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157 lines (119 loc) · 7.02 KB

File metadata and controls

157 lines (119 loc) · 7.02 KB

Chosen Approach

  • Utilizing a microservices architecture with a task queue for asynchronous processing. Each post-submission action, including Google Sheets integration, is handled by a dedicated microservice.

Solution Architecture


  • Manages CRUD operations for forms, responses, questions, and companies.
  • Raises events in Kafka upon data submission.


  • Listens to the "form-submissions" Kafka topic.
  • Parses messages and writes relevant data to Google Sheets.


  • Listens to the "form-submissions" Kafka topic.
  • Parses messages and sends SMS notifications based on response data.

MongoDB Choice:

The choice of MongoDB was made due to the unstructured format of forms and responses. MongoDB's flexible schema allows for easy adaptation to changing requirements and supports the dynamic nature of form data.

Database Design Specification

1. Companies Collection:

  • Collection Name: companies
  • Attributes:
    • _id (automatically generated by MongoDB)
    • companyName (String, required, unique)
    • companyMetaData (Object)

2. Forms Collection:

  • Collection Name: forms
  • Attributes:
    • _id (automatically generated by MongoDB)
    • companyId (Reference to companies collection, required)
    • formName (String, required)
    • formMetaData (Object)

3. Questions Collection:

  • Collection Name: questions
  • Attributes:
    • _id (automatically generated by MongoDB)
    • formId (Reference to forms collection, required)
    • questionText (String, required)
    • questionType (String, required, should be one of the predefined types in {text, multipleChoice, numeric, date})
    • questionMetadata (Object)

4. Responses Collection:

  • Collection Name: responses
  • Attributes:
    • _id (automatically generated by MongoDB)
    • formId (Reference to forms collection, required)
    • responderPhoneNumber (String, required)
    • responseMetadata (Object)
  • Index: Ensure a unique index on formId and responderPhoneNumber to prevent duplicate responses for the same form from the same responder.


  • companies and forms: One-to-Many (One company can have multiple forms)
  • forms and questions: One-to-Many (One form can have multiple questions)
  • forms and responses: One-to-Many (One form can have multiple responses)


Entity-Relationship Diagram:

+-------------------+         +----------------------+
|    Companies      |         |      Answers         |
+-------------------+         +----------------------+
| _id               |         | _id                  |
| companyName       |		      | formId               |
| companyMetaData   |         | responderPhoneNumber |
|                   |         | responseMetadata     |
|					          |		      |	                     |
+-------------------+         +----------------------+
         |                            |
         |                            |
         |                            |
         |                            |
         |                            |
+-------------------+         +---------------------+
|     Forms     	  |         |                     |
+-------------------+         +---------------------+
| _id               |         | _id                 |
| companyId         |---------| formId              |
| formName          |         | questionText        |
| formMetaData      |         | questionType        |
|                   |         | questionMetadata    |
+-------------------+         +---------------------+

Running the Code Instructions

Follow these steps to set up and run the code:

Step 1: Start Docker Compose

Run the following command in your terminal to start the Docker containers:

docker-compose up

Step 2: Create Kafka Topic

In a new terminal, execute the following command to create a Kafka topic:

docker exec -it kafka /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic form-submissions

Step 3: Configure Environment Variables

Each server requires specific environment variables to be set in a .env file located in their respective root folders.


  • PORT: Define the desired port number.
  • MONGODB_URI: Specify the MongoDB connection URI.

Example .env file for Data-Platform-Server:



  • PRIVATEKEY: Provide the Google service account's private key.
  • CLIENTEMAIL: Input the client email associated with the Google project.

