This sample shows how to open a page in the webbrowser from Python
The example creates a submenu in the Scripting -> Python3 Development menu, called Browse Documentation. Each menu item in this menu opens the platform browser in a location that may be useful to Python developers.
The standard webbrowser
module is imported first:
import webbrowser
The menuhook
module is then imported. This module makes it easier to create
menu items in the 3ds Max menu system:
import menuhook
The topics that need to be added in the submenu are then declared in a list of tuples. The first element is a unique name for the item, the second element is a description to be displayed in menu items, and the third element is the url (without https://, this will be added later, forcing https and not http to be used for everything).
from pymxs import runtime as rt
MAX_VERSION = rt.maxversion()[7]
("gettingstarted", "Getting Started With Python in 3ds Max",
("howtos", "Python HowTos Github Repo",
("samples", "Python samples (Github Repo)",
("pymxs", "Pymxs Online Documentation",
("pyside2", "Qt for Python Documentation (PySide2)",
("python", "Python 3.7 Documentation",
The MENU_LOCATION constant gives the location in the menu system where the new items need to be added:
MENU_LOCATION = ["&Scripting", "Python3 Development", "Browse Documentation"]
With this, it is now possible to iterate the list of TOPICS and for each topic to create a menu item:
for topic in TOPICS:
lambda topic=topic:"https://{topic[2]}",
Opening a topic simply consists in calling"https://{topic[2]}")
when the menu item is activated.