a joy that surpasses earthly understanding and which takes “through the shadow of the valley of death.” As people, we will have to part with loved ones at some point in our lives until our own live is no more. But we are not hopeless; the joy of the Lord is our strength. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Our Lord and father, I pray for all those who have lost a dear loved one and who grieve their loss and feel the void left by their departure. I pray that your presence, your loving arms, may surround them during these painful, difficult days, and that you will return to them the joy that comes from knowing death is not forever. And I also pray for those battling serious diseases, that they may also see You as the great Physician and trust their life completely into Your hands so that instead of worry the joy of the Lord may be their strength. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e00759c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Joy of the Lord +startDate: 09/27/2025 +endDate: 09/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/28-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/28-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38b6c0ce84 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/28-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Glory in Tribulation? +date: 09/28/2025 +--- + +Pamela Consuegra, PhD + +>


+> "And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Romans 5:3-5 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_we glory in tribulation also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience_**—Patience is the quiet endurance of what we cannot but wish removed, whether it be the withholding of promised good (Ro 8:25), or the continued experience of positive ill (as here). There is indeed a patience of unrenewed nature, which has something noble in it, though in many cases the offspring of pride, if not of something lower. Men have been known to endure every form of privation, torture, and death, without a murmur and without even visible emotion, merely because they deemed it unworthy of them to sink under unavoidable ill. But this proud, stoical hardihood has nothing in common with the grace of patience—which is either the meek endurance of ill because it is of God (Job 1:21, 22; 2:10), or the calm waiting for promised good till His time to dispense it come (Heb 10:36); in the full persuasion that such trials are divinely appointed, are the needed discipline of God’s children, are but for a definite period, and are not sent without abundant promises of “songs in the night.” [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Ro 5:3–4). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +I don't know about you, but I find it hard to be happy about troubles that come my way. It is often hard to see the blessings amid the trials. And yet, scripture reminds us that tribulations produce perseverance. In other words, good can come from what we see as bad. It is hard enough when we, as adults go through tough times. But, it is really hard when we see that our children are suffering. + +When our children suffer, whether from their own bad choices or those of someone else, we want so badly to rescue them from the situation. We want to "fix it". In fact, if possible, we would gladly take the pain upon our own shoulders. But, God has another plan — to perfect them through their trials. Character-building lessons are rarely learned from the triumphs or successes in life. Rather, it is the disappointments and trials in our lives that teach us how to persevere despite the pain. Taking trials away from our kids deprives them of the chance to grow, build character, and trust in God. The best character-building lessons are learned when our children get up after they have fallen. Don't inhibit your child's growth by rescuing them from or taking over difficult situations. Instead, give them the tools to pick themselves up. + +Another challenge is when our child looks at us with teary eyes and asks, "W hy?" We need to admit that even parents do not always have the answers. It is not as important that we answer all the questions as it is that we teach them to trust Jesus. Even when we do not understand we need to trust Him. We need to trust Jesus to open the next door and show us the way out. + +As parents, do you feel the need to always rescue your child? How do you help your child deal with disappointments? Perhaps the best thing we can do as parents is to kneel down beside our children and teach them to take it to The Lord in prayer. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Lord, help me to see the blessings among the trials. Help me to teach my child that good things can come out of the bad. Even when we do not understand all of the reasons or have all of the answers, help us as a family to trust you. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ec540e519 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Glory in Tribulation? +startDate: 09/28/2025 +endDate: 09/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/29-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/29-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4bc7568430 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/29-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Earthly Treasure +date: 09/29/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (1 John 2:15 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_World_.** Gr. kosmos, the “world,” considered as an orderly arrangement of things or people (see on Matt. 4:8; John 1:9). In the NT kosmos often represents the ungodly multitude, alien and hostile to God, or worldly affairs that lead away from God. John uses kosmos more than 100 times in his writings, and more than any other NT author. In most instances he conveys a picture of the world as being alien and hostile to God and in opposition to His kingdom. This usage may reflect concern for false teachings that later developed into Gnosticism, with its dualism, its belief in the struggle between darkness and light, between matter and spirit, between the Demiurge and the true God (see Vol. VI, pp. 54-57). + +Accordingly, when John bids his readers, “Love not the world,” he is not thinking of the earth as it came from the hand of the Creator, but of earthly elements, animate and inanimate, that Satan has marshaled in rebellion against God. John knows how attractive these can appear, and bids Christians to beware of them and to resist their seductive power. Hatred for the world of sin will not prevent the Christian from trying to help the sinner; rather it will enable him the more effectively to love the victim of sin. God Himself is our example in this respect (John 3:16). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (641). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Look in the typical child's room and you will see a toy box or a closet filled with "stuff". And, yet, that same child will tell you that they have nothing to do. We have flooded our children with material possessions. There is little need for imagination and creativity these days with children spending the majority of time in a day "plugged" into some electronic gadget. The more we buy, the more they want as the newness seems to wear off in a short time. Children tire easily and as they grow and change, so do their likes and dislikes. That toy that they begged and pleaded you for a couple of weeks ago is now thrown into the back of their closets and forgotten. That electronic gadget that they had to have last month has now been replaced by a newer up to date model that has now been added to their ever growing list of "wants". + +Why not give your child gifts that can be renewed over and over again by their use For example, art sets, wooden building blocks, scraps of cloth, containers of buttons, marbles, etc. Or, what about encouraging your child to start a collection of rocks, bark, dried flowers, or leafs. A nature collection is one that can last a lifetime and who knows, you may end up also starting a new hobby or encouraging a budding naturalist. + +Take an inventory of your child's possessions. What unintended lesson might you be teaching? Is there an adjustment that you need to make? Is there a new direction that you can encourage your child to go in? + +And, as parents are we guilty of being bad role models? Do we also rush out to buy the latest version of the iPhone or the big screen television set? Do we buy a new car when the old one still runs great? Are our own priorities in material goods? If so, it is no wonder that our children display the same behavior. So, as we take inventory of our children's possessions let's first inventory our own. After all, our little ones will see value in the same things that we treasure. Does our treasure chest as a family contain more things of this earth than it does heavenly treasures? Look in the mirror before looking at them. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Lord, help me as a parent to model behavior that I want my children to emulate. Help me to show them that the greatest wealth is in knowing and loving You! + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45b4990529 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Earthly Treasure +startDate: 09/29/2025 +endDate: 09/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/30-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/30-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2090224906 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/30-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Don't Do Like Everybody Else Does +date: 09/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 18:3-5 NKJV) 'According to the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances. {4} 'You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the LORD your God. {5} 'You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the LORD. + +### Observation + +Chapter 18 of Leviticus lists intimate relations that God considers unhealthy and sinful and thus must not occur among His people. Evidently these practices must have been common in Egypt, where they had just come from, and in Canaan, where they were headed, and God wanted to prevent His people from falling into the same type of immoral practices. Reading the chapter carefully, one can see a long list of prohibitions against “uncovering the nakedness” of their close relatives, what today would be considered incest among various members of close generations. While most Bibles render the expression as “uncover their nakedness,” the NIV renders it as “do not have sexual relations,” this showing that it is not just the simple act of looking to see the other person while they are naked. [This may help explain somewhat the sin on Noah’s son]. + +Also forbidden in this chapter we find adultery, intermarry with a non-Israelite, homosexuality, and bestiality or intercourse with an animal. + +### Application + +While all of the sinful and deviant practices of the Egyptians and Canaanites have been present in some form and to some extent throughout the centuries and in many parts of the world, it seems as if today, in our day and with the ease of communication through the printed media, movies, and the internet, all of their practices, and more, are either surfacing when they used to be hidden, or are becoming more openly tolerated and encouraged as “normal” and as healthy as heterosexual relationships between two consenting, married adults. The results of these practices continue to be seen in child molestation, rape, domestic violence, and the spread of diseases bot to those who practice such things and to many innocent victims who have nothing to do with them. + +God’s plans for us are always best. Had everyone always followed the things spoke of in this chapter alone, much, maybe none of the corruption and deviant behavior of today would not exist. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to uphold Your regulations concerning sexuality for the protection of our marriages, our families, our children, and those who are innocent and yet are abused by deviant, sick, and sinful people who simply want to exploit them for their own selfish pleasure and purpose. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb2117211d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Do Like Everybody Else Does +startDate: 09/30/2025 +endDate: 09/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4ab1d1439 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/09-september-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: September 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/01-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/01-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aeaa50ea0c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/01-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Family that Prays Together +date: 10/01/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Always keep on praying" 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (TLB) + +### Observation + +Pray without ceasing. Literally, “incessantly pray,” with emphasis in the Greek on the idea of continuity (cf. on v. 16). There should be a constant spirit of prayer breathing through the Christian’s life. Never must the connection with Heaven be broken (see on Luke 18:1). Paul labored “night and day” (1 Thess. 2:9); he also prayed “night and day” (ch. 3:10). His many activities did not crowd out his prayers. Active connection with his heavenly Father was always maintained. So it should be with us. Compare the prayer life of Jesus (see on Mark 3:13). [e Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (255). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Perhaps you have heard the expression, "A family that prays together stays together". These words have been proven true over and over again. Praying is an outlet for our burdens and concerns and serves to strengthen our spirits. Praying with a partner has additional benefits because we can be united in our voices as they are lifted toward heaven. Just to know that someone else is joining you in prayer over an issue seems to lighten burdens. + +If married, we invite you to pray for and with your spouse on a daily basis. Together lift your voices towards heaven. There is no sound so sweet as hearing your spouse praying for you. Bring to Jesus your joys as well as your sorrows, your blessings as well as your challenges, and allow His Spirit to soften any bitterness towards each other that you may be harboring. + +It seems as if my personal prayer life received a big boost on the day that I became a parent. I found myself constantly praying and interceding for my child. If you are married, the best person to partner with you in prayer over a parenting concern is your spouse. However, even single parents can ask another to be their prayer partner. Do you have a prayer partner? Do you pray on a regular daily basis that God will give you wisdom as you make parenting decisions? If ever parents needed to pray for guidance it is in today's world. If a grandparent, pray for your children as they raise your grandchildren. Mediate on their behalf. + +As a family do you have a daily devotional time? If not, today is a great time to start. Consider it a sacred commitment in your calendar. Do not allow other activities to rob you of family devotional time. Pray together as a family unit. If you have little ones, make sure that your devotional activities are appropriate for the ages of your children. And, remember to let the little ones pray aloud as soon as they are able to talk. Their sweet innocent prayers are from their hearts and minister to oldest members of the family. + +Regardless of your family make-up: single parent, grandparent, married couple, young single adult etc., make prayer a priority today. You have a friend in Jesus with is waiting for you to talk to Him. He's listening! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Lord, thank You for the privilege of coming to You in prayer. Thank you for always being there to listen to our expressions of thanksgiving as well as our pleadings for help. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf898d3798 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Family that Prays Together +startDate: 10/01/2025 +endDate: 10/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/02-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/02-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb60f97e70 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/02-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Like Minded +date: 10/02/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5, 6 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_To be likeminded._** Literally, “to think the same thing” (see on ch. 12:16). Paul is not praying for identity of opinion on inconsequential matters, but for a spirit of unity and harmony, in spite of differences of opinion. + +According to Christ Jesus. Mere unity or unanimity is not what Paul desires for his fellow Christians, but a spirit of unity patterned after the perfect model of Him whose whole purpose was to do, not His own will, but the will of Him who sent Him (John 6:38). This same mind that was in Christ Jesus must be in each of His followers (Phil. 2:5). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (643–644). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +We all bring certain "baggage" with us on our wedding day. Our baggage is made up of our upbringing in our families of origin as well as in our life experiences, both good and bad. Our bags contain our likes, dislikes, hurts, joys, pain, and sorrow. Some of the baggage may be light while some may be heavy and weigh us down. Regardless, we all bring our uniqueness into our newly formed marriage. + +The differences can become pronounced as we enter the realm of parenting. How we were raised affects the parenting style that we adopt. Therefore, we each have different sets of values and expectations. + +Children are very keen to pick up on the differences that exist and use them to their benefit. It is amazing how quickly they realize which parent will agree to their requests and which one is more apt to deny them. If allowed, they will play one parent against the other. + +Scripture tells us that we need to be "like-minded". Talk about your expectations before you have children. Discuss important issues such as church attendance, school choice, worship in the home, media choices etc. Discussing and making decisions on some key things before baby arrives will help you as parents be united in child rearing. + +However, even if you already find yourself with children and grappling with some key differences in parenting styles, it is not too late to have important conversations now. Just make sure that you have them in private, out of earshot of your children. Make a list of key parenting issues and have your spouse do the same. Compare the lists and then take one item at a time and discuss it until agreement occurs. + +If you think this is hard now- imagine the difficulty that may arise if you wait until the issue becomes a reality. It is far better to discuss issues now, pray for resolution, and come to a decision you both can support so that you have a united front before your children. And, if confronted with a situation that you had not anticipated- stop, tell your child you must talk to your spouse, and that you will get back to them as soon as you both agree on a course of action. It is better to have your child wait. And, consider the message this sends to your children. You have made it clear that mom and dad will both agree on the decision. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Lord, where there are two or more, there are differences. Help us to be united as One with you. Lead us to be like-minded according to Your will. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7438b4ab7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Like Minded +startDate: 10/02/2025 +endDate: 10/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/03-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/03-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a407947682 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/03-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +title: I Love You, My Child +date: 10/03/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, "You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased." (Luke 3:22 NKJV) + +(See also Matthew 3:17 and Mark 1:11) + +Observation: Jesus has come to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. While Jesus did not need to be baptized – He had not sinned – He wanted to establish a pattern and give an example for all who have sinned. John agrees to baptize Jesus and as Jesus comes up out of the water the Trinity come together as a special revelation to all gathered there – Jesus is coming up from the water, the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, descend on Jesus, and the Father speaks words of love and affirmation (our text). + +### Application + +No one would deny the power of words to destroy, words that unfortunately are repeated in many homes, by many parents. “You’ll never amount to anything!” “I wish I had never had you!” “Why can’t you ever do anything right?” + +Children repeat the words, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me.” While they may try to convince themselves that whatever their friends say about them does not hurt them, the truth is that children’s minds and hearts are soft and fragile and even the smallest criticism or harsh words have a great impact in their hearts and minds. + +At the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus received words of affirmation from His Father. His Father, Our Father, told Him three very important things which we should transmit to our children: + +1. “You are MY beloved Son”: Those words are loaded with meaning! “You are mine!” “By being born of me you have within you a part of me!” “We are forever united biologically and emotionally!” If you have adopted a child you can say “I chose you! You are mine! And if I had to do it over again I would choose you all over again!” + +2. “You are BELOVED Son”: We must remind our children daily, often “I love YOU!” “Nothing you can ever do will make me love you any less or stop loving you!” + +3. “In YOU I am WELL-PLEASED”: Jesus heard words of affirmation from His Father, and our children need to hear words of affirmation from us. “I am so proud of you!” “You are awesome!” + +Ellen White wrote: “It is a parent's duty to speak right words. . . . Day by day parents should learn in the school of Christ lessons from One that loves them. Then the story of God's everlasting love will be repeated in the home school to the tender flock. Thus, before reason is fully developed, children may catch a right spirit from their parents” (Child Guidance, p.26) + +A Prayer You May Say: Father, help me to affirm my children and confirm in their hearing and through my actions that I love them and that You love them. Help me to build them up, encourage them, and strengthen them. Help me to reflect Your love to them so that they will not only love me, but that they may also love You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43e9df4223 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Love You, My Child +startDate: 10/03/2025 +endDate: 10/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/04-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/04-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00e74e8104 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/04-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Obedient to His Parents +date: 10/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. (Luke 2:51-52 NIV) + +### Observation + +Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but some time after His life was threatened by Herod and he and His family fled to Egypt for a time. Once the threat passed, Jesus’ family moved back to the town where His mother, Mary, and her husband, Joseph, had been living just prior to Jesus’ birth. As a result, Jesus grew up in Nazareth, a town which evidently didn’t enjoy a very good reputation so that as He began His ministry Nathanael, who would become one of His disciples, expressed what a well-know saying: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46) + +And yet, in the midst of a place that was less than ideal to raise a family, Joseph and Mary raised the Son of God as their own and saw grow up obedient to them and to Him. + +### Application + +Joseph and Mary took the responsibility of raising God’s Son as their very own very seriously. They could not take any chances that the corrupting influences of Nazareth would mar His life and character and diligently devoted their lives to giving Him the very best education, that which is based solely on the Word of God. At the same time, they raised Him to trust and obey them for they knew that in so doing He would grow up to trust and obey His Heavenly Father. + +As parents, we reflect God to our children. Obedience to us is not an option but to their ultimate benefit. And yet that obedience cannot be exacted through threats and demands. + +I love these description of the early life of Jesus: “Jesus lived in a peasant's home, and faithfully and cheerfully acted His part in bearing the burdens of the household. He had been the Commander of heaven, and angels had delighted to fulfill His word; now He was a willing servant, a loving, obedient son” (Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p.72). + +For children and youth, the life and not just the death of Jesus should be an example and an object of admiration. White writes: “His faithful obedience to His parents until He was thirty years of age is a pattern for youth to imitate more than the Jesus in Gethsemane and upon Calvary” (Ellen G. White, Lift Him Up, p.33). + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, may we as parents reflect faithfully the image of Christ so that as we teach our children to obey they grow uo to obey and trust You, their Heavenly Father. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f6ee1317e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Obedient to His Parents +startDate: 10/04/2025 +endDate: 10/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/05-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/05-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e76d6f2ef7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/05-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: Invite Him to the Wedding. . . and to the Marriage +date: 10/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. (John 2:2 NKJV) + +### Observation + +As Jesus began His public ministry, the first event recorded was both a celebration and a miraculous event. Cana is a small town, not too far from Nazareth, where Jesus had grown up with His mother, Mary, and her husband, Joseph. It was during this wedding that the wedding coordinator realized they ran out of wine, which somehow was made known to Mary. As far as we know, Jesus had not performed any miracles (unless Mary had witnessed some), so the wedding coordinator was not asking for one. Whether Mary was asking Jesus to perform a miracle or not, Jesus sensed her concern, and that of the wedding party, and turned the water into fresh wine. By this act, not only did He save those some embarrassment, but also saved the newlywed couple disappointment as their married life was just beginning. + +### Application + +Thousands of couples get married every week. Many of these wish to have the wedding ceremony performed at a church and by a pastor or priest, because they are members they are Christian, at least in word if not in practice. Some church wedding rituals are very elaborate while others have a more simple service. Nevertheless, most Christian couples wish to have God’s blessing, and the blessing and recognition of the church, as they begin their wedded life together. + +In Cana, Jesus and His disciples were invited to join in the festivities of the newlywed couple. My guess is that they never could have imagined that by inviting Jesus, from the nearby town of Nazareth, they were in reality inviting the very Son of God to grace them with His presence. There are two important lessons to learn from this story: + +1. The couple getting married needs to invite God into their wedding ceremony and be aware of His presence during that special service. Weddings, for many, have become more of a show than a spiritual experience. Some choose to be married while skydiving, or scuba diving. Others want to have it at the place where they first met, whether the subway or at a Wal-Mart. Others yet dress up as they were attending a costume party. But Christian couples must approach this day with the full realization they are coming before the presence of the God of the universe, their Creator, and their Redeemer. It is a solemn event, marked with the joy of His presence, but also with the reality that by becoming one flesh they are also exemplifying the union of Christ and His bride, the church. + +2. Many couples invite God into their wedding, but seldom into their marriage. God’s presence should not be only during the hour or so of the wedding ceremony but every hour of the life of this couple and family. Therefore, we need to invite God into our personal life and into our couple and family life every day, and live in the awareness of His presence in our relationship every hour and every minute. + +Invite God to your wedding. . . and to your marriage daily. + +**A Prayer You May Say**: Our God and Father, thank You that in our marriage we tell everyone not only of our love for each other but of the love of Jesus for His bride, the church. We invite You to come into our marriage again today and to remain with us each and every day of our lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a444e6984 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Invite Him to the Wedding. . . and to the Marriage +startDate: 10/05/2025 +endDate: 10/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/06-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/06-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3195dbdd7e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/06-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Sweetest Words +date: 10/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 + +### Observation + +This chapter of Proverbs includes much instruction applicable to human relations. Today’s passage provides helpful advice in any setting - at work, in school, at church, with neighbors, friends, and family. + +### Application + +It is a well-known fact that in family relations kind, gracious, pleasant words are always better than harsh, critical, mean words. No one likes to hear demeaning, angry, or accusatory words, particularly if they come from those we love. Faultfinding, antagonistic speech can make both the speaker and the hearer sick with anger and resentment. On the other hand, appropriately spoken words (cf. Prov. 15:23) that encourage, soothe, or commend can be most pleasant and even uplifting to the point of helping a person feel better physically + +Ellen White wisely wrote, “Do you dislike to have harsh words spoken to you? Remember that when you speak such words others feel the sting. Let your praiseworthy example, your peaceable words and unselfish deeds, be a savor of life unto life. (The Voice in Speech and Song, p.64) + +In a world full of competition for the first place, of anger and rudeness, of pride and arrogance, the sweet, kind, pleasant words spoken and heard at home can be refreshing and even therapeutic. White continues: “The talent of speech was given to be used for the benefit of all. Pleasant, cheery words cost no more than unpleasant, moody words. Sharp words wound and bruise the soul. In this life everyone has difficulties with which to wrestle. Everyone meets with grievances and disappointments. Shall we not bring sunshine instead of gloom into the lives of those with whom we come in contact? Shall we not speak words that will help and bless? They will be just as much a blessing to us as to those to whom they are spoken.--Ms 93, 1901. (Ibid). + +One way to ensure we use pleasant, kind words toward our loved ones is to make an on-going list of the things you like and appreciate in them. Every time they say or do something you like, write it down. Periodically review this list and tell them how you feel about what they said or did. For instance, after your wife fixes you a good meal, tell her how much you liked and appreciated it, write it down on the list, and then one day, instead of expressing frustration or annoyance for what she might have done or fail to do, remind yourself that she fixed you that wonderful mean and tell her again how much you appreciated it and that you think she’s a great cook. Or if your husband hung a picture you asked him to do, tell him thank you for doing that and that you like how it looks on the wall. Every so often you can also tell him that every time you look at that picture you think of him and how good he is with his hands, or how nice of him it was to put it up for you. + +Those kind, gentle, sweet, affirming words will make the other feel warm and loved. They are indeed healing to the body, mind, and heart. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help me to maintain a positive attitude and to express words that are pleasant, kind, and gracious so that what I say may be sweet like honey to my family and those around me. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ce74e68f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Sweetest Words +startDate: 10/06/2025 +endDate: 10/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/07-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/07-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e063420096 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/07-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Celebrate Together +date: 10/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 23:23-25 NKJV) Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, {24} "Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a Sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. {25} 'You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.'" + +### Observation + +There were seven annual feasts that the Israelites were to celebrate, beside the weekly Sabbath: The Passover and Unleavened Bread, The Feast of First fruits, The Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. While they all were Sabbaths, that is, rest-days, some of them were great days of celebration. For instance, the Day of Atonement was a very solemn day, a day of judgment, while the Passover was a festivity as they remembered God’s miraculous deliverance from the slavery of Egypt. The Feast of Tabernacles reminded them of the long, forty-year journey through the wilderness, but it was also a celebration of God’s protection throughout all their journeying. All the feasts included time for rest – Sabbath – family gatherings, and family celebrations. + +### Application + +In our day, regardless of where we live, there are annual times for rest, gathering, and celebration. In the United States there are patriotic holidays such as Independence Day (July 4), Memorial Day, and Labor Day. There are also religious holidays such as Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Many also gather during other times to celebrate birthdays or to have family reunions where relatives from many places gather together to get reacquainted, to remember old memories, and to build new ones. + +As families, we should take advantage every year to find ways to gather with our loved ones to remember and celebrate. Vacations serve that purpose – we celebrate our jobs and having time off from them to spend time together in a more restful setting. Birthdays give us another opportunity to gather together to celebrate a year of life that just passed and to look forward to a good year of life just beginning. + +Find ways and times to gather and celebrate together as a family + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank you for all those special times when we have gathered and been together with our families to celebrate special occasions or simply to be together. May we have many more of those opportunities throughout our lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3693dc9e3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Celebrate Together +startDate: 10/07/2025 +endDate: 10/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/08-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/08-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..293cab5401 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/08-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Beam and the Speck of Marriage +date: 10/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 42How can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye," when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye” (Luke 6:41-42, ESV) + +### Observation + +In chapter 6, Luke records the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Here we read of two controversies which revolved around the Sabbath and the Jewish traditions about its observance, the call of the twelve disciples, Jesus healing the multitude, and a shortened version of the Sermon on the Mount than that found in Matthew. + +In this chapter, Jesus speaks of how His disciples should live in relationship to other people. In vss.27-36 Jesus teaches how we should relate toward our enemies, in vss. 37-42 about judging others, in vss. 43-45 about the fruit His disciples should bear, and in vss.46-49 Jesus closes with the parable of the men who built their house either on the rock or on the sand. + +Today’s passage deals specifically about the attitude of faultfinding so prevalent in human nature. From the very beginning, when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, when God confronted them with what they had done Adam pointed the finger at Eve – and indirectly toward God who created her for him, and in turn Eve turned her finger toward the serpent. + +### Application + +many marriages, which begin in a most selfless, loving way, turn into a sport of mutual criticism. Husbands find every reason to find fault in their wife, comparing her to other women. As an example, Ellen White writes about such men: “Many husbands do not sufficiently understand and appreciate the cares and perplexities which their wives endure, generally confined all day to an unceasing round of household duties. They frequently come to their homes with clouded brows, bringing no sunshine to the family circle. If the meals are not on time, the tired wife, who is frequently housekeeper, nurse, cook, and housemaid, all in one, is greeted with faultfinding” (The Adventist Home, p.224). + +Wives express little appreciation for their husbands and fail to affirm them for anything they do for them or for their home. They berate them for not making enough money home, for not being able to fix things around the house, and for many other things they don’t like in their husband. They think that is they nag them enough it will encourage theri husbands to do more and be better. “The steady dripping of rain and the nagging of a wife are one and the same” Proverbs 27:15 (CEV). + +Here’s good counsel for those tempted to find fault in their spouse: “The heart of his wife should be the grave for the faults of the husband, and the heart of the husband the grave for his wife's faults. Never should either party indulge in a joke at the expense of the other's feelings. Never should either the husband or wife in sport or in any other manner complain of each other to others, for frequently indulging in this foolish and what may seem perfectly harmless joking will end in trial with each other and perhaps estrangement. I have been shown that there should be a sacred shield around every family” (Ibid, p.177). + +Jesus made clear: When you have a beam sticking out of your own eye, how can you possibly tell your spouse about the speck of dust in their own eye? It is a ridiculous proposition! White’s advice is so much more practical and positive: “Let the husband and wife talk things all over together. Renew the early attentions to each other, acknowledge your faults to each other, but in this work be very careful that the husband does not take it upon himself to confess his wife's faults or the wife her husband's. Be determined that you will be all that it is possible for you to be to each other, and the bonds of wedlock will be the most desirable of ties. {HP 203.4} + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, please help me see the beam in my own eye before I stare at the speck of dust in my spouse’ eye. Help me to look for what is good and right and praiseworthy in their life and ignore the things that cause me to look at them in a negative light. Help me to appreciate my spouse for all they bring into my life and for being Your gift to me. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9134ef3704 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Beam and the Speck of Marriage +startDate: 10/08/2025 +endDate: 10/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/09-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/09-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03cf0a54fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/09-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: God's Love for the Widowed +date: 10/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep." Luke 7:13 + +### Observation + +Jesus left Capernaum, where He had healed the servant of a centurion (Roman army officer). His disciples, and a large crowd, followed Jesus when He came to the neqarby city of Nain. As they approached the city they met the funeral procession for a young man, the only son of a widow of that city. As our text for today states, Jesus had compassion on her (NJKV - He was moved with compassion. MSG - His heart broke). So Jesus called the young man to get up, which he did, and He presented her son back to the widow. Both the crowd that was following Jesus and those that were part of the funeral procession “were quietly worshipful—and then noisily grateful, calling out among themselves, "God is back, looking to the needs of his people!" (Luke 7:16, MSG). + +### Application + +One can only begin to imagine the pain this woman must have been feeling. As a widow, she had already lost her husband, her companion, her sustenance. In a land where men were the breadwinners, she had lost her financial stability, her social status, her future security. At least she had a son who would provide her with consolation, companionship, albeit not as a life-partner, with income, and thus financial security, and with the knowledge she would have someone to take care of her in her old age. But now her son was dead and dreams and hopes were shattered as her heart was broken with her overwhelming loss. When her husband died, at least she had her son left; with her son’s death, she had nothing left. + +Throughout the Bible we find many instances and instructions which show God’s special care for widows. For instance, Exodus 22:22 (NKJV) “You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child.” + +God has compassion on widows (Pss. 68:5; 146:9; Prov. 15:25), and therefore we should do the same (Isa. 1:17; 1 Tim. 5:3; James 1:27). The law provided for widows through a special tithe (Deut. 14:28–29; 26:12–13) and a policy of leaving gleanings during harvest (Deut. 24:19–21). The early church also had a policy of supporting its widows (Acts 6:1). When a nation and its leaders do so, they are promised a blessing (Deut. 14:29; Jer. 7:5–7); the person or nation that does not is cursed (Deut. 27:19; Job 22:9–11; Jer. 22:3–5; Ezek. 22:7, 15–16; Mal. 3:5; Mark 12:40). + +Jesus’ own mother was widowed. He knew by watching her mourn the death of her life-companion what pain she had gone through. This explains why, while hanging on the cross dying, Jesus made careful provision for Mary’s welfare by asking His closest friend, John, to take care of her. + +Widowed people are among the singles in our congregations we sometimes overlook. Because they have family (children, grandchildren), we sometimes forget that they have special needs. It is our responsibility, and privilege, to see that they are visited, and their welfare checked and taken care of. Even if we don’t do everything they need, at least we can connect them to people who can. And while we primarily think of the widows, we need to remember the widowers – both of these women and men have different and special needs. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You fro remind us that You care about widows and have made special provision in Your word for the care and support of those who have lost their husband. Open our eyes to the needs of the widows and widowers in our congregations and in our community, and may we be an extension of Your love for them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..52100b0d25 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Love for the Widowed +startDate: 10/09/2025 +endDate: 10/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d17b7a5bf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: He Started it, He'll Finish it! +date: 10/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won't stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 (CEV) + +### Observation + +**_a good work_**—Any work that God begins, He will surely finish (1Sa 3:12). Not even men begin a work at random. Much more the fact of His beginning the work is a pledge of its completion (Is 26:12). So as to the particular work here meant, the perfecting of their fellowship in the Gospel (Php 1:5; Ps 37:24; 89:33; 138:8; Jn 10:28, 29; Jn 10:28, 29, Ro 8:29, 35–39 Heb 6:17–19; Jam 1:17; Jud 1:24). As God cast not off Israel for ever, though chastening them for a time, so He will not cast off the spiritual Israel (De 33:3; Is 27:3; 1Pe 1:5). [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Php 1:6). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Sometime in the history of the church, some people began to believe and teach that salvation is, at least in part, our work to accomplish. I remember hearing early in my Christian walk that “I do my best, and God will do the rest.” By these words I was being taught that I have to do everything in my power to earn salvation, and when I fall short of God’s goal He then makes up the difference. While it sounds like an attractive proposition, it stops being interesting when I realize even my best efforts are simply not good enough. What the Bible teaches is totally different. It is not my effort plus God’s grace which guarantees that I will have salvation; God’s grace, which results in salvation is totally, completely, and uniquely God’s gift to us, regardless of anything we do or try to do. + +In what other areas in our life have we tried to do our best only to fail repeatedly? Have we tried to live as husband and wife depending on our own best effort and hoping that God will make up for our deficiencies? Would we be better off giving our life and marriage completely over to God and allow Him to do His great work in us and submit ourselves to His guiding power? Paul’s promise tells us that God began the good work in us – obviously, the first question is, do we truly believe that God brought us together? If so, the promise ends with Paul’s words “What God began. . . He will finish.” In other words, if God began by bringing you two together, He can bring you two through the challenges in marriage until a happy, healthy end. + +Commit yourself and your marriage daily to God that He may use you individually and as a couple to accomplish His great purpose in You. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Bless us as individuals and as a couple, and finish the good work You began in us until your ultimate purpose is accomplished in our lives and marriage. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..027e7c180c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He Started it, He'll Finish it! +startDate: 10/10/2025 +endDate: 10/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/11-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/11-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e488d5e343 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/11-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Practice What You Preach +date: 10/11/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. (1 Corinthians 9:26, 27 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_Not as uncertainly._** Paul knew exactly where he was going and what he was doing. He aimed to advance as rapidly as possible in the race of life. There was no haziness in his mind about the direction he must take. He ran with a clear and positive assurance of reaching the goal. He exerted himself to the utmost, lest he should fail to secure the crown, a crown, not of fading leaves, but of immortal life, peace, joy, and happiness in the kingdom of glory. The runner in the Greek games had no such certainty of reaching the goal and obtaining the prize. But Paul knew that he, and everyone who complied with the conditions, could be sure of success. When he was nearing the end of his course he gave expression to his absolute assurance that he would receive the crown along with all other victorious Christians (see 2 Tim. 4:7, 8). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (737). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Have you ever seen your child imitate you? Your children are depending on you to set the standard by your actions. Yes, your words are important; however, if your words do not align with your actions then they are wasted. My mother was correct when she said, "Actions speak louder than words." This includes everything we do and every choice we make. + +Do you show your child by your actions that Jesus is your best friend? Do your children see you with your Bible open? Do they hear you in prayer? Is family worship practiced on a regular basis in your home? + +When it comes to media, are we practicing the same principles that we want them to emulate? They are watching as you flip through the channels on the television and make decisions as to what to watch. They listen to the same music that you do. + +Are Sabbath mornings a delight in our homes or a time to dread? They witness your eagerness, or lack thereof on Sabbath as you awaken and prepare to go to Sabbath School and church. Is it a day filled with "don'ts" or, is it a family day that our little ones eagerly anticipate? + +In essence, are you, as a parent, making the same choices that you are teaching your child to make? Are your words the same that we want them to repeat? + +What sermons are your children watching you preach? Do your actions match your words? If not, your actions really are speaking louder than your words. Yes, parents make mistakes too. But perhaps one of the best things we can model to our children is a willingness to admit when we have failed and to see forgiveness from them and from God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Lord, help me reflect You to my child. May my actions match my words. And, when I fail please help me to acknowledge that to you and to my children. You have entrusted me to show You to my children and that is an awesome responsibility. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b9437b286 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Practice What You Preach +startDate: 10/11/2025 +endDate: 10/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/12-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/12-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d5713a872 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/12-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Too Much to Do - Too Little Time +date: 10/12/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; 4 but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:2-4) + +### Observation + +_**Give ourselves continually.**_ Or, “persevere.” The same word is used several times in describing earnest conduct on the part of the early Christians (cf. ch. 1:14; 2:42, 46). + +_**To prayer.**_ These godly men, with the memory of Christ’s prayer life still fresh in their minds, placed the need for prayer first on their list. But it should be remembered that prayer includes the public worship of the church, as well as private devotion. + +_**Ministry.**_ Gr. diakonia, the same word as used in v. 1. The seven were to minister material blessings while the Twelve were to be left free to minister the spiritual benefits derived from the Word of God. This they would do through preaching and various forms of teaching. This clearly explains what is meant by “leave the word of God” (v. 2). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (190). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +In the early church, it became evident that the apostles could not to do everything that was expected of them. They were overwhelmed by the many demands for their service. Recognizing they were being stretched beyond the limit, they delegated some of their responsibilities to Godly men able to handle those demands. They chose Stephen and others to perform day-to-day service, so they could have time they needed in their lives to devote "to prayer and to the ministry of the word" (Acts 6:4). + +Perhaps we are just as guilty as the disciples were. And, just as changes needed to occur for them, the same may be true for us today. How often do you allow all the busyness of the day to push aside your time for personal devotions? How often do you have worship together as a family? Are there better ways of managing our schedule so that every member of the family has time with Jesus? Forsaking time with God, even when you spend that time with the family, can leave you empty and ineffective. Are we so busy running here and there that there is no time left in the day? + +The only way to nurture relationships is in time spent together. The same is true of our relationship with Jesus. Our spiritual life grows as we spend time in the study of His word and in talking to Him. And, another advantage is that as we grow closer to God, our hearts are also drawn closer to our family members. + +Take care of your spiritual health so you will be strong when difficult times come. And, don't forget that you, as a parent, are the model to your children when it comes to setting priorities and time management. If you are not spending time with Jesus in your own life, your little ones will not either. As a family take an inventory to see if perhaps there are things that you need to reorder? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, I want to develop a closer relationship with You. Show me areas of my life where change is needed in order to make this time with You a priority. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a53ed629b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Too Much to Do - Too Little Time +startDate: 10/12/2025 +endDate: 10/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/13-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/13-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb62c6ef24 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/13-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Close Your Eyes +date: 10/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. 35 Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. 36 If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light." Luke 11:34-36 + +### Observation + +Jesus made an analogy between receptivity to His ministry and the ability to see. Receptivity is like having healthy eyes; one can see well (light enters the body). The warning to ensure that the light in you is not darkness is paradoxical, not illogical. Jesus intended examination of the heart’s spiritual receptivity. [Cabal, T., Brand, C. O., Clendenen, E. R., Copan, P., Moreland, J., & Powell, D. (2007). The Apologetics Study Bible: Real Questions, Straight Answers, Stronger Faith (1537). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.] + +### Application + +It is commonly known that men tend to be more visual. That’s one of the reasons why pornography is mostly used by men – although recent research shows that the number of women using pornography is increasing. One of the problems with pornography, however, is that deepens the emptiness in the user which drives him back to look for more, which is what develops his dependence or addiction to it. Another problem is that the more women with little or no clothing he watches, and they are performing all kinds of sex acts with men, he will begin to long for his wife to do the same, and when she doesn’t he becomes frustrated and goes back to watch more pornography. Again, this promotes the continuation of a vicious cycle of frustration, emptiness, loneliness, desire, and repeating the event. The third problem, among many, is that as beautiful as his wife may be, she will never be able to compare with the multitude of women he’s watching, which means he will grow increasingly dissatisfied with her. + +Women might be disgusted with men’s use of pornography, and yet, many are reading romantic novels, many of them very descriptive of sexual situations, or constantly watching movies and TV programs with fictitious plots, romantic encounters, couples falling in love within minutes of meeting and also having sex shortly thereafter.. The constant reading of such novels like the 2012 best seller trilogy “Fifty Shades of Grey” will have a similar effect on women by creating a world of fantasy that no man can possibly fulfill. + +How can one be free of these habits or addictions? Our texts for today tell us that Jesus had just cast out of a man a demon that kept him unable to speak. I find this story very encouraging because if the man couldn’t speak, he obviously could utter words of help to Jesus. But obviously as well, Jesus “heard” the longing of this man’s heart and acted on it. For those of us who seem unable to break away from sin, and it seems as if our prayers go nowhere, this story should lift our spirits with the knowledge that God hears our innermost longing for Him, and that He helps us even when we feel helpless. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, please hear our plea for delivery from the habits and addictions against which we battle, and deliver us from the world of fantasy and the resulting sins into which we fall. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4b07aae6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Close Your Eyes +startDate: 10/13/2025 +endDate: 10/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/14-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/14-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e04e96473 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/14-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Treat Kindly +date: 10/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 25:42-43 NKJV) 'For they are My servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt; they shall not be sold as slaves. {43} 'You shall not rule over him with rigor, but you shall fear your God. + +### Observation + +Since the Israelites had been slaves, one would think they wouldn’t want to subject someone else to such lifestyle; unfortunately, that was the case once they came to the land of promise. Even then, however, God established regulations that would provide for the freedom of these slaves, on the year of Jubilee, and in the mean time they were to be treated fairly and justly, not with “rigor.” The reason given by God is that they too are His children and deserve to be treated like children of the Almighty and not, as was the case, as less than animals. + +### Application + +When we understand and come to appreciate the fact that our loved ones – spouse, children, relatives – are also God’s children and are therefore to be treated with love, kindness, and patience rather than with “rigor” or harshly, then we will be not only fulfilling God’s purpose for all of us but will also have better, healthier, happier families. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, remind us today we are all Your children and thus help us to treat each other with kindness. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce832d0ecb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Treat Kindly +startDate: 10/14/2025 +endDate: 10/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/15-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/15-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09c937c80a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/15-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Imitate What is Good +date: 10/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Dear friend, do not imitate what is bad but what is good. (3 John 1:11 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_ Follow not_. **Rather**,** “imitate not.” John pauses in his discussion of the conflict within the church, and states general truths which, if observed, will enable Gaius always to make right decisions. + +_**That which is evil**_. Literally, “the bad.” + +_**That which is good.**_ Literally, “the good”. In this stark language the apostle is probably analyzing the situation that confronted Gaius and his friends—the course pursued by Diotrephes is “bad,” and is not to be imitated; the course commended by John in vs. 5–8 is “good,” and should be put into practice. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (697). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Moses had taught the Israelites, “ Never follow a crowd in doing wrong. When you testify in court, don't side with the majority to pervert justice.” (Exodus 23:2, GW). As parents it is important that we teach our children to stand for their own opinion and not be led by what the majority does. Peer pressure can be daunting for some children, particularly if they have been bullied at home by their siblings and even by their parents. While we may think that having children who are compliant and who always accommodate and obey what we ask them to do, it is not a disadvantage if our children disagree with us and test the limits of their parents’ patience, at least some time. James Dobson speaks of the strong-willed child as one who challenges his/her parents often. But it is also that strong will which will not let them be led by the majority or by other children when encouraged to do something that is contrary to what they believe or what they want. + +How do we teach our children to imitate what is good instead of what is bad? As with most everything we want our children to learn, it all begins with the example his/her parents give them. When the husband is rude, unkind, or abusive toward his wife, he is teaching his sons that that is the way men should treat women. On the other hand, when a husband treats his wife with respect, kindness, and love, he is teaching his sons to do the same with his mother, his sisters, and one day with his girlfriend and his wife. When a man cheats on his taxes, steals things from work, or regularly breaks the law, he is teaching his boys to do the same. When a father respects other people’s property, respects the law of the land, and maintains an ethically correct conduct he is showing his children the proper way to live. + +By the way a woman cares for her husband she also shows her daughters the proper care of their father and of the man who will one day be their husband. She does not have to deny her individuality nor consider herself less important or lower than her husband when God created her in His image as much as He created her husband in His image. By the way she acts she teaches her daughters to value and respect themselves which is important to them as they relate to men in their life. But when a woman and wife imitates women on TV or the movies, lives in such a way that others disrespect her, allows a man to abuse her, or doesn’t care for her home or her family she is teaching her daughters to do the same thing. + +Don’t imitate others who don’t live correctly; imitate others who provide good examples of what a man and husband, a woman and wife should be to their children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, our children watch our every move, listen to our every word, observe what we do. Help us to imitate those who live upright lives because by doing so we are giving our children a good example to imitate for themselves. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a19674234 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Imitate What is Good +startDate: 10/15/2025 +endDate: 10/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/16-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/16-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..db95246f1a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/16-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Your Children's Faith +date: 10/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> I rejoiced greatly because I have found some of your children living according to the truth, just as the Father commanded us. (2 John 1:4) + +### Observation + +**_Of thy children_.** Literally, “out of thy children.” This may reflect the possibility that all church members had not proved faithful. It may also be that John had not met or heard reports of all the “children,” and that others were equally faithful. + +_**Walking.**_ Gr. peripate (see on Eph. 2:2). The word is frequently used in Scripture to describe the daily conduct (cf. Phil. 3:17). + +_**In truth**_. That is, consistently living under the control of truth, faithfully performing every duty on earth as part of the walk toward the eternal home (see on 1 John 1:7). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (687). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +At first glance, this text almost seems to indicate that not all of this church lady’s children were faithful, but Paul did rejoice over those that were. The original language, however, tells us that maybe what Paul meant to say was that the children he knew about were faithful. As parents, we want to know that all our kids are living in such a way that they are faithful not just in the eyes of other people but in the eyes of God. How can we ensure our kids will grow up to love and follow God? + +1. Pray for them daily. When we think about the book of Job we probably remember the disasters that came on him – lost everything, his children were killed, he got sick. But one great lesson from his life was his constant prayers for his children. The Bible states, "So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, ‘It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.’ Thus Job did regularly.” Job 1:5 (NKJV) Rise early in the morning and pray for your children. Pray for them throughout the day, and let the last words on your lips at night be prayers for them. + +2. Worship with them daily and weekly. One cannot ever underestimate the value of daily family worship, morning and evening, and of attending church together as a family. Even as the kids grow up into adults, attending church together continues to bring the family closer to each other as the same time as they come closer to God. + +3. Serve together. Research and experience show that acts of service deepens the spiritual experience of people. For children and young people, it is more valuable when the family devotes time in service together than when the parents send them or pay for them to go to do it. + +May it be said about our children that they are living according to the truth just as the Father commanded us. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, Bless our children this day, and may they be faithful to You today and each day of their lives. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..605dd197e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Your Children's Faith +startDate: 10/16/2025 +endDate: 10/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/17-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/17-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..888e609902 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/17-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Family Hatred Rather than Love +date: 10/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will have some of you put to death. (Luke 21:16 NET) + +### Observation + +We shall find that we must let loose of all hands except the hand of Jesus Christ. Friends will prove treacherous, and will betray us. Relatives, deceived by the enemy, will think they do God service in opposing us and putting forth the utmost efforts to bring us into hard places, hoping we will deny our faith. But we may trust our hand in the hand of Christ amid darkness and peril. + +The followers of Christ must expect to encounter sneers. They will be reviled; their words and their faith will be misrepresented. Coldness and contempt may be harder to endure than martyrdom. . . . + +Parents will turn harshly against their children who accept unpopular truth. Those who conscientiously serve God will be accused of rebellion. Property that was willed to children or other relatives who believe the present truth will be given into other hands. Guardians will rob orphans and widows of their just dues. Those who depart from evil will make themselves a prey through laws enacted to compel the conscience. Men will take to themselves property to which they have no right. The words of the apostle will be verified in the near future: "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." [Ellen G. White, Maranatha, p.197] + +### Application + +What would drive members of the same family to turn against each other? I guess the question should be, why are we surprised that they do? The fact is that we are human beings and all of us battle with the same challenges and temptations. Selfishness and egocentricity inside us all want us to be number one, to be served, to be right. + +But, how can this happen among Christians? While we are born again in Christ, we are not perfected yet. As we read about Jesus’ disciples, there existed among them that desire for superiority. Paul and other leaders of the early Christian church also faced that challenge. And the history of the Christian church is plastered with the struggle of countless numbers of people, some very humble and willing to serve, others asserting their power, and others forcing even their fellow spiritual family to submit. + +What about us, though? As hard s it is to live the way God wants us to live, we have some of those days or times when we draw closer to Him and begin making changes in our lives. But the devil is not happy with those changes and he brings criticism, attacks, anger, animosity, and more often than not they come from those closest to us. + +I remember when I first made a commitment to Jesus and to His church. Because that meant leaving the church where I grew up, family and friends became angry and found every opportunity for criticism and to point out where I had fallen, or where my life didn’t completely match their view or even what I had told them my beliefs were now. While the Bile states that we have “a cloud of witnesses,” I felt like I had a cloud of spies. + +As the years have gone by, I have lost the friendship of friends and the love of family, ignoring their hurtful actions and words while at the same time accusing me of being guilty of the same or worse. And yet, Jesus, and Ellen White, point out that the worse is yet to come. Our only consolation and hope is in knowing that even if every hand turns against us, the hand of Jesus still has us in His grasp. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, as hard as it is now to live without the family and friends that we love, it will be so much harder when they betray us and even persecute us. I plead, Father God, for strength and courage as we face these challenges, but I also pray for them that whether they can see You through us or not, they may find You some day, and that in finding You, we may find each other again. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6747a5c574 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Family Hatred Rather than Love +startDate: 10/17/2025 +endDate: 10/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/18-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/18-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e97ad7b000 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/18-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Ministry Starts at Home +date: 10/18/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "To Titus, a true son in our common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. For this reason I left you in Crte, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you— if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination." (Titus 1:4-6 NKJV) + +### Observation + +Titus. Titus is not mentioned in the book of Acts. A few facts concerning him may be gathered from incidental references in the Pauline epistles. He was a Gentile Christian (Gal. 2:3), possibly a convert of Paul (Titus 1:4). He is first mentioned as accompanying Paul from Antioch to Jerusalem for the Jerusalem Council (Gal. 2:1–3; cf. Acts 14:26–28; 15:1–4); hence it is sometimes conjectured that he was a native of Antioch. Later he is associated with Paul during part of the apostle’s Third Missionary Journey (2 Cor. 2:13; 7:6, 13). The epistle to Titus informs us that he was left in Crete to set certain things in order and to organize churches there (ch. 1:5). The Cretan service was only temporary, for Titus was requested to join Paul at Nicopolis (ch. 3:12). Titus is last mentioned in 2 Tim. 4:10, where he is said to have gone to Dalmatia. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (359). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +It is interesting to note that Paul, when stating the qualifications for deacons and elders in the early church, started on the home front. He did not make a high standing in the community, or elevated position on the career ladder as a qualifier. Instead, of far greater importance was what was happening behind the closed doors of the home. What were the relationships like within the home walls? What words described the husband/wife relationship? Were the children expected to be obedient? In essence, was the home a faithful witness of Jesus to others? + +I wonder if we have failed to realize that our homes are indeed major centers of evangelism. Evangelistic opportunities abound. And, what happens outside the church often speaks louder of Jesus than what happens behind the pulpit. Others are watching us. They see our interactions with family members in the grocery store, at the gas station, and in restaurants. They notice as our family takes the time to hold hands, bow heads, and say a prayer of thanksgiving in the restaurant. They see the husband open the door for his wife in the parking lot. And, they hear the tone of our voices as we speak to our little ones. + +What message are we telling the world through our families? Would our homes stand up to this test? Do your neighbors know that Jesus is the center of your home? Jesus should not be a hidden guest in our homes. He should have a place of honor. He should be invited to go with our families wherever we go. Others should see Him as we reflect Him in our homes and family interactions. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, may my home be an evangelistic center. may my neighbors, friends, and family members see You. May it testify of Your mercy, Your love, Your forgiveness, and Your grace. In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..652665cb5a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Ministry Starts at Home +startDate: 10/18/2025 +endDate: 10/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/19-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/19-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1da7fb1890 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/19-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Keep Me From Stumbling +date: 10/19/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen." (Jude 1:24, 25 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_Now_**. In concluding his letter Jude turns from the false teachers and their prototypes and directs his readers’ attention to the ineffable glory of the Lord. This doxology closely parallels that of Rom. 16:25–27 (see comment there). + +**_Unto him that is able_**. The same Greek words are translated “to him that is of power” in Rom. 16:25 (see comment there and on Eph. 3:20). + +**_Keep you_**. A vivid picture of the Lord’s constant care for His children. + +**_From falling_**. The one who accepts God’s guardianship can live above sin (cf. on 1 John 3:6, 9). + +**_To present_**. The climax of God’s keeping comes when the believer stands without fear in the divine presence, on the day of judgment (cf. on 1 John 2:28). By the enabling grace of Christ the Christian lives with a confident belief in God’s power to keep him from falling into sin and to enable him, eventually, to stand spotless and unashamed in the divine presence. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (710–711). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Have you ever felt at your wits end? You have taken all you can and you feel like you are going to explode! Take heart because help is promised. When you have reached the brink, ask for His help and patience. Ask that He give you the response that would glorify His name. + +We have all been guilty of doing the opposite. Our tempers often get the best of us and even as the words are exiting our mouths we experience regret. The good news in those tin is to remember that God is there to help us get up again. With His help we can keep walking forward and lean on Him to prevent from stumbling again. When you have stumbled, don't be too hard on yourself. Ask God to forgive and ask your spouse or children to do the same. Even these times of stumbling can be opportunities to give powerful spiritual lessons to our children of God's forgiveness and of His willingness to help us from falling again. + +Remember, in our struggles we are not alone. We have a promised partnership with God. Claim that promise today and walk with your hand in His. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, keep me from stumbling today. Give me patience and help me to endure. Show me a better way, a better response. May I respond in ways that will glorify Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..756d970d8f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keep Me From Stumbling +startDate: 10/19/2025 +endDate: 10/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/20-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/20-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0226449f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/20-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: All Things New +date: 10/20/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelation 21:1-5 NKJV) + +### Observation + +New. Gr. kainos, “new” in quality as opposed to that which is worn or marred. Both occurrences of “new” in this verse are translations of kainos. Neos, also translated “new” in the NT (Matt. 9:17; 1 Cor. 5:7; Col. 3:10; etc.), refers to newness in point of time. By using the word kainos, John is probably emphasizing the fact that the new heavens and earth will be created from the purified elements of the old, and thus be new in quality, different. The new heavens and the new earth are, then, a re-creation, a forming anew of existing elements, and not a creation ex nihilo. Compare 2 Peter 3:13. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (889). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The scripture for today is filled with so many beautiful promises for today. It reminds me that this world is temporary. My challenges for today are not forever. The things that bring tears to my eyes here on this earth will not exist in heaven. A land of no tears, no pain, no death, and all things new gives me confidence and hope as I deal with life's challenges here on earth. This will pass away! + +Perhaps your heart aches as your little one cannot run like his/her classmates but in heaven they will race on the streets of gold. Maybe you have suffered the heartbreaking loss of a child. But, can you imagine that family reunion that awaits you in heaven? + +Keep your eyes fixed towards heaven. One day soon, He will make all things new! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, keep my eyes looking up and focused on you. I look forward to that day in heaven when all will be made new. My tears will be dried by your loving hand and my night will be turned in to an eternal day. Thank you for my heavenly home that is waiting for me. In Jesus' name, Amen. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8871a1bc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: All Things New +startDate: 10/20/2025 +endDate: 10/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/21-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/21-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a468b21ede --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/21-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Walking with God +date: 10/21/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Lev 26:3-6 NKJV) 'If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform them, {4} then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. {5} Your threshing shall last till the time of vintage, and the vintage shall last till the time of sowing; you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. {6} I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none will make you afraid; I will rid the land of evil beasts, and the sword will not go through your land. + +### Observation + +As the book of Leviticus closes, God is not only giving laws, rituals, and ceremonies, but also promises to those who walk in His laws and statutes and to those who choose not to. His blessings are to the individual as well as to the community, they include blessings of sustenance and of protection, promises of peace and rest. + +### Application + +Today is a good time for each of us to claim these promises from God. As the economy goes from bad to worse and terrorism and lawlessness go rampant in so many places in the world, even close to home, we need to ask for and claim these promises from God. What I see, however, is that God is already fulfilling those promises; our bread may not be as plentiful as before, which could actually be a blessing so we can loose some of the weight that’s hurting us. We are learning to take better care of ourselves, of our means, of our environment, of our families. Even when it comes to external forces that threaten to hurt us and destroy us, He is still watching over us and keeping us safe. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to walk closely with You. We know what the resulting promises are, but just the joy of walking closing with You is the greatest blessing we can hope for. May Your blessings of sustenance and protection surround our families today and always. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdf1fda748 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Walking with God +startDate: 10/21/2025 +endDate: 10/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/22-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/22-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee07db8bc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/22-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Finish what you Started +date: 10/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So finish what you began to do. Then your willingness will be matched by what you accomplish 2 Corinthians 8:11 (GW) + +### Observation + +Readiness to will. A willing mind makes even a little acceptable, but to do less than one is able to do is a denial of willingness. A generous will is good in itself, but alone it is not enough. The will must be embodied in deeds, if our best desires and energies are to give solidity and strength to the character. It is good to cherish the ideal of charity, but the ideal must find practical expression. Faith and love, as ideals, never feed the hungry or clothe the naked (James 2:14–20). “Readiness,” then, is a spontaneous disposition and attitude of mind to serve God and one’s fellow men. It has no need of being urged or driven forward by the importunity of others. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (890). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The Formula 1 Grand Prix has very specific rules that must be adhered to beginning 30 minutes before the race can start. For instance, drivers are free to complete a reconnaissance lap of the circuit before taking up their grid positions. If a driver wishes to complete additional reconnaissance laps he must pass through the pit lane each time in order to bypass the grid. The pit lane closes 15 minutes prior to the formation lap. Any drivers still in the pit lane at this time will have to start the race from there. + +Ten minutes before the start the grid must be cleared except for team technical staff, race officials and drivers. With three minutes to go all cars must have their wheels fitted (any car not complying will receive a 10-second time penalty). With a minute to go all cars must have their engines running. All personnel must then leave the grid at least 15 seconds before the green lights come on to signal the start of the formation lap. + +All these rules, and several more, are there to ensure the safety of the drivers and their team, but also to ensure that the race will start correctly and fairly for all the participants. Of course, even when everything goes just right, every race is different depending on the weather conditions, the pilots driving those powerful machines, the condition of each car, the team that changes the tires and fills the gas tank at every pit stop, and many other variables. At the end, the team that works best will prove to be the winner. The champion is not just the driver who crosses the line in first place, it is the entire team that helped him/her get there. + +Marriage and family life is a team sport. It is what we do together to ensure we are all winners which helps all to achieve the goals that we as a family set for ourselves. Much research shows the advantages that married people have. For instance, they tend to have a stronger economic status because they tend to save more and invest more toward the common goals they have. Married people tend to enjoy better health because they are always looking after each other’s well-being. It is not only how we begin this race we call family life that’s importance, but that we stay the course and go together to the finish line. Keeping the end in mind will help us reach those goals together. That’s why the Apostle Paul encourages us: So finish what you began to do. Then your willingness will be matched by what you accomplish 2 Corinthians 8:11 (GW) + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for allowing us to have a family around us so that together we may reach the goals which will be best for all of us. Help us to finish the race together, and receive the trophy of eternal life from Your hand. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acf9dfdbce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Finish what you Started +startDate: 10/22/2025 +endDate: 10/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/23-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/23-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f17ba1afc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/23-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Love Covers All +date: 10/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**charity shall cover the multitude,** &c.—The oldest manuscripts have “covereth.” Quoted from Pr 10:12; compare Pr 17:9. “Covereth” so as not harshly to condemn or expose faults; but forbearingly to bear the other’s burdens, forgiving and forgetting past offenses. Perhaps the _additional_ idea is included, By prayer for them, _love tries to have them covered by God;_ and so being the instrument of converting the sinner from his error, “covereth a (not ‘the,’ as _English Version_) multitude of sins”; but the former idea from Proverbs is the _prominent_ one. It is not, as Rome teaches, “covereth” _his own_ sins; for then the _Greek_ middle voice would be used; and Pr 10:12; 17:9 support the Protestant view. “As God with His love covers my sins if I believe, so must I also _cover the sins of my neighbor_” [Luther]. Compare the conduct of Shem and Japheth to Noah (Ge 9:23), in contrast to Ham’s exposure of his father’s shame. We ought to cover others’ sins only where love itself does not require the contrary. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). _Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible_ (1 Pe 4:8). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Shaunti Feldhahn, in her book _The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages”_ writes about the power of a positive, loving attitude toward their relationship and toward their spouse: “Highly happy spouses choose to believe their mate cares for them—no matter what they’re seeing from their spouse or feeling at the time—and they act accordingly.” She adds: “It turns out that positive changes in a marriage rarely depend on one difficult spouse suddenly becoming an altogether different person. Usually, the opposite is true. Change—even in challenging marriages—most often starts with one immediate, practical, and surprising choice. A choice made by just one partner. And you can make it. The day you put one surprising secret to work in your relationship—and then another—may go unnoticed by your partner. But you have launched an insurrection against mediocrity and unhappiness.” + +What Mrs. Feldhahn’s research shows (which is supported by other extensive support, particularly in the area of Cognitive Behavioral Psychology), is that when we choose to love our spouse, and we show it through word and action, our thinking toward them changes, and eventually our feelings will change as well. A very interesting TED lecture presented by Amy Cuddy, form Harvard University (http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are) also confirms that it is in our power to change our behavior and the resulting thinking and feeling. + +God is not asking us to “feel” loving, but rather to “act” lovingly. Sometimes in marriage we wait until our spouse changes and becomes more loving so before we respond to them in a loving manner, but what God says is that we are the ones that should take that first step, and when we act lovingly that love can cover all things, even those that have harmed our relationship in the past. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to act lovingly even when we don’t “feel” it. May your love permeate our lives and our relationships so that it will cover us and our past so that we may have a better future. + +Father God, help us to act lovingly even when we don’t “feel” it. May your love permeate our lives and our relationships so that it will cover us and our past so that we may have a better future. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efbc62c531 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love Covers All +startDate: 10/23/2025 +endDate: 10/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/24-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/24-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32790a3de6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/24-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Single Parenting Priorities +date: 10/24/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. 1 Tim 5:4 NIV + +### Observation + +Early Christians cared for widows in their midst, but administering this aid proved challenging (see Acts 6:1–7). Timothy is to encourage family members to care for relatives who are widows (1 Tim. 5:4, 8, 16) and to ensure that aid is given to women who are really widows (v. 5). Those who are to be placed on the list of widows approved for aid (taken into the number, v. 9) are to meet certain qualifications. Paul advises against including women less than 60 years of age and prefers that younger women remarry (vv. 9, 14). [Dybdahl, J. L. (Ed.). (2010). Andrews Study Bible Notes (p. 1584). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +Single parents face a number of challenges. In some cases, single parents need to deal with their own finances and the added financial responsibility of their children in another household. Single parents have to care for their own household entirely on their own. This could include fixing meals, all the household chores, helping with homework, attending parent-teacher meetings, taking their children to the doctor or staying home with a sick child even when that may mean losing income for the day, and so much more. + +Today’s text underscores the important role that churches should play in supporting widows with children and grandchildren. That is God’s plan and ideal. But we know that in today’s world it probably rarely happens that way. When single parents consider all these heavy responsibilities, they may like to have a life partner to share in all they have to do. And yet, much research shows that one of the most difficult dynamics is that of blended families or step-parenting homes. Not long ago a lady spoke to us to tell us of the difficult relationship between her husband and her son, who is his step-son. In a blunt way he told her, “I didn’t marry you to become a dad.” How sad that is! + +Many single parents, wanting the support of a partner and a parent figure for their children, enter into relationships that end up being more damaging to their children. Children are often exposed to a revolving door of step-parents, toward whom they may develop positive feelings, only to feel abandoned again when those relationships end. Often, many children experience emotional and physical abuse at the hands of their step-parents. + +I think even Paul hints that what widows (or single parents) should devote their life to raising their children first, at least until they are adults. He urges single parents to provide for their children the type of atmosphere where they will help them in their spiritual growth, and to put their religious principles into practical use. While it is a difficult road, remaining single is a better arrangement for single parents than bringing other people into their children’s lives, particularly if doing so disrupts the parents’ relationship with their children, and with God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, I pray you help and encourage single parents, and may they find in You their Companion and Helper so they may devote their life to helping their children come to know You and serve You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a89d171952 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Single Parenting Priorities +startDate: 10/24/2025 +endDate: 10/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/25-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/25-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d69f5f038 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/25-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Healthful Shabbat +date: 10/25/2025 +--- + +_Richard M. Davidson_ + +>

+> If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honorable, . . . then you will find your joy in the Lord. Isa. 58:13, 14, NIV. + +The Sabbath has always been a delight to me, but it was during the six months my family spent studying in Israel that we really discovered _oneg Shabbat_ (Sabbath delight) and what it can mean to family health and happiness. + +Come with me for a few moments and visit a Jewish home in Israel as the family members welcome the Sabbath. + +A white cloth covers the table, and it is set for the Sabbath meal. On it rest two loaves of braided (challah) bread, a bottle of wine (we would use sparkling grape juice), and a goblet, silver candlesticks, candles, and flowers. The family members have dressed in their best clothes. All are ready to receive royalty—“Queen Sabbath.” + +Long before the sun actually sets, the family in their eager expectation begins its Sabbath celebration. The mother has the honor of officially receiving the Sabbath by kindling the Sabbath lights. The children watch her light the candles. Then we hear her offering a prayer of blessing upon the family: “Grant me and all my loved ones a chance to truly rest on this Sabbath day.” + +The father tenderly takes his children in his arms or places his hands on their bowed heads and recites a blessing for each. + +Then for all comes the priestly dedication: “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace.” + +The woman’s place of honor on the Sabbath and her exalted position in the home are then again emphasized as the husband sings to his wife from Proverbs 31, extolling her virtues: “Many women have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all!” + +Next comes the Sabbath meal, with the special blessing over the challah bread and the special Sabbath courses. On Sabbath the family eats the choicest food of all the week. During the meal the family heartily sings joyous table hymns reflecting the feeling and mood of the Sabbath. In the singing, eating, and fellowship the family can forget their weekday burdens, worries, and sorrows. + +> +> What could you do to make the Sabbath a greater delight for your family? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c3410f7b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Healthful Shabbat +startDate: 10/25/2025 +endDate: 10/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/26-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/26-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afe0b93436 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/26-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: When Marriage Gets Rocky +date: 10/26/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Rockey_ + +>

+> I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. Isa. 42:6, 7, NIV. + +Most thought our marriage was doomed from the start. We were too different. Ron's childhood had led him to crime and prison. Mine was filled with love, overprotection, control, and isolation from worldly influence. + +Our introduction, in a courtroom on the day Ron was released from prison, was no coincidence. Our instant attraction was more like a psychological sense of destiny than mere chemistry. + +Looking back now, after 30 years of marriage, we can see God's leading in every circumstance, even though marriage was "hell on earth" for 10 years! While our love was strong, our pain was deep. Previous wounds blinded us to the tools we needed for healing. + +At one time, desperately hurting, both of us considered suicide. We feared God had rejected us. I was lying awake, crying out to God, angry and needing resolution. Looking for His answer, I fearfully opened the Bible and determined that I'd believe whatever verse my thumb landed on. That text, Isaiah 42:6, 7, has now become the covenant and commission of our Life Skills ministry to help others who are hurting. + +First, God declares that He is creator of the universe-He is in charge and can do anything! Then the passage speaks of the covenant He wants to have with us to save others. I latched on to this as God's commission for our lives. I agreed to cancel my planned suicide and begged God to act quickly. He did! Our healing came as we submitted ourselves to Him and began to help others. + +While I don't recommend arbitrarily picking Bible passages as a way of problem solving, God knew that in my desperation I needed an answer and chose to reward my feeble faith. When I think about how God gave direction to our lives, I realize we don't have to fear the future if we just remember how God has previously led us. + +Now we thank Him for the pain of the past. We've learned that God sometimes allows us to come to the brink of destruction so that we can become submissive and teachable. Our joy is full each time we are able, through God's power, to release others from the chains of their past. + +> +> Challenge: do whatever it takes to become teachable and submissive to God's will. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a966cd8e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: When Marriage Gets Rocky +startDate: 10/26/2025 +endDate: 10/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/27-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/27-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1df050f1c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/27-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: I Can Choose +date: 10/27/2025 +--- + +_Ted Hamilton_ + +>

+> So God created man in his own image, . . . male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27, NIV. + +Created in the image of God, we are uniquely gifted with the ability to think, to reason, to create, and to choose. What a risk God took, and what a responsibility is ours by our life choices to reflect the image of the loving God who created us. Revelation and research both agree that the positive exercise of the power of choice contributes to health and prolongs life. + +I can choose . . . + +- To eat healthfully of the nutritious bounty of God's garden. +- To exercise—walk, run, bike, swim, move with freedom and joy. +- To rest, relax, enjoy a siesta, take a holiday, vacation with friends. +- To sleep, refreshing the body, recharging the nerves, restoring the spirit. + +I can choose . . . + +- To laugh freely and often, with others and at myself. +- To hope in the face of fear and failure, disappointment and despair. +- To learn about my world and the people who inhabit it, about myself. +- To grow, as did Jesus, in strength and wisdom and favor with God and human beings. +- To think, to ask questions and search for answers. +- To work with my hands and with my mind, with energy and purpose. +- To play, just for the fun of it! + +I can choose . . . + +- To nurture relationships, talking and touching, giving and taking. +- To participate in life, speaking up, taking a stand, being counted. +- To volunteer in the hospital, the school, or the homeless shelter. +- To be a neighbor to a single mom or an aging couple with Alzheimer's. +- To keep my promises and honor my commitments. +- To affirm the good, the noble, the giftedness of others. + +I can choose . . . + +- To believe in a divine purpose for my life. +- To worship the God who made me for joyful relationship with Him. +- To pray, living in communion with my Creator-Friend. +- To forgive those who hurt me, releasing my bitterness. +- To forget . . . yes, it is possible! +- To act with integrity, honesty, and purity. +- To love . . . for God is love. + +> +> What will you choose today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b4a2be49ec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Can Choose +startDate: 10/27/2025 +endDate: 10/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/28-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/28-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64a54bdf3d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/28-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Camping with the Family +date: 10/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Num 2:1-2 NKJV) And the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: {2} "Everyone of the children of Israel shall camp by his own standard, beside the emblems of his father's house; they shall camp some distance from the tabernacle of meeting. + +### Observation + +In the camp of Israel, God wanted there to be order and organization. Three tribes were to be encamped on each of the four sides of the tabernacle. The sight of those thousands of tents and the several millions of people in and around them must have been very impressive. I imagine there was order and solemnity much of the time, but there must have been lighter moments when children played and chased each other, families sat together to eat, or to take a nap, or to talk about the events of the day. This was a forty-year-long family camping experience. Of course, there were probably also times when things got a little tense around camp and people stepped on each others’ toes. . . that all’s part of being with others. + +### Application + +I remember one camping trip with my family in particular. My dad had a tent made for our family (you didn’t just go to a store to buy one). Since there were six of us children and my parents, it had to be big enough to hold all eight of us. It was made of heavy canvass, and the support was made or regular plumbing pipes. What this means is that the tent was very heavy, and carrying all those pipes and trying to figure out where each went made it for hard work, a lot of head, and back, aches, lots of tense moments, lots of stress when what we were looking for was rest. + +But once the canvas monster was finally set up, it was pure joy. We gathered wood for a fire so we could cook our meals. The place where we camped was an open field that belonged to one of my dad’s customer and who granted us permission to stay over the weekend, by the river, and no one anywhere near us to disturb us. The open field was a place where cows pastured, so we needed to be careful where we stepped; at the same time, the dry remnants were thrown on the fire because we had been told they would serve as mosquito repellent. During that weekend, it was hot some of the time (which under a canvass tent was almost unbearable), it was rainy at times, and it was cool at times, but it was most enjoyable most of the time. I remember swimming in the crystal clear water of the river, eating freshly caught fish from the same river, sitting at night by the fire and looking up at millions of stars we couldn’t normally see from our city home. + +Now, some forty years later, I still remember so much of that weekend – including having to pull my brother-in-law’s car all the way home (he and my sister were not yet married, so it was most embarrassing and humiliating for him, even though my dad didn’t say anything to make him feel so). Those special family times make our memories and make our future. We may not enjoy camping, but certainly there are activities we can enjoy doing together. With my wife and daughters, we enjoy traveling to new places (we have been to 45 of the 50 states in the union and several countries outside of the US. We treasure everyone of the memories we have collected through all those years. So, make the time and spend the time together with your family building the memories you will carry on for a lifetime. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us be more intentional in setting aside time to be together as families in relaxing, memorable moments. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76afbee79f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Camping with the Family +startDate: 10/28/2025 +endDate: 10/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/29-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/29-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b0d719c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/29-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: One-flesh Marriage +date: 10/29/2025 +--- + +_Alberta Mazat_ + +>

+> For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Gen. 2:24, NIV. + +Writing one's own marriage vows is not a new idea. Adam spoke his own words during that first ceremony. We wish we knew more about this memorable event. No bride was ever surrounded by more beauty. Flowers, vines, shrubs, all in their pristine beauty, formed a background. + +Was there music? How could there not be? Celestial music always accompanied important events: Creation, when the morning stars sang together (Job 38:7); Moses' song of deliverance from Egypt (Ex. 15:1-19); at Jesus' birth, the sound of "Glory to God in the highest!" (Luke 2:13, 14); and the greatest of all events—the song of Moses and the Lamb when Christ returns (Rev. 15:3, 4). Why, of course there was wedding music! + +Without doubt the refreshments were the best that any caterers could ever boast of, and most trouble-free! Picking the delicious fruits right off the trees and feeding them to each other must have been a great delight for the bride and groom. + +What about the homily? Ellen White says: "God celebrated the first marriage" (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 46). He may have told them that marriage was one of His first gifts to the human race. We can be sure that He gave them some instructions as to their responsibilities in their new relationship. After all, they had no other experience to model, no library resources to check out. All their instruction came from Him, so there was never any doubt about its absolute trustworthiness. + +God was also their instructor in reference to their sexuality. In the area of being fruitful and multiplying they had absolutely no knowledge. In beautiful simplicity He explained to them His plan for their one-fleshness. They would never wonder if their loving embrace was proper, dignified, or blessed. He assured them that in offering their bodies to each other they were exactly fulfilling God's purpose for them in the marriage act. + +No wonder Eve and Adam were able to enjoy their sexuality for hundreds of years! And still God's desire for every marriage is that sexuality will continue to be an expression of joy and commitment. + +> +> God, our Creator, help us to realize our part in emphasizing the good news about sexuality in our marriages, and in our homes, schools, and churches. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b9a175727 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: One-flesh Marriage +startDate: 10/29/2025 +endDate: 10/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/30-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/30-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76c2a46363 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/30-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Boundaries +date: 10/30/2025 +--- + +_Paul and Carol Cannon_ + +>

+> There was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s cattle and the herdsmen of Lot’s cattle. . . . Then Abram said to Lot, “Let there be no strife between you and me, and between your herdsmen and my herdsmen; . . . Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me.” Gen. 13:7-9, RSV. + +The Bible offers many examples of healthy boundary-setting, of setting limits beyond which we can refuse to permit ourselves to be pushed against our wills. For example, Jesus set boundaries, even with his own parents (Luke 2:49). When His mother attempted to dominate and control Him, He told her not to tell Him what to do (John 2:4). As Peter tried to manage Jesus’ behavior, Jesus replied, “Get away from me, Satan! You are an obstacle in my way” (Matt. 16:23, TEV). Yet many Christians feel guilty if they define a psychological boundary, or defend themselves when they feel they are taken advantage of or hurt. + +What is a boundary? It is the means by which we protect ourselves from others who would hurt or control us in some way, yet without offending others. It is a barrier beyond which we will not go, and behind which we will not allow others to come. + +Our boundaries define who we are and what is important to us. In order to let others know how we want to be treated, we have to be willing to tell the truth and set limits. Trying to relate to a person whose boundaries are blurry is like trying to play volleyball on an unmarked court. You can’t tell when the ball is out of bounds. Lack of boundaries causes all kinds of personal conflicts. + +In the interest of better relationships and greater intimacy we need to learn how to set boundaries. + +Boundaries keep bad, negative, undesirable stuff out and hold good, positive, helpful stuff in. The bark on a tree protects it from disease (bad stuff). The peel on an orange keeps the juice in (good stuff). Our immune system works similarly. It is the physiological barrier that protects us from illness. + +In most cases sickness indicates that our immune system has broken down. When our boundaries aren’t working-boom. We get sick! Likewise, when our personal relationships become messed up, it indicates that our social and emotional boundary system needs attention. We must learn to set boundaries as Abram and Lot did in order to maintain healthy relationships. + +> +> Dear Lord, help me to learn to speak up when I feel someone is trying to control me, and on the flip side, Lord, help me to be careful not to control others with my anger, jealousy, moodiness, or fear. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a339a2ca1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Boundaries +startDate: 10/30/2025 +endDate: 10/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/31-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/31-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af42229c77 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/31-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: God Hates Divorce +date: 10/31/2025 +--- + +>


+> "For the LORD God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one's garment with violence," Says the LORD of hosts. "Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously." Malachi 2:16 (NKJV) + +### Observation + +In order to safeguard His relationship with His people, God commanded them not to intermarry with the surrounding nations who worshiped other gods (Deut. 7:3–4). But this forbidden practice had now become so widespread that the prophet could legitimately say that the whole nation of Judah had ‘profaned’ the Lord’s institution (Mal 2:11). What was Malachi saying? The Lord’s institution was His covenant relationship with His people, whom He loved, and that relationship was now being contaminated by the men of the nation treating their marriages so casually and marrying women who worshiped foreign gods. + +To make things worse, the men of Israel were divorcing their wives so they could be joined in these mixed marriages. This blatant disregard for their marriage vows, prompted God to say that he hates divorce (v. 16). It violates his ideal of oneness (vv. 10, 15; Gen. 2:24). + +### Application + +To say God hates divorce is to say that he hates everything that leads up to divorce, which means he also hates all our failures to work towards real companionship and oneness in marriage. We may be tempted to think that what goes on in our homes doesn’t have any bearing on the rest of life, but it does. Here in Malachi’s day we find men going to meet the Lord at the temple, and the Lord points them back to their homes. Family life influences every other part of our life. + +What is it about divorce that causes so much concern? Here are just a few of the many harmful results of this drastic decision to end a marriage: + +Each year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents; moreover, half of the children born this year to parents who are married will see their parents divorce before they turn 18. Mounting evidence in social science journals demonstrates that the devastating physical, emotional, educational, spiritual, and financial effects that divorce is having on these children will last well into adulthood and affect future generations. Among these broad and damaging effects are the following: + +1. Children whose parents have divorced are increasingly the victims of abuse. They exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems, are involved more frequently in sex and drug abuse, and have higher rates of suicide. +2. Children of divorced parents perform more poorly in reading, spelling, and math. They also are more likely to repeat a grade and to have higher drop-out rates and lower rates of college graduation. +3. Families with children that were not poor before the divorce see their income drop as much as 50 percent. Almost 50 percent of the parents with children that are going through a divorce move into poverty after the divorce. +4. Religious worship, which has been linked to better health, longer marriages, and better Family life, drops after the parents divorce. +5. The divorce of parents, even if it is amicable, tears apart the fundamental unit of American society. Today, according to the Federal Reserve Board's 1995 Survey of Consumer Finance, only 42 percent of children aged 14 to 18 live in a "first marriage" family--an intact two-parent married family. It should be no surprise to find that divorce is having such profound effects on society. + +When you are in the middle of a very contentious relationship you may feel as if the only way out is to get a divorce. Here’s an interesting bit of information: University of Chicago sociologist Dr. Linda Waite says, “For most people, marital unhappiness is not permanent.” Recent findings indicate that two-thirds of all unhappy marriages are repaired within five years. + +Researchers examined data on 5,232 married adults and “found that 645 [of the] subjects reported marital dissatisfaction. When the unhappy spouses were surveyed five years later, those who had remained married were more likely than the divorced subjects to state that they were happy. In fact, the most miserable marriages had the most dramatic turnarounds: 78% of people who stayed in very unhappy' marriages said that the marriages were currently happy.” The study also showed that only 19% of those who had divorced were happily remarried. + +God hates divorce because of what it does to His children, the people He loves, the people He sent His Son to die for. But He also hates divorce because of what it does to their relationship with Him. Don’t give up on your marriage; fight for it as if your very life and salvation depended on it. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, please help those couples who are in the midst of that horrific decision to separate and divorce, help them to see the life-lasting results to their children, and help them to mend their relationship for their sake, for their children’s sake, and for Your honor and glory. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f90a908c58 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Hates Divorce +startDate: 10/31/2025 +endDate: 10/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37a2e8bee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/10-october-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: October 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/01-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/01-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..752f12ba8e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/01-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Jesus Loved Them +date: 11/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. John 11:5 + +### Observation + +Jesus was told that Lazarus, His friend, was sick. In order to make a connection as to who this Lazarus is, John writes that he is the brother of Mary, the woman that anointed Jesus with oil and wiped His feet with her hair. As we trace her history back, this evidently was the same woman that was caught in adultery and was brought to Jesus as they were about to stone her – not that they cared about her or what she did, but rather in order to catch Jesus and accuse Him. + +Evidently the home of Lazarus and his two sisters, mary and Martha, was a place of refuge for Jesus and His disciples. Ellen White writes, “Jesus had often found the rest that His weary human nature required at the house of Lazarus, in Bethany. His first visit there was when He and His disciples were weary from a toilsome journey on foot from Jericho to Jerusalem. They tarried as guests at the quiet home of Lazarus, and were ministered unto by his sisters, Martha and Mary”(Daughters of God 57). + +Now, the place that had offered Jesus and His disciples some respite from their hectic life, had become a place of sorrow and sadness at the passing of Lazarus. + +### Application + +We can draw many lessons from this precious story. We could talk about the foretaste of the resurrection day, when Jesus returns, and how families will be reunited with their loved ones. We could talk about Jesus sympathy, not just empathy, for these two sisters – He didn’t simply feel for them, He felt with them, that is, He Himself felt the pain they felt. . . and He cried (vs.35). We could talk about the hardness of the hearts of those Jewish leaders who, in spite of being witnesses to the most powerful of all of Jesus’ miracles, refused to believe in Him and instead went out to plot how to destroy Him. + +But today, I want us to focus on the words of our text, “Jesus loved Martha, and her sister Mary and Lazarus.” Evidently they knew and felt that love, so that when Lazarus became ill they didn’t hesitate to call on Jesus for help. It is also evident that they loved Him and were delighted to have Him and His disciples visit anytime. Their response to Jesus’ love was at least partly the natural response to His forgiveness and delivery from prostitution, and demon possession, of Mary. She went out of her way to demonstrate her gratitude to Him by purchasing the most expensive perfume to anoint Him. The tears with which she washed His feet, at a later time, demonstrate her added love and appreciation for bringing her brother, and probably sole support of the family, back to life. + +At the same time, the fact that Jesus loved them does not mean that death would not visit them, that sorrow and hardship would never knock on their door, that pain and suffering would be absent from their lives. And this, I think, is one of the most important lessons from this story. No matter who we are, we will be touched with pain, suffering, sickness, and even death, at some point during our lives – after all, none of us is immortal yet. The fact that any of these things happen is not proof that God doesn’t love us. On the contrary, what this story teaches us is that Jesus loves us before, in the midst, and after we experience pain and sorrow, and even death. It was the knowledge of that love that encouraged Mary and Martha even as their hearts were breaking. We, too, can bask in His love for us even while our minds worry and our hearts break! + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Father, thank You for surrounding us with Your love even during those times when we have a hard time seeing You and when the tears covering our eyes feel as if they are about to drown our hearts. Halp us to feel that love when we feel so lonely, helpless, and hopeless. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..feed4ce974 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Jesus Loved Them +startDate: 11/01/2025 +endDate: 11/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/02-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/02-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4226d909ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/02-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Nurturing Relationships +date: 11/02/2025 +--- + +_Ted Hamilton_ + +>

+> A friend loves at all times. Prov. 17:17, NIV. + +I was straightening my desk today when I came across a birthday card that I received two months ago. The front of the card pictures a small animal with a quizzical expression on its face, saying, “Happy Birthday. Even with your ageless good looks, brains, and talent, you still manage to be a regular person!” Inside the card, the punch line reads “I guess you eat a lot of fiber.” + +I enjoyed the experience of reading this card again several weeks after I had initially received it, partly because of the “fiber” line, but more because of the friendship it expressed. The birthday card was from my sister, Becky. She never forgets my birthday. Nor my brother’s, nor those of our parents, of our spouses and children, or of countless cousins, aunts and uncles, in-laws, outlaws, casual acquaintances, and total strangers. + +Becky loves people, and she lets them know it. She keeps a calendar, regularly updated, that contains vital statistics regarding the significant people in her life. Not just birthdays, but anniversaries, graduations, first tooth, first step, first date . . . she has recorded all the times and circumstances. + +And whenever possible, she’s there. Weddings, funerals, reunions, holidays, and homecomings, she’s part of the action—preparing, organizing, cooking, decorating, photographing, loving. + +If she happens to be traveling within 100 miles or so, we can count on a visit. It’s like the arrival of the Pony Express. Because she initiates communication, people reciprocate, and Becky has all the news. + +My brother sells industrial adhesives. Companies use his products primarily in labeling and packaging to provide a reliable seal for wrappers and containers. Bob’s glue ensures product freshness and protects the integrity of packaged goods. Major manufacturers depend upon Bob and his company to provide quality products and service. + +Becky is the communal adhesive of our family. Her ongoing commitment to communication and participation in the lives of her family and friends contributes to the freshness of our experience and supports the integrity of our relationships. We depend upon her to help us maintain the quality and richness of our lives together. + +> +> Nurturing relationships produce health and happiness. How can you be like Becky today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1001b82528 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Nurturing Relationships +startDate: 11/02/2025 +endDate: 11/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/03-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/03-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e0e17fa987 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/03-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Physiology of Victory +date: 11/03/2025 +--- + +_Kay Collins_ + +>

+> Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Rom. 12:2, NIV + +You determine your destiny by the choices you make each day. How you think and feel shape your moral character, for they influence all of your words and actions. It’s a fact: “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). + +I was excited when I read Eldon and Esther Chalmers’ book Making the Most of Family Living and learned that our choices actually make physical and chemical changes in our brain cells and nervous system. Each time we make a decision to think the same way, repeat the same words, or do the same things over again, a small protein molecule, called a bouton, begins to form at the end of the sending fiber of the brain cell being stimulated. This bouton enlarges and multiplies with each repetition. It also secretes a chemical that causes the message to be transferred along the nerve pathway. The boutons make it easier and easier to do the same thing. Repetition of anything, good or bad, causes the habit to become confirmed in our lives; and fixed habits determine our character. + +The good news is that we can overcome old sinful habit patterns—those boutons don’t have to fire! When we choose to give our will over to Jesus, and avail ourselves of His abundant provisions of grace to keep us from falling—daily study of His Word, heartfelt prayer, and practicing His presence—the Holy Spirit begins to form sanctified boutons that secrete gamma-aminobutyric acid, and this chemical puts the brakes on the firing action of the old sinful habit pattern. The boutons of new sanctified habits also increase and multiply with the choices we make—thus we are being transformed by a literal renewing of our minds. This is the physiology of victory and how we can develop a character like that of Jesus. + +Through the full surrender of your will to Jesus, you can know the joy of victory over every inherited and cultivated tendency to evil and will be prepared to meet your Saviour face-to-face. + +> +> Jesus, I need Your sanctified boutons to put the breaks on my bad habits. I surrender my will to You. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..90da85ac4e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Physiology of Victory +startDate: 11/03/2025 +endDate: 11/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/04-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/04-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..52d3fec48b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/04-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: First of All +date: 11/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Num 3:40-41 NKJV) Then the LORD said to Moses: "Number all the firstborn males of the children of Israel from a month old and above, and take the number of their names. {41} "And you shall take the Levites for Me; I am the LORD; instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel, and the livestock of the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the livestock of the children of Israel." + +### Observation + +The firstborn has always had a privileged relationship with God. Adam was the firstborn of all. There is special mention of Cain as the firstborn of Adam and his horrific actions. As the firstborn of each generation is born, special mention is made of them. In the book of numbers, God reiterates that the Levites are God’s in place of all the firstborn of Israel; it is their privilege to be chosen and enjoyed the special honor of conducting the services of the sanctuary and being the ones in charge of the transportation, the care, and the maintenance of it. By doing that, they enjoyed a closer contact, at least geographically, to God, than any of the other tribes. + +### Application + +Being the fifth child in a family of six siblings, I understand about the privilege the older siblings enjoy. In my home, the older child always had special privileges. For instance, when riding in our car, my mother was always seated by my father, and it was my sister, the firstborn, who would seat next to her. After my sister moved to the U.S., the one who would seat in the front seat would be the next or the second-born, in this case my second oldest brother. As you can imagine, it was a long time before I could seat in the front seat; in reality, I rarely did, except at those times when I was the only one riding with my dad in the car. + +We had similar seating arrangements at the dining table with my father at the head, my mother at his left, and the older siblings down the line. . . I was at the far end. My older sister had her own room while the rest of us shared rooms. Once she left, y older brother got his own room, and when he got married, my other brother got his room. When my other sister got married, I finally got my own room, by then I was about thirteen years old and had been sharing a room with my younger brother for the last 5 years. + +As I look back, it was not a matter of showing preference for any of us, it was a way of honoring and respecting us all individually and instilling in the younger siblings the same honor and respect for anyone older than us. Maybe that was part of what God was trying to instill in the Israelites; that the Levites were a special tribe in the same way the Israelites were chosen to be His special people. While we want to love our children equally, the birth order of our children gives us an opportunity to help them understand good, strong, healthy family dynamics and also lessons of respect, honor, and a teachable spirit so them may be open to learning from those older than they are. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for teaching us to honor and respect those older than we are because from them we can also learn how to love, honor, and respect You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c88b516944 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Servant Leadership +startDate: 11/04/2025 +endDate: 11/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/05-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/05-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87c10edadd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/05-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: What About Grandaddy? +date: 11/05/2025 +--- + +_Gerri Bradley_ + +>

+> Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God. Ps. 71:18, NIV. + +Grandaddy came to live with us when he was 94 years old and stayed for two years, until declining health forced him into a nursing home. Some people think taking care of older people is a chore. If that's what you think, it will be. But Grandaddy wasn't a chore. He was family. + +We had raised our kids within a stone's throw of Grandaddy's little house. He'd help care for our chickens and animals, and he loved to tell the children stories. We even took him on vacation to places he'd never seen before, such as Myrtle Beach or the Great Plains. + +When our place burned, Grandaddy wanted us to rebuild. Instead we purchased 200 acres and built a number of miles away. That was tough on him, because his eyesight was failing. He needed us close. + +My original plan was that he would stay with us at night, and then I'd feed him breakfast and take him to his house during the day. But when he moved into our house he became so depressed I couldn't leave him alone. I guess he decided he was going to die. He wouldn't eat or drink water. Although he could walk, he wouldn't, so I got him a wheelchair and pushed him around the house. After three weeks he decided that maybe he wasn't going to die after all, so he started eating and walking and grew to like our place. + +Grandaddy was easy to care for, since he ate with us and fit into our routine. But trying to get Grandaddy to take a bath was a challenge. He thought twice a month was often enough! Sometimes he'd get mad at me and stomp his foot, but I didn't take it personally. When we needed to get away, we'd use his pension money to pay some friends to stay with him. They loved him as much as we did. Grandaddy was good company. + +Life is what you choose to make of it. Sure, we gave up a little of our freedom when we chose to have Grandaddy move in with us, but we gained far more in return. + +> +> What can you do to make an elderly person's life more fulfilling without taking away that person's freedom? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9b36b0fd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What About Grandaddy? +startDate: 11/05/2025 +endDate: 11/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/06-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/06-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e436647d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/06-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Think Happy, Feel Better" +date: 11/06/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil. 4:8, NIV. + +Did you know that . . . + +- Socially active married people tend to live longer than less active separated, divorced, or single people? And happily married women have the strongest immune systems of all? +- Men who participate in social activities at least once a week outlive men who don't? +- Confiding in someone else can result in a significant improvement in immune-system function? +- Those men who were most pessimistic at age 25 had more severe illness during their 40s, 50s, and 60s? +- There is a relationship between psychological factors and susceptibility to colds—i.e., pessimists are more likely to get colds? +- Even thinking about love can raise the levels of salivary immunoglobulin A in some individuals? +- When patients were trained to focus on the positive aspects of their postsurgery hospital stay, they used only half as many painkillers and stayed in the hospital an average of two days less than others? + +The brain and the immune system have a strong linkage. For example, Donald Robinson tells of a long-term study reported in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet on 57 breast cancer victims that had undergone mastectomies. Seventy percent of the women who had a "fighting spirit" were alive 10 years later compared to only 20 percent of the women who "felt hopeless." Three fourths of those who merely accepted their diagnosis also died. + +In 1987 Candace Pert, while at the National Institute of Mental Health, suggested a molecular equivalent of telephone lines between the brain and the immune system by which white blood cells receive messages directly from the brain to fight off disease invaders. + +What message is your brain sending to your immune system? Is it any wonder that God inspired the apostle Paul to instruct us to think about things that were true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy? + +> +> Dear Lord, help me to focus on the positive and spend time with my friends and family. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0bb56bdf48 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Think Happy, Feel Better" +startDate: 11/06/2025 +endDate: 11/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/07-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/07-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97b65ddf0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/07-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Don't Keep the Children Away from Jesus +date: 11/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called them to Him and said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:15-16 + +### Observation + +Jesus is teaching in parables. Many people come to listen to Him and are immediately attracted to Him not just because of His words but because of His welcoming demeanor. It is this loving, welcoming attitude that prompts the parents to bring their children so they can be blessed by Him. + +The disciples’ response is interesting and somewhat understandable. With people pressing on Him from every side, and with such a busy schedule as Jesus had, they wanted to “protect” Him. Jesus was not a campaigning politician looking for a photo opp holding a child. They felt that holding and blessing the children would be a distraction from the important message He needed to present and the miraculous healing people were waiting for. + +Jesus reminded them that in His priority list children rate very high and that we should remove anything and everything that may keep them from approaching Him. + +### Application + +We would shudder today if we were the parents who tried to bring our children to be blessed by Jesus only to be met with such harshness on the part of His disciples. Of course, we’re always more critical as we look at what others do and not so harsh with ourselves, even if we’re doing the same thing. If we were His disciples, would we keep children from approaching Jesus? I want to suggest that many parents act just like the disciples and worst. + +When we consider rules, policies, regulations, traditions, practices or anything more important than helping our children come to Jesus, we display the same attitude as the disciples did. + +When we fail to spend time with our children teaching them through word and action about Jesus, we are keeping them from knowing Him. This is one of the reasons why daily worship, morning and evening, is so important to our children, because it is during those moments that we bring them to Him for them to know and love Jesus. + +I would suggest that our words, actions, and attitudes, and how we practice our faith, can be the vehicle to bring Jesus to our children or the barrier that keeps them from knowing Him. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, forgive us when we have kept our own children from knowing You, and help us that from now on we will do everything in our power to make sure they know You and love You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d59df0adf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Keep the Children Away from Jesus +startDate: 11/07/2025 +endDate: 11/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/08-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/08-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e2e05aacc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/08-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: A Day in God's Dwelling Place +date: 11/08/2025 +--- + +_Niels-Erik and Demetra Andreasen_ + +>

+> Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Ps. 84:10, NIV. + +A few weeks ago at dinner we discussed a request for prayer an employee had made of us. A similar request came a week later. We prayed, not knowing the precise nature of the problem. Was it something at work? at home? a concern for children or spouse? Before long the mystery was solved. Two more Christian marriages went on the rocks, leaving spouses in despair, children lost, careers ruined, financial hardships, and doubts about God and His calling to Christian service. + +It would be foolhardy to explain precisely what went wrong, but the reasons offered sounded like a familiar litany. Missing attentions, children growing up, the pressures of finances, careers, advanced study, house and home, and church and community. Trying to have it all and to do it all became too overwhelming, until what was once a healthy family became a sick one. + +What is the remedy for such illness? May we suggest a serious consideration of Psalm 84:3, 4: "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house" (NIV). Here the psalmist portrays God's house, which means His presence, as a lovely place. Sparrow and swallow find safety near God's altar so they can build nests and raise their young.What a picture of family health! Mother and father building a home and feeding the young in God's presence. Every living person longs for such fulfillment, and sings in heart and body for joy once it comes. + +Remarkably, this remedy is available to all who linger in God's presence long enough to watch the birds fly back and forth building nests and feeding their young. How much lingering does it take? Just one day in God's courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. Have you ever wondered what that day is? God's day of rest is the remedy for family illness. It comes once each week and is ours if we simply stop the thousand other things we have been doing and enter His dwelling place. + +> +> Think about your family and how you spend your time. Are you dwelling in the tents of the wicked, or are you a doorkeeper in the house of your God? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a66d83667 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Day in God's Dwelling Place +startDate: 11/08/2025 +endDate: 11/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/09-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/09-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c48d598682 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/09-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Servant Leadership +date: 11/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> The greatest among you will be your servant. (Matthew 23:11 NET) + +### Observation + +Jesus is speaking to the people and pronounces some of the strongest condemnations on the Pharisees and Scribes. His biggest concerns have to do both with their teachings and with their attitude. They want to be seen and known as higher than anyone else and therefore given preferential treatment. They want to teach and tell others how to live and act even if they don't necessarily or always follow their own rules. + +### Application + +In one of the most significant passages in the New Testament dealing with marriage, Ephesians 5, Paul writes these words, particularly to wives: "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife as also Christ is the head of the church – he himself being the savior of the body. But as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything" (Ephesians 5:22-24 NET). + +These words, taken all by themselves, isolated from their immediate context and to the larger biblical context, have been grossly misused by many men to the detriment of their marital relationships, have led to the abuse of women, and have misrepresented what Paul, and God, intended to say about the relationship of a woman toward her husband. Some have read these words and have assumed the wife should be no more than a slave, a doormat, a servant ready to fulfill her husband's every wish, desire, and order. It is no wonder that many women have rebelled against this understanding and rejected these words, and sometimes have rejected the Bible as a whole and God because they see it and Him as oppressive toward women. + +That's why I have chosen to use today's passage in conjunction to Ephesians 5 so we can draw some biblical guidelines for the marital relationship. + +1. _The husband is the head of the wife_. While some people, particularly men, see this as a higher position than their wives, Paul describes it as a relationship of mutual submission and dependence. He wrote on vs. 21: "and submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ" (Ephesians 5:21 NET). The head cannot survive without the body anymore than the body can survive without the head. In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul uses the analogy of the body to explain the interdependence that the different parts of the body, the church, have toward one another. Likewise in marriage, we depend on our relationship for the survival of the relationship. + +2. _The husband is the head_. While some men would like to read "boss" here, and by that meaning that their word is the ultimate authority, our text for today speaks of a different type of leadership - Servant Leadership. Jesus said, "he who desires to be the greatest must be servant of the other." The leadership that God wants for the husband is that in which his aim to serve his wife, particularly since she is God's daughter. + +3. _Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord._ Paul does not say that their husband IS The Lord, but rather that they act toward their husband in the same attitude of submission as they would to theLord Jesus. In the light of what I wrote on #2, a husband who is a servant-leader would be a reflection of Jesus who washed His disciples' feet to exemplify what a servant-leader should do. And when a husband acts like Jesus, as a servant-leader, then the wife would find it a lot easier to submit to him. This mutual attitude of respect and servanthood is what Paul spoke about in vs.21 (see above under #1). + +The words of Paul in Ephesians 5:22-24 should in no way give men reason to mistreat their wives or to require strict "obedience" from them. After all, Paul continued his instructions to men by telling them to love their wives "JUST AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH." Jesus served the church by dying for it; therefore husbands should do everything to serve their wives to the point of even dying for them, if it became necessary. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, teach us to be humble servants of our spouses and to treat each other with the same love that Your Son has for us which He showed by dying on the cross. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1899742e00 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Servant Leadership +startDate: 11/09/2025 +endDate: 11/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/10-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/10-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9771ad1b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/10-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: God's Bonding Delight for Marriage +date: 11/10/2025 +--- + +_Alberta Mazat_ + +>

+> Now Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain. Gen. 4:1. + +While some more modern translations of the Bible may be more technically accurate, the King James Version portrays the story of Eve and Adam's marital union most sensitively and poetically. It takes sexual union out of the purely physical realm and gives it a dimension of wholeness. + +When we say we "know" someone, as we use the term in daily speech, we mean that the person is more than an acquaintance. We feel that we have a relationship that includes respect, understanding, good feelings about, favorable regard for, and an interest in the other's activities and his or her thinking. Knowing someone well takes time, interest, and motivation. + +When the King James translators used the word "know" to refer to the sexual experience of the first pair, they were saying something extremely profound. In order for sex to be the bonding delight God intended it to be, marital partners really need to "know" each other in much more than a physical sense. They must try to understand each other's emotional needs and strive to meet them. The couple will be interested in each other's values, goals, and ideas and will share spiritual insights. Only then can they truly "know" each other sufficiently to join their bodies in a complete knowing. And since the years will change their feelings, ideas, and perhaps even their interests, such knowing each other must be a continuous process of communicating and sharing. + +Being increasingly able to participate in this type of openness can lead to a higher sense of intimacy. A couple who have only physical proximity of bodies without the other components of togetherness cannot be considered truly intimate. Intimacy denotes a closeness of the whole person. + +This type of experience reflects the meaning of the word "within." When married lovers are "within" each other's life boundaries, they are sharing at a level unique to the marital relationship, a space not open to others. + +The beautiful part is that when God is central in our lives, He can revive flagging or even troubled marriages. Through God's abiding love we receive the power to love each other as He has loved us. + +> +> Dear Father, we know that we can't manufacture love on our own. But we praise You for the promise that You can love through us. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81b3fc41af --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Bonding Delight for Marriage +startDate: 11/10/2025 +endDate: 11/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..031e7fc0bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Jealousy Consumes +date: 11/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> If the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he becomes jealous of his wife, who has defiled herself; or if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he becomes jealous of his wife, although she has not defiled herself— 15 then the man shall bring his wife to the priest. He shall bring the offering required for her, one-tenth of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil on it and put no frankincense on it, because it is a grain offering of jealousy, an offering for remembering, for bringing iniquity to remembrance. (Numbers 5:14-15 NKJV) + +### Observation + +The SDABC explains that the term “the spirit of jealousy,” “indicates an intense impulse or emotion.” The BRC adds, “The prescribed ritual is not magical. Rather the call for a jealous husband to take his suspected wife to “stand before the Lord” (v. 16) acts out the belief that God is present among His people. The whole ritual is an affirmation of faith, and in response to that faith God promises to act. He will clear an innocent woman and visibly judge a guilty one. The ritual is thus communication between God and His people. The jealous husband speaks to God, and in response God speaks to the husband. What is more, God speaks to the whole community. He reminds His people that sins have consequences, and that the sinner must bear the consequences even of hidden sins. + +Abdomen swell and thigh waste away (5:22, 27). The phrase does not describe a deadly disease, but rather was a way the Hebrews spoke of childlessness and miscarriage. + +### Application + +There are several points that come from the situation here mentioned: + +1. If the woman has not done anything, then she has nothing to fear. + +2. If she has done something, the fear and guilt involved will consume her – in fact, more than an actual punishment which God brings on her, maybe the swelling of the abdomen and the wasting away is a picture of the internal struggle which ends up consuming the guilty, unrepentant party. + +3. If the marriage is strong and healthy, there’s no reason for the man to have these feelings of jealousy. + +4. In a healthy relationship, she should or would not do anything to give her husband jealousy or vice-versa. If one or the other experiences jealousy, maybe their spouse is doing something that is causing it, even if they have not actually committed adultery. + +Some people are jealous because they are insecure and no matter what their spouse does or how faithful they are they will still feel jealous of very word or action of theirs – they can see winks and smiles in everything the other person does toward people of the opposite sex. In other cases, people who do not take good care of their relationship and of their spouse could be helping them toward improper relationships and even adultery. The lesson here is, take good care of your spouse, be trustworthy, don’t give your spouse any reason to not trust you or become jealous of you. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, the spirit of jealousy in Lucifer led to these six thousand years of pain and death. May that spirit be eradicated from our lives and our relationships and instead, may the spirit of love and trust reign. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da40ab617e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Jealousy Consumes +startDate: 11/11/2025 +endDate: 11/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/12-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/12-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c359a73c80 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/12-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Moms' Club--Depression's Cure +date: 11/12/2025 +--- + +_Dawna Sawatzky_ + +>

+> These older women must train the younger women to live quietly, to love their husbands and their children, . . . to be sensible and clean minded, spending their time in their own homes, being kind and obedient, . . .so that the Christian faith can't be spoken against by those who know them. Titus 2:4, 5, TLB. + +I had always considered depression to be a condition others experienced; but not me. And I had prepared for the year when both of our children went away to school by finding a full-time job to keep myself busy. It didn't work. I had "lost" my two good friends, my two funniest acquaintances, and a big chunk of my favorite full-time job—mothering. It left me depressed! + +"God, what would You have me do?" I prayed. Then two statements I had read repeatedly came to my mind: "Let the older women teach the younger" and "let the sorrowful . . . help someone" (Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 266). + +Who needed more help than the mothers of young children? Why not share what I was good at—homemaking? The result was a club for community moms to have a time for themselves while someone else cared for their children. + +Moms' Club met one morning a week at our church. Sharing time and general conversation followed a short program on anything from haircutting to bread baking. "Grandma's Corner" cared for the children and repeated the Sabbath school kindergarten program. Church women and girls from the church school helped. + +My depression "cure" worked. I was the one rewarded for all the effort, as I enjoyed new friends and being in touch with young women and little children. + +Of all the many health outreach programs we have had in our congregation, this one paid the richest dividends. Several of the young families were baptized, while others are sending their children to church school. The club met each winter for seven years before "Grandma" wore out in her "corner." It has now been three years since our last meeting. At Vacation Bible School this summer one sixth of the children who attended were Moms' Club kids, some of them only infants when their mothers brought them to the meetings. + +"Our work for Christ is to begin with the family in the home. . . . There is no mission field more important than this. . . . Christian homes, established and conducted in accordance with God's plan, are among His most effective agencies for the formation of Christian character and for the advancement of His work" (ibid., pp. 429, 430). + +> +> Have you made your home and the homes of others your mission field? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed623dedd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Moms' Club--Depression's Cure +startDate: 11/12/2025 +endDate: 11/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/13-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/13-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9438b724a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/13-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Watch and Pray +date: 11/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then He came to the disciples and found them asleep, and said to Peter, "What? Could you not watch with Me one hour? 41 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:40-41 + +### Observation + +The night Jesus was arrested was to be memorable in more than one way. Jesus and His disciples had gathered in the upper room to celebrate the Passover, but rather than a “routine” celebration, it had turned into one of the most powerful teaching moments for them. Jesus, their Lord and Master, had bent down to wash His disciples’ feet thus teaching them what true servant-leadership is all about. + +Following the meal, Jesus and His disciples made their way up the Mount of Olives to the garden of Gethsemane. Ellen White describes in beautiful language this scene: In company with His disciples, the Saviour slowly made His way to the garden of Gethsemane. The Passover moon, broad and full, shone from a cloudless sky. The city of pilgrims' tents was hushed into silence. + +Jesus had been earnestly conversing with His disciples and instructing them; but as He neared Gethsemane, He became strangely silent. He had often visited this spot for meditation and prayer; but never with a heart so full of sorrow as upon this night of His last agony. Throughout His life on earth He had walked in the light of God's presence. When in conflict with men who were inspired by the very spirit of Satan, He could say, "He that sent Me is with Me: the Father hath not left Me alone; for I do always those things that please Him." John 8:29. But now He seemed to be shut out from the light of God's sustaining presence. Now He was numbered with the transgressors. The guilt of fallen humanity He must bear. Upon Him who knew no sin must be laid the iniquity of us all. So dreadful does sin appear to Him, so great is the weight of guilt which He must bear, that He is tempted to fear it will shut Him out forever from His Father's love. Feeling how terrible is the wrath of God against transgression, He exclaims, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.” + +As they approached the garden, the disciples had marked the change that came over their Master. Never before had they seen Him so utterly sad and silent. As He proceeded, this strange sadness deepened; yet they dared not question Him as to the cause. His form swayed as if He were about to fall. Upon reaching the garden, the disciples looked anxiously for His usual place of retirement, that their Master might rest. Every step that He now took was with labored effort. He groaned aloud, as if suffering under the pressure of a terrible burden. Twice His companions supported Him, or He would have fallen to the earth. {The Desire of Ages, p. 685} + +Knowing what the disciples would be facing, Jesus went away to pray for them and also encouraged them to spent time in prayer for themselves. While struggling with what was about to happen to Him, Jesus returned to find His disciples sleeping, which is what we read in today’s texts. + +### Application + +I wonder some times what our life and attitude in our marriage would be like if we knew of the challenges and difficulties we would face in the future. As we look back, we can look at those times when things were difficult, when we had conflict that seemed insurmountable, when our children were sick, when we lost a job, or a house, or had a car accident, or had to move, but as we look back we know we survived those times of crisis and are still together. Would we have felt that confident and strong if we had been shown all those things ahead of time? Maybe it is God in His mercy who hasn’t given to us the ability to see our future so we would not be discouraged. + +Jesus knew how important it was to His disciples to spend time in prayer because the events they were about to witness would try their faith and could lead them to give it up, as well as end their life (as it did in Judas’s case). In marriage, God knows everything we will be facing (which we gratefully do not know), and knows how important then it is to us to spend time together, as husbands and wives, in prayer. That’s probably one of the reasons God’s enemy wants to keep us so busy (with school, work and other obligations) and distracted (with TV, computer, sports, etc.) that we don’t find time to pray together. + +Social scientists tell us that it only takes about 21 days to establish a new habit. If you are not spending time praying together as husband and wife, it may seem challenging at first, but once you establish that pattern it will become part of your daily routine. Whether it is first thing in the morning, or the last thing at night, or if you pray together during the day or over the phone, make time each day to pray for each other, for your marriage, for your family, for your children, for your future together, for help during the challenges that may come in the future, and for the future successes and joys. Of course, if you have children it is important for you and for them that you also spend time praying together as a family. That daily habit will help your children incorporate prayer as a part of their daily life and routine. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You that we can spend this time in conversation together as a couple and as a family with You knowing that You are pleased to hear from us and to talk to us. Help us, Father, to maintain this time as sacred as we do other obligations in our life. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7808c645d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Watch and Pray +startDate: 11/13/2025 +endDate: 11/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/14-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/14-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7151d2d943 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/14-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Keeping Your Love Cup Full +date: 11/14/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Ps. 23:5, 6, NIV. + +Down deep in your heart there's a cup. Not of fine china, silver, or gold, but a cup of feeling and emotion that when filled makes life worth living. I call it the love cup. It measures your level of contentment. In essence, it's your psychological well-being. + +The love I am writing about is not a romantic love, but agape love—a principle, not necessarily devoid of emotion, but not dependent on it either. It is love given with no strings attached, just because the other person exists. When we experience it, endorphins—substances chemically similar to morphine—flow into the brain, producing a sense of security, peace, and calm. One feels good because one feels intrinsically valuable. + +When your cup is running low, you feel unloved, rejected, worthless, and empty—you have nothing to give. A drained cup turns your world negative. Anger, criticism, sarcasm, guilt, and bitterness rush in to fill the void. + +God can enter a life that's filled with hate and selfishness. He can change it. In a sense, that's the meaning of conversion. No one is beyond God's healing power of love. But even though God can do it, that doesn't mean we should leave the filling entirely to Him. The Lord gives us the opportunity to be His entering wedge. People starved for love may first need to experience a little love in action—from fellow human beings. It causes them to realize that their lives are empty. Then we can point them to the Source of complete love. + +If you feel empty, ask God to fill you. He will speedily respond. And seek out others who can be cup-fillers, too. Then when your cup is filling, or full, reach out and begin filling the empty love cups of the unlovable. You may not feel loving toward them, but that doesn't matter. God asks no one to feel loving. He just says to be loving. It's the act of love that is important. Love is something you do. And as you love, both you and the one whose cup you are filling will begin to live life abundantly! + +> +> Loving Father, fill my cup with Your love so I can fill others. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4594bb6834 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keeping Your Love Cup Full +startDate: 11/14/2025 +endDate: 11/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/15-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/15-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..52e79de98d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/15-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: What My Dad Gave Me +date: 11/15/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matt. 7:11, NIV. + +My dad gave me three gifts that prepared me for a happy, wholesome life. They didn't cost him any money—but today they're priceless treasures. The first: Dad gave me the feeling of being special. Second: He loved my mom. And third: He gave me the gift of optimism! + +Three simple gifts, but they have made me what I am. + +Dad always thought I was special. I could tell by the way he winked at me from across the room or put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze in church. When I was a teen I worked in his manufacturing plant after school. He loved to say to the businesspeople who visited, "I'd like to have you meet my daughter." + +And the last few days before he died he read my first book, Understanding Children, not because of his interest in the topic, but because of his interest in me! + +The second gift Dad gave me was really loving my mom. When I close my eyes and think of Mom and Dad, I see her standing by the kitchen sink and Dad coming up behind her and putting his arms around her and hugging her. I love that picture. + +And as far as optimism is concerned—perhaps that was his greatest gift of all. I don't remember Dad ever being discouraged, even though he struggled for 10 years to keep a manufacturing business alive, and finally, penniless, had to give up. He lost the company, but not hope, and went on to climb new mountains. Before long, Dad's real estate business became so successful he became known as "Humpal—The Mountain Man." + +Dad was a dreamer. He always had a million projects tucked away in his head. "Now, someday I'm going to . . . ," he'd begin and would tell us a tiny piece of his dream. Sure enough, before long things would start to take shape. + +Yes, Dad gave me three wonderful gifts that were the foundation of a good life, but none of them can compare with the gift my heavenly Father has given me: eternal life! + +> +> Your earthly father gave you the gift of life, but what else did he give? Why not thank him? And while you're at it, thank your heavenly Father for Jesus, the best gift of all, for without Jesus there would be no eternal life! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8f2087909 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What My Dad Gave Me +startDate: 11/15/2025 +endDate: 11/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/16-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/16-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efc809301b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/16-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Finding God's Love in Your World +date: 11/16/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. Isa. 40:26, NIV. + +I had just left a trying day in the Los Angeles area and decided to drive out across the high desert on my way to Redlands, California. Although I thought that it would be relaxing and quiet, I discovered just the opposite. I was hot, tired, and stressed out, the scenery was disappointing, and the road was much longer than I had remembered. In the depths of my despair I noticed a cloud forming in the east. Shortly I was driving through a most refreshing cloudburst, and then I spotted a rainbow. Contrasted against the black cloud, it could not have been brighter or more beautiful. And just then I knew that it was all OK. That rainbow told me all that I needed to know. God was at the wheel and would guide me through. + +Since then I have developed a game that I play nearly everywhere I go. I look for rainbows. I watch to see where they may be hiding and what the elements are that lend to their creation. Sometimes there are rainbows in the spider webs wet with dew on a late summer morn. At other times rainbows form on the ice that crusts over patches of melted snow. Even the snow crystals glittering in the late February sun aid my search for this evidence of God's love. + +But I have learned that it is not only in the rainbow that we can find evidence of God's love. When I look up into the sky at night, I remember the creative power of love as contrasted with the destructive nature of selfish lust, and I know that it is love that put and holds the stars in place. Even along the concrete streets of the city I see bright yellow, white, and cobalt blue flowers defying the restrictions of modern civilization, and I know who placed them there, and why. + +Recognizing God's love in all of these places and things not only tells me about His goodness but also reveals something about my value to Him. There is so much good health in being wanted! + +> +> Why not practice looking for the evidence of love in the world around you? When you find it, you'll find God, because God is love. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..39cbbf4876 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Finding God's Love in Your World +startDate: 11/16/2025 +endDate: 11/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/17-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/17-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e79bd1605 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/17-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Time--God's Great Gift +date: 11/17/2025 +--- + +_Connie W. Nowlan_ + +>

