Always get a copy of all emails yourself!
% scp [email protected]:registration_desk/registration.csv /tmp/registration.csv
% cd /path/to/adass_tools && source .env
% <activate the virtual env!>
% python3 ./ --dry-run -g all -e ./registration-email-sent.csv /tmp/registration.csv
% python3 ./ -g all -e ./registration-email-sent.csv /tmp/registration.csv > new_emails.csv
% cat new_emails.csv >> registration-email-sent.csv
Make sure that you then remove your email address and the duplicate header from registration-email-sent.csv
% python3 ./ --dry-run -g volunteer -g loc -g poc --operator=or -b ./ --subject="ADASS 2020 Speaker Training Sessions" -e speaker_training_sent_emails.csv /tmp/registration.csv
% python3 ./ -g volunteer -g loc -g poc --operator=or -b ./ --subject="ADASS 2020 Speaker Training Sessions" -e speaker_training_sent_emails.csv /tmp/registration.csv > new_emails.csv
% cat new_emails.csv >> speaker_training_sent_emails.csv
Make sure that you then remove your email address and the duplicate header from speaker_training_sent_emails.csv
% python3 ./ --dry-run -g speaker -b ./ --subject="ADASS 2020 Speaker Training Sessions" -e speaker_training_sent_emails.csv /tmp/registration.csv
% python ./ -g speaker -b ./ --subject="ADASS 2020 Speaker Training Sessions" -e speaker_training_sent_emails.csv /tmp/registration.csv > new_emails.csv
% cat new_emails.csv >> speaker_training_sent_emails.csv
Make sure that you then remove your email address and the duplicate header from speaker_training_sent_emails.csv