Chill epub reader with library management
Built with [ electron ] | [ epub.js ] and [ react-reader ]
Windows installer ->
git clone
npm install
To use the pdf to epub conversion feature, you will need calibre. Download and install, no other actions needed.
npm run dev
npm run dist
Will output an [out] folder in the project directory containing the unpacked files and setup
All features, changes and fixes will be documented here
- Installer is now one-click and will be installed local to the user. In the previous release users were able to choose between a local installation or a system wide installation. System wide installation causes the app to not save changes
- If data files were erased, loading a book crashes app
- Ability to fix file path to book. Books will also show an error if path to said book file is incorrect
- Ability to search for books
- Ability to convert pdf to epub
- Ability to change font size
- Ability to change font color
- Opening a book the first time doesn't load said book
- 'Currently reading' had unhandled error if book doesn't exist