Releases: ADAPT/ISOv4Plugin
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.8
Fixing some null references on Export
Allowing for alternate mapping of top level DeviceElement to Device Model on Export
Suppressing DLVs on export with missing DDI or DeviceElementRef
Null check on Polygon Exterior Rings
Handling multiple Y-Offset values in binary data
Fix to CondensedWorkstate logic where multiple device elements reporting workstate
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.7
Improvements to device modeling around Navigation elements
Support reading Connector offsets from binary data
Null reference fixes
Fix to avoid duplicate DeviceElementUses when multiple Condensed DDIs
Exposing Plugin.Export() to allow for invoking directly
Handling the LoggedData.ReleaseSpatialData() delegate
Catching errors on individual corrupt timelogs
Handling a device modeling error when a device refers to itself as its parent
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.6
Fixes to issues with summary import by moving logic down to take advantage of all Device Element Configurations that will have been created.
Bug fix for case sensitive file systems, needed if running on Linux and the .bin file extension is upper case.
Fix for Unit of measure parsing failures for certain DDIs (449, etc.) with variant unit description for ppm
Enhancements for ISOXML export: Setting TaskData attributes via properties, Pass the same path to all export operations, adding XML comment support
Fix to issue #95 (duplicate GGP and GPN ISOXML IDs).
Improved handling of Product Allocations on Task import: Supporting child device elements & factoring for timezone offset issues.
Update to static copy of ISOBUS Data Dictionary
Fix to resolution values not equal to 1 on German Windows
Added units for certain DDI ranges
Changes relating to PositionUp in mm
Addressed ProductAllocation bug in Spatial Record Mapper.
Allowed for non-standard binary formats in active use.
Fix to SkyConditionsMeterCreator
Update to ADAPT Framework 2.0.4
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.5
Fixes miscellaneous null reference exceptions and improvements for case-sensitive file systems.
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.4
Fixing MachineConfiguration vs. ImplementConfiguration bug introduced by the previous release
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.3
Export fixes addressing specification compliance
Handling of decimal separators from Culture settings
Case sensitivity fix
WorkingData-DeviceElementConfiguaration mapping fix
Import fixes to address errors due to non-conforming DDOPs
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.2
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.1
Nuget package dependency fix
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v3.0.0
Upgrade to ADAPT 2.0.0 and 2.0.1
Proprietary DDI Name and Unit enhancements from DPD and DVP elements
Fix to decimal separator in XML Extensions
Improvement to null value handling in double conversions
Fix to remove a code assumption in binary file export
Fix to remove another code assumption in binary file import
ADAPT ISOv4Plugin v2.1.6
Addressing potential data issue where a DeviceElement referencing itself as its parent will error in the Plugin
Fix to handle case sensitive file systems like Linux