In this lab we will generate Kubernetes configuration files files, also known as kubeconfigs, for these components: controller manager
, kubelet
, kube-proxy
and the admin
Kubeconfigs are used by Kubectl
to locate and authenticate to the Kubernetes API Servers.
In this lab we will use , from the previous lab , the TLS certficate
of each kubernetes component in the corresponding kubeconfig file.
To follow the rest of this lab you need to copy all generated TLS certificates
from the previous lab in a folder named pki
Generate a kubeconfig file for the kube-controller-manager
$ kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes-the-hard-way --certificate-authority=./pki/etcd/ca-etcd.crt --embed-certs=true --server= --kubeconfig controller-manager.conf
$ kubectl config set-credentials kube-controller-manager --client-certificate=./pki/kube-controller-manager.crt --client-key=./pki/kube-controller-manager.key --embed-certs=true --kubeconfig controller-manager.conf
$ kubectl config set-context system:kube-controller-manager --cluster=kubernetes-the-hard-way --user=kube-controller-manager --kubeconfig controller-manager.conf
$ kubectl config use-context system:kube-controller-manager --kubeconfig controller-manager.conf
For security reason we will configure the kube-apiserver
to run on :6443
because kubectl
is configured to request by default
which is an insecure
port that we will we will disable later.
Generate a kubeconfig file for our worker node:
$ kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes-the-hard-way --certificate-authority=./pki/ca.crt --embed-certs=true --server= --kubeconfig kubelet.conf
$ kubectl config set-credentials kubelet --client-certificate=./pki/kubelet.crt --client-key=./pki/kubelet.key --embed-certs=true --kubeconfig kubelet.conf
$ kubectl config set-context kubelet --cluster=kubernetes-the-hard-way --user=kubelet --kubeconfig kubelet.conf
$ kubectl config use-context kubelet --kubeconfig kubelet.conf
Generate a kubeconfig file for the kube-proxy
$ kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes-the-hard-way --certificate-authority=./pki/ca.crt --embed-certs=true --server= --kubeconfig kube-proxy.conf
$ kubectl config set-credentials kube-proxy --client-certificate=./pki/kube-proxy.crt --client-key=./pki/kube-proxy.key --embed-certs=true --kubeconfig kube-proxy.conf
$ kubectl config set-context kube-proxy --cluster=kubernetes-the-hard-way --user=kube-proxy --kubeconfig kube-proxy.conf
$ kubectl config use-context kube-proxy --kubeconfig kube-proxy.conf
Generate a kubeconfig file for the kube-scheduler
$ kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes-the-hard-way --certificate-authority=./pki/ca.crt --embed-certs=true --server= --kubeconfig scheduler.conf
$kubectl config set-credentials kube-scheduler --client-certificate=./pki/kube-scheduler.crt --client-key=./pki/kube-scheduler.key --embed-certs=true --kubeconfig scheduler.conf
$ kubectl config set-context system:kube-scheduler --cluster=kubernetes-the-hard-way --user=kube-scheduler --kubeconfig scheduler.conf
$ kubectl config use-context system:kube-scheduler --kubeconfig scheduler.conf
Generate a kubeconfig file for the admin
$ kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes-the-hard-way --certificate-authority=./pki/ca.crt --embed-certs=true --server= --kubeconfig admin.conf
$ kubectl config set-credentials kubernetes-admin --client-certificate=./pki/admin.crt --client-key=../pki/admin.key --embed-certs=true --kubeconfig admin.conf
$ kubectl config set-context kubernetes-admin --cluster=kubernetes-the-hard-way --user=kubernetes-admin --kubeconfig admin.conf
$ kubectl config use-context kubernetes-admin --kubeconfig admin.conf