+> For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Ex. 20:11, NKJV. + +Knowing that His human children would need time to refresh mind and body after a week of work, at the end of Creation week God prescribed the Sabbath. His prescription still works. Weekly He provides His children time to enjoy His companionship and handiwork. + +Our family loves the outdoors, and on Sabbath we take time to bask in God's natural beauty. + +Our Sabbath refreshment has included a summer of Sabbath mornings when we watched four baby foxes grow up in the field behind our house. Then one Sabbath afternoon we followed a mother deer and her speckled fawn as they strolled down Lehigh Street, the mother walking protectively between the cars and her baby. Another Sabbath at sunset we watched a beaver eating supper at Rocky Mountain National Park. And one Sabbath a herd of more than 100 elks milled around our jeep, eating and bugling, close enough that we watched without binoculars. + +My very favorite Sabbath refreshment took place on the peaceful Moose River in Maine. We took our motored canoe out to a narrow passage and dropped anchor. Sudden movement to our right caught our attention. A family of beavers slid silently into the water and began nibbling twigs and leaves from overhanging branches. A mosquito landed on my nose, and I swatted. A slap of a beaver's tail sent the whole family under-water. We sat motionless, waiting. Then the beavers surfaced and continued with their meal. + +Downriver two otters swam toward us, their humped backs rising and falling above the water as they played. As a climax, a deer with a large rack of antlers walked into the water and stood facing us, silhouetted in the sunset colors. Darkness would soon descend, and knowing we had to thread our way through some rocks on the way back to the dock, we reluctantly started the motor. The animals disappeared into the forest. No one can erase from our memories the refreshment that God's gift of time gave us. + +And best of all, God's prescription for rest comes every week, not once a year like Christmas. What a wise God! + +> +> Take time on the Sabbath to refresh yourself with peaceful scenes of God's creation, and you too will be revitalized. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9ba4964c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Time--God's Great Gift +startDate: 11/17/2025 +endDate: 11/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/18-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/18-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b4e8303da --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/18-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: House Dedication +date: 11/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Now it came to pass, when Moses had finished setting up the tabernacle, that he anointed it and consecrated it and all its furnishings, and the altar and all its utensils; so he anointed them and consecrated them. (Numbers 7:1 NKJV) + +### Observation + +We’ve come to the place where the tabernacle has been finished, and now it has been erected, but there are still some rituals that need to be completed in order to make it God’s abiding place. God tells Moses to have a service of dedication of His house which would involve everyone of the leaders of the tribe of Levite, who were in charge of the Sanctuary itself. This chapter lists each of those heads of household, their responsibility in the care and transportation of the sanctuary, and of what their offering consisted. + +### Application + +Some times me move into a new house, we buy a new house, or we build a new house and act as if we have accomplished a great deal, without recognizing that God has been gracious and generous enough to let us have this new dwelling. It is as if we give no recognition whatsoever to Him and no appreciation for His generosity. + +It would be well, as soon as the house is in order, that before we call it our home we would have a service of dedication. While our house may not be a church, we do need to invite God to abide in our midst, invite Him to be our welcome, constant Guest, and thus to make of our home His home. I wonder if a constant awareness of that fact would help us to be more careful about how we live and act with each other. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, right now, regardless of how long we have lived in our home, we invite You to be our honored Guest. Abide with us, and help us to live daily with the awareness of your presence in our midst. And as You live with us, a blessing all in itself, may all the other blessings of love, life, and health also live with us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c5644b554 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: House Dedication +startDate: 11/18/2025 +endDate: 11/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/19-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/19-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e7c928c67 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/19-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Tempering Your Temper +date: 11/19/2025 +--- + +_Cliff and Freddie Harris_ + +>

+> [Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Cor. 13:5, NIV. + +Although the conclusion that love "is not easily angered" is the heart of the apostle Paul's analysis of love, we tend to look upon bad temper as a harmless weakness. We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, or merely a matter of temperament, not something to take into serious account in estimating a person's character. Explosions of anger are common, but does its common nature make it acceptable? + +No! The Bible condemns bad temper as one of the most destructive elements in human nature. Just look at Proverbs 27:4: "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous." + +We've seen the destructive effects of anger in the lives of those who come to our live-in drug alternative program. For example, Joe spent three months with us trying to keep clean, but in the end it was not the drugs that killed him—it was his anger. If he didn't get his way, or if something didn't please him, look out! One day he left our program in a huff, caught a bus to Arizona, and had a confrontation with a man in a bar, and the man stabbed him. He bled to death before help could arrive. + +No form of vice, worldliness, greed, or drunkenness does more to degrade society than an evil temper. It embitters life, shatters communities, destroys the most sacred relationships, devastates homes, withers men and women, and takes the bloom off childhood. + +But it is not enough to deal with just the temper itself. We must go to the source and change the inmost nature, and the angry symptoms will simply die away. Souls are made sweet not by taking the acid out but by putting something in—a great love, a new spirit, the spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit penetrating our nature will sweeten and purify us. Only He can eradicate what is wrong by renovating, regenerating, and rehabilitating the inner person. + +Willpower does not change a person. Nor does time. Only Christ does! "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5). + +> +> A good temper will improve your health and make you a better witness for Jesus. Won't you invite Christ into your heart today to heal your temper? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba51f21908 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Tempering Your Temper +startDate: 11/19/2025 +endDate: 11/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/20-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/20-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..801a35feb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/20-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Bad Agreement in Marriage +date: 11/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then Peter said to her, "How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out." Acts 5:9 + +### Observation + +Ananias and Sapphira were members of the early Christian Church. The church members were very generous and unselfish. Chapter four of Acts ends with these words describing the church: Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. 33 And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. 34 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, 35 and laid them at the apostles' feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need. 36 And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, 37 having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet. Acts 4:32-37 (NKJV) + +Ananias and Sapphira might ave started off with good intentions in their heart. They probably did have the desire to sell their property and to give the proceeds to the church. But evidently when they realized how much that would mean, probably more than they had anticipated, they decided to give only part of the proceeds. Ananias came first to present what he thought was a sizeable offering only to be confronted by Peter to tell the truth. When he lied, he died. Sapphira then came and was given the opportunity to tell the truth, but she too chose to lie and also died. + +Ellen White describes these events: Ananias and Sapphira grieved the Holy Spirit by yielding to feelings of covetousness. They began to regret their promise and soon lost the sweet influence of the blessing that had warmed their hearts with a desire to do large things in behalf of the cause of Christ. They thought they had been too hasty, that they ought to reconsider their decision. They talked the matter over, and decided not to fulfill their pledge. They saw, however, that those who parted with their possessions to supply the needs of their poorer brethren, were held in high esteem among the believers; and ashamed to have their brethren know that their selfish souls grudged that which they had solemnly dedicated to God, they deliberately decided to sell their property and pretend to give all the proceeds into the general fund, but really to keep a large share for themselves. Thus they would secure their living from the common store and at the same time gain the high esteem of their brethren. (Acts of the Apostles, p. 72) + +While the immediate punishment might seem harsh, God needed to protect the early church from going astray. Again, Ellen White writes: Infinite Wisdom saw that this signal manifestation of the wrath of God was necessary to guard the young church from becoming demoralized. Their numbers were rapidly increasing. The church would have been endangered if, in the rapid increase of converts, men and women had been added who, while professing to serve God, were worshiping mammon. This judgment testified that men cannot deceive God, that He detects the hidden sin of the heart, and that He will not be mocked. It was designed as a warning to the church, to lead them to avoid pretense and hypocrisy, and to beware of robbing God. (AA p.73) + +### Application + +The influence of a spouse can serve as a great blessing or a horrible curse. When one spouse takes step in the direction opposite to God’s will, the consequences can have devastating results for the other spouse, to their children, and to many others. Our first allegiance should lways be to God. The first of the ten commandments states it clearly: I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before Me” Exodus 20:2-3 (NKJV). Jesus also quoted Old Testament writings to answer the question as to which is the greatest commandment by saying: So he answered and said, "'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and 'your neighbor as yourself' " Luke 10:27 (NKJV). Jesus made it clear than in our priority list God should always take first place and then everybody else. Our spouse, our children, our parents, our friends. . .no one should ever take first place before God. + +In marriage, then, it is the individual responsibility to have this order of priorities straight and maintain God first in our lives. If or when one spouse takes steps contrary to this order, the other spouse cannot simply agree and go along with the other. One of those areas where couples could fail is similar to that of Ananias and Sapphira. When it comes to returning God’s tithe to Him and presenting offering to the church to further its ministry, many couples have disagreements and in many cases defraud God. Ellen White writes: “The same sin was often repeated in the afterhistory of the church, and it is committed by many in our time; but though not attended with the visible manifestation of God's displeasure, it is no less heinous in His sight now than in the apostles' time. The warning has been given, God has clearly manifested His abhorrence of this sin, and all who pursue a similar course of action may be sure that they are destroying their own souls. . . .”(Christian Service, p. 312). + +The spouses should agree early in their marriage, in fact before their marriage, what portion of their finances belongs to God and what part they will give to the church, and then both should encourage each other to be faithful to that commitment. If the time comes when one chooses to go back on that commitment, the other should not simply go along but they should remain faithful to God. By doing so, not only are they keeping their individual commitment of generosity and obedience to God, thus protecting their eternal salvation, but they would also be serving as an example to their spouse that they may repent and return to their walk with God. Agreeing in what is wrong could spell out devastation and death not just to one of the spouses but to both, to their marriage and ultimately to their children. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to remain faithful and true to You first and always, and may we help each other, as spouses, to keep You first in each other’s life for each other’s sake and for the sake of our children and others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8624ac07f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Bad Agreement in Marriage +startDate: 11/20/2025 +endDate: 11/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/21-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/21-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9ed596f31 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/21-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Are You a Ten-talent Cook? +date: 11/21/2025 +--- + +_Ellen G. White_ + +>

+> She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family. . . . Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. Prov. 31:15-31, NIV. + +Often health reform is made health deform by unpalatable preparation of food. The lack of knowledge regarding healthful cookery must be remedied before health reform is a success. + +"Good cooks are few. Many, many mothers need to take lessons in cooking, that they may set before the family well-prepared, neatly served food. + +"Before children take lessons on the organ or the piano they should be given lessons in cooking. The work of learning to cook need not exclude music, but to learn music is of less importance than to learn how to prepare food that is wholesome and appetizing. . . . + +"It is a sin to place poorly prepared food on the table, because the matter of eating concerns the well-being of the entire system. The Lord desires His people to appreciate the necessity of having food prepared in such a way that it will not make sour stomachs and in consequence sour tempers. Let us remember that there is practical religion in a loaf of good bread. + +"Let not the work of cooking be looked upon as a sort of slavery. What would become of those in our world if all who are engaged in cooking should give up their work with the flimsy excuse that it is not sufficiently dignified? Cooking may be regarded as less desirable than some other lines of work, but in reality it is a science above all other sciences. Thus God regards the preparation of healthful food. He places a high estimate on those who do faithful service in preparing wholesome, palatable food. + +"The one who understands the art of properly preparing food, and who uses this knowledge, is worthy of higher commendation than those engaged in any other line of work. This talent should be regarded as equal in value to ten talents; for its right use has much to do with keeping the human organism in health. Because so inseparably connected with life and health, it is the most valuable of all gifts" (Medical Ministry, pp. 270, 271). + +"The foundation of that which keeps people in health is the medical missionary work of good cooking" (ibid., p. 270). + +> +> What could you do to enhance your cooking skills? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d67e12e49b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Are You a Ten-talent Cook? +startDate: 11/21/2025 +endDate: 11/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/22-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/22-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea734ba96f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/22-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +title: Facing the Economic Giant +date: 11/22/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (1 Sam 17:45-47 NKJV) Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. {46} "This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. {47} "Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands." + +### Observation + +Goliath, the Philistine giant, taunted the Israelites and their God. David, who had come to bring some food for his brothers accepted Goliath’s challenge. Both sides of the battle field were drawn and watched as the two contenders came face to face: on the one side Goliath, a large man with great experience in battle; on the other, young shepherd David. Goliath, presumptuous and arrogant, threatened David, and being self-confident, he took his helmet off. David, whose faith was child-like, relied not on the king’s armor by on God’s power to defeat this giant. David used what he was skilled at and what was at hand – a sling and five smooth stones, but all he needed was one which found it’s target on the head of the giant who fell down and was decapitated by David. + +### Application + +We not have to battle a Goliath, but during these times of economic uncertainties, high unemployment, etc., just surviving seems like we’re fighting an invincible giant. I have some suggestions that could help you, if you apply them to your personal and family finances: + +**1. Transfer Ownership of Everything to God.** + +All things that we have belong to God; we are the stewards! Nothing really belonged to us. Our house, cars, clothing, children, and jobs were all gifts from a loving father and we were simply stewards of those gifts. A steward knows that his responsibility is to care for the possessions of the owner. He never sees them as his own. God gives to us not so we can possess, keep, and hoard them, but so that we can be vessels and pipelines of His blessing to others. When we are trustworthy, it makes it possible for Him to bless us even more. His ownership has a single goal: to use all of His resources to be a blessing to His children. + +**2. Tithe and Give Offerings Joyously.** + +You don't have to understand all about how tithing works; you just need to know that it does. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. God "prefers" our giving and tithing to be accompanied by which characteristic? + +**3. Work Hard.** + +God intended us to learn this important value of character. According to God's plan for the family, we are to earn our bread by the toil and sweat of our brow. Work is satisfying, molds character, and develops gratitude, appreciation, and value. + +**4. Make a Realistic Budget and Keep Accurate Records.** + +The culprit in family finance problems is not the big-ticket items. It is the steady drip, drip, drip of spending on little purchases that no one tracks. You hit the ATM machine all weekend and end up broke on Monday with no idea where the money went. The absence of an accurate record of spending keeps couples from making good financial decisions. + +**5. Get out from under the Bondage of Debt.** + +Your attitude toward money will make a huge difference in the success or failure of your family. A familiar phrase from wedding ceremonies, '"Til death us do part," has tragically become, "Til debt us do part!" If you have credit card bills which have built up to thousands of dollars, and you no longer even have the disposable items that created the debt, that is the bondage debt about which we speak. If the item for which you went into debt does not provide collateral that is worth more than the indebtedness held against it, you have a problem in the making. To get out of debt, follow these principles: + +- Pay Your Bills. +- Get Help. +- Change Your Lifestyle. + +May you be victorious as you battle the economic giant that threaten to consume us and our family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, everything there is belongs to You and yet You give us so much of it for our benefit. May we never forget to return joyfully the small portion You require of us, and help us to give generously so that others may come to know You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..746533030e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Facing the Economic Giant +startDate: 11/22/2025 +endDate: 11/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/23-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/23-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6793d519e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/23-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: For Good? +date: 11/23/2025 +--- + +_Connie W. Nowlan_ + +>

+> And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom. 8:28. + +None of us ever planned our lives exactly as they are. But real life is never packed in neat boxes with labels to be unloaded at the end of the journey like the contents of a moving van. Our second son, Terry, has a wheelchair, which we call his “purple Porsche,” so he can keep up with the rest of us. + +Terry has been part of our family for 25 years. Years of love, hope, tears, joys, frustration—as well as lessons in patience and dependence that have slowed us, his family, down. + +My morning prayer for “strength just for today” has become so natural, I can’t imagine beginning the day any other way. For having a person with a long-term disability in one’s family is an everyday challenge, not just once a month or for a weekend. And God’s strength has sustained us all, daily, weekly, monthly throughout those 25 years. + +The word “good” and “for good” are poles apart. God’s original plan did not include families having sons or daughters with disabilities. Having such a son or daughter is not “good,” but personal reactions to circumstances can work “for good” when God’s children allow Him to mold us despite less than perfect circumstances. For God waits patiently, His arms outstretched toward His hurting children, desiring to be their comforter, their strength, and their guide. + +I can understand my own inability to “work my way to heaven” better as I care for my son, doing for him things he cannot do for himself. It reminds me that I cannot be “good enough” for heaven without my Saviour’s sacrifice. This fact has transformed my self-sufficient tendencies into grateful acceptance of Jesus’ earthly sacrifice. + +I look forward to the time when we move from earth to our heavenly mansion, for Terry will be leaving his purple Porsche, and we will enter heaven with our fellow Christians labeled “perfect in Christ.” Together we’ll walk the golden streets. Memories of the purple Porsche will fade as we, with all heaven’s inhabitants, praise God for Christ’s death for us that entitles us to our heavenly home. + +> +> What are you looking forward to leaving behind when Jesus comes and labels you “perfect in Christ”? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f3c5973d2a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: For Good? +startDate: 11/23/2025 +endDate: 11/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/24-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/24-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68d4de6620 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/24-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Traits of a Strong, Healthy Family" +date: 11/24/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Ps. 127:1, NIV. + +Researchers have found that the majority of strong, healthy families have the following traits in common: + +1. **Commitment**: Put God and your family first, and commit to helping each other become everything God designed you to be. +2. **Appreciation and affirmation**: Give positive attention and affirm each other, letting each family member know they’re special. Strong families focus on the strengths of each other, not the faults. +3. **Time together**: Healthy families enjoy being together. Work together, play together, and enjoy leisure times together. Family members may be busy, but they don’t let jobs, school, or personal hobbies steal family time. +4. **Communication**: To understand each other a family has to be willing to invest the time necessary to share their feelings and opinions. Each day you are a new person. Without sharing those experiences with each other, family members can soon become strangers. +5. **Religion**: Sharing a religious faith and having similar religious values and standards is extremely important. Worshipping together is a bonding experience. But most important is a commitment to God, the foundation of the family. +6. **Play and a sense of humor**: Happy families have fun together; they play together; they laugh together. Having a sense of humor during troublesome moments is like pouring oil on restless water. It defuses the tension and has an immediate calming effect. +7. **Sharing responsibilities and roles**: If family members will do whatever is necessary to meet each other’s needs, even if the task doesn’t happen to be on their priority list, everyone is happier. Be flexible and responsible. +8. **Common interests and goals**: The more a family has in common, the more its members tend to do together. Having similar interests and getting behind common goals gives the family something to look forward to, to plan, and to experience together. +9. **Service to others**: Just as a pond grows stagnant if it has no outlet, so does a family. Reaching out and helping others bonds families together. +10. **Admitting to and seeking help with problems**: Healthy families aren’t problem-free; they just admit to problems and get the help they need to solve them! + +How does your family measure up? For a little bit of heaven on earth, make God the foundation of your family and add these 10 essential traits. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14e5433315 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Traits of a Strong, Healthy Family" +startDate: 11/24/2025 +endDate: 11/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/25-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/25-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f3a33c12f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/25-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Journey with God +date: 11/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> At the command of the Lord they remained encamped, and at the command of the Lord they journeyed; they kept the charge of the Lord, at the command of the Lord by the hand of Moses. (Numbers 9:23 NKJV) + +### Observation + +This is one of the most precious promises from God - that He would be with the Israelites, His people, during their travels. At night, the pillar of fire would tells them He was with them and was their light, and during the day the pillar of cloud would be with them and be their shade. The Israelites, at the same time, would only move when God wanted them to move, and they would remain in a place as long as He wanted them to remain in that place. This arrangement provided them comfort and courage in God, and also an opportunity for them to demonstrate their obedience and trust in Him. + +### Application + +I have pondered about this text many times because of the work He chose for us in pastoral and educational ministry. We have moved so many times and to so many different locations – from the Southwestern cities of Oklahoma City and Muskogee, in Oklahoma, to the eastern United States in New Jersey, Delaware, and Virginia, to the Midwest in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and with nearly two decades before we retire who knows what other places He has in store for us. As a student returning from California for a summer youth pastor program, I remember driving through Oklahoma when the sun was just setting over the western horizon, a huge ball of fire as I never had seen before, never imagining that one day, after college, we would be working in that state. I remember driving from Columbia Union College to New York City and thinking to myself that I wouldn’t want to live in New Jersey (at least northern, industrial Jersey), and yet we spent some of the best four years in our lives in that state. Or I remember while attending Andrews University Theological Seminary we drove to Racine, Wisconsin, to visit some friends, and never imagine that one day, many years later, we would work and live there for the best seven years of our ministry. While in Wisconsin we drove to Minneapolis to catch a Yankees-Twins game, and the thought never even crossed our mind that one day we would live in that same area. + +As I reflect on these experiences, I can’t help but wonder what God has in store for us next. I write these words in Portland, Oregon, where we are making two presentations. Yesterday we drove to Washington, just across the river, and Pam and I wondered if one day we might be out here, or in the south, where the warmth would be a welcome experience to cold-natured Pam, or out west, or the northeast, or who knows where. . . only God. And that’s what we marvel at the most, knowing that no matter where we are, if God takes us there, that is home, and He will take care of us. As long as we follow Him and do His will for our lives, we will be blessed and happiest. That being the case, we can’t wait to see what God has in store for us. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for your leading in the past and for your guidance in our future. We know You have been with us all along; now we can hardly wait to see what You have in store for our future. May You continue to guide us and may we always see clearly what Your will for our lives is. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56bfe9dcfb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Journey with God +startDate: 11/25/2025 +endDate: 11/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/26-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/26-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3ec5f7979 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/26-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Magic Moment of Christmas +date: 11/26/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> The time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:6, 7, NIV. + +Every woman, as she nears her time, wonders, How will it be? Those who have gone before talk about the intensity of pain, the breathing, the pushing, the exhilaration of anticipation, and finally, the birth of the baby itself. Although each birth is special, something about the first especially tugs at the heart and body of each mother. + +I remember my first-remember exactly where I was standing, and what I was wearing when I felt that first contraction of my abdominal muscles. Then 18.5 hours later, the final push, the cry, and the announcement “It’s a girl!” Fulfillment! + +But the magic moment was when I held this 7.5-pound miracle to my breast and felt the bonding knot the two of us together in a relationship that only a mother can understand. + +As I ponder the magic moment of that first Christmas, when the angel announced to the shepherds, “For unto you is born this day . . . a Saviour,” and the angel choir sang “Glory to God in the highest,” what was that young mother experiencing at that moment when she first held “God in the flesh” to her breast? I wish the scene had been recorded. But God the Father in love allowed this intimate moment to be shielded from public view. There was no doctor, midwife, or attending family, at least that we know of-only Mary and the Baby, and the earthly father God had chosen for His Son. + +God loves families. And God has provided a means by which they can become bonded. Touch! Mary through the Baby’s touch to her breast. And Joseph? . . . + +As her contractions intensified, I see Joseph ready himself for a task women were expected to perform. I visualize him reaching for the head of that Baby as it emerged, and then with the final contraction, his hands become the first to touch the world’s Saviour. + +Touch is what Christmas is all about. Touch is what Christ did coming to this earth. Touch is why families come together at Christmas. And touch is the magic moment of Christmas. + +> +> Thank You, Jesus, for touching me with Your love. Which person should I touch for You today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5db49f3f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Magic Moment of Christmas +startDate: 11/26/2025 +endDate: 11/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/27-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/27-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a7682a593 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/27-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Appropriate Time +date: 11/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 + +### Observation + +**_Season_.** Literally, “an appointed time,” from a root meaning “to determine,” “to decree.” A season is therefore not merely a convenient time, but a decreed time. God has ordained certain seasons for the various natural phenomena (see Lam. 3:37; cf. James 4:15). + +_**Time**_. From a common Hebrew word for “time,” often signifying the beginning of a period of time. + +_**Purpose**_. From a Hebrew word whose root means “to take delight in,” “to have pleasure in.” The noun, therefore, basically means, “that in which one takes delight,” a vocation or an avocation. This same noun is translated “pleasure” in Isa. 58:3, 13; Mal. 1:10, and “delight” in Ps. 1:2; 16:3. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1073). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Dr. Scott Stanley, marriage researcher from the University of Colorado in Denver, speaks about the changes that have occurred in the last seventy or so years. Before the 1960’s, the normal order of events for most people was that they would date, then get married, and then have sex. When the 1960’s came, and with the sex liberation, the order of things changed so that many would date, then have sex, and then got married. In the late 1990’s and into the beginning of the 21st century there’s a new pattern that is being set by many couples; they now meet and have sex, from that experience they decide if they want to date, and then they either choose to live together or proceed to marry each other. + +While there is no such thing as “dating” in the Bible, God’s word reserves sexual intimacy for marriage – not before, and not outside the boundaries of this sacred union. Even the Song of Solomon, a beautiful description of how the married relationship, describes the order of events as God planned for a couple. Three times (SS 2:7, 3:5, 8:4), Shulamith, the bride, expresses her advice to her young friends, “do not stir up or awaken love until the appropriate time” (Holman Christian Standard Bible) + +When God says there is an appropriate time for everything He also means for sexual intimacy. Rushing to have sex before marriage makes the relationship more complicated, clouds the judgment, and often does not help the couple to make the correct decisions concerning their individual future, much less their future as a couple. In fact, often premarital sex leads to, as Stanley calls it, “sliding into cohabitation,” by which he means that most cohabiting couples don’t sit down to talk about the reasons they have for moving in together but simply slide into that arrangement a little at a time. Unfortunately, much research shows that people in cohabiting relationships often don’t marry the person they are living with, many experience higher levels of physical abuse than married couples, and they have a much higher probability of divorce if they choose to marry. + +Follow the order of events prescribed in the Bible. God, your designer and creator, knows what is best for you and your future. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, in Your wisdom You have given us a pattern for our happiness. Helps us to follow the path that leads to a long, healthy relationship. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41f6e7434b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Appropriate Time +startDate: 11/27/2025 +endDate: 11/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/28-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/28-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13feee5546 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/28-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Greatest Joy +date: 11/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are living according to the truth. 3 John 1:4 + +### Observation + +_**No greater joy.**_ The greatest possible joy fills a Christian worker when he sees the members of his flock taking a strong and resolute stand for right and truth. He is far happier than if he heard only of their success in acquiring wealth or position (cf. 2 Cor. 7:7; 1 Thess. 3:6). + +_**My children.**_ Rather, “my own children.” This may indicate that Gaius was one of John’s own converts (cf. on 1 John 2:1; 2 John 4; cf. 1 Thess. 2:7–12; 1 Tim. 1:2). + +_**Walk in truth.**_ Or, “walking in the truth,” that is, continuing to order the life in harmony with the revelation of God’s character as given by Jesus Chris. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (695–696). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Those that have gone through the experiencing of losing a child tells me there is no greater pain than that. The normal, natural way of life dictates that, as painful as it may be, we will probably outlive our parents. None of us expect to have to bury our children! + +But probably the second most painful experience for a parent is when a child leaves the faith they were brought up in. Those of us Christian parents bring our children up with the expectation that they will grow up believing in, loving, and serving God, and when they seem to turn their backs on Him, or at least stop practicing what we taught them to practice, it breaks our hearts, if scares us for their eternal destiny. + +On the other hand, the apostle Paul reflects the feeling that we have when our children continue to walk in the path we laid out for them, the path that leads them to know God, to love Him supremely, to serve Him continually, and to share Him with others. It fills our hearts with joy when they take a stand for what is right, when they make life commitments such as baptism, when they choose godly people with whom to associate, and maybe even whom to marry. + +Unless we set a godly example from the time our children are small, the chances of them making these types of commitments diminish greatly. Even when we do set the example, they have the freedom as they wish. . . and at times they do against our wish. We cannot give up on them even then, and our love for them can never change, and most likely never will. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may our children live according to the truth You have laid our for all of us. When they do, it brings us great joy, but we also know it brings You great joy. May You and us then have this great joy in our lives forever. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a7b50bdc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Greatest Joy +startDate: 11/28/2025 +endDate: 11/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/29-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/29-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a85516ac8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/29-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: True Love +date: 11/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned. Song of Songs 8:7 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**_Cannot quench love_.** Pure love is such that nothing can destroy it. It cannot be bought. The highest offer would be completely scorned. This passage, telling of the invincible might and enduring constancy of true love, stands without a parallel in literature for forcefulness of expression. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1123). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The concept of true love is an ideal that has been explored in books, movies, poems, and song lyrics for many years. I am sometimes amazed at what people consider true love. For instance, the singer “Pink” came up with a song on true love. Here are some of the lyrics: Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say // Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face // There's no one quite like you // You push all my buttons down // I know life would suck without you // At the same time, I wanna hug you // I wanna wrap my hands around your neck. What an interesting concept of true love! I hate the words you say? I want to slap your whole face? I want to wrap my hands around your neck? None of those things have anything to do with love but with hate, control, and abuse! + +What is “True love?” Solomon describes it as something that cannot be bought. True love, he writes, cannot be quenched or drowned. The reason is because true love is not a feeling of sorts, although it makes us feel good. True love is a decision followed up by loving actions. Paul wrote to the church members in Corinth about true love in two different ways: What love does and what love does not do. + +What love is: Love is patient, love is kind. (vs. 4) [Love] rejoices in the truth. (vs.6) _Love_ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (vs.7) + +What love dos not do: Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not conceited, does not act improperly, is not selfish, is not provoked, and does not keep a record of wrongs. _Love_ finds no joy in unrighteousness. (vss.4-6) + +Make the decision to love and act lovingly. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, the only way we can love like You is to have You in our life. May Your love shine out to others because it cannot be quenched! + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4dc40c13ec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: True Love +startDate: 11/29/2025 +endDate: 11/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/30-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/30-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..916221e61e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/30-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: No Condemnation +date: 11/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1 + +### Observation + +**_No condemnation._** The good news of the gospel is that Christ came to condemn sin, not sinners (John 3:17; Rom. 8:3). To those who believe and accept the generous provisions of the gospel and who in faith commit themselves to lives of loving obedience, Christ offers justification and freedom. There may yet be deficiencies in the believer’s character, but “when it is in the heart to obey God, when efforts are put forth to this end, Jesus accepts this disposition and effort as man’s best service, and He makes up for the deficiency with His own divine merit” (EGW ST June 16, 1890). For such there is no condemnation (John 3:18). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (559–560). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +One of the most moving stories from the life of Jesus is found in John 8. It’s worth reviewing it today: + +But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." John 8:1-11 (NKJV) + +The Jewish law made it clear that both the man and the woman who were caught in the act of committing adultery were to be stoned. In this case, only the woman was brought to Jesus. It’s clear that it was a set up on their part so they could trap Jesus with His own words. Regardless, when they could not, with a clear conscience, stone her, Jesus pronounced those precious words, “Neither do I condemn you.” Since then, those words still bring us comfort and hope. The apostle Paul also echoed the same sentiment with the words of our Scriptural passage for today (Romans 8:1), so that we could live with the assurance that it is not just the woman caught in the act of committing adultery whom Jesus did not condemn but also every one of us, while sinners to the core, but in Jesus forgiven and not condemned. + +If Jesus, in His purity, does not condemn us, how can we, fallible humans that we are, pretend to be more righteous than our spouse or children or parents and condemn them when they have failed, or even failed us? May the words that come from our lips be: “Neither do I condemn you.” + +> A Prayer You May Say +> father God, thank You because in Your love You do not condemn us but instead shower Your love to each of us, forgive us, and asks us to share the same forgiveness to those around us. Help us to be more gracious, to condemn less, and love more. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..095782f60d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: No Condemnation +startDate: 11/30/2025 +endDate: 11/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cadc55488f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/11-november-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: November 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/01-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/01-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdb477befb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/01-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Author and Finisher +date: 12/01/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. Hebrews 12:2 (MSG) + +### Observation + +**_Author._**_ Gr. archgos,_ “leader,” “originator,” “founder,” “pioneer” (RSV). Archgos is rendered “Prince” in Acts 3:15; 5:31 and “captain” in Heb. 2:10, in each instance with reference to Christ, as here. Christ is the center of the plan of salvation and the source of every Christian grace. It is He who calls fallen men out of the dismal darkness of sin and into the glorious light of the gospel. It is He who cleanses them from their previous life of sin and qualifies them to become sons and daughters of God. It is He who justifies them by His grace, by virtue of His atonement on Calvary. It is He who plants their feet on the pathway to heaven. + +_**Finisher**. Gr. teliots_, “perfecter.” The work of justification is only the beginning of the Christian experience. We are not only to lay the “foundation of repentance from dead works” but are to “go on unto perfection” (see on ch. 6:1). We are to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). We are to gain victory after victory over our besetting sins (see on Heb. 12:1) and to “grow up into him [Christ] in all things” (Eph. 4:15). Our characters are to be “transformed” by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2). This is the work of the indwelling Christ (Gal. 2:20) as the “perfecter” of faith. This is the work of sanctification. See on Matt. 5:48. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (481). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Sometimes I wonder if we really believe in Jesus’ power and ability to help us! Many singles rush into relationships which are not healthy or good instead of waiting for God to bring into their lives the right person, at the right time, if that is His will for them. Others who are convinced God brought that person into the lives set out to change them and make them as they would want them to be – a replica of themselves. + +If we truly believe that God has the power and ability to do anything, we need to learn to trust Him with our relationships. If He is responsible for the start of a friendship, why not allow Him to help that friendship grow into a meaningful, lasting friendship? And if He wanted that friendship to grow into courtship and eventually into a marital relationship, why not allow Him to do so, in His time? + +Of course, the problem with trust in the area of relationships is not limited to singles. Many married people also set out to change their spouse from the time they say their “I Dos”, and often they destroy what could have been a wonderful spouse nagging them constantly to change. In my experience I have met many married people discouraged with their marriage and dissatisfied with their spouse. But if we believe God is the author of our relationship, why not trust Him to make it grow and eventually bring it to a fulfilling fruition? + +Keep your eyes on Jesus, not on each other. He is the author of order in the midst of chaos. Don’t lose sight of the direction where you want your marriage and your family to go, and with Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith, as your guide, enjoy the most wonderful journey in life, the journey toward eternity. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, we entrust all the relationships in our life, specially our marriage and our family, into your hands. Because you are their Author, we trust You also to be the Finisher of all that You do in us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0d4d8e704 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Author and Finisher +startDate: 12/01/2025 +endDate: 12/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/02-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/02-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6a036704f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/02-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Challenges of Inter-cultural Marriages +date: 12/02/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman. (Numbers 12:1 NKJV) + +### Observation + +If we were to read the second verse isolated from the first, we might wonder if Aaron and Miriam’s complaints may have some justification – although there really is no justification for jealousy directed toward someone whom the Lord has chosen for a leadership position! Here’s a very concise explanation of what all went on (From the SDABC): “Upon rejoining Moses at Mt. Sinai (see on Ex. 4:25 and 18:2), Zipporah had observed the heavy burdens borne by her husband and expressed to Jethro her fears for his well-being. Thereupon Jethro counseled Moses to select others to share the responsibilities of administration with him. When Moses acted upon this counsel without first consulting Miriam and Aaron, they became jealous of him and blamed Zipporah for what they considered Moses’ neglect of them (see PP 383). The fact that Zipporah was a Midianite, though a worshiper of the true God, was used by Miriam and Aaron merely as an excuse for rebelling against the authority of Moses. He did not violate the principle of non-marriage with the heathen when he took her to wife, as they apparently claimed.” + +### Application + +We can make many applications of this story to other situations. Among them, jealousy of others in leadership positions is forbidden by God. If He has chosen them instead of us, who are we to question Him or them? Instead, the Bible counsels us to pray for them that have that responsibility. + +From the relational point of view, Aaron and Miriam were evidently jealous of Zipporah, Moses’ wife. We can draw several lessons for us today: + +1. Once a brother or sister marries someone, we should find ways to embrace them and make them feel welcome. + +2. We should respect the relationship and decisions that our siblings make with their own spouse as much as we wish to be respected when we and our spouse make decisions. I have see many families suffer greatly because somebody got involved in somebody else’s life. We may not like or agree with other family member’s decisions, but as long as their decisions do not hurt or interfere with our own family or decisions, we should stay out of their life. + +3. Some cultures are more similar than others, and marriage between them may not be problematic. The more different the cultures are, the more difficulties the couple and families may encounter. Marriage is a challenging thing regardless of who enters into this relationship, and the more the couple has in common the stronger the relationship will be. The more differences among them, the more challenges they will likely face. While success in inter-cultural relationships is not impossible and many couples have been very successful and happy, many others have encountered insurmountable challenges which have caused or contributed to the demise of their relationship. I speak from experience since I was born and brought up in Colombia, South America, and my wife was born and raised in Virginia. We were raised differently, in different size families, a different language, even a different faith. However, by the time we met and eventually married, our commitment to God and to each other, and the similarities we shared were greater than the differences we had. Even so, we have had challenges from time to time and in certain places due to our cultural differences. Praise God, however, that we have overcome those differences and we remain committed and in love after 3 years of dating and more than 27 years of marriage. + +So, look for areas where you are similar and build on those, and be aware of the possible challenges to you as a couple, to your families of origin, and to your children that your relationship may bring about. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, we all came from the same Creator’s hand, but in the last six thousand years sin has divided us and made us all different. Not only that, but where and how we were raised has made us different. And now, as we enter into romantic and marital relationships, all those differences present us with challenges that threaten to separate us and destroy our families. Father, help us to find more things in common than things to divide us, and help us to stay committed to each other and to You, until no breath remain in us, or until Jesus returns for us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4098816134 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Challenges of Inter-cultural Marriages +startDate: 12/02/2025 +endDate: 12/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/03-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/03-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9be088ff6b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/03-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: In Quietness and Confidence +date: 12/03/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not." (Isaiah 30:15 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_In returning and rest._** The only hope of Judah was to turn from evil back to God. In doing so they would find confidence, rest, and peace. In looking to the strength of men they had found only disappointment, trouble, and defeat, but trust in God would bring peace, calmness, and strength. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 4. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (220). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Rest? When was the last time that you can honestly say that you felt completely rested? And yet, Jesus calls us to come apart with Him and in quietness receive the rest that He has promised. But look at the end of this verse in scripture. It goes on to state, "But you would not." If something has to be pushed aside in our schedules, time with Him is usually the first thing to go. After all, look at the to-do list! How can you omit the meals that need to be prepared and served, the laundry that needs to be washed, put in the dryer, folded, and put away? And, how can you eliminate the trip to the doctor for a check-up, dental visits, or grocery store runs? + +The excuses are endless. + +Perhaps one of the biggest reasons that we fail to spend some quiet time with Jesus is because we can't seem to carve out big blocks of time. Who said it had to be big blocks of time? Why not start small. Even a few quiet moments spent intentionally and consistently every day will reap big rewards. And, fit it in wherever you can. Try the morning meditations, mid-day minutes, or moon-lit moments. The key is to spend some intentional time every day in quiet reflection with Jesus. + +"In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." When was the last time that you tried it? Take Jesus at His word. Test Him. Perhaps those few minutes alone with Him will stretch all the other hours in your day. Perhaps you will indeed find renewed strength and energy to face whatever comes your way during the day. And, don't be surprised to see that those few moments or minutes stretch so that you find them continuing even as you bathe your baby, rock him to sleep, prepare a meal, or go on your errands. + +Your strength for today is promised. The secret to securing it lies in communion with Jesus. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, in the busyness of life, help me to stop and listen to You today. I need rest. I need quietness, and I need Your strength to meet the challenges that this day will bring. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42962aab09 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: In Quietness and Confidence +startDate: 12/03/2025 +endDate: 12/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/04-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/04-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a86707f220 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/04-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: He Can Hold it Together +date: 12/04/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> God√ïs Son has all the brightness of God's own glory and is like him in every way. By his own mighty word, he holds the universe together. After the Son had washed away our sins, he sat down at the right side of the glorious God in heaven. Hebrews 1:3 (CEV) + +### Observation + +**_Upholding_**. Gr. pher, “to bear,” “to carry,” “to bear along,” “to bear up.” Here there may be the added meaning of movement, purpose, guidance; proceeding with definite intent. Christ is the one who is upholding all things in the entire universe and who keeps the heavenly bodies in their appointed paths. Compare the phrase, “by him all things consist,” that is, hold together (Col. 1:17). Pher is more comprehensive than our English word “consist,” since it embraces the concept of purposeful working, of planning. This definition changes the concept from that of a mere power sustaining the physical universe to that of an intelligent Being who has a plan and is in the process of carrying it out. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (397). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Have you ever felt like you marriage was unraveling before you, spinning out of control, heading down the drain pipe unable to spot it from drowning? You fell so helpless to do anything to change its course. You don’t want your marriage to come to an end, but seem totally unable to do anything about it. The pain feels unbearable, the stress overwhelming, the sadness crushing. You didn’t set out to a married life that would end in divorce. You started, like almost every other couple, with dreams of a lifetime of love and happiness together, but now you wonder if you can make it one more day together. + +Have I painted a dreadful picture? Sadly, many have come to me with these feelings, at the end of their rope, looking for a life jacket before they drown. Paul tells us some wonderful news: Jesus holds the universe together! Because we are part of His universe, He too can hold our marriage together. Just as He brought healing to the blind, the sick, and the lame, He can bring healing to our relationship. Just as He brought the dead back to life, He too can bring our dead marriage back to life and make it vibrant and exciting again. Commit yourself anew to Him today. Commit your marriage to Him again today. Redouble your prayers for your spouse, for your relationship. And then take the next, crucially important step: Act lovingly toward your spouse, in fact, act toward them as if you were going through the most wonderful time in your relationship. And then, expect that Jesus will hold your marriage together. He holds the universe together, can’t He hold your marriage together, too? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, As we struggle to hold our marriage together, we commit ourselves and our relationship to you. Bring healing, peace, love, and laughter back, and hold it together for eternity. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ab244d84c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He Can Hold it Together +startDate: 12/04/2025 +endDate: 12/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/05-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/05-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4920020db6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/05-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: He Understands! +date: 12/05/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin! So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help. Hebrews 4:15-16 (CEV) + +### Observation + +_**cannot be touched with the feeling of**_—Greek, “cannot sympathize with our infirmities”: our weaknesses, physical and moral (not sin, but liability to its assaults). He, though sinless, can sympathize with us sinners; His understanding more acutely perceived the forms of temptation than we who are weak can; His will repelled them as instantaneously as the fire does the drop of water cast into it. He, therefore, experimentally knew what power was needed to overcome temptations. He is capable of sympathizing, for He was at the same time tempted without sin, and yet truly tempted [BENGEL]. In Him alone we have an example suited to men of every character and under all circumstances. In sympathy He adapts himself to each, as if He had not merely taken on Him man’s nature in general, but also the peculiar nature of that single individual. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Heb 4:15). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +I know that people mean well when they tell someone who has lost a loved one words like “I know how you feel.” What they mean is that they too have experienced a loss at some point in time and therefore they know what that experience is like. While they intend well by saying something that will help the other person feel better, the reality is that very few words, if any, will make a person in that situation feel better about their loss. + +For any of us on the receiving end of such sentiments, we smile, we express appreciation, and deep inside we wish there was an answer to our pain, or that there was someone who was truly experiencing what we do and yet could remove our pain. At the same time, we sure don’t want the memories of our loved one gone and fear that if the pain goes away so will those memories. One of the things that parents who have lost children fear the most is that their children will be forgotten. + +Our text for today reminds us that Jesus is the only one who can truly sympathize with us. In other words, He is the only one who can truly feel what we do. Now, while we know and understand that concept, it’s much easier to accept it and adopt it when things in life are going well. It is in the long run, when we are in the midst of the day-to-day pain and agony, that those words really make a difference and begin to bring the healing we desperately need. + +In the meantime, your loving actions, your presence, your kindness toward the bereaved are more valuable and more important than any words you may say. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You because You are the only one who truly understands and feels our pain, and because You are the only one who can bring solace, comfort, and lasting peace to our lives in turmoil. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7341cbb78a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He Understands! +startDate: 12/05/2025 +endDate: 12/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/06-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/06-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b60b118345 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/06-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: God Covers +date: 12/06/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> For You cast me into the deep, Into the heart of the seas, And the floods surrounded me; All Your billows and Your waves passed over me. Jonah 2:3 + +### Observation + +**_Salvation is of the LORD._** The core of this prayer celebrates God’s miraculous intervention to rescue Jonah by a fish. At the end of Jonah’s prayer God spoke to the fish, which saved Jonah from drowning and vomited him up. Creatures obey the voice of God. Humans are uniquely endowed with the prerogative to say no. [Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.) (1179). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +Jonah’s story is more interesting than any novel, TV show, or movie ever made. It has all the drama, adventure, passion, and excitement of a modern blockbuster. Within just a few chapters, a couple of pages, we read the life-or-death struggle of a very reluctant ministry worker and how God resolved his personal, spiritual struggle and at the same time provided the only lifeline to a people doomed to die. + +Our passage for consideration is part of Jonah’s prayer which he uttered inside the fish God provided to save him from drowning in the stormy sea. That experience must have been frightening, and a little sickening. First he is thrown out into the raging waters, at his own suggestion. I can imagine what it must have been like, plunging into the dark, angry ocean, gasping for fresh air and instead feeling his mouth and lungs begin to fill with salty sea water, and then to feel suddenly swallowed by a large fish. We don’t know whether the fish was just big enough for Jonah to fit inside his digestive track or even larger, as portrayed in children’s movies, for him to move around. Either way, the stench of gastric juices, the smell, the darkness, the pressure on the ears as the fish dove into deeper, calmer waters, the sounds of a large beating heart. . . all strange, frightening sounds and a foreign environment for any person. + +Jonah was obviously not unconscious during this entire ordeal. He might have slept some of the time from sheer exhaustion, but while he was awake he had plenty of time to consider his situation, his life, and his failures. When he finally realized what he had done, his rebellion and disobedience, he also came to recognize his love and dependence on God, and that if God had rejected him he would not just be inside the fish’s belly, he would have already been digested by it. So he prays, a prayer of adoration, a prayer of Thanksgiving, and a prayer of surrender. God’s grace, His billows and waves, passed over Jonah. . . God baptized him, if you please, and now God brings him out of the belly, not of his mother but of the fish, so he can enjoy a new life and a new chance at fulfilling the mission God called to. + +We don’t have to go through all that drama to experience God’s love and forgiveness. Right now, wherever we are, we can stop and allow the billows and waves of God’s love and forgiveness to cover us and our families and to renew in us His call to mission, as individual and as a family. He is the God of a second chance. . . ask for it right now. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, may Your love and forgiveness wash our me and over my family so that we may be renewed by Your spirit and go on to fulfill Your mission for us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8909059d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Covers +startDate: 12/06/2025 +endDate: 12/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/07-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/07-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9fd0cc2a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/07-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: I Lay Me Down +date: 12/07/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. Psalm 3:5 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**_I laid me down_.** The pronoun “I” is emphatic. David represents himself as in danger of attack at any moment during the night, hunted and cursed by his enemies, nevertheless able to lie down in peace and sleep, so great was his trust in God. Since everything was in God’s hands, he had a sense of complete protection. His sleep was not mere weariness or indolence or presumption; it was an act of faith. Internal calm nerved him for the next day’s fight. + +_**The Lord sustained me.**_ The first waking thought is one of recognition that God had honored the trust placed in Him, even as his last thought on going to sleep had been one of complete confidence. The psalmist is strengthened to meet the needs of the day. The last thoughts of the night are often the first thoughts of the day. Note the sudden dramatic change from depression to triumph. Such is the benediction of the night and the promise of the new day (see Lam. 3:22, 23). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (636–637). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Countless numbers of children have been taught to repeat every night the bedtime prayer: + +Now I lay me down to sleep, + +I pray the Lord my soul to keep, + +If I shall die before I wake, + +I pray the Lord my soul to take. + +Innocently children have been taught that we have a soul inside of us which lies in God’s hands when we sleep, and which, if we die, He is free to keep for Himself forever. In a way it’s a bit scary, for a child, to learn that it is God’s arbitrary, maybe even selfish, choice to decide whose “soul” He chooses to keep for Himself and which ones He chooses to return to the body of a child so he/she may awake. + +The psalmist writes a morning prayer in which he thanks God for keeping him safe and for watching over him throughout the night. As important as it is to pray with our children at bedtime, we need to make sure that we teach them not to fear God with the thought that He may keep their soul but rather with the assurance of His watchful care for them while they sleep. And then, first thing in the morning, pray with them so they can thank Him for His protection overnight thus teaching them gratitude for each new day of their life. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for a new day of life and health, and thank You for watching over us last night as we slept. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..318673def2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Lay Me Down +startDate: 12/07/2025 +endDate: 12/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/08-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/08-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a02dd2efde --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/08-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Rest We Need +date: 12/08/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**_Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest_**—Incomparable, ravishing sounds these—if ever such were heard in this weary, groaning world! What gentleness, what sweetness is there in the very style of the invitation—“Hither to Me”; and in the words, “All ye that toil and are burdened,” the universal wretchedness of man is depicted, on both its sides—the active and the passive forms of it. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Mt 11:28). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Everyone, without exception, bear heavy burdens. Sickness creeps into every home, uninvited and unwelcome. Some don’t have a job, or they have jobs that pay little, or where the conditions are unhealthy, or supervisors that mistreat them. Just about every one of us face burdens in our families with our children or our parents, with siblings, with our spouse, or with our extended families. + +Today’s texts, some of the best known, best loved words of Jesus, remind us that no matter what our burdens may be, Jesus wants to lift them up off our shoulders and give us true rest. Can He give us back our dead parent, the job lost, the foreclosed home? Or is He offering to walk by our side to help us carry those burdens so we don’t have to do it alone and they don’t have to crush us? + +In my practice as hospice chaplain and as grief and bereavement counselor I encouraged people who were grieving the illness or the loss of their loved one to talk, to tell me stories of their lives, to share their memories, good and bad. As I have said repeatedly to them, “Pain shared is pain divided.” When we share our pain it’s as if we’re dividing it in smaller, more bearable pieces. But it also brings others into your life who will help you carry your pain so you don’t have to do it alone. + +Who better to share your pain and your burdens than Jesus who is with us wherever we go? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You that Jesus, and You, help us carry our burdens so they don’ have to crush us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e597751962 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Rest We Need +startDate: 12/08/2025 +endDate: 12/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/09-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/09-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4439fd6573 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/09-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Dangers of Criticism +date: 12/09/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Num 14:1-2 NKJV) So all the congregation lifted up their voices and cried, and the people wept that night. {2} And all the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregation said to them, "If only we had died in the land of Egypt! Or if only we had died in this wilderness! + +### Observation + +When the NKJV says that the people complain, the word in the original means to murmur, usually over night, and by implication, it tells us they were obstinate. Their actions were a constant nagging, critical nagging, undermining, complaining of Moses, of God, and of what they blamed God and Moses of doing to them rather what God had done for them. + +### Application + +A complaint, when properly directed, may be a very positive act in marriage; criticism, on the other hand, undermines the marriage’s foundation. John Gottman (Why Marriages Succeed or Fail. . . and How You can Make Yours Last. Simon & Schuster:New York. 1994) makes a few observations about criticism and complaints: “Criticism involves attacking someone’s personality or character – rather than a specific behavior – usually with blame. . . As a general rule, a criticism entails blaming, making a personal attack or an accusation, while a complaint is a negative comment about something you wish were otherwise. To oversimplify, complaints could easily begin with the word I, and criticism with the word you. . . A criticism is also more likely than a complaint to make your partner defensive. . . One common type of criticism is to bring up a long list of complaints. I call this “kitchen sinking” because you throw in every conceivable negative thing you can think of. . . Unlike complaints, criticisms also tend to be generalizations. A telltale sign that you’ve slipped from complaining to criticizing is if global phrases + +If you have a complaint, begin by using “I” instead of “you” and simply express one specific item, not a long list of past and present situations. With one complaint at a time, stop and listen for a response so that this can become a true conversation and not simply a one-sided finger-pointing session. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, helps us to own our own faults and to be kind and patient with the faults of others. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2357085e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Dangers of Criticism +startDate: 12/09/2025 +endDate: 12/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/10-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/10-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e5e60b647 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/10-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Like A Kiss +date: 12/10/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship. Proverbs 24:26 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**_ Kiss his lips_.** This verse reads literally, “He will kiss the lips who returns a right answer.” When a king, ruler, or judge speaks just words they are as pleasant to right-thinking people as a kiss. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 3. 1977 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (1030). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Kissing has inspired people to write lovely poems and sayings, like Ingrid Bergman who said, “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” I was curious as to people have written about kissing and found three quotes particularly interesting because they all relate to our text for today. Let’s read them: + +1. “A kiss is a secret which takes the lips for the ear.” - Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac + +2. “Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart.” - Charles Dickens + +3. “The mouth is made for communication, and nothing is more articulate than a kiss.” - Jarod Kintz + +Many have written about the importance of honesty and openness as one of the most important ingredients in healthy relationships. This honesty doesn’t only refer to telling the truth but also in not withholding it. It means not simply telling what one feels but also not keeping those feelings to ourselves. That’s why the writer of proverbs writes that being honest is like a kiss, a good, warm kiss from someone you love. Honesty is like sharing a secret with someone you love by taking their lips for the ear (like Cyrano de Bergerac). Opening your heart to the person you love is like opening your lips to them inviting them to open their hearts to you and sealing the union with a kiss (like Dickens might say). Communicating honestly, like a kiss, is the most articulate way to express our love (Like Jarod Kintz expresses). + +O, kiss. Kiss your loved one often and long. And kiss them with an open, honest heart. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to be honest and open with each other, and help us to express those feelings often to each other through words and kisses. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bbf7906910 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Like A Kiss +startDate: 12/10/2025 +endDate: 12/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/11-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/11-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..26c48a9f34 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/11-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Look to Give, not to Get +date: 12/11/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38 (NLT) + +### Observation + +**_Bosom_**_ The gathered fold of the wide upper garment, bound together with the girdle, and thus forming a pouch. In the Eastern markets at this day vendors may be seen pouring the contents of a measure into the bosom of a purchaser. In Ruth 3:15, Boaz says to Ruth, “Bring the vail (the mantle, so Rev., Old Testament), that thou hast upon thee, and hold it (hold it open): and he measured six measures of barley into it.” Compare Isa. 65:7, “I will measure their former work into their bosom; also Jer. 32:18. In Acts 27:39, the word is used of a bay in a beach, forming a bend in the land like the hollow of a robe. Similarly, the Latin sinus means both the hanging, baggy bosom of a robe and a bay.[Vincent, M. R. (1887). Word studies in the New Testament (Lk 6:38). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.] + +### Application + +As I look at this statement from Jesus, it strikes me that He could have simply said something like, “give and you will get in return.” Instead, Jesus describes the superabundance which comes as a result of generosity. We repeat often the words of Jesus that “It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35 (NKJV) We believe the principle behind these words and have even seen it practice when we gather things or food to give to those in need and how good it makes us feel to do so. And yet, sometimes we forget that it is not simply giving things and food to the needy where the principle of generosity should be applied but in our relationship with our spouse. + +In marital relationships, after the honeymoon period ends, there’s a period of accommodation during which each spouse tries in some way to bring their newly formed family more in line to the family in which they grew up. We all feel more comfortable with those practices, with the food, or with the practices of our family of origin that we think that’s the way things should be in our marriage. We believe the words that “the two should become one;” the question is, “which one?” + +What Jesus tells us in today’s text is that when we practice generosity at home, starting with our spouse, the return will be a more harmonious relationship than we even imagine. He encourages us to practice generosity in helping around the house, generosity in serving and helping our spouse, generosity in how much we compliment them, generosity in our words of love, affirmation, and appreciation, generosity in our intimacy with them, generosity in forgiveness, generosity in patience, generosity in kindness. And what He promises is a greater gift in return. If both spouses aim to be generous with each other, the return will be beyond measure and will continue with them for as long as they are together and continue to give generously to one another. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to give generously of ourselves like You gave generously to us. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21c0cbaaa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Look to Give, not to Get +startDate: 12/11/2025 +endDate: 12/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80ebd4f4cd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: A Common Goal +date: 12/12/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common. 1 Corinthians 1:10 (MSG) + +### Observation + +**_ Be perfectly joined together_.** Gr. katartiz, “to mend [as a torn fishing net]” (Matt. 4:21); ethically, “to perfect,” “to complete.” + +_**Mind… judgment**_. Gr. nous… gnm. These words may be distinguished as follows: Nous denotes the state or frame of mind, gnmthe opinion, judgment, or sentiment, that results from a certain frame of mind. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (663). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +The New King James Version renders our text for today this way: “ that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” As I read these words, I was reminded of the marriage injunction repeated three times in the Bible: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Gen.2:24; Mat.19:5; Eph.5:31). God’s desire for marriage is that the man and the woman who come together in this union will be not simply joined legally or physically but that they will surrender themselves completely to Him in all things and that their life by one of like-mind and judgment. + +What does this mean in practical terms? Does it mean that they both have to do the same things, think the same, and speak the same words? Eugene Peterson, in his paraphrase of the Bible “The Message” has captured, I think, the essence in three principles: + +_1. Get along with each other._ What this includes is accepting the fact that each of us is unique and enjoying and appreciating what the other person is, knows, does, thinks, and says. At the same time, it means that we should be careful to not be overbearing with our own thoughts, actions, and words, but rather be careful that our thoughts and actions don’t cause harm to our spouse. + +_2. Be considerate of one another._ This reflects the words of Paul that Love does not demand its own way (1 Cor 13:5-6). Loving spouses don’t want their way all the time but would rather think of what the other person may like, need, or want. + +_3. Cultivate a life in common._ One of the many advantages of marriage is that the couple looks after the well-being of the family. What this means is that they plan together for their future, they save money so that they may be able to retire one day, they buy a house or a car by consulting with each other, they encourage each other to go to the doctor because they want to make sure their spouse has good health. . . they want their spouse to be alive and well for the long run. + +Learn and practice these three principles in your marriage daily and for a lifetime. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to live by these principles that our marriage be stronger and healthier each day. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7fcaa4e50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Common Goal +startDate: 12/12/2025 +endDate: 12/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/13-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/13-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab8a525115 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/13-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Energy to Serve +date: 12/13/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Don't be lazy in showing your devotion. Use your energy to serve the Lord. Romans 12:11 (GW) + +### Observation + +**_Fervent_.** Gr. ze, literally, “to boil.” Apollos is described as a man who was “fervent in the spirit” (Acts 18:25). The zealous Christian will always keep his interest in the cause of God at the boiling point, as it were. His fervor will give him power with men (Acts 18:25, 28) and bring him power from God. The apostle John was “a powerful preacher, fervent, and deeply in earnest,” and “the fervor that characterized his teachings gave him access to all classes” (AA 546). + +_**Serving the Lord**_. Zeal and fervor arise naturally in the heart of the believer who recognizes that, in whatever sphere of labor he may be serving, he is working “as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Col. 3:23, 24; cf. Eph. 6:5–8). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (621). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +I’m a morning person and prefer to get up early and get some things done before anybody else is up. It is during those early hours that I can read, study, pray, write, exercise, and prepare for the day without distractions and disruptions. Of course, by a certain time at night I’m wiped out and can’t do much productive thinking. + +I know of others who are the opposite. . . they are night people who can do all I do in the morning but they do them late at night and sometimes even into the early hours of the morning. They have a very difficult time getting up in the morning and it takes them a while to drag themselves up out of bed and get going to their job or responsibilities. + +Regardless of whether you are a morning or night person, it is important that you do several things: First of all, devote time to developing or strengthening your relationship with God. Study His word, meditate on how it applies to you and to that day, pray according to what you have just read, and commit to apply the principle you learned or to share the story you read with someone else. Secondly, devote time to your family. Use that creative time and energy to help your spouse or your children do some house work or school work, read with and to your children, help prepare them for their day or for bed. + +The apostle Paul encourages us to not be lazy in showing devotion. While we may feel the sheets or the book or the iPad tugging at us, use some of the energy to serve the Lord and to serve your family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to channel the strength and energy You give me to get better acquainted with you and to serve my family better. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b0986c43e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Energy to Serve +startDate: 12/13/2025 +endDate: 12/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/14-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/14-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..498f7499ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/14-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Have Hope, Be Patient, and Pray +date: 12/14/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12 (NRSV) + +### Observation + +**_Rejoicing in hope_.** The three brief injunctions in this verse seem even more pointed when the word order of the Greek is retained: “In hope rejoicing, in tribulation enduring, in prayer persevering.” Paul has already commended the spirit of cheerfulness (v. 8). In ch. 5:2 he spoke of the believer’s rejoicing “in hope of the glory of God.” This Christian hope, which is the cause of such cheerfulness, has been explained in ch. 8:20–25. This hope enables the Christian to look beyond the darkness and trouble of the present moment to the things that are unseen and eternal (2 Cor. 4:17, 18). The fact that hope, like so many of the Christian virtues, springs from the basic virtue of love is indicated by 1 Cor. 13:7, love “hopeth all things.” [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (621). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Chapter 12 of the book of Romans is rich in guidance and instruction from the apostle Paul to the members of the church in Rome and to all of us. Paul probably understood the coming challenges that the Christian church, and in particular the members of this church would face. To prepare them for the upcoming persecution and the falling away of the faith, Paul tells them to rejoice, be patient, and pray. + +The three bits of advice Paul wrote to the Roman believers can be so practical and helpful in marriage. As good as a relationship may be, there will be ups and downs, there will be good and bad days, and there will be challenges that come to interrupt the peace and calm we enjoy. Some may even come to the place where they feel it’s best to call it quits, separate, or even divorce. They would rather take the “easy” exit than do the hard work of staying in their relationship and making it work. + +Consider the three pieces of advice from Paul: + +_**1. Rejoice in Hope.**_ Recent research shows that couples that report unhappiness in their relationship and who are considering divorce, when they choose to remain together, within five years report a higher level of satisfaction than they did during those days when they had considered ending their marriage. What this tells us is that there is hope, if we only choose to remain together and fight for our marriage, so rejoice in that hope. + +_**2. Be Patient in Suffering.**_ Patience, in the original Greek of the New Testament, is not simply sitting passively waiting for good things to happen. Patience is more like the tenacity you need in the midst of strong winds, holding on with all your might to a light pole. You don’t just sit there praying the winds will cease, you hang on for dear life. Patience in the suffering that may come to your marriage means hanging on to the relationship until the dark days pass. + +_**3. Persevere in Prayer.**_ During the darkest hours of our lives, whatever causes that darkness, we can’t cease from praying, we don’t give up praying, we don’t lose our hold on God’s hand. It is during those most challenging days that we hang on to Him even more tenaciously. + +Take these three words of Paul to heart, and see your relationship survive and thrive. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, bless us, during the challenging days, that we may see the hope beyond the darkness until we experience the sunshine of love and peace in our marriage. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bff3571051 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Have Hope, Be Patient, and Pray +startDate: 12/14/2025 +endDate: 12/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/15-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/15-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..021ee96eb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/15-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Solution for Desire? +date: 12/15/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 + +### Observation + +**_Cannot contain_.** Paul stresses the importance of being continent, but he also recognizes that all men are not like him (see on v. 7). Furthermore, those who have been accustomed to marriage may find it harder to maintain complete continence (see 1 Tim. 5:11, 14). + +_**To burn.**_ Paul advises those who have undue difficulty in keeping their sexual desires under control, to marry rather than be constantly subjected to the excitement of unsatisfied desire. The instruction here is plain and in harmony with the general tenor of the preceding verses, namely, the preservation of purity and the best attitude toward marriage (see vs. 2, 3, 5). Even when all the problems associated with married life during a period of persecution and distress are taken into account (see v. 26), it is better to marry than to be inwardly consumed with the mentally, emotionally, and physically disturbing condition of unsatisfied desire. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (708). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +I’ve considered the words of this text often. At first sight Paul seems to recommend marriage as a way to handle sexual desire. If you are burning with sexual desire, it seems to dictate, then marry so all your sexual needs will be met. But I’m not sure that’s what Paul in mind. Should that be the main reason you marry someone? So that you can have your sexual desires met? + +I think what Paul is advocating is sexual purity. We find examples of people in the Bible who didn’t simply give in to their sexual needs but who chose to remain sexually pure as a way to honor God. One of the first and most prominent such examples is Joseph, the son of Jacob. While a slave, serving in Potiphar’s house, he was repeatedly tempted by his master’s wife to have sexual relations with her. His response is exemplary and one for which he is well remembered, “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9 NKJV). + +So Paul is not advocating marriage as a way to avoid sexual temptation or sexual immorality. Instead, what Paul is advocating is sexual purity among those who are not married, but also for those who are married. Don’t let lust and passion control your life; rather, let Jesus have control of your passions. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help me to yield my passion to Your control that my love may be directed to you first and most of all. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..992e50937b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Solution for Desire? +startDate: 12/15/2025 +endDate: 12/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/16-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/16-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40c78f1cff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/16-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Family Influence +date: 12/16/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Num 16:31-33 NKJV) Now it came to pass, as he finished speaking all these words, that the ground split apart under them, {32} and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, with their households and all the men with Korah, with all their goods. {33} So they and all those with them went down alive into the pit; the earth closed over them, and they perished from among the assembly. + +### Observation + +Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, leaders among the Israelites, moved from complaining against and questioning Moses’ leadership, to outright rebellion against him, and thus against God. Even when called to appear before God at the tabernacle, they refused. So Moses told the entire congregation to convene, but also told the people to separate from these three men and their families. Than Moses told them that if these men died of natural causes, then everyone should know that God had not called Moses, but that if they died in an unusual way, like being swallowed by the earth, then the people should know that God had chosen Moses. No sooner had he said these words than the earth opened up and swallowed these men, their families, and their possessions. + +### Application + +We might wonder at times why these men’s families were killed with them. It is evident that their rebellion had spread to their own families, and therefore they too must be destroyed. Right after this event, the people who survived turned against Moses and Aaron and accused them of killing Korah, Dathan, and Abiram and their families. They were accused unfairly by those who survived, imagine if these men’s families had been left alive, their rebellion would have remained alive as well. + +What we need to learn from this experience is that what we say and/or do has a powerful influence on our children and other relatives, particularly if we have a leadership position. How many have been led astray by those close to them. How many leaders have taken so many, including their loved ones, to destruction. + +At the same time, what we say or do can have a very powerful positive influence on others; therefore, watch what you say, careful with what you do, for they may lead those close to you closer or farther away from God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, help us to be more careful with our words and our actions that they may be good and such that may lead others, specially our loved ones, closer to You. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b1b9daeac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Family Influence +startDate: 12/16/2025 +endDate: 12/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/17-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/17-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ac3a09a97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/17-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: A Gradual Change +date: 12/17/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18 + +### Observation + +**_Are changed_**. Literally, “are being changed.” The plan of redemption aims to restore the image of God in man (Rom. 8:29; 1 John 3:2), a transformation that comes about by contemplating Christ (Rom. 12:2; Gal. 4:19). The contemplation of the image of Christ acts upon the moral and spiritual nature as the presence of God did upon the face of Moses. The humblest Christian who constantly looks to Christ as his Redeemer will reflect in his own life something of the glory of Christ. If he faithfully continues to do so, he will go on “from glory to glory” in his personal Christian experience (see 2 Peter 1:5–7). + +_**From glory to glory.**_ This transformation is progressive. It advances from one stage of glory to another. Our spiritual assimilation of Christ comes through His glory and results in a reflection of glory like unto His. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (851). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +We all probably have noticed a couple who’s been married for many years and who look so much alike. Even scientists have concluded that indeed people begin to resemble the person to whom they are married for a long time. Whether that is true, or just our impression, I’m not quite sure, but even if people don’t look alike, they surely act alike, talk alike, and think alike. It’s as if being married to a person for so many years changes us to the point that we adopt many of their mannerisms, words, and ideas. + +That’s what happened to Jesus’ disciples, after spending just a little over three years with Him. People could recognize that peter had changed and even spoke like Jesus. That’s why it is important for us to also spend time with Jesus, so that we can be changed daily to resemble Him more each day. + +Here’s where this idea becomes more important. Instead of trying to change our spouse so that they can be what we would like them to be, or become the person we feel they should become, we should try to emulate Jesus and be the person He wants us to be. At the same time, instead of trying to change our spouse, why not let Jesus change them. . . He knows best. The interesting thing is that when we both allow Jesus to change us, individually, not only do we resemble Him more but we’re also drawn closer to each other; both are the best outcomes we could wish for. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, change me from within that I may resemble your Son, especially to my spouse. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..adb5242787 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Gradual Change +startDate: 12/17/2025 +endDate: 12/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/18-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/18-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62b6b0ed84 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/18-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: He is so Close! +date: 12/18/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, 'For we are also His offspring.' Acts 17:27-28 + +### Observation + +**_Not far._** The whole clause is very emphatic, and literally reads: “And yet He is not far from each one of us.” There is no doubt expressed in Paul’s words; he is rather making a positive statement of fact. The Lord is near to men, even when they do not acknowledge Him. This makes it a comparatively simple matter for men to find God, for He is by their side, awaiting their awakening and aiding their efforts to discover Him. God can and does reveal Himself according to the measure of zeal and earnestness shown by those who seek Him. At this point the Stoics would see parallels between their own teaching and Paul’s thinking, but the Epicureans would be repelled, for the apostle’s words constituted an attack on the basic atheism of their system. + +_**28. In him we live.**_ The whole clause literally reads: “In [or “by”] Him we are living, and are being moved, and are existing.” The words of the apostle express the thought that not merely our initial dependence is on the Creator, but that all our activities—physical, mental, and spiritual—are derived from Him. In the teaching of Paul the personality of the omnipotent, omniscient God is not merged, as is the God of the pantheist, in the impersonal Soul of the world, but stands forth with awful distinctness in the character of Creator and Sustainer of all life. “Through the agencies of nature, God is working, day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, to keep us alive, to build up and restore us… The power working through these agencies is the power of God” (MH 112, 113). [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (353). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Sometimes God feels so far away, it is as if He were nowhere near us, just when we need Him most. If it’s any consolation, even Jesus felt that way once while hanging from the cross at Calvary. With the weight of the sins of the world on His shoulders, it seemed to Jesus as if He had been abandoned by His own Father with Whom He had shared eternity. And maybe that scene gives us an indication why we feel so far away from God; sin makes us feel far from Him who is so close to us! + +That’s why these words from the Apostle Paul, declared to the Greek philosophers, are so encouraging. He wasn’t reminding some Christians that God us near to us; He was telling those who didn’t even know or believe in God. What that tells me is that God is near each of us even when we reject Him, deny Him, or even rebel against Him. He reminds of His presence with words such as, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5), or “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Mat. 28:20 ASV). + +On those days when we feel alone, abandoned by God, remind yourself of these words and be encouraged by knowing that God is very close to you and your family, that He will never leave us, that He will be with us every step of the way until the end of this race. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for being with us, very near to us, even when we don’t feel close to You. And thank You because You never abandon us in spite of ourselves. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..67fd791df7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He is so Close! +startDate: 12/18/2025 +endDate: 12/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/19-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/19-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8924ad5047 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/19-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Daily Drink +date: 12/19/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Jesus answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:13-14 + +### Observation + +**_thirst again… never thirst,_** &c.—The contrast here is fundamental and all comprehensive. “This water” plainly means “this natural water and all satisfactions of a like earthly and perishable nature.” Coming to us from without, and reaching only the superficial parts of our nature, they are soon spent, and need to be anew supplied as much as if we had never experienced them before, while the deeper wants of our being are not reached by them at all; whereas the “water” that Christ gives—spiritual life—is struck out of the very depths of our being, making the soul not a cistern, for holding water poured into it from without, but a fountain (the word had been better so rendered, to distinguish it from the word rendered “well” in Jn 4:11), springing, gushing, bubbling up and flowing forth within us, ever fresh, ever living. The indwelling of the Holy Ghost as the Spirit of Christ is the secret of this life with all its enduring energies and satisfactions, as is expressly said (Jn 7:37–39). “Never thirsting,” then, means simply that such souls have the supplies at home. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Jn 4:13–14). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +We all recognize, and science confirms it, that in order to have the best of health we need to work at maintaining healthy habits. For instance, the Weimar Institute developed what is known as NEWSTART which is an acronym for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in Divine Power. These seven elements help us to have better health, but they don’t simply happen in our life; we must be intentional, we must work at, we must ensure that these seven are part of our life. + +In the world of athletics or sports, we recognize that the best of the best have natural abilities but also work hard at getting where they are. In the realm of work, most people who work hard accomplish many things for their company and for themselves. In the arts, artists, musicians, and performers have to work hard, and for a long time, to perfect their skills until they are recognized and rewarded for them. + +In the spiritual realm the same is true. We recognize that spiritual growth takes place when we read the Bible, pray, and share or witness to others. Bible study is one of the vehicles God uses to communicate His will to us, to teach about Him and His plan for our lives. Prayer is how we communicate with Him and how develop a close relationship with Him. Witnessing or sharing is the way we exercise our faith, the way we are strengthened and grow. + +If we work hard at being good in our studies, at work, in sports or the arts, why do we think that a good marriage happens naturally and without any effort on our part? If we must study the bible, pray, and help disciple others not just for their benefit but for our own, shouldn’t we also make the same effort in order to have a good, healthy, strong marriage? + +Today’s passage reminds us that as much as we must drink water daily, and pray daily, so also we need to work daily at making and keeping our marriage healthy and strong. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to make that daily effort to maintain strong, healthy relationships with You, with our spouse, with our family, and with others in our life. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9888937c8d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Daily Drink +startDate: 12/19/2025 +endDate: 12/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/20-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/20-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41406f3b46 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/20-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Keep Your Eyes on the Goal +date: 12/20/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. Hebrews 12:2 (MSG) + +### Observation + +**_Author_.** Gr. archgos, “leader,” “originator,” “founder,” “pioneer” (RSV). Archgos is rendered “Prince” in Acts 3:15; 5:31 and “captain” in Heb. 2:10, in each instance with reference to Christ, as here. Christ is the center of the plan of salvation and the source of every Christian grace. It is He who calls fallen men out of the dismal darkness of sin and into the glorious light of the gospel. It is He who cleanses them from their previous life of sin and qualifies them to become sons and daughters of God. It is He who justifies them by His grace, by virtue of His atonement on Calvary. It is He who plants their feet on the pathway to heaven. + +_**Finisher.**_ Gr. teliots, “perfecter.” The work of justification is only the beginning of the Christian experience. We are not only to lay the “foundation of repentance from dead works” but are to “go on unto perfection” (see on ch. 6:1). We are to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). We are to gain victory after victory over our besetting sins (see on Heb. 12:1) and to “grow up into him [Christ] in all things” (Eph. 4:15). Our characters are to be “transformed” by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2). This is the work of the indwelling Christ (Gal. 2:20) as the “perfecter” of faith. This is the work of sanctification. See on Matt. 5:48. [The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (481). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +One of those famous quotes from New York Yankees’ catcher Yogi Berra, or a Yogism, goes like this: “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” It sounds kind of funny, kind of crazy, but it is actually very profound. He illustrates the fact that if we don’t set goals for our life we will probably end up someplace, but not where we had hope to be. I may wish I would have a doctoral degree, but if I don’t set in place that as a goal, and make plans accordingly, chances are I won’t get that doctoral degree. Maybe I wish I owned a house, but if I don’t make that a goal, and work, save, and plan accordingly I may end up with nothing more than a wish. + +It is the same way with marriage. You may enter into marriage with dreams and romantic ideals, wearing rose-colored glasses, hoping things work out for you and your spouse. Instead, you could set a number of goals and move together in the direction of reaching them. Some of the goals you could set for your marriage should include such things as owning a house, retire from work at a certain age, the number of children you would like to have, saving money for the kids’ education, going on mission experiences together. + +Of course, the most important goal is to remain married until death comes or Jesus returns. With this goal in mind, you can recruit His help knowing Jesus will help you reach that goal successfully, and happily. Our text today encourages us to keep our eyes on the goal, as Jesus did. That’s how he was able to put up with the constant challenges He faced to the end. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank you for teaching us the importance of setting goals. Help us to set life-long goals for our marriage and family, and help us to reach them successfully. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..629c927842 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keep Your Eyes on the Goal +startDate: 12/20/2025 +endDate: 12/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/21-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/21-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2218db8185 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/21-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Praying for Our Children +date: 12/21/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power, that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:11, 12 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_count you worthy_**—The prominent position of the “You” in the Greek makes it the emphatic word of the sentence. May you be found among the saints whom God shall count worthy of their calling (Eph 4:1)! There is no dignity in us independent of God’s calling of us (2 Ti 1:9). The calling here is not merely the first actual call, but the whole of God’s electing act, originating in His “purpose of grace given us in Christ before the world began,” and having its consummation in glory. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (2 Th 1:11). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Praying for our girls began before they were born. Before they entered into the world, we prayed for that baby developing inside the womb. At each stage of life our prayers focused on different things. The prayers targeted the specific challenges that each stage of life brought to them: choices of friends, academic challenges, peer pressure, media choices, etc. We quickly realized that as they grew, so did the importance in the choices they made. Academic challenges in elementary school gave way to college and career choices. Choosing childhood friends gave way to choosing a marriage partner. As the significance of choices increased, so did our prayers. Even now, as the parents of two young adult daughters, the prayers continue. + +One of the most important gifts you will ever give your child is your prayers on their behalf. Your child will depend on those prayers. He/she will go forward into difficult circumstances with the knowledge that mom and/or dad has them covered in prayer. As they face daily challenges pray with them. Tell them that you will be in prayer as they take a math test or deal with a classroom bully. Prayer should be a part of everyday home life. Children should be taught to take all matters- great and small to Jesus. Model prayer by praying out loud and seeing you on your knees should be a normal sight. + +And, no matter how old your child gets, never give up praying for them! Prayers make a difference and prayers change things! This is one of the greatest life lessons that you as a parent can teach your child. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the privilege of being a parent. I pray that my children will be worthy of Your calling. I pray that they will live their lives in uncut a way to glorify Your name. And, I thank You that Your grace is sufficient for them. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc2503e29a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Praying for Our Children +startDate: 12/21/2025 +endDate: 12/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/22-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/22-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43b621c5eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/22-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: Reading Scripture From Childhood +date: 12/22/2025 +--- + +Pamela Consuegra, PhD + +>


+> "... from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 3:15 NKJV) + +**Observation:_ from a child_**—literally, “from an infant.” The tender age of the first dawn of reason is that wherein the most lasting impressions of faith may be made. + +_**wise unto salvation**_—that is, wise unto the attainment of salvation. Contrast “folly” (2 Ti 3:9). Wise also in extending it to others. + +through faith—as the instrument of this wisdom. Each knows divine things only as far as his own experience in himself extends. He who has not faith, has not wisdom or salvation.[ Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (2 Ti 3:15). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +One of the most important things that you can do with your child is to read to them. Literacy development is the number one predictor of academic success in children. And, the number one thing that you can do to impact literacy development is to read to your child every day. Yes, this takes time. But, the rewards not only help assure academic success, they just may be eternal. + +Why not combine reading to your child every day with having daily family worship? Think of the opportunity that you have! Consider the choice of available reading material. You may read those precious Bible stories of Daniel in the Lion's Den, Noah's Ark, or David and Goliath. You can take an entire week of family devotions, read the same story each night, then do various things each night to make that story come alive for your little one. As a family you may reenact the story, make the various voices, illustrate the story in a family mural, have a puppet show, write a song etc. + +Dedicate a specific time each day to family worship. Make sure everyone in the house knows the time and the place they will meet. It should be at the same time every day so that it becomes a daily habit for everyone in the family. Don't allow busyness to push it aside. You will never regret time spent worshipping together as a family. + +Make sure those Biblical lessons and stories are age appropriate for your child. Family worship should be something that they look forward to all day long. Involve them in selecting the weekly story of emphasis and in planning the activities. Those simple stories that a young child listens to you read to them will become great life lessons they will carry with them into adulthood. + +**A Prayer You May Say**: Dear Lord, help me as a parent teach my child to love Your word. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb790150df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Reading Scripture From Childhood +startDate: 12/22/2025 +endDate: 12/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/23-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/23-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6bee12cf9d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/23-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Priest, but not God +date: 12/23/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Num 20:10-11 NKJV) And Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock; and he said to them, "Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?" {11} Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank. + +### Observation + +The Israelites complained again about what they saw as their situation. Instead of looking at their freedom from slavery and the promise of their own country, they complained about the things they didn’t have. Instead of thanking God for their daily provisions, they complained because they wanted other things. + +Moses had had enough, and his temper got the best of him so that when God told him to speak to the rock and water would gush out, instead Moses hit the rock, not just one but twice, and spoke proud words by which he just about claimed equality with God: “Must we bring water for you out of this rock?” Aaron was the High Priest of Israel, and Moses spoke with God face to face, but neither could, directly or indirectly, claim any of God’s attributes. + +### Application + +As I think of this passage, it reminds me of an authoritarian home where the father exercises his power and authority over his family in such a way that there is no room for disagreement, or even a different opinion. In an authoritarian home, things are the way they are and will remain the way they are because of and as long as the head of the household says so because he rules over all. What that authoritarian parents must remember is that while they may be the head of the household, the priest of the home, they are still not God. Not only that, but that attitude will not be conducive to a healthy worship of God. In fact, if anything, it will lead the members of the household away from God. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, forgive us when we have not given a good example as parents and have acted almost like gods; but we’re not, cannot be, don’t want to be. Help us, Father, to have a more loving spirit toward those we love, a more caring attitude toward those in our home, and a willingness and openness to do what’s best for all even if it’s not something we’re used to doing. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f69d34aa95 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Priest, but not God +startDate: 12/23/2025 +endDate: 12/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/24-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/24-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..823e4f8279 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/24-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: What Type of Person Are You? +date: 12/24/2025 +--- + +_Pamela Consuegra, PhD_ + +>


+> "Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness." (2 Peter 3:11 NKJV) + +### Observation + +**_What manner of persons?_** Or, “what sort of men?” from an older word meaning “from what country?” Here Peter reveals that his great concern is not with events but with men, that is, with the characters of his readers. He has gone into detail about last-day events in order to bring before them the imperative need for holiness, and now devotes the remainder of his epistle to impressing this need upon them. + +**_In all… godliness._** Literally, “in holy behaviors and godliness,” both nouns being in the plural in Greek, since Peter is making his thought as comprehensive as possible and wishes his readers to bring every part of their conduct into conformity to the highest Christian standards. For comment on “conversation” (_anastroph_) see on ch. 2:7; for “godliness” (_eusebeia_) see on Tim. 2:2.[_ The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (616). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +Have you ever felt like it is easier at times to be nice to strangers than it is to those you live with? Why is that? Why is it that the ones that we should speak the most loving to and act the most loving towards, often get to see the worst of us? It is easy to "keep our guard up" around strangers. After all, we have a reputation to uphold. + +Answer this question honestly--- What would others think if they could peak inside your home throughout the day? Would you want them to hear how you talk to your spouse and to your children? The truth is that unseen angels do see! Jesus sees and hears too. + +Perhaps you also need to reflect on the fact that your son will treat his wife the way that you treat your wife. Your little girl will communicate to her husband the way that she witnesses mom doing. And, even if you are single, your child will grow up to reflect the same communication style and conflict resolution that you utilize. The importance of modeling "holy conduct and godliness" cannot be underestimated. + +So, respond to the issue raised in our scriptural text for today--- What manner of person are you? What manner of person ought you to be? Is change needed? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Dear Lord, please guard my tongue, my thoughts, and my actions. Help me to reflect You to everyone I meet, but most of all, help my family to see You in me today. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5e8ede890 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What Type of Person Are You? +startDate: 12/24/2025 +endDate: 12/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/25-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/25-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87bca25298 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/25-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Give Your Child the Best Gift +date: 12/25/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. **Matthew 2:11 (ASV)** + +### Observation + +_**gold, frankincense, and myrrh**_—Visits were seldom paid to sovereigns without a present (1 Ki 10:2, &c.; compare Ps 72:10, 11, 15; Is 60:3, 6). “Frankincense” was an aromatic used in sacrificial offerings: “myrrh” was used in perfuming ointments. These, with the “gold” which they presented, seem to show that the offerers were persons in affluent circumstances. That the gold was presented to the infant King in token of His royalty; the frankincense in token of His divinity, and the myrrh, of His sufferings; or that they were designed to express His divine and human natures; or that the prophetical, priestly, and kingly offices of Christ are to be seen in these gifts; or that they were the offerings of three individuals respectively, each of them kings, the very names of whom tradition has handed down—all these are, at the best, precarious suppositions. But that the feelings of these devout givers are to be seen in the richness of their gifts, and that the gold, at least, would be highly serviceable to the parents of the blessed Babe in their unexpected journey to Egypt and stay there—that much at least admits of no dispute. [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). _Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible_ (Mt 2:11). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +At this time of the year we enjoy reading again the story of the birth of Jesus. We are reminded of the visit of the angel to Mary and Joseph, of Joseph’s decision to proceed with his plans to marry the young, pregnant girl, of their trip to Bethlehem, and of the birth of baby Jesus. No matter how well we know that story, we love to read it and hear it again and again. + +Today’s text is part of the story of the visit of the wise men from the East to see and honor the newborn king. Theirs was not just a trip borne out of curiosity; they knew the prophecies concerning the Messiah and understood their fulfillment and set out to follow the star that would lead them to the newborn King. + +As I think about the story of Jesus’ birth, I see that these main characters gave baby Jesus the best gifts they had. The wise men brought rich material gifts. Mary and Joseph gave him a stable home environment, a godly home, the example of parents who worshiped, had faith in, and served God. + +Our materialistic society leads many parents to believe that the more toys they give their children the happier and the better off they will be. I would not presume to tell you not to buy any toys or material things to your children. I would, however, suggest that best gifts you can give your children are a stable, healthy, loving home environment, as well as an environment that is most conducive for your children to learn about God and will become His disciples and His children. In practical terms that means to have daily morning and evening devotional time and prayer with them, to worship every week together at church, and to make sure they attend a church school until they graduate from college. The combined effort of home, church, and school is the best gift you can give them, a gift they can carry throughout eternity. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to provide for our children not only materials things but most importantly the environment and opportunities for spiritual growth. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72a69f58df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Give Your Child the Best Gift +startDate: 12/25/2025 +endDate: 12/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/26-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/26-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0f566c6f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/26-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: He Can Hold It Together +date: 12/26/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> God's Son has all the brightness of God's own glory and is like him in every way. By his own mighty word, he holds the universe together. After the Son had washed away our sins, he sat down at the right side of the glorious God in heaven. Hebrews 1:3 (CEV) + +### Observation + +**_Upholding._** Gr. _pher_, “to bear,” “to carry,” “to bear along,” “to bear up.” Here there may be the added meaning of movement, purpose, guidance; proceeding with definite intent. Christ is the one who is upholding all things in the entire universe and who keeps the heavenly bodies in their appointed paths. Compare the phrase, “by him all things consist,” that is, hold together (Col. 1:17). _Pher_ is more comprehensive than our English word “consist,” since it embraces the concept of purposeful working, of planning. This definition changes the concept from that of a mere power sustaining the physical universe to that of an intelligent Being who has a plan and is in the process of carrying it out. [_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 7_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (397). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +It is estimated that there are 400 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Scientists estimate that in the Milky Way alone there are 500 million potential planets, other than the earth, where life can exist. If these numbers are applied to all the galaxies in the universe there could be a staggering variety of planets capable of supporting life. It is all speculation, but several branches of mathematics, quantum mechanics, and astrophysics have all come to similar conclusions: our universe is just one of many. + +There’s another “universe” just as vast. . . the human brain. Our brains are remarkably complex objects with a hundred billion neurons, a quadrillion connections, and we still know very little about how this organic super computer operates. But we do know the human brain is the most complicated thing we have yet discovered. It gives us the power to form language and culture, consciousness, the idea of self, the ability to learn, and understand the universe and reflect on our place within it. + +The vast expanse of the universe moves, expands, contracts, all in a uniform, organized fashion. It is God who holds the universe together. The vast universe of the human brain is also held by God. We don’t understand how it happens, how it all works, but know that it does. So, if God holds the universe together, and He knows everything about how our brain works, doesn’t He also know how your family works, and can’t He hold your marriage together, too? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for holding everything under Your hands’ control. I submit myself, my marriage, and my family under Your control today too. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0af9378970 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: He Can Hold It Together +startDate: 12/26/2025 +endDate: 12/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/27-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/27-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b14a62f912 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/27-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: Self-Confidence may Be Dangerous +date: 12/27/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> Don't be so naive and self-confident. You're not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; it's useless. Cultivate God-confidence. 1 Corinthians 10:12 (MSG) + +### Observation + +**_Fall._** Self-confidence is dangerous. This is illustrated in the case of Peter, who thought that nothing could cause him to swerve from his allegiance to Christ (see Mark 14:31, 50, 67, 68, 70–72). All should heed the warning and be on guard continually, lest they be deceived by the suggestion that they have reached such a state of spiritual strength that nothing can lead them to sin. True safety lies only in the recognition of one’s absolute helplessness apart from Christ, and the constant need of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to deliver from sin (see John 14:26; John 15:4–7; 16:7–11, 13; 2 Cor. 12:9, 10). The admonition to “take heed” needs to be repeated frequently, for man is easily convinced that he is well able to take care of himself. Spiritual pride is a great deception, one in which it is easy for the tempter to lead the self-confident believer to fall into grievous sin (cf. 2 Sam. 11:1–4; Rom. 11:20). The exhortation to be constantly on the alert against the danger of spiritual pride is particularly appropriate to those who live in this period of the world’s history, when men are confronted daily with multiplied allurements to indulge in gratification of the carnal appetites (see Luke 21:34–36). [_The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 6_. 1980 (F. D. Nichol, Ed.) (743–744). Review and Herald Publishing Association.] + +### Application + +We live in a society that prices self-confidence. We hear messages everywhere that we need to believe in ourselves, that the solution to our problems lies within us. Even from pulpits we hear the prosperity gospel being proclaimed. While I don’t discount the fact that there’s much we can do to make positive changes, I also believe that we may at times become over confident and may try to take care of all our problems all by ourselves instead of recruiting the help that we need from others. + +Richard and Rita Tate list nine warning signs your family may not be able to solve its own problems. + +1. You Go over the Same Issues Again and Again with No Resolution or Closure. + +2. Your Networking Is Not Working. Every attempt at reasonable conversation fails and ends with shouting, disregard, or someone walking out of the room with no-closure or resolution. + +3. There Is Physical and/or Emotional Abuse. + +4. You Pretend to Respect a Family Member Whom You Do Not Really Respect. One dysfunctional family member rules the rest of the family, usually by fear. + +5. You're Afraid to Say Certain Things in Your Family. When you don't feel comfortable sharing your feelings and thoughts without being demeaned, criticized, or bullied, something is terribly wrong. + +6. You Deny, Excuse, or Choose to Ignore the Signs of Problems Such as Drug or Alcohol Abuse. + +7. You Have a Recurring Wish That You Were out of Your Family or Had Never Come into it at All. + +8. No One Admits a Problem, Yet Everyone Knows it Exists. + +9. You Ignore or Excuse Signs of Bad Behavior in a Family Member. Bullying, giving orders, pulling rank, verbal abuse, arrogance, and indifference to the feelings of others are signs of this malady. + +Sometimes we can’t fix things ourselves. It is at those times we need to seek outside help before our marriage or our family falls apart. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, help us to recognize when we need help and to look for it before it is too late for our marriage or our family. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56a2f75180 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Self-Confidence may Be Dangerous +startDate: 12/27/2025 +endDate: 12/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/28-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/28-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5bc1810468 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/28-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Ministry for All +date: 12/28/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> "And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. Joel 2:28 + +### Observation + +**_afterward_**—“in the last days” (Is 2:2) under Messiah _after_ the invasion and deliverance of Israel from the _northern army_. Having heretofore stated the outward blessings, he now raises their minds to the expectation of extraordinary spiritual blessings, which constitute the true restoration of God’s people (Is 44:3). Fulfilled in earnest (Ac 2:17) on Pentecost; among the Jews and the subsequent election of a people among the Gentiles; hereafter more fully at the restoration of Israel (Is 54:13; Je 31:9, 34; Ez 39:29; Zec 12:10) and the consequent conversion of the whole world (Is 2:2; 11:9; 66:18–23; Mic 5:7; Ro 11:12, 15). As the Jews have been the seedmen of the elect Church gathered out of Jews and Gentiles, the first Gospel preachers being Jews from Jerusalem, so they shall be the harvest men of the coming world-wide Church, to be set up at Messiah’s appearing. That the promise is not _restricted_ to the first Pentecost appears from Peter’s own words: “The promise is (not only) unto you and to your children, (but also) to _all that are afar off_ (both in space and in time), even as many as the Lord our God shall call” (Ac 2:39). So here “upon _all_ flesh.” [Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). _Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible_ (Joe 2:28). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.] + +### Application + +Since I began in the pastoral ministry, nearly thirty years ago, my wife has been by my side. We have had to move many times due to the opportunities of ministry or because we were asked to serve a congregation other than where we were. Each time I took a new church my wife had to leave her job as a teacher and apply for a job in the new location. We have been blessed each time that she was able to find a teaching position nearby. + +I have learned through all these years that the ministry, whether pastoral or teaching, is not something you chose to do but rather something God calls you to do. I have also learned and have been a witness to the fact that God calls men and women, as He wishes, and equips them through His Holy Spirit. In addition , I have learned that when God calls somebody, and they allow Him to lead in their lives, the results are evident in what takes place in their ministry. For instance, as a pastor you see positive changes in the congregation you serve, you witness growth, both numerically and spiritually, and you see changed lives as a result of God working through you. As a teacher, you witness the very same things – spiritual and numeric growth in the school, positive changes in finances and in the school facilities, and you see the changed lives that result from the work of these dedicated ministers in the teaching ministry. The Holy Spirit is the same, the call is the same, the ministry is the same. In fact, Paul wrote to the Ephesians that God gave His church the gift (not gifts) of “pastors and teachers.” Not two separate gifts but one. + +In marriage, when husband and wife work together, as the spiritual ministers of their home, everyone benefits, everyone is blessed. When we as husbands and wives allow the Holy Spirit to equip us and use us we become able ministers of one another. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, thank You for calling us, equipping us, and using us to minister to others, beginning with our spouse and children. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7f7e2f52c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Ministry for All +startDate: 12/28/2025 +endDate: 12/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/29-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/29-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b950035e70 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/29-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Turn Humbly Toward God +date: 12/29/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> But I, the LORD, won't destroy any of your people who are truly humble and turn to me for safety. Zephaniah 3:12 (CEV) + +### Observation + +These verses emphasize the fact that the judgment on the day of the Lord is a purging judgment. The reason why “you shall not be shamed” is that the blot of wickedness will be removed from Jerusalem. The “remnant of Israel,” that is, those who are saved from the judgment, pattern their lives after the Lord whom they serve (v. 5). They live humbly, trustingly, and righteously under the watchful care of their God.[_ Andrews Study Bible Notes_. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.) (1207). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.] + +### Application + +Insurance companies have termed catastrophic events in nature, such as tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes, as “acts of God.” In that sense, Satan has continued to spread widely lies about God blaming Him for the things that he and his evil companions cause upon this earth and its people. The promise of this verse is that God won’t destroy any who turn to Him humbly for safety. + +As I think of all the marriages and families falling apart, the destructive hand of the devil has caused painful havoc to many innocent children’s lives. The security and safety of their homes, the loving atmosphere of their parents’ marriage, the peace and comfort they should enjoy during their growing years has been exchanged by yelling, anger, and even physical harm. It is no wonder that many children, growing in such homes, don’t seem to have any interest in God or what He has planned for them. If parents facing marriage difficulties would stop to consider the damage they’re causing their children instead of only looking at the pain they’re experiencing at the moment they might take the steps to change their home situation for the benefit of all. + +Today’s verse holds a promise for all of us wishing to have a happy, healthy home. Turn humbly toward God for in Him we will find our safety zone. Commit yourself and your family to God every day, humbly submit to His power and His guidance, and rest confident in His protection. The key word is “humbly.” Our sense of self wants to be independent, but God wants us to learn to depend on Him. We want to be self-reliable, but God offers to help us if we rely on Him. Humbly submitting to God may be the hardest thing we have to do, but also the best thing for us and for our family. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, today we come humbly before You, asking You to help us, change us, and be our safety. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5de4842622 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Turn Humbly Toward God +startDate: 12/29/2025 +endDate: 12/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/30-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/30-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab482212b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/30-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +--- +title: Dumber than a Donkey +date: 12/30/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> (Num 22:18-19 NKJV) Then Balaam answered and said to the servants of Balak, "Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the word of the LORD my God, to do less or more. {19} "Now therefore, please, you also stay here tonight, that I may know what more the LORD will say to me." + +### Observation + +Balak entices Balaam to come curse Israel, his enemies. At first it seems as if Balaam, a prophet of God, does what the Lord tells him, but it appears that the possibility of enriching himself makes Balaam bend the rules and ignore God’s will. Peter writes: (2 Pet 2:15-16 NKJV) They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; {16} but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man's voice restrained the madness of the prophet. + +Jude adds: (Jude 1:11 NKJV) Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. + +And John in Revelation adds even more: (Rev 2:14 NKJV) "But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. + +From our story for today and these three texts we can conclude several things about Balaam: + +1. Even though God had already told him not to go, he went back to God as if to double-check His will. If God already stated His will, why try to change it? + +2. He told Balak’s delegations he wouldn’t go, but still asked them to stay around a little until he consulted with God. He allowed temptation to become sin. + +3. He was more interested in riches than in doing God’s will. We can’t serve God and mammon. + +4. Greed leads to rebellion. + +5. He put a stumbling block for the Israelites on the way to the promised land (Numbers 31), so that even though God prophesied and pronounced a blessing through him, he still disregarded it in order to enrich himself. + +6. His sins included greed, but also leading the Israelites to worship idols and to commit sexual immorality. These three are the most typical sins of our time. + +### Application + +As heads of our household, we must be careful not to follow the steps of Balaam. Here’s what I mean: + +1. Whenever we become aware of God’s will, we must follow it. + +2. Do not allow love for the things of this world (money, house, boat, retirement, etc.) or the pursuit of them, become the guiding principle while abandoning the pursuit of the will of God. + +3. Don’t let temptation linger or it will become sin. + +4. Not only should we not take the steps that lead to sin and death, but we must watch that we don’t lead others or place in the path of others – i.e. our family – anything that may lead them to sin. + +5. We must protect our family from the same three sins of Balaam – greed, idolatry, and sexual immorality. + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father, thank You for reminding us through the story of Balaam than when we allow temptation to lead away from You we are dumber than a donkey. Help us to be wise and to protect our family from certain harm, danger, and death. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f26809f31e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Dumber than a Donkey +startDate: 12/30/2025 +endDate: 12/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/31-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/31-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5be03020f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/31-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Bring Your Children to God Daily +date: 12/31/2025 +--- + +_Claudio Consuegra, DMin_ + +>


+> One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. Mark 10:13 (NLT) + +### Observation + +Little children brought to Christ, v. 13. Their parents, or whoever they were that had the nursing of them, brought them to him, that he should _touch them_, in token of his commanding and conferring a blessing on them. It doth not appear that they needed any bodily _cure_, nor were they capable of being _taught:_ but it seems, 1. That they had the care of them were mostly concerned _about their souls_, their better part, which ought to be the principal care of all parents for their children; for that is the principal part, and it is well with them, it if be well with their souls. 2. They believed that Christ’s blessing would do their souls good; and therefore to him they brought them, that he might _touch_ them, knowing that he could reach their hearts, when nothing their parents could say to them, or do for them, would reach them. We may present our children to Christ, now that he is in heaven, for from thence he can reach them with his blessing, and therein we may act faith upon the fulness and extent of his grace, the kind intimations he hath always given of favour to the seed of the faithful, the tenour of the covenant with Abraham, and the promise _to us and to our children_, especially that great promise of pouring his _Spirit upon our seed_, and his _blessing_ upon _our offspring_, Isa. 44:3. [Henry, M. (1994). _Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: Complete and unabridged in one volume_ (1799–1800). Peabody: Hendrickson.] + +### Application + +We’re often reminded of this story on those days when we have a service of dedication of children in church. It is then that we affirm their parents for making that important decision and confirm their commitment to raise their children to love and follow Jesus. But we have to be reminded, as parents, that dedicating our children to God should not be something that happens early in the life of the child, once and for all, but rather something that we do every day of their lives, even (or maybe specially so) when they have grown up and have moved away from home. + +We’ve talked about the importance of praying for our children daily in other places. This prayer that we speak about today is not simply a prayer of requests but a dedication, or a presentation of our children to God. It is as if we lifted them up so they may be closer to God. And isn’t that the best place for them to be? + +> A Prayer You May Say +> Father God, I lift my children up to you today. May they draw closer to you each day. + +_Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f9727c0b92 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bring Your Children to God Daily +startDate: 12/31/2025 +endDate: 12/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..643a6ded4c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/12-december-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: December 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2981adad03 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +title: Family Topics. 2025 Devotional +kind: devotional +startDate: 01/01/2025 +endDate: 31/01/2025 +primaryColor: '#9FC3BB' +primaryColorDark: '#78B1A5' +covers: + landscape: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/assets/cover-landscape.png + square: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/assets/cover-square.png + portrait: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/assets/cover.png + splash: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-family-devo-2025/assets/splash.png diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25b1109b53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Habit of Happiness +date: 01/01/2025 +--- + +_DeWitt S. Williams_ + +>

+> A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov. 17:22, NIV + +Happiness is an illusive butterfly. If pursued directly, it flits away beyond our reach. But if we sit down contented with what we have, it’s likely to perch on our shoulder. Perhaps that’s why only 10 to 15 percent of Americans consider themselves truly happy. + +As John Powell (author of Happiness Is an Inside Job) puts it, happiness “is not like putting so many coins into a happiness - dispensing machine. Then suddenly out comes the candy bar of happiness!” Happiness, he says, is an inside job. To the extent we think our happiness will come from outside things or other persons, our dreams are destined to die. The sad fact is that almost half of all first marriages end in divorce, as do 65 percent of all second marriages! Disillusion always seems to follow when we expect someone (like a spouse or friend) or something (such as fame or fortune) to make us happy. + +Yet we are all capable of acquiring the habit of happiness, regardless of the depressing world in which we live. When we watch television and see what’s happening around us—child and spousal abuse, chemical dependency, teenage pregnancy, gangs, bulging prisons, wars, AIDS—it is not surprising that the World Health Organization has singled out depression as the world’s most widespread disease. One third of all Americans wake up depressed every day. But you don’t have to be one of them! + +Are you happy with your work? This may be the most important question one can ask that relates to life expectancy. If you are not happy with your work, you should either get happy with it or change your job. + +Are you happy at home? Invite Christ in. “With Jesus in the family, happy, happy home.” + +Are you happy with yourself? You can become the person you and God want you to become. But regardless, Jesus still loves you. Why shouldn’t you like yourself if God already does? + +So as we begin our journey together to a more vibrant life, I wish you a happy new year. Not just today or during the month of January, but all through the year and until Jesus comes again. Choose happiness and live! + +> +> Choose happiness. Resolve to replace every negative thought with thoughts of God’s blessings. You can have a happy new year! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c65f85178 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/01-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Isaiah 39 +startDate: 01/01/2025 +endDate: 01/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/02-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/02-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1454329db --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/02-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Aspire +date: 01/02/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Cor. 9:24, NIV. + +If you have no vision of your potential, you have no hope of victory. Circumstances will control your life, and you’ll find yourself sitting on the sidelines. You need to climb the mountains in your life and give it your best. + +Peter Nelson, a 45-year-old dentist from San Luis Obispo, California, was asked to join an expedition climbing 29,028-foot Mount Everest. It was very unusual for a man his age who was not a professional climber to be asked to join the 10-member team. But because he lived a healthy vegetarian Adventist lifestyle, he was one of the most fit. + +During the final stages of the climb the group, wanting someone to set a good pace, put Peter in the lead. Hoping to get to camp 4 by nightfall and finish the climb of 2,000 feet to the top the next day, he pushed to climb 5,000 feet that day. + +As he approached camp 4 his lungs began to fill with fluid from altitude sickness (pulmonary edema), which sometimes kills in 20 to 40 minutes. He spent the night sitting up, breathing oxygen, fighting for each breath, and praying. + +In the morning he began his trip down the mountain, while his team went on to the top without him. + +When someone asked Peter how he felt having failed to reach the top, he replied, “Victory is in running the race. I had an opportunity to climb Mount Everest. Reaching the top would have been wonderful, but what’s really important is that you climb all the mountains in your life with courage and joy.” + +> +> What “mountains” are you facing today? Why not ask God to give you His courage and joy for the climb? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..67f919bc58 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/02-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Aspire +startDate: 01/02/2025 +endDate: 01/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/03-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/03-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce0703de90 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/03-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Spiritual Freedom +date: 01/03/2025 +--- + +_Dan Matthews_ + +>

+> Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor. 3:17, RSV. + +When you ask people to name the most spiritual person they know, you get an amazing array of answers. Some think of people in the Middle Ages who walked on cold floors with bare feet and made sure their stomachs were always growling. Those who admire this kind of individual have a dark suspicion that submitting to harsh circumstances and even cruel superiors must be very spiritual. Perhaps it’s because they think of God as harsh and cruel. + +Others will suggest people who are quiet and gentle—pious individuals who never make quick moves or loud sounds and who certainly never do anything spontaneous or fun. Perhaps again their admirers worship a very uptight God. + +But it’s clear this is not what Paul had in mind when he looked for the signs of a truly spiritual person. He knew that when the Lord’s Spirit touches the core of someone’s life, they discover freedom. Paul thought of people whose faces are brighter, whose steps are lighter, and who know a wonderful creativity and boldness as they face life. + +We’re not talking about a reckless freedom, an irresponsible license to indulge hurtful desires. Rather we’re discussing freedom from the fear of rejection, freedom from the need to ask other people’s permission to forgive oneself. This is freedom to grasp life at a new level and grow in directions of one’s own choosing. It is freedom from the fears of failure that have haunted us since childhood and kept us from launching into life as a daring adventure. Such freedom taps our most creative juices and allows us to become the unique, one-of-a-kind persons God intends for us to be. + +Jesus spent a lot of His ministry setting people free from the false notions about His Father taught by the religious establishment of the day. His fresh understanding of spirituality still lurks today on the edges of our souls, waiting to break us free! We must believe His words: “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36, RSV). That’s good news! + +> +> How is your spiritual health? What can you do to experience the freedom Jesus offers you? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d50d57d12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/03-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Spiritual Freedom +startDate: 01/03/2025 +endDate: 01/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/04-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/04-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3774666588 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/04-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Prayer Is the Breath of the Soul +date: 01/04/2025 +--- + +_Elmar P. Sakala_ + +>

+> But I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. Ps. 55: 16, 17. NIV. + +While the baby is still in the uterus, it is obviously unable to breathe air into its lungs. Yet as soon as it is born it must be ready to start breathing within seconds. For the baby to go from living comfortably in a bath of warm water for nine months to suddenly surviving in cold, dry air takes a lot of preparation. How can this happen? Does the Creator leave it to chance? No! In His usual ingenious manner God has designed that the baby will perform special exercises to get ready for this vital event. + +Before birth the baby regularly exercises the chest muscles used to breathe air after birth. Such breathing exercises start early in pregnancy and are a normal part of what the baby does when it is awake. The closer the baby gets to the time to be born, the more it does its special exercises. When the baby is asleep it lies still, allowing the breathing muscles to rest. + +Even though the baby cannot take air into its lungs when it moves its chest, the exercises are very important. As well as keeping the breathing muscles strong, the breathing movements help the millions of tiny air sacs in the lungs to develop normally. The baby will need to fill the air sacs with air when he or she takes his or her first breath after birth. + +Babies unable to perform breathing movements in the uterus not only have weak breathing muscles and get tired quickly, but their lung air sacs may not develop properly. + +Prayer is the breath of the soul. Like a baby exercising its breathing movements before it needs it, we must be exercising our spiritual “breathing movements” regularly, or our spiritual muscles will be weak, our spiritual growth will be limited, and we won’t have the spiritual health we need to make it through tough times. + +> +> Am I getting the spiritual exercise I need to grow spiritually strong and healthy? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd655f3a4c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/04-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Prayer Is the Breath of the Soul +startDate: 01/04/2025 +endDate: 01/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/05-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/05-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f119df595b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/05-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Miracle Bean +date: 01/05/2025 +--- + +_Mark and Virginia Messina_ + +>

+> Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17, RSV. + +Webster defines a miracle as “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.” Usually we think of miracles as events that are beyond our limited human understanding of the natural world. They inspire awe and bring us to our knees in the humbling presence of God’s power and mercy, such as during a spontaneous healing of a life-threatening disease. + +But most of us recognize that even some easily explained, everyday occurrences so reflect God’s goodness and magnificence that they contain a touch of the miraculous. No matter that science explains their occurrence. They still take our breath away and fill us with awe just the same, whether it be the cry of a newborn baby or a perfect rainbow. + +But some miracles seem to escape our notice because we don’t look hard enough or we forget that God’s gifts to us are not always earth-shattering. + +Nutritionists who study plant-based diets have found such a “miracle.” Soybeans are rich in the highest quality protein. Inexpensive and easy to grow, they produce 20 times more protein an acre than an acre devoted to raising beef. So versatile is the soybean that in one form or another it appears in nearly every kind of dish imaginable. Packaged in this little bean is a host of natural substances that have impressive health protective effects, earning soy the nickname “miracle bean.” Scientists have found in soybeans substances called isoflavones, which appear in no other commonly consumed food. Isoflavones have been linked to a reduced risk for cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. + +A miracle? Webster might not agree that soybeans meet the strictest definition of that word. But God’s people know that the true miracle is His never-ending desire to bless us with gifts for our welfare and happiness. Each of these gifts is a miraculous sign of His great love for us. They come in big and small packages, and often escape our notice. But our lives are enriched when we recognize and are grateful for each gift—whether it be healing, a baby, a rainbow, or a little brown bean. + +> +> Lord, teach me to see the many gifts with which You bless my life, and to be always thankful for all the good things You provide. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d3c1bcdcf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/05-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Miracle Bean +startDate: 01/05/2025 +endDate: 01/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/06-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/06-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d36bf1358c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/06-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Substituting Praise for Pain +date: 01/06/2025 +--- + +_Debby Bullock_ + +>

+> I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell all the miracles you have done. I will be happy because of you. God Most High, I will sing praises to your name. Ps. 9:1, 2, EB. + +Sometimes it seems as if the whole world comes crashing in on you at once. My husband’s back problem threatened to leave him a helpless cripple. My father-in-law died. Benji, our firstborn, hemorrhaged and was facing surgery. Then it happened . . . + +A blowout forced me to the side of the road. I remember bending down to fit the jack, and the next thing I knew, I was picking myself up from down the embankment. Someone had sideswiped my car. + +Not until a couple hours later did the pain hit—excruciating, nauseating pain shot down from my shoulder through my body, leaving my head throbbing. “Probably just a pulled muscle,” the doctor said. + +A couple weeks later I became incapacitated with pain spasms so severe that I’d lose consciousness. I was hospitalized for a month, then bedridden at home for six months with pain so intense that I almost existed on morphine. Later a doctor in Edmonton said he’d never seen such a severe reverse whiplash and exclaimed, “You should have been killed instantly!” I owe my life to being in peak physical condition. My body simply bent instead of breaking! But as a result of the stress on my system I had come down with Fibromyalgia, a disease that now forces me to live in constant pain. + +At first I fought it, became depressed, and felt a burden to my family. My negative attitude put a chasm between me and God. But as I began to read and pray, I came to realize that I was responsible for my own health and happiness. I needed to accept my condition and live life within my limits. My worth was not tied to my works. + +I believe God is in the process of healing me. I may never be free of pain. The miracle is that He is giving me an attitude of praise that supersedes the pain. When I begin to count my blessings—when I focus on praising Him—I don’t notice the pain. + +> +> What are you thankful for today? How can you live in an attitude of praise all day? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..884a8b6bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/06-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Substituting Praise for Pain +startDate: 01/06/2025 +endDate: 01/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/07-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/07-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e8a25c362 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/07-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Look Before You Swallow +date: 01/07/2025 +--- + +_Marjorie V. Baldwin_ + +>

+> "Test everything. Hold on to the good. 1 Thess. 5:21, NIV. + +Swallowing is such an easy thing to do. It is one of the things we do best. We pop in the food, give it a crunch or two, swallow—and it’s gone. + +But hold on a minute. That swallow, so simple, constant, and automatic, is a very complicated physiological action. It requires the carefully orchestrated and cooperative efforts of more than 30 muscles or groups of muscles! And once the symphony is begun, you can’t stop it at will. The act of swallowing moves on to the completed act—that of digesting and absorbing the food that eventually becomes you. + +The process begins in your brain. You see a beautiful apple with a mouthwatering aroma. Grasping it, you bite into it. If as you begin to chew you note half a worm in the uneaten portion, you can easily eject what is in your mouth. No problem. But once you have swallowed apple and worm, only much more violent and unpleasant measures can prevent digestion and the worm becoming part of you. + +So it is with truth and error. You perceive an inviting concept and ingest it into your mental and spiritual “mouth.” If on closer examination and comparison with the criteria of truth it remains acceptable, you may swallow and integrate it into your character. If, however, it hides error, hopefully you reject it before you swallow. + +Being indifferent to what you think about, or neglecting to evaluate things critically, will permit the accepted error to become part of your mental and spiritual self—your character. Only by violent, painful effort can you heave it out. + +Joseph fled pressured temptation, even at the sake of losing his coat, his reputation, and his freedom, in order to preserve his integrity and loyalty. Job said, “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl” (Job 31:1, NIV). Jesus taught us to pray, “Lead us not into temptation” (Matt. 6:13). + +Don’t swallow sin. Saying no to temptation has its reward—a seat with Jesus on His throne, access to the tree of life, eternal wisdom, health, and vibrant happiness. + +> +> Lord, help me to know the difference between truth and error, and to accept and love only truth. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5ef0f7ea5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/07-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Look Before You Swallow +startDate: 01/07/2025 +endDate: 01/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/08-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/08-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e34bc5f9e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/08-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: 130-year-old Health Information Confirmed +date: 01/08/2025 +--- + +_Mervyn G. Hardinge_ + +>