Example .env file for Google-Sheet-Server:

PRIVATEKEY="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQCtHHcGAsonRf/B\nn1ucPvFAgPgSpd/L+9B81HRePVl99Roo5lh3FPU2qtSh/wDS+h2y1OhwPRD/xjWW\njHopFrIwvRCDB+t//UajJjIbXjbt/rK32gkUR2iyBBodxBYYHdDfABvUYX3l8zqY\nX7TdOCxJuBH5Hl2FZG700Rw/nIkOze8beJs8zSOysJZWwUA1isHCHUZP9tf045lf\nojYQ0LfPUMST57m5ObmP72WTBsw/1NVMgGEq3Tu9vye1tti2kh7i6ideJfrf5BWQ\njkHJPUs7SHDeM/j6aY97FwPTkTfBv5/A7idSA4bHQHtj67kLj2O7PbR7Cg8Fgf3j\nHpy9lN+rAgMBAAECggEAUi/J+HIZnNS4bKomWcNuUZQJcv0Kh/NZU/Kf/t/8nXbh\nARr/VCYAl4A6bGC/eOrjb7RyWFs9t1lYts2h7+EFH2ubq8H2VnEeeLXZIzIzPQHn\nwq7DEbwnYiDdb1VZsgBx2nXYQJg6qBI2twH1QfP53tQDwHTgrMR2g0fGNBMy5PIp\n6NgJeVJK8Ggv1zEtdhKS88mbOb2kp2G9YxIZo32bd4smS/h/ZJIj5+UNommM0CDU\nFw6SzAqcCTiHwar3RwiVc/v7NNrWkwGLTtOXVOq6fyl3mLpoUgkaF+e7OH7a2zT1\nP/tYCvcK6jnX1e7N4liCJt880Hty8UwQjGpFiaYDsQKBgQDvpiUXI/nqn+dKNDJu\ngkdiqyIYu7rlDxBjT/n9mdXxqIS+i93xI9H13ucwHT5pB2DaEFVwD3jUEWeZCGoz\nFYGsl7lT6KTi7/bae/9d8Wv02O2xrI3bGgrochGkJtPjLFR3FoR8rCH2/K0nkLPc\npJHjttEAMTKyFwT6dirmYiIgsQKBgQC47CFUJKRW6dxfCPL4ITFefHX4zL0i84dz\n4JMIVyDTzul/FIAvXPiv14vQel5AuXpxQxC3obKK5bRvhW86dabtN/8AcwPZKlrD\nY6bRo6VCJR/Z3MKDncFH2nMeFxCwuIT2EOM/KtTWrLT4S0Vr8fkXDb9boii5Fndv\nsIs4o5V9GwKBgQDf2TGMC+7FWdeRWHBDCS3k3DVdJP3ON+P24B2C5M8Si3ZzBfKp\n6+uS3kLUjnxdXqb5CYjEw675Z8h9CX8peE1ICfDyj7x0vfC25FwERB2y924PKD7Z\nCdpmhSY1To9dA2tiUYYvbhnLuvmCm4dl8dLUAU/3/fx8nUPpL7eiusdmAQKBgDdr\nhR2Lkbj+g23z56VXhU007cIv0es8ovamckpImm0AENhmE3ieW2WPqrZDRiYNsFVr\nbQIrsq+P4gCeM9SIWAu2AXVoAto9qE/weJlRewCU0bPgRmddiwR2wpNdBEKCOk7o\nhsJymrDvt5jGLjsInMc89oGG2r+FrSvK9B54YB/LAoGBAMPdmwSfA+m6eo79NV5d\non50/M4mZI/QFQD2i3f5OdoQvoSBYzG8LN+kMd1tWiHqPj7riqII20MjSCuERl7z\nEjbI68R3da1Q95vnC2uxoba4z/U9vAcsQgbGsI+IMuMIBGFXZ+fmbyNHlwHNOLQM\nGiaeJj8QG8GKJXx16xY+fFF+\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"


  • ACCOUNT_SID: Provide the Twilio account SID.
  • AUTH_TOKEN: Input the Twilio authentication token.

Example .env file for Send-SMS-Server:


Step 4: Run Servers

Ensure that you first run the 'Data-Platform-Server' before the other two servers. Navigate to the 'Data-Platform-Server' directory in the terminal and execute:

npm start

After starting the 'Data-Platform-Server', you can proceed to start the other two servers in separate terminals using the same command.