Make sure you have docker instance on your machine
- run
to install all dependencies - To run geth in docker please follow next steps:
- Install Docker
yarn run geth
- to run build & run docker containeryarn run geth:stop
- to stop docker containeryarn run geth:reset
- to reset geth data folder (be carefull it will destroy all private node data)- Please notice that mining take a lot of hardware recources
- Default exposed ports 8585 - rpc, 8546 - websockets
- geth runs with 12 addresses if you need more please change ./geth/docker/genesis.2key.json ./geth/docker/key.prv ./geth/docker/passwords and ./geth/docker/geth.bash
- First time run takes some time to generate all neccessary data
- run
Go to the root of the project and run following command in terminal:
yarn run geth:start
After that, you should see in terminal that blocks are being mined (1 minute approximately waiting time until that)
Make sure you have file named accountsConfig.json inside configurationFiles folder.
The file configurationFiles/accountsConfig.json should be in the following format:
"address" : "",
"mnemonic" : "",
"mnemonic_private" : "",
"infura_id" : "" //Note that infura_id field can be empty if not deploying through infura nodes
- This file should be filled with the address you want to use for tests, and the corresponding mnemonic
- Once you have this file, you should run:
yarn run test:one 2key-protocol/test/sendETH.spec.ts
to get some test ether on local network - After this step you are ready to deploy contracts locally and run all the test over them
yarn run deploy --migrate dev-local,plasma-test-local --reset
will run all the necessary tests
- Make sure to install all external dependencies
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tenderly/tenderly-cli/master/scripts/install-macos.sh | sudo sh
- Make sure you have installed on your machine executable from command line : https://github.com/git-chglog/git-chglog
- Make sure you have did all the steps related to the first title ("How to test contracts")
- Make sure your configurationFiles/accountsConfig.json file contains address with enough ether for deploy
- in case you're deploying with Ledger wallet, this file must be present but will be ignored
- Make sure all 3 branches are up-to-date.
- root
- 2key-protocol/src
- 2key-protocol/dist
- Make sure you have .env-slack file. For content for this file ask @Nikola (necessary because deployment sends slack alerts)
- Run the command
yarn run deploy network1,network2,...,networkN --reset
- Make sure you have did all the steps related to the first title ("How to test contracts")
- Make sure your configurationFiles/accountsConfig.json file contains address with enough ether for deploy
- Update 2 cases:
- Patch of protocol only
yarn run deploy update
- Patch of smart contracts (with or without protocol changes)
yarn run deploy <network> update
where network is the network to which contracts are deployed and you want to patch them
- Patch of protocol only
- edit
- runs truffle migrate --network with generatingcontracts.ts
abi interface and without running tests--test
- runs tests from2key-protocol/test/index.spec.ts
- runs generatingcontracts.ts
abi interface from existing artifacts inbuild/contracts
- archive currentbuild/contracts
- extract from2key-protocol/src/contracts.tar.gz
check tenderly
tenderly whoami
make sure we're on required branches and pull everything:
cd 2key-protocol/src -> git pull & git reset HEAD --hard
cd 2key-protocol/dist -> git pull & git reset HEAD --hard
Same in root git pull & git reset HEAD --hard
run the migrations:
yarn run deploy private.staging-ledger,public.staging-ledger --reset
if pushing npm failed, you will need to continue the following manually:
cd 2key-protocol/dist
npm publish --tag staging (if you're on staging) OR npm publish --tag prod (if you're on prod)
cd ... (back to root)
tenderly push --tag 1.2.0-staging (or whatever git tag was created during the deploy)
- push everything
cd 2key-protocol/src -> git add .
git commit -m 'sync-submodules'
git push -u
cd 2key-protocol/dist -> git add .
git commit -m 'sync-submodules'
git push -u
Same in root -> git add .
git commit -m 'sync-submodules'
git push -u
- in case tenderly push didn't succeed:
rm -rf build
yarn run deploy --extract
tenderly push --tag 1.2.0-staging