Thanks to orhun Hadlock can now be installed via aur
using for example yay -S hadlock
build with cargo build --release
and put the binary in a directory in your $PATH
eg /usr/local/bin
Create /usr/share/xsessions/hadlock.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=hadlock ~/.config/hadlock/hadlock.ron
Comment=Hadlock - a wm for x
The config file is written is ron (Rust object notation) and should be placed in ~/.config/hadlock/hadlock.ron
This config is just an example until a proper wiki has been created.
modKey: "Super",
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: Custom ("#6aac7e"),
backgroundColor: Custom ("#99978b"),
focusedBackgroundColor: DefaultFocusedBackground,
outerGap: 14,
innerGap: 6,
smartGaps: true,
defaultLayout: ColumnMaster,
workspaces: {
1: "1",
2: "2",
3: "3",
4: "4",
5: "5",
6: "6",
7: "7",
8: "8",
9: "9"
terminal: "alacritty",
keyBindings: [
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("q"),
effect: Kill
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("r"),
effect: Reorder
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("c"),
effect: Center
key: Letter("Return"),
effect: OpenTerm
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("Right"),
effect: Resize(10, Horizontal)
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("Left"),
effect: Resize(-10, Horizontal)
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("Down"),
effect: Resize(10, Vertical)
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("Up"),
effect: Resize(-10, Vertical)
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("f"),
effect: ToggleMonocle
key: Letter("f"),
effect: ToggleMaximize
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("e"),
effect: Exit
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("l"),
effect: CirculateLayout
key: Letter("Right"),
effect: ShiftWindow(East)
key: Letter("Left"),
effect: ShiftWindow(West)
key: Letter("Up"),
effect: ShiftWindow(North)
key: Letter("Down"),
effect: ShiftWindow(South)
modKey: Some("Shift"),
key: Letter("m"),
effect: SwapMaster
key: Number,
effect: ChangeCurrentWorkspace
key: Number,
modKey: Some("Shift"),
effect: MoveToWorkspace
key: Letter("d"),
effect: Custom ((
execTime: Now,
program: "dmenu_recency",
args: []
key: Letter("Control"),
effect: Custom((
execTime: Now,
program: "pactl",
args: [
key: Letter("Control"),
modKey: Some("Shift"),
effect: Custom((
execTime: Now,
program: "pactl",
args: [
commands: [
execTime: Pre,
program: "feh",
args: [
execTime: Post,
program: "polybar",
args: [
Fully customizable
See example config