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File metadata and controls

1126 lines (783 loc) · 39.3 KB

Package definition

Packages are defined by a package definition file. This is typically a file named that is located in the root directory of each package install. For example, given package repository location :file:`/packages/inhouse`, the package definition file for package "foo-1.0.0" would be :file:`/packages/inhouse/foo/1.0.0/`.

Here is an example package definition file:

name = 'sequence'

version = '2.1.2'

description = 'Sequence detection library.'

authors = ['ajohns']

tools = [

requires = [

def commands():

uuid = '6c43d533-92bb-4f8b-b812-7020bf54d3f1'


Every variable defined in the package definition file becomes an attribute on the built or installed package. This includes attributes that are not in the :ref:`standard-package-attributes`. You can add any custom attribute to a package.

Some variables are not, however, added as package attributes. Consider the following package definition snippet:

import sys

description = "This package was built on %s" % sys.platform

Here we do not want sys to become a package attribute, because providing a python module as a package attribute is nonsensical.

Python variables that do not become package attributes include:

Function Attributes

Package attributes can be implemented as functions. The return value of the function becomes the attribute value. There are two types of attribute functions: early binding functions, and late binding functions - and these are decorated using @early and @late respectively.


The :func:`commands` functions are an exception to the rule. They are late bound, but are not the same as a standard function attribute, and are never decorated with the early or late decorators.

Early Binding Functions

Early binding functions use the @early decorator. They are evaluated at build time, hence the 'early' in 'early binding' and their definition persists in the installed By 'build time', it is meant that they are evaluated before the resolve has occurred, and as such, before the :ref:`build environment <the-build-environment>` has been constructed. Therefore there are some important distinctions that set early-bound functions apart from other function attributes:

Any package attribute can be implemented as an early binding function. Here is an example of an :attr:`authors` attribute that is automatically set to the contributors of the package's git project:

def authors():
   import subprocess
   p = subprocess.Popen("git shortlog -sn | cut -f2",
                        shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
   out, _ = p.communicate()
   return out.strip().split('\n')


You can assume that during evaluation of early binding functions, the current working directory is the root directory containing your

An early bound function can also have access to other package attributes. To do this, use the implicit :attr:`this` object:

def description():
   # a not very useful description
   return "%s version %s" % (, this.version)


Do not reference other early bound or late bound attributes in your early bound function. An error will be raised if you do.

Early binding functions are a convenience. You can always use an arbitrary function instead, like so:

def _description():
   return "%s version %s" % (, this.version)

description = _description()

However, using early binding results in a package definition that is cleaner and more explicit. It is clear that an attribute is intended to be evaluated at build time, and you avoid the need to define an arbitrary function earlier in the python source. You can always use a combination of the two as well. An early binding function can call an arbitrary function defined at the bottom of your definition file.

Available Objects

Following is the list of objects that are available during early evaluation.

.. todo:: Document these properly with py:attribute?

  • building: See :attr:`building`;
  • build_variant_index: The index of the variant currently being built. This is only relevant if :attr:`building` is True.
  • build_variant_requires: The subset of package requirements specific to the variant currently being built. This is a list of PackageRequest objects. This is only relevant if :attr:`building` is True.
  • this: The current package, as described previously.

Be aware that early-bound functions are actually evaluated multiple times during a build: once pre-build, and once per variant, during its build. This is necessary in order for early-bound functions to change their return value based on variables like build_variant_index. Note that the pre-build evaluated value is the one set into the installed package, and in this case, building is False.

An example of where you'd need to be aware of this is if you wanted the :attr:`requires` field to include a certain package at runtime only (ie, not present during the package build). In this case, :attr:`requires` might look like so:

def requires():
   if building:
      return ["python-2"]
      return ["runtimeonly-1.2", "python-2"]


You must ensure that your early-bound function returns the value you want to see in the installed package, when building is False.

Late Binding Functions

Late binding functions stay as functions in the installed package definition, and are only evaluated lazily, when the attribute is accessed for the first time (the return value is then cached).