+> I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart. Ps. 40:8, NIV. + +In 1863 the Seventh-day Adventist Church officially organized. That same year Ellen G. White received her first vision on the principles underlying health reform. These and subsequent instructions, confirmed by modern science in recent years, shaped the health practices of the church’s members. And all this began at a time when bloodletting and the almost indiscriminate use of powerful drugs were the tools of medicine, while the sciences of physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, and nutrition were in their infancy or had yet to emerge. The recommendations she made include: + +- Reduce fat, especially animal fat. Now known to increase cholesterol, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke. +- Use whole-grain wheat flour in breadmaking rather than the super-fine white flour then considered the best. +- Avoid overeating and being overweight, today recognized as public health problems. +- Use salt sparingly and avoid baking soda and powder in making bread. This given long before research showed their role in high blood pressure and chronic kidney failure. +- Breast-feed babies. This at a time when bottle feeding was becoming popular. Now science recognizes mother’s milk as the ideal nutrition for an infant. +- Use grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables to make the most healthful diet. Ellen White recommended this at a time when many ridiculed a vegetarian diet. + +Recent research has shown that vegetarian diets provide desirable levels of unsaturated fat, generous amounts of complex carbohydrates, and an abundance of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and other biologically active components. Such a diet protects against coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, and a variety of cancers. In 1993 the American Dietetic Association officially recognized in a position paper the adequacy and benefits of a vegetarian diet. + +And what did Ellen White say of that first health reform vision in 1863? “I saw that it was a sacred duty to attend to our health.” Medical science confirms the strong connection between physical well-being and psychological well-being! + +> +> What adjustments should you make in your lifestyle to live up to how you know you should be living? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..037de9f122 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/08-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: 130-year-old Health Information Confirmed +startDate: 01/08/2025 +endDate: 01/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/09-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/09-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9661e16e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/09-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Ellen White's Struggle With Meat-eating +date: 01/09/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. Isa. 50:7, NIV. + +One of the most admired individuals in the 150-year history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is its cofounder Ellen G. White, who wrote 26 books in current circulation, 4,600 articles, and more than 200 tracts and pamphlets, many of which had to do with some facet of health, and all of which she wrote in longhand. + +What’s incredible is that Ellen White had such poor health herself that few expected her to survive childhood. She was a cheerful, buoyant, active child until 9 years of age, when a rock thrown by another child hit her in the head. It broke her nose and she remained unconscious for three weeks. The experience left her disfigured, ill, and debilitated. For two years she was unable to breathe through her nose. She was nervous and unable to hold her hand sufficiently steady to write, and the effort to read made her dizzy. Despite poor health she tried repeatedly to attend school, but the effort was too much, and finally she gave up when she was 12. + +With this background, how was she able to live to 87 years of age and accomplish so much? It was partially as a result of her willingness to change her lifestyle as new principles of healthful living became plain to her. But it was not without a struggle. For example, she loved meat. But after her 1863 vision in which she learned the dangers of eating flesh foods, she told the cook, “No more meat from now on!” + +When the family came for breakfast and there wasn’t any meat on the table, Ellen took one look and disgustedly left the room. When she returned at noontime, again there was no meat, and she refused to eat. The next day she felt so hungry that the simple food looked more appetizing to her, so she could finally eat. + +If you’re struggling to make healthful changes, take courage. Set your face “like flint,” and the Lord will help you. Others have struggled before you and have been victorious. You can too. + +> +> In what area of health do you need to set your face “like flint” and do what you know you should? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..561939f5f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/09-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Ellen White's Struggle With Meat-eating +startDate: 01/09/2025 +endDate: 01/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/10-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/10-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c65a7798d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/10-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Letting Go +date: 01/10/2025 +--- + +_Pam Vredevelt_ + +>

+> And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Rom. 8:28, NIV. + +After our first baby died, there came times when I said to myself, "Pam, you've got to let go and move on with life." It was easier said than done. To break away from someone we have been bonded to tears apart our emotions. The greater the bond, the greater the pain. + +Usually when our awareness of our loss increases, so does our pain. A cartoon showed a woman with her head and arms squeezing through the wringer of an old washing machine. Her face was full of anguish. The caption read: "The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." It's very painful to face the full impact of our losses. + +Letting go demands that we allow ourselves to feel our pain and ride out the grief. Some of my favorite sayings are "Feeling is healing" and "Birds fly, fish swim, people feel." Numbing our feelings with addictive behavior prolongs and intensifies our grief and blocks us from successfully letting go. + +During the painful times of life when I am having to let go of something or someone dear to me, I've found that God is the one to run to. + +God has the power to heal the pain. But He will never force us to let go of something to which we cling. Instead, He will wait compassionately for us to release our grip, open our hands, and invite Him to participate in our lives. Once we have invited Him into our lives, we have an eternal guarantee that He will be with us no matter what circumstances bring our way. And He promises to help us let go of our pain a little at a time. + +One day we will be able to look back and see how God's hand has been on our lives. But not until history has run its course will we fully understand how "all things work together for good." So for now we must choose a life of faith, which means believing in advance what will make sense only in hindsight. + +> +> How do you feel about the phrase "Feeling is healing"? Why is it so hard to let go? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00a6c1ffd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/10-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Letting Go +startDate: 01/10/2025 +endDate: 01/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/11-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/11-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cda3fb516c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/11-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: 1 Corinthians 13 for Health Professionals +date: 01/11/2025 +--- + +_Hans Diehl_ + +>

+> And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:13, NIV. + +I may be a famous scientist or practicing physician and display in my office many diplomas and degrees. I may be considered an excellent teacher and a convincing speaker. But if I have no love, my words are worth no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gifts of an outstanding clinician, making difficult diagnoses, and understanding all the mysteries of the human body. And I may communicate well to my patients to enable them to make better lifestyle choices. But if I have no love, I am nobody. + +I may invest all my money to build the best facilities and purchase the best equipment. I may provide the best staff to treat my patients. I may devote all my time to their care, even to the point of neglecting my family or myself. But if I have not love, it profits me nothing. + +Love is nature's medicine. It is natural and does not depress the immune system, but enhances it. + +Love can be combined with many remedies; it is an outstanding catalyst. Love relieves pain and maintains life at its best. + +Love is tolerated by anyone, never causing allergic reactions or intolerance. + +New medicines come and go. What was considered good yesterday may be useless today. What is considered good today may be worthless tomorrow. But love has passed the test of time; it will be effective always. + +We now understand things only partially, and new therapies are often only experimental, for our gifts of knowledge and inspired discoveries are only partial. When all things will be understood, only then we will recognize the true value of love. + +Love is the finest agent to create rapport between patients, relatives, and friends. It will help us to act not as children, but as mature adults. + +Today many truths appear as blurred images to health professionals. We still don't understand how the things of the Spirit work to maintain life. But one day we shall see all things very clearly. + +Still there remains three basic remedies: faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love. + +> +> Lord, help me not to be so busy doing good that I don't have time to experience God's love and give it away. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ae1a19d67 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/11-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: 1 Corinthians 13 for Health Professionals +startDate: 01/11/2025 +endDate: 01/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/12-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/12-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c6590dee7d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/12-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: By the Blood of the Lamb +date: 01/12/2025 +--- + +_Jean Marie Hametz_ + +>

+> They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Rev. 12:11, NIV. + +The way our blood fights the body's enemies offers a wonderful object lesson in how Christ's blood enables us to overcome sin. Every day we encounter hundreds of germs that could make us sick or even kill us. Yet usually we are unaware of them. + +What happens inside the body when it is invaded by these tiny enemies? As soon as the body detects an invading object, or pathogen, the body makes what is known as antibodies. They are protein molecules in the blood that fight the pathogen. The next time the same pathogen invades the body, special types of cells known as memory cells detect the infectious agent and quickly act to help the body form the exact antibodies needed to fight the enemy. + +At birth a baby receives antibodies from its mother through the placenta and her milk. For the first few months of life the baby actually has resistance to or immunity from the diseases its mother has had even though the child hasn't had the diseases itself. The baby is safe from every pathogen the mother has successfully battled. + +In the same way, when we are born again by faith in Jesus Christ we receive power to overcome all sin. Jesus was exposed to all sin for us, so we may overcome through faith in Him. The Bible tells us: "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin" (Heb. 4:15, NIV). + +Jesus took on every sin for us. Imagine if a mother could allow herself to be exposed to every physical disease in the world in order to pass on immunity to her children! Even the most loving mother has never done that. Yet Jesus risked it all so that we could overcome! + +> +> Help me to trust You, Lord Jesus, and the power of Your blood to forgive my past sins and give me the ability to overcome current temptations. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84655962b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/12-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: By the Blood of the Lamb +startDate: 01/12/2025 +endDate: 01/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/13-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/13-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b1d57d60a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/13-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Caught With High Blood Pressure +date: 01/13/2025 +--- + +_Henry C. Martin_ + +>

+> The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10, NIV. + +Your blood pressure is markedly elevated. Have you seen your doctor?" That was the first warning that I had hypertension. Attending a national convention in San Francisco, I found myself attracted to a routine health screening booth in the Moscone Convention Center exhibit hall. Since then I have learned that sometimes the first symptom of heart disease is sudden death. Anxiously I went to the telephone to call a physician friend. + +My father had died from heart disease just 10 days after my mother succumbed to diabetes and depression. Of course, I had inherited genes from my parents. The husbands of both of my younger sisters had strokes. Now I discovered myself suffering from high blood pressure, and I didn't want to have it! + +Having heard of the natural lifestyle medicine taught at Weimar Institute, I contacted Dr. Vernon Foster, who urged me to enter the NEWSTART lifestyle program that had just begun. While there I learned the eight natural remedies that put me on the road to better health: nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance (self-control), air, rest, and trust. + +Eighty percent of men are able to discontinue blood pressure medication in less than three weeks. After adopting a whole plant food diet and regular exercise, I observed a steady drop in my weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Now more than 10 years later I continue to be blessed with improved health. I have just returned from a 41-mile family backpack trip in the Rogue River Wilderness. Ten years ago I'm not sure I would have made it! + +The good news is that you don't have to be what you are. You and I can take charge of our lives right now. You can use your power of choice to select healthy, natural foods and choose a stronger immune system. Even the testimony of a healthy Christian is more effective. Jesus came so that we "might have life, and . . . have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). + +> +> Are you following God's health principles so you can enjoy the abundant life Jesus wants us to have? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4004c2458b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/13-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Caught With High Blood Pressure +startDate: 01/13/2025 +endDate: 01/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/14-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/14-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1916a1dc9b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/14-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Growing Old Healthy +date: 01/14/2025 +--- + +_Dane J. Griffin_ + +>

+> Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. Deut. 34:7, NIV. + +The seasoned leader sat alone, saddened by the reality of impending death. His life's dream lay below him in awesome splendor and inspiring beauty. His disease-free heart thrilled within him as he considered entering the Promised Land, but his crystal-clear mind reminded him that he would not set foot in Canaan. + +Moses sat upon Mount Nebo in good health, waiting to die! His eyesight, perfect in his advanced age, took in the rapture of the scene before him. He did not have to squint or adjust his glasses. Though he had just climbed the mountain, he felt no fatigue, nor was his heart pounding from the strain of the climb. "His eyes were not weak nor his strength gone." + +At 120 years of age Moses was in good health, a living testimony of the result of following the Lord's lifestyle plan. There was no physical reason for Moses to die, only spiritual. God had told him he would not enter Canaan because he had struck the rock twice. As his life had been an example of the result of obedience to God's natural law, now his death would be an example of disobedience to God's spiritual commands. + +Today when someone is diagnosed with colon polyps, the reaction typically is "Oh, well, everyone gets these by the time they're 60; it's just part of growing old." When a doctor informs a retired man that he has cataracts and needs expensive surgery, what's the response? "Well, I should have known this would happen. Cataracts are a part of growing old." + +But is it? Here are some interesting statements to consider: "Obedience to God's law in every respect would save men from . . . disease of every type" (Temperance, p. 228). "Every practice which destroys the physical, mental, or spiritual energies is sin" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 113). "The burden of sin, with its unrest and unsatisfied desires, lies at the very foundation of a large share of the maladies the sinner suffers" (Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 579). + +Maybe old age isn't to blame! It's something to think about, isn't it? + +> +> Sickness and disease don't need to be an expected part of growing older if you maintain your body with God's lifestyle plan. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd422959f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/14-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Growing Old Healthy +startDate: 01/14/2025 +endDate: 01/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/15-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/15-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..206fce513a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/15-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Too Fit to Quit +date: 01/15/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Ps. 143:8, NIV. + +There's no great accomplishment just in living many years," said an active 91-year-old. "Nursing homes are filled with medicated survivors—as if that has to be the fate of those who reach old age. But to live to those ages and still be independent, physically active, and mentally alert, that is an accomplishment." + +And that's exactly what Charlotte Hamlin has been doing as she sets walking and cycling records across the country. "The closer we live by the laws of nature," she says, "the better we will feel and the longer we will live." And what are the laws of nature? According to Charlotte, the secret's in the acronym FRESH START: Fresh air, Rest, Exercise, Sunshine, Happiness, Simple diet, The use of water, Abstemiousness, Restoration, and Trust in divine power. + +Charlotte, nearing her eightieth birthday, cycles from 50 to 80 miles a day and has proved to millions that we can stay productive and healthy at any age. From 1973 until she retired in 1986 she organized and directed a summer health-screening program, and founded the three C's, a risk evaluation program that tested for potential risk for coronaries, cancer, and CVA (stroke). + +In 1986 Charlotte retired as assistant professor of nursing at Andrews University and established Fresh Start, a health-conditioning live-in program. When she was 68 she and her son, Gene, formed a nonprofit organization, Global Trek International. + +The same year she walked and cycled from coast to coast, leaving southern California in March 1987 and arriving 67 days later at Charleston, South Carolina. She made a 32-day trek across Europe that fall. The following year her 9,000 miles of pedaling took her through portions of Israel, Pakistan, India, Thailand, China, Japan, Guam, and Hawaii, and she finished at her birthplace in Canada on her seventieth birthday. + +An article about Charlotte carried the title "Too Fit to Quit." Not a bad slogan as she pedals around the world, reminding us that God has a work for us to do, regardless of our age. + +> +> What could you be doing to help you earn the slogan "Too Fit to Quit"? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e73e2129d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/15-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Too Fit to Quit +startDate: 01/15/2025 +endDate: 01/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/16-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/16-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b4738dbfb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/16-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Use it or Lose It! +date: 01/16/2025 +--- + +_Bernell E. Baldwin_ + +>

+> Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Esteem her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you. Prov. 4:7, 8, NIV. + +At the University of California in Berkeley scientists put rats into four different environments to test the effect on their brains. + +Group 1 experienced solitary confinement. The rats were given food and water only. + +Group 2 experienced social enrichment. Three animals occupied each cage. + +Group 3 experienced environmental enrichment. In addition to three in a cage, a new toy or device was added every day for 30 days. + +Group 4 experienced a natural environment. Instead of a cage, the rats were put in a large area with a buried fence, with stars and sky for ceiling and earth for floor. For challenges they had hawks by day and owls by night looking to make them fresh meals! Immediately the rats were motivated into action. They dug holes and tunnels to obtain food, water, and friends. + +In group 3, in which the rats had environmental enrichment, their average brain weight increased 7 or 8 percent. They had more and better dendrites, which are the long fingers of nerve cells—the input connectors in the brain. Their brains had increased amounts of the chemical choline acetylase (ah-SEAT-ul-ase), which is important in intelligence. (Note: this is the chemical that decreases in Alzheimer’s disease.) Hexokinase (hex-o-KIN-ase), the chemical that helps energy get from the blood into the brain, also increased. In addition, the rats were faster and smarter in getting through a maze. + +But the most amazing finding was with the group 4 rats in the natural environment. Their brain weight went up 12-13 percent, almost twice as much as those in the artificially enriched environment of group 3. + +Why did this happen? It is calledthe law of atrophy of disuse. Simply stated, “Use it or lose it.” + +I’m reminded of Ellen White’s words: “Action is a law of our being. Every organ of the body [including the brain] has its appointed work, upon the performance of which its development and strength depend” (The Ministry of Healing_, p. 237). + +The question is What are you doing for your brain? Are you in group 1: lonely and feeling sorry for yourself? group 2: with friends, but inactive? or in group 3: getting a lot of artificial stimulation? Hopefully, you’re a group 4 person, enjoying God’s natural environment and motivated activity. + +> +> Lord, help me to use it—not lose it! Increase my wisdom and understanding. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32f9f822ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/16-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Use it or Lose It! +startDate: 01/16/2025 +endDate: 01/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/17-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/17-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c445ad656a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/17-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Sugarcoated Sin +date: 01/17/2025 +--- + +_Jerry Muncy_ + +>

+> He [Moses] chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. Heb. 11:25, NIV. + +I’ll never forget the first time we flew into the poverty-stricken village of Ocoroni, Mexico, to hold a dental clinic. The minute we touched down on that tiny 1,500-foot dirt landing strip more than 100 children ran to the plane, hoping for handouts. When they smiled up at us, my heart sank. Many of them had their front teeth rotted off to the gums because of the habit of sucking on sugarcane. + +The children suffered from ignorance and poverty. Sugarcane made them feel good. But they had no one to tell them it was a deceptive pleasure that would end up destroying their teeth, causing them incredible pain and eventual loss. + +We could do little with those who flocked to our open shed where we set up our dental clinic but pull teeth. One woman kept trying to move ahead in the line. Through an interpreter we learned that because of the pain she was suffering she had walked 30 miles (50 kilometers) to get to the clinic, and would have to go back home that day. I pulled 15 of her teeth, each one so rotted down to the gums that I hardly had anything to get a grip on. If only these people had realized the hidden dangers of sugarcane! + +Then I thought about the children in my country whose front teeth had begun to rot. Not from sugarcane, but from apple juice, soft drinks, and soda pop given in a bottle from the time they were tiny babies. Some parents didn’t know how dangerous it was to allow a child to suck on juice or milk and fall asleep with their teeth literally “sugarcoated.” Others, not wanting to put up with a fuss at bedtime if they removed the juice-filled bottle, allowed their innocent children the pleasure that would later result in damaged teeth. + +It made me think about how much sin is like sugarcane or the sugar-sweet liquid in a bottle. It tastes good at the time, but without realizing it, we are being destroyed. The pleasures of sin, even for a short time, can have long-lasting and painful consequences. + +> +> Lord, open my eyes to the hidden dangers of “sugarcoated” sin. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7077cdf61a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/17-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sugarcoated Sin +startDate: 01/17/2025 +endDate: 01/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/18-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/18-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33d0f84ffe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/18-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: Cure Worry With a Song +date: 01/18/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Luke 12:22, 23, NIV. + +J. C. Penney, the genius behind one of the world’s largest chains of department stores, had built his business to a multimillion-dollar level when he lost $40 million in the crash of 1929. Three years later, when he was 56 years of age, he had to sell out to satisfy his creditors, leaving him virtually broke. He worried so much that he couldn’t sleep. The stress from his chronic fatigue depressed his immune system, and he suffered a relapse of the chicken pox virus that had been dormant in his nerves since he had had the rash as a child. The recurrence of this virus, called shingles, causes severe pain. He was hospitalized at the Battle Creek Sanitarium and given sedatives, but he still tossed and turned all night. Broken physically and mentally, he was overwhelmed with a fear of death and wrote farewell letters to his wife and son, since he didn’t expect to live until morning. + +Then he awoke to the staff singing in the hospital chapel, “Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you . . .” Following the music to its source, he slipped into a back row. Mr. Penney said something happened at that moment that he couldn’t explain. “I felt as if I had been instantly lifted out of the darkness of a dungeon into warm, brilliant sunlight. I felt the power of God as I had never felt it before. I realized that I alone was responsible for all my troubles. I knew that God with His love was there to help me. From that day to this, my life has been free from worry. I am 71 years old, and the most dramatic and glorious minutes of my life were those I spent in that chapel that morning.” + +As a result of the renewing of J. C. Penney’s mind through the power of a song, he went on to rebuild his financial empire to well over the billion-dollar mark and celebrated with his family and friends his ninety-fifth birthday. + +> +> When you’re tempted to worry,what song could you think of or sing to relieve the stress? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3912988a23 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/18-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Cure Worry With a Song +startDate: 01/18/2025 +endDate: 01/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/19-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/19-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7a1428bcc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/19-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Breaking an Addictive Habit +date: 01/19/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Newball_ + +>

+> I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13, NKJV. + +Again and again you’ve tried to quit. You’re tired of the guilt that comes from your dependance on food, coffee, sex, pills, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, or whatever. How can you obtain freedom from your addiction? The following seven steps may be your answer. + +Step 1: Exercise. A brisk walk, a swim, or a bike ride will help by physically removing you from the temptation. Exercise produces endorphins that encourage feelings of optimism and happiness. It gives you energy and relieves the stress that drives you to your habit. + +Step 2: Practice positive self-talk. High self-esteem enables you to see your potential instead of your failures. Remind yourself of your talents and abilities. Stop putting yourself down. When you get up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, “I like myself just the way I am!” (including bulges, hang-ups, and all). + +Step 3: Focus on peace of mind. Turmoil and unrest cause you to revert to your bad habits. A sense of contentment can silence that inner unrest. When you feel upset, read Psalm 23 and focus your thoughts on that green pasture and still water that God has promised you. + +Step 4: Accept the fact that you’re human and that you may blow it occasionally. All people have setbacks as they try to break an addictive habit. But feelings of failure lead to guilt and discouragement, which in turn may drive you back to your habit for comfort. It’s a vicious cycle, so don’t get caught in it. Don’t expect yourself to be perfect. + +Step 5: Develop an “I can” philosophy. The ability to break your addictive habit is to a great extent dependent on your attitude. If you truly believe you can do it, you will be more likely to succeed. + +Step 6: Develop your power of choice. Willpower is the best tool to use when trying to break a habitual behavior. It’s the ability to say no to something you want and know you shouldn’t have. + +Step 7: Ask for Jesus’ power. Even though you may have the desire to quit, remember, the power to do so comes from outside yourself. Claim the promise “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” + +> +> God longs to give you the peace and power you need to change your bad habits. Remember, with God all things are possible. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e890d2caed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/19-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Breaking an Addictive Habit +startDate: 01/19/2025 +endDate: 01/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/20-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/20-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8531027ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/20-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: What Research Says About the Adventist Lifestyle +date: 01/20/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Prov. 3:1, 2, NIV. + +The year 1967 was a landmark year for Adventist health. That year the School of Public Health began at Loma Linda University, and the Adventist Review published the article “The Life Expectancy of SDAs” (Dec. 14, 1967), based on research that indicated that SDAs outlived the average American by several years. The results gave the first quantitative figures to substantiate what Adventists have long believed—that by adopting healthy lifestyles individuals could make a difference in how long they lived. + +Researchers at Loma Linda believed that the difference in life expectancy resulted primarily from not smoking. However, questions were being raised about the role of a vegetarian lifestyle, exercise, and weight loss. + +Using the same life table analyses used in the 1967 article, researchers published in the June 29, 1989, Adventist Review an article on the lifestyle and life expectancy of SDAs. The results, based on 26 years of follow-up, revealed the life expectancy of a 35-year-old SDA male to be 8.9 years longer than an average California male, and that of a 35-year-old SDA female to be 7.5 years longer. Researchers found that vegetarian men outlived nonvegetarian men by 3.7 years. Those who exercised outlived others by as much as five years, and there was a two-year difference in men who were trim versus those who were at least 20 percent overweight. Such findings substantiated the effectiveness of the health principles long advocated by the church. + +Dr. T. Abelin from Harvard University noted that the increase in life expectancy observed by SDAs exceeded all the gains in life expectancy made in the previous 40 years in this country, including advances in medical skills and knowledge and in the environment. + +So why did God entrust us with the knowledge of healthful living? Was it so that we could live longer and better and have fewer diseases? Was it so we could radiate more of the joy of living? Was it so we could be better examples to others so that they can enjoy life more? Or was it so we would be more receptive to what God is trying to communicate to us and what He would like us to do? + +> +> What do I need to change in my lifestyle to be more receptive to God’s will for me? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c4c25597f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/20-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What Research Says About the Adventist Lifestyle +startDate: 01/20/2025 +endDate: 01/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/21-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/21-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77215c5ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/21-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: It Isn't Fair! +date: 01/21/2025 +--- + +_Norma J. McKellip_ + +>

+> If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you. Ex. 15:26, NIV. + +It’s just not fair! I thought. Why doesn’t God keep His promise? Is He really who He says He is? I was upset with God. It seemed as if my faith were trapped in a dark valley. + +My mom, a genuine Christian, had experienced relatively good health for 80 years. Because she loved God, she served Him faithfully. She walked in the “good works” Paul spoke of in Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (NIV). + +In her 80s my mom began experiencing nausea and extreme vomiting. The physicians diagnosed her with cirrhosis of the liver. I thought cirrhosis was a disease of alcoholism, and my mother didn’t drink—never had! At the most she had probably had one or two tablespoons in medicine when a child. + +The doctor read my puzzled look and said, “I know, you’re wondering how can this be? We don’t know either. When this happens, we suspect the individual had a childhood disease that damaged the liver. Do you know if that could be true of your mother?” I then remembered her telling me she had had jaundice as a child. + +Angry with God over my mother’s illness, I now questioned His goodness, honesty, and promises. Still, I continued to communicate with Him, sharing my hurt, disappointment, and misgivings. Eventually His Spirit broke through my hurt, and I realized that because my mom had lived as God suggested is best for all of us—refraining from alcoholic beverages—He had kept His promise. I had been privileged to have a mother for 30 to 40 years beyond what I would have had had she drunk liquor. Many alcoholics die in their 40s or 50s. He had withheld the disease from her well beyond that! Because of her health practices and God’s blessings, she lived a full 85 years, glorifying God. Why should I mistrust Him? Instead, I will say, “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God” (Ps. 25:1, 2, NIV). + +> +> Sometimes our faith is tested. Today praise God for the blessings He promises and provides. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80574b30ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/21-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: It Isn't Fair! +startDate: 01/21/2025 +endDate: 01/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/22-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/22-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc61e32d1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/22-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Cherish Your Vitality +date: 01/22/2025 +--- + +_Harold Shryock_ + +>

+> Then because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” So they went away by themselves . . . to a solitary place. Mark 6:30-32, NIV. + +Jesus knew His personal ministry on earth wouldn’t last long, and one of His main objectives was to train His disciples to carry on when He was gone. Therefore, it was important to use every opportunity for them to gain the instruction and experience they would need. It was an intense course of study. + +Even at the end of each day their work was not finished. If they were to take time out, many of the needy people would not receive the help they needed. So it was only natural that they would try to work continuously lest they neglect any opportunity. But even so, the Master arranged for a period of relaxation and rejuvenation. He placed a higher priority on the need for preserving vitality and efficiency than on continuously responding to whatever cried for their attention. + +It is clear that working beyond one’s capabilities, even in a worthy enterprise, carries the risk of defeat. Take the case of Margery, a 34-year-old schoolteacher and mother of three, who was beginning to suffer from migraine headaches. Typical of most persons who suffer from migraine, she was a highly organized and efficient mother, homemaker, and teacher. She did all this, however, by sheer determination and at the price of not having time to consider the beauties and blessings that surrounded her. Margery felt personally responsible for her pupils’ progress and her family’s comfort and welfare. But she was not taking time to replenish the energy she was consuming. + +What would remedy the headaches? Should she quit? Not necessarily. Margery needed to reconsider her personal limitations and adopt a new lifestyle in which she shared her responsibilities with others. She could petition the school board to provide a volunteer aid for her classroom and could counsel with her husband and children to see how she could be relieved of some routine home duties. Most of all, she needed time to be by herself and think, pray, and relax. + +> +> Just as Jesus summoned His disciples apart to replenish their energy, He is calling you. What changes do you need to make in your life so you can do as He urges? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5cf029d56b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/22-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Cherish Your Vitality +startDate: 01/22/2025 +endDate: 01/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/23-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/23-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..045bbc7d52 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/23-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: A Breath of Fresh Air +date: 01/23/2025 +--- + +_NAD Church Ministries_ + +>

+> Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Ps. 150:6, NIV. + +Zipping up my jogging suit, I step out into the early-morning light. The dew-freshened air grabs at my cheeks. My face tingles. I head down the path, picking up speed as I go. Morning fresh air—there’s something special about it. Breathing in, I feel the cool clean air slipping into my body. One deep breath leads to another until I feel exhilarated. Rejuvenated. It’s almost like there’s life in the air. + +Air. It’s so common. Yet it’s the most vital element in all my environment. I walk in it. I talk with it. I filter it and remove its oxygen for my cells. It calms my mind and lowers my blood pressure. Air helps decrease my cholesterol and even slows the formation of cataracts in my eyes. + +Studies have shown that in spite of the fact that it’s only about one fortieth of my body’s weight my brain needs five times the oxygen of any other organ in my body. + +Those morning deep breaths of quality air improve my thinking ability, my alertness, and my physical being. What a way to begin the day! + +Often after spending most of the day indoors it’s easy to lose one’s alertness. A closed, overheated, and crowded area has less oxygen and often high concentrations of harmful chemicals. The thing to do in such a case is to step out for a quick walk or open a window for some fresh, clean air. After a few minutes you’ll find your mind awakened, your energy level up, and your spirits ready for some action. + +If you find that at some point during the day you’re feeling irritable toward your family; if you feel as if your brain’s stuck in neutral; if you’re tired of dragging around half coherent; take a fresh-air break. The solution to your problem may be as simple as breathing. + +> +> Lord, help me always to remember, as I breathe into my body clean, fresh air, that You are the breath of life to my soul. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54500adbf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/23-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Breath of Fresh Air +startDate: 01/23/2025 +endDate: 01/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/24-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/24-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1888075b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/24-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Fill Your Mouth With Laughter +date: 01/24/2025 +--- + +_Pat Nordman_ + +>

+> He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, and your lips with rejoicing. Job 8:21, NKJV. + +Laughter may indeed be the best medicine after all. In his Anatomy of an Illness, published in 1979, Norman Cousins recounts how 10 minutes of solid belly laughter would give him two hours of pain-free sleep. Laughter stimulates heart and blood circulation and promotes respiration. It produces deep relaxation, thereby breaking up our tension. + +Just putting on a happy face can be rewarding. Working in a high-rise for senior citizens for several years, I made what I thought at the time was the profound discovery that if I smiled— whether I felt like it or not—I would feel better. I knew I couldn’t go in to those old people looking like a grump, so I would paste on a smile, and soon I was actually smiling. In an article published in the Orlando Sentinel, Ronald S. Miller states that “if we just assume facial expressions of happiness, we can increase blood flow to the brain and stimulate release of favorable neurotransmitters.” So when I smile I am releasing neurotransmitters and giving others—and myself--a better day in the process! + +Years ago I had a ministry with parents who had lost children. At the risk of sounding like a heretic, I asked them to keep a good joke book beside the Bible. I explained that there would be days when even the Bible might need to be supplemented with a good laugh that could, at least momentarily, lift the incredible weight of pain and loss. My personal daily shot in the funny bone is Lynn Johnston’s For Better or for Worse. God bless her for her painkiller insight on family life. + +One more bit of advice: don’t stick around negative people. These are what one writer calls “energy suckers.” Do yourself a huge favor and find someone positive and funny and enjoy life. + +God wants us to laugh and enjoy the full range of positive emotions He created. Otherwise, He wouldn’t have promised to “fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with rejoicing”! + +So let’s rattle those funny bones today and praise our heavenly Father for the wonderful gift of laughter. + +> +> If 10 minutes of laughter helped Norman Cousins sleep pain-free for two hours, what might it do for your health? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c520c463b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/24-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Fill Your Mouth With Laughter +startDate: 01/24/2025 +endDate: 01/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/25-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/25-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d1212f3b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/25-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: God's Gift of Time +date: 01/25/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma and Cicil Murphey_ + +>

+> Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. Ex. 20:8-10, NIV. + +In our high-tech, stress-filled, busy world of work we need a weekly, 24 hours of downtime. We need to rest from the overstimulation of our body’s adrenal system, the root of many modern stress problems. That’s why God gave us the Sabbath. “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27, NIV). People were to work for six days and rest for one—a rhythm that history has shown to fit human life. + +People have tried other rhythms. For instance, in 1793 the French adopted a calendar of 12 months of 30 days each. Workers stayed on the job for nine days and rested on the tenth. Soon, though, they discontinued that calendar as unworkable because workers didn’t want to work nine days before getting a day of rest. + +During World War II the United States and Great Britain speeded up the production of war materials. Many factories went to 74-hour workweeks. Before long they realized that their employees were averaging only 66 hours of actual work. These same factory workers complained about feeling irritable. Morale dropped. Accidents increased. Spoilage soared. + +Factory owners soon decreased the workweek. In the United States some factories added more workers and others introduced three eight-hour shifts instead of increasing the hours of the single shift. What were the results? They had higher production, fewer spoiled items, lower rates of absenteeism, and better morale. + +In Great Britain when they reduced the number of working hours to 48 a week (eight-hour days, six days a week), production went up. The British then went so far as to declare a mandatory rest of one day each week and gave their workers two weeks of annual vacation. + +The idea of resting one full day out of every seven is as old as the beginning of the human race. It was God’s gift to the human race to preserve life and health. Isn’t it about time we enjoyed God’s gift of time? + +> +> How can you reap the health benefits from the Sabbath day as God intended? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ca0195d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/25-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Gift of Time +startDate: 01/25/2025 +endDate: 01/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/26-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/26-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..542581d7c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/26-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Believing the Laws of Nature +date: 01/26/2025 +--- + +_Dawna Sawatzky_ + +>

+> And now my life ebbs away; days of suffering grip me. Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest. Job 30:16, 17, NIV. + +Something was wrong—very wrong. Despite a definite diagnosis and appropriate medication, Audrey Watts wasn’t feeling better. Instead, joint pain, stiffness, and muscle weakness now involved her hands and arms as well as her legs. The pain was increasingly incapacitating, leaving her wheelchair-bound and unable to do even the simplest household duties. + +Her husband pastored at a lifestyle center, so she knew “the health rules,” and she followed many of them. Her doctors said they didn’t matter. Lifestyle changes probably wouldn’t help her condition anyway. + +As a last desperate resort after long years of suffering, Audrey checked herself into the Weimar Lifestyle Center’s three-week live-in program. There she ate a diet free of refined oils, high-fat foods, and refined sugar. She was served an abundance of fresh and unrefined plant foods. Her daily routine included several hydrotherapy treatments, physical exercise, and spiritual renewal. By the end of three weeks Audrey was feeling better than she had in years. She was able to move with less pain, even exercise some. + +At home she put the principles she had learned into practice. Concentrating on actually living all eight of the natural laws of health, she reordered her life to eliminate stressful activities, prepared only natural, unrefined foods, exercised outdoors daily in the fresh air and sunshine, conscientiously drank adequate amounts of water, and continued with hydrotherapy and massage treatments. For her, temperance meant not overdoing it and learning to relax and get adequate rest as well as good quality sleep. Daily she renewed her walk with Jesus and her trust in God. + +Day by day she had less stiffness and pain. A year later she was off medication, symptom-free, and holding an undemanding job. Her painful symptoms creep up if she slips back into her old health-destroying habits, but God’s natural remedies continually work a miracle in her life. + +There’s no doubt in Audrey’s mind or mine about the truth of this statement: “The laws of nature . . . are divine, and . . . only in obedience to them can health be recovered or preserved” (_The Ministry of Healing_, p. 113). + +> +> Lord, thank You for the incredible restorative power my body has if I just follow God’s laws of nature. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd41cf2f5a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/26-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Believing the Laws of Nature +startDate: 01/26/2025 +endDate: 01/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/27-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/27-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee92dac7f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/27-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Screams in the Pillow +date: 01/27/2025 +--- + +_Homer Trecartin_ + +>

+> And he brought the present unto Eglon king of Moab: and Eglon was a very fat man. Judges 3:17. + +My brothers and I grew up working hard and eating well. We didn’t eat between meals, and only occasionally had desserts, but when we ate, we ate plenty. Because of all the outdoor work and play, the amount of food we consumed was not a problem until just before I started eighth grade. + +My left hip began to bother me. The doctors said I had two choices: become crippled, or undergo major surgery and use crutches for a year. I knew that meant no more ball games, skiing, or mountain climbing. + +The year dragged by. Summer came, and finally I was free. I didn’t tell anyone for a long time that my right leg was beginning to hurt, but by the end of the summer Mom had noticed. That meant more doctor’s visits, more X-rays, another surgery, and more months on crutches. + +On top of that, I was getting fat—maybe not as fat as King Eglon, but far more than chubby! I had friends, but who wanted to date a fat boy on crutches? Many nights I screamed into my pillow in frustration and hurt. I know how it feels to smile at the fat jokes while your heart is breaking. I know what it is like to hold back the tears until you are alone in your room. I know how hard it is to diet and diet and diet without seeing any change. + +Months went by. Spring came again, and I abandoned the crutches for good. My exercise increased, and my diets continued until another year had passed. By then I was tall and thin. Today people can’t imagine me as a short fat boy, but I remember! And it still hurts when I hear someone laughing and joking about weight. + +During those two terribly difficult years I learned that God still held me close. Even while I beat on His chest and screamed in His ear, He never let me go. Sometimes I accused Him of abandoning me, but through it all He loved a little fat boy that everyone else wanted to avoid. + +> +> What support can you offer someone who is suffering from obesity? And if you are the one who is overweight, have you learned that God still loves you and will help you even if others say things that hurt? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e0c4933bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/27-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Screams in the Pillow +startDate: 01/27/2025 +endDate: 01/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/28-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/28-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..997144b735 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/28-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Blind Shall See +date: 01/28/2025 +--- + +_Stoy Proctor_ + +>

+> In that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of the gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see. Isa. 29:18, NIV. + +Blindness was a widespread and serious disease in the ancient Near East. Although the physicians of the day tried various remedies, they could do little. Blindness was caused by old age, contagious diseases, venereal diseases, and injuries to the eye. Today we also know that much blindness is a result of a defective genetic code. + +The retina specialists think that was my situation. I was diagnosed as having retinal tears. In fact, I experienced a series of tears and finally a complete retina detachment over a period of four months. + +Now after six months of virtual blindness in my right eye and a series of seven surgeries, as well as lying on my right side and then my left side for 90 percent of every 24 hours, I am beginning to see a little. I can now be much more empathetic with the blind of Isaiah’s day. What a blessing it is to be able to see! + +Perhaps a few of my colleagues and friends may be questioning, “What did he do wrong?” “Who sinned, this man or his parents?” (John 9:2, NIV). It is easy to blame poor health habits for disease, but that is not true in every case. I do not know for sure what caused my blindness, but I do know one thing—I am praying and hoping for restored sight as the doctors have given me a glimmer of hope. And I look forward to the time when the blind will receive their sight, the deaf their hearing, and the sick complete healing. + +Fortunately, for the thousands who have trouble seeing, we live in the twentieth century; microsurgery, cryosurgery, and lasers offer help for many. But even with these procedures, my sight and your sight ultimately depend on the ability of the body to heal itself through the divine power of our Creator. + +As I realize how utterly dependent I am on God for healing, I often think of the miracle of sight and sound that I took for granted for so many years. How true the words: “Ears that hear and eyes that see—the Lord has made them both” (Prov. 20:12, NIV). + +> +> Lord, I praise You for the miracle of sight and sound, and for the promise of healing. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2eb58fdf8f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/28-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Blind Shall See +startDate: 01/28/2025 +endDate: 01/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/29-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/29-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cbf6ea8cbd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/29-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Spiritual Hygiene +date: 01/29/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Sam. 16:7, NIV. + +I’ve noticed that my devotion to hygiene seems to vary depending on the time and place. For example, in the typical restaurant I can be downright finicky. If I was served a meal with a bug in my potato or seated at a table that wasn’t free of crumbs or other debris, I would be outraged. Should my plate have dried-on food from the previous meal, I would be indignant. If I dropped my spoon on the carpeted floor, I would demand a replacement. A greasy saltshaker would raise a protest. And if I knew that the cook’s hands were dirty, I might even notify the health department. + +However, on a weekend backpacking trip a miraculous transformation occurs. When cooking over the open fire, are the chef’s hands dirty? No problem—mine are dirty too. Is my plate a little gritty from the last meal? That’s OK; it’s just food. We dine on the ground with the dirt as our tablecloth and think nothing of it. If we drop a spoon in the dirt, we simply wipe it off on our dirty pants and continue eating. And of course, if a bug flies into our food, we just shovel out the unwanted pest, flick it away, and without disrupting the rhythm of the meal, we dine on. Quite a double standard, I admit! + +Jesus condemned the Pharisees for their double standard in the realm of spiritual hygiene. He declared: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence” (Matt. 23:25, NIV). + +Spiritual hygiene calls for cleansing the inside, not a superficial once-over for human praise. When I analyze my own relationship with God, I remember my illogical and intermittent devotion to personal hygiene, and pray the prayer of Simon Peter: “Lord, not my feet only, but [wash] also my hands and my head” (John 13:9). + +> +> Dear Lord, wash my heart and mind with Your Holy Spirit so that I might be spiritually clean. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28fe54fbaa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/29-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Spiritual Hygiene +startDate: 01/29/2025 +endDate: 01/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/30-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/30-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49de6ad499 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/30-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Reflecting God's Beauty +date: 01/30/2025 +--- + +_Jacalyn Nosek_ + +>

+> But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord. Jer. 1:7, NIV. + +I was born with a dark-red, cavernous hemangioma (birthmark) covering half the right side of my face. It can’t be hidden by clothes, covered by makeup, or erased by lasers. When you look at me, it’s the first thing you see, and for some people it’s all they see. + +As I was growing up I learned how cruel people can be to someone who looks different. But whenever I would cry, my mother would reassure me, saying, “You have this special mark because God has a special work for you.” + +My greatest blessings have come from what this birthmark seems to signify to others. One summer my best friend and I sold religious magazines door-to-door. We’d try to keep pace with each other, but I would often fall behind because some lonely, hurting person would insist I come in. They didn’t need or want the magazine, they just needed someone to listen to their heartache. Many times that summer I held hurting individuals in my arms as they cried. I wondered why so many people would react this way to me. It didn’t happen to my friend. Eventually I understood. When these people saw my face they knew instinctively that I could empathize with their pain and loneliness. + +This was where I learned that my birthmark could open doors for me to tell people about my loving, compassionate Saviour that would not open for someone else. Today as I work with young people I remind them that God calls each one of us to reflect to a hurting world His true character of love. It doesn’t matter how our lives have been scarred. We can represent His scarred hands and His gentle, comforting voice to the people we meet daily. + +I love singing the song that tells how we will be the only Jesus some will ever see, the only words of life some will ever have a chance to read. + +It is my prayer that when someone sees my face, my birthmark, that they will not see the scars, the hurt, and the trials, but rather a reflection of the hope and love with which my Saviour has blessed my life. + +> +> Lord, because I am created in Your image, help me to see the beauty in myself—and in others. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdd0263714 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/30-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Reflecting God's Beauty +startDate: 01/30/2025 +endDate: 01/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/31-january-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/31-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04f49e9427 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/31-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Flying Without Fear +date: 01/31/2025 +--- + +_Patti Muncy_ + +>

+> I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Ps. 34:4, NIV. + +I was terrified of flying. But the day my husband announced he had signed up for flying lessons, I made a decision to overcome my fear. I figured that if I could learn how to fly, then maybe I wouldn’t be so frightened. + +As it turned out, I loved flying. I liked it so well that I became a flight instructor and taught for several years. + +Then one day I was hired to pick up an aerial photographer, fly him to the White Mountains to photograph some land, and then meet a real-estate agent in Quemado, New Mexico, which had a short dirt landing strip known for crosswinds. + +I landed without problems, but when I started to take off, I was not able to get the air speed I had planned. At the end of the runway I added some flaps to hop a fence and tried to stay low because of power lines, but a wing tip caught, and we cartwheeled and crashed upside down. I suffered a concussion, but thankfully my passenger climbed out unhurt. + +Not only was I terribly embarrassed about the accident; I was now terrified of flying. The crash had shattered my confidence. But I had students who needed to complete their training, so I couldn’t walk away. The worst part was that because of the accident I once again had to go through the licensing procedure of flying a plane with an examiner. + +The stress was so great that while waiting for the examiner I had a panic attack. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. My heart raced and my body tensed until I could hardly breathe. My chest felt as if someone was sitting on it. So stressed out that I couldn’t function properly, I had to force myself into the plane. But somehow I passed. + +Fear makes one vulnerable to distress and disability. But there are many things you can’t control in life that you just have to trust the Lord to get you through. I’ve learned that you have to face the fear, walk through it, and get on the other side of it. God is helping me through this one, and I will fly again—without fear. + +> +> Fear can be debilitating. But with God’s help you can walk through your fear and “fly” again. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13047c6719 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/31-january-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Flying Without Fear +startDate: 01/31/2025 +endDate: 01/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b558440879 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/01-january-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: January 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/01-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/01-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2b9347dbd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/01-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Finding Peace of Mind +date: 02/01/2025 +--- + +_Jeffrey K. Wilson_ + +>

+> Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Mark 10:21, NIV. + +He was a man who had everything—a typical baby boomer, rich, successful, handsome, and well educated. But he lacked one thing: peace of mind—the peace of mind that comes with one’s assurance of a saving relationship with God. So when he asked what he needed to do to be saved, and Jesus said to sell everything and give it to the poor, he panicked! + +“What! Give up my Porche, my Waverunner, my vacation home, my Caribbean holidays, my . . . Impossible!” + +What Jesus required of the young man shocked the disciples. But material possessions are often a source of anxiety rather than a means of escaping from it. I learned that lesson recently on a trip to Atlanta. The rental car company gave me a new bright-red Cadillac for the price of the subcompact I had reserved. All night I tossed and turned in my motel bed worrying that someone might steal it! Had I been driving my old jalopy, I would have slept like a baby! + +Gaining or maintaining financial success can be stressful: investing, buying, selling, watching the stock market, meeting deadlines, making business luncheons, playing politics. And when you feel driven to do everything that life on the fast track demands, it doesn’t leave much time and energy for the Lord. + +But impossibilities for humanity are possibilities with God (Mark 10:27). Rich men and women can enjoy peace of mind in this life if they make God’s kingdom their first priority and follow Him. + +Allow God to manage your financial affairs. Make investments in His kingdom rather than Satan’s. With God’s help, you can lay down your burdens, go through the “eye of a needle” (see Luke 18:25), and find peace of mind. + +> +> Ask God what burden you need to put down to have true peace of mind. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8454254dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/01-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Finding Peace of Mind +startDate: 02/01/2025 +endDate: 02/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b4a642743 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: God's Call to Be a Comforter +date: 02/02/2025 +--- + +_Rosemary D. Graham_ + +>

+> Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Cor. 1:3, 4, NIV. + +The voice on the other end of the phone was crackly and sniffly. “I called the Lupus Foundation to . . .” she said, then paused to weep. I let her cry, praying I could ease her fears. “Have you been diagnosed with lupus?” I inquired. + +“Yes,” she replied. + +Slowly she poured out her story (a familiar tale for me) of fatigue, pain, and weakness. She asked many questions: “How long do I have to live?” “Will I get worse?” + +We talked almost an hour, laughing and crying over similar experiences—frequent visits to doctors with condescending attitudes, and strange, sometimes painful, laboratory tests. The conversation ended on a lighter note, and she thanked me for easing her concerns. + +Eleven years ago I began experiencing painful body aches, extreme fatigue, and pain. After frequent doctor visits and extensive lab tests, I was diagnosed on Thanksgiving Eve, 1984, with lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself. Even today I remember the emotional devastation I felt—the depression, frustration, and uncertainty. I spent many tearful nights praying into the early hours for God to heal me. God’s healing spirit began to soothe my mounting fears. He was preparing me to be a “comforter,” to testify for Him. + +My first assignment as a volunteer for the Lupus Foundation was as a hot line counselor. Each call from an inquirer reflected the emotions and pain I’d felt myself. Now I could lessen their fears, saying, “Yes, I’ve been through that, and here are some suggestions how you can cope . . .” + +At times we experience trials that have no explanation - sometimes we can’t even hear God’s voice during them. But in all our difficulties He gives us strength to endure—thus strengthening our testimony. + +When you experience difficulties and come through as victor, you will in time encounter someone else going through a similar trial. It is then you can confidently say, “Let me share with you what helped me deal with a similar problem.” And in comforting others, you will be comforted yourself. + +“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.” + +> +> Challenge: Share your testimony and faith with someone who’s experiencing similar difficulties. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca237f4728 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/02-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Call to Be a Comforter +startDate: 02/02/2025 +endDate: 02/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/03-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/03-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8667f5be61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/03-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: Fatally Deluded About Sleep +date: 02/03/2025 +--- + +_Madlyn Hamblin and Cari Haus_ + +>

+> There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Prov. 14:12, NIV. + +Perhaps you may have what appear to be good reasons for your current way of life. You may even believe that none of the questionable things you do will have lasting effects, or that nothing bad can happen to you. + +That’s the way it is with delusions—those pieces of fiction we choose to believe. Often they are fatal—not only to our life now, but also for eternity. + +Ellen G. White once wrote: “We are surrounded with temptations [delusions] so disguised that they allure while they taint and corrupt the soul. Satan varies his enticements to suit different minds; and he takes advantage of every circumstance to make his plans for a soul’s destruction successful” (Review and Herald, Nov. 9, 1886). + +And one of the delusions that we talk about in our book Toxic Trends is that it doesn’t matter how much sleep you miss. But here are the facts: + +Even one night of shortened sleep can produce adverse effects. People will briefly rise to meet the demands of an occasion, such as playing tennis or giving a speech, but mental concentration, flexibility, and creativity suffer. Two nights of skimpy sleep will cripple rote functioning. During laboratory tests sleep-deprived subjects have trouble adding columns of figures or doing simple repetitive tasks like hitting buttons in a prescribed pattern. + +Stanford researcher William Dement’s studies show that if you miss sleep one night, your body keeps a record of the “sleep debt.” If the debt isn’t paid back soon, you’ll start nodding off during the day. + +“We don’t tend to have a good handle on our amount of sleep debt. So when we finally go bankrupt it happens fast,” Dement says. “People can go from feeling wide awake to falling asleep in five seconds. If you are behind the wheel of a car, you’re dead.” + +Are you getting enough sleep? + +- [ ] Yes +- [ ] No + +Are you chronically drowsy? + +- [ ] Yes +- [ ] No + +Do you lack energy? + +- [ ] Yes +- [ ] No + +Do you need an alarm to wake up in the morning? + +- [ ] Yes +- [ ] No + +Do you fall asleep within five minutes? + +- [ ] Yes +- [ ] No + +Do you nap at will? + +- [ ] Yes +- [ ] No + +If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you are probably short on sleep. + +> +> Avoid the “toxic trend” of too little sleep. Set limits on your working hours and get seven or eight hours of sleep at a regular time each day. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24fcf40a0f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/03-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Fatally Deluded About Sleep +startDate: 02/03/2025 +endDate: 02/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/04-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/04-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5bbf61db5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/04-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Healing of the Sun +date: 02/04/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma and Cecil Muphey_ + +>

+> For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Mal. 4:2, NIV. + +The ship arrived at Antarctica December 24, 1928. Richard Byrd and his crew of 41 unloaded supplies for Little America—the place they would stay for the next 14 months. When they arrived, the sun shone for 24 hours. As the men worked, they knew time only by checking their watches. + +Then the length of days began to decrease, and in April they lost the sun. They lived in buildings connected by underground tunnels for five months. During this time the morale of the men deteriorated significantly. Then on August 20, 1929, the sun returned. Norman Vaughn writes in his autobiography With Byrd at the Bottom of the World: “How can I explain the joyousness of the first few days of sunlight? We felt like prisoners who had received commutation of our sentences. A brightness appeared on our faces. We walked faster and moved with an energy we had long forgotten.” + +Do you take the sun for granted? It has incredible health-giving properties such as killing germs, helping our bodies manufacture vitamin D, and improving the function of our pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal glands. Plus, it’s essential for growing our food. The simple fact is, we can’t function without the sun. Nor can we function without the Sun of righteousness. + +I can just imagine Admiral Byrd’s party coming out of their underground homes, seeing the light of the sun, and kicking up their heels with joy, can’t you? This same joy can be yours each morning as you welcome God’s new day, and as you invite the Sun of righteousness into your life. Experience the reality of the promise in Malachi: “For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.” + +Light is the starting place of life. Perhaps that’s why the biblical account of Creation begins this way: “In the beginning . . . God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good” (Gen. 1:1-4, NIV). + +> +> Spend some time today in the light God created for you to enjoy. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be8342045f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/04-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Healing of the Sun +startDate: 02/04/2025 +endDate: 02/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/05-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/05-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3da0de0a87 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/05-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: Getting Into Biblical Shape +date: 02/05/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Newball_ + +>

+> Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. Gen. 5:24, NIV. + +As we look at some of the well-known characters of the Bible, an interesting picture emerges. See Elijah running in front of the horses of Ahab. Imagine David following the sheep mile after mile, and being so physically fit that he could kill a bear with his hands. Picture Abraham trekking about 1,000 miles from Ur of the Chaldees to Canaan on foot. Can you visualize yourself traveling with Jesus as He treads the dusty roads of Palestine? Or follow Paul around on his three missionary journeys? + +Do you think you could keep up with any one of these characters if they were to show up today? If not, maybe it’s time you got into “biblical shape.” + +- Schedule exercise into your day. Don’t just wait till you “find time” for it. Chances are, you never will. +- Exercise frequently, at least every other day. Daily would be even better. +- Enjoy the exercise you choose. There’s no point in trying to improve your body while torturing your mind. Plus, when you exercise with a negative attitude, your body doesn’t get as much benefit out of it. +- Exercise for at least 30 minutes at a time. + +Exercise can come in many different types, but most people prefer walking. It does wonders for all ages, without the risks involved in more vigorous exercise programs such as jogging or aerobics. Even God walked in the garden of Eden in the cool of the night with Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:8). And Scripture records that centuries later Enoch walked with God. + +People who exercise regularly say that it calms their minds and makes them more alert. Perhaps all the walking the Bible greats did was one of the reasons their minds were so perceptive of God’s will. They likely spent many hours walking and talking with their Creator. It’s a combination that can keep all of us physically as well as spiritually fit. God is eager to bless us, as He did Enoch, Elijah, David, Abraham, Jesus, and Paul, if we will follow their example of maintaining a walking-and-talking-to-Him lifestyle. + +> +> What is keeping you from getting out of your chair, stepping out the front door, and walking with the Lord for 30 minutes? God wants you to be physically fit as well as spiritually fit. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0037c6d509 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/05-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Getting Into Biblical Shape +startDate: 02/05/2025 +endDate: 02/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/06-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/06-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..417eacdfde --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/06-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Want and Wasting Diseases +date: 02/06/2025 +--- + +_Dane J. Griffin and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wasteland they put God to the test. So he gave them what they asked for, but sent a wasting disease upon them. Ps. 106:14, 15, NIV. + +After more than 400 years as slaves in Egypt the Jews finally experienced God’s deliverance. He led and sheltered them by a cloud during the day and guarded them with a pillar of fire at night. God gave them manna—the very best food for their journey to Canaan. Yet God’s people weren’t satisfied—they craved flesh food! + +God answered their grumbling by sending a massive flock of quail. All that day and night and all the next day the people went out and gathered quail. No one collected less than 60 bushels. Self-satisfied, they sat down to eat their gluttonous feast. What was the result? Their ravenous eating caused a “wasting disease,” and they ended up burying those who had craved meat (Num. 11). + +Today God has once again given us the very best for our journey to the heavenly Canaan, yet many are craving a meat diet rather than being satisfied with God’s original diet of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables. + +Will we suffer from “wasting diseases” like the Israelites? Reputable scientific researchers have linked cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes—today’s four leading “wasting diseases”—with the high-fat, high-protein intake associated with a flesh-based diet. + +“When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, it was His purpose to establish them in the land of Canaan a pure, happy, healthy people” (Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 377, 378). He did this by removing flesh from their diet and giving them manna. “Had they been willing to deny appetite in obedience to His restrictions, feebleness and disease would have been unknown among them. Their descendants would have possessed physical and mental strength. They would have had clear perceptions of truth and duty, keen discrimination, and sound judgment. But they were unwilling to submit to God’s requirements, and they failed to reach the standard He had set for them, and to receive the blessings that might have been theirs. They murmured at God’s restrictions, and lusted after the fleshpots of Egypt” (ibid., p. 378). + +> +> Are you praising God for His modern manna—a flesh-free, cholesterol-free diet? Or are you grumbling after the fleshpots of Egypt? What could be the consequences of your choice? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..483c072c3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/06-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Want and Wasting Diseases +startDate: 02/06/2025 +endDate: 02/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/07-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/07-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..183823cbf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/07-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Dues for God's Health Insurance +date: 02/07/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span. Ex. 23:25, 26, NIV. + +I can’t think of a better health insurance plan than one that guarantees no illness, miscarriage, or infertility, and a full life span, can you? That’s what God gave His people more than 3,000 years ago if they would pay the premiums—worship Him and do as He said. + +God’s insurance plan is a conditional one. It requires certain “dues” that are prerequisite to the health benefits promised. Here are a few of the most important. + +- “Due” follow a simple vegetarian diet. “Grains and fruits prepared free from grease, and in as natural a condition as possible, should be the food for the tables of all who claim to be preparing for translation to heaven” (Counsels on Health, p. 42). +- “Due” be temperate in all things. “Intemperance, in drinking tea and coffee, wine, beer, rum, and brandy, and the use of tobacco, opium, and other narcotics, has resulted in great mental and physical degeneracy, and this degeneracy is constantly increasing” (ibid., p. 49). +- “Due” exercise. “The blood is not enabled to expel the impurities as it would if active circulation were induced by exercise. . . . A walk, even in winter, would be more beneficial to the health than all the medicine the doctors may prescribe” (ibid., p. 52). +- “Due” enjoy fresh air and sunlight. “A free and abundant use of the air and sunlight—blessings which Heaven has freely bestowed upon all—would give life and strength” (ibid., p. 54). +- “Due” use pure water for drinking and cleansing. “In health and in sickness, pure water is one of heaven’s choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. . . . Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system and assists nature to resist disease. The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of regulating the circulation of the blood” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 237). + +The lifetime benefits of God’s health plan can be yours if you worship Him and pay your “dues.” + +> +> What more could you be doing to reap the benefits of God’s health plan? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5c83882f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/07-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Dues for God's Health Insurance +startDate: 02/07/2025 +endDate: 02/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/08-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/08-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32f56d796d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/08-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: A Park in Time +date: 02/08/2025 +--- + +_Lonnie Melashenko_ + +>

+> He [Jesus] went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. . . . “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed.” Luke 4:16-18, NIV. + +A park is a refuge in space. My friends who live in Manhattan tell me how precious Central Park is to them. They live and work surrounded by towering buildings and pavement. The pace of city life is frantic, unrelenting. But when they step into Central Park, everything changes. Trees offer shade. They find grass for spreading a blanket and sharing a picnic. My friends say that while in the park they feel a thousand miles away from the pressure, the stress, the frantic pace. + +The Sabbath is a refuge in time. For 24 hours every week God invites us to put aside the struggle to earn a living, to get A’s in school, to keep an immaculate house. During those 24 hours He invites us to act out the rest we have in Jesus. The Sabbath is the gospel in dramatic form. For a whole day we rest in the accomplishments of our Saviour. We shut out all the demands and expectations of the world and luxuriate in the promises of God. + +Notice how Jesus kept the Sabbath (Luke 4). During a Sabbath worship service Jesus quoted from Isaiah 61, a passage that predicts the coming of the Messiah in the language of the Jubilee, the time when Israelites should release captives and set free the oppressed (Lev. 25:10, 40, 54). + +Luke then follows with two healing episodes. Both of them occurred on Sabbath. The first one happened in Capernaum during a Sabbath service at which Jesus healed a possessed man, freeing him from spiritual slavery to a demon (Luke 4:33-37). The second occurred later the same day in the home of Peter, where Jesus and the disciples had gone to eat after church. There Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law’s high fever (verses 38, 39). + +Notice the way Luke tells these stories. First Jesus announces His mission as Messiah by quoting Isaiah about freeing the oppressed. Next He brings spiritual healing to a man possessed by a demon. Then He gives physical healing to a woman suffering from a fever. I think Jesus was telling us something about the meaning of the Sabbath, don’t you? + +> +> Why do you spend all your time among towering problems and dead-end pavement, when God has provided a weekly park in time for you to enjoy? Why not follow the custom of Jesus? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b56cceff29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/08-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Park in Time +startDate: 02/08/2025 +endDate: 02/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/09-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/09-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb6a18e608 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/09-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: On the Meatless Wagon +date: 02/09/2025 +--- + +_Faith Crumbly_ + +>

+> With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles. 2 Chron. 32:8, NIV. + +Robert set off a roar of joyous approval at the Vegetarian Supper Club cooking school when he began explaining his reasons for taking the course: “These are going to be my ‘Meataholics Anonymous’ meetings. I really have been overdoing my meat consumption, and I want to learn how to prepare another kind of protein.” He detailed the extent of his perceived addiction, including the exact ounces of meat he had been devouring daily. Then he set off another rumble of laughter by concluding, “So I came here to get on the wagon.” + +Americans have been formally getting on the wagon ever since the phrase became popular during the late 1800s. And as anyone who has been on any kind of “wagon” can tell you, eliminating the loved and the familiar requires commitment and fortitude. The friendship and support of other people trying to make the same change or a similar one helps a lot. Robert can tell you all about that. He stuck with his class for all five training sessions. + +At the International Tasting Event finale to the cooking school, Robert’s face reflected the peace and joy of an overcomer. Several weeks later he announced that he had prepared every recipe in the course manual, and apparently his friends had tasted them all. “When’s the next class?” he asked. “I have a lot of friends who want to come!” + +The bottom line of support for everyone making lifestyle changes, whether it’s getting enough sleep, getting enough exercise, or getting on a meatless diet, is the Great Enabler. He provides the power to hold on and hold out—to stay on the wagon of wholesome change. However, even when we are leaning on Him, it certainly comforts our humanness to have friends who’ll encourage us. + +That’s why I’d suggest joining a support group of people who are eating vegetarian-style or doing (or stopping) whatever you have chosen as your goal. If you don’t know anyone nearby to turn to, ask your omniscient Father to direct you to someone He has ordained to supply the encouragement you need. + +> +> Lord, You are the Great Enabler. Help me to get on the “wagon” for You. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6abaa90d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/09-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: On the Meatless Wagon +startDate: 02/09/2025 +endDate: 02/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/10-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/10-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fd118f071 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/10-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Growing Habits +date: 02/10/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Prov. 12:1, NIV. + +An old man once remarked, “When I was a little boy somebody gave me a cucumber in a bottle. The neck of the bottle was small, the cucumber very large. I wondered how it had gotten in there. Out in the garden one day I came upon a bottle that someone had slipped over a little cucumber. Then I understood. The cucumber had grown large after it had been put in the bottle.” + +Have you ever looked around at all the good, strong, and sensible people you know and wondered why they hang on to their bad habits when they know better? What about yourself? + +People with bad habits are like the cucumber in the bottle. They just grew into them while young and now find it impossible to slip out of them. Changing a bad habit is work. Probably the hardest work in the world! + +Much of children’s early behavior (or misbehavior) is impulsive. They want a piece of candy, so they take it. They feel a little hungry halfway between breakfast and lunch, and spying the cake on the table, take a piece and eat it. Children may feel sad because no one is paying any attention to them, so they eat too many sweets because it makes them feel better. Little acts at first—little impulsive ones. But what if the next time they want something, they take it, or if when they feel hungry, they eat junk food, or if they feel sad and eat candy? + +What if no one is around to help them find a better way of coping with their desires and feelings, to help them control their impulsive behavior? They will probably repeat their previous behavior. And like the cucumber growing in the bottle, the more they repeat those actions, the stronger the behavior grows and the more difficult it is to slip out of it. + +Obviously, the best way to stop a bad habit is never to start it, but if you’ve got a habit that’s already the size of a cucumber in the bottle, maybe it’s time to start cutting it out—or maybe you just ought to break the bottle! + +> +> Lord, I know what I should do, but it’s so hard. Show me how to “cut out the cucumber” or “break the bottle.” Thank You. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c8c6a8449 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/10-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Growing Habits +startDate: 02/10/2025 +endDate: 02/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/11-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/11-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..792c14fb25 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/11-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Resistance Factor +date: 02/11/2025 +--- + +_Ron Wylie_ + +>

+> Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7, NIV. + +Some years ago Purdue University biologists studied the wolves and their prey, the moose, in the unique natural laboratory of Isle Royale in Lake Superior. Some of their observations seem applicable to our struggle with that great predator, Satan, who is viciously “looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8, NIV). + +Cow moose average about 800 pounds, and when they fight against a wolf pack, they are formidable antagonists. During one confrontation a cow, protecting her calf, defiantly faced the pack. As the wolves approached, she leaped at them, lashing out furiously with her forefeet, holding her ground. + +The wolves got the message. They scattered in a panic, then stood around considering. After several minutes, much to the surprise of the biologists, the wolves abruptly left. + +In another confrontation the cow moose saw the approaching wolves. She hesitated and then began moving away. That seemed to trigger the wolves’ pent-up urge, and immediately they approached the moose, lunging at their huge prey. She momentarily fought back, then ran. Soon the wolves swarmed over her, and a few minutes later she was dead. + +The scientists recognized that wolves have a prudent fear of their dangerous quarry. Frequently the animals give up and move on when a moose deliberately stands and defies them. The scientists discovered that the wolf pack “tested” 12 moose for every one they killed. + +What made the difference in the individual moose reaction? The most significant factor was the general health and fitness of the moose. + +Healthy, vigorous moose were unlikely to be victims. Their predators sought weaker prey. Having autopsied wolf-killed moose to determine their state of health, the biologists reported that, on the limited evidence they had, “it seems highly significant that we have found one or more kinds of disability in 45 percent of the adult wolf-killed moose.” + +As we live through the stressfulness of these last days of the struggle between good and evil, let us determine to be healthy, vigorous, and fit, both in mind and body, so that in cooperation with divine power we can consistently resist the devil, “standing firm in the faith” (1 Peter 5:9, NIV). + +> +> When the devil attacks you, does he find you physically and spiritually healthy, vigorous, and fit enough to resist him? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2620b434df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/11-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Resistance Factor +startDate: 02/11/2025 +endDate: 02/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/12-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/12-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f2ece7203 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/12-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Don't Let the Demons Return +date: 02/12/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Rockey_ + +>

+> Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear [adore with tender feeling] me and keep all my commands always, that it might go well with them and their children forever! Deut. 5:29, NIV. + +It was 7:30 a.m. when the doorbell rang. Still dressed in pajamas, the pastor ran to answer. The tearstained face was unfamiliar, yet it displayed a sense of panic. "Are you the folks who take love off the rocks? I am two days away from my divorce being final, and I need help. I don't want a divorce. I love my wife, but we can't seem to live together. We've been married 30 years, and we just can't get along. Can you help me? Will you?" + +His words spilled as freely as his tears. + +The pastor and his wife invited Gary in, and for the next three hours they listened to a history of pain and emotional abuse. They wept with him, recalling their own painful marriage. Together they prayed that God would intervene. + +After a few months of counseling, Gary and Lucille's marriage had improved greatly. There were still issues needing attention, but they had the necessary tools for resolution. Each week Gary attended Sabbath services, and occasionally Lucille accompanied him. Before a year had passed they recommitted their lives to each other in a special church dedication service. + +Nearly another year passed, and the pastor transferred elsewhere. Immediately Gary felt abandoned. He ceased attending church, and before long had reverted to his old abusive and controlling ways with a vengeance. He began to distance himself from his friends at church, and then from his wife and children. His eyes wandered, and finally he chose to leave the marriage. + +Today, as I write this, they are again days away from a divorce. He leaves behind a devastated wife and three very angry children. + +What must we learn from such an account? + +1. All of the tools for character change, without our submission to God and without following God's plan, will not create permanent recovery. +2. God is our life source, not other Christians, who will often disappoint us. +3. When we turn our back on God after once seeing His salvation, our "demons" will return in greater number. + +Faith in Jesus and a teachable, submissive spirit will produce character transformation, and when the character changes, the behavior will follow. + +> +> Are you relying on others to keep your behavior in line, or are you holding on to Christ to change your character? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..840c1e8819 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/12-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Let the Demons Return +startDate: 02/12/2025 +endDate: 02/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/13-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/13-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..320726b7f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/13-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: When You're in the Pits +date: 02/13/2025 +--- + +_Elden M. Chalmers_ + +>

+> He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light. Job 33:28, NIV. + +Life isn't always a bowl of luscious cherries—you can end up in the pits! If you've suffered from depression, you know how terrible it is. You feel all alone, and nobody seems to understand. It's difficult to concentrate. Everything takes extra effort. Feeling washed out and tired, you can't make up your mind about anything. And you have no ambition or interest in what is going on around you. + +How can you climb out of the pits? + +Try eating "cherries" and other wholesome food at regular times, spaced about five hours apart. Regularity is important in controlling blood-sugar levels and in providing your digestive system with its necessary rest. + +Many disturbed and easily depressed children come from homes where mealtimes are unimportant. They develop habits of eating junk food (empty calorie food high in fat, sugar, or salt) at all hours. Refined sweets, if used at all, should be eaten sparingly. Carbohydrates should come from fruits and whole-grain food, such as wheat, corn, oats, and millet. You can usually prevent low hemoglobin by meals rich in iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B12—eat plenty of dried fruits, dark, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains. + +The second thing you should do when depressed is make a change in your environment. It will help transform your thoughts. Physically move out of the spot where you are and think about something you can do with your hands. Deliberately bring your mind to a new task—scrubbing, digging, planting. Drink a glass of water. Breathe deeply out in the fresh air. Vigorously wash your face and the back of your neck with cold water. Take a warm shower followed by a cold one. + +Any of these mechanical methods will tend to shift the circulation of the blood and the firing patterns of your nervous system and make it easier for you to use your willpower to think of the positive, wholesome, and rewarding experiences of your life. + +Finally, remember who ultimately brings victory over depression. "Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Cor. 15:57, NIV). + +> +> Thank You, Lord, for giving me the victory over depression, and may I consider my problems pure joy knowing that You are in the process of maturing me. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14c713aa21 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/13-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: When You're in the Pits +startDate: 02/13/2025 +endDate: 02/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/14-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/14-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03fa4ab6d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/14-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Keeping Your Love Cup Full +date: 02/14/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Ps. 23:5, 6, NIV. + +Down deep in your heart there's a cup. Not of fine china, silver, or gold, but a cup of feeling and emotion that when filled makes life worth living. I call it the love cup. It measures your level of contentment. In essence, it's your psychological well-being. + +The love I am writing about is not a romantic love, but agape love—a principle, not necessarily devoid of emotion, but not dependent on it either. It is love given with no strings attached, just because the other person exists. When we experience it, endorphins—substances chemically similar to morphine—flow into the brain, producing a sense of security, peace, and calm. One feels good because one feels intrinsically valuable. + +When your cup is running low, you feel unloved, rejected, worthless, and empty—you have nothing to give. A drained cup turns your world negative. Anger, criticism, sarcasm, guilt, and bitterness rush in to fill the void. + +God can enter a life that's filled with hate and selfishness. He can change it. In a sense, that's the meaning of conversion. No one is beyond God's healing power of love. But even though God can do it, that doesn't mean we should leave the filling entirely to Him. The Lord gives us the opportunity to be His entering wedge. People starved for love may first need to experience a little love in action—from fellow human beings. It causes them to realize that their lives are empty. Then we can point them to the Source of complete love. + +If you feel empty, ask God to fill you. He will speedily respond. And seek out others who can be cup-fillers, too. Then when your cup is filling, or full, reach out and begin filling the empty love cups of the unlovable. You may not feel loving toward them, but that doesn't matter. God asks no one to feel loving. He just says to be loving. It's the act of love that is important. Love is something you do. And as you love, both you and the one whose cup you are filling will begin to live life abundantly! + +> +> Loving Father, fill my cup with Your love so I can fill others. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c2335bb4f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/14-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keeping Your Love Cup Full +startDate: 02/14/2025 +endDate: 02/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/15-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/15-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e8d0de117 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/15-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Walking Helps the Heart +date: 02/15/2025 +--- + +_Bernell E. Baldwin_ + +>

+> "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 4, NIV. + +A dozen years ago many considered jogging and vigorous exercise the best way to maintain cardiovascular health. But not anymore. Walking is the better choice to get the heart rate up enough to keep it healthy, but not so high that it gets stressed. Research has now confirmed what Ellen G. White wrote in 1872: "There is no exercise that can take the place of walking" (Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 78). + +Walking helps the vagus nerve slow the heart rate, which is one of the goals of modern cardiology, and it does so without drugs. Formerly the goal of exercise was to race the heart, but for many it overworked the organ. About 25,000 extra deaths occur each year in the U.S. alone because people exercise too briskly. + +The December 1993 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reported a study done on 2,000 people in Boston and Augsburg, Germany. When they exercised to the point of panting, as when jogging, playing raquetball or tennis, or pushing cars out of snow, they had twice the risk of getting a heart attack within one hour—even among those who exercised five times a week. + +Walking outdoors in nature can also lower the adrenaline in the blood, which means less stress. The less stress, the slower the heart will beat. Jogging and aerobics spill stress hormones into the blood, inflaming the platelets to initiate clotting and depriving the blood of a clot-dissolving enzyme called plasmin or fibrinolysin (fi-brin-o-LY-sin). Competition adds to the problem. + +Walking improves the efficiency of the heart. It can increase your HDL (high-density lipoprotein), which works like little dump trucks that pick up last year's cholesterol from the coronary arteries and take it down to the liver, where a high-fiber vegetarian diet can sweep it out of your body forever. + +No other exercise can do as much for you, with so little risk, as walking. + +I have a feeling that if James had the evidence we now have about the benefits of walking when he wrote "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth," he would have meant walking spiritually in the truth, yes, but also walking physically in the truth demonstrated by scientific evidence. + +> +> Ask a friend to go walking with you today and tomorrow and the next day. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b99561a8a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/15-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Walking Helps the Heart +startDate: 02/15/2025 +endDate: 02/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/16-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/16-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03af2a0b54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/16-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Does Wine Protect the Heart? +date: 02/16/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper. Your eyes will see strange sights and your mind imagine confusing things. Prov. 23:31-33, NIV. + +Have you heard that a little wine is supposedly good for your health? The idea all started with a number of studies that seemed to link the drinking of wine to some health benefits. But was wine really good for the heart, as the studies seemed to indicate? How could it be? After all, wine is one of the biggest culprits in alcoholism. + +Well, of course as soon as the alcohol industry got wind of the findings that suggested a health benefit to the drinking of wine, they pumped it up for all it was worth and used it to promote their product. + +For a number of years health researchers questioned the finding that wine was good for the heart. Now they know why. It's not the wine, it's the grape juice—or better yet, it's the purple Concord grape that offers heart protection. + +According to the University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter, unfermented grape juice is the drink of choice, because from it you get heart protection and none of the unhealthful side effects caused by fermentation, such as liver damage or decreased brain function. + +Consequently, you can no longer use the excuse that "it's good for my heart" to condone your drinking habit. If you do, you're asking for trouble. A little wine too easily leads to the use of a little more, and before you know it, you're craving something stronger. And the result? Not only physical health problems, but social and family problems as well. + +Then what about the Bible text, 1 Timothy 5:23, that says that a little wine is good for the stomach? It doesn't take much effort to realize that the apostle Paul is not endorsing alcoholic beverages, since just a couple chapters before, in 1 Timothy 3:3, 8, he clearly states that godly persons should not be "given to wine." Most likely he was referring to unfermented grape juice being good for the stomach. And that's exactly what the latest research has confirmed. + +So enjoy your grape juice; it's good for your heart—and your stomach, too—but beware of the fermented drink that "bites like a snake and poisons like a viper." + +> +> Beware of sin that "bites like a snake and poisons like a viper." + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7430fa21ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/16-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Does Wine Protect the Heart? +startDate: 02/16/2025 +endDate: 02/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/17-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/17-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8162bd468b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/17-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Daniel's Fast +date: 02/17/2025 +--- + +_Olive Blumenshein_ + +>

+> But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. . . . So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead. Dan. 1:8-16, NIV. + +Barbara was a conscientious mother who was willing to do whatever was necessary to provide a good home for her husband and three boys. But they had problems at home and in school. Restlessness, irritability, short attention spans, and poor grades plagued her sons. + +Feeling that the Holy Spirit led her to search for answers in the Bible, she read again the story of Daniel as he was taken to Nebuchadnezzar's court in Babylon. Daniel's report of the wonderful results of the experiment with a vegetarian diet encouraged her. Maybe something similar would help her family. + +She told the story of Daniel to her husband and children. They discussed what it would mean if they tried what they called "Daniel's fast." It would include not only a change in what they were feeding their bodies but also a difference in what they were feeding their minds. They agreed to give it a try. + +Barbara started by removing from the house all books and videotapes that contained anything aggressive or overstimulating, or that seemed to foster antisocial, unhappy behavior. Next she began reducing the amount of meat and animal products she offered her family. + +Soon the boys showed an increased interest in reading and studying, and their grades improved. + +Today Barbara is very happy with her "new" family. I got acquainted with her when she begged for advice on how to cook vegetables and borrowed my cookbooks. She is now taking Bible studies, for she wants the best for her family physically, mentally, and spiritually. + +God is impressing others with the need for a healthier lifestyle. What a privilege to be able to help people who are convicted by the Holy Spirit to make major lifestyle changes. + +Are you convicted? + +> +> Dear Father, please grant me strength as I resolve not to defile myself with the king's food, wine, and entertainment. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..324fe4c876 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/17-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Daniel's Fast +startDate: 02/17/2025 +endDate: 02/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/18-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/18-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a92d18b4b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/18-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Praise God for the Hope of Renewed Youth +date: 02/18/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust. Ps. 103:14, NIV. + +My father, a retired physician, several years ago became intrigued with gathering any medical research available on ways to slow down the aging process. For about a year he was a modern Ponce de León in search of the fabled fountain of youth. He wrote more than 1,000 letters to physicians, medical schools, research laboratories, and pharmaceutical houses all over the world, asking for any information, experimental treatments, or proven methods to restore youth or reverse the effects of old age. + +He got back hundreds of replies. Some talked about experiments with growth hormone injections that have produced amazing results. One such treatment supposedly reverses 15 to 20 years of aging. The skin tightens, muscles improve, the lungs and heart strengthen. However, the writer warned that dangerous side effects make the procedure unsafe. Other doctors wrote of drugs to improve oxygen utilization. Some discussed various enzyme treatments that have shown promise. Still others recommended certain vitamins to restore lost vitality. + +My father—a frail, white-haired man—turns 80 this week. Despite his search for the fountain of youth, he, like Ponce de León, will one day return to the dust from which we were all created. Even the most advanced discoveries in medicine have not been able to stop the clock of time. + +We should all strive to live a healthy life, to enjoy the abundant blessings God intended us to experience here on earth. But our heavenly Father knows that we are frail, formed from dust. So I cling to the promise that God is returning to make all things new, including my father—and me! While I do my push-ups and sit-ups, I know that my heavenly Father will restore my youth when He restores my soul. + +Like the psalmist, I praise the Lord "who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's" (Ps. 103:3-5, NIV). + +> +> What can you praise the Lord for today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77f6244e02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/18-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Praise God for the Hope of Renewed Youth +startDate: 02/18/2025 +endDate: 02/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/19-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/19-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c065564b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/19-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Working Ourselves to Death +date: 02/19/2025 +--- + +_Paul and Carol Cannon_ + +>

+> Once when Jacob was boiling pottage, Esau came in from the field, and he was famished. And Esau said to Jacob, "Let me eat some of that red pottage, for I am famished!" . . . Jacob said, "First sell me your birthright." . . . So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. Gen. 25:29-33, RSV. + +Incredible as it may seem, Esau bartered away his birthright for a kettle of stew. He traded status and security to gratify physical appetite. Why didn't Esau think before he acted? How could anyone be so hungry that he would throw caution to the wind and cast away his inheritance without a second thought? + +Obviously, Esau wasn't in his right mind. Was he drunk or "high"? We've known young people who have sold or traded valuable possessions for a pittance to buy drugs, others who have tossed their personal belongings into a campfire when they were high—just to watch them burn. And we've known adults who walked away from things they had struggled a lifetime to accomplish in order to appease some form of appetite. + +Achievement, exercise, shopping, and working are a few mood-altering activities with addictive potential if carried to an extreme. Research has established that innocent shoppers seeking a bargain have the same physiological reaction, in terms of brain chemistry, as a hunter stalking his prey. An entrepreneur who pulls a swift business deal experiences a rush of endorphins similar to that of the cocaine user. When people are hooked on their own adrenaline, they don't have to buy drugs on the street. They manufacture their own. + +Esau is an excellent example of someone with a "clean" addiction. Obsessed with the thrill of the hunt, he neglected his basic human needs. He didn't pause long enough to eat, and it placed him at risk. Many workaholics act similarly: they refuse to eat or sleep until they have completed the project at hand. + +When we compromise our own well-being or the health and welfare of those we love in order to achieve a goal, we place ourselves at risk. If we are so driven that we cannot stop overachieving, overworking, or overdoing something in spite of the fact that it's hurting us, we're acting addictively. Working ourselves to death, eating ourselves into oblivion—such "clean" addictions are as deadly as alcoholism. As Christians, we cannot afford to deny this reality, or refuse to get the help we need to overcome them. + +> +> Do I have "clean" addictions in my life? If so, what can I do to find help to deal with them? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..20867786ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/19-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Working Ourselves to Death +startDate: 02/19/2025 +endDate: 02/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/20-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/20-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31125c2d69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/20-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Jesus Can Heal Attitude Problems +date: 02/20/2025 +--- + +_Blondel E. Senior_ + +>

+> Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. Phil. 2:5, NIV. + +Paul, at 15, was overweight, had a poor self-image, and had a long history of failing special educational programs. + +As a last resort his parents brought him to the Advent Home Youth Services, a residential program for hurting teenagers. I met Paul in the parking lot and introduced myself. + +"Your name is Paul?" I queried. + +"Why do you want to know my name?" he retorted. + +"To get to know you," I responded lightheartedly, then continued, "How was the flight from California?" + +"I hated it," came his hostile reply. + +Over the months we counseled Paul and worked closely with him. We met daily in group therapy and talked about all kinds of subjects. Coaxing Paul into trying harder, we cheered him on for every little bit of success. + +For the first six months he seemed at a standstill. The only progress we noted was that he was not getting worse. + +As the months went by, we nurtured him. Daily we presented the needs of our boys to heaven and prayed that they might be healed from the severe emotional, academic, and spiritual problems they had. + +God heard our prayers. Slowly Paul began to make progress. Our healthful diet was having a positive effect on his desires and impulses. We could see changes in his disposition and attitude. + +One day Paul and I were having a counseling session in one of the gazebos on the campus. Reminding him of how much change he had made since he first came to the program, I asked him what in his estimation enabled him to make the transformation from an angry and spoiled teenager to a responsible and mature 16-year-old. + +Paul thought for a moment and said, "I changed because I have learned to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. I am learning to make my attitude the same as that of Jesus." + +> +> Do you need an attitude change? Focus on Jesus. Ask that His attitude will become yours. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73547b5749 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/20-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Jesus Can Heal Attitude Problems +startDate: 02/20/2025 +endDate: 02/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/21-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/21-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5823f9f119 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/21-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "The Holy Spirit's Heimlich Maneuver" +date: 02/21/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. . . . You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'" John 3:5-7, NIV. + +We were celebrating with relatives at a Mexican restaurant. Suddenly Oscar stood up, bent over the table, and moved his mouth as if to talk. His hand went to his throat and his eyes looked wild. + +They call it a "café coronary." It's when someone gets a piece of food lodged in their windpipe and can't get a breath. At first glance it looks like a heart attack. But it isn't. And without prompt help, the person has only about four minutes to live. + +Dr. Henry Heimlich in 1974 described the emergency treatment that would save a person who was choking, and today thousands all over the world owe their lives to this innovative physician. Oscar does too. + +My husband recognized the problem immediately. "He's choking," he screamed. Jumping up, he slipped behind Oscar, grabbed him around his midriff, clutched his hands in a fist, and yanked upward toward his chest. Oscar coughed out a tiny piece of food, took a breath, and gratefully collapsed on the seat. It was a close call. + +Jan used the Heimlich maneuver to save Oscar's life. It forces the diaphragm to curve upward into the chest, creating a rush of air pressure through the windpipe where the food has lodged, enabling it to be coughed out. + +In a way it was like being born again. For a time Oscar had a desperate struggle that he was powerless to win by himself. Then with help—the Heimlich maneuver—Oscar received a second chance at life. + +We're all in a desperate struggle for our lives—choking on sin. It doesn't matter what it is: murder, adultery, gambling, pornography, slander, gossip, envy, pride, overeating, selfishness. Any violation of God's moral or natural law is sin. Anything that takes priority in our lives above our allegiance and honor to God blocks our windpipe to salvation. + +But God has a "Heimlich maneuver" to save us. It's called being born again. With the Holy Spirit's help, the sin we're choking on can be knocked out of our lives, and we can once again breathe God's lifesaving air. + +> +> Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of your sins, repent, and then enjoy the breath of fresh air the Holy Spirit will bring to your life. You can be born again—and enter God's kingdom. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25ef2693ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/21-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "The Holy Spirit's Heimlich Maneuver" +startDate: 02/21/2025 +endDate: 02/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/22-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/22-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fb9ba0b60 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/22-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: My Search for Health +date: 02/22/2025 +--- + +_Dennis Blum_ + +>

+> "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jer. 29:11, NIV. + +Adelante, the lifestyle center of the University of Montemorelos, in Mexico, gives hope of a healthy future to many people. Here's a letter of appreciation I received from a man named Jose: + +"I am 56 and am from Monterrey, Mexico. In my search for health, I heard of a program called Adelante. My wife and I came to this program with great interest and some skepticism. What we found was a group of health professionals who captured our attention because of their great hospitality and selfless service. They showered us with attention and gave us much encouragement in changing our lifestyles. To our surprise, thanks to God, we have experienced such dramatic changes in our 10 days here that we can only say, 'This is a miracle.' + +"For 25 years I have suffered from bad circulation, blindness, and uncontrolled mature-onset diabetes. When I left the program, my blood sugar was normal (without medication), my blood pressure was normalizing, the edema in my feet and legs was gone, I no longer had urinary pain, and I was walking 5 kilometers [three miles] a day. I looked and acted like a different person. + +"In only 10 days my body has so favorably changed that the inconveniences and sacrifices of waking early and walking an hour, a vegetarian diet, steam baths, contrast showers, Jacuzzi, and massage are more than worth the effort. + +"At first the program seemed tedious and boring. I felt desperate when I did not receive medications for my many symptoms, just water, water, water, and more water—about seven to nine glasses each day and more if I exercised. I felt skeptical and disappointed. But surprise! I noticed a change in my body. In the evenings, just as I was going to bed, I would think, I am not going to walk tomorrow! But the next day as I looked at my feet and legs, now no longer inflamed as they had been for years, I realized how beneficial this program was. + +"God bless you for your care and prayers, because a miracle of faith and hope has changed me." + +> +> Lord, bless all those who are learning about Your lifestyle at one of the hundreds of lifestyle centers around the world. Give them hope for a healthy future. Amen + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..370197e0bf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/22-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: My Search for Health +startDate: 02/22/2025 +endDate: 02/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/23-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/23-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bce9c87d12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/23-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Population Density and Disease +date: 02/23/2025 +--- + +_David J. DeRose_ + +>

+> My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely, how blessed you will be, sowing your seed by every stream, and letting your cattle and donkeys range free. Isa. 32:18-20, NIV. + +Does population density affect health? That was the question raised by researchers at the Bureau of Cancer Epidemiology in New York. + +Dr. Philip Nasco and his associates divided the state of New York (except New York City) into categories based on population density. + +Their findings were startling: the more rural the area, the less cancer among the residents. The increased risk experienced by the urbanites was in the range of 20 percent to upward of 70 percent. Many types of cancer also increased in frequency. They included cancers of the esophagus, mouth, colon, stomach, liver, pancreas, voice box, lung, bladder, and brain. + +The general nature of the study made it impossible to determine the cause of the difference in cancer rates. + +The authors suggested that smoking habits may provide one possible explanation. Many smoking-related cancers take decades to develop, and 20 to 25 years earlier the urban areas studied had more smokers. The urbanites may now be experiencing the consequences of long-term smoking habits. + +Work-related exposures, pollution, more stress, less exercise, and poorer food choices may also help to explain why city dwellers have more cancer. + +Years ago God spoke through Ellen White of the health risks of city living. Although she mentioned risks from the physical environment, such as pollution, she also raised concerns about the health risks of social factors, such as crowding and "bustle and confusion" (Medical Ministry, pp. 308-311), that contribute to stress and certain diseases. Could this be part of the secret of "the rural advantage"? + +God's ideal was that His people would "live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest" (Isa. 32:18, NIV). Sounds like healthy country living, doesn't it? + +If you find yourself having a hard time hearing God's voice in the traffic, noise, concrete landscape, and rush of urban living, maybe it's time to accept the invitation Jesus gave centuries ago: "Come . . . to a quiet place and get some rest" (Mark 6:31, NIV). + +> +> How can I get some of the benefits of country living even if I believe the Lord has called me to minister in the city? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85c528a857 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/23-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Population Density and Disease +startDate: 02/23/2025 +endDate: 02/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/24-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/24-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c47964f68 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/24-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Sex, Twentieth-Century Style" +date: 02/24/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> Will not the Judge of all the earth do right? Gen. 18:25, NIV. + +Some have argued that the Sodom and Gomorrah story is fiction—that the ancient cities were victims of a natural disaster arising from an accidental ignition of the oil and tars prevalent in the region. They claim that this whole bit about sexual immorality is just a threatening myth and nothing more. After all, are people so much different from the animals that sex must be regulated by law? Is God so picky that we can't use our own common sense about the way we live our lives? + +Just for fun, let's assume that the Bible is nothing more than myth, and that the code of ethics that has come down to us through the centuries represents the cunning efforts of ancient strongmen to control the masses. + +Now look at our society. Do you like what you see? Broken homes, broken people. Kids with a dozen sets of parents, yet no parents at all. Divorced people trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered relationship, devastated, never to be the same again. Nursing homes full of old, displaced persons whose families have scattered before the four winds. And each succeeding generation compounding the problems of the one before. Is it any wonder that self-esteem has reached an all-time low, and that drugs, perversion, and violence have come to rule our world? + +No, it seems that the evidence speaks for itself. Things haven't gone too well since we have taken the law into our own hands. Perhaps the old Book is right after all! + +But in a society that blatantly displays sex on every signpost, in which sexual innuendos dominate common conversation, in which dress and high fashion inflame temptation, how can anyone pass through unscathed? What hope is there of living godly lives when people in our own homes become the victims of adulterous relationships and sexual abuse? + +There is none, except to place ourselves in the care of Jesus and let His strong arms protect us. Remember what happened to the crowd that rushed Lot's door? Is His arm now too short, so that it cannot save? "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" + +> +> What can you do to protect yourself from sexual temptations? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa83e1eec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/24-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Sex, Twentieth-Century Style" +startDate: 02/24/2025 +endDate: 02/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/25-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/25-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87dbd4dbde --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/25-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Take an Internal Shower +date: 02/25/2025 +--- + +_Aileen Ludington_ + +>

+> Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13, 14, NIV. + +Are you drinking enough water? Forcing the body to work with limited amounts of fluid is a bit like trying to wash the dinner dishes in a cupful of water. When you don't drink enough water, the body must excrete its wastes in a more concentrated form, causing body odor, bad breath, and unpleasant-smelling urine. + +Our bodies are about 70 percent water, and our kidneys process more than 47 gallons of it in a day. Without it we'd look more wrinkled than California raisins! + +But why is this colorless, tasteless, calorie- and salt-free substance that has no nutritional value so absolutely necessary? + +The answer lies in the physiological workings of the body. Water to the body is like oil to a car engine. It's the magic lubricant that makes everything else work. A drink of water is like an internal shower and is exactly what the body needs to carry out all its life processes. + +But won't other beverages, such as fruit juice or diet soda, do the job? Beverages other than water pose special problems for the body. Many have calories that must be digested like food. Such calories may produce extra fat storage, swings in the blood sugar, and slowed digestion. Sugar in beverages requires extra water for metabolism. Most beverages increase acid secretion in the stomach. And many sodas contain phosphorus, a chemical that can help deplete the body's calcium supplies, contributing to brittle bones. + +Drinking water eliminates these problems. It has no extra calories to slow down digestion or add unwanted fat. No irritants to stress the sensitive linings of the digestive tract, and fewer chemicals to threaten delicate body machinery. + +How much do you need? The body loses about 10 to 12 cups of water a day through skin, lungs, urine, and feces. Food provides two to four cups of water, leaving you six to eight glasses of water to drink on your own. + +Pure water is one of God's greatest gifts for your health. Help yourself. And when you do, remember to ask Jesus for the "water" He gave the woman at the well that will completely satisfy your spiritual thirst and become like a "spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:14, NIV). + +> +> To get your quota for the day, drink a glass of water the first thing in the morning, another two glasses midmorning and midafternoon, one about a hour after supper—and never pass up a drinking fountain! And for your spiritual thirst, drink freely from God's Word. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5219abf592 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/25-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Take an Internal Shower +startDate: 02/25/2025 +endDate: 02/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/26-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/26-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0e55b5b4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/26-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Not All Calories Are Equal +date: 02/26/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma and Cecil W. Murphey_ + +>

+> When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. Do not crave his delicacies for that food is deceptive. Prov. 23:1-3, NIV. + +You can't just cut your calories and expect to lose weight. Here's why: By nature, your body is highly efficient in storing fat calories. It uses only about 3 percent of the fat calories you eat to digest, transport, and deposit fat into your body's fat storage areas. That means you must exercise the vast majority out of the body if you don't want to gain weight. + +In contrast, your body metabolizes protein calories and excretes the by-products rapidly. You can have problems with excess protein, of course, because it stresses your liver and kidneys by forcing them to work overtime. But excess protein doesn't usually add to obesity. You have no efficient metabolic pathway in your body by which you can turn protein into fat for storage. + +Calories from carbohydrates also rarely get stored as fat, because the metabolic pathways that your body uses to convert extra carbohydrates into fat and then store them demand that you burn a lot of calories to do the job. It takes 24 percent of the calories in carbohydrates to do this—a highly inefficient use of the energy in the carbohydrates. + +In studies in which researchers put radioactive carbohydrate markers in food, they learned that the body converted and stored less than 1 percent of the carbohydrate load as fat. Even when people ate carbohydrates excessively, they generally burned them up in "wasteful" metabolic processes that tended to increase the body's metabolic rate, not reduce it—as happens in calorie-restricted diets. + +Another way to put this is that one gram of fat contains nine calories, while one gram of protein or carbohydrates has only four calories. + +The moral of the story is: avoid fat calories—they stick to your bones! + +There's an interesting bit of advice in Proverbs 23:3 about overeating. It says don't crave a ruler's delicacies, because that food is deceptive. How true! Most rich food is filled with fat calories that may be tough to get rid of. + +Sin is deceptive, too. It may look and taste good, but the consequences of indulging may be even harder to get rid of than fat calories. + +> +> Watch your moral diet, "for the wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05e6c38aed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/26-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Not All Calories Are Equal +startDate: 02/26/2025 +endDate: 02/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/27-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/27-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81c55926cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/27-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: God Understands Our Need +date: 02/27/2025 +--- + +_Lois (Rittenhouse) Pecce_ + +>

+> Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. Isa. 65:24, NIV. + +All her life Virginia had enjoyed the closeness and comfort of family and friends. Then her husband died, and her own disabilities worsened. Her son brought her north to live in a nursing home near him. Even though she helped choose the facility, she still hated it. She felt angry at her husband for dying, and angry at God for letting it all happen. Her only solace lay in corresponding with old friends and family. + +One day, checking her calendar, she noted five birthdays were coming up. She had no cards—no way of buying any. It seemed the ultimate proof of God's abandonment. Angry and depressed, she cried out, "God, don't You even care? Here I am in this place needing just five birthday cards, and I can't even get those!" + +The next day, still discouraged, she returned from lunch to find a large envelope from a woman she'd not heard from in more than 10 years. The woman had visited a mutual friend. From her she learned that Virginia was in a nursing home. "Thought maybe you can use these," she wrote. + +Inside were five birthday cards and a book of stamps. "Shivers just went up my spine," Virginia said later. "Especially when I checked the postmark and saw they'd been mailed five days earlier!" + +She accepted it as proof that God had not abandoned her or turned against her. He'd chosen the very thing she thought too small to ask of anyone to demonstrate that He, the Creator and Lord of the universe, does care. + +That event did not take away all her loneliness or solve her physical problems. But it helped her accept her situation better just by realizing that God knows her needs and wants even before she realizes them herself. + +"Keep your wants, your joys, your sorrows, your cares, and your fears before God. You cannot burden Him; you cannot weary Him. He who numbers the hairs of your head is not indifferent to the wants of His children" (Steps to Christ, p. 100). + +> +> Have you felt as if God has abandoned you or turned His back on you? Why not talk to Him about it? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f9d9e6ec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/27-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Understands Our Need +startDate: 02/27/2025 +endDate: 02/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/28-february-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/28-february-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bef768a08b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/28-february-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Conquest of Cholesterol +date: 02/28/2025 +--- + +_Raymond O. West_ + +>

+> Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach, for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips. Prov. 22:17, 18, NIV. + +Are you confused with all the discussion about cholesterol? Is it bad or good? The answer is both. Let me explain. + +The HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is good, and the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is bad. What we eat and do, and to some extent even what we think, influence the relative amounts of each. + +Just as in our automobiles we carefully guard the oil level, so in our bloodstreams we expectantly watch the cholesterol level. Our chief concern with the crankcase of our cars is that the oil level is full. But with cholesterol we urgently need to know how much is "full" and how much is "too full." + +Our bodies require cholesterol. The liver continuously manufactures it, keeping our body's supply full. The problem comes when we ingest additional cholesterol in our food. This is akin to adding oil to our gasoline, a procedure that would foul the engine. + +The ideal oil level in our car is simply full or nearly full. But what is the ideal cholesterol level in our blood? Our goal is lower than 200. Some say it should be much lower, perhaps in the 100-150 range. + +The Japanese have little heart disease, and cholesterol levels that, by and large, range under 150. And the same is true of many developing cultures that follow low-fat vegetarian diets. + +The famous Framingham heart study has scrutinized several thousand residents of that now-famous Massachusetts town closely during the past 35 years. It notes that individuals whose cholesterol levels were under 150 have had no heart attacks. + +Would you like to know what could make heart disease as rare as leprosy is in our culture? Eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and legumes, and push away all meat, fish, fowl, and animal products. This may sound unrealistic, but it's common sense nutrition! + +"Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise." Doing so can mean the difference between death and life; heart failure and heart health. + +> +> What changes could you make in your diet to bring down your level of cholesterol to below 150? Why don't you make that your goal? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d3d6fc7c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/28-february-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Conquest of Cholesterol +startDate: 02/28/2025 +endDate: 02/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1b36cbcbd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/02-february-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: February 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/01-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/01-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a123e44e90 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/01-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Life's Essence +date: 03/01/2025 +--- + +_Marjorie V. Baldwin_ + +>

+> The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. John 3:8, NIV. + +We can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. Air conveys life, vigor, and electrifying energy to every cell of the body. The most vital element in air is oxygen. + +How does the vitalizing power of oxygen get to every cell of the body? This is where the body’s delivery system, the blood circulation, cooperates. The heart sends blood singing on its way filled with red blood cells, whose hemoglobin picks up fresh oxygen in the lungs, and delivers it to every cell. There it exchanges the fresh oxygen for the carbon dioxide produced by the normal living processes of the cell, transporting it back to the lungs for removal from the body. Meanwhile the fluid part of blood carries indispensable nutrients to satisfy every hungry cell. + +It reminds us of the two essential aspects of the Christian’s life—fellowship with Jesus and ministry to others. Constantly we receive the Holy Spirit’s life-giving, energizing power. And constantly we should share it with all we come in contact with. + +That’s what life is all about. Fellowship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit, thereby receiving His strength, power, love, joy, and peace for the purpose of being more effective in our ministry to others. To others our lives can become God’s vital life-giving oxygen that helps sustain them through trial and discouragement. + +> +> Take three deep breaths and praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit—life’s true essence! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a641d31d3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/01-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Life's Essence +startDate: 03/01/2025 +endDate: 03/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/02-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/02-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6f25fa989 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/02-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: "Doing Your Best, Leaving God the Rest" +date: 03/02/2025 +--- + +_Edwin Martin_ + +>

+> Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work well done, and won’t need to compare himself with someone else. . . . And let us not get tired of doing what is right. Gal. 6:4-9, TLB. + +I’ve lived my life with a new goal every morning: to get up and do my best, and leave the rest to God. It’s helped me live a very satisfying and fulfilled life. + +A lot of things happen to us that aren’t fair. It’s easy to get caught up in feelings of self-pity, bitterness, and revenge. But I’ve learned if we just keep doing what we’ve got to do to the best of our ability, God works things out much better than you or I could. + +I saw this happen when I was in military service. I made my first stripe and became private first class four months after I went into the Army. As it turned out, because of my Medical Cadet Corps, first-aid, and lab training, I had more experience than anyone else in my platoon, so they put me in charge. + +When I got my first lab assignment, I worked to learn all I could and was put in charge of training others. About two months later I had a terrible stomachache and was nauseated. By Monday my white blood count was 14,000, and I ended up having my appendix out. Wednesday my fever went up; I became delirious and broke out with measles. After three weeks, when I got back to work, they had changed lab officers and given promotions to those who were there. One of the guys I had been training had been made corporal. “Hey,” my friends complained, “Martin ought to get that rating!” But that’s the way life is. Sometimes, because of circumstances beyond your control, others get the rewards you deserve. + +Late one night I was working emergency, down on my knees scrubbing the floor with a brush, when the surgeon in charge of the hospital came in with some labwork. When I handed him the results, he asked, “Martin, what rank are you?” + +“Buck sergeant, sir.” I was soon promoted to staff sergeant. The other fellow who was already staff sergeant didn’t get a raise. + +I’ve learned that if you are just faithful in your work, doing your best, determining to learn all you can, and giving more to the job than required, God works things out. + +> +> Are you giving your best to your work, to your family, and to your God? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..520529d837 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/02-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Doing Your Best, Leaving God the Rest" +startDate: 03/02/2025 +endDate: 03/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2393590f53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Physiology of Victory +date: 03/03/2025 +--- + +_Kay Collins_ + +>

+> Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Rom. 12:2, NIV + +You determine your destiny by the choices you make each day. How you think and feel shape your moral character, for they influence all of your words and actions. It’s a fact: “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). + +I was excited when I read Eldon and Esther Chalmers’ book Making the Most of Family Living and learned that our choices actually make physical and chemical changes in our brain cells and nervous system. Each time we make a decision to think the same way, repeat the same words, or do the same things over again, a small protein molecule, called a bouton, begins to form at the end of the sending fiber of the brain cell being stimulated. This bouton enlarges and multiplies with each repetition. It also secretes a chemical that causes the message to be transferred along the nerve pathway. The boutons make it easier and easier to do the same thing. Repetition of anything, good or bad, causes the habit to become confirmed in our lives; and fixed habits determine our character. + +The good news is that we can overcome old sinful habit patterns—those boutons don’t have to fire! When we choose to give our will over to Jesus, and avail ourselves of His abundant provisions of grace to keep us from falling—daily study of His Word, heartfelt prayer, and practicing His presence—the Holy Spirit begins to form sanctified boutons that secrete gamma-aminobutyric acid, and this chemical puts the brakes on the firing action of the old sinful habit pattern. The boutons of new sanctified habits also increase and multiply with the choices we make—thus we are being transformed by a literal renewing of our minds. This is the physiology of victory and how we can develop a character like that of Jesus. + +Through the full surrender of your will to Jesus, you can know the joy of victory over every inherited and cultivated tendency to evil and will be prepared to meet your Saviour face-to-face. + +> +> Jesus, I need Your sanctified boutons to put the breaks on my bad habits. I surrender my will to You. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad36065da5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/03-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Physiology of Victory +startDate: 03/03/2025 +endDate: 03/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/04-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/04-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12abd8e560 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/04-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Battling Infectious Disease +date: 03/04/2025 +--- + +_David J. DeRose_ + +>

+> “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh—Egypt, . . . all who live in the desert in distant places. For all these nations are really uncircumcised, and even the whole house of Israel is uncircumcised in heart.” Jer. 9:25, 26, NIV. + +Not too many years ago scientists thought that they were on the verge of conquering infectious illnesses. Advances in hygiene, nutrition, antibiotics, and immunization had apparently removed much of the serious threat of infectious scourges. In many countries it sounded like ancient history to talk of the ravages of such diseases as measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, polio, or smallpox. Yes, it seemed to be a real triumph for humanity and medical science. + +Today, however, humans seem particularly impotent when it comes to defeating infectious illnesses. For every success a new infectious threat seems to arise. Newly recognized infections keep raising their ugly heads. A dozen years ago who heard of the deadly hantavirus that not too long ago grabbed attention in the four-corners area of the U.S. Southwest? Who knew about the diarrheal illness called cryptosporidiosis, which in a single outbreak caused some 400,000 Midwesterners to develop prolonged diarrhea? What about the scourge of recently recognized tick-borne infections such as Lyme disease and Ehrlichiosis? And then there are the international tragedies of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and drug-resistant tuberculosis. + +E. coli 0157 h7 was unknown until 1982, but since that time it has caused multistate outbreaks and deaths from eating ground beef. Other infectious diseases relatively recently have become an important part of our vocabulary. They include Ebola virus, hepatitis C, Legionnaires’ disease, and toxic shock syndrome. + +Yesteryear’s seeming progress of science against infectious disease is much like our individual human struggles against sin. Sometimes it may appear that we are getting the upper hand. By our ingenuity, determination, and effort we seem to be making ourselves into better people. But then reality confronts us. It is only through Christ that the power of sin can be broken in our lives. + +“‘Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the Lord” (Jer. 9:23-25, NIV). + +> +> Can you boast that you understand and know God? What could you do today to get to know Him better? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d702ca91f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/04-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Battling Infectious Disease +startDate: 03/04/2025 +endDate: 03/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/05-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/05-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b265b040f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/05-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Breakfast With the King +date: 03/05/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Ps. 5:3, NIV. + +I'm not a morning person. I wake up, doze, and put off getting out of my bed as long as possible. At times I've even mused that if God really wanted me to enjoy the morning hours, He would have created them later in the day! But I've learned that just because it's hard for me to get going in the morning is still no excuse to skip breakfast. + +The Iowa Breakfast Study (from 1949 to 1961) found that those who ate breakfast could perform physical and mental tasks in the late morning more efficiently, with faster reaction times and less neuromuscular tremor, than those who skipped the morning meal. Students who ate breakfast had better attitudes and higher academic attainment. Children are far less able to tolerate long periods without food because of their higher metabolic rates. They quickly get tired, apathetic, and irritable. + +It's a common saying that we should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and supper like a pauper. How you treat your body the night before will determine whether you'll feel ready for a kingly breakfast. If you eat a big evening meal and hit the sack before your food has a chance to digest, your body has to work to digest that food instead of getting the eight hours of total rest it needs. That's why you wake up groggy and don't feel like eating and why some people advocate nothing but fruit for breakfast, because it's easier on a digestive system that has worked part of the night. + +The fact is that the food you put into your body in the morning will affect your day—whether it's physical food or spiritual food. That's why you should not only eat breakfast like a king, but also have breakfast with the King. + +Before you roll out of bed, spend a few minutes praising your King. Then get on your walking shoes and walk and talk with Him. Come back invigorated and ready to eat the "morning manna" of His Word. + +When you start your day with breakfast with the King, I'll guarantee you'll feel more like eating breakfast like a king. + +> +> Try eating supper like a pauper, and see if it doesn't make you feel more like having a spiritual breakfast with your King and a physical breakfast like a king. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08236463f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/05-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Breakfast With the King +startDate: 03/05/2025 +endDate: 03/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/06-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/06-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d430362ec9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/06-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: Fighting the Civilized War +date: 03/06/2025 +--- + +_DeWitt S. Williams_ + +>

+> Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31, NIV. + +As long ago as the Civil War people were aware of it. Back then palpitations of the heart were so common among military troops that the condition became known as "soldier's heart." + +During World War I a crippling anxiety developed among soldiers. Physicians referred to it as "shell shock" because they thought it to be caused by heavy artillery. + +By the time World War II came along, the symptoms were called "battle fatigue." Then veterans of the Vietnam War experienced "post-traumatic stress disorder." + +We now know that all of these illnesses had a single cause. The soldiers succumbed to a constant barrage of stressful combat episodes. They could find no rest, no renewal. And in this unending fight-or-flight environment, their reserve systems eventually collapsed. + +But you're not in a war—or are you? Chances are you're involved in never-ending battles with job pressures, finances, and family problems. If you sometimes want to run away from it all, you're a casualty of the modern "civilized" war. + +Alvin Toffler's book Future Shock describes this civilized war as "the distress both physical and psychological that arises from an overload of . . . adaptive systems and decision-making processes. Put more simply, [it] is the human response to overstimulation." + +Overstimulation equals overload. It's estimated that we are subjected to 100 times more stressors than were our grandparents. Toffler insists that the civilized war exposes us to too much input in three areas: + +1. Sensory overload. The human body responds to noise as it does to fear and anger. Even pleasant sounds at too high a volume can trigger a fight-or-flight response in us, and since World War II noise levels in the United States have increased 32-fold. +2. Informational overload. We live in the midst of an informational explosion, bombarding us with jangling telephones, daily newspapers, weekly magazines, home entertainment units, AM-FM radios, paperback books, monthly magazines, and home computers. +3. Decisional overload. Toffler suggests we are assaulted with a minimum of 560 advertising messages each day! + +Lord, help me to tune out life's stressors and tune in to You. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5cb63614e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/06-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Fighting the Civilized War +startDate: 03/06/2025 +endDate: 03/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/07-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/07-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e0ff0b10f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/07-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Choosing the Lord +date: 03/07/2025 +--- + +_L. J. Saxon_ + +>

+> You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. Mark 12:30, NRSV. + +As Christians we are taught to believe in God, trust Him, lean on Him, and depend on Him for all our needs. We're to be a witness to others of God's love and never-ceasing care. I've known this and believed this since I was a child. + +Then misfortune struck. In spite of a healthy lifestyle, I became a victim of chronic fatigue syndrome. My energy gone, my life became a series of trials. Pain, weakness, and ever-changing symptoms filled each day. I found myself complaining bitterly to God of the injustice that I couldn't make a living for my family or witness to others in all those ways God could have blessed us with. Mental and physical anguish were my constant companions. + +With great consternation I wondered where all my faith and adoration for God's constant care had gone. I questioned, What do those verses mean: "All things work together for good for those who love God" (Rom. 8:28, NRSV) and "Whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy" (James 1:2, NRSV)? I struggled with lost dreams and growing doubts. + +One day I realized the very words I had used to witness to others now condemned me. My faith was an empty shell of words that failed the test. Even my prayers were for those things I wanted, not what God desired for me. + +I've learned that God places a test before each person. With the promise of unconditional love He gives us freedom of choice to "choose this day whom you will serve" (Joshua 24:15, NRSV). We are to accept God with our faith based not on circumstances, but on His Word. + +No matter what trials come to us, they will strengthen our faith in our Father when we trust Him explicitly to sustain us. Hebrews 13:8 says: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (NRSV). We are the only variable. + +In our lives of constantly changing circumstances we can survive in only one way—a complete trust in our heavenly Father. + +> +> Grasp God's steadiness when your life gets shaken up. Emulate His steadfast character so you can always shine with His love, regardless of earthly circumstances. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53a8aba6fa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/07-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Choosing the Lord +startDate: 03/07/2025 +endDate: 03/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/08-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/08-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3491e5f906 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/08-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: What About Grandaddy? +date: 03/08/2025 +--- + +_Gerri Bradley_ + +>

+> Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God. Ps. 71:18, NIV. + +Grandaddy came to live with us when he was 94 years old and stayed for two years, until declining health forced him into a nursing home. Some people think taking care of older people is a chore. If that's what you think, it will be. But Grandaddy wasn't a chore. He was family. + +We had raised our kids within a stone's throw of Grandaddy's little house. He'd help care for our chickens and animals, and he loved to tell the children stories. We even took him on vacation to places he'd never seen before, such as Myrtle Beach or the Great Plains. + +When our place burned, Grandaddy wanted us to rebuild. Instead we purchased 200 acres and built a number of miles away. That was tough on him, because his eyesight was failing. He needed us close. + +My original plan was that he would stay with us at night, and then I'd feed him breakfast and take him to his house during the day. But when he moved into our house he became so depressed I couldn't leave him alone. I guess he decided he was going to die. He wouldn't eat or drink water. Although he could walk, he wouldn't, so I got him a wheelchair and pushed him around the house. After three weeks he decided that maybe he wasn't going to die after all, so he started eating and walking and grew to like our place. + +Grandaddy was easy to care for, since he ate with us and fit into our routine. But trying to get Grandaddy to take a bath was a challenge. He thought twice a month was often enough! Sometimes he'd get mad at me and stomp his foot, but I didn't take it personally. When we needed to get away, we'd use his pension money to pay some friends to stay with him. They loved him as much as we did. Grandaddy was good company. + +Life is what you choose to make of it. Sure, we gave up a little of our freedom when we chose to have Grandaddy move in with us, but we gained far more in return. + +> +> What can you do to make an elderly person's life more fulfilling without taking away that person's freedom? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..731f5ddd13 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/08-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What About Grandaddy? +startDate: 03/08/2025 +endDate: 03/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/09-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/09-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..696fb11d63 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/09-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Mind-Body Connection +date: 03/09/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Prov. 23:7, NKJV. + +It's accepted knowledge that a strong connection exists between the body and the mind. Even a slight deficiency of 30 or 40 known nutrients can alter the biochemistry and function of the brain and result in such common emotional problems as irritability, fatigue, and depression. In order for the brain to transmit signals efficiently, it has to have just the right amounts of certain nutrients. What we put into our bodies does affect our minds. + +But there is also a mind-body connection. As Mark Richliu, former executive editor of Prevention magazine says: "Your thoughts and feelings are the nutrition of your mind. Just as we need a certain balance of vitamins, protein, and other nutrients to help our bodies reach maximum health and energy levels, each of us needs a specific balance of mental 'nutrients' for a happy, tranquil, and creative mind. . . . People who have close ties to others, who share time and thoughts and worries and laughter with kindred souls, reap profound health benefits." + +Although Richliu based his statement on recent scientific research, the idea of a mind-body connection is not really new. Here are a few amazing statements—amazing because they were published in 1905 when the rest of the world was oblivious to the influence of the mind on the body. + +"The relation that exists between the mind and the body is very intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathizes. The condition of the mind affects the health to a far greater degree than many realize. . . . Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death. . . . Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, promote health and prolong life. A contented mind, a cheerful spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul. 'A merry [rejoicing] heart doeth good like a medicine' (Prov. 17:22). + +"In the treatment of the sick the effect of mental influence should not be overlooked. Rightly used, this influence affords one of the most effective agencies for combating disease" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 241). + +> +> When a negative thought flashes into your mind, push it out with a positive Bible promise. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4dcef2ebd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/09-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Mind-Body Connection +startDate: 03/09/2025 +endDate: 03/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/10-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/10-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a295642f87 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/10-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Social Gatherings and Gluttony +date: 03/10/2025 +--- + +_John A. Scharffenberg_ + +>