Not any attribute can be implemented as a late binding function. The allowed attributes are:

  • requires
  • build_requires
  • private_build_requires
  • tools
  • help
  • any arbitrary attribute

Here is an example of a late binding :attr:`tools` attribute:

def tools():
   import os

   # get everything in bin dir
   binpath = os.path.join(this.root, "bin")
   result = os.listdir(binpath)

   # we don't want artists to see the admin tools
   if os.getenv("_USER_ROLE") != "superuser":
      result = set(result) - set(["delete-all", "mod-things"])

   return list(result)


Late binding function attributes must perform any necessary imports within the function, not at the top of the file.

Note that, if this function just returned the binaries found in the bin dir, it would have made more sense to implement this as an :ref:`early binding <package-definition-early-binding-functions>` function. No code evaluation has to happen at runtime then, so it's cheaper. However, here a modification is made based on the value of the _USER_ROLE environment variable, which isn't known at build time.

If some information for an attribute could be calculated once at build time, you can reduce the runtime cost by storing that part into an early binding arbitrary attribute. For example, we could reimplement the above example like so:

def tools():
   import os
   result = this._tools

   # we don't want artists to see the admin tools
   if os.getenv("_USER_ROLE") != "superuser":
      result = set(result) - set(["delete-all", "mod-things"])

   return list(result)

def _tools():
   import os
   return os.listdir("./bin")
.. todo:: Make this.root and co terms or something else like data?

Note how in the _tools function we're referring to a relative path. Remember that early binding functions are evaluated at build time. The package hasn't actually been built or installed yet, so attributes such as :attr:`this.root` don't exist.

The in_context Function

When late binding functions are evaluated, a boolean function in_context is present, which returns True if the package is part of a resolved context, or False otherwise. For example, if you just use the rez API to iterate over packages (as the :ref:`rez-search` tool does), these packages do not belong to a context. However if you create a :class:`~rez.resolved_context.ResolvedContext` object (as the :ref:`rez-env` tool does) and iterate over its resolved packages, these belong to a context.

The in-context or not-in-context distinction is important, because often the package attribute will need information from the context to give desired behavior. For example, consider the late binding :attr:`tools` attribute below:

def tools():
   result = ["edit"]

   if in_context() and "maya" in request:

   return result

Here the :attr:`request` object is being checked to see if the maya package was requested in the current env; if it was, a maya-specific tool maya-edit is added to the tool list.


Always ensure your late binding function returns a sensible value regardless of whether :ref:`in_context <in_context>` is True or False. Otherwise, simply trying to query the package attributes (using :ref:`rez-search` for example) may cause errors.

Available Objects

Following is the list of objects that are available during late evaluation, if :ref:`in_context <in_context>` is True:

The following objects are available in all cases:


The :attr:`this` object may be either a package or a variant, depending on the situation. For example, if :ref:`in_context <in_context>` is True, then :attr:`this` is a variant, because variants are the objects present in a resolved context. On the other hand, if a package is accessed via API (for example, by using the :ref:`rez-search` tool), then :attr:`this` may be a package. The difference matters, because variants have some attributes that packages don't, notably, root and index. Use the properties :attr:`this.is_package` and :attr:`this.is_variant` to distinguish the case if needed.

Example - Late Bound build_requires

Here is an example of a with a late-bound :attr:`build_requires` field:

name = "maya_thing"

version = "1.0.0"

variants = [

def build_requires():
   if this.is_package:
      return []
   elif this.index == 0:
      return ["maya_2017_build_utils"]
      return ["maya_2018_build_utils"]
.. todo:: Figure out why I can't link to this.is_package

Note the check for :attr:`this.is_package`. This is necessary, otherwise the evaluation would fail in some circumstances. Specifically, if someone ran the following command, the :attr:`this` field would actually be a :class:`.Package` instance, which doesn't have an index method:

]$ rez-search maya_thing --type package --format '{build_requires}'

In this case, :attr:`build_requires` is somewhat nonsensical (there is no common build requirement for both variants here), but something needs to be returned nonetheless.

Sharing Code Across Package Definition Files

It is possible to share common code across package definition function attributes, but the mechanism that is used is different depending on whether a function is early binding or late binding. This is to avoid installed packages being dependent on external code that may change at any time; builds being dependent on external code is not problematic however.

Sharing Code During A Build

Functions in a file which are evaluated at build time include:

You expose common code to these functions by using the :data:`package_definition_build_python_paths` config setting.

Sharing Code Across Installed Packages

Functions that are evaluated in installed packages' definition files include:

.. todo:: Group all commands in one section?

You expose common code to these functions by using the @include decorator, which relies on the :data:`package_definition_python_path` config setting. The module source files are actually copied into each package's install payload, so the package stays self-contained, and will not break or change behavior if the original modules' source files are changed. The downside though, is that these modules are not imported, and they themselves cannot import other modules managed in the same way.

Here is an example of a package's :attr:`commands` using a shared module:

# in
def commands():
   utils.set_common_env_vars(this, env)

Requirements Expansion

Often a package may be compatible with a broader range of its dependencies at build time than it is at runtime. For example, a C++ package may build against any version of boost-1, but may then need to link to the specific minor version that it was built against, say boost-1.55.

You can describe this in your package's :attr:`requires` attribute (or any of the related attributes, such as :attr:`build_requires`) by using wildcards as shown here:

requires = [

If you check the of the built package, you will see that the boost reference in the requires list will be expanded to the latest found within the given range (boost-1.55 for example).

There is also a special wilcard available, **. This expands to the full package version. For example, the requirement boost-1.** might expand to boost-1.55.1.

You can also achieve requirements expansion by implementing :attr:`requires` as an early binding function (and you may want to use some variation of this to generate :attr:`variants` for example), and using the rez :func:`~rez.package_py_utils.expand_requires` function:

def requires():
   from rez.package_py_utils import expand_requires
   return expand_requires(["boost-1.*"])

Package Preprocessing

You can define a :func:`preprocess` function either globally or in a This can be used to validate a package, or even change some of its attributes, before it is built. To set a global preprocessing function, see the :data:`package_preprocess_function` config setting.

Consider the following preprocessing function, defined in a

def preprocess(this, data):
   from rez.package_py_utils import InvalidPackageError
   import re

   if not re.match("[a-z]+$",
      raise InvalidPackageError("Invalid name, only lowercase letters allowed")

   if not this.authors:
      from preprocess_utils import get_git_committers
      data["authors"] = get_git_committers()

This preprocessor checks the package name against a regex and sets the package authors list to its git committers, if not already supplied in the To update package attributes, you have to update the given data dict, not the package instance (:attr:`this`).

To halt a build because a package is not valid, you must raise an :exc:`~rez.exceptions.InvalidPackageError` as shown above.


To see the preprocessed contents of a, run the command rez-build --view-pre in the source root directory. This will just print the preprocessed package to standard out, then exit.

Overriding Config Settings In Preprocessing

It is not uncommon to override config settings such as the release path in a package, like so:

# in
with scope("config") as c:
   c.release_packages_path = "/software/packages/external"

Let's say we have a scenario where we want to install third party packages to a specific install path, and that we set the arbitrary attribute external to True for these packages. We could do this with a global preprocessing function like this:

def preprocess(this, data):
   if not data.get("external"):

         _ = data["config"]["release_packages_path"]
         return  # already explicitly specified by package
   except KeyError:

   data["config"] = data.get("config", {})
   data["config"]["release_packages_path"] = "/software/packages/external"

The with scope(...) statement is just a fancy way of defining a dict, so you can do the same thing in the preprocess function simply by updating the config dict within data.

See :ref:`configuring-rez-package-overrides` for more details on the scope function.