+> When you sit down to eat with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you; and put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite. Prov. 23:1, NKJV. + +Socializing with others is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, whether it be at church fellowship meals, picnics, weddings, or fancy banquets. + +But when you attend these special events, the counsel in Proverbs 23:1 is: You don't have to eat everything offered. Even at the highest levels of society ("when you sit down to eat with a ruler"), the advice is to "consider carefully what is before you." Just because you find an incredible variety of foods and everything tastes so good, it isn't a license for you to stuff yourself. In fact, Solomon says you should "put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite." The New International Version says: "if you are given to gluttony." + +Scripture gives this advice for two good reasons. First, if you eat everything and eat too much, it's not healthy. Second, think of the example you can be by choosing healthful items and eating in moderation. + +Don't boycott a social event because the food served doesn't conform to your dietary standards. Consider the example of Jesus. + +"While Christ accepted invitations to feasts and gatherings, He did not partake of all the food offered Him, but quietly ate of that which was appropriate for His physical necessities, avoiding the many things that He did not need. His disciples were frequently invited with Him, and His conduct was a lesson to them, teaching them not to indulge appetite by overeating or by eating improper food. He showed them that portions of the food provided could be passed by, and portions chosen. + +"Christ went to these feasts because He wished to show those who were excluding themselves from the society of their fellow men how wrong their course of action was. He wished to teach them that truth was given to be imparted to those who had it not" (Ellen G. White Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, p. 412). + +So enjoy socializing with others, but just remember: "A right example will do more to benefit the world than all our profession" (Christ's Object Lessons, p. 383). + +> +> How can you be a positive example to others at the next social event you attend? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3dd175fe60 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/10-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Social Gatherings and Gluttony +startDate: 03/10/2025 +endDate: 03/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/11-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/11-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51ed33ffa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/11-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: I Chose How I Wanted to Feel +date: 03/11/2025 +--- + +_E. John Reinhold_ + +>

+> The wrong desires that come into your life aren't anything new and different. . . . And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it, . . . He will show you how to escape temptation's power. 1 Cor. 10:13, TLB. + +As executive director of a Christian ministry made up of thousands of members who take care of one another's medical bills, you would think I would have known better. I was 45 percent overweight, was on three heart medications, was taking pain medication for arthritis, had lower back pain, had reoccurring diverticulosis, was listless, and had shortness of breath. I had one criteria for eating, and that was "How does it taste?" + +Finally I admitted that I was powerless in my own strength to change and desperately needed God's help. An acquaintance introduced me to some basic nutritional information that led me to eat only fruits and vegetables for 10 days so as to cleanse my body. My cravings totally changed in that time. Next I made a conscious choice between how I wanted to feel and how I wanted things to taste. Choosing how I wanted to feel, I later discovered new tastes with even greater fulfillment than the old. + +Then a friend gave me Counsels on Diet and Foods. I found the book instructive and extremely advanced. I began to see my problem as one of lust of the flesh. I was enslaved to the first inch of my tongue. + +Now, 17 months later, I am off all pain and heart medication, am 80 pounds lighter, and have more energy than any time since my college days (I am closer to 60 than 50). Last fall my son and I enjoyed hiking six to eight miles a day. I found myself praising the Lord for a new life and outlook. + +Can you see the parallels? After we come to a point where we admit that we are powerless against sin, we turn to a gracious Lord who is ready, willing, and able to change us from the inside out. We repent, enjoy His cleansing, and launch a life based on choices pleasing to Him and best for us. He rewards us by giving us fulfillment and blessings. Then He brings people into our paths to touch us and help us on our way, while also leading us to those we can help. + +God is the giver of new life. How can we not adore Him? + +> +> Are you choosing how you want things to taste over how you want to feel? Give the 10-day fruit and vegetable diet a chance to reeducate your taste to the delights of God's original diet. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c1291a47f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/11-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Chose How I Wanted to Feel +startDate: 03/11/2025 +endDate: 03/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/12-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/12-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22e57366cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/12-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: FAT CAT Fights the Immune System +date: 03/12/2025 +--- + +_Benjamin Lau_ + +>

+> And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Gen. 3:15, NIV. + +The human body consists of several important organ systems, each of which carries on a special function. The one most extensively studied in recent years has been the immune system. + +Like a nation's Department of Defense, our immune system protects against foreign invaders and helps maintain national peace. While the armed forces defend their country, the immune system employs B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, phagocytes (neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages), killer cells, and natural killer cells to do the same. Macrophages are the "national guards" stationed throughout our bodies, while the other types circulate in the blood to keep us healthy. + +When we put harmful things into our bodies, we destroy God's temple. For example, in Leviticus 3:17, God says: "This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood" (NIV). Science now knows that a high-fat diet contributes to heart attacks, strokes, several types of cancer, as well as immune cell destruction. A simple way to illustrate destructive health habits is with the acronym FAT CAT. F stands for fatty and highly processed foods, A for anxiety and stress, and T for toxicity—unhealthy exposure to toxic chemicals and environment. CAT represents three legalized drugs: caffeine and caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and tobacco. All these factors harm our immune system, and as a result destroy our bodies. + +To maintain a healthy immune system, we need to stay away from the FAT CAT and nourish the immune cells with wholesome, unrefined foods—fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, and legumes—as close to their natural state as possible. We also need pure water externally and internally, and regular, meaningful, outdoor exercise. Above all, trusting in God, reading the Bible and inspirational literature, and sharing our faith will fill us with hope, joy, and direction in life. + +Just as your body's healthy immune system combats disease, a healthy spiritual immune system fights off temptation and sin. What destroys your spiritual immune system? Lack of Bible study, prayer, and meditation, along with selfishness, pride, intemperance, and a negative attitude. + +> +> A great struggle is going on between Christ and Satan. What are you doing to make sure your spiritual immune system is strong and healthy? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60d961e893 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/12-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: FAT CAT Fights the Immune System +startDate: 03/12/2025 +endDate: 03/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/13-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/13-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4420d79412 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/13-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: In the Fullness of Time +date: 03/13/2025 +--- + +_Elmar P. Sakala_ + +>

+> "Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Ps. 111:2, NIV. + +I've delivered thousands of babies, but I'm still amazed how God designed the wonderful process called birth. + +When the fullness of time arrives, the baby is ready to leave its warm and comfortable home within its mother's body. The distance the baby must travel through the mother's birth canal is short, yet potentially dangerous. The relatively large head of the baby must pass through bony openings in the canal that are often narrower than would seem to be comfortable. The bony space is larger from side to side at the upper part of the birth canal, but larger from front to back in the lower part. Since the Creator formed both the baby and its mother, He designed them to meet together in an almost perfect fit! Through a careful series of slow-motion twists and turns of the baby's head, birth will usually take place smoothly. + +God planned that as the baby starts down the birth canal, its head first tucks forward so its chin rests against its chest. This allows the narrowest part of the baby's head to lead the way. And to help the process, the back part of the baby's skull is still soft enough to mold to the shape of the opening. As the labor contractions gently but firmly push the baby along, its head then turns sideways so it can slip through the upper birth canal. Then as the baby dips down farther, its head rotates 90 degrees to allow it to pass through the middle part of the canal. Finally, as the baby emerges from the mother's birth canal, its head tips backward, making delivery easier. + +These carefully orchestrated moves and twists occur without any effort on either the part of the mother or the baby. They take place naturally because of the shape of the baby's head as it meets the bones of the mother's pelvis. + +What an example of an infinite architect and engineer who designed this marvelous performance. In the face of evidence such as this, it is hard not to believe in a loving Creator-God. + +> +> I praise You, my God, for Your wonderful creative power. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c3ff58c1fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/13-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: In the Fullness of Time +startDate: 03/13/2025 +endDate: 03/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/14-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/14-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9bab70db69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/14-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Breath of Life +date: 03/14/2025 +--- + +_NAD Church Ministries_ + +>

+> Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8,NIV. + +The day was one of those you dream about. The earth was fresh from the hand of God. "Let us make man in our image" He said (Gen. 1:26, NIV). Bending over, He carefully formed the first human being from the dust of the ground. He lay there. Fragile. Made of dust. There was no movement or life. + +God bent again. And He breathed into that dusty form. Air flowed into the being's nose and down into his lungs. It brought life. What joy God must have felt as He witnessed that first breath of His new creature. + +Air is the breath of life. We are fully dependent upon it to give us oxygen to operate the powerhouses in our cells. These powerhouses, called mitochondria, are the backbone of every activity carried on in our bodies. They use the oxygen to burn the food that fuels our cells. + +There's also an air supply that provides power to our Christian experience. The power comes from air that's unpolluted by any smog. Martin Luther called this air the "breath of the soul," for just as surely as our physical bodies need air to survive, so our spiritual selves need the power of this air supply to continue to grow. The air that provides such a heavenly atmosphere is prayer. + +"Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not bring God down to us, but brings us up to Him" (Steps to Christ, p. 93). + +God longs to be your friend. He wants you to talk with Him the same way you'd converse with your best friend. The only way you can do that is through prayer. Share your thoughts, your problems, your joys and successes. He listens. The Bible suggests that we should "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). That means becoming so comfortable with the fact that God is our friend that we have a continual open communication with Him. That's when prayer becomes as natural as breathing! + +> +> Are you looking for a life full of vitality, happiness, and joy? Are you needing a breath of fresh air? Prayer is the air your soul needs to breathe. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4748387a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/14-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Breath of Life +startDate: 03/14/2025 +endDate: 03/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/15-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/15-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ad3df38c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/15-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: The Happiest Day in 38 Years +date: 03/15/2025 +--- + +_Dane J. Griffin_ + +>

+> “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” John 5:14, NIV. + +He had been by the Pool of Bethesda for 38 years with no one to help. Paralyzed in some way through a reckless lifestyle, he hoped that the magic waters would bring a quick fix to his problem. + +That day began just as every other of the previous 14,000 or so. He peered into the water, hoping he would be the first to slide into its healing waves. + +Then he saw a reflection of a Stranger’s face distorted by the ripples. Before he could look up, he heard a strange question: “Do you want to get well?” + +This man must be a newcomer, the paralytic mused to himself. Everyone who’s come to the temple has seen me here. + +“Sir, I have no man . . . to put me into the pool.” Squinting his eyes to see the face of the Stranger haloed by the sun behind Him, the paralytic felt a surge of hope explode throughout his body. Will the water stir while this Man stands here? Will He, the first who has ever shown an interest in me, be the one to restore my hope for healing? + +Then the Stranger made a command as strange as His question: “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” + +The paralytic gazed into the waters, his quick-fix solution. In that glance he saw the waters for what they were: powerless. The Stranger’s words still rang in his ears: “Get up!” + +Though the Stranger asked the impossible, the paralytic sensed the power attached to that command. He decided to try. What did he have to lose? + +And at once the man was cured. + +The paralytic’s disease was primarily the result of his own bad habits. Telling the man to “stop sinning or something worse may happen to you,” Jesus made the point that we have often brought disease upon ourselves by transgressing the laws of God. Health can be preserved only by obedience (see The Ministry of Healing, pp. 81, 82, 113). + +Many who are sick today are “lying beside the pool,” trusting in human beings for a quick-fix solution to problems they brought on themselves. But only Jesus can heal us as a whole. Treating the body and ignoring the soul is not enough. + +> +> Don’t wait to feel that you are whole. Believe His Word, and it will be fulfilled. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bed889e228 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/15-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Happiest Day in 38 Years +startDate: 03/15/2025 +endDate: 03/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/16-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/16-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e43169781 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/16-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Simplify--Simplify +date: 03/16/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. + +Several years ago I joined a group on a 10-day backpacking trip across the Sierra Nevada range. Everything we needed—food, clothes, cooking equipment, tent—had to fit in our backpack. Since the recommended load for a backpack is one third your body weight, I needed to keep mine below 60 pounds. + +I had been on several weekend hikes before, but packing for 10 days is a far cry from packing for two days. I had to keep reminding myself to simplify. No fancy meals—only freeze-dried entrées that mix with boiled water. Not two coats to change into—just one. Not three pairs of pants—just the one pair to wear. Not six sets of underwear—just two. No extra shoes or towels. No books for evening reading. Every item had to pass the test: “Do I really need this item?” A friend of mine even cut off the handle of his toothbrush to eliminate excess weight. What a difference it all made while hiking on the trail. Every pound we left behind was a blessed relief those 10 days. + +At times in my life I thought salvation was too complicated—at least the way some make it appear. It seemed as if reaching heaven depended on what I ate, how I dressed, where I went, how I interpreted Bible prophecy, how I chose to worship, and on and on. The simple formula of John 3:16 had become a 100-pound backpack. + +But Jesus set the record straight. In a stern rebuke, He declared: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to” (Matt. 23:13, 14, NIV). + +Simplify! Simplify! Salvation is not so complicated. The prophet Micah reduced it to three simple elements: “To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8, NKJV). Ah! Now that’s a load off my shoulders. + +> +> How could you simplify your life so the load you are carrying doesn’t weigh you down? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e943bc51f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/16-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Simplify--Simplify +startDate: 03/16/2025 +endDate: 03/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/17-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/17-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac62ea509e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/17-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Friends and the Quality of Life +date: 03/17/2025 +--- + +_Therese L. Allen_ + +>

+> "Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. . . . They made an opening in the roof above Jesus and... lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Mark 2:3-5, NIV. + +To say that I am a hockey fan is somewhat of an understatement. + +Even though I had been an avid hockey fan since I was a tiny tot, I had never seen a live National Hockey League game. Now I was on my way to the fabulous Forum in Inglewood, California, to see my first NHL game. To say I was excited was another understatement. + +With seven of us jammed in a small car, we had to leave my wheelchair behind. Our plan was to carry me from the entrance of the Forum to our seats. Fortunately for me (and others) I weigh less than 100 pounds. Plans . . . do they ever go right? + +When we arrived at the Forum, we could not even get inside the parking lot, let alone up to the entrance. My friends tried to tell the attendant our situation, but to no avail. + +I began to worry that they were going to regret bringing me, or that I had ruined the evening. Not so. Don carried me from outside the parking lot all the way to my seat. What an entrance! And what friends! + +I remembered this experience when I read about a paralyzed guy and his friends coming to see Jesus. When he and his friends reached the house where Jesus was teaching, they couldn’t get to the entrance either. I wonder if he had any of the same thoughts I had. + +Then the wild idea. Why not go up on the roof, cut a hole in it, and voilà;! down we go? Insane . . . I love it! Friends add greatly to one’s quality of life. + +Because of his faith, not only was the man healed physically but also Jesus forgave his sins. + +Unfortunately, Scripture does not tell what Christ thought of the friends and their little escapade. Knowing Him as I do, though, I believe He was as amused as I was. He knew the value of friends. And because of their faith, I tend to believe, the friends also had their sins forgiven and experienced that wonderful blessing of spiritual healing. + +> +> What could you do today to show someone that you are a faithful friend? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81b75f7d98 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/17-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Friends and the Quality of Life +startDate: 03/17/2025 +endDate: 03/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/18-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/18-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6bb326aa55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/18-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Pure Milk of the Word +date: 03/18/2025 +--- + +_Betty M. Larson_ + +>

+> Then away with all malice and deceit, away with all pretence and jealousy and recrimination of every kind! Like the new-born infants you are, you must crave for pure milk (spiritual milk ...), so that you may thrive upon it to your souls’ health. Surely you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Peter 2:2, 3, NEB. + +No picture intrigues me more than one showing an infant looking deeply into the eyes of its mother, and with the same tenderness, the mother’s searching gaze at her nursing baby. Studies have shown stronger bonding between the breast-fed baby and mother than the bottle-fed infant and mother. + +Humanity has yet to improve on what God has made for the nourishment of human infants. Not only does illness decrease a great deal through the baby receiving the mother’s immunities through her milk, but also studies have now shown that intelligence and development increase. Apparently the brain continues to develop in the breast-fed baby because of chemicals found only in mother’s milk. Scientists have discovered more than 90 elements in mother’s milk that change in strength according to the developing child’s needs. + +The mother benefits from breast feeding as well as the child. Breast feeding mothers seldom hemorrhage because of the presence of a chemical secreted during breast feeding. This chemical causes the uterus to contract to its normal size and the now unused circulatory system to the uterus to close itself off. Yet another chemical has a calming or tranquilizing effect on the mothers. Breast feeding is convenient for the mother in that she has no bottles to wash or formula to buy or prepare—thus the cost of breast feeding is extremely small. + +Ellen White says, “The best food for the infant is the food that nature provides. Of this it should not be needlessly deprived” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 383). + +As I consider all the benefits of the milk that God provided for a baby, I find my mind drawn to the phrase “pure milk of the word” in 1 Peter 2:2 (NASB). What a marvelous God we have, to have provided so well for the needs of infants, whether they be babies sucking at their mother’s breast, or spiritual infants, such as you and I. The “pure milk” found in God’s Word is far superior to the most eloquent human words. Why is it then that we drink so little of this spiritual nourishment? + +> +> Are you daily drinking deeply from the “pure milk of the word” for your soul’s health? Why substitute human-made “milk” when God’s “milk” is abundant and free? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76f7d1842e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/18-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Pure Milk of the Word +startDate: 03/18/2025 +endDate: 03/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/19-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/19-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..35e60690b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/19-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Climbing Into Old Age +date: 03/19/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isa. 40:31, NIV. + +Hulda Crooks first climbed 14,495-foot Mount Whitney, North America's highest mountain, in 1962 at age 66 and continued to climb it nearly every year after that until she was 91. + +Also when she was 91 years old she climbed Japan's 12,388-foot Mount Fuji, reaching the summit on July 24, 1987, the oldest woman ever to do so. Six weeks later she again climbed Mount Whitney. Incredible as it may seem, between 81 and 90 years of age she climbed 97 peaks. When someone challenged her to climb the steps leading to the top of the Capitol Dome in Washington, D.C. (steps are sometimes more difficult than a mountain trail), Hulda Crooks accepted the challenge—and won. When she was 94 her doctor told her she had the heart and lungs of an 18-year-old. + +She lives by the philosophy that "muscles, not used, atrophy. Bones, not put under stress, lose minerals and become weak. Joints, not moved sufficiently as in walking, working, or other forms of exercise, become stiff from disuse. The blunt facts are that your body needs intelligent care." + +Hulda has proved that a lifestyle change can take place at any age. She describes herself in her teen years as being nervous, anemic, and perpetually tired. At age 31, when she was overweight and not physically well, her physician-husband encouraged her to become more physically active. She followed his advice, and it changed her life. Since then she has said that we can't separate diet and exercise. "The diet provides the materials for the body's functions. The exercise is absolutely essential in keeping up a good circulation. If we don't exercise, the circulation is sluggish, and that affects the entire body, the mental as well as the rest of the body." + +Hulda's life is an inspiration to all, regardless of age, to get up and get going! + +> +> What lifestyle change do I need to make to be able to "run and not grow weary," or "walk and not be faint"? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92e66d2deb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/19-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Climbing Into Old Age +startDate: 03/19/2025 +endDate: 03/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/20-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/20-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06bdcc02dc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/20-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Either Burn Out or Delegate +date: 03/20/2025 +--- + +_Harold Shryock_ + +>

+> "Why do you alone sit as judge, while all these people stand around you from morning till evening?" . . . "What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you. . . . Select capable men . . . and appoint them as officials." Ex. 18:14-21, NIV. + +During the time that Moses was involved in the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt, he had left his wife and two sons with Jethro, his father-in-law. When Jethro heard that the Israelites were migrating near to where he lived, he took Zipporah and their boys back to Moses. + +Soon Jethro noticed a problem. Moses didn't have any time for them—or for himself, for that matter. So Jethro spoke up and basically said that even though Moses was God's appointed leader of the children of Israel, that didn't mean he had to do everything himself. Read this fascinating story for yourself in Exodus 18. + +For the first 40 years of his life Moses had been trained in the court of Egypt in matters of government and administration, so he had great ability in dealing with people. Now he had a divine mandate to educate and train God's people in loyalty to their Creator. A conscientious person, Moses felt a great sense of responsibility and urgency for those under his charge. + +Jethro understood that Moses was unselfishly doing his best to fulfill his God-given commission. But he also recognized that Moses was in danger of burnout. Israel's leader was exerting himself in a most worthy cause, but that did not justify his being presumptuous in expecting the Lord's continued blessing. + +So Jethro said to Moses, "Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you" (Ex. 18:19, NIV). He then outlined an administrative structure in which Moses would continue to be the people's representative to God, and God's representative to the people, but would also train others to administer groups of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. "That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you" (verse 22). + +Then he said, "If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied" (verse 23). And Moses too could go home at a decent time to his wife and children, who also needed him! + +> +> Are you trying to do more than your share? Ask the Holy Spirit and your family how you could cut down before you burn out. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e7b4cd7ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/20-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Either Burn Out or Delegate +startDate: 03/20/2025 +endDate: 03/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/21-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/21-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5931b65666 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/21-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Stewardship of Health +date: 03/21/2025 +--- + +_Max C. Torkelsen II_ + +>

+> Do you not know that your body is a shrine of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the Spirit is God's gift to you? You do not belong to yourselves; you were bought at a price. Then honour God in your body. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20, NEB. + +God's ownership of everything rests first on creation and second on redemption. It does not limit itself to material possessions—we human beings belong to Him because we are "bought at a price." God does not enforce His ownership—rather, He seeks to have human beings voluntarily recognize it. Such a recognition leads to the relationship between God and human beings called stewardship. + +A steward controls the goods of the owner, but control is not ownership. Many have acted much like a rebellious teenager. They have confused God's purpose in making them stewards. Instead of learning to use life so they could be trusted with it for eternity, they have run away from God, saying, "My life is mine. I will use it as I please, eat what I want, and do what I want." Trouble, frustration, and eternal loss are the certain result. + +Suppose someone gave you a beautiful cut glass goblet. Although it is very fragile, if you care for the goblet, it will last indefinitely. However, if you are careless with it, the chances are it will break and become useless. + +On the other hand, suppose that you receive an equally beautiful silver goblet. That sturdy vessel can endure quite a bit of abuse without breaking. Even if you treat it roughly, it will probably last indefinitely. + +The two goblets represent two alternatives of what a person might inherit in physical health. Some may have a more fragile constitution than others, but all will benefit from a careful preservation of the health resources entrusted to them. + +Consider God's gift of health. He expects us, as stewards, to preserve that gift with every resource available to us. Health always faces constant assaults from factors over which we have no power. But we can control most of the influences that cause degenerative disease and premature death. + +When men and women consider themselves God's steward they can rest in the assurance that regardless of circumstances, they are under the direction and protection of the owner of the world. + +> +> Am I caring for my body as a steward would, or as an owner would? What more could I do to be a good steward? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9238464e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/21-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Stewardship of Health +startDate: 03/21/2025 +endDate: 03/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/22-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/22-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44c1af6272 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/22-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Olympic Champion +date: 03/22/2025 +--- + +_Todd Hoyt_ + +>

+> “You have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matt. 17:20, NIV. + +Ever since I can remember, I have dreamed of being an Olympic champion. The feel of adrenaline flowing, the heart throbbing, and the sweat pouring as I strive for a gold medal for my country. Wow, what a thrill that would be! + +As a child I would get all my neighborhood friends together, and we would pretend we were competing against each other in gymnastics. I would always try to be the one representing America. You should have seen us out in the backyard doing somersaults and cartwheels. + +That dream came to a sudden stop the winter I was in fourth grade. I was sledding in the mountains of Colorado with friends and family. Eagerly I shouted to my dad, “Push me first.” Then while speeding down the hill I hit a huge bump that tossed me through the air and onto my elbow. The impact badly broke my arm. + +Although my arm did heal after the accident, it remained terribly crooked, and I soon realized that being an Olympic champion would probably never happen. I did not let that stop my interest in gymnastics and other sports, however, for I remembered a Bible verse that says “Be strong and very courageous” (Joshua 1:7, NIV). + +I refused to let that accident prevent me from enjoying the sport I loved all through grade school, high school, college, and beyond. I may not lead my country to a championship, but I can still strive to become the very best I can be. And I can be a champion of strength and courage for others who experience setbacks—others whose dreams get shattered like my elbow. + +If Satan has put hurdles in your life, I encourage you to claim Matthew 17:20, for with God’s help, nothing is impossible. You may not be an Olympic champion, but God can change your attitude from one of disappointment to one of acceptance. With God you can be a champion and receive the gold medal of His kingdom. + +> +> If you are struggling with the thought that you cannot accomplish the things you would like to because Satan has put a boulder in your path, take that challenge and use the obstacle to climb your way to new heights. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac37b7a485 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/22-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Olympic Champion +startDate: 03/22/2025 +endDate: 03/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/23-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/23-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32204d870a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/23-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +title: A Rest From Stress +date: 03/23/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Newball_ + +>

+> Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28, NIV. + +Imagine you’re driving back home from a sight-seeing trip, and you find yourself in Amityville, New York. It’s 2:00 a.m. You’re alone. Having made a wrong turn, you find yourself in an eerie section of town. Just then you look at the gas gauge. It’s on empty. + +Pulling over to the side of the road, you step out into the darkness to look for a public telephone. Suddenly you hear heavy footsteps behind you. Your eyes dart back, then from side to side, but you see no one. The footsteps get faster, closer, and then a huge hand grabs your face, stifling your scream. + +How do you feel? Science has shown that your body responds automatically to stressful situations. We call this response the “fight or flight” response. Stress causes certain changes to instantly take place in your body: + +- Circulation, breathing, and muscle function speed up. +- More energy-rich sugar appears in the blood. +- Blood-clotting mechanisms accelerate. +- Blood cells enter the bloodstream from storage depots. +- Senses become keener. +- The digestive system goes into a temporary halt. + +These responses help you deal with emergencies in life. But what would happen if these responses took place in your body 10 hours a day for 10 years and you never acted upon them? Some people go through life racing and battling as though a huge hand were grabbing at them all day long. We call it stress. + +But it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s a way to find rest. Part of the solution lies in your perception of life. We usually cope with trouble better if we intersperse a couple breaks during the day. + +And take God at His word when He says, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . . On it you shall not do any work” (Ex. 20:8-10), and you’ll find that your troubles aren’t as heavy. One day a week you can rest from that stressed-out feeling you get as if someone were grabbing you. God has given you permission. + +> +> When you feel the pressure mounting today, take a little break. And don’t forget to rest on the Sabbath! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27e834c1e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/23-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Rest From Stress +startDate: 03/23/2025 +endDate: 03/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/24-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/24-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e6503c44c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/24-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Giving Up What Isn't Good +date: 03/24/2025 +--- + +_Therese Valin_ + +>

+> Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9, NIV. + +Don’t let anyone kid you, caffeine is addictive. + +As a child I didn’t like water or milk, so I drank Kool-aid, Coke, or Pepsi. I drank so much Pepsi I started to crave it. By the time I was 25 it was my only drink—four to six cans a day. Yet I didn’t know I was addicted. + +In January 1989 a Seventh-day Adventist friend invited me to church. I had breakfast and my usual glass of Pepsi before we left. She didn’t tell me she had the whole day planned, so by late evening, with no Pepsi since breakfast, my caffeine addiction was more than I could bear. I abruptly got up to leave. Unable to concentrate, I couldn’t even carry my Bible, and almost fell down the steps. My friend stopped at a gas station and got me a Pepsi, which I drank in 20 seconds. Immediately I felt better. It was then I realized I had a drinking problem. + +She took me to her place, made popcorn and smoothies for me, and listened and held me while I cried out in pain and confusion. She told me about God’s concern for my total well-being and how He doesn’t want me to be caught up in an addiction cycle. Not wanting me to be alone in my condition, she told me to stay at her house for the night. Although she made me a wonderful nutritious breakfast the next morning, I still had a Pepsi when I got home. + +After that night I prayed to God to help me cut down gradually so I wouldn’t go through intense withdrawal. I told God the weekend I wanted to stop completely. I wanted to be alone with God if I had withdrawal symptoms. + +To my surprise, God helped me, so when the day came to stop completely I didn’t have any cravings or withdrawal symptoms. Today I drink only water or juice. I am grateful to God, for He hears and answers our cries for health and healing. + +> +> Are you addicted to a drink or food? I challenge you to pray about it, cut down, pick a day to stop, and spend that day with God. He will help you through it. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78962237d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/24-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Giving Up What Isn't Good +startDate: 03/24/2025 +endDate: 03/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/25-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/25-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c121e98c9a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/25-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Grief: An Experience in Learning and Leaning" +date: 03/25/2025 +--- + +_Barbara Choo_ + +>

+> Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Ps. 9:10, NIV. + +When my father passed away two years ago, I was angry with God. Why did it have to be my father? There were other fathers He could take; why mine? I felt God had deserted me. Who was going to look after me? Who was going to help me provide funding for my school fees? Who was going to stand beside me through my adolescence? Who was going to teach me how to change my car oil? Who would give me away when I got married? + +On Father’s Day I had no reason to go to the Hallmark store for a card. Neither would I have any reason to go to the men’s department store for a gift. Most of all, I missed having my father around and was furious with God. I couldn’t face the world alone! Why me? I wondered. + +Jesus asked God, when He was nailed to the cross, why God had forsaken Him: “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46). And I asked the same question. + +These past two years have been a learning and leaning experience. Learning that God allows trials and tribulations to attack us so that if we choose to let God help us, we can be stronger. And it’s been a leaning experience. In God I have found my solitude, peace, and hope. God has not forsaken me. He has always been my friend and partner. + +I began reading the Psalms, because David had many of the same doubts I had. He could tell God exactly how he was feeling, get it out of his system, and turn around and praise God. I’ve learned that that is the answer to getting rid of the bitterness and finding healing. And the result is an intimacy with God that I never had before. + +Currently I am working with hospice patients. I have had the opportunity to share my experiences with my patients and their families. God is using my personal experience to help my faith and be a witness for Him. And I can praise Him for that. + +> +> Have you been feeling that God has forsaken you? Tell God how you’re feeling, read His Word, and experience His healing. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57ec5d1da9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/25-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Grief: An Experience in Learning and Leaning" +startDate: 03/25/2025 +endDate: 03/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/26-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/26-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9172af618 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/26-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Wake Up Your Happy Hormones +date: 03/26/2025 +--- + +_Aileen Ludington_ + +>

+> Thus you will walk in the ways of good men and keep to the paths of the righteous. Prov. 2:20, NIV. + +Do you feel tired? blue? anxious? stressed out? If so, what you need is to exercise the 10-step plan and walk it off! + +Our bodies have an amazing hormonal system of morphinelike chemicals called endogenous opioids, or more commonly, endorphins. It appears that exercise activates these hormones, helping people feel better. + +The Perrier Survey of Fitness in America found that those who had a deep commitment to exercise reported feeling more relaxed, less tired, and more disciplined, had a sense of looking better, greater self-confidence, and increased productivity, and in general felt more at one with themselves. + +This information wouldn't surprise your grandmother. She knew that scrubbing the kitchen floor when she felt upset really helped. But today, with our tiny kitchens and easy-to-clean floors and so little time for family or God, what you need is a 20-minute brisk walk in the fresh air—together with your family or God or both. + +If you have tried exercise programs before and just couldn't stick with them, try the 10-step plan. All you do is make a commitment to the first 10 steps of a daily walk. That's it. Set the alarm for a certain time, and when it rings, get out of your easy chair, turn off the TV, put on your walking shoes, open the door, and take at least 10 steps. Once they are behind you, you can turn around and go home, if you wish. Or you can continue around the block. + +The 10-step plan works because it eases you past those difficult first steps. It gets you up and going, and if you are like most people, once you get going you will finish the entire walk. + +Why wait until fatigue, depression, and stress get the best of you, when with the 10-step plan you can exercise those happy hormones, talk to God, enjoy His nature, and perhaps memorize a meaningful passage of Scripture—all at the same time! + +> +> Lord, may I walk in the way You would have me go. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42b69947b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/26-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Wake Up Your Happy Hormones +startDate: 03/26/2025 +endDate: 03/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/27-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/27-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..706cda4b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/27-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: God's Incredible Sun +date: 03/27/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma and Cecil Murphey_ + +>

+> Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. Eccl. 11:7, NIV. + +Do you realize the incredible freebie that God has given us in the sun? Just think of it—without the sun we wouldn't have any green plants. Chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants, traps the energy of the sun and stores it, mainly in the form of glucose. This simple sugar is the building block for more complex carbohydrates and is the body fuel that gives animal life most of its energy. + +Sunlight provides the environment needed for our existence by enabling plants to create oxygen and carbon dioxide, and its rays regulate temperature and humidity at life-supporting levels. + +Plus, sunlight is good for us! + +1. The sun helps heal certain diseases. It kills germs. Sunlight has been used to treat tuberculosis successfully, and it has a healing effect on infections such as strep throat, pneumonia, puerperal fever, and even leprosy. +2. When the sun touches your skin, your body makes vitamin D. That's why vitamin D is sometimes referred to as the sunshine vitamin. +3. Sunlight that enters your eyes improves body function, stimulating the pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal glands, as well as the neurotransmitters of the brain. +4. Moderate sunlight gives you healthier skin. Some medical personnel suggest that tanned skin is three times more powerful in killing germs than untanned. However, too much sunlight can damage the skin. Sunburn is associated with skin cancer and wrinkles, so don't overexpose yourself to sunlight. +5. Sunlight is good for your nerves. It elevates your mood and probably increases the endorphins your brain manufactures to give you a feeling of well-being. +6. Sunlight strengthens your heart. Just like exercise, sunlight lowers the resting pulse rate, tones up the heart muscle, increases cardio output by improving your heart's efficiency, and normalizes blood pressure. +7. Sunlight enhances your immune system by increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells. + +Sunlight to the body is something like thanksgiving to the soul. It gives one an incredible feeling of well-being—and it's free. + +> +> Bask in God's incredible sunlight for at least five minutes today, and let God know how thankful you are for this freebie! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e00f42ada1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/27-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Incredible Sun +startDate: 03/27/2025 +endDate: 03/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/28-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/28-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70c14b6559 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/28-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Adventist Advantage +date: 03/28/2025 +--- + +_Neal C. Wilson_ + +>

+> What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? Much in every way! First of all, they have been entrusted with the very words of God. Rom. 3:1, 2, NIV. + +In Romans 3 the apostle Paul said, in effect, What is the advantage of being one of God's chosen people with advanced knowledge, hope, and guidance? (In the King James Version it says, "What advantage then hath the Jew?") Then he goes on to describe how they were the recipients of God's oracles. They had that divine advantage of knowing, of understanding. But it does nothing for us at all unless we put it into practice, unless it becomes a part of our life. + +I believe there is an "Adventist advantage." More than 130 years ago God gave the Adventist pioneers special health information. But the Adventist advantage won't do Adventists any good unless they are a living testimony that demonstrates the superiority of God's lifestyle to the world, both physically and spiritually. + +When I was a young man I spent several years at Vincent Hill School up in the foothills of the Himalayas in North India. Because of the favorable climate at 10,000-foot altitude, a number of schools existed in that area. Ours, however, was the smallest and the subject of ridicule because we had a vegetarian diet. The others would challenge us in all kinds of sports, but we always declined because of school policy. They said it was because we were afraid of them. + +There came a time when a few of us were tired of the ridicule. Annually the area schools held a competitive run to a mountain about 20 miles away that required traveling over difficult terrain with huge gorges spanned by little rope bridges, and scrambling steep mountainsides. We were really not supposed to compete in it. However, three of us decided that we would enter to demonstrate to all our critics that there was an Adventist advantage. + +It was a privilege to return from that three-day ordeal and be at least a quarter of a mile ahead of the next competitor! And the two others from our school took the third- and fourth-place positions. After that there was never any question about the "grass eaters" and the Adventist advantage. + +> +> Are you a living demonstration to the world of the Adventist advantage? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a37181e00 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/28-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Adventist Advantage +startDate: 03/28/2025 +endDate: 03/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/29-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/29-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b861aab05d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/29-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: For Good? +date: 03/29/2025 +--- + +_Connie W. Nowlan_ + +>

+> And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom. 8:28. + +None of us ever planned our lives exactly as they are. But real life is never packed in neat boxes with labels to be unloaded at the end of the journey like the contents of a moving van. Our second son, Terry, has a wheelchair, which we call his “purple Porsche,” so he can keep up with the rest of us. + +Terry has been part of our family for 25 years. Years of love, hope, tears, joys, frustration—as well as lessons in patience and dependence that have slowed us, his family, down. + +My morning prayer for “strength just for today” has become so natural, I can’t imagine beginning the day any other way. For having a person with a long-term disability in one’s family is an everyday challenge, not just once a month or for a weekend. And God’s strength has sustained us all, daily, weekly, monthly throughout those 25 years. + +The word “good” and “for good” are poles apart. God’s original plan did not include families having sons or daughters with disabilities. Having such a son or daughter is not “good,” but personal reactions to circumstances can work “for good” when God’s children allow Him to mold us despite less than perfect circumstances. For God waits patiently, His arms outstretched toward His hurting children, desiring to be their comforter, their strength, and their guide. + +I can understand my own inability to “work my way to heaven” better as I care for my son, doing for him things he cannot do for himself. It reminds me that I cannot be “good enough” for heaven without my Saviour’s sacrifice. This fact has transformed my self-sufficient tendencies into grateful acceptance of Jesus’ earthly sacrifice. + +I look forward to the time when we move from earth to our heavenly mansion, for Terry will be leaving his purple Porsche, and we will enter heaven with our fellow Christians labeled “perfect in Christ.” Together we’ll walk the golden streets. Memories of the purple Porsche will fade as we, with all heaven’s inhabitants, praise God for Christ’s death for us that entitles us to our heavenly home. + +> +> What are you looking forward to leaving behind when Jesus comes and labels you “perfect in Christ”? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e35c06b671 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/29-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: For Good? +startDate: 03/29/2025 +endDate: 03/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/30-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/30-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..197c362bda --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/30-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Exercising Your Full Potential +date: 03/30/2025 +--- + +_Karis Osadchuck_ + +>

+> Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Cor. 13:12, NIV. + +Six months pregnant is an exciting time in a couple’s life, especially with the first child. Together my husband and I are experiencing the development of our new little person. The intensity of our relationship with the baby is growing as the baby exercises its expanding capabilities each day. + +The first several weeks and months of pregnancy are a blur of emotions, hormones, and questions. Next one eagerly awaits the unknown moment of first detectable movement. Finally it happens, and with each passing day the sensation of life within becomes stronger. + +The baby must continue to explore its little cocoon of a world in order to develop its muscles, nerves, circulatory systems, and other body parts fully. In essence it must experience itself fully, completely at every stage of its maturation. + +Just as our baby can’t control much of its world—what I eat or drink and how much rest and activity I get—we may feel limited by our circumstances, especially as we think about reaching out and witnessing to others. But just as the growing baby in the womb has an opportunity to stretch its arms, legs, feet, and fingers and to discover itself with all its potential, so do we as Christians. What will we do in our environment, our little sphere of service? Will we reach out our arms and legs and touch others, or will we maintain the status quo? + +Just as my husband and I thrill to feel and see the baby growing stronger every day, I wonder if it’s anything like God feels as He watches and experiences with us our spiritual exercise and growth? + +Let’s each exercise not only our bodies every day but also our chance to be born of the Holy Spirit. Only then can we reach out, stretching + +beyond our comfortable routines and cocoons, touching lives for the kingdom, and in so doing realizing our fullest potential as humans. + +> +> Here’s the challenge: Reach out to someone today and share God’s love. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..047b833d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/30-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Exercising Your Full Potential +startDate: 03/30/2025 +endDate: 03/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/31-march-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/31-march-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a169eb2b66 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/31-march-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Alhaji +date: 03/31/2025 +--- + +_Jerre St. Clair_ + +>

+> With a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever. Ps. 136:12, NIV. + +One encounters many wonderful stories at a mission hospital, but those in which hope and function are restored to a child are perhaps the most heartwarming. Alhaji, a little 9-year-old boy from Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, is one of God’s miracles. + +One day when Alhaji was playing outside, he saw that the room in which he lived with his mother and little sister was on fire. He ran in to save some of their possessions, but unfortunately a burning curtain fell down on him. Although he was able to get out of the room, he was in terrible condition. The left side of his head, arm, and trunk had severe third-degree burns, and his ear had been completely burned off. + +His mother took him to the government hospital in Freetown, where he stayed for 11 months. There most of the wounds healed, but his arm grew to his body. It looked as if he had no arm—only his hand was sticking out. The doctor told him that the only thing he could do was to cut off the hand so that it wouldn’t look so ugly. The boy and his mother were terrified and refused. + +They had heard about Masanga Leprosy Hospital and decided to come for advice. Alhaji was lucky to meet Dr. R. Kazen, who performed the first surgery, cutting the skin and separating the arm from his body. Then the tedious, time-consuming process of skin grafting and exercises started to restore its function. Later a visiting hand surgeon, Dr. Robert Horner, performed an operation that made his left hand more functional. + +Alhaji’s mother and little sister stayed with him all through his ordeal and encouraged him greatly. After a whole year at Masanga he was able to use his arm again. Although not perfect, he felt like a human being again, instead of a deformed monster. + +When I see Alhaji with his arm stretched out and functional, I think of how good God is to stretch out His arms, through dedicated health workers, to people who otherwise would have no hope. + +> +> We can all be recipients of God’s “surgery”! God has promised to cut away our sin and restore us to an abundant life, if we will submit to the unavoidable pain. Oh, how grateful we should be for His outstretched arms to us. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51aae6ec35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/31-march-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Alhaji +startDate: 03/31/2025 +endDate: 03/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..924f0c64ba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/03-march-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: March 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/01-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/01-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ab8a18215 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/01-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: There's Healing in a Good Joke +date: 04/01/2025 +--- + +_Dianne Afolter_ + +>

+> Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was saidamong the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." Ps. 126:2, NIV. + +I awakened in the early-morning hours feeling really sick. As I lay in the darkness, I could hear the strange night sounds of the African village nearby, still new to me six weeks into our mission term in Nigeria. I knew this pain was something new, for I was experiencing what seemed like those last excruciating pains before childbirth, and I definitely was not pregnant. + +Creeping out of bed, I quietly made my way to the refrigerator, where we kept a bottle of malaria pills. We had been told that at the first sign of malaria a person should take six pills to make the attack less severe, but alas, I found only one pill. Swallowing the tablet, I headed back to our bedroom, where my husband lay sleeping. Finally I awakened Gary, told him what I thought was happening, and asked him to put a blanket over me. In the darkness he tossed a cover over me, but that only created a new problem. For the first time in my life, I could feel every wrinkle. When I asked him to smooth out the wrinkles, he too knew I was in trouble. + +At sunrise my husband went to get the doctor. A few minutes later Elena arrived, and as Gary greeted her, she asked, "What can I do?" + +Without missing a beat, he replied, "I think you should shoot her." He immediately laughed when he saw Elena's horrified face. Realizing the double meaning behind his words, she promptly gave me the necessary treatment to endure and survive my first bout with malaria. + +During our years in Nigeria, Elena often laughed at Gary's jokes. Gary's ability to see a funny side in almost every situation has helped make many strangers become friends. His humor not only draws people, but it has helped bind our family together. Humor has added enjoyment to our everyday life and has often lifted our spirits during rough times. God wants us to enjoy life to the fullest, and I'm thankful to have a special dose of humor in our home. + +> +> Can others see that the Lord has done great things for you? Try to sprinkle a little more humor and laughter into your life, and maybe they will. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9cf0e84a5b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/01-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: There's Healing in a Good Joke +startDate: 04/01/2025 +endDate: 04/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/02-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/02-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d2a6e3c40 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/02-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Diet for the Year 2000 +date: 04/02/2025 +--- + +_Marilyn Renk_ + +>

+> Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Gen. 1:29, NIV. + +The diet that scientists in the field of nutrition are advocating for the year 2000 is incredibly similar to the one God gave to Adam and Eve: fruits, grains, seeds, and nuts, plus the vegetables added at the time of the Fall. Eating this diet, even without access to the tree of life, human beings lived close to 1,000 years. + +After the Flood people added clean meat, which resulted in a drastically shortened life span (Gen. 9:2, 3). This flesh-food diet has been the accepted human diet since! + +Then in 1863 Ellen White began to speak out against meat. In 1864 she wrote: "Many die of disease caused wholly by meat eating; yet the world does not seem to be the wiser" (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 385). At the turn of the century, between 1902 and 1905, she made the following comments: "I am instructed to say that if ever meat eating were safe, it is not safe now" (ibid., p. 384). "Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now doubly objectionable, since disease in animals is so rapidly increasing" (ibid.). In 1902 she predicted, "It will not be long until animal food will be discarded by many besides Seventh-day Adventists" (ibid.). + +Now, almost 100 years later, the prediction is coming true. In 1977 the scientific community finally admitted they were wrong to recommend meat and animal products as a primary source of good nutrition. And in 1992 they issued, based on scientific evidence, a new food guide, the Food Guide Pyramid, that looks amazingly similar to the eating plan recommended in the Bible. The foods they suggest that we should eat most frequently are low in fat and provide fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. These foods come from grains and plants; breads, cereals, rice, pasta, fruits, and vegetables. + +God told us what to eat in the beginning, and although it has taken us thousands of years to realize that fact, we're finally coming around and accepting God's diet as the diet for the year 2000. + +> +> Challenge: take a look at your current eating pattern. Choose one small change you would be willing to make immediately to move closer to the plan of eating as God intended for optimal health. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..260fa2dc76 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/02-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Diet for the Year 2000 +startDate: 04/02/2025 +endDate: 04/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/03-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/03-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1827870329 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/03-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Gift of the Sabbath +date: 04/03/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath . . . , if you call the Sabbath a delight and . . . honorable, and . . . not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, . . . I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. Isa. 58:13, 14, NIV. + +The Sabbath is a special day—a time to put aside work, schedules, and daily commitments. It's a time to rest, relax, refocus and remember that God created you, and to recount all His blessings. The Sabbath offers us opportunity for re-creation for our battle-weary bodies, our muddled minds, and our starved souls. It provides fellowship with our Creator and with each other. Each Sabbath is a 24-hour celebration of life. + +To really get the health benefits God created this day for, you've got to make it different, special, and stress-free. That's why it's important to avoid such things as newspapers, radio, TV, video games, or any business involvement. When you put aside secular pursuits, the pressures and job tensions decrease or even disappear. Sabbath is a moral battery-charging time—a time to gain spiritual insights and inspiration. + +If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, you can't afford to overlook or ignore what the Sabbath can do for you. On this day you can seek solitude in the outdoors and avoid stress-producing noise. It's a day to avoid jammed freeways, shopping malls, packed stadiums, competitive sports. By doing this you'll be able to maintain healthier blood pressure levels. Worshiping God, instead of your work, frees you from the pressure to perform, produce, and compete. Taking a weekly vacation from stress can rejuvenate your entire system. + +The Sabbath is a day to cease from work, but it's far more than that. It's also a time to cease from accomplishment, from worry and tension, and to stop trying to control your own life. For six days you have been in the driver's seat and have tried to shape the world by your wit, creativity, brains, and brawn. But on Sabbath you receive permission to slide over and let the God of the universe take the driver's seat while you enjoy a chauffeured, no-hassle trip. A 24-hour free ride with the One who created it all. Wow! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip. + +> +> The Sabbath is a weekly gift with incredible blessings attached. Don't forget to open it each week and experience God's promises in Isaiah 58:13, 14. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a86e2ac2c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/03-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Gift of the Sabbath +startDate: 04/03/2025 +endDate: 04/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bb07f9089 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Running the Good Race +date: 04/04/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Heb. 12:1, NIV. + +Several years ago I started jogging for exercise. While it has brought me many wonderful health benefits, I can see why many folks avoid it. The sore muscles, tired joints, weary lungs, and everyday aches and pains that jogging can produce discourages the easily disheartened. + +However, I have decided that avoiding such pain may not be in my best interests. As a jogger I've learned to listen to my body's signals and learn from them rather than hide from them. While I am out running I look for pain: on the inside of my leg, the outside, the heel, the arch, the hip, the knee, wherever it may occur. Is it a true warning, or a trick my body is playing on me to get me to stop? If I move or turn differently, does it help or hurt more? + +While most people feel that to seek pain is illogical, to endure it irrational, and to extend it insane, those who exercise regularly see things differently. Pain teaches, shapes, strengthens, and develops the athlete. It is the only means we have for knowing and doing our best. While most people see no reason to live with pain, athletes believe the opposite. They cannot live without it. As the popular saying goes: "No pain, no gain." + +It is interesting that the apostle Paul compared the Christian experience to running a race, and the analogy seems quite fitting. As the runner endures pain, so the Christian suffers trials and tribulations. But in neither case are they to be shunned. The biblical writer James advises: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance" (James 1:2, 3, NIV). + +My jogging experience has taught me the blessings, benefits, and necessity of tribulation for refining the body and mind, and for the Christian it is no different. Discipline, commitment, faith, and perseverance are all shaped in hardship, difficulties, and failure. "So run, that ye may obtain" (1 Cor. 9:24). + +> +> What is hindering you from running the race and obtaining the prize of both good physical health and good spiritual health? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b29f47773 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/04-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Running the Good Race +startDate: 04/04/2025 +endDate: 04/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/05-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/05-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d895539b14 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/05-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Healing Touch of Music +date: 04/05/2025 +--- + +_Jimmy Rhodes_ + +>

+> And whenever the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, David took the lyre harp and played it with his hand; so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. 1 Sam. 16:23, RSV. + +King Saul was troubled, his conscience pricked. As he tossed upon his bed, sleep evaded him. There was no Nyquil, Sleep-eze, or Nytol in those days. So in the late hours of the night he would call for David, the young shepherd, to play soft melodic cadences on his stringed instrument, and sleep would come. Music refreshed him, calmed his nerves, and made him feel better. + +The noted philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in 1889 that "without music, life would be a mistake." Music has a tremendous impact on the human psyche. In fact, it's now an accepted healing agent in modern medicine. + +As a result of graduate study a few years ago at the University of Southern California, I became extremely interested in using music as a way of changing behavior in people. In my work at Life Care Centers I've seen how music in its many facets has changed the moods of people within minutes. Some older individuals who mostly sleep through the day, or perhaps just sit and stare vacantly, will begin tapping their toes and clapping their hands when they come to music therapy. Music reaches them when no person can. + +Whitcomb reports that music is a "battery charger for the brain, and some people will frequently begin to reminisce, and verbalize thoughts and feelings in ways thought to be long dormant." + +Satan, that musical genius, knows the effect music has on people. But instead of soothing them, he delights in just the opposite. Studies have shown that sensory overload can increase anxiety. He causes this with a fast-pulsing beat and loud, chaotic sounds. Music with less than 72 beats per minute (normal pulse rate) has a calming effect. Faster, loud, clashing sounds increase anxiety. + +I can testify to the truth of Ellen White's words: "When turned to good account, music is a blessing; but it is often made one of Satan's most attractive agencies to ensnare souls. When abused, it leads the unconsecrated to pride, vanity, and folly. When allowed to take the place of devotion and prayer, it is a terrible curse" (Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 506). + +> +> The next time you have trouble sleeping, don't pop a pill. Relax and fall asleep with God's beautiful music. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d497bcf8ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/05-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Healing Touch of Music +startDate: 04/05/2025 +endDate: 04/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/06-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/06-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c886f9cdce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/06-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Bitter Water +date: 04/06/2025 +--- + +_David J. DeRose_ + +>

+> When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. . . . So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, "What are we to drink?" . . . The Lord showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. Ex. 15:23-25, NIV. + +In December 1993 water treatment facilities for Washington, D.C., experienced serious problems. Because of the great possibility of contracting infection, local authorities told residents to avoid drinking tap water. Similar problems have occurred in other cities and towns. + +In addition to water treatment facility problems, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes will threaten water quality. Campers and backpackers in North America as well as travelers drinking tap water in certain countries abroad may become ill from contaminated water. + +Even crystal-clear water can harbor serious illness. For example, giardia, a parasite, often inhabits seemingly pristine running streams. + +How can we guard against becoming infected from contaminated water? Do we need some advanced antibiotic or other drug? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that we can kill all dangerous organisms by bringing water to a rolling boil for one minute. (Increase the boiling time if you live at elevations significantly above sea level.) + +The remedy for microbially contaminated water is simple and inexpensive. It is the same with the remedy for life's trials. In fact, God used the illustration of impure water to teach this lesson: + +"For every trial, God has provided help. When Israel in the desert came to the bitter waters of Marah, Moses cried unto the Lord. The Lord did not provide some new remedy; He called attention to that which was at hand. A shrub which He had created was to be cast into the fountain to make the water pure and sweet. When this was done, the people drank of the water and were refreshed. In every trial, if we seek Him, Christ will give us help. Our eyes will be opened to discern the healing promises recorded in His word. The Holy Spirit will teach us how to appropriate every blessing that will be an antidote to grief. For every bitter draft that is placed to our lips, we shall find a branch of healing" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 248). + +> +> Think of a time when you came to the "bitter waters of Marah" and recall how God brought blessings out of bitterness. Praise the Lord, for He is good. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc600ea6c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/06-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bitter Water +startDate: 04/06/2025 +endDate: 04/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/07-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/07-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc649f42b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/07-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: You Can Choose Life or Death +date: 04/07/2025 +--- + +_Jim Cox_ + +>

+> Take heed, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise? Ps. 94:8, NIV. + +Many years ago I worked for a worldwide finance company. At the time I was not a Seventh-day Adventist, and in fact knew very little about spiritual things. + +My job involved contacting customers delinquent in paying their accounts. One day I visited the home of such a customer. The wife, who obviously was not having a very good day, greeted me at the door. My appearance on the scene only added to her unhappiness. + +The husband, who was our customer, had just learned that he was going to have some of his toes amputated from one foot. Poor circulation had led to the problem. The doctor told him that he must quit smoking and drinking, and that he must change his lifestyle, or the other foot would be next. + +The toes were amputated, and he went right on smoking and drinking. Several months later I contacted the family again, only to find that our customer was back in the hospital having his foot amputated. Did he quit smoking and drinking? No! He continued his habits and later had his leg amputated. + +Continuing to smoke and drink, he lost the other leg about a year later. A few months after that, he died! He ignored all the warnings and continued his habits until his body could no longer take the punishment. + +"Extreme case," you say. Hardly! This kind of thing goes on every day. I personally know people who have suffered heart attacks and have been warned to change their lifestyle, but have kept right on with their unhealthy habits. Their ignoring of their doctors' advice will eventually cause them even greater pain and suffering. + +Unfortunately we humans tend to violate good counsel more than we follow it. God has given us information about how to keep our bodies healthy and live righteous lives, and He has asked us to be obedient to His will. When we do it, we will be healthy physically and spiritually. His ways are always the best. Isn't it time to stop our foolish unhealthy lifestyles and do what He says? + +> +> Dear Lord, help me not to foolishly live the way I want to live. Give me wisdom and willpower to live according to Your will. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c8a50743f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/07-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: You Can Choose Life or Death +startDate: 04/07/2025 +endDate: 04/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/08-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/08-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..779542bd03 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/08-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Are You at Risk of Acquiring an Egyptian Disease? +date: 04/08/2025 +--- + +_Jim Cox_ + +>

+> I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 2, NKJV. + +Seven million Americans have diabetes. The typical high-fat (40 to 47 percent), high-sugar standard American diet (SAD) contributes to adult onset diabetes. Thirty-four centuries ago God urged us to avoid fats (see Lev. 7:23-25), but most of us still ignore this important counsel and reap the results of age-old diseases such as diabetes. + +Archaeologists have discovered 3,000-year-old mummies that show the evidence of diabetes and atherosclerosis, the same diseases we have today. At that time the wealthy Egyptians had Hebrew and other Asiatic slaves to do their work, while they enjoyed a rich diet and the sedentary lifestyle of a couch potato. + +"If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you" (Ex. 15:26, NKJV). + +By choosing a plant food diet and getting plenty of regular exercise it is possible to reduce dramatically the risk of adult onset diabetes and in many cases eliminate the need for medication. God knew the nutrition humanity needed, so at Creation He offered an abundant variety of plant foods: fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. + +After a two-day Reversing Diabetes Seminar at Arrowhead Springs Christian Conference Center, one grateful wife said, "My husband stopped using his 85 units of insulin on the second day. Now, five months later, he has lost 50 pounds, and I have lost 34 pounds. We are praising the Lord." + +God promises health rewards for those who are obedient. "So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you" (Ex. 23:25, NKJV). + +And finally, for ultimate health, God sent Jesus Christ: "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10, NKJV). + +> +> If you haven't done so already, begin today living a healthier lifestyle. Choose to avoid the diseases of the Egyptians. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a476f519d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/08-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Are You at Risk of Acquiring an Egyptian Disease? +startDate: 04/08/2025 +endDate: 04/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/09-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/09-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df1423ac67 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/09-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Poison in the Air +date: 04/09/2025 +--- + +_Kevin Kuzma_ + +>

+> The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4, NIV. + +It happened one Sunday when I decided to go scuba diving with my fellow student missionaries, Matt, Monica, and Julian. We'd been down about 30 minutes to a depth of 60 feet exploring the wall that rises from the ocean floor and eventually surfaces as the Majuro atoll in the Marshall Islands. + +Beginning to feel strange, I motioned to my buddy, Julian, that I was going up. During the trip up I kept checking my gauge so I wouldn't surface too quickly and end up with the bends. Then at about 30 feet I couldn't see my gauge or concentrate. Julian realized I was in trouble and grabbed my arm. At 10 feet I was breathing extremely fast and felt I wasn't getting any air. We finally broke surface, and I spit out my regulator and gasped the fresh air. I inflated my buoyancy compensator and started to float. + +Freaking out, I exclaimed, "I can't see!" Everything was blurred. I concentrated on Julian's goggles long enough to finally read the word "tempered" on the glass. I had a headache and felt light-headed. Julian towed me in to shore, and I just sat there on the reef while he went to find our friends. + +Later, back at our room, Mr. Lane, the principal, came by and said we shouldn't use our tanks because two tanks had accidentally gotten filled with carbon monoxide when the compressor broke. The man filling the tanks switched to another compressor to finish filling them, not realizing that the tanks held lethal gas. The mistake was discovered when the guy using the other tank passed out in 20 feet of water. His dive buddy brought him up, but he was unconscious for four hours in the hospital. That's when I realized I was lucky to be alive. + +And that's when I thought about how lethal the consequences of a little mistake can be. The broken compressor nearly killed two people! Sin is like that. It might not be something others can see or smell, but it can cause death just the same. The fact is, Satan kills, and "the breath of the Almighty gives me life." + +> +> Don't wait until sin is choking you to breathe freely from God's Word. It's the only protection against Satan's poisonous gas! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81c30c2425 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/09-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Poison in the Air +startDate: 04/09/2025 +endDate: 04/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/10-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/10-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bb349f494 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/10-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Jealousy Can Destroy Your Health +date: 04/10/2025 +--- + +_Harold Shryock_ + +>

+> Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Phil. 2:3, 4, NIV. + +Throughout earth's history jealousy has been one of the devil's most effective means of producing trouble. At the time of the wilderness wandering of the Israelites, Miriam and Aaron became jealous of their brother Moses, and the Lord sternly rebuked them, striking Miriam with leprosy for seven days (Num. 12:1-14). + +Solomon wrote, "Anger is cruel and fury is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?" (Prov. 27:4, NIV). + +Jesus found it necessary to reprimand His disciples because they jealously wanted to be the greatest (see Mark 9:33-35). + +The apostle Paul lists jealousy among the "acts of the sinful nature" in Galatians 5:19, 20. + +Jealousy affects one's emotions. The emotions, through the autonomic nervous system, influence the functions of the body's various organs. In the case of jealousy, one's intellect loses control of the emotions, thus allowing illness to develop. + +In one of the classics of medical literature, Dr. Edward Weiss tells about a young woman who complained of persistent headaches. Dr. Weiss performed a thorough physical examination and arranged for a series of laboratory tests, but found no explanation. Meanwhile other symptoms developed, including intestinal disorders. The patient finally became bedridden. Discouraged because of lack of improvement, she discharged Dr. Weiss and called in the old family doctor who had known her from childhood. In casual conversation he discovered that her brother had married and that she was overwhelmed with jealousy toward the woman. Once she was convinced that her emotional upheaval had caused her symptoms, her symptoms lessened and she eventually recovered. + +Here are two important points that Ellen White makes: First, "the condition of the mind affects the health to a far greater degree than many realize" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 241). And second, "if the mind is free and happy under a consciousness of rightdoing and a sense of satisfaction in causing happiness to others, it will create a cheerfulness that will react upon the whole system, causing a freer circulation of the blood and a toning up of the entire body" (Medical Ministry, p. 105). + +> +> Clean up your emotional garbage—jealousy, envy, anger—and you'll feel better. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2084482612 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/10-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Jealousy Can Destroy Your Health +startDate: 04/10/2025 +endDate: 04/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/11-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/11-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea22cc028d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/11-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Bread for Life +date: 04/11/2025 +--- + +_Velda Nelson_ + +>

+> I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John 6:51, NIV. + +This cool spring morning I stand at my kitchen counter measuring ingredients into the big brown bowl. It is breadmaking day, a time to replenish my store of plump brown loaves of the staff of life, as my father always called bread. No meal was complete to him without a slice of the bread my mother made. + +Mother taught me to make the wholesome wheat bread our family relished, often quoting: "It is a sacred duty for those who cook to learn how to prepare healthful food. . . . It takes thought and care to make good bread; but there is more religion in a loaf of good bread than many think" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 302). + +And so I carry on the tradition, although now my family is grown, and I could easily buy wholesome bread at the market. To me it is almost a spiritual exercise to knead the soft dough, to shape it into loaves and put it in the pans, then to wait for it to rise. And as the bread bakes, the mouthwatering aroma of fresh bread fills the whole house. + +With pleasure I share the brown, crusty loaves with a busy young mother and her lively youngsters next door, or my retired friend whose wife is no longer able to bake and cook as she once did. + +As I measure and mix the ingredients, I challenge my imagination to devise symbolic spiritual metaphors. Flour—the whole kernels of God's word. Leavening—the working of God's love in my life. Salt—Jesus said, "Ye are the salt of the earth" (Matt. 5:13, NIV). Honey—the sweet spirit of love for God, for family, for all I meet. Oil—the Holy Spirit. Water—the living water Jesus offered (see John 4:10, 14). Bread—the completeness of Jesus' life and His sacrifice when He called Himself the Bread of Life. + +Give me, dear Lord, this bread of life that I may live thereby, now and eternally. + +> +> Challenge: you can learn to bake bread. Ernestine Finley from It Is Written has a great video, called Natural Lifestyle Cooking: Homemade Breadmaking Made Easy, to inspire you and get you started. Call 1-800-522-4234 or contact your local SDA church for instruction. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6be2d2594d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/11-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bread for Life +startDate: 04/11/2025 +endDate: 04/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/12-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/12-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..833b9150a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/12-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Eight Days to Live +date: 04/12/2025 +--- + +_Kay Collins_ + +>

+> Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. James 5:14, 15, NIV. + +Doctor Bland walked into my husband's hospital room and announced with tears in his voice, "Dan, there's nothing else we can do for you. Your liver has ceased to function!" + +My husband bravely asked, "Well, Doctor, how long do I have to live?" The doctor responded that they did not have time to attempt a liver transplant, with all that would be involved in that process. Unless he was able to tolerate the massive intravenous dosage of a drug that might possibly shock the liver back into function, he could expect to live only eight to 10 days, depending on his endurance. We knew, with his history of drug reactions, that the medication might end his life even sooner! + +Dan looked up and said, "God has given us the counsel that when we're faced with illness, we should have the leaders anoint us with oil and intercede in prayer. Let us have an anointing service, then proceed with the intravenous drugs. The Great Physician is able to heal me, if it is His will, and He can keep me from reacting adversely to the medication." + +As the anointing service proceeded, Dan prayed: "Father, if You see fit to heal me, don't just patch me up. I want to be filled with more of Your Holy Spirit's power, for the finishing of Your work, than I have ever yet experienced." God heard and answered that prayer! + +Nearly four years have passed since Dan received that "death notice." His liver has been completely healed, and he is preaching with more of the Holy Spirit's power than ever before. God has intervened to spare my husband so that he and I could continue reaching people for Him. Yes, I believe in miracles. + +Some folk don't believe in miracles, but I most surely do;\ +For if God didn't intervene, how could I make it through?\ +When others have lost their lives, somehow mine was spared;\ +It surely speaks to my heart: My heavenly Father cared.\ +Yes, I believe in miracles; I serve the God above,\ +Who watches o'er His children with a tender Father's love. + +God can work a miracle for you. To increase your faith, go through the Bible and put your name in the promises for healing. Then ask, believe, and claim. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8bc691f85 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/12-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Eight Days to Live +startDate: 04/12/2025 +endDate: 04/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/13-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/13-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ede3defde2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/13-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Miracle Healing +date: 04/13/2025 +--- + +_Jackson A. Saxon_ + +>

+> Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16, NIV. + +Why don't we see more miracles of healing? I have pondered that question. Not believing that it was because of a lack of prayer for one another, I began to study deeper into the question. I believe I have found a partial answer from some statements that Ellen White made. + +In Medical Ministry Ellen White indicates that a major factor preventing healing in response to prayer is the sick individual's health practices. "Many have expected that God would keep them from sickness merely because they have asked Him to do so. But God did not regard their prayers, because their faith was not made perfect by works. God will not work a miracle to keep those from sickness who have no care for themselves, but are continually violating the laws of health and make no efforts to prevent disease" (p. 13). + +She further says: "It is our duty to study the laws that govern our being, and conform to them" (Healthful Living, p. 13). + +Finally, "when we do all we can on our part to have health, then may we expect that the blessed results will follow, and we can ask God in faith to bless our efforts for the preservation of health. He will then answer our prayer, if His name can be glorified thereby; but let all understand that they have a work to do. God will not work in a miraculous manner to preserve the health of persons who are taking a sure course to make themselves sick" (Selected Messages, book 2, p. 464). + +Working with sick people, I can verify the above statements. I have seen healing occur as miraculous as answers to prayer when people start following the laws of health. The return to good health has been far out of proportion to what we would expect medically from the lifestyle changes the individual has made. It is as if God is giving an A for effort to such individuals! + +My experience indicates that when we make a decision to follow God's laws of health and act on it, He delights in giving us more health benefits than we medically deserve. + +> +> Would you like a miracle? Is there anything in your lifestyle habits that might be preventing God from working a miracle in your behalf? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87c6f9e264 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/13-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Miracle Healing +startDate: 04/13/2025 +endDate: 04/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/14-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/14-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7e5f0edb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/14-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Having a Healthy Argument With God +date: 04/14/2025 +--- + +Jacalyn Nosek + +>

+> If you accept my words and store up my commands within you, . . . applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight . . . and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Prov. 2:1-5, NIV. + +For five years I watched my mother slowly die from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease that gradually degenerates the motor neurons, causing paralysis. Although the motor (movement) nerves are dying, the sensory (feeling) nerves continue to function, so every movement someone makes with their body causes excruciating pain. There is no cure. For the person with ALS it is like living in a glass coffin. Their mind is sharp, but their body becomes completely paralyzed, until they finally die of suffocation when the diaphragm stops functioning. + +Watching my mother die this hideous death made me so angry. I prayed for her healing. When that didn't come, I prayed for God to take away her pain. And when that didn't happen, my faith faltered. How could a "loving" God permit such suffering? My mom had done so much good, especially for blind children, so how could God arbitrarily strike her down? Then I thought of Uzzah. He was only trying to stabilize the ark. Why did God strike him dead when he touched it? + +One day when I was desperate, broken, and unable to go on, I opened my dust-covered Bible and read Isaiah 43:25, 26, in which God says, "I . . . am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake. . . Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together" (NIV). + +I began searching the Scriptures for answers and arguing with God. Then I thought about the parent who tells a child, "Don't touch the stove; you'll get burned." When the child disobeys and gets burned, is it the parent who burned the child? No! And then it became clear to me. God didn't kill Uzzah. God knew His glory would destroy sinful human beings, and because the ark was filled with His glory, He in love warned them not to touch the ark. Uzzah disobeyed and suffered the natural consequence. + +As I began to see pain and death as a consequence of sin, and not something caused by God, I began to trust. Now I know that God has the answers to our pain and confusion, if we'll just reason with Him as He asks us to do. + +> +> If you're confused about what has happened or what is happening to you or to someone you love, argue with God. His Scriptures and His Holy Spirit can provide incredible healing insight. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b0a3213ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/14-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Having a Healthy Argument With God +startDate: 04/14/2025 +endDate: 04/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/15-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/15-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4eece6c210 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/15-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Worry-free Money Management +date: 04/15/2025 +--- + +_Jeffrey K. Wilson_ + +>

+> Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Heb. 13:5, NIV. + +The New Testament author of Hebrews in a few final words of fatherly advice quotes from Deuteronomy 31:6 some of the last words of encouragement Moses gave to God's people: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." The grand old leader was 120 years old and full of experience and wisdom when he basically said, Don't put your trust in perishable things. Unlike money, fame, possessions, and other substitutes, the God of heaven will never leave you nor forsake you. + +Yet most of us spend about 80 percent of our waking hours in the pursuit of money—thinking about it, earning it, or spending it! Money has become our god, or at least one of our gods. And what does this do to our health? The pursuit of money too often comes packaged with stress, worry, frustration, jealousy, and discontent. + +Charles Caleb Colton once said: "Wealth, after all, is a relative thing since he that has little and wants less is richer than he that has much and wants more." The producers of goods and services through the advertising industry spend more than $40 billion a year hitting us with about 300,000 advertising messages each day to make us unhappy with what we have so that we will use money or credit to purchase their products that promise illusive fulfillment. Is it any wonder that money has become our god and the pursuit of money our passion? + +The result is often increased debt. The Wall Street Journal reported that the average middle-aged American couple had only $2,600 in net financial assets. Translated, that means that because so many are not content with their pay, they are borrowing heavily on their future earnings. The result is no savings, few available assets to donate to the Lord's work, and heavy debt. + +By way of contrast, the Walden Pond philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, once said: "We make ourselves rich by making our wants few." + +Trusting in the God of heaven, not in money and what it can buy, is the coin of contentment, a key to healthful, fulfilled living in this world and for eternity in the world to come. + +> +> Lord, let me be content with the richness of Your blessings and not the world's money. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3bf0313d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/15-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Worry-free Money Management +startDate: 04/15/2025 +endDate: 04/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/16-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/16-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0afb76c08c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/16-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: A Contented Mind +date: 04/16/2025 +--- + +_Richard Neil_ + +>

+> And now, my friends, all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is lovable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable—fill all your thoughts with these things. Phil. 4:8, NEB. + +While working as an Army physician, I noticed that near the end of the year many of the wives, especially those of servicemen on extended duty away from home, would come to the dispensary looking for tranquilizers. + +However, one woman, a nurse, always had a smile on her face and a bubbly personality. Since this was quite unusual, I asked how she could keep such a sunny disposition while everyone around her was so nervous and depressed. Here was her response: + +"Frequently people share gossip and other negative information about what is going on around the base. But when someone comes to my house, I invite them to have a seat while I continue working and listen to their chatter. But if they begin talking about who is having problems, whose children are getting into trouble, or whose husband or wife is unfaithful, I stop them and say, 'I have enough problems of my own, so I don't need to hear about others. If you want to talk happy, you are free to stay, but if you want to talk negative, you will have to leave.' + +"As you can expect," she said laughingly, "I don't have many close friends, but those I have are positive. + +"The second thing I do is keep my mind fresh and alive. Whenever I read about something in the news or the papers that I don't understand, I run to the library and ask the librarian if she can help me find books that I can understand to explain the problem area, so I always keep my mind filled with new information and positive thoughts. That's why I don't need medicine to keep me happy." + +Two points that will help you keep a contented mind: + +1. Avoid negative input—from anyone. +2. Keep improving your mind. + +Paul said the same thing in our text for today. The secret to the successful Christian life lies not so much in what we do as in what we choose to let into our minds. Positive, kind, excellent, admirable, and praiseworthy thoughts breed the same kind of mind in us as was in Christ Jesus. + +> +> What will you fill your mind with today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..628980ab42 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/16-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Contented Mind +startDate: 04/16/2025 +endDate: 04/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/17-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/17-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..58a70aabc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/17-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Sharing Your Gift of Mercy +date: 04/17/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17, NIV. + +The Bible speaks of many spiritual gifts. Take, for example, those in Romans 12:6-8. Some are more noticeable, such as the gifts of prophecy, service, teaching, giving, and administration. Even those individuals with the gift of encouragement, who lift people up with their optimism and joy, tend to be seen and appreciated. But at the tail end of the list is a gentle, quiet gift that few notice and appreciate, but which I consider the greatest of all: the gift of mercy. + +Kari is a dictionary definition of mercy: kindness in excess of what may be expected or demanded by fairness; kind or compassionate treatment; relief of suffering. + +Jogging along a road near Andrews University, Kari came upon a little old man with his head bowed down, slowly walking back home from the cemetery where his wife lay. Kari slowed her pace and walked with him to his house. He was so grateful that someone had showed interest. She stayed in touch with him. Sometimes she would stop to admire his immaculate garden, or she would drop him little notes of encouragement. + +She met Grandma Lois at a prayer meeting. Kari was with two other girls. When they broke up in pairs to pray, Kari looked around for someone to pray with and spotted a woman sitting by herself. Surprised that Kari would approach her and be so interested in her, she started crying. She had lost her husband, and things were kind of hard. They struck up a friendship. Kari would go over and visit, and Lois would write her postcards. They became family. Grandma Lois even traveled more than 600 miles to attend Kari's wedding. + +Kari is a physical therapist now, but her errands of mercy continue. A little note here, an extra minute to sit and listen there, a flower, a phone call, a smile, and the life of pain and disability that many must endure doesn't seem so bad. + +You may not have the gift of mercy naturally, but with God's grace you can practice it. All you have to do is look for someone who's hurting and go out of your way to show them how much you care. + +> +> Think of someone you know who could use a little cheering up. Why not write them a note or give them a call right now? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb86279f3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/17-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sharing Your Gift of Mercy +startDate: 04/17/2025 +endDate: 04/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/18-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/18-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e98597f7ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/18-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: The Presence of the Lord +date: 04/18/2025 +--- + +_Pat Nordman_ + +>

+> The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength. 2 Tim. 4:17, NIV. + +My husband and I heard our oldest son, Chuck, scream and then shoot himself to death. It was 7:10 p.m. on a dark night, physically and spiritually, in December. But I want to share with you something that even to this day I believe is remarkable: the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength! We talk of miracles and of throwing out our fleeces, and we moan that we no longer live in the age of miracles. I don't believe that. Miracles happen all the time, and I consider what happened that lightless and desperate night one of the greatest sensations of my life, even as we stood there appalled and disbelieving that such a thing could happen. + +I actually felt a Presence beside me as the various thoughts raced through my horrified mind. I can't explain it, but I know I felt it. As the sad months went by and we tried to gather the fragments of mind and spirit, I would think about that Presence and give thanks that He was—and still is—there. Otherwise, I don't know how I could have kept going that night. Psalm 110:5 declares: "God stands beside you to protect you" (TLB). I thought of this verse, too, that night, when I remembered the article I had recently read about the young man who killed his mother and father before he killed himself. God protected us that night—another miracle. + +One of the greatest statements of faith appears in Daniel 3:17, 18: "If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it. . . . But even if he does not . . ." (NIV). But if He does not . . . ! I recall begging God to not let this horror happen. But it did happen. Sometimes what we pray for doesn't happen, but God compensates, of that I am sure. Several months after Chuck's death I wrote a booklet, literally on my knees, that was eventually published and went into a worldwide ministry. Chuck lives in those hearts that have been comforted! + +> +> If you're going through tough times, remember, the Lord is standing by your side and will give you strength. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b82bece360 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/18-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Presence of the Lord +startDate: 04/18/2025 +endDate: 04/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/19-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/19-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc5cb25c02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/19-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: You Can Beat the Pain +date: 04/19/2025 +--- + +_Edwin Krick_ + +>

+> Because of your wrath there is no health in my body; my bones have no soundness because of my sin. . . . My back is filled with searing pain. Ps. 38:3, 7, NIV. + +Practically everyone, if they live long enough, will have some arthritis. It can be caused by something external that gets into the system, such as a virus or a bacteria, and affects the body by damaging the tissues. That's why keeping your immune system healthy is crucial. + +Rheumatoid arthritis is the crippling type. It can create swelling in any of the 200 synovial joints in the body, half of which are in the back. When the joints become inflamed, the joint lining swells. Fluid pours out, disrupting the normal function of the joint as well as causing quite a bit of pain, tenderness, and the sensation of heat. Treatment for arthritis involves physical therapy, appropriate rest, splints, devices to assist the joints to keep them from being stressed, hot and cold compresses, and gentle exercise. Judicious use of medication can also be of help. + +Rheumatism differs from arthritis, because it affects surrounding tissues outside the joint itself, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the bursas, the lubricating sacs around joints. Four lifestyle factors trigger it: overstress, overweight, underexercise, and the most important one—lack of sound sleep. + +You can prevent the most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis, to some extent through the following approaches. Lose weight—the extra stress on the joints doesn't help. The health of the cartilage is the next most important thing, and that, of course, is related to its use. Cartilage (the pad between the bones) doesn't have a blood supply, so it has to get its nutrition from the joint lining, which occurs only when we use the joint. So we need exercise. Normal daily activities are adequate for most people, but we recommend that patients work up to 20 minutes of brisk walking four times a week. In addition, watch your diet, especially avoiding high fat and protein consumption. + +Just as moving painful joints is important in reducing the pain, so it is in the spiritual realm. Dealing with guilt, bitterness, and anger, although painful, is the only way to experience true spiritual health. Don't let pain keep you from doing what you know you should! + +> +> Challenge: If you're bothered by arthritis, try a radical change in lifestyle: lose weight, eat fresh fruits and vegetables (eliminate fat and too much protein), lower stress, exercise, and get plenty of sleep! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95527f082e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/19-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: You Can Beat the Pain +startDate: 04/19/2025 +endDate: 04/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/20-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/20-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09114690a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/20-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: The Elixir of Death +date: 04/20/2025 +--- + +_Auldwin T. Humphrey_ + +>

+> Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Eph. 5:18, NIV. +It was 1981 in one of the Midwest's major metropolitan areas. A five- week evangelistic seminar had led more than 50 converts into the Adventist lifestyle. One of these individuals was Larry, a young college-age man who had not known of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. One of the most profound impacts on Larry's life was the health message. Its influence would later save his life. + +During the 10 years following his baptism he took many turns that led him in and out of the church. However, some of his Adventist lifestyle habits never faded. + +By the early 1990s Larry had settled into a steady job managing an apartment building in the heart of the city. + +One of the tenants in Larry's building was a very intelligent, soft-spoken man who owned a computer. Larry was invited to use the computer from time to time and frequently visited the tenant's apartment. On each occasion the tenant would offer Larry a beverage that the Adventist lifestyle frowned on. Larry's convictions about health caused him to decline the drinks. + +One day Larry observed the man on the street near the apartment complex. He had a scowl and seemed despondent. Larry passed it off as a youthful mood swing. Later, when he watched the evening news, it became clear why he was depressed. The police were closing in on him. + +The city was Milwaukee and the tenant was Jeffrey Dahmer, the notorious serial killer who had gained control over his victims by drugging their drinks. Larry shuddered when he thought that he had escaped the fate of others because he, like Daniel of old, refused to drink the forbidden. + +How many people, young and old, have lost their lives because they left the avenues of appetite unguarded? How many victims partook of the king's drink and the elixir of death? + +Today Larry gives God the glory for allowing him to be exposed to the Adventist lifestyle. Unlike addictive substances, being filled with the Spirit has no negative side effects, and the Spirit satisfies. + +> +> Keep the health principles you have been taught. You never know when they might save or prolong your life. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6271cb943 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/20-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Elixir of Death +startDate: 04/20/2025 +endDate: 04/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/21-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/21-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ff09b0e3f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/21-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Thanks for the Thorns +date: 04/21/2025 +--- + +_Antonio M. Rosario_ + +>

+> Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Ps. 30:5, NIV. + +An ancient legend tells of a woman who comes to be ferried across the river Styx to the land of departed spirits. The ferryman, Charon, offers her a potion that would cause her to forget the life she is leaving. In the end she doesn't drink it. She chooses to remember life's pains, sorrows, and failures rather than to forget its joys, triumphs, and loves. + +We discover the significance of life when we enjoy its pleasures and gladly accept its pain, suffering, and disappointments. + +The famous Scottish preacher George Matheson, who found it hard to praise God when things went wrong, learned this lesson. When he began to lose his sight, he struggled with his burden until he was able to pray, "Oh, my God, I've never given Thee thanks for my thorns in the flesh. Thousands of times I've given Thee thanks for my roses, but not even once for the thorns. I've looked forward to a world where I'll be recompensed for my cross, but I've never thought of my cross as a present glory. Teach me the worth of my thorn" (Our Daily Bread, April 14, 1990). + +All of us have thorns we must live with. We can pray for deliverance and acceptance as David did. In his anxiety and anguish he often cried out to God, "O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in anguish" (Ps. 6:1-3, NIV). But he was also able to accept the thorns and sing, "Your rod and your staff, they comfort me" (Ps. 23:4, NIV). + +As we read God's Word we can be comforted by how Jesus' presence and His words "I am the resurrection and the life" transformed Mary and Martha's pain and grief (John 11:25, NIV). And we can say with apostle Paul: "My grace is sufficient for you" (2 Cor. 12:9, NIV). + +> +> When bad things happen to you, pray the prayer of George Matheson: "Teach me the worth of my thorn," and praise the Lord. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..161163a6cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/21-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Thanks for the Thorns +startDate: 04/21/2025 +endDate: 04/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/22-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/22-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08b6d09646 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/22-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: Healthy Communities +date: 04/22/2025 +--- + +_Ted Hamilton_ + +>

+> If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matt. 17:20, 21, NIV. + +"There is a mountain of illness out there," said the nurse. + +"There is a mountain of ignorance out there," said the teacher. + +"There is a mountain of crime out there," said the judge. + +"There is a mountain of poverty out there," said the social worker. + +"Yes, there is," said the wise one, "and it's all the same mountain." + +A national telephone survey published in 1994 by the Daniel Yankelovich Group asked 1,000 adult Americans, "What creates health?" They concluded: +- People are discouraged about the health of their communities. +- The public has a new concept of what creates health, one that shifts away from the idea of mere disease avoidance and toward the active pursuit of wellness. +- Family security dominates perceptions about healthy communities. +- The public is ready to play a more proactive role in the health of their communities. + +According to a 1994 statement by the U.S. Health Corporation, "the concept of a healthy community is a simple one, rooted in the recognition that the major determinants of health have little to do with the health-care system. Rather, health is determined by equitable access to such basic prerequisites for health as food, shelter, clean air and water, adequate resources, education, income, a safe physical environment, social supports, and so on." + +The question is Are we as Christians ready to get involved in making our communities more healthy places to live? Jesus said that faith as small as a mustard seed could move a mountain. + +But moving the mountain of illness, ignorance, crime, and poverty will require active faith. We must work together with everyone interested in the health of our communities—educators, law enforcement agencies, local governments, business leaders, and others—to address the fundamental issues affecting our communities. Together we can move mountains and build healthy communities—places where people care for each other, education is valued, work and play are honored, children are loved and the elderly are esteemed, and where neighbors laugh and cry together. Such communities will provide protection for the weak, opportunity for the strong, healing for the ill and infirm, and growth for all. + +> +> What can you do today to build a healthy community where you live? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7581612ecb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/22-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Healthy Communities +startDate: 04/22/2025 +endDate: 04/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/23-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/23-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3b64282f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/23-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +--- +title: Wiping Away Tears +date: 04/23/2025 +--- + +_Sylvia Jacobsen_ + +>

+> He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Rev. 21:4, NIV. + +The door burst open as Eric's panic-stricken scream shattered the calmness of the Thursday afternoon. "Mama, come quickly. Richard's dying!" + +Eric did not wait for any response from me, but quickly turned around and headed back into the orchard. I followed closely behind him. As we moved deeper into the orchard, I called after him, "Eric, what happened?" + +"Richard fell off the tractor and it ran over him!" + +"No, Lord, not this way," I prayed as I stopped, struck by the words Eric had said. "Lord, give me peace. Help me to know what to do!" In a moment I was beside Richard. + +As we were waiting for the paramedics to arrive, 7-year-old Richard in a calm voice said, "Mama, I'm going to die." + +As I prayed for the wisdom to respond, strength and courage welled up inside me as God spoke: "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Heb. 13:5). + +Bending over his small, boyish frame, I asked, "Richard, you love Jesus, don't you?" + +"Yes, Mama, I do," he said. + +"You know Jesus loves you, Richard, don't you?" I asked. + +"Yes, Mama. He loves me." + +I began praying aloud for healing and God's mercy. The child repeated after me, "I'm sorry, Jesus, for all the wrong I ever did." Peace and tranquillity engulfed my son and me as we prayed there in the orchard. Never again would he speak after that heart-searching dialogue with me. + +By faith my husband, Tim, and I know that Richard's prayer was heard and answered by Jesus, that all his sins were forgiven. We know that Richard sleeps resting in the arms of Jesus, and yet that does not take away the physical, mental, and emotional pain of missing him from day to day. And that is the beauty of a loving God who is willing to physically hold us in His arms and wipe away all our tears when we are hurting and suffering. + +One day there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain. Oh, what a blessed hope to look forward to! + +> +> Can you feel God holding you in His arms? He'll carry you over grief and pain and will never leave you or forsake you. Hold on to that promise. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08fcd3522f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/23-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Wiping Away Tears +startDate: 04/23/2025 +endDate: 04/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/24-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/24-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca0fdebb7a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/24-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Green Garden Gold +date: 04/24/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. Gen. 2:8, 9, NIV. + +Growing a garden is good for your health. + +It may sound like work, but pruning some trees and sowing some seeds out in the fresh air might be just what you need to lower stress in your life, clear your mind of worries, and help you get the exercise you need to feel better. In fact, just viewing beautiful landscapes can alter blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension! + +Joel Flagler, an agricultural agent at Rutgers University, says more people garden than any other leisure activity because "it's a wonderful way to counteract stress, refresh yourself, and become more productive." + +Studies on people in prisons and mental hospitals report that working with plants releases nurturing instincts and makes them feel useful and renewed. "Role reversals occur when patients who require constant care become caregivers for living things," says Flagler. It makes them feel better about themselves. + +But a garden offers more health benefits than just stress-reduction. If you eat fruits and vegetables grown in good soil, without pesticides, you have the best possible chance of getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. + +For example, low trace mineral levels have been correlated with such problems as allergies, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and arthritis. We get such minerals primarily from our food. In an attempt to determine how commercially grown food compared with homegrown or organically grown food, it was found that in most instances the organic food won, with 240 percent more iron, 120 percent more manganese, and 100 percent more zinc than commercial foods. + +All these health benefits from gardening are enough to keep me pruning and planting. And as I look at my Goldcot apricots and rose-blushed Gala apples, and bite into that incredibly sweet, juicy Belle of Georgia peach, I have no doubt in my mind that it was all worth it. + +I think God knew what He was doing when He planted a garden for Adam and Eve. It doesn't say He spoke it into being—it says He planted it! For the sake of your health, maybe it's time you followed your Creator's example! + +> +> Think about what you could plant this season. Maybe a patio tomato, a cucumber vine, and some radish seeds, and enjoy God's green garden gold. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba34c01ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/24-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Green Garden Gold +startDate: 04/24/2025 +endDate: 04/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/25-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/25-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6eca695dd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/25-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: An Old but Incredibly Effective Remedy +date: 04/25/2025 +--- + +_Agatha Thrash_ + +>

+> Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? Jer. 8:22, NIV. + +Charcoal has amazing healing properties. In fact, if I were stranded on a desert island and could take only one thing along to protect me from disease, infection, and injury, I would choose charcoal. + +My little grandchild accidentally sat down on a hill of fire ants. Instantaneously hundreds of ants bit her. She screamed hysterically from the intense pain. We grabbed her, stripped off her clothing, and ran for a bathtub. Filling it with water, I added charcoal. In less than two minutes submerged in that charcoal bath, she stopped her crying. The charcoal neutralized the poison, and she was pain-free. + +Charcoal has incredible adsorption capacity. The total surface area of the sum of the particles in a small cube of charcoal only two fifths of an inch on each side is 1,000 square meters, a field about 35 yards square! Once a substance is adsorbed onto charcoal, washing it with blood plasma or gastric juice will not cause the adsorbed material to desorb. That's why Bertrand in 1913 survived after swallowing five grams of arsenic trioxide mixed with charcoal, and Touery in 1831 survived after swallowing 10 times the lethal dose of strychnine with an equal amount of charcoal. + +Charcoal will even adsorb cancer-producing agents such as methylcholanthrene and benzopyrene, which, when free on the skin, are capable of producing skin cancer. + +Ellen White extols the virtues of charcoal poultices for fever and inflamed wounds. Then she adds, "I write these things that you may know that the Lord has not left us without the use of simple remedies which, when used, will not leave the system in the weakened condition in which the use of drugs so often leaves it" (Selected Messages, book 2, p. 296). + +God has also provided us a balm for the wounds of sin—His blood. It has such incredible "neutralizing" qualities that there is no sin wound so bad that it can't be healed. But just as with charcoal, its incredible healing power won't do much good unless you apply it to your own life. + +> +> Accept Jesus' sacrifice today, and experience God's incredible healing for your wounded heart. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01b5f7849f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/25-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: An Old but Incredibly Effective Remedy +startDate: 04/25/2025 +endDate: 04/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/26-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/26-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c8ae7f6375 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/26-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Be Happy and Live Longer +date: 04/26/2025 +--- + +_DeWitt S. Williams_ + +>

+> Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Phil. 4:4, NIV. + +Science has documented that happiness prolongs life. Drs. Belloc and Breslow conducted a study of approximately 7,000 people in Alameda County, near San Francisco. It asked simple questions regarding health habits and observed causes of death. The study found age of death to be associated with certain health habits. Surprisingly, diet and exercise, although important, were not the greatest contributors toward longevity. During a nine-year period 57 percent more unhappy people died than did happy people. + +Ellen White makes two interesting statements about "perfect" health. One is that "perfect health depends on perfect circulation" (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 531). But the second statement has nothing to do with exercise or what we eat. She says, "In order to have perfect health our hearts must be filled with hope and love and joy" (Counsels on Health, p. 587). + +Could it follow that a happy smoker might outlive a gloomy, depressed vegetarian? And could it be possible that a happy nonexerciser might be better off than a gloomy vegetarian marathoner? + +Joy and happiness can get flabby if you neglect to exercise them. Joy is a habit. Don't let circumstance, no matter how morbid and distressing, kill your joy and contentment. Happiness is more than that little yellow smiley face we stick on envelopes. It's an option that we must choose and use or it will shrivel away, just as muscles atrophy when they receive no exercise. + +Considering the circumstances under which the book of Philippians was written—while the apostle Paul was incarcerated in a Roman dungeon—the book is an amazing piece of work. Instead of the gloomy, depressing tone one would expect from a prisoner, Philippians is called the Joy Epistle. In fact, the idea of joy or rejoicing appears more than a dozen times in this short letter. Paul says, "I have learned how to get along happily whether I have much or little. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation" (Phil. 4:11, 12, TLB). Can you say the same? + +> +> When you get discouraged, read the Joy Epistle, and rejoice in the Lord always. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc8de97cef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/26-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Be Happy and Live Longer +startDate: 04/26/2025 +endDate: 04/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/27-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/27-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..905dcacfdd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/27-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: I'm Thankful for My Legs +date: 04/27/2025 +--- + +_Therese L. Allen_ + +>

+> My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:19, NIV. + +I am thankful for my legs—for the strength in my legs and for my feet. You might think this rather strange, since I have been a quadriplegic for 25 years. + +For the first few years after my accident, I was able to do standing transfers, and I wasn't bothered by pressure sores, since I was able to contract my quadriceps. I like looking "normal." + +But the following year I took a bad spill, and my left foot became seriously infected. After it turned various shades of blue, green, and purple, I went to the hospital for five weeks. + +I thought my doctor had a crazy sense of humor, because he kept saying he was going to have to take my foot. I didn't realize until after I was released (with both feet) that he really thought he would have to amputate. The tumble left me unable to do standing transfers, but I could still use my quads, and I looked normal. + +Unfortunately, six years later I had a really bad fall. It fractured my femur, and I had to be put in a full-length leg cast. My doctor was concerned because of the location of the break and began planning for an amputation "just in case." I was not too concerned, since God had already seen me through a neck injury. But after a short time a sore began to develop. I tried hard to go on, but it got worse. Soon I entered the hospital with a full-blown pressure sore, since I had not been able to use my quads. + +I was in the hospital and bedridden at home for a total of six months. But my sore and leg healed without surgery. + +Jesus has said He will supply all our needs. He has taken care of needs I never knew I had! Now you can see why I'm thankful for my legs and for my feet. He has given me a very special gift— I still look normal. + +> +> Sometimes we don't realize how much we have to be thankful for until we meet someone who has less! God is so good. What special gift has He given you? Thank Him for it today. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f26c1d03c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/27-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I'm Thankful for My Legs +startDate: 04/27/2025 +endDate: 04/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/28-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/28-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..71c447892f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/28-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Don't Be So Generous +date: 04/28/2025 +--- + +_Samuel and Bernice DeShay_ + +>

+> Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice. Ps. 112:5, NIV. + +Believe it or not, there is a time when we are better off not being so generous. It all has to do with calories, sugar, salt, alcohol, and other things that destroy health. More is not necessarily better! + +Some estimates suggest that in India the daily caloric intake is in the range of 1,400 calories per person, and in Africa, 1,200-1,900 calories. By comparison, Americans recommend approximately 2,400 calories per day per capita, and many eat far more. Is it any wonder that obesity has reached epidemic proportions? + +Many Americans eat their body weight in sugar annually. The average sugar consumption per person each year is 125 to 130 pounds. Many of today's youth eat sugar as though they had a sugar deficiency. Yet we know that sugar clogs the system, causes tooth decay, and depresses the immune system. + +The body requires as little as a half teaspoonful of salt per day. Yet we tend to consume 10 or more times that amount. + +America has 18 million adults with alcohol-related illnesses. And among youth, some estimate that three out of every 10 have problems with alcohol. It's frightening to learn from the 1989 FBI reports that alcohol was involved in 70 percent of murders, 66 percent of fatal accidents, 60 percent of crimes against children, 60 percent of child abuse, 56 percent of fights and assaults in the home, 55 percent of all arrests, 53 percent of fire deaths, 50 percent of rapes, 41 percent of assaults, and 37 percent of suicides. + +We are a generous people, eating too much, especially too much sugar and fat. We drink too much. And we salt too much. It's a part of our self-indulgent "generous" nature! + +It's about time we quit partaking so generously of things that aren't good for us and exercised a little more generosity in wholesome practices, such as drinking water, exercising, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and in sharing our blessings with others. Generosity is a wonderful trait when exercised in behalf of others instead of self! + +> +> Lord, help me to have the willpower to say no to things that aren't good for me, and yes to generously sharing the good things I have with others. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..060e7d0c66 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/28-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Be So Generous +startDate: 04/28/2025 +endDate: 04/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/29-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/29-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1be10ac71b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/29-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Mobilize Your Defenses +date: 04/29/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple. 1 Cor. 3:16,17, NIV. + +The invaders stealthily surround the sacred temple. Silently they take up their positions and wait. At the right opportunity they will attack. In the meantime, they continue their surveillance patrols and strengthen their offensive. They don't realize they will lose the upcoming battle because of one significant factor. The temple has an incredible defense team. It's the IS, better known as the immune system. + +This highly trained team consists of cells known as lymphocytes, including T cells, killer cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. They watch for the first sign of invasion and stay ready to mobilize their forces. The paratroopers, NK cells, patrol the sacred temple daily. They know they can't stop invaders from taking up their positions, but they can throw off their attacks. The T cells prepare to identify the invaders, then give orders to the killer cells to wipe out the invaders. If they fail to destroy the invaders, the message goes to the B cells—the artillery of the army. + +If you can visualize this situation, then think of yourself as that sacred temple. Around you and inside you is the battlefield. Every day enemies seek to destroy your temple. You can win each time only if your immune system with its killer cells stays vigilant. Your enemies—bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, fungi—assault your body through any possible opening, such as mouth, eyes, nose, or even your skin. Anything that weakens your energy, health, alertness, and perception gives the invaders an advantage. + +You have other enemies as well. Pollutants, chemicals, and stress continually attack your body. How will you handle the next onslaught? Will you lose the battle to a flu bug? get felled by a nasty cold? let a bronchial infection knock you out of action for a week? Or will you take charge and fight? + +Just as God has given us the IS (immune system) to fight off physical disease, God has given us the HS (Holy Spirit) to combat spiritual disease. You are the temple of God. Use your IS and HS defenses and protect God's property. + +> +> Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you power to keep your immune system strong and healthy. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..487a9e2fff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/29-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Mobilize Your Defenses +startDate: 04/29/2025 +endDate: 04/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/30-april-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/30-april-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1834f3c748 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/30-april-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Choices and Outcomes +date: 04/30/2025 +--- + +_C.A. Bill Oliphant_ + +>

+> So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31, NIV. + +A simple diet pared of rich foods is the ideal for health of body, mind, and spirit. + +Two examples: Sometime in 605 B.C. the Babylonians captured Daniel and took him to Babylon, where he had to make a decision about his diet. + +And in A.D. 1635 an English farmer, Thomas Parr, whom King Charles I invited to live at his palace, also had to make a decision about diet. + +A relative of the defeated Jewish monarch, Daniel, with other Hebrew captives, was placed in a three-year training program to prepare for Babylonian government service. As a specific benefit, Daniel and his companions were entitled to food from Nebuchanezzar's table. + +Daniel, however, was determined to adhere to his customary dietary practices. He "resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine" (Dan. 1:8). + +You know the story. After 10 days on a vegetarian diet and water, Daniel and his companions "looked healthier and better nourished" (verse 15) than any of the young men who ate the king's food. + +According to the Scripture, Daniel became prime minister of the Baby lonian Empire, a towering example of what a man steadfast in his integrity can be. + +The farmer, Thomas Parr, was allegedly 152 years old when he came to the attention of King Charles. Church and legal records appear to confirm that he was quite elderly. + +Because Parr was such a lively fellow, such an amusing wit with endless stories to tell, King Charles had asked him to move into the royal palace in September 1635. As a member of the king's household, Thomas Parr abandoned the simple lifestyle that had sustained him for so many years and began enjoying the rich food and drink served during the king's four-hour banquets. + +In November 1635, in the middle of one of the feasts, Parr toppled from his chair and died. An autopsy performed by the royal surgeon, William Harvey, decided that "acute indigestion brought on by indulgence in unaccustomed luxuries" had been the cause of death. + +King Charles ordered Parr buried in Westminster Abbey, where today he lies, a self-indulgent curiosity, among England's kings and queens. + +Two men. Two choices. Two outcomes. + +> +> When faced with a choice between what tastes good and what's good for you, which will you choose? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..532e614990 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/30-april-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Choices and Outcomes +startDate: 04/30/2025 +endDate: 04/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f394cf6ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/04-april-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: April 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/01-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/01-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd1628bdbb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/01-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Creating a New Heart +date: 05/01/2025 +--- + +_Elizabeth Sterndale_ + +>

+> Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. . . . Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Ps. 51:7-10, NIV. + +Twice I had gone to the emergency room to treat a pulse rate of more than 160 beats per minute that had lasted several hours each time. Each time it took intravenous medications to slow the too-rapid rate. Treating my problem required careful monitoring and other specific medications and emergency equipment. The cardiologist said it could be cured. The treatment was a procedure called ablation. + +In just a few days my doctor had me scheduled for the ablation. I checked in at the hospital early in the morning. Two physicians, a nurse, and a technician attended me. + +They threaded four electrodes into the large vein of my groin that carries blood to the right atrium of my heart. One electrode went into my jugular vein and on into my right atrium. One cardiologist manipulated the five electrodes while the other cardiologist, with the aid of a computer, monitored my heart’s reaction as the electrodes searched the inner surface of the heart chamber for the misfiring circuit of my heart. Once the team located the culprit, the technician with a second computer applied heat to burn out unwanted tissue. + +As the technician applied the heat, I felt a very warm sensation in the area I thought my heart occupied. The warm heart made me feel good all over. The team did the burnout of unwanted cardiac tissue two more times. Each time I savored the warm glow. I wanted to keep that wonderful warm feeling forever. In five and a half hours they had completed the procedure, and the cardiologist gave me the good news. I would not need a pacemaker. + +What about the sin in my heart? To remove it will not need two physicians, one nurse, a technician, and two computers with monitors and five electrodes. Only Jesus. He is the creator of clean hearts—instantly, as soon as you invite Him in. + +Jesus doesn’t take five and a half hours, nor is scheduling necessary. Simply invite Him in. The warm glow of His presence is a warmth that never goes away. + +> +> O God, create in me a clean heart. May I feel the healing presence of Your Spirit! May Jesus’ love fill my soul this day and every day. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..768c3e6380 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/01-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Creating a New Heart +startDate: 05/01/2025 +endDate: 05/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/02-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/02-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..574a0826ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/02-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Self-discipline: The Key to Mental Health" +date: 05/02/2025 +--- + +_Blondel E. Senior_ + +>

+> My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. Heb. 12:5, 6, NIV. + +Scott Peck begins his book The Road Less Traveled with the thought that “life is a series of problems.” He then suggests that “discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life’s problems” (p. 15). “Problems,” he continues, “do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit” (p. 30). That’s why self-discipline is the key to mental health. + +Unfortunately, our lives sometimes resemble Todd’s undisciplined life. An only child, indulged and spoiled, he was, at 14, hanging around with the wrong crowd and beginning to violate the law. + +One Saturday night after his parents went to bed, he took his father’s car keys. He and his friends rolled the car out of the garage and down the street, started it, and went for a joyride. + +Another time Todd stole a gun. After he was caught and arrested, the judge was lenient and sent the boy to the Advent Home Youth Services, but told Todd that if he failed the program he would be sent to juvenile detention. + +Todd spent nine months in the program and was doing well. One day at public school he met a girl who talked him into running away with her. They spent several days and nights on the beach. One night during a storm they broke into a beach house for shelter. The owner caught them. Arrested, Todd found himself sentenced to three years in juvenile detention. + +Eighteen months later I received a letter from Todd. In it he said, “I have found Christ and am learning to love Him. . . . I realize the wrongs I have done and I am sorry for them. . . . When I get out of jail I will be completing high school and going on to college to become a psychologist and help teenagers who are like me.” + +Todd didn’t want the discipline of being sent to a juvenile detention facility, but it taught him that if he didn’t discipline himself, another authority would. + +None of us likes discipline, but for our own good—for our mental and physical health—God sometimes has to discipline us with the consequences of our actions so that we will learn the importance of self-discipline. + +> +> God disciplines you because He loves you and wants you to learn to discipline yourself. Thank Him for that, and then ask yourself, “In what area of my life do I need more self-discipline?” + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a20001cb77 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/02-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Self-discipline: The Key to Mental Health" +startDate: 05/02/2025 +endDate: 05/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/03-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/03-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eccb15dbca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/03-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Nor Any Drop to Drink +date: 05/03/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. John 4:13, 14, NIV. + +Hiking the trail along the Na Pali Coast on the island of Kauai is a rare and breathtaking experience. The narrow ribbon of dirt hugs sheer cliffs that drop hundreds of feet to the Pacific Ocean below, and the lush tropical vegetation adds to the visual delight. Many streams flow along the 11-mile trail. + +On a trip to Hawaii several years ago my wife and I set out to hike the Na Pali Coast, a 22-mile round-trip, all in one day. Since the trail guide promised lots of water along the way, we left our canteens behind to lighten the load. However, once into the hike we learned the truth. Bold signs posted beside every stream warned us: “BOIL WATER BEFORE DRINKING.” + +Since we hadn’t brought any cooking equipment or matches, we were out of luck. Stream after stream presented the same dreadful warning, and soon our scenic day hike turned quite desperate. The intense heat and humidity made the trail a virtual sauna, and our water loss from sweat was rapid. + +At one point the trail turned inland, where a vigorous roaring stream rushed along, with the same warning sign. We decided that if we couldn’t drink the water, at least we could cool off in it. So very carefully we submerged ourselves in the stream up to our necks. It was wonderful relief from the heat of the day, but remembering “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” we mused, “water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink.” + +Like my parched throat on the Na Pali Coast, my parched soul longs to be filled. Water has an amazing rejuvenating effect. When we finally found drinking water at the end of the 11-mile trail, my headache departed, my arms and legs felt invigorated, my whole body felt new again. So when I read that Christ promises everlasting water for the spirit and soul, I imagine its restorative properties. Like the Samaritan woman at the well, I too pray, “Sir, give me this water” (John 14:15, NIV). + +> +> Fill my cup, Lord, with Your pure water of life. Fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f1919164bf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/03-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Nor Any Drop to Drink +startDate: 05/03/2025 +endDate: 05/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/04-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/04-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dde952aac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/04-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: I Climbed to the Cave of En-gedi +date: 05/04/2025 +--- + +_Norma J. Collins_ + +>

+> Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Prov. 8:10, 11, NIV. + +I had alarmingly high blood pressure and a cholesterol count that was frightening, and I easily ran out of steam. So when Weight Watchers brought a class to my workplace, I decided now was the time to do something about my condition. + +Eight months later and 40 pounds lighter, I felt better, looked better, was more cheerful, and felt good about myself. I followed the program, but there was one thing I resisted. At the close of each class period I was asked to commit to an exercise program. For a number of weeks I refused, because it meant getting up early. Finally I promised to walk around the block one or two days a week. + +To my surprise, I enjoyed it. The scenery was pleasant, I encountered friendly people, and when vacation time came I increased my walking distance to a mile. I bought earphones and listened to tapes of Robert Delafield reading the New Testament, exercising my mind at the same time. Walk time now is the favorite time of my day. + +As my weight came down, so did my blood pressure. The exercise program brought my cholesterol down as well. After a few weeks I began to feel really terrific. I had more energy, pep, and vitality than I could remember. For the first time in a long time I could walk up those three flights of stairs to my apartment without huffing and puffing. + +I had been walking about three months when I went on a trip to the Holy Land. It had mountains to climb, camels to ride, seas to swim in, and I was ready and able to do them all. I even made the three-hour climb to the Cave of En-gedi, where David hid from Saul! I took the snake path up to Masada, where Herod built a palace. And I rode a camel partway up Mount Sinai, hiked the rest of the way, and then hiked down. But I would not have been able to do all these things a year earlier. + +I am not a young person; I regret that I did not start an ongoing exercise and self-improvement program when I was much younger. + +Ellen White counsels: “Eat sparingly, thus relieving [the] system of unnecessary burden, . . . encourage cheerfulness, and give [oneself] the benefits of proper exercise in the open air” (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 419). + +> +> Will you make a commitment to follow this prescription for healthy living? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1a77a2c81 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/04-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Climbed to the Cave of En-gedi +startDate: 05/04/2025 +endDate: 05/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d09b84a8c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Bible Candidates for High Blood Pressure +date: 05/05/2025 +--- + +_Harold Shryock_ + +>

+> When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, she lay down under Balaam, and he was angry and beat her with his staff. Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?” Num. 22:27, 28, NIV. + +When a person becomes angry, the organs of the body respond by preparing for combat. Blood pressure rises to increase the circulation and provide the muscles with the extra oxygen and energy-producing nutrients. It is a normal reaction. In healthy persons the blood pressure returns to its usual level once the anger subsides. But some people have such a sensitivity to stressful situations that the blood pressure rises to high levels frequently and tends to remain there. The condition is called hypertension (chronic high blood pressure). The high blood pressure has a destructive effect on the body’s various organs and, if it persists, may even cause death. + +A number of individuals in the Old Testament could have been candidates for high blood pressure. Balaam, for example, on his way to curse the Israelites, got mad when his donkey refused to budge (Num. 22-24). + +Jonah apparently had a habit of being angry. When God spared Nineveh, the prophet bemoaned the fact, and God asked him twice, “Do you have any right to be angry?” (Jonah 4:4, 9). Anyone who gets angry often is a likely candidate for hypertension. + +Jacob gave vent to anger when he bargained for Rachel, the woman he loved, and found himself tricked into marrying Leah (Gen. 29:25). The way he favored Rachel’s children over Leah’s indicates his anger continued to smolder for years. + +But among those who got angry in the Old Testament we find no mention of hypertension. Hypertension is a relatively modern condition. The human race has been deteriorating generation by generation ever since Adam and Eve sinned. In our generation we have only a fraction of the stamina that enabled the antediluvian people to live for hundreds of years. Therefore, we are susceptible to forms of illness unknown in Old Testament times. + +What should we do about it? Realizing that hypertension comes in response to one’s sensitivity to life’s anxieties and fears, we must wait patiently on the Lord and “refrain from anger, . . . it leads only to evil” (Ps. 37:8, NIV). + +> +> When do you get angry? What could you do at such times so you could “wait patiently” on the Lord (verse 7, NIV) instead of harboring angry feelings and risking hypertension? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3340cdd0f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/05-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bible Candidates for High Blood Pressure +startDate: 05/05/2025 +endDate: 05/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/06-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/06-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d048dddc0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/06-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Don't Let the Devil Kill You With Fat +date: 05/06/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10, NIV. + +The cancer statistics for the U.S. are grim. In 1993 physicians diagnosed 1.9 million new cancer cases, and about 530,000 people died from the disease. Cancer causes more than 20 percent of all U.S. deaths. The rate has been rising steadily during the past 60 years, from less than 150 deaths per 100,000 population to around 200. Adventists can take some comfort, since their rates are about 40 percent lower than those of the national population, according to the Adventist Mortality Study, but it’s still a major problem. + +Based on today’s rates, one out of three Americans will eventually develop cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, the overall cost is staggering—$104 billion. This amounts to about 10 percent of the total cost of disease in the U.S. + +Dr. Richard McGinnis, an expert on cancer prevention, attributes more than 85 percent of the cancer cases to three factors—smoking, a low-fiber diet, and a high-fat diet—and to a large extent, one can consider cancer a self-inflicted disease. This would imply that if we would be willing to change our bad habits, our chances of getting cancer would greatly drop. + +Smoking is not the major problem in the church that it is outside it, and most Adventists eat a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts, so they have a reasonable fiber intake. But it’s that third area that trips most of us up: a high-fat diet. The clever packaging, the advertising, and the good taste of so many products, which conceal the fat, make this a subtle and complex problem. We may avoid meat, or feel guilty if a church member sees us pull up to KFC for finger-lickin’ chicken, but we think nothing of ordering a chocolate shake, brownies, french fries, or apple dumplings loaded with fat—and calories! + +Isn’t it about time to take a closer look at what we eat, and instead of just asking “Where’s the beef?” so we can avoid eating it, ask “Where’s the fat?” + +When it comes to cancer, why be just two-thirds protected by not smoking and by eating fiber when, according to Dr. McGinnis, we could be 85 percent protected by avoiding the fat as well? + +> +> Read the labels on your favorite products and add up those grams of fat. You’ll be shocked at the amount of fat in even “low-fat” products. How can you lower your fat intake? Don’t let the devil kill you with fat! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89f4ce9b02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/06-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Don't Let the Devil Kill You With Fat +startDate: 05/06/2025 +endDate: 05/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/07-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/07-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3653eb8238 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/07-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Day I Cried Out +date: 05/07/2025 +--- + +_Jim Cox_ + +>

+> In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul. Ps. 138:3, NKJV. + +We had been in the emergency room only minutes, but it seemed like hours since Carol and I had received a phone call 45 minutes earlier that our son, Jimmy, had been accidentally shot. + +Our hearts pounded and we held each other tight as we waited and prayed. It was one of those times when one realizes how human and helpless we are. + +The doctor came into the room and with tears in his eyes said, “I’m so sorry. We couldn’t save him.” No words can express how we felt at that moment. The pain was unlike any other a human can experience. + +At the time I had 20 years’ experience in the ministry, but none of it seemed relevant. I was absolutely lost as to what to do or say. In another room a family grieved the loss of a mother. I knelt with them and prayed that God would comfort them. + +How I longed for someone to come and minister to Carol and me. It was then that I remembered Psalm 138:3: “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.” + +Since that night we have cried many times together or alone. Crying is healing! We have reached out to God for courage and strength, and He has not failed us. Had it not been for our faith in God, I know our loss would have overwhelmed us. + +As a pastor and a police chaplain I witness every day the results of a godless life. I see drug addicts and alcoholics, the broken and sick. I have looked upon the dead forms of people who have died as a result of their habits. My heart has ached for survivors of loved ones who could go no further and took their own lives. + +In a world filled with broken hearts, broken lives, and broken bodies, I thank God for His healing grace. His grace truly is sufficient for us. He surely will answer us when we cry out for help. He really will strengthen us so we can carry on. + +> +> Thank You, Lord, for Your healing grace, and for giving me strength to carry on when bad things happen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f59c2ff268 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/07-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Day I Cried Out +startDate: 05/07/2025 +endDate: 05/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/08-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/08-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2939725862 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/08-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Hormones and Happiness +date: 05/08/2025 +--- + +_Kathy Corwin_ + +>

+> Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Ps. 51:11, 12, NIV. + +During my early 30s I struggled with a terrible, hopeless depression, combined with crying spells, tiredness, a grouchy disposition, paranoia, nightmares, and lower-back pain. My period came as often as two weeks apart, and I felt as if I were in a deep black hole. + +At times I wanted my life to be over. I had seen a number of doctors—they wanted to write me prescriptions for Valium and told me to contact a psychiatrist. Finally, in confused desperation, I cried out, "Lord, if You are there, please help me! Bring joy and balance back into my life." + +The very next day another minister's wife from a distant town called me. She said, "Kathy, I understand you are going through some real depression. I want to recommend a doctor." + +I didn't want any more doctors, but she persuaded me to go anyway. After the doctor listened to my symptoms, his response amazed me. He said, "I can help you. I believe you have endometriosis. This means that when you have your period it affects your ovaries in such a way that they do not produce enough estrogen and progesterone." + +He immediately scheduled me for a laparoscopy that proved his diagnosis correct. With a hysterectomy and estrogen therapy my symptoms disappeared, and God restored joy to my life. + +I share this story because it may help others who suffer with such a disease that has been neglected or misdiagnosed. Before my experience I had a close friend with similar symptoms who took her own life. She didn't see any way out of that dark hole. + +I'm so thankful that God led me to a health professional who understood my condition. When we lose balance and joy in our lives, we need friends and professionals to help. But most of all, we need to realize our dependence on God. + +I know from personal experience that the Great Physician understands what it takes in each of our lives to restore and sustain us with His healing touch of balance and joy. + +> +> What healing do you need today to restore the joy and balance in your life and that of your family? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e1f6c8f52 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/08-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Hormones and Happiness +startDate: 05/08/2025 +endDate: 05/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/09-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/09-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0abd44948e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/09-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Moms' Club--Depression's Cure +date: 05/09/2025 +--- + +_Dawna Sawatzky_ + +>

+> These older women must train the younger women to live quietly, to love their husbands and their children, . . . to be sensible and clean minded, spending their time in their own homes, being kind and obedient, . . .so that the Christian faith can't be spoken against by those who know them. Titus 2:4, 5, TLB. + +I had always considered depression to be a condition others experienced; but not me. And I had prepared for the year when both of our children went away to school by finding a full-time job to keep myself busy. It didn't work. I had "lost" my two good friends, my two funniest acquaintances, and a big chunk of my favorite full-time job—mothering. It left me depressed! + +"God, what would You have me do?" I prayed. Then two statements I had read repeatedly came to my mind: "Let the older women teach the younger" and "let the sorrowful . . . help someone" (Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 266). + +Who needed more help than the mothers of young children? Why not share what I was good at—homemaking? The result was a club for community moms to have a time for themselves while someone else cared for their children. + +Moms' Club met one morning a week at our church. Sharing time and general conversation followed a short program on anything from haircutting to bread baking. "Grandma's Corner" cared for the children and repeated the Sabbath school kindergarten program. Church women and girls from the church school helped. + +My depression "cure" worked. I was the one rewarded for all the effort, as I enjoyed new friends and being in touch with young women and little children. + +Of all the many health outreach programs we have had in our congregation, this one paid the richest dividends. Several of the young families were baptized, while others are sending their children to church school. The club met each winter for seven years before "Grandma" wore out in her "corner." It has now been three years since our last meeting. At Vacation Bible School this summer one sixth of the children who attended were Moms' Club kids, some of them only infants when their mothers brought them to the meetings. + +"Our work for Christ is to begin with the family in the home. . . . There is no mission field more important than this. . . . Christian homes, established and conducted in accordance with God's plan, are among His most effective agencies for the formation of Christian character and for the advancement of His work" (ibid., pp. 429, 430). + +> +> Have you made your home and the homes of others your mission field? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..850cccc2fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/09-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Moms' Club--Depression's Cure +startDate: 05/09/2025 +endDate: 05/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/10-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/10-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21612b0235 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/10-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: A Mother's Dedication +date: 05/10/2025 +--- + +_Steven L. Haley_ + +>

+> A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. . . . Her children arise and call her blessed. Prov. 31:10-28, NIV. + +Napoleon once said, "Let France have good mothers, and she will have good sons. The future destiny of the child . . . is always . . . the work of the mother." + +She married Ken when they were 17 and both high school dropouts. Ken was good-looking, played backup guitar in a local band, and had a job at a lumber hardware store. What more could you ask for? Never mind that he swore a little and drank a lot. + +Life was OK. But things changed when she joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Now, instead of Friday nights in a local tavern with the band, she spent them reading the Bible and in trying to teach three squirming, mischievous boys their memory verse. + +Ken didn't mind his wife's religion, but he made it perfectly clear that Friday night, as every night, would be spent with Budweiser and his friends at the tavern. And so for a dozen years or more this struggling new Christian mother spent the beginning of the Sabbath hours singing "Jesus Loves Me" as she knelt with her boys. Every Saturday morning, while Father went to work, Mom brought her energetic sons to Sabbath school and church. She sacrificed to put them in church school and took them to Pathfinders, church campouts, and Saturday night socials. The young mother taught them the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. All this she did alone. + +At times it must have been discouraging, hard, unrewarding, and thankless work. But the prayers and commitment of mothers work miracles . . . because I'm that mother's son. + +The fact that I'm a pastor today and not at a neighborhood tavern is to a large degree a result of a mother's resolve that her children would grow up with a knowledge of and a love for the Lord. I agree with Theodore Roosevelt, who said: "The mother is the one supreme asset of the natural life. She is more important, by far, than the successful statesman, businessman, artist, or scientist." + +> +> Today is the day to arise and call your mother blessed. Or why not just call her and tell her how much you appreciate what she has done for you? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d3ee09b2e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/10-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Mother's Dedication +startDate: 05/10/2025 +endDate: 05/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/11-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/11-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05dfed77be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/11-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: Let the Sun Shine In +date: 05/11/2025 +--- + +_Kay Collins_ + +>

+> For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. Mal. 4:2, NIV. + +Sunshine has so many healing properties that it is really one of God's best preventive medicines. Medical science has found it to aid in the reduction of high blood pressure, the normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and even to help in reducing obesity by stimulating the thyroid gland, which regulates the rate in which the body burns calories. Many years ago medical science discovered that the sun's healing rays helped to cure tuberculosis by destroying disease-producing bacteria. Sunshine lifts our spirits. It truly is one of our God's natural stress reducers. + +How fitting that the God who created the sun and gave it all its wonderful healing characteristics should Himself be called the Sun of righteousness. To those who love God and choose to invite Him into their hearts each morning, Jesus arises with healing in His wings. + +Just as the sunshine dispels all the shadows and darkness of night and sends healing rays onto every living thing, causing them to grow and flourish, Jesus comes to rid the darkness and gloom from our lives. He arrives with a new supply of physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional energy for the challenges we will meet each day. + +If you find your strength waning and long for courage and fortitude to meet life's difficulties, or if you want to be successful in sharing the love of Jesus, just open up your heart—and let the Sun shine in! + +Jesus, Sun of righteousness, come into my soul;\ +Dispel the shades of dismal gloom; touch and make me whole.\ +Jesus, Sun of righteousness, there's healing in Your wings;\ +As You shine upon my life, my heart, my voice just sings!\ +Jesus, Sun of righteousness, take the dark of night;\ +Give me strength to share Your love; fill me with Your light.\ +Jesus, Sun of righteousness, I long to see Your face;\ +May I live like You today by Your amazing grace. + +> +> What three things can you do today to open up your heart to the Sun of righteousness? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42ebf9f7df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/11-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Let the Sun Shine In +startDate: 05/11/2025 +endDate: 05/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/12-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/12-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c989832a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/12-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Feed My Sheep +date: 05/12/2025 +--- + +_George M. Lessard_ + +>

+> "Simon son of John, do you love me?" . . . He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep." John 21:16, 17, NIV. + +Peter is my kind of person—a crash-and-burn type! In the early days of every church the leaders have the burning passion essential for the success of the little band of believers. My family's roots are in the mission work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America. Knowing the real people and hearing stories of their courage and bravery bring a lump to my throat. Those men and women were modern Peters—nothing was too much for them. + +A few years later as the church became well established, fewer places remained for the Peters. The Matthews, the Jameses, and other types of personalities now prevailed. In fact, the church let it be known that if you wanted to succeed you needed to demonstrate the qualities of steadiness, order, and position. Yes, there was a place for the caring Johns, but the only place the Pauls were welcome was at a seminary! + +Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, noted the differences in personalities among the people. He called some phlegmatics, people who care and thus might choose as their model John the Beloved. Some the ancient Greek saw as melancholics—people who need rightness and position; people who, like Matthew and the Pharisees, make the social order, but who can be teachable or obstinate, depending on their walk with the Master. Hippocrates identified the cholerics, such as Paul, who always, even as children, ask why and how and must organize everything around them and finish the task. And finally he defined the sanguines, those who, like Peter, set out with passion to do what needs to be done. + +Many different personalities. Many different talents. What has the church done with them? Do we force all people into one mold? Do we classify some as good and others as bad? + +Jesus valued all the varied persons among His disciples. He got to know them in order to serve them. Through grace He gave them what they needed, not what they deserved. Our Saviour put them to work in service in the way their talents best fit. If only we could learn to do the same! + +> +> Are you more like John, Matthew, Paul, or Peter? How accepting are you of those with different personality characteristics? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3652bb05be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/12-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Feed My Sheep +startDate: 05/12/2025 +endDate: 05/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/13-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/13-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69b573133c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/13-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: No Choice +date: 05/13/2025 +--- + +_Kenneth I. Burke_ + +>

+> And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:13, NIV. + +A college friend of mine, seriously searching for a "one and only," went out with a number of young women. "I'm really trying to love her, Burke," he'd confide about first one and then another. "I'm really trying!" + +He reminds me of Christians who, understanding that love constitutes the highest motivation for healthful living, concern themselves with questions such as "Am I loving yet? (I'm really trying!)" + +How much better to consider Jesus' love! (After all, it's His love that saves, not ours.) His Spirit will then fill us with grateful love and encourage us in wise choices. Observe with me the way He worked in the life of a young sea captain on board the Empress, bound for Brazil—a story told by D. E. Robinson in The Story of Our Health Message. + +One day the young man copied from a book a covenant with God that he felt exactly expressed his purpose in life: "This day do I with the utmost solemnity surrender myself to Thee. I renounce all former lords that have had dominion over me, and I consecrate to Thee all that I am, and all that I have." + +Not hurriedly, but carefully considering each choice, he began to make changes in his lifestyle. First he dispensed with wine and tobacco as he became convinced of their harmfulness. Later, noticing that they had the power to keep him awake at night, he left off coffee and tea. A number of years later, in "heart-searching preparation for the expected return of Christ," he resolved to eat no more meat. Still later he decided he would be healthier without rich foods. + +Let's imagine an acquaintance chiding the retired sea captain as he passes up some rich delicacies on the table. + +"What? You don't want any of these treats?" + +Captain Joseph Bates smiles benignly. "I've eaten my share of them," he replies, and leaves it at that. + +Thoughtfully, gradually, and without urging his lifestyle on others, the old sea captain had pursued fitness. The love of Christ left him no choice. + +We do well to follow his example. + +> +> Is God loving you into a better lifestyle? It's your choice. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a86fc11a44 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/13-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: No Choice +startDate: 05/13/2025 +endDate: 05/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/14-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/14-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acb3ec6083 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/14-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Sweet and Weak +date: 05/14/2025 +--- + +_Benjamin Lau_ + +>

+> It is not good to eat too much honey. Prov. 25:27, NIV. + +A few years ago a nutrition student, Judy Reeser, conducted a study in the laboratory of Dr. Benjamin Lau at Loma Linda University looking into the effect of sugars on the ability of neutrophils (a type of white blood cells) to engulf bacteria. Her subjects ate different kinds of refined sugars, one at a time, on different days. She had blood samples taken to determine neutrophil activity. Her research found that 10 teaspoons of white sugar, equivalent to that in one can of soft drink, decreased neutrophil activity by 50 percent, and it persisted for five hours. After 30 teaspoons of white sugar the neutrophils completely lost their ability to engulf bacteria. On the other hand, starch (a complex carbohydrate) had no effect on neutrophil activity. + +We now know that sweets of any kind lower our resistance and make us vulnerable to all types of common infections. Children often catch colds after eating rich desserts or candy. When we eliminate sugar from their diet, youngsters no longer suffer frequent colds. Many mothers have learned that the best treatment and prevention for colds is a good diet with no junk food and sweets. + +The Loma Linda researchers also studied the effect of fasting on neutrophil activity. They found that fasting (subjects ingested only water but no food) enhances neutrophil activity at least up to 60 hours. Furthermore, the research discovered that fasting with fresh fruit or vegetable juice enhances the activity of both neutrophils and natural killer cells for several days. Ellen White wrote in 1905: "In many cases of sickness, the very best remedy is for the patient to fast for a meal or two, that the overworked organs of digestion may have an opportunity to rest. A fruit diet for a few days has often brought great relief to brain workers" (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 189). + +The bottom line message is this: When you don't feel good, don't force yourself to eat. A juice fast may well be just what your body needs. + +> +> What could you do to increase your neutrophil activity? Is it time to consider reducing the amount of sweets you eat? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..117d7ff0b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/14-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sweet and Weak +startDate: 05/14/2025 +endDate: 05/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/15-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/15-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb92957c24 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/15-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Stop the Busyness +date: 05/15/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> These are the things the Lord has commanded you to do: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord. Ex. 35:1, 2, NIV. + +For too many of us the Sabbath is a busy day—just a different kind of busyness. We rush to get dressed, rush to get to church on time, and rush home to get a meal prepared for company. Perhaps we worry about the lesson we are to teach or about what people will think of our new hairstyle, worry about the kids sitting still in the pew, or worry about whether the guests we invited over for lunch will stay the whole afternoon so we won't be able to take a nap. + +If on weekdays you seldom have any "down" time because of your hectic schedule, if you rush from one activity to another without taking time to enjoy them, then it is doubly important to stop your busyness on the Sabbath. + +The root of the word Sabbath means "to stop, rest, cease." The rest refers to God's acts of creation. After bringing the world into being, God stopped, not from tiredness, but because He had finished His work, the reasoning behind the command to observe the Sabbath. God intended us to "finish" our work in six days so we too could celebrate with Him on the Sabbath. + +But for most of us our work never gets "finished." So when the sun sets in the west on Friday evening, God gave us permission just to drop it, walk away from it, forget it, and take a vacation from it for 24 hours. You may not think you have the time. But the busier you get, the more important the Sabbath becomes. After a day of rest from your regular routine, you'll feel refreshed and ready to return to your job with renewed interest and energy, and will be able to work smarter, instead of longer. + +Ceasing work on the seventh day isn't an arbitrary command. God sanctified (set apart) that day for the good of humanity. He had you in mind when He ceased His work and declared the seventh day of each week a holiday in His honor. + +> +> What busy things are you doing on the Sabbath that are robbing you of experiencing a Sabbath day blessing? What are you going to do differently next Sabbath? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ffb5f9a7b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/15-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Stop the Busyness +startDate: 05/15/2025 +endDate: 05/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/16-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/16-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca427d1bab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/16-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: A Modern-Day Eutychus +date: 05/16/2025 +--- + +_Linda Barton_ + +>

+> For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isa. 41:13, NIV. + +A boy just fell out of the window!" The scream got my attention. As camp nurse I sprang to my feet, only to realize the boy in a pool of blood was my own 4-year-old son, Eric. He went into convulsions. The wait for the ambulance seemed to take hours. + +Eric, looking for his daddy, had climbed onto the table and leaned against the window screen. The screen had popped loose, and he had fallen, striking his head on the sidewalk 15 feet below. + +After the doctor in the small McCall hospital had examined him, the Life-Flight helicopter was dispatched from Boise. The doctor wanted him at a larger hospital with a neurosurgeon available. + +The skull X-rays showed a fracture of the right side extending approximately seven inches in length from front to back. His vomiting in the emergency room at Saint Alphonsus Hospital was worrisome, but after a CT scan showed no depressed segments or obvious brain injuries, the neurosurgeon admitted him to the intensive-care unit for close observation. The long hours ticked by with hourly vital signs and "neuro" checks. + +The next morning, however, Eric opened his eyes and clearly spoke his first words: "Mommy, I'm thirsty." Since the physician had ordered that Eric be given nothing by mouth in case he needed surgery to release intracranial pressure, I offered Eric a sponge stick dipped in water. + +"No, Mommy, I want a drink out of a cup" was his reply as he pushed my hand away. + +"Praise God!" I exclaimed. His speech was clear, and he was using his hands and legs normally. + +Just 48 hours after the accident the hospital discharged him. As the neurosurgeon stood beside Eric's bed reviewing his chart, his comment, "I never would have predicted this outcome," brought tears to my eyes. + +The Bible story of Eutychus falling out the third-story window, and of how Paul's faith raised him from the dead, now has new meaning (Acts 20:7-12). A modern-day Eutychus lives in our home, alive and healthy because of the faith of so many who were praying for him that fateful day in 1986. + +> +> Miracles still happen. Ask for a miracle, and experience God's healing power. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa6827224a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/16-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Modern-Day Eutychus +startDate: 05/16/2025 +endDate: 05/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/17-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/17-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c4d27bcb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/17-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Kissing Away Our Ouchies" +date: 05/17/2025 +--- + +_Lynn Nicolay_ + +>

+> Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. Jer. 17:14, NIV. + +Acute pain—none of us wants to experience the sudden, often-excruciating sensation. Yet all of us have bouts with it over the course of our lives. The intensity varies. Sometimes it's minor, such as when we were small and skinned our knees, and other times it's more intrusive, the result of a serious accident or disease. + +Despite the degree of pain, two common reactions occur. First, we become focused on the pain itself. And second, at some point we seek care and comfort. When we were children, we often ran to Mom for reassurance and care of our "ouchies." Usually she washed out our wound, put on a bandage, and kissed the "ouchy" away. + +Unfortunately, all acute pain is not so easily taken care of, and invariably we experience the other end of the pain spectrum, one that demands medical attention. Our pain has now become a signal of a more serious problem and alerts us to our need for more definitive care and treatment. We must seek a physician. + +Our emotional and spiritual pain is not unlike our physical pain. It helps us focus and realize the need to attend to some problem. To regain health we need to heed this signal. We must seek treatment from the Physician. And only when we acknowledge our pain and seek help from the Source of health and life can we receive the appropriate treatment, care, and compassion that will lead to the restoration of our spiritual health. + +Like Job, though, we may need to persevere. We must continually cling to our relationship with Christ even though we don't understand the reason for the pain. We may even cry out and question God, as did Job. + +God may not intervene in the outcome of our physical condition, but He does promise to treat and restore our spiritual health. For it is His heart's desire that not one of us be lost. He, more than even our mothers, wants to kiss away our "ouchies" and make us whole. + +> +> Make this your prayer today: "Heal me, O Lord, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Kiss away my 'ouchies' and make me whole." + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6370283f7f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/17-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Kissing Away Our Ouchies" +startDate: 05/17/2025 +endDate: 05/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/18-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/18-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a219d3ff51 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/18-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Weak Eyes +date: 05/18/2025 +--- + +_Izak Wessels_ + +>

+> Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form, and beautiful. Gen. 29:16, 17, NIV. + +Like so much else, if the eye does not get exercised, it will become weak and not develop. What caused Leah to have weak eyes (also translated "delicate") Scripture does not explain. It certainly was obvious, and as a result she had to vie with her sister for Jacob's affection. Possibly Leah suffered from not having her eyes straight, properly called strabismus. Perhaps it might also explain why her father, a herdsman, had chosen his daughters' specific names: Rachel means "ewe" and Leah "cow." A cow's eyes are set widely apart, appearing divergent. + +Unfortunately, strabismus is not merely a cosmetic problem, but may indicate something serious such as a brain or eye tumor. Tragically, even if nothing else is wrong, strabismus by itself often results in severe and permanent visual loss from amblyopia, or "lazy eye." Strabismus developing during adulthood causes severe double vision, but in a child the developing brain can suppress one eye. Over time this eye weakens and after a critical period remains irreversibly damaged. + +Amblyopia was first noticed in donkeys bred and raised in dark coal mines. Although they had normal eyes, their brains never developed vision. Amblyopia can also develop from an uncorrected blurry image or significant opacity in the eye. Approximately one person in 50 has preventable amblyopia. + +When the condition is recognized early, as simple a treatment as patching the good eye forces the lazy eye to exercise and thus develop normally. The relatively simple operation to straighten the eyes will make them look good and, more important, continue to see well! If the amblyopia is neglected, an injury to the good eye can result in total blindness. + +Neglecting Leah's eyes may have caused much needless suffering, and its baleful influence marred the history of God's people. Neglected abilities and talents will also atrophy, resulting in permanent deficiencies and limitations. Blunders during the critical formative years will have long-term consequences that could have been completely avoided. + +> +> Is there anything in my life that if not corrected early could cause permanent physical, psychological, or spiritual damage? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e6d35dfae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/18-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Weak Eyes +startDate: 05/18/2025 +endDate: 05/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/19-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/19-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2624daf2b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/19-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: What Is Normal Aging? +date: 05/19/2025 +--- + +_Gregory R. Wise_ + +>

+> Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eye was not dimmed, nor his natural force abated. Deut. 34:7, RSV. + +Americans are growing old. By the year 2020 an estimated 20 percent of the population, or 52 million Americans, will be 65 years of age or older. Women more than 85 have become the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. The social and economic consequences of the "graying of America" are enormous. Many of my elderly patients have commented, "Doc, if I'd known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!" + +Our text gives us an example of normal aging. Moses was 120 years old and had spent the past 40 years leading the children of Israel through the wilderness. Before being laid to rest, Moses had the physical strength and vigor to climb the 2,600-foot Mount Nebo and with his still keen eye received a vision of the Promised Land. Now, that's the way to go! + +For many of today's elderly, their greatest fear is not dying, but becoming increasingly feeble, frail, and dependent on others. The average 65-year-old woman in the United States has a life expectancy of 19 years. For far too many, these additional years will bring both physical and mental deterioration. + +Such was not the case for one very remarkable woman. Hulda Hoehn was born on a farm in Canada on May 19, 1896. Raised on meat and potatoes by her German father, she became a Seventh-day Adventist when she was 18 years old, and since that time she has been a vegetarian. She earned a B.S. degree in dietetics at a time when few women attained advanced education. It wasn't until later in her life that she added vigorous physical exertion to her good nutrition and strong faith in God. On the encouragement of her husband, Dr. Samuel A. Crooks, she began climbing mountains. Hulda climbed Mount Whitney, the highest peak in North America outside Alaska, 23 times—the first time when she was 66, and the last in 1987 at 91! Crooks Peak, just two peaks south of Mount Whitney, was named for her. + +Hulda, like Moses before her, is a perfect example of normal aging. + +> +> If time should last, what would you like to be doing at 91 years of age? If you want to be able to climb mountains like Hulda and Moses, what should you be doing today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d74a74d6cd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/19-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What Is Normal Aging? +startDate: 05/19/2025 +endDate: 05/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/20-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/20-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b19dbc9e6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/20-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: With Wings as Eagles +date: 05/20/2025 +--- + +_Wallace "Buddy" Blair_ + +>

+> But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa. 40:31. + +In August I received a clean bill of health after my annual physical. In October I had gotten an "I see no real problem" from the vascular specialist who inspected my swollen leg. But by November I started having occasional back pain. The swelling in the leg was still evident in December, when my sister eyed it with concern and made a doctor's appointment for me. The physician's words, "prostate cancer," sent a chill down my spine! + +A few days later, back home in Tennessee, I was feeling somewhat tired. My usual optimistic attitude was failing. I thought of the words "They shall run, and not be weary." Then the pain hit, and I begged to be taken to the emergency room. Three days later the surgeons performed an orchiectomy and predicted I had six months to live. + +During the next four and a half years I tried treatments ranging from herbs to experimental chemotherapy. By the fourth year I had sold my accounting business, since the pain was getting too great to hide, and I began an experimental chemo program at Vanderbilt. My courage was bolstered one day when I overhead another man on the same protocol telling his nurse that he was "back on the golf course again!" "They shall walk, and not faint." + +For six months I took treatments and felt wonderful. My wife and I began traveling. I did odd jobs around the house and played with my grandson. "Run with me, Papa," he would say. Around and around I pulled him in his little red wagon, laughing and telling him stories. Then one day four months after the experimental chemo ended, the pain suddenly returned. I stubbornly tried pulling the red wagon with its special load, and I got sick—very, very sick. + +I'm still in bed, too weak to function. My hospice nurse says she is "absolutely amazed" that I have been able to hang on so long. Maybe there will be a miracle yet. I keep that ray of hope. Then I think again of Isaiah: "They shall mount up with wings as eagles." Smiling, I am looking forward to that, too, in case the miracle doesn't happen! + +> +> Hang in there. God can use you regardless of your circumstances. And that is a miracle in itself! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32ce16a650 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/20-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: With Wings as Eagles +startDate: 05/20/2025 +endDate: 05/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/21-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/21-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c863f283a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/21-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: A Wounded Healer's Prayer +date: 05/21/2025 +--- + +_Wil Alexander_ + +>

+> "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Cor. 1:3, 4, NIV. + +Loving Lord God: + +In these quiet moments before I begin another day with ill and hurting people . . . + +May it be that out of all of the thoughts, the words, the silences of where I walk and out of the mystery and wonder of being a health professional, Your voice will speak to me in ever-deepening ways to help me know how much a tired and very sick but wonderful world needs what You can do through me. + +Help me to know that there are words of truth and healing that may never be spoken unless I speak them; and acts of compassion and care that may never be done unless I do them. + +Help me never to mistake success for victory, or failure for defeat. + +Help me to tolerate those times of not knowing, not curing, and not healing. + +Help me to face the reality of my sometimes powerlessness and my need of Your strength and power. + +Help me to remember that behind every smile lurks a tear; in every hug, loneliness; in every friendship, distance; and in all forms of light, darkness. That without You and without love there is only the tear, the loneliness, the distance, and the darkness. + +As I go now to be with my patients, may my heartbeat be warm and my own, may my hopes not be crushed or wasted, may my love not be shattered, may my commitment not be broken. + +And may the day come soon when my patients and I stand before Your throne all healed and whole and praising Your name forever. + +Amen. + +> +> Is there someone you know who could benefit from your healing touch? Pray this prayer, and may God give you Holy Spirit energy and wisdom to comfort the wounded. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e981d69a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/21-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Wounded Healer's Prayer +startDate: 05/21/2025 +endDate: 05/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/22-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/22-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c0915603b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/22-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "God's Original Pill Bottle" +date: 05/22/2025 +--- + +_Crystal Whitten_ + +>

+> My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:19, NIV. + +I went to visit a friend the other day and noticed her breakfast table covered with small white bottles—a home pharmacy of vitamins, minerals, and other substances. + +Picking up a bottle labeled bee pollen, I asked, "What does this do for you?" + +"It gives me energy," she replied. When I held up another bottle, she explained, "This helps control my blood sugar." After my cross-examination, I realized she was convinced of the need to take a handful of pills every day. + +In His original plan God planted a garden and told Adam to eat from it freely. A garden supplied all the nutrients he needed for his well-being. It's still true. + +Scientists have identified an eating pattern called the Food Guide Pyramid that will supply our daily needs. It recommends five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. But a recent government survey of households found that only 23 percent of Americans eat at least five fruits and vegetables per day. + +Following the Food Guide Pyramid recommendations would meet our daily nutrient needs. But many of us would rather eat refined, processed foods that lack many of the nutritive substances found in fruits and vegetables, and then we take a handful of pills to make up for the deficiency. + +Fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables have thousands of substances, mostly unidentified, that contribute to our health. They are God's "pill bottle" for us! By eating refined and processed foods, we limit our intake of phytochemicals and other helpful substances God designed that we get in our food, and thus have to take human-made supplements. + +By participating in daily devotion and prayer we can tap into the incredible power God gives us to make clear, distinct, right decisions regarding our diet. If we subject our wills to God's desires, He will give us the ability to choose a diet that does provide all our daily needs. + +> +> Lord, the Creator of all living things, please give me the power to make right choices today that will promote my health and well-being. Help me eat the food You created to meet my nutritional needs, for I know that is Your will for me. Thank You for the wonderful variety of sensory pleasure You provide for sustenance and health. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..61904c0571 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/22-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "God's Original Pill Bottle" +startDate: 05/22/2025 +endDate: 05/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/23-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/23-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44778d3576 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/23-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Sing in the Morning +date: 05/23/2025 +--- + +_Georgia E. Hodgkin_ + +>

+> Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord,praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Ps. 96:1, 2, NIV. + +Imagine starting each new day with a smile on your lips and a song in your heart. Can you imagine a better jump start for the day? Such an attitude makes all things possible, and the day will indeed be a delight. + +Some choose as their jump start a jolt of caffeine. How often have you heard, “I can’t start the day without a cup of coffee”? But as far back as the 1800s Ellen White told us that the influence of coffee is “exciting, and just in the degree that it elevates above par, it will exhaust and bring prostration below par” (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 421). Should we be surprised, then, that so many feel they have lost steam and need a coffee break by midmorning? They are just counteracting the letdown from their morning jolt. + +Researchers have discovered that the withdrawal from the usual consumption of just one or two cups of coffee per day may lead to headaches. What the coffee ads never say is that the reason you later have that depressed, let down, headachy feeling is the coffee you drank earlier! + +Coffee and tea lack vitamins, minerals, or any other health-supporting nutrients. The best beverage on either side of our meals is simply water, “the best liquid possible” (ibid.). + +Begin each day with a helpful, health-filled beverage—such as water! And while you are at it, choose positive thoughts. Choose an attitude of gratitude that brings a smile and a song at the beginning of each new day. “It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night” (Ps. 92:1, 2, NIV). + +> +> Lord, my gratitude overflows in singing this day. May my choices lead to a life energized by Your Spirit of faith, love, peace, gentleness, and joy. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f7b62c26d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/23-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sing in the Morning +startDate: 05/23/2025 +endDate: 05/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/24-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/24-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffcbfe8fee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/24-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Milk and Honey +date: 05/24/2025 +--- + +_Dick Duerksen_ + +>

+> You will possess their land; I will give it to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey. Lev. 20:24, NIV. + +I wonder how many children rushed into Canaan hoping to see rivers of milk and honey. Could you imagine it? Just above Jericho, someone might say, there’s a stream of milk flowing from a flower-filled meadow. And by the city gates it merges with a river of golden honey that comes from the forest at the edge of town. Then the two, now a mighty torrent of pearl and gold, rush . . . + +Actually, the picture is not that attractive. So what was God promising? + +Milk? Happy cows produce sweet milk that tastes great on Special K. And happy cows are most content when delectable grasses and small, clear streams carpet their pastures. That happy picture is also one that farmers conjure up in their fondest dreams. A picture of Paradise—a land flowing with milk. + +And honey? Zillions of honeybees hum around the cows, reveling in the feast offered by multiflavored flowers in the pastures, in the orchards, in the gardens, and on the cliffs. Bees that take the pollen home and transform it into golden goodness with the taste of apples, lilies, and wildflowers. Sweet, distinctive nectars that bring a special flavor to Grandma’s bread. + +But milk and honey together? My wife, Brenda, has taught me that the two actually do go together well—in healing. Whenever my voice starts sounding like a lawn mower motor, she brings out the milk and honey. One mug of “almost hot” milk with a giant tablespoon of honey mixed in brings relief and healing to my singed vocal cords. It’s a concoction I’m sure Joshua used every morning before addressing his troops. + +Milk and honey together? We know that the much later Egyptian queen Cleopatra used a milk-and-honey mix for her special royal baths. “Take at least one milk and honey bath each week and your skin will always stay lovely and soft and clear, and you’ll always have a complexion like a queen.” No, I do not know if it works, but I do know God used an illustration that would bring smiles of understanding from former Egyptian slaves. Milk and honey. The promise of Paradise! + +> +>Are you looking forward to a land flowing with milk and honey? What should you do to get ready for that wonderful day when Paradise is no longer a promise but a reality? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3bd22d4780 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/24-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Milk and Honey +startDate: 05/24/2025 +endDate: 05/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/25-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/25-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b4543b4d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/25-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Removing the Plank +date: 05/25/2025 +--- + +_Raymond O. West_ + +>

+> Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged. Matt. 7:1, 2, NIV. + +He was just a little guy, barely 6 years old, and he was afraid. Who wouldn’t be with a BB pellet embedded in his eye? Equally fearful were the young parents, who had rushed him at dusk to our inner-city emergency department. + +As I examined the injured eye, I noted behind the lower lid an ugly round blot in the delicate membrane, as if someone had poked him with a nail. Here was the pellet’s portal of entry. Somewhere in the depths lay the errant and malignant sphere of metal. X-rays could locate it precisely, and perhaps a skilled eye surgeon would later dissect it out and still preserve the vision. Maybe. + +But first, to complete the examination. As the mother sat in her corner and sobbed softly and as the father white-knuckled her hand, I averted the lower lid. With thumb and finger I sought a better look at the ugly point of entry. Perhaps I could determine the direction that the pellet had taken as it bludgeoned its way through the delicate tissue. While comforting my little patient, and holding steady my position, I placed my opposite index finger well below the margin of the lid and squeezed gently. Suddenly, miraculously, the shining metallic orb welled up to the surface, squeezing through the hole and into my eager hand. Placing it on a white square of sterile gauze, I passed it to the happy parents. + +BB guns fired indiscriminately at dusk by a careless neighbor boy can be a scourge on defenseless eyes. And removal is rarely so sure or so simple. Yet how easy it is to remove the proverbial mote from a neighbor’s eye and fail miserably at finding it in our own! Jesus says, “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matt. 7:5, NIV). + +> +> Today let’s opt anew for introspection—to see ourselves as others see us, and to refrain from judging others.Lord, don’t let me be a hypocrite, judging and criticizing others when I have so much in my own life that needs to be cleaned up! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..523ce8c5ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/25-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Removing the Plank +startDate: 05/25/2025 +endDate: 05/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/26-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/26-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f54c0fae80 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/26-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Exercise Isn't an Option +date: 05/26/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. Teach the older men to be temperate. . . . Train the younger women . . . to be self-controlled. . . . Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. Titus 2:1-7, NIV. + +Since I’ve been gathering information and writing scripts for the daily Got a Minute for Your Health? radio program, I have become overwhelmed by the scientific evidence for the health benefits of exercising. + +Exercise is no longer an option; it’s a necessity for good health. It’s at least as important as good nutrition in feeling and looking good. Besides helping the heart, it strengthens immunity, controls weight, promotes mental health, and lowers the risk of developing diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. + +Dr. Ralph Paffenbarger, Jr., a professor emeritus of epidemiology at Stanford University, has researched the effects of physical activity in several long-term studies begun in 1960 on large numbers of Harvard University graduates. Based on his findings, he says, “Starting to exercise is comparable from a health-benefit standpoint to quitting smoking.” + +The excuse “I don’t have time to exercise!” is something like saying, “I don’t have time to eat or sleep!” + +People find the time to do what they really want to do. After all, you enjoy eating and sleeping enough to work them into your schedule. You’ve got to do the same thing with exercise—it’s just as important! + +Besides, exercise doesn’t have to take that much time! Use the staircase instead of the elevator, park your car in the farthest parking place instead of the closest, get up from your desk every hour and walk to the drinking fountain, or go to the lounge and jump rope. All this adds up. When you arrive home, play basketball with the kids and then take a 20-minute moonlight walk with your spouse before bed. Make exercise a fun part of your daily schedule, and you can find the time! + +But are people getting the message? Apparently not, for a 1995 survey of 15,000 households found that 60 percent of Americans do not exercise regularly. Ellen White challenges us to “take the living principles of health reform into the communities that to a large degree are ignorant of these principles” (Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 148). + +Help spread the message, won’t you? Exercise isn’t an option—it’s a necessity! + +> +> What are you doing to spread the message of good health to others? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10999b5ff7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/26-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Exercise Isn't an Option +startDate: 05/26/2025 +endDate: 05/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/27-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/27-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c29231444 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/27-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: On Being "Living Stones" +date: 05/27/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:4, 5, NIV. + +We were sailing from San Francisco out across the vast Pacific to our first mission appointment. Our ship was a cargo vessel, but its crew had been host to many Adventist missionaries before us. According to custom, crew and passengers ate meals together. Our first mate treated us like royalty. He knew what “good” Adventists could and could not eat, and conscientiously worked to make sure we were well accommodated with a vegetarian diet. + +Why have Adventists become known better for the things that they can and cannot eat, rather than for the living gospel that they profess to believe? Why have some become so fanatical about preserving their health—at almost any cost? What was God’s real objective in making health such a central part of His message for the last days? + +Adventists live longer than almost anyone else in their society. Is long life God’s purpose? They have a lower incidence of most cancers, and their heart attacks come later in life. Is this the reason? Or is there some benefit provided by good health that assures passage through the pearly gates into the heavenly city? + +I think not. + +The health message is God’s multipotential gift to our hurting world. Through it people can find a bit of relief from pain. It can open doors of interest to people’s hearts to receive the full gospel, and faithful followers of Jesus might find opportunity for spiritual growth through ministry to their fellow human beings. + +While compliance with the laws governing our being often provides a whole host of benefits to those who practice them, their real goal is to make of us a living sacrifice to be offered upon the altar of the world’s needs. As such, whether we live or die as martyrs for the gospel, ours has been the special honor of sharing in the work of God and giving glory to His name. Could there be any greater possible reason to practice health’s broad principles with diligence and balance? + +> +> Why do you keep (or why don’t you keep) the biblical “laws of health”? Ask God to give you not only the willpower but also the correct motive to live healthfully. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6785ffa7cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/27-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: On Being "Living Stones" +startDate: 05/27/2025 +endDate: 05/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/28-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/28-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17f40efdc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/28-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Doing God a Favor +date: 05/28/2025 +--- + +_Richard Winn_ + +>

+> Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Eph. 6:4, RSV. + +The following fact is both good news and bad news! Almost everything our children will come to believe about God will be powerfully shaped by what they see in their parents. And most of a child’s feelings about God will be formed when parents are fulfilling what some regard as our most Godlike responsibility: teaching them to obey. + +Unfortunately, we as parents don’t get any children to practice on. We have to make all our parenting mistakes, all our test runs and learning labs, on real children—even as our parents learned so much by watching what happened to us when they made some blunders. + +Quite likely the apostle Paul had this in mind when he cautioned fathers about making their children angry. But let’s face it—it’s almost a given that when fatherly authority comes head-to-head against the high energy and freewheeling curiosity of youth, someone’s going to get angry. Dad has to say no long before the children can understand why—which doesn’t prevent a three-foot-tall challenge to adult dignity from insisting “Why?” At this point, anger is often just a blink away. + +We face no more delicate task than that of helping human beings, who sense that they are free moral agents, learn to live within the boundaries of reality. When parents believe that they can accomplish this by their power, by their ability to “make them obey” through the threat of pain or physical force, they not only make their children angry, but also give God a black eye. + +Though we use big Latin words such as “omnipotent” and draw images from notions of royalty such as “King of kings” to celebrate God’s great dignity, our God simply does not stoop to the use of power and force to win the free, thoughtful loyalty of His friends—His created beings! Rather, He helps us understand the built-in benefits of choosing to live by His principles. And who can be angry about that? + +> +> Are you giving God a black eye by the way you treat your children and others? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13338fb0d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/28-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Doing God a Favor +startDate: 05/28/2025 +endDate: 05/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/29-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/29-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28b1d56ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/29-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Better Advice +date: 05/29/2025 +--- + +_Patricia K. Johnston_ + +>

+> Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean, because you will conceive and give birth to a son. Judges 13:4, 5, NIV. + +It has been more than 20 years since medical science first used the term fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). But that was not the first time someone had described the condition. Classical Greek and Roman mythology suggested that maternal alcoholism at the time of conception could result in serious problems for the baby. Indeed, ancient Carthage prohibited the bride and groom's drinking on their wedding night so they would not conceive a defective child. + +Reports in Great Britain during the mid-1800s described infants born to alcoholic mothers as having a "starved, shriveled, and imperfect look." Yet, more recently, few gave little credence to the possibility of damage from alcohol consumed during pregnancy. In fact, in the mid-1940s a report to the U.S. Congress dismissed the idea that maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy caused any problems for the infant. As recently as the 1960s a major pediatric textbook said that alcohol crossed the placenta to the fetus, but that it did no harm. + +It was these attitudes that caused one medical writer to say that the advice given so long ago to Samson's mother was "better advice" than people were then receiving (F. L. Iber, "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome," Nutrition Today, September/October 1980). Now medical textbooks no longer consider alcohol consumption during pregnancy harmless. + +The surgeon general recently reported that in the U.S. at least 5,000 infants are born with FAS each year, and for every child with FAS, 10 more suffer from alcohol-related problems. FAS is the nation's leading cause of preventable mental retardation. + +Although alcohol affects every fetus differently, certain facial abnormalities and other forms of physical damage recur. FAS children often experience seizures, have impaired judgment, and lack the ability to discern right from wrong. + +Science recognizes no safe level of alcohol during pregnancy, and nursing babies can also be affected by the alcohol their mothers drink. Words penned in 1910 are still true today: "Every drop of strong drink taken by her [the mother] . . . endangers the physical, mental, and moral health of her child" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 373). + +> +> God's advice is always best. Is there any advice God has given in his Word that you feel convicted to follow? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae7582e526 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/29-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Better Advice +startDate: 05/29/2025 +endDate: 05/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/30-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/30-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..561611059d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/30-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Prayer of Faith +date: 05/30/2025 +--- + +_Joan Pierce_ + +>

+> Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. James 5:14, 15, NIV. + +In January of 1993 I thought I had the flu with stomach pains, bloating, and vomiting. My doctor had me hospitalized, and when things didn’t improve, I had surgery. The surgeons found a blockage from carcinoid cancer in the small intestine. They told me I had from six months to 15 years to live. + +I know God can heal, and I believe anointing should not have to wait until you are on your deathbed. So in May I was anointed at a mountain campout surrounded by my church family. Six months later I went in for more exploratory surgery, believing I was healed. When I found out there was more cancer, and it was in the lymph nodes, so it would probably spread, it really tested my faith. My hopes were crushed. + +By now I needed major cheering up, especially when family and friends weren’t around. I made a tape of songs that really spoke to my soul, and played it over and over. As the words of comfort became a part of me, I understood why the Pathfinder law says to “keep a song in my heart.” + +The bird feeder I could see from my bed, a simple daffodil on my bed stand, and the sun catchers dangling in my window all began to remind me of God’s love. But my biggest comfort came from the Bible. Psalm 6 was my prayer of faith: “Heal me, for my body is sick, and I am upset and disturbed. My mind is filled with apprehension and with gloom. Oh, restore me soon. Come, O Lord, and make me well. In your kindness save me. For if I die I cannot give you glory by praising you before my friends. I am worn out with pain; every night my pillow is wet with tears” (verses 2-6, TLB). The psalm ends with a strong statement of faith: “The Lord has heard my weeping and my pleading. He will answer all my prayers” (verses 8, 9, TLB). + +I claimed this promise. Although I don’t know God’s plan for my healing, I do know I am in His hands and can feel His peace. + +> +> If you’re worn out with pain and worry, hold on to the prayer of faith in Psalm 6. Believe the Lord has heard your weeping and pleading, and He will answer your prayers. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b2c83409d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/30-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Prayer of Faith +startDate: 05/30/2025 +endDate: 05/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/31-may-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/31-may-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51eef154ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/31-may-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Help God Put Out the Fire +date: 05/31/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Then Judah came near to him and said: “O my lord, please let your servant speak a word in my lord’s hearing, and do not let your anger burn against your servant. Gen. 44:18, NKJV. + +Anger is like a volcano. It’s unpredictable. Underneath, things boil and tension mounts, and either it vents its fury a little at a time, or it blows. Either way, watch out! + +For example, consider the 15-year-old boy with no father and a mother who doesn’t know how to handle him. He picks on his younger brother, gets in fights at school, and has failing grades, even though he has no learning problem. Dealing with anger that has built up over a lifetime of pain and frustration is like trying to hold the lid on a pressure cooker. + +Anger is fairly common in people who have experienced a less-than-ideal home life. When a marriage breaks up, children feel as if they have been robbed of what life should have given them, and they are angry at those they think caused it. “If Mom hadn’t screamed at Dad, he wouldn’t have left.” Or “Everything was fine until junior came along and the folks started fighting.” + +The longer such smoldering anger remains, the more chance that it will spill over into other relationships. If that happens, it can cause conflict, rejection, or alienation. + +A person may express anger overtly, by yelling or hitting, or covertly, by rebelling, destroying things, or refusing to speak. Talking the anger out is better than acting it out. That’s why counseling is so important. + +Give God a chance to work. I have seen children healed from anger by Mom or Dad going into the child’s room at night, placing their hands on that sleeping child, and praying in the name of Jesus. Ask God to send His spirit of peace upon children, to put a hedge of protection around them and fill their minds with love, replacing the bitter anger that has burned there so long. + +Too often we get discouraged and give up too soon. We forget that God can heal the mind as well as the body. Remember the demoniac (Matt. 8:28-34)? + +Why put up with a smoldering volcano when you, along with professional help and God, can put out the fire? + +> +> Think of someone you know (perhaps yourself) who shows signs of smoldering anger. What could you do to help put out the fire? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a26e6d56d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/31-may-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Help God Put Out the Fire +startDate: 05/31/2025 +endDate: 05/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6dedeeee53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/05-may-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: May 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/01-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/01-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..745d446a11 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/01-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Changing Your Thinking +date: 06/01/2025 +--- + +_Elden M. Chalmers_ + +>

+> Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Ps. 139:23, 24, NIV. + +A fundamental law of psychological well-being is that you become what you think you are. Your thoughts are incredible motivators as your thinking shapes your behavior. Therefore, it is vitally important to guard the avenues of your mind so you don’t allow Satan to flood you with guilt, discouragement, anxiety, and depression. + +Here’s a five-step plan to safeguard your mind from Satan’s attacks. + +First, develop the habit of thinking of good things—interesting things: your successes, achievements, opportunities for service, people in need whose lives you can brighten. + +Second, develop the habit of looking at every problem and difficulty as a stepping-stone to victory. I have never forgotten the cartoon of a boy with a saw looking with dismay at a piece of board with a notch he had just cut out to fit around a post. It was obvious he had cut out the wrong side of the board, but I’ll never forget the caption: “Even a mistake shows you’ve tried!” Look at every mistake as something you can profit from—a stepping-stone to victory. + +Third, feel yourself toughening up the muscles of your character as you tackle the unpleasant tasks, the mundane chores, the messy jobs. And then take as your motto, “I’ll always be true to my conscience.” + +Fourth, make a habit of smiling at people from the inside. Practice feeling your happy thoughts toward the people you meet. + +Fifth, memorize key scriptural promises that can carry you through periods of discouragement or despondency. Here are three: + +- “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Ps. 34:17, 18, NIV). +- “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12, NIV). +- “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9, NIV). + +> +> Ask God to help you hold on to the promises in Psalm 34:17, 18; James 1:12; and Joshua 1:9 and to give you victory over your discouraging and anxious thoughts. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f06aa4fc02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/01-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Changing Your Thinking +startDate: 06/01/2025 +endDate: 06/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/02-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/02-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd359e6e83 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/02-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Healthful Shabbat +date: 06/02/2025 +--- + +_Richard M. Davidson_ + +>

+> If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honorable, . . . then you will find your joy in the Lord. Isa. 58:13, 14, NIV. + +The Sabbath has always been a delight to me, but it was during the six months my family spent studying in Israel that we really discovered oneg Shabbat (Sabbath delight) and what it can mean to family health and happiness. + +Come with me for a few moments and visit a Jewish home in Israel as the family members welcome the Sabbath. + +A white cloth covers the table, and it is set for the Sabbath meal. On it rest two loaves of braided (challah) bread, a bottle of wine (we would use sparkling grape juice), and a goblet, silver candlesticks, candles, and flowers. The family members have dressed in their best clothes. All are ready to receive royalty—“Queen Sabbath.” + +Long before the sun actually sets, the family in their eager expectation begins its Sabbath celebration. The mother has the honor of officially receiving the Sabbath by kindling the Sabbath lights. The children watch her light the candles. Then we hear her offering a prayer of blessing upon the family: “Grant me and all my loved ones a chance to truly rest on this Sabbath day.” + +The father tenderly takes his children in his arms or places his hands on their bowed heads and recites a blessing for each. + +Then for all comes the priestly dedication: “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace.” + +The woman’s place of honor on the Sabbath and her exalted position in the home are then again emphasized as the husband sings to his wife from Proverbs 31, extolling her virtues: “Many women have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all!” + +Next comes the Sabbath meal, with the special blessing over the challah bread and the special Sabbath courses. On Sabbath the family eats the choicest food of all the week. During the meal the family heartily sings joyous table hymns reflecting the feeling and mood of the Sabbath. In the singing, eating, and fellowship the family can forget their weekday burdens, worries, and sorrows. + +> +> What could you do to make the Sabbath a greater delight for your family? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7582bac12b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/02-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Healthful Shabbat +startDate: 06/02/2025 +endDate: 06/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/03-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/03-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..806a6cb158 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/03-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Tree Line +date: 06/03/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor. Prov. 18:12, NIV. + +I’ve discovered in my years of exercising that a battle rages within my body—a contest between strength and flexibility, two goals that almost seem opposed to each other. I want to be strong, so I usually concentrate on strengthening activities (lifting weights, jogging, push-ups, etc.), which leave my muscles tight and rigid. But I know that I need to stay limber as well. If I neglect my stretching routine, I could easily pull a tight muscle at the wrong time. + +As I hike the majestic peaks of the Sierra Nevadas, I’m reminded of the importance of flexibility. As the elevation of the mountain increases, trees begin to disappear, until at about 10,000 feet they cease to grow at all. This transition point is called the tree line. Near the tree line you often see a few twisted and misshapen trees, permanently bent by the relentless winds. Above the tree line even the mighty oak cannot survive the punishing winds and poor soil. At high altitude the barren and rocky terrain seems almost devoid of life. Almost—but not quite. + +Look down low, and you will see the soft and supple willow clinging to the rocks, flourishing to a height of no more than six inches. While the mighty winds will crack and break the beefy oak at the craggy peaks, the lowly willow bends, and the wind passes on through. + +It is as if God has placed before us a great visual lesson to remind us that the lofty heights of human existence are no place for the proud and haughty. Here only the lowly and humble will survive. God certainly does not discourage ambition and aspiration. Joseph and Daniel both showed great wisdom in the high-pressure, high-profile arena of world politics. But we dare not walk those heights alone, or like the mighty oak, we will be swept off the mountain. + +So in my training routine I aim to be as strong as an oak but as supple as a willow. In this way I may also learn to stand for principle against the raging winds of temptation, but yield to my heavenly Father’s will in modesty and humility. + +> +> Lord, may I stand for principle and be modest and humble as I scale the heights of possibility within Your will. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe0ddd46fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/03-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Tree Line +startDate: 06/03/2025 +endDate: 06/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/04-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/04-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c58aa91f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/04-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Developing a Sustaining Spirit +date: 06/04/2025 +--- + +_Kenneth H. Livesay_ + +>

+> A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear? Prov. 18:14, NIV. + +Why is it that some people are so strong when pain, disease, and disability rob them of what we might call the good life? I’ve observed this many times in my ministry. For example, I’ve seen the indomitable spirit of my wife, Ruth, as she has suffered excruciating pain for the past 10 years. What gives a person the strength to endure that which the rest of us are quite sure we wouldn’t be able to survive? + +Proverbs 18:14 indicates that it is possible for people to develop a living connection or faith in God that brings them the spiritual strength necessary to sustain them when everything seems to be falling apart. It’s a special quality of life nurtured only by a saving relationship with Jesus. + +The Holy Spirit’s “plus factor”—that extra Holy Spirit “horsepower”—is available to all during tough times. Without it the pain, disease, or disability would quite likely crush one’s spirit. + +I visited a Christian woman in the hospital several times. She had terminal cancer. One morning I asked her if she had a favorite Bible chapter that I could read for her, and she requested the twenty-third psalm. When I read the verse that says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (verse 4, NIV), she stopped me and said, “Chaplain, this is where I am right now.” She looked up at me from her bed of suffering with incredible confidence and assurance in the Great Shepherd. God was with her. All was well with her soul. Her sustaining spirit ministered to my weak one. I was in the presence of a woman who was at peace with her God as she traveled down that one-way path. I am certain that the relationship she had with the Saviour and her testimony did more for me than what I had to offer her that morning. + +Yes, “a man’s spirit sustains him in sickness.” + +> +> Remember in times of adversity, when accidents or diseases come your way, God will give Holy Spirit power to sustain you. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca1f3732ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/04-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Developing a Sustaining Spirit +startDate: 06/04/2025 +endDate: 06/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/05-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/05-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4072f03e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/05-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: "Christ: the Source of Personal Value" +date: 06/05/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16, NKJV. + +When it comes to feeling really valuable, Christians have a big advantage. The world may tell you you're valuable, but that doesn't mean you'll feel that way. If you doubt your worth, humanistic theory says you must simply pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. For emotional and other support it offers encounter groups, therapy sessions, weekend serendipity workshops, and all types of human-made gimmicks to help you believe in yourself. + +But what do you do when no matter how you try to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you just keep tripping? You've gone to a color analyst, lost 15 pounds, built muscle, and restyled your hair—and you still don't look like Miss or Mr. America. Although you avoid critical and sarcastic comments in order to keep your self-esteem high, still at times you feel rejected anyway. No matter how many skills you develop, you quake when asked to do something new. And as hard as you try, you still yield to temptations and feel bad about doing what you know you shouldn't. + +True self-worth is where Christianity parts company with humanistic theories. It has to do with a person's real value, not perceived value! + +The fact is, you can feel valuable even though everything in your life seems to be in shambles if you will only believe that God made you. He created you, and not one other person in the entire universe is exactly like you. You are special—known by God from the moment of your conception. + +In addition, God said no when Satan condemned you to die because you sinned. Instead, God's Son died in your place so you could live. And do you realize that Jesus would have died for you even if you were the only one who had ever sinned? + +God has a plan for your life: a work for you to do that no one else can do, and a plan for you to be with Him forever. + +Having Christ is a big advantage when it comes to feeling good about yourself. Don't ever forget who you really are! + +> +> Think about this statement by Ellen White: "The price paid for our redemption, the infinite sacrifice of our heavenly Father in giving His Son to die for us, should give us exalted conceptions of what we may become through Christ" (Steps to Christ , p. 15). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b41651bbb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/05-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Christ: the Source of Personal Value" +startDate: 06/05/2025 +endDate: 06/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2767492810 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: An Attitude of Christ +date: 06/06/2025 +--- + +_Jim Cox_ + +>

+> Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. Phil. 2:5, NIV. + +As a police chaplain I encounter a lot of people who have attitude problems. Criminals with a bad attitude are dangerous. Police officers with a bad attitude can cause a lot of trouble for themselves and for others. + +The word "attitude" is defined, in part, as a frame of mind, or a condition of mind. Our frame of mind determines how we let the things of life affect us. Negatively this can lead to ill health either emotionally and/or physically. But we can, to a large degree, control our attitude and in turn determine our health. + +In Counsels on Health Ellen White wrote: "That which brings sickness of body and mind to nearly all is dissatisfied feelings and discontented repinings" (pp. 631, 632). What Ellen White is talking about is an attitude problem that needs to be dealt with. + +Attitude has an incredible impact on life. It's more important than facts, the past, education, money, circumstances, failures, successes, appearance, giftedness, skill, what other people think, or what they say or do. Chuck Swindoll once made the comment that attitude will make or break a company, a church, or a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past or the fact that people will act in a certain way. Nor can we change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you—we are in charge of our attitude. + +The apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8, 9 that we should fill our minds with things that are true, honest, and just. He said to think on things that are noble, pure, and lovely. We are to dwell on the good things and follow right principles. When we do this, Paul says, "the God of peace will be with [us]" (NIV). This makes for good emotional, physical, and spiritual health. + +> +> What rough edges of your attitude do you need to polish to have an attitude like that of Christ Jesus? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23bcfaa64a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/06-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: An Attitude of Christ +startDate: 06/06/2025 +endDate: 06/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/07-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/07-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..519268d6ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/07-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Keeping Track of the Enemy +date: 06/07/2025 +--- + +_Fred Hardinge_ + +>

+> Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. . . . And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch! Mark 13:33-37, NKJV. + +Have you ever wondered how Elijah could have become so disheartened and discouraged after the tremendous victory God gave him on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18, 19)? After all, it was the same man ravens had already sustained miraculously in the wilderness! Yet in his fatigued, worn-out state Elijah's faith and confidence in God failed him. Suddenly terribly afraid, he ran for his life. + +We, like Elijah, find ourselves in a contest between good and evil. It is a struggle just as fierce as the one on Mount Carmel, but it plays out in our lives daily. + +Let's take a moment to look at the impact fatigue has on modern-day soldiers serving in artillery fire direction centers. Part of their job is to plot the location of artillery targets as requested by forward observers, and to update their situation maps continually. + +Studies indicate that when a team has rested, it performs very well. However, when tired, it ceases to keep up the situation map. As a result, its members lose grasp of their position in relationship to friendly and enemy units, and consequently often do not know what they are firing at! + +We are like those soldiers too! When we are tired, our vigilance wanes. Our ability to set priorities and focus attention on the tasks at hand vanishes. The events and crises of life drive us, instead of the other way around. Yet we are unaware that anything has affected our performance! + +Our Christian life suffers in exactly the same way. Fatigue lessens our spiritual vigilance. We're more likely to have lapses of attention, and it is at these weak moments that the enemy chooses to make his moves. During this state we also easily lose sight of the enemy, thus totally missing him and his maneuvers against us. + +Do you consider fatigue a normal part of your life? Remember, fatigue profoundly affects your performance at home, at work, and for the Lord. It was not until Elijah had rested that his faith and confidence in God returned. + +> +> Lord, help me to choose to get seven or eight hours of sleep each night so that I can remain a vigilant, watchful soldier for You! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dc832328e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/07-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keeping Track of the Enemy +startDate: 06/07/2025 +endDate: 06/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/08-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/08-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc43707ba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/08-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Diet and the Dentist +date: 06/08/2025 +--- + +_George M. Lessard_ + +>

+> Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Prov. 22:6. + +The most prevalent disease in the world is dental caries. Ninety-five percent of the world's adult population, more than 5 billion people, have cavities. Fortunately, this epidemic is coming to an end. The good news is that we can now control the disease in both children and adults. Today most school-age children in developed countries are caries-free, reflecting a more than 50 percent reduction in caries among the young. A study of Swedish mothers and their children showed that if we could control the disease in a mother, her children might never develop it. Early behaviors can have a lifelong influence! + +It is not natural for humans to have cavities. Contrary to popular belief, caries is an infectious disease, caused by a specific type of bacteria, the mutans group of Streptococci. Your dentist can now test to see if you are highly infected, and if so, he or she can prescribe a mouth rinse that can reduce those bacteria to acceptable levels. + +Frequent sucrose (table sugar) consumption tends to encourage the growth of this type of bacteria. Limiting sugar intake between meals can greatly reduce the risk of caries. Teaching children good eating practices will enhance their oral health as well as their overall health throughout their whole lives. + +The body fights cavities. Your saliva has everything needed to heal early cavities and, when provided with very small amounts of fluoride, such as through daily brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste, will remineralize the cavities as they initially form. + +Body fluids containing antibodies to fight disease cleanse your teeth from the inside out. The quality of your diet affects this natural cleansing action. + +God created the mouth to be healthy. Harmful bacteria can enter the mouth only from other people, and the only other persons sufficiently intimate to infect extremely young children are their parents. Reducing bacterial infection in the mother and father protects the infant from early infection and allows natural protective mechanisms to develop to save the child from the threat of disease. + +> +> Are you helping or hindering your body in its natural fight against the infectious disease of dental caries? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95e44bdd14 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/08-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Diet and the Dentist +startDate: 06/08/2025 +endDate: 06/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/09-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/09-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7ab56f5c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/09-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: God's Bonding Delight for Marriage +date: 06/09/2025 +--- + +_Alberta Mazat_ + +>

+> Now Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain. Gen. 4:1. + +While some more modern translations of the Bible may be more technically accurate, the King James Version portrays the story of Eve and Adam's marital union most sensitively and poetically. It takes sexual union out of the purely physical realm and gives it a dimension of wholeness. + +When we say we "know" someone, as we use the term in daily speech, we mean that the person is more than an acquaintance. We feel that we have a relationship that includes respect, understanding, good feelings about, favorable regard for, and an interest in the other's activities and his or her thinking. Knowing someone well takes time, interest, and motivation. + +When the King James translators used the word "know" to refer to the sexual experience of the first pair, they were saying something extremely profound. In order for sex to be the bonding delight God intended it to be, marital partners really need to "know" each other in much more than a physical sense. They must try to understand each other's emotional needs and strive to meet them. The couple will be interested in each other's values, goals, and ideas and will share spiritual insights. Only then can they truly "know" each other sufficiently to join their bodies in a complete knowing. And since the years will change their feelings, ideas, and perhaps even their interests, such knowing each other must be a continuous process of communicating and sharing. + +Being increasingly able to participate in this type of openness can lead to a higher sense of intimacy. A couple who have only physical proximity of bodies without the other components of togetherness cannot be considered truly intimate. Intimacy denotes a closeness of the whole person. + +This type of experience reflects the meaning of the word "within." When married lovers are "within" each other's life boundaries, they are sharing at a level unique to the marital relationship, a space not open to others. + +The beautiful part is that when God is central in our lives, He can revive flagging or even troubled marriages. Through God's abiding love we receive the power to love each other as He has loved us. + +> +> Dear Father, we know that we can't manufacture love on our own. But we praise You for the promise that You can love through us. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf394c0624 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/09-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Bonding Delight for Marriage +startDate: 06/09/2025 +endDate: 06/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/10-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/10-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa00ed5016 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/10-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: Is It Time to Open the Door? +date: 06/10/2025 +--- + +_Roxy St. Clair_ + +>

+> Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Rev. 3:20. + +> +> Whatever am I doing here? I thought to myself as I prepared to spend my eight-week summer vacation at Uchee Pines Institute. My life had spun out of balance—stressed to the max by working two jobs, eating on the run (empty calories, of course), impulsive snacking, working late at night, and taking no time for my Lord. My blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol were elevated, and to top those off, I was anemic! "I know, Lord, You led me here because You have something in store for my life. But what?" + +What was in store for me during that next eight weeks was anything but a vacation! I found myself on a schedule—a balanced schedule. I was up at 6:00 for a personal devotional time. Then after a healthy breakfast I worked out on the farm, sweating in the hot summer sun, bush hogging, disking, picking, and selling produce until 1:00, when I went in to eat. + +In the afternoon I'd study and listen to tapes about stress and what I needed to do to live a healthier lifestyle. At night I'd read my Bible. All day Sabbath and on several evenings the institute held meetings that allowed the guests to share a testimony of what God was doing for them. Those testimonies meant a lot to me! + +And through it all something began to happen. After seven weeks my second blood test showed everything in the normal range. In addition, I had lost 13 pounds by eating all I wanted of the low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian food, and I felt good. + +I had learned I was a workaholic, and the answer was to schedule balance into my life: a time for God, for work, and for study. A time to fellowship with others and to sleep. Plus two regular daily "vacation" times to eat. + +Most of all, I rediscovered my heavenly Father and found that He had been knocking on my door all the time, but I had been too busy to open it! My door is open now, and it feels so good to sit down and enjoy His presence. + +> +> Your heavenly Father is knocking on your door. Isn't it time you let Him in? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..018ba36e06 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/10-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Is It Time to Open the Door? +startDate: 06/10/2025 +endDate: 06/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/11-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/11-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..905bd53174 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/11-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: "The Vine, My Source of Life" +date: 06/11/2025 +--- + +_John DeVincenzo_ + +>

+> I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:1, 2, NIV. + +What does it take to be spiritually healthy? I believe we can find the answer in the object lesson of the vine and branches in John 15. Jesus said, "If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. . . . If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples" (John 15:5-8, NIV). + +My avocation is experimental horticulture, and to me these words of our Lord are among the most powerful He spoke. To a society today largely removed from agriculture they may not carry the same impact they had 2,000 years ago. + +A cut-off branch (scion) is first completely severed from its parent vine, then grafted into the new vine. When the cell layers (cambium) match, the graft unites with the vine. Then begins a beautiful symbiosis, with the branch supplying photosynthates (sugars) to the vine, while the vine supplies minerals and other soil nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) to the branch. + +The fruit is unique to the branch. The vine has only minimal influence over the character of the fruit. The genetics within the branch itself determine the type of fruit. + +Fruit production begins when the branch is bent. Branches growing straight up do not produce fruit. They are pruned out (trimmed clean) so that the bent branches can receive direct sunlight and produce higher-quality fruit. + +As I'm pruning, grafting, and then picking the fruit produced, I realize that the source of life for all of us is the same, but because of our different characteristics, we bear different fruit to meet better the wide variety of needs, purposes, and plans God has for His people. + +God needs me to bend to His will so He can have fruit from His vineyard—that unique fruit that each of us is capable of giving. + +> +> Lord, I pray that You will graft, bend, and prune me so I will produce unique fruit for You to use for Your purposes. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b73343a952 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/11-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "The Vine, My Source of Life" +startDate: 06/11/2025 +endDate: 06/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/12-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/12-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd00f9bced --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/12-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Holding On for a Blessing +date: 06/12/2025 +--- + +_Roger D. Woodruff_ + +>

+> Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Gen. 32:26, NIV. + +This text flashed into my mind during a long, pain-filled night following a freak tractor accident. A lengthy recovery loomed ahead of me because of the multiple injuries I had sustained, including a fractured hip socket that had been grafted, plated, and pinned. Nights were toughest to deal with and allowed plenty of time for reflection, wondering, and prayer. My life had been miraculously spared, but what now? I vacillated between hope and discouragement. + +As the story of Jacob's all-night struggle against an unknown and unseen foe opened to my thoughts, I identified with the futility of his fight. Switching on the bedside lamp, I turned to Genesis 32 and read again how Jacob had sent his household across the stream and stayed behind to pray, fearing what would happen when he would meet his brother, Esau, whom he had wronged so long ago. + +In the middle of the night the Lord came to him, but Jacob apparently thought someone sought to harm him, so he began to fight. "When the man [the Lord] saw that he could not overpower him [Jacob], he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man" (verse 25, NIV). At this point Jacob realized he had been struggling with the Lord, and replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me" (verse 26, NIV). In spite of pain and discouragement, Jacob held on. Could I? + +I desperately longed for something tangible, an anchor point for this crisis in my life. The story of Jacob drew me on as I recalled that he had not left the struggle unrewarded. "Then he blessed him there" (verse 29, NIV). + +A blessing! Yes, that was my longing: meaning out of pain and long nights. What more important meaning could there be than a blessing from God? As though a light shone into my troubled mind, I experienced God's blessing as peace and acceptance enveloped my soul! + +This anchor point of blessing has become a milestone of encouragement in my life. Jacob's all-night struggle; my dark experience; your blackest hour—God has a blessing waiting! + +> +> O, God of Jacob, I will not let You go unless You bless me, too! Though nights are long and struggles fierce, in my weakness I will cling to You in great anticipation of Your mighty blessing. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01dc614530 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/12-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Holding On for a Blessing +startDate: 06/12/2025 +endDate: 06/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/13-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/13-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6abdb42d2d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/13-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Belshazzar's Tamperings +date: 06/13/2025 +--- + +_Dennis Blum_ + +>

+> TEKEL: Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. Dan. 5:27. + +Our heavenly Father is a loving and forgiving God, but by our own neglect and indifference we can lose our eternal heritage. King Belshazzar had known of the great God of heaven. His predecessor, King Nebuchadnezzar, had shared with his people the wonderful and powerful workings of Daniel's God, describing how the God of the heavens had intervened in his own life. Belshazzar's mother and grandmother had tried to guide him. But he chose a lifestyle that ignored the God of heaven. + +During his drunken revelry Belshazzar had the sacred things of God's holy Temple brought to the feast, and mocked God by using them. Belshazzar tampered with the sacred things of God, and in the words of the eternal God Himself, Belshazzar was found wanting. His kingdom would be taken from him that very night (verse 30). + +The Word of God makes it clear that we are not to tamper with sacred things. The sons of Aaron died because they offered profane fire before the Lord (Num. 3:4); Uzzah perished because he ventured to touch the ark of the covenant (2 Sam. 6:6, 7); even 70 men of Beth-shemesh were struck dead for looking into the ark (1 Sam. 6:19). If we, like Belshazzar, Nadab, and Uzzah, tamper with the holy things of God, we will also be found wanting. + +A lifestyle that increases the risk of disease and death is a lifestyle that mocks the Creator-God because it tampers with the holy. Therefore, eating rich, fatty foods, drinking caffeine-laced beverages, getting no exercise, and burning the candle at both ends is tampering with the holy! Holding on to such harmful practices shows little respect for that which God considers holy (1 Cor. 3:16). To give honor and glory to God, we must treat with respect the holy things of God. We do this with what we eat, drink, or whatever we do (1 Cor. 10:31). + +> +> Is there anything in your lifestyle that might be tipping the scales in the direction of sinful things, rather than toward holy things? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c39f53df30 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/13-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Belshazzar's Tamperings +startDate: 06/13/2025 +endDate: 06/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/14-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/14-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..02067ad86a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/14-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Christians in a Violent Society +date: 06/14/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God. . . . Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence. Gen. 6:9-11, NIV. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Matt. 24:37, NIV. + +I was called to the emergency department to see a little girl who needed my services. About 5 years old, she was unconscious, bruised, and bleeding from every orifice, a victim of rape and beating. + +Nor is this example unique. Every day around our world thousands of innocent victims suffer at the hands of a violent society. It has become our way of life. As I write, the cover story of USA Today tells of violence in the workplace. It is everywhere! As a disease, violence has grown to become the number one killer of youth and young adults, accounting for more lost days of productive life than any other malady, including heart attacks and cancer. + +Neither are Christians exempt from the effects of the epidemic. Our spouses, our children and parents, our families and friends often fall victim to the plague. Like Abraham's nephew, Lot, living in ancient Sodom (2 Peter 2:7, 8), our hearts often ache from the pain and frustration of our own dysfunctional families and broken homes and the violence that accompanies them. + +How are we to live in such a world? + +We may run and hide or become so involved in activities that we don't have time to think of our pain and problems. Perhaps we may make-believe that nothing is wrong. Some of us may let alcohol or drugs, sex or sports, computer games or videos, or even our work or religion divert our attentions and fill our time. + +Or we, like David of old, may find our peace and comfort in the sanctuary. Ours is the privilege of resting our case with Jesus and trusting Him to carry us through this time of judgment, when everything around us is in frustration, confusion, and turmoil. We can rest in the assurance that He will take care of His own, and one day soon we will celebrate the end of violence and sin. + +> +> Lord, give me the spirit of love and not fear as I live in this end-time violent society. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec678b08de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/14-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Christians in a Violent Society +startDate: 06/14/2025 +endDate: 06/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/15-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/15-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21f831436a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/15-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Without Thought of Special Notice +date: 06/15/2025 +--- + +_Richard A. Schaefer_ + +>

+> Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Gal. 6:9, NIV. + +Henry M. Porter, once a Pony Express rider, later a banker from Denver, Colorado, was visiting his daughter in Pasadena, California, when a serious cold suddenly struck him down. At his daughter's suggestion, Porter went to the nearby Glendale Sanitarium for hydrotherapy treatment. After the treatment, Porter offered the boy who gave it a dollar tip. The boy declined, saying that it would not be right to accept further payment in addition to his sanitarium earnings. + +Years later, while spending the winter near San Diego, Porter again contracted a serious cold. Remembering his experience in the Glendale Sanitarium, he asked whether a similar institution existed nearby. He learned of Paradise Valley Sanitarium. + +While a patient there, every day he opened his door a crack so that he could watch the unfailing kindness of a student nurse feeding an old man who had Parkinson's disease. She never knew that anyone was observing her. + +Porter soon recovered and returned home. In a few days he was surprised to receive a letter of apology and explanation from the sanitarium business office and a check for 45 cents. It seemed that the books had not balanced at the end of the week (bookkeeping was done by hand in the 1920s), and the error, traced to Porter's account, showed that the sanitarium had overcharged him 45 cents. + +These small examples of integrity made a lasting impression, and Porter wrote a letter of gratitude. "I feel I have underpaid you for all your kind and careful treatment and attention, and I owe you all a debt of gratitude for the kind consideration while with you." + +In 1928 he wrote again, asking for the address of the general manager of these institutions, since he wanted to establish a similar institution in Denver. This led to a gift of $330,000 (the first of many gifts) for the establishment of Porter Sanitarium and Hospital in south Denver. + +Porter Memorial Hospital, as it has been renamed, is a tribute to the Porter family, but also to the acts of kindness and compassion quietly done without thought of special notice or reward. + +> +> Look around you. What kind act can you do for someone in your family, your church, or your community? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81a2836125 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/15-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Without Thought of Special Notice +startDate: 06/15/2025 +endDate: 06/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/16-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/16-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b021265c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/16-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Way to a Man's Heart +date: 06/16/2025 +--- + +_Patricia K. Johnston_ + +>

+> For as in the those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of man. Matt. 24:38, 39, RSV. + +We have all heard the saying "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Its truth in a physical sense is readily apparent with even a cursory review of health statistics today. Coronary heart disease reigns as the number one killer. Science has well established the relationship of diet to blocked arteries. + +But the saying really isn't talking about a pathway to the physical heart. It's referring to an influence on the emotions—the mind and will. And this doesn't just affect men. How often we use food to alter another's attitude toward us! We employ food and occasions of eating to try to change the mind and make it more susceptible to another's way of thinking. It has been so since the beginning of time. + +Think of the many decisions made at tables bedecked with food and drink. Consider the many times we eat, not because we're hungry, but just because we want to. Think of Adam. He wasn't even hungry when he ate with such disastrous results what Eve offered him (see Ellen G. White, in Signs of the Times, Apr. 4, 1900). + +Think of those who were "eating and drinking" and "did not know until the flood came." The text suggests that how we eat and drink can influence our ability to perceive important issues. + +Consider the case of Esau. The more he imagined his favorite food, the more he wanted it, until it became more important than his sacred birthright (Gen. 25:29-34). + +And think of the many dinners, receptions, and parties designed to sway others. + +Are you ever tempted to eat when you aren't hungry? Or to consume food that isn't really good for you? Can it be that the devil himself knows the way to our hearts? Can it be that he realizes the eternal consequences better than we do? + +Follow Christ's example. When Satan tried to tempt Him to turn the stones into bread and satisfy His appetite, Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God'" (Matt. 4:4, NIV). + +> +> Lord, help me to resist Satan's strongest temptation by letting Your Word influence my thoughts, not the indulgence of my physical appetite. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..761a90773f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/16-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Way to a Man's Heart +startDate: 06/16/2025 +endDate: 06/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/17-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/17-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..157fe3f8ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/17-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: An Emptiness That Will Never Be Filled +date: 06/17/2025 +--- + +_Kathy Kuzma_ + +>

+> Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Ps.m 42:5, NIV. + +Make her breathe, Peter! Make her breathe!" + +My mind screamed the words to our obstetrician friend, but the delivery room was deadly silent. The child who moments before had been kicking in my womb was now cradled in his hands. So tiny; so fragile. He handed our daughter to me and my husband, and we held her as her heart slowed and finally stopped. Her lungs were too premature to take even one small breath. + +I stared at the perfect features of my little girl, etching them forever in my mind. Although I felt the warmth go out of the doll-like body, I still could not give her up. I asked for a basin of water, and with the help of a friend washed her and wrapped her in a soft, white blanket. Then I rocked her gently. + +We brought our other children in to see the sister who would never grow up to be their friend. When they had gone, my husband tenderly lifted her from my arms. "They're here for her. You have to let her go." + +Of course I did, but it broke my heart. + +I thought the tears would never stop. Then to add to the pain, an infection kept me in the hospital through the maze of following days and nights and the funeral. My homecoming, when it finally arrived, was not one of victory, but of desperation. Healing resulted from my physician husband's skilled hands and my sister-in-law's loving arms. + +My mind cleared slowly, as if a fog were being burned off by the scent of the lilacs and the laughter of my children. Life returned to what would now be normal. But even after all these years, not a day passes that I don't think of my baby. There is an emptiness deep inside that will never be filled. Oh, how I long for her resurrection! + +I wonder, as I think of my pain, how God's heart must break over the eternal loss of even one of His children. I have the feeling an emptiness deep inside Him will never be filled either! + +> +> What event in your life makes you long for heaven? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..039ce7c9d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/17-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: An Emptiness That Will Never Be Filled +startDate: 06/17/2025 +endDate: 06/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/18-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/18-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76a4dd3700 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/18-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Measuring Life by Donation, Not Duration" +date: 06/18/2025 +--- + +_Mary Wong_ + +>

+> Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? . . . Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matt. 6:25-27, NIV. + +The phone was ringing incessantly. I ran into the room and picked it up. It was my hypochondriac friend, Tina. She sounded distracted and distant. My "Hi, how are you?" let loose a dam of woes. + +"Oh terrible!" she responded weakly. "I guess my days are numbered. I have had no appetite for weeks. My stomach feels bloated, and I burp frequently. I have also been losing weight. I'm quite certain I have cancer of the stomach." + +"Don't worry, Tina. I think there is nothing wrong with you." + +"Sure there is," she insisted. "I even feel nauseated at times. I'm pretty sure I have cancer of the stomach. In fact, I have made an appointment with a specialist to have a gastroscopy on Monday, and I dread what the results will show." + +Tina went for the tests, but as I expected, the tests found nothing wrong with her stomach. With this new assurance of her well-being, she regained her appetite and weight. + +Then a couple months later Tina was again experiencing the same symptoms—effects of her anxiety over her suspicion that she had another form of cancer. So went the catalog of suspected ailments for as long as I could remember: cancer of the lungs, breast, brain, etc. Each required an X-ray to prove to herself that she had nothing wrong with her before she could take control of herself. + +How well the Lord knows our problems when He admonishes us not to be anxious about our life, for ironically, worrying will cut rather than lengthen our life span. + +When tempted to be anxious about our life, it will do us well to adopt the attitude of the renowned minister Peter Marshall, who said: "When the clock strikes for me, I shall go, not one minute early, and not one minute late. Until then, there is nothing to fear. I know that the promises of God are true. . . . The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation" (The Best of Peter Marshall, p. xiii). + +> +> How are you measuring your life? Is it by duration, or donation? Try giving a little more to the needs of others and worrying a little less about your own, and see what it will do for your health. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd7e0e2bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/18-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Measuring Life by Donation, Not Duration" +startDate: 06/18/2025 +endDate: 06/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/19-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/19-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ec1c4a80d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/19-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Jesus Is the Way to Life +date: 06/19/2025 +--- + +_Elmar P. Sakala_ + +>

+> Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6, NIV. + +It is hard to imagine living without putting food in our mouth or breathing air into our lungs. Yet a healthy, developing baby can grow just fine in its water-filled home within the uterus without ever eating or breathing. God has prepared a very special way for nutrients and oxygen to come into the baby's body and for wastes to be removed. He designed a unique and intricate organ we call the placenta, which is attached to the baby by the umbilical cord. + +The placenta takes over many important body functions for the baby, allowing its organs to grow and mature as long as it is in the uterus. It acts as the baby's lungs, providing oxygen to the entire body, and serves as the baby's stomach and intestines, supplying vitamins and nutrients to keep the infant healthy. Also, it behaves as the baby's kidneys, removing wastes from its blood. Immediately after birth the umbilical cord is painlessly cut. Since neither the baby nor the mother needs the placenta anymore, it leaves the mother's body. + +Imagine a single organ doing all these special things for the baby when it is unable to do them for itself! + +It reminds me of how dependent we are on God. God gave us a placenta to sustain our life while in utero, and then after we were born, each breath and heartbeat is His gift of life to us. But in addition, God has designed a way for us to escape from sin and have eternal life. His way of life, His "placenta" for the condition we are in, is Christ. + +"It is impossible for us, of ourselves, to escape from the pit of sin in which we are sunken. . . . Education, culture, the exercise of the will, human effort, all have their proper sphere, but here they are powerless. . . . There must be a power working from within. . . . That power is Christ. His grace alone can quicken the lifeless faculties of the soul, and attract it to God, to holiness" (Steps to Christ, p. 18). + +Truly God is our life-giver! + +> +> Are you trying to be good by yourself? Christ has a better way. Depend on Him, for His power and grace are the only way for you to have life eternal! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..324c43d311 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/19-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Jesus Is the Way to Life +startDate: 06/19/2025 +endDate: 06/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/20-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/20-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9a5839378 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/20-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Get Energy the Natural Way +date: 06/20/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> You have plowed wickedness; you have reaped iniquity. You have eaten the fruit of lies, because you trusted in your own way. Hosea 10:13, NKJV. + +Most of us work hard to complete certain projects on time. However, with unplanned interruptions and looming deadlines, we realize we need extra energy. Many succumb to society's artificial energy boosters: coffee, tea, or cola. Some wish that they could find a text that would endorse their caffeine habit. They wish that Jesus had indulged in a cup of coffee to give Him that extra boost of energy when facing Gethsemane, but He relied on friends and prayer instead. Probably He knew what artificial stimulants such as caffeine do to the body. + +Here's what research has found: caffeine elevates blood sugar; aggravates hypoglycemia; can cause irregular heartbeat; increases urinary calcium and magnesium losses; dilutes and constricts blood vessels, thus increasing blood pressure; increases stomach acid secretion and aggravates a stomach ulcer; can cause tremors, irritability, and nervousness; disrupts sleep and produces insomnia; increases anxiety and depression; heightens symptoms of premenstrual syndrome; lowers tolerance to physical and emotional stress; interferes with higher brain function; and is associated with colon, bladder, and ovarian cancer. + +More than 100 years ago God revealed to Ellen White that tea and coffee are "stimulating, and contain poisons" (Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 419, 420). "Tea has an influence to excite the nerves, and coffee benumbs the brain; both are highly injurious" (Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 365). "Tea and coffee do not nourish the system. The relief obtained from them is sudden, before the stomach has time to digest them. This shows that what the users of these stimulants call strength is only received by exciting the nerves of the stomach, which convey the irritation to the brain, and this in turn is aroused to impart increased action to the heart, and short-lived energy to the entire system. All this is false strength, that we are the worse for having. They do not give a particle of natural strength" (ibid., vol. 2, p. 65). + +Get energy the natural way. Take walks several times a day, drink plenty of water, get more sleep, spend time with your friends, and ask God to provide you with wisdom to work smart and lead a balanced life. + +> +> How long has it been since you read Ellen White's book Counsels on Diet and Foods? I challenge you to pick up a copy and read it from cover to cover. You'll be amazed at the wisdom and insight of this godly woman with only a limited formal education. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b5ea532c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/20-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Get Energy the Natural Way +startDate: 06/20/2025 +endDate: 06/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/21-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/21-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8eaa8c752 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/21-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: What My Dad Gave Me +date: 06/21/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matt. 7:11, NIV. + +My dad gave me three gifts that prepared me for a happy, wholesome life. They didn't cost him any money—but today they're priceless treasures. The first: Dad gave me the feeling of being special. Second: He loved my mom. And third: He gave me the gift of optimism! + +Three simple gifts, but they have made me what I am. + +Dad always thought I was special. I could tell by the way he winked at me from across the room or put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze in church. When I was a teen I worked in his manufacturing plant after school. He loved to say to the businesspeople who visited, "I'd like to have you meet my daughter." + +And the last few days before he died he read my first book, Understanding Children, not because of his interest in the topic, but because of his interest in me! + +The second gift Dad gave me was really loving my mom. When I close my eyes and think of Mom and Dad, I see her standing by the kitchen sink and Dad coming up behind her and putting his arms around her and hugging her. I love that picture. + +And as far as optimism is concerned—perhaps that was his greatest gift of all. I don't remember Dad ever being discouraged, even though he struggled for 10 years to keep a manufacturing business alive, and finally, penniless, had to give up. He lost the company, but not hope, and went on to climb new mountains. Before long, Dad's real estate business became so successful he became known as "Humpal—The Mountain Man." + +Dad was a dreamer. He always had a million projects tucked away in his head. "Now, someday I'm going to . . . ," he'd begin and would tell us a tiny piece of his dream. Sure enough, before long things would start to take shape. + +Yes, Dad gave me three wonderful gifts that were the foundation of a good life, but none of them can compare with the gift my heavenly Father has given me: eternal life! + +> +> Your earthly father gave you the gift of life, but what else did he give? Why not thank him? And while you're at it, thank your heavenly Father for Jesus, the best gift of all, for without Jesus there would be no eternal life! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d4380ad53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/21-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What My Dad Gave Me +startDate: 06/21/2025 +endDate: 06/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/22-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/22-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..765fcd4d6c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/22-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Keeping our Immune Systems Healthy +date: 06/22/2025 +--- + +_Dawna Sawatzky_ + +>

+> Remember, your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! Matt. 6:8, TLB. + +The human body has a coordinated defense system more sophisticated than any nation's. Unlike military weapons that quickly become obsolete, the body's system never gets outdated. It continually has trillions of "fighter cells" ready for action. One out of every 100 body cells is a defender cell. This fighting force of the immune system is so complicated that scientists are just beginning to appreciate its intricacy and adaptability. + +God has designed it to protect the body without human thought or command. Before birth the body gears up its defensive system to fight battles that will rage throughout life. Immediately after birth the immune system receives a big boost in its "firepower" from mother's milk packed with antibodies ready to fight microbial invaders. When you are 10 years of age the human immune system is at its strongest. + +Imagine for a moment that disease-causing pathogens slip past the natural defenses of the skin and stomach acids and invade the body. Within 20 minutes these invaders can double in number. An infection starting with just one bacterium can multiply to 1 billion after nine hours and 2 billion after nine hours and 20 minutes! The human system doesn't wait until it's invaded to prepare, however. It has already readied fighter cells, each cell having a specific job to do. They recognize specific enemies and coordinate their battle through their chemical communication "language." Unlike any other defense system, they can reproduce by the millions in a matter of hours. + +With age the immune system weakens, so we must be vigilant to keep it active and healthy. Lifestyle choices and environment have a major impact on how effectively the immune system functions. + +"God's healing power runs all through nature. If a tree is cut, if a human being is wounded or breaks a bone, nature begins at once to repair the injury. Even before the need exists, the healing agencies are in readiness. . . . So it is in the spiritual realm. Before sin created the need, God had provided the remedy" (Education, p. 113). + +> +> What are you doing to keep your immune systems healthy—your body's immune system to fight disease, and your spiritual immune system to combat sin? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9dcd1c47c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/22-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keeping our Immune Systems Healthy +startDate: 06/22/2025 +endDate: 06/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/23-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/23-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..19a3504257 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/23-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Most Effective Witness +date: 06/23/2025 +--- + +_Joyce W. Hopp_ + +>

+> But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8, NIV. + +Christ has promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to His church, and the promise belongs to us as much as to the first disciples" (Ellen G. White, in Review and Herald, Nov. 19, 1908). + +Witnessing by living healthfully poses a special challenge. If we appear to be bragging about our accomplishments, we can turn people off. Instead of wanting to emulate our example, they wish we would shut up. + +On the other hand, if we fail to practice what we preach, or to live up to the information we have on healthful living, we are poor witnesses to the power of the gospel to transform our daily lives. + +We don't have to be marathon runners, cross-country bikers, or skiers to witness to the powerful effect of living healthfully. Our neighbors will observe the regular walks we take. Friends will notice the low-fat food we consistently choose. And family members will know when we get enough hours of sleep. But how will this make a difference in another person's life? + +Jean organized a walking group, "The Happy Wanderers." Every morning they invited neighbors to join. "We talked about everything," she said. + +When they first started walking, Lucille could scarcely hold up her end of the conversation because she was so out of breath. Gradually she improved to where she could both talk and walk. She began to ask questions such as Why had God allowed her to have emphysema? Where was God when her daughter died in an accident? Several members of the group provided answers they had found through their study of the Scriptures. No polished presentation, not even a Bible, but Lucille's spiritual steps began to match her physical ones. + +"Not by eloquence or logic are men's hearts reached, but by the sweet influences of the Holy Spirit, which operate quietly yet surely in transforming and developing character. It is the still small voice of the Spirit of God that has power to change the heart" (Prophets and Kings, p. 169). + +We don't use the Holy Spirit—we allow Him to use us. + +> +> Lord, I dedicate my daily healthful way of life to You, for the Holy Spirit to use it as a witness to others. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c1e260b43 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/23-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Most Effective Witness +startDate: 06/23/2025 +endDate: 06/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/24-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/24-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..811aba289c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/24-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: "Jesus, the Bread of Life" +date: 06/24/2025 +--- + +_Bert Connell_ + +>

+> Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you." John 6:26, 27, NIV. + +The Passover approached. Family units made their pilgrimage to Jerusalem through Galilee. Jesus and His disciples hoped to find some rest, but the pilgrims, hearing that Jesus was near, sought Him out. In His compassion Jesus responded to their requests for healing and taught them the way of salvation. + +All day long the multitude was so focused upon Jesus' message and activities that they forgot their own physical need for food. Jesus too suffered fatigue and hunger as evening approached. The disciples worried about obtaining enough food to feed the thousands of people. + +Jesus, in His wisdom, had a plan to meet their needs. Using a boy's lunch consisting of five barley loaves and two fish, He provided enough food to feed the 5,000 there. His miracle graphically illustrates His loving concern for our welfare and His desire to save us. + +Many of His listeners there had warped appetites, just as many of us have today. Jesus leads us to an understanding of a simpler way of eating, as illustrated in the meal served that evening. "Selfishness and the indulgence of unnatural taste have brought sin and misery into the world, from excess on the one hand, and from want on the other" (The Desire of Ages, p. 367) + +Could you be suffering from the food selections you make to gratify a distorted appetite? Overweight and disease often result from them. + +If you would eat more simply, and then, instead of spending hours in the kitchen preparing a large variety of fancy, rich, high-calorie gourmet dishes, spend that time with Jesus, the true Bread of Life, I wonder what a difference it would make in your spiritual, as well as your physical, well-being. + +Jesus Christ shows us a way. By feeding the 5,000 there on the side of the mountain, He taught us to turn our thoughts away from what we will eat next, and toward Him as the source of our daily sustenance and the way to salvation. + +> +> Lord, may my thoughts be on obtaining my daily bread of life from You, and not on satisfying my perverted physical appetite. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..88e749cc7a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/24-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Jesus, the Bread of Life" +startDate: 06/24/2025 +endDate: 06/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/25-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/25-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33763dc643 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/25-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Healing Wounds +date: 06/25/2025 +--- + +_Dale Marcotte and Don and Lynn Nicolay_ + +>

+> I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord. Jer. 30:17. + +A wound is a disruption of the skin, usually because of an injury or surgical procedure. But if properly treated, we expect our wounds to heal. + +However, at times something will block the natural healing process. Maybe you've gotten a splinter or a piece of glass embedded in your skin. At first it didn't feel that uncomfortable. But instead of healing in a day or so, your wound festered, turned red, and became sore. The problem was the infection caused by a foreign body implanted in your skin. + +Cancer, the destruction of the autoimmune system by AIDS, or a poor blood supply can also prevent healing. + +Sometimes it takes radical measures to deal with these barriers to the healing process. Unless we eradicate them, the skin will never function as it should so that healing can occur. It will never be able to act as the first line of defense against infection. + +As our skin needs to be undamaged to function, so must we if we are to reach our full Christian potential. Unfortunately, underlying and often unnoticed festerings affect our spiritual lives. We become infected with destructive habits, embedded with idols that we value above all else, filled with malignant hurt feelings, or suffer from either low self-esteem or self-sufficiency—all of which prevent us from being healthy Christians. Only under the Holy Spirit's spiritual guidance can we identify and treat these problem areas. + +Even when healing occurs, it can leave scars behind as reminders. Some are barely noticeable; others are ugly and glaring. The scars themselves can become symbols for either thankfulness or guilt. Since we'll have these scars until Jesus comes and makes us completely new, we need the Holy Spirit's help for us to keep them in proper perspective. We must allow the Master Physician to direct our healing process. + +Interestingly, in heaven only Jesus will have scars—your scars and mine, from Calvary! + +> +> When you look at a certain scar on your body, what do you remember? What will you remember throughout eternity as you look at Jesus' scars? Why not thank Him today for those scars? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..887e782270 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/25-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Healing Wounds +startDate: 06/25/2025 +endDate: 06/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/26-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/26-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..52ab5a512a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/26-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Taking the Trip of Your Life +date: 06/26/2025 +--- + +_Christine Neish_ + +>

+> Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Ps. 9:10, NIV. + +We were prepared for our 10-mile trek in Utah's canyon country. In just a few minutes our Navajo guide and 10 horses would arrive, and we would begin the trip of a lifetime to Rainbow Bridge. + +Let the faint of heart arrive by boat, take a short walk, and view that glorious sandstone arch. We were going to follow the land route—riding horses and camping, doing it the right way. Only after we saw three out of the 10 horses we had requested and met our 81-year-old guide did we begin to worry just a bit. Unfortunately, our trip coincided with the first weekend of hunting season. Somebody else had snapped up all trailworthy horses and our original guide. The ride/walk began. + +As we descended from Piaute Mesa to the canyons we marveled at the beauty of the red rock, the narrow and winding canyons, and the feeling of aloneness. It was a great experience. Occasionally we would ask about our progress but would not receive an answer from our guide. Fortunately, one of our members spoke some Navajo. Our guide, it seems, did not speak English. No matter, he was nearly deaf, and besides, he had never been to Rainbow Bridge before. Yes, this was going to be a good trip. + +By the time we dragged ourselves home we had walked 50 miles, been rained and snowed upon, had our food stolen by those friendly dogs who began the trip with us, and had eaten a meager ration of sandy scrambled eggs. What a trip! + +When I remember our trek, I think of today's children of God. We know our destination--but what lies ahead? What will we do for clothing, shelter, food? We have our Guide, but can we trust Him to get us there? How long will it take? How are we doing? + +Jesus tells us to trust Him. We can. He hears us, has been there before, and will care for us. + +> +> When you don't know where life is leading you, "trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" (Ps. 37:3, 4, NIV). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f29380a3f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/26-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Taking the Trip of Your Life +startDate: 06/26/2025 +endDate: 06/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/27-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/27-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f5180de87 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/27-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Trapped +date: 06/27/2025 +--- + +_David Beardsley_ + +>

+> And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21. + +Many years ago, during the summer, my brothers and I were building a house for our parents, I dug a deep hole for a septic tank. Unfortunately, it caved in and buried me up to my shoulders. There was absolutely nothing I could do to free myself. It was a helpless feeling. I was totally dependent on aid from my brothers to get out of my trapped condition. After some discussion and joking, they started to work and freed me. + +Spiritually we are all trapped by the sin that is so much a part of our natures. Equally helpless to do anything to free ourselves from our predicament, we need outside assistance—a Saviour. + +If we all have a Saviour, why do we so often remain trapped by our sin? Could it be because we don't really believe that anything can rescue us from it? Could it be because we believe that our Saviour will save us in our sins instead of from our sins? + +While I was buried up to my shoulders, how satisfying would it have been to me to have my brothers tell me that they were sorry about my condition, but they could not get me out? How would I have felt if they had told me they would bring me food and drink and make me as comfortable as they could, but I would have to stay trapped by the sand? + +That's how absurd it would be to believe that our Saviour would leave us trapped in our sins and still save us. He is a powerful deliverer. "God's ideal for His children is higher than the highest human thought can reach. 'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.' The command is a promise. The plan of redemption contemplates our complete recovery from the power of Satan" (The Desire of Ages, p. 311). + +How big is your God today? Can He overcome sin in your life? + +> +> Dear Lord, thank You for not leaving me trapped in my sins, and for providing a way for me to live a more vibrant life. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..713154fffb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/27-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Trapped +startDate: 06/27/2025 +endDate: 06/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/28-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/28-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9bbd60279 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/28-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Food and Exercise for the Soul +date: 06/28/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? Ps. 8:3, 4, NIV. + +Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "The sky is the daily bread of the eyes." Just as food feeds our body and gives us strength and health, so it is that what we see nourishes our soul. And here is where we have a choice. We can become anemic and stressed out by bingeing on the empty calories of visual junk food: crowded streets, concrete cities, and pollution; the messy house, paper-strewn desk, and dirty laundry; or television and videos produced to titillate our passions and imprison our creativity. Or we can look up and feed on something beyond humanity that can lower stress and heighten spirituality, something that has always been there and always will be: the sky. + +The sky is "God's original diet" for the human soul, to take us from mundane, minuscule human thoughts to ones centering on God. Human beings have desecrated the earth in many places, but the sky belongs to God. It was the very first thing He created. "In the beginning God created the heavens" (Gen. 1:1, NIV). And throughout the ages the sky has been the major link between God's created creatures and the Creator. When we doubt, when we are tempted to lose faith and stumble into discouragement, all we have to do is look up. + +Viewing the sky can be good soul exercise, too. "Wherever I am," says poet David Accord, "the night is full of familiar stars, and every day—unless rain or snow or illness has interfered—there is at least one uncrowded moment of renewed adventure through the cumulus mountains, down the black canyons of storm, across the mackerel Sahara, up the cirro-vapor trails or under the drifting cotton of a summer afternoon." + +Pause now and listen to the words of the music of the sky: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard" (Ps. 19:1-3, NIV). + +For soul health, look up. + +> +> When you're discouraged and your soul is hungry, feast on the sky. It's always there. Its immensity can turn heaviness and hate into hope; its blazing beauty can turn discouragement into delight; its blue haze can quiet and calm your stormy spirit. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a9506aad2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/28-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Food and Exercise for the Soul +startDate: 06/28/2025 +endDate: 06/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/29-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/29-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81d47c1686 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/29-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: A Brand Plucked Out of the Fire +date: 06/29/2025 +--- + +_Cliff Harris, with the inspiration of Freddie_ + +>

+> And the Lord said unto Satan, the Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee; is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? Zech. 3:2. + +I was definitely "a brand plucked out of the fire." Although I was born of very religious parents, I became involved with drugs during my early 20s. Heroin, cocaine, and marijuana were my gods. The police arrested me more than 40 times in the Denver area between 1966 and 1984 on a variety of drug-related charges, and I ended up in prison. I lost my family, my home, and my employment as the result of my 20-year drug habit. + +And then in 1985 I realized I needed help. God says, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matt. 7:7, NKJV). When I turned my life over to Him, I found even more than I had ever hoped or dreamed of finding. + +I met Freddie one Sabbath in church, I proposed the next day, and three months later we were married. Next to the Lord, she has been my inspiration, my constant companion, and my soul mate. + +During my 20-year struggle I had no one to help me get off drugs. Every time I'd try to keep clean for a couple days, something would happen, someone would tempt me, and I was right back where I started—or even worse! + +I was a bricklayer by trade. But once I became converted, Freddie and I began to dream of providing more than just brick walls for people. We wanted to give others the support they needed to break their addictions, and to prevent as many young people as possible from experimenting with fire. And so, shortly after our marriage, we moved from Denver to Grand Terrace, California, and through a series of miracles started DAP—the Drug Alternative Program. Together we have given our lives to helping pull other "brands" from the fire of drug dependency. We've made a lifetime commitment. No retirement. + +I tell my story to give you hope. Whatever your addiction, God is the answer. He can pluck you from the fire, for He is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20). + +> +> Look to Jesus. He is the answer to life . . . and the source of all liberty! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2800189bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/29-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Brand Plucked Out of the Fire +startDate: 06/29/2025 +endDate: 06/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/30-june-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/30-june-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55d240e3f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/30-june-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Twenty-one Days to a Habit +date: 06/30/2025 +--- + +_Kay Collins_ + +>

+> Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways I command you, that it may go well with you. Jer. 7:23, NIV. + +All true obedience comes from the heart. . . . And if we consent, He will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out our own impulses. The will, refined and sanctified, will find its highest delight in doing His service. When we know God as it is our privilege to know Him, our life will be a life of continual obedience. Through an appreciation of the character of Christ, through communion with God, sin will become hateful to us" (The Desire of Ages, p. 668). + +That's quite a statement. I often wondered how it could be true. Then I began to study the brain and how it functions. Repetition causes a small bouton to form at the end of the sending fiber of the brain nerve cell. It enlarges and multiples by more repetition, and thus a habit gets established. + +Dr. William Sadler, a psychiatrist, says that our established habits make literal pathways through the nervous system. Frequent repetition of the same thought, feeling, or action creates a stronger and more permanent pathway, just as repeated walking over the same place on a lawn will wear a deep path in the sod. + +Since the frequent repetition of thoughts, feelings, and acts patterns or wires our brain, if our choices are based on Scripture and by beholding Jesus, and if they are strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, then there is going to be a long-term effect! + +It doesn't make any difference whether you are trying to form a good health habit, such as flossing your teeth, eating nutritiously, or exercising daily, or a good heart habit, such as spending time with Jesus or cultivating loving relationships with your family— you can do it in 21 days! The boutons that you form by repetition will be large and numerous enough in just three weeks to establish the habit. + +So take courage! You can be obedient, and His will can become your own as His will unites with yours to transform you. + +> +> Thank You, God, for creating my brain with the capacity to form thought, feeling, and action pathways that conform to Your will and purpose for my life. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f73c66d447 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/30-june-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Twenty-one Days to a Habit +startDate: 06/30/2025 +endDate: 06/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06e380243f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/06-june-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: June 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/01-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/01-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..58a5e5e60e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/01-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Runner's High +date: 07/01/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> A cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick. Prov. 17:22, TLB. + +Feeling happy is certainly something we all strive for and deserve to enjoy. Unfortunately, some people rely on dangerous drugs to induce euphoria. Long ago I found that a good half-hour run produces the same results with much less risk. + +The phenomenon is commonly referred to as the “runner’s high,” and most joggers feel it after about 30-40 minutes on the track. For some it takes longer, while others encounter it sooner. The sensation results from a natural narcotic produced by the body, called beta-endorphins. After a period of extended aerobic activity the body releases the chemical into your system, which acts as a painkiller and mood elevator. For the runner, the sense of exhilaration makes you feel that you could go on running forever. Some runners call it “catching your second wind.” + +I often bring on this “runner’s high” while jogging, and it is physically and mentally energizing. In fact, it is often my most creative time. I find that my most inspired thoughts and insightful times occur while I am exercising. Whenever I’m confused, discouraged, or just in need of rejuvenation, I simply go for a run. Ideas pop into my head so fast I need a secretary bicycling beside me to write them all down. Why am I so creative while jogging and not while sitting behind a desk? I believe it is because of the energizing qualities of human motion and those wonderful beta-endorphins. + +I actually know a psychiatrist who uses the jogging track rather than his office couch to counsel patients. Instead of letting them lie down while pouring out their woes, he takes them for a run while they talk. + +“You’d be amazed how many patients feel great after our sessions,” he told me. “The truth is, most problems could be solved with a good run.” + +Solomon tells us that a merry heart is like a medicine. What physiologists are now discovering is that the body already comes equipped with the medicine that produces a cheerful heart—endorphins. So when someone invites you to “get high,” tell them, “That sounds great,” and take them for a five-mile run. + +> +> What can you do to experience God’s natural “high” when you feel low? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab23c9571c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/01-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Runner's High +startDate: 07/01/2025 +endDate: 07/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/02-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/02-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..316903a64b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/02-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Fireworks +date: 07/02/2025 +--- + +_Isak Wessels_ + +>

+> Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “O Sovereign Lord, remember me. O God, please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Judges 16:28, NIV. + +The tragic story of this phenomenally powerful yet incredibly weak young man is well known. The pitiful final result of Samson’s foolish infatuation with a bewitchingly beautiful woman was the loss first of his hair, then of divine power, followed by freedom, and ultimately by both of his eyes, which motivated his suicidal act. His anguished petition screams out feelings many people will suffer this month, as their eyes are also brutally injured while enjoying enchanting visions. + +According to the Centers for Disease Control, hospital emergency rooms treat approximately 12,000 fireworks injuries every year. The estimated cost is more than $24 million. One in five injuries involves the eyes, with half of them resulting in blindness or removal of the eyes. Three types of fireworks were most responsible for injuries: firecrackers; bottle rockets (which caused 72 percent of hospitalizations); and sparklers (producing severe burns by reaching temperatures as high as 1,800°F, which can melt gold). In 1991 fireworks started an estimated 25,500 fires, causing more than $33 million in property damage. + +Fewer than a dozen states ban all private fireworks; some have no laws whatsoever, and unregulated mail-order sales or bootlegging disseminates these explosive devices. Many of the injuries occur from misuse (intentionally aiming a rocket at people, or throwing it after lighting it) or from malfunction such as erratic flight, premature explosions, or ricocheting off a hard surface. Almost 80 percent of injuries occur around the Fourth of July, and more than half affect children and teenagers. + +Fireworks have a captivating excitement and seductive beauty that Samson would recognize. Only too late did he realize that the seductive Delilah would be one of the very last things he would ever see. How high the cost and how brief the thrill! It reminds me of the proverb “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned?” (Prov. 6:27, NIV). + +> +> Lord, let me not play with fire! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd30de2fcd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/02-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Fireworks +startDate: 07/02/2025 +endDate: 07/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/03-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/03-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7ef93988f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/03-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: What Sabbath Does to God's People +date: 07/03/2025 +--- + +_Niels-Erik Andreasen_ + +>

+> Here there is no Greek or Jew, . . . but Christ is all, and is in all. Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. . . . And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Col. 3:11-14, NIV. + +Father was a small farmer, eking out a modest income working the soil, planting vegetables and flowers, and taking them to market. As a young man he had nurtured great ambitions to study medicine and become a missionary. But the war had interfered, and he had ended up farming, never quite comfortable in the overalls and wooden shoes farmers used in those days. + +Thus I remember well the dramatic contrast in his appearance Friday evening at the beginning of Sabbath. He came down slowly from the upstairs bedroom just as the sun was setting. The steep staircase did not reveal his full height at once. First I saw the black wingtip shoes, polished to a brilliant shine. Then the black socks, the well-creased trousers, the bottom of his waistcoat, the white shirt with tie, open jacket, hair groomed to perfection. + +"Are we going somewhere?" we would ask with excitement upon seeing him dressed up. + +"No," he replied, "we are not going anywhere, but Someone is coming tonight, and we must be ready to meet Him." + +Years later Father entered business and eventually became a pastor. During those difficult war years he may have appeared to be a common laborer struggling with serious physical ailments, but deep inside he remained a man of great dignity, extraordinary personal and mental health, and stubborn faith, who never lost sight of his calling. And once a week, on Sabbath, at God's invitation, he became the pastor he always wanted to be. There never was a common laborer like him in our village, with such inner balance, such spiritual health, such dignity for all to see on one day each week: God's day. + +On the Sabbath day we are equal before God. No one gives the other an order or demands a service. On this day janitor, university president, student, and faculty member share the same pew and study the Bible on an equal basis. That makes a healthy community. What is more, we do not achieve such equality by putting everyone down to the same level, but by lifting everyone up to the same level, namely, that of a son and daughter of God. + +> +> How can you make the Sabbath day special and on this day be the person God created you to be? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15f1306e5c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/03-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What Sabbath Does to God's People +startDate: 07/03/2025 +endDate: 07/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/04-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/04-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f02573152 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/04-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Sin and the Sun +date: 07/04/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. James 1:13-15, NIV. + +It was July 4, and I was 12. Our family went to the mountains for a picnic by a stream. I decided a good tan would make me beautiful, so I spent most of the day in the sun. By evening I could feel the tenderness. Coated with lotion, I walked with my family to the University of Colorado stadium for the fireworks display and became increasingly miserable. By the time it was over I was violently sick, shaking with chills. Crying in agony, I thought I was going to die. And then a week later my "beautiful" skin peeled off! I learned a painful lesson that day. Too much of a good thing can be bad. + +The same beneficial ultraviolet rays that destroy bacteria and help our bodies manufacture vitamin D are the major cause of skin cancer and premature aging of the skin. But you can enjoy the warmth and delight of the sun if you take some simple precautions. + +First, a little sun goes a long way. In fact, you can get enough sun to reap all the benefits even in bed, if you will just open a window and let the sun shine on part of your face for five minutes! + +Second, apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going out, even if it's overcast, because ultraviolet rays penetrate the clouds. And if you're in and out of the water or perspiring heavily, be sure the sunscreen is waterproof, or reapply it often. + +Third, wear a hat or loose protective clothing if not swimming, and sunglasses for eye protection. + +Fourth, don't get burned. There's less danger in the early-morning hours before 10:00 or 11:00, and again in the late afternoon. + +Fifth, eat a low-fat diet, because fat increases the production of defective skin cells, allowing ultraviolet rays to do more damage. + +Sin is something like a sunburn. It can sneak up on you before you realize what's happening. At the moment it seems pleasurable. But afterward the consequences can be agonizing. Apply generously the sunscreen of God's Word, ask for Holy Spirit protection, and avoid temptation. + +> +> What is the sunscreen of protection against sin? What can I do to apply it each day? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6075944f87 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/04-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sin and the Sun +startDate: 07/04/2025 +endDate: 07/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/05-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/05-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3cf009db61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/05-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Cleansing Power +date: 07/05/2025 +--- + +_Rose Shafer Fuller_ + +>

+> If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9, NKJV. + +The summer heat was already intensifying as I stood and stretched my aching muscles. Even at 9:00 a.m. the July sun was potent. I had learned that the never-ending work of maintaining a yard was best done early in the day. Wiping the sweat from my face, I smiled at the results of this morning's work. The flower bed was again rid of those noxious, prickly thistles. It looked pretty good, though I couldn't take credit for the rainbow array of perennial flowers that brightened our landscape. The previous owner had shown a real talent for arranging and planning flower beds that would complement the uneven terrain. My job was to try to keep the weeds removed. + +Returning the gardening tools to the garage, I gratefully headed for the shower. The dust and dirt of the garden mixed with sweat might be a sign of honest labor, but it was hardly a thing to cherish longer than necessary. As the warm water and soap removed the unpleasant aroma of my morning's toil, I thanked the Lord again for the convenience of abundant hot water and modern plumbing. Not only did the soap and water remove the dirt, but they also brought relief to muscles unaccustomed to such agricultural pursuits. + +When God created the skin to cover the human body, He could have made it as tough as that of the turtle's shell. Instead our skin is supple, strong, and so sensitive that, according to Paul Brand and Philip Yancey in Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, we can discern a thousandth of an ounce of pressure on the tip of a half inch of hair. No wonder the warm spray of a shower is so delightfully refreshing! + +Rejuvenated, I stepped from the shower ready to tackle the rest of the day's tasks. The psalmist had recognized the restorative power of water when he prayed, "Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. . . . Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow" (Ps. 51:2-7, NIV). + +> +> Thank You, Lord, that Your cleansing water of life is even more available than the warm water in my shower. Please wash me every day. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c11c02e0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/05-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Cleansing Power +startDate: 07/05/2025 +endDate: 07/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/06-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/06-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..457c5100ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/06-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: One Little Life +date: 07/06/2025 +--- + +_Leonard L. Bailey_ + +>

+> It is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. Matt. 18:14, NKJV. + +How old is she?" we asked as deep inside another youngster's heart the surgeon placed the final stitches around a cloth patch used to close a large hole between the two main pumping chambers. "And can you keep her going until we get this one finished?" + +A cold, ashen-gray, air-hungry, and now nearly limp 3-year-old girl had been brought urgently into the bustling six-bed intensive-care ward of the Tribhuven University Teaching Hospital of Kathmandu, Nepal. Dr. Glenn Van Arsdell and I and our Nepalese associates were rushing to finish the second of three scheduled children of the day while our principal anesthesiologist, Dr. Stanley Brauer, assisted the ICU team in their desperate effort to keep the 3-year-old from perishing. + +Members of the Loma Linda University overseas heart surgery team exhibited this day the best that God had given each participant, for the nearly dead child got her chance for the urgent operation she needed to restore life and hope for a future. In less than 30 minutes we had the congenitally sealed valve leading out of her heart to her lungs opened wide and circulation through her lungs and body restored. She left the operating room another 30 minutes later somewhat stunned, but with a warm, pink glow that promised new life. + +The girl recovered completely. Perhaps more than any of the other 30 infants, children, and young adults who had their malformed hearts repaired during our brief mission tour to Nepal, she exemplified the Creator's love for us all. + +This one little life became a metaphor of God's day-by-day promise of life anew, a promise we seek to exemplify as individuals and as a team in our work at home and abroad. This one little life reaches out to each of us with God's message of hope. "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me" (Ps. 23:4, NRSV). + +> +> Do you sometimes feel insignificant? Hold on to the reality that God doesn't want even one of His children to perish. Like the shepherd searching for his one lost sheep, Jesus seeks for you and provides a way for you to be saved. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d99ee6827 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/06-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: One Little Life +startDate: 07/06/2025 +endDate: 07/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6aa5fd204d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Parable of an Heir +date: 07/07/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness. John 10:10, NEB. + +Once upon a time there lived a girl named Juliana. Born "with a silver spoon in her mouth," she possessed a wealth of assets for a long and enjoyable life. Her parents raised her carefully, conserving her fortune until she was old enough to handle her own wealth wisely and responsibly. + +When Juliana came of age, she began to manage her inheritance herself. Soon she noticed that many people sought her company, hoping she would invest her time and wealth in their enterprises. At first all the choices she could make intrigued her. But after a while she began to notice that her friends seemed to fall into three categories. + +Some were very attractive, fun to be around, and flattering. They assured her that their projects would be a "sure bonanza." But every time she gave them money, it vanished. Worse, often she had to spend more money to pay off the legal fees and other costs resulting from their projects. Investing in them appeared to be a consistently losing proposition in spite of the enthusiastic promises. She wondered, Could these really be my friends? + +Another group also sought for her attention, but not in flashy ways. She noticed the money she lent them didn't seem to make large profits, but her investments were always repaid. She considered them reliable and steady friends, though not very glamorous nor paying high returns. + +The members of the third group were reserved, almost difficult to develop friendship with. However, she found they not only repaid whatever she invested in them, but also yielded a high rate of financial return. Such friends were highly profitable people to know. + +The key to the parable? "Health is wealth." + +Like Juliana, we must choose how to use our health capital. Some so-called friends—alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and other drugs—seem fun to be around, but always deplete our health balance. Other friends, such as sleep, eating nourishing foods, drinking pure water, and playfulness, maintain our wealth. And a few consistent winners require effort to make our friends: exercise, eating prudently, meditation, serving others, praising God. + +> +> Lord, thank You for the treasure of health. Help me to invest it wisely. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc7f82b81f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/07-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Parable of an Heir +startDate: 07/07/2025 +endDate: 07/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/08-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/08-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..308b75d0cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/08-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: God Has a Plan for You +date: 07/08/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Rockey_ + +>

+> For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11, NKJV. + +Muscles tensed and body rigid, she stood beside her little rollaway bed. She had done this many times before when frightening but familiar sounds penetrated her world. How does a child of 6 or 7 cope with a violent, drunken father whose rage is out of control? + +Paralyzed by fear, she focused on Mother's safety and Father's rage, stiffening every muscle. Her father was beating her mother again. Previous episodes had caused Mother to isolate herself in her bedroom for several days. Beth would be alone. Would this be one of those nights that Father would approach her, drunk, violent, and naked? + +Desperately she tried to hold her world together in a family whose behavior was irrational and out of control. Beth was everybody's victim. The youngest girl of 10 children, she was tortured and sexually abused by her father as well as siblings whose pain was equal to her own. Feeling totally alone, abandoned by family, she insulated herself from people and lived in a world of her own, trusting no one. The torture of her home life was a secret to be left at home. + +In her late teens Beth met Bert. He was the gentle stability she needed and longed for. They married immediately after her high school graduation. While Bert was not without problems in his life, his were different than her own. He was an Adventist, and since Beth's only place of safety had been an open-door neighborhood church, she rapidly embraced Bert's religion. Weekly they attended services, but their interaction with other members was minimal. + +Finally after 15 years of silent remembering and sadness, Beth opened up to her pastor's wife because they had built a trusting relationship. Beth chose to recover by learning about the emotional damage that cripples our emotional development. Given the proper knowledge and tools, and relying on God's power, she chose to grow up (see Eph. 4:14). + +Today Beth is active in ministry to others damaged in similar ways. Bert has chosen to walk the road of recovery beside her, and as a result, their marriage has blossomed and become a benefit to others. + +> +> Praise God! No matter how desperate our circumstances or how damaged our beginnings, God has a plan for us to be whole. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6415273f3b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/08-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Has a Plan for You +startDate: 07/08/2025 +endDate: 07/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/09-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/09-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..054f9b5230 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/09-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: Motivated +date: 07/09/2025 +--- + +_Kenneth I. Burke_ + +>

+> And yet I show you a more excellent way. 1 Cor. 12:31, NKJV. + +I once knew a woman who suffered from anxiety. Added to all her other anxieties was a big one called "healthful living." She had to do everything right, to be religiously healthful, if you will. She thought God said so! + +Another time I knew a man who said he was going to practice "health reform" if it killed him. It almost did. + +What's wrong with this approach to health? + +A friend of mine uses the expression "health by faith" to denote a healthful lifestyle. Perhaps Jesus went to the root of health by faith when He observed that it isn't what goes into a person, but what comes from his or her heart, that defiles. + +What did He mean, anyway? Was He endorsing a diet of all chocolate bars, pizza, and sodas? Are cockroaches suitable for food—if you give thanks for them? + +Hardly. I understand Jesus' words to mean something like this: You and I are more, much more, than what we put into our mouths. + +Ellen White wrote that "many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental depression. Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 241). + +Imagine that Jesus comes up to you and heals you. Can you think of anything He might tell you to go and do no more? Long before that King Solomon said much the same thing: "The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit?" (Prov. 18:14, NKJV). + +Because a broken spirit produces illness, Jesus treats the soul needs of His patients. For a closer look at His compassion, read the Gospels. Notice how tenderly Jesus cares for those who live right—and even those who don't. And how, in the encouragement of His love, some who have squandered health in one way or another find themselves motivated to go and do so no more. + +We hear a great deal about fitness. People urge us to get fit to feel better, live longer, look sharper, think clearer—all legitimate motivations. + +And all second-rate. + +Let me suggest (with apologies to the apostle Paul) that a more excellent way is love. + +> +> Praise God! No matter how desperate our circumstances or how damaged our beginnings, God has a plan for us to be whole. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab1efdb668 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/09-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Motivated +startDate: 07/09/2025 +endDate: 07/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/10-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/10-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9fc6d4e3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/10-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Standing for Integrity +date: 07/10/2025 +--- + +_M. Jerry Davis_ + +>

+> Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. Isa. 50:7, NIV. + +Thomas More is well known as one of the great moral and ethical heroes of the Western world, and each of us lives his story in microcosm in the daily decisions we face. + +The great question of his life was how to respond to the divorce and remarriage of King Henry VIII. Frustrated by her inability to produce a male heir, Henry divorced Catherine of Aragon and married Anne Boleyn. The church opposed the divorce and delayed approving the new marriage. Henry put pressure on Parliament to pass the act of succession to transfer the royal lineage from the children of Catherine to the children of Anne. + +The members of Parliament, with various degrees of enthusiasm, ultimately went along, with one exception—Thomas More. + +More paid a high price for his faithfulness to principle. + +His reputation for integrity was well known. More's approval would have helped to silence the king's conscience, but his refusal to go along pricked the king's comfort and disturbed his peace. + +The king had More confined in a filthy dungeon and his income cut off. His wife and daughter were reduced to poverty. England watched and the king waited for More's signature approving the act of succession. + +More held out for two years, but his wife lost all patience with his unyieldingly principled life. + +Tradition says that someone entered his filthy cell and found More surrounded by vagabonds, brigands, thieves, and killers. The gentle scholar sat emaciated, clad in rags, shivering from the cold. The visitor had brought the list of parliamentary signatures, signatures of friends and companions from law and life. He begged More to sign and save his life: "But Thomas, look at these names. You know these men. Can't you do what I did, and come with us, for fellowship?" + +More responded: "And when we stand before God, and you are sent to heaven for doing according to your conscience and I am sent to hell for not doing according to mine, will you come with me for fellowship?" + +> +> Are you living according to God's principles, or do you find yourself compromising when tempted? Think about More's response. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..321c2fed66 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/10-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Standing for Integrity +startDate: 07/10/2025 +endDate: 07/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/11-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/11-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0699716d67 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/11-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: What's Prayer Got to Do With Healing? +date: 07/11/2025 +--- + +_Delbert W. Baker_ + +>

+> He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. Ps. 91:15, NIV. + +People are receiving the best medical care money can buy. It is a good thing, because they are seriously ill. They used to believe in prayer—before they got sick. But now, what does prayer have to do with the possibility of restoration to health? Many reason, in light of medical technology and the breakthroughs in health care, why pray? + +We may group people's attitudes toward prayer and healing in at least four broad categories. First are prayer resisters. This group rejects the idea of prayer and spirituality in general. They may not deny God's existence, but they don't see the connection between the spiritual and secular. To them prayer is a placebo, a spiritual opiate that has little real value except as a feel-good. + +Second are prayer enlisters. Here the attitude is "if prayer works or might work, use it—in my condition, I'll try anything." Individuals in this category don't necessarily believe in the power of prayer, but they will seize any opportunity to achieve healing. + +The third group can be called prayer insisters. They must pray because "there is no other way." People with this attitude reject any medical advice or treatment. They hold the opinion that to do anything else but pray would show a lack of faith. + +The fourth group we can call prayer persisters. They persist in prayer not as an end in itself, but as a means to recognize, invite, and free God to do what He desires—the accomplishment of His will. Prayer is not a crutch, a quick fix, or a cure-all. They believe that God is able, willing, and dependable to heal, and see prayer as a means by which God can bless, heal, and accomplish His sovereign will. + +Your beliefs about prayer and healing make a difference in your whole outlook on life—and death. What you believe will affect what you do and think. Which category do you fall in? A prayer resister, a prayer enlister, a prayer insister, or a prayer persister? + +> +> Thank You, God, for answered prayer. Like the father of the boy who was convulsing and foaming at the mouth, my prayer for healing is "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24, NKJV). Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e5d55a0d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/11-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What's Prayer Got to Do With Healing? +startDate: 07/11/2025 +endDate: 07/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/12-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/12-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06bafcab7a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/12-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Special Delivery +date: 07/12/2025 +--- + +_Rob, Debbie, and Matthew Purvis_ + +>

+> In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. Eph. 1:4, 5, NIV. + +During a period of about six years our son begged for a baby sister, even though he knew it would be dangerous for his mother to have any more children. We had mentioned this fact to our cousin, who worked in the labor and delivery unit of a hospital, in case a baby became available for adoption. + +Four years passed. We had long forgotten the conversation with the cousin when the phone rang one rainy Sunday afternoon. Our cousin asked if we were still interested in adopting. After we prayed and all agreed, we arranged to meet with the social worker and doctor within the hour. + +Within three hours we had decided on a name and were looking at our little pink bundle. Twenty-three hours after the call we had our baby home, while our family and the church family arranged for bottles, blankets, clothing, a car seat, a bassinet, formula, diapers, and even a pediatrician. + +Question marks ran through our minds, however: would we love Traci as we did Matthew? Would she respond to us? Would we make it through the adoption process? What if her parents changed their minds? What about Traci's genetic background? + +Soon Traci's new daddy knew he couldn't possibly love his little girl more. Her mommy adored her energy and personality, and her brother delighted in holding her and tickling her tummy. Nothing else mattered. + +As we've watched Traci respond to our love, we've become more aware of what God has offered us as His adopted children and how deeply hurt He must be when we deny Him. + +The God of the universe has said to us: "I will make you my sons and daughters; . . . you shall become members of the royal family and children of the heavenly King" (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 592). + +If only we would respond as does little Traci—with utmost love and confidence—and accept the incredible honor of being part of His family. If we choose to be "specially delivered" by Jesus, we can all be adopted heirs of the King, and what heavenly rejoicing that will bring! + +> +> What does it take to be adopted into God's family? "Come out from among them, and be separate, saith the Lord, and I will receive you, and ye shall be sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. What a promise!" (ibid.). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55972a23a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/12-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Special Delivery +startDate: 07/12/2025 +endDate: 07/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/13-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/13-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c7c737c8c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/13-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Being a Trustworthy Envoy +date: 07/13/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a trustworthy envoy brings healing. He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored. Prov. 13:17, 18, NIV. + +Being overweight is a major health hazard. You may or may not fall into this category. But all of us have family and friends who do, and their good health is important to us. That's why we must do everything possible to be supportive and encouraging. + +Few of us realize that obese people face three times the risk of heart disease, and are four times more likely to have high blood pressure. They also have five times greater risk of developing diabetes, and five times the likelihood of having elevated blood cholesterol. + +Furthermore, overweight individuals face six times the chance of developing gallbladder disease, and they will also experience more cancer of the colon, rectum, breast, cervix, uterus, ovaries, and prostate than average-weight people. + +But the list of hazards doesn't stop there. Health experts estimate that only 60 percent of obese people reach the age of 60, compared with 90 percent of those who aren't overweight. + +A recent survey of Adventists showed that 24 percent considered themselves moderately or considerably overweight. And if you meet one who does, perhaps you can get better acquainted and possibly learn the reason for their condition. Is it their inactive job, their cultural habit of snacking, their lack of moderation, a missing exercise program such as walking, their anxiety or depression that makes them want to eat more than they should? Is it a hereditary problem? Or is it the lack of information and no supportive friends? + +Once you get to know them and are a trusted friend, it's easier to provide helpful information or to work together on a weight reduction plan. You must be sympathetic and supportive, not judgmental. The same survey indicates that 76 percent of those overweight are interested in changing their condition, and you may be just the person who will make the critical difference in their lives. + +You might not be the good Samaritan who picks up the bloody man on the side of the road, but you can lift up the hope and expectation of someone wanting to get control of their weight problem. Having good support and encouragement is one of the keys for success. + +> +> If you fall into the overweight category, seek out supportive friends who can help you keep your commitment to adopt a healthier lifestyle. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e818c0a6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/13-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Being a Trustworthy Envoy +startDate: 07/13/2025 +endDate: 07/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/14-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/14-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dadf54f85 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/14-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Joy of Creating +date: 07/14/2025 +--- + +_Lois Rittenhouse Pecce_ + +>

+> Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Rev. 4:11. + +My husband says he's never going to get old. You might chuckle as you note that the "salt and pepper" of his once dark hair has blended into silver. "Laugh," he'll say, flexing a set of muscles that in his fifty-ninth year threaten to rival those of the Incredible Hulk. (I exaggerate a little!) + +"I've been watching people," he'll say, "and when they hit their 50s, they must let their bodies go to mush. By the time they retire, they're old and flabby and have no strength for anything." + +So he works out, faithfully, diligently—exercise, weight-lifting, watching his diet. But where he works sometimes the hardest, where he feels the most intense pains of disappointment and the keenest pleasures of achievement, is not with his weight machine but with his wood-turning lathe. There is where he takes dull, rough wood and with care and patience creates from it a thing of beauty. + +Though our living room may seem cluttered with varied vessels of his creating, I see him eager to tell anyone who enters there the story of each piece. And each piece does have a story: a new tool, a different wood, a reluctant finish. I watch his animation as he talks. There is something wonderful and pleasing and powerful and health-enhancing in the act of creating with one's hands and mind. + +Knowing our simple human pleasures in creative ventures, how they quicken the mind and energize the spirit, I can only imagine how God delights in His creations. Indeed, each has a story. + +Health is more than working the body, proper nutrition, and living long. Ultimately, health is quality of life. God created us for His pleasure, and it's using that God-given gift of creativity that can bring the crowning glow of joyful health to one's face. + +"Lord, make me creative. Help me not to look at life as all duty and drudgery, but teach me to catch a glimpse of the Divine and to see in each person's life the potential there. Whether working in the media of art or with human 'clay,' may I see the pattern that will glorify You." + +> +> When did you last give yourself the time and pleasure to create something? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d824cf5054 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/14-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Joy of Creating +startDate: 07/14/2025 +endDate: 07/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/15-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/15-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91801d5dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/15-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Hope for the Troubled Heart +date: 07/15/2025 +--- + +_Harold Shryock_ + +>

+> The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. Isa. 32:17, 18, NIV. + +Hannah wanted a son almost more than life itself. No longer could she take the jealousy and taunting of Peninnah, the wife that Elkanah took so he could have children. So in agony she silently pleaded with the Lord. + +When Eli the priest saw her lips move in silent prayer, he drew the hasty conclusion that she was drunk and reprimanded her. "How long will you keep on getting drunk? Get rid of your wine" (1 Sam. 1:14, NIV). His reaction must have added insult to injury to Hannah's troubled heart. "'Not so, my lord,' Hannah replied, 'I am a woman who is deeply troubled. . . . Do not take your servant for a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief'" (verses 15, 16, NIV). + +Chagrined, Eli said, "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him" (verse 17, NIV). + +Immediately Hannah felt better. Hope changes things. She felt hungry, then ate something, and her face no longer mirrored despair. + +Unwanted mental distress comes, in one form or another and at various times of life, to practically everyone. It can be triggered by thwarted hopes, severe disappointment, grief, remorse, unfulfilled ambitions, or as in Hannah's case, a problem that has no obvious solution. + +The best way for God-fearing persons to respond to distress is to do as Hannah did—pour out your soul to the Lord. + +Mental distress is an unnatural, unhealthy state of mind. When allowed to persist, it upsets the balance by which the brain unconsciously regulates the actions of the body's various organs. Thus any one of the so-called functional diseases may develop, such as stomach ulcer, colitis, some kinds of arthritis, heart difficulties, some forms of diabetes, persistent headache, and sexual aberrations. Science has proved Ellen White right when she said, "The sympathy which exists between the mind and the body is very great. When one is affected, the other responds. The condition of the mind has much to do with the health of the physical system" (Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 60). + +> +> When distressed, remember: "When we beseech the Lord to pity us in our distress, and to guide us by His Holy Spirit, He will never turn away our prayer" (Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing , p. 132). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eef4d5cc3f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/15-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Hope for the Troubled Heart +startDate: 07/15/2025 +endDate: 07/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/16-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/16-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e2674524d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/16-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Kids Are Precious +date: 07/16/2025 +--- + +_Dan Matthews_ + +>

+> Never despise one of these little ones; I tell you, they have their guardian angels in heaven, who look continually on the face of my heavenly Father. Matt. 18:10, NEB. + +We have all seen it happen: frantic mother speed-racing her shopping cart through rush-hour traffic at the supermarket while a tired and bored little boy stops whining only long enough to grab boxes of extra-sweet cereal off the shelves. She makes endless threats about the pain she is about to inflict if he doesn't behave—without breaking eye contact with the soup can label. + +Finally his energy level outlasts hers, and she explodes. As his howl reverberates to the frozen foods section, she calls him every demeaning name she can recall. She delivers wounding blows to his self-esteem as well as to his behind. And only after he is whimpering and submissive on the lower rack of the shopping cart does quiet return to the marketplace. + +We remember paintings from our childhood in which a white-winged angel in robes hovers over a little child as he is about to cross a narrow bridge over a raging stream. The artist's comforting intentions are that God assures the safety of children. But a careful observer realizes that children are far more likely to carry lifelong scars in their souls than on their knees. The wounds that do the most damage are the shame-based ones that cause a growing child to say, "I am a nuisance; I am not loved; I really am rotten to the core, because my mother and my father told me so." + +Jesus desired to plant a very specific image in the minds of His hearers. Before they spoke to their children, He wanted them to remember that other beings were watching those same children. And these were beings who had just been in the presence of the Divine. Fresh from the throne room of heaven, they were honored to behold young, promising reflections of that divinity. Such an awareness will always elevate how we talk to our children. + +To do so will raise our children's estimation both of their parents and of God. They'll be as happy to be our children as to be God's children. + +> +> The next time you're tempted to raise your voice or hand in such a way as to cause pain, picture the child's guardian angel next to the child, and see what a difference it might make. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa653c01e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/16-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Kids Are Precious +startDate: 07/16/2025 +endDate: 07/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/17-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/17-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa1d94498d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/17-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Time--God's Great Gift +date: 07/17/2025 +--- + +_Connie W. Nowlan_ + +>

+> For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Ex. 20:11, NKJV. + +Knowing that His human children would need time to refresh mind and body after a week of work, at the end of Creation week God prescribed the Sabbath. His prescription still works. Weekly He provides His children time to enjoy His companionship and handiwork. + +Our family loves the outdoors, and on Sabbath we take time to bask in God's natural beauty. + +Our Sabbath refreshment has included a summer of Sabbath mornings when we watched four baby foxes grow up in the field behind our house. Then one Sabbath afternoon we followed a mother deer and her speckled fawn as they strolled down Lehigh Street, the mother walking protectively between the cars and her baby. Another Sabbath at sunset we watched a beaver eating supper at Rocky Mountain National Park. And one Sabbath a herd of more than 100 elks milled around our jeep, eating and bugling, close enough that we watched without binoculars. + +My very favorite Sabbath refreshment took place on the peaceful Moose River in Maine. We took our motored canoe out to a narrow passage and dropped anchor. Sudden movement to our right caught our attention. A family of beavers slid silently into the water and began nibbling twigs and leaves from overhanging branches. A mosquito landed on my nose, and I swatted. A slap of a beaver's tail sent the whole family under-water. We sat motionless, waiting. Then the beavers surfaced and continued with their meal. + +Downriver two otters swam toward us, their humped backs rising and falling above the water as they played. As a climax, a deer with a large rack of antlers walked into the water and stood facing us, silhouetted in the sunset colors. Darkness would soon descend, and knowing we had to thread our way through some rocks on the way back to the dock, we reluctantly started the motor. The animals disappeared into the forest. No one can erase from our memories the refreshment that God's gift of time gave us. + +And best of all, God's prescription for rest comes every week, not once a year like Christmas. What a wise God! + +> +> Take time on the Sabbath to refresh yourself with peaceful scenes of God's creation, and you too will be revitalized. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93f5ba1f02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/17-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Time--God's Great Gift +startDate: 07/17/2025 +endDate: 07/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/18-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/18-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c09dedbba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/18-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Finding God's Love in Your World +date: 07/18/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. Isa. 40:26, NIV. + +I had just left a trying day in the Los Angeles area and decided to drive out across the high desert on my way to Redlands, California. Although I thought that it would be relaxing and quiet, I discovered just the opposite. I was hot, tired, and stressed out, the scenery was disappointing, and the road was much longer than I had remembered. In the depths of my despair I noticed a cloud forming in the east. Shortly I was driving through a most refreshing cloudburst, and then I spotted a rainbow. Contrasted against the black cloud, it could not have been brighter or more beautiful. And just then I knew that it was all OK. That rainbow told me all that I needed to know. God was at the wheel and would guide me through. + +Since then I have developed a game that I play nearly everywhere I go. I look for rainbows. I watch to see where they may be hiding and what the elements are that lend to their creation. Sometimes there are rainbows in the spider webs wet with dew on a late summer morn. At other times rainbows form on the ice that crusts over patches of melted snow. Even the snow crystals glittering in the late February sun aid my search for this evidence of God's love. + +But I have learned that it is not only in the rainbow that we can find evidence of God's love. When I look up into the sky at night, I remember the creative power of love as contrasted with the destructive nature of selfish lust, and I know that it is love that put and holds the stars in place. Even along the concrete streets of the city I see bright yellow, white, and cobalt blue flowers defying the restrictions of modern civilization, and I know who placed them there, and why. + +Recognizing God's love in all of these places and things not only tells me about His goodness but also reveals something about my value to Him. There is so much good health in being wanted! + +> +> Why not practice looking for the evidence of love in the world around you? When you find it, you'll find God, because God is love. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..99181a5a53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/18-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Finding God's Love in Your World +startDate: 07/18/2025 +endDate: 07/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/19-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/19-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ab48f15c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/19-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: How to Win the Race +date: 07/19/2025 +--- + +_Dennis Blum_ + +>

+> Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 1 Cor. 9:24, NKJV. + +We've got an enemy that's always trying to trip us up on our race through life. Satan wants us to become weary and tired, so he has filled life with all kinds of stressors, many of our own doing. Such stresses become trials that sometimes lead to sickness and death. What makes the difference between living victoriously or losing in defeat may be simply how much exercise we engage in each week. + +Two researchers, David Holmes and Beth McGilley, chose 34 high-fit and 34 low-fit people to determine how their heart rate would respond to stress. Half of each group went on an intensive 13-week aerobic training program. The other half served as controls. The low-fitness half who did not undergo any training (who served as controls) showed no change in heart rates between pre- and post-test. The low-fit subjects who exercised had a similar starting heart rate, but they were able to lower their resting heart rate significantly as a result of the training. The low-fit individuals who did not have any training had an 11.8 beats per minute (bpm) increase in response to the psychological stressor. When it combined with their already high resting heart rate, the low-fit individuals exhibited a 29 bpm higher rate change than their trained and untrained high-fit counterparts and their trained low-fit teammates. + +Why is this important? We know from animal studies that rapid rises in heart rate and blood pressure greatly increase the risk of damage to the lining of the arteries and therefore aggravate the process of atherogenesis in damaged arteries. In a nutshell, unfit individuals who experience stress respond with higher heartbeats, which increase their risk of developing atherosclerosis of the arteries and early death from heart attack or stroke. + +The bottom line is that if we wish to win this race called life, we must be physically fit as well as spiritually fit. The Creator-God designed our bodies to function best when exercised. + +> +> How can you run the race of life to obtain the prize of good health? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f4d3f0a6c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/19-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: How to Win the Race +startDate: 07/19/2025 +endDate: 07/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/20-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/20-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac3daf415a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/20-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: The Day Nicky Fell +date: 07/20/2025 +--- + +_Nicole Sydenham_ + +>

+> Yet there is one ray of hope: his compassion never ends. It is only the Lord's mercies that have kept us from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his lovingkindness begins afresh each day. . . . The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him, to those who seek for him. Lam. 3:21-25, TLB. + +It was a hot July 20 at Camp White Sand in Saskatchewan when I heard, "A child's fallen from a horse." I rushed to the scene. "It's Nicky," someone screamed. Suddenly my knees weakened. Nicky was my 10-year-old daughter. + +"Nicky, Nicky, it's Mommy," I said as I bent over her. When I saw her eyes and vomiting, I knew her head injury was serious. + +At the hospital the doctor said, "Madam, it is very serious. You will need a lot of prayer. In six months to a year she might regain 90 percent of her brain capacity, or it could be worse." + +Around the world people prayed for her. + +For 10 days the doctors kept Nicky in an induced coma and under as many as 15 medications at one time to attempt to reduce the pressure on her brain and keep her alive. She had 19 tubes and wires hooked up to her. + +When she was transferred to a children's ward, she almost died twice. We could tell she couldn't breathe, but no one would believe us, so we prayed, "Please bring the right nurse or doctor." Ron, my husband, felt he had to do something, so he put Nicky in a wheelchair and pushed her out into the hall. A doctor "happened" by and yelled, "This child can't breathe. Rush her to surgery. I'll go scrub," and he put a tracheostomy in. + +One day Ron was standing by Nicky's bed, crying, "Lord, please save my little girl." Her body was burning with fever, but the hand he held was limp and ice-cold. And in response, he heard, "Yes, Ron, I do want to save your daughter from her fall, just as I want to save all My children from the Fall, and restore them to My original design." + +I held on to Lamentations 3:21-26 and Jeremiah 29:11-14. The Living Bible translates verse 14: "I will . . . restore your fortunes." I would substitute Nicky's name for the word "fortunes." + +After 46 days in the hospital, Nicky was released, still with a tracheostomy, but miraculously with 100 percent brain capacity! God had restored our "fortunes." + +> +> Thank You, my Saviour, for giving Your life to save me from the Fall! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a6cd2bc50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/20-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Day Nicky Fell +startDate: 07/20/2025 +endDate: 07/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/21-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/21-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d37794796 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/21-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Are You a Ten-talent Cook? +date: 07/21/2025 +--- + +_Ellen G. White_ + +>

+> She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family. . . . Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. Prov. 31:15-31, NIV. + +Often health reform is made health deform by unpalatable preparation of food. The lack of knowledge regarding healthful cookery must be remedied before health reform is a success. + +"Good cooks are few. Many, many mothers need to take lessons in cooking, that they may set before the family well-prepared, neatly served food. + +"Before children take lessons on the organ or the piano they should be given lessons in cooking. The work of learning to cook need not exclude music, but to learn music is of less importance than to learn how to prepare food that is wholesome and appetizing. . . . + +"It is a sin to place poorly prepared food on the table, because the matter of eating concerns the well-being of the entire system. The Lord desires His people to appreciate the necessity of having food prepared in such a way that it will not make sour stomachs and in consequence sour tempers. Let us remember that there is practical religion in a loaf of good bread. + +"Let not the work of cooking be looked upon as a sort of slavery. What would become of those in our world if all who are engaged in cooking should give up their work with the flimsy excuse that it is not sufficiently dignified? Cooking may be regarded as less desirable than some other lines of work, but in reality it is a science above all other sciences. Thus God regards the preparation of healthful food. He places a high estimate on those who do faithful service in preparing wholesome, palatable food. + +"The one who understands the art of properly preparing food, and who uses this knowledge, is worthy of higher commendation than those engaged in any other line of work. This talent should be regarded as equal in value to ten talents; for its right use has much to do with keeping the human organism in health. Because so inseparably connected with life and health, it is the most valuable of all gifts" (Medical Ministry, pp. 270, 271). + +"The foundation of that which keeps people in health is the medical missionary work of good cooking" (ibid., p. 270). + +> +> What could you do to enhance your cooking skills? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a26f3131f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/21-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Are You a Ten-talent Cook? +startDate: 07/21/2025 +endDate: 07/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/22-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/22-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2fe9c7a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/22-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: This Is the Day . . . +date: 07/22/2025 +--- + +_Vivian Raitz_ + +>

+> This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Ps. 118:24, NIV. + +God's in His heaven—all's right with the world!" I exclaimed, drawing open the blinds of our condo. + +"But all is not right with the world," my sister replied. "There is murder, rape, famine, floods. . . . This world is a mess!" + +My sister was right, if that's the way you choose to look at the world. But from my vantage point that day, I was overwhelmed with God's goodness to bring us five sisters and my two daughters from four states for a week together in Colorado. We could view Mount Baldy from our balcony, take early-morning walks along the picturesque river flowing through the little mountain town, hike in the woods, ride mountain bikes, white-water raft, and just bask in one another's company. + +It's easy to get burdened down with the world's cares and miss the little things that can lift a person's thoughts. That's why when walking in the early mornings near my Georgia home I try to look up at the heavens instead of down at my feet. It helps brighten my spirits and bring positive thoughts to mind. The exercise makes the healing endorphins flow to strengthen my immune system. It's even great walking in the rain or frosty weather. + +I praise the Lord for the privilege of getting out in His nature, viewing the fluffy clouds against a blue sky, listening to the birds, watching the squirrels, enjoying my neighbors' lovely yards, and having a release from my day-to-day stresses. + +I try desperately to be an "up" person, not darkening the paths of those around me by speaking of depressing things. And I believe that laughter is good for the soul. It, too, makes those healing endorphins flow. + +My sister was right. Perhaps I shouldn't say, "All's right with the world." But God is still in His heaven, so now as I open the blinds in Colorado, or look up at the lovely Georgia sky, I say, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" We can praise Him for that. + +> +> Praise God as you open the blinds of your day. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c24a4be1f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/22-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: This Is the Day . . . +startDate: 07/22/2025 +endDate: 07/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/23-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/23-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c57b2bc190 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/23-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Look for Little Gifts From God +date: 07/23/2025 +--- + +_Jennifer Jas_ + +>

+> He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth—the Lord God Almighty is his name. Amos 4:13, NIV. + +As soon as I got out of my car and started across the large parking lot, I felt it. A warm, gentle morning breeze. A breeze that played with my hair and fluttered my shirtsleeves. It had been so hot and still lately, and I accepted the breeze as one of those little gifts from God. + +Closing my eyes and breathing the air in deeply, I tried to imagine how God does it. Is the wind God's breath blowing from the heavens? Did He start the wind sailing across the earth with a wave of His mighty hand? Or is it caused by angels swinging from the trees? It was one of the really perfect winds—not too hard or too soft—and for a moment I imagined that paved parking lot was Paradise. When the wind blows, I can't help thinking of His awesome glory—the Creator of the air we breathe, everything it brings life to, and the entire universe. + +God created our amazing, life-giving atmosphere that we take for granted. By itself it's invisible and silent, but with a little force behind it, it can be a gentle breeze or a powerful blast. It's a wonderful gift that brings us life-sustaining qualities and also serves to rejuvenate the mind and body, relaxing us and serving as a great de-stressor. Also, it reminds us of God's power and gentleness. + +Occasionally I seek release from the large office building where I spend much of my day by hiking down three flights of stairs and out the back door—into the fresh air. Almost instantly God's marvelous creation does its job. It clears my mind and allows me to reorganize my thoughts and put Jesus Christ back as top priority. + +Try to get a little extra fresh air today, especially at times when you need a break. Step outside, take a deep breath, relax, and meditate on Christ. And the next time you feel a warm, gentle breeze, don't worry about your hair—think of it as a refreshing gift from your Creator. + +> +> Thank You, God, for the gentle breeze that reminds us that You are the Creator of the air we breathe. Indeed, You are the breath of life to regenerate our sagging souls. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64e361c647 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/23-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Look for Little Gifts From God +startDate: 07/23/2025 +endDate: 07/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/24-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/24-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2fc1ad183 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/24-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Is Your Job Killing You? +date: 07/24/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, "Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?" Matt. 20:6, NIV. + +Working persons, especially middle-aged ones, may face a health hazard at work. No, we're not talking about dangerous jobs such as walking on scaffolding or driving race cars! We're speaking about ordinary office jobs that require you to sit for long periods of time. + +A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health showed that physical exercise decreases the risk of developing cancer. Inactive men were more likely to develop lung, colon, or rectal cancer, and inactive women were at an increased risk of developing cervical and breast cancer. Other studies have indicated that those who get very little physical exercise are more likely to suffer a hip fracture later in life and have a greater chance of becoming obese. + +This study's results reminded me of a statement Ellen White once made: "Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation" (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 531). + +It is interesting to observe in the analysis of the Adventist Mortality Study that for men the factor that made the largest difference with respect to longevity wasn't smoking, weight, or vegetarianism, but exercise. Those who exercised lived five years longer, a difference twice as much as for any of the other three comparison groups. + +If your job is an inactive one, get involved in a regular exercise program: use the stairs, walk briskly during break times, or work out during lunch. Turn "idleness" at your desk into some type of movement. Every hour take a few minutes to stretch, run in place, or do jumping jacks, or as you sit, exercise your muscles. Don't let your job be a hazard to your health. You want to go home with a paycheck and the health to enjoy it. The paycheck alone is just not worth it. + +God designed your body for movement. Your muscles, joints, and bones need motion to be able to function optimally, or they atrophy. Even if it's the "eleventh hour," Jesus invites you to work to keep His "machinery" in good operating order. And remember to exercise your faith to keep your spiritual life in order as well. + +> +> Are you working for a paycheck, or for your health? What can you do to make sure your workplace is a healthy place? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb1db5c1c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/24-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Is Your Job Killing You? +startDate: 07/24/2025 +endDate: 07/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/25-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/25-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96b912d029 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/25-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Earth Pants for Water +date: 07/25/2025 +--- + +_George M. Lessard_ + +>

+> As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. Ps. 42:1, NIV. + +I just recently completed a trip across the U.S. by light airplane. Hour after hour I flew over green fields, green forests, green valleys. Green, green, green! Near Tucumcari, New Mexico, the color began to change to more and more brown. By Albuquerque the only green I noticed was on the mountains or in the river valleys where human habitation occurred. Why the difference? Water, life-giving water! + +It is not surprising that the Bible, written as it was in the arid country now known as Israel, uses the vision of water to symbolize life-giving power. More than 70 percent of our body mass consists of water. While we can live weeks without food, we can survive only hours without water. Water is the basis of life. It provides the environment in which life processes occur. The medium for the biochemical reactions essential for life, it also carries away the wastes generated by all living cells. + +But do we really know about water? Most people take it for granted. The small molecule H2O, having only two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, has a mass of 18. Other molecules this size exist at room temperature as gases. Water is unusual in that it remains a liquid at room temperature because of differences between parts of the molecule. Oxygen nuclei attract electrons more than do hydrogen nuclei. Because of this, one end of the molecule is more positively charged than the other. The resulting positive and negative ends form what we call a dipole. The dipolar nature of water molecules causes them to be attracted to each other by what we call hydrogen bonds. These hydrogen bonds link every water molecule to other water molecules, creating a cohesive fluid with all the properties needed to make life possible. + +What if God had not designed this molecule to function as it does? What if the differences within each molecule had not led to unity of the whole? Can we ask this question of other unique creations of God? Can differences between us lead to unity among us? I certainly hope so! + +> +> I praise You, Lord, for Your divine wisdom that created this world—and its water. And may I daily drink deeply from the "living water" of Your Word. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..254a404285 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/25-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Earth Pants for Water +startDate: 07/25/2025 +endDate: 07/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/26-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/26-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..525be127c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/26-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Bacon or Bananas? +date: 07/26/2025 +--- + +_Samuel DeShay_ + +>

+> Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. Prov. 1:5, NIV. + +Three statements by Ellen White have intrigued me: + +- "Whatever disturbs the circulation of the electric currents in the nervous system lessens the strength of the vital powers, and the result is a deadening of the sensibilities of the mind" (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 347). +- "If Adam, at his creation, had not been endowed with twenty times as much vital force as men now have, the race, with their present habits of living in violation of natural law, would have become extinct" (ibid., vol. 3, p. 138). +- "The system is vitalized by electrical force of the brain to resist disease" (ibid., p. 157). + +Where does this vital force, or electrical current, come from? + +Each cell has the potential of generating electricity, if the voltage from the activity of the sodium-potassium pump that transfers the sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell keeps the cell's battery charged. If a diet is too high in sodium chloride and too low in potassium, the sodium-potassium pump tends to slow, allowing the battery to run down not only in the cells of blood vessels but also in cells throughout the body. When the battery runs down, your electricity goes down, depleting your energy or vital force and making you hypertensive and susceptible to other diseases. + +Dr. Norman Kaplan, one of the chief researchers in hypertension, says that hypertension problems are more closely related to low potassium levels than to high sodium. + +Now contrast God's diet for His incredible human machine with humankind's diet in terms of the salt and potassium content. Bacon and ham are cured meats with three times as much sodium as potassium. Potato chips and processed foods all contain salt. But fruits (especially bananas and figs), vegetables, grains, seeds, and nuts contain hundreds of times more potassium than sodium. Exactly what your cells need to keep electrically charged! + +If you want to feel young again, with vital energy surging through your veins, you've got to keep your cells' sodium-potassium pumps in good working order. You do that by avoiding humankind's sodium-filled foods and enjoying God's potassium-filled ones. + +Bacon or bananas? I'll take a banana, thank you! + +> +> Think about what you regularly eat. How much potassium is your body getting to keep your sodium-potassium pumps working effectively to charge the sodium "batteries" in your cells? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d509c657fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/26-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bacon or Bananas? +startDate: 07/26/2025 +endDate: 07/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/27-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/27-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c70d81d09 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/27-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +title: I Can Choose +date: 07/27/2025 +--- + +_Ted Hamilton_ + +>

+> So God created man in his own image, . . . male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27, NIV. + +Created in the image of God, we are uniquely gifted with the ability to think, to reason, to create, and to choose. What a risk God took, and what a responsibility is ours by our life choices to reflect the image of the loving God who created us. Revelation and research both agree that the positive exercise of the power of choice contributes to health and prolongs life. + +I can choose . . . + +- To eat healthfully of the nutritious bounty of God's garden. +- To exercise—walk, run, bike, swim, move with freedom and joy. +- To rest, relax, enjoy a siesta, take a holiday, vacation with friends. +- To sleep, refreshing the body, recharging the nerves, restoring the spirit. + +I can choose . . . + +- To laugh freely and often, with others and at myself. +- To hope in the face of fear and failure, disappointment and despair. +- To learn about my world and the people who inhabit it, about myself. +- To grow, as did Jesus, in strength and wisdom and favor with God and human beings. +- To think, to ask questions and search for answers. +- To work with my hands and with my mind, with energy and purpose. +- To play, just for the fun of it! + +I can choose . . . + +- To nurture relationships, talking and touching, giving and taking. +- To participate in life, speaking up, taking a stand, being counted. +- To volunteer in the hospital, the school, or the homeless shelter. +- To be a neighbor to a single mom or an aging couple with Alzheimer's. +- To keep my promises and honor my commitments. +- To affirm the good, the noble, the giftedness of others. + +I can choose . . . + +- To believe in a divine purpose for my life. +- To worship the God who made me for joyful relationship with Him. +- To pray, living in communion with my Creator-Friend. +- To forgive those who hurt me, releasing my bitterness. +- To forget . . . yes, it is possible! +- To act with integrity, honesty, and purity. +- To love . . . for God is love. + +> +> What will you choose today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0889128e90 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/27-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Can Choose +startDate: 07/27/2025 +endDate: 07/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/28-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/28-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4104fa154 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/28-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Mighty Morphing Cells +date: 07/28/2025 +--- + +Dawna Sawatzky + +>

+> Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Prov. 3:5-8. + +On television sensational "morphing" effects look like visual magic as one image changes into another. Fantasy-based movies frequently use this computerized technique. For example, a cat's face becomes a human face, or a person transforms into a super metallic being or even into a vehicle. In movies, morphing distorts reality. + +In reality, the body has a Creator-programmed mighty morphing system of its own. This fantastic feat takes place in the red marrow of bones. The bone marrow produces precursor cells. As they mature they morph into red or white blood cells. The white cells then morph into a virtual army of specialized cells trained to recognize, destroy, and remove the body's invaders. Every day this efficient system pours forth billions of cells to replace worn-out red and white blood cells. + +Through morphed images, movie viewers are thrilled, chilled, and enthralled by fictitious stories and unreal superwarriors. But their exploits pale in comparison to the complex battles fought each day by the immune system and the workload carried by red blood cells transporting their gaseous loads to and from trillions of body cells. + +All of God's natural health laws affect the blood-producing work of the bones. It is impossible to produce the best-quality blood with poor-quality food, lack of rest, and intemperance. Guilt, depression, and negative attitudes affect the production of the bone marrow. + +David understood this when he decried his weakness and condition of the marrow of his bones because of the guilt of his iniquity. "Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief. My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my strength fails because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak" (Ps. 31:9, 10, NIV). + +Ellen White put it this way: "A contented mind, a cheerful spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul. Nothing is so fruitful a cause of disease as depression, gloominess, and sadness" (Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 702). + +When you're tempted to be discouraged, remember how David ends Psalm 31: "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord" (verse 24, NIV). + +> +> Holding on to this philosophy should strengthen your immune system. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba068cf4a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/28-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Mighty Morphing Cells +startDate: 07/28/2025 +endDate: 07/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/29-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/29-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..430504e0b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/29-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: One-flesh Marriage +date: 07/29/2025 +--- + +_Alberta Mazat_ + +>

+> For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Gen. 2:24, NIV. + +Writing one's own marriage vows is not a new idea. Adam spoke his own words during that first ceremony. We wish we knew more about this memorable event. No bride was ever surrounded by more beauty. Flowers, vines, shrubs, all in their pristine beauty, formed a background. + +Was there music? How could there not be? Celestial music always accompanied important events: Creation, when the morning stars sang together (Job 38:7); Moses' song of deliverance from Egypt (Ex. 15:1-19); at Jesus' birth, the sound of "Glory to God in the highest!" (Luke 2:13, 14); and the greatest of all events—the song of Moses and the Lamb when Christ returns (Rev. 15:3, 4). Why, of course there was wedding music! + +Without doubt the refreshments were the best that any caterers could ever boast of, and most trouble-free! Picking the delicious fruits right off the trees and feeding them to each other must have been a great delight for the bride and groom. + +What about the homily? Ellen White says: "God celebrated the first marriage" (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 46). He may have told them that marriage was one of His first gifts to the human race. We can be sure that He gave them some instructions as to their responsibilities in their new relationship. After all, they had no other experience to model, no library resources to check out. All their instruction came from Him, so there was never any doubt about its absolute trustworthiness. + +God was also their instructor in reference to their sexuality. In the area of being fruitful and multiplying they had absolutely no knowledge. In beautiful simplicity He explained to them His plan for their one-fleshness. They would never wonder if their loving embrace was proper, dignified, or blessed. He assured them that in offering their bodies to each other they were exactly fulfilling God's purpose for them in the marriage act. + +No wonder Eve and Adam were able to enjoy their sexuality for hundreds of years! And still God's desire for every marriage is that sexuality will continue to be an expression of joy and commitment. + +> +> God, our Creator, help us to realize our part in emphasizing the good news about sexuality in our marriages, and in our homes, schools, and churches. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf428f87db --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/29-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: One-flesh Marriage +startDate: 07/29/2025 +endDate: 07/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/30-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/30-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..39b6623b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/30-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: Bury the Bitterness +date: 07/30/2025 +--- + +_Mary Wong_ + +>

+> One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and one whose temper is controlled than one who captures a city. Prov. 16:32, NRSV. + +Hurrying between classes at the university one Friday, I stopped at the telex office to collect a fax someone had sent to me. Because it was a letter from my home country, I read it with eager anticipation. Then all of a sudden I felt anger like a thunderbolt exploding in my brain. My blood pressure soared and my heart pounded against my rib cage. Classes the rest of the day passed in a blur as I burned and seethed with anger at the recollection of the insulting words in the letter: anger at the unjust accusations; anger at the injustice done to my reputation. + +At vespers that night and church service the next morning, while the servants of God were busy expounding biblical truth from the pulpit, I, in my pew, was busy composing a searing response to the writer of the letter—one that I hoped would scorch him worse than he had burned me. The obsession to get back at him continued to hold me in its grip during the following days. I was totally unable to function during the day because sleep eluded me at night. My appetite was also gone, for my stomach was in knots, and I suffered terrible ulcer pains. Needless to say, being spiritually and physically drained, I had found the fastest, surest, and most unhealthy way of losing weight. + +My health deteriorated under the tremendous emotional strain until one day I awoke to the fact that the one being hurt most—physically, mentally, and spiritually—by my angry feelings was none other than I myself. For me then, Ecclesiastes 7:9, "Do not be quick to anger, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools" (NIV), took on new significance, and I was ready to take the Lord's advice to forgive others for having wronged me, even as God has forgiven my sins (Matt. 6:14, 15). Only then was I able to experience a sense of physical and spiritual well-being. + +> +> Is there someone in your life who has said or done something to you that made you angry? Maybe it's time to forgive and to bury the bitterness. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b1820bc5a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/30-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bury the Bitterness +startDate: 07/30/2025 +endDate: 07/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/31-july-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/31-july-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21fe833208 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/31-july-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Bicycle Bob and His Wife Theresa +date: 07/31/2025 +--- + +_Aileen Ludington_ + +>

+> Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful." Rev. 21:5, NKJV. + +When Bob Anderson was 66 he retired as a building contractor because of debilitating arthritis in his lower back. "I could hardly make it out to the mailbox," Bob said, "so I started driving my old car the 200 feet to get the mail. I had no energy. I was 60 pounds overweight, smoked three packs of cigarettes a day, and was always short of breath." + +His wife's health wasn't much better. Theresa suffered from high blood pressure and diabetes and was overweight and extremely depressed. + +Then Dr. Hans Diehl came to their town of Creston, British Columbia, with a Live With All Your Heart Seminar. Its message was simple: "Our diets are killing us. Our excesses in meat, rich dairy products, sugar, alcohol, salt, and tobacco must go, or we'll eat and drink ourselves into early graves." + +The results of their HeartScreen health evaluation jolted the Andersons into action. Their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar were all too high. When they realized their rich diet and sedentary lifestyle were contributing to their heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoarthritis, they dumped their vodka down the sink and filled three garbage bags with the "junk" food they cleaned out of their refrigerator. They burned Bob's cigarettes (a 35-year-long habit) in their fireplace, and started walking. First just one block, then two, three, five—and more. + +They say God can make crooked things straight, and that happened to Bob. By the sixth month his back pain disappeared; he stood straight and walked without a limp. Their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels returned to normal. Both took up bicycling and shed 50 pounds, and three years later, at age 69, Bob cycled 3,210 miles from Creston to Ottawa, Ontario, in 60 days. + +Theresa says, "No more are we simply enduring retirement. We are living our lives to the hilt! We both have bicycles and love life on the road. And as our physical health improves, we are growing spiritually. We've been born again and are active in our church. Now we have a purpose and sense of direction in our lives." + +> +> If you don't want to just endure retirement, the time to do something about your lifestyle is now. Determine what must change in your life, and make a commitment to God that you will start your new life today. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2660e7298c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/31-july-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Bicycle Bob and His Wife Theresa +startDate: 07/31/2025 +endDate: 07/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb59d7c214 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/07-july-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: July 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/01-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/01-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ed5e01e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/01-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Exercise Your Mind +date: 08/01/2025 +--- + +_Edwin H. Krick_ + +>

+> Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever. That is why I run straight for the finish line. 1 Cor. 9:25, 26, TEV. + +Stan had been sick for several months, confined to bed with a painful infection. The inevitable vicious cycle of weakness ensued as he lost both physical and emotional strength. One day as he complained to me that he despaired of ever working in his beloved garden again, I suggested, “Stan, the Creator has put into our bodies tremendous healing powers. Start walking just a few minutes twice a day and you’ll be amazed at what happens.” + +About a month later Stan came to me all excited. He’d been working in the garden and could once again stoop to pull weeds! When I wondered at the dramatic transformation, he explained, “I walked a quarter of a mile twice a day for a while, then increased gradually, and now I’m back to normal!” + +The dictum “use it or lose it” obviously applies to physical strength, but what about mental or spiritual strength? Recent research at the University of California at Los Angeles substantiates what many have felt applies to the mind: regular exercise strengthens brainpower. When examined at autopsy the brain cells of bridge players appeared much more healthy than those of people whose pastime was playing bingo. A kindergartner can play bingo, but bridge requires constant analysis and decision-making. + +Paul uses the example of an athlete to describe his spiritual life. If you want to win a race you must discipline yourself. Paul said, “I am like a boxer who does not beat the air; I bruise my own body and make it know its master, for fear that after preaching to others I should find myself rejected” (1 Cor. 9:26, 27, NEB). + +You may exert your body when you’re preparing for a sporting event, but do you exercise your mind when it comes to Bible study? + +If you read through Scripture in a perfunctory manner, it avoids exercising your brain and may be like playing bingo—the words pass through your mind without leaving any real impact. However, if you get out several versions of the Bible, read the context, look up some background material, and then discuss your findings, you’ve exercised your mind. You’re running “straight for the finish line”! + +> +> Have you exercised your brain with some in-depth Bible study today? What else could you do to make sure you are running “straight for the finish line”? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8fcdf55346 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/01-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Exercise Your Mind +startDate: 08/01/2025 +endDate: 08/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/02-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/02-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dae2f8e792 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/02-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Staying Fit +date: 08/02/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5, NIV. + +When it comes to our bodies, nothing lasts forever. First we are young, then we grow old. After eating a meal, we get hungry again. We drink to our fill, but need more water later. And no matter how much we exercise to stay in shape, that effect wears off if we do not repeat it regularly. + +Experts in exercise physiology tell us that the body starts to decondition after 48 hours of nonactivity. That means if you rest too long between exercise sessions, your body will begin to lose its tone. If you neglect exercise long enough, you will eventually lose most of the benefits of your previous efforts. + +I learned that lesson myself with great frustration one year when a knee injury forced me to suspend my jogging routine for several months. Prior to this injury, I was averaging 20 miles a week. After my recuperation I returned to the track and could barely run a mile without feeling winded. It was a discouraging setback and a painful reminder to me that exercise must be continual for the benefits to linger. I cannot take this year off and expect last year’s efforts to carry me on indefinitely. + +When it comes to my relationship with God, the rules are very much the same. A healthy Christian experience requires a regular routine of prayer, study, and connection with our heavenly Father. Like eating, sleeping, and exercising, it demands daily attention. And like our physical bodies, our spiritual vitality quickly atrophies with indolence. + +God could have designed us to draw all our nutrition by simply breathing the required nutrients from the air around us. Then we wouldn’t have to deal with the daily necessity of eating. He could have engineered our physiology so that a one-mile jog would yield Olympic results for a lifetime. But He didn’t, and I suspect He had a reason, with a lesson to teach us. + +Human physical and spiritual requirements are similar. Ignore your body’s needs, and you pay a price in weakness and debilitation. Neglect your relationship with God, and your spiritual health will wither like a branch cut off from the vine. + +So, get fit—but don’t forget to stay fit. + +> +> It’s time to get organized. What in your physical or spiritual life should you schedule into your day, to make sure you stay fit? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdd2799682 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/02-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Staying Fit +startDate: 08/02/2025 +endDate: 08/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/03-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/03-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2ec000780 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/03-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Resisting Temptation +date: 08/03/2025 +--- + +_Joyce W. Hopp_ + +>

+> For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thess. 4:7, 8, NIV. + +God cares about our everyday lives and calls us from impurity and unhealthful practices. But is willpower alone enough to keep us from temptation and enable us to accomplish a needed change of health behavior? + +Jean had a cabin cruiser on the river. She often spent her weekends there, inviting others to join her and enjoy the escape from the hot summers in the city. Her guests frequently brought food for the weekend meals. + +“What did they leave this time?” Jean asked herself after the last batch of guests left. “A whole box of chocolates!” + +Although Jean was well aware of her health problem that could be triggered by eating concentrated sweets, she thought, Just one won’t hurt! But a chocolate binge was in the offing. Before she knew it, she had eaten the whole box. The penalty followed quickly, as she fell into the bunk, unconscious and alone for many hours. Only the timely visit by the dockman, who knew the potential of her ailing pancreas, brought her the needed emergency help. + +“I should have known better,” she said later. “But my willpower is challenged by a box of chocolates!” + +What is it that challenges your willpower? It’s easy for those who are not tempted by harmful substances such as smoking, drugs, alcohol, or chocolates to criticize the binge behavior of others. But what about overeating? You know you shouldn’t, and yet you do it. Even the apostle Paul had the problem of doing things he knew he shouldn’t (see Rom. 7:15, 16). Let’s face it—we’re all tempted by something! + +But the good news is “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations” (2 Peter 2:9). + +God cares about our everyday lives, and summons us from impurity. Because willpower alone is not enough, “Christ has given His Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil” (Ellen G. White, in Review and Herald, Nov. 19, 1908). The Holy Spirit is the most powerful agent of behavior change and will bolster the weakness of our willpower. + +> +> Lord, I admit I’m tempted to do things I shouldn’t. Give me Holy Spirit power today to resist the devil. And may this be my prayer every day! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4895cd4da5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/03-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Resisting Temptation +startDate: 08/03/2025 +endDate: 08/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/04-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/04-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d3de27904e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/04-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Blessings From Water +date: 08/04/2025 +--- + +_Ouila Abraham_ + +>

+> “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14, NIV. + +Jesus is the fountain of living water, and if we drink from that fountain daily, He will supply our spiritual needs. Not long ago, however, I had an experience that demonstrated the importance of drinking often and deeply from a literal water fountain as well! + +I woke up one morning with a severe pain in my lower abdomen that persisted for more than an hour. When the pain became unbearable I went to the hospital’s emergency department. The doctor examined me and then left without comment. After a while I called one of the nurses to find out what was happening. The nurse told me that the doctor was trying to get the surgeon from the operating room to examine me and explain why I might need surgery. + +The thought of surgery frightened me. When the doctor came back, I told him I was not prepared to have surgery, and asked to be discharged, since I was feeling better. Although concerned, he wrote up my discharge papers and gave me a prescription for painkilling tablets. He said if I continued to have pain I should return for a thorough examination and be prepared for possible surgery. + +The following day I went to see a specialist in natural remedies who suggested that my problem could be with my bowels, because I had not been drinking very much water. + +I started drinking six glasses of water daily. Shortly thereafter my pain gradually disappeared. I continued to drink six glasses of water every day since and have not had any more problems with pain in my abdomen. I was fortunate that the cure for my problem was so simple, since I realize that persistent abdominal pain can indicate serious problems that might indeed need surgery. + +This incident has been an important object lesson to me. Just as we need to drink daily enough water to preserve our physical health, so we must continue to drink daily from the spiritual fountain to preserve our spiritual health. If the supply is insufficient, we will not experience the full spiritual benefits that we need. + +> +> Lord, help me to remember to drink six to eight glasses of water each day to keep my body healthy, and give me constant drinks of Your water of life so I won’t be spiritually thirsty either. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8375d9cc5b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/04-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Blessings From Water +startDate: 08/04/2025 +endDate: 08/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/05-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/05-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa61feac83 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/05-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Like Plants and Pillars +date: 08/05/2025 +--- + +_Betty M. Hoehn_ + +>

+> Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace. Ps. 144:12, NIV. + +Saturday night we were seated around the table as Uncle John led in the scriptural reading of the marriage ceremony and had the blessing. In the library hung a 25-year-old wedding dress with a man’s tuxedo next to it. + +Two teenage sons had planned the surprise event and arranged the menu. One son and his cousin had blindfolded the couple and brought them to my house. But dinner with the extended family was only the beginning of what their sons intended for the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebration. + +The boys told their parents what they should pack for their extended weekend. They put their father’s golf bag, shoes, and other items into the car without the father or mother knowing it. Then the boys arranged for their parents to spend a night in their honeymoon cabin on the lake, and then made reservations for a hotel and evening entertainment for the next. + +As three generations gathered in the room around that large dinner table, I was thankful my grandsons had such a positive example of what a stable Christian home should be. There was no shouting, yelling, or confrontational episodes. The example of the grandparents had been exemplified in the parents and was being passed on now to the third generation. Solomon said it best: “Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children is their father” (Prov. 17:6, NKJV). + +After much perusing of the wedding pictures from 25 years before, the boys chauffeured their parents to the cabin on the lake. + +The next morning my daughter was surprised to see that her sons had stocked the refrigerator and even set the table for two. Not until then did they see the computer printout of the plans their teens had made for their parents’ trip to the Smokies. + +What fun these young people had surprising their parents. And what fun it was for me to see the rewards of positive family relationships. Certainly when children are loved into maturity, boys become like “well-nurtured plants,” and daughters like “pillars carved to adorn a palace.” I love that word picture of a healthy family! + +> +> Thank You, Lord, for family. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c201054587 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/05-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Like Plants and Pillars +startDate: 08/05/2025 +endDate: 08/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/06-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/06-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4345905bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/06-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Think Happy, Feel Better" +date: 08/06/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil. 4:8, NIV. + +Did you know that . . . + +- Socially active married people tend to live longer than less active separated, divorced, or single people? And happily married women have the strongest immune systems of all? +- Men who participate in social activities at least once a week outlive men who don't? +- Confiding in someone else can result in a significant improvement in immune-system function? +- Those men who were most pessimistic at age 25 had more severe illness during their 40s, 50s, and 60s? +- There is a relationship between psychological factors and susceptibility to colds—i.e., pessimists are more likely to get colds? +- Even thinking about love can raise the levels of salivary immunoglobulin A in some individuals? +- When patients were trained to focus on the positive aspects of their postsurgery hospital stay, they used only half as many painkillers and stayed in the hospital an average of two days less than others? + +The brain and the immune system have a strong linkage. For example, Donald Robinson tells of a long-term study reported in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet on 57 breast cancer victims that had undergone mastectomies. Seventy percent of the women who had a "fighting spirit" were alive 10 years later compared to only 20 percent of the women who "felt hopeless." Three fourths of those who merely accepted their diagnosis also died. + +In 1987 Candace Pert, while at the National Institute of Mental Health, suggested a molecular equivalent of telephone lines between the brain and the immune system by which white blood cells receive messages directly from the brain to fight off disease invaders. + +What message is your brain sending to your immune system? Is it any wonder that God inspired the apostle Paul to instruct us to think about things that were true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy? + +> +> Dear Lord, help me to focus on the positive and spend time with my friends and family. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b76be95007 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/06-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Think Happy, Feel Better" +startDate: 08/06/2025 +endDate: 08/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/07-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/07-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7fef155fd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/07-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Giving Up Control +date: 08/07/2025 +--- + +_Linda B._ + +>

+> Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Ps. 2:12. + +Pain, arguing, and loneliness often overshadowed the fun times of growing up. As the years went by I began to question, If God could not help my caring Christian parents to be happy and peaceful, how can He possibly help me? + +For a time I believed "Mr. Right" would be the solution to my problems. But when my boyfriend and I broke up, I was through trying to live God's way. It was time for me to be in control. And thus began a 20-year battle, a secret nightmare. + +On the outside my life seemed perfect. But the truth of my controlling ways, driven by fear and resentment, surfaced in binge eating and then throwing up. + +Bulimia is now well recognized as a life-threatening eating disorder. But at that time it was not even in the medical textbooks. I feared I was demon-possessed because no amount of prayer, determination, or off-campus witnessing seemed able to keep me from this destructive practice. By my junior year it was so bad I was suicidal. + +My husband and son have been through much emotional pain, not knowing what to expect from me, or if life would ever be normal and happy. Hospitalization and Overeaters Anonymous (OA) helped me to see I was living just to serve myself and to make myself feel and look good. + +OA is based on the 12-step recovery program of Alcoholics Anonymous and teaches that we are powerless over food (or sin, or whatever our problem is). Only a Power greater than ourselves can help us live to be of service to God and our fellow human beings. Making amends to those I had hurt was very painful, humbling, and slow. I started to let God be more and more in control of my life. Giving rather than taking is becoming more a part of my way of living. A previously unknown joy and contentment is growing inside me. I'm learning that God's way is good and that every victory is a gift, not something I can take credit for. + +For me, bulimia has been a life-and-death struggle. Maybe all addictions are. But then, don't we all have to choose between life or death in the long run? + +> +> Who is in control of your life? Pray each morning, "Lord, I choose life. Take control of my thoughts and my actions. May I unselfishly live today for You and others, instead of for myself. Amen." + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..920009c72d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/07-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Giving Up Control +startDate: 08/07/2025 +endDate: 08/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1cd8f26749 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: A Modern-Day Miracle +date: 08/08/2025 +--- + +_Janene Jenkins_ + +>

+> This is the assurance we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14, 15, NIV. + +In the early 1970s I was working on the morning shift as a nurse at the orthopedic surgery unit at Loma Linda University Medical Center. + +Many of the patients there were older women who had broken their hips. After menopause a woman's bones demineralize and weaken. Since the hip is a major weight-bearing joint, often their hips would break and they would fall, rather than falling first and breaking their hips from the blow. The treatment, then, rather than months in a plaster cast, was surgery in which a metal nail would be used to stabilize the fracture. + +This story is about one such woman. The relationship she had with her grown sons caught everyone's attention. They were loving and kind. One or both would come every day to sit with her while she ate and to help her. + +Her wound, however, instead of healing, became infected. Despite our best efforts, she got worse and worse. + +My heart ached for her. I wanted to help her, so I turned to God. I felt so unworthy to ask for a miracle healing. While I had no doubt in my mind that God could heal her, would He? I knew it had to be her faith, as well as mine, so I went to her bedside and asked her if she believed in God. "Oh, yes," she said, so I asked God to heal her, if it was His will, and then we thanked Him for answering our prayer. + +The next day I hesitantly went into her room. She looked up at me and smiled one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. I noticed her cheeks were rosy! Trembling, I removed the dressing from her hip wound. I could not believe my eyes. It looked as if two full weeks of healing had taken place overnight. We praised God. She fully recovered and went home to her family. + +I believe God healed her to help her, but also so that this story could be told to strengthen my faith and that of others. + +> +> God is a God of miracles. Approach Him with the words of Psalm 150: "Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His excellent greatness!" (NKJV). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9de46e2595 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/08-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Modern-Day Miracle +startDate: 08/08/2025 +endDate: 08/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/09-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/09-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69a17ceb3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/09-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The True Measure of Success +date: 08/09/2025 +--- + +_Steven L. Haley_ + +>

+> For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. How great are your works, O Lord, how profound your thoughts! The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand. Ps. 92:4-6, NIV. + +I was invited to give a devotional talk to a group of professional businesspersons of various faiths. My appeal to them that day was to consider measuring their success by a very different standard than one they were normally accustomed to. Instead of bottom lines, positive cash flow, net assets, hours spent in the office, why not evaluate the health of their business and their personal lives by how much time they gave to themselves personally, to their families, and most important, to their God? As I shared my thoughts, I could see in their faces a polite agreement to hear me out, but a silent message that said all too clearly that no matter what, time will always mean money. + +For centuries Western civilization has lived the philosophy that we are a self-made people. We work hard, play by the rules, minimize our mistakes, and maximize our opportunities, always living by a tenuous promise that we're certain someday to have it all. + +Psalm 92, David's psalm for the Sabbath, refocuses and reprioritizes our lives from the horizontal to the vertical plane; to the spiritual dimension where great are His works, not ours, and profound are His thoughts, not ours. Every seven days the Sabbath challenges us to a self-examination of time and priorities and life direction. + +Before you this week are six 24-hour "windows" of opportunity. For those six days you will work, study, play, achieve, and probably accumulate a little—if nothing more than debt! At the end of those six days God has set a seventh day that calls you to a higher place. A place of refuge and communion where He alone, not we ourselves, is Lord. A place in time where we recognize that we are not the owners of ourselves, or our time, or our fortunes. They all are His. + +"Fools" do not understand how this works, but through the experience of Sabbath, we understand and know that all we have is His, and all we have—including how we spend our time—must glorify Him! + +> +> What can you do this Sabbath to live on the higher plane of measuring success in how much time you give to yourself, your family, and your God? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f70499c18a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/09-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The True Measure of Success +startDate: 08/09/2025 +endDate: 08/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/10-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/10-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2224aa7623 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/10-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Perfect Peace +date: 08/10/2025 +--- + +_Mary Paulson Lauda_ + +>

+> You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isa. 26:3, NKJV. + +I've always loved Isaiah's promise that if we keep our minds on God and trust Him, He'll give us perfect peace. But I never thought I would have to see this promise fulfilled in one of my children. During a four-year period I watched Doreen struggle to live with a glioblastoma, an extremely fast-growing type of cancer in the right frontal lobe of her brain. + +After her first surgery the physicians estimated that she would have six to 18 months to live. She was only 47 and had a 9-year-old daughter and a husband to live for, so she chose to go to the Livingston Clinic in San Diego, where they treat cancer by building up the immune system. She followed their program religiously, which included a diet of natural, unrefined, organically grown foods, vitamins, and a multitude of herbs. + +Soon after her first surgery she followed the biblical instruction of anointing and prayer for healing. She searched her soul and made sure all things were right with God and fellow human beings before the anointing, and the result was that an incredible peace spread over her face. Her comment was "I may not be cured or made well, but I am healed." + +For two years she enjoyed a good life, until the growth caused a condition similar to a stroke. Following a second surgery she came back remarkably, and another year was hers. Then the third surgery and radiation. But time was running out. After the fourth surgery she was partially paralyzed and needed full-time nursing care. Four months later she died. + +But throughout it all she was such a patient, quiet, long-suffering person and continued her careful diet until she could no longer take nourishment. She continually witnessed to all she met, and more than one doctor shook his head in disbelief that she could still be alive. Then she would point them to God and say, "It's called divine intervention!" + +As I think about it, God intervenes in many ways, sometimes with miraculous healing. But perhaps the greatest intervention of all is that of perfect peace in the face of death. + +> +> If you are troubled and facing an unsure future, or even if you aren't, ask for God's divine intervention of perfect peace. He has promised it to all, if we have faith and will keep our minds focused on Him. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd65cbafa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/10-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Perfect Peace +startDate: 08/10/2025 +endDate: 08/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/11-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/11-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b6c3ba144 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/11-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Contending With Horses +date: 08/11/2025 +--- + +_Nicceta Davis_ + +>

+> If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan? Jer. 12:5, NKJV. + +A few years ago I was playing softball and doing my impression of a weekend athlete. Giving all "for the sake of the team" and in denial of my real age, I slid into second base in an attempt to break up the double play, only to tear the cartilage and several ligaments in my right knee. It didn't take long to realize that I should have settled for being called out and avoided the major league heroics. As a physical therapist I knew the importance of exercises and rehabilitation, so I began physical therapy as soon as possible. I returned to work a few days after the injury, exercised with weights, swam, walked, and resumed my routine activities of daily living. + +An interesting thing happened about eight months after the injury. I tried to jump on one foot and hop from side to side to test my maneuvering ability, but I couldn't do it. Although I said to myself, "Jump," I remained there, flat-footed. My muscles could not produce adequate strength, tension, and force quickly enough to jump. I realized I had not fully rehabilitated my knee. My exercises had prepared me for walking and swimming, but not for more complex and challenging activities such as jumping or hopping. + +That experience raised other thoughts. Our spiritual exercises of church attendance, returning a faithful tithe, and being vegetarians can enable us to be respectable Christians. But alone they are not enough to prepare us for the more challenging and complex spiritual activities such as keeping silent when we are being insulted; speaking words of kindness and encouragement instead of censorship and hatred; loving unconditionally; accepting someone who may believe differently than we do; or reflecting Christ's character. If our spiritual exercises and rehabilitation do not prepare us for more complex spiritual activities, how can we contend with spiritual "horses" and a Jordan overflowing its banks? + +Today, why not consider more industrious physical and spiritual exercises that will prepare you for whatever "horses" and/or Jordan experiences may come your way. + +> +> Lord, show me where I am weak, and show me the way to become strong for You. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e676ddc87 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/11-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Contending With Horses +startDate: 08/11/2025 +endDate: 08/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/12-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/12-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f1a949fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/12-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: How Healthy Is Your Inhibitory System? +date: 08/12/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Matt. 19:21, NIV. + +You know the story. The rich young ruler asked Jesus, "What do I need to do for eternal life?" Jesus said to obey the commandments. "I've done that since I was a kid," the young man replied. Jesus' response has made people ponder through the ages. What did He mean by "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor"? + +Should every Christian sell everything and donate the money to the poor? If they did that, who would there be to support missions, build churches, and finance Christian radio? + +Rather than take this literally, I believe the principle is self-denial. The first thing Jesus said when He called His disciples was "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me" (Matt. 16:24, NKJV). + +In a day when many psychologists are saying, "Be good to yourself. Don't deprive yourself; that's legalism," Christ urges that we crucify self and follow Him. + +After numerous postmortem studies on the brains of criminals, Dr. Richard Restak, a neurologist in Washington, D.C., said, "These studies and many others have convinced me that the hallmark of a healthy mind is a healthy inhibitory system." + +What's an inhibitory system? It's the system in our brain that puts the brakes on. It says no to tempting desires and allows us to practice self-denial. + +Dr. Elden Chalmers, a psychologist specializing in brain development, says, "It is a good practice to deny yourself at least one pleasurable thing each day, just to exercise the inhibitory system and keep it working at peak performance." You never know when you'll need it in an emergency to control your emotions and behavior, to keep yourself out of trouble, or to keep from hurting others. + +For your own good, Jesus might want you to sell everything, or He might ask you to say no to a second helping at fellowship dinner or that snack between meals. Or maybe to deny yourself some tempting not-so-good-for-you food. + +The secret to good mental health and eternal life is a healthy inhibitory system. + +> +> What simple pleasure could you deny yourself today, just to maintain your inhibitory system in good condition? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a08e46c4e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/12-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: How Healthy Is Your Inhibitory System? +startDate: 08/12/2025 +endDate: 08/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/13-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/13-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a80d23187 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/13-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Parts of the Whole +date: 08/13/2025 +--- + +_John DeVincenzo_ + +>

+> But God has combined the various parts of the body, giving special honour to the humbler parts, so that there might be no sense of division in the body, but that all its organs might feel the same concern for one another. 1 Cor. 12:24, 25, NEB. + +All too often I find myself wondering why God doesn't use me in some great and noble work for Him—to preach to the masses, to make an important scientific discovery, to produce a secular movie with a Christian message, to possess great wealth so it can be given to His work. And then I pause and look around me and see all the beautiful children of God, both past and present, who were/are the seemingly unimportant parts of the body of Christ. + +Think of our body for a moment. It requires millions of endothelial and connective tissue cells to make one tiny blood vessel running from the heart to the brain. How important the brain and unassuming the vessel, but should this tiny vessel rupture . . . + +Every person is vital and important to God—each His own gift and each needed by God for that perfectly functioning body, the church, ultimately Christ's bride. + +Jonathan Goforth, that great early missionary to China, would take long trips away from his mission post. On one of those to Manchuria he had one of the most memorable three-day missionary campaigns of his life. Hundreds came to the Lord and were baptized. Years later he was speaking in England and mentioned the incident. A woman happened to hear of it and showed him her diary. During the exact three days that he was having such a remarkable evangelistic campaign, God mysteriously led her to fervently pray for His work. + +Never should you feel discouraged or insignificant because your life seems so unimportant. God needs your talent. He needs you to share your testimony with others to encourage and uplift them. You are a significant part of His universe and can play a vital and needed role in His plan for His church. + +May each of us seek God's direction so He can fit us into His body where He wants us. May we serve Him with gladness, and may joy fill us as He uses us to do just what He needs for His church. + +> +> Ask God what He wants you to do today. Stay on your knees long enough for the Holy Spirit to tell you at least two things you could do for God. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98226d24dc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/13-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Parts of the Whole +startDate: 08/13/2025 +endDate: 08/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/14-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/14-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de128d2d02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/14-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Heart Attack at 27! +date: 08/14/2025 +--- + +_Vivian Raitz_ + +>

+> Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I will lift up my soul. Ps. 143:8, NIV. + +It can't be a heart attack. My husband is only 27 years old!" Patty was in a state of shock. It was Christmas Day 1994. Her husband, Jim, and her father had had a couple mixed drinks, had done some target practicing, and then enjoyed the big family Christmas dinner. After the meal Jim took a nap. Upon awaking, he stepped outside to smoke a cigarette. Feeling some indigestion, he took some medicine. His symptoms increased: nausea and clammy sweat. He felt hot, but lying down with a fan blowing on him didn't help. Finally he consented to be taken to the hospital emergency room. The physician diagnosed a heart attack. + +Jim was a tall, muscular supervisor in a carpet plant. But his job was a stressful one, and although his main summer sport was waterskiing, during the winter he didn't do much of anything except sit and watch TV. + +After the scare of the heart attack, Patty said to Jim, "Honey, we must change our lifestyles." The couple had heard that one could reverse heart disease by following a healthy diet and by exercising regularly. They knew that Americans eat too much fat and rich foods, which cause plaque to build up in the arteries. + +So searching for answers, they went with a vanload of people attending a satellite downlinked vegetarian cooking class in Chattanooga, and then they participated in the follow-up sessions at the Dalton Seventh-day Adventist Church. They joined the local health club and began exercising regularly. Jim has now quit smoking and has become much more physically active. Careful about their diet, emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, they avoid adding margarine, mayonnaise, and other visible fats to their food. But most important, they have rededicated their lives to Christ. + +Nearly a year after his heart attack Jim is enjoying a normal life, and continues to follow a healthy lifestyle program. + +One can understand why one of Jim and Patty's favorite texts is: "Show me the way I should go, for to You I will lift up my soul." + +> +> Challenge: Make Psalm 143:8 your philosophy of life. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3e4f99ec1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/14-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Heart Attack at 27! +startDate: 08/14/2025 +endDate: 08/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/15-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/15-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb5b36196f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/15-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Love in Action +date: 08/15/2025 +--- + +_Dan Matthews_ + +>

+> Now there was at Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity. Acts 9:36, RSV. + +What if you were in charge of miracles? What if, at your whim and desire, you could decide who would be miraculously healed and who would die from a painful disease? What if you could choose what lost child suddenly gets found, what miraculous scientific breakthrough would create a wonder drug? + +Even though this is the kind of thing Hollywood movies are made about, the idea is intriguing, because to have a handle on such power tells us something about our values. And that's why this amazingly brief reference from Acts 9 is so intriguing. It just may tell us something about God's values. + +Imagine the setting: The young church is growing, mostly (we think) because courageous individuals such as Peter and Paul are standing in public places and preaching to large crowds who stand in rapt attention. Should one of those great early preachers become ill, we would convene a large prayer meeting. We might even urge an all-night prayer marathon, reminding God how vital and necessary the person is to His cause. + +But in this barely mentioned event we see a woman whose credentials don't list sermons or degrees. In that community she has the reputation as the one who mends worn overalls for the poor carpenters and delivers casseroles to the harried young mothers. She stays up late and gets up early because she's so good at what people really need—tender listening and skilled touching. And when she dies, she leaves a love-shaped vacuum so large and deep that God says, "This is a real loss." + +So He has two men send for Peter from a nearby town, and the disciple receives permission to bring Dorcas back to life. When Peter died, he did not receive the same favor. Sure, God always has lots of things to take into account when working miracles. But the case of Dorcas emphasizes His esteem for love in action. + +> +> In what ways can you be a Dorcas to your family, church, or community, and put love into action? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7aba275be4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/15-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Love in Action +startDate: 08/15/2025 +endDate: 08/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/16-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/16-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e18777917c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/16-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Humbling Me for His Good +date: 08/16/2025 +--- + +_Mary McDonald_ + +>

+> Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. Deut. 8:2, NIV. + +After graduating from Stanford University, I married my college sweetheart. While he attended medical school and did residencies, I obtained a Ph.D. in developmental psychology and completed a postdoctoral fellowship. By the time I was 31 we had four beautiful children, two boys and two girls. I had more than 20 publications, and my scientific career was booming. We had a nice house, even a new minivan. Life was good. + +At church, when friends asked me how I did it all, I'd think to myself, I really am amazing. When I needed help, which wasn't often, I'd ask God and plunge on. I perceived myself to be in control. + +Then unexpectedly the diagnosis came—multiple sclerosis, a crippling, progressive disease. + +No! Please, God. Let me keep doing great things. What about the kids? my career? + +I fought back, but the condition didn't go away. Why, God? Why? + +But always, through it all, then and now, I feel the love of God. And slowly I have learned and am learning that "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Rom. 8:28, NASB). And God's meaning of good is wonderful beyond human definition. In His all-knowing wisdom good is knowing Him, loving Him, becoming more like Him. For these things, through God's grace, I now strive. + +I am realizing the glory and goodness of the Lord, who loves me so much that He didn't want me to suffer spiritually in my state of health but allowed health to be taken from me for a greater purpose. So He permits the disease that I might leave worldly accomplishments and be brought into His joy. + +All things, including our well-being, are in the hands of our omniscient Lord. + +I still have much to learn. My disease seems to have stabilized for the past few years. While I experience visual problems and weakness, I am comforted in knowing that God is in control. He sees the big picture, because He made it. God is so good. + +> +> Perhaps you are going through a humbling time right now. Remember, God is in control. Just as He brought the Israelites through 40 years in the desert so they would be ready to inherit Canaan, He is working in your life for good. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55136b25f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/16-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Humbling Me for His Good +startDate: 08/16/2025 +endDate: 08/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/17-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/17-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d6f9a9cab5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/17-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Get the Charge of Your Life +date: 08/17/2025 +--- + +_Rise Rafferty_ + +>

+> Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8, NKJV. + +Sunlight electrically charges air molecules and makes them negative. But the problem for most of us is that we end up breathing too much positively charged air from heating and air-conditioning. This can result in headache, nasal obstruction, fatigue, and dizziness. In addition, it's been shown to depress the adrenal glands and diminish secretion of hormones essential in dealing with stress. That's why, for your well-being, it's so important to exercise in the sunshine and take deep breaths of that negative-ion-charged fresh air. + +Isn't it interesting that before scientists discovered this information about some of the harmful effects of breathing stale air, Ellen White wrote, "Air is the free blessing of heaven, calculated to electrify the whole system. . . . The effects produced by living in close, ill-ventilated rooms are these: The system becomes weak and unhealthy, the circulation is depressed, the blood moves sluggishly through the system because it is not purified and vitalized by the pure, invigorating air of heaven. The mind becomes depressed and gloomy, while the whole system is enervated; and fevers and other acute diseases are liable to be generated" (Testimonies, vol. 1, pp. 701-703). + +A similar thing applies to our spiritual lives. Ellen White says: "The influence of every man's thoughts and actions surrounds him like an invisible atmosphere, which is unconsciously breathed in by all who come in contact with him" (ibid., vol. 5, p. 111). That's scary, since we don't want our negative attitudes affecting others. But there is a remedy. "When the Lord sees the determined effort made to retain only pure thoughts, He will attract the mind, like the magnet, and purify the thoughts, and enable them to cleanse themselves from every secret sin" (A Solemn Appeal, p. 76). + +So let God's Holy Spirit magnet draw you, and you will get the charge that can change your life! + +> +> God is the greatest source of spiritual power in the world. What are you doing to get plugged in to His infinite supply? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab3ef5faac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/17-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Get the Charge of Your Life +startDate: 08/17/2025 +endDate: 08/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/18-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/18-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a41c32134a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/18-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: When You Feel a Worry Coming On +date: 08/18/2025 +--- + +_Caroline Watkins_ + +>

+> You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isa. 26:3, NIV. + +Lyndon B. Johnson, former president of the United States, once told an audience in Stonewall, Texas, that he was feeling fine because he had followed the advice of an old woman who once said, "When I walks, I walks slowly. When I sits, I sits loosely. And when I feels worry comin' on, I just goes to sleep." That old woman was not a psychologist, but she gave great advice to those who live in a high-tech, high-stress world plagued with depression, worry, and anxiety. + +First, "When I walks, I walks slowly." In other words, don't rush through life. Slow down enough to enjoy the scenery and stop to smell the flowers along the way. + +Second, "When I sits, I sits loosely." Don't get too comfortable with what you have, who you are, or what you do. Life is difficult, and sometimes circumstances beyond your control can rip your security away and force change upon you. It's best to be flexible in times like this. As those in the West Indies say, "Hang loose, mon"! + +And third, "When I feels worry comin' on, I just goes to sleep." Sleep is a great battery charger. As life falls apart and you don't think you can cope, one of the best things you can do is get some sleep. Things always look brighter in the morning! + +God has some great advice too. Read again Jesus' words in Matthew 6:27-35. Why do you worry, since if God takes care of little things such as birds and flowers, He can take care of you even more? All He asks you to do is live one day at a time. + +Peter underscores this same message in 1 Peter 5:7, in which he says we should give our cares to God. Letting go and allowing Christ to take care of you and your problems isn't as easy as it sounds if you're used to fixing things yourself. But God says if you'll just trust in Him, He'll give you perfect peace. Why not give it a try? + +> +> Give all your worries to the Lord and trust that He will answer your prayers, and He will give you perfect peace. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7fb65a424 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/18-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: When You Feel a Worry Coming On +startDate: 08/18/2025 +endDate: 08/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/19-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/19-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2fe6c63e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/19-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Lazy Hands +date: 08/19/2025 +--- + +_Therese L. Allen_ + +>

+> Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth. Prov. 10:4, NIV. + +After an automobile accident in 1972, I missed my freshman year of high school. But I loved the physical therapy I had to take, and during that year I worked so hard that my therapist told me he needed a rest! You see, I knew the harder I worked, the sooner I'd walk out of there and back to school. + +Nobody told me I had a badly damaged spinal cord. It probably wouldn't have mattered anyway, because I was very stubborn. I remember thinking that a broken neck is like a broken arm or leg. They heal, and everything gets back to normal. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. + +The next year I went back to school—but not walking. I'd regained feeling and a little movement, however, on my left side. I had begun my life right-handed, but now I was an unwilling southpaw. I could sign my name, mark T or F, circle multiple-choice answers, borrow classmates' notes, and take essay exams orally. Did I really need to learn to write? + +Yes, according to my English teacher. Mr. Jones told our class we had to write a one-page essay a day. I thought I'd get an extra 10 minutes to read, study, or whatever. Not so. When I said I couldn't write without a table, he said to use his desk. And when I said I couldn't write a page, he told me to compose three or four lines. I couldn't talk my way out of this one. So I wrote and I wrote—and I hated it. If Jones and I hadn't been friends, I don't know how things would have turned out. + +With Jones's discipline, the care he had for me, and God's continuing gift of healing, I began writing with my left hand. If God hadn't cared about my writing, and Jones hadn't allowed God to use him, it's highly unlikely I'd be sharing this with you today. + +I know that we can all do more than we think we can, if we don't give up, and we give God a chance to work out His will for us in our lives. + +> +> Have you been putting off learning a skill or doing something you've never done before because it's hard work? Why not start today to put in the extra effort needed for God to work out His will in your life? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c8a7a260d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/19-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Lazy Hands +startDate: 08/19/2025 +endDate: 08/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/20-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/20-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..90e3398ee2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/20-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Jesus as Shepherd +date: 08/20/2025 +--- + +_Pat Nordman_ + +>

+> He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom. Isa. 40:11, NKJV. + +Our son Chuck's tombstone has Revelation 21:4 carved on it: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." I felt it would be a comforting verse and a witness for others, because it soothed my own breaking heart every time I read it. + +For my own stone, though, I would choose Isaiah 40:11. My favorite vision of Jesus is as shepherd, for as shepherd He brings love and comfort. As shepherd He understands when anguish covers us with darkness and pain and we find ourselves lost in a fog of circumstances that leave us numb. + +Jesus enfolds us to His heart according to our need. I like to think in particularly agonizing moments that those of us who have immediate needs He holds even closer to His breast. It reminds me of that wonderful verse in John: "Then, leaning back on Jesus' breast . . ." (John 13:25, NKJV). We need to lean back on Jesus' breast every moment, but at certain times we need to yield totally and allow Him to carry both us and our burden. + +The following anecdote from Farm and Fireside illustrates wonderfully this point: "An aged, weary-looking woman with a heavy basket upon her arm entered a train. Carrying her burden down the aisle, she found a seat and dropped into it, resting her heavy basket on her lap. A friendly workingman sitting across from her watched her for a long time, and then finally leaned across and spoke. 'Madam,' he said, 'if you will put your basket on the floor, the train will carry you and the basket, too.' How much truth there is in that kind remark. How often we do as the woman did, come to Christ for our soul's salvation, and yet steadfastly refuse to let Him bear our burdens and look after our daily lives. We are willing to get on the train, but refuse to lay down the burdens." + +How blessed we are to have a Shepherd who clasps our weary heart and body to His own pierced heart! + +> +> Ask God to lift your burden today. Then hold fast to this thought: "Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need!" (Ps. 23:1, TLB). Aren't we blessed that Jesus is our shepherd? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e18f8558e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/20-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Jesus as Shepherd +startDate: 08/20/2025 +endDate: 08/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/21-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/21-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec4742855e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/21-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Healing in the Sun +date: 08/21/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth. Ps. 50:1, 2, NIV. + +I love to get up early in the morning and go out on the deck of our house, which looks east over the hills and ridges to the Smoky Mountains. There I stand in awe as the sun's first rays blaze across the horizon, awakening the misty valleys and warming my soul. Stretching my muscles, I breathe deeply and bathe in the beauty. And I think about God. + +I've always loved the sun. Perhaps it's a part of my European background to spend some time each day exposing my skin to the sun. + +But it wasn't until I read in a recent medical journal about sunlight and colon cancer that I realized the far-reaching benefits of this wonderful fiery orb that lights up the sky and our spirits. + +Here's what I've found. Researchers at the University of Washington studied cancer rates in nine regions of the United States. The results were impressive. Men from Southern states had much less colon cancer than Northerners. When Michigan, Connecticut, and Washington men were compared with New Mexico men, the colon cancer rates were 50 to 80 percent higher. + +Why might sunshine ward off colon cancer? Vitamin D, known to suppress growth of cancer cells, may be the answer. Our bodies make Vitamin D when we get adequate ultraviolet light from sources such as the sun. This may explain why people living in cities with more air pollution that blocks out ultraviolet rays may have more colon cancer. + +While too little sunshine means a likely increase in colon cancer, too much sunshine means possible skin cancer. So, as in all things in God's nature, be moderate. Your body needs about 400 units of vitamin D each day. By exposing your face to sunlight for as short a time as five minutes daily, you can get all the vitamin D you need. What a healthy gift from God! But it's impossible to get it inside! + +No wonder Ellen White advises: "Go out into the light and warmth of the glorious sun, you pale and sickly ones, and share with vegetation its life-giving, healing power" (Health Reformer, May 1, 1871). + +> +> Enjoy the health benefits of the sun. It's a gift from your Creator. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4bf131ea97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/21-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Healing in the Sun +startDate: 08/21/2025 +endDate: 08/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/22-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/22-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08a855b391 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/22-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Getting Your Priorities Straight +date: 08/22/2025 +--- + +_Dan Day_ + +>

+> All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:18, NIV. + +We all have certain things we do in life that we value. But how much of a good thing is too much? For example, is there such a thing as being too religious? too concerned with your health? too generous? + +My first instinct is to respond, "No. These are all good things, and none of us are in any danger of doing too much of them." However, on second thought, what about the person preoccupied with his or her own salvation to the neglect of others? Or what about the person who makes health his or her god, putting physical perfection above all the other important priorities in life? And what about the person whose generosity results in distributing to strangers what the family really needs to survive? + +The truly healthy person is one who seeks balance, who recognizes a time and a place for everything. When I come home from work each evening, my 2-year-old, Caitlin, thinks the first hour of the evening is her time. She believes that my job is to play blocks with her. Now, I'll be candid enough to say that some evenings playing with blocks isn't the highest thing on my personal agenda. But I'm also aware that it is very definitely the highest thing on hers. So I spend most evenings playing with blocks. I don't do it because I love blocks, but because I love Caitlin. + +Life is like that. We choose the components in our life not just from among the things we enjoy but from among the things that contribute to what we value. God values reconciling us to Himself, and enlisting us in reconciling others to Him through a witness for Him that is open, loving, and accepting. Is that what others sense in us? + +"In the life of the true Christian there are no nonessentials. . . . We shall be judged by what we ought to have done, but did not accomplish because we did not use our powers to glorify God" (Prophets and Kings, p. 488). + +> +> List the five most important things in your life. Did the way you spent your time yesterday reflect those values? What changes should you make so the values you live reflect the values you claim to hold? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10491db469 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/22-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Getting Your Priorities Straight +startDate: 08/22/2025 +endDate: 08/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/23-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/23-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4344d1f1e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/23-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: God's Special Growing Place +date: 08/23/2025 +--- + +_Elmar P. Sakala_ + +>

+> You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Ps. 32:7, NIV. + +I've been delivering babies for more than 20 years, and I never cease to marvel how God designed the human body to meet the needs of babies before their birth. Consider the womb or uterus, the special place in a mother's body that God has prepared to protect the baby and to allow it to grow in safety. It is truly an incredible organ! + +The uterus is hollow with walls of smooth muscle. Before a woman becomes pregnant the uterus is about the size of a pear, weighing two to three ounces with walls about one-third inch (1 centimeter) thick. The space within the uterus would hold about two tablespoons (30 milliliters) of fluid. As the pregnancy progresses, God has designed that it will continue to enlarge to hold the growing baby regardless of its size. The way this happens is nothing short of amazing. + +No other organ in the human body changes in size so rapidly as does the uterus. Soon after conception the smooth muscle cells in the uterine wall start to enlarge gradually. They do this by growing in all dimensions, becoming longer and wider and thicker. By the time the uterus reaches its maximum size prior to the birth process, these smooth muscle cells have enlarged to 20 times their original size. The uterus now fills almost the mother's entire abdominal cavity. The space within the uterus has increased by a hundredfold—capable of holding almost a gallon of fluid! + +An even more amazing fact is that after the baby's birth the size of the uterus quickly starts to shrink. The muscle cells of the uterine wall rapidly decrease in size until within four to six weeks they are back to their former dimensions. + +The power of God knows no limits in providing a growing place for the developing baby, but He also has a growing place for the developing Christian. King David called it a "hiding place." That special place is in Jesus. He meets all our needs and protects us. And it is through Him that rebirth is possible. + +> +> When you're frightened and frustrated, go to Jesus' "hiding place." You can always feel safe and secure with Christ. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..393515bd0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/23-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Special Growing Place +startDate: 08/23/2025 +endDate: 08/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/24-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/24-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f70575f79 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/24-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Sowing Wild Oats +date: 08/24/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> There was once a man who had two sons; and the younger said to his father, “Father, give me my share of the property.” So he divided his estate between them. A few days later the younger son . . . left home for a distant country, where he squandered it in reckless living. Luke 15:11-13, NEB. + +Foolish choices lead to sorry consequences. Between the fair-weather friends and continual carousing, the prodigal son not only went broke, but probably became addicted to alcohol and sexual pleasure. But when his money ran out, his friends evaporated. He had sown his wild oats and discovered he had no crop at all. + +A severe famine came, and he began to feel the pinch, so he took a job feeding pigs. In later Jewish custom, if a person even touched a pig, they became unclean and could be rejected, disowned by their family. This boy knew that taking this job could disqualify him for ever returning to his family and sonship, but he thought that was the only way to survive. Still, even working in that stinking pigpen, he wasn’t able to get enough food to fill his stomach. Finally he came to his senses and recognized that he was in a helpless and hopeless condition. + +Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) describes this change as the first of the 12 steps of recovery: you admit you are powerless over addiction—that your life has become unmanageable. + +In his pit of despair the miserable youth remembers the love and bounty of his father’s home. He knows that his father takes good care of his servants. Although he realizes he has no chance that he can return as a son, at least as a servant he would survive. This is the second step of the AA program: to believe that a Power greater than you can restore you to sanity. + +So, faint with hunger, in rags, stinking from living with the pigs, the young man surrenders and sets out for the long journey home. He has decided to turn his will and life over to God’s care. As he plods along, he has time to reflect on his actions, honestly face his real self, and confess—the next steps of AA. + +The route of the prodigal addict coming home is the same today as Jesus outlined so long ago. + +> +> Remember, it’s never too late to turn from addiction toward home! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7c9794054 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/24-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sowing Wild Oats +startDate: 08/24/2025 +endDate: 08/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/25-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/25-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec0c5257e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/25-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Running Father +date: 08/25/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> But while he was still a long way off his father saw him, and his heart went out to him. He ran to meet him, flung his arms round him, and kissed him. Luke 15:20, NEB. + +Have you ever pictured God running toward you to welcome you to heaven? He is, for He is the Father in the prodigal son story. + +Day after day the father had watched for his lost son. Perhaps he had asked passing travelers of news; perhaps he even knew of his disappearance from the social scene and was grieving, wondering if the boy had even survived. But faithfully he watched anyhow. One day a stumbling form appeared on the horizon. Somehow the father recognized that gait and ran to meet him. + +Jesus did something here that rejects the culture of His time. People in positions of authority, especially if moral and religious righteousness was the basis of their authority, did not go out to meet and greet anyone. They held audiences in imposing surroundings. If apologies were to be made, the wrongdoer came and confessed to them. Forgiveness had to be earned. But in this wonderful cameo of God the unconditional love and welcome He has for each erring child is the reality He wants etched in our understanding. + +Not only did the father run to meet his lost son, but he gave him an exuberant welcome! Ignoring the pig smell and dirt, he threw his arms around his son and kissed him. Immediately the boy began his carefully rehearsed apology and appeal. He admitted his sin and said, “I am no longer fit to be called your son” (verse 19, NEB). But strangely, the father didn’t pay any attention. He never responded at all to the confession! You see, what the son had done didn’t matter to the father’s unconditional love. All that was important was that his lost son had returned. When the helpless, hopeless addict surrenders, Jesus makes it clear that he or she is welcome. + +An openmouthed servant went quickly to fetch the household’s finest robe to throw around the young man’s filthy, gaunt body. The father placed the ring of sonship on the boy’s finger and gave directions to prepare a feast. It was time for a party, “for this son of mine was dead and has come back to life; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24, NEB). + +> +> Thank You, Father, for running toward me, Your wayward child, and offering me the life of a royal child and gifts I don’t deserve. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a3ef29634 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/25-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Running Father +startDate: 08/25/2025 +endDate: 08/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/26-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/26-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..746e510513 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/26-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Perfection Isn't Enough +date: 08/26/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> Now the elder son was out on the farm; and on his way back, as he approached the house, he heard music and dancing. . . . But he was angry and refused to go in. Luke 15:25-28, NEB. + +Did you know that the point of the prodigal son story is not about the prodigal? + +The Jewish leaders didn’t like the tax gatherers and other bad characters crowding in to listen to Jesus, so they criticized, “This fellow . . . welcomes sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:2, NEB). Jesus answered by telling three stories: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. By portraying the anger and resentment in the elder son’s heart toward his prodigal brother, Jesus revealed the thoughts of the critical Jewish leaders. + +You remember the story. As the older son nears home at the end of the day, he hears the merriment and laughter. It surprises him—after all, being a good son is serious business! He asks a servant what’s going on. When he learns about the return and welcome of his younger brother, the writer Luke says he was angry. Furious might be a better word. He must have made his displeasure plain, because the servant goes to tell the father about the problem. + +When his father comes out to plead with him to join the party, all the older brother’s jealousy and resentment spills over: “You know how I have slaved for you all these years; I never once disobeyed your orders; and you never gave me so much as a kid, for a feast with my friends. But now that this son of yours turns up, after running through your money with his women, you kill the fatted calf for him” (verses 29, 30, NEB). Notice, it’s not “my brother” but “your son” who has returned. + +The older son’s righteous deeds are the most important thing in his life—more important than his relationship to his brother or his father. He is addicted to his righteousness—an obsession called “religious addiction.” He is the victim of compulsions about righteous behavior to earn God’s acceptance, of trying to feel good about self, but unable to achieve joy and peacefulness. In the search for perfection the religious addict tries harder, fails, tries even harder, still fails—and inside the polished exterior shell the rage builds. Then a crisis comes, the person lashes out verbally or physically, and the true addiction stands revealed. + +> +> In a way all the addictions of these two sons represent all of us. Some of us cling to unhealthful habits, and others frantically hold on to righteousness above relationships. Which addict is more typical of you, and why? How can you avoid becoming an addict? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae2126b188 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/26-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Perfection Isn't Enough +startDate: 08/26/2025 +endDate: 08/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/27-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/27-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..feeb35bb82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/27-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Waiting on the Back Porch +date: 08/27/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> "My boy," said the father, "you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. How could we help celebrating this happy day? Your brother here was dead and has come back to life, was lost and is found." Luke 15:31, 32, NEB. + +Have you ever felt like the elder son in the story of the prodigal son? Perhaps you have upheld the moral standards of our church; been consistently strict with your diet; abstained from harmful drugs; stayed by while others sowed their wild oats. Isn't that important to God? Isn't He pleased with your righteousness? Shouldn't the prodigals in the world have to prove they have really repented and reformed? Why should there be celebration when they deserve censure? + +To the older son it just didn't seem right to celebrate over someone who had wasted his life on wine and women. Jealousy makes a person lash out, or pout. And in this story the older son pouted. He walked away and refused to participate. + +But the point of the story is this: God never gives up on any of us. He loves the proud Pharisee and the hopeless publican. Both are His children. God loves both unconditionally—while they are yet sinners. He wants both "inside" the family of God. + +So the story tells how the father tried to reason lovingly with his angry older son. "My boy," he began gently. He assured the older brother that "everything I have is yours." + +Yes, there are rewards for conscientious religious efforts. Those who stay in the church have the blessings that accompany obedience to God's laws. Living in harmony with the laws governing His universe does bring us positive consequences: health, intact homes, serenity. But it doesn't earn God's love. + +The father continued as persuasively as he could: "But how can we help celebrating this happy day? Your brother who was dead has come back to life." And the story ends. + +Interestingly enough, this seems to be the only parable that Jesus did not finish. The father is left standing on the back porch, appealing to the proud but empty-hearted "righteous" son to come inside and join the family. He longs for both kinds of sinners to acknowledge their complete dependence on Him and accept His loving lordship. As you stand there, what will your answer be? + +> +> Father, forgive me for my self-righteous attitudes. + +Help me to see the wayward sinner as my brother, not my competitor, and rejoice at each homecoming. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27dee5620f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/27-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Waiting on the Back Porch +startDate: 08/27/2025 +endDate: 08/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/28-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/28-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d504687f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/28-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Garden of Your Mind +date: 08/28/2025 +--- + +_Dawna Sawatzky_ + +>

+> A man will always reap just the kind of crop he sows! If he sows to please his own wrong desires, . . . he will surely reap a harvest of spiritual decay and death; but if he plants the good things of the Spirit, he will reap the everlasting life which the Holy Spirit gives him. Gal. 6:7, 8, TLB. + +A young bride-to-be carefully selected flower seeds in just the right colors for her summer wedding in her family's yard. She drew up a plan and left it with her mother. + +Spring sunshine warmed the soil. The rains left it moist and perfect for tilling. Weeds were already thriving, but after considerable nagging from her overworked mom, her dad finally set aside one morning for seed planting. After a night of too much worry and too little sleep he hastily did the job, quickly checked the automatic watering systems, and considered his duty done. + +Nature has laws of germination and growth. Seeds bear genetic traits and reproduce after their kind. Garden plants develop and grow silently, continuously, and imperceptibly in an environment with adequate sunshine, water, and nutrients. Weeds do the same. Both yield their flowers, fruits, and seeds. And so it was with the family garden. No one paid much attention as it grew. + +Shortly before the wedding the bride returned home. To her distress, she found almost as many weeds as flowers growing. The yard was a hodgepodge of plants and colors, nothing like her plan. Her parents had been too busy to care. She felt disappointed and unloved. + +So it is with the garden of the mind. It too follows laws of nature and produces according to the care given. The quality of the yield and resulting harvest is the character we develop by our personal choices. + +"By the laws of God in nature, effect follows cause with unvarying certainty. The reaping testifies to the sowing. . . . On the unfaithful husbandman the harvest passes sentence of condemnation. And in the highest sense this is true also in the spiritual realm" (Education, p. 108). + +Have you looked at the garden of your mind recently? What's growing in it? Weeds of intemperance, thorns of conflict, and briars of immorality? Or are you carefully tending your garden and enjoying a rich harvest of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (see Gal. 5:22, 23)? + +> +> Lord, help me to plant the good things of the Spirit, and weed out harmful tendencies and bad habits that will destroy the possibility of enjoying a rich harvest later in life. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8cfda1776 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/28-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Garden of Your Mind +startDate: 08/28/2025 +endDate: 08/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/29-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/29-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2eeedf933 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/29-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: The Best Medicine +date: 08/29/2025 +--- + +_John H. Ryan_ + +>

+> Woe to you, O land whose king was a servant and whose princes feast in the morning. Blessed are you, O land . . . whose princes eat at a proper time—for strength and not for drunkenness. Eccl. 10:16, 17, NIV. + +Early one morning I received an urgent telephone call from my physician telling me to report as quickly as possible to a designated hospital. An electrocardiogram taken a week earlier had shown some form of heart irregularity. + +Lying in anxiety in the cardiac-care unit, I observed on the monitor the effect that my slightest body motion had on my pulse rate and blood pressure. The psalmist's declaration that we are fearfully and wonderfully made came instantly to mind. + +After two weeks with no clearly defined diagnosis the hospital discharged me. Six months later my doctor advised me that esophagitis, a common condition related to my hiatal hernia, was my problem. Hiatal hernias are known to produce symptoms that mimic certain heart ailments, but are not life-threatening. Undoubtedly my stressful managerial position had exacerbated the hernia, causing an acute reaction. + +Thankful for the alert, I resolved to become more actively involved in my personal health. A sedentary lifestyle had increased my weight to 200 pounds. It was time to make some changes. + +For me the advice of the wise teacher and king of Israel in Ecclesiastes 10:16, 17 was the best remedy. "Eat at a proper time—for strength." I wondered how many times had I eaten a meal even when I wasn't hungry because food was there? How many times had I, although full, gone back for another helping? + +I stopped eating a big breakfast before I was hungry, allowing my body ample time to use up stored calories from the day before. Instead I began spending time working in my vegetable garden during the early-morning hours. Only after engaging in such strenuous activity did I have a desire for food. Then I would break my "fast" and eat a healthy meal. + +Within months I lost 20 pounds and stabilized at a normal weight. My hernia became manageable and controllable, with none of the side effects I'd experienced earlier. + +For more than 10 years now I've followed this healthy regimen of eating for strength, and I have no need for the stomach remedies my doctor prescribed. I thank God that His remedies provide the best medicine. + +> +> Take the 10-day challenge: eat for strength and not for appetite, and see if it doesn't make a difference in how you feel. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b42fda6512 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/29-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Best Medicine +startDate: 08/29/2025 +endDate: 08/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/30-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/30-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1f7762e9e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/30-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Morning Manna +date: 08/30/2025 +--- + +_Caris H. Lauda_ + +>

+> Up, for this is the day in which the Lord hath delivered . . . into your hand: is not the Lord gone out before you? Judges 4:14. + +What wonderful words to start this new day. Jesus has already gone before me preparing the way. He knows my travel contacts, problems, cares, joys, and sorrows for this day. And He knows the decisions I must make. I'm not alone, because He's chosen me to be on His team, and I can do all things through Him (Phil. 4:13). + +Morning manna is the way to get a healthy start for your day: "Consecrate yourself to God in the morning, make this your very first work. Let your prayer be, 'Take me, O Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee'" (Steps to Christ, p. 70). + +I've made this my prayer every morning for more years than I care to remember, and I know it works. At the beginning of each new day I surrender my life to Jesus and make plans for that day according to what He impresses me to do. + +Carefully and prayerfully notice what happens when you make it your policy to talk to God before speaking to human beings. "When you rise in the morning, do you feel your helplessness and your need of strength from God? and do you humbly, heartily make known your wants to your heavenly Father? If so, angels mark your prayers, and if these prayers have not gone forth out of feigned lips, when you are in danger of unconsciously doing wrong, . . . your guardian angel will be by your side, prompting you to a better course, choosing your words for you, and influencing your actions" (Testimonies, vol. 3, pp. 363, 364). Isn't that awesome? + +But if you forget your morning manna and try to get through your day on an empty spiritual stomach, notice what happens: "If you offer no prayer for help and strength to resist temptations, you will be sure to go astray; your neglect of duty will be marked in the book of God in heaven, and you will be found wanting in the trying day" (ibid.). + +Have you had your morning manna today? + +> +> The number one habit of successful Christians is to talk to God before talking to fellow humans. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc064dc7a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/30-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Morning Manna +startDate: 08/30/2025 +endDate: 08/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/31-august-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/31-august-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57f67839ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/31-august-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: God Loves to Buy Low and Sell High +date: 08/31/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet. . . . O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Ps. 8:5-9, NIV. + +God's investment policy for people is to buy low and sell high. He loves to pick up bargains and turn them into benefits. The Lord delights in rescuing the downhearted and turning them into dynamic testimonies about what He can do for people. + +His philosophy is "I want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory" (Ps. 50:15, TLB). When you've run out of options and can't help yourself, that's the very time Jesus wants to pick you up. And the result? You have to give all the glory to Him! + +Just look at who Jesus invested in. He took fishermen and turned them into successful evangelists. He took a slave and turned him into the second most powerful man in Egypt. He took a condemned murderer and made him the powerful deliverer of the Jewish nation. He took a prostitute and lifted her to the honor of being named in the lineage of Christ. + +So if you're discouraged today because you feel like a nothing and nobody seems to care, remember, Christ has purchased you, and He is right now in the process of producing someone of incredible value. He does that with all His investments! + +We need to have the same people investment policy ourselves. Too often we ignore the down-and-outer and buy in with our time and attention when a person is riding the crest of success. The very time when people need rescuing, when they're sick, discouraged, and struggling, is often the time we withhold investing. + +Andrew Carnegie, who amassed a fortune in business, once had 43 millionaires working for him, but they didn't start out millionaires. When asked how he did it, he replied, "You develop people the same way you mine for gold. When you mine for gold you must literally move tons of dirt to find a single ounce of gold. However, you do not look for dirt—you look for gold." His philosophy was that no one can become rich without enriching others. + +> +> If Jesus is willing to buy low and develop His investment into a priceless gem, shouldn't we be willing to make the same investment in our fellow humans, and then mine for gold? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a135e618ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/31-august-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Loves to Buy Low and Sell High +startDate: 08/31/2025 +endDate: 08/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2924c617f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/08-august-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: August 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/01-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/01-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a19d9c0a15 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/01-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: God's Ideal for Males and Females +date: 09/01/2025 +--- + +_Alberta Mazat_ + +>

+> So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Gen. 1:27, NIV. + +Male and female he created them.” Have you ever wondered why God chose to introduce into His new, beautiful earth male and female units? True, it was His chosen means of populating our planet. But God could have done that in many different ways. He could have spoken inhabitants into existence until He was satisfied that there were enough. + +But how much we would have missed! Father and Son had known the joys of an intimate relationship since the beginning (John 17), and He wanted earthlings to know a similar joy in several areas of their relationships. So since He chose to make us in His image, He provided for a special relationship between the male part of His image and the female part of His image. It was to be the hallmark of His earthly creation—the gift of the power to create. + +How carefully He went about this Edenic event. Adam’s significant contribution came from his side. Eve was dependent on him for that. He was dependent upon her for the continuance of life from his seed. Complete interdependence. + +Adam slept during this first surgical procedure, not because God was not a painless surgeon, but more likely so that the first man could never be tempted to employ the argument “I was there. I witnessed your origin.” To do so would not have been fair! + +Then God said four significant things to both of them together. He blessed them equally; He told them to be fruitful and multiply, for which both were equally essential; He told them to subdue the earth, involving them both in implementing submission over it; and He enjoined them to have dominion over His nonhuman creation—in effect, to be comanagers. No wonder Ellen White can assure us that Eve and Adam were equal at Creation (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 46). + +How thankful we can be to God for His ideal plan, which brought male and female together in a relationship of oneness, side by side and equals in perfect harmony. + +> +> O Creator-God, may I show my spouse the respect and admiration of a side-by-side, egalitarian, Edenic relationship, God’s original purpose for male and female. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af694c515c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/01-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Ideal for Males and Females +startDate: 09/01/2025 +endDate: 09/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/02-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/02-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93fc7a4357 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/02-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Nurturing Relationships +date: 09/02/2025 +--- + +_Ted Hamilton_ + +>

+> A friend loves at all times. Prov. 17:17, NIV. + +I was straightening my desk today when I came across a birthday card that I received two months ago. The front of the card pictures a small animal with a quizzical expression on its face, saying, “Happy Birthday. Even with your ageless good looks, brains, and talent, you still manage to be a regular person!” Inside the card, the punch line reads “I guess you eat a lot of fiber.” + +I enjoyed the experience of reading this card again several weeks after I had initially received it, partly because of the “fiber” line, but more because of the friendship it expressed. The birthday card was from my sister, Becky. She never forgets my birthday. Nor my brother’s, nor those of our parents, of our spouses and children, or of countless cousins, aunts and uncles, in-laws, outlaws, casual acquaintances, and total strangers. + +Becky loves people, and she lets them know it. She keeps a calendar, regularly updated, that contains vital statistics regarding the significant people in her life. Not just birthdays, but anniversaries, graduations, first tooth, first step, first date . . . she has recorded all the times and circumstances. + +And whenever possible, she’s there. Weddings, funerals, reunions, holidays, and homecomings, she’s part of the action—preparing, organizing, cooking, decorating, photographing, loving. + +If she happens to be traveling within 100 miles or so, we can count on a visit. It’s like the arrival of the Pony Express. Because she initiates communication, people reciprocate, and Becky has all the news. + +My brother sells industrial adhesives. Companies use his products primarily in labeling and packaging to provide a reliable seal for wrappers and containers. Bob’s glue ensures product freshness and protects the integrity of packaged goods. Major manufacturers depend upon Bob and his company to provide quality products and service. + +Becky is the communal adhesive of our family. Her ongoing commitment to communication and participation in the lives of her family and friends contributes to the freshness of our experience and supports the integrity of our relationships. We depend upon her to help us maintain the quality and richness of our lives together. + +> +> Nurturing relationships produce health and happiness. How can you be like Becky today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..964f38b5f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/02-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Nurturing Relationships +startDate: 09/02/2025 +endDate: 09/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/03-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/03-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b13ea34bb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/03-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Tap Into God's Water Supply +date: 09/03/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Newball_ + +>

+> For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. Isa. 44:3, NIV. + +It all started when mountaineering teams from several nations sought to be the first to conquer Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. The elite Swiss team, considered by many to be the best, made the first attempt, but failed. + +A year later, in 1953, the British decided to try. As they carefully studied the records of the Swiss expedition, they made an interesting discovery. The Swiss team members drank less than two glasses of water each day. Could that be the reason for their failure? Consequently, the British climbers ordered extra snow-melting equipment. The men drank 12 glasses of water a day, and they reached the top! + +Most people underestimate the amount of water they lose while active. Some athletes lose up to five quarts. If you don't replace this lost fluid, not only do you feel severe fatigue, but you lose essential salts as well. If you wait until you feel thirsty, that's too late. Your body is already suffering from dehydration and symptoms of exhaustion. + +Water is nature's energy source on tap. It can help you get your house painted or your lawn mowed. The vital fluid gives you energy to finish that marathon you never thought you could run, or climb a mountain peak! + +But water can do more than that. Have you ever visited Palm Springs? On one lot you'll see nothing but sand and desert brush, and right next to it grow lush green grass, shady palms, and flowers of every variety. What makes the difference? Water. + +God's Spirit is a lot like water. When it comes into people the change is dramatic. Energy, motivations, and talents blossom into life. People now have power to say no to habits that have held them captive for years. They have strength to conquer mountains of guilt and confusion that had seemed hopeless. But just as a few days without water turns the garden into a desert, so it is with us. So for best results, drink freely of God's Spirit throughout the day. + +> +> Drink eight glasses of water today, even if you don't feel like it.The results will far outweigh your efforts. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4a2d707dc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/03-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Tap Into God's Water Supply +startDate: 09/03/2025 +endDate: 09/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/04-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/04-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d25c0224b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/04-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Two Sets of FEARS +date: 09/04/2025 +--- + +_Benjamin Lau_ + +>

+> For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7, NKJV. + +Seven-year-old Laurie, clinging to her mother's arm, eyed her pediatrician like a scared rabbit. Mother had brought her to see the doctor because she had been vomiting for the past four weeks. It had begun the day after Labor Day. The doctor was quick to discover that the day after Labor Day had been the day Laurie had started school for the first time. Thrust into a new situation that filled her with fear, she had developed an anxiety that had sent nerve impulses that tightened her stomach, causing her to vomit. + +Adults also suffer from fear and anxiety, manifested by a variety of feelings. Some of the main ones we can describe by the acronym **FEARS**: **F**rustration, **E**nvy, **A**nger, **R**esentment, and **S**adness. These negative feelings cause changes in various organs in our body. They influence the amount of blood that flows to an organ. When we are embarrassed, for example, our face and neck turn red. As too much blood rushes to the head, headache may result. + +Stress affects the heart. Repressed hostility has been associated with heart attacks. Also, stress can elevate the level of adrenal hormones—epinephrine and corticosteroid—which can raise the blood pressure as well as suppress the immune system. In addition, stress affects the muscles, causing neck tension and back pain, and the gastrointestinal and nervous systems as well. + +To overcome stress we can use the same acronym, **FEARS**. F is for **F**aith in God—we need to trust God, who knows all our troubles. **E**xercise, both physical and spiritual, is crucial. We need **A**cceptance of ourselves and others. "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another" (Rom. 12:10). R stands for **R**est—not only physical rest but also the rest Jesus is so willing to give us (Matt. 11:28). S is for **S**inging. When your spirit is low, take a short walk and sing a chorus such as "Jesus, loving Jesus, sweetest name I know, fills my ev'ry longing, keeps me singing as I go." We need not fear when we have Jesus. + +> +> What FEARS do you have? The first set: Frustration, Envy, Anger, Resentment, and Sadness; or the second set: Faith, Exercise, Acceptance, Rest, and Singing? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da9e89c979 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/04-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Two Sets of FEARS +startDate: 09/04/2025 +endDate: 09/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/05-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/05-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22ab7b1782 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/05-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: An Unbeatable Combination +date: 09/05/2025 +--- + +_Richard A. Schaefer_ + +>

+> As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. Ps. 18:30, NIV. + +On September 5, 1866, the first Seventh-day Adventist health-care facility, the Western Health Reform Institute (later Battle Creek Sanitarium), opened to the public. + +On September 5, 1966, the president of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson, and the president of the American Medical Association, Charles L. Hudson, M.D., met in Battle Creek, Michigan. There they participated in the centennial celebration commemorating 100 years of Seventh-day Adventist medical emphasis. On that day Hudson delivered a speech entitled "Medicine and Religion, an Unbeatable Combination." + +Ironically, it had been this same combination of medicine and religion that had nearly prevented the founding of the denominationally operated medical school. The school's leaders had been told that the American Medical Association was not prepared to recognize a church-operated school of medicine. Yet those struggling to establish the school found in Scripture those general counsels, and in the messages given through Ellen White those timely and specific counsels that gave them the faith to overcome every obstacle. George I. Butler, longtime president of the church, attributed the success of the church and its medical program to following these instructions. He wrote: "We have found in a long, varied, and in some instances, sad experience the value of their counsel. When we have heeded them, we have prospered; when we have slighted them, we have suffered a great loss" (Review and Herald, Aug. 14, 1883). + +Ellen White herself, speaking of the results of following God's counsels, said, "In reviewing our past history, . . . I can say, Praise God! As I see what the Lord has wrought, I am filled with astonishment, and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history" (Life Sketches, p. 196). + +As we continue the health program we must remember George Butler's words: "When we have heeded [God's instructions], we have prospered. When we have slighted them, we have suffered a great loss." + +> +> Lord, help me never to forget the way You have led me in the past. Thank You. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cca1b522f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/05-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: An Unbeatable Combination +startDate: 09/05/2025 +endDate: 09/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/06-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/06-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14a6072274 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/06-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Growing Closer to Heaven +date: 09/06/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Ps. 90:12, NIV. + +The summer is waning. Our garden has passed its peak, and I caught the first rustle of fallen brown, crisp leaves blown across the walk the other day. Today on my way to town I got stopped behind a school bus. How quickly seasons come and go. + +But God has a time and purpose for everything, and although many fear the aging process, I like the words of Tryon Edwards: "Age does not depend upon years, but upon temperament and health. . . . Some men are born old, and some never grow so." + +When I look in the mirror, I'm shocked with the person I'm becoming on the outside: the touch of gray, the sagging chin, a few more age spots, and deepened laugh lines. Inside I'm 25, looking forward to children, raising a family, and pursuing a career; or I'm 35, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of getting kids off to where they need to be and back home again; or maybe I'm 45, with a houseful of teenagers who are eagerly anticipating emancipation as much as I am. But 55 and beyond—is that really me? + +So I find myself pondering, as did King Solomon, What is the meaning of life? I know "there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die" (Eccl. 3:1, 2, NIV). But more important, how shall I live my life so that I can have the heart of wisdom that Solomon's father talks about? + +Jean-Paul Richter's words bring insight: "Like a morning dream, life becomes more and more bright the longer we live, and the reason of everything appears more clear. As winter strips the leaves from around us, so that we may see the distant regions they formerly concealed, so old age takes away our enjoyments, only to enlarge the prospect of the coming eternity." + +And E. H. Chapin's thoughts give hope. "An aged Christian, with the snow of time upon his head, may remind us that those points of earth are whitest which are nearest to heaven." + +> +> Look forward to each new day, not as a sign of growing older, but for the incredible potential of growing closer to heaven and the person, Jesus Christ, who makes heaven possible. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b984246566 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/06-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Growing Closer to Heaven +startDate: 09/06/2025 +endDate: 09/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/07-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/07-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..63db2f539d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/07-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Class Reunion: Looking Good and Feeling Great" +date: 09/07/2025 +--- + +_Vivian Raitz_ + +>

+> After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thess. 4:17, NIV. + +My fortieth college class reunion was coming up in two months. "I would love to lose at least 15 pounds, but I can't seem to. My weight set point has gone from 120 up to 130, and I even weigh 134 now. That's the heaviest I've ever been except when I was pregnant," I told my physician-husband. + +I'm a health educator, so I'd been going faithfully to a local track and jogging. I thought I was watching what I ate on my semi-vegetarian diet and allowed myself dessert only on Saturdays. But as hard as I tried, my weight would not drop below 130. Then I heard a health lecturer talk about a very low-fat, starch-based total vegetarian diet that included fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas, and lentils. + +"Substantial changes bring substantial results," he said. Well, I was motivated! I prayed for God's help with my sugar addiction and stopped eating desserts entirely, except for fruit. I joined a health club, began walking vigorously two miles three or four times a week, and cut back on dietary fat. + +Wonder of wonders! I couldn't believe the bathroom scale. One to three pounds a week started dropping off. I could start wearing clothes on the "too small" pile in the attic. As I lost the 15 pounds, my borderline cholesterol came down 25 percent within a month, my resting heart rate reduced to the 60s, and my energy level was high. + +The class reunion was great fun, but best of all, I'm still on the new lifestyle. My weight stays down as long as I continue to eat this way and to exercise. I still have to keep a close eye on my hereditary cholesterol problem, so I can't get lazy about the exercise. + +There's nothing like going to a class reunion looking good and feeling great! I'm looking forward to another "class reunion." That's when Jesus calls all His "students" home to live with Him forever. Since He made me what I am, I want to make sure when He sees me that I'm looking good and feeling great! + +> +> Are you looking good and feeling great spiritually? There's always room for improvement. Follow God's biblically based program and live abundantly. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09c7d9912e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/07-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Class Reunion: Looking Good and Feeling Great" +startDate: 09/07/2025 +endDate: 09/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/08-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/08-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ff30b8577c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/08-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Recovery Time +date: 09/08/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deut. 1:21, NIV. + +I've read that the true measure of the condition of a runner is not how high his or her pulse gets while running, but rather how long it takes for the pulse to lower once the runner stops. This is called recovery time. In other words, runners should check their pulse immediately at the end of a run, then again after two minutes' rest. If the beats per minute drop 40 beats or more, it indicates that the runner is in excellent cardiovascular shape. + +So, for example, if my heart rate measures 180 beats per minute at the end of my run, it should drop to 140 after two minutes' rest. A lengthy recovery time would indicate poor cardiovascular shape. Thus if my heart rate continued to race even after several minutes of rest, I should be concerned that I'm out of shape. + +It seems to me that we can measure other qualities in life similarly. Most people will, from time to time, push themselves to their limits in their work, in commitments at church, in hobbies, interests, and activities, just as runners can push their heart rates to the max. At times they may even exceed their limits, overextend themselves, promise more than they can deliver, and disappoint both themselves and others. + +But the measure of a person is not necessarily how far they can reach, how hard they can try, or even how often they succeed, but rather how well they recover when they fail. It has been said that in this life almost everyone will stumble and fall on the road to their goals. Occasional setbacks are inevitable. The quitters are the ones who don't get up and try again. Overcome at the first discouragement, they simply don't recover. The real winners in life, like the experienced runner, have a quick "recovery time." They get right up when they meet adversity, assess the cause for their roadblock, formulate a new plan, and press forward. + +So learn to overcome those everyday discouragements and develop a healthy recovery time. + +> +> In what areas do you need to shorten your recovery time? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23affb87a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/08-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Recovery Time +startDate: 09/08/2025 +endDate: 09/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d720d1007 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Wonders of Water +date: 09/09/2025 +--- + +_Dona Daniel_ + +>

+> You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it. Ps. 65:9, NIV. + +Thousands of years ago God put into operation the finest water recycling program the world has ever known. I am in awe when I think that the water I drink or use was not long ago in the ocean, then drawn up into the clouds, where it was purified. Winds blow the clouds across the land to deposit their life-giving load in the mountains, where it flows down to the rivers and into the ground for our use. When I have used it, it is carried again into the rivers and back to the ocean to be recycled. What a fantastic imagination God has! + +How much enjoyment and usefulness we get from water. Not only does God's water provide us with an abundant harvest, but water provides great opportunities for recreation. From playing in the snow and ice skating, to swimming or watching children play in the puddles left by the last rain; from watching moon jellies in the sea aquarium and birds in a birdbath, to drinking pink lemonade and eating watermelon, water plays an important part in our daily lives. + +Plus, there is nothing like the wonderful feeling of a cold shower after hot, sweaty yard work, or relaxing in a warm bubbly bath on a cold evening. + +But water is also essential for the inside of me. Not a cell in my body could exist without water. I can't even blink my eye without water! Water helps me digest my food and carries waste products and toxins from my body—especially important when I am sick. It helps to make good blood, which in turn flows to all parts of my body, including my brain. + +I am reminded that the work of the Holy Spirit is very much like that of water. He cleanses us from spiritual impurities and fills us with the pure Living Water. My prayer is "Lord, flood me with Your Living Water; wash me inside and out. Make me a pure vessel for You." I hope that's your prayer too! + +> +> How should you plan your day in order to drink as much of the Living Water as possible? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5309d0ab4f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/09-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Wonders of Water +startDate: 09/09/2025 +endDate: 09/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/10-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/10-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29cc6d591c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/10-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: Stop and Smell the Roses +date: 09/10/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Hadaway_ + +>

+> Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:9, 10, NIV + +As a working mother of two young girls, my busiest, most stressful time of the day is not during office hours, but between 6:00 and 8:00 a.m., when I'm trying to bathe, dress, feed, and transport all of us to where we need to be on time. + +One day Diana, my eldest, reminded me of one of life's simple lessons. Diana has cerebral palsy and is mentally disabled. Although she was 8 years old at the time, she functioned more as a 3- or 4-year-old. + +After dropping my youngest at school, I was already running five minutes late as I whizzed Diana to her baby-sitter. I was hurrying up the sidewalk when Diana stopped and said in her singsong voice, "Mom, do you hear that?" Still trying to prod her along, I said, "What is it? I don't hear anything. Come on, come on, let's go!" She wasn't budging just yet. + +"The birdies. Don't you hear the birdies, Mommy? Where are they?" + +Realizing I wouldn't get her moving unless I showed her where the birds were singing, I pointed them out to her in a nearby tree. I grabbed her wrist again to hurry her along, but she continued her leisurely stroll. She turned to the array of spring flowers blooming along the baby-sitter's front walk. "Which flower do you like best, Mom?" + +With a sigh I gave up trying to make a quick exit. Finally, realizing the innocence with which Diana was enjoying the morning (oblivious to my need for speed), I answered, "I like the purple ones best. Which ones do you like?" + +"I like the yellow ones and the pink ones and the white ones and the orange ones . . ." +She continued listing colors through the rainbow. Finally we made it up the walk and I got to work about 10 minutes late, but with a much brighter outlook on my day, having been reminded to "stop and smell the roses." + +And what more beautiful rose is there than the life of a child? + +> +> Have you stopped to smell the roses today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c31818089 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/10-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Stop and Smell the Roses +startDate: 09/10/2025 +endDate: 09/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/11-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/11-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08bcc9c6ac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/11-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: Kristi +date: 09/11/2025 +--- + +_David and Carrie Grellmann_ + +>

+> In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (. . . Dorcas), who was always doing good and helping the poor. . . . She became sick and died. . . . Peter . . . prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, "Tabitha, get up." She opened her eyes, and . . . sat up. Acts 9:36-40, NIV + +Our daughter Kristi died September 11, 1994. She was only 4½. The battle for her life started two years before when we discovered a firmness in the right side of her abdomen. Kristi had a neuroblastoma, and it was growing fast. Only three out of 100,000 children get this tumor. Highly malignant, it had spread to the bone. She had a one-in-three chance of survival. And for that chance her treatment would have to be severe: six months of chemotherapy, then radiation followed by a bone marrow transplant. The agonizing treatment would leave its marks on her body for life, but we had to try. + +We celebrated the one-year posttransplant milestone, then a couple weeks later Kristi's fouth birthday. Life was good again. Kristi was going to make it. Then 17 months out from the transplant the tumor was back, and our brave little girl began to lose her hold on life. Kristi was hospitalized and chemotherapy begun. But unlike the first six months of chemo, which she tolerated well, this time it knocked her down hard. By the fifth and last day she couldn't even hold her head up. And her recovery was much slower and more complicated. Two days out of the hospital Carrie was reading to Kristi about Dorcas and how she had been resurrected. Suddenly Kristi became restless, then delirious, and within minutes had stopped breathing. The end came so quickly. But as we've looked back, we marvel at God's timing. Kristi's last thoughts were of the miracle of being raised from the dead. + +Living through Kristi's illness, we learned so much that we'd like to share with others who have a seriously ill child. First, take one day at a time. Share your burdens and needs with close friends who can support you. Consciously create memories you can treasure later. Enjoy what you still have. Don't let anticipated loss spoil your fun now. If the disease is terminal, plan ahead, so when the end comes and you're grieving, you aren't burdened with decision-making. And trust in God. + +> +> Even through sickness, pain, and death, God is in control. Are you willing to make Him the Lord of your life and trust Him with your most valuable possessions—the members of your family? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14e89b5786 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/11-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Kristi +startDate: 09/11/2025 +endDate: 09/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/12-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/12-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d38c335453 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/12-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Put Mercy Before Judgment +date: 09/12/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment! James 2:12, 13, NIV + +Addictions of any kind can disrupt the family and destroy relationships, but one of the toughest to deal with is the sexual addiction of a spouse. Don's story was one of innocently picking up a pornographic magazine, followed by adult movies, sexual fantasies, and finally adultery. Then overcome with guilt, he repented, confessed to his wife, and was willing to do whatever was necessary for recovery. + +What would you do if you were his wife? + +Here's what Sherry says: "I was able to see that Don's sin was not really against me, but against God. I recalled that David in the Bible acknowledged that his sins of murder were not really so much against people as against God [Ps. 51:4]. Once I realized that, the Lord was able to speak to me from Ephesians 4:32 'Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you' [Message]. + +"I knew that Scripture did not require me to remain in my marriage. Therefore, if I stayed with Don, it was because I wanted to, not because anything compelled me to. If I remained with him, I could pursue a high standard—the law of love. + +"The thing that hurt me the most was the pain of the broken trust of a Christian marriage. It led me to become insecure, defensive, and suspicious. + +"But God gently and persistently dealt with me. Exposing my own faults and shortcomings, He kept me humble and dependent on Him. Although I felt utterly crushed and broken, He promised that if I would humble myself under His mighty hand, in time He would lift me up. + +"The Lord also began to build in me an identity rooted in my relationship with Him, not in any human relationship. That security gave me the strength and patience to wait on God to work in Don's life. Although Don had previously put success and recognition before our marriage and children, when the Lord changed his heart I discovered a vibrant love in him that was beyond price." + +> +> When someone hurts you, remember to put mercy before judgment and be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..971fce026c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/12-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Put Mercy Before Judgment +startDate: 09/12/2025 +endDate: 09/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/13-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/13-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89d26c065d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/13-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Rest in Meaningfulness +date: 09/13/2025 +--- + +_Niels-Erik and Demetra Andreasen_ + +>

+> There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Heb. 4:9, 10, NIV. + +Viktor Frankl survived the concentration camps during World War II and wrote a book about it. In it he described our human seach for meaning in terms of the hope we have for a better future. Those inmates who survived were not merely the clever ones, nor the more physically healthy ones, but the ones whose life was filled with meaning. But how can one find meaning in the cruel existence of a labor camp? Only by seeking that meaning in those possibilities held by the future—by hoping. This attitude, a type of stubborn, invincible mental health, kept the inmates alive. + +Our daily life bears no comparison to that of the inmates in the Nazi camps, but the fact remains that those who successfully live even ordinary lives live in hope. + +Sabbath observers have always been aware of this, but not always as fully as they ought. On the Sabbath day we are to look back to remember a week well lived, God's great gift of redemption, and Creation. But the Sabbath also invites us to look forward, since by definition it always arrives at the end of a working week. Thus on a cold Monday morning in the office we can look forward to Sabbath. After a hard day's work, on Tuesday evening we know that Sabbath is coming. By Wednesday we are rather tired, but fortunately the Sabbath is nearer. As Thursday comes around, we are already preparing for Sabbath, And when Friday arrives, Sabbath is knocking on our door. We open that door simply by stopping our work, and there Sabbath is in our midst. So simple, so profound. Work is finished, tiredness is forgotten, new vistas open to our mind, heart, and body. + +Almost no amount of work pressure and stress can overcome the person who finds meaning in life. That meaning comes from hope of better times when work will be complete, stress will subside, and tense relationships will be rebuilt. The Sabbath holds out hope for such meaning in life each week, until it has so changed us that we become people of hope all life long. + +> +> Are you a person of hope? What can you do on Sabbath to bring more meaning to your life and strengthen your hope? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ef41ea7285 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/13-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Rest in Meaningfulness +startDate: 09/13/2025 +endDate: 09/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/14-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/14-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b8b621206 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/14-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Straight Ahead +date: 09/14/2025 +--- + +_William C. Conn Arnold_ + +>

+> Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Ps 37:3, 4, NIV. + +Retirement. As we traveled from Washington, D.C., to Nashville, Tennessee, I frequently said it loudly: "We are going home." After all those years of travel, preaching, and administration, we wondered what lay ahead. We had visions of rose beds, tomato vines, house beautiful, and vacations dancing in our heads. + +Dot and I arrived at our new home on Wednesday, August 14, 1991. Days of excitement followed: boxes to unpack, flowers to plant, people to see, and even a visit to the physician for my annual physical checkup. The doctor found no problems—in fact, he was surprised that I was so healthy. + +"Keep this up and you'll reach 120," he smiled. + +Would anyone be surprised at the doctor's report? After all, I exercised daily, watched my diet, and lived a positive lifestyle. I was always happy. At the General Conference I was heavily involved in a fitness program. In fact, I was known as "Mr. Healthy." + +But a big surprise was in store for us. Exactly six weeks later I was recovering from quadruple bypass surgery on my heart. Shock. Impossible. Heredity compounded by stress, the doctor told us. + +Recovery was hard for me, partially because I was afraid and partially because I couldn't believe this was happening to me. During those long hours I quoted God's promises. My favorite was Psalm 37. + +Little did I know that this was to be the first of five surgeries that would come within two and a half years, including prostate cancer and a gangrenous gallbladder. + +Yes, at times I rebelled, but never did my faith fail me. I always knew God loved me and suffered with me. + +Today I'm involved in speaking appointments, active in our local church, exercising, and yes, tending the roses. I have greater respect for the laws of health and encourage others to follow them. I sincerely receive each day as a precious gift from God in which I am to bless others as I glorify my Saviour. + +Going home has a deeper, richer meaning to me now. And "Straight Ahead" is still my motto and theme. + +> +> "Think of Christ. Look to Him in faith, believing His promises. Keep your mind trustful. He will be your stay. Lean on Him, depend on Him. . . . Put your trust in One whose arm will never fail you. . . . But looking to Jesus you will find encouragement" (Selected Messages , book 2, p. 265). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..559c19d8fa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/14-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Straight Ahead +startDate: 09/14/2025 +endDate: 09/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/15-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/15-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccd46a821e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/15-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Opening the Floodgates of Heaven +date: 09/15/2025 +--- + +_Jeffrey K. Wilson_ + +>

+> Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. . . . Test me, . . . and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. Mal. 3:10, NIV. + +God has laid Himself on the line to bless abundantly His children who are faithful first in giving the 10 percent of profits that already belong to Him, and second in giving generous offerings to His cause from the remaining 90 percent. + +Instead of putting their trust in God, however, most people choose to put their trust in their mortgage holder, the bank or savings and loan, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. + +Every year tax information researchers total the itemized deductions on Internal Revenue Service data from tax returns. The amounts people reported in itemized deductions during a recent year were very revealing. On average deductions based on adjusted gross income, taxpayers claimed four times more in mortgage or home equity interest paid than they did in charitable gifts! That means for every dollar placed in a offering plate, the average citizen paid out $4 in interest. + +The amount people give is also revealing. Those earning $30,000 a year gave approximately 4 percent to charity. In other words, less than half a tithe—less than half of what already belongs to God. Do they think their friendly loan company will open generously the windows of heaven for borrowers, as God has promised to do? + +The temptation to plunge into debt is greater today than ever. The result is a shaky pyramid of debt driven by discontentment with one's current income. And little if anything available for God. + +Debt seldom brings a sense of well-being. Instead, it's associated with stress-related illnesses, such as ulcers, high blood pressure, and depression. + +The solution to the stress problem is to trust in the Lord rather than money. "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more importnat than food, and the body more important the clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? . . . But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well: (Matt. 6:25-33, NIV). + +> +> Are you giving an honest tithe and generous offerings? If so, pray that God will make it clear to you that His floodgates of blessing are open for you. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c27fac5b5a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/15-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Opening the Floodgates of Heaven +startDate: 09/15/2025 +endDate: 09/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/16-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/16-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c81fc827f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/16-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Are You Living Drug-Free? +date: 09/16/2025 +--- + +_Aileen Ludington_ + +>

+> If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed, John 8:36, NIV. + +Do you boast that you're drug-free? Careful! Nine out of 10 North Americans take a mind-altering drug daily. And you may be one of them. + +The culprit? Everyday, ordinary, over-the-counter caffeine. It's found in coffe, tea, chocolate, sodas, and extra-strength pain relievers, just to name a few of the common things we enjoy. + +But caffeine isn't addictive, is it? Look in your dictionary, and you'll find that an addictive substance is one that produces measurable physical and mental effects when withdrawn. In this sense, even small doses of caffeine taken regularly produce some degree of addiction. + +Check this out for yourself by dropping all caffeine intake for a few days. The most common withdrawal symptom is headache. Fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting sometimes occur. And symptoms may last up to five days. + +Psychological withdrawal may be even harder. People become accustomed to reaching for their pick-me-up. The urge can be compared to the desire for a cigarette, and it may be just as difficult to resist. Too many people head to the refrigerator for a soda spided with caffeine. + +What's wrong with caffeine? It produces temporary increases in energy by stimulating the nervous system and raising blood sugar. While this extra energy seems desirable, it is eventually followed by a drop in energy, signaling the need for another dose of caffeine. Are you sure you want to be drawn into this endless energy yo-yo? + +Continued caffeine use may produce nervousness, tremors, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. In time such symptoms can lead to chronic fatigue and persistent insomnia. Caffeine also aggravates ulcers and other stomach problems. + +Sin is something like caffeine. It often looks so harmless—and tastes so good! And immediately after indulging you feel a high—the pleasurable sense of immediate gratification—before the low when the guilt sets in. Because sin seldom destroys its victim immediately, people get sucked in, and it can easily become a habit. But the good news is that Jesus can free us from sin, just as He can give us the willpower to say no to caffeine. And "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." + +> +> With the Lord's help, throw out the caffeine and join the truly unhooked generation!

+ +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d1e557269 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/16-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Are You Living Drug-Free? +startDate: 09/16/2025 +endDate: 09/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/17-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/17-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..02751dd580 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/17-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Operation Planet Earth +date: 09/17/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:18, 19, NIV. + +I had boarded a ship as a deck passenger leaving Palau, bound for Guam. On our second day out we encountered waters stirred up by a passing typhoon. Perhaps I was too naive to be scared, as hour after nauseating hour I rode the bow of the ship up and down through the crests and troughs of the high seas. One day word leaked out that we had lost radio contact with land. We were lost at sea! + +More recently I was asked to see an AIDS patient to insert a central line for intravenous access. He had destroyed every detectable vein by shooting drugs. As I reviewed the man's history, I felt moved to ask him why he used substances that he knew were so devastating. His reply: "I like them." + +Two stories. Two examples of people "lost at sea." One not knowing the serious state of affairs at hand. The other knowing it but expressing no desire for rescue. + +Lost at sea seems to describe our society today. Many fail to realize that they can have a better way of life, a way offered by a God who created them in love and in love emptied heaven of its most precious possession for their rescue. + +I see Jesus, commander in chief of the armies of heaven, sitting at the right hand of God on the throne in Command Central, directing human affairs through this terrible time of judgment. As the world reaps the harvest of its planting, as its armies complete their work of destroying the earth under the command of Satan, every resource at heaven's command concentrates on rescuing the faithful. Every angel, every agent and power of heaven, awaits assignment from Jesus to deliver us. + +But that's not all. God has extended to us the high honor of joining the powers of heaven, of serving as instruments in God's hand in reaching out to save our fellow human beings. What a privilege! None of us need be lost at sea in any way. + +> +> What part are you playing in helping to rescue those "lost at sea" on Planet Earth? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5607440d64 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/17-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Operation Planet Earth +startDate: 09/17/2025 +endDate: 09/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/18-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/18-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3637239863 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/18-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Tempering Your Temper +date: 09/18/2025 +--- + +_Cliff and Freddie Harris_ + +>

+> [Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Cor. 13:5, NIV. + +Although the conclusion that love "is not easily angered" is the heart of the apostle Paul's analysis of love, we tend to look upon bad temper as a harmless weakness. We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, or merely a matter of temperament, not something to take into serious account in estimating a person's character. Explosions of anger are common, but does its common nature make it acceptable? + +No! The Bible condemns bad temper as one of the most destructive elements in human nature. Just look at Proverbs 27:4: "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous." + +We've seen the destructive effects of anger in the lives of those who come to our live-in drug alternative program. For example, Joe spent three months with us trying to keep clean, but in the end it was not the drugs that killed him—it was his anger. If he didn't get his way, or if something didn't please him, look out! One day he left our program in a huff, caught a bus to Arizona, and had a confrontation with a man in a bar, and the man stabbed him. He bled to death before help could arrive. + +No form of vice, worldliness, greed, or drunkenness does more to degrade society than an evil temper. It embitters life, shatters communities, destroys the most sacred relationships, devastates homes, withers men and women, and takes the bloom off childhood. + +But it is not enough to deal with just the temper itself. We must go to the source and change the inmost nature, and the angry symptoms will simply die away. Souls are made sweet not by taking the acid out but by putting something in—a great love, a new spirit, the spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit penetrating our nature will sweeten and purify us. Only He can eradicate what is wrong by renovating, regenerating, and rehabilitating the inner person. + +Willpower does not change a person. Nor does time. Only Christ does! "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5). + +> +> A good temper will improve your health and make you a better witness for Jesus. Won't you invite Christ into your heart today to heal your temper? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eaaf29d3f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/18-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Tempering Your Temper +startDate: 09/18/2025 +endDate: 09/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/19-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/19-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c859d9bc88 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/19-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: How to Avoid Brainruptcy +date: 09/19/2025 +--- + +_Rise Rafferty_ + +>

+> Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. Isa. 26:3. + +Half the people who live to be 85 years of age have some loss of brain function that results in the confusion and memory loss we often call senility, or the mental illness we label dementia. + +But it's not because they use up the brain. According to psychologist Elden Chalmers, we are born with 100 billion brain cells, and it's virtually impossible to use them all up in a lifetime. The problem results from either neglect (not using the brain enough) or abuse (not eating the right food). + +Paul Giem, of Loma Linda University School of Medicine, analyzed data from the Adventist Health Study that has tracked the diets and diseases of 34,000 Seventh-day Adventists since 1976. He also compared 136 Seventh-day Adventist vegetarians with the same number of meat eaters matched by age and sex. Vegetarians had more than three times less dementia. Plus, none of the vegetarians suffered from stroke-related dementia, whereas five of the meat eaters did. Giem's conclusion? "If you stopped eating meat today, in 10 years you would have half the risk [of dementia] of a heavy meat eater." + +Why does Giem believe this? He says the closest diseases to dementia, pathologically speaking, are all transmissible by eating infected meat! + +Although eating meat may be linked to brain disfunction, hundreds of other things can effect your brain's health as well. But when I read about Paul Giem's study it reminded me again of the warning Ellen White gave almost 100 years ago: "Again and again I have been shown that God is bringing His people back to His original design, that is, not to subsist upon the flesh of dead animals" (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 82). "Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet" (ibid., pp. 380, 381). + +Is now the time? + +> +> Lord, You know the way I should go. May Your Holy Spirit convict me to do what is best for my body and brain. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5777803f3d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/19-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: How to Avoid Brainruptcy +startDate: 09/19/2025 +endDate: 09/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/20-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/20-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b92264bb28 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/20-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: God's Orange Juice and Bread +date: 09/20/2025 +--- + +_Caris H. Lauda_ + +>

+> Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4. + +As I began this new day I first thought of a familiar phrase from a hymn: "Be like Jesus, this my song, in the home and in the throng; be like Jesus all day long! I would be like Jesus." + +And then do you know what? A text from God's Word clearly came to me. Psalm 3:5: "I laid me down and slept; I awakened; for the Lord sustained me." And then I read the words of Jesus recorded in John 10:10: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." + +Talk about "morning manna"! I am still full of that delightful food. If you want to get the most out of your day, you've got to start with the best possible spiritual nutrients. + +A hymn is a great way to begin, but that's only like a glass of orange juice. To really give you a good start, you need the bread of life too. That's why I advocate that you develop the habit of reading what God says before you read what human beings say. The more you read it, the more the Bible will become a part of you. + +Here are some statements about the importance of the Bible: + +- "The Word of God is the most perfect educational book in our world" (Review and Herald, Feb. 25, 1896). +- "The whole Bible is a revelation of the glory of God in Christ. Received, believed, obeyed, it is the great instrumentality in the transformation of character" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 458). +- "The Bible is a field where are concealed heavenly treasures, and they will remain hidden until, by diligent mining, they are discovered and brought to light. The Bible is a casket containing jewels of inestimable value, which should be so presented as to be seen in their intrinsic luster" (Counsels to Parents and Teachers, p. 421). + +I hope you'll find the Bible to be all these things in your life as you start your day with a song and God's Word. + +> +> Have you had God's "orange juice" and "bread" yet today? If not, sing a hymn of praise and read God's Word. It's the healthy way to start your day! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4340749bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/20-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God's Orange Juice and Bread +startDate: 09/20/2025 +endDate: 09/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/21-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/21-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9357593f64 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/21-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Is it Time for New Shoes? +date: 09/21/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin. Ps. 36:2, NIV. + +Cleaning out my closet, I found a pair of high heels I hadn’t worn in 30 years. Groaning as I remembered how my feet used to hurt after wearing those three-inch spikes with pointed toes, I shook my head. How could I have been so vain to wear them just because someone, somewhere, decided that it was fashionable? + +I gave up spikes when the children came along, but I still wore heels. + +Then came the accident that severely dislocated my foot, and I had to spend a number of years in shoes with good support. Why had it taken me so long to discover the comfort of a good-fitting flat-soled shoe? + +Orthopedists and podiatrists say that in flat-heeled shoes 50 percent of your weight falls on your heel. In high heels only 10 percent does, which means that 90 percent falls on your toes. Is it any wonder women so often find themselves plagued with corns and calluses, flat arches, bunions, and ingrown toenails? + +Fashion has a price. And the higher the heel, the more problems. When you stand, the foot is at right angles to the length of the leg, the long axis of the body. Such posture keeps the Achilles tendon in a stretched mode—as it should be. But high heels extend the foot so the Achilles tendon becomes shortened. The ankle is now unable to flex with each step, and in trying to compensate, the arch sags. The result? Fallen arches, flat feet, and more discomfort. + +But that’s not all. High heels force you to arch backward to maintain balance, or you would tend to pitch forward. The bending calls for an increase in the concave curve of the lower portion of the back, the lumbar spine. Your muscles then have to support this unnatural spinal curvature. An aching back often results. + +Sin is something like this. If it’s fashionable—and we’re vain—we’ll do it, even though we know it’s not good for us! The root problem, then, isn’t really the “shoes,” is it? It’s vanity! + +> +> Think about it—are there any unhealthful practices or sins that because of your vanity you are unwilling to give up? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7fb59d9c84 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/21-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Is it Time for New Shoes? +startDate: 09/21/2025 +endDate: 09/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/22-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/22-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1cd435b8f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/22-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Alcohol Dulls the Mind +date: 09/22/2025 +--- + +_Crystal Whitten_ + +>

+> Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Rom. 12:2, NIV. + +Alcohol causes emotional grief, is devoid of nutritive substances, and leads to early deaths. It stands for everything the devil is. Should we wonder, then, that Satan works hard to tempt us with this substance? + +By all definitions alcohol is a drug. Its absorption and distribution in the body follows the same pattern as most other drugs and medications. A dose-response relationship exists between the amount of alcohol consumed and the resulting anxiety and loss of inhibitions. These effects quickly progress to an inability to walk a straight line, impaired reaction time, poor judgment, further lack of coordination, and uninhibited behavior. The overall effect of alcohol is that of a depressant, not a stimulant. In addition to the ethanol content, other substances called congeners found in some alcoholic drinks cause an even worse hangover. + +Are there any health benefits to consuming alcohol? To date, no clinical trials using humans have proved that alcohol consumption at any level is beneficial. Any evidence that it raises HDL (good) cholesterol involves the grape used as a basis for wine, not the alcohol itself. The fact is, alcohol destroys life and health. + +Alcohol consumption is impossible to control. Some may start with alcohol at meals to create a certain ambience. Soon they need it between meals to handle the rough spots in their lives, depending on it to achieve a certain state of mental numbness. It is this condition that Satan hopes to achieve in our fallen race, because it is during this state of mind that he undermines our Christ-centered resolutions. + +> +> Take the challenge and determine to not let anything interfere with the “renewing of your mind” through Christ Jesus. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..adecf74ec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/22-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Alcohol Dulls the Mind +startDate: 09/22/2025 +endDate: 09/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/23-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/23-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d7c669496 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/23-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Facts About Phytochemicals +date: 09/23/2025 +--- + +_Mark and Virginia Messina_ + +>

+> These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things. Ps. 104:27, 28, NIV. + +During the past several decades the relationship between food and disease has become clearer than ever as scientists have studied the impact of dietary habits on the risk for cancer, heart disease, and other life-threatening conditions. + +The knowledge that diet is a powerful way to affect health has spawned an endless array of books and programs that promise “new” secrets to achieving its optimum. Some approaches are expensive; some are not factual; many are confusing. Perhaps most important, though, is that nearly all are superfluous. When all is said and done and all of the data have been analyzed, the truth about how to eat for good health is-not surprisingly-identical to the message that God handed down to His people through the ages in the most authoritative textbook for living—the Holy Bible. + +One of the most interesting examples of God’s great wisdom appears in relation to some exciting findings of the past two decades. Scientists are discovering a whole bevy of powerful compounds in foods called phytochemicals. They have dramatic effects on a host of diseases. Some are powerful inhibitors of cancer and can actually stop cancer cells from growing. Others protect arteries from plaque buildup, and still others prevent bones from breaking down and weakening. Of great importance is the finding that phytochemicals occur only in plant foods. Meat, fish, poultry, milk, and eggs never contain them. + +The discovery of phytochemicals has given rise to the concept of designer foods. They are manufactured foods that science has fortified with phytochemicals isolated from other foods. While these foods may provide health benefits, they tend to be overprocessed, overpackaged, and overpriced. They also may contain only a fraction of the existing phytochemicals, since it is likely that science has yet to discover many of these compounds. + +But while scientists and food manufacturers struggle to provide us with health-promoting designer foods, we need only to look to nature to see that these foods have always existed. God gave us the only designer foods we need when He created grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds (Gen. 1:29, 30; 3:18). + +> +> Lord, help me to remember that Your knowledge and Your guidance in all things are perfect and complete. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c670b139e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/23-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Facts About Phytochemicals +startDate: 09/23/2025 +endDate: 09/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/24-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/24-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25fc831122 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/24-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Solution to the Sin Problem +date: 09/24/2025 +--- + +_Elmar P. Sakala_ + +>

+> If you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Rom 8:13, 14, NIV. + +Sin has a way of bumping us around and squeezing the life out of us. But Jesus has a solution for everything. Just as He solved the problem of how the developing baby could be free to grow within the uterus of a mother, He has a way of dealing with the sin problem. + +But first, take a look at how God protects the developing fetus. Since the walls of the uterus stretch only in response to the growing baby, one would think the baby would always be squeezed so tightly it would be unable to move at all. As you might expect, the all-knowing Creator anticipated this problem and prepared a perfect solution—a solution called amniotic fluid (that's not just a pun!). + +This water bath, warmed to body temperature by the mother's body, continuously surrounds the baby. The fluid itself is enclosed within a special lined sac called the amniotic sac. The watery space inside the amniotic sac allows the baby room to exercise its arms and legs. The fluid acts as a shock absorber to protect the developing person from being bumped or injured. + +The fluid keeps the baby's skin soft and moist throughout the months of life inside its mother's body. Too little or too much amniotic fluid could lead to significant problems for the little swimmer. God has carefully designed that the amount of amniotic fluid will always carefully stay in balance. It is continuously being removed as the baby swallows it, and continuously being replaced in just the right amount as the fetal kidneys produce new fluid. + +Our Creator did not leave anything to chance when it came to our requirements as a developing baby. Nor did He leave anything to chance when it came to our needs as a developing Christian. He knew we would need to be cushioned from the onslaught of sin, so His solution was the Holy Spirit. Being bathed in the Holy Spirit, we can be protected from error, cushioned from overwhelming temptation, comforted when discouraged, and led to the truth in Jesus. What an amazing solution to the sin problem! + +> +> Each morning ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, and you can be born again each day as a son or daughter of God. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..946595bdb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/24-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Solution to the Sin Problem +startDate: 09/24/2025 +endDate: 09/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/25-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/25-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14ff9c389a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/25-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: A Little Laughter +date: 09/25/2025 +--- + +_Caroline Watkins_ + +>

+> Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Eccl. 11:9, NIV. + +Bill and Gloria Gaither have a song that refers to the sound of children at play. Is there anything more refreshing than the laughter of children as they play? + +It's a shame that so many of us lose this joyous "music" as we grow older and get bogged down in our stress-filled lives. We long for fun and fulfillment, for satisfaction in our jobs, and for the positive power of peace. And we end up with distress instead of delight, crisis instead of calm. + +In my search for a stress-free lifestyle, I've followed the example of King David and tried to slow down and get in touch with God through prayer and meditation. + +As the apostle Paul admonished, I had sought to find peace, joy, and contentment. But there was still something missing. I discovered the answer one day when my little nephew, Calvin, began laughing as he played with a plastic toy. Playfully I said "stop," and he laughed louder. It was contagious, and soon both of us were laughing so hard we couldn't talk. + +Later Calvin mumbled under his breath, "I didn't know you could laugh, Aunt Caroline!" + +That hit me! Had my daily life become so completely permeated by the seriousness of just existing that I had forgotten how to laugh? + +Dr. Lee Burke, a specialist in preventative care at Loma Linda University, says, "I think laughter extends life for months, perhaps years. Happiness is good medicine." Burke, whose work is reviewed in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, mentions a dozen scientific studies showing the Bible's advice to be accurate: "A merry heart does good, like medicine" (Prov. 17:22, NKJV). Dr. David Spiegel, of Stanford University School of Medicine, agrees: "It is very possible that happiness is a factor in longevity." + +When we make a conscientious effort to get in touch with God, think positive thoughts, and to be genuinely happy, eventually these traits will become second nature to us. I'm thankful for what I've learned from David and Paul, but I'm most thankful to little Calvin for the music of laughter. + +> +> Today, find something to laugh about. Admire the marvelous things God has created for your enjoyment. Find joy in just being alive. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31c91c7561 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/25-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Little Laughter +startDate: 09/25/2025 +endDate: 09/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/26-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/26-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6819fb17a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/26-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Are You Dying of Thirst? +date: 09/26/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord. Jer. 30:17, NIV. + +When you think of healing, probably the words "medicine," "hospitals," "physical therapy," and "doctor bills" come to mind. But in many cases the cure might be as close as your kitchen faucet—and it's basically free! Yes, I'm talking about water. + +In 1905 Ellen White wrote: "In health and in sickness, pure water is one of Heaven's choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system, and assists nature to resist disease" (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 419). + +But the problem is, most of us aren't drinking it, or at least not enough of it. In fact, your body can be chronically dehydrated and yet you don't realize it because you don't feel thirsty. + +If you do not drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day, give or take a little depending on your height and weight, you are dehydrated! + +Remaining dehydrated for long periods of time introduces many physical ailments that would disappear with an adequate water intake. Your body needs water to prevent your blood from becoming concentrated, which then draws water from the cells around it. When this happens, you feel thirsty, and too many people satisfy this craving by drinking coffee, tea, or soft drinks. But these do not count as water. What your body needs is six to eight glasses of water per day if its various organs are to work efficiently. + +Here's what Michael Peck said about the merits of drinking eight glasses of water a day: "When I first started this program I was overweight, with high blood pressure and suffering from asthma and allergies, which I have had since a small child. Today, I have my weight and blood pressure under control . . . and the program reduced the frequency of asthma and allergy-related problems to the point of practical nonexistence." + +God wants to restore our health to us. Drink freely of the "medicine" He has provided, and see if it doesn't make a difference. + +> +> Don't wait to feel thirsty to drink water for your physical health, and drink God's Word for your spiritual health. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..306fe53ec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/26-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Are You Dying of Thirst? +startDate: 09/26/2025 +endDate: 09/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/27-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/27-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b10b1f7780 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/27-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Sabbath, a Milepost in Time" +date: 09/27/2025 +--- + +_Steven L. Haley_ + +>

+> My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries; my ears have heard the rout of my wicked foes. The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. Ps. 92:11-13, NIV. + +As you stand in the checkout line of a supermarket, they are difficult to avoid. As hard as you try, every now and then you give in and read the tabloid headlines: "Pterodactyls Invade Backyard Barbecue" or "Elvis Alive and Well, Working as a Bellhop in Toledo." + +Stop and consider the incredible popularity of the tabloids. Their appeal lies in their claim of knowing the unknowable. + +No matter what great leaps we've taken for more than five decades in the fields of science, medicine, and technology, our human craving to know more is never satisfied. We probe the universe and beyond, and admit that there are still things to be learned and discovered on our own planet. Scientists theorize and Hollywood dramatizes the unknown, and while we have come to understand much about the present world, two places in time remain a mystery for many—the place of our beginning and the place of our end. "Prehistoric Lizard to Swallow New York in '97" hardly satisfies our need to know! + +King David knew where to look for answers. He found them in the God He worshiped, and in a time and place called Sabbath. To David the momentary prosperity of the wicked meant little before the promised reality that someday the righteous would be rewarded. "My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries. . . . The righteous will flourish like a palm tree." David's peaceful, calm assurance came from a knowledge that he was shaped by the hand of the Creator, and his destiny was nothing less than eternal life in a world made new. + +Every week, despite our tendency to forget, God reminds us that we are His family. We are part of His plan. From generation to generation a milepost in time called "Sabbath" invites us to put aside our fears. To lay down our temptation to rely upon great minds for answers, and instead to believe that God alone determines our destination. + +May this Sabbath bless you with a reality known across the breadth of the cosmos that the past, the present, and most exciting of all, the future belong to Him. And so do you! + +> +> God of the universe, thank You for the Sabbath to remind me weekly of who I am—a person created in Your image—and where I am going—life eternal. Regardless of tabloid headlines that could trouble my mind, I can rest in this assurance. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4ef149361 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/27-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Sabbath, a Milepost in Time" +startDate: 09/27/2025 +endDate: 09/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/28-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/28-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4dbeb7a45 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/28-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Chronologically Advantaged +date: 09/28/2025 +--- + +_Edwin H. Krick_ + +>

+> Being wise is better than being strong; yes, knowledge is more important than strength. Prov. 24:5, TEV. + +Solomon implies in Proverbs 24:5 that becoming a senior citizen has some advantages; that the wisdom of age is more important than the strength of youth. Elsewhere he bemoans the passing of time: "So remember your Creator while you are still young, before those dismal days and years come when you will say, 'I don't enjoy life'" (Eccl. 12:1, TEV). + +Not much has changed in 4,000 years! Many of my older patients see it as did the Solomon of Ecclesiastes 12. "Don't get old, Doc," they would tell me. "It's no fun." I would ask, "When does 'old' begin?" + +How long your cells last is determined in part by your genes, but mainly by the choices you make: how you use your mind and treat your body, which in turn will affect your perception of how old you are. + +In these days of "politically correct" language, words such as "handicapped" have been replaced by such expressions as "physically disadvantaged." It would seem appropriate to call "senior citizens" "chronologically advantaged"! How can you make that a reality? + +When I was in medical school my only physical exercise was limited to summer vacations. My lack of fitness painfully became evident after I descended a mountain peak with a limp lasting several days. Finally I realized that it is important to exercise consistently. Gradually, with regular exercise, my knees have improved to where I can climb mountains with no pain whatsoever. My legs are now "younger" than they were 35 years ago! + +Likewise, your mind must be used to keep it young. My mother, in her mid-80s, reads three hours or more a day and continues to teach a wonderfully inspirational Sabbath school lesson. She has taught me a profound lesson about brainpower: the most important aspect of being "chronologically advantaged" is the opportunity to delve more deeply into the Bible and its messages for us, and to share those insights with family, friends, and neighbors. + +Solomon was right. "Remember your Creator," and the days of your youth may last well into your "chronologically advantaged" years! + +> +> What are you doing to grow "better" as you grow older? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..abb835eaec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/28-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Chronologically Advantaged +startDate: 09/28/2025 +endDate: 09/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/29-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/29-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8abfdea48a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/29-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Healing Power of Forgiveness +date: 09/29/2025 +--- + +_Dan Matthews_ + +>

+> Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us. Matt. 6:12, NEB. + +Sometimes it feels so good to be driving down a long freeway, mind in semineutral, recalling how another person has done us ill. Our mind wanders through scenes in which we publicly humiliate them, proving that they were wrong and we were in the right. As the miles pass we fantasize about friends taking sides with us against the wrongdoer. We might even miss our off-ramp as we finally picture the judgment in heaven confirming our personal verdict! + +Our supposed ability to judge correctly the failings of another makes us satisfied with our own sense of justice and right. Too often we need to nurse a grudge, rehearse a wrong, as a way of feeling OK about ourselves. To build up all kinds of bad feelings about another person, to drain off major energy into dark memories, to ration out little tidbits of forgiveness only when we feel avenged—but what a waste! + +We miss the point of how useless it is to judge other people. Perhaps that is why it is so hard for us to grasp God’s forgiveness. As human beings we have no experiential reference point, no familiar feeling in our own soul, by which we can make sense of a God who forgives. As a result we think that should we forgive someone who has wronged us, it would be as if we were saying that their wrong really didn’t matter. + +Lewis Smedes, in his book Forgive and Forget, suggests that forgiveness is really for us, not for the one who has harmed us. Forgiving cleanses us of all the accusations and built-up animosity we have directed at others. These benefits to us help us sense why God is so eager to make His forgiveness known to us. When we let go of our petty grudges and move on to forgiveness, then we understand that God has indeed forgiven us. + +Real growing has nothing to do with announcing other people’s failures. Rather, it has to do with helping them learn the lessons from their bad choices and then move on. Learn the lesson and move on—that’s all. And that’s all for you, too. + +> +> Are you nursing a grudge? Is there someone you need to forgive? Perhaps you need to forgive yourself. How can you allow the lesson to be learned and move on? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a13ca6f067 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/29-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Healing Power of Forgiveness +startDate: 09/29/2025 +endDate: 09/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/30-september-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/30-september-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c98fd5a55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/30-september-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Holy Spirit Transmissions +date: 09/30/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> So, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert.” Heb. 3:7, 8, NIV. + +God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, making impressions in our brains. Sometimes it is so direct we seem to “hear” the message. At other times it is through a dream, insights, or something we hear or read. + +Since God’s primary vehicle for speaking to us is the brain, it is of vital importance to keep the brain as healthy as possible. + +Have you ever had a bad telephone connection and had trouble catching the message? Once I received an important call, but poor reception cut out or distorted parts of the words. I was eager to make a good impression and hesitant to ask them to call me back, so I immediately concentrated my full attention on what the person was saying. + +Usually when I’m on the phone, my husband can stand beside me, get my attention, and give me a short message, and I have no trouble catching what the caller is saying while at the same time perceiving my husband’s need and nodding or motioning a reply. But with such faulty reception I actually closed my eyes and plugged my other ear to keep out all distraction. When Jan came by, I shook my head vigorously to tell him I couldn’t listen to him at that moment. Because of the faulty reception, I had to concentrate totally to catch the message. + +That’s similar to our reception of the Holy Spirit. There’s never anything wrong with the transmission—the problem is always at our end in the receptor equipment that God has given us the responsibility to maintain: our brains. The better our equipment is functioning, the easier it will be for God to get His message through, even if we aren’t concentrating completely. But if our equipment is functioning at peak capacity as designed, and if we give our entire concentration to the reception, it will lessen the chances of the devil being able to distort God’s message. + +How do we keep the equipment functioning optimally so no distortion creeps in? Our brains depend on what we eat and do. + +How healthy is your brain? + +> +> Think about your brain next time you take a bite of something, and ask, “Is this good brain food?” Remember, God designed our brains to operate on His original diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Junk foods clog the system. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7faca5d27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/30-september-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Holy Spirit Transmissions +startDate: 09/30/2025 +endDate: 09/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4ab1d1439 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/09-september-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: September 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/01-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/01-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fdb0184990 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/01-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Give Your "Maw" to Jesus +date: 10/01/2025 +--- + +_Dane J. Griffin_ + +>

+> "This shall be the priest’s due from . . . them that offer a sacrifice, whether it be ox or sheep; and they shall give unto the priest the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw. Deut. 18:3. + +God intended that the sanctuary ceremonies should teach us about the plan of salvation. Each ceremony and sacrifice had double significance. Not only was it to be a foreshadowing of Christ’s atonement, but it had a personal application of the sacrifice we, God’s people, needed to make if we were to be obedient to God. + +For example, when a Jew brought an ox or a sheep as an offering, the priest would receive certain parts. If the person bringing the sacrifice withheld any part, his or her sacrifice was not acceptable. Specifically, the priest was to receive “the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw.” + +What is the “maw”? It is the stomach. + +The stomach? Why would God want the priest to get the stomach? + +The sacrifice of the animal was symbolic of us sacrificing ourselves to God. Could it be that God specifically mentioned the stomach because it’s the part of our body that we find so hard to control? + +Think about it. The first temptation on earth involved Eve’s stomach—the eating of forbidden fruit. And the first major test in Jesus’ ministry concerned His stomach, when Satan challenged Him to turn the stones into bread. Even today most of us struggle more over physical appetite than any other health-related issue. + +The lesson is clear. When we give ourselves to the Lord, our High Priest, we must also give Him our stomachs. We must surrender our perverted, worldly appetites. If we do not, our sacrifice is unacceptable. + +Paul says in Philippians 3:18, 19: “As I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame” (NIV). + +“Eating has much to do with religion. The spiritual experience is greatly affected by the way in which the stomach is treated” (Counsels on Health, p. 577). + +Have you given the High Priest all that He requires? Are you willing to surrender your “maw” to Him? + +> +> What does it mean to give your stomach to Jesus? What specifically could you do today to show you have given your stomach to Jesus? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1be49667b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/01-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Give Your "Maw" to Jesus +startDate: 10/01/2025 +endDate: 10/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/02-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/02-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..26dcc9fd86 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/02-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: "The Dreaded Word: Alzheimer's" +date: 10/02/2025 +--- + +_Connie Coble Starkey_ + +>

+> Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. Ps. 57:1, NIV. + +Alzheimer’s—the word filled my mind with dread, fear, anger, and a chilling sense of hopelessness. The doctor was compassionate yet direct, knowing that my family needed to confront the reality as quickly as possible. Dad had given indications that things had changed—getting lost driving to familiar places, neglecting to finish a project, giving a puzzled glance when conversation didn’t flow easily—situations that always came effortlessly for him before. The reality was that we were going to lose him, not in an immediate, physical way, but through a slow and sad deterioration of his mind. An odd sense of urgency came over me. I must live every precious moment I could with the man whom I could always find myself in a debate with, and who loved me dearly. + +I questioned God’s role in this. How did He fit into our inescapable tragedy? Where did miracles tie in with what we were facing? Why Dad? Tough questions to grapple with, and answers did not come—at least, not for a while. + +Dad became carefree, happy, and oblivious to the tragedy, while our family began working through the emotions of shock, denial, and grief, then rapidly moved toward a sense of camaraderie and communication. We would have family councils to talk openly about our fears and together discover our talents and abilities to meet those challenges. + +Slowly I began to see God’s hand in our little world. He didn’t cause Alzheimer’s, but He did guide us to Emory University, where Mom and Dad were able to be part of a research team/support group. God didn’t move mountains to cure the illness or restore Dad’s vocabulary, but He did create opportunity for finding creative talents in our family and friends to meet the specific needs. + +Where was God and why did it happen? I don’t have all the answers, but I am at peace knowing that He gave us strength and comfort through the actions of family, friends, and the medical professionals who loved Dad. And really, it won’t be long until Dad and I can debate once again—only this time it will be on things infinitely more fascinating. + +> +> Just as the rainbow follows the rain, smiles follow the pain. If you look for the blessings in the bad things, you’ll find them. Let God be your refuge. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ca774458d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/02-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "The Dreaded Word: Alzheimer's" +startDate: 10/02/2025 +endDate: 10/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/03-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/03-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eee0832eb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/03-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Prayer Makes a Difference +date: 10/03/2025 +--- + +_Delbert W. Baker_ + +>

+> Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16, NIV. + +Prayer does make a difference. During the past decade increasing research has examined the efficacy of prayer in the healing process. For centuries Christians have attested to the power of prayer in the context of healing. But for the scientific community to become interested in it is indeed amazing. + +Larry Dossey, physician and author, in his book Healing Words, corroborates the testimony of Christians on the power of prayer in healing. After graduating from medical school with the belief that prayer was little more than superstition, he confesses that “for many years I’d ignored prayer. I considered it an arbitrary, optional frill that simply was not in the same league as drugs and surgery.” However, after years of practicing medicine Dossey discovered a single scientific study that strongly supported the power of prayer in getting well. He describes how his “white-coated scientific” worldview became unsettled and he started on 10 years of research examining the relationship of prayer and healing. After extensive research Dossey found that the majority of more than 100 experiments “exhibited the criteria of good science” and showed that prayer brings about significant changes. + +What is Dossey’s conclusion? “Prayer complements but does not take the place of good medicine.” He describes how prayer has great potential in the healing realm and may be compatible with modern physics. Dossey views prayer not as something that needs “selling” but as “a neglected area of medical science.” + +One may not agree with all of Dossey’s views or conclusions. Others may argue that Christians don’t need science to back up what they already know. Nevertheless, Dossey’s research focuses attention on the reality of healing from a spiritual perspective. + +Prayer is a means for us to communicate with the God of the universe, who has made us and sustains us. It is through this means that God invites all of us, His creation, to take advantage of His wonderful and effective power. As the apostle James says: “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” + +> +> Is there someone you know who is hurting or ill and needs healing? Your prayers can make a difference. Why not talk to God about it right now? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09a92de142 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/03-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Prayer Makes a Difference +startDate: 10/03/2025 +endDate: 10/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/04-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/04-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..523c9dbec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/04-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: '"Eating" the Bread of Life' +date: 10/04/2025 +--- + +_Kenneth L. Burke_ + +>

+> While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Matt. 26:26, NIV. + +YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” reads the sign on the health food store near my home. Health enthusiasts, taking that slogan to heart, sometimes devise innovative dietary plans to ensure good health. They advocate an “all-natural diet”; an “organic diet”; a “juice diet.” There are many “diets” and many “cures”! But did you know about the highly recommended diet spelled out precisely by Jesus? + +“I am the bread of life,” the record quotes Jesus as saying. “Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead” (John 6:48, 49, NKJV). As though eager for every hearer to understand His words, Jesus returned to the thought again and again: “This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world” (verses 50, 51, NKJV). + +However carefully I monitor my eating habits (and I do attempt to eat a variety of foods, simply prepared), my spiritual ancestors did better. They ate manna. + +And they are all dead. + +What’s more, while on the diet they often lacked the positive emotions conducive to health. + +In contrast, Jesus says that the person who eats His flesh and drinks His blood “lives” in Him and He lives “in them” too. + +And there’s more. “He who eats this bread,” says Jesus, “will live forever” (verse 58, NKJV). + +What a diet! It can be my diet if I take His promise personally: “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matt. 9:13, NKJV). “Come to Me, all you who . . . are heavy laden” (Matt. 11:28, NKJV). “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37, NKJV). + +It’s encouraging to reflect that when we “eat the flesh” in this way, the Father looks at us and sees His Son. To Him we are whole. In this sense, and in His eyes, we are what we eat. + +> +> Invite Jesus to live in you today, and experience renewed energy and efficiency. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9adb69d922 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/04-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: '"Eating" the Bread of Life' +startDate: 10/04/2025 +endDate: 10/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/05-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/05-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5f9889da02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/05-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Precious in His Sight +date: 10/05/2025 +--- + +_Blondel E. Senior_ + +>

+> God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Gen. 1:31, NIV. + +When Nabo came to Advent Home, a residential facility for hurting boys, everyone knew he was different. He spoke in monosyllables and could not carry on a conversation. Having never played before, he was clumsy and uncoordinated on the ball field. His social skills and hygiene were on the level of a 4-year-old, even though he was 16. His peers described him as a gross couch potato. + +His story is a sad one of parental neglect. Both parents were on drugs. When he was 4 his mother left, so his father raised him. When his father went to work he threatened Nabo, telling him not to leave the house or else he would be kidnapped, so Nebo lived on the couch and occupied his time with three things: potato chips, soft drinks, and watching TV and videos. He did not go to school, so his reading skills were at the second-grade level and his math even lower. Nabo was not mentally disabled—just socially and emotionally deprived for too many years. + +In the group home it was difficult for Nabo to adjust to the food. A healthy diet was boring. Not being able to watch television made him restless. He could not focus on his classwork. Idleness and indulgence were his daily companions. His brain needed to be reoriented to responsible living. + +Starved for attention and stimulation, in counseling and group therapy he was like a sponge absorbing everything. Nabo learned fast, even though he had a poor self-image. His academic performance jumped to the eighth-grade level, and his hygiene and social skills improved. In 15 months Nabo grew into a productive and aspiring teenager. Now 18, he will be finishing high school in two years. He has a girlfriend and aims to go on to vocational school. + +I’ve learned that everyone is precious in God’s sight. And irrespective of our backgrounds, God’s healing power is available to all. If you’ve been hurt or neglected in your childhood, ask God to heal you and to help you reach your God-given potential. + +> +> Heavenly Father, help me to realize that in Your eyes I am precious. Please heal my feelings of inferiority, and help me reach the potential You created within me. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..185c18c04f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/05-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Precious in His Sight +startDate: 10/05/2025 +endDate: 10/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/06-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/06-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9571f6ca0f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/06-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Healing the Brokenhearted +date: 10/06/2025 +--- + +_Pat Nordman_ + +>

+> Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matt. 5:4, NKJV. + +The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, . . . He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, . . . to comfort all who mourn, . . . to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” (Isa. 61:1-3, NKJV). If we had none other, this one Bible reference would suffice to tell us that we have a loving God who will light our way through the darkest night. + +1. God will give us beauty for ashes, radiance after the ashes of the volcanic eruptions that overwhelm our lives. It’s well known that the land is renewed after fire blackens fields and forests. Beauty indeed appears after the ashes. Crumbling lava and volcanic ash make the most fertile soil. So God grants us enrichment after we are consumed by a fire that we fear will destroy us. “He lifts [us] from the dust—yes, from a pile of ashes” (1 Sam. 2:8, TLB). +2. God will give us the oil of joy for mourning. Jesus often went to the Mount of Olives to pray. I’ve thought about Jesus’ agony that night being the oil pressed out, to become our oil of joy. The garden experience that night was horrendous: “Who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears . . .” (Heb. 5:7, NKJV). We need not be ashamed of our tears—Jesus wept several times. +3. God will give us the garment of praise for our spirit of heaviness. We are to wrap ourselves in praise. It is will, not feeling. The feeling comes after we have obeyed and praised, in spite of! + +Jesus’ “garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom” (John 19:23, NIV). In His time people indicated great sorrow by tearing their clothes, but His particular garb was left whole. Is this our garment of praise, praise that Jesus comforts and saves us? Come, let us wrap Jesus’ seamless garment around us! + +> +> If you are mourning, Jesus wants to comfort you. Read again the wonderful promise in Isaiah 61:1-3. Write it down and memorize it. He will turn your sorrow into joy! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56681d740b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/06-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Healing the Brokenhearted +startDate: 10/06/2025 +endDate: 10/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/07-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/07-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ff483800fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/07-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Better Than Birds +date: 10/07/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matt. 6:26, NIV. + +I have a friend who helps school kids gain the skills they need to live and grow up in our drug-infested society without becoming dependent on drugs. Much of what she does has to do with building the child’s feelings of personal value. + +The dearth of self-esteem among us is a major contributing factor to destructive lifestyles and inflated medical care costs. In an effort to change the present course of society, a flood of books and theories attempt to promote and develop self-esteem. + +Where does one find self-esteem? Sometimes our youth are encouraged to give themselves pep talks, expounding their own worth. At other times students seek it in scholastic achievement. Many schools use sports in their effort to help the kids. Later, self-esteem comes from a “successful” job or career, or is sought in promotions and bonuses. In the home its absence often shows up as jealousy, sensitivity, or controlling and manipulation. + +Human self-esteem sounds good. The theory is rational. But such esteem has no lasting value, no real benefit to the achiever. Like the grass of the field, it may flourish for a moment, but in the end it often fades into disappointment and despair. + +Jesus’ sermon on the mountainside provides the only real source of self-esteem. It covers all of the bases for meeting our deepest heart longings and personal needs. He says to look at the birds. See the flowers. Study God’s activity in nature and note His love for you there. Check out His providential guidance in your life. Watch for answered prayers. Love your neighbor as yourself. And store up your treasure in heaven (see Matt. 5-7). + +True self-esteem comes from finding your place in the cycle of love that governs all of God’s universe. As we receive the benefits of life, gratefully acknowledge their source, and then add our own unique touch and pass them on in service to others, feelings of value will be a natural by-product. + +> +> If you’d like to boost your feelings of value, read Matthew 5 through 7, write down at least three suggestions Jesus makes that you can put into practice, and then just do them! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4c82e8e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/07-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Kids, Coke, and Caffeine" +startDate: 10/07/2025 +endDate: 10/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/08-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/08-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ec96dbc9c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/08-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: "Kids, Coke, and Caffeine" +date: 10/08/2025 +--- + +_Dick Duerksen_ + +>

+> I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. John 16:33, NIV. + +I spent nearly five years of my life as principal of a Christian boarding high school. About 260 teenagers studied there, each of them testing the boundaries and pushing the edges as they grew through adolescence. + +One of the rules they pushed the hardest was the "Thou shalt not use caffeinated drinks on the buses" rule. The school used buses and vans to take the kids home on vacations and to transport them to the mall, to snow skiing, on band and choir trips, and anywhere else groups of teenagers could devise to go. But "no caffeine on the trips." Since it was one of the rules I inherited from the previous regime, I asked about it in faculty meeting. The response was swift and direct. + +"Caffeine turns these kids into little monsters." + +"They'll tear the bus apart." + +"You'll go crazy if you're the faculty member on the bus." + +Never having heard Coke advertise such responses to its cans of soda, I decided to try an experiment. Who's right, the faculty or the kids? + +I was using the old Greyhound bus and driving the band to Sheridan, Wyoming. On Friday, with a busful of hyper kids eager to get off campus, I enforced the rule. No caffeinated drinks. They argued, but drank 7-Up and acted like normal teenagers all the way to Sheridan. + +Monday, the bus filled with exhausted kids "eager" to get back to school, I offered to bend the rule. The 7-Eleven manager sure sold a lot of Coke that morning. It was a carefully monitored nonscientific study. Their exhaustion turned to energetic hyperactivity, and the kids just about tore the bus apart. I drove onto campus humbled and more willing to trust the judgment of wiser minds. + +A little caffeine does a great job of bringing tired teens awake. It also grants them energy beyond what they are able to control while traveling in confined places. Much caffeine has them bouncing off the walls. + +I wonder, what does caffeine do to their hearts that makes their bodies go bonkers? + +> +> Could I be taking anything into my body or mind that is making my life go bonkers? God, who created us, knows our bodies run best on healthful food—and noncaffeinated beverages. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c4e57d748 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/08-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Kids, Coke, and Caffeine" +startDate: 10/08/2025 +endDate: 10/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/09-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/09-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00d16511ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/09-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Walk Your Way to Better Health +date: 10/09/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord. Jer. 30:17, NIV. + +Mavis Lindgren, plagued with severe lung ailments since childhood, finally took responsibility for her own health when she was in her early 60s. + +While attending a series of lectures by Dr. Charles Thomas at Loma Linda University, she began to walk every day. She prayed as she walked that the exercise program might help her worsening lung ailment, weakened heart, and weakened skeletal muscles. Decades of inactivity had added 20 extra pounds to her five-foot-two frame. Over the months she increased her walking distance. Before long she took up jogging. She lost the extra weight, and her lung ailments disappeared. "I haven't been sick a day since," she often says. + +The running increased. Soon she went on the trail six days a week, five miles at a time—and loved it. At age 70 she entered the Sacramento Pepsi 20-Mile Run. She not only finished the 20 miles but also set a record for her age group. Since then she has gone on to finish marathons (26.2 miles) in which she also set records for her age group, only to come back and reset the record on several occasions. But she says of her races that she doesn't compete with others, she races only against herself. She runs for the love of running, not for the sake of a reward. + +Mavis eats a high-carbohydrate vegetarian diet and averages 50 miles of running a week. She believes that although the process of aging is inevitable, it is possible to maintain a higher level of fitness throughout the decline by adhering to simple, healthful habits. Also she suggests that in addition to proper nutrition, sufficient rest, and exercise, the fourth component of a balanced lifestyle is gratitude of heart. + +The headline on an article on the sports page of the November 9, 1993, New York Times read, "Don't Look Back, Father Time, Mavis Lindgren, 86, Is Gaining on You." + +God has designed our bodies to have incredible restorative powers if we treat them right. To renew your health, regardless of how old you are, do as Mavis did. Start walking! + +> +> Take the walking challenge: walk 300 more steps today than yesterday. Do this for two weeks, and see the difference it makes in the way you feel. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..660ac232ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/09-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Walk Your Way to Better Health +startDate: 10/09/2025 +endDate: 10/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d45ba4a0c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Keep Your Heart With Diligence +date: 10/10/2025 +--- + +Harvey Heidinger + +>

+> Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Prov. 4:23, NIV. + +I've often asked the "over the hill" generation if they would like to go back and relive their teen years if they had a chance. The resounding majority agree they'd like to be young, but relive those traumatic, life-changing years? "No way!" + +I work with adolescents and young adults at the University of California at Riverside as a pediatrician specializing in adolescent health. On weekends I'm involved in planning programs and activities for the young people in our church. So I'm well acquainted with Generation X. If I could tell them one message that could help them live a long, healthy life, it would be this: "Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." + +Adolescence is a time of change. You're developing social skills, making lifelong friends—one of which may become your life partner. Separating from your family of origin, you're learning to assume adult roles, making a career choice, and developing an altruistic giving attitude from immature self-centered thinking. And at the same time your physical body is changing. + +But the Lord has not left you alone during this stormy time of change. He has provided you with valuable counsel in a book written especially for those who are developing their own value systems: Proverbs. Follow the advice in this book. Choose good friends, for "a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things" (Matt. 12:35, NKJV). + +Guarding your heart means watching the input from the computer and television screens, from the language and music listened to, and from the associations and friendships made. + +Jesus said: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). Service to others flowing from a healthy self-esteem will be an effective prevention of drug use and illicit behavior. + +The exuberance of adolescence, followed by an enriched adult life, is a wonderful preparation for the fulfillment of life eternal with Jesus Christ. Don't waste these precious years. + +> +> Are you guarding the avenues to your heart and head? Don't waste the time God has given you on pleasures that lead to a dead end. Choose life! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15c6e4f0c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/10-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keep Your Heart With Diligence +startDate: 10/10/2025 +endDate: 10/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/11-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/11-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c045026b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/11-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Do You Need a Heart Transplant? +date: 10/11/2025 +--- + +_Elmar P. Sakala and Leonard L. Bailey_ + +>

+> And I will give you a new heart—I will give you new and right desires—and put a new spirit within you. I will take out your stony hearts of sin and give you new hearts of love. Eze. 36:26, TLB. + +Two babies were both destined to die from fatal congenital defects. One was already born; the other was still in his mother's womb. + +Baby Gabrielle came into the world with the major part of her brain and skull absent. Even though her heart was healthy and pumping vigorously, no surgery or transplant could ever correct her terrible brain defect. She was about to die. + +Baby Paul was diagnosed before birth with an underdevelopment of his left heart. No problems would develop as long as he remained in the uterus. But immediately after his birth he would need both sides of his heart. He too would die without treatment. The best chance for Paul was a heart transplant. His name went on the heart transplant waiting list. + +Gabrielle's grief-stricken parents realized their daughter could not be saved. Perhaps her life could have some purpose if another baby, one who might also die, could be saved by receiving her healthy organs. Her parents decided that just as soon as brain death was apparent, they would give the ultimate gift, the gift of life, by offering her healthy heart to a baby who needed one. Death was declared within another day. + +Baby Gabrielle's body and unborn Baby Paul, still in his mother's womb, were flown to Loma Linda University Medical Center, where the decision was made for Paul to receive Gabrielle's still-healthy heart. Baby Paul deteriorated so rapidly after birth that without Gabrielle's heart being immediately available he would certainly have died. Paul became the youngest heart transplant recipient ever attempted up to that time, receiving a new heart at the age of 90 minutes! As of this writing Paul is a healthy 8-year-old, his life made possible by Gabrielle's ultimate gift. + +We may each be lost, as Baby Paul would have been, unless we receive a new heart—a new spiritual heart. Sin has flawed our hearts, but Christ offers us a new heart to replace our "heart of stone." Unlike Gabrielle, who had only one heart to give, our Saviour has no limit to the number of recipients He can provide for. While Gabrielle's gift will not last forever, the heart that God gives is designed to last throughout eternity. + +> +> Have you taken advantage of His transplant offer? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0f3768517 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/11-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Do You Need a Heart Transplant? +startDate: 10/11/2025 +endDate: 10/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/12-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/12-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc81205240 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/12-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: "A Little Louder, Please" +date: 10/12/2025 +--- + +_Henry C. Martin_ + +>

+> Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. Prov. 8:33-35, NIV. + +Pardon me." "Would you repeat that, please?" "I don't hear as well as I would like." Such comments now form part of my vocabulary. I never imagined that I would suffer hearing loss. The audiologist suggests that my high-frequency loss means that I will miss up to 30 percent of a conversation. Communication is especially challenging for me when I am trying to understand someone speaking in a public area, such as a crowded church lobby. I find it is easier to hear when I can see their mouth. That means that even mustaches make hearing difficult! Particularly challenging for me are people who speak quickly or those who don't first alert me they are going to speak. Hearing difficulty can even contribute to elevated blood pressure. + +Scripture says: "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev. 21:5). To have new ears with perfect hearing is one more reason I am eager for the Lord to return. + +Hearing aids have been a blessing. But even with these sophisticated devices it is still difficult to filter out crowd noises or wind from an open window. Being close enough to hear the chirping of birds is a real treat. Understanding whispering is virtually impossible. Others don't realize that their normal conversation actually goes over my head, because I constantly hear a sound like that of whistling teakettles. I really need to concentrate to understand what people are saying. + +Effective communication means that the receiver clearly understands the message. Sometimes loved ones think I'm not listening or don't want to hear. If someone dear to you gives you a blank look after you have spoken to them, try to speak more slowly and distinctly next time. This invisible disability will be removed in "the twinkling of an eye" when the Lord returns in glory. In the meantime, get my attention, speak slowly and distinctly, and a little louder—but don't shout. + +And when it comes to the Lord, I want perfect spiritual ears to catch every word! So, please, Lord, if I'm not listening, speak a little louder! + +> +> Thank You, Lord, for the ability to hear. So many things we take for granted. And may I always listen to Your instruction. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d25459c4b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/12-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "A Little Louder, Please" +startDate: 10/12/2025 +endDate: 10/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/13-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/13-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33f0c7068d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/13-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Get Rid of Headache Pain +date: 10/13/2025 +--- + +_Betty Pierson and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. Ps. 34:17, NIV. + +More than 45 million Americans have chronic tension headaches, and 16 to 18 million of them suffer migraines, which have an even uglier reputation. Migraines bring severe, usually one-sided throbbing pain, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting and sometimes tremor and dizziness. What can you do to prevent this debilitating pain? Here's what Betty Pierson writes: + +"Headaches have plagued me since adolescence, so I was not alarmed when I developed a 'banger' while on vacation. As I flew home, the headache worsened until I was afraid I would die; then I was afraid I wouldn't! + +"I often prayed and asked for deliverance from the pain. My family doctor referred me to a neurologist, who injected me with Sumatriptan, which cut the pain in half, but it was still disabling. Other medications were tried. After three weeks with no improvement I was referred to Johns Hopkins. The neurologist there described himself as a preventative medicine doctor. He took me off all medication and asked me for a period of four weeks to follow a migraine-prevention program that eliminated foods with high amounts of tyramine, an amino acid. This included foods containing caffeine (such as chocolate), citrus fruits, processed meats, nuts, peanut butter, milk, yogurt, sour cream, and cheese. I did not believe this program would work, but with God helping me through each day of the next four weeks of pain without medication, I soon felt better. When I again ate some of those foods and my pain returned within five days, I was convinced. I have followed this program for more than a year and have never had another full-blown headache or menstrual headache! The doctor told me that out of 60 women patients, 40 had responded as I did and 20 did about half as well." + +Add to Betty's list a few more items that might trigger migraines: monosodium glutamate (MSG) found in many Chinese dishes, salt, meat tenderizers, soy sauce, yeast extracts, and homemade yeast bread. + +But for the biggest headache of the world—that of sin—there's only one solution: the cross of Jesus. + +> +> Thank You, God, for the natural remedies for pain, and thank You for the Jesus remedy for sin. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09df81a092 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/13-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Get Rid of Headache Pain +startDate: 10/13/2025 +endDate: 10/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/14-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/14-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..344a65b235 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/14-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +title: I Was Hungry and Thirsty +date: 10/14/2025 +--- + +_Therese L. Allen_ + +>

+> For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. Matt. 25:35, NIV. + +> +> When will this be over? I kept thinking. What does God want me to learn from this? Then I remembered Romans 8:28. Christ says " all things." He doesn't say how or when, but all things work together for good to those who love Him. + +I don't remember the year, let alone the month, that all these thoughts kept going through my head. I only know it happened one summer about six years ago. My attendant walked out on me, and I had nobody to help me. I hadn't lived in this part of Los Angeles for very long and didn't know who to call for help. I phoned some local churches, but found no interest. Then I called everyone I knew, but for whatever reason, the answer was always no. + +Lying there alone, a quadriplegic, I kept thinking of Matthew 25:35. I was thirsty and hungry and couldn't help myself. Did Jesus really mean that those people who said no to me were also saying no to Him? Quickly I said a prayer asking Christ not to ever let me say no to Him or one of His children in any way. + +Finally, I called Joan. We'd met six or seven years previously, but didn't know each other well. Besides, she lived about 30 miles away. For 12 nights straight, at 10:30, Joan came to give me food and water. She'd ask how my search was going and apologize for not doing more. But she did so much, for she did all she could. Joan was a true light for the Lord. + +No, I didn't get a lot of food and water, but my needs were met, just as Paul said in Philippians 4:19: "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (NIV). + +Joan has moved away, and I don't see her much. But when we do talk and I try to express my gratitude, she says it was just "something that needed to be done." But why was she the only one who saw that I was hungry and thirsty? + +> +> Is there someone in your family, your neighborhood, or your church who needs help? Remember, whatever you do for others, Christ says you've done for Him. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c45ce3cd76 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/14-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: I Was Hungry and Thirsty +startDate: 10/14/2025 +endDate: 10/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/15-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/15-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb16cb46c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/15-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Avoiding Extremes +date: 10/15/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise—why destroy yourself? Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool—why die before your time? It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all extremes. Eccl. 7:16-18, NIV. + +Most of us are not in danger of exercising too much, but it happened to my sister. She caught jogging fever several years ago, and it seemed to take control of her world. She became a long-distance runner, ran the Boston Marathon several times, even ended up on the cover of Runner's World magazine. + +Her devotion and commitment put me to shame. While I merely ran 15-20 miles a week, she religiously logged 100 miles a week. She was up at 4:00 a.m. every day to get in her 14-mile run before work, and went to bed every night by 8:30. + +I told her that I didn't think you needed to run that much to enjoy a healthy life. In fact, I had heard that too much running could even be bad for you. But she wouldn't ease off. She was clearly possessed. + +Of course, she was as lean as a whippet, but not only had she shed all excess weight, she began to shed needed calcium as well, making her bones brittle and dangerously fragile. When she mysteriously broke her arm after a minor fall, her doctor convinced her that she had to make a change. + +She still runs more than I, and just completed a marathon in San Francisco, but her training regimen is more moderate and her life more balanced. + +As with all things, a line separates the disciplined from the fanatical. Solomon even cautioned us against being "overrighteous," for there is danger in all extremes. For example, until Martin Luther fully understood the biblical concept of righteousness by faith, he denied himself food, sleep, and warmth, and studied and prayed himself to exhaustion and dismay. His "overrighteous" zeal nearly destroyed him. + +Balance is certainly the law of nature and a requirement for our physical and emotional health. Our joy will come in finding that balance between work and play, exercise and rest, study and diversion, religious zeal and equally desirable qualities of moderation, patience, and tolerance. + +> +> What can you do to live a more balanced life? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e05274997c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/15-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Avoiding Extremes +startDate: 10/15/2025 +endDate: 10/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/16-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/16-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e094f3e78e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/16-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +title: The Twenty-third Channel +date: 10/16/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> I will set before my eyes no vile thing. Ps. 101:3, NIV. + +The following paraphrase of Psalm 23 made me stop and think. Just how healthy is TV viewing? + +The TV is my shepherd,\ +I shall want more.\ +It makes me lie down on the sofa.\ +It leads me away from the faith.\ +It destroys my soul.\ +It leads me in the path of sex and violence for the sponsor's sake.\ +Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Christian responsibilities, there will be no interruption, for the TV is with me.\ +Its cable and remote control, they comfort me.\ +It prepares a commercial for me in the presence of my worldliness.\ +It anoints my head with humanism and consumerism, my coveting runneth over.\ +Surely, laziness and ignorance shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house watching TV forever. + +_— Author Unknown_ + +Nancy Larric, a college professor and author, after reviewing the research on how television affects people, identified 10 characteristics of children who watch TV. + +1. Short attention spans. +2. Thriving on noise, strife, and confusion. +3. Very worldly in their outlook and attitudes. +4. Little respect for adults (TV so often portrays them as lawbreakers, schemers, swindlers, sexual perverts, drug pushers, and low-IQ females). +5. Regarding of school as irrelevant and as punishment. +6. Filled with hostility or fear and are prone to settle things with violence. +7. Not getting enough sleep, and what they do get being of poor quality. +8. Prone to anti-interpersonal relationship values. +9. Unwilling to cooperate with others. +10. Antidemocratic and prejudiced against minorities. + +> +> For the sake of your children's health—and yours—don't make the TV your shepherd. Make the Lord your shepherd, and live a healthy lifestyle. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..59b0d02697 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/16-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Twenty-third Channel +startDate: 10/16/2025 +endDate: 10/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/17-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/17-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..750386eb45 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/17-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Unmasking the Dangers of Tobacco +date: 10/17/2025 +--- + +_Lincoln Steed_ + +>

+> No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. Luke 16:13, NIV. + +The year was 1994. The place—the congressional hall of the United States government. It was high drama. A nation watched with awe as a bespectacled, somewhat bookish young doctor took on the multinational cigarette corporations. David Kessler, Food and Drug Administration commissioner, was angry and wanted all America to hear his charges against tobacco. + +"Nicotine delivery systems" was the pointed phrase he used to show that cigarette manufacturers actually manipulated cigarette nicotine content for maximum addictive result. + +Committee chair Henry Waxman nodded along in agreement and summoned the chief executives of the major tobacco manufacturers to answer the charge. When they claimed to be innocent of any manipulation, you could almost hear the collective boo from across the nation. David Kessler had the facts, the detailed findings of three surgeons general to add force to his statements. + +Ellen G. White took the unmasking of the tobacco trade a giant step further than even Kessler when she wrote: "In fastening upon men the terrible habit of tobacco use, it is Satan's purpose to palsy the brain and confuse the judgment, so that sacred things shall not be discerned. When once an appetite for this narcotic has been formed, it takes firm hold on the mind and the will of man, and he is in bondage under its power. Satan has the control of the will, and eternal realities are eclipsed" (Temperance, p. 60). The amazing thing is that she wrote this in 1893, more than 100 years before Kessler's charge rocked the tobacco industry. + +Ultimately the battle against tobacco, as with other addictions and addictive behaviors, comes right down to the struggle between good and evil, allegiance to Satan or allegiance to God. Cigarettes are indeed nicotine delivery systems. And Satan is indeed in the business of the delivery of sin and destruction to all who play with his toys. + +How wonderful to know that God's power can protect us from all of the mind-benumbing plots of Satan. + +> +> Dear Lord, give me the clarity of perception to see Your ways always in a world offering so many false and ultimately destructive alternatives. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5234b91c6f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/17-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Unmasking the Dangers of Tobacco +startDate: 10/17/2025 +endDate: 10/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/18-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/18-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38ab57e00f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/18-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: The Lamp of the Body +date: 10/18/2025 +--- + +_Izak Wessels_ + +>

+> The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. Matt. 6:22, 23, NIV. + +The eyes reveal the innermost feelings, or emotions: love, joy, and hope, but also anger, grief, and fear. Such emotions release hormones, particularly epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisone, from the adrenal glands just above the kidneys. Exposure to cold, hunger, disease-producing organisms, injury, lack of sleep, etc., all produce the same reaction. The experimental animal (or person) adapts by their adrenals enlarging and secreting more hormones. If nothing happens to reduce the stress, the excessive hormones become harmful. + +The typical modern lifestyle with its ceaseless striving and self-imposed demands makes chronic anxiety seem healthy. Such "lack of joy" triggers many diseases, such as hypertension, angina, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel, migraines, insomnia, and other stress-related diseases. + +Nor is the inside of the eyes immune. Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) is one disease strongly linked to the type A personality. These people are highly motivated, impatient, and ambitious. The typical patient is a healthy business executive with very blurred vision. Special tests show a small leak in the back of the eye, with clear fluid collecting like a blister under the retina. CSC is rarely serious, nor does it usually require treatment. Often the change in lifestyle compelled by poor vision allows the leak to seal, and the fluid reabsorbs. Science further proved the link with stress when epinephrine injections produced CSC in experimental animals. + +Interestingly, today's text is from the Sermon on the Mount, appearing between "storing treasures in heaven" and "not worrying about food, clothes, or life." The commandment against coveting in reality decrees that we be satisfied. Happiness lies not in getting what you want, but in wanting what you get. + +God's instructions do not limit our joy or restrict our freedom, but provide the best guidance to achieving complete contentment. "The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes" (Ps. 19:8, NIV). A large outdoor sign at a local church says it all: "When Have You Last Read Your Owner's Manual?" + +Even the inside of the eyes will show it. + +> +> If someone checked your physical or spiritual health by looking into your eyes today, what might the "lamps of your body" reveal? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6167b9d230 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/18-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Lamp of the Body +startDate: 10/18/2025 +endDate: 10/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/19-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/19-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..734a2ad1c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/19-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: A Gift From the Heart +date: 10/19/2025 +--- + +_Kathryn Ann Raethel_ + +>

+> Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7, NIV. + +Ashley was just 3 years old, and it had been a very difficult few weeks for her. The diagnosis of an extremely rare condition and the need for immediate surgery were tough to handle. + +Her surgery went according to plan, but fear and uncertainty filled the days following it. The painful treatments were difficult to understand, and her budding faith in God suffered some painful setbacks. + +Two days after surgery Ashley got a new hospital roommate. Hillary was 8 years old and wore a worn-out baseball cap to hide her bald head. She was in the hospital for her chemotherapy treatment for bone cancer. Her mother was not able to stay with her, because she had five other small children to take care of. During the night Hillary received her dose of chemotherapy, and by morning she was feeling very ill. Ashley noticed the change in Hillary's condition and was concerned about her new friend. + +Sometime during the next morning Ashley received a large bouquet of mylar balloons with a card saying "Get Well Soon." She had never seen so many large and shiny balloons together before. "Are these for me?" she asked tentatively. + +"Why, of course!" I answered. "Your friends are thinking about you and wanting to cheer you up while you are in the hospital." + +A short time later Ashley requested some help to get out of bed. She asked if she could share her balloons with Hillary, because the other girl was sicker. It took quite an effort to help the frail little girl down from her bed and get her tubes and IVs arranged. Tears rose in my eyes as I watched my child make that walk to the next bed. She was in pain but was able to muster the strength to visit with her new friend and present her with a selection of balloons from her bouquet. I will never forget the joy Hillary expressed as she realized that the balloons were for her. + +The incident reminded me of the beauty of unselfishness. "Freely you have received, freely give" (Matt. 10:8, NIV). + +> +> What gift have you received that would bring cheer to someone else if you were to pass it on? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24efaccfe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/19-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Gift From the Heart +startDate: 10/19/2025 +endDate: 10/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/20-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/20-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..217d6456d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/20-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: What's the Scoop on Salt? +date: 10/20/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. Matt. 5:13, NIV. + +What's the scoop on salt? First of all, Americans eat 20 times more than they need. + +Second, medical science blames salt for high blood pressure, heart failure, and other problems related to fluid retention. + +And third, not everyone is salt-sensitive. That's right, some people can eat all the salt they want without ill effects. The problem is that we have no satisfactory test for identifying which half of the population is salt-sensitive and which is not. That's why it's a good idea to be on the safe side and control your salt intake. + +If you don't think you can live without salt, remember, you weren't born relishing its taste. Saltiness is something you've learned, and eating salty food fuels the craving. (Have you ever eaten one potato chip?) Plus, salt masks natural flavors that you could be enjoying if you'd leave off the salt. + +Why not live on the safe side, lowering your salt intake and your chance of heart disease? Give yourself three weeks on a lower-salt diet. You can retrain your taste buds. + +Just as too much salt in our bodies creates problems, so in the spiritual sense does salt that has "lost its saltiness." + +God's people "must receive the saving salt, the righteousness of our Saviour. Then they become 'the salt of the earth,' restraining evil among men, as salt preserves from corruption (Matt. 5:13). But if the salt has lost its savor; if there is only a profession of godliness, without the love of Christ, there is no power for good. The life can exert no saving influence upon the world" (The Desire of Ages, p. 439). + +Our effectiveness of witnessing to our family and loved ones depends on our receiving His Spirit. "If you are salt, saving properties are in you, and the virtue of your character will have a saving influence" (Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 259). + +> +> What can you do to lower your salt intake? What can you do to be "the salt of the earth"? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bad76fc4c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/20-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What's the Scoop on Salt? +startDate: 10/20/2025 +endDate: 10/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/21-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/21-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32c471813a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/21-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Midges and Camels +date: 10/21/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees, hypocrites! . . . Blind guides! You strain off a midge, yet gulp down a camel! Matt. 23:23, 24, NEB. + +I’m going to be healthy if it kills me!” Sound ludicrous? Not to the person who has made a healthy lifestyle into a substitute god. We call that addiction. Even good things can become a trap if they separate us from our sources of spiritual strength. + +According to Jesus, the two greatest commandments were first to love God above all else, and second to love your neighbor as you love yourself. When persons have strong, committed relationships to God (vertical) and to close friends and family (horizontal), they are rich in spirituality. But when something-even religious behavior—becomes the centerpiece of their lives, spirituality vanishes. Gradually such people lose the ability to think and act according to their conscience and values. We observe that they have become addicted to an activity or object and have lost control of their lives. + +The danger is that we may become addicted even to good and positive things. Following a prudent diet or getting proper exercise has many benefits. But when one becomes obsessive-compulsive about such practices, then the addiction can be very destructive. To make things worse, addicts rely on denial and create self-delusions in order to protect their addictions. The Pharisees were religious addicts. Christ described the results of their obsession with the letter of the law, and called them hypocrites and blind guides. + +I once heard a zealot say, “I’m going to be healthy if it kills me!” He was arguing with a nutritionist concerned by his pallor and emaciated frame—evidences of the deficiencies of his extremely narrow dietary regimen. He had become so rigidly compulsive about avoiding minor dietary indiscretions that he ignored matters of greater importance. In the process he was alienating his children and other family members and creating disunity in his church by demanding a fat-free vegan potluck line to accommodate his dietary “standards.” In addition, he discouraged new members by preaching his dietary doctrine. While endeavoring to “strain off” the midges of dietary imperfection, he was gulping down camels wholesale! The man had become a religious addict—in this case addicted to dietary behaviors. + +> +> Lord, please stay in the center of my life today, and save me from any danger of swallowing camels! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..caf884bd8b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/21-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Midges and Camels +startDate: 10/21/2025 +endDate: 10/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/22-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/22-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3685fc4a57 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/22-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Blood of the Overcomer +date: 10/22/2025 +--- + +_Tim Crosby_ + +>

+> And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. Heb. 13:12, NIV. + +John Hendee, in his book Ambassadors for Christ, tells the story of Dr. Felix Ruh, a Jewish physician in Paris, whose granddaughter died of diphtheria. Vowing that he would find out what killed his granddaughter, Dr. Ruh locked himself in his laboratory for days. He emerged with a fierce determination to prove, with his colleague Louis Pasteur, that the "germ theory" was more than a theory. The French medical association had disapproved of Pasteur and had succeeded in getting him exiled, but he did not go far from Paris. He erected a laboratory hidden in the forest in which to continue his forbidden research. + +As scientists, doctors, and nurses watched, Ruh opened a steel vault and took out a large pail filled with black diphtheria germs, which he had cultured carefully for months. The pail contained enough germs to kill everybody in France. The scientist went to each of 20 beautiful horses and swabbed their nostrils, tongue, throat, and eyes with those deadly germs. The scientists waited several days to see the outcome. Every horse developed a terrific fever, and all but one soon died. Most of the doctors and scientists wearied of the experiment and did not remain for what they thought would be the death of the last horse. For several more days the final horse lingered, lying pathetically on the ground. One morning, though, the horse's temperature began to drop, and by night the fever was gone entirely. Soon the animal was able to stand, eat, and drink. + +Then Dr. Ruh took a sledgehammer and struck that beautiful horse a death blow between the eyes. The scientists drew all the blood from the veins of the animal that had developed the disease but had overcome it. After driving rapidly to the municipal hospital in Paris, they forced their way past the superintendent and guards and into a ward where 300 babies had been segregated to die from diphtheria. With the blood of the horse they forcibly inoculated every one of the babies. All but three recovered completely. + +They, like us, were saved by the blood of the overcomer. Unlike those infants, no one forces the choice upon us. Accepting the blood of Jesus is a choice we must freely make today. + +> +> Have you let the Holy Spirit fill your life with the blood of the Overcomer? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3eff30cdda --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/22-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Blood of the Overcomer +startDate: 10/22/2025 +endDate: 10/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/23-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/23-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ade9cb57eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/23-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: A Different Perspective +date: 10/23/2025 +--- + +_Judith T. Getchell_ + +>

+> But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ. Phil. 3:7, 8, NIV. + +On April 14, 1994, Elaine wrote her last entry in her diary: + +"Lord, You may grant to heal me,\ +or in the grave have me lay.\ +But I press this one petition,\ +to be faithful every day." + +Three months later Elaine, only 42 years of age, died. For 10 long years she had suffered with cancer. The nearness of death had constantly overshadowed her life. + +Why do the faithful young have to suffer and die? Could it be that God has a work to accomplish that otherwise would never have been done? Could it be that the Christian who manifests patience and cheerfulness under bereavement, suffering, and even death accomplishes for the gospel more than he or she could have effected by a long life of faithful labor? + +The following words made me see death from a different perspective: "Patience as well as courage has its victories. By meekness under trial, no less than by boldness in enterprise, souls may be won to Christ. The Christian who manifests patience and cheerfulness under bereavement and suffering, who meets even death itself with the peace and calmness of an unwavering faith, may accomplish for the gospel more than he could have effected by a long life of faithful labor. . . . + +"Let not the follower of Christ think, when he is no longer able to labor openly and actively for God and His truth, that he has no service to render, no reward to secure. Christ's true witnesses are never laid aside. In health and sickness, in life and death, God uses them still. When through Satan?s malice the servants of Christ have been persecuted, their active labors hindered, when they have been cast into prison, or dragged to the scaffold or to the stake, it was that truth might gain a greater triumph" (The Acts of the Apostles, p. 465). + +So whether sick or well, a Godlike patient, cheerful attitude is the key to life. Therefore, be of good cheer-God has overcome the world (see John 16:33). + +> +> God, in times of crisis and pain, may I hold on to the fact that You have overcome the troublemaker of this earth, and with Your power, may I be able to maintain a patient, cheerful attitude. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ea0ea98c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/23-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Different Perspective +startDate: 10/23/2025 +endDate: 10/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/24-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/24-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..812fca398b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/24-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: You're Not a Grazing Machine +date: 10/24/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Ps. 139:14, NIV. + +Not even the most sophisticated electronic computer can come close to matching the "machine" God made when He created human beings. But we've pretty well disregarded His instruction manual about how to maintain optimal performance. Instead we put into our bodies whatever tastes good, whenever we feel like it. And we've turned ourselves into grazing machines. Like cows, we munch a little here and a little there. In fact, studies estimate that most people get approximately 30 percent of their food each day through snacking. + +What's wrong with snacking? Dr. John A. Scharffenberg, health consultant to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, gives five reasons not to snack: + +First, demineralization of the teeth occurs for two hours after eating, then remineralization takes place. So continual eating increases the risk of tooth decay. + +Second, blood triglycerides (fats) go up when we eat. The blood fats increase the stickiness of the platelets and red blood cells, increasing the risk of a clot being formed that could result in a heart attack. + +Third, blood sugar rises as we eat, which stimulates a need for insulin. Continual stimulation causes hyperinsulinemia, and this increases the risk of heart attack. + +Fourth, when we eat two or three large meals, we burn about 40 calories more per day than the same amount of food eaten in six to eight smaller meals, which has implications for weight management. + +And finally, we face an increased risk of developing ulcers, since grazing generates more frequent gastric juice production.Maybe it's time to go back to the instruction manual. Here's what God inspired Ellen White to say about snacking. "Regularity in eating is very important for health of body and serenity of mind. Never should a morsel of food pass the lips between meals" (Counsels on Health, p. 118). + +That's pretty strong, isn't it? I don't know about you, but it makes me feel a little guilty about the way I've treated God's marvelous machine. I think it's time to quit acting like a cow. Quit grazing, and start following God's instruction manual. + +> +> What changes should I make to more closely follow God's instruction manual for my body? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cee06ef5ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/24-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: You're Not a Grazing Machine +startDate: 10/24/2025 +endDate: 10/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/25-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/25-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..692b4e1994 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/25-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: His Eye Is on the Sparrow +date: 10/25/2025 +--- + +_Elmar P. Sakala_ + +>

+> Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-8, NIV. + +With a heavy heart I entered the cesarean birthing suite to deliver Cindy's tiny baby almost four months prematurely. After trying to conceive for many years without success, she saw her pregnancy as truly an answer to prayer. How could Cindy and Greg consent to this delivery, a virtual death sentence for Tara Jo, the baby they had anticipated for years? + +For weeks Cindy's blood pressure had been gradually creeping upward to now-hazardous levels. Her kidneys showed profound injury from the worsening pre-eclampsia. Her severely swollen body showed the effect of gaining 30 pounds in 30 days. And now the dreaded headaches indicated changes to her brain's circulation that threatened her very life. Yet not only was Cindy's life in the balances, but so was Tara Jo's. Cindy's high blood pressure had so diminished the flow of vital nutrients to her uterus that Tara Jo had stopped growing in the womb. Both mom and babe would die! The delivery must take place. + +Tara Jo weighed only 1 pound 1 ounce at birth. I had never seen any baby survive who was so tiny and so immature. The air sacs in her lungs had barely started to form. Her intestinal tract would not be ready for oral feedings for many months. The fragile blood vessels in her brain could so easily bleed, resulting in blindness, deafness, and cerebral palsy. Germs could easily overwhelm her immature immune system, resulting in a fatal infection. "Lord," I prayed, "You worked a miracle in her conception. Don't let Tara Jo die!" + +After 100 days of intensive special nursery care and multitudes of intensive prayers on her behalf, Tara Jo left Loma Linda University Medical Center needing only low-flow oxygen. + +Today, as I held Tara Jo in my arms at her dedication service, my mind went back to that agonizing night nine months ago. With eyes alert, hearing intact, and developmental landmarks on course, Tara Jo is a living testimony to the partnership of dedicated, highly trained health-care professionals working together with an infinitely loving Creator, who takes note of even the littlest sparrows that fall. + +> +> Praise You, Lord, for miracles great and small. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6604f4e5aa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/25-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: His Eye Is on the Sparrow +startDate: 10/25/2025 +endDate: 10/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/26-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/26-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afe0b93436 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/26-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: When Marriage Gets Rocky +date: 10/26/2025 +--- + +_Nancy Rockey_ + +>

+> I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. Isa. 42:6, 7, NIV. + +Most thought our marriage was doomed from the start. We were too different. Ron's childhood had led him to crime and prison. Mine was filled with love, overprotection, control, and isolation from worldly influence. + +Our introduction, in a courtroom on the day Ron was released from prison, was no coincidence. Our instant attraction was more like a psychological sense of destiny than mere chemistry. + +Looking back now, after 30 years of marriage, we can see God's leading in every circumstance, even though marriage was "hell on earth" for 10 years! While our love was strong, our pain was deep. Previous wounds blinded us to the tools we needed for healing. + +At one time, desperately hurting, both of us considered suicide. We feared God had rejected us. I was lying awake, crying out to God, angry and needing resolution. Looking for His answer, I fearfully opened the Bible and determined that I'd believe whatever verse my thumb landed on. That text, Isaiah 42:6, 7, has now become the covenant and commission of our Life Skills ministry to help others who are hurting. + +First, God declares that He is creator of the universe-He is in charge and can do anything! Then the passage speaks of the covenant He wants to have with us to save others. I latched on to this as God's commission for our lives. I agreed to cancel my planned suicide and begged God to act quickly. He did! Our healing came as we submitted ourselves to Him and began to help others. + +While I don't recommend arbitrarily picking Bible passages as a way of problem solving, God knew that in my desperation I needed an answer and chose to reward my feeble faith. When I think about how God gave direction to our lives, I realize we don't have to fear the future if we just remember how God has previously led us. + +Now we thank Him for the pain of the past. We've learned that God sometimes allows us to come to the brink of destruction so that we can become submissive and teachable. Our joy is full each time we are able, through God's power, to release others from the chains of their past. + +> +> Challenge: do whatever it takes to become teachable and submissive to God's will. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a966cd8e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/26-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: When Marriage Gets Rocky +startDate: 10/26/2025 +endDate: 10/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/27-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/27-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6252556ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/27-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: God Is a Friend of Dreamers +date: 10/27/2025 +--- + +_Robert Kuczek_ + +>

+> And I-in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness. Ps. 17:15, NIV. + +The blue-gray water, the sunset gleaming on the waves-it was a picturesque background for my dreaming along Lake Wigry's shore in northeastern Poland. In sleep during the period of rapid eye movement (REM) baffling nerve impulses shoot up the cerebral cortex from the lower brain. Some studies suggest that dreams result from the brain's effort to organize the impulses into tangible images. But I was awake, and it was an array of real ideas in kaleidoscope-like patterns that bewildered me. I needed a wedge to break through the impenetrable walls of prejudice surrounding the hearts of the people I had come to witness to. My thoughts raced as I kept asking myself, "How can I share Jesus?" + +A sick feeling stirred my stomach as I pictured the vivid faces of my uncles suffering with cancer. Later, their deaths intensified my dream and my sorrow. Could anything have prevented their deaths? + +A young woman who attended one of my health seminars did not protest when I offered more than health principles when I offered her Jesus. Joy filled her, and she gave her heart to Jesus. Health work, I realized, was that needed wedge. + +Seven years have passed since that evening on Lake Wigry's shore. As from a dream, I awake to see what God has created from nothing. A series of miracles led us to a farm from which we could launch a health program in Poland, a country where tobacco, alcohol, and ignorance of nutritional facts rob millions of their health and their dreams. + +Now three health food stores, a small publishing house and press, and plans for a school testify to God's willingness to transform dreams into reality. At least 1,000 people have attended our various health seminars, and we have sold more than 150,000 copies of recipe books. Many have found Christ and been baptized. + +Just as our early church leaders discovered, I also have found that God is the friend of dreamers. "He is well pleased when they [His people] make the very highest demands upon Him. . . . They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises" (The Desire of Ages, p. 668). + +My dream keeps demanding, "How can I share Jesus?" + +> +> What large things are you expecting from God? Remember, He is the friend of dreamers. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03661acacd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/27-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: God Is a Friend of Dreamers +startDate: 10/27/2025 +endDate: 10/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/28-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/28-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f4f6b62021 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/28-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Leprosy of the Character +date: 10/28/2025 +--- + +_David Grellmann_ + +>

+> He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. John 13:5, NIV. + +I recall one particular Communion service at Masanga Leprosy Hospital. When it was time for the foot-washing service, I selected a leprosy patient who was part of the Masanga Town community. In times past he had been a thorn in the flesh for the hospital administration by organizing opposition to certain hospital plans. + +I washed his feet first. He wore custom-shaped sandals, because his entire forefeet, including toes, had disintegrated because of his leprosy. When I knelt to wash his feet, he informed me I could wash only the left foot, because he had an ulcer on the right foot. The experience was sobering. + +Leprosy is an interesting disease. For some reason the body's immune system turns a blind eye to one single germ - Mycobacterium leprae. It is unlike AIDS, which destroys the body's ability to fight any germ or tumor. The leprosy bacteria prefer cooler areas of the body, i.e., skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, and superficial nerves throughout the body. Because of incomplete or no response from the immune system, the bacteria multiply unhindered. + +Fingers and toes don't simply fall off, but they lose the ability to feel because of nerve damage. Without sensation there is no pain, and without pain there is no alarm to the brain that a thorn has penetrated the foot or that the hand is holding a pot so hot that it burns the flesh. These injuries and the subsequent infections don't hurt, so they tend to be neglected, resulting in further damage that eventually leads to gangrene and loss of toes, fingers, and more. + +The spiritual lessons are many. It is not just total yielding to sin (broad immune system defeat, as in AIDS) that damages our characters. A single vice or pet sin (single bacterium immune deficiency, as in leprosy) can be equally devastating. With Holy Spirit insight we can perceive sin and get rid of it before it destroys us. But when our conscience is dulled and we experience no immediate consequence or pain, we're often not aware of the tragic results of our sinful ways until it's too late. + +> +> Lord, give me Holy Spirit insight to discern the little temptations that Satan wants to use to destroy my chance for living a more vibrant life. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..824f503a56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/28-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Leprosy of the Character +startDate: 10/28/2025 +endDate: 10/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/29-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/29-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb3607db8d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/29-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Natural Pain Reduction +date: 10/29/2025 +--- + +_Vivian Raitz_ + +>

+> I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me? Jer. 32:27, NIV. + +I can’t thank you enough. I’ll never stop singing the praises of this class!” + +Phyllis, age 77, had been plagued by painful arthritis in her hands, knees, and back for years, and it was getting progressively worse. Then she attended a series of health classes featuring a total vegetarian diet and other natural remedies. + +“This food tastes like the abomination of desolation!” she exclaimed. But Phyllis was ready for some drastic changes if it would reduce her pain. So she jumped in with both feet, cleaned out her kitchen cupboards, and no longer frequented the supermarket meat counters or ice-cream parlors. + +“I have so much more energy,” she told me, “and my arthritis is much better. My children even tell me I sound more lively on the phone.” + +“That’s wonderful, Phyllis, but you must start walking. You don’t get enough exercise.” + +“Vivian, I can’t do that. My knees aren’t that much better.” + +A few weeks later Phyllis informed me that she had gradually started walking and could now go up to a mile without difficulty. + +However, Phyllis had forgotten to monitor her blood pressure. Because it had been so high she was on potent blood pressure medication, and she had continued taking it even though she had changed her lifestyle. She fainted on a visit with her son in the Northeast and was taken to the emergency room, where expensive tests were run on her. The diagnosis? Her blood pressure was too low! The program had been successful, all right. The physician took her off all blood pressure medication. + +Now Phyllis is hopping around like a young woman and wouldn’t go back to the old lifestyle for anything. “And,” she said, “the food even tastes delicious!” She’s now tasting the true flavors of the food without salt and grease masking them. + +During the years Phyllis was living with pain, the promise “Fear thou not; for I am with thee” (Isa. 41:10) kept coming to mind. Since she started living a healthy lifestyle, she feels she’s a living testimony to the truth of Jeremiah 32:27, that there is nothing too hard for the Lord. + +> +> Nothing is too hard for the Lord if we will cooperate with Him, and treat our bodies according to the instruction He has given. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..512753173d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/29-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Natural Pain Reduction +startDate: 10/29/2025 +endDate: 10/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/30-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/30-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5b8a0bd69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/30-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Battling Busyness +date: 10/30/2025 +--- + +_DeWitt S. Williams_ + +>

+> Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Ex. 20:8, NIV. + +Do you sometimes feel you’re losing the battle with busyness? Take advantage of God’s winning weapon: the Sabbath. + +The fourth commandment says: “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work” (Ex. 20:9, 10, NIV). + +During the six days of labor each week you may feel you’re coming apart at the seams. But one day each week you receive permission-yes, are commanded-to come apart in a different way. + +- Come apart from the noise of alarm clocks, machinery, traffic, telephones. +- Come apart from the information-bearers: newspaper, radio, TV, fax machines, and computers. +- Come apart from the rush: schedules, Day-Timers, freeways, airports, taxis, watches. +- Come apart from the clamoring for decisions: those endless committee meetings and conference calls. +- Come apart from the busyness of life-and rest in the assurance of God’s love, His salvation, and the value that He places on you-not on what you do. + +The Sabbath commandment is more for us today than for any people in human history. Of the Sabbath, Abraham Joshua Heschel writes: “There is a realm of time where the goal is not to have but to be, not to own but to give, not to control but to share, not to subdue but to be in accord. Life goes wrong when the control of space, the acquisition of things of space, becomes our sole concern.” + +During the week our very self-image becomes embroiled in our busyness. The Sabbath, however, rests on a revolutionary concept: we have value beyond what we produce. God values us just for being us, for being His children. That’s what the Sabbath is all about. + +As Tilden Edwards notes: “Stopping work tests our trust: will the world and I fall apart if I stop making things happen for a while?” + +The busyness of modern life cripples our stamina, wounds our self-image, shatters our joy. But the Sabbath celebrates the wonder of being totally alive. + +> +> Lord, thank You for the Sabbath. How wonderful it is that You have created that day for us so we can rest from the busyness of life. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0a89c5065 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/30-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Battling Busyness +startDate: 10/30/2025 +endDate: 10/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/31-october-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/31-october-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c689f3d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/31-october-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Illusion of "Wholistic" Health +date: 10/31/2025 +--- + +_Dawna Sawatzky_ + +>

+> Ever since God created the world his everlasting power and deity-however invisible-have been . . . there for the mind to see in the things he has made. That is why such people are without excuse: they made nonsense out of logic and their empty minds were darkened. Rom. 1:20, 21, Jerusalem. + +Living in a New Age community, I felt compelled to find out about my neighbors’ philosophies. A college class on wholistic health seemed a way to find out, so I signed up. + +Each session followed the same format: a philosophical talk about human connections with universal energy (often demeaning Christianity), a mind-altering activity, then personal testimony as to how each person felt as a result of the activity. + +I would listen to the instructions, observe or leave during the activity, then listen to the evaluations. + +During one session the instructor asked the students to lie on the floor and hyperventilate for 90 minutes. A yoga expert, with her phenomenal breath control, was among the first to have a reaction-a grand mal seizure. Later she said it was the highest high she had ever had. One third of the class had “out of body” experiences, half were “visited by their personal spirit guides.” All felt enlightened by their “spiritual” experiences. The rest of us were Christians and hadn’t participated. + +This “rebirthing” activity, as well as meditation, visualization, and many other mind-altering activities, is touted as a way of “getting in touch with the god within,” a seeking for universal “wisdom.” In reality, all they were doing were activities that would affect the brain’s wave patterns and chemical balance that almost certainly induce hallucinations and self-hypnosis. + +We think of this as a modern phenomena, but in 1890 Ellen White warned: “Satan tempts men to disobedience by leading them to believe they are entering a wonderful field of knowledge. But this is all a deception. Elated with their ideas of progression, they are, by trampling on God’s requirements, setting their feet in the path that leads to degradation and death” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 55). + +I came away from this experience grateful for a God who is my personal Saviour, a God whom I can trust to speak to me words of truth through His Holy Spirit. It’s frightening what Satan can put in our minds when we lose control by doing unhealthful things that affect our brain’s wave patterns and chemical balance. + +> +> Our personal Saviour and Creator promises that our meditation on Him is mind-renewing and strengthening. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e35b35b4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/31-october-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Illusion of "Wholistic" Health +startDate: 10/31/2025 +endDate: 10/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37a2e8bee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/10-october-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: October 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/01-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/01-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da4f11bdc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/01-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Reach Out and Touch Someone Through Prayer +date: 11/01/2025 +--- + +_Dianne Affolter_ + +>

+> Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Rom. 12:12, 13, NIV. + +One evening in November 1992 a stranger on the phone notified me of an accident. My sister Kay and my mother had been hit head-on by someone driving in the wrong lane. Kay had an almost-severed foot, and my mom had multiple injuries. The prognosis didn't look good. + +An hour later I ran into the emergency room to find it full of strangers praying for my mom and sister. Kay was already in surgery, and Mom was ready to be wheeled into the operating room. + +At midnight Kay was back in her room, awake from the anesthetic, groggy, but coherent. A few seconds later the telephone rang, and to my astonishment, someone from a prayer circle in California was calling to give us encouragement and comfort. I was amazed. + +July 1993 our plane landed in Atlanta, ending a wonderful vacation. As we arrived a message told us that our 16-year-old son, Brett, was in the coronary intensive-care unit at Emory Hospital. We were shocked to learn that when Brett was waterskiing he had experienced severe chest pains. Fearing a torn aorta, they had flown him to Emory for surgery. + +Brett's story is full of amazing, unusual, and scary facts. But while we were staying in hotels and at the hospital, people called us from all around the world to tell us they were remembering him in prayer. How the word got out to such places as Canada, Singapore, and England I'll never understand, except to know that there is a special bond between Christians all over the world. A warm, comforting feeling comes from knowing that people are lifting you and your problems to the Lord through prayer. + +Recently I learned about 10-year-old Nicky, from Canada, who had fallen from a horse. She was in a coma. As I started a prayer circle for her in Georgia, I was reminded how wonderful prayer is. And there's no long-distance rate. We can reach out and touch someone instantly with prayer, whether they're next door or across the ocean. + +> +> Do you know someone who needs healing, comfort, or strength? Prayer is the answer, and it's even cheaper than that highly touted 10-cents-a-minute rate you see advertised on television! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41aec28ad1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/01-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Reach Out and Touch Someone Through Prayer +startDate: 11/01/2025 +endDate: 11/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/02-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/02-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5fbcbd3550 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/02-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Pain - Friend or Foe? +date: 11/02/2025 +--- + +_Andrea Creed_ + +>

+> Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Prov. 27:6, NIV. + +Profoundly, without a sound, pain speaks. Its message requires immediate action and seeks to preserve and protect more than to offend, yet we seldom willfully invite its presence into our lives. Pain comes to us because God created us to think and to feel. + +The nervous system, like an intricate telecommunication system, relays messages about the environment around us and inside us. Though unwelcome, pain is one of its necessary signals. Pain tells us if a pot is too hot to touch so that we will remove our hand at once. It lets us know if something is wrong and gives us good reason to find out what that something is. If we eliminate the cause, the pain leaves-its benevolent purpose accomplished. + +If nothing else, pain at least lets us know we are alive. Whether it be fleeting or lasting, physical or emotional, pain has a purpose. Its wounds are faithful-it is a friend and not a foe. + +Herod, tetrarch of Galilee, was unaware of his life-threatening problem until the message of John the Baptist arrested his attention. John rebuked Herod's sins, especially that of taking Herodias, his brother's wife, for his own (Luke 3:19). The Baptist's reprimand was a signal, like pain, demanding change. But instead of choosing life, Herod silenced the messenger and forfeited the blessings of obeying God's Word. + +From the foundation of the world pain has asserted itself. Tears first rolled from the all-seeing eyes of God. His heart first throbbed and ached over pitiful, vulnerable, disloyal humanity, and His pain demanded immediate action-the life of the only-begotten Son of God. The Scriptures say: "Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered" (Heb. 5:8, NIV). + +Pain teaches us, and as we experience it today, it will remind us that Christ understands exactly what we are feeling. "And with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole" (Isa. 53:5, Amplified). + +> +> Lord, when I hurt, let me not limit Your purpose, but allow You to strengthen my faith and give me the fullness of Your joy. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c4b1f54d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/02-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Pain - Friend or Foe? +startDate: 11/02/2025 +endDate: 11/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/03-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/03-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86840c7fd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/03-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Igniting Potential +date: 11/03/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23, NIV. + +Leslie Lemke has the ability to reproduce on the piano anything he hears. But the incredible thing is that not only is Leslie blind, but he's also crippled with cerebral palsy and severely disabled mentally! Here's his story: + +Leslie was born prematurely and abandoned as hopelessly disabled. He had already lost his sight when May Lemke, a 52-year-old nurse, decided to quit her job to raise the pathetic 6-month-old child everyone thought was hopeless. Everyone, that is, except May. As the days of her patient, loving care stretched into years, she saw few signs of improvement. + +But May didn't give up. She knew God had given Leslie a gift, and she prayed she would have the wisdom to help him find it. + +May carried him everywhere until he was too heavy to lift. Then she stood him beside the backyard fence, hoping he would hang on and stand by himself, but he just crumpled into a heap. Eventually he did stand, and then walked. But he still didn't talk. + +The boy did one thing, however, that seemed out of the ordinary. Whenever he touched a piece of taut string or wire, he would pick at it with his fingers. The day May found him strumming rhythmically on the bedsprings she suspected Leslie might be musical. So she and her husband bought a used piano and put it in Leslie's bedroom. + +Then came the task of teaching him to play. She had him listen to classical music by the hour. Then she placed his fingers on the keys and explained the sounds he heard. And finally, after years of "practice," he began picking out simple tunes. + +Early one morning, when Leslie was 16, May woke up to a flawless performance of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. She rushed into Leslie's room and found him sitting at his piano reproducing perfectly the music he had grown to love. Three years later he said his first word. + +It's an incredible story, isn't it? But every person has God-given possibilities, if we will just look for them in ourselves and in others! + +> +> Dear Lord, help me to see possibilities in myself and others. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..712a5987cd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/03-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Igniting Potential +startDate: 11/03/2025 +endDate: 11/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/04-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/04-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93091104fa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/04-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Flogging a Tired Horse +date: 11/04/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders will have toiled in vain. . . . In vain you rise up early and go late to rest, toiling for the bread you eat; He supplies the need of those He loves. Ps. 127:1, 2, NEB. + +The cart horse had toiled in the midsummer heat from early morning. It had had no rest from pulling the heavy loads. As its walk slowed from fatigue and thirst, the driver became impatient. The more haulage accomplished, the more money to be made. So he began to apply the whip. At first the lash seemed to create a burst of energy-the pain-induced adrenaline gave the horse renewed strength. But as the whip descended more and more frequently, the horse responded less, then began to stumble and waver. Finally the animal collapsed-no longer able now to feel the lash at all. + +We may condemn with horror such brutality to a dumb beast. But might we also sometimes use similar behavior? Are we sensitive to our body's need for rest? Or do we "flog" our tired nervous system with chemical stimulants in order to "keep going" just a little longer, get a little more work done by staying up later-all in the name of accomplishing some goal that seems more important than balancing work with rest? + +Caffeine is the most popular whip that people use on themselves. Some people become tolerant of its stimulation and believe it has no effect on them. Stimulated by the chemical, we cannot even sense our fatigue burden, and as a result our abnormal body function now feels normal. + +I have a friend who consumed large quantities of caffeinated sodas each day to enable him to work harder and longer. When he realized the effects of overworking on his life, and caffeine's role, he endured the drug withdrawal in order to break free. Later he admitted that after a few days with no energy, he began to notice more his need for rest. And as he responded to the body's normal signals for rest, he began to get back in balance and break the overworking habit he had created through the caffeine whip. + +God does not expect us to overwork to please Him. He made us with certain laws of physiology. When we cooperate with our Maker, He will bless the house we are building of our life. + +> +> Are you building your house on a healthy foundation, or on the sand of drugs and artificial stimulants? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1823fefdec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/04-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Flogging a Tired Horse +startDate: 11/04/2025 +endDate: 11/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/05-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/05-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1370435e2c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/05-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Prepare to Meet Thy God +date: 11/05/2025 +--- + +_Steven L. Haley_ + +>

+> Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. Ps. 39:4, NIV. + +Robert Spangler, longtime director of the General Conference Ministerial Association, tells of a time he faced his life's end. + +"Not many sunsets ago my devoted wife, Marie, and I were walking the halls of our Washington Adventist Hospital, where I was unexpectedly admitted as a heart patient. An angiogram had revealed severe blockages in four leading heart arteries, a condition requiring bypass surgery. The next day, scheduled as I was for surgery, Marie cautiously questioned me about any fears I might have over facing such a crisis. . . . + +"In that connection, let me just note here that I was fully aware that my heart would be purposely stopped, while its functions would be taken over by a blood-pumping machine. I was also aware that there was no guarantee that I would not join the society of the dead in a few hours, as happened to my roommate a few days later. + +"With these and other thoughts chasing each other through my mind, I finally answered in a way that may seem presumptuous: 'No, Marie, I have no fears.' For in that moment I knew that defective and limited as it sometimes is, my belief in Jesus' love for me and my love for Him would sustain me in this crisis, regardless of the outcome." + +The genius of Adventism is in the reality of the future. Eternity with our Saviour in heaven and in the New Earth is real and tangible. Eternity is as touchable as the scars Thomas saw and felt in the hands and side of Jesus! + +It's a real wake-up call to realize that eternity can be only a moment away. It can be measured in the hesitant beat of the heart, the sickening crash of steel and glass on the highway, or the slow breathing of the terminally ill. But could eternity be closer to all of us than we might imagine? The end of this world-the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is imminent. + +> +> Do you have any fears about facing the future crisis? What will sustain you? What could you do today to prepare to meet your God? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f7c4d354d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/05-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Prepare to Meet Thy God +startDate: 11/05/2025 +endDate: 11/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/06-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/06-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b7d460f75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/06-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: A Lesson in Hope and Healing +date: 11/06/2025 +--- + +_Linda Willman Johnson_ + +>

+> May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 15:13, NIV. + +Children with cancer certainly have much to feel discouraged and hopeless about. Daily they suffer many painful experiences, and the side effects of chemotherapy and other treatments affect their body image and self-esteem. Yet most children and adolescents with cancer face their situations with a positive outlook and cheerfulness that amazes those who work with them. I believe the key is their faith and hope in the future. + +Ann is an example of this. She was diagnosed with sarcoma at the age of 13, then treated with radical surgery, radiation, and two years of chemotherapy. With no relapses for more than 10 years, she is now classified as a long-term survivor. + +Rather than blaming God for her illness, Ann saw Him as the source of her strength. Her faith in God grew stronger through her therapy. As a result of her experiences undergoing treatment for cancer, she made a decision to dedicate her life to helping others. She is now enrolled in graduate study in medical ethics and plans to become a hospital chaplain. + +Ann acutely believes her experience as a cancer patient was the most positive experience of her life. She is convinced her faith and hope enabled her to become a survivor. As she expressed it: "I believe the experience fundamentally changed who I am. I value life more. I take joy in the little things, like the smell of a flower or the color of a sunset. I think a lot of people make their own lives difficult. Each of us needs to enjoy each day God gives us." + +Whenever I feel overwhelmed or discouraged by the stresses and problems of my life, I think of Ann. I am simply unable to feel sorry for myself when I reflect on her courage. Her life is a powerful lesson in hope and healing. + +With God's help, we, like Ann, can learn to view all of life's experiences as positive. If we let Him, God can turn the bad things that happen to us into positive things that strengthen our faith, deepen our trust in Him, and fill us with joy and hope. + +> +> Make Romans 15:13 your personal prayer: "May the God of hope fill me, [your name], with all joy and peace as I trust in Him, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86cabc4309 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/06-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Lesson in Hope and Healing +startDate: 11/06/2025 +endDate: 11/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/07-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/07-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65ff638437 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/07-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Incredible Power of Music +date: 11/07/2025 +--- + +_Dianne Kosarin_ + +>

+> Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. Ps. 63:7, NIV. + +Music was my salvation. Going through a difficult time with my parents and experiencing a lot of stress, I had feelings that I didn't feel free to express. Although I always liked music, it hadn't played an important part in my childhood. Then when I was 12 I went to a concert and heard a violin solo. It was a magical moment! From that time on I had a passion to play, although I didn't have a chance to do so until more than a year later, when the violinist who had made that magical moment happen for me became my teacher. She inspired me. And the violin gave me a purpose in life I didn't have before. + +I found that through music I could now express feelings deep inside me that I couldn't bring out before. At the same time that I expressed those feelings, I felt a healing come over me, and I became happy-for the first time in my life! But not only was I happy, I was making others happy through my playing. My joy doubled! It was the beginning of my lifelong journey with my violin. + +Music has an incredible emotional power. My husband, who is a pianist, and I were asked to play for the funeral of a friend's husband. The couple had been married many years, and the widow was deeply grieving. After the funeral she said to me, "I was dreading this funeral so much and didn't see how I was going to make it through the ordeal. But you played such beautiful and hopeful music that I was transported away from the circumstances to a better place." + +Music has the power to express every human emotion. David played and sang all types of mood music and found healing in them. God even instructed the Israelites to go into battle with trumpeters and singing. And every time they did, they won! + +Every day we face a battle with our emotions. Allow the power of music to soothe, energize, uplift, and inspire you, as it does for me. + +> +> Researchers have found that children who listen to Mozart get better grades. Why don?t you play a little Mozart on your stereo or CD player, and see what it might do for you? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8341c0ab91 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/07-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Incredible Power of Music +startDate: 11/07/2025 +endDate: 11/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/08-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/08-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e2e05aacc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/08-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: A Day in God's Dwelling Place +date: 11/08/2025 +--- + +_Niels-Erik and Demetra Andreasen_ + +>

+> Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Ps. 84:10, NIV. + +A few weeks ago at dinner we discussed a request for prayer an employee had made of us. A similar request came a week later. We prayed, not knowing the precise nature of the problem. Was it something at work? at home? a concern for children or spouse? Before long the mystery was solved. Two more Christian marriages went on the rocks, leaving spouses in despair, children lost, careers ruined, financial hardships, and doubts about God and His calling to Christian service. + +It would be foolhardy to explain precisely what went wrong, but the reasons offered sounded like a familiar litany. Missing attentions, children growing up, the pressures of finances, careers, advanced study, house and home, and church and community. Trying to have it all and to do it all became too overwhelming, until what was once a healthy family became a sick one. + +What is the remedy for such illness? May we suggest a serious consideration of Psalm 84:3, 4: "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house" (NIV). Here the psalmist portrays God's house, which means His presence, as a lovely place. Sparrow and swallow find safety near God's altar so they can build nests and raise their young.What a picture of family health! Mother and father building a home and feeding the young in God's presence. Every living person longs for such fulfillment, and sings in heart and body for joy once it comes. + +Remarkably, this remedy is available to all who linger in God's presence long enough to watch the birds fly back and forth building nests and feeding their young. How much lingering does it take? Just one day in God's courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. Have you ever wondered what that day is? God's day of rest is the remedy for family illness. It comes once each week and is ours if we simply stop the thousand other things we have been doing and enter His dwelling place. + +> +> Think about your family and how you spend your time. Are you dwelling in the tents of the wicked, or are you a doorkeeper in the house of your God? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a66d83667 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/08-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Day in God's Dwelling Place +startDate: 11/08/2025 +endDate: 11/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/09-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/09-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..018cae6e08 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/09-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Avoiding the Yo-yo Effect of Diet +date: 11/09/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. and Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Isa. 55:2, NIV. + +"I've lost hundreds of pounds and I'm still fat," the frustrated dieter exclaimed. The problem was that she lost four or five pounds at a time, then regained it, only to have to lose it again. We call this the yo-yo effect. And it's the reason diets don't work. + +It's not hard to lose a few pounds during the first couple weeks of a diet. You watch your calories and eat significantly less. But your body doesn't know you are trying to lose weight and it thinks you're starving, so it kicks into "starvation mode." Your metabolism slows so you use less energy, which means you burn fewer calories. Once your metabolism slows, it's difficult to lose any more weight. The bad news is that your metabolism can stay depressed for a couple months after you return to normal eating. That's why after you diet, it's very easy to gain weight again. + +Researchers have demonstrated the yo-yo effect in animals. They fatten them, and then place them on a restricted-calorie diet. The animals lose weight, but their bodies become more efficient at storing fat, so after they resume the original high-fat diet, they regain their lost weight easily. The second time the researchers restrict their diet, it takes them substantially longer to lose weight. And when the animals start to regain weight the second time, they do it much faster and end up gaining more. + +The answer to your weight problem is not to starve yourself. Instead, get on a good lifestyle program. The combination of fewer fat calories and more exercise will keep your metabolism up, and the pounds will drop off and stay off. + +Think about it in still another way: if the yo-yo effect has such a negative influence on your body, what kind of an effect will a yo-yo spiritual life have on your soul? Wouldn't a steady diet of God's Word be better than dieting one day and trying to make it up the next? + +> +> Lord, grant me the self-discipline to maintain a healthy lifestyle, physically and spiritually. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5d89c2f47 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/09-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Avoiding the Yo-yo Effect of Diet +startDate: 11/09/2025 +endDate: 11/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/10-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/10-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a233898278 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/10-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +title: The Royal Water Cure +date: 11/10/2025 +--- + +_Raymond and Dorothy Moore_ + +>

+> Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13, 14, NIV. + +A few years ago in Africa a tribal king became seriously constipated. He vainly explored the world for relief. Medical authorities prescribed a variety of cures, but his digestive tract had become so fragile nothing worked. A Christian servant suggested he visit an Adventist clinic, famous for its treatment of the country's poor. The king's desperation for relief finally overcame his pride, and he rolled up to the mission in his Rolls-Royce with his secretary and stacks of medical records. + +The clinic staff knew of the monarch's unfriendliness to Christian missions. The physician nevertheless greeted him. As the doctor looked over his records, the king sighed and said he came as a last desperate resort. + +"How much water do you drink?" the physician asked. + +The king looked at him with furrowed brow, "What is this you ask?" + +The king's secretary explained that "the king has other things to drink." The physician knew this all too well. Many African royalty drank blood. + +"In the morning," continued the physician without hesitation, "please drink two to four glasses of lukewarm water at least a half hour before breakfast. Drink a half hour before meals or at least an hour after meals so as not to dilute your digestive juices. Boil your water thoroughly to be sure it is pure." + +The monarch had expected an exotic cure. His mouth dropped. "Only water? Is that all?" + +"One more thing-for the next several weeks eat only fresh fruit, whole grains, and vegetables moderately cooked with little or no oil. My wife will help your cook, if that's necessary." + +The doctor walked His Majesty to his limousine, adding, "Please let me know how you feel." + +Six weeks later the king again rolled up to the clinic, bounced out of his Rolls-Royce, and his servants followed, loaded with gifts. + +"So simple! So wonderful!" he exclaimed. "I am cured." + +Like the simplicity of the water cure for constipation, so is the Jesus cure for sin. Just let Jesus flood your system-getting as much of Him as possible before breakfast, and you'll be amazed at what this simple remedy can do for your life. + +> +> Have you had enough water-and Jesus-today to keep physically and spiritually healthy? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..811eaed7b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/10-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Royal Water Cure +startDate: 11/10/2025 +endDate: 11/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d32cd5ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Willing Yourself to Live +date: 11/11/2025 +--- + +_George Kuzma_ + +>

+> [At the Pool of Bethesda] . . . One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there . . . he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" . . . Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. John 5:3-9, NIV. + +I once had a fiercely independent patient who had been ill for many years with adult onset diabetes and heart disease. She finally ended up in the hospital, where it became apparent that the only way to save her life was to amputate her infected leg. + +I presented her with the options. The first was that she could go on the way she was and end up living in a nursing home, where someone could take care of the progressive gangrene that would eventually take her life. + +The second choice was to amputate her leg before it got to that point, which would mean that she could live a satisfactory life. + +Her response was an emphatic, "No. I will not have it amputated, and I won't live in a nursing home!" + +I tried to reason with her, but she just turned away. Reluctantly, I left. Later I was shocked to learn that a few hours afterward she died. There was no acute reason for her immediate demise. She was in poor health, yes, but I had expected her to live from six weeks to two years longer. + +I'm convinced she willed herself to die. A person's thoughts can be incredibly powerful! + +And then I discovered something Ellen White wrote on the power of the will. "By the exercise of the willpower in placing themselves in right relation to life, patients can do much to cooperate with the physician's efforts for their recovery. There are thousands who can recover health if they will. The Lord does not want them to be sick. He desires them to be well and happy, and they should make up their minds to be well" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 246). + +If only she had used her willpower to live, and had exercised and eaten a healthy diet so she could have avoided obesity and its consequent health problems. Nothing forced her to adopt the unhealthy lifestyle of her parents, but she did. And in the end, instead of willing herself to live, as did the paralytic who picked up his mat and walked, she willed herself to die! + +> +> How can you use the power of your will to live a more vibrant life? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3076509703 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/11-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Willing Yourself to Live +startDate: 11/11/2025 +endDate: 11/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/12-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/12-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b04dbd1183 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/12-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Make a Covenant with Your Eyes +date: 11/12/2025 +--- + +_Izak Wessels_ + +>

+> I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. For what is man’s lot from God above, his heritage from the Almighty on high? Is it not ruin for the wicked, disaster for those who do wrong? Does he not see my ways and count my every step? Job 31:1-4, NIV. + +More than 60 percent of the cranial nerves, which enter and leave the brain directly, have to do with the eyes. Visual input exceeds all the other senses combined, explaining the eyes’ profound influence. Even the amount of light seen has a powerful effect on the body. Poultry farmers use fluorescent lights at night to fool a chicken’s hormones, through its eyes, into thinking that it is still summer and to continue producing eggs. The chicken simply cannot help it. Humans seem to respond more to a lack of light. The short days and gloom of winter in northern countries make many people depressed and even suicidal, a condition known as “Seasonal Affective Disorder.” They simply cannot help it. + +The content of what we see is even more influential. Our age is spectacularly visual, assaulting our eyes and therefore the mind with almost overwhelming propaganda. Large-screen cable TV, computerized video games with virtual reality headsets, 3-D IMAX movie theaters with screens 10 stories high, glossy full-color magazines, and books with more illustrations than print all continue the barrage. Permitting the eyes to dwell on what is wrong or evil will overcome any restraints. Only after Eve looked again, and saw that the fruit was “pleasing to the eye,” did she sin (Gen. 3:6). + +As a visual reminder of guarding their eyes, God instructed the Jews to sew blue tassels to the corners of their garments. “You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commandments of the Lord, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes” (Num. 15:39, NIV). It was the lingering glance back to the condemned cities that cost Lot’s wife her life. + +The revealing fashions so provocatively flaunted by many women are powerful visual stimuli. These, and magazines or videos with suggestive material, make men respond with their hormones, just like a chicken under light. They simply cannot help it. + +If only the chicken realized it did not have to look at the light, but could close its eyes. + +> +> Are you sometimes like the chicken? Lord, give me the willpower to shut my eyes to the temptations of the world. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4da235ad8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/12-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Make a Covenant with Your Eyes +startDate: 11/12/2025 +endDate: 11/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/13-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/13-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc1b1abde2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/13-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: For What Do You Strive? +date: 11/13/2025 +--- + +_Lois (Rittenhouse) Pecce_ + +>

+> I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. John 14:18-20, NIV. + +It made no sense. He’d spent four years diligently turning himself from an overweight, heavy-smoking, hypertensive borderline alcoholic into an almost physically fit individual. He scheduled himself and his wife for comprehensive physical evaluations from which he received an excellent report. Physically he was in the best shape he’d been in for years. Eight weeks later, under the pressure of financial reverses, he thrust a knife into his chest and died. + +Here was a man who’d worked so hard to please somebody-maybe a parent, maybe himself, maybe a God he didn’t understand. I had the task of preparing records for the insurance adjusters that required me to review each entry in his chart over the past 10 years. That, with a small degree of personal knowledge of him, created a haunting picture in my mind of a terribly lonely person. He must have had some unattainable image of what he must be, what he must do, and what he must obtain and maintain in life in order to be acceptable. + +Most of us have experienced loneliness and the desire for acceptance. For some it’s a transient thing brought on by circumstances like moving or the loss of a loved one. For others it’s a gnawing need that eats at the very core of their existence. It seems that nothing can satisfy until they meet the demands of that emotional core. + +God has an answer to meet even this. Do you long for a father’s love? Read Jeremiah 31:3, NIV: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” Do you miss a mother’s love? Read Isaiah 49:15, NIV: “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?” Claim this love as your own-for it truly is. + +Then examine your life. Is what you are doing an effort to gain acceptance? Or is it because you are God’s and you are accepted and loved, and you are availing yourself of privileged opportunities? + +> +> Are you aggressive and fearless on the outside, but hurting and empty inside? Open that pain to Jesus. He waits for you with love. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..163fc12723 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/13-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: For What Do You Strive? +startDate: 11/13/2025 +endDate: 11/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/14-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/14-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..499e01f7a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/14-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Keeping Your Mouth Shut +date: 11/14/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. James 1:26, NIV. + +The task of putting together a devotional book in three months, from the contacting of various individuals with a story or an inspirational message to the final editing, has meant that I have thought of little else. Every time I see a friend, I ask if they have a story that would help people live a more vibrant life. And so a few weeks ago, when I ran into Harry, I said, “I need a health devotional from you.” He looked bewildered. “Tell me how you keep healthy,” I continued. + +Harry laughed, and with a twinkle in his eye replied, “I’ve learned that the best things I can do for my health are to keep my wife happy and my mouth shut!” + +We both laughed at that. But there is truth to what Harry said. If you want to have a healthy relationship that brings personal satisfaction and happiness, you can’t hurt others by spouting off everything that pops into your mind. Happiness comes as a by-product of making others happy, not by looking out after number one. Each of us, in our own relationships-whether it be with our spouse, our parents, our children, our roommate, or our friends-needs to figure out what we could do to contribute to another’s happiness, and then do it. And sometimes this means we’re going to have to change. + +As I was waiting at the checkout counter one day, my eyes caught the headlines of a tabloid: “Hubby glues gabby wife’s mouth shut!” I smiled. But I wonder how many husbands or wives read that headline and thought, I wish I could do that! I sometimes wonder if King Solomon felt that way when he said, “Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife” (Prov. 21:19, NIV). + +If you have trouble taming your tongue, if you find yourself having said things that you wish you hadn’t, if your words sometimes hurt the one you love, let me suggest you do what Harry does: count to 50 before speaking. You might just find that taming your tongue is good for your health! + +> +> What is it that you could do to make others happy? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac0da0937a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/14-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Keeping Your Mouth Shut +startDate: 11/14/2025 +endDate: 11/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/15-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/15-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7074810b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/15-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Unclogging the Brain +date: 11/15/2025 +--- + +_Kari St. Clair_ + +>

+> But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. . . . “Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink.” Dan. 1:8-12, NIV. + +A number of years ago my mom gave me a tape by Dr. Elden Chalmers about how to make better grades. One of the things he mentioned was not to eat any sweets for five to 10 days prior to exams. But I never tried it. + +Then when I was a physical therapy student studying for my written comprehensive exams, I was really scared. I had so much material to cover, so much I had to learn. Plus I’ve always had a tough time expressing myself on exams. So I asked myself, “What could make a big difference as I study and complete these exams?” + +Then I came across the story of Daniel resolving not to eat the rich food served at the king’s table, and I challenged myself not to eat sweets and desserts until I had written the exams. What made things really tough was that it was during the time we celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, with all the traditional rich holiday foods and sweet desserts! + +I prayed for God’s strength, because I really love good-tasting food. My husband encouraged me and never once tried to entice me to sample what I had chosen to not eat. Just sticking to my resolve was an incredible miracle, since we received invitations to many special occasions serving scrumptious homemade cookies, candy, cakes, and pies. + +But the biggest difference I felt was that my mind was clearer and I was able to concentrate on my studies for longer periods of time. How I wish I had taken Elden Chalmers’ advice before! + +You’re probably wondering if it made a difference in my exam scores. I’m sure it did. I went into the exams with a confidence I had never possessed before, and passed them all. + +Ellen White said: “The free use of sugar in any form tends to clog the system” (Counsels on Health, p. 154) and “A great amount of milk and sugar . . . clog the system, irritate the digestive organs, and affect the brain” (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 370). + +> +> Do you have a sweet tooth? What could you do without today to have a clearer mind for the Holy Spirit to impress?u could do to make others happy? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c59cf7c08 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/15-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Unclogging the Brain +startDate: 11/15/2025 +endDate: 11/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/16-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/16-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af081fbc59 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/16-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Light of the World +date: 11/16/2025 +--- + +_Walter Thompson_ + +>

+> You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matt. 5:14, NIV. + +A lone man walked down the streets of the old city of Gdansk, Poland, where he had come to do business. As he finished his business and prepared to return to his home, he noted a meeting going on inside the building he happened to be passing. Curious, he stepped in and sat down. What he heard captured his heart at once. + +For the next two weeks he returned night after night to listen and learn as the gospel worked its subtle changes in his heart. When at last the meetings ended he returned to his home, not now to pursue his business, but with a burning desire to share the beautiful things that he had seen and heard about this God who he discovered was out to rescue the world from sin. Nothing was more important now than to open the door of his soul temple and invite the Spirit of his God to come to dwell within. + +When he arrived at his home village and began to share the glories of the gospel with his neighbors, it dawned upon him, Wouldn’t it be nice if this temple, this body of mine, were more effectively suited to be a lighthouse to the world? Wouldn’t it be nice if the lights inside were bright, and the windows huge with beautiful pictures in colored glass portraying the saving truths for the whole world to see? + +And then it was that he realized the value of the simple laws of health that God has so graciously given to His people and the reason for them. By the grace of God he would make something of his body that would witness to the world. + +Soon a whole company of family and neighbors worshipped together each Sabbath day. And as the light of the love of Jesus radiated out from these believers into their community by word and deed, many “miracles” of health and healing accompanied them. The light shining from one ignited another and another, and grew brighter and brighter and lighted the whole community and beyond. + +> +> Take Jesus’ challenge: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..317b7c4e27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/16-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Light of the World +startDate: 11/16/2025 +endDate: 11/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/17-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/17-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78fcc3f35f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/17-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +title: Heart Smart +date: 11/17/2025 +--- + +_Connie M. Dunn_ + +>

+> Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Prov. 4:23, NIV. + +After King David committed adultery with Bathsheba, he begged for God’s mercy and pleaded, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Ps. 51:10, NIV). Although we understand that David wasn’t requesting a literal pure heart, in modern terms he was asking God for a pure mind. As we read about the heart in the Bible, we find that typically the writers are referring to our thoughts and attitudes-our minds. + +Neuropsychologists studying the mind and the brain have begun to understand that every action and thought we have exists only in the neurons and neurochemicals of our brains. Thoughts transfer through neurons and across synapses, forming pathways and networks intimately involved in everything we do, from recognizing a word or a sound to recalling what it means, where we have seen or heard it before, and how we might respond to it. Our brains store our memories and experiences, what we have learned, and what we have done. New neuronal connections and pathways that at first sent only rivulets of electrochemical signals can potentially become well-used rivers sending torrents of information. + +What this meant for King David is still true for us today. Every act or thought, anything that we perceive, makes changes in the structure of our brains, however small, and over time those things we become most familiar with create stronger connections and well-traveled pathways in our brains. Knowing this, it is understandable that being “heart smart” involves careful consideration of the kinds of patterns we establish in our lives, as well as the experiences we involve ourselves and others in. As the old familiar words prompt us: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things” (Phil. 4:8, NIV). + +> +> Lord, my prayer is that I will be “heart smart,” and that You will create in me a pure mind. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29741d6aff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/17-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Heart Smart +startDate: 11/17/2025 +endDate: 11/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/18-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/18-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..438dfc8138 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/18-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Intolerance +date: 11/18/2025 +--- + +_David J. DeRose_ + +>

+> Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages of what does not satisfy? Isa. 55:2, NKJV. + +June came into my office complaining of serious abdominal difficulties. After taking a careful history and performing her exam, I told her that she might have a lactase enzyme deficiency. Her stomach did not properly digest dairy products, causing bloating, cramps, gas, or watery diarrhea. Consequently, I recommended that she avoid all dairy products for the next three weeks. + +June was skeptical. However, a short time later she was back in the office convinced that we indeed had identified the problem. A dairy-free diet had caused her symptoms to vanish. + +The irony of June’s story is that she no doubt had many good reasons for using dairy products. Perhaps she felt it was a good source of calcium or protein. Or perhaps she just simply liked the taste. Nonetheless, no matter how good they seemed, they were causing her untold misery. + +Although there are growing concerns about the health effects of dairy products, my focus is not to condemn, but to recognize that it is a food group that commonly causes acute problems often not recognized by the people afflicted. + +This provides us with an illustration. Even though we’ve grown up with something-for example, dairy products-it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily good for us. In some cases it can even undermine our health. + +In contrast, another “dairy product,” “the pure milk of the word” (1 Peter 2:2, NKJV), can be digested by all who are willing to receive the Spirit’s illumination. In the physical realm a food may cause problems for some individuals even if the majority classify it as not all that bad or even good or excellent. So in the spiritual realm, the Spirit through the Word may convict you to cut certain things out of your life. These things may not be bad in themselves-they may be all right or even desirable for others to do. However, because of your nature and tendencies, the only route to your total health-spiritually or physically-involves leaving that practice out of your life. + +> +> Lord, my prayer is that I will be “heart smart,” and that You will create in me a pure mind. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2846a527c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/18-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Intolerance +startDate: 11/18/2025 +endDate: 11/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/19-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/19-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..837578e240 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/19-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Health Is Wholeness +date: 11/19/2025 +--- + +_Dan Day_ + +>

+> Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20, NIV. + +One of the major myths in modern society is the passion for fitness as an end in itself. I have a friend who is totally caught up in the fitness craze, working out at a fitness palace virtually every night. Vitamins and supplements that promise to give her greater energy and help her eliminate deposits of fat (of which a casual look would suggest she has few) clutter her desk. She subscribes to body-building magazines that display sculptured bodies that seem almost inhuman in the extremes of muscle definition. She even had dreams of competing in such contests herself. + +On the surface it would seem that she has a passion for health. Surely, trying to look good and feel good are positive things. But health is more than muscle definition. And fitness is more than the relationship between weight and body fat. + +In her pursuit of the perfect body, my friend has chosen to exclude from her life many other elements that contribute to overall wholeness. Her marriages have ended painfully, and the relationship she’s in now is quite unconventional. She has selected for her preferred social setting the bars and clubs that cater to the mindless, pleasure-seeking crowd, most of which is a generation younger than she is. She no longer attends church or finds anything appealing in the spiritual dimension of life. + +The real problem with what she is doing, however, isn’t so much the elements she’s brought into her life (though others might choose differently), but the elements she’s excluded. A life in balance is one that places the physical aspect in proper perspective with the others, including the social, the intellectual, and the spiritual. Health is wholeness, a life in which all the parts work together in a symmetry that exceeds just that of a sculpted body. And in so doing, we honor God with our bodies, not self. + +I know “man does not live on bread alone” (Matt. 4:4, NIV) but it must also be said that we should not live by exercise alone, either! + +> +> Remember that “holiness is wholeness for God; it is the entire surrender of heart and life to the indwelling of the principles of heaven” (The Desire of Ages , p. 556). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33e62a826d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/19-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Health Is Wholeness +startDate: 11/19/2025 +endDate: 11/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/20-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/20-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b69cb55109 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/20-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Too Little, Too Much" +date: 11/20/2025 +--- + +_Patricia K. Johnston_ + +>

+> Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, surfeit of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. Eze. 16:49, RSV. + +We use the term malnutrition most often to describe circumstances in which there is too little food or nutrients to supply the body’s requirements. We are all acquainted with emaciated faces peering out at us from the TV screen, asking for help. The malnutrition of too little. + +On the other hand, we also find the malnutrition of too much, most often called overnutrition. The percentage of the U.S. population classified as overweight or obese is growing. Many have too much food, but not all. + +The world’s food distribution is not equitable. Several visits to Haiti served to underscore in my mind what happens in too many places. The shelves of stores where the simple people shop are empty, or what little food is there is priced beyond their meager funds, but the storehouses of the wealthy are full. + +I cannot forget the man standing just outside the circle of mothers and children waiting to receive a small package of dried milk. Obviously he didn’t qualify for the food, so he just stood and watched others receive theirs. His tattered shorts were the remnants of once-longer pants. His T-shirt had more holes than cloth. He carried a broken machete, a few sticks to start a fire, and one breadfruit. + +I couldn’t help thinking of the statement: “If men today were simple in their habits, living in harmony with nature’s laws, as did Adam and Eve in the beginning, there would be an abundant supply for the needs of the human family. But selfishness and the indulgence of appetite have brought sin and misery, from excess on the one hand, from want on the other” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 47). + +Too little and too much. It’s not a new problem. The question is What can you do about it? Which side will you be on when “the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat” (Matt. 25:34, 35, NIV)? + +> +> Think of someone in your town, neighborhood, or church who is struggling financially and may benefit from something healthful to eat. What can you do to meet that person’s need? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3467e3d86d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/20-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Too Little, Too Much" +startDate: 11/20/2025 +endDate: 11/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/21-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/21-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a7754f9db --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/21-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Close the Door, But Not So Hard" +date: 11/21/2025 +--- + +_Winona Eichner_ + +>

+> All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 2 Cor. 4:15, NIV. + +When I was a little girl and my mother wanted to teach me not to slam the door, she would often make me open and close the door and say out loud, “I will not slam the door closed.” + +This memory for some reason came to mind when I hung up the phone after being told I had a breast lump that would need immediate surgery. I asked God why He was slamming the door on a new job and move I was about to take. + +I was absorbed with my private memory for only a few minutes when I heard a page for another outside call. It was the adoption agency with a boy, and my husband and I had been matched with him. I had three days to decide and commit to taking him or turn down the opportunity. + +That afternoon I talked a long time with my husband. As we spoke to the social worker and held the child’s picture, we knew we wanted him. But what if God wanted to slam another door? + +The surgeon was most reassuring and positive. “I’m sure everything will turn out fine, so don’t put your life on hold just because of this. If you want to adopt, then do it, but it probably would not be a good idea to move and take a new job in the middle of an unknown health crisis.” I knew what he was saying was true! + +I had the surgery, and we adopted Christopher. As I was leaving the surgeon’s office on my return postop visit, I overheard him telling another patient not to worry. “I am sure everything will turn out fine.” + +I thought to myself that maybe this woman would be as blessed as I have been and discover that just because one door slams doesn’t mean the hand of God won’t open another. + +None of us likes to have doors slam on what we want to do. But I’ve learned God holds our lives-and the doors of this world-in His hands. And He never shuts one door without opening another. Why then should we worry? + +> +> Thank You, God, for knowing which doors in my life should be closed, and for opening the ones that You know are best for me. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c77378a7bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/21-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Close the Door, But Not So Hard" +startDate: 11/21/2025 +endDate: 11/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/22-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/22-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..029737585e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/22-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Thy Will Be Done +date: 11/22/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. Matt. 26:42. + +I’ve relived the accident hundreds of times-cresting the hill, the terror of seeing the van in my lane, the immediate impact, my exposed leg bone protruding through my sock as my foot dangled to the side, and no sound from the passenger seat. “Mom, talk to me,” I cried. Silence. I hopped around the car to get to my mother. Mom, doubled over and squashed between the seat and dash, was now groaning in pain, “I can’t breathe.” I had to straighten her or she would suffocate. Pulling her out of the car, I placed her on a pillow on the pavement, fell down beside her, cuddled her in my arms, willed her to breathe, and prayed for help. + +The following days were a blur. The miracle was that the surgeons could reattach my foot and I would walk again. But within a week my mom’s chances of surviving narrowed to 10 percent, then 5 percent as infection set in and her kidneys and liver began to fail. + +I called the pastor to have Mom anointed. “You know, Kay,” he said, “an anointing is as much for the family to say ‘Thy will be done,’ as it is for your mom’s healing.” + +I hung up, sobbing bitter tears. “No,” I screamed. “Mom has to live.” I couldn’t say the words “Thy will be done.” Mom couldn’t die like this-an innocent victim of a senseless accident in which I had been the driver. I wept. For two hours I pleaded with the Lord for her life. Then, emotionally spent, I gave up my fight and between sobs of resignation finally uttered, “Thy will be done.” At last peace came. + +Later as I told the pastor about my struggle, he said, “Do you think it was easy for Jesus to say “Thy will be done” in the Garden of Gethsemane when He knew in a few short hours He was facing his own painful death?” + +Suddenly I realized that through this experience I had been to Gethsemane with Jesus and found God there, and now with peace in my heart I could say “Thy will be done.” + +Twenty-two days after the accident Mom died. + +> +> What is your prayer? Can you say “Thy will be done,” or are you still saying “My will be done”? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4886abc55b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/22-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Thy Will Be Done +startDate: 11/22/2025 +endDate: 11/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/23-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/23-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c51cd23e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/23-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: A Sound Mind +date: 11/23/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7. + +Fear is a normal human emotion. We can’t control it or avoid it. It just happens-especially when we are uncertain about the future. But fear was not in God’s plan, and He does not leave us helpless as we face it. + +The stifling heat and humidity of a tropical night did not help in my battle with mindless panic. For two weeks a physician from the division office had escorted me around the Philippines. I had felt secure. Now his schedule compelled him to return to Singapore, leaving me to complete my first overseas itinerary alone. My last destination was a small town in the politically tense island of Mindanao. But in spite of our many efforts, we had been unable to discover if a seminar was actually planned. The local conference office had no phone or telex, the union health/temperance secretary was away, and no one else knew. + +My thoughts whirled in circles. What would I do if no one met me? I had been warned that as a white woman traveling alone I should not go outside an airport terminal unless I recognized someone as being there to meet me. Was I being foolhardy to take the risk? What was the Lord’s will? + +“What shall I do, Lord?” I asked. “I’m so afraid.” Then softly came His first gift-a sound mind to reason through the situation. I realized that if no one did meet me, I could always buy a return ticket back to Manila! Then came love-a guiding motivational force keeping me aligned with God’s will. I began to want to go on the trip. And finally there was power-the strength to make the decision. I would go. My anxiety had vanished. God’s power would uphold and protect me. With those gifts to help me, I fell asleep. + +The next morning as I deplaned to view two smiling faces holding a huge banner proclaiming “Welcome to Mindanao, Dr. Mutch,” I knew that God had indeed given me His gifts to conquer fear: the spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. + +> +> When you’re frightened, hold on to the promise that God will give you a sound mind, love, and power. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..985a75c839 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/23-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Sound Mind +startDate: 11/23/2025 +endDate: 11/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/24-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/24-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68d4de6620 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/24-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: "Traits of a Strong, Healthy Family" +date: 11/24/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Ps. 127:1, NIV. + +Researchers have found that the majority of strong, healthy families have the following traits in common: + +1. **Commitment**: Put God and your family first, and commit to helping each other become everything God designed you to be. +2. **Appreciation and affirmation**: Give positive attention and affirm each other, letting each family member know they’re special. Strong families focus on the strengths of each other, not the faults. +3. **Time together**: Healthy families enjoy being together. Work together, play together, and enjoy leisure times together. Family members may be busy, but they don’t let jobs, school, or personal hobbies steal family time. +4. **Communication**: To understand each other a family has to be willing to invest the time necessary to share their feelings and opinions. Each day you are a new person. Without sharing those experiences with each other, family members can soon become strangers. +5. **Religion**: Sharing a religious faith and having similar religious values and standards is extremely important. Worshipping together is a bonding experience. But most important is a commitment to God, the foundation of the family. +6. **Play and a sense of humor**: Happy families have fun together; they play together; they laugh together. Having a sense of humor during troublesome moments is like pouring oil on restless water. It defuses the tension and has an immediate calming effect. +7. **Sharing responsibilities and roles**: If family members will do whatever is necessary to meet each other’s needs, even if the task doesn’t happen to be on their priority list, everyone is happier. Be flexible and responsible. +8. **Common interests and goals**: The more a family has in common, the more its members tend to do together. Having similar interests and getting behind common goals gives the family something to look forward to, to plan, and to experience together. +9. **Service to others**: Just as a pond grows stagnant if it has no outlet, so does a family. Reaching out and helping others bonds families together. +10. **Admitting to and seeking help with problems**: Healthy families aren’t problem-free; they just admit to problems and get the help they need to solve them! + +How does your family measure up? For a little bit of heaven on earth, make God the foundation of your family and add these 10 essential traits. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14e5433315 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/24-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "Traits of a Strong, Healthy Family" +startDate: 11/24/2025 +endDate: 11/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/25-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/25-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f3473b515 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/25-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Prayer's Power Over Addiction +date: 11/25/2025 +--- + +_Dawna Sawatzky_ + +>

+> He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea. Ps. 102:17, NIV. + +Tears spilled from 15-year-old Vicca’s soft brown eyes. Her story was all too familiar to me as a health evangelist in Russia. Luda, Vlad, and Tamara had the same story. Their parents were alcoholics, a common problem among those with no hope. + +Vicca was afraid. Her father was leaving to work in Germany, and she felt she would never see him again because of his heavy drinking and poor physical condition. “What can I do?” she wondered. + +I also wondered what I could do! I had little firsthand knowledge of alcoholism. Despite the many hours of seminars, college classes, and visiting Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, I was still unsure how to handle such a situation. With no local support groups to help, I had only one answer. If Vicca’s father would come to our evangelistic meetings, I could pray with him. + +To Vicca’s surprise, he came. Every night for four weeks he sat front row, center. Together Vicca, our translator, and I prayed with him after three of the meetings. He was appreciative, but that was all I knew. + +One of the great disadvantages of such meetings is the loss of contact with those who attend. However, I was fortunate enough to have a visit with Vicca two years later. She is a baptized believer and active as a church member. Her father has not joined her, but since the third time we prayed, by the power of God, he hasn’t had a drink of alcohol. She considers it a miracle, and so do I. + +I’m reminded of this story every time I read Psalm 107:17-21: “Others, the fools, were ill because of their sinful ways. Their appetites were gone and death was near. Then they cried to the Lord in their troubles, and he helped them and delivered them. He spoke, and they were healed-snatched from the door of death. Oh, that these men would praise the Lord for his lovingkindness and for all his wonderful deeds!” (TLB). + +> +> When you are tempted and tried, hold on to this picture that Ellen White paints in The Desire of Ages : “God is bending from His throne [on high] to hear the cry of the oppressed. To every sincere prayer He answers, ‘Here am I’” (p. 356). + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3298cf082a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/25-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Prayer's Power Over Addiction +startDate: 11/25/2025 +endDate: 11/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/26-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/26-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b80f7543ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/26-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: The Gift and the Giver +date: 11/26/2025 +--- + +_Dan Matthews_ + +>

+> Jesus said: “Were not all ten cleansed? The other nine, where are they?” Luke 17:17, NEB. + +Imagine that as you get up every morning and look into the mirror, you see yourself covered with blotchy, decaying skin and deformed tissue. In Jesus’ time thousands of people had this experience-leprosy-and they knew it to be an isolating, painful, and ultimately fatal illness. + +Even worse, people told them that the disease was far more than a physical problem-it was a religious problem, a public sign of God’s judgment and disapproval. It was a disease that, in the view of the religious authorities of the day, enabled the rest of society to see one suffering under punishment from God for some major sin. And because one languished with leprosy in a steady, downhill slide into death, it was clear to them that God’s condemnation and punishment were both permanent and fatal. + +No wonder, then, that Jesus never encountered a leper without healing him or her. For not only was Jesus moved by their physical suffering; He also protested against the twisted and tragic view of His Father the disease was thought to represent. + +On one occasion He even healed 10 lepers at the same time. Then the story takes an interesting turn. Nine of them were so taken with their fresh skin that they rushed down the road to embrace their friends and forgot all about the One who made them well. Only one former leper recognized that the power of the moment was not in his clean skin, but in the One who made it whole. And he returned and bowed at the feet of Jesus. + +Our old instincts would likely have approved should God have allowed the leprosy to return to those nine ungrateful wretches as they scampered down the road so self-absorbed in their gift that they forgot the Giver. But that would have missed Jesus’ larger point. Though forgiveness is offered to all, only those who love the Forgiver have entered into life. + +> +> Have you entered into life? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e498d872a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/26-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Gift and the Giver +startDate: 11/26/2025 +endDate: 11/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/27-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/27-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..616fdbb6cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/27-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Giving Glory to God +date: 11/27/2025 +--- + +_Betty H. Hoehn_ + +>

+> Then I saw another angel flying in midair, . . . He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” Rev. 14:6, 7, NIV. + +Discussing the meaning of the verse “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31), my public health professor startled me with his words. “Health is part of the three angels’ messages,” he said. + +Now, wait a minute, I thought, how could that possibly be? + +He continued, “In Revelation 14:7 the third angel says, ‘Fear God, and give glory to Him.’ How do you give glory to God? Well, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says we do that by what we eat and drink and anything else we do.” + +Well, I thought, that’s a real revelation from Revelation! The health message is a part of the three angels’ messages! + +We can give glory to God by what we eat and drink. Take Daniel and his companions, for example. After 10 days on a vegetarian diet everyone could see how God had blessed (Dan. 1). + +The Lord is also glorified if an expectant mother follows the simple rules of health. Judges 13:4 says an angel told Samson’s mother not to drink wine or strong drink, or eat any unclean thing. An angel notified Zacharias, John the Baptist’s father, that his son was never to drink alcoholic beverages (Luke 1:15). John followed a simple diet and gave “glory to God” in a spectacular way. His clear brain, through the Holy Spirit’s insight, was able to recognize the Messiah and announce, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29, NIV). + +The number of years we live and our quality of life can also glorify God. “The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness” (Prov. 16:31, NKJV). + +I’m way past 70 and actively traveling, giving Bible studies, coordinating retreats, and involved in the lives of my children and grandchildren. Every time the retired church workers obituary list is published, I’m amazed at the number of those who have lived far beyond three score and 10! To God be the glory! + +> +> Do people notice what you eat or don’t eat? Do they notice what you drink or don’t drink? Does that embarrass you, or do you seize the opportunity to glorify God? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1bcf7f74c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/27-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Giving Glory to God +startDate: 11/27/2025 +endDate: 11/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/28-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/28-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f3dd3f87fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/28-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Giving Up the Bulge +date: 11/28/2025 +--- + +_Raymond O. West_ + +>

+> Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matt. 11:28-30, NIV. + +Six of us had entered the deep Virginia cave a few hours before on the dangling end of a stout rope. We had ambled, crawled, and crouched our way through tunnels and crawlways from caverns to vast stalactite-strewn rooms. Then we had eaten lunch by the shore of a tiny lake. Yes, it had been a spelunker’s day of delights. Somewhere up there on the surface the winter afternoon had waned and it was past time to exit. + +Now again, with the aid of our trusty rope, four of our group were already on top. Bob, my stocky spelunker friend, crouched with me on a narrow shelf of solid rock, with 80 feet of dark vertical passageway below and a shaft of wintry light slanting down from above. + +Unfortunately, we had a problem-we were stuck just below a narrow confinement. As Bob had clawed his way upward, I had pushed from below. But he was simply too stocky and the defile too narrow. On the way down Bob had been assisted by gravity, but going up, it was like a cork stuck in the neck of a bottle. Several times we had heaved and shoved. Now, breathless and fatigued, we considered our options: a pound of butter for grease? a jackhammer? even a minor earthquake? + +In frustration Bob exploded, “You’ll just have to leave me here.” + +With just the breath of a prayer we rallied our strength for a final try. As Bob heaved on the rope, I shoved from below. Nothing! Then, curiously, I noted for the first time a bulge in Bob’s back pocket. “Bob,” I exulted, “slide back down here and take out your wallet!” + +That was it. In our anxiety we’d missed the cause of the jam-up. Bob’s wallet had been the plug. With another hefty shove we were soon on top and headed for home. + +Concerned over health-related burdens? Why not decide today to give them over to Jesus? Hand Him your anxieties and stress. Trust Him with your empty calories and adipose pounds-and all the rest. + +He has promised to make our burdens easy and light. + +> +> What is the bulge in your life that is keeping you from reaching your desired goals? Give it to Jesus and expect a miracle! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5447be6b00 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/28-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Giving Up the Bulge +startDate: 11/28/2025 +endDate: 11/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/29-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/29-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..525cf77ac5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/29-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: The Gift of a Disability +date: 11/29/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 12:9, NIV. + +The apostle Paul was a choleric, type A committed doer. He met every assignment with great enthusiasm, total conviction, and utter determination. Paul was an influential teacher, dynamic evangelist, and dedicated missionary. But he had a disability. Some feel that he never fully recovered from the blindness that struck him on the way to Damascus. Others think that maybe he suffered from malaria. Here’s what Paul says: + +“I will say this: because these experiences I had were so tremendous, God was afraid I might be puffed up by them; so I was given a physical condition which has been a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to hurt and bother me, and prick my pride. Three different times I begged God to make me well again. Each time he said, ‘No, But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.’ Now I am glad to boast about how weak I am; I am glad to be a living demonstration of Christ’s power, instead of showing off my own power and abilities. Since I know it is all for Christ’s good, I am quite happy about ‘the thorn,’ and about insults and hardships, persecutions and difficulties; for when I am weak, then I am strong-the less I have, the more I depend on him” (2 Cor. 12:7-10, TLB). + +None of us would choose to have the gift of a disability. But many have no choice. For example, consider Mike Boyd, who fell when his scaffolding collapsed and is now a quadriplegic. Yet his testimony remains strong. “If I can be a better witness for God from my wheelchair, then I would not want anything else.” + +As long as we live in this world of sin, we are targets for accidents, chronic pain, and debilitating disease. Hopefully, we can learn to say as Paul did: “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. . . . I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:12, 13, NIV). + +> +> In what way are you “disabled”? How are you allowing God to use your “disability”? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d032d9c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/29-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Gift of a Disability +startDate: 11/29/2025 +endDate: 11/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/30-november-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/30-november-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14e67c2ffa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/30-november-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: A Remedy for Guilt +date: 11/30/2025 +--- + +_Lois (Rittenhouse) Pecce_ + +>

+> All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. John 6:37, NASB. + +The headline virtually screamed the word “GUILTY.” The photo beneath it could break a heart. It showed a mother and father bidding farewell to their beloved 18-year-old daughter before guards led her away to serve the next 10 years or more in prison for the alleged murder of her newly born infant. + +The love and pain mingled in their faces strikes to the heart of anyone who has loved a child-to the heart of anyone who has loved anyone. What true parents have not dreamed dreams and hoped hopes for their children? What parents have not labored and sacrificed to help these hopes come true? College . . . music lessons . . . ball games . . . + +Such a scene reminds one that for all of us, when called to stand before God, the righteous Judge, and answer for our lives, the verdict will be guilty! The Bible tells us that “ all have sinned” (Rom. 3:23). + +But in our hurting love for a straying or troubled child another picture comes to mind-a picture of God, our Father, who emptied all heaven on our behalf and spent His most cherished possession to redeem us. God did something for us that the young girl’s parents were unable to do for her. Isaiah 53:5-9 tells how He took our punishment! “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities. . . . We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (NIV). + +Our way of dealing with another’s guilt (or supposed guilt) is to throw stones and to separate the troubled person from the very sources and community that might render aid. Someone has referred to it as “shooting our wounded.” + +The Lord does not let the guilty go free, but He does offer a solution-a solution that, were it practiced among us as family, friends, community, and church, would restore many a troubled, hurting soul. With heart and arms wide open, He pleads, “Come unto me” (Matt. 11:28). His promise is that He will not cast out any who do so (see John 6:37). + +> +> Is there someone who needs your example of God’s love and acceptance? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6efdbb0a56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/30-november-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: A Remedy for Guilt +startDate: 11/30/2025 +endDate: 11/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cadc55488f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/11-november-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: November 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/01-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/01-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..46545977f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/01-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Health Benefits of Generosity +date: 12/01/2025 +--- + +_Jeffrey K. Wilson_ + +>

+> Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 1 Tim. 6:18, 19, NIV. + +When John D. Rockefeller was in his 50s he was broken in health and ready to die as the richest man in the United States. It was said that the veins in his arms were as hard as lead pipes. He was a driven man-driven to satisfy his lust for material wealth-and had used every possible means available to him to make money and destroy his competitors. + +As Rockefeller faced death he began to see himself for the greedy fool he really was, and to fear his encounter with God. Maybe if he used his money to meet the needs of others, he thought, God would forgive him for the way he had acquired his wealth. + +He resolved to become kind and benevolent, and began giving away millions. Instead of dying, he steadily improved in health. He was also far happier in his money-giving days than he had been in his money-making days. When he died at the ripe old age of 97, it was said that the veins in his arms were as soft as a baby's. + +Long before Rockefeller, the Bible illustrated the health principle of generosity with the story of two rich farmers. + +The farmer in Luke 12:16-21 had a problem. His harvest was so bountiful his barns weren't large enough to store it. In a purely selfish but very logical decision, the man ordered larger grain elevators built, and then stretched out in his recliner and gloated over how lavishly he had provided for himself for years to come so he could take it easy, eat, drink, and be merry. Jesus called him a fool, because that night the man died and someone else inherited his wealth. + +The second was Boaz. In contrast, Boaz allowed the poor to glean in his fields. He was particularly generous with a foreign-born widow, Ruth, and later married her. Because of his generosity he became the great-grandfather of King David and a forerunner of the Saviour Himself (Ruth 2-4). + +When you're tempted to accumulate things for yourself, remember the scriptural health principle: "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). + +> +> What more could you do to practice the health principle of generosity? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..572baa63a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/01-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Health Benefits of Generosity +startDate: 12/01/2025 +endDate: 12/01/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/02-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/02-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e846a084e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/02-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Cleaning Up My Kitchen +date: 12/02/2025 +--- + +_Jane Sines_ + +>

+> There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Prov. 14:12, NIV. + +It all started when I began skimping on my sleep, eating on the run, and pushing myself to renovate a halfway house for prisoners. Lack of funding forced me into full-time fund raising and full-time construction. After six months of abusing my body, moving became painful. I couldn't get out of the car without Al's help. I kept thinking, All I need is a good night's rest, and I'll bounce back. But I didn't. Instead, I began taking Advil to kill the pain. + +While at a board meeting at Weimar Institute, Dr. Vernon Foster noticed me trying to get up out of the chair and asked, "What's wrong?" After a quick exam, he said, "You'll have to see a doctor and have tests, Jane, but it looks like polymyalgia rheumatica." + +I went back home, found a specialist, and started drug therapy. But month after month I got no better. When the dosage was increased and another drug given to prevent hemorrhaging, I became convicted that this was not the way to go, so I called Dr. Foster. He agreed, and instead of prescribing drugs, he asked me to walk three miles a day for five days a week, drink more than 2 quarts of water daily, sleep eight hours a night, rest with my eyes closed one hour in the middle of the day, and eat no dairy products or refined fats or sugars. + +Do you know what that does to the "good old Adventist diet?" It gets you back to nature. Almost everything you buy has animal products or hydrogenated fat or sugar in it. I put a 30-gallon trash container in the middle of my kitchen and filled it with what I cleaned out my refrigerator and cupboards. + +Within 10 days I felt better. In 30 days the change was significant. By the end of 90 days I could hardly remember I had been sick. Now I can tell within an hour if I eat things that aren't good for me. + +I'm convinced that there is a way that may seem right to us, but in the end is pain, sickness, disability, and eventually death. + +> +> Just to know and not to do is not good enough, either in the area of our physical health, or in our spiritual lives. "Lord, help me to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk." + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47e1e091e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/02-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Cleaning Up My Kitchen +startDate: 12/02/2025 +endDate: 12/02/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/03-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/03-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb9b270bf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/03-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: The Double Healing Effect +date: 12/03/2025 +--- + +_Antonio M. Rosario_ + +>

+> But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and +bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. Luke 10:33, 34, NIV. + +Dale Shields fell into a deep depression after having seven bypass operations. He thought he had nothing to live for and abandoned all hope in himself and in life. Then one day as he was fishing at a wharf in Florida, he saw a pelican trapped and dying in the rocks. He rescued the pelican, took it home, and cared for it until it was well again. Since then Dale Shields has dedicated his life to the rescue of thousands of birds wounded by helicopter rotors or fishing nets and lines. They call him "the pelican man." + +The amazing fact is that in aiding others, he helped himself and discovered the "double healing effect." In saving helpless birds, he ended up saving himself. He found a reason to live. "Those birds need me," he says. "Someone has to help a bird in need." + +If only more people would discover the double healing effect and reach out to others instead of focusing on themselves and their miserable condition. Abraham Lincoln expressed it well when he said that by relieving the pain of another, one relieves their own. + +Dr. Karl Menninger, the famous psychiatrist, once gave a lecture on mental health and was answering questions from the audience. + +"What would you advise a person to do," asked one man, "if that person felt a nervous breakdown coming on?" + +Most people expected him to reply, "Consult a psychiatrist." To their astonishment, he said, "Lock up your house, go across the railway tracks, find someone in need, and do something to help that person." + +I like the thought that Ellen G. White expresses: "Doing good is a work that benefits both giver and receiver. If you forget self in your interest for others, you gain a victory over your infirmities. The satisfaction you will realize in doing good will aid you greatly in the recovery of the healthy tone of the imagination. The pleasure of doing good animates the mind and vibrates through the whole body" (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 534). + +I challenge you to begin serving others and experience for yourself the double healing effect! + +> +> Lord, give me the good Samaritan's heart to serve others unselfishly. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b483bd07a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/03-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Double Healing Effect +startDate: 12/03/2025 +endDate: 12/03/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/04-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/04-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8348e11dc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/04-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Teach Them to Love My Sabbath +date: 12/04/2025 +--- + +_Jacalyn Nosek_ + +>

+> "I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isa. 41:9, 10, NIV. + +Several years ago depression overcame me. In addition, I am in constant, excruciating pain from a herniated disk, vertebral spondylosis, and bone spurs. I became convinced I was too crippled, too ugly, too fat for anyone ever to care about and began to believe I couldn't do anyone any good. I was ready to give up. What was the point of going on? But God had put two wonderful nephews in my life-Joel and Chad. I thought if I could make a difference in their lives and their friends' lives, then maybe there would be a reason to go on. So I prayed, "Lord, what can I do for You and them?" + +God responded with "Teach them to love My Sabbath." But I had no idea what to do. So God provided me with two wonderful books: From Dilemma to Delight, by Gerita Garver Liebelt, and A Love Song for the Sabbath, by Richard Davidson. Here I found a wealth of ideas. I decided to plan a typical Jewish Shabbat celebration and welcome the Sabbath with these young people. + +God helped me gather Bible texts that took symbols of salvation in the Old Testament and linked them to their fulfillment in Christ. The service is simple, but full of meaning. Everyone participates. + +Early in the service the "father" or person in charge places his hands upon the head of every child and pronounces blessings. It is a very solemn and moving experience. During dinner we give our testimonies, and end with a call for rededication to God. + +Friday evenings have become the most special time in the week for us. The young people show up early to help prepare the meal and set the table with our best china, silver, and crystal to welcome the King of the universe. They stay late into the evening talking about their spiritual concerns and blessings. + +I am living proof that a person can "come again from the land of the enemy" (Jer. 31:16). Now I have a reason to live: to help every young person I meet to love the Sabbath and the Lord of the Sabbath. + +> +> Why not invite the Lord of the universe to dinner next Friday evening and celebrate Shabbat with Him! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..308ef83caf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/04-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Teach Them to Love My Sabbath +startDate: 12/04/2025 +endDate: 12/04/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/05-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/05-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3416f194ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/05-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: Arise and Eat +date: 12/05/2025 +--- + +_Betty M. Hoehn_ + +>

+> And as [Elijah] lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat. 1 Kings 19:5. + +It had been a long, trying, and tiring day. Elijah had had little or no time to eat, and certainly no time to rest. He had to keep a vigilant eye on the priests of Baal. + +More than 12 barrels of water had been hauled up that mountain, probably from the sea below. Following the dramatic display of fireworks from God, Elijah had given the order to execute justice, killing all the priests of Baal. It was a physically and emotionally draining time. + +Elijah prayed intensely seven times for rain, and when it finally came, he ran ahead of King Ahab's chariot for about 25 miles through a torrential downpour to the gates of Jezreel. + +He was totally exhausted, physically and emotionally spent, when a messenger notified Elijah that he was on Jezebel's hit list. + +Immediately he and his servant fled down the 95-mile stretch to Beersheba, and then another 20-some miles out into the desert. Ancient Palestine had no Taco Bells or Subways. Just a juniper tree. There Elijah collapsed, asked God to let him die, and slept. + +Then an angel touched him. The being offered no scathing rebuke, no "Where was your faith?" criticism, no "Don't you think if God could protect you from all the priests of Baal, He could shield you from Jezebel?" + +No, the Bible record simply states that the angel provided him with fresh bread and a jug of water and said, "Arise and eat." + +Elijah ate. He drank. He slept. + +Then enters the angel again and says, "Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee" (1 Kings 19:7). God knew it was going to be a 40-day-and-night journey of about 200 miles to Mount Horeb, the next rest area. + +God knows we can't deal with spiritual conflicts until we get our physical bodies back in balance. + +How is it with you today? Have you been overstressed, overworked, overburdened? Rest, then "arise and eat" the food and drink of angels. + +> +> Thank You, God, for meeting all my needs: for rest, for food, and for drink. And Lord, help me to remember, when I'm stressed out, that You don't require me to go on until my life is back in balance. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..519ce79c07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/05-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Arise and Eat +startDate: 12/05/2025 +endDate: 12/05/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/06-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/06-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9613e46a09 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/06-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: "What Are You Doing Here?" +date: 12/06/2025 +--- + +_Betty M. Hoehn_ + +>

+> So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. There he went into a cave and spent the night. And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 1 Kings 19:8, 9, NIV. + +Elijah was in the depths of depression. He saw himself a target for execution because he had defended God before the whole rebellious nation. The prophet considered himself the only one left on earth loyal to God. It didn’t look like there was much use for him to continue his witnessing. + +The Lord told him to stand in His presence, then offered a demonstration of power. A mighty wind hurled rocks and shattered the mountains. But God was not in it. + +A mighty earthquake heaved the ground beneath his feet. But God was not the earthquake. + +Then came the fires. But God was not there. + +Finally a quiet, tender voice. That was God! + +“What are you doing here, Elijah? You are important to Me. I have some vital work for you to do. First, I want you to anoint Hazael to be king over Syria. Second, anoint Jehu to be king over Israel. Third, anoint Elisha to be a prophet after you. And, by the way, Elijah, 7,000 have not bowed the knee to Baal. Come, let us be going.” + +God did not chide Elijah, just used some dramatic events to change the focus of Elijah’s attention. + +No harsh words-just affirmation. “You are still My prophet. Go, return to do the work of a prophet, Elijah.” + +Elijah must have taken a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and walked back toward Damascus. He had seen scarier things than an angry Jezebel, but God had preserved him again. + +Let us remember, as we work for Him, that we too are not alone. He will be guiding us by the still, small voice of His Holy Spirit. + +We do not need to fear furious Jezebels. And somewhere out there 7,000-plus loyal members also work along with us for God. And if we get discouraged and think our efforts are ineffective, and run away to hide, be sure God will ask, “What are you doing here?” + +> +> Think about your circumstances, where you are at this time. If God asked you “What are you doing here?” what would you answer? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c4d0727b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/06-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "What Are You Doing Here?" +startDate: 12/06/2025 +endDate: 12/06/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/07-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/07-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b4f220eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/07-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Boundaries +date: 12/07/2025 +--- + +_Paul and Carol Cannon_ + +>

+> There was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s cattle and the herdsmen of Lot’s cattle. . . . Then Abram said to Lot, “Let there be no strife between you and me, and between your herdsmen and my herdsmen; . . . Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me.” Gen. 13:7-9, RSV. + +The Bible offers many examples of healthy boundary-setting, of setting limits beyond which we can refuse to permit ourselves to be pushed against our wills. For example, Jesus set boundaries, even with his own parents (Luke 2:49). When His mother attempted to dominate and control Him, He told her not to tell Him what to do (John 2:4). As Peter tried to manage Jesus’ behavior, Jesus replied, “Get away from me, Satan! You are an obstacle in my way” (Matt. 16:23, TEV). Yet many Christians feel guilty if they define a psychological boundary, or defend themselves when they feel they are taken advantage of or hurt. + +What is a boundary? It is the means by which we protect ourselves from others who would hurt or control us in some way, yet without offending others. It is a barrier beyond which we will not go, and behind which we will not allow others to come. + +Our boundaries define who we are and what is important to us. In order to let others know how we want to be treated, we have to be willing to tell the truth and set limits. Trying to relate to a person whose boundaries are blurry is like trying to play volleyball on an unmarked court. You can’t tell when the ball is out of bounds. Lack of boundaries causes all kinds of personal conflicts. + +In the interest of better relationships and greater intimacy we need to learn how to set boundaries. + +Boundaries keep bad, negative, undesirable stuff out and hold good, positive, helpful stuff in. The bark on a tree protects it from disease (bad stuff). The peel on an orange keeps the juice in (good stuff). Our immune system works similarly. It is the physiological barrier that protects us from illness. + +In most cases sickness indicates that our immune system has broken down. When our boundaries aren’t working-boom. We get sick! Likewise, when our personal relationships become messed up, it indicates that our social and emotional boundary system needs attention. We must learn to set boundaries as Abram and Lot did in order to maintain healthy relationships. + +> +> Dear Lord, help me to learn to speak up when I feel someone is trying to control me, and on the flip side, Lord, help me to be careful not to control others with my anger, jealousy, moodiness, or fear. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..63213046b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/07-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Boundaries +startDate: 12/07/2025 +endDate: 12/07/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/08-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/08-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..160cb3ffd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/08-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Fountain of Youth +date: 12/08/2025 +--- + +_Edwin H. Krick_ + +>

+> Who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Ps. 103:5, NIV. + +For hundreds of years humanity has dreamed of finding a “fountain of youth” whose healing waters would make the old young, cure disease, and prolong life. I’d like to propose that we have found the elusive fountain of youth but haven’t realized it. One important secret to longevity lies in protecting and maintaining a healthy immune system. + +We have more control over it than medical science previously realized. The Creator has built into the body tremendous capacity for maintaining and restoring health. Therefore, good habits maintained and bad habits discarded may help us discover the legendary fountain of youth. + +You should know that during the next 24 hours you will probably get cancer! The wildly growing cells we know as cancer develop frequently in the body, perhaps even several times a day. A healthy immune system detects and eliminates the cancer cells before we have a chance to know they’re present. + +Other areas of disease in which the immune system plays a role include infections, certain types of autoimmune diseases including arthritis and lupus, and the major killers: heart attack and stroke. + +The good news is that you can choose to have a healthy immune system. Exercise regularly (a minimum of 20 minutes every other day), eat a balanced diet (avoid the high fat and protein of animal products), get seven to nine hours of sleep a night, and be optimistic and laugh a lot. And avoid the damaging effects on the immune system of obesity, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other “street drugs,” as well as unbridled stress and negative emotions. + +Solomon may not have been an immunologist, but his statement in Proverbs 17:22-“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones”-shows great insight into the immune system, a major portion of which originates in the bone marrow. Science confirms that a merry heart does good, probably better than a medicine, while a broken spirit damages the bone marrow (immune system). + +If you make healthy choices daily, avoid harmful substances, and keep a song in your heart, you may have taken a big step toward discovering your own fountain of youth. + +> +> Dear Creator, thank you for my immune system. May I determine to make healthy choices to keep it strong and vigilant. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8ee365b6f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/08-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Fountain of Youth +startDate: 12/08/2025 +endDate: 12/08/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/09-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/09-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a218b41a0f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/09-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: On Wings of Praise +date: 12/09/2025 +--- + +_Kay Collins_ + +>

+> For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Let the saints rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds. Ps. 149:4, 5, NIV. + +I was just recovering from having partially ruptured a lower disk in my spine. I had spent three weeks in bed trying to allow it to heal with gentle, conservative treatment. + +My husband, Dan, had purchased a motor home so that I could lie down as we traveled about 2,000 miles to our next evangelistic assignment. I was just rejoicing that I was doing so well when we stopped at an RV park to take a shower. The hot water in the shower suddenly turned ice cold, causing the muscles in my back to go into painful spasms. Muffling a cry of pain, I feared the disk had slipped out again. + +We spent the night in a motel, thinking a hot tub bath might give me some relief-but it was in vain! I was alone now, lying in pain on the couch in our motor home, anxious and depressed, when our teammate John gave me some much-needed advice. “Don’t let your physical condition get you down,” he said. + +His quiet admonition aroused me, and I lifted my thoughts to God. “Father, I really am getting more and more depressed. Please lift me up on wings of praise and fill my heart and mind with joyful songs and promises from Your Word, for when the Holy Spirit has control, there is peace and joy.” + +I began singing songs of praise and happiness in my mind, and as I sang, Jesus removed the depression. The spasms lessened! Now I really praised Him! “O thank You, Lord, that the disk is not out, and that it’s just muscle spasms!” The more I praised Him, the better I felt. + +It reminded me of the admonition: “Let the saints . . . sing for joy on their beds.” When do you go to bed? It’s when you’re tired, sick, or depressed. You go to bed when you least feel like singing. But on beds of pain, whether spiritual, mental, or physical, is also the very time you most need to sing and ask God to lift you up on wings of praise. + +> +> What better time than now to sing a praise song to the Lord? “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.” + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47f8f75c83 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/09-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: On Wings of Praise +startDate: 12/09/2025 +endDate: 12/09/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/10-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/10-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d66aa2c49 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/10-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +title: The Environment and Health +date: 12/10/2025 +--- + +_Max Torkelsen_ + +>

+> The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come . . . for destroying those who destroy the earth. Rev. 11:18, NIV. + +Consider these facts: + +- In 1960 the average U.S. citizen produced three pounds of trash per day; today five pounds per person per day go into the trash. +- Ten thousand people die each year from pesticide poisoning, and another 40,000 fall ill. The rapidly increasing use of such chemicals throughout the world threatens water quality and poses risks of increased cancer and birth defects. +- Each year human beings clear an area of tropical forest the size of Scotland; the soil then erodes, the climate begins changing, and the forest’s replenishing resources have vanished. +- Scientists estimate that as many as one million species of plant and animal life will have become extinct from the human destruction of forests and ecosystems by the end of the twentieth century. + +The beginning of Hosea 4 describes the Lord’s “controversy with the inhabitants of the land” (verse 1). He says that they lack kindness and faithfulness, replacing it with lying, stealing, cheating, adultery, and murder. And what is the result? “The land mourns, and all who live in it waste away” (verse 3, NIV) and the beasts, birds, and even fish disappear. + +The Bible clearly laments the deterioration of the environment. When you contrast it with the wondrous pictures of creation’s intended harmony and wholeness given in Scripture, you realize that environmental ruin is an offense against God. + +At Creation God gave humanity “dominion” over all the earth (Gen. 1:26-28). However, the biblical term dominion does not mean arrogant domination. The biblical concept of dominion is connected to two other key ideas-covenant and stewardship. The Bible expresses not only God’s covenant with humanity, but also His covenant with all of nature (see Gen. 9:13-15). Dominion implies the responsibility to serve nature in what is essentially a stewardship relationship. God calls upon the Christian to exhibit dominion over nature without being destructive. + +Unfortunately, God’s command to “subdue” the earth (Gen. 1:28) has served as a sweeping rationalization for mindless exploitation of natural resources. Christians, of all people, should not be the destroyers. We should treat nature with an overwhelming respect. + +> +> What can I do to help preserve the national resources that God created for our use and management? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05dfe39ace --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/10-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Environment and Health +startDate: 12/10/2025 +endDate: 12/10/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/11-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/11-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15f50f2653 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/11-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Avoid HALT +date: 12/11/2025 +--- + +_Pat B. Mutch_ + +>

+> Be most careful then how you conduct yourselves: like sensible men, not like simpletons. Eph. 5:15, NEB. + +Through the writings of Paul we find woven the thread of self-control as a Christian virtue. He writes: “This is the will of God, that you should be holy: . . . each one of you must learn to gain mastery over his body, to hallow and honour it” (1 Thess. 4:3, 4, NEB). The implication is that we must respect the Creation laws. The context is often one of avoiding lust-that is, craving for illicit pleasure. + +Recovering alcoholics and addicts have much wisdom to share about such physical battles. An alcoholic may be “dry,” that is, not drinking, but still have strong cravings to “feel good” by drinking. Only through surrender to God’s power can the alcoholic learn true sobriety and obtain victory. But God’s power isn’t like a magic wand that instantly solves any problem-living in connection with God involves making wise choices every day. + +Some of these choices have to do with respecting the powerful influence of those places and people that can lure a person back into drinking. It means staying away from such places and people. The 12 steps of recovery offer practical guidelines for building spiritual strength. Other choices involve participation in a fellowship of recovering people, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which offers encouragement and spiritual strength for working through these steps. AA teaches a helpful motto-“Avoid HALT”-that has merit for any person seeking to live a positive Christian life. + +“Avoid HALT” stands for “avoid becoming hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT).” Irregular or skipped meals result in low blood sugar levels, often leading to irritability and emotional imbalance. Anger is a normal human emotion, but nursing it and rehearsing our reasons to be angry lead to depression and often actions we regret. Isolation from other human beings, whatever the reason, weakens us socially and spiritually. God made us to be interdependent with others (Gen. 2:18). When we become overly tired, short of sleep or rest, it impairs our ability to think clearly. Our emotions become less stable. + +“Avoid HALT” offers a practical self-monitoring tool for life balance because it honors the laws of the body. + +> +> How would you rate yourself on avoiding HALT (being hungry, angry, lonely, or tired)? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..756f39b2b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/11-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Avoid HALT +startDate: 12/11/2025 +endDate: 12/11/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10fd118246 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Out of the Ashes of My Life +date: 12/12/2025 +--- + +_J. Rita Vital_ + +>

+> To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. Isa. 61:3. + +How many times had I been the one listening to the heartbreak of a wife going through a divorce she never dreamed would happen? Now it had happened to me! The shock and disbelief left me numb. My mind reeled as I tried to sort out this cataclysmic emotional trauma from the already heavy pressures of wife, mother, daughter, worker, and church and community volunteer. Dad was ailing and nearing death. Mother was trying to be courageous after a recent leg amputation. Both needed loving support and care. I felt as David did when he mournfully sang, “Faint and badly crushed I groan aloud in anguish of heart” (Ps. 38:8, REB). + +Broken under the weight of it all, I staggered outdoors into the mild August evening air. There I found myself in the midst of my vegetable garden, furiously weeding the bean patch. Each clump of weeds felt like an enemy evicted. As I stepped back to view the weeded row with a sense of satisfaction and relief, a sudden pleasing aroma surrounded me. Wondering about its source, I glanced downward. In disbelief I realized I had trampled on my basil plants! + +Standing motionless as the quiet fragrance enveloped me, I was impressed that it took “crushing” and “brokenness” to produce the sudden fragrance that had proved such a blessed experience. + +Yes, Christ’s body was broken for me and sin crushed Him, bringing forth the fragrant gift of salvation for me! With a deeply thankful heart I prayerfully walked from the garden, nurtured by the object lesson that God could take my “crushed” and “broken” life and make me a fragrance for Him. + +After my divorce, while my friends were retiring from work, I found myself enrolled in graduate school, prayerfully pursuing a master’s degree in public health. During this same time a prayer band was praying for someone to start a van ministry in Boston. A week after my graduation the Boston Van Ministry was born out of the ashes of my life, perfumed with crushed basil! + +> +> When you feel broken and crushed, remember that God has promised beauty for ashes! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7fa41eef4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/12-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Out of the Ashes of My Life +startDate: 12/12/2025 +endDate: 12/12/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/13-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/13-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e019041b3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/13-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Who Taught Me to Fear? +date: 12/13/2025 +--- + +_Dan Matthews_ + +>

+> In love there can be no fear, but fear is driven out by perfect love: because to fear is to expect punishment, and anyone who is afraid is still imperfect in love. 1 John 4:18, Jerusalem. + +Perhaps millions of people have bowed down on their knees in sincere prayer to the God of the universe . . . but for a terribly wrong reason. Fearful at having discovered flaws and stupid choices in their lives, they have a deep inner dread that a powerful and righteous God is going to do to them what they deserve. That He is going to punish them, inflicting some kind of pain on them to show His extreme displeasure. And they fear Him. + +Fear-that anxious dread of pain to come-makes people pay attention. It starts their adrenaline flowing, and they begin to negotiate with God. Maybe they can give larger offerings or serve on a church committee. Perhaps if they pray longer, with a tighter feeling in their throat and more sweat on their palms, they can appease God’s anger. Or maybe they can throw some good deeds onto the other side of the scale and make up for the bad deeds. + +In fact, the fear of God’s punishment produces so many “good” behaviors that it lets us overlook how unhealthy fear really is. To begin with, fear is a physical destroyer, pumping stomach-eating acids and inducing nerve-wrenching anxiety. Fearful people live tense, risk-averse lives, flying at very low altitudes and missing the greater adventures of being alive. + +What is more, fear is the poorest form of motivation for doing good things. It keeps us from seeing that right choices carry their own rewards. Fearful people become victims of whoever makes the loudest threats of pain. And fear blinds us to the presence of genuine unconditional love. We can’t get close to people we fear. When we fear failure, rejection, or loss, we end up missing some of life’s greatest joys and adventures. + +Most tragically, fear of God is a primitive, immature, wholly unnecessary, and soul-destroying response to Him. He is our teacher, not our slave driver. God unfolds reasons across our understanding rather than cracking whips across our backs. Truly knowing Him-knowing His love-drives out all fear. + +> +> How do you see God? As someone to fear? a judge? a shepherd? If you were to paint a picture of God, what would you depict? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4bd1ac86f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/13-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Who Taught Me to Fear? +startDate: 12/13/2025 +endDate: 12/13/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/14-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/14-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28172fd5b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/14-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Was I Going to Die? +date: 12/14/2025 +--- + +_Jill Kennedy_ + +>

+> Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27, NIV. + +I was scared. Was I going to die? Would my boys be motherless? And would my husband love me less if I had to have a mastectomy? + +I had just received news of a mass in my left breast. It was our twenty-first wedding anniversary. A hushed reserve hung over us as we ate our special dinner together, and later, as we sat in our hotel room, we talked about what the future might hold. + +By Friday, without our anniversary celebration to think about, the depressing “what if” feelings crept in. I prayed constantly, and forced myself to sing and be happy. But the next day in church, thoughts of possible death and despair overwhelmed me, and I broke down. The statistics kept ringing in my ears. After lung cancer, breast cancer is the leading cancer killer of U.S. women. + +On Sunday we both went to see the surgeon, and we were encouraged. He felt that it was possibly a fibrocystic nodule. Saying that he wanted to see me in two months, he put me on a strict diet and increased exercise. According to research findings, an extra 15 pounds increases the risk of breast cancer by 37 percent, and with an extra 20 pounds the risk rises to 52 percent. That means that a 10-pound difference may be significant when it comes to lowering your cancer risk. And according to Dr. Noreen Azid, of the Lee Moffit Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, of all the decades of life you should lose that extra weight, it’s the third one. + +The weeks passed, and I had lost 12 pounds. Allan went with me to see the doctor. Following an ultrasound and mammogram, the doctor reported: “There is no mass.” After comparing the reports and seeing the mammogram, we sighed in relief and sent a prayer heavenward in thanksgiving. + +From that experience we learned how precious is our health, and how its threatened loss can suddenly and markedly rearrange our priorities. Continually I resolve to appreciate each day the Lord gives and to be glad and rejoice in it. + +> +> What should you do today, in case there is no tomorrow? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..48ce24e565 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/14-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Was I Going to Die? +startDate: 12/14/2025 +endDate: 12/14/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/15-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/15-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d03d79ab09 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/15-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +title: In My Most Embarrassing Moments +date: 12/15/2025 +--- + +_Carla Gober_ + +>

+> But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 12:9, NIV. + +Father, today I tried to take out my patient’s teeth to wash, only to discover that they weren’t dentures. One of my confused patients thought his water pitcher was a urinal, and I ordered two meal trays for the same patient and both were the wrong diet. + +That’s not all. + +I embarrassed myself by asking my patient’s wife if she was his daughter. The student nurse asked me a simple question, and I didn’t know the answer. + +Days like this make me feel inadequate. Help me, Father, not to be critical of myself. + +Remind me that Your followers of old had days like this too. Peter failed at walking on water and Jonah jumped into the belly of a whale. + +Their “bad” days passed. Mine will too. +Do your prayers sometimes sound like mine? Do you sometimes have days when nothing seems to go right? You get up early and have a neat devotional time with the Lord, get dressed in your new outfit, and head off to work, thinking the day will be great, only to end up getting a traffic ticket on the street all your colleagues take coming to work. Or at the end of the day find the sales tag still on the jacket you’ve been wearing! + +I’m convinced that sometimes I’m more the bull in a china closet trying to get through the day than a neurosurgeon cauterizing tiny blood vessels in the brain. My blundering ways cause more embarrassment than I care to endure. + +That’s why I need that devotional time with the Lord. God can’t keep me from making a fool of myself, but He can remind me each morning that even though He lives in a high and holy place and will never make a mistake, He lives with those who do-“with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite” (Isa. 57:15, NIV). + +Many days I am contrite-broken, crushed-and need a heart revived by God. + +> +> Thank You, Father, for Your daily reminder that You will never laugh at my mistakes, but will proudly stand by my side in my most embarrassing moments. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8164020775 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/15-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: In My Most Embarrassing Moments +startDate: 12/15/2025 +endDate: 12/15/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/16-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/16-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..326069b45b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/16-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +title: What's Your Sacrifice? +date: 12/16/2025 +--- + +_Dane J. Griffin_ + +>

+> Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. 1 Sam. 15:22, 23, NIV. + +People are willing to give up anything to get their health back.” Dr. Bruce Hyde looked me squarely in the eyes, then leaned back in his chair. “They’ll give up their car, boat, plane, vacation, house- anything!” The young physician shook his head and sighed. “Anything except the very cause-their poor lifestyle habits.” + +Can what we eat or don’t eat, can what we do or don’t do, make a difference between health and sickness? Listen to the words of a few “experts”: + +“A healthy diet could dramatically reduce your chances of getting cancer of the colon, prostate, and breast.”-Dr. Sushma Palmer, Georgetown University. + +“The dietary factors responsible for cancer are principally fat and meat intake.”-Dr. Gio B. Gori, National Cancer Institute. + +“We can say with almost total certainty that the diet we eat is leading to heart disease.”-Dr. Scott Grundy, University of Texas. + +“Diet change . . . , not drugs, should be the first treatment for people with high cholesterol.”-Dr. Dean Ornish, University of California, San Francisco. + +“Many of the people I see in my office probably wouldn’t be needing my help if they had learned the principles of low-fat living at an early age.”-Dr. Steven Van Camp, Alvarado Hospital Medical Center, San Diego, California. + +God’s people face a serious question today: Will we continue to be governed by appetite, refusing to obey either God or science, or will we submit to God’s counsel? What will we sacrifice as we obey God’s health principles? + +The choice is clear. According to what Samuel said to Saul in 1 Samuel 15:22, to rebel against God on any point is like divination or witchcraft, and to stubbornly refuse to change is like worshiping idols. + +“If [those who have had insight on diet and dress] blunt their consciences to avoid the cross which they will have to take up to be in harmony with natural law, they will, in order to shun reproach, violate the Ten Commandments” (Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 51). + +If you refuse to obey, you may be sacrificing more than you think! + +> +> Lord, help me to sacrifice the unhealthy food that I love so I can have good health to serve You better. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be91495742 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/16-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: What's Your Sacrifice? +startDate: 12/16/2025 +endDate: 12/16/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/17-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/17-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86abd0630a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/17-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Walking and "Togethering" +date: 12/17/2025 +--- + +_Dick Duerksen_ + +>

+> Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. Ps. 128:1, NIV. + +Getting out of bed is the hardest thing I do. When I’m horizontal, warm and comfortable between the sheets, I’m about as peaceful as a guy can get. Then Brenda stands beside the bed and asks the daily question, “Are you going to go for a walk with me?” + +The correct answer is “Yes, I’ll bounce right up and be with you.” Instead my lips give her an inarticulate grunt that promises action, while my body still clings to the bedspread. Then, since I have promised to get up today, I pour my eager body onto the floor, where Drinian’s doggy kisses remind me of the value of standing on my feet. + +Five minutes later I’m in front of the garage doing 50 jumping jacks in an attempt to activate at least a few of my dormant red blood cells. Brenda joins me, and “the walk” begins. Our track leads through the neighborhood, down a couple hills, back up past the Wilsons, down the Cresses’ long cul-de-sac, past two lovely flower gardens, around the corner, and back up Tuckahoe Lane. The whole trip takes about 30 minutes and covers most of two miles. I know we should probably take an hour and dash lightly across many miles of God’s earth. But this is working wonderfully for us right now. + +While on the trail we walk quickly and talk softly. We remember good times from yesterday, review the day’s calendar, and wonder together about the lives of those we love the most. Although the conversation helps us maintain a brisk pace, that’s not its greatest benefit. The conversation/walk is our way of breathing a new vitality into our relationship each morning. It is a daily reconnecting and recommitting to God and each other. Yes, there is healing in the walking, but the “togethering” has even greater value. + +Getting out of bed is still the hardest thing I do. But the walk that follows has become one of the easiest. And one of the best. + +> +> Are you getting the best out of life? What about a little walking and “togethering” with someone you love? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..672606581e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/17-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Walking and "Togethering" +startDate: 12/17/2025 +endDate: 12/17/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/18-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/18-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7761c1568f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/18-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: Spiritual Glaucoma +date: 12/18/2025 +--- + +_Izak Wessels_ + +>

+> Woe to you, blind guides! You say, “If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.” You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred? Matt. 23:16, 17, NIV. + +Glaucoma is a serious eye disease, too often resulting in blindness. It is a slow and insidious atrophy of the optic nerve that follows a too-high pressure inside the eye. A normal pressure keeps the eyeball just firm enough for it to function. Loss of the delicate balance between secretion of the aqueous fluid and its absorption results in increased pressure that damages the nerve connecting the eye to the brain. This causes loss of the peripheral vision so important for not bumping into things. However, a small central spot (like looking down a tube) remains up to the end. Only after severe and irreversible damage has occurred does the victim begin to notice a problem. + +More than half of the 2 to 3 million Americans over 40 with glaucoma have no idea that they are slowly going blind. Unfortunately, it has no cure. Regular daily use of special eye drops with surgery, if necessary, can prevent further damage. Because timely diagnosis and therapy is critical, one should have regular eye exams. Individuals especially at risk include those who have a close relative with glaucoma, have used cortisone for a long time, have had previous surgery or injuries to the eye, or have diabetes or nearsightedness. + +The Pharisees and Laodiceans both seemed to have spiritual glaucoma. An arrogant, too-high self-opinion slowly but irreversibly damages the connection between the soul and heaven. This results in narrow vision, not seeing the bigger picture, and constant focus and emphasis on insignificant minor issues. Unfortunately, such individuals do not realize their predicament, which can be learned only from regularly consulting the True Physician. Evil relatives or friends, critical cynicism, as well as past hurts make a person more likely to develop this spiritual disease. Fortunately, God has a divine remedy that restores spiritual eyesight, but only if its victims regularly apply it, and if treatment starts before too much damage has occurred. + +“But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me . . . salve to put on your eyes, so you can see” (Rev. 3:17, 18, NIV). + +> +> Are you in danger of developing spiritual glaucoma? What can you do to prevent it? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76afb20b4b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/18-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Spiritual Glaucoma +startDate: 12/18/2025 +endDate: 12/18/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/19-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/19-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9c169ff74 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/19-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: When Nothing Is Everything +date: 12/19/2025 +--- + +_David Beardsley_ + +>

+> If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? Luke 12:26. + +Right from the beginning God gave us a clue as to one of His favorite mediums to create out of-little or nothing. As we read through the Bible it becomes apparent that God is at His best when He is working with nothing. It all started at Creation, when God fashioned the beautiful earth which we enjoy-from nothing. + +All through the Bible we find stories illustrating the same principle. When a widow was about to have her boys taken from her because she was not able to pay her bills, Elisha told her to take the only thing she had, a small flask of oil, and with it fill all the containers she and her boys could find. She then sold the oil and paid her creditors. + +Sarah bore a son when she was physically unable to have a child, and from that child came descendants numbering as the stars of the sky. + +After reducing Gideon’s army to little or nothing, God then used it to defeat the Midianites. + +With only a little stone David, with no sword or spear or armor, defeated the strongest warrior in Palestine. + +God provided food for more than 40 years to the Israelites in the desert, where there was no food. Also, in the desert when there was no water God issued a stream of water from a rock. + +When the man had no strength, Jesus told the paralytic to take up his bed and walk. When there was no sight, He enabled the blind to see. When there was no life, He raised Lazarus from the grave. When there was no hope, He gave the thief dying on the cross confidence in a future life. When His disciples had no vision, He gave them a mandate that would send the gospel to the then-known world. + +It is when we feel our emptiness that we can be filled. The Bible says it best in John 4:14: “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” + +> +> Give God your emptiness today, and allow Him to make something beautiful of your life. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0a19838ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/19-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: When Nothing Is Everything +startDate: 12/19/2025 +endDate: 12/19/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/20-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/20-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32a2d5e07a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/20-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Sugar in the Morning . . . +date: 12/20/2025 +--- + +_Jan W. Kuzma_ + +>

+> Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isa. 5:20, NIV. + +Remember that jingle about sugar in the morning, evening, and suppertime? Well, most of us, including children, take the jingle literally and stuff ourselves with sugar-120 to 150 pounds a year. Of course, we wouldn’t think of going to the sugar bowl and eating a spoonful. And most of us have no idea we’re even consuming sugar, because it’s deceptively hidden away in our favorite foods. Take an apple for example. If you would eat a ripe apple as God intended it to be eaten, it would have natural sugars in it, but no refined sugar, and would contain only about 70 calories. When you concentrate the apple into apple juice, the calories increase to 120. But put that apple into a slice of apple pie, and the number of calories zooms to 350, because that pie is filled with sugar. + +Did you know that manufacturers use more than two thirds of refined sugar by adding it to food products? They even put sugar in salt! And every tablespoon of regular catsup contains a teaspoon of refined sugar! + +Here are a few of other popular food items laced with sugar: peanut butter, pickles, canned fruits and vegetables, mayonnaise, breads, many juices, soups, cereals, cured meats, hot dogs, lunch meats, salad dressings, spaghetti sauce, crackers, tomato juice, and pasta products. + +Most people eat a third of a pound of sugar a day-600 calories of health-destroying sweetness. The results show in epidemic tooth decay, overweight, and diabetes, as well as other diseases that scientists are beginning to link to high sugar consumption. + +These facts probably shock you, because you don’t see the sugar you’re eating. Like Satan, it’s deceptive. A typical satanic strategy is to gain control of innocent people by making deadly things look good, taste good, or feel good. Gambling begins with a lottery ticket. Lung cancer starts with a glamorized Virginia Slim or Marlboro. And obesity commences with the hidden sugars in your favorite foods. + +> +> Begin reading labels and discover the hidden sugar. Don’t let Satan deceive you. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84c42b0c77 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/20-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Sugar in the Morning . . . +startDate: 12/20/2025 +endDate: 12/20/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/21-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/21-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d03314440 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/21-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Preventing Deception +date: 12/21/2025 +--- + +_Fred Hardinge_ + +>

+> False Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matt. 24:24, NKJV. + +Have you ever wondered how it could be that Satan could deceive “even the elect” before Christ returns? + +Today modern scientific research on the brain reveals how this could happen. Dr. Gregory Belenky and his colleagues at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research have demonstrated that fatigue primarily impairs the function of the frontal lobes of the brain. Using advanced test methods, they have demonstrated that even relatively small losses of sleep significantly reduce the amount of blood flow to this crucial area of the brain. + +It is in the frontal lobes that we carry out the highest mental processes, such as judgment, reason, initiative, and forethought. Judgment and reason involve discerning, evaluating, and comparing relevant information to make a correct decision. Forethought is the process of making judgments and plans relating to future events, and initiative is the mental power to begin doing necessary tasks. Fatigue dramatically impairs these important processes. + +Have you ever been in a situation in which you were trying to take notes but the speaker was going too fast? Even after the speaker repeated it, you still couldn’t get it all. A fatigued brain responds in a similar way. As it tries to handle the first information, it can’t process what follows afterward, so important information gets lost, and consequently the person makes decisions on partial information, creating mistakes. + +Fatigue selectively targets the highest mental functions. Careful thinking and reasoning become impossible. Because our spiritual life is the highest of all mental functions and requires our very best discernment, thought, and reasoning processes, it is extremely important that we not fall into the trap of not getting enough sleep. It doesn’t matter how motivated you are, or how good you are at your profession, or even in your walk with God, a tired brain does not function well and cannot make good, clear decisions, and therefore is easily deceived! + +Ellen White wrote: “Whatever detracts from physical vigor, weakens mental effort. . . . We cannot maintain consecration to God, and yet injure our health by the willful indulgence of a wrong habit” (Review and Herald, June 15, 1886). + +> +> Don’t let your lifestyle trap you into fatigue. If you do, you will be much more easily tempted and fooled by the devil! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..858d847c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/21-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Preventing Deception +startDate: 12/21/2025 +endDate: 12/21/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/22-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/22-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e491155169 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/22-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: Diamonds at Christmas +date: 12/22/2025 +--- + +_Therese L. Allen_ + +>

+> But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Luke 14:13, 14, NIV. + +Emotionally the holidays can be either a joyous occasion or a sad, lonely, and difficult time. + +I was looking forward to Christmas Day, because I was going to be spending it with my “big sis” and her family. Then Darilee called and said some friends had invited her family to spend the day with them. She had told them about me, and they had invited me to come along. + +I didn’t know these people, so I wasn’t sure how welcome I’d feel. Some people aren’t comfortable with my wheelchair. Others give me tons of unwanted sympathy. I just wanted to be with my family so I could be myself-no airs, no prim and proper behavior, and no dressing up. But since I didn’t want to be alone, I decided I’d go. + +Instantly I felt at home. I received no sympathy, and even though there were a number of steps into their home, no big deal was made about the need to carry me up and down them. + +They had a delicious meal without too many spoons, knives, and forks to make me feel uncomfortable. And later in the afternoon we all went down to the beach. Since there were so many stairs, they could have easily left me home, but they insisted that I was no trouble, and carried me and my chair right down to the sand. + +Sitting on the beach may not be your idea of an ideal white Christmas, but it was one of the brightest days in my life! The sky was a brilliant blue and the sun shone on the water, making it sparkle like diamonds from the windows of Cartier’s or Tiffany’s, but no window separated me from God’s treasures. I was right there! It was awesome, as if God was smiling on a beach full of diamonds. The entire day was wonderful-a gift of peace and tranquillity with people who loved the Lord, a little heaven on earth. + +God has His diamonds in this world who open their hearts and homes to people like me, to bring an extra sparkle to an otherwise lonely life. You too can be a diamond. + +> +> As you plan for this Christmas, what can you do to bring an extra sparkle into lives that might otherwise be sad and lonely? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa43d4a75d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/22-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Diamonds at Christmas +startDate: 12/22/2025 +endDate: 12/22/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/23-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/23-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d928e1e15 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/23-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: "When Words Cannot Express It, Music Can" +date: 12/23/2025 +--- + +_Carlos Pardeiro_ + +>

+> Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? . . . On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone-while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? Job 38:4-7, NIV. + +Music was made to serve a holy purpose, to lift the thoughts to that which is pure, noble, and elevating, and to awaken in the soul gratitude and devotion to God” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 594). + +I’ve been a musician for more than 30 years, playing classical music, switching to secular, and back to classical, and in my experience the above quote is the best description I’ve found for the purpose of music. + +God in His love and mercy “made” music. It is a part of His creative work, and its purpose is to take us to the highest level of adoration and gratitude to Him. When words can’t express it, music can. As the holy angels sense God’s love, and they cannot restrain their unmeasurable bliss, they strike a higher note and burst into song (see Ellen G. White, in Review and Herald, July 15, 1909). No words or physical expression can surpass the sound of music that comes from a grateful, reverent, joyful heart. + +In addition to the creation of the world (when the angels sang together), the two events that mark the highest hope of all ages, the birth of Christ as the Messiah and the second coming of Christ, were and will be accompanied by the sound of “pure, noble, and elevating” music (see Luke 2:13, 14 and 1 Thess. 4:16). + +You may feel inadequate to sing or play a musical instrument, but you can still express your song to God in your heart. “Singing is as much an act of worship as is prayer” (Education, p. 168). The Holy Spirit will translate your song to God into the most magnificent rhapsody of thanksgiving imaginable. Just approach the throne of Jesus with a humble, repentant, and grateful heart, and He will heal and restore your soul, and the angels will sing for joy. + +> +> Sing a chorus or hymn of praise to God right now, and see if it doesn’t make a difference in the way you feel! + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13e7ce4f4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/23-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: "When Words Cannot Express It, Music Can" +startDate: 12/23/2025 +endDate: 12/23/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/24-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/24-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e0249ded1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/24-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: Homecoming +date: 12/24/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:2, 3, NIV. + +As we crested the hill, I saw hometown lights aglow with the shimmer of softly falling snow. Christmas Eve. To the left was the huge lighted star on the Flatiron. And to the right, lights stretched far beyond the city limits that we had known as children. + +Boulder was beautiful. But it was not the glistening lights that held the meaning-it was the love that was waiting for us in that double-wide mobile home where we would find family. + +Our other siblings, Dianne and Richard, and their families were going to be with our parents for Christmas, so Joanie, my other sister, and I, who were living in California, decided to surprise everyone and just show up with our families. + +At last we pulled up in front of the house. A soft light filtered through the frosted windows. Our parents were home. All nine of us (two sisters, our husbands, and five children) piled out of the van. We pulled our woolen hats down over our faces and turned up our collars so as not to be recognized too quickly, rang the doorbell, and started singing, “Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright . . .” + +We finished the verse and started the second, but no one opened the door. We could hear voices inside. “What shall we give the carolers, cookies or money?” At last my mom opened the door with a plate of cookies in her hand. Suddenly she recognized us. “Daddy,” she yelled, “the kids are home.” + +I’ll never forget those next few moments. Daddy jumped out of bed, and in his bright-red ski pajamas ran right out on the porch and gave us all bear hugs. What a homecoming! + +And we have never been sorry we drove more than 1,000 miles to get home for Christmas. It was the last Christmas Daddy was alive. He died of a heart attack the next Thanksgiving. + +Now I’m looking forward to another homecoming, when our family will be reunited in a land even more beautiful than Boulder, Colorado, with its glistening snow on Christmas Eve. I’ll be watching for you there. + +> +> Family homecomings are marvelous occasions. Why not start planning for one today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..693bc712d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/24-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Homecoming +startDate: 12/24/2025 +endDate: 12/24/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/25-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/25-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89395a063a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/25-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +title: The Magic Moment of Christmas +date: 12/25/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> The time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:6, 7, NIV. + +Every woman, as she nears her time, wonders, How will it be? Those who have gone before talk about the intensity of pain, the breathing, the pushing, the exhilaration of anticipation, and finally, the birth of the baby itself. Although each birth is special, something about the first especially tugs at the heart and body of each mother. + +I remember my first-remember exactly where I was standing, and what I was wearing when I felt that first contraction of my abdominal muscles. Then 18.5 hours later, the final push, the cry, and the announcement “It’s a girl!” Fulfillment! + +But the magic moment was when I held this 7.5-pound miracle to my breast and felt the bonding knot the two of us together in a relationship that only a mother can understand. + +As I ponder the magic moment of that first Christmas, when the angel announced to the shepherds, “For unto you is born this day . . . a Saviour,” and the angel choir sang “Glory to God in the highest,” what was that young mother experiencing at that moment when she first held “God in the flesh” to her breast? I wish the scene had been recorded. But God the Father in love allowed this intimate moment to be shielded from public view. There was no doctor, midwife, or attending family, at least that we know of-only Mary and the Baby, and the earthly father God had chosen for His Son. + +God loves families. And God has provided a means by which they can become bonded. Touch! Mary through the Baby’s touch to her breast. And Joseph? . . . + +As her contractions intensified, I see Joseph ready himself for a task women were expected to perform. I visualize him reaching for the head of that Baby as it emerged, and then with the final contraction, his hands become the first to touch the world’s Saviour. + +Touch is what Christmas is all about. Touch is what Christ did coming to this earth. Touch is why families come together at Christmas. And touch is the magic moment of Christmas. + +> +> Thank You, Jesus, for touching me with Your love. Which person should I touch for You today? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00c767c522 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/25-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: The Magic Moment of Christmas +startDate: 12/25/2025 +endDate: 12/25/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/26-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/26-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9077dd7513 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/26-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Capabilities +date: 12/26/2025 +--- + +_Linda Bell_ + +>

+> Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. Ps. 148:5, NIV. + +A professor of theoretical physics at Cambridge University by the name of Stephen Hawking describes himself as “unlucky” for being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis when he was in his late 20s. Now he is confined to a wheelchair, has a permanent tracheostomy, and communicates with the help of a computer-generated voice synthesizer. He is dependent on others for all the activities of daily living. + +But he says he feels fortunate that his chosen field is not one requiring physical abilities. He has been blessed with a mind that roams the universe, testing the limits of time and space. People frequently discuss his theories in context with other great minds such as Galileo, Newton, and Einstein. He continues to lecture in the university setting and has written books about his theories. + +I am a healthy adult with full physical capabilities who has freely chosen to be a couch potato on a routine basis with only occasional forays into “weekend warrior” types of activities (hiking, swimming, or whirling through the shopping malls). At times when I am angry about my minor physical limitations I resent others who remind me that regular exercise improves health and longevity. + +I am far more likely to exercise my verbal capabilities than my physical ones, many times to my detriment. My mind usually centers on my own small universe and rarely wanders beyond my own egocentric space. Nor have my thought processes generated any theories of time or space. No one could make any comparisons between me and the great ones in my chosen field. + +To the casual observer, Stephen Hawking would appear to be disabled. However, he has found ways to use the abilities he was given rather than focus on what he cannot do. Those of us who can roam freely on our own, care for ourselves and others, and have a reasonable expectation of privacy, tend to disable ourselves by our attitudes and behaviors. + +We all have disabilities. The secret is to turn our disabilities into capabilities, and focus on what we can do rather than on what we can’t. + +> +> Father, thank You for creating me as I am. Help me to focus on what I can do, rather than what I can’t, and to turn my disabilities into capabilites. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1cf93d9054 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/26-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Capabilities +startDate: 12/26/2025 +endDate: 12/26/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/27-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/27-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad959c81a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/27-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Skate for the Joy of Skating +date: 12/27/2025 +--- + +_Kay Kuzma_ + +>

+> Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You. Ps. 5:11, NKJV. + +Winter Olympics, 1988. Calgary. The headlines blared: “Going for the Gold: East Germany’s Katarina Witt v. Debi Thomas From the United States.” Who would win the gold metal in women’s figure skating? + +The final competition fell on Saturday night. Our family watched TV with breathless silence as Katarina skated a perfect performance. She took no chances, skating only the requirements, no extra spins or jumps, and no mistakes. + +Debi was to skate at the end, and since I really wasn’t interested in the other skaters, I went to take a shower. + +Suddenly I heard the kids scream, “Mom, come quickly. You won’t believe this!” Throwing a towel around myself, I raced to the TV and stood there dripping wet as Elizabeth Manley, an “unknown” Canadian, electrified the crowd. The possibility of obtaining the gold medal was out of her hands. Not worried about perfection, she pulled out all the stops and whistles and skated merely for the joy of skating-and for her country. She put her whole heart into the performance of a lifetime. The crowd erupted in spontaneous cheers. + +You know the end of the story. The pressure was too much for Debi. She fell twice and finished third, with the silver going to Elizabeth and the gold to Katarina. + +We live our lives much like those three skaters. Some are so focused on “going for the gold” that they follow the rules to the letter of the law. Terribly correct, their goal is perfection. And they make most of the people around them miserable-and probably themselves too. + +Others find the pressure too much. They stumble, fall, and may even give up their faith. + +Then there are those who pull out all the stops of life’s possibilities. They realize that on their own they can never do enough to deserve the gold. It’s a gift from Jesus. So they skate not for perfection, but for the joy of skating-and for their God. + +Which skater are you? + +> +> Are you praying for the joy of praying, studying the Bible for the joy of studying, and keeping His commandments for the joy of obedience, or are you so busy being terribly correct that you’re in danger of slipping, or of making yourself and others miserable? God wants you to be joyful in Him. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e83fedeb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/27-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Skate for the Joy of Skating +startDate: 12/27/2025 +endDate: 12/27/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/28-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/28-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fb765122c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/28-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Born for Such a Time as This +date: 12/28/2025 +--- + +_Pat Nordman_ + +>

+> And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14, NIV. + +Our oldest son, Chuck, died during the Christmas holidays. Since he chose of his own free will to die, I decided to share with our four younger sons the verse in Esther 4:14 that has had great meaning to me personally. + +A few days after his death I took them back to Chuck’s bedroom and asked them to sit with me on his bed. Then, after a silent prayer for wisdom to guide their little hearts, I tried to explain to them about God and His purposes for us. I told them that we are born neither too soon nor too late-that we are born at this time because God has purposes for us and no one else. We have jobs to do that no one else on earth can do. + +I could have chosen hundreds of verses that might have been more relevant. But I still believe, years later, that the Holy Spirit prompted me to share this particular verse at that time: “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” + +Chuck’s death, especially the fact that he chose to give up what we think would have been a good life, had a profound impact on my blasé attitude about life, its mysteriousness, its urgency-and its preciousness! + +As I tried to explain, suddenly I saw my treasured sons in a new light. I realized that God knows the right time and place for us to be born, and He wants us to make use of our talents and our strength right where we are and at that time. He doesn’t want us dreaming of other times and places and what we could have done there. It’s senseless, useless, and hopeless, and can drive us to despair. + +My other sons have gone on to lead caring and giving lives. They have happy marriages to wonderful women, and now we are grandparents. Life, that dear gift, goes on. How I thank God for our sons and daughters who choose to live and love and use their God-given gifts so others may be blessed! + +> +> Ellen White says: “No one but you yourself can do your work. If you withhold your light, someone must be left in darkness through your neglect” (Testimonies , vol. 5, p. 464). What is the royal work that God needs you to do at this time? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c65811166 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/28-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Born for Such a Time as This +startDate: 12/28/2025 +endDate: 12/28/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/29-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/29-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d30d4d063a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/29-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Tools for Life +date: 12/29/2025 +--- + +_Arlene Taylor_ + +>

+> Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph. 5:19, 20, NIV. + +Like many women, I grew up believing that if I was a very good girl, followed all the rules, and loved God enough, life would turn out pretty well. What a disappointment, therefore, to wake up one morning in adulthood to discover that the formula had failed. My health had taken a decided dip. I was a walking combination of burnout, disappointment, frustration, and midlife crisis. + +In frustration I turned to a more in-depth study of the brain and the immune system. Emerging research provided some practical tools that changed my life. For example, I learned that although we often use the terms emotions and feelings interchangeably, they are not the same. Emotions arise in the brain’s limbic system (pain-pleasure center) and are simply little flags designed to get our attention. Information about the physiological changes these emotions cause in the body travels to the cerebrum (thinking portion of the brain). There we assign weight to these flags, and our interpretations then become our feelings. + +Practically, this means that while we may not always have complete control over our initial emotions, within six or seven seconds of becoming aware of our thoughts we can begin to take control of our feelings. + +First I learned to identify the entire range of emotions God has placed in the human brain. Next I honed the ability to translate those flags into feelings more accurately. Gradually I gave myself permission to feel all my feelings until eventually I accepted complete responsibility for managing my emotions and feelings. + +Often we handle them with faulty screens we have absorbed early in life. I actually did some very helpful family-of-origin work to discover some of the generationally transmitted response patterns that had been operating among the members of my family. + +The bottom line? If we want to change the way we feel, we need to change the way we think. It is our choice to maintain a given feeling, to choose a different feeling, or to act upon a feeling, thus moving us from a position of helplessness toward one of empowerment. + +> +> What steps can you take to manage your emotions and feelings more successfully? Are you allowing your brain to be God-educated and Holy Spirit-impressed? + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ded38562e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/29-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Tools for Life +startDate: 12/29/2025 +endDate: 12/29/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/30-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/30-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eba5ee4e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/30-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: Of Lightbulbs and Health +date: 12/30/2025 +--- + +_Hans Diehl_ + +>

+> You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone . . . , let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father. Matt. 5:14-16, NIV. + +Yesterday I ran into Mr. Ultrahealth. Thirty-one years of age, committed to a daily one-hour workout on his Nautilus machine, he is in fabulous shape. His hobby is rock-climbing and his diet consists of piles of unsprayed fruits and vegetables, mounds of alfalfa sprouts, and barrels of oat bran. He drinks 10 glasses of distilled water a day, sleeps eight hours at night, regards sweets with utter disdain, and never forgets to floss his teeth. In addition, his cholesterol is below 130, he has never been in a hospital, and his physician says he has never seen anybody healthier. + +Today, however, I saw him kick the dog, scream obscenities at his wife, and leave the house without saying goodbye to his children. At work he lied to his boss, blaming a colleague for his own mistake. He was unkind, impatient, selfish, immoral, and spiritually bankrupt. + +And suddenly a light came on in my mind. Health is more than eating right and exercising daily. Fitness involves more than first meets the eye. Actually, health is more like a lightbulb. The glass may be shiny, clean, and clear on the outside. But if the filament on the inside is broken or disconnected from the core, then there won’t be any light. Yet without light the bulb will have missed its purpose. + +Lightbulbs aren’t ends in themselves. They’re only a means to an end, only valuable if they help us get to where we really want to go. + +As we look forward to the new year, let us take a closer look at our goal of health. If our lifestyle improvements don’t help us to become more loving persons, then we are as worthless as a broken lightbulb. We may look polished on the outside, but without being connected on the inside we are not bringing light to others. + +The ultimate purpose of pursuing health remains to become a more efficient lightbulb-to serve others better. + +> +> Lord, may my life shine with love to others. Amen. + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f967de8fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/30-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Of Lightbulbs and Health +startDate: 12/30/2025 +endDate: 12/30/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/31-december-2025.md b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/31-december-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a82691c22 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/31-december-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +--- +title: Promises-Promises +date: 12/31/2025 +--- + +_Larry Richardson_ + +>

+> Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Matt. 26:41, NIV. + +One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is in the area of health-either to lose weight, change our diet, or exercise more. Psychologically the new year seems an appropriate time to make a new start, and so we all vow to be better in some way. + +Health clubs around the country swell with new memberships every January. You can hardly find a free StairMaster or cycling machine. Aerobics classes are jam-packed. Sporting good stores love the month of January. They sell sweat suits, running shoes, and exercise equipment by the truckload to all the New Year’s health converts. January clients besiege weight-loss clinics everywhere. And bookstores brace for a run on health, diet, and fitness books after the new year. + +For the first few weeks of the new year we make good on our promise to turn our lives around, for “the spirit” is indeed willing and seems to fuel our determination. But soon reality sets in and “the flesh” begins to rebel. We find that breaking old lifestyle habits is not as easy as a New Year’s promise and a brand-new running suit. We begin to invent excuses to neglect our resolution: “It’s too cold outside.” “It’s too late today.” “I’m too tired.” “My toe hurts.” “I’ll do it tomorrow.” “This isn’t fun anymore.” And so on. By February we have pretty much returned to our old routines. The health clubs are once again ghost towns, and those brand-new running shoes get lost in the closet. + +Jesus summed up the human condition with His memorable quote for today, and He should know, for He shared our frailties while here on earth. But He also showed us that our true source of strength lies not in our own feeble willpower, but in joining forces with divinity. + +So, if you have faltered on New Year’s resolutions in the past, remember: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13, NKJV) and lace up those walking shoes for a healthy new year. + +> +> Make three resolutions for a healthy new year and pray this prayer: “Lord, give me Your strength to keep the resolutions I have made, for my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Amen.” + +_Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists._ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04775d478b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/31-december-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +title: Flying Without Fear +startDate: 12/31/2025 +endDate: 12/31/2025 diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/section.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/section.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..643a6ded4c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/12-december-2025/section.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +title: December 2025 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/info.yml b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/info.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..176f163b10 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/info.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +title: Health Topics. 2025 Devotional +kind: devotional +startDate: 01/01/2025 +endDate: 31/01/2025 +primaryColor: '#E2D375' +primaryColorDark: '#D5C24A' +covers: + landscape: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/assets/cover-landscape.png + square: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/assets/cover-square.png + portrait: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/assets/cover.png + splash: >- + https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/en/devo/nad-health-devo-2025/assets/splash.png diff --git a/src/hu/ss/2024-04/audio.yml b/src/hu/ss/2024-04/audio.yml index c1433baca0..77a0d8e6a2 100644 --- a/src/hu/ss/2024-04/audio.yml +++ b/src/hu/ss/2024-04/audio.yml @@ -170,3 +170,15 @@ target: hu/ss/2024-04/12/06 - src: https://bibliatanulmanyok.hu/tanulmanyok/audio/20241220.mp3 target: hu/ss/2024-04/12/07 + - src: https://bibliatanulmanyok.hu/tanulmanyok/audio/20241221.mp3 + target: hu/ss/2024-04/13/01 + - src: https://bibliatanulmanyok.hu/tanulmanyok/audio/20241222.mp3 + target: hu/ss/2024-04/13/02 + - src: https://bibliatanulmanyok.hu/tanulmanyok/audio/20241223.mp3 + target: hu/ss/2024-04/13/03 + - src: https://bibliatanulmanyok.hu/tanulmanyok/audio/20241224.mp3 + target: hu/ss/2024-04/13/04 + - src: https://bibliatanulmanyok.hu/tanulmanyok/audio/20241225.mp3 + target: hu/ss/2024-04/13/05 + - src: https://bibliatanulmanyok.hu/tanulmanyok/audio/20241226.mp3 + target: hu/ss/2024-04/13/06 diff --git a/src/sk/ss/2024-04/11/inside-story.md b/src/sk/ss/2024-04/11/inside-story.md index 17edb2ddd2..f4076363ac 100644 --- a/src/sk/ss/2024-04/11/inside-story.md +++ b/src/sk/ss/2024-04/11/inside-story.md @@ -1,7 +1,41 @@ --- -title: Inside Story +title: Misijný príbeh date: 13/12/2024 --- -### Pracujeme na tejto lekcii. -
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\ No newline at end of file +#### Sen v Dallasu + +_Andrew McChesney_ + +Samuel prohlásil, že o studium Bible nemá zájem. „Ale na dotazníku o studiu Bible jsi vyznačil, že máš zájem,“ řekl volající, biblický pracovník z prvního sboru církve adventistů sedmého dne v Dallasu, který leží v americkém státě Texas. On a další bibličtí pracovníci procházeli dotazníky, které církev rozdávala. „No, já nemám zájem,“ řekl Samuel. + +Volající odložil dotazník o studiu Bible stranou. + +O týden později Samuelovi zavolal jiný biblický pracovník. + +„Nemám zájem,“ řekl Samuel. + +Další týden zavolal biblický pracovník znovu. + +„Kolik by to studium Bible stálo?“ zeptal se Samuel. + +„Nic.“ + +Na prvním biblickém studiu Samuel řekl, že se svou ženou hledají církev. Jejich syn je pozval do svého sboru, ale pohoršilo je kázání o papeži a sobotě. „Už nikdy nevkročím do sboru adventistů sedmého dne,“ řekl Samuel. + +Pracovník se tiše pomodlil a pokračoval ve studiu Bible. + +Po několika týdnech biblický pracovník pozval Samuela na evangelizační setkání v dallaské První církvi adventistů sedmého dne. Zajímalo ho, co Samuel řekne. Samuel souhlasil, že příjde. + +Na prvním setkání se Samuel s velkým zájmem rozhlížel po sboru. Budova měla jedinečnou architekturu se zaoblenou modlitebnou, zaobleným stropem a lavicemi zakřivenými kolem pódia. Samuel vyhledal biblického pracovníka. „Potřebuji s vámi mluvit,“ řekl. Biblický pracovník pomáhal s přípravou na setkání a požádal Samuela, zda by mohl počkat. Samuel souhlasil a posadil se. Pozorně naslouchal evangelistovu kázání o Danielovi 2. Poté vyhledal biblického pracovníka a vyhrkl: „Chci se nechat pokřtít!“ Samuel se na něj podíval a řekl mu: „Já chci být pokřtěn!“ Biblický pracovník byl v šoku a zvolal: „Cože?“ + +Samuel řekl, že před 18 lety měl sen: „V tom snu mě Ježíš zavedl do sboru a řekl: 'To je moje církev,'“. „Když jsem dnes večer vešel do tohoto sboru, okamžitě jsem ho poznal. Konečně jsem našel sbor ze svého snu. Chci se nechat pokřtít.“ + +Biblický pracovník zavedl Samuela k evangelistovi, který byl také překvapen, když se dozvěděl o jeho snu. Příběh byl o to pozoruhodnější, že sbir před 13 lety vyhořel a byla postavena nová budova. Samuel viděl ve snu nový sboru pět let před jeho stavbou. + +“Everything is possible when we cooperate with God in His mission,” said the evangelist, Slavik Ostapenko, now pastor of the Spokane Slavic Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington State. + +„Všechno je možné, když spolupracujeme s Bohem na jeho poslání,“ řekl evangelista Slavik Ostapenko, nyní pastor slovanského sboru církve adventistů sedmého dne ve Spokane ve státě Washington. + +![Slavik Ostapenko](https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/sk/ss/2024-04/11/picture11.jpg) +Slavik Ostapenko \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/sk/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md b/src/sk/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md index 846341de15..c3b367f902 100644 --- a/src/sk/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md +++ b/src/sk/ss/2024-04/12/inside-story.md @@ -1,7 +1,29 @@ --- -title: Inside Story +title: Misijný príbeh date: 20/12/2024 --- -### Pracujeme na tejto lekcii. -
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\ No newline at end of file +#### Kingston nachází naději + +_Andrew McChesney_ + +Biblická pracovnice pozvala do sboru adventistů sedmého dne v Bethelu na Aljašce několik lidí, aby se podělili o své životní příběhy s návštěvníkem z adventistické misie. Část darů třinácté soboty ve čtvrtém čtvrtletí roku 2024 půjde na opravu a rozšíření sboru, aby se v něm mohlo usídlit centrum vlivu pro službu v Bethelu. Do města s 6300 obyvateli jsem přiletěl, abych shromáždil misijní příběhy k propagaci projektu. + +V určený čas se však ve sboru nikdo neobjevil. Biblická pracovnice Joy Anderson mávla směrem k velké pizze, kterou vyzvedla cestou do sboru ze své kanceláře, kde pracuje jako právnička. + +„Poslužte si,“ řekla Joy, která pochází z Alabamy a sbor vede společně s dalším biblickým pracovnikem. „Doufala jsem, že pizza podnítí lidi, aby přišli.“ + +Když byla snězena asi polovina pizzy, vešel dovnitř Kingston. Vyjádřil překvapení, že je jediným přítomným. Pak si vzal kousek pizzy, posadil se a promluvil o tom, proč chodí na bohoslužby do sboru adventistů. + +Devětapadesátiletý hlídač řekl, že léta bojoval s alkoholem a drogami v Hooper Bay, městečku v deltě Yukon-Kuskokwim s 1400 obyvateli, které se nachází 90 minut letu malým letadlem od Bethelu. „Chtěl jsem se dostat z toho mizerného života, který jsem vedl,“ řekl. „Řekl jsem si: 'Pokud se z této lekce nepoučím, pokud se nepoučím ze svých chyb, lidé si budou myslet, že jsem hloupý. “ + +Pak se Kingston přestěhoval do Bethelu a následoval tak cestu mnoha obyvatel delty Yukon-Kuskokwim, kteří opustili malá města v naději na lepší život v Bethelu, největší obci na západě Aljašky. Obyvatelstvo delty Yukon-Kuskokwim tvoří asi 85 % původních obyvatel Aljašky, kteří jsou především Yup'ikové, Cup'ikové a Athabaskové. + +Jednoho dne Steve, adventista a domorodý obyvatel z delty Yukon-Kuskokwim, pozval Kingstona do bethelského sboru. „Zeptal se mě, jestli mě něco trápí, nebo jsem na dně,“ řekl Kingston. „Byl jsem zvědavý, kam to chodí, a tak jsem začal do sboru docházet.“ + +Kingston našel sílu ve chvílích strávených s ostatními návštěvníky sboru, kteří překonali jejich závislost na alkoholu a drogách. „Pomohli mi držet se od těchto věcí dál,“ řekl. „Toto prostředí mi pomohlo.“ Řekl, že je šťastný, ale stále hledá odpovědi. „Ta Dobrá Osoba nahoře všechno vidí,“ řekl. „Všichni nějak najdeme své odpovědi.“ + +_Prosím, modlete se za Kingstona, který navštěvuje sbor téměř každou sobotu, ale ještě se nerozhodl pro křest. Děkujeme vám za dary třinácté soboty, které v tomto čtvrtletí podpoří misijní pomoc ve sboru Církve adventistů sedmého dne v obci Bethel. Jména obyvatel Bethelu byla změněna z důvodu ochrany jejich soukromí. Na fotografii je Joy Anderson._ + +![Joy Anderson](https://sabbath-school-resources-assets.adventech.io/sk/ss/2024-04/12/picture12.jpg) +Joy Anderson