Example Package

Here is an example package definition, demonstrating several features. This is an example of a python package which, instead of actually installing python, detects the existing system python installation instead, and binds that into a rez package.

name = "python"

def version():
   return this.__version + "-detected"

authors = [
   "Guido van Rossum"

description = \
   The Python programming language.

def variants():
   from rez.package_py_utils import expand_requires
   requires = ["platform-**", "arch-**", "os-**"]
   return [expand_requires(*requires)]

def tools():
   version_parts = this.__version.split('.')

   return [
      "python%s" % (version_parts[0]),
      "python%s.%s" % (version_parts[0], version_parts[1])

uuid = "recipes.python"

def commands():

   if building:

# --- internals

def _exec_python(attr, src):
   import subprocess

   p = subprocess.Popen(
      ["python", "-c", src],
      stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
   out, err = p.communicate()

   if p.returncode:
      from rez.exceptions import InvalidPackageError
      raise InvalidPackageError(
            "Error determining package attribute '%s':\n%s" % (attr, err))

   return out.strip()

def _bin_path():
   return this._exec_python(
      "import sys, os.path; print(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))")

def _version():
   return _exec_python(
      "import sys; print(sys.version.split()[0])")

__version = _version()

Note the following:

.. todo:: Document which attributes supports automatic wildcard expansion?

  • :attr:`variants` is implemented as an early bound attribute, and uses :ref:`requirements-expansion` to dynamically define the variant requirements. Even though only the :attr:`requires` and related attributes natively expand wildcards, you can still use the :func:`~rez.package_py_utils.expand_requires` function yourself, as illustrated here.
  • A _version function has been defined, and its return value stored into the __version variable. This is done because two other early binding attributes. :attr:`version` and :attr:`tools` use this value, and we avoid calling the function twice. Both _version and __version are later stripped from the package, because one is a normal function, and the other has double leading underscores.
  • An arbitrary attribute _bin_path has been defined, and implemented as an early bound attribute. The :attr:`commands` function then uses this value. In this example, it was far better to take this approach than the alternative of running the python subprocess in the :attr:`commands` function. Doing that would have been very costly, since commands are executed every time a new environment is created (and launching a subprocess is slow). Instead, here we take this cost at build time, and cache the result into the package attribute.
  • Common code was provided in the normal function _exec_python, which will be stripped from the installed package.

Package Attributes

Standard Package Attributes

Following is a list, in alphabetical order, of every standard attribute that a user can define in a package definition file (you can also define your own arbitrary attributes). Each entry specifies the data type, and includes a code snippet.

.. py:attribute:: authors
   :type: list[str]

   Package authors. Should be in order, starting with the major contributor.

   .. code-block:: python

      authors = ["jchrist", "sclaus"]

.. py:attribute:: build_requires
   :type: list[str]

   This is the same as :attr:`requires`, except that these dependencies are only included during a build
   (typically invoked using the :ref:`rez-build` tool).

   .. code-block:: python

      build_requires = [

.. py:attribute:: cachable
   :type: bool

   Determines whether a package can be cached when :ref:`package-caching` is enabled.
   If not provided, this is determined from the global config setting :data:`default_cachable` and related ``default_cachable_*`` settings.

   .. code-block:: python

      cachable = True

.. py:function:: commands() -> None

   This is a block of python code which tells rez how to update an environment so that this package
   can be used. It is executed when the package is brought into a rez environment, either by explicit
   request or by another package's requirements. There is a python API provided (see
   :doc:`package_commands` for more details) that lets you do things such as:

   * set, unset, prepend and append environment variables;
   * create aliases;
   * source scripts;
   * print messages.

   In this example, the ``foo`` package is appending a path to ``PYTHONPATH``, and appending a path to
   ``PATH``. The special string ``{root}`` will expand out to the install location of the package (see :ref:`string-expansion`).
   This is a fairly typical example.

   .. code-block:: python

      def commands():

.. py:attribute:: config
   :type: dict[str, typing.Any]

   Packages are able to override rez configuration settings. This is useful in some cases. For example,
   we may want a package to release to a different directory than the default (as this example shows).
   See :ref:`here <configuring-rez-package-overrides>` for more details.

   .. note::
      ``config`` should not be modified as is. You need to use the ``scope`` function to manipulate it.

   .. code-block:: python

      with scope("config"):
         release_packages_path = "/software/packages/apps"

.. py:attribute:: description
   :type: str

   This is a general description of the package. It should not mention details about a particular
   version of the package, just about the package in general.

   .. code-block:: python

      description = "Library for communicating with the dead."

.. py:attribute:: has_plugins
   :type: bool

   Indicates that the package is an application that may have plugins. These plugins are often made
   available as rez packages also. Used in conjuction with the :ref:`rez-plugins` command. Also, see :attr:`plugin_for`.

   .. code-block:: python

      has_plugins = True

.. py:attribute:: hashed_variants
   :type: bool

   Instructs the package to install variants into a subdirectory based on a hash of the variant's
   contents (its requirements in other words). This is useful for variants with a high number of
   requirements, or with requirements that do not translate well to directories on the filesystem
   (such as conflict requirements).

   .. code-block:: python

      hashed_variants = True

.. py:attribute:: help
   :type: str | list[list[str]]

   URL for package webpage, or, if a string containing spaces, a command to run. You can show the help
   for a package using the :ref:`rez-help` command line tool. If this value is a list of list, then this
   represents multiple help entries.

   .. code-block:: python

      help = ""

   .. code-block::

      help = [
         ['Documentation', ''],
         ['API docs', '']

.. py:attribute:: name
   :type: str


   This is the name of the package. Alphanumerics and underscores are allowed. Name is case sensitive.

   .. code-block:: python

      name = "maya_utils"

.. py:attribute:: plugin_for
   :type: str

   Provided if this package is a plugin of another package. For example, this might be a maya plugin.
   This is useful when using the :ref:`rez-plugins` command. Also, see :attr:`has_plugins`.

   .. code-block:: python

      plugin_for = "maya"

.. py:function:: post_commands() -> None

   Similar to :func:`pre_commands`, but runs in a final phase rather than the first. See that attribute for
   further details.

   .. code-block:: python

      def post_commands():

.. py:function:: pre_commands() -> None

   This is the same as :func:`commands`, except that all packages' ``pre_commands`` are executed in a first
   pass; then, all ``commands`` are run in a second; and lastly, ``post_commands`` are all run in a third
   phase. It is sometimes useful to ensure that some of a package's commands are run before, or after
   all others, and using pre/post_commands is a way of doing that.

   .. code-block:: python

      def pre_commands():
         import os.path
         env.FOO_PLUGIN_PATH = os.path.join(this.root, "plugins")

.. py:function:: pre_test_commands()

   This is similar to :func:`commands`, except that it is run prior to each test defined in
   :attr:`tests`. See :ref:`pre-test-commands` for more details.

   .. code-block:: python

      def pre_test_commands():
         if == "unit":
               env.IS_UNIT_TEST = 1

.. py:attribute:: relocatable
   :type: bool

   Determines whether a package can be copied to another package repository (using the :ref:`rez-cp` tool for
   example). If not provided, this is determined from the global config setting :data:`default_relocatable` and
   related ``default_relocatable_*`` settings.

   .. code-block:: python

      relocatable = True

.. py:attribute:: requires
   :type: list[str]

   This is a list of other packages that this package depends on. A rez package should list all the
   packages it needs. Someone should be able to use your package without needing to know about how it
   works internally and this includes needing to know its dependencies.

   Rez has a syntax for these package requests. For example, ``python-2.6`` is a package request which
   covers the range of all python packages starting with 2.6, for example, ``python-2.6.0``,
   ``python-2.6.4`` (it is not simply a prefix. ``python-2.65`` is not within the request). When you
   request a package, you are asking rez for any version within this request, although rez will aim to
   give you the latest possible version.

   .. hint:: For more details on request syntax, see :ref:`package-requests-concept`.

   .. code-block:: python

      requires = [

.. py:attribute:: tests
   :type: dict[str, str | dict]

   This is a dict of tests that can be run on the package using the :ref:`rez-test` tool.

   If a test entry is a string or list of strings, this is interpreted as the command to run. Command
   strings will expand any references to package attributes, such as ``{root}``.

   If you provide a nested dict, you can specify extra fields per test, as follows:

   * ``requires``: Extra package requirements to include in the test's runtime env.
   * ``run_on``: When to run this test. Valid values are:
      * ``default`` (the default): Run when :ref:`rez-test` is run with test name (ie ``rez-test <pkg>``).
      * ``pre_install``: Run before an install (ie :option:`rez-build -i`), and abort the install on fail.
      * ``pre_release``: Run before a release, and abort the release on fail.
      * ``explicit``: Only run if specified when :ref:`rez-test` is run (ie ``rez-test <pkg> <test name>``).
      * ``on_variants``: Which variants the test should be run on. Valid values are:
         * ``True``: Run the test on all variants.
         * ``False`` (the default): Run the test only on one variant (ie the variant you get by
           default when the test env is resolved). This is useful for tests like linting,
           where variants may be irrelevant.
         * A dict: This is a variant selection mechanism. In the example below, the ``maya_CI`` test will
           run only on those variants that directly require ``maya`` (or a package within this range, eg
           ``maya-2019``). Note that ``requires`` is the only filter type currently available.

   .. code-block:: python

      tests = {
         "unit": "python -m unittest discover -s {root}/python/tests",
         "unit-as-list": ["python", "-m", "unittest", "discover", "-s", "{root}/python/tests"],
         "lint": {
               "command": "pylint mymodule",
               "requires": ["pylint"],
               "run_on": ["default", "pre_release"]
         "maya_CI": {
               "command": ["python", "{root}/ci_tests/"],
               "on_variants": {
                  "type": "requires",
                  "value": ["maya"]
               "run_on": "explicit"

   As an example, if you want to run the ``maya_CI`` block defined in the example above (named ``maya_utils``), you can run:

   .. code-block:: text

      ]$ rez-test maya_utils lint

   .. note::
      Prior to running the tests, you will need to run :ref:`rez-build`. :ref:`rez-test` can only
      run tests on already built packages.

.. py:attribute:: tools
   :type: list[str]

   This is a list of tools that the package provides. This entry is important later on when we talk
   about :ref:`suite tools <suite-tools>`.

   .. code-block:: python

      tools = [

.. py:attribute:: uuid
   :type: str

   This string should uniquely identify this *package family*. In other words, all the versions of a
   particular package, such as ``maya``. It is used to detect the case where two unrelated packages that
   happen to have the same name are attempted to be released. If rez detects a uuid mismatch, it will
   abort the release.

   You should set the uuid on a new package once, and not change it from then on. The format of the
   string doesn't actually matter, but you'd typically use a true UUID, and you can generate one
   like so:

   .. code-block:: text

      ]$ python -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4().hex)'


   .. code-block:: python

      uuid = "489ad32867494baab7e5be3e462473c6"

.. py:attribute:: variants
   :type: list[list[str]]

   A package can contain *variants* - think of them as different flavors of the same package version,
   but with differing dependencies. See the :doc:`variants` section for further details.

   .. code-block:: python

      variants = [

.. py:attribute:: version
   :type: str

   This is the version of the package. See :ref:`versions-concept` for further details on valid
   package versions.

   .. code-block:: python

      version = "1.0.0"

Build Time Package Attributes

The following package attributes only appear in packages to be built; they are stripped from the package once installed because they are only used at build time.

.. py:attribute:: build_command
   :type: str | list[str] | False

   Package build command. If present, this is used as the build command when :ref:`rez-build` is run,
   rather than detecting the build system from present build scripts (such as ``CMakeLists.txt``). If
   ``False``, this indicates that no build step is necessary (the package definition will still be
   installed, and this is enough to define the package).

   The ``{root}`` string expands to the root directory of the package (where the ```` is
   contained). Note that, like all builds, the working directory is set to the *build path*, which
   is typically somewhere under a *build* subdirectory, and is where build outputs should go.

   The ``{install}`` string expands to ``install`` if an installation is occurring, or the empty string
   otherwise. This is useful for passing the install target directly to the command (for example, when
   using ``make``) rather than relying on a build script checking the :envvar:`REZ_BUILD_INSTALL` environment

   The full set of variables that can be referenced in the build command are:

   * ``root``: (see above);
   * ``install``: (see above)
   * ``build_path``: The build path (this will also be the current working directory);
   * ``install_path``: Full path to install destination;
   * ``name``: Name of the package getting built;
   * ``variant_index``: Index of the current variant getting built, or an empty
     string ('') if no variants are present.
   * ``version``: Package version currently getting built.

   .. code-block:: python

      build_command = "bash {root}/ {install}"

.. py:attribute:: build_system
   :type: str

   .. todo:: reference the real --build-system cli flag

   Specify the build system used to build this package. If not set, it is detected automatically when
   a build occurs (or the user specifies if using :option:`rez-build --build-system` option).

   .. code-block:: python

      build_system = "cmake"

.. py:function:: pre_build_commands() -> None

   This is similar to :func:`commands`, except that it is run *prior to the current package being built*.
   See :ref:`pre-build-commands` for more details.

   .. code-block:: python

      def pre_build_commands():
         env.FOO_BUILT_BY_REZ = 1

.. py:function:: preprocess(this, data: dict[str, typing.Any])

   See :ref:`package-preprocessing`.

.. py:attribute:: private_build_requires
   :type: list[str]

   This is the same as :attr:`build_requires`, except that these dependencies are only included if this
   package is being built. Contrast this with :attr:`build_requires`, whose dependencies are included if a
   build is occurring regardless of whether this package specifically is being built, or whether
   this package is a dependency of the package being built.

   .. code-block:: python

      private_build_requires = [

.. py:attribute:: requires_rez_version
   :type: str

   This defines the minimum version of rez needed to build this package. New package features have
   been added over time, so older rez versions cannot necessarily build newer packages.

   .. code-block:: python

      requires_rez_version = "2.10"

Release Time Package Attributes

The following package attributes are created for you by Rez when your package is released via the :ref:`rez-release` tool. If you look at the released file you will notice that some or all of these attributes have been added.

.. py:attribute:: changelog
   :type: str

   Change log containing all commits since the last released package. If the previous release was from
   a different branch, the changelog given will go back to the last common commit ancestor. The syntax
   of this changelog depends on the version control system. The example here is from a *git*-based

   .. code-block:: python

      changelog = \
         commit 22abe31541ceebced8d4e209e3f6c44d8d0bea1c
         Author: allan johns <>
         Date:   Sun May 15 15:39:10 2016 -0700

               first commit

.. py:attribute:: previous_revision
   :type: typing.Any

   Revision information of the previously released package, if any (see :attr:`revision` for code example -
   the code for this attribute is the same).

.. py:attribute:: previous_version
   :type: str

   The version of the package previously released, if any.

   .. code-block:: python

      previous_version = "1.0.1"

.. py:attribute:: release_message
   :type: str

   .. todo:: Reference --message option directly

   .. todo:: How should we document and link plugin settings? Like TODO_ADD_THIS.

   The package release message. This is supplied either via the :option:`rez-release --message`
   option, or was entered in a text editor on release if rez is configured to do this (see the config
   setting ``TODO_ADD_THIS``). A package may not have a release message.

   .. code-block:: python

      release_message = "Fixed the flickering thingo"

.. py:attribute:: revision
   :type: typing.Any

   Information about the source control revision containing the source code that was released. The
   data type is determined by the version control system plugin that was used. The example code shown
   here is the revision dict from a *git*-based package.

   .. code-block:: python

      revision = \
         {'branch': 'master',
            'commit': '22abe31541ceebced8d4e209e3f6c44d8d0bea1c',
            'fetch_url': '[email protected]:foo/dummy.git',
            'push_url': '[email protected]:foo/dummy.git',
            'tracking_branch': 'origin/master'}

.. py:attribute:: timestamp
   :type: int

   Epoch time at which the package was released.

   .. code-block:: python

      timestamp = 1463350552

.. py:attribute:: vcs
   :type: str

   Name of the version control system this package was released from.

   .. code-block:: python

      vcs = "